Nashs Secret

By James Melville

Published on Apr 7, 2015


This story is purely fiction, any actual events or truth found within this story are purely coincidental. It contains homosexual contact between consenting people. This story is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas and the other celebrities mentioned herein.

This chapter introduces several new individuals. Though many of them do not have much, if any interaction (They will as the story moves on). They are: Matthew Espinosa (17) - Youtuber and Viner. Hayes Grier (14) - Youtuber and Viner. Jack Gilinsky (18) - Youtuber and Singer 1/2 of Jack&Jack. Jack Johnson (19) - Youtuber and Singer 1/2 of Jack&Jack. Shawn Mendes (16) - Youtuber and Pop Artist. Carter Reynolds (18) - Youtuber and Viner

Nash's Secret

Recap from Chapter 1

Cameron has never really thought about whether or not he was gay. He was into girls, girls with hot bodiies. He did think the world of Nash though, afterall, he was his best friend in the world. Cam thought about Nash's reactions to him and had a laugh. He thoguht that Nash had nothing more than a little bromance with him. He couldn't be more wrong.

Chapter 2

Nash, Cameron and several others were all in Orlando for a huge meet and greet. As usual everyone paired up to share the double rooms. In one room was Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson, then there was Carter Reynolds and Shawn Mendes, Matt Espinosa and Hayes Grier leaving Nash and Cameron to share a room. This brought a smile from Cameron as he loved rooming with Nash. While Nash was happy with this arrangement, he couldn't help but feel those butterflies start to stir in his stomach. Rooming with Cam meant that he'd be seeing him in his underwear when he changes and in a towel after the shower. Nash took a deep breath then looked at his friend and gave him one of those amazing smiles.

Cameron could already tell that Nash was feeling a little awkward. It had become evident over the last several months that Nash has found it increasingly hard to be alone with Cam. What Cameron didn't know was just how hard things were becoming for Nash, it has caused him several sleepless nights. He has gone for several late night walks through many a hotel in the last few months willing away the want to just crawl into bed with Cam and be held.

"This is our room" Cameron says.

"Hello... Nash?"

"Ground Control to Nash Grier. Come in Nash?"

"What?" Nash finally replies.

"Space out much? I was telling you this is our room."

"Oh yeah sorry, just thinking. Shall we go in and get unpacked?"

Cameron just let out a little laugh and then said "Sure." It was at this point that he decided to help Nash get over all this awkwardness that has been occurring over the last few months. He figured maybe if he joked with Nash about it that things would be able to go back to normal. Now he just had to wait to find the right time to put his plan into action.

Both Cameron and Nash went into the very spacious hotel room and immediately claimed their bed. Cameron knocked Nash over to get the bed by the window, which left Nash with the bed by the bathroom. They managed to get all of their necessities unpacked and then decided it was time to just lay back and relax, it had been a long day of traveling from LA to Orlando. Cameron decided that this would be a good time to put his plan to action and to change out of his travel clothes with Nash sitting right there on his bed.

"Hey Nash, I'm going to change into something more comfortable. These clothes are rank from traveling all day." Cameron announced.

"ok, I'm going to step out and go get some ice." came Nash's reply.

"Oh... ok, I'm probably going to order some room service, do you want me to order something for you?" Cameron asked.

"Sure, if I'm not back by the time you order, just get me burger or something. You know what I like." Nash responded.

"Yes I do." said Cameron in a very sultry tone while rubbing a hand up and down his chest. This caused Nash to choke a little and then turn red, which caused Cameron to burst into laughter. After a second Nash began laughing as well.

Cameron got up and while still laughing grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head exposing his toned physique. Nash turned around to see his friend standing there with no shirt on, chest heaving with laughter and suddenly there were the butterflies. He took in an eye full of his friend before grabbing the ice bucket and rushing out the door to find the ice machine. Cameron smirked has part 1 of his plan was achieved, not quite as he planned it, but it still worked.

Once Nash was out the door, Cameron carefully thought of what his next step would be. He finally decided on stripping down to his black Aero boxer-briefs and just lay in bed. So he quickly rung room service and ordered a couple of burgers and fries, making sure to get one with only mustard for his friend. He then quickly kicked off his shoes and pants, removed his socks and headed for the bathroom. He took a piss, washed his hands and then went and jumped on his bed and turned on the TV. He was in the process of readjusting his package when he heard the door unlock and Nash walked in.

"Hey Cammmm... Oh My God!" Nash said as he walked in finding Cameron with his hand down his pants. His face went immediately red and he dropped the ice bucket as he thought he had just walked in on his best friend jacking off. He spun around to leave when Cameron called out to him.

"Nash wait, I was readjusting myself. I just got off the phone with room service and no more than got on the bed when you walked in."

Nash didn't say a word in response. He just stood there with his back to his friend trying to compose himself enough to turn around. Nash had gotten hard the instant he walked in and saw Cameron with his hand down his pants. A vision of Cameron stroking his long, thick dick and him getting a chance to see it is all that is running through Nash's mind.

Cameron just looks at Nash just standing there, unmoving, staring at the door. He can't help but wonder what's got his friend acting like a statue. He decides to get up off the bed and go over to Nash to apologize for being in that position when he came in. He walked up to his friend and put his hand on his shoulder, once he touched him, Nash shuddered and ran out the door.

"Nash, wait!" Cameron yelled as his friend ran down the hall.

"Just leave me alone!" Nash responded, his voice filled with emotion.

Cameron stopped walking towards Nash, turned around and walked back into the room. He felt both guilty and confused over what had just occurred between he and Nash. Had he gone too far in his prank? Was he wrong in thinking that this was just a little bromance crush? These thoughts and more were going through Cameron's mind as he got back into the room. He pulled on a pair of gym shorts and put on a t-shirt and then just sat on his bed thinking about why Nash would react the way he did.

Nash walked around for several minutes before he went and found sat down in the lobby. He sat there for only a couple minutes when a group of fans saw him and wanting to talk and take pictures with him began to approach. He found solace in a little park down the street. He sat on a bench, put his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. "What's wrong with me?" he asked himself. He knew that his love for Cam had become greater than he can just ignore. He had to do something, but what he should do was the question. His fear of admitting his love for Cam and then Cameron rejecting him and thus ruining their friendship was stopping him from having that conversation with his best friend.

After about an hour, Cameron heard a knock on the door. He quickly jumped up thinking it was Nash and he'd forgotten his key. Then he heard a young man's voice call "Room service." This made his heart sink. He was really hoping that it was Nash. He was really worried about his friend, as this is the first time he'd ever just runoff on his own. Cameron opened the door, took the food tray, gave the man a tip, thanked him and shut the door. He then walked over to the bed where his phone was sitting and he sent a text to Nash saying:

Hey Bro, the food is here,

I ordered you a burger.

Nash replied with:

Ok, I'll be back shortly. Thanks.

A few minutes later, Nash walked into the hotel room and found Cameron sitting at the desk with the tray in front of him. He hadn't touched his meal as he wanted to wait for Nash. Nash walked over towards the desk to get his burger without saying a word about what had occurred earlier.

"Hey Bro, you ok?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about running out like that." Nash replied. He genuinely felt bad for running out on his best friend without saying a word.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." Nash said.

"Me too. I decided to wait for you before I ate."

"Yeah, sorry again about that."

That being said, both boys began to devour their meal. Cameron ate his burger at the desk while Nash sat down in the armchair to eat his. Not one word was said while they ate. It wasn't until both of them had finished their meal that things begin to feel awkward. In fact, the tension in the room had risen a great deal in the last few minutes and it's continuing to get worse.

Without saying a word, Nash got up and grabbed a t-shirt, shorts and some clean boxer-briefs and headed into the bathroom. Cameron just sat at the desk and watched his friend. When Nash had closed the door, Cameron sighed, he wished there was something he could do to end this situation he and Nash were in. He got up from the desk, grabbed the plates and put them back on the tray, he then placed the tray on the floor in the hall way.

Nash got the water in the shower nice and warm and then began to undress. He took off his shirt and then looked in the mirror, admiring his young body. He has just the right amount of body fat on him to make it so he's not too skinny, yet he's also no overweight. The only thing he wished for was that he was more toned and muscular, like Cameron. He then got out of his pants and underwear and stepped into the shower.

While Nash was in the shower, Cameron decided that he needs to have a talk with Nash. He needs to clear the air with his best friend. He couldn't stand seeing Nash in obviously uncomfortable situations. He wanted things to be back to normal between them. This weird situation only started a couple of months ago. He sat at the desk with his head in his hands trying to figure out exactly what to say, when he heard the shower turn off. He picked up his head and thoughts went racing through his mind. It's time to man up Cam, he thought to himself, time to get your friend back. It was only a couple of minutes before the door opened and out stepped Nash.

Nash stepped out of the bathroom and froze as he saw Cameron sitting at the desk with what seemed to be a troubled look on his face. The first thing that came to his mind was that something bad had happened. He hoped that whatever it was, that it wasn't serious.

"Hey Nash, can we talk?" Cameron asked.

"Um... sure. Is everything alright?" Nash replied while putting his dirty clothes in a bag and his shower stuff back in his travel bag.

"I want you to know that I'm really sorry that you saw me in that position earlier."

"No, it's my fault. I just walked right in. I should've knocked or something."

"We share a room Nasher, knocking would just be weird. Let's just chalk it up to bad timing on both our parts."

"Ok Bro, no worries. I need to apologize too though for running off like that. I was just shocked and embarrassed to see you with your hand in your pants. I wasn't sure what you were doing." Nash said.

"Well I wasn't beating my meat if that's what you meant. I was just readjusting myself. Besides, I only jackoff in the room when you're asleep." Cameron replied.

This caused both boys to erupt in laughter.

"Well, now that the apology is out of the way and we've had a good laugh, I want to talk to you about something more serious." Cameron stated.

"W... What is it that you want to talk about?" Nash asked, coming down from his laughing high.

"I've noticed that for the past few weeks, things have gotten weird between us. I'm not sure exactly what is going on, but I know that something is going on with you and I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything Nash."

"I'm sor..." Nash started to say before he was cut off by Cameron.

"We've been best friends for several years now and we've gotten as close as brothers. Because that's what you are to me Nash, you're my brother! You know all I've ever had is my Mom and my Sister, Sierra, as family until I met you. So I want you to please tell me what I can do to help you with whatever you're dealing with Nash. I'll do anything to help you through whatever it is."

"Cam... I don't know what to say."

"Just tell me what's wrong."

"That's just it Cam. I don't know what's wrong. Things are just changing I guess."

Nash didn't know what to say. He was too scared to tell Cameron the truth, that he really liked him. He could never tell him his secret. He was sure that if Cameron knew that he was gay and was falling for him, it would be the end of their friendship and the end of his career.

"Nash, things change, you just have to learn to adapt to those changes." Cameron said.

"If only it was that easy Cam. Adjusting to the changes isn't really the problem. It's the changes themselves that are the issue." Nash replies.

"Well what changes are you dealing with that are causing you so much discomfort?"

"We're becoming celebrities' bro. Our lives are constantly followed by millions of fans all around the world. It's a huge responsibility and it's just starting to get to me. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans, but I feel like I have to be this Nash forever and that I can't change or I'd be letting the fans down." Nash says.

"Bro, short of just up and leaving the life we lead, I don't think there's anything you could do that would make the fans turn on you. Sure, the choices you make may let some of them down, but they will also make others happy. I know you've heard the saying, you can't please everyone all of the time." responds Cameron. "Look at it this way, at least we're not super celebs like movie stars or musicians. We still have some level of privacy. Being under the microscope of the paparazzi all the time would really suck."

"Yeah, being a super celebrity would suck when it comes to privacy, but the money would be great." Nash says with a smile.

"Way to try and change the subject bro, but you're not getting off that easy. You're beating around the bush of what's really bothering you."

"Look Cam, I'm not sure what you want me to say, but I've told you that there's nothing really going on with me. Honestly, I'm ok." Nash pled.

"Fine Bro, you're ok. I know there's something up with you and I'm going to find out what it is and then we're going to deal with it together." Cameron replied. "I guess I'll just go take a shower then."

"Ok, I'm probably going to start editing this Ask Nash video so I can get it uploaded to YouTube tomorrow."

With that said, Cameron went into his bag and grabbed his shower supplies and went in to the bathroom. He quickly started the shower, setting the water temp to a nice warm temperature and then got undressed and got in. He began to sing as he always does when he showers. It was one of the traits that Nash found adorable about him.

While Cameron was in the shower, Nash pulled out his laptop and began to edit his video. He quickly deleted the last couple of minutes of the video, those were the two questions he answered about whether he was gay or not and whether he and Cam were dating. He couldn't risk Cameron looking at the video and finding out. He pulled out one of his earbuds only to hear Cam singing in the shower. This brought a smile to Nash's lips.

After about thirty minutes, Cameron got out of the shower and dried off. It was then that he realized that he'd forgotten to grab clean underwear to put on. He decided to open the door and call to Nash.

"Hey Nash." Cameron yelled to his friend.

"What do you need Cam?" asked Nash pulling an earbud from his ear.

"Can you go into my suitcase and grab me a clean pair of boxers, I forgot to grab a pair when I came in here."

"Ok, just a second."

Nash went over to Cameron's suitcase and grabbed him a clean pair of boxer-briefs and went to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Hey Bro, here's your boxers." Nash called.

"Thanks." said Cameron as he opened the door with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

When Nash saw Cameron in just his towel, he immediately became breathless. The sight of that damp, tanned, tight and toned body caused every muscle in his body got tense. He couldn't help scanning his best friends body and then turned red as he saw Cam looking at him right in the eyes. He quickly handed Cameron his boxer-briefs and turned around and jumped on his bed.

Cameron noticed Nash scanning his body and then turning red as Nash's eyes met his. It was Nash's reaction, which looked like he had just gotten a huge electrical shock, which shocked Cameron. Nash had seen him in a towel tons of times and never reacted like that. Maybe this bromance that he thought Nash had for him was more serious than he thought. He decided to question Nash on his reaction.

"Hey Nash, what was that reaction all about?" Cameron asked

"Oh umm... I wasn't expecting you to still be in your towel, that's all." Nash replied.

"Bro, you've seen me in a towel a million times and never once have you ever had that reaction before. What's really going on?"

"Nothing, I told you, I was just expecting you to be dressed, so I caught off guard."

"So catching you off guard caused you to check me out?" asked Cameron deciding to take a more direct approach to what he thinks is bothering Nash.

"What? I didn't check you out. I was looking at the floor then looked up to hand you your clothes." Nash quickly said.

"Nash, come on Bro. I've been checked out by a million girls and I know what it looks like. Plus when your eyes met mine you immediately turned red and ran off."

"Look Cam, I wasn't checking you out ok!" Nash shouted at Cameron.

"There's no need to yell Nash, we're friends here. I'm just trying to figure out why you reacted like that, why you've been acting so weird around me for the last few months and why you ran out like that earlier today." Cameron calmly replied.

"Do you want to know why I'm acting different? Why I reacted the way I did both earlier and now? Do you Cam?" Nash asked, the emotion obvious in his voice.

"Nash, all I want to do is help you. You're my brother and I care about you a lot. I just want you to be the Nash I've known and been best friends with for the last two years." Cameron responded.

"It's because I've got feelings for you Cam!" Nash said, his voice breaking.

"I know that Bro, I've got feelings for you too."

"No Cam, you don't understand. I'm sure that you don't have feelings like these for me"

"What are you trying to say Nash?" Cameron asked, emotion now in his voice.

"I... I... I love you Cam!"

"I love you too Nash."

"No Cam, I LOVE YOU! I'm in love with you. I think about you all the time. I dream about you. About being with you. Every time we are alone together I just want to be held by you. To feel your skin with my hands. To feel the touch of your lips on mine. I LOVE YOU. Do you get it now?" Nash said as the tears burst from his eyes.

"I... I had no idea Nash. I didn't know you felt like that." Cameron stuttered. "So does that mean you're..."

"I'm gay!" Nash cut him off, tears rolling down his face.

Cameron stood there in shock. His best friend in the world had not only just came out to him, but told him he was in love with him. He didn't know what to say or do. He was standing there in the hotel room in a towel a thousand miles from home and had just gotten the biggest shock of his life.

Nash just looked at Cameron, waiting for him to respond. He needed him to tell him that everything was going to be ok. He was scared to death that he just lost his best friend. Why did he do that, he thought to himself. He could have said something, anything else, but he had to blurt out his biggest secret. A secret no one else knew up until that moment.

Without being able to say a word, Cameron stepped back into the bathroom and shut the door so he could get dressed. He had to think about what to say to Nash. He didn't want to hurt him any more than Nash was already hurting. Things had gone farther than he ever thought possible with his friend.

When Cameron walked into the bathroom without saying a word. Nash began to cry even harder. He had done it. He had ruined his friendship with Cam. He had not only lost his friend, but the guy he loved. He decided that he couldn't face Cameron any more. He couldn't take the rejection from his best friend face to face, not tonight. So Nash grabbed what little stuff he had out and shoved it in his suitcase, zipped it up and left the room. He would go and get another room for the night and then cancel his appearances tomorrow and fly home.

When Cameron exited the bathroom, he instantly panicked. Nash was gone! Where did he go? With panic set in, Cameron dropped everything he had in his hands and ran over to his phone. He began calling Nash, only to get his voicemail every time. He decided to call Hayes, Nash's younger brother.

"Hello." Hayes answered obviously just woken from sleep.

"Hayes, its Cam! Have you heard from or seen Nash in the last few minutes?" Cameron asked.

"No, why what's up?" Hayes answered, now concerned from the obvious panic

in Cam's voice.

"We got into an argument, I went into the bathroom and when I came out, he was gone and had taken all his stuff." Cameron replied.

"He hasn't contacted me at all. I'll call him right away."

"Let me know the minute you hear from him. Oh, and if you do manage to contact him, please tell him I'm sorry and that we can talk about the fight as soon as he's ready."

"Ok Cam, you guys must have really gotten into it for him to run off like this. I'll let you know if I get in contact with him." Having said that, Hayes ended the call with Cameron.

While Nash was on his way to the front desk, his phone began to ring over and over again. He could see that the calls were coming from Cameron so he just let the calls go to voicemail. Before going to the desk to get another room, Nash decided to go to the bathroom in the lobby and wipe his face and gather himself.

While in the bathroom, his phone rang again. This time it was his Brother Hayes. Oh no, he began to panic again. Had Cameron told his brother? Had the news already began to spread? He couldn't face the questions or the comments, so he let that call go to voicemail as well.

After several minutes in the lobby bathroom, Nash felt ready to go to the front desk and get his own room. Hopefully they wouldn't give him too much trouble due to his age. He knew he'd have to call his parents to get permission to use the credit card to pay for the room, which made him feel a little panicked, but he would just tell them he and Cam had gotten into a fight and he needed some space.

After several more minutes and a short phone call to his Dad, Nash had gotten his own room. Once he arrived to his room, he went in and without unpacking or anything, he jumped into the bed, buried his face in the pillow and began to cry as the perceived consequences for his actions had become real to him. He was soon fast asleep.

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I will be continuing this story as time permits.

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Next: Chapter 3

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