Nashs Secret

By James Melville

Published on Jul 17, 2015


This story is purely fiction, any actual events or truth found within this story are purely coincidental. It contains homosexual contact between consenting people. This story is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes and the other celebrities mentioned herein.

Nash's Secret

Chapter 4

Cameron told Nash that he was going to try to sleep until it was time for them to go to the venue as he hadn't slept at all last night. He was glad that things had worked out with Nash coming out to the group. Well, everyone but Matt and Hayes that is. He asked Nash to make sure that he got up about a half an hour before it was time for them to go. Cameron fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

Nash figured since he had a couple of hours to kill he'd work on his video. He went to his luggage and grabbed out his laptop and his headphones as he didn't want to disturb Cameron. He sat down on his bed and turned his computer on and began to work. After only a couple of minutes he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw he had a message from Shawn. It read:

I really need to talk to you before I go to the convention center to

do a sound check. Can you meet me in the lobby in like 15? To which Nash replied:

Sure thing. Nash saved his work, shut off his laptop and headed for the door.

On the way down to the lobby, Nash began to wonder what Shawn needed to talk to him about. Was it about his coming out earlier? His mind kept going over different reasons as he walked into the lobby and found Shawn sitting in one of the arm chairs. As soon as Shawn spotted him, he stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey Nash, thanks for coming down here." Shawn said.

"No problem Shawn, what's up? Your text sounded kind of urgent. Is everything alright?" Nash asked.

"Can we go talk in the resturant?"

"Sure, lead the way."

Shawn lead Nash to a booth in the corner of the resturant. A waiter came over and asked if they wanted anything to eat or drink and they both just ordered a lemonaide. As they waited for their drinks, they both just sat there not saying anything. Nash could tell that Shawn was very nervous as he kept moving all over. The waiter brought their drinks and gave them their bill and walked away. Once the waiter was gone, Nash decided to break the silence.

"So Shawn, what do you need to talk to me about?" Nash asked.

"Well, I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you for coming out to us earlier. It takes a strong person to do that. It's hard enough telling family, but you told the group. You didn't know how we would react or anything." Shawn began.

"Yeah, it was scary, but I'm really glad that I did it. I couldn't have done it without the support of Cam. He really is an amazing friend." Nash said.

"You like him don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do, but we're best friends and that is enough for me."

"I'm sure you told him about you liking him."

"I did. A couple of things happened yesterday that gave him an idea that I liked him and so he asked what was going on. We got into a litttle arguement as I kept denying anything was wrong and then finally I just blurrted it out. At first he didn't say anything so I ran off and got another room for the night. He called me like twenty times, but I couldn't face him. I went back to the room this morning and we talked about it, he was really accepting and said he'd support me no matter what. And now here I am, out to those closest to me with the exception of my family. It honestly feels great." Nash replied.

"Well like I said I'm very proud of you for doing it. You have given me the strength to do the same." Shawn said. "Nash, I'm gay as well."

"Wow Shawn I had no idea. How long have you known?"

"I've known for several years now. My family has known for almost two years, and are super supportive, but you're the first person outside of my family I've ever told."

"Shawn, I'm very honored that you told me. Just as you told me when I came out to the group, I will support you 100% and will stand by your side through anything."

"Thank you Nash. Your support means the world to me."

"Have you given any thought to telling the others?"

"I've been thinking about it for over a year now, but I never had the courage to do it. I think I will be telling them all very soon though."

"Well, just know that if you want me there when you tell them, you only have to ask."

"Nash, I would absolutely love for you to be there. I wouldn't be doing this without having been there when you did it first. You're an amzing guy Nash, you always have been. So what are your plans moving forward? I mean Cameron wants to remain friends, is there someone else you've thought about?" Shawn asked.

"Too be honest, I've only ever really thought of Cameron. He's been my best friend for several years now. We spend most every day together either working or hanging out. Are there others I find attractive, sure there are, but I never thought of being with anyone but Cam." Nash answered.

"I know the feeling of really liking someone you thought you could never be with. The difference is that in my case, a new chance has just come up. A chance that I never even dreamed possible."

"Well, I will tell you that I'm glad I told Cam. I think our friendship is going to be much stronger now that he knows. And while I hope that one day he will be able to love me the way I love him, I'm happy we are the best of friends. The best advice I can give you is from your own song. In "Life of the Party", you have the line saying, take your shot it might be scary, hearts are gonna break. Well, that's my advice to you. All they can say is no and if they choose not to be your friend anymore, then they were never your friend to begin with."

"It's funny you mentioned that song." Shawn said.

"Why's that?" Nash asked.

"Because when I decided to record that song I had this person in mind. It's like the guys that wrote it knew what my heart wanted to say. Every time I sing it, this person is on my mind."

"Shawn, if that's how you feel about him, go after him. He is one very lucky guy. You're an awesome guy and amazing singer and performer. Going by the lyrics of that song, there's no way he can tell you no. So go find him and tell him. I'm here for you and more importantly, I believe in you."

"I don't have to go find him. He's here."

"Here as in at this hotel?"

"No, here as in right here in front of me."

"Shawn..." Nash began to say but was cut off by Shawn.

"It's you Nash. It's been you since the first time we hungout."

"I don't know what to say. I'm flattered."

"Nash we've gotten to know each other for a couple of years now. Every time we hang out I find out something new about you. Something that amazes me and makes me like you that much more. You are the kindest, gentlest guy I've ever met. You care so deeply for those around you. You're just the most amazing person I've ever met, and the only guy I've wanted to share my life with. All I've wanted since the very first time we spoke, is to have you be a part of my life. I never thought it would be possible, but then you came out and I saw a chance to make my dreams come true. I know you love Cam, but you told me he just wants to be friends. Well, you're my Cameron, Nash. Only I hope to have a different outcome." Shawn stated.

"Shawn, now I really don't know what to say. No one has ever said anything close to that to me before. While I'll admit I never thought of you in that light, I have admired you. Like I said earlier, you are an amazing singer, performer and super nice guy. You are also one of those guys I mentioned that I think are attractive. But my heart has been focused on Cameron, so I never looked at you as someone who I could be with. Plus, I never in a million years would have thought you were gay." Nash replied.

"So what I really want to know is will you go out with me? I'm not asking you to be boyfriends or anything, at least not yet. I just want to go out, you and I and see if we have a connection or not."

"You know what Shawn, let's do it. I'd love to go out with you. Your schedule is much busier than mine so why don't you pick the date and time and I'll make sure I get the time off to go."

"Nash, you just made me the happiest guy in Orlando."

Both boys got out of the booth and hugged. Shawn then looked at his phone and saw he was going to be late for his sound check, so he told Nash he'd see him at lunch with the others and left. Nash paid for the drinks and went back up to the room to work on editing his video.

A couple of hours later, Nash's phone began to ring. He picked it up to see that it was his manager calling him. He anwered the phone and talked to him for a couple of minutes finding out that the van to take him and the others to the convention center would be there at noon, which was in about thirty-five minutes. He hung up the phone and then went over to Cameron and woke him up telling him he had thirty minutes to get ready. He then sent a text to the others telling them to be in the lobby by noon.

All the boys met in the lobby and then got into the van and were taken to the convention center for the event. Cameron and Nash went to one of the large meet and greet rooms as they had lots of fans signed up to meet them. Hayes, Matt and Carter went to one of the smaller rooms as did Jack and Jack. After three hours and several thousand fans later, all the boys were led back to a green room where lunch was being served. The boys had just sat down with their food when Shawn walked in.

Shawn went over and grabbed himself some lunch and then went over to the where the boys were sitting. Much to his enjoyment, there was a seat next to Nash. Nash had put a bunch of stuff in it saving it for him, so when he saw him coming to the table he pulled the stuff out so Shawn could sit down. Shawn sat down and greeted everyone. He then reached down and gave Nash's hand a quick squeeze, which made Nash smile.

The boys all ate and then began to talk about their meet and greets. Both Jacks excused themselves as they needed to go to the main stage and do a sound check of their own as they were opening for Shawn later that night. Hayes, Carter and Matt then decided to film themselves doing some crazy antics, which left Cameron, Nash and Shawn sitting at the table. Shawn told both of them that he had to do a meet and greet in about a half an hour and asked them if they wanted to join him and be surprise guests, to which they both agreed.

Cameron, Nash and Shawn left the green room and headed for Shawn's meet and greet. They agreed that Cameron and Nash would wait in back until Shawn gave them the signal. Shawn entered the room to the screams of hundreds of teen girls. He stood in front of the table with a microphone answering a couple of questions and then said he had a couple of friends that wanted to join him, and in walked Nash and Cameron. The room erupted in screams once again. The three of them signed autographs and took pictures with the fans until the time was up. They then headed back to the green room to meet up with the others.

On the way back to the green room Shawn stopped and pulled both Nash and Cameron into a small side room. Nash knew what Shawn was going to do the minute they stepped into the empty room. He stood there silently waiting for Shawn to do whatever he was going to do.

"Cameron, there's something I need to tell you. I spoke to Nash earlier about this and as you are a good friend to me and his best friend, I now need to tell you. I too am gay. Nash and now you are the only people outside of my family that know. I will be telling everyone as the opportunity lends itself." Shawn said

"Wow Shawn I had no idea. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me. within the last eighteen hours my best friend and a good friend have come out to me. Today has been full of surprises." Cameron replied.

"I want you to know that Shawn and I are going to go out on date sometime soon." Nash added.

"Well isn't that just the icing on the cake." Cameron laughed.

"I hope that doesn't make you mad Cameron." Shawn started. "When Nash came out and I saw how accepting everyone was, I got strength enough to do the same. However, I'm sure you know just how much Nash cares about you and that is how much I care about him. I never in a million years thought I would ever have the chance to go out with Nash and then this morning all that changed. So I asked him to meet me before I left and I told him about my being gay and then asked him if we could go out, to which he agreed. I will however not do it if you don't want us to. I feel it's only right to get your approval."

"Shawn, Nash you are both great guys. I'm very happy for you both and I want you to know that though you do not need my approval for anything you want to do, I totally approve. What can be better than two of my best friends, who are both amazingly talented, going out together." Cameron said.

"Thanks Cam." Shawn said as he hugged him.

The three boys then made it to the green room and joined up with others. They all ate a quick dinner together and then started to get ready for their group interview on the main stage that would be followed by both Jack's and then Shawn's concert to end the evening. They also made plans to go to a couple of the after parties that night.

The group interview went great. It was a lot of fun for all the boys to hear and answer the fans questions. They got asked everything from what their favorite color was to who their celebrity crushes were. They got challenged to sing songs and take their shirts off. The interview last about an hour and then the stage was cleared so that the music could start. Jack and Jack took to the stage to sing their hit song, "Wild Life". The audience was really enjoying the show they put on.

Shawn took to the stage after Jack and Jack. As soon as he took the stage, the crowd went crazy. Everybody screaming and singing along to his songs. He always left his hit song, "Life of the Party", for last. Tonight that song was going to have special meaning as the reason he sang the song was now in his life and there to hear him sing it. He was so excited to get to that song.

"All right everybody, it's time for my last song. I know you all know it, so be sure to sing along and if that special someone is here with you tonight hold them close and sing it to them. I'd like to dedicate this song to a very special person in my life. When I first read the lyrics to this song, it was like the songwriters had taken the words right out of my heart. It was at that moment that I decided to record this song. So to the special person, you know who you are, this is for you." Shawn said before he sang his song.

Nash could hardly believe what Shawn was saying on stage to the crowd. As Shawn started singing, he began to feel the emotion that Shawn was putting into the song. He was listening to every word he sang. The song had a new meaning to him, knowing how Shawn felt about him. Nash was beginning to feel for Shawn the way he felt for Cameron. Maybe this was meant to be.

Cameron looked over at Nash who looked like he was in a trance. It was at this moment that he knew his best friend was falling for Shawn. He was really happy for Nash. His best friend was falling for a very smart and great guy. Cameron walked over to Nash and put an arm around him. He then leaned over to speak in Nash's ear.

"If what Shawn said is true, he must really love you." Cameron whispered.

"I know, I think I'm falling for him Cam." Nash replied.

"Love him Nash, he's a great guy. I couldn't think of a better person for you to be with."

"But I still love you."

"No Nash you have a crush on me. Give Shawn your heart."

Nash ran backstage. He wanted to beat Shawn to his dressing room. He made it and didn't have to wait long before the door opened and in walked Shawn.

"Nash, what are you doing in here?" asked Shawn as he closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, Nash ran up to Shawn and kissed him, which caught Shawn off guard. It wasn't any regular kiss though. This one was filled with emotion, emotion Shawn thought would take a while to develop due to Nash's love for Cameron. Shawn put his arms around Nash and embraced him. Nash broke the kiss looked Shawn right in the eyes and said.

"Shawn forgive me. I've never really listened to you perform before, but tonight I really listened and I felt every word you sang to me. You are more talented than I ever thought and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to get to have a place in your heart. I want you to know that while I really do care for Cam, I want to give my heart to you. You are simply amazing."

"Nash, you are the most beautiful soul I've ever met and this proves it. I never expected to feel those lips touch mine and to have it happen today is the best gift I could've ever received. I love you!"

"And I love you Shawn."

With that the two kissed again. They were interupted by a knock on the door. Nash went and sat in a chair as Shawn went and opened the door to find the rest of the boys on the other side. They all rushed in and gave Shawn high fives and bro hugs. Cameron looked over to the chair and saw Nash sitting there with the happiest look on his face. He knew that his friend had fallen for Shawn and that they were now together, which made him very happy.

Shawn looked at Cameron giving him that look that he wanted to tell the group about him being gay and Nash and him being together. Cameron took the hint and quickly moved over to Hayes and asked him to come with him. Hayes asked where they were going to which Cameron replied that they were going to go find their manager and have them get the van ready to take the boys back to the hotel. As soon as Hayes and Cameron left the room, Nash stood up and walked over to Matt.

"Matt, there's something I need to tell you." Nash said.

"Ok, what's up Nash?" Matt asked.

"While you were filiming that collab with Hayes this morning, the rest of us got together in Cams and my room. Where I told them what I'm about to tell you. I'm gay. Cameron thought up the idea to talk the issue over at breakfast so we could gage how everyone would react. And as you saw how Hayes reacted, obviously I can't tell him or the rest of my family just yet. But it's important to me that my close friends, which include you, know about me."

"Wow bro, I never expected to hear that come from you. So are you and Cam like together?"

"No" Nash said laughing.

"We are." said Shawn as he walked over to Nash and put an arm around his waist.

The whole group just stood there in shock, mouths agape.

"I know this is shocking to everyone judging by your expressions, but I have known I was gay for several years and my family knows and they all support me. I didn't have the courage to tell you guys until Nash did it first. After everyone left Nash and Cam's room, I asked Nash to meet me in the hotel lobby. We met then went into the resurtant and sat down where I told him about my being gay and wanting nothing more than to be with him since the first time we met. Now here we are. I'm sorry if any of you are mad at me for not having the strength to do this earlier. I only ask that you show me the same support you showed Nash."

All the boys went up to Shawn and gave him a hug telling him how happy they are for him and Nash. It seemed like everyone was excited to hear about Nash and Shawn dating.

"So wait all that mushy dedication stuff you said on stage tonight, that was for little Nashy over here?" Asked Jack J.

"Umm, yeah it was." Shawn said blushing. . This made all the boys break out into laughter. Just then Cameron and Hayes walked back in the door. They told everyone that the van would be there in 15 minutes to take them back to the hotel. Shawn excused himself so he could go take a quick shower as he was quite sweaty after putting on his show. All the boys except Nash left to go wait for the van. Nash told Cameron he'd wait for Shawn and meet them at the party.

As soon as everyone was gone, Nash locked the dressing room door. He walked over to the bathroom door and pressed his ear to it. He could hear Shawn singing Sam Smith's song "Stay With Me", which made him smile. He decided that now was as good a time as any for him to have his first gay experience, so he stripped out of his clothes and slowly opened the bathroom door and snuck in.

Shawn turned around in the shower and stood there shocked. There before him was the man of his dreams standing there naked. He slowly gazed at the hot body before him. Nash's body was perfect in his eyes. He had a nice trail of hair that led from his bellybutton to his pubes. His 6" soft dick nicely outlined by manscaped pubes. He had just a hint of baby fat on his almost hairless body, which Shawn found extemely sexy.

At the same time, Nash was checking out Shawn's hot body. He had a nice muscular build and the beginning of a six pack of abs. His body was shaved hairless which made his 5" cock look a little larger. He had the cutest little freckles in random spots, which turned him on. He has a cute little bubble butt which Nash just wanted to grab.

Nash opened the shower curtain and stepped in and without saying anything grabbed Shawn's hot body and pulled him in for a kiss. Shawn was better prepared for this kiss. As they kissed neither boy could resist exploring the others body with their hands. They both had gotten hard from the pleasure of the kiss and the touch of the others hands running all over their body.

Nash was first to break the kiss and begin placing his lips all over Shawn's body. Shawn was in pure bliss as he felt the kisses the man of his dreams was placing on his body. Soon Nash's hand found Shawn's now 6" rock hard cock and he began to stroke it. This is the first time someone other than Shawn has handled his dick and it felt amazing. Shawn looked Nash in they eyes and said.

"Nash, I've never done anything with someone else before."

"Me neither." said Nash. "We get to experience the first time together, and that means we will never forget it."

Nash kissed Shawn again and got on his knees and began to stroke Shawn's hard cock. Shawn began to lightly moan as the feeling of having Nash handle his dick began to overtake him. Nash could feel the heat eminating from Shawn's body as he began to stroke faster. Shawn began to moan louder as he felt his orgasim building. Shawn's cock was beginning to throb in Nash's hand singnaling to him that Shawn was about to cum. A few seconds later, Shawn sucked in a deep breath and then let out a little whimper as his dick began to unload a massive amount of cum. Shot after shot hit Nash on his chest and face. After six massive shots, Shawn slumped against the shower wall, his knees almost buckling.

Nash stood up and wipped the cum from his face and then licked his hand. It was the first time he had ever tasted cum. He liked the taste of Shawn's juice. He found it sweeter than he expected. He looked at Shawn's face, which had a look of sheer pleasure on it. Shawn had never felt and orgasim that strong before in his life. It took a couple of minutes for him to come down from his high.

"I've never had that strong of an orgasim before."

"The look on your face tells me just how much you enjoyed it and I'm happy I was able to give it to you." Nash replied.

"Allow me to make you feel as good as you made me." Shawn said as he grabbed ahold of Nash's 7" piece of steel.

The feeling of Shawn's hand wrap around his dick made Nash gasp. This is a new feeling for him as well. He was finding it hard to breathe as Shawn stroked his cock. It was taking all his strength to just not explode right then and there. As Shawn sped up his motion, Nash began to moan. He knew that he was about to experience the biggest orgasim of his life as well. He began to tell Shawn he was about cum when the he suddenly felt Shawn's tounge swipe across the tip of his dick. This caused Nash to lose it as his orgasim took over and he unloaded seven massive loads onto Shawn's face, chest and the shower wall. Nash's legs gave out and Shawn had to catch him to keep him from falling over.

After Nash regained the use fo his legs, both boys got cleaned up and got out of the shower. They dried off, got dressed and prepared for the night that was to come. They shared a couple of quick kisses as they put the rest of their stuff on. Shawn called his manager and told him that he was ready to go. Nash quickly called Cameron to find out if they were at the hotel still or if they went to the party already. Cameron said everybody was waiting on him and Shawn at the hotel.

Shawn and Nash made it back to the hotel and met the rest of the boys in the lobby. Cameron handed Nash a bag that had some clean clothes in it and Nash went to the hotel bathroom to change. Shawn had changed into a different outfit after the shower. After a few minutes all the boys were heading to the after party, which was being held in the banquet room of their hotel.

The party rocked on until almost two in the morning. By the time the boys got to their rooms, they were all really tired. Everyone said their goodnights and left to go to their rooms. Nash, Shawn, Carter and Cameron all rode the elevator up to their floor. Once on their floor, Cameron and Carter said goodnight and went to their rooms while Shawn and Nash stood in the hall. As soon as the coast was clear they shared one last kiss before separating to go to their rooms.

Thanks For Reading!

I will be continuing this story as time permits.

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