Natassia Dreams

By Terry Green

Published on May 11, 2021


First off my sincere thanks to nifty, and to all of the writers and readers here. As spring and some normalcy returns, let's do what we can to support each other, and this website. It costs a lot to run/operate this LGBT friendly place. Thank you to all who write and provide me feedback, as am doing what I can to "clean off some dust." Also gratitude to other writers here, who've challenged me to get out of the comfort box a bit. All the best and cheers! This is a work of fiction, so all that's in here is a coincidence. Terry

"We are requesting a helicopter, in 15 minutes due to heavy fire." It was as if I yelled into my radio microphone, but yet my audio was silent, as bullets whizzed past our team. One AK round hit the rocks above me, and so it was time to deal with our injured personnel, along with leaving this hot zone. The jackals of taliban fighters had caught us unaware, as this region was cleared by the contractor previous to us, but they had devised a clever caving system to catch us from behind. Collins was getting a tourniquet applied on his leg, and some of our squad had sustained injuries from ricochets. As usual Afghanistan was a shit hole. I had served in the marines in Iraq and this dump, and had come back with Smythe Security, to maintain my part of the rugged terrain.

Iraq was like visiting a country in the 1500's, this was maybe in the BC era. If an Afghan man lived to 40, he was considered a elderly person. Life was cheap here, and there were so many deaths from battles of aggression, disease, malnutrition, and things that are prevented in western countries. I felt so sorry for the people in the villages. They were really not even aware, of how bad a card they had been dealt. Every family had lost one or more of theirs to the Taliban, conditions mentioned, or years ago by the Soviet invasion. It once had thrived and been a vacation spot for hippies and many more, now it was a killing zone with countless widows and suffering thats of nightmares.

As squad leader of our twenty man team, it was my responsibility to take care of them. I kept looking around to check our surroundings, and check with the guys to see how Collins was doing. Seconds lasted minutes, minutes were hours, an hour a month. Laying down suppressive fire, based upon communication from the chinook copilot, we had a landing zone flared and ready. There was sporadic gun fire, but our last shooting had been highly effective. Soon we were in the Chinook, which did a quick landing and immediate take off. Collins was alert and talking, but I wondered what he was speaking of. Morphine is a hell of a drug. He'd make it obviously, although on some of these missions, sadly I had lost some of my guys.

We came in after the American military gained traction, to hold the terrain for the Afghan government. Corruption was rife, as was money, and we got hooked up for our experience of elite units years prior. According to my friends in the military, effectively "I had joined the dark side of the force," but so were many others. You might as well make money when you can. Going from $35,000 a year to $150,000 plus bonuses made life easier. I had bought a red Corvette, and paid off my townhouse. Yet now approaching my mid 40's, I knew my time was running out due to the inevitability of age. It doesn't care if you're a professional football player or sniper from the best branch, as it will rudely greet you one day with no emotion whatsoever. Thankfully due to tedious exercise, I was still 6'3 and 220 pounds, and with my brown high and tight still appeared official.

Due to age and experience I was the squadron leader, and since this was my last trip, I congratulated Jackson on getting it from now on. He had grown up in Mississippi, so I didn't always understand him, but this ex navy seal would be good to go. No training wheels. It was going to be missed, but at the same time as someone who's married, they must say goodbye to their mistress. I had been in combat operations for well over twenty years now, and was excited to do VIP security for Smythe in Las Vegas. The desert and Sin City had intrigued me, and I liked the idea of protecting celebrities. Compared to firefights in sandstorms, it would be the proverbial walk in the park. Plus I could switch from the arduous M4 , to something more comfortable.

Walking in our command headquarters 50 miles west of where we had been, I saw command operations director Chris Thompson. Former green beret, all business, he commanded my respect and that of all my other colleagues. Despite us all being in a screwed up area, his leadership had not interferes with our duties, and he allowed us to get creative. While he wasn't a funny extrovert, occasionally this quiet man, would tell some of the best jokes. Usually that involved drinks, but tonight he was in top form. "You really want to leave Kabul for the most awful Las Vegas?" There was just something in the way he said it, the twinkle in his eye, that mischievous grin that made it hilarious. "Yes sir."

We both drank a mixed drink, and he thanked me, "for serving our folks and country well." I got a certificate that's in my den, that shows this award, and a one way back ticket to Los Angeles. After that I was on my own, although my bank account, appreciated the $25,000 bonus that Thompson gave me. Multiple flights and airlines, but I was back in the USA. It felt good, and of course I called my parents and sister in Pennsylvania at LAX to let them know. They were so happy I was getting out of more combat service, and now could make even more protecting famous people. We laughed that "it would be babysitting comparatively," and I agreed with them, that Christmas this year would be extra special.

So where was a guy supposed to do with a night in Los Angeles, before renting a car to drive to Vegas? Sleep. As usual I couldn't sleep but five minutes on flights, and it was here that the exhaustion finally caught up with me. At the Marriott, with my large frame, other guests probably thought my snoring was a bear in room 322. Waking up from that slumber, I got coffee down in the cafeteria area, along with my favorite cereal. Fruit Loops. Plus some bananas, yogurts, as it's a decent drive to Vegas from LA. Most of its leaving LA, and sure enough as I maneuvered the Chevy Impala, it reminded me of my time driving in Mexico. No rules, signals, and just a headache that made one wonder if sane or not. About 90 miles out of Vegas, I stopped at a convenience store, and got snacks for the final leg of the journey.

Tomorrow I'd be meeting with my new boss, retired Army Delta Major Matthew Henderson. I had heard his name when in the service, and admittedly I had the butterflies, as he had so many medals that magnets would fly in his direction. All joking aside I was pleasantly surprised his HR team hired me, and the old man had signed his approval on it. He had gone to West Point, and had written training manuals of urban and geurilla warfare. Also his bear selling book "Stories of Valor," had garnered him a lot of attention, and some thought he might enter the political arena. Yet from what it sounded like, he enjoyed overseeing Smythe's operations in Las Vegas, and had a reputation of letting his subordinates, work out problems and find solutions on their own. That was always appreciated.

After getting squared away at the Vegas hotel, I scoured apartment rentals, and found a few promising leads. The company paid for my hotel room for three months, but I'd need a lot less than that. Most likely I was going to suburban Henderson, but had a few other places to take a look at. It's a lot different online and in person. There were plenty of good rental townhouses, or if necessary a apartment. Finally went to bed, setting the alarm for 0700. That damn alarm clock. Waking up naked I went to the shower, lathered up, and then walked out to the mirror. Yep I needed to shave my scraggy beard, tighten up my hair a bit. Even after being in combat I looked good, and then I felt the hardness of my cock rise to attention. I had to masturbate, and the hotel staff now knew the porn I was into. Blowing a huge load, I went to shaving and getting dressed up in a sharp looking suit. The navy blue everything suit with the matching tie, always made a powerful impression. Strolling to my rental, I made my way to it, and thirty minutes later I was with the Major. His secretary brought me a cup of coffee, and him and I had a "pow wow" of sorts. Since I'd already been hired, he basically filled me in with what was expected, and that next week I'd be getting my first assignment. He was very friendly, and people oriented, and I could see why people said, "that's a guy who I'd gladly be in a foxhole with." The cliche may be old, but there was a lot of truth to it.

Since there was some down time, I eventually found a apartment in nearby Paradise, a smaller suburb. This allowed me to enjoy a semblance of quiet, and the moving company made sure all of my furniture from storage was soon in. I got a 65 gallon tank and added tropical fish, and got some paintings from Ikea to liven the place up. It was a one bedroom with a generous living room, two bathrooms, and a balcony with quite a view. I spent some time getting acquainted with town, and also purchased a used Toyota Camry. This was a fun time as I had been almost dog collared by the military or paramilitary for years. I received my first contract which was to protect an adult film star. She had been dealing with a stalker and hate Mail. Wait a minute she was a he. Biologically at least. As I reviewed the file I saw that Natassia Taylor aka Dreams was a transgender adult film star.

This should be interesting. I mused this information for awhile, as while like most guys I had jerked off to tranny porn, my favorite category was redhead women. Now I was to serve as a protective detail for a black transgender film star. This is why I was paid the big bucks, but as a child, my parents had taught me to treat all humans with respect. That's what I'd do with this assignment, and I looked up Natassia's info and found out she was 5'9 and 140 pounds. Height wise that could add some challenges to my physical security protocols, and reading the stalker's correspondence was creepy. He was obviously a raving maniac. Smythe had created a dossier, and I agreed white male 25 to 35, who probably had awkward social tendencies. Similar info for hate Mail and emails as well. At the range I sighted in my Glock 17, chambered with hollow point 9 mm. Some in the business preferred .45, but I loved the 9 for its pinpoint accuracy.

A day at the range was therapeutic. Some spend money to talk to a therapist, I find blowing up targets to be a better investment. Putting on another suit, this one with a red tie, and holster ready to go, I made an appointment with Natassia. She was a pretty transgender lady, but in person she was the definition of a babe. No wonder "straight guys," watched countless hours of transgender porn. Natassia was very kind, gracious, and brought me a cup of coffee. I let each client lead the discussion, and was asked about my qualifications. Natassia smiled and even playfully slapped my hands, to say "she was thrilled to have me on her team." It was a joy making money and people feel safer, to be who they are.

Over the weeks and months, I went to film shoots to having meals with Natassia. She was a woman in my opinion, and during one scene for a movie, I admit I got really hard watching her suck a guys penis. Natassia definitely had skills, and she usually did two scenes a day. The money was flying everywhere. All of the one hundred dollar bills were a common sight, as was her taking production staff and me to expensive lunches. So far I had enjoyed the delicious steaks, and no sign of the stalker, although hate mail was regularly checked upon. This led to mostly dead ends, but I was able to get a West Virginia sheriffs department involved in one of these, and it helped with one of their major investigations. It felt good to be able to help keep Natassia safe, along with giving the men and women in blue an accomplishment.

One morning out of the blue, I got a call from Natassia, requesting me to join her for lunch. This was a common occurrence, as clients like to know their security detail. I wore a dressy plaid shirt, with khaki pants, and Oxford style shoes. As I walked into the restaurant, I saw a table with my name on a placard, and thought "this was strange." For situational awareness purposes, I checked the dining area, but found nothing that stuck out. Ten minutes later Natassia in high heels and a purple dress came to the table. "I'm sorry I'm late Terry, but I see we are both wearing purple today." The way her voice oozed like syrup, I had to admit having mixed feelings. This can be good on a hormonal level, but it's a distraction to protect while erect as the saying goes. We had salads. Then our main dishes arrived. Natassia had a enchanting smile, beautiful mahogany black skin, and a scent of flowery perfume that made me weak at the knees.

"You're very good looking." I didn't know how to react, but the blushing made it quite obvious. Natassia was on the prowl, and I was her prey. There was no doubt about it, as I felt one of her heels dig gently into my crotch. I was getting hard, and lost in Natassia's eyes and smiles, feeling butterflies and pangs of unspeakable sexual passion. Her nicely done nails, lipstick, and makeup work were done to perfection. That voice alone made me horny, and my balls were filling up with sperm, as my cock hardened up fully. It's eight inches were now a reality, and soon one of her hands went under the table. She smiled and said "I want you." Any trepidation I had was now null and void. Every hormone of mine was on fire, and I so wanted to take Natassia like a wild animal. Passion was in the air, the frenzy could be felt even if invisible, and soon we were up in her penthouse.

In the living room her black thin fingers were behind my neck, as we kissed. Her lips were so soft, her tongue so sweet as we met in a dance of desire. Soon almost instantaneously our clothes were in a pile, as we were wearing not a damn thing. Lying on top of her, our cocks rubbing together, and her breasts on my chest felt so damn good. Hardness was in effect as we kissed with vigor, and rubbed our dicks. She was shaved completely, and that flowery scent was making me turn into a bull looking at the waving red flag. We kissed passionately, the bed bounced, and soon she was between my legs as I lay down completely at her mercy.

The slurping sound. Oh her hands and tongue were blissful magic, and I couldn't do anything but moan in ecstasy. Her lips were soaking wet, and she spit on my eight inches of throbbing cock, and went down on me so quickly. Her nails on my balls felt incredible. Eyes to eyes I was transfixed, and soon took my opportunity to go down on her. Her cock had a musky but flowery scent to it, and I loved how smooth she was al over. Truly gorgeous and such a joy getting her hard, and her ass primal for my fucking. I think she wanted to top me, but that wasn't going to happen, as she was the one us whom could bitchy. Yet when she did I reminder her at the elevator, of which one of us was in charge

Cupping her D sized tits was exciting, as was playing with her girl stick. I sucked her off with aggression, and soon was taking her in my lips, as it's always been one of my favorite sex acts. I felt her precum unloading in my mouth, and to have this smooth vixen under my control, was a treat that could best be described as the sweetest dessert. As I rimmed her, she kept breathing heavily. Her boobs were hard, as was that big black she cock, and I was doing all I could to light Natassia up. More heavy breathing, moaning as my long tongue explored her crevasses. Oh yes panting like a dog. I had her where I wanted. Finally with that long black hair, those dark eyes and features she purred, "fuck me baby just do me!"

That was my plan and I wasted no time, taking her from behind. It was like my penis got enveloped by her tight black cheeks, and the wet hole was hot and on my manhood like a vise grip. The feeling of my dick being squeezed was so pleasurable, and finally I had Natassia ride me. She had a lady's little silver watch on, and necklace to match. Both were drenched in sweat, as she put her tongue in my mouth and felt my balls as I entered even further. Two had become one, we could feel each other's heartbeats. The feeling of her feminine fingers on my face and the back of my neck, I had never had a sexual rendezvous with such electricity before.

Finally I had her from the side on the bed that took us in. Our tongues together, my hands on her chest, this was paradise in every sense of the word. Her light bottomed feet were on my legs as I slid my penis in further. She would have to stop touching my tightening up testicles, or I was going to absolutely explode. She tensed up. I felt her jerking off and she screamed, as I could smell the aroma of her sperm and sweat fill the room. She was literally cooing as I continued to push further, and somehow Natassia clenched down.

My temperature must have been sizzling. As we kissed, she continued to palm my balls, as I felt a change that was pleasant. That warming feeling. Spinning room and everything else, I shot my huge load of baby batter in Natassia. It felt so good to cum, as it had been days, and it seemed as if I would never stop with the whole body orgasm experience. Kissing, hugging, hold handing we both laughed together. Finally Natassia smiled at me. "You're permanently hired." We made love several more times, and fell asleep together, her delicate dark fingers wrapped around my beefy white ones.

Next: Chapter 2

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