Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Dec 29, 2006


This story involves characters over the age of 18 and are engaged in consensual sexual activities, if it offends you in anyway or you know you shouldn't be reading this according to your local laws then please don't. Any comments on the story are welcomed at

Nate's Wounded Heart

"...The time in which I didn't have you, will cease to exist when you come. Everything shall be simple. Like a newly cut rose, the miracle will settle between us. There shall be nothing that doesn't fit in my hands when you come. Rainbow colored clouds will crown the ceiling of our room. Where did my wounds go? I will ask myself...

But listen to me well: stay for good when you come."

Antonio Gala, El dueno de la herida: Cuando tu llegues. (Antonio Gala, The owner of the wound: When you arrive.)

Chapter 1. The meeting

The morning light began to pour in through the window. Nate moaned as the sun light started to shine over his face. Pulling the bedcovers to block the light, he once again drifted off to sleep. It was too early; he hadn't had the chance to rest properly before his first day in college. It was merely yesterday that he had gotten there, to this dorm room where he was to spend the next semester or two.

He got there a little after sunset, his first impression was that his bed should be the one next to the window, though there was a window above both of the beds, because he knew that he is a heavy sleeper and thought it best to have some insurance that he would make it early to his classes. He unpacked the few things he had managed to get out of his parent's house, before they kicked him out. And placed them in the closet, small desk on his side of the room and before he knew he was already tired. Riding a bus for half a day wasn't exactly what he enjoyed the most and it had taken a toll on him, he was really feeling like crap. And after deciding to take a small rest, he fell asleep, and hours later woke up to just take off some of his clothe and get under the covers, no sign of his roommate then.

And now the alarm clock was beeping. He had to go to orientation, and to a meeting with one of the university's social workers that would talk to him about the financial aid he would be receiving, the rules under which he would be receiving the monetary help, and the usual freshman orientation most likely.

The room wasn't what you could call small, especially since it had a restroom with a shower. That wasn't all that big either, but it was still a big relieve to know that he would only have to share the shower with his roommate; he had been terrified of the idea of having to use communal showers. But having a shower for him and his roommate made him care very little about the rest of the space that their room had. There was a small hallway at the entrance of the room, with the door to the restroom and shower right next to the entrance, and at the end of the small hallway was the room, which consisted in a set of twin beds, desks, and closets, all parallel to each other.

As he took off his clothe, he couldn't help but stop for a second and notice how much weight he had actually lost. Now that he had recently turned 18, he was in the best shape that he could remember. He had been a chubby child since he was about 9. And through out his whole high school education he had been the constant object of mockery and bullying, but during the last years of high school he suddenly began to stretch, he went from being about 5'8 to the point where he was about 5'11 all in less then two years.

His parents didn't know what to do when all this was happening, he felt horrible pains all over his legs, arms and body. The family doctor, who was a pretty lousy one, but was all they could afford, said he was just simply growing at a faster rate then normal children. He prescribed him some Tylenol and that helped to mildly mitigate the pain. All in all, he thought the whole thing ended up being worth the pain. His father stopped beating him, which wasn't all that frequent, and the bullies at school were now afraid of him.

It started when he was 15 and when he was about to become 17 they were all afraid of him. Now he stood at 6'0" and his frame was broader, he looked so much thinner then before, but still he couldn't think of himself as anything special. He never did actually; he always thought he was very plain looking, with his brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was hairier then most guys his age, which was always object of teasing in high school during PE and also, this class was a torture for him because he always found it incredibly hard to not pop a boner while looking at his classmates nakedness.

That's right, besides from being chubby, being a reader, good at school and a nerdy child, you can add that he is gay. But thankfully the years of high school were over. And he was even more thankful that now at least this dorm was a place he could call his home. After losing his friends, having an unhealthy first relationship and losing his family, there was little more that he could take. Truth be told, his senior year was the worse year of his life. And now he only expected to at least be alone and safe. He couldn't even think of having a relationship, it hurt too much to imagine going through the pains that he had withstood the last year.

He finished getting ready and hurried out the door; he ran his hand through his chin and felt the stubble was a bit long. "Should've shaved I guess, meh maybe later." He applied a bit of hair gel on his hair, pushing it upwards to reveal his faux-hawk grabbed his pack and he left the room without knowing or suspecting that once he'd comeback, he'd meet someone who would change his life forever.

He got to the room and checked his papers to make sure he was at the right one. "Ok I'm home." He went in pulling his luggage with him, feeling worn out after pulling it up the stairs and dodging the constant flow of other freshman students dragging their own boxes, and arguing with their parents. As he got to the end of the room, he saw someone else had already settled in the room. The left side of it was already taken, and then he saw that there was a window above both of the beds. "Damn! And here I was wishing to at least be able to sleep in..."

He began to unpack and then he decided it was time to bear with the annoying task of reporting to his mother. "Yes mom I got here ok... No it didn't take that long, remember I just had to drive into St. Louis, it's not like I went across the country... I love you too... Mom, stop crying... I'll call everyday but please stop crying already... I know I love you guys too now I have to go, ok bye." He took a deep breath and looked around. Luke loved his parents, he really did, though he was sick of their constant harassing on trying to find him a date or pairing him up with just about anyone they knew was gay.

First it had been the son of one of his father's co-workers. Josh had been nice, he was good looking, but still bondaging wasn't exactly something that Luke wanted to try for his first time. Then came Matt. Matt had been nice too, though he had already have a few boyfriends and was a known gossip. Then a few weeks after their first date, rumor spread through school that Matt had fucked Luke and that Luke was nuts over him. "First of all, thanks for outing me to the whole school you son of a bitch and second of all, you wish your tiny dick had been anywhere near my ass..." He yelled this in Matt's face in front of half of the senior class right by Matt's locker. " my dick isn't tiny... and you know it... you loved it..." Matt had managed to stammer out. Luke was so pissed that he just clenched his teeth, narrowed his eyes and quickly turned and rammed his knee up Matt's crotch. You could hear Oooooo's and some girls yelling: "You teach him sister!" A few laughs responded to that last comment, as everyone saw Matt kneel with his hands over his crotch weeping. "Felt tiny to me" Was all Luke said as everyone erupted in laughter.

After this he simply ignored any date proposed to him by his parents. He thought coming out to them might make them act differently maybe cold in a way, but he should've known better, his mom was such a weird character; she was thrilled. "My baby, oh I always knew you were special, Stanley aren't you proud of him?" His father smiled, muffled a chuckle looked at Luke, shrugged his shoulders and avoided the swat his mom tried to give him in the back of the head. "Of course I'm proud of you Lucas, we love you and all we care about is for you to stay safe ok?" Luke nodded, he still felt a lump in his throat, but was glad they took it well, although he would soon find out his mom was too damn cheery about it. It was barely a week before she started trying to get him dates.

He was done unpacking by lunch time. He wasn't really hungry, though he was sure he needed a shower, he had left early and hadn't even worried about showering when he did. Anyways the drive to school had only taken him a couple of hours. But still he decided to go take a shower. It was then that he discovered that their restroom had a shower. "Nice, this way at least I won't have to get naked in front of a bunch of people in the mornings" He took off his clothe and went to get his shower kit. A few minutes later he was rubbing soap up and down his body. As he rubbed the soap over his butt he couldn't help but press his fingers at his hole. He was eager to get something up there bigger then his finger. Then he rubbed his 8" dick a little. After he finished he dried off a little, ran the towel over his blonde hair and checked in the mirror. Then he got out of the shower with just the towel over his waist, and as he walked down the hallway he saw a tall dark haired guy standing over the left side of the room and felt his dick stiffen. "Damn this is going to be interesting" He thought to himself as he took in his roommate.

Nate thought he was going to shoot right there. This guy had gotten out of the bathroom with just a towel over his waist and his lean beautiful body was still a bit wet. He could use a little tanning, but he was just beautiful, he had a defined chest, some good biceps and shoulders, and sparkling blue eyes. His hair looked like strawberry blonde, and that smile that came over his face when he spotted Nate.

"Hey I'm Luke, nice to meet you." Luke said while putting out his hand for Nate to shake. "And you are my roommate I suppose, what's your name?"

Nate had a little trouble reacting and it took him a few seconds to respond, to which Luke chuckled a bit. "Sorry, my name is Nate, and yes I suppose we are roommates." He shook Luke's hand and struggled to fight the blush that was coming to his face; he felt like an idiot and was sure that this guy wasn't going to think otherwise.

Luke liked Nate's shyness immediately. It was a remarkable change from the people he was used to back home; all his friends were either wild, cocky jocks or outgoing perky cheerleaders. Though little that they knew he was a bit of a brain, and was getting real good grades. "So you got here earlier today or last night? I see you have all of your stuff settled in already from even before I came a few hours ago."

Nate managed to respond quicker this time. "I got here around sunset yesterday." He looked around trying to avoid looking at Luke. He was really getting a boner and didn't want to make an ass of himself and have Luke knowing or suspecting anything about his sexuality. He went to his bed ad dropped his backpack. "I'll use the bathroom and be right back." He told Luke without really looking to him.

"Ok, guess we can catch up later." Luke told him, as he saw Nate walking by him. "Must be about 6 feet tall... and he looks hot with that bit of stubble..." He was already getting ideas about his roommate. Damn this was sure to be some interesting semester, though he couldn't help but think that the guy looked uncomfortable around him. Maybe he was just not a people person. Or could it be he was gay? He wasn't sure, and he wasn't sure he wanted to let him know he was gay. After all not all people would react like his parents and friends back home.

He put on some clothe while Nate was in the bathroom and wondered where Nate was from. He could detect a slight accent to his speech, though he wasn't sure of where that accent might be from.

"OK get yourself together, it's not like he's the hottest guy you've ever seen... He might just be the hottest guy I've seen... Why am I talking to myself?" He took a deep breath and splashed some water on his face. Luke had really made an impression on him, and while he kept pacing around the bathroom trying to control himself, his 6" dick was fully hard and pressing against his boxer briefs. Luke had a beautiful body and my god those eyes and that smile... oh he was charming already. Nate even thought he had felt the guy was nice, though he was afraid of any lead he might drop on his sexuality, he didn't want to go over any of the shit he had lived back home.

Home... The thought made him chuckle. Austin wasn't his home anymore. All of his friends and family had turned their backs on him as soon as they realized he was gay. He had barely managed to live through the last few weeks of high school at his sister's house, while managing to keep a job waiting tables and standing the constant harassing of his school classmates that would drop by to call him fag without stop while he tried to do his job. As soon as he heard that he had been admitted to Washington University in St Louis, he was thrilled and at the same time worried thinking about a way to manage and pay for school. When the financial aid was confirmed by the university he was sure someone had worked a miracle and saved him from hell.

He didn't even have a computer, but he didn't care, after the chat he had earlier with the social worker, he already knew there were several places where he could use school computers to do his homework. Books would be something he would have to pay, but at least now he knew he could get the money for some of them by working at the library, and that some other books he could use at the library. Tuition and housing were pretty much covered. "Pretty much" He thought. He had to keep very good grades to have all of the above. But he was sure he would do well with all that.

What was really worrying him now was Luke. He was pretty much sure by the few minutes they had shared in the room; that Luke was a jock, and that to him meant both straight and not gay friendly. And the thought of having someone so gorgeous living with him meant that at least he would have someone nice to think while jacking off. "How wrong is that..." He said to himself while chuckling.

He came out of the bathroom and headed to the room to find an already dressed Luke, lying on his bed reading a book. "He reads..."

"Yeah I do, most people look at me and think I'm probably a dumb jock." Luke said while grinning.

The look on Nate's face was of panic. "Dude I'm sorry, I swear I just thought it and didn't realize..."

"It's ok, I get it a lot, don't worry about it." He dropped the book on the bed and got up. "Say are you hungry? `Cause I sure am, wanna grab a bite?"

"Yeah sure, dude I really am sorry..."

"Dude drop it, it's usual, don't fuss about it anymore, now let's see, I think I saw a diner coming this way, it might be better then using the dining hall which I imagine is going to be full of students eating with their parents and getting all mushy about their kids staying here..."

Nate chuckled; Luke was funny, and seemed like a good guy. Though; the thought of spending money had just hit him. "Dude, we could go to the dining hall, I mean I don't really mind..."

"Nah don't worry about it, it's on me, now let's go, I could seriously eat a horse..." With that Luke went to the door, and Nate just grabbed his keys and followed.

"So are you from Texas?" Luke asked while running his eyes quickly through the menu.

"Is my accent that thick?" Nate asked while looking up with a worried look on his face.

"Not really, I could sense you had an accent but it took me a while to realize, though I wasn't sure if it was a Texan accent, it was just a guess." He called for the waiter and ordered himself a salad, a steak and a soda. He looked at Nate and it took Nate some time to realize he was expecting him to order.

"I would like some fries and a ginger ale." Nate ordered.

"Dude you're not eating just that, have a burger at least." Luke shot with a worried look.

"No it's ok, I don't really eat that much." Nate replied.

"He'll have a burger with that too." Luke told the waitress who was looking at the two of them as if she was about to start laughing.

"I really don't eat that much..." Nate said to the air, keeping his head low.

"Look, I am buying and you don't look like you need any diets so just eat it." Nate's lips curled into a half smile at the comment. "So I bet the way here was a long drive for you; what part of Texas are you from?" Luke asked.

"I didn't actually drive, I came by bus and I am from Austin." Nate replied while he played with his fingers under the table.

"You don't have a car? Austin is nice from what I hear, Texas U at Austin is supposed to be very good, and if you managed to get in here I bet you could've gone there too." Luke told him as the waiter brought them their drinks, after she left Nate quickly replied in short quick words.

"Well I thought this school was better, and thought it would be nice to change the scenario." Luke nodded. Not really agreeing with Nate's swift answer but letting him know he wouldn't press on the subject. He thought there was probably something more to it, but decided the first day they met wasn't exactly the best time to try and get cocky on his questions. He looked into Nate's eyes as he looked around the place, and found himself lost in the caramel brown tone of Nate's eyes. It was then that he noticed that Nate's beard grew in an auburn tone. Nate had a strong jaw line, though his face narrowed just a bit below his mouth, his lips were slightly thick, especially the lower lip, and he had a wide brow and prominent cheep bones. Nate looked back at Luke, and Luke quickly looked down trying to cover for himself.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Nate asked. Might as well play straight just to be sure he thought.

"Do you tend to be a meek person or do you behave like that with people you've just met?" Luke asked back.

"Do you always avoid answering questions by asking other questions?" Asked Nate; surprising even him.

"It seems like I'm not the only one that does it." Luke said with a grin on his face, as the waiter came back once again and delivered their food.

Nate blushed, grinned and nodded. "You got me with that one."

After their lunch they had gone back to the dorm, checked the school information brochures they had received and found in their desks, and then they read and Nate learned that Luke had brought a laptop to school, and an expensive one from what he could tell. At dinner time they had gone to the dining hall and ate there, on Nate's request, after having eaten his burger and fries at lunch with some trouble, he was adamant on that they should go to the dining hall, where the 2 of them didn't need to spend any money thanks to their food plan.

After dinner they had gone back home and done some more reading. Luke had wanted to ask Nate about his family a few times but decided against it, seeing how he had dodged the subject earlier, and besides he thought he couldn't blame Nate, because he had also avoided his girlfriend question.

At about 11 the 2 of them were ready to go to bed, and had some orientation lectures the next morning. Luke stripped to only his boxers. Nate stiffened and turned his back on Luke. Then he proceeded to take off his pants and socks. Luke thought nate had some nice legs and thighs, from what he could tell by looking at Nate, and a nice ass too. Nate kept his shirt on and got into bed like that. Luke thought it was odd, but then again Nate was a bit odd. He went and turned off the light and got under the covers. "Good night dude." He said to Nate, who was lying with his face to the wall. "Good night." Nate answered.

Luke didn't have much trouble getting to sleep. But Nate couldn't fall asleep. He guessed an hour went by before he turned around and saw Luke resting on his back, his sheets covering him to his navel but leaving his chest uncovered. He saw how his chest swelled and shrunk with every breath. Then he put his boxer briefs down and started jacking off looking at Luke. He started moaning and then clenched his teeth to muffle his moaning. After a few minutes of this Luke moved a little. Nate froze, dick in hand. And then Luke stayed still again. The covers were revealing a little more of his torso. Nate went back to jerking off at a quick pace, and it was not long before he cupped his free hand in front of his dick to catch his cum. He felt his face reddening and saw that some of his cum was driping out of his hand. "God what am I going to do?"

Next: Chapter 2

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