Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Apr 17, 2007


Allright guys, you already know the rules, don't read if you know you're not supposed to, whether by age or state law. And the copyrights to this story go to Luis Salazar (ME) so you can't reproduce it or anything like that. I am a bit stricken by the lack of comments on the last few chapters, though I do know I have been taking a long time in between them but I just hope you still like them. Anyways all comments are welcomed and I hope you like this chapter.

Chapter 8. ----True colors----

"Ok, so you wake up sick and then end up having sex before going to bed?" Becca asked Luke, while she ate her cereal.

"Well I am feeling a lot better, so maybe it did me some good." He stated while opening his orange juice carton. He had shared with her that Nate and him had a lot of fun on Thursday night, but he had kept to himself the details of how the fun mainly increased with Martin taking part in the whole thing.

"You looked like crap dude, I even took some pics with my camera while Nate was out shopping your pills." Becca confessed before shrinking at the glare Luke gave her.

"Someday karma will make you pay for this you little..." He stopped mid sentence, as he saw Michael approaching and nodded his way. "There goes your guy."

"Michaaaaaaaaaael" She yelled aloud.

He looked their way and started walking towards them; he had a tray of food and sat down next to Becca. "So how did you sleep last night honey?" He asked Becca as he began mixing his cereal.

She stiffened and blushed a little, a detail that didn't escape Luke's eye. "It was ok, you were right..." She said looking down at her food.

"Oh god, this is like listening to my parents speaking about their sex life, please just don't go into details ok?" Luke asked with a mix of pleading and disgust in his face.

Michael busted out laughing and Becca became red with embarrassment. She punched Michael in the arm and then addressed Luke. "I don't know where you get that we were referring to anything sexual I mean..." She couldn't finish and Luke started talking.

"Well, Michael didn't look at you, but he had that prideful smile on his face that tells me he tried something last night that he thinks made you feel good," He said and smiled as he saw Michael nodding and smiling and Becca staring at the two of them in disbelief. "And besides you blushed as if he had told you that he misses your vagina or something." Luke said before taking another one of his toasts in his mouth.

"Nate is right; you have some weird sixth sense for sex related issues or something..." Becca said while looking at her almost empty tray.

"I had heard that you gay guys are good for riddling women too, so it's no surprise to me." Michael said as he devoured his cereal.

"We give good blowjobs too." Luke said smiling.

Michael started laughing aloud again and Becca was about to yell at him as she had a scowl on her face, but Luke saw someone walking and yelled the guy's name.

"Martin!" He waved to the guy. "Come sit with us." Luke said, and as she saw the guy approaching she realized this was the guy she had seen posting fliers in the corkboard at the landing of the stairs at their building, he was their R.A. She felt herself blush as she remembered how hot she thought the guy was the day she had seen him from behind.

Martin placed his tray next to Luke's and sat beside him, across from Becca and Michael. "How's my favorite sick boy been doing?" He asked smiling at Luke.

"I'm not sick anymore, or at least I don't feel sick anyways." Luke said smiling at the memories of what had happened the previous Thursday, it was already Monday and he still felt himself burn with desire when he remembered the sensations he felt as Nate and Martin thrust their dicks in between his thighs.

Becca was staring at Martin. "You're our R.A. aren't you?" She asked. Martin nodded and he reached across the table and shook both her and Michael's hands.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you're names, I have seen the two of you around the building though." Martin confessed after shaking Becca's hand. He shook Michael's hand and found himself blushing when he felt the warmth and strength of Michael's handshake. He remembered him all right; he was the hot guy that was leaning on his door frame the afternoon he looked after Luke.

"I'm Becca, and this idiot sitting next to me is my boyfriend Michael." Becca said while gesturing with her spoon towards the hottie sitting next to her.

Michael laughed. "My girl here doesn't think I'm an idiot she just says that to try and remind me that if I don't do her bidding she'll kick my ass." He said smiling and Luke started chuckling next to Martin.

"Becca was Nate's classmate and friend down in Austin." Luke said to Martin.

"You knew our Nate back then?" She nodded to him while she ate some more cereal. "Have you tried to make him see that he's a hottie?" Martin asked her.

Michael started laughing again and Becca cursed her luck now that she knew Martin had to be either bisexual or gay. "Believe me, he was treated real bad by everyone before, and then he started working out a lot, grew a few inches, but I think he's just too used to thinking he's not good looking." She replied.

Martin nodded and as Becca focused on her food Michael stared at Martin with a smile on his face. Martin looked at Luke and he was focusing in finishing his breakfast, then he looked back at Michael and saw him arch one of his eyebrows and lick his lower lip while staring at him with his piercing blue eyes. His cock grew instantly hard. Had he just imagined that or had Michael really looked at him that way? But what did that mean? He looked down into his food and mentally begged for someone to say something and cause Michael to look away from him. This wasn't right, he was Becca's boyfriend. A friend Luke and Nate had repeatedly mentioned; and she was a good girl.

"So, I see Nate and Luke have a gay friend here in school," Michael asked looking at Martin, Martin didn't know whether to answer or what. "Gay or is it bi?" Michael asked.

"Leave him alone, he's our boy and that's all that matters." Luke told him.

"It's ok, I am gay." Martin said, feeling a little more confident now that Luke had butted in.

Becca wanted to kick herself, while Michael was already forming ideas in his head. "You guys could pass for straight if you ask me," Michael stated. He smiled at Luke and then looked back at Martin. "You and Nate seem completely straight, the look, the clothing, the voice, though our boy Luke here, blows everything as soon as he starts talking."

Martin laughed. It was true; Luke would always come up with some sexual remark about a guy walking by or say something that would make a few heads turn into his direction with a lot of ease. "He tends to voice his thoughts quite freely I think." He admitted.

Luke shrugged his shoulders and finished his orange juice. "What are you doing now Martin?" He asked.

"I don't have any more class, though I do have to go do rounds at the dorm." Martin answered.

"I'm heading back to the dorm so I'll walk with you," Luke said, he picked up his things and Martin finished his eggs. "See you later Becks, Michael." Luke said.

Martin got up and shook their hands again, and again felt Michael squeeze his hand vigorously. "Nice to meet you guys." Martin said trying to sound normal.

Becca smiled up at him and blew a kiss at him. "Thanks for looking after horny boy last week." She said and winked at him.

"See you around, maybe we can get together and have some fun." Michael said and arched his left eyebrow and smiled at him.

He didn't know what to say so he just started walking and was shortly followed by Luke.

His rounds were an easy task. He basically had to take care of the complaints that students would present either formally in a written sheet, or they would come banging at the door of his room and complain directly to him. This year it had been easier then the year before; less drunken students, less noise complaints, less people asking to have a new roommate, and less people having lover quarrels. The thought made his stomach turn. Michael had been looking at him with interest, or at least that was the impression he had. In addition, he liked Becca, Luke and Nate were right, in the brief time he spent with them at lunch he got to like her quickly.

He got to the room where he had to check for his last complaint: a guy that had made a tradition of drinking in his room and that kept trying to hide it from his roommate. He knocked on the door and heard the sound of bottles bumping against each other. He chuckled knowing that he had caught the guy probably hiding the bottles. The door suddenly flew open. The guy stepped out and looked like he needed a good shave and smelled like some breath mints might do him some good.

He looked down at the report he got and saw the guy's name. "Hey Jimmy, I just wanted to check in the room and see if everything is in order," He said and noticed how the guy looked scared off his wits at the idea of him searching the room. "Don't worry every so often I get asked to do that sort of stuff, now they want me to check all the rooms." He lied to see if the guy would acquiesce.

Jimmy nodded. "I was just cleaning a little, don't mind the garbage bag I've got in front of my bed, I mean it's just garbage, I didn't want to make my roommate feel like he lives in a dump you know..." He started scratching his head and then shrugged his shoulders.

Martin wanted to laugh at the situation, he started walking around the room, looking at everything, and he got close to the closet on the right side of the room and looked at Jimmy for some approval. Jimmy nodded and so he opened it and saw the mess of clothes and tattered books that looked as if they had been toyed with by a cat. He nodded and rolled his eyes, closed the closet, crossed to the left side of the room and checked the other closet. Then he got an idea of how to get Jimmy to lay off him enough to see what was in the garbage bag.

"Hey Jimmy, I have to check also that you guys have your dorm rule book and that you signed it, so can you show it to me?" He said and saw how Jimmy got a dumb look on his face and once again started scratching the top of his head.

"Ok, I know I have it somewhere..." He said before he opened both closet doors and began searching through the mess of books.

Martin knew this was his chance, he took the few steps to the bag, opened it and chuckled, there were porn magazines, beer cans and some liquor bottles thrown in the bag. He reached in and took the one bottle that looked cleaner and got it out of the bag, slowly turning around so he was now facing Jimmy's back as he still searched through his books and cursed.

"Hey Jimmy I don't really need to see the rule book." Martin said.

Jimmy turned around and went pale when he saw Martin standing there with the bottle in his hand. "Dude... I dunno... I mean... I had never seen that..." He started pacing back and forth from his closet to his roommate's closet.

"I'll make you a deal, you throw all of this out right now, and if I ever get any other complaint about you drinking inside the building I will report you," He said as he turned around and threw the bottle back in the bag. "So, what's it going to be? You behave and throw this out, or you keep drinking and get called by the student disciplinary board?" He asked.

Jimmy nodded and walked to the bag, taking it in his hands. "I'll stay cool I swear." He said and kept nodding as he spoke.

Martin slapped him in the back and nodded, he started walking towards the door and was about to speak again when he saw a bottle among the books that Jimmy had just been searching through. He walked to the closet and took the bottle in his hand. Jimmy went pale and almost dropped the bag to the floor. It was a bottle of vodka, a good brand and it was full.

"Someone was hiding something from me." Martin said arching his eyebrows.

Jimmy started shaking his head from side to side and held the bag in front of him. "I didn't... don't... I... just take it..." He said in defeat and he started walking out. Martin nodded.

"Lay off the booze and I won't have to do this again dude, it might help a little too." He said as he walked out. Jimmy stopped at the doorway and nodded his agreement, and then he was gone.

"Did you guys see that this weekend they're going to be holding a gay-straight alliance party?" Becca asked Nate and Luke as they walked back to their dorm from having dinner at the dining hall.

"Nope, though it sounds like fun, are we going babe?" Luke asked Nate.

Nate widened his eyes and looked at him. "Well I don't know, I guess we could go, as long as it doesn't get in the way with my library work..." He said, as they turned around the corner that lead to their building.

"Yes, this is going to be fun," Luke said with a smile on his face. "I'll get to show you off and all those bitches will have to settle with knowing that you're mine." He said all excited.

Becca laughed and Nate shook his head. "God, I love you but you are weird." Nate said as they neared the entrance.

"I'll tell Michael and we'll go with you guys," Becca said, and then she seemed to be thinking about something before she continued. "You could also tell Martin to come and that way we can try and find him a guy there." She said smiling.

Nate and Luke both looked at each other. It did sound like a good idea, though they would have to ask Martin. "Are you and Michael doing anything tonight?" Nate asked Becca.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I have to do some reading so I told him I'd call him as soon as I'm done, and he said we'd do something." She said and they started going up the stairs.

He was finishing his readings; and was about ready to go to bed when he heard a knock on his door. He thought it was probably just someone else wanting to complain about noise or about someone who was drunk. He closed the book that he was reading and highlighting and went to the door, he was wearing boxers and a black wife beater. It was barely nine but he was tired and had had classes early in the morning, then rounds and then a lot of reading he was barely finishing so he didn't care about his lack of clothing and just opened the door like that.

Then he felt a chill go up his back as he saw Michael grinning at him from the hallway. "Nice outfit, care if I come in?" He asked.

Not knowing what to say he stepped aside and Michael walked in. Then he started looking at everything in Martin's room. The room was meant to be occupied by just one person, so it was smaller than the rest of the rooms, and it rested on the fourth floor of the building, the floor where they had the storage rooms, a computer room for the students who had no computers of their own and the biggest common room of the building. His room was next to the stair and then came the common room, the computer rooms and at the other side of the building were the storage rooms.

As he got in and closed the door, he was amazed to see how tall Michael was, he had to be at least six feet and two inches tall. His height added to his other charms made Martin feel like he was about to walk into a trap. Then he saw that Michael was staring at something on the floor next to his desk. Michael looked back at him and furrowed his brow, and then he walked to the desk, picked what was next to it on the floor, and showed it to Martin.

It was the vodka bottle from Jimmy's room. "I wouldn't have guessed you to be of the drinking type." Michael said as he looked at him with the bottle in his hand.

Martin was at a lack of words, it took him a few seconds to reply. "I got that from one of the rooms downstairs, some kid has been drinking his ass off since he got here and I had to go give him a few words," He said and then shrugged his shoulders. "I found it there and when I showed it to him he was so freaked out, I think he probably thought I was going to kick his ass out, so he told me to take it." He explained.

Michael smiled. "How about we have some of it?" He said with the smile still on his face and that devilish arched eyebrow.

He didn't know what to do, he wanted to have Michael there, but drinking, and then again he was Becca's boyfriend. "What, aren't you old enough to drink? Luke said you're a junior already." Michael teased him.

"I am old enough it's just that I don't know if it's right. You aren't old enough. You can't trick me and besides, shouldn't you be with Becca or something?" He asked back.

"She's out with her boys, and besides it's not like we're going to do anything bad. Now just relax and have some with me." Michael said to him, he opened the bottle and took a sip from it, a long sip, and then he sighed before passing the bottle to Martin.

He still felt like he shouldn't be doing this, but still he liked Michael and he had already said Becca was out with Luke and Nate, so it was ok he thought. Then he remembered that he had never been a good drinker, alcohol would make him drunk very easily, but still he hoped it would not be that case this time. He took a sip and grimaced a bit as he felt it go down his throat warming its way down to his stomach.

"So, I take it you're a lightweight." Michael said with his mischievous grin.

As they were kissing, they heard a knock on the door, Luke sighed and started muttering curses as he got up and went to the door. When he opened it he saw Becca standing there, she closed her cell phone and scowled.

"That bitch of my boyfriend isn't answering his cell, and he better have a good explanation tomorrow or I'll chop off his balls and cock and make a stew out of them," She said and then took a deep breath. She went in the room and sat in Luke's desk chair. "So, how about we do something? And don't tell me you're tired or anything because it's too early." She said as she started turning in the gyrating desk chair.

Luke walked to Nate's bed, where he was sitting with a hurt look on his face and he sat next to him. "I guess we could do it tomorrow before class?" He asked Nate, he looked at him and then they both sighed and looked back at a grinning Becca.

Half an hour later, after a lot of vodka sips and sharing information about their hometowns, their families and the classes they were taking, Martin felt drunk, and saw that the bottle was almost empty. "Here you have a sip now, I think I've had too much." He told Michael. Michael had sat comfortably leaning back in Martin's bed and had taken off his jacked, leaving him in a sleeveless white shirt that showed his nice arms and shoulders.

"Naw, you have another one, I'm ok." Michael said smiling at him.

Martin stopped and thought a little. "No, you have one, I've had a lot, and you haven't had one in a while." He said.

Michael sat up and took the bottle out of Martin's hands. He took a sip and smiled at him. "Come sit on the bed, you look like you're going to be falling asleep shortly." He said to Martin who was sitting in front of him in his desk chair.

Martin scratched his head and nodded. "Ok, you're right I am a little sleepy." He said, then he got up and felt a little dizzy, he walked to his bed and sat down on it, next to Michael and as soon as he did, Michael wrapped one of his arms around Martin. He didn't realize that Michael was actually rubbing his hand up and down his chest until he felt Michael's other hand grab his dick through his boxers.

"Dude, what are you doing?" He asked Michael.

Michael stopped and sat up, he took his shirt off and it had an immediate effect on Martin, his cock had already swelled a bit, but at the sight of Michael's slender and defined torso, it went rigid. He reached towards Martin and pulled his shirt off him. Then leaned forward and started licking his nipple. Martin moaned in response and then felt Michael pulling his boxers off too. Michael looked up at him and smiled, and then he went down and took Martin's cock in his mouth.

"Oh shit!" Martin said, and began moaning even harder. Michael stopped sucking him and stood up, he took his pants and boxers off in one move. Martin saw that Michael was about as big as he was, though a little thicker.

"Now, you be a good boy and don't tell anyone about this, ok?" Michael said as he got on top of Martin and kissed him in the mouth.

He broke the kiss and looked at Martin. "Ok." Martin said.

"You have any lube?" Michael asked. Martin thought about it a little and pointed to his nightstand.

Michael got up and walked to it, he opened it and after a few seconds he was back at the foot of the bed, he picked his pants up and got a condom out of one of their pockets. He applied some lube to his dick and then put the condom on, then rubbed some more lube on it. It was at that moment that Martin realized he was about to be fucked.

"Open your legs." Michael said in a strong tone. Martin did as told and then he felt Michael rub some lube on his hole. Michael got on top of him and kissed him. Martin closed his eyes as he felt Michael's tongue moving around inside his mouth and then he felt a warm wet hard object press against his hole. In one strong thrust, Michael entered him all the way in.

He opened his mouth and moaned hard, then he clenched his teeth, and held Michael strongly with his arms. "You like that don't you?" Michael asked as he began fucking him harder and faster.

"Not so hard, please." Martin pleaded, but Michael didn't listen to him and kept thrusting hard, then he reached down and started jerking Martin's dick. Martin let out a long moan and Michael started pounding him. After some jerking, Martin felt he was about to come, and started to shoot.

"Oh shit, I knew you liked my cock." Michael said as he felt Martin's ass clamp around his cock. He gave a few more deep thrusts and then he shot his load into the condom while still inside of Martin, he closed his eyes and bit on his lower lip before opening them and sitting up in the bed.

Michael pulled out of Martin, and as soon as he did, Martin noticed that he was feeling pain in his ass. He was sure it would hurt a lot later, but then he realized of what had just happened, Michael had cheated on Becca, with him, and he had fucked him so hard that he was already hurting, even though he asked him not to do it so hard. He covered his face with his hands, and felt more ashamed of himself than he had ever felt in his life.

"You were a good fuck, but remember don't say a word about this," Michael said as he dressed, with little effort he was fully clothed and went to the door. "Good night Martin." He said before closing the door.

"God, I'm so stupid." He said and he let out a sob as he felt the first tears roll down his face.

Next: Chapter 9

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