Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Feb 3, 2009


Memory, the brain is something like a storage closet or file cabinet it can store up to years of memories some even say the brain is like the web but faster but what happens when a few files are gone or the closet isn't closed properly. could all the memories we've collected over the years just vanish? and if so could something someone say or do bring back what was once lost .

A month later


"We were invited to the benefit to help kids with autism " mom said when entering the kitchen . Me , dad and Karen looked at her confused while Danny was dancing around the kitchen listening to my i-pod ignoring his breakfast "why would you want to go to a benefit in main " Karen asked "because we were invited that's why by Mr Sullivan your fathers boss , we can give a donation maybe not as high as other people but it would be just as good and nice " that's my mom always trying to be nice I started getting these sharp pain and flinched "honey are you okay I remembered something " I remember getting in my car it was cold and Nathan getting in with me he kissed me then we talked I snapped back into reality my mom was patting my back and dad was bringing water "son are you okay" he asked "yeah I'm fine . There was a knock at the kitchen door and Karen jumped up "I'll get it " she went around the island in the kitchen and opened it up "your just on time " she took the guy by his hand and they walked towards us together "Everyone this is Jeff Thompson my boyfriend " he looked extremely nervous he looked at me "hay dude remember me from the Carnival you said you were going to gut me like a fish I stared at him "no I don't remember you I'm sorry" I said. It felt like someone else was living my life and now I was back and I don't know what they said or what they did ". Jeff sat down and had breakfast with us my dad was grilling him asking him what his intentions was for his little girl that was funny. Danny went upstairs to watch his favorite morning cartoons and it was time for us to get going "Matthew are you sure you want to go back to school" mt mother asked "mom im ready I've done all my classwork at home and I'm healed I need to get back out there and figure things out"I said . "how about I drive you haven't driven in a while" my dad said "thanks dad ", "no problem sport " he said . Me , Karen , Jeff and dad left out .


"we are going to mount Pocono for four days of relaxed mountain air the boys will have a set of cabins and so will the girls this is for senior classes only" Mrs Carter said . Matt walked through the door of the class room he looked really good as if he wasn't in a hospital .every one looked at Matt Mrs Carter turned around "my Barrett its so good to see you how are you " she asked "I'm fine thank you ". He sat down next to Amber . After class Robby and Todd came to me "hay what's up" Todd said we did our handshakes "nothing much how about you" they both looked at each other "yeah nothing much , so you going to that mount Pocono's thing" Robby asked "I don't know maybe i mean it will be along ass ride to Pennsylvania" I said "you should come the three of us hanging out like the good old days" Todd said Matt and amber walked passed me "I'll catch you guys later " I said "later dude" we parted ways I caught up to amber and Matt "hi you guys " they looked at me "hey Nate" amber said "so are you dealing with everything Matt" I asked "if your wondering if I remember anything , no I'm sorry I don't" amber cell started to ring she answered it we just looked at each other "I'm sorry guys I got to go I'll see you later" we said our goodbye and I grabbed him and pulled him in the history room "what are you doing " he asked I kissed him he was kissing me back he pulled away "what is this? , what are we doing here"he ask smiling "I love you " I said his smile faded away "What?" nick came in "there you are " we both turned to face him he had a smile on his face he walked up to Matt and kissed him "hay babe so I was thinking we share a cabin during the Pocono's Matt looked uncomfortable "um sure okay" they walked out I was mad as hell Nick wasn't going to make this easy.


Sean what are you doing here" I asked he smiled then kissed me "I came to see my girl" he said "I didn't say we were going to be anything " he ran his fingers across my face and then said "you will so lets just end this charade right here and right now " I smiled the walked away "your going to leave a brotha Hanging" he said I laughed "goodbye Sean Bellini" , i went back inside the school.


I came home early and decided to put my car in the garage I drove it In next to one of my dad's sport car I got out and went around but I noticed something there was dent on the front bumper I froze was my mother to blame for Matt's accident I stormed in the house she was having her latest martini "you cold heartless bitch" I said she looked at me shocked "what the hell ? You must be mad to talk to me like that " she said "it was you, you ran him down didn't you " she just looked at me " you don't know what your talking about Nate I suggest you stop the with the accusations " I was furious with her "I knew you didn't like him but to try to kill him " I said "Nathan I didn't do that , I swear on your fathers soul God rest it , I wouldn't kill him he is a kid " she said I didn't know what to believe should I call the cops or take her word for it.


"You are not going to give up are you?" Sean was sitting on his car in front of my house "no not really" I got out of my car. I sat next to him "so why are you here " I asked " "to talk" "about " "I don't know how lucky things are for me for us " I grabbed his hand and smiled "what do you mean by that " I asked "I mean , if you and Nathan never hit rock bottom I'm not sure if we would have ever been together , thank god for him being with Matt around the time you cheated! Right" I looked at him shocked "what Did you just say? " he looked at me then he turned pale "you didn't know " he said "that your brother was with Matt before I cheated and he made me feel like crap no , and Matt pretended to be my friend " I said "I think he is your friend , he just couldn't tell you because he knew it would ruin your friendship" he said , I knew that was right but Nathan knew what he did and he tried to make it seem like it was all me I will admit I was a bitch back then but I changed and I was going to call Nathan out on all of his crap.


I keep having these things I call them episodes of me and Matt they didn't make any sense to me so I needed to go to the source Nathan himself . I know what Amber and everyone else has told me but its hard to believe when Nick is telling me how bad Nathan is and Amber telling me he cares about me. I walked to the Bellini gate and told the guard I was here to see Nathan he called the house Nathan came to the front gate Nathan told the guard to buzz me in the gate opened I walked in "what are you doing here" he asked "I lied earlier I did remember something it was snowing we were in a car you kissed me we were talking about something " I looked at him in hopes that he could give me answers "that was the night I made you lasagna " he smiled "you cooked for me " I asked "yeah I did " he said saw Nathan in a new light I grabbed his hand he looked at me then I leaned in to kiss him he kiss me back our tongues in a tight embrace "this feels too right " I said he was rubbing my face with his Hands "I love you Matthew Barrett" then it all came back to me that night I remembered it clearly he said I love you I went to cross the street then I was hit by that car I backed away from him " I remember " I said Nathan looked at me with concern "what do you remember" he asked "Everything , you said you loved me and I was going to meet you on the other side of the street but I didn't make it he hugged me "I'm so happy right now Matty" he said holding tight as if this was the last time I held his tight lean body against mine "your mom home " I asked " no why" "I really need to be with you" I said he kissed me then grabbed my hand and led me to the house.

we got to his room this time he locked the door I was so horny for Nate I practically ripped off his shirt I kissed him from his lips to his chin then sucked on his neck moving down to his well defined chest I started playing with his nipples finally taken one and then the other in my mouth sucking on them Nathan moan as he rubbed his fingers in my hair "that feels good " he said I moved down to his abs and then to his belt I undid his belt and his button I unzipped his zipper and his pants feel down he was wearing tight briefs that outline his Cock I massaged his cock through his underwear his dick was started to grow . I pulled down his briefs and his seven inches of hard meat popped out I began to suck on the head my guy was in a fantasy world I began to go farther down his dick was now hitting the back of my throat "Damn it baby that feels so good " he said I began sliding up and down his cock I could taste his precum on my tongue he grabbed the back of my head and was fucking my face it felt so good he then stopped and lifted me up he undressed me and laid me on his bed he was kissing me then started kissing my body sucking on my nipples licking my stomach then putting my hard cock in his mouth , Nate knew exactly what he was doing bobbing on my shaft .I felt like I was going to explode and that I did right in his mouth he came back up and kissed me he then reached for a condom and put it on his dick I laid him on his back and put lube on my dick and it slid right in Matt was moaning and so was I it felt so good


I began pumping into his hole my dick fit perfectly its like I was made for him . His eyes were closed and he was holding on to him I continue to fill his hole as I kissed him my bed was banging up against the wall I didn't care if anyone heard I had my boy right were he belonged in my bed , I then stopped to catch my breath we had soaked up my bed with our sweat my room was filled with the masculine smell of both Matt and I Matt got on top of me an started riding me he was going really fast my toes began to curl and I couldn't hold on any longer I cummed and roared as loud as I could "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I hadn't had sex in so long and Matt just made my day. I whimpered in his neck and he kissed my forehead. We laid in bed together with the covers over us Matt was in my arms I had my arm around his neck stroking his arm and his head was on my chest "What are you going to do about nick" I asked " I forgot about Nick" Matt said "that should tell you something" I replied, Matt sat up and looked at me god he was hot " your right I have to end things with him , he's going to be crushed" Matt said "he will understand you cant deny true love" Matt laid back down and snuggled close to me I wrapped my arms around him "how about I do it on the Trip to The Poconos" he said "why the Poconos" I asked "I don't know it will give us time to clear our heads while we are away and I know nick he will take it hard but he will understand" Matt said "hay I feel like burgers want to go to joe's" I asked "sure" he said I went into the bathroom and ran the shower water Matt walked in an kissed me on my back I smiled we got in the shower together " wash my back I'll wash yours " he said I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight "I'm so glad your okay and your mine all mine" my naked body clung to his we both started to get hard again "how about round two before we go" Matt suggested "that is not such a bad idea.


I was at Joe's with Sean we had ordered some food and were really enjoying each others company "you are really quiet is it because of me putting my foot in my mouth" he said "no I just don't know how to execute the who situation between Nathan and Matt I know its ancient history but we were still together when it happened" . No sooner then I said that guess who walked through the door "Nathan and Matt they were laughing and talking and touching nothing to suspect they were lovers but I knew something was up I stood up Sean saw them, " Amber leave it alone " he said I ignored him "hi you guys" i said as i approached them "amber hi ,you'll never guess what happened" Nathan said "what?" I said "he got his memory back" Nathan said proudly "oh my god that's amazing" I hugged Matt then pulled away " I guess now you remember fucking my boyfriend when he was with me " we looked around thankfully no one heard Nathan grabbed me by the arm and all three of us went outside "where did you here that from " he said I shook my head in disbelief "it doesn't matter , you stood there and made me feel low for cheating but I knew something was wrong I remember it your words exactly " you nasty slut" he looked to the floor "or how about when you looked me right in my face and said you never cheated, what was that about?" Nathan looked at me "I'm sorry Amber your right , I was just confused I didn't know how to react to anything " he said then I looked at Matt "and you pretended to be my friend " I said "I didn't pretend we really did became best friends" he said "but you sat there and you knew what you did to me"I said I could feel my body shake it felt as if I was betrayed somehow "why do you care it old news " Nathan said "Nathan If your implying I still have feelings for you no I don't it's the principle behind it . Sean came out

"Everything okay out here " he said "everything Is fine I'm leaving" I said Nate tried to stop me from leaving so we could talk but I was too angry I slapped him "the two of you stay the hell away from me" I said and stormed off .


Nate sat down on the bench outside of Joe's "it was you wasn't it " he said to his brother Sean "it just slipped out I didn't mean any harm" he said "you never do " Nathan said " I got to take her home I'll see you at home , See ya Matt" he said he walked to his car the one that amber got in and they drove off I sat down next to Nathan I grabbed his face "she slapped you good" I kissed his red cheek "that feels a lot better " he said "she's right we were wrong , I got to make this up to her somehow" I said "you and me both" Nathan said ,he continued "I'm young I guess , but we feel right you know your everything I ever wanted Matt" we kissed " I feel the same about you , now lets get some Grub" we laughed and enjoyed our dinner together.

Next: Chapter 11

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