Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Mar 11, 2009



what exactly is love , could it be something that is not tangible , could one say it just is.what makes guys like girls and guys like other guys could it just be the person i have accepted that I'm gay or bisexual what ever way you want to look at it, the only boy i am attracted to is Matt i know that sounds stupid but that's the way it is , for that matter i see the way girls look at me and try to make small talk but i don't let it get to far i tell them i'm involved and not interested because Matt is my number one. Today was a normal day everyone knew about me and Matt and no one showed any rejection of our relationship people still treated me the same way "movie tonight " Matt said as he closed his locker "what do you want to see" i said "doesn't matter it will be me and you in a dark room" i laughed "just the way i like it " i hugged him "wow , look at the fags " we separated there stood a guy we never saw before he was about 5 foot 9 nice light brown eyes and olive color skin he was hott i have to admit "mind your own business " i said he laughed "so who is the bitch when having sex" i was getting angry Matt held me back "he's nobody clearly lets just go " we started walking "listen to your boyfriend girlfriend" Matt had a tight grip on me so i couldn't go beat his ass we went off to class .


"the art of journalism is to not be afraid to ask questions, you have to dig into what ever you are researching " Mr Kramer said Nathan sat in front of me during this time and he was shaking his leg up and down i could tell that guy was getting to him class was finally over we handed in our assignments and i waited for Nate in the hall "seriously dude, don't let that stranger get the best of you " i said "my name is johnny" i turned around "what the hell is your deal , you don't know us and you don't know me " i said Nate grabbed me as he saw me getting close to johnny i pulled away and pushed johnny against the wall johnny smiled "i could kick your ass right now but i wont your to pretty" he said laughing "you know what this guy isn't worth it " i said i walked away Nathan followed

weeks past and johnny did not stop his pursuit in singling me or Nathan out , Nathan even caught him in the bathroom by himself and ruffed him up but nothing phased him he came to school in a Porsche he parked right next to Nathans car we got out and headed inside "Aren't you going to comment on my new ride" he said Nathan kept on walking "nice care johnny" i said "thank you" he said smiling Nathan grabbed my arm and pulled me "don't entertain him " he said "come on if we be nice to him he will be nice to use I'm sick of the insults and the back and forth" i said "well i'm not as long as he does it i will" we got to our lockers and johnny followed us he put his arm around me and Nathan "i have an idea how about me and you drag race its Monday so how about Friday at Elmwood road give you time to prepare" he said "i wouldn't give you the satisfaction" Nathan said as he slammed his locker shut , What are you pussy you don't want to drag race " he said "oh I get it since you turned into a little fag you lost all your manliness" Nathan grabbed him by the neck and flung him into the locker " I'll see you on Friday" Nathan walked away mad johnny started laughing " the halls cleared out and I got my textbook johnny came up behind me his crotch was literally on my ass I turned around "what are you doing I asked "isn't that what you like" I pushed him "come on play nice " he said "I'm straight and never been with a guy I heard it can feel better then a " I stopped him "well have fun finding a guy" I said and tried to walk away he jumped in front of me "I don't want any guy I want to try it with you , you know you suck me off I fuck you " I scolded him "fuck off johnny before I punch your ass on the floor" I said and I meant it "he pushed me up against the locker "I always get what I want "he unzipped my jeans and started stroking my dick , my dick became hard "stop it " I said "looks like someone likes it " he said I pushed him off of me and zipped my zipper back up "there you are "some girl came down the stairs they kissed and he hugged her, her back was to me and he was looking at me and winked I turned in disgust and went up the stairs I wasn't going to let a loser like that ruin my relationship with Nathan , he was cute but the only guy I wanted was Nathan.


my brother is kind of great , and i know most siblings would never say that but he truly is he looks out for me but there are somethings he cant or couldn't shield me from everything "hay babe " Jeff said as he walked into the cafeteria he kissed me on my forehead and sat down "so what are we doing tonight" he said "how about a movie "doesn't matter it will be me and you in a dark room" he said "i am not having sex with you Jeff" i said he looked upset " when are we going to do it , i hate waiting" he put his head on my shoulder "we are going to wait until I'm ready " i said with that the conversation was dropped Brandon and Whitney sat down at our table "anything thing good happened lately i said "yeah me and Whitney and dating now" Brandon said "at least your girl gives you some" Jeff said Whitney and Brandon laughed "Karen are you still a virgin " Whitney said "yeah i am , and I'm going to continue to stay that way, thanks A lot Jeff for being an ass" i said i got up and stormed out of the lunch room Jeff followed "come on are your made because i revealed your the big v " he said "we are in a relationship which means what we say and do is between me and you , how can you not understand that " i said "I'm sorry ," he said he kissed me".

i was leaving to catch a ride with my bro and Brandon walked up to me "so how is um josh"Brandon asked me"i spoke to him last night actually his father told him that they are moving here " Brandon looked conflicted i didn't know why "so he's going to be moving here here" i laughed "yeah , your guilty about punching him" i said "no that's water under the bridge i apologized for that " he said "you like him don't you " i said "what do you mean" he looked suspect " i mean you like hanging out with him he grew on you " i spoke "yeah he is cool that's why i apologized i felt ashamed of my behavior really , if you talk to him again tell him i said hey" he said then walked away from me .


Friday came and it was the day everyone talked about the race between johnny and Nathan but us kids weren't stupid we kept it between us not letting any adults know about Jeff was really excited about it its all he could talk about in school , but after school was over i went home snuggle up on the couch with chunky monkey ice cream and watch a good movie on demand there was a knock on the door i went and opened it it was Jeff he came in "are you going to the drag race tonight" Jeff said "no that's not really my scene " i said "well i am i cant miss this " he kept looking at his watch i guess it was a guy think "be careful" i said "okay mom" he responded i hit him on his arm he laughed " i love being your boyfriend your a great girl you know that " Jeff said "i know and your a great boyfriend most of the times" i said "hey , I'm the best boyfriend in the universe " he said then kissed me " i better get going " he said then left out".

------------- -At the Race site two hours later


"That johnny guy is cute " amber said "cute more like a monster " I said " what do you mean " amber Responded "just know he may look cute but he vicious very vicious.i wouldn't put anything past him " i said he was starring at me he winked i stuck up my middle finger at him "what was that for " amber said "i don't like him " i said Karen walked over to us "sis i thought you weren't coming " i said "i thought i wasn't either have you guys seen Jeff " she ask we both said no "I'm gonna go find him" she walked off "i cant believe Nathan is doing it it's his pride he was always the type of guy that wouldn't back down from a challenge " amber said it was weird hearing her talk about nathan but they indeed shared a past it made me a little jeolouse but i had him now and nothing and no one was going to take him away from me


i haven't seen Jeff anywhere there were a lot of kids from school so i decided to look for his car in the parking lot , i searched and finally found it he had tinted windows so i reached for the car door thinking he was listening to music which he was while fucking some girl in the back seat "oh my god Jeff" he jumped pushing the girl from off of him "Karen its not what it looks like " i slammed the door shut i didn't know what to feel he was my first boyfriend i never had this happen to me i just ran to my brother and amber "Kay whats wrong " he said(he calls me Kay it's my nickname) "take me home please i just want to go home" amber put her arm around me "come on Matt lets get her home you can explain to Nathan later " amber and Matt brought me to his car Jeff came "Karen can we talk " he said " i don't want to talk to you" i screamed at him he looked shocked and surprised he came close Matt pushed him "my sister said she doesn't want to talk to you " Matt said he was now in big brother protective mode. amber helped me in the car and close the door Matt got in and drove off i felt sick to my stomach


nice car but sounds like a bitch engine" johnny said "fuck you johnny: i shouted at him , I was making my engine roar and johnny kept making his as well a senior girl came in between the cars and put her scarf in the air everyone was watching she then started to wave it and we were off Johnny had a good lead i was behind but then i pressed my foot on the gas i zoomed right by him we were now circling the park near Elmwood he then started bumping me i began to bump him we were going at rapid speed i was loving this the adrenaline of being in this situation Seriously i felt like i was in the Fast and the Furious the feeling was great and for the first time me and johnny were actually enjoying something together but something happen that i didn't see coming and neither did johnny he was so busy paying attention to me that he swirved and his car smashed into a tree i watched in horror i stopped the car Brandon rushed over to me "dude you okay" he said "oh my god johnny" i said Brandon took his focus on me and looked at the other car his car was totaled i ran over to his car people started to rush over i opened the door he looked dead, blood was gushing out of his head but i could smell lighter fluid and i had to get him out before something sparked a fire, Brandon helped me pull johnny out of the car then we heard cop sirens i told Brandon to leave emmediatly i didn't want him to be here so the cops could take him in he did as i instructed him to do and so did everyone else. by the time the cops got there mostly every body had gone home except a few people who was scared to leave the scene i had done CPR and his vitals were strong i guess. the cops rushed to me i told them what happened and they wanted my license and registration they also told me if he died it was all on me. i was scared at this point and didn't know what to do an ambulance came and rushed to johnny and got him onto the stretcher and put him in the ambulance they then handcuffed me and put me in the back of the cop car driving me off to the precinct.

Next: Chapter 14

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