Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 26, 2009



Okay so I was thinking instead of prom why don't we just do something else together " Matt said as he was taking his biology textbook out of his locker "what are you talking about , this will be our last prom " I reminded him "um nothing good ever happens at those things , does Carrie ring a bell or prom night " I laughed "nothing is going to go wrong it's prom baby prom unless your ashamed of me " I said he kissed me "of course not " matt said "fags get a room" a guy said when walking by I bald my fist " he's not worth it " matt said I couldn't help it I walked up to the guy and pinned him against the locker "let me , go are you going to kiss me " he said I punched him in the stomach "okay im sorry " he gasped matt grabbed my hand as I was going to hit him again and pulled me away from him "people are going to talk , you don't go around beating the crap out of them" he said . Besides that incident this morning my day went great , school was actually fun , I guess because it is coming to a close and I kept seeing Todd and Robby taking peaks at each other what's that about and johnny virtually ignored me which is great considering what he did . Prom was in a few days and matt didn't want to go , we worked so hard to be where we are now and I wasn't going to miss out on it and neither was he .


"so I want to take lots of pictures " Mom said while taking down her digital camera out of her closet "mom it's not that serious " "it is serious , I'm so happy that your okay and Nathan is a good boy you know , everything seems to be falling in place for everyone in this family " she said Karen came into the room upset "sweety what's wrong" mom said "mom everything is wrong , I want Jeff back and he wants me back but I cant trust him therefore we cant be together" Karen said falling backwards n our parents bed "this is why I don't think 10th graders shouldn't be dating " mom said Karen rolled her eyes "mom your so old " . I left to go meet Nathan at his house a place I really hate going to his house but I love being in his room where he spends most of his time at I got there he was on the computer I laid on his bed "beat up any people on your way home " I said "haha very funny" he said he got up from the computer and fell on top of me "lets dry hump" he said I laughed he started humping me "Nate stop" I said laughing "that's not what you were saying last night " he said I kissed him " I knew that would calm you down" I said "how about ice cream" "sounds good " we made our way to the kitchen Nathan fixed us some ice cream I lifted his shirt and rubbed some strawberry ice cream on his stomach and licked it off "don't tempt me baby " he said we made out way out of the kitchen and I bumped into the table a bunch of papers fell I bent down to get them but what I saw was speechless "Nathan these papers are about you " I said "what do you mean" he said "Do you know what this means " I said "no, what does that mean" Nathan said "you are entitled to a huge trust fund and is part owner with your brother of Bellini industry" I said he looked confused "I don't want to be part anything of Bellini industry, and Sean sold his shares to mother " Nathan said "I bet she some how forced him to sell her his shares " I replied, "great observation Matty boy oh and you are actually right " Paula said walking into Nathan's room "you're the devil you know that " Nathan said "oh please son don't be so dramatic , I see you found the paperwork" she said "what were you going to do keep my inheritance away from me " he said " of course not on your eighteenth birthday I would have handed it over to you like i did with Sean , how do you think he owns three businesses in the city and they are thriving , he invested his money" she turned to me " Matt I think I like you more and more everyday , your kind of under handed maybe you will be useful in this family" she said I shook my head in annoyance "leave matt alone , you know what come on lets blow this joint" Nathan said we left out.

we went to the lake it was nice this time of year just the two of us matt sat down and i sat down in between his legs and rested my back on his chest and my head on his neck "this is what i like , just us and no one else i feel almost free" i said matt kissed the top of my head "so no U.C.L.A what are you going to do " matt said "i hadn't thought of it but i was thinking we get an apartment together in the city , what do you think" i said "sounds perfect maybe you can go to a college nearby" he said "yeah i enrolled at a C.U.N.Y school(city university of New York) i should be alright " i said "thats great which one " he asked "barauch , its in the city and the tuition is cheap so " "so i guess all we have to do is graduate " "or we can" i turned around and started sucking on his neck "come on we are out in the open anybody can walk by and see us " "so lets give them a show " i said i unbottoned his shirt and started sucking on his nipples "that feels grat but if we get arrested im going to say it was all your doing ."oh shut up you scirdy cat i licked down from his chest to his navel " i love your body" i said i then un buckeled his belt and undid his button and zipper and pulled them half way down exposing my boyriends cock i started to jerk him off his cock sprung to liffe and was rock solid i wraped my lips around his shaft my mputh was watery for that dick i slid down he moaned "yeah baby thats it" he said i started to deep throat a technique Matt taught me "ahhhh" he was saying i thought i bit him or something so i stoped "dont stop " he pushed me back on to his dick i began to go up and down on his stick he grabbed both sides of my head and was fucking my face my nose was rubbing on his pubs i love the smell of his crotch (LOL) . i then stoped and stood up i undid my pants and slid them down along with my underwears i spread my jacket out and sat on it Matt went between my legs and started sucking me off "matty damn that feels...feels so good " i said it felt like something crazy was happening to my body it amaze me that everytime we are with each other a different feeling surface that i never felt before i could feel my balls tightening and he stoped he got on top of me and my dick went instintly in his hole he began riding me "yeah ride me sexy" i said and he did"oh god your cock feels so good i was now meeting every thrust i fliped him over his back on my jacket and me on top still pounding his ass "im gonna cum " i said i pulled out and came all over his chest i was spent he got up and went behind me and lubed his dick with his spit and stuck it in my ass he began to ride my ass doggystyle :oh yeah your fucking ass feels good i was backing into him giving him all of me i could feel his dick slide all the way in me his flesh pounding against my ass as he was going fast " i love you baby" matt said "ahhhhhhhhh" he was coming he pulled out and cum hit my back and the back of my hair i could feel some of it dripping from my ass i rolleg over he feel ontop of me "Sex in the woods , now that is something new" matt said while in my arms "how about sex in the movie theater next time " i suggested "no i dont thinks so " he said i laughed.

The next day


The School year was drawing to an end and i could feel it the hot New York weather the Ice cream truck and its stupid song , okay the song isnt that stupid and catchy , and i was passing all my classes but i felt lonely "girl you need a dude" whitney said as she sat down next to me "tell me about it , i miss jeff" "jeff is a ass you can do so much better " whitney said "did i hear my name " we turned around jeff was standing right there "gotta go call me later" "whit" i said but she lefft me there he sat down "are you ever going to talk to me" he said "jeff , hello , goodbye" i said tried to walk away but he grabbed me "im a big ass hole i know but i promise i'll never hurt you again " he said "but you did hurt me i trusted you,you were the first boy i ever loved and you hurt me because i wouldnt sleep with you " "we can make it work i promise " "but she is still around , whats going to happen if we get back together she already told everyone you two slept together and it would be something she could hold over my head , i cant do that to myself jeff you made your bed now lie in it " i said and walked away.


I was at this shoe store trying on a new pair of choo's and what i saw startled me it was marina Nathan old fling she was trying on shoes but i saw a stroller it was a little boy around two years old "oh i knew that was you"marina came over her accent sounded as it was fading away "Marina hello " i said , i kept on starring at the kid "is he yours " i said "yeah he's my son his name is nathaniel" my heart sunk "oh no , matt !" was all i could think he and nate were at a good place and he was going to have to find out Marina left school not to trick but because she was pregnant with Nathans kid maybe if i dont say anything it will go away you know , god he has Nathan's eyes "it was nice seeing you" i said "you too amber" i went to pay for my shoes i wouldnt say anythin tomorrow, it is prom they deserve Peace before the Storm would come except this time i dont think they will recover


i had gotten home from school were i was writting my speech for graduation and Johnny was sitting there in my driveway "what do you want " i said he threw up his hands in defeat " i only cam to talk " he said "what would you possibly want to talk to me about " "its about me , im sorry i just never had friends and ii used it to my own advantage causing trouble in your relationshp with Nathan" "i dont need a recap" i said " look, i wanted to know if you can forgive me" he said he looked human something had change "sure i forgive you but i wont forget what you did " "im not asking you i enveyed you two , how open you guys are with your relationship something i could never do " he said " Johnny between me and you its hard work but you'll jump leaps and bounds for love i really hope you find what your looking for as long as its not Nathan" i said he extended his hand i shook it he walked down my drive way.

Next day guys getting there hair cut and groomed, tuxes are being put on girls going to the salon for hair nails and makeup limo's arriving at students houses reserved for there friends

Prom night


Come on you guys get in the picture " my mom said, it was me , nate , robby , todd and amber she took the picture then she took the picture of me and Nate "these pictures are so cheesy i said "yeah but i love every moment of this" nate said and he kissed me we left out and made our way to the prom When we got to the Ballroom Hotel it was decorated there were valets outside it seem like we were celebs or something we all got out and made our way inside , the main room looked like something from a movie we all took pictures with our phones and cameras of each other and the place , four years of hard work really paid off . There was nothing left to stand in our way , Nick had moved on and lives in California with kyle , johnny was any where near and paula gave up it was us and for a moment i felt a simple calm like everything is going to be okay.


"welcome class of 09 to your senior Prom" the principle said every ne cheered "enjoy yourselfs and i just want to say congrats to all of you guys i've known you for fur years and you all will be missed " "awwwww" everybody said then the music came on and everyone started to dance Amber was dancing with todd and robby me and nathan was dancing we were having a good time, kids were leaving to go upstairs to hotel rooms they book the principle urge the kids not to go but there was nothing he could do about it , there were still alot of people dancing and having a good time and we were one of them , we deserved this , after all the stuff we went through and no one seem to care that two guys were dancing .

The night ended off with the King and queen the principle went on stage with the envelopes "okay so the ballots are in this year King of washington High is Nathan Bellini everyone cheers and this year queen is he opens the envelope Amber lawrence " people cheered they went up accept there crowns "go Nate and Amber" i yelled they smiled Nathan came over to me and put his wrown on my head "your my King and kissed me he went back over to amber and they shared a dance both people i cared about got this i was happy for them. We decided to get a hotel room and stay the night.



you know last night was fun" i said "but the after party was better " matt replied "this is true" i kissed him matt got up and opened the curtains it was a bright sunny day "tomorrow we graduate " he said he stood there naked "get back in bed" he did so i wraped my arm around him pulling him close "im glad that decided to show up that night of the prooject" i said "yeah i was scepticle about letting you know where i lived " he said "thought i was going to beat the crap out of you " "yeah maybe , i've wanted to ask you why , did you use to bother me, i know what you told me but " he said i didnt know how to answer that except I was jealous of you , your family was so close, mine could barely come up to school for me that's why I begged my mom to keep me in public school around normal kids not some private school , but you always seem so down to earth and a great guy I guess you were easy target , I'm truly sorry for all the things I did to you " he ran his fingers through my hair "your not that guy anymore and im glad you came over to because that was the first time I ever blew a guy " he said "im glad I could have been of assistance" I smiled i could feel myself get hard even talking about what went down the first time we did it

(Flashback Chapter 1: "you are queer " he said.

"so what if i am" i said he was speechless i then grabbed his crotch and started massaging his cock through his jeans he didn't move he just looked at me "wh,,what are you doing " he said "making you feel better " i said i got on my knee's in front of him and started to lick his crotch soaking up his jeans His dick was jumping in his jeans he then stared to touch my head his eyes were closed "i had Nathan where I wanted him " I unzipped his jeans and played with his cock through his underwear then I guided his fat cock out of his boxers and through the unzipped whole of his jeans I played with his cock it was about seven inches with the biggest knob I've ever seen he had vain's on his dick he moaned and then i put my mouth on it he jumped and his eyes opened he looked down at me I started to go to town on his dick I once read a article on how to suck cock online and i tried everything that was listed , Nathan was bucking back and forth in my mouth, he was enjoying my mouth "oh shit matt that feels better then Ambers blow jobs I started working down to the rest of his amazing cock. Nathan moaned in ecstacy ,Knowing that I was making Nathan Feel good was such a turn on and by cock was hard as a rock " he unbutton his jeans and pushed his boxers and jeans to his ankle's I was in the zone on Nathan's cock.

I went all the way down "Ahhhhh" he screamed "oh my god Matty , you deep throat ? ,go all the way back down ." he said and so i did His vain's felt good on my tongue I lifted off his cock and his precum was latched to my tongue and to his cock it was a nice sight i immediately started licking and sucking his balls, they were big and he started to move around his nutts were sensitive"AH, fuck yeah" Nathan said with a smile on his face. I was jacking him off and sucking his balls at the same time, my bully was in heaven I then stopped and started sucking his cock which seemed bigger this time around. Nate couldn't control himself he grabbed my head and was fucking my mouth "ahhh yeah sucked that fucking dick man , i love your mouth " he then rested his hands to the side his cock started to swell even more i knew he was going to cum , i started to suck and go down faster deep throating him each time

"oh my go..god im gonna cum ,, stop matt ,,, im gonna cum in your mouth " thats what i wanted " i deep throated one last time

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" his man juice squirted in my mouth and down my throat , this was my first time sucking cock I wanted all of it so i swallowed still sucking causing Nathan to go into a sexual seizure of pleasure his cum was coming out the sides of my mouth and down my throat he was cumming more and more and then he stopped and i kept his dick in my mouth until it got soft " that was fucking hott matt" he said i got up and kissed him he grabbed the back of my head and stuck his tongue in my mouth we were tonguing each other .)

"good times Nate good time" matt said damn you must really be horny " he continued" how about we recreate that night right now" "sounds good to me " I said with delight . there was a knock on the door me and Nate put on robes matt answered the door amber came in "you guys have a good night " she said "yeah it was the best" amber looked like she was barring bad news "hey what's on your mind Am" matt said " I ran into Marina at the shoe store yesterday " she began "and ?" I said " she had a kid with her , her son " amber said "wow , i guess prostituting didn't pay off how old is the little tyke about six months " I said " I don't think she ever was prostituting, he looks to be about two years old or a year and a half " she gulped I didn't put two and two together until I heard the year and a half "oh my god , you don't think " I said matt looked at me then to the ground looking shocked "Nate he has your eyes" I couldn't think why was this happening to me.


I love my children they keep me together and it hurts when they say they hate me or call me the devil but I do what I do for them , I had gotten to Bellini headquarters "You look busy " I said as I walked into the office "that I am , what can I do for you" he said " I came to see you , see how you were doing, how the company was before I depart for orange county " he got up and walked to me "your looking real good Bellini " he kissed me "your looking really good yourself Mr Bellini" he said "how are the boys " he said "fine Sean is in manhattan and Nathan is running around town with his boyfriend " I said "its his life if that is what he wants then you have to support him no matter what" I get that trust me I know , I tried to separate them but its not use I've given up" "good maybe you can focus on us " he said " I walked out the office putting on my shades "oh im not done with Nathan and Matthew by a long shot my little boy is about to find out some interesting news" I walked down the hall and went my way to the Air port .

(Who is this Bellini guy ? could Nathan and Sean father be alive and faked his death)

(Could Nathan Potentially have a kid )

*(what will happen to Matt if Nathan wants to provide a family for his son )

(and what does Paula have to do with any of this? )

All will be answered in Part:17

Next: Chapter 17

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