Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on May 29, 2009



Another year here at Washington high the seniors are all gone and the new seniors have taken there place , I was cool with Nathan Bellini during his years here and now i am a junior , eleventh grade what can i say next year i will be a senior about to embark on my own life journey."you trying out for lacrosse" my friend mark came up to me "you already know the answer to that, i got to beat, Nathan Bellini and Todd Newman's score from last year it was the only way i would make a name for myself" " good luck with that bro i don't think you can" mark said . I met with my girl Whitney at lunch this girl was amazing brunet the hottest body and the softest lips , correction one of the softest lips , a year ago i kissed a boy his name is Josh Barrett it just happened if you want to read about it its in Part 12 of Nathan the Bully that's where i am first introduced to Josh he was a good kisser as well and he liked to play mind games i haven't seen him since i tried to apologize to him for hitting him at my party but he totally made a move on me and i totally got hard when he did it I was told by his cousin one of my really good friends Karen that he was moving here but i guess that fell through , good thing though because me and Josh have this thing i cant explain it but it can get me in a lot of trouble , speaking of trouble we made a plan to go out and steal a stop sign on intersection 12 .


i went running it was different in the city there were parks and sidewalks you could go running there , here there are sidewalks like in the shopping district but you basically have to run along the road the sun was setting and the warm air was setting in making me sweat it was the first week of September . i pumped my i-pod up to full volume and listening to boom,boom,pow by the black eyed peas seem to be doing its magic I felt like I was something important , although I know I Wasn't , I just moved here and all I keep on thinking is my last visit here meeting Brandon , playing truth and dare at the party kissing Whitney and Brandon punching me then trying to apologize for it .


me , mark , Lloyd and Damon got to the stop sign no one was there that's because intersection is barely used because of the highway they built years ago that made it more convenient for the people that traveled back and forth I got out with the screw driver and climbed the pole the undid all the screws and got the sign, as soon as i got down someone ran into me then we heard sirens, Lloyd speeded off and I was left with the stop sign in my hand the cops pulled up and they advised us not to run they got out and I was caught red handed "Brandon Lawson are you serious , your daddy is the chief what am I suppose to tell him" Fisher said one of the officer who happens to be my uncle "and who is your little accomplice " the other cop said "take off your hood " he did so "what the .. Josh Barrett what the hell are you doing here " i said "i don't have anything to do with this officers I was out for a run and ran into him " josh said "you two are under arrest they placed handcuffs on us " uncle fisher laughed "this is not funny" I protested


in order to make things fair we were sentenced to community service fixing up a old barn for its owners "this is not fair and you didn't even say anything you know I had nothing to do with you taking a stop sign and why would you take a sign like that someone could have gotten hurt " I said "you talk to damn much lets just start get it over with and go okay " Brandon said while looking around the area "fine by me " i replied "do you recognize this place " Brandon asked i didn't answer but of course I Remembered this place it is were he kissed me and it was awkward afterwards "fine be like that " brandon said his cell rung he answered it "hay what's up babe" he walked away into the barn I started thinking about when he came to apologize to me (Flashback-"you greet people in your undies all the time " he said "don't beat around the bush what do you want " I said he had a look of guilt on his face "im sorry for doing what I did it was uncalled for and it was just a game " he looked at me for some kind of answer "whatever " I said then turned to go back upstairs "that's it?.. whatever ?" I turned back around "what else Brandon" I walked closer to him I was so close our nose were almost touching he was frozen still I grabbed him by the waste I could feel him get hard "you want me don't you " I said laughing he looked serious "too bad right im leaving today and never coming back " I went back upstairs I could here the front door close .) . I thought I was never coming back, if I had known then what I know now I wouldn't have done that, Brandon is a product of good genes Brown hair that brought out his Blue eyes his fit body his nice asset(LOL),his ass was definitely made for squeezing but we were two different besides the fact that he had a girlfriend he is confident and knows what he wants I'm not ,I'm the shy kid who barely talks and is never noticed and will probably die alone , I know harsh right but I accept that is my reality , Brandon came back out and started picking up the branches and old wood from the fences and putting them in the plastic garbage bag "that was Whitney I told her your back in town she told me to tell you hi" he said "I shouldn't say hi , you might try to hit me again " I said laughing it was quiet "I apologized for that what else do you want me to do " I continues gathering the old wood he came close then turned me around "seriously , I feel bad about what I did and I don't want you throwing it in my face all the time" he said now I felt bad for even bringing it up his hands on my shoulder was doing something to me I cant explain the feeling " I wont bring it up again ,sorry" I said i pulled away

(Two weeks later)


josh is a mystery to me he and his cousin Matt looks very similar, he and Matt are nothing alike but they both have blondish brown hair and josh is a little taller and his eyes are brown its like he can see into you they draw you in automatically , he seems very anti-social he even pass by me in school and didn't say a word, keeping his head down not making eye contact i saw Karen his cousin taking books out of her locker "what is the deal with your cousin"I said "what do you mean" she said "he doesn't talk to anyone except you "I replied "maybe because you got him in trouble " she said "what ever ,he needs to get out more " I said stirring at her "who knew you cared" Karen said in a rather bitchy tone I shook my head "I see it's that time of the month for you so ,im going to walked away" I said "no , I'm sorry I'm just trying to accept jeff has a new girlfriend " she said "im sorry Kay" I said I hugged her "thanks , and my cousin is vulnerable he needs good people in his life not people that can hurt him" she said . I got to my locker # 135 once occupied by Matthew Barrett , oddly enough Josh had Nathan's old locker the one he occupied for four years , I stirred at his locker , all the things that were personal to him was in there I wanted to know what was in his head the bell rung and the halls were empty I opened his locker without trouble I mean he is right next to me I see him open it everyday he had a sweater in there I leaned in and smelled it , it smelled just like him what the hell am I doing smelling another boys sweater then there was this picture of him he is sitting on a stoop in what looks like Manhattan looking sad he has tears in his eyes there were two of them I thought the picture was artistic so I looked around and took it then closed the locker I slipped it in my folder then closed my locker

(Josh )

i walk through the gym doors and Brandon and mark were playing basketball i sat on the bleachers and put my head phones in my ears and closed my eyes i could sense i was being watched but i didn't car I tried to tune out the rest of the world the school I sat there for almost a half and hour then the ball hit my leg brandon was standing over me sweating I could smell his masculine scent it was driving me wild I took my head phones off "what are you doing sleep in here don't you have a house it is Five o clock he said he reached out his hand I accepted he pulled me up "thank you " I said and began to walk away "hey I can give you a ride if you want " he said I started to say no but the bus wouldn't get to the bus stop until another hour and he was going out of his way to be nice to me so what the hell " I waited outside so he could shower and get changed he came out wearing his Hollister hoodie and jeans that showed off all the right places on his body he opened the car we got in he started the car and music instantly came on "my life would suck without you I didn't peg you for a Kelly Clarkson fan " i said teasing "im not it's the radio " he kind of turn red "you know you listen to Kelly Clarkson its totally cool " I said he smiled then put back on his im cool look and we drove off he put his i-pod into the dock in the car and changed to 3oh3! Don't trust me "so you officially live here how do you like it so far" he asked "its cool I guess I don't really have any friends " I said "sure you do , Karen , me " he said flicking my ear we laughed "hey both hands on the wheel " he looked at me and smiled "whatever Sargent , lets go to Joe's I'm starved after that game. my treat " he said "okay , my dad is working he wont be home until one in the morning so lets go '.


we got to Joe's and it was not a lot of kids there , I guess most of the students who use to hang out there were , Nathan and matt , amber , Todd , Robby I ordered my usual a bacon burger and fries and a coca cola and he ordered a grilled chicken sand with a salad and lemon ice tea it became painfully silent not sure of what to say I just waited until our food came , we ate and josh tried to pay for it I told him I got it he said "no" so i let him pay then i suggested we go to the barn do some more work

we painted the barn and replaced the gates with metal ones and all we had to do was put on the new doors for the horses .. it must have been 7:30 p.m when we finished josh was sitting in the back of the old pick up truck I got up there with him "what are you thinking about " I said "I'm thinking why the sun is setting at 7:33" he said I laughed "you think abut the weirdest things Barrett" I said it was quiet and I looked over at him and he looked over at me the sun was beaming on us he was turning me on his full lips the way the sun brought out his features and I leaned in and kissed him our lips touched but he backed away "im sorry I couldn't help myself " I said I knew I had a girlfriend but doing that felt so right "we should go " he said , and that we did. I. drove to his house and he got out then turned around "thanks for dinner and dropping me home " he said "its no problem , hey I'll call you when I get home " I said smiling " you don't even have my number " he said (347)265-7117" I said "how did you know that " he looked curiously " I know everything " I said he grinned I pulled off


I went to my room and closed the door , Brandon gave me a boner for sure I fell back on my bed the house was so quiet , sometimes I wish my brother was here , he was finishing up his bachelors degree at Texas state for most of my life my brother has never really been there , he always had his friends and when he graduated from high school I was in junior high school, he would come home occasionally and when mom died he came to her funeral but he never comforted me or told me it will be okay , after the funeral he split and I haven't seen much of him since . Anyway I looked at my ceiling and though about Brandon's Naked body I got hard as a rock I stuck my hand in my pants and started rubbing myself "come on josh cum for me " I imagined him say I unbutton my jeans and slid them down to my ankles my cock was standing tall out of the hole in my boxers I started pumping my dick hard back and forth I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead my cock was seven and a half inches and I could feel my balls tightening up " im gonna cum " I thought to myself , a week of pint up frustration was released on to my stomach , but then I got back to reality and my high was over because I thought , this is my life jerking off in a empty house with no one here , I was alone and I felt it , my dad loves me but after mom died he still is kind of lost burying himself in his Work and i feel for him and my brother , i dont want to go to uncle Martin and Aunt Moira with what i'm feeling they have there own family but what about me , who can i turn too , life was not fare or else i would have my mom . tears began to come out my eyes streams and streams of them and my heart began to cry out i felt like a little boy who just wanted his mommy.

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info about the story

if you never read Nathan the bully then you should and these characters are from that story , this story is kind of like a spinoff story of nathan the bully dealing with Brandon Lawson the police Chief son and Matt's cousin josh and how he is dealing with life,

Next: Chapter 21: Thats Life 2

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