Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Sep 11, 2009


"My now my present"


I got home and Vince was knocked out I took off my clothes and threw them In the hamper then ran the water and got in the shower I let the warm water hit my body the sensation of the water felt good I took the bar of soap and cleaned my body then rinsed the soap off I dried myself off and wrapped my towel around myself and walked out the bathroom I went into the bedroom and slipped on my boxers and slipped In next to Vince he turned and put his on my chest I felt guilty how was I going to tell him what I did with Brandon .Vince woke up he smiled at me " hi you" he had no clue what I did he kissed me his body was pressed hard against mine I stroked his hair which he hadn't cut in week his tongue slid In my mouth we kissed but it felt different it wasn't the same way Brandon did it " I love you josh" he said smiling I was stuck between a rock and a hard place



Right now hopefully josh was telling Vince about us and we would soon be together dad would just have to accept it all I kept thinking about was that day at the barn when the sun was setting how cute josh looked I smiled to myself. My dad came into my room I sat up "what are you doing here dad I thought you had to patrol" I asked he looked furious. " I wasn't needed today now that I'm here we need to talk" I gulped his voice sounded ice cold he walked out my room I followed when we walked into the living room he ordered me to sit down ". What's wrong dad" he turned the TV on and pressed play on the dvd what I saw horrified me it was josh and I he was jerking me off in the hall way I was caught " dad" he shushed me " what the he'll is this" he asked " I love him" I said out loud I couldn't believe I said that " you what he walked closer to me I gulped but kept my composure he grabbed me by my neck " my son the fucking faggot" I winced at that word "I rather you think that about me then live my life for you everyone knows you live vicariously through me but what do you expect from someone that's just a sheriff" he was boiling mad he punched me in my face I fell to the ground he stood over me and started punching me again I felt blood ooze out my lips I pushed him and stood up he tried to attack me but I punched him he fell back, he started chocking me I tried to fight him off but he was too strong my mom came through the door she threw down her bags and started screaming she pushed my dad off of me he looked at me his anger had subsided he looked At the damaged he did he put his hand on his mouth " I'm sorry son" was all be manage to say I got up and went upstairs I felt like crap and looked it I looked in the mirror and saw my eye it was blue surly to turn black my lip was busted and I was bleeding from it my mom came upstairs with a ice pack " oh baby" she pressed the icepack on my eye " he found out" she said " I hate him" I said on a cold voice I scared myself she kissed me on my forehead I backed away " I need to get cleaned up" she took the hint and left I picked up my cell and called josh



Vince was sleep and I was up watching the snow my cell rung I answered " hello" I answered " josh I need you" he said I was alarmed "what's going on" I got out of bed and went in the living room " my dad found out about us he kind of beat me " he said I put on my clothes " where do you want to meet" I said " how about Joes" Brandon said " I'm there " I got to Joes there were a few people there I saw Brandon in the corner I walked over to him I saw his face I sat next to him and touched his bruises I became enraged " I'll kill him" Brandon laughed then kissed me we got a few stares I love how protective you are of me so are we a go" he smiled I didn't say anything. " you didn't tell him did you" Brandon said " I don't know what to do" I said " dump his ass" Brandon looked agitated "you don't understand we connected how am I suppose to just end it" he looked tired " so your not going to " be asked " I guess I have too if I want to me with you" two girls walked over to us and smiled the brunette was fixated on Brandon "wow you look like Liam from 90210, your so hot" the blonde girl smiled at me " your hot too" she said Brandon looked at me then pulled me closer and kissed me they looked shocked then walked away "Liam? ,I look so much hotter then him" I smiles when he said that "even bruised and battered baby" I said Brandon wrapped his arm around my shoulder we sat close, Vince walked in his smile turned upside down he looked at us then turned around and walked back out I got up and went after him "Vince wait" I caught up to him I grabbed him " stop" I said "I love you josh and I said it and you didn't say anything back" I felt like shit at this point he continued "and now your here with him Mr. blue eyes I can't compete because you got your mind made up already" we stood there in our respective spaces the snow hitting our face " so what now" I said " pack your stuff we are done" with that he walked away I stood there feeling broken I played with Vince emotion and I shouldn't have because not only did I lose a boyfriend I lost him as a friend as well .

I felt the inside of a warm hand slid under mine our fingers were tangled together I looked up and Brandon tried to smoke but his lip started to sting " are we together" Brandon said I smiled then kissed his bruised lips " sure we are Liam" I said " do I really look like him" Brandon asked " yeah a lot but I prefer you" as we walked to Brandon's car it dawned on me that I had no place to stay " I have no place to go " I said he looked at me " you can go home" he saw the expression on my face " or you can go to your aunt and uncles house" that seem to be a better idea



I felt accomplished of what I did Brandon would be exposed for the coward he really was but why did I feel bad at the Same time , the fact of the matter is he hurt me and cheated on me with a guy a guy that was suppose to be my friend I had to give his father that dvd , the next day At school people were talking about Brandon face I had to see it for myself as I approached my ex he was taking books out his locker I taped him on his shoulder he turned " oh my god what happened to you" I Gasped at his black eye and fat lip " relax I'm okay , I can take a beating" he smiled " that's not funny , look I know we aren't together anymore but I still care " I said " I know but it's okay really me and my dad got into it " he said " what were you talking about to get him that mad" I said josh walked to his locker Brandon focus was on him " I should get going" I said I walked away then turned around Brandon had his hands on josh shoulder almost like he was giving him a massage " I hate Brandon" I heard a voice from behind me I turned It was Vince "and I'm not really fond of josh, hey I have an idea" I said " I'm listening" Vince was all ears " how about we manipulate our way back in there lives" I said " what do you mean " he said " I see it like this we let them have there little fun and even be there friends again no hard feelings then we strike when they least expects it" Vince smiled that put us in an binding agreement.



later that day I sat down on matt's old bed and looked around I didn't touch his posters or anything I just put my clothes in his dresser I wonder what he did in here did Nathan or nick spend the night then I heard a thump outside the window I jumped up and opened the window the cold air came in the room Brandon was there I pulled him in "are you crazy you could have slipped and killed yourself" I closed the window he took off his coat I kissed him then locked the door he took off his pants and shirt he was in his boxers and got underneath the cover I did the same we laid there starring at each other " so your matt and in Nathan I suppose" he said we put our arms around each other now our nose were touching I was stroking the back of his head running my fingers through his hair "how about we are just josh and Brandon" I said "I like that , I Like that a lot. We feel asleep I felt safe. I didn't know what would come and I didn't care all I cared about was my now my present.

(Five months later)

"Where the hell are you?" I shouted Brandon was no where to be found I felt him behind me so I played along "okay no more sex then" he pressed up against me "you don't mean that" I felt how hard his cock through his jeans "let's do it right here" he said "in the woods?" I asked "yeah he grabbed my Hand and we walked to a big oak tree he pushed me against it then kissed me his tongue felt so good in my mouth I ran my fingers through his hair he went down to my neck his fingers were searching my body he pinched my nipples which were hard as a rock be then unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down then he bent down a d buried his face in my crotch I could feel his tongue he took hold of my underwear's and slid the down my cock sprung out he grabbed hold of it and started licking the head I thought I would cum right away he then started going down slurping on my cock up and down up and down I was feeling light headed I grabbed his head and started fucking his face " oh man that feels" he then stopped I could see a string of cum from his mouth to my dick he lifted my leg and started rimming me his tongue was going deep in my ass as I rest on the tree the way he lick would make anyone melt " I couldn't take anymore I started Cumming all over the place went on Brandon's face he took his finger and wiped it off and stuck it in his mouth and swallowed it he took the rest and spreader it on my ass he stuck his index finger it going in and out I was in a state of complete bliss " the spring upstate new York weather felt good and Brandon's hair flowed like delicate pieces of silk wavering in the wind he then turned me over he slid his jeans to his ankle and put on a condom I could feel his cockhead on my moist hole he slid it in his dick in me felt magnificent as he was going in and out his balls were slapping at my ass I grabbed on to the tree for support " you are so tight baby I love you" his voice penetrated my soul . He was rubbing against the hilt and I felt like I wanted to explode I moaned and complete ecstasy he rode me light it was literally going out of style my knees started to buckle his were too and the light spring breeze mixed with the sweat make me shiver I squeezed around his cock as he pushed in and out " I'm gonna cum" he said he went faster then pulled out and took the. Condom off and squirted on my back "we both collapsed in the grass he smiled at me" that was amazing" he said "that was so good I think I need a cigarette" I grinned at him he grinned back



After our little tryst in the woods I dropped josh at his uncle house and went home myself feeling like a satisfied man when I walked through the doors my dad and mom were sitting in the living room I could tell they shut up as soon as I walked through the door " son we need to talk my dad said I found this strange considering we haven't talked for almost five months" I sat down " look I know your trying to find yourself and I think this place can help you " he handed me a brochures it read the cover it was some kind of De-gay camp it was in Virginia this summer "I'm not going to this I don't need to be de programmed like some damn robot " you are gallivanting around town with that boy making me look bad" he said "you basically bashed me" I said " I've apologized for that what else do you want me to do" he starred at me with no set emotion "I'm not going to no common wealth state for the summer to be de-gayed what ever that means" I protested "if you want to continue being my son you will" his statement cut me like a knife my mom intervened " okay stop it we aren't going to push anything , just do your father a favors and look at it" she said there was no way in hell I was going to that place " my mom went upstairs saying she had a headache my father went over to the draw and took out his gun and sat next to me " I became a sheriff to protect the weak Brandon and this boy is making you weak son" I began to get shaken up by the gun he sensed this " I would never hurt you your my flesh my blood but josh he is a threat and I do one thing to threats get rod of them he pointed the gun at the wall like someone was standing there " I won't send you to that camp if you end of with him , but if you don't I can't guarantee his safety " he looked possessed I gulped and by dad meant business.



Vince walked into Joe's he saw me in the booth and walked up to me " we haven't done anything since we plan to break up the happy couple " I'm working on it" I said it's been five months of pretending I just want to be friends with josh" he said upset " I promise you will have the boy eating out the palm of your hands" Josh walked through the door we both spotted him Vince was in love we both walked over to him " hi josh" he turned around " oh hey you guys , your hanging out today" he said I hated pretending I was his friend when all actuality I wanted to ring his neck " yeah just hanging out" the guy handed him a bag " wow you must be really hungry" Vince said " it's actually for Brandon and I. it became quite "well I have to go" he said then left "so what's your plan" he said "I don't have one" I said defeated Vince looked angry " for months you've said something will come up but you've done nothing forget this" he said then stormed out I wanted to destroy them but couldn't, but knowing them something would surly come up and I will be there to finalize the blow.

Next: Chapter 29: Thats Life 10

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