Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 6, 2010


Last time on that's life

I ran to him and hugged him crying " I love you dad" I said he held me tight I looked up he had tears in his eyes " I love you too son , I'm so sorry for everything I've done this is all my fault all of it" I had my face buried in his jacket I felt like a little kid again,

he walked out he saw me and started walking off "can we talk" I asked as I caught up to him "about what ? You sucking face with a teacher" he said bitterly "Casey you ended things with me" I reminded him "I didn't know you were just so easy josh" he said then walked off , those words cut me like a knife

lance grabbed my hand and walked me over to a red cushion seat he sat next to me "josh what's wrong" he asked sympathetically "Casey broke up with me for no reason and I missed him , then Mr. Holland was really nice to me he invited me to his house and we kind of slept together" Lance was wide eyed "Josh , wow, " was all he said "and Casey caught me kissing him, now he's been shunning me like I have the black plague , calling me easy maybe I am easy" I said lance slapped me "ouch what the hell" I said "you are so stupid josh , your not easy trust me I should know , you're a good guy stop letting some douche put you down

"Brooke I am not in the mood to deal with you today" I said "oh calm down I came to talk to you both" she sat down "I admit I did have a crush on Jeff , but I'm here to tell you I will stop with the uncomfortableness , truth is I'm so use to getting what I want that I was just locked in on your boyfriend , I want to apologize to both of you really I am sorry for what I did to you"

"I understand, it's just one minute you are happy then the next you turn almost like you have bi-polar or something " it went totally quiet to quiet for my comfort then things started piecing together , he was happy one minute moody the next sometimes he would blackout got violent ":oh my god Casey , you have Bi-polar disorder" he looked around as if someone was listening "josh I..I " he started crying I went into protection mode I hugged him tight "

"Brandon your home , wow you look great" he smiled "thank you" he said "you want to come in" I asked "no I have to get back home for dinner I just had to come and say.." "Josh who's at the door" Casey came next to me Brandon looked angry "look who it is you son of a bitch" he said "Look Brandon I don't want any trouble" he said "whats going on?" I asked not knowing what to expect "your little boyfriend right here wanted me out the way" Brandon was spitting venom "you know what Brandon you need to go , Casey is great , you don't like him because he is with me " I said "no I have other reasons not to like him , he knows what he did"

"so what's going on with you" he asked "nothing much Casey and I are good"i said "yeah , I don't know but I don't see you and Casey together to me Brandon is your perfect match"

I awoken to my shower running , now I know josh didn't sleep over I sat up and saw the dry cum on my stomach and chest why was I naked I heard the shower cut off and the door opened "hay your awake we had a pretty wild night" he said "Kevin , what are you doing here" I asked "good morning to you too,

"Changing of things"


I woke up and Kevin was sleep next to me I jumped up and took a shower I got dressed and as I was putting on my sneakers Kevin sat up "where are you going" he asked "to School, im going to be late" I said "hey how about I go with you , maybe you can introduce me to your friends" he said I was hesitant "Kevin I don't think that's such a good idea" I said he looked annoyed "dude what am I your little secret " he asked "Kevin no , I just have to go" I said " with that I grabbed my book bad and left out , I arrived at school and saw josh he was sitting down head buried in the test book I smiled I felt guilty , but Josh would never know and Kevin would leave in a few days and all would be right with the world I walked over to him and sat down I kissed his cheek he smiled "what was that for" I asked "I don't know because I love you" I said he kissed me "I love you too" he smiled at me at that moment I saw the kind of person I was the kind of person I hated. Lance and Jessica came up to us and lance just came out and said "Josh what is wrong with you , you took him back" he looked puzzled "why don't you mind your business " I said Nasty to him he rolled his eyes "josh is my business" lance said in defense "oh I see your still not over him" I stood up we were face to face josh stood up "guys stop , Lance I gave Casey another chance" he said calmly to lance lance didn't like that one bit "Josh come on man , he is no good why are you doing this " he was pleading with him then Brandon walked up to us "what's going on" he asked " nothing Josh is blind" lance said "fuck you lance !, I get that you worry about me but don't make me out as some kind of weak guy, I know exactly who Casey is, leave us alone" he said he was upset I grabbed his hand and we left them standing there


I watched as josh and Casey walked away lance looked at me "I hate him" lance said "calm down man , josh will see him for who he really is" I said he shook his head "I was so angry that Josh wanted you and not me , but I want him to be happy and that's only with you Brandon , we got to take him down their has to be some kind of way to do it" Lance said I put my hand on his shoulder "Casey will get his day" I said I walked away to go to my history class I got there and revenge was on my mind , Lance was my friend and he cared about josh the same I do and we both didn't want him to get hurt. Casey day's with Josh are numbered. But I guess Lacrosse would take some of my stress away...


I loved the game , but it was cold out which meant we couldn't play but that didn't stop coach from making us practice I went in the Gym all suited up. But what i found was Casey playing my position my team they were following his lead. The coach saw me "Lawson your back , go to the bench when Casey get's tired you can come in for him " I got angry "fuck you" I said and stormed out I banged my fist into a locker I was bleeding Josh was walking he saw the blood "Brandon what happened " he grabbed my hand "nothing , just go" I said "no you need to go to the nurse" he said I shook my head no " he grabbed my uninjured hand and lead me down the hallway my hand in his felt good we arrived at his locker he opened it and had a first aid kit I laughed "you are just prepared aren't you " I said he smiled "yeah I guess I am" he said he applied alcohol to my hand it burned I jumped "You big baby" he said with a grin on his face he applied some cream and a white bandage on it "good as new" he said I starred at him and he starred at me I tried to kissed him he didn't let me "Josh I missed you so much" I said "I missed you too , but I'm with Casey now so " with that he closed his locker and walked away .



"I haven't eaten in Joe's in so long" I said as I took a bite out of my hamburger" Jeff was busy enjoying his steak sandwich I laughed at the way he was eating "what?" he asked "nothing" I smiled then Joe came out he looked around "Hi Joe hows it going " I said he smiled "Isn't it little Karen Barrett , haven't seen you in so long" he said "yeah I can say the same for you, your never here" I said "that's because I've been in Florida living it up" Jeff and I laughed "so what brings you back to new york" I asked "i was thinking about closing this place down. But my son ask if he could take over for me , you should meet him ,WES ,GET YOUR SORRY BUTT OUT HERE!" he yelled a few seconds later a guy came out "Dad must you yell" he said then he was in front of us , he was really good looking he had medium length brown hair that was parted down the middle a hot body and the Darkest brown eyes the kind that can stare into your soul. and a smile to die for , Jeff nudged me I looked at him he looked angry "I'm Karen this is Jeff my boyfriend" I said "nice to meet ya'll " he said in a southern accent . Brooke came in angry she sat down next to me "you will never guess what happen to me , well I'll tell you what happen to me , I got a flat tire on the side of the road then this fat bald man rides up to me calling me sweet thing asking if I needed help,and then I had no other choice because it was turning nightfall and I was watching vampire flicks and was getting spooked and he drove me here. My Gucci is ruined and the way he was checking me out I felt violated" she closed her eyes and was out of breath "you look perfect to me" Wes said she opened her eyes and looked at him then at me "who are these people and why are they starring at me" she said "this is Joe he is the owner and that is Wes, Joe son who will be taking over for Joe" I said she looked at Wes , Wes smiled at her "I'm Wes by the way" he said " I know " Brooke said rude , Wes couldn't keep his eye's off of Brooke I smiled Jeff looked at me "no you will not Karen" he said, he knew exactly what I was thinking , they looked at him I shrugged my shoulder.


I got home from practice and Kevin was sitting on my bed on my computer "hey you " he said I smiled at him "I'm sorry about leaving you here" I said "don't worry about it" I sat down on my bed and he got in my lap and kissed me I pulled away "Kevin , I have to tell you" before I could finish , he got off of me and had his head in my lap sucking me off , the feeling of his mouth felt so good, I pulled him off "Kevin I cant, I said "why?" he asked he put his hand on my cock and began to give me a hand job "is that better for you" he smiled , his warm hand on my cock felt great he began to jerk me slow and steady he pressed his lips to my mouth slipping his tongue in my mouth he pulled back a little "i want your cum" he said he bent down and put his mouth around my cock and began to suck me hard , I thought I was getting light headed I put both hands behind his head and started to fuck his wet mouth, "Fuck!" I yelled I came in his mouth he swallowed all of it. "you know , im the best you ever had" Kevin said.As i laid next to a sleeping Kevin my mind went to Josh , i was cheating on him , why was i so weak when it came to these things.

The next day

After taking Math class I met , Josh by his locker "are you okay" I asked he smiled " I'm good , thanks for asking " I walked closer and rested my hand on his shoulder "no one can come between us " I said "Casey!" I heard I turned and Kevin was standing there he looked at me angry "Kevin what are you doing here I thought I told you to stay at my house" I said "why , and who is that" he said pointing to Josh "Kevin, that's josh , he's my.." I couldn't say it josh slammed his locker "I'm nothing to him clearly" josh said angry they both looked at me josh stormed off "I told you to stay home" I said then went chasing after josh. I caught up to him "Josh wait !" he stopped "what , clearly im not your boyfriend hell you didn't even say I was your friend, who is that guy Casey" he asked suspiciously "he is Kevin , my ex" I said josh shook his head unbelievably "that's why, you must still love him or something" he said "no it's you , I love not him the situation was just awkward " I said "why didn't you tell me he was here why keep it a secret Casey" he said suspiciously "Because I didn't want you to freak ,Kevin likes to have sex with a lot of guys that's who he is , that's why we broke up so if it came down to you or him it would be you. All the time" I kissed him , apart of me felt guilty because I did sleep with Kevin but apart of me was happy that josh didn't know and I could keep it like that .


I came out the gym drenched with sweat I went over to the water fountain and got some water I looked over and saw a guy on sitting on a bench outside the gym he looked up and smiled at me I smiled at him and walked over to him "im lance" I said "Kevin" he said sadly "so Kevin I don't think I ever saw you before" I said "you haven't I m here visiting someone who seems to not want me here" he said "sorry man" I said he gave me a devilish grin "wow you smell really strong " he said "I'm sorry if I am a little ripe I just finish owning my friends on the court " he looked around so did I he grabbed me and licked my neck sucking on it he then kissed me "I like the smell of a real man" he said my dick got hard it could be seen through my basketball shorts "wow you must be really fucking horny , how about I help you out" he said "where?" I asked he winked "you got a car" he asked "yeah." I said "so lead the way" I didn't know who Kevin was but I sure liked how willing he was.

We went to my car and I drove out the school to a side road he slid my basketball shorts down and licked my cock , I felt myself get hard he stuck my whole cock in his mouth sucking me hard and fast . The Feeling was just to good it wasn't everyday a guy comes up to you and want to do this but he was alright in my book , I grabbed the back of his head pushing my cock in more the suction of his mouth made me go wild, it had been a while since I had sex of any kind so I was going to cum at any moment "aww, I'm going to cum" I said he licked around my head and I shot down his throat "you taste pretty good" he said , we both wiped ourselves off and he put his head down he started crying "what's wrong" I asked "this , I'm a fucking slut, I sleep with anyone I can , I don't want to be like this but I am, and the worst part Is im in love with Casey and he broke up with me because of me sleeping around and ,now we been fucking again and I think there's a chance but I think he's with another guy and.." I cut him off "wait , Casey ford?" I asked he shook his head yes "oh god he's been fucking you, while he's with my really good friend Josh!" I screamed "so that's his name , cute guy , about 5 ft 11 short blondish brown ish hair, brown eyes" he said I shook my head yes , I didn't know where this Kevin Kid came from but he gave me all I needed to blow Casey out of the water. We drove back to school. He got out and walked away. Karen came up to me "where are all these cute new boys coming from" she laughed she saw I wasn't laughing "whats wrong" she asked "its about Josh" I said she looked worried "what about my cousin is he okay?" she asked "i found out that guy you just saw has been sleeping with Casey, he's Casey's Ex" I said she looked shocked "we have to tell him" Karen said "i know but how?. Josh is in cloud nine and its because Casey has brain washed him , he wont believe me" I said ,Karen shook her head in agreement "He has to hear it from the horses mouth , Casey and Kevin" Karen said.


after school I decided to throw a little get together , just so we could all just put our differences aside and get along with each other . We all meet at our house , since no one was home it was perfect, I had music going , Karen , Jeff, Brooke, Casey, Jessica , lance and even Brandon came. We all sat around talking having fun until , lance went over to Casey. They went in the kitchen I was curious to what they had to talk about considering they didn't like each other. I waited a few minutes to see what they were talking about then I went to the entrance to the kitchen but they didn't see me .."Brandon told me what you did to him in Ferncliff why would you?" lance said Casey looked at him " I don't know what your talking about" Casey Grinned "Come off it , you came to see him offering Him drugs if he stayed away from josh and then you Planted a bag of drugs in his room" Casey laughed "oh

how I wished for a better outcome" I couldn't believe what I was hearing , I was ready to storm in until I heard the next question "what about Kevin , and how you've been fucking him for the past few days ," lance question I came in "tell me that's not true Case" I said he turned and looked at me "he is lying , Josh I only love you" I felt at ease "oh really" I heard another voice he came out of the pantry Casey and I both were shocked then lance spoke "Josh I had Kevin come here because he has been burned by this idiot as well . "i thought we were getting back together, Casey" he said "i never told you that" he said "well you seem to act like we were the way you had sex with me and said my name" he looked at me "josh , he is lying" Casey said Kevin back handed him " Fuck you" he was almost in tears I knew he was telling the truth, everyone came into the kitchen "Josh I'm sorry" he said " sorry! Yeah you are your the sorry son of a bitch that planted drugs in Brandon's room , and that's why you fucked Kevin when you were with me, your scum" I said I turned around and started to walk away he grabbed me I decked him right in the nose he fell back "don't ever fucking touch me you piece of shit" I said I wanted to scream and throw things I was boiling mad I had so many emotions , angry sad I wanted to kill him , Brandon grabbed me "let me go" I said he wouldn't he let me out of the house and onto the stoop "you are really red , calm down" he said I broke down he hugged me I held on tight "i got you Josh" I felt safe with Brandon , "why does this always happen to me , why is it me that always get hurt" I said "because of guys like me " I pulled back "no your nothing like him , Karen told me , everything how you did what you did to protect me from your father ,thank you" I said he wiped my tears and I could see he had tears also "why are you crying" I asked "because I hate to see you hurting I wiped his tears I sat down on the steps he did too , neither one of us seemed to care it was like thirty degree's outside. I rested my head on his shoulder he wrapped his arm around me pulling me in "it is not the end of the world and I know it hurts but if you let me , I want to be their for you " I nodded yes "lets go back in" I said "are you sure" he asked "yeah" I said we went back in, Kevin was gone and Casey was still on the floor crying, Karen and Brooke were trying to get him up and clean his blood but I went over and helped him up they all looked at me , we both went in the bathroom , I took a tissue and started cleaning the blood I used a alcohol pad to help , when I was finish I opened the door "your not welcome here anymore" I said and left out , a few seconds later he walked out the house. Brooke came up to me "Josh, I'm so sorry , I hope you don't hate me" she said I smiled "no your not your brother , I don't hate you" with that she said goodnight to everyone and made her way to her brother


I rushed outside and saw Casey walking down the road I got in my jeep and drove up to him , "get in Casey" I said he turned "no ! , I'm going to fucking kill myself" he said "Please , your my brother , your all I have , mom and dad are always gone and I know they care but it's just you and I" he walked to my car and got in he started crying I hugged him "shhh, it will be alright" I said "no it wont , Josh hates me , I hate me" he said I hugged him tighter " I don't hate you , remember , the twin pack , us against the world, I know you don't want to hear this but , maybe all this will teach you to be a better person, look at me , when I first got here I wanted Jeff but I learned sometimes its not what you want , you can learn to treat your next boyfriend with Respect, and im sorry but you need to cut Kevin out of your life he was no good when you were dating and he is no good now " he shook his head in agreement and we drove home .

The Next day was Saturday it had snowed early and Karen invited me to go skating with her and Jeff and I accepted , I checked in my my brother to see how he was , he was sleeping soundly. I closed the door and made my way for the outside Skating rank. Snow flakes fell on my nose, it was so nice , most people around here hated the snow but I was from Malibu we never got snow, so it was great , "mind if I join you" I heard a voice I turned it was Wes , he looked extra cute in his north face coat and ice skates "no its a free country" I said he smiled "so do you have a boyfriend" he asked "no , I looked over applications but seems like no one is good for the job" I said standing up "where do I get an application" he asked I smiled "well , it depends on how well you can ice skate he stood up then fell I laughed "dude come on your not even fighting for it" I said he stood up and came towards me I skated across the ice , "so where are you from" he asked "Malibu California" he looked intrigued "okay so if your from sunny ol' California how do you know how to ice skate" he asked 'we do have Ice skating ranks in California"he shook his head in agreement then came close to me "what if I kiss you" he said "then....." I lost my balance I grabbed him he both fell on the ice we both laughed then he kissed me , the warmth of his mouth felt so good meeting Wes was turning out to be great. We parted then I noticed Karen and Jeff standing there she was giving me as thumbs up I laughed and shook my head "let me guess my good pal , Karen set this up". He smiled "guilty as charged , look if its weird I can leave" he said "no I like having you here" I said then we kissed again. "okay love birds lets ice skate " I heard Karen said Jeff grabbed her and they skated around "come on we can so beat them" Wes said "oh really , says the guy who keeps on falling" I said "oh , and she has jokes" he started Skating ahead "catch me if you can". I laughed and went over and made a snow ball and threw it at him "hey he" said all four of us got into a snow ball fight


I woke up and the feeling of lonely was taking over me , If it wasn't for my sister , I wouldn't have nothing , Josh wanted nothing to do with me , Kevin went back to California and the rest were all linked to Josh which means I was the bad guy . I sat up and starred at nothing really for almost fifteen minutes then I went over to my window it was snowing the white flakes falling the ground cover with snow, it was beautiful .and I thought about the good times I had with Josh , it wasn't all based on lies , I wasn't always like this. And because of my foolishness I lost him , tears began to slide down from my eyes down my cheeks and heartache began to take over , at that moment I wished I was anywhere else but where I was . Thank God for Winter Break , but the New year was sure to be Hell.

Thanks for the support and great comments. To all the people with the Negative Comments , It's not that Serious , I am writing for fun, I'm not writing a College Thesis or anything , if you don't like it don't read it. But to the people that do enjoy my stories , thanks and I hope I can keep you reading. Be sure to Join Yahoo Group . Peace. -A

Next: Chapter 36: Thats Life 17

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