Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 17, 2009



what's wrong " nick said as I was distracted "nothing I was just spaced out " I couldn't even look nick in his face I felt ashamed not only did I sleep with Nathan again I didn't consider his feelings when doing so he kind of just escape my mind . We were caught and now his mother knew it , and he made it look like I was the one who pressured him with sex it was a two way street I didn't make Nathan do anything he didn't want . He kissed me we fell onto my bed "how about a little something something " "I cant " I said."why not " he looked at me frustrated "its because of Nathan isn't it " "no its not!" i shouted "you know what forget this just leave" i said "what? " Nick looked hurt "I want you to just go " "okay " nick got up and left.


I rolled up to the Bellini mansion and got out and went into the  house Paula was looking in the mirror brushing her blonde hair "hello amber" she said in her quint voice "you summoned me " I said not knowing what to expect "sources say you and Nathan broke up "we did " she was smiling her fake smile as usual  "I see " she turned to face me then walked over to where I was standing and put her arms around me " I need you to dig up some dirt on Matthew Barrett " "why? " "that's non of your concern " "how am I to do that we don't even hang on the same circle " "you will find away amber you always do "

my car got a flat and I was on the side of the road waiting for the tow truck and you will never guess who rode by it was Matthew I waved he stopped and backed up "Matthew Barrett can I get a lift " "um.. Sure " I grabbed my purse and got in his car "thank you so much " I rest my hand on his knee he shifted his knee I placed my hand on my lap and became very suspicious of him at that point " "do you mind if we stop at Joe's " "I had plan on " `please come on " "alright I guess I can eat " "great sexy " he rolled his eyes at my comment I smirked I didn't like setting people up like this what could he possibly tell me , that would make a difference " , we arrived at Joe's and got out I wrapped my arms around his everyone was looking at us someone even took a picture of us together " "do you mind amber " he said " "do you have a girlfriend " "not really " "a boyfriend " he gulped "oh my god

your gay " "what is it you " "im sorry your right its non of my business if you are thats cool you know " he looked at me god this boy was hot how I never thought about it before we placed our orders and sat down "so are you " "why so you can tell the whole student body " `no I would never do that" which was the truth I maybe selfish sometimes but to do that I couldn't , I was only fishing information for crazy lady Bellini " "yes I am " "so who have you hooked up with at school , Robby ,Todd not Nathan he wouldn't dare oh I know nick you two are always around each other two hot boys doing it " "stop it " "what im just saying " he loosened up "calm down I reached over the table and shook him "it sucks that I cant tell my parents " "I could only imagine" i said.


amber found out about my sexuality I felt free and I could see she was really okay with it even though we don't hang out together she was surprisingly supportive and that whole Nathan wouldn't dare she really doesn't know her ex-boyfriend . Nathan came into Joe's with karina on his arms me and amber looked in disgust " "she is such a hoe bag" "tell me about it " I said we both laughed .


mother urged me to go out with karina when she showed up and so I did she act as If last night never happened we decided to go to Joe's "your paying " she said in her accent we went inside she grabbed my hand we went to order and I heard two familiar laughs I turned and amber and matt were sitting together laughing it up I got nervus they only glanced at me and went back to there conversation "what could they possibly talk about the only thing they had in common was me and I know matt wouldn't " . Then something else happened that caught me by surprised matt reached over the table and planted wet one on amber she started kissing him back my blood was boiling I think my eyes turned red I marched over there "I see your enjoying my sloppy seconds, faggot " matt smiled then stood up " I would watch it if I was you " he said cold and calculated " I backed down " the waiter came with there foods and they started eating like I wasn't

even there.


what news have you brought me "Paula said as i entered her house " I don't know anything Paula I really should go " she grabbed me and pushed against the wall "you are lying so help me you little tramp I will make your life a living hell" she has finally lost it, Paula Bellini Is officially crazy I thought "Matthew is cool okay , leave him alone " I protested "one phone call and your father six figure job will be over, and trust me in this economy you don't want that to happen " I couldn't risk my dad going through any hardships so I caved "okay I found out he is gay " I felt like I betrayed his trust  "I already know that I need something else " she looked at emotionless "he didn't say much except no one knows not even his parents , just leave him alone " she smiled "go home little girl I have something to do" I did what I was told , I felt like I set off some kind of chain of events .


home that's where I needed to be with my family I drove up to the house and it was quiet I went in the kitchen and saw my parents sitting there they looked as if they saw a ghost I shook the feeling off and went to the refrigerator for juice I started pouring "so is it true matt " "is what true " "turn around " I turned around and they had a photo of me and Nick kissing then another one of us hugging I dropped my juice on the floor my moms face was furious "yes it is im gay " she stormed out my dad started walking towards me I flinch thinking he would hit me he grabbed me and hugged me then pulled away to look at my face "how ? Why ? " "I don't know I just am " he shook his head in disbelief "you know what people do to those people , what im trying to say is im scared for you " he kissed me on my forehead " remember when you were my little Guy" I shook my head yes how I wish I could go back to those days  , this

wasn't suppose to be  I felt ashamed he left out the kitchen Karen came in "big brother I swear I didn't say anything " she has tears in her eyes because she was afraid for me  "I know Karen " she hugged me I hugged her back ""who was it " he whispered in my ear "it was Nathan's mom she has it out for me " . I went to my upstairs to my room and opened the closet and pulled out my duffle bag I opened it and saw the money I had cashed" there was a knock on the door I threw the bag back into my closet it was my mother came in "um I don't feel comfortable with you near my son " "what ? You think I would do something to my Danny " "I don't know what you think in your sick mind but let me tell you one thing you are not welcomed here pack your things and leave " "wow, you could disown me like that " she leaves out and I  pack my bags grab my duffle bag and leave out my room I got downstairs and dad was sitting

down he looks up "son where are you going ?" he stared at my bags then back at me "Moira doesn't want me here she thinks im going to do something to my brother " I had tears in my eyes Karen blocks the door "no , mom tell him she comes down the stairs with Danny in her arms "tell him he doesn't have to leave " "Karen move from the door " "Matty....Matty" Danny said holding out his arms for me I cried how could she do this to me dad pulled her in the other room Karen took Danny she handed him to me he hugged me I hugged him back "you be a good boy for mom and dad and make sure to give Karen hell " he had tears in her eyes all three of us hugged "where are you going to go big brother " "I don't know where ever my car will take me " I said I kissed both my brother and sister on the forehead and left out before my parents could return I put my things in the car and rode off I saw dad running out the house but I turned

the block and disappeared from my old block .


I had come in and mother looked of satisfaction "what are you so happy about " "that matt kid wont bother this family anymore " "what doesn't that mean " I said " it means his family knows all about his hobbies like seducing that boy he is always with" she said my heart sunk in the bottom of my chest "what have you done " "I did what I thought had to be done

" when I said I Will destroy Matt I meant it ,every word of it " .


I have no where else to go " "yes you do matt you can stay with me " "I cant ask that " he wiped my tears " "you didn't ask I offered " "after the way I treated you " "hay " he lifted my chin " I don't care about that all I care about is you matt" he pulled me in a hug I hugged him back. His mother and father burst in the front door "it is god chilly out there " I pulled away from nick "its okay sunshine you must be nicks boyfriend nice to meet you " she gave me a hug his father gave me a handshake "what's the matter sweety " she said to nick "his family found out he was gay then kicked him out " `oh gosh what can we do " "I was wondering can he stay here with us please " his father smiled "take Matthew up stairs to the guest room let me and your father talk " we went upstairs nick opened the door there was a big bed in there a dresser I sat on the bed it was a lot softer then mines but I miss

my bed already me and nick talked he wrapped his arms around me "everything will be okay " "I hope so" his parents came into the room "you can stay but there will be rules " "like what " nick said " that curfew is eleven , homework is to be done after school and if you do have sex use a condom " "mom !" "What I want you to be safe can you both follow the rules " "yes Mrs Stephens " "good , welcome to your new home" "she gave me a hug even Mr Stephens they left me and nick , nick closed the door "now that I got you all to myself how about I make you feel better " "how are you going to do that " he locked the door then opened another door leading to the guest shower "care for a shower he smiles I smiled back "sure why not " we went into the bathroom he took off his shirt and pants and was in his boxers his dick stretched out his boxers I stroked him " how about I suck that hard cock of yours " he

slid down his boxers to his ankles and sat on the toilet I stripped and got on my knee's and started sucking on the head of his cock, I began to suck him all the way my nose was nestle on his pubs and I heard him whisper "fuck yeah " his dick slid in and out of my mouth then I started to suck on his balls he laughed like a little school boy but I could tell he enjoyed it I made my way down to his hole I lifted his legs up and starting rimming him , he enjoyed it I went back up to his balls and started sucking them then back to his dick which was as hard as a rock "I began sucking it "you are great at this " I sucked him to a climax then he got in the shower and I followed he grabbed my butt and pulled me into him and started soaping my body he licked and sucked on my nipples I was caressing his wet hair he got on his knees and took my cock in his mouth the warm water flowing down my body and nicks mouth on my cock seem to make everything

that happen go away but all I could here is Nathan's mother voice " I WILL DESTROY YOU , she did just that ...

(The next chapter I will fast forward to Matt starting senior year)

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Next: Chapter 7

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