National Parks

By Francis Scott

Published on May 18, 2024


National Parks Chapter 1

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. Some of the characters in this story are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

National Parks - Volcanoes National Park - Hawaii

By Francis Scott

Graham and I were relaxing by the pool. We were recounting our birthday parties that our friends had given us.

My birthday was before Graham's and Quinton and Reeve gave me a great birthday party. My parents came to the party for a little while, which sure surprised the heck out of me. My brother and his family came and stayed at Graham's and my house. Anthony and Roland came too. They were looking older, but Anthony told me they were still busy with their appraisals and auctions. Sam stopped by and he was also starting to show his age. He only stayed for a short time, he said he needed to get back to the hotel.

Graham and I had agreed that when we turned forty, we were going to start visiting some of the most visited and famous National Parks. Something that we had talked about for along time.

Graham's birthday party was just as great as mine. Preston and Holden gave Graham a big birthday party. His parents came and stayed at our house, along with his brother and sister. That really made Graham's birthday special for him.

Graham said, "my secretary has everything ready for us for our first summer getaway. Transportation, hotels, tours, etc."

"Your secretary should run her own travel agency," I told Graham.

"She worked at a travel agency before I hired her. She still does some work on the side for the travel agency. She wants to keep up her contacts and get her free travel points."

Graham told me he had placed our order for a case of digital photo frames. We wanted to use the digital photo frames to download pictures from our summer vacations to the National Parks.

Graham got us another cold beer from the tiki bar by the end of the pool.

He then told me that everything was set for our travels first to Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. We had agreed we wanted to visit the National Parks that were the furtherest from where we lived first and then slowly make our way to National Parks that were close to where to lived last.

We were looking forward to our first summer vacation. We had everything worked out at work and Graham's staff and my staff had given us going away parties.

Graham told me a hotel limousine would be stopping tomorrow at nine in the morning to take us to the airport and the first leg of our National Parks in Hawaii.

We had looked over the parks we would be visiting many times on the internet and kept getting more and more excited as our departure time drew near.

What Bob and Graham didn't know, was that Graham's secretary had a deluxe double decker mobile home coming to their house to pick up more clothes. Cindy already had a heads up from Graham's secretary and when the guys left for Hawaii the mobile home would be coming to pick up their clothes and then drive to California to pick up the guys at the airport.

Bob and Graham took a quick swim. They did a few laps and then rinsed off outside and towel dried each other. They wanted to double check their packing and make sure they hadn't forgot anything.

They put their flip flops on and draped their towels over their shoulders and walked together upstairs to their master bedroom.

They checked their two suitcases and garment bag and everything looked in order. Graham had a list of the itinerary.

They went downstairs naked and started fixing their dinner. They couldn't stop smiling and every time they looked at each other they started laughing.

Bob and Graham couldn't believe that they were actually going to be gone all summer on vacation. Just the two of them. They had thought about inviting one or two friends, but decided against it. This was their time to be together and enjoy themselves. They had planned and planned and now it was going to happen.

They found some good leftovers in the frig. They made themselves sandwiches and washed it down with the rest of the refreshment.

Bob had everything worked out with Cindy. She would come to work on the days that the gardener came and Xandro to take care of the birds. The house never got that dirty. Maybe a little dusty here and there. Both Bob and Graham told Cindy, she would still be paid full time. She was happy. She would have more time for herself.

Bob and Graham fixed themselves a plate of sandwiches and took the sandwiches and refreshment to the living room. They wanted to check the news and especially the weather. They had been having great summer weather. They wanted to see what the weather would be like in Los Angeles and Hawaii. Both places looked like they were expecting nice weather.

The news finished and Graham found them a movie to watch. Bob made some popcorn and they snuggled together and watched the movie.

The movie finished and they thought they should hit the hay. They weren't tired, still hyped up about leaving tomorrow morning. But they needed to try to get a little shut eye.

Graham turned off the tv and they took everything out to the kitchen and put their glasses and popcorn bowl in the dishwasher.

Headed upstairs for bed. They checked their baggage one more time to make sure everything was in order and they hadn't forgotten anything. That probably made four or five times they had checked their baggage.

Graham set the alarm just in case they didn't wake up in time to get ready to leave.

They snuggled together under the covers. Kissed and hugged each other tightly. Their cocks rubbing and grinding together.

Soon they found themselves in a sixty nine. Laying on their sides with their hard erections pointed at each other's faces. Bob took Graham into his mouth and down his throat. Graham gave out a gasp of pleasure and then did the same to Bob. They worked a couple of fingers in each other's holes. Graham was already humping back and forth in Bob's mouth and throat. Bob set up a good suction on Graham's cock. Graham was trying to match what Bob was doing to him, to Bob. Soon Bob was humping back and forth in Graham's mouth and throat. Bob couldn't hold back any longer and gave his lover a big load, hitting the back of Graham's throat. Soon Graham came and flooded Bob's mouth and throat with a massive load. "Where did that big load come from?"

"I was so turned on and horny, that I just released everything."

"You sure did. Your cum tastes just as delicious as ever."

They licked and cleaned each other off. Got back to snuggling and their hot love making drained them and they drifted off to sleep.

It was a good thing Graham had set the alarm. They had time to shower and eat breakfast before they needed to get ready to leave.

They crawled out of bed and thought they could smell breakfast wafting in. "Cindy must be here getting breakfast ready for us."

"She's such a sweetheart. How thoughtful of her."

Bob and Graham took a hot steamy shower and jerked each other off while they kissed. They dried each other off and put on some shorts and tshirts and walked downstairs to the wonderful breakfast smells. They could hear Cindy humming in the kitchen.

"Cindy what are you doing here? It's your day off."

"Can't I make the two sexiest men in this town breafast?"

"Since you put it that way, we're famished."

We sat down at the breafast nook while Cindy served us our breafast.

They didn't know that Cindy came early because the motor home driver would be arriving later this morning, for Bobs and Grahams things. Cindy had to quickly get everything ready for him, as soon as Bob and Graham left.

Bob checked the time and they needed to get dressed and ready to leave. The limousine would be here in a half hour.

They thanked Cindy for a being so special and making them breakfast. They both gave her a kiss on the cheek and them ran upstairs to their bedroom.

They had their clothes laid out on the bed. They had had the tailor make them more new clothes for traveling. They got dressed quickly and checked each other in the floor length mirror. They thought they looked pretty handsome. Splashed on a little cologne and finished packing their toiletries.

They carried their luggage and garment bags downstairs. Graham had all their travel documents and itineraries in a special carry satchel. It wasn't big, but just right for everything they needed.

They heard the gate and a big black stretch limousine came in. The chaffeur parked by the front door. Cindy told us she would help the chaffeur get everything packed into the limousine.

The chaffeur came in and we showed him the luggage and garment bags. Cindy helped him and within a few minutes everything was stowed in the limousine. We gave Cindy a hug and kiss and wished us a safe trip and not to worry about the house. She would keep everything in ship shape.

The chaffeur opened the back doors for Bob and Graham and they got in and waved to Cindy as they left through the gate.

As soon as Bob and Graham left. Cindy beelined upstairs to Bob and Graham's bedroom. She opened their dresser drawers and walkin closet and started hauling clothes downstairs. At least what she thought they would like and need. She had to make four trips to get everything downstairs. She laid everything out on the sofa.

It seemed like it was taking forever to get to the airport. Probably because they were anxious to get there and arrive in Hawaii. They would gain six hours from their house to Hawaii.

Finally they could see the signs to the turnoff to the airport. The driver pulled in, in front of the private jet they would be using. It was the same one they had used before.

The steward came out of the plane and helped the chaffeur get the luggage stowed in the cargo hold. The steward took the garment bags and hung them inside the plane.

Bob and Graham thanked the chaffeur and Graham gave him a tip.

The steward and captain and navigator greeted them as they entered the plane. They all looked older. Even the steward didn't look like a young kid anymore. He told us he had graduated from college and would be started his job this fall.

We got seated in the sitting area and the steward brought us each our favorite beer. He told us we would be taking off soon. Also, we would be fueling at LAX, and then taking off for Hawaii.

The door with the steps to the plane closed and the pilot came on and told us we would taking off soon.

The steward took our empty beer glasses and told us we needed to fasten our seatbelts. We got fastened in and noticed the steward doing the same.

We could feel the plane taxiing to the runway. Soon we could hear the jets revving and we were taking off for Los Angeles.

The steward came back to us and asked us if we would like something to drink. Lunch would be ready in about thirty minutes. The flight to LAX is three hours.

We told him we would take another beer. He told us he would be right back with our beer.

Graham looked over at me with a big smile on his face. He mouthed, I love you to me. I did the same back to him.

Whatever the Steward was warming for lunch, it sure smelled good.

He placed our beer in front of us in chilled glasses.

Cindy heard the speaker for the front gate. Luke identified himself as the driver of the motorhome. Cindy pressed the button inside to open the gate. She saw a tall distinguished looking man walking to the front door. Darn, she thought to herself, she should have applied her lipstick and fixed her hair. Oh well, too late now.

Cindy opened the front door for Luke. She thought she was going to faint. He was drop dead gorgeous. Now if he was only single. "I believe you have some clothes that would you want put into the mobile home for Bob and Graham?"

"That's right." Cindy was starting to sweat. She hadn't been nervous or tongue tied like this, since she was a young girl.

"Is everything okay Cindy? You seem very nervous and your sweating."

"I'm fine. Let me show you the things I pulled out for Bob and Graham. Maybe I can help you organize their clothes in the motor home?" She really wanted to see what it looked like.

Luke had been around the block a few times. Being fifty and turning fifty one next month, he knew exactly what Cindy was doing.

Luke thought he better tell Cindy about himself and then she could decide what she wanted to do.

Luke took a long look at Cindy. "Cindy, there is something I should tell you. I know exactly what your doing. I know your attracted to me and I'm attracted to you. But you need to know that my door swings both ways. I'm bisexual and like sex with both men and women. I wanted you to know this up front, and then let you decide if wanted this to keep progressing."

"Thanks for telling me Luke. However, it doesn't change my feelings for you. I think your very handsome and sexy and wouldn't mind going out with you."

Well, so his door swings both ways. We'll see about that. One day and night with me and he will forgot all about men. I'm not letting Luke get away from me.

"Thanks Cindy. That's all I needed to know. I feel the same way about you. I'm fifty years old, going on fifty one, I hope that's not a turn off for you?"

"Not at all. I'm forty nine, going on fifty and your the kind of man I've been waiting and looking for."

Luke gave Cindy a quick kiss and they started carrying clothes into the motor home.

"Luke, this motor home is like a mansion on wheels."

"It sure is, it's brand new and especially designed for Bob and Graham, incorporating all the things they like."

"How did you know what Bob and Graham would like?"

"I'm the lead engineer for these motor homes. We always do a thorough background check on our clients. We want to know the people we are dealing with. First, if they have enough money to be able to buy our top of the line motor homes, and secondly if they can afford to rent one of our motor homes. Bob and Graham passed with flying colors on both points. Once we get their things put away. I'll show you around this fantastic motor home."

Cindy couldn't believe motor homes like this existed. She was dazed looking at all the fine features. She kept bumping into Luke. She was doing it on purpose.

"Well Cindy, you can see this is the master bedroom. With a king sized bed. There are two dressers for Bob and Graham and a huge walk in closet. The master bathroom is all marble with gold fixtures. It has a jacuzzi tub. A walk in shower with a rain shower head. A steam room and his and his sinks." They walked down the hall which had a big linen closet on the side. There was a small office/study room. Wired to the internet. There was another bedroom. A little smaller but just as opulent. They went into a large living room with a large flat screen tv and built in sound system that was wired throughout the motor home with a fireplace. That lead into a formal dining room and gourmet kitchen attached. The living room had a small spiral staircase that went up to the second floor. The second floor was another living room that worked as an observation area. There was a bar to the end of the sitting area. They went back downstairs and Luke showed Cindy his state of the art controls for driving the motor home, with a built in computer and GPS system. Cindy thought it looked like an airplane cockpit. Luke showed Cindy his overhead bedroom. He told Cindy he would be the driver for Bob and Graham. Their cook and housekeeper. Since he was the chief engineer, he knew the motor home better than anybody. There was plenty of storage and Luke told Cindy that the frig and freezer would be filled with everything that Bob and Graham liked. Both bars would be stocked with top end liquor and the beer wine and scotch they both liked.

Cindy was very impressed. "This really is a mansion on wheels."

Luke then showed Cindy the outside features of the motor home. With retractable awnings. Another big flat sceen tv. And all the storage. Folding chairs and tables were stored under the motor home.

"This is really something else, Luke. I'm sure Bob and Graham are going to really like this motor home."

"I hope so. I put a lot of work into this motor home. Hopefully, they will consider purchasing it."

"How much does it cost, Luke?"

"Let's just say, with all the top of the line products and features. It's a few million dollars."

"Wow, I would never have thought a motor home could be that expensive. I better get back to the house. Nice meeting you Luke. Oh by the way, I have some of Bobs and Grahams favorite refreshment made, do you have room for it?"

"Sure." Luke followed Cindy back into the house.

Before Cindy handed the pitcher of refreshment to Luke, they exchanged cell phone numbers and they kissed one more time.

Luke thanked Cindy for the refreshment. And promised to keep in touch with her. Luke put the refreshment in the freezer so it wouldn't spoil.

Cindy watched Luke leave. What a hunk, she thought to herself. He's the kind of guy I like. Smart, good looking and friendly. She sighed and got back to her work.

The large fifty five foot motor home slowly pulled away from the front gate to Bob and Grahams house. Luke didn't have far to drive. They built the motor homes in the adjoining state. It was only about a four hour drive. He liked how everyone stared at the motor home.

The steward come out from the galley to pick up our empty beer glasses. He told us lunch was ready. If we were.

We told him we were ready. The smells coming from the galley were out of this world.

Soon the steward came from the galley with two silver covered plates. He set one down in front of Graham and the other in front of me. He took the covers off and we had a variety of bite sized sea food. The steward then brought out melted butter for Graham to dip his seafood, and thermidor sauce for me that I could pour over my seafood. And finally he brought out a bottle of our favorite white wine chilled. And poured a flute of wine for Graham and me.

The lunch was perfect. Just the right amount of food. We didn't feel full when we finished. Just satisfied. The steward cleared our table and we kept sipping on our wine. Graham said, "what do think about our vacation so far?"

"If it continues like this, this will be the best vacation we've ever had."

While they were sipping on their wine, the captain came on and told them they would be landing in about an hour. They were started their descent into LAX.

"You know with the time change, the six hours, we'll be arriving in Hawaii, just in time for lunch," I told Graham.

"We hadn't better each much on our flight to Hawaii, just some snacks and drinks," Graham said.

The pilot came back on and said we were starting our final descent into LAX airport. To make sure we had our seatbelts fastened. Touch down was smooth and the pilot taxied the plane to its slot and they would start the refueling. Again the steward told us it would take about thirty minutes to refuel. And we needed to stay on the plane.

While we were waiting, I asked Graham if he had the home office laptop with him. He told me it was stored in the overhead bin. I told him we could check out the itinerary while we were flying to Hawaii. I asked Graham about our accommodations in Hawaii. He told me he didn't know what they would be. His secretary kept that a secret. She told Graham we would be pleasantly surprised.

The pilot came back on and told us the plane was refueled and we would be taking off shortly. To make sure we had our seatbelts fastened.

This would be our first time in Hawaii. We thought if we liked it, we would return at a future date.

The plane started taxiing to the runway and soon we were airborne to Hawaii.

We reached our cruising speed and altitude and the steward brought us an arrangment of snacks with a frosty chilled mug of beer.

I asked the steward how long the flight was to Hawaii. He told us about five to six hours. The captain would give us an update once we got closer to Hawaii.

Graham pulled out the laptop from the overhead bin and got it setup on the table. There was internet connection. We could use the laptop, it didn't interfere with the communication frequency. However, we couldn't use our cell phones until we landed and the plane came to a stop.

One of our snacks was macadamia nuts. How appropriate, since they originated in Australia, but in the USA, they are known as Hawaii nuts. They tasted good with the cold beer. They were natural and unsalted. There was also mixed nuts and different cheeses and crackers. Plenty for a snack for us.

Graham pulled up the itinerary for Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. The park is located on the big island. And according to the itinerary, we would be visiting, Backcountry Hiking, Crater Rim Drive Tour, Chain of Craters Road Tour and The Kahuku Unit. It sounded like a lot to take in. I was glad about the hiking. That would be all the exercise we would be getting. We had packed hiking gear so we should be all set for the first part of our adventure.

We looked up each of the four items separately on the itinerary, to get a better idea of what each one involved. It seemed like a good variety and we would seeing about 90% of the National Park.

The snacks tasted good and disappeared rapidly. The captain came on and startled us. We were so engrossed in the National Park. He told us our flying time would be just over five hours. He didn't suspect any turbulence and it looked like a smooth flight the whole way. The captain finished by saying we were two hours out from the Kona International Airport on the big island.

We double checked the itinerary and we were satisfied with the variety of items on our schedule.

We nibbled on our snacks and finished the wine while looking on the computer.

The pilot came back on and told us we were starting our descent into Kona International Airport. We should be landing in about an hour.

Graham and I were getting excited. We couldn't wait to see Hawaii. At least part of the big island.

The steward brought another beer in chilled steins.

When we looked out the window. All we could see was blue. The blue of the ocean. We couldn't spot any land yet.

We finished our beer and told the Steward that we didn't want anything more to drink.

The captain came back on and told us we would soon be making our final descent and to make sure our seatbelts were fastened.

Graham and I were bouncing around like two little kids. We could see land now when we looked out the window. We could feel the plane making it's descent. And soon we touched down. Another smooth landing.

The pilot taxied the plane to the place for private flights. I could see a group of people and a large black stretch limousine waiting for us. The plane came to stop and the door opened and the steps automatically descended.

The flight crew welcomed us to Hawaii and told us we could deboard the plane. We thanked them for a wonderful flight.

When we deboarded Hawaiian music started and hula dancers were dancing. One of the hula dancers put leis on us and the perfume from the orchids was aromatic. I noticed the steward and the chaffeur loading our luggage and garment bags into the limousine.

The dancers finished and the chaffeur opened the back door of the limousine and Graham and I got in. We thanked the hula dancers and musicians.

The chaffeur told us he was available for us 24/7 and would take us to our private residence.

The temperature was a comfortable seventy six with no humidity. The lush tropical plants and flowers seemed to be everywhere. It was a beautiful drive to our residence.

We thought our backyard was lush and tropical. But it wasn't anything like what we were seeing. This was just beautiful.

The chaffeur told us that we would be in a private residence on the edge of the National Park. There was camping and rustic cabins in the park, but the reservations were for one of our deluxe residences. We will soon be arriving.

We came up to a gate and the chaffeur pressed a button and the gate opened and we made the short drive to the entrance. Wow, wow, wow, was all we could say. The place was fantastic. It looked like it was built right into the tropical forest. It looked like it had a large lanai porch off to one corner in the front of the house.

The chaffeur opened the door for us and we got out. "Welcome to your home, away from home."

A young man greeted us. He looked around twenty eight to thirty years old. "I'm Adam and I will be your houseboy. I'll take care of the cooking, cleaning and anything else you need. I will also be your guide as you explore the National Park."

We shook hands and Adam opened the front doors and we walked in. He told us he would give a tour of the house once our luggage and garment bags were stowed in the master bedroom.

Adam and the chaffeur finished with our things. The chaffeur left and reminded us that he worked 24/7 for us. To just give him a call on the house phone and he'd be right here.

"Are you guys ready for your tour of this spectactular house?"

"We are. From what we could see here in the foyer, this is quite a house."

"Everything in the house is operated by remote." Adam showed us the remote and how everything worked. He led us into a large gourmet kitchen with a formal dining room attached. There was also a small sitting area off the to the side for breakfast. Two large islands in the kitchen with an industrial size refrigerator and gas range with a double oven. There was a built in grill with rotisserie. We then left the kitchen and walked to the right into the living room. The living room was spacious with a wall fireplace. Adam told us all the stones in the fireplace were native to the island. Most of the stones were lava. We then went to the left and down a small hallway. There was an office and den combination. Off to the left was the master bedroom. It was huge. Bigger than our master bedroom at home. We had his and his dressers and a large walk in closet. The master bathroom. Had a steam room. Jacuzzi tub and two raintree shower heads. I guess one for Graham and the other for me. We left the master bedroom and two guest bedrooms were across the hall. They were adjoining bedrooms with the bathroom in between the two bedrooms. The bedrooms were situated in the back of the house which was a good idea. It was very quiet and peaceful back here. We walked back down the little hall and to the side of the living room to another large lanai sitting area which looked out to a serpentine swimming pool with diving board. The back was again very lush and tropical. Everything looked like it belonged where it was. Adam told us the pool had lights and fountains. There was also backyard lighting. The sound system was also loaded into the remote and the whole house had surround sound music. This was really quite a house. I asked Adam about laundry and dry cleaning. He told us not to worry about that. He didn't bother to show us the laundry area that had it's own dry cleaning machine. We ended back in the living room. "This is quite a house for just the two of us."

"Well, only the best for you two." Adam had been briefed earlier about Bob and Graham. He knew they were gay and that wasn't a problem for him. He liked men and that was why he was chosen as their houseboy and tour guide. "What would you men like for lunch?"

"Well we ate a big lunch on the plane. With the six hour time difference, I think just something light. Maybe a fruit salad with sandwiches. Do you have any refreshment?"

"I do. I know everything you guys like to eat. The refrigerator freezer and pantry are stocked with all your favorite foods and snacks."

"Maybe you guys want to freshen up while I get your light lunch ready for you and change clothes after your flight?"

"That's an excellent idea Adam. I think we'll do that."

We headed down the hall and into our master bedroom. Adam walked off to the kitchen to get their lunch ready.

Bob and Graham didn't know that as part of Adam's briefing. He was told that Bob and Graham were multi-millionaires and that expenses were not an issue for them. Adam thought they smelled of money. He had worked with a lot of people and wealthy people. But nobody like Bob and Graham. He thought this was going to work out good.

Bob and Graham stripped out of their traveling clothes. It felt good to shed them. Graham got the raintree showers going and Bob joined Graham. There was shampoo conditioner and shower gel in dispensers on the wall in the shower. They washed each other and towel dried each other. They looked around for their luggage and found their lugged in the walk in closet. Their clothes were hung. They picked out loose fitting shirts. They checked the dressers and the rest of their clothes had been put away. They both put on cargo shorts that went well with their pull over shirts. And sandals. They had splashed on a little cologne and walked back out to the kitchen.

"You guys look petty spiffy."

"Thanks. It feels good to get out of those travel clothes."

"I have your lunch ready. Where would you like to eat?"

We told Adam, out on the back lanai so we can take in that beautiful backyard.

Bob and Graham walked out to the back lanai and took a seat at a small table. Adam set their lunch down with two tall iced refreshments.

"This looks perfect Adam. Thank you."

Is their anything else you need?"

"I can't think of anything."

"I'm going to take care of your travel clothes while you guys eat your lunch."

"Okay Adam."

Lunch was excellent. Many of the local tropical fruits were used in the fruit salad. The ice cold refreshment hit the spot. They finished and took a walk around the backyard. There were stone paths. They walked down to the pool. Bob checked the water and it was perfect. There was also a jacuzzi hot tub at the end of the pool. You couldn't see it from the backyard lanai.

Adam saw Bob and Graham taking in the backyard. God those guys were good looking and fit. They sure didn't look forty years old. They could pass for his age, thirty.

Adam walked down and joined Bob and Graham. "I have taken care of your travel clothes and they will be freshened and ready tomorrow."

"Thanks Adam."

"What would you guys like to do this afternoon?"

"I think we're just going to relax. The six hour time difference is catching up to us."

"Just so you know. You two are invited to a lu'au this evening. What your wearing will be fine. You don't have to dress formal for a lu'au."

"Ok. We better get some rest so we are ready for the lu'au later. We might take a dip in the pool."

Adam was hoping they would decide to skinny dip in the pool. But figured they probably wouldn't.

"Just so you know. This house is private and set back. The closest house is almost five miles away. The backyard has the tropical plants going all around and is private. So if you want to skinny dip, it won't be a problem."

Bob raised his eyebrows. "I guess, thanks for the information. I'm not sure about skinny dipping, but we will consider it."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Another glass of refreshment would be good."

Adam left and Bob and Graham started talking about Adam. "Do you think Adam wants to see us naked?," I asked Graham.

"I think so. He sure keeps looking us over all the time. He is our houseboy. Maybe he would join us. It would be fun to see his reaction if we decide to swim nude."

"He is pretty hot. His tight shirt shows off his chest and shoulder muscles. I wonder how big all his muscles are?"

We both laughed about that. "I think we might take him up on the offer of skinny dipping. I'll have him bring some towels for us to dry off after our swim. I see they have pool side loungers.

Adam came back with our two tall glasses of refreshemnts.

"Adam, Graham and I talked about the offer of skinny dipping. We think we are going to after we finish our refreshment. Why don't you bring down three towels so Graham and I can dry off?"

"Don't you mean two towels?"

"No. We thought you would join us."

I saw Adam get a smile on his face. "Okay, I'll bring three towels. After all I am your houseboy and part of my job is to make your stay as enjoyable as possible."

"I'll be right back with three towels."

Graham and I smiled to ourselves. We finished our refreshment and walked down to the pool. And stretched out on a couple of loungers while we waited for Adam. We thought we could all strip at the same time. Or even better, help each other strip.

We watched Adam walk down to the pool with three oversized fluffy towels.

"How do you want to do this," asked Adam. "You want want me to strip each one of you and then you guys strip me or we stripping ourselves?"

"Let's strip each other."

Grahm and I got up while Adam started stripping us. That freed us to strip Adam. Adam must have done this before. We soon had our shirts off and our shorts to our ankles. Our briefs were bulging. Adam made sure to rub over our bulges wheh he undid our shorts. We had Adam's shirt off and he was kicking of his shorts. Now the moment we have all been waiting for. On three we slid each other's briefs down and off. Graham and I were semi hard. Adam was sticking out straight. Adam was smooth all over and muscular. He looked like a rugby player. His cock was a little smaller than ours. Probably a hefty six inches. He was thick and cut. He had niced sized balls.

Once we were stripped we all dove into the water. The water felt good. It wasn't hot out. But the cool water was refreshing. We splashed around and starting horsing around in the water. Dunking each other with cocks hitting each other. We then swam a few laps which was a little hard to do with the shape of the pool. So we swam around the edge and did our laps that way. After a bit we thought we had enough of the pool and climbed out and dried each other off.

Adam said, "I want you two guys to fuck me."

That took us by surprise. We weren't expecting that.

"I like you to take turns fucking me while the one feeds me his cock. You are guys are so hot."

We spread the towels out on the side of the pool. The loungers weren't big enough for the three of us and we didn't want to take a chance of breaking one of them.

Graham said he would go first. Adam was already lying down on the towels on his back, with his legs in the air. We could see his cute little pink pucker looking at us.

I saw Graham get down and give Adam a good rim job. Getting his hole all wet with his saliva. Sticking his tongue in and out. Adam was moaning and begging for Graham's cock. I was thinking, he was sure a hungry little fella.

I saw Graham's cock. He was hard and leaking. He rubbed his precum around the hole and then eased the head in. Adam's hole grabbed Graham's cock head and pulled it in. Graham didn't have to do anything. Soon Graham was giving Adam slow long strokes. I was on my knees over Adam's face and he was giving me an excellent blow job. This guy had been around the block a few times. He knew what he was doing. Adam had me moaning in no time. Graham was grunting and I saw he had picked up his pace. I knew that meant he was getting close to cumming. Graham was stroking Adam's thick six incher while he fucked him. Soon I gave out a yell and shot a load into Adam's mouth and down his throat. He sucked me dry. And I got off him. Graham was busy jerking Adam in time with his fucking. Soon Adam tensed and started shooting out high in the air. Graham knelt down and caught most of Adam's cum in his mouth. Adam cumming caused his ass muscles to constrict on Graham's cock and that sent Graham over the edge. Filling Adam's hole with a big load. Graham pulled out along with some of his cum oozing out.

We all rested for a bit and then it was my turn to fuck Adam. Graham got on his knees and over Adam's mouth. Adam took Graham's cock into his mouth and soon had Graham hard again. Feeling my lover's cum in Adam's hole, got me hard. Adam's hole grabbed my cock and pulled me in easily. Graham's cum made good lube. You could hear a squishing sound while I fucked Adam. Adam was hard again and I started stroking him. I couldn't bend down far enough to suck his cock. Graham was grunting and I saw Adam sucking Graham's cock fast. Graham grimaced and pushing hard into Adam's mouth and down his throat while he came. Not as big a load, but not bad for the second one. Watching Graham cum sent me over the edge and I pumped Adam's ass hard while he pushed back on me and I drove a big load way up his ass. Not bad for my second time cumming either. It was taking Adam a little longer to cum his second time. I started playing with his balls while I stroked him and that seemed to do the trick. He told me he was going to cum. I quickly got down on his cock and sucked his second load out. His cum was delicious.

We laid back exhausted and finally got up. We told Adam we were going to rest for awhile. "What time should we get ready for lu'au?"

"The lu'au starts at seven. So I would say be ready by six thirty. I'll be taking you to the lu'au in one of the park jeeps. That way you can start getting used to one of the jeeps. That's what we will be using when we start exploring the National Park. The lu'au is on National Park land. In a beautiful setting. I'll see you guys at six thirty. I have some things I need to do to get ready for the lu'au later. And thanks for a great time."

"Our pleasure Adam."

"Is there anything you guys would like before I leave?"

Graham and I smiled to ourselves. "We'll take a cold beer."

"Coming right up."

Graham and I had moved up on loungers by the pool. There was a little round table between the loungers. Perfect for our beer.

Adam was back with our beer. We thanked him and again he told us he would be back later to take us to the lu'au.

We watched Adam leave. Sure a nice hot compact man. We were glad Adam was our houseboy, tour guide, cook and house cleaner.

We finished our beer and took the towels and empty beer steins up to the kitchen. We weren't sure where to put the wet towels. So we just left them by the kitchen island. The steins we loaded into the dishwasher.

We walked down to the master bedroom. And flopped down on a very comfortable king sized bed. Graham set the alarm on the nightstand on his side of the bed. Just in case, we were still sleeping when it was time to get ready to go.

The guys were so tired they didn't even notice the two large flower arrangements on their dressers. Courtesy of the National Park Director. Also, a large basket, elegantly arranged with flowers. Two bottles of Bobs and Grahams favorite white wine, courtesy of the governor of Hawaii, and two bottles of Black Balmoor scotch, courtesy of the oldest daughter of Abigail Kawananakoa, the last princess of the Hawaiian Royalty. Also, there were bags of Hawaiian macadamia nuts. Assorted crackers and cheeses with the bottles.

The flowers were making a nice fragrance in the master bedroom.

Everything had been delivered by the chaffeur while all the guys were at the pool. The chaffeur took his time and got his eyes full of Bob and Graham. He was wondering why Adam got all the fun. He never seemed to have time to enjoy himself. He would have liked to have been fucked by Bob and Graham. There's still a lot of time. Maybe it will happen. He thought to himself.

Bob and Graham woke up to a loud blaring alarm. It was good that Graham set the alarm. Or they would have overslept. Bob thought the alarm was just as loud and annoying as their alarm at home. And then he smelled the flowers. Probably coming in through the windows.

They crawled out of bed. And Graham noticed the gift basket and flowers. "Bob look at the top of our dressers and the top of the side table."

There were two big flower arrangements on top of our dressers. "Who's the flowers from?"

"The card says compliments from the National Park Director."

"The was nice of him. What's in the big basket with flowers and bottles sitting out?"

"There's two bottles of our favorite white wine, compliments of the Governor of Hawaii, and two bottles of Black Balmoor scotch, courtesty of the oldest daughter of Abigail Kawananakoa, the last princess of Hawaiian Royalty. There's also bags of Hawaiian Macadamia nuts and assorted crackers anc cheeses."

"Are you sure about the scotch babe?"

"Yes." Graham held up a bottle and it was Black Balmoor scotch. "Do you know how expensive that scotch is?"

"I haven't got a clue."

"When I was checking on our white wine, I also started looking through the scotch selection. One bottle of Black Balmoor scotch runs around twenty thousand dollars a bottle. And we have two bottles."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Not at all. I guess the Hawaiian Royalty likes good scotch."

"I think we better take a quick shower and get dressed, so we're ready when Adam arrives."

We walked into the shower. I really liked the rainstree shower heads. Graham and I quickly washed and rinsed each other and then towel dried each other.

"What we going to wear Bob?"

"Remember, Adam told us to wear what we were wearing earlier."

So we got out some tailor made shorts with matching shirts and put on the same dress sandals. Splashed on a little cologne and we were ready for the lu'au.

We walked out to the foyer, but Adam hadn't arrived yet. The backyard lights were on and the backyard looked beautiful with the lights on. The pool lights were on and the side fountains were going. It really looked like paradise.

I thought I heard the front gate. I did and a saw a park jeep driving in. It must be Adam. The jeep was in the military green color with the name of the National Park on the sides of the jeep. Adam got out in a crisp military green park uniform. He looked pretty sharp in his uniform. But he looked sharp naked too. He walked up to the front door and I opened it and let him in. He asked us if we were ready and we told him we were waiting on him.

"Let's go men."

We hopped in the jeep and Adam drove into the National Park and where the lu'au was being held. Some nene geese were crossing the road and we had we wait for them. Adam told us the geese were federally protected and we would probably see some geese around the house where we were staying. He said they did breeding close to our house.

We pulled up in front of the main lodge for the National Park. Adam told us we could get out here and then we'd walk the short distance to the lu'au.

We followed a little path into what looked like a tropical rain forest. I could hear Hawaiian music playing. Soon we came to a large open area that was set up for the lu'au. A long table had the buffet. There were many tables set around. I noticed the stage where the music was coming from. Hawaiian dancers were performing to the music. People were arrived like us and some where already seated at tables. We were taken to a table that had a reserved sign on it and a couple of people were already seated at the table.

When we arrived, Adam told us he would be way to the back with the other park workers and told us to enjoy ourselves. Before we could get seated we introduced ourselves. The National Park Director was there and we shook hands. Also, the governor of Hawaii and his wife were there and we shook hands and then we all sat down. They told Graham and me that they were waiting on the oldest daughter of Abigail Kawanakoa, the last princess of the Hawaiian Royal family. She had a longer distance to come, but should be here shortly.

I noticed the tables were starting to fill. We all watched the Hawaiian dancers and listened to the music. The governor told me these were the National dancers performing.

Soon the Hawaiian National Anthem started playing. Everyone rose and the oldest daughter was escorted to our table. She was stunningly beautiful. She was wearing a typical Hawaiian dress with some very expensive jewelry. Probably part of the royal family jewelry collection. We shook hands with her and she was seated next to me. I thanked her for the bottles of scotch. She told me it was her pleasure.

Soon the performers and music stopped and I saw the governor walking up to the stage. He stood at a podium that had been moved out and took the microphone. And then he started. "Thank you everyone for attending this very special lu'au. We generally have a lu'au on the first day of everyone's arrival. But in the case, this lu'au was being held for two very special people that are visiting our Volcanoes National Park and are going to be exploring the park. These two people are wonderful humanitarians. They returned to their hometown after pursuing their academic careers. One a very successful investment advisor that runs his own investment firm with a co-partner. The other person is a very successful family practioner. Through their humanitarian efforts, they small hometown had a population of around 10,000 people when they returned. Now their hometown is pushing 80,000 and is still expanding. With their humanitarian efforts, they have helped countless individuals and businesses get started in their hometown. This lu'au is our way of showing appreciation for everything they do. Would Bob and Graham please stand." We looked at each other and then stood up. Everyone was clapping. We got seated with the clapping still continuing. The daughter of the princess leaned over and told me, now you see why I bought you those two fine bottles of scotch and you received the wine and the two large flower arrangements. Then the Park Director continued. "I'm hungry I don't know about you folks, but the buffet is ready when you are."

Everyone waited for our table to stand up and go to the buffet line. I asked the daughter of the princess, if she would like us to bring something for her? She told me know, she liked attending lu'aus and waiting on herself. Everything looked delicious and many typical Hawaiian dishes had been prepared. I opted for some Hawaiian style salmon. I put a tablespoon of poi on my plate. I thought I'd give it a try. I also had some fruit salad. Graham, of course, had his plate heaped with food. I don't think I could even see his plate.

We made our way back to our table. The music and performers started again. Everyone said how delicious the buffet was. Graham just shook his head in agreement. He was stuffing his face and couldn't talk. We had been served white wine while we were in the buffet line. I recognized the white wine right away. It was our favorite. The poi needed an acquired taste. It didn't seem to have much flavor to me. I guess it's like eating grits, which also need an acquired taste. We finished our dinner and then a traditional dessert was served to us. Chocolate Haupia Pie. The pie was delicious, if you liked coconut. It was loaded with coconut fixed different ways to make the dessert. We really enjoyed it. Everyone at our table complimented us on enjoying some typical Hawaiian food. We told everyone that it was delicious. That seemed to please everyone.

Our table was cleared, except for the beautiful flower arrangement in the center of the table. And our wine glasses were refilled.

The music and performers stopped and one of the performers had a microphone and told us the show was going to begin.

Soon the music started with traditional hula music. The hula dancers came out and and started dancing. You could tell these were professional performers. All the moves synced and they were excellent. The show ended and we all applauded. Before we all left the table. Our distinguished hosts told us that the house we were staying in was going to be a gift to us anytime we decided to stay in Hawaii. It would always be available for us. The daughter of the princess told us the house had been built on royal property, but was never used. Her mother, the princess of the royal family, passed away before she could see the completion of the house. So it's like a gift from the Hawaiian Royal family. We told everyone we were honored and everything was way over the top. But we appreciated everything they had done. We all shook hands again, and Graham and I helped the oldest daughter back to her waiting limousine. She thanked us for the help and told us to enjoy our stay in Hawaii and to please come back often.

We couldn't believe that this lu'au was in our honor. We were just a couple of guys from a small town. Nothing exceptional about us.

Adam joined us and told us he was honored to be our houseboy and we told him we were honored to have him as our houseboy.

We got in the jeep and he drove us back to the house. More like a tropical mansion. We got out and Adam told us he would see us at eight tomorrow morning to get an early start. We had a lot to see over the next few days. Graham looked at me, "We thought you'd be staying with us. Since you're our houseboy."

Adam got a smile on his face. And told us he was hoping we would say that. We all walked into the house. Adam had a small overnight bag with him. And we all walked to the master bedroom. "Here's where you'll be spending the night with us, Adam."

Adam put his few things away. While Graham and I changed out of our clothes. We decided to got naked, like we did at home. Adam joined us naked also. Let's head down to the pool for awhile. Adam grabbed three large towels and we walked down to the pool.

Graham and I were relaxing on our loungers and we asked Adam if he would bring us a cold beer. He was gone in a flash getting our beer for us.

Relaxing on the lounger was making me sleepy. The six hour time change was really catching up with me. We had done a lot on just our first day in Hawaii. I looked over at Graham and his eyelids looked heavy too. "What do you think babe? How about we drink our beer, a quick swim and then head to bed. I'm really getting tired."

Graham agreed with me.

We watched Adam bringing down our beers. His hot tight body sure looked nice. He wasn't as tall as us, probably about five feet nine inches. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wasn't very hairy. But he sure had the muscle packed onto his small frame. His cock and balls were swinging and flopping around as he handed us our beers. We asked him if he was going to have a beer. He said no, that he didn't drink that much.

We told Adam about our plans and how tired we were getting. He understood and told us whenever we were ready for bed to just let him know and he would get the bed ready. Whatever that meant.

The beer tasted good and soon all three of us were in the pool. Not much horsing around. We did a few laps around the edge of the pool. Climbed out and washed the chlorine off in the outside shower. Adam dried us and then we dried him. And we all headed to the master bedroom.

Adam asked us, "would you mind if I fucked both of you guys before we go to sleep?"

"Not at all Adam, but don't be surprised if we fall asleep about half way through."

Graham and I laid back on the bed with our legs pulled up to our chest and our holes exposed to Adam. Adam went back and forth rimming us. He was good at rimming. We knew we could easily take his cock. He was smaller than most of our friends and we could take their cocks. He told us he was going to go back and forth fucking us. Adam started with me and my hole hungrily pulled his cock in and I felt his balls pressed against my ass cheeks. I heard him moan and he was slow fucking me and jerking me off at the same time. Then he pulled out and did the same to Graham. Like he said, he kept going back and forth on us. I was wondering who was going to shoot first. I was getting close and I could tell by the sounds Graham was making he was getting close too. Adam didn't make much noise, so it was hard to tell where he was at. Soon I felt Adam erupt in my hole. His cock swelled a least an inch bigger, but it felt huge. His hot jets of cum shot out bathing the sides of my hole. Adam then switched to Graham. His cock hadn't went soft and he started fucking Graham's hole. I got over Graham and he started sucking my cock. I bent down and took my lover's cock in my mouth and down my throat. Adam was really going to town on Graham's hole. I thought he might be cumming soon. Graham got me close and I went faster on his cock. Soon we were both cumming at the same time. Gasping and panting. We kissed and that seemed to get Adam off. I heard a faint grunt from Adam and he was filling Graham's hole with another hot load. Graham and I were beat and we decided not to take a shower.

Soon we were all snuggled together. Adam was behind me and I could feel the length of his limp cock on my crack. Graham was behind Adam and had his cock nestled into Adam's crack. And that was how we went to sleep. I'm sure Graham and I were asleep before Adam. After our hot sex, we were bushed.

Again that annoying alarm went off. It was seven in the morning. I felt rested. I saw Graham stirring. "Good morning sexy?"

"Good morning to you too." Graham said. "Where's Adam?"

"I haven't got a clue I just woke up."

"Well, it's seven. I suppose we should take a shower and then fix some breakfast."

We walked into the master bathroom and I got the rain tree shower heads going. We took a hot steamy shower which really felt good.

I thought I heard somebody. Adam hollered into the bathroom that breakfast was ready and we could come to the breakfast nook.

We finished rinsing off and then towel dried each other. We wrapped our towels around our waists and walked to the kitchen and then the breakfast nook.

"How you guys feeling this morning. You feel rested?"

We both told Adam we felt great and ready for our first day in the National Park.

He said good. It would be a full day of hiking.

We dug into a good breakfast. Adam was already dressed in his park ranger shorts and shirt with hiking boots. We thanked Adam for a delicious breakfast and he told us to leave our towels he would take care of them. But we should get dressed and then leave for the National Park.

We pulled out some hiking shorts and shirt. We had some heavy socks and our hiking boots. It didn't take us long to get dressed. The clothing seemed strange. It seemed like we should be getting dressed for work. Soon we were dressed and walked back to the kitchen. Adam was waiting for us. "You guys look ready for a full day of hiking?"

We didn't say anything and we walked out to the jeep. We got in and Adam told us he had a copy of our itinerary. I saw Graham check for his cell phone and I did the same. We wanted to take a lot of pictures. We had already taken a few of the house and the lu'au.

We arrived at our first stop. Adam said we could get out here. He had a small backpack. He said he had water and some energy bars. He told us we would be starting with the most challenging part of our tour of the National Park. We would be doing the Backcountry Hiking. We had five sites to see. We might not get to all of them today. I saw a sign that read Apua Point. Adam told us this hike wasn't that challenging, but it was around 6.6 miles from the Puma Coast trailhead, along the south facing shore of the park. You'll see some very scenic areas of the park.

Graham and I followed Adam. Like Adam said, the views were spectacular. And we were constantly stopping so we could take pictures with our cell phones.

Graham and I were wondering if Adam was taking it easy on us. So I asked Adam and he said everyone on the Backcountry Hiking starts here at Apua Point.

Graham and I didn't know this, but the trail made a loop and we would end up where we started.

We kept following Adam on the trail. I could see his muscles working through his shirt and his strong legs. I didn't mind the view at all. We kept going on the trail. We could see the south shore of the park. The views were breath taking and I think Adam was getting annoyed that we were stopping all the time to take photos. Soon we came back to where we started.

"What did you think of Apua Point?"

"This park is beautiful Adam. If the rest of our hiking is this spectacular, we will have really enjoyed visiting this National Park."

"Well let's get in the jeep and head back to the main lodge. It's going on lunch time and the kitchen is supposed to have something prepared for us."

It didn't take us long to get back to the lodge. We got out and walked into the lodge. It was enormous inside. It looked like a huge log cabin. There were picnic table set off to one side. An information area and a huge map of the entire National Park.

Graham and I walked over to the map. We stopped where the lodge was and the Apua Point trail that we were on. Adam joined us and told us that our morning hike was a warmup. We would be going on the Halape trail after lunch which is a little more strenuous.

Adam told us our lunch was ready.

We sat down where the red and white checkered tablecloth was spread. Matching napkins were on the table, along with our cutlery. Soon a waitress came to our table with our lunch. There was soup, sandwiches and salad. A perfect lunch.

Graham and I were hungry after our morning hike. The exercise was good for us. The three of us pretty much devoured our lunch. We had fresh strawberry shortcake for dessert. That made Graham happy.

We finished our lunch and dessert and Adam asked us if we were ready for our afternoon hike. We told him, "let's do it."

We got back in the jeep and Adam parked where our next trail started. We would be hiking the Halape trail.

We got out and started following Adam. We had a steep downgrade and I could feel the muscles in the back of my calves and my thighs working. I thought I would feel this tomorrow. The trail went to the south seacoast of the park. Adam pointed out that we were way up this morning looking down at this seacoast. You could see where lava flows had entered the ocean.

We noticed a few other groups being led and shown around by other park guides. We asked Adam about that and he said this was a popular hiking destination.

Adam led as along the coast. It was really spectactular. With the lush tropical growth on the black lava. I asked Adam about the black sand. He told us it was after years and years of lava grinding together that made this sand. I then asked Adam if the sand made a good soil for plants. He said look around. All these tropical plants are growing in lava. Lava is full of minerals and nutrients that plants feed on. Remember your house and the backyard. All those plants are in lava soil. Well, that answered my questions.

Soon Adam told us it was time to head back. We knew this would take longer. Going up the steep grade. And it could be a bit tricky climbing on the loose lava. It took us a good two hours to make it to the top. Adam knew the best route and we went slow without any sliding on the loose lava.

Soon we made it to the top. The backs of legs were aching and I was hot and sweaty. I noticed Graham looked the same as me. Adam looked like he had just started the hike. "I think now you know why we took our time hiking back up."

We rested for a few minutes at the top and stretched a bit. That seemed to help and then we walked the few yards to the jeep. We got in and Adam drove us back to the house.

"I think you guys need a cool swim to get refreshed. After dinner, if you want, I'll give you guys a massage. That will help relax your muscles and get you ready for tomorrow."

"Thanks Adam, that is just what we need."

We went to the master bedroom and stripped out of our clothes. Adam did also, he had a change of clothes in our walk in closet. Adam grabbed us towels and we all walked down to the pool, naked. We laid out our towels on loungers and all three of us dove into the pool. The cool water was a little shock at first, to our hot and sweaty bodies. But it felt good and Adam was right. It was refreshing.

Adam climbed out and told us he would bring us down a couple of cold beers and then he would get dinner going.

With Adam gone and busy in the kitchen, Graham and I moved close together and hugged and kissed. "This was a great idea of ours babe, visiting some of the most visited National Parks. I'm really enjoying myself and I think starting in Hawaii was a good decision."

"I agree with Bob, I think we need to buy something special for my secretary, to show our appreciation for all the work she put into this vacation for us.

"That's a great idea Graham. Have you seen any gift shops or souvenir stands?"

"I remember seeing a gift shop in the main lodge. Maybe tomorrow we can check it out and see if there is something your secretary would like. And buy something at each gift shop at each park we visit."

"She would appreciate that. She will say we shouldn't have bought her anything. But I know she will like whatever we get her.

We could smell dinner wafting down to the pool. Whatever it was, it sure smelled good. I hoped that Adam didn't have to work too hard getting our dinner ready.

Soon I saw his head sticking out the sliding doors to the backyard. "Dinner is ready Bob and Graham, whenever you are."

"We'll be right there Adam."

It felt good going around naked. It felt like being at home. We grabbed our towels and walked back up to the house. Adam took our towels when we entered the house and told us he would take care of them. Adam told us everything was ready in the formal dining room. This was the first time we ate in the dining room.

Adam had the table elegantly set with linen tablecloths and matching napkins. Fine silverware was placed and we had water and wine crystal glasses. Adam asked if we wanted a glass of water first. He poured us some ice water with a slice of lemon. He then brought in a large silver soup tureen with a silver ladle. Followed by a large covered silver platter with a silver pasta scoop. Adam asked us if we would him to serve us. We told him to go ahead. He told us everything we were eating was handmade. Adam took the cover off the silver platter. And homemade egg noodles were heaped on the platter. Adam gave Graham and me a generous serving of the egg noodles in the middle of our Royal China. He told us, the same china used by the Royal family. It had their family crest at the top of the plate. Adam then took the cover off the large soup tureen. The tureen was full of beef stroganoff. Again he gave us a generous serving of the beef stroganoff on top of our noodles. "You fixed this quick Adam." I told him. He got red in the face and said that one of the chef's had all our meals prepared and they were being kept frozen. All he had to do was warm the food. "No problem Adam, it will be our secret. As far as anyone else knows, you prepared the food. The dinner was really good. I think it was better than what Margaret and Cindy fixed. I was full after my helping. Graham, of course, had seconds. We had coffee with our dinner. Hawaiian coffee, which I liked. I drank a second cup while I watched Graham eat his second helping. Once he finished, Adam cleared the dishes and brought in a large fruit salad for dessert. The pineapple in Hawaii was out of the this world. Nothing like what we get back home from the supermarket or in the can. Also, the strawberries were grown on the island. Adam told us the fruit was local and hoped we enjoyed it. The fruit salad had been chilled and the taste couldn't be matched. I ate two small bowls of the fruit salad, as did Graham.

We finished our delicious dinner and told Adam we were heading down to the pool. He asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We both said a glass of white wine. Adam told us he would be right down with our wine and more towels.

Once we got settled on a lounger, I asked Graham, "what you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, how relaxed I feel, and the ideas we had of visiting some of the National Parks."

"I know babe. I feel the same way. And I'm kicking myself that we didn't do this sooner."

Adam came down with our wine and more towels. He told us he would join us soon. Once he finished putting everything away and cleaning the kitchen. Both Graham and I watched his tight muscular ass as he walked back into the house.

I heard a strange noise. "Graham did you hear that?"

"I did. What is it?"

"I have no idea." We got up from our loungers and started looking around. Way down at the edge of the plants were two nene geese making a racket. "Do you have your camera Graham?"

"I do. Take some pictures, please."

I saw Graham taking a bunch of pictures.

Adam joined us. "I see you spotted a couple of nene geese. They won't bother you. They are probably a mated pair and have a nest in the plants."

Adam drank some ice water while we sipped on our wine. "So are you guys enjoying your time in Hawaii?"

"Very much Adam. It's more than we expected. Actually, we didn't know what to expect."

"Do you think you'll return?"

Graham and I looked at each other and said in unison, "definitely we'll return. Hawaii is the perfect getaway for us. And it truly is paradise."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I will be your houseboy everytime you come. And remember the house is free, no charge along with your food and beverages. You've make some very influential friends and they will be glad when I tell them you want to return. This is the first time I've seen the oldest daughter of Abigail Kawanakoa go to a lu'au and send gifts to visitors. She's a good person to be a friend of. I know she's a big humanitarian here in Hawaii and I think that was the attraction. Through the grapevine, I've heard that she is planned something for you two, before you leave Hawaii."

"Well, I don't know what we did. But she sure was a pleasant surprise for us at the lu'au.

We all decided to take a dip in the pool. All three of us dove in. Swam around for a little while. Climbed out and rinsed the chlorine off in the outside shower. We towel dried each other. And laid down on our loungers. It felt good to relax.

Graham and I weren't as tired as we were yesterday. I lot went on yesterday and then the six hour time change. We are slowly adjusting to the time change. We will be comfortable with the time change, just when it's time for us to leave.

I asked Adam, "are you still going to give us massages?"

"Sure, whenever you both are ready."

Graham said he was ready and I joined him.

"I think I'll use the second guest bedroom. That has two single beds and will work out good for massaging you guys. Why don't you just continue to relax while I get everything ready. I'll let you know when I'm ready for you."

Adam knew where the massage oil was and the warmer. He had special scented candles he liked to use for the lighting and he put some soft music on the sound system. He stripped the beds, so the massage oil wouldn't get on everything. He remade both beds with a special massage liner. That would protect the mattress on each bed. He looked like he had everything ready. He checked the oil and it was just at the right temperature.

Adam walked back out and told the guys he was ready for them. They followed Adam back into the house to the second guest bedroom. The bedroom was smaller, but still a nice size and decorated tastefully. They could smell the candles and liked the background music. Graham and Bob each laid down on a bed. They lied down on their stomachs.

Adam said he was going to start with Graham and then would be me after. I could watch if I wanted. Adam had the warm oil in a squeeze bottle. He poured a little on Graham's back and shoulders and started working it in. Graham had his eyes closed and was enjoying having his muscles worked on. Then Adam massaged Graham's arms and fingers. Moving next to Graham's legs and feet. Then finally he massaged Graham's firm glutes. I thought giving them a lot of special attention. He then told Graham to turn over. I could see that Graham was semi hard. Adam then massaged Graham's chest, paying special attention to Grahma's pecs and nips. It didn't take long for Graham's nips to get hard. Adam then worked over Graham's abs and chest. Massaged the front of the Graham's arms and legs working his hands up the inside of Graham's thighs, brushing against his balls. That gave Graham an instant erection.

Adam was wearing some loose fitting gym shorts and it looked like he was tenting them.

Then Adam poured a little warm oil on the head of Graham's cock and he slowly ran down the sides of his shaft. Adam fisted Graham's cock and started slowly jerking him off. I noticed Adam's other hand was massaging Graham's balls. Once Graham's cock was slick with oil. Adam bent over and took Graham's thick flared head into his mouth and sucked it in and out. You could hear a popping sound. Graham still had his eyes closed, but now he had a big smile on his face. Adam started sucking down the shaft of Graham's cock until his nose was buried in Graham's pubes. He started deep throated Graham's cock. Working his throat muscles up and down the length of the shaft. I heard Graham start moaning. I knew that was a warning sign that he was going to cum soon. Soon Graham started jerking and shuddering and I knew he was giving Adam a big load. I saw Adam swallow a couple of times and then milked out the last drops of cum and licked it off. He gave Graham a kiss and then looked over at me and told me it was my turn.

Adam did pretty much the same massage as he gave Graham. He had strong hands and could work out the stiff muscles and kinks. However, instead of giving me a blow job. I saw Adam stick a couple of oiled fingers up his hole and then he got on his knees and knee walked over me until his hole was lined up with my erect cock. Then I felt his hole open and he slowly slid down my shaft until his ass cheeks were on my pubes. His hole felt fantastic on my cock. He could squeeze his ass muscles and that really turned me on. He started riding my cock. Like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco. He was really going to town on my cock. He was getting me close in no time. I felt my cock thicken in his hole and start throbbing as I shot up his hole. Bathing the sides of his hole with my hot cum. Adam worked his ass muscles to work out the last bit of my cum. Once I came he got off and gave me a kiss.

We both told Adam that this was massage was just what we needed. But we were so relaxed we thought it was time to turn in.

Adam told us he would join us in a couple of minutes. He wanted to put everything away and clean the bedroom.

Graham and I got up off the beds and walked to the master bedroom, arm in arm.

We crawled into bed, tired and ready to sleep. I thought the time change was still affecting us. I was half awake and half asleep when I felt Adam crawl into bed with us. I could hear Graham snoring. He only snored when he was really tired. Adam wiggled his way in between Graham and me. I saw Graham turn over and face Adam, snuggling tight up to Adam. He probably thought it was me. He was still sleeping. I snuggled up behind Adam with my cock in the crack of his ass and my arms around him. Adam had a contented look on his face.

I woke up, being the only one in bed. I thought I heard Graham in the bathroom and I didn't hear or see Adam. Graham walked back into the bedroom. "What time is it babe?"

"Adam told me it was time to get up. We have another long day with some crueling hiking. He's busy fixing us breakfast."

I mumbled and groaned and crawled out of bed. Graham and I walked into the master shower. The water woke me up. And I felt good after our shower. I didn't feel tired and Graham said he was ready for another day of exploring and hiking. We climbed out of the shower and dried each other off. We wrapped our towels around us and walked to the kitchen.

Adam was busy getting our breakfast ready. "You two look chipper and ready for another day in the park."

"Yeah. We feel good and rested and ready to go."

"Do you want to eat right here at the kitchen island?

"Sure. What did you fix? It sure smells good."

"Something I know you guys like. I fixed omelettes. Maybe a bit different than what your used to. But I think you'll like them. I made hash brown omelettes. With all the omelette stuffing inside two hash browns."

"That sounds amazing Adam. Can't wait to try it."

Adam served Graham and me first and then himself last. He sat with us at the island. We had fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee. The omelettes were delicious and a great idea with the hash browns. I would mention that to Cindy when we got home. We ate everything and then a small bowl of fruit salad.

Adam told us to get dressed and ready to go. He would finish in the kitchen. It was fun watching Adam in the kitchen. He was naked and only wearing an apron.

We got up and kissed Adam and thanked him and walked to the bedroom. We put on some other hiking gear. I noticed our dirty clothes had been cleaned and put away. I wondered who did that, since Adam was with us. We finished getting dressed with our hiking boots and walked back to the kitchen.

Adam was dressed and waiting for us. I saw, he had his small backpack with our water and energy bars, probably some fresh fruit too.

"You guys look ready. Let's get going. We have a full day again today."

We got in the jeep and Adam told us we would be hiking to Mauna Loa. I asked him about an observatory, but he told us we would hike to some spots he knew and being with a guide we could get closer to the volcano than the observatory.

Adam drove a short distance and then parked the jeep. We didn't see any other park jeeps here. We got out and Adam told us to take a good drink of water and eat an energy bar. This was going to be a strenuous, high elevation hike. Graham and I made sure we had our telephones with us for taking pictures.

Graham had already downloaded pictures into our office laptop that we brought. We could then sync the pictures into the digital photo frames. Or at least that was what we read and were told.

Adam wasn't kidding. This was a high elevation climb. Not much foliage around here. Probably lava from the volcano had burned any plants that were here at one time. We kept climbing up, it was getting warmer and warmer. Adam told us we were as close as we could get safely. It was hot and we had a good view of the crater. The crater looked like a lake of lava. The crater was huge and we could see a lava flow on the far side. Adam told us we would be going close to the lava flow after lunch.

The soles of my hiking boots were sticky from the heat. Graham and I took a ton of pictures. It was really something to see. Adam told us while we were taking pictures that Mauna Loa was the largest active volcano on Earth. Which I already knew, after our investigation on the internet, but I didn't say anything. Adam told us we should start our hike down and back to the jeep.

It took us awhile to hike back down. It was a steep grade at a high elevation. We finally made it down and made the short hike to the jeep. We got in the jeep and Adam drove us to the Main Lodge for lunch.

We sat at the same table as we did yesterday. While we were waiting on lunch, we told Adam we were going to take a look in the gift shop. We looked around and nothing was catching our eye. Finally Graham spotted some tshirts with nice decorations of the National Park. We bought a large for Graham's secretary. Also, there was a desk pen holder made into a piece of lava and Graham thought his secretary would like that on her desk, so we purchased that also. We paid the young girl working and walked back out to our table.

We sat back down and showed Adam what we purchased for Graham's secretary. Adam thought we made a couple of good choices.

Our lunch was served as it was very good. We all chowed down, like it was our last meal. The hiking and exercise was giving us an appetite. We finished our lunch and walked back out to the jeep.

As promised, we followed Adam up another high elevation hike to the far side of the crater where the lava flow was. It was a river of lava going down to the ocean. You could hear the steam and hissing when the lava hit the cold water. Graham and I took another large amount of photos.

Adam told us it was time to leave. We really enjoyed seeing Mauna Loa close up and personal. Much different than seeing on tv or in a magazine.

We started getting into a routine. A comfortable and enjoyable routine. We would have sex when we got home from hiking. And then Adam would give us our massages on a daily basis. With more sex. And then we might have another round of sex before falling asleep.

Adam fixed us breakfast and dinner. And sometimes we would see two different areas of the park, or sometimes just one part of the park. But it was very enjoyable and we had a lot of photos to download every time we came back to the house.

We had seen Napau Crater. And the lava fields. It connected to a rainforest which was something to see. All the native plants and especially the different orchids. The smells were wonderful. We saw many different tropical birds in the rain forest, but Adam made sure we were careful in the rainforest. As their were some very poisonous animals and plants. Poisonous dart frogs, snakes, spiders and fish. Plants that were poisonous to us included, oleander, castor bean, rosary pea and physic nut. Most of the animals and plants I had studied when I studied medicine and knew of their effects. So Adam helped to stay clear of anything poisonous. But the rainforest was something to see. Again, when you see a rainforest up close and personal, it's quite impressive. Much better than the tv or a magazine.

After Napau Crater we hiked the Peperano which was a huge site surrounded by grass and lava fields. That concluded the first part of our excursions.

We then started the second part of our travels in the National Park which was Crater Rim Drive Tour.

Our first stop was Uekahuna. This is the highest point on the rim and gives visitors spectacular views of Kaluapele, Mauna Loa and surrounding areas. It was spectacular and I lost count on how many pictures we took.

Over the next few days we visited Kilauea Overlook which gives dramatic views of Kileauea Caldera and Haleuma'uma'u Crater. Then on to Wahinekapu which is the steaming crater. Here you could feel the heat of the volcano as water vapor rose from the steam vents and we could catch views of Kilauea Caldera. Adam took us next to Ha'akulamanu which is the sulphur banks. Volcanic gases deposited colorful sulfur crystals and other minerals along the paved trail and boardwalk. Both the steaming crater and sulphur deposits made me think of pictures I had seen of Yellowstone National Park. Next we went to the Kilauea Iki Overlook which peers into the volcanic crater that hosted the jawdropping lava fountains and lava lake in 1959. Also, the crater we could see from a perch next to the massive cinder cones created by the lava fountains. Our last stop was Keanakako'i Crater. This is situated along a section of Old Crater Rim Drive. Keanakao'i is a pit crater that has been witness to dramatic geologic events over the centuries. Thank god we brought the office computer. We could never have saved all the photos we were taking on our cell phones. The last stop on our second part of visiting the National Park was Nahukea - Thurston Lave Tube. This was a 500 year old cave where a river of lava once flowed. It was really interesting and Adam was good with explaining and answering our questions.


Sex was good with Adam, but we had to cut down from three times a day to two times a day. It was too tiring for us and we wanted to have the energy to keep exploring the park.

We now started our third part of exploring the park. And this also took a few days.

Our third leg of our journey was the Chain of Craters Road Tour.

The first stop was Luamanu and July 1974 Flow. Luamanu means "bird crater", and lava most recently entered this pit crater in 1974. That followed up with visiting Pahimau Crater which is a dramatic chasm representative of the pit crater phenomenon that occurs many places along Chain of Crater Road. Adam then took us to Pauahi Crater. This is a large pit crater that has hosted three eruptions in recent decades. Next we went to Pu'uhuluhulu Cinder Cave. This was a short day hike to Pu'uhuluhulu cinder cone which provided views of the Maunaulu lava shield and lava flows from the 1969-1974 eruption.

Graham and I couldn't believe how knowledgeable Adam was. He really knew his stuff and was very good at explaining..

Then we went on to Mau Loa o Maunaulu to the witness the dramatic expanse of the lave flows of Maunaulu that blanketed the landscape from 1969 to 1974 at this lookout on Chain of Craters Road. Next we moved on to Muliwai a Pele and this platform provided a vantage point with a view of the remnants of a lava channel that once carried a massive river of molten lava. Our next stop was Kealakomo Overlook above a vast lava plain with views towards the Pacific Ocean.

We had a lot to see on the Chain of Craters Road Tour. We next came to Alanui Kahiko at the base of the lava draped Holei Pali to see a remnant of the Old Chain of Craters Road, which was reclaimed by Pele in 1972. We sure had a lot to see and this was taking the most time. Over a week to see all the sites on the Chain of Craters Road Tour. Adam took us next to the Pu'uloa Petroglyphs, a sacred site and the largest of the petroglyphs in Hawai'i. The drawings were carved by the indigenous people and we were fortunate to able to take pictures of the petroglyphs. Our next stop was Holei Sea Arch. An arch of lava rock extending from steep cliffs into the Pacific Ocean. The continually washing of the waves formed the arch. This finished the third part of our journey through the park.

Tomorrow we would start the last part of the park to explore. The Kahukia Unit. Graham and I knew what that meant. We were getting close to finishing exploring the National Park and then we would we moving on to another National Park.

We woke and had a good morning romp in the bed. Sex with Adam was great. Adam made sure we woke with enough time for sex and still have breakfast and be ready to leave early for the park.

After another good breakfast we got changed into our hiking clothes and walked out to the kitchen. Adam was ready for us and told us this. We got in the jeep and headed to our first stop.

On the way, Adam told us this last area we would be exploring and hiking was the longest and it would take us more time than the parts of the park we had seen.

Adam parked the jeep and we got out and he told us our first stop was Pu'uo Lokuana Cinder Cone. This hike was short, but strenuous climb to the top of Pu'uo Lokuana Cinder Cone. Again the views were spectactular and it was easy to see why this was a National Park. Then we took the Pu'uo Lokuana Trail. This trail went along historic ranch roads to a hidden pasture. We saw lava tree molds and the flows from 1868. Our next stop was Kamakapa'a Trail. This was an easy trail through grassy meadows to the top of a small cinder cone. Sweeping views from the top took in the full breadth of lower Ka'u. Adam took us to Palm Trail next. This was a hike through scenic pastures for one of the best panoramic views in Kahulu. We saw volcanic features along the 1868 fissure and crossed the main lava channel. Our next stop was Pali o Ka'eo Trail. We walked through woodland meadows along the top of the steep grassy slope. Great views along the way that take in the coast of Ka'u from Ka Lae (south point) to Na Pu'u o Pele. It makes a loop and we returned by walking a portion of the Pit Crater trail and road. Our next trail was the Pit Crater Trail. This was a strenuous hike that leads steeply up old pasture roads to the edge of a huge pit crater. And then continued hiking for a loop, before returning on the same trail. We then had to be decontaminated at the ROD Quarantine Gate. Which would remove any harmful organisms.

Adam told us that was all for today. It was already late afternoon. And tomorrow we had two short trails and would finish early. The daughter of Abigail Kawananakoa was having a farewell party for us at her mother[s palace. Adam said it was really something to see. He had only been in the palace once. A limousine will come tomorrow at six thirty to pick us up. He said he would be attending with other park rangers and director, but would be sitting in a different area than us.

When we got home we were in our regular routine. Graham and I did some swimming in the pool while Adam got our dinner ready. This time we ate out on the backyard patio table. Dinner was good as usual. We were all naked and Adam always ate dinner with us. We didn't mind, he was another part of the family. And such a nice young man. While Adam cleared the table and put everything away. We went into the guest bedroom and got ready for our massages. Adam could give Holden some competition in giving massages. Adam was really good. When Adam finished each of us he gave us wonderful blow jobs. He could get us cumming faster than any of our friends or Graham or me. Graham and I headed to the master bedroom and waited for Adam. Adam joined us after a few minutes and gave Graham and me a good night fuck. That really did the trick and we were all out in a flash.

We all woke up to the alarm going off. We heard Adam get up right away and leave the bedroom. We knew he was running late and going to get our breakfast ready. Graham and I crawled out of bed and showered and got dressed for our last day of hiking. Tomorrow we would be leaving for our next National Park. We walked out to the kitchen. And somehow Adam looked showered and was dressed in a crisp green park uniform. We all sat at the kitchen island and Adam quickly put everything away and cleaned the kitchen.

"You ready for your last day of exploring the park?"

"We sure are. The time has sure went by fast."

We all got into the jeep and Adam drove us to The Glover Trail. This hike culminated on the edge of a huge pit crater with a pristine Hawaiian rainforest protected within it sheer walls. This was really spectacular and Graham and I took many pictures. Our final stop was The Kona Trail. Here we could experience relicts of Kahuku's ranching era as we hiked through pasture land and across the 1887 lava flow on this trek. This concluded our exploring of the National Park and Adam drove us to the Main Lodge for lunch. Our last lunch was good but light. Which was good since Adam told us we would be attending a lu'au at the Iolani Palace. We finished our lunch and Adam drove us back to the house.

As soon as we got in the house we all stripped down naked and Adam grabbed towels for us as we made our way down to the pool. Adam went back and got Graham and me cold beers. Adam had a tall glass of refreshment. We relaxed on our loungers for a little while and then once we finished our beverages we all dove into the pool. The water felt great. It seemed strange to be back to the house early. Graham told me he had everything ready for our departure tomorrow. He said, actually his secretary did.

We saw Adam climb out of the pool and walk up to the house. We had no idea what he was up to. He soon came back down with a large snack tray of macadamia nuts, cheese and crackers and another beer for Graham and me. We climbed out and indulged in the snacks. We didn't want to overdo it and not have room for the lu'au. Adam helped us and finished the rest of the snacks.

We told Adam we were going up to the back lanai room. It was screened in and faced the pool. It had very comfortable loungers with overstuffed cushions. Soon Adam saw Graham and I nodded off. All our hiking over the past three weeks had worn us. The exercise was needed, but some days it was strenuous. Adam took off while we rested.

He used the house phone and called the Iolani Palace to make sure everything would be ready for Bob and Graham. Bob and Graham had no idea what was in store for them at the lu'au. Abigail Kawananakoa oldest daughter wanted to make a big impression on Bob and Graham and wanted to be sure they would be returning to Hawaiii to visit. She was a major philanthropist and humanitarian in Hawaii and was pleased Bob and Graham were the same. She had something special for them.

I felt someone shaking my arm. "Bob it's time to get up." It was Adam waking Graham and me up. It was time for us to get ready to leave for the lu'au. I didn't think I was that tired, but I guess all our hiking had worn me out.

We asked Adam what we should wear. He said what we wore to the welcoming lu'au would be fine. We walked back to the master bedroom and Adam had everything laid out for us on the bed. That was really thoughtful of him. Graham and I looked at each other. Adam said, "you know babe, we should really get something special for Adam, but I have no clue what to get him. You have any ideas?"

"Like you, I'm clueless. And I have no idea who to call for some help. Maybe if we could get the National Park directors number, he would have some ideas for us."

I got dressed quickly and checked the phone in our room for numbers. I spotted the National Park directors number and gave him a quick call before Adam came into the bedroom. A stern deep voice came on the phone. "Hello, this is the park director, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Bob calling from our house."

"Oh. Hi Bob, is everything okay? Any problems?"

"No. Nothing like that. Graham and I were talking and wondering what a good present for Adam would be. He has been exceptional and we couldn't have explored the park without his help and all other things he has done for us."

"Leave it to me. And I'll have something ready for the lu'au tonight."

I thanked the director and that was a load off my mind. I told Graham about our conversation.

We finished getting dressed and joined Adam in the foyer. Adam told us he would wait for the limousine to arrive and then he would leave right after us. He told us we looked just as handsome as when we arrived. And maybe a little more toned.

I heard the gate and soon saw a black stretch limousine driving to the house. It parked in the front and Adam and the chaffeur opened the back doors for Graham and me. Adam said he would see us at the lu'au. We got in the limousine and were off to the Iolani Palace for the lu'au.

It was a little drive to the palace. The chaffeur told us, we must be very important people. The daughter of the late princess didn't give parties or lu'aus, of if she did, it was rare. We told him we didn't know. All we knew was that we were invited to a lu'au at the palace. Soon an electric gate opened and the chaffeur drove down a long winding entrance, lined with royal palms. We could make out the palace up ahead. It was quite impressive and in the plantation style that was typical of Hawaii. It looked like it had two floors.

The chaffeur pulled up in front and opened the back doors for us. As we walked up to the front of the house. It looked like something you see in the movies or the British Royal family. All the staff was lined up outside with the daughter in the middle. We walked up to her and said Aloha. She gave us a big smile and said Aloha back to us. She motioned to one of the servants and the young girl brought over beautiful orchid leis. And told us Aloha when she put the lei on us. The daughter told us to follow her and told us how happy she was that we could attend the lu'au.

We followed her into the palace and she told us she would give us a little tour of the palace. The daugher was in her seventies, but got around like someone in their fifties and she was so attractive. She told us the palace was in American Florentine style. The foyer was huge and everything was very opulent. She showed us the Grand Hall and Staircase. She told us the staircase was made of koa wood. We then went to the throne room, blue room, state dining room, music room (gold room), the imprisonment room and the private suites on the second floor. The walls on the second floor hall were lined with all the members of the Royal Family. We went back downstairs and she told us this palace had historical significance, since it was the only palace on U.S. soil. We then followed her out to an expansive backyard that was setup for the lu'au.

When we entered the backyard, the national performers played the Hawaiian National Anthem in honor of the princesses daughter. And everyone in attendance was standing. We were escorted to a table front center. I noticed the National Park director at the table. But the governor and his wife were not in attendance. We sat down and then everyone in attendance sat down.

The national performers did a little native dance and song for us. And then the lead performer took the microphone and told us the lu'au was ready when we were. We got up and we were the first ones in line. I asked the daughter of the princess if she would like some help. She said, "I might be old. But I still get around just fine, thank you for offering."

The food was delicious and typical Hawaiian food. The performers were playing music while we ate. Once we finished and had dessert. The National Park director got up and went to the stage and took the microphone. "Now is the most important time of this lu'au. We have some special awards and presentations to make. First, Adam, where are you?" Adam raised his hand. He was way in the back. "Would you please come up to the stage." Adam looked nervous and a little taken back. He made his way up to the stage. The park director continued. "I received a call from Bob and Graham and they didn't know what Adam would like for their appreciation of his excellent service and they asked me if I had any ideas. I told them I would think of something. "Adam come over here closer. I don't bite. Adam it is is my pleasure to present you with silver stars for your uniform. As you know, silver stars are only given when someone has went way behind the call of duty, which you have. Also, here is a plague congratulating you on your excellent service with Bob and Graham's names inscribed in gold." I thought I saw a tear in Adam's eyes. "This plaque is made out of our National Koa wood and only used for special occasions. Adam thanked the director and went back to where he was sitting to a nice round of applause. Now comes a very special award and I would like the daughter of the princess to come up to the stage.

When she got up, everyone in attendance stood until she was settled at the podium and then everyone was seated. She was handed something in a cloth bag. "I have a very special award to give. Something that is only given by the Royal Family and it's rarely been give over the years. However, two young men are very fine philanthropists and humanitarians and very deserving of this award. Would Bob and Graham please come up to the podium." We got up and walked up to the podium and we stood on each side of the daughter of the princess. She looked at us and said, "I'm giving you this award on one condition. Which is that you two will promise us that you will be regular visitors to Hawaii. You have a nice house to stay at. Adam will be your personal assistant when your here and your flights will be taken care of." We told her we promised. She took the cloth off and it was a gold pineapple. She told everyone, "the gold pineapple is only given by the Royal Family, the last time it was given was in 1964. So you can see that it's not given often. But again, this is for two very deserving young men, that we will see regularly here in Hawaii." We thanked the daughter of the princess and we followed her off the stage. The National Performers danced and played a couple more songs and then we all got up to leave. The daughter of the princess lead us out to the waiting limousine. And thanked us again and was looking forward to our next visit to Hawaii.

We got in the limousine and were taken back to the house.

The chaffeur led us out and we walked up to the front door and watched him leave. We didn't see Adam's jeep. But we thought he would be here later.

The gold pineapple was heavy. We set it by our basket in the master bedroom. We thought we should check and make sure we had everything packed and ready to go. We would be leaving in the middle of the morning. We had our traveling clothes ready in the walk in closet and only our toiletries were left to pack. We stripped down and walked down to the pool.

"Well babe, what do you think?" I asked Graham.

"I think we made the right decision about visiting Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii first. And I think we should plan on coming to Hawaii often. It really is paradise."

"I agree one hundred percent."

We then heard some noise and saw Adam walking down to the pool. He was naked and carrying a towel. He leaned down and gave me and Graham big kisses. "You guys are wonderful. You are two very special men. And I can't thank you enough."

"Adam, it was our way of thanking you. You've been very helpful, friendly and never complained about anything. You're the perfect host, guide, cook and companion."

"I'll be ready for you two anytime you come back to Hawaii, I've been guaranteed to be of service to you two from the National Park director and the daughter of the princess. The awards were not nescessary. Everything I did, I did because I really like you guys."

"We know that Adam. But we wanted to do something to show our appreciation."

"You've definitely done that. The silver stars move me up a rank in the park service. And the award is the most special, because it's from the two of you, personally to me."

"How about you get us all a beer. I think you deserve one two Adam."

Adam was gone in flash and soon was back with three chilled steins of beer.

We all relaxed by the pool and then Adam gave us our last massages.

We had decided to turn in early, because we had the time change to face tomorrow. We had a three way in bed. First Graham and I did Adam, then Graham and Adam did me. And then Adam and me did Graham. We were exhausted after cumming three times. But it was worth it. We fell asleep in a huddle in the middle of the bed.

The annoying alarm woke up Graham and me. We didn't see Adam. We checked the time and we had plenty of time before we needed to leave. We hopped in the shower and took a long hot steamy shower which felt great. We climbed out of the shower and dried each other off. We took our clothes out of the walk in closet and laid them on the bed. We started getting dressed and packed our toiletries and walked to the kitchen. Adam was busy fixing our breakfast. He didn't see us and looked startled when he turned around saw Graham and me. It looked like he had been crying.

"Everything okay Adam. You look upset and look like you've been crying."

"He wiped the tears away with the back of his hand. No, I'm fine. It's just that I'm really going to miss you guys. You've been nothing but nice to me."

We got up and got into a group hug and we both kissed Adam. "Come on Adam, this isn't the last time you're going to see us. We promise to come back as often as we can."

He seemed better and we all ate at the kitchen island. Adam told us not to worry about our luggage and garment bags. He would help the chaffeur when he arrived. We finished our breakfast and walked out to the backyard for one last look. It was going to be sad to leave. We really had a wonderful time. But we were just starting our exploration of some of the most popular National Parks. And we were sure more surprises awaited us.

Before the chaffeur arrived. We gave Adam our cell phone number and he gave us his. I told him to give our numbers to the National Park director and the daughter of the princess. They all used WhatsApp, like Graham and me. So there wouldn't be any roaming fee or long distance charge.

Adam had all our things in the foyer and we waited on the chaffeur. I heard the front gate and saw the limousine making it's way to the house. The chaffeur parked in front and Adam helped him load everything into the limousine. We hugged and kissed Adam and then got into the limousine and were on our way to the airport. We waved back to Adam, but I don't know if he saw us.

We arrived at the aiport and our private jet was there waiting on us. We had the same flight crew and soon we were on our way to LAX and start the next leg of visiting the National Parks.

Please read "My Alphabet Friends" there are pictures at the end of each chapter of some of the people in this series of National Parks. I've also included a photo of Stuart from "Hitching a Ride", and two people introduced in Chapter 1 of National Parks.

Adam Luke Stuart

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I hope you have liked the first installment of this story. Please email me at:

Please check out my other stories at Gay/Adult Friends:

My Alphabet Friends - series (July 15, 2022)
Bobs Holidays - series (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)
Hitching a Ride (May4, 2024)

Next: Chapter 2

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