National Parks

By Francis Scott

Published on Jun 11, 2024


National Parks Chapter 2

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. Some of the characters in this story are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

National Parks - Glacier Bay National Park - Alaska

By Francis Scott

We were having an enjoyable flight to LAX. We had a beer and some snacks on our way to LAX. We could have lunch after we landed. Graham and I were busy looking at all the pictures we took of Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii on our office laptop. It was fun looking at the pictures and remembering all those places we visited. And how friendly everyone was. We told Adam we would call him when we landed at LAX, so that he knew we were safe and no problems.

We had three National Parks we wanted to visit. Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, Olympic National Park in Washington and then Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. After visiting those parks we then would have the long drive home which would take a few days.

We didn't care how long it took to visit these three parks and the long drive home. We were relaxed and enjoying our vacation. If everything went as well as in Hawaii, this would really be a successful vacation. And something to look forward to next summer when we visited more of the National Parks.

We went back to looking at more photos of Hawaii. We were going to have some good memories and be able to capture them on our digital photo frames.

The captain came on and told us we were starting our descent into LAX. It would be about an hour before we landed.

I asked Graham where we would go when we landed. Graham told me the only information he had was that somebody named Luke would be waiting for us.

Luke was pleased with the motor home. All the hours he and his engineering team spent on this one of a kind motor home, sure paid off. It had a new designed suspension system and the motor home felt like it was riding on clouds. It was very smooth and quiet. Luke was hoping that Bob and Graham would like it. Hopefully, they would want to purchase it and use it on their travels. Luke and the management team had done a thorough background check on Bob and Graham. Finding out their worth first and if they could afford this motor home. Luke was surprised that Graham and Bob had a net worth, just under five hundred million dollars and with investments they were over eight hundred million dollars. They were only forty and he wondered what he had done wrong not to have that kind of money. He liked his work and made a good six figure annual income. He couldn't complain. The motor home was stocked with all the food and snacks that Bob and Graham liked. The freezer was full, as well as the refrigerator and pantry. Luke, also did a little more digging and found out that Bob and Graham were gay. He liked that. His door swung both ways and he was hoping he might get in on some action with Bob and Graham.

Luke was approaching LAX and had been given instruction on where to park the motor home. Because of it's size and a double decker, he would have to park off to the side until the plane landed and stopped in it's slot. Then he could pull out to the tarmac for Bob and Graham.

Bob and Graham were anxious. The pilot had come on and told them they would be landing in about thirty minutes. They could see land and it seemed like they were doing a long circle around the airport. I suppose until they were cleared for landing.

Soon the plane touched down and another smooth landing. The pilot taxied the plane to it's slot and then the plane stopped.

Graham saw a large motor home coming out onto the tarmac and close to the plane. The steward came out from the galley and told us we could deboard. The flight crew was by the steps and thanked us for flying with them. We told them, everytime we fly we will use your service.

Graham and I deboarded the plane and I saw the steward helping a man take our luggage and garment bags into the motor home. Graham assumed the man helping the steward was Luke.

Soon the steward and Luke came out of the motor home and we shook hands with the steward and thanked him again for his wonderful service. We waved to the flight crew and walked to the motor home.

Graham said, "you must be Luke?"

"Yup. That's me. Nice to meet you. Which one is Bob and which one is Graham?"

We identified ourselves and we walked into the motor home. Graham and I were stunned when we walked in. We didn't know what to expect, but this was liked a mansion on wheels. Luke told this was a one of a kind motor home and with some new features they were trying out. He told us he would have to be quick. He couldn't stay long on the tarmac. He showed us where the master bedroom was located and said we could get freshened up if we wanted. It looked the like steward and Luke had put all our clothes away. He gave us a tablet that was the controls for the motor home. He told us he would explain more about that later. He needed to get moved off the tarmac. Luke also told us to make ourselves as comfortable as we wanted after we freshened up, with a wink.

Graham and I walked down to the master bedroom. This motor home was long. We already had a lot of questions for Luke. We closed the bedroom door and couldn't feel the motor home being moved off the tarmac.

Luke had a place where he could park the motor home, before they took off for Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska.

Graham and Bob looked around the master bedroom, it was spacious with his and his dressers, walk in closet and a large master bathroom. Giving the bedroom a quick look, they could tell everything was top of the line. No expense was cut. They looked in the dressers and closet and all their clothes had been put away and there was more of their clothes. They wondered how that happened. Another question for Luke.

Luke was busy driving to the place where he could park the motor home and had a lot turns to make. But the motor home was handling like a gem.

Bob and Graham got stripped out of their traveling clothes and walked into the master bathroom. This was something else. The shower had rain tree shower heads, something they really liked. A jacuzzi tub and a steam room. Also his and his sinks. Everything was imported marble with beautiful fixtures, they looked like brass, but could have been gold. Graham got the water going they shared one shower head. The water pressure was excellent. There were dispensers for shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. They shampooed each other and then used the shower gel. They washed each other and soon were semi hard. They thought they'd wait until later before making love. They dried each other off in some very luxurious towels.

They walked back into the bedroom and looked through their dressers. They were looking for jocks. They thought they would put jocks on under their cargo shorts. They had their jocks on when they heard a knock at the door.

Luke stuck his head in and asked Bob and Graham if everything was okay. They told Luke everything was perfect. Bob and Graham had no problem with Luke seeing them in their jocks. Luke liked the view and liked how fit Bob and Graham were. He also noticed the nice bulges in their jocks and Graham's hot bubble butt.

"Like I told you guys. You can get as comfortable as you want. If you want to go around in just jocks or nude that is fine. I did a thorough background check on you guys and I know you like wearing jocks at home or nude. So just feel like your at home. It's no problem for me. My door swings both ways. The windows in the motor home have a special tinting and nobody can see in."

"If your sure it's okay Luke. We would feel more comfortable in just our jocks."

"Come on out when your ready and I'll show you around the motor home. And then we will need to leave and start our four day journey to Alaska."

Luke left Bob and Graham. They looked at each other and smiled. Bob said, "I guess this trip is going to be full of surprises. Luke is pretty hot. I think he's close to our age and I noticed a big bulge in the front of his dress pants."

Graham said, "he is hot and I sure he wants to fool around with us. They way he was looking us over and the bulge that was growing in his pants."

We put some sandals on with just our jocks and walked out to what was a living room. He had the control tablet with us. Luke was sitting in the living room and had removed his clothes and was just sitting in his boxers. His boxers were definitely tented when he saw us.

"Well, how did you like the master bedroom and bathroom?"

"Excellent Luke, everything is top of the line and perfect."

"Well, let me show you around and then we need to get going."

We got up and Luke walked over to us and put an arm around our shoulders. "Let's go back down the hallway to your master bedroom. The door off to the right went into an office/den room. It was wired for internet and high speed wi-fi. We could set the computer up here later. Then to left side of the hall was two smaller guest bedrooms with a bathroom between the two bedroom. The hallway them led into the spacious living room which connected to a nice formal dining room and then the top of the line kitchen with a large island, a dishwasher, full sized refrigerator and a separate upright freezer and garbage disposal, trash compactor full sized stove with a double oven and a microwave above the stove. We then went to the front where Luke would be driving. All the controls and computer, it looked like a planes cockpit. Luke said these stairs went up to his bedroom. Give us a smirky smile. We walked back to the living room and Luke pointed out the fireplace, sound system that was wired throughout the motor home and then the winding stairs that went up to the second floor. The second floor was spacious and open. There was a bar on the end. A large sectional sofa with a large screen tv. And windows everywhere. Luke told us this was a perfect observation area. We then walked back downstairs and Luke showed us how the control tablet worked. It was actually pretty easy to use and the menu had everything well organized. Do you have guys have any questions for me?"

"Yes." I said. "Where did all our clothes come from?"

"Well, our headquarters is only about four hours from where you guys live in the adjoining state. So I made arrangements with Cindy, your housekeeper to stop and pickup more of your clothes that she had ready. Cindy and I got everything put away and shared phone numbers. She's a really cool gal. And we might hookup at a later time."

"Any other questions?"

Graham and I couldn't think of anything else.

"Well, we need to get going and start our trip to Alaska. Let me get you a couple of cold beers and when we come to the first rest stop, I'll fix you guys lunch. I'll be your cook, driver and housekeeper and anything else you want." Giving us that wink again.

We followed Luke into the kitchen to start getting familiar where things were located. Luke turned and bumbed into us his big muscular legs brushing against our cocks. I thought I noticed his cock twitch in his boxers. He handed us our beers and then gave us a quick kiss on the cheek. "Be with you soon. Enjoy your beer and soon I'll be fixing lunch."

Luke walked up to the front and we didn't even hear the motor home being started. The ride was smooth and you didn't feel any bumps. We enjoyed our cold beer and with the time change. When we stopped, it would be lunchtime.

Graham and I sat so we could look out one of the big windows. We were sitting close to each other. A leg draped over each other.

"I think Luke likes us. He sure is pretty forward. He seems like a nice guy and maybe we'll have to give him a chance and get better acquainted."

Graham looked at me. "He is pretty hot and very good looking. And looks like he has a nice sized bulge. Wouldn't mind getting to know him better."

"Graham, I didn't know you were a size queen."

"I'm not. But you couldn't help but notice his bulge. He looks,like the perfect package, no pun intended."

We sipped on our beer. It was our favorite. And enjoyed the views from the large window.

I picked up the control tablet and Graham helped me find the sound system. We found it and selected some music to listen to. The control tablet was connected to the internet, so we had unlimited music options.

Soon we heard Luke on the sound system. He told we would be following the Pacific Coast Highway all the way to Alaska. Once we entered Alaska we would turn off to the National Park. He told us he had five miles to go until we came to a rest stop and then he would fix our lunch.

We thought that gave us enough time for another beer. I walked out to the kitchen and I could tell Graham was following me with his eyes. I grabbed a couple more cold beers from the frig and refilled our glasses. I wiggled my ass while I poured the beer and heard Graham chuckle. I carried our beers back to the living room and handed Graham his. I could see the outline of his hardon in his jock with a big wet spot where the head was.

I laid back on the sofa and stretched out and Graham pressed up to me. I reached around and played with Graham's pecs and nips. I could feel his nips getting hard. I don't think that was the only thing that was hard. I could feel my cock swelling in my jock. Just great. We're both going to have hardons in our jocks when Luke comes back to fix lunch.

Soon I thought I felt the motor home slowing down. It was hard to tell. It was such a smooth ride. I couldn't even tell we were moving unless I looked out the windows and saw things passing by.

Soon the motor home came to a stop and Luke walked back. "You guys look pretty comfortable."

"We are." We moved around to get up. "Don't move. I'm getting lunch ready and you just stay where you are. I like watching you while I cook."

We liked watching Luke too. He told we were parked at a rest stop. He told us he was going to take the state highway that followed the Pacific Coast, there would be less traffic on the state highway, and it also had rest stops where you could stay overnight.

Luke was muscular. He stayed in good shape. He had dark hair with just a touch of gray. Nice arms and legs. He had blue eyes that sparkled when he talked. And the bulge in his boxers hadn't went down.

He pulled out place settings and got the dining room ready for lunch. He had taken something frozen out of the freezer and was warming it while he got the dining room ready. Whatever he was warming, was sending some awesome smells into the living room.

Graham and my hardons hadn't went down. Soon Luke put our lunch on a big platter and carried it into the dining room. He asked us if we would like coffee, another beer or freshment for lunch. We told him a tall glass of refreshment would be good. He told us lunch was ready.

We walked into the dining room and only two places had been set. I thought Luke would eat with us. Lunch brought in our refreshemnt. "Aren't you eating with us Luke?'

"No. I'm not supposed to eat with the guests."

"That's crap Luke. Grab another place setting and join us. We would be honored to have you eat with us."

I heard Luke in the kitchen and he soon came back with a place setting for himself and a cup of coffee. Luke took the cover off and we had roast chicken with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy. Luke got red in the face and said a chef had prepared all the meals and they were frozen and just needed to be warmed. "We won't tell anybody if you don't."

It was nice having Luke join us. Lunch was excellent. It was more like dinner. Eating a big lunch, I knew we would eat a light dinner. We finished our lunch and Luke took everything out to the kitchen and came back with a generous slice of banana cream pie. We told Luke we'd take a cup of coffee. He brought our coffee in and Graham pretty much devoured his pie in two bites. I just shook my head. Luke laughed. He told us he would take care of the dishes and leftovers.

Luke told us once he finished in the kitchen he was going to check the water level, generator and empty trash and then we'd be on our way. We asked him if there was anything we could do to help. He told us no and just relax.

Graham could tell I was a little disappointed that Luke didn't spend any time with us. But like Graham told me. He had a job to do and a long distance to drive to Alaska. We still had all night and Graham was sure we could get Luke to spend the night with us. That made we feel a little better. Graham and I went back to snuggling on the couch facing the large flat screen tv. I grabbed the tablet remote and we found the tv and turned it on. It was a Smart TV so we could watch a streaming movie if we found something we liked.

Luke came back in and told us everything was taken care of and we would be back on the road shortly. He seemed glad about that. I saw him strip down in the front again to his boxers. He looked a little more plump in the front and I hoped he'd agree to spend the night with us. I couldn't wait to see what his cock looked like.

We went back to watching our movie. Graham had paused the movie while we talked to Luke and he talked to us. This was a short movie and it soon ended. We decided to check out the pantry and see what kind of snacks were available. We found some macadamia nuts and put a couple of small packages into a bowl and we walked upstairs to get a better view while it was still daylight. It was starting to turn to dusk and I was wondering how long Luke would drive.

Being upstairs provided a wonderful view and lights were starting to come on. We thought we saw a couple of cruise ships out in the ocean, but weren't sure. The lights were amazing. It looked almost like Christmas.

I asked Graham if he felt the motor home slowing down. He said it felt like it. Luke came on the PA system that was wired into the surround sound and told us he was going to be parking for the night. We would be in a 24 hour rest stop with cafe, gas station and supermarket/store.

Luke walked out from the front and back to where we were. I was wondering if he had been playing with himself or feeling himself up while he was driving. He definitely had a hardon in his boxers and it was really straining them. That made Graham and me plump up.

"You guys ready for dinner?"

"We sure are Luke, and your joining us."

"Do you need any help?"

"Nope. Everythings under control. Just relax and I'll soon have dinner ready. You men want anything to drink?"

"Do you have any white wine?"

"Sure do. Have you guy's favorite white wine. I have two bottles in the wine frig chilling?"

"Good. Would you pour us a glass and yourself if you like wine."

"I might later. Right now I want to get your dinner ready."

Luke poured us each a crystal flute of white wine and brought it in to us. Graham and I were purposely leaning back on the sofa with our legs spread and our big bulges protruding in our jocks.

It looked like Luke licked his lips when he handed us our wine. And his cock had definitely not went down in his boxers.

Whatever he was warming smelled good. We told Luke we'd eat in the living room.

Graham worked with the control tablet and lowered the window shades. We had found the control for the lights and had some soft light in the living room.

Luke came out of the kitchen and placed three settings on the living room coffee table. And asked us if we wanted a refill on our wine.

We told him sure. He took our flutes and came back with the filled glasses. He then brought our three covered silver platters. He set our platters down first and then his last. I noticed he was having a glass of wine with us. We took our covers off the platters and we had lobster with a medley of vegetable. The lobster tails were huge and that would fill me up. Mine was fixed thermidor, just the way I liked it. I noticed Graham and Luke both had melted butter for dipping their lobster. It was delicious and they really knew what Graham and I liked to eat.

We finished and Luke cleared the coffee table and brought out strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream. Nothing out of the can. That brought a big smile to Graham's face. Another one of our favorite foods. The strawberry shortcake was fresh. Like Luke had just fixed it. We finished dessert and Luke cleared everything and put everything away.

Graham looked at me. "What do you want to do babe?"

"I was thinking about using the steam room. What do you think?"

"Good idea. I wonder if Luke will join us?"

"One way to find out. I'll ask him when he comes back.

Luke came back into the living room and took a seat across from us. I guess so we could get a good view of his tenting boxers.

"Luke, Graham and I were talking and we're going to use the steam room. Your welcome to join us if you want to."

"That's a good idea. After driving all day. My muscles could use some relaxing. Do you guys know how it works?"

"I'm sure it's not that hard to figure out."

"Let's walk down and I'll show you how it operates. It's one thing that's not on the tablet control."

We all walked down to the master bathroom. I liked the view following Luke and watching his tight ass move in his boxers. His broad shoulders and back.

Luke showed us how the steam room operated. It was really quite simple. We got it turned on and Luke said it would be steamy in about five minutes. That gave us time to strip out of our jock and Luke out of his boxers. Luke's cock was about the same length as Graham and me. Seven inches. He was cut like us. But his cock was thicker than Graham or me. He had nice big balls hanging down below his cock. Both Graham and I like big balls. We thought we had waited long enough. Luke had three towels for us. He said it was a good idea to sit on the towels and not on the wood. As the wood could get pretty warm.

We all entered the steam room and laid our towels down. There were three levels and the steam room was made out of cedar. There were hot rocks on top of a radiator and water dripped down from the ceiling. At least that's what it looked like. There was actually a little spigot that could be opened and closed to let the water down to make steam. We all sat on the top level to get the most steam. Luke sat down between Graham and me. He made sure to spread his legs so they were touching us. That wasn't so bad. The steam felt good and within seconds we were all sweating.

I noticed that Luke had his eyes closed. Luke had his closed enough that he had small slits that he could see. He was wondering what Bob and Graham would do. They had each draped a leg on each side of Luke and they looked to be chubbed up.

I suddenly felt fingertips lightly running up my thigh. It was sending shiver through me and goosebumps. My cock was twitching uncontrollably and oozing out precum that was starting to run down the side of my cock. I peeked over at Graham and Luke was doing the same thing to Graham. Graham was squirming and twitching and his cock was rock hard like mine.

I closed my eyes and tried to stay as calm as I could and see what else Luke was going to do. I thought about reaching over and feeling his cock, but I thought I'd wait.

I heard Luke give out a moan. That was first sound anybody had made. I peeked again and Graham had his fist around Luke's thick cock and was pumping it up and down. I could see Luke's balls bouncing up and down.

I then heard some slurping and sucking sounds and Graham had Luke's big thick cock in his mouth and was trying to take it down his throat. He would have to stretch to take that thick cock.

Then I felt something warm and wet on my cock. I looked down and Luke was sucking on the head of my cock. Working that sensitive spot on the back side and driving me crazy. My precum was flowing now and Luke kept lapping it up. Soon he took my cock into his mouth and slowly pulled it down his throat with his throat muscles. That felt great. I closed my eyes and enjoyed myself. I put a hand on the back of Luke's head, encouraging him to deep throat me. He didn't need any encouragement. He was taking my cock like a trooper. Luke knew what he was doing. He had done this before.

Soon I heard Luke give a grunt and saw his body stiffen and I heard Graham gulping. Luke must have shot a big load into Graham's mouth and throat. Luke was getting me close. When he started playing with my balls that brought me over the edge and I torpedoed a big load into Luke's waiting mouth and throat. I saw him swallow and take all of my load. We all sat back and Luke checked the time in the steam room. He told us it was time to leave. We got up and took our towels and Luke turned everything off.

We walked into the shower and gave each other a good lather and rinse and then we towel dried each other.

I said, "I'm tired and I think it's time for bed."

Graham agreed with me and Luke said he would go to his bedroom. I told Luke to stay here and he could sleep with us. That brought a big smile to his face.

We all crawled into bed with Luke in the middle. We started snuggling together and feeling our semi hard cocks rubbing and hitting together. Soon we were hard again and horny for each other.

We got into a circle suck on the bed. I hadn't had a chance to suck Luke's thick cock. I knew I would have to stretch my mouth and my throat. Luke had that hot musky male scent and it was making me really horny. I noticed Luke had a pee slit about a half inch wide. I could stick the tip of tongue in there. Luke seemed to like that and I could easily pull out his precum with the tip of my tongue. His precum tasted pretty good. Soon he has thick flared head in my mouth and sucked in more. A little at a time. So my mouth and throat could adjust to his thickness. I felt my throat muscles grab the head of his cock and slowly start pulling him in. Luke held the back of my head and was pushing me down on his cock to take it all. It didn't take long until his length was all the way down my throat with my throat muscles wrapped around his cock. I could feel his cock throbbing in my throat and my throat muscles started massaging the length of his cock. He was moaning and humping into me. It didn't take long for Luke to cum. I almost gagged. I wasn't expecting another big load. Hearing Luke cum brought Graham and me over the edge. And we all collapsed back on the bed. Panting and gasping for air.

After our hot sexercise, it didn't take us long to fall asleep. We fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.

We woke up, still all curled up together. We groggily got out of bed and took a shower. We jerked off each other in the shower, and that got rid of our morning woodies. Luke dried off and told us he would get breakfast ready. Graham and I towel dried each other and put on fresh jocks and walked to the living room. We could see Luke busy in the kitchen and he told us breakfast was almost ready.

We started getting into a routine of showering together in the morning. Either jerking or sucking each other off. At night, Luke would sleep with us. He liked fucking. So he would usually fuck Graham and me and suck us off at the same time.

The food was excellent and Graham and I spent a lot of time upstairs in the lounge enjoying the views.

Luke always managed to find a twenty four hour rest stop. Where he could refuel and check the motor home and clean out the sewer and check the water level. The rest stops always had cafes and a little store for groceries and gift shop. We ate in the motor home. The food was excellent.

Luke told us tomorrow he would be turning off and heading straight to Alaska. We should arrive in Alaska in the evening. Luke said that he was going to keep going until we entered Alaska tomorrow. This had taken five days. Even though the traffic wasn't heavy. It was just the distance getting their. We didn't care. We had all the time in the world to just enjoy ourselves. And so far we were really enjoying ourselves, especially with Luke.

We had another great day of observing from upstairs. Sex with Luke was outstanding. He sure had the stamina for somebody fifty years old. Late afternoon he told us we were entering Alaska and he would be driving up to the edge of the National Park. Tomorrow we would enter the park and start our first day.

Graham and I were excited. We were wondering what Glacier Bay National Park had in store for us.

We had great sex before we went to sleep with Luke. The next morning Luke was up before us and we could smell breakfast. We took a quick shower and joined Luke naked. Luke was naked, except for the apron he was wearing. He sure looked inviting.

We ate breakfast and Luke told us we needed to get dressed, because we'd be starting our first day in the park. He told us hiking gear would be perfect. He said he would be staying back. He had things to do around he motor home and would join us for lunch at the restaurant in the main lodge.

We went back and got changed into hiking clothes. It felt a little strange after going around in a jock or naked the last few days.

We walked back out and we told Luke we were heading out to the lodge. That was where we were supposed to meet our guide. The park had a special spot for the motor home. It had all the connections that Luke needed. I knew he was going to do some recharging, plus some other maintenance on the motor home. I think he also needed to send a report to the main office on how the new motor home was working out.

We walked out of the motor home to a lot of stares from other people. And walked up to the main lodge. I see a couple of guides over on the side and I figured one of them must be our guide.

As we got close a young man asked us if we were Bob and Graham. We told him we were. He told us his name was Gushklin and told us he was Tlingit. We thought what a perfect guide to have for exploring the National Park. Gushklin told his name meant, orphan who becomes a leader. He was being trained as a leader by the Tlingit elders. He said every day when he finished his shift, he walked back to his tribe and spent the night there.

Gushklin asked us if we would like to have a traditional Tlingit lunch today. We told him sure. Gushklin also told us he would be explaining some of the Tlingit customs and landmarks as we explored the park. He then asked us if we were ready to start exploring. And we told him, "let's do it." He said first he would tell the ladies about our traditional lunch. Two of the cooks were Tlingit.

It didn't take Gushklin long and soon we were all in the park jeep. The National Parks, must buy there jeeps from the same place. This jeep looked identical to the one we rode in Hawaii. The same military green color with the name of the National Park, stenciled on both sides.

Gushklin told us we would be starting with Bartlett Cove. Gushklin told us how much he loved this park and thanked the park director for letting him work here and other members of his tribe. He then went on to tell us this would be mostly a sight seeing tour. There were some places he thought we'd like for taking pictures. Gushklin kept a running dialog going explaining about the park and his tribe. It was really interesting and we were really getting a history lesson of the Tlingit people.

Graham and I knew Gushklin was straight, but we didn't care. Sexual conquests wasn't our reason for this vacation. We had each other and that was enough. Luke was an added bonus. We just wanted to relax, enjoy ourselves and see and explore some of our wonderful National Parks and that was what we were doing.

We learned that Bartlett Cove was the only developed area in the park. It had the lodge, cabins for guests and a sporting goods rental shop. The park rangers headquarters was located in the lodge along with a restaurant where we would eat our lunch.

As we continued our tour. Gushklin told us that Barlett Cove is an embayment and estuary of the Bartlett River, that extends northeast for 2 miles. Bartlett Cove is formed by the southern shore of the Lester Island to the north and west and the mainland to the south and east. This concluded our first half of the tour today and Gushklin drove us back to the lodge for lunch. He told us he had a special surprise for us on the second half of this tour.

Gushklin pulled up in front of the lodge and parked. We got out and walked into a very expansive lodge. It had a gift shop where we would look for something for Graham's secretary. The restaurant was sectioned off to one side. It also had a large wall map of the entire National Park. And Gushklin pointed out the areas that we saw this morning. He told us to take a seat and our lunch would be served shortly. We told Gushklin we were going to check out the gift shop until our lunch was ready.

We walked into the gift shop and it had the typical souvenirs. But something that caught our eye was a little Tlingit totem pole and we thought that would be perfect for the secretary. The name of the National Park was incribed along the bottom. We purchased the totem pole and walked back and got seated for lunch.

Soon some glasses of tea, we thought, were brought out to us. Gushklin was with us to explain what we were eating and drinking. He told us this was a traditional tea made of native plants. We took a sip and it was okay. Nothing special. And then a waitress brought out salmon with a variety of berries cooked with seaweed. It smelled good. Gushklin ate with us. The salmon was awesome. It was fresh and I liked the way it was cooked. Gushklin told us the salmon was steamed along with the the berries and seaweed. I tried the berry and seaweed mixture and it was excellent. We told Gushklin we really enjoyed lunch. Everything was excellent and we enjoyed the new flavors and tastes. He was pleased and told us he would tell the cooks that we liked lunch.

We finished and Gushklin went to the kitchen quick to tell the cooks that we enjoyed the typical lunch.

We then got back into the jeep, Gushklin reminded us that he had something special to show us this afternoon. Gushklin drove past the areas we saw in the morning and then stopped and parked the jeep. He told us we would walk down this trail to something special. Gushklin was excited and we knew he had something special he wanted to show us.

We followed Gushklin down the trail. It wasn't a steep slope, just gradual to a flat area. Here we saw many monuments and totems. Gushklin told us this was a sacred spot for the Tlingit. He started doing some chanting and then stopped. Gushklin started explaining the totems to us and how different animals represented different clans. He pointed out the animals for his clan. We went from totem to totem and then he explained some of the monuments and then started giving us the history of this place. He told us very few visitors to the park get to see this. But he knew we would appreciate it and wanted to share it with us. We thanked Gushklin for his wonderful education and history of this site. The whole site must have wound around for at least a mile.

Once we finished, it was getting later. Gushklin told us it was going on five and we should head back.

On our way back Gushklin told us tomorrow we would start our Wildnerness Adventures and be sure to wear hiking clothes. He told us, we were going to get close to nature. Whatever that meant.

We arrived back to the lodge and we thanked Gushklin for a very interesting day and we're looking forward to tomorrow.

We walked back to the motor home and Luke was sitting outside under the awning, watching tv.

"I thought maybe I'd have to start looking for you two."

"No. We had a great day with Gushklin and we learned a lot about the Tlingit. Tomorrow we start some wilderness adventures. How was everything with the motor home?"

"Everything is fine with the motor home. I have some built in diagnostic programs I can run on the computer and everything checked out okay. I also, got in touch with my engineering team to see how they were doing without me. They seemed to be doing a better job when I wasn't their. They were busy on designs for the next motor home. You guys hungry and ready for dinner?"

"We are. We're going to take a shower and change into something more comfortable while you get dinner ready. We'll eat in the living room."

A shower felt good after being out in the park all day. The weather was very comfortable, almost like the weather in Hawaii, except here in Alaska it was a little more humid. We dried each other off and put on jocks and some flip flops and walked out to the living room.

Luke was still busy in the kitchen. We walked into the kitchen and poured ourselves a couple of beers. Luke said, "I would have done that for you."

"We know. But your busy getting dinner ready. We're not invalids and can do things for ourselves."

While we were in the kitchen, Luke told us about some small groups of people walking around. They asked him about the motor home and said, "it must take a millionaire to afford something like this?" I told them, "something like that." They asked if they could get a tour inside the motor home and I told them they could peek in from the front door. They couldn't believe something like this existed and then they left.

"Which reminds me. Would you guys be interested in buying this motor home? It has been built especially for you two with all the things you like."

"I don't know. It's something we need to discuss and think about. We still have a lot of time and we'll get back to you on that Luke."

Luke told us our dinner was ready and we told him we would finish our beer with our dinner. Dinner tonight was beef stroganoff with fresh egg noodles. Another one of our favorite dinners. Luke was right. They had everything we liked to eat. At least so far. Luke joined us and he was wearing a jock too. He sure looked good in a jock. He filled the pouch out nicely.

We finished our dinner and passed on dessert. We ate more than we usually do and we were full. We told Luke we were doing to find a good movie to watch and he could join us if he wanted to. He told us once he finished in the kitchen and finished getting the motor home secured for the night, he would join us.

We found a good movie to watch and it felt good to relax. With the four hour time change, we were still adjusting.

Luke came over and told us he had finished what he needed to do and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We told him a glass of white wine would taste good.

I saw Luke pouring three flutes of wine. I was glad he was joining us. He seemed to like our white wine.

I could tell Luke was feeling frisky and horny. His jock was bulged to the max and he couldn't stop flirting with us. He sat in the middle between Graham and me. Soon he was rubbing over our bulges, getting us hard.

Luke said, "why don't you two stand up."

We stood up and in two quick motions he had our jocks to our ankles and our cocks sticking straight out. This makes a good appetizer with the wine. As he went back and forth sucking on our drooling cock heads. God he was good. He was a great cocksucker. I noticed Luke rubbing his crotch while he was sucking us. He soon went back and forth deep throating us and getting us close. I guess we were hornier than we thought. Soon we were shooting in Luke's mouth and he swallowed our loads. He then said, "I want to fuck you guys."

I said, "let's go to the bedroom, where there's more room."

Graham and I got on the bed with our head on a pillow and our asses in the air, ready for a good plowing from Luke. I could see Luke had his jock off and his thick cock looked ready for action.

I felt the head of Luke's cock rubbing over my hole. It was oozing precum and he was getting my hole ready. Then I saw him move over to Graham and do the same thing. Soon I felt his fat thick head entering my hole and soon he was balls deep. His thick cock was a good fit in my hole. Then he pulled out and did the same to Graham. I saw Graham grimace a little. Graham didn't get fucked much and his hole would be super tight. Luke then started going back and forth, fucking us. He was gentle and not rough which we appreciated. I could tell Luke was getting close. He didn't make a lot of noise when he came, but he would give out a grunt and his cock would stiffen and then he'd shoot out his load. I felt his cock throbbing and stiffening in my hole and I felt his hot cum bathing the sides of my hole. He left it in for a bit. He stayed hard and then I watched him move over to Graham. Graham's hole must have loosened up a bit. He wasn't grimacing, but he was sweating. Luke took his time with Graham. But it didn't take him long to shoot out his second load. He must recharge fast, pretty good for a fifty year old man. Soon Luke had finished cumming in Graham's hole and he left his cock in for a couple of minutes. Then Luke pulled out. And he laid back between us exhausted. I would have been exhausted too. His cock was slick with cum and I bent over and licked and cleaned his cock off. I could taste Graham on his cock.

We finished our wine and relaxed for a bit. We told Luke we were tired and were still adjusting to the time change. He understood and pulled the covers over us. We all snuggled together and went right to sleep.

Over the next few days Gushklin was taking us all around the park and doing a lot of exploring. We did some wilderness adventures, which included more information about the Tlingit people. We did some sea kayaking which took us into more of the Glacier Bay's wilderness. It was our first time kayaking and Gushklin was a good teacher and told us we were fast learners. After our kayaking experience. We then did some backpacking which was more strenuous because of the lack of trails, the mountainous terrain and the vegetable obstacles.

Gushklin was surprised we hadn't seen any wildlife. We experienced alpine meadows, remote river valleys, and pristine rain forests. The park's wildest rewards awaited those with the necessary stamina. Like us.

We then tried our rafting skills which was much easier than kayaking or hiking the mountains. We rafted the Talstr in Glenshini and Alsek rivers from Canada to Dry in Glacier Bay National Preserve. Which is a world class float trip on facial rivers slicing through one of the world's highest coastal mountain ranges. It was really something to behold and Graham and I were busy taking photos while Gushklin guided the raft.

Our final exploring was doing a little mountaineering. Again, a new experience for us and Gushklin said we wouldn't go up very far since we didn't have experience. We went up the Fairweather Range not very far. This mountain climbing range is reserved for the most intrepid explorers. And I wasn't sure how intrepid Graham and I were.

That had finished our exploring in Glacier Bay National Park and we had finished early. We would be leaving the middle of tomorrow morning for Olympic National Park in Washington state.

This had been another wonderful experience for us. And we had taken a lot of photos to remember our experience in Glacier Bay National Park.

Gushklin told us we were invited to a special clan meeting of his people and would be honored if we attended. We told him sure and we would be honored to attend.

Gushklin gave us a crash course in a little of his culture and how to greet his clan members. He taught us how to say hello in Tlingit and said we were passable and also his clan members would want to know about our families, since family is very important to the Tlingit people.

Gushklin said he was going to leave for awhile and then be back to take us to his clan.

Graham and I talked about bringing something. Gushklin told us we didn't need to bring anything to the clan as a present, but we had our own ideas and knew what we were going to do. We just relaxed in the observation living room and dozed off for a little while.

Luke was busy getting the motor home ready for leaving tomorrow and left us alone.

Soon Luke came up and told us that Gushklin was here and had something for us. We ran downstairs to the bedroom and put some shorts on and flip flops. We walked outside to greet Gushklin. He handed us some typical clothes to wear and footwear and told us he would wait outside while we got dressed. He explained how we should put the traditional clothes on.

We thanked Gushklin and told him we would be right back. We carried everything down to the bedroom and got dressed. We thought we had everything on correctly. We checked each other and put on the traditional footwear. I put an envelope into a pocket in my clothing. Everything fit perfectly and we walked back out to join Gushklin who was already wearing traditional clothing from his clan.

He told us we looked just like Tlingit. We asked Gushklin what the footwear was made of. The sandals were very comfortable. He told us they were made of tanned deer hide.

We followed Gushklin and we went down trails that we didn't even know existed. Finally we could hear drums and a lot of talking. Two big totem poles flanked the entrance to the clan. Gushklin explained the symbolism and what animals represented his clan. He told us that was how they could tell if they were related to other clans, if they saw some of their animals of their clan on other totem poles. We walked between the clan totem poles and were led to a large hut with totem poles on each side of the entrance. Gushklin explained that these were called house posts. Also, this hut was where we would meet with the elders.

Gushklin opened the tanned hides to one side that were the door and we walked in and Gushklin followed us. There were four large men seated on hides and smoking a pipe. Gushklin told us the eleders were smoking a ceremonial pipe in honor of us and we would be expected to smoke the pipe when it was passed to us.

We said our hello in Tlingit and that seemed to please the elders. Gushklin told them that was the only word we knew in Tlingit. The head elder or who assumed was the head elder spoke first in Tlingit and then in perfect English. He welcomed us to their clan and was pleased that we would come. Gushklin had told the elders all about us.

The oldest elder explained many of the Tlingit customs and how they don't really have parties but meetings where they share family news and business. The elders took turns telling us about their family as they passed the pipe around. Soon Graham was smoking the pipe and then passed it to me and then finally to Gushklin and then he handed it back to one of the elders. Once the elders finished, it was Graham's turn to talk about his family. He explained his problems with his father and how Bob had worked everything out for him. He told the elders about his mother and brother and sister. That seemed to please them. They listened attentively and when Graham finished. It was my turn. I pretty much said the same things as Graham. I told the elders first about my parents and being working professionals. What home life was like for me and my brother. And then I finally told them about Reggie and his family.

The oldest elder thanked us for sharing some good and bad times with our families. And was glad that we were close to our families and stayed in touch. He told us that family is the most important, everything else is secondary. He then proceeded to tell us there is nothing wrong with being gay. We have many clan members that are gay. We are one family and everyone is a part of this family. I want you Graham and you Bob to feel comfortable here and we will always recognize you as part of our family. Gushklin has told us only good things about you two and how interested you were in our culture and traditions. That pleased us very much. We know your leaving tomorrow, but remember you are always welcome here and like I said, you are part of our family. He stood up and we all stood up. The main elder told us some of the clan women were making something special for us. The conversation became more casual and less formal while we waited on the food.

Soon one of the tribal ladies brought in a big jug of tea. It looked like the same time we drank when we had the traditional lunch. She poured us each a glass and handed it to us. There wasn't any custom when to start drinking so we all were sipping on our tea. Soon a huge bowl was brought in with a variety of meats and vegetables. It looked like a variety plate you might order at a restaurant. Small plates were handed out and we ate with our fingers. I recognized venison and some of the berries and seafood we had eaten earlier. The oldest elder told us there was bear, deer, salmon, cod and rabbit on the plate, along with many local berries, roots and seaweed.

Everything was very good and we sampled a little of everything. The main elder told us that eating with them and liking their food, confirmed that we much have Tlingit blood in us. We all laughed about that.

It was getting later and the elders knew we were leaving tomorrow. We didn't know how to say good bye in Tlingit or thank you, so Gushklin helped us and we all walked out of the elders hut. I was close to the oldest elder and I handed him my envelope. I told him that I knew you really don't accept presents, but this was something to show our appreciation. He peeked inside the envelope and got a big smile on his face. And thanked Graham and I profusely. The clan followed us to the entrance totem poles. We waved back to everyone and followed Gushklin to our motor home. Gushklin thanked us again and told us we had made a very good impression on the elders and he was going to miss us. I knew the Tlingit are not big on showing affection, and have their own ways and customs, so we thanked him and told him we hoped to be back again in the future.

The oldest elder couldn't believe what he saw in the envelope. It was twenty five thousand dollars in US currency. This would help the clan tremendously and would last them a long time. They could buy essentials that they needed and the rest would be saved for emergencies.

Bob and Graham went to the bedroom and changed out of their clothes and put them away. These were very special clothes for them.

They told Luke they'd take a cold beer and relax upstairs in the living room.

Luke asked us how our evening went and we told him it was very interesting and we learned more of the Tlingit customs.

We didn't have to get up early so we relaxed and watched a movie and sat close together. We didn't really feel like sex, just some body closeness and Luke seemed okay with that. Our cold beer went down fast and Luke got us all another beer from the upstairs bar.

The movie was pretty good. A spy mystery movie that we liked. We were all into the movie. Our second beer went down fast and I was feeling more relaxed.

Our movie finished and we all decided to head to bed. Luke told us he would make sure the motor home was secure for the night and then join us.

Graham and I helped each other out of our jocks and crawled into bed facing each other. We were making out when Luke joined us. We got into a three way making out session which seemed to satisfy all of us. We got into our favorite snuggling position and fell asleep.

Graham and I woke up to some breakfast smells coming from the kitchen. We walked out naked to the kitchen and noticed Luke was naked also, except for his apron. He told us he didn't want to burn anything. We told him we'd eat in the dining room.

We looked out through one of the big windows and it looked like another nice day.

Luke joined us for breakfast and then Graham and I headed back to take a shower and get ready for leaving. Not that we had that much to do. But it was just habit.

Soon Luke joined us in the shower and we soaped each other and then rinsed off. We were all sporting morning hardons and we jerked each other off. Watching our cum splatter on one of the shower walls and run down the drain. We dried each other off and I thought I heard music. Graham and Luke told me they heard music too.

Graham and I put some cargo shorts on and a nice button down shirt. Luke ran up front and got dressed and told us he was going to get the motor home ready for leaving.

Graham and I looked out one of the windows and saw a group of Tlingit from Gushklin's clan dancing to music. We walked out the front doors and were greeted by Gushklin and the oldest elder. "What's the occasion?" I asked.

Gushklin told us, "we're having a potlatch which is a way we celebrate. This potlatch is just dancing. We are celebrating knowing you two men and you're leaving."

We waved to all the people and walked back into the motor home.

We told Luke what was going on and we could take off when he was ready. He told us everything was ready.

Graham and I opened one of the big windows and waved out to everyone as they kept dancing and celebrating. It was their way of showing us respect and being members of their clan. It was a very special moment for Graham and me and we took a few photos as the motor home soon started to leave our campsite. The Tlingit didn't wave, but kept dancing and that was all that mattered.

Soon we were out of the park and on the interstate to our next destination which would be Olympic National Park in Washington state. Luke told us it would take a couple of days to get to the park.

It was nice to have a couple of days to relax. Graham and I were still adjusting to the time change. We spent most of the time up in the second floor looking out and enjoying the scenery. We noticed a lot of people staring and pointing at the motor home. It really was something else. This motor home was longer than normal. Usually the max for a motor home is forty five feet. Ours was fifty five feet. Like a small house on wheels.

Luke told us he wouldn't have to push it to get to Olympic National Park. Which would make it more relaxing for all of us. He told us he found a good steak house if we were interested in it for dinner, he could make reservations on the computer. We told him to go ahead and make reservations for seven. He told us it was done.

It was only four in the afternoon, so we had plenty of time to relax before we needed to get ready for dinner.

Graham got up and got us a cold beer. He asked me if he should get one for Luke. I told him I didn't think so when he was driving. Maybe a glass of refreshment. I could hear Graham downstairs pouring Luke's refreshment. It sounded like Graham was getting some snacks for us.

Graham brought a tall iced glass of refreshment to Luke with a small snack tray of crackers and cheese and mixed nuts. Luke thanked Graham and rubbed the back of his hand over Graham's bulge.

That made Graham's cock twitch and grow in his jock. Graham went back to the kitchen and brought up a bigger tray of assorted cheeses and crackers and mixed nuts for us to snack on. Tasted good with ou beer.

We were enjoying the views of the Pacific Coast as we slowly made our way to Olympic National Park.

I thought I felt the motor home slowing down and it looked like it was dusk outside. Luke stopped the motor home and walked upstairs to us in his boxers. He told we had arrived at the steak house, a bit early, but he thought by the time we showered and got dressed it would be time for dinner.

We told Luke to join us and he liked that. He went up front and came back with some very nice looking dress clothes. We knew he would look pretty sharp in those clothes.

We all walked into the shower and got both raintree shower heads going. We washed and lathered each other which got us hard. I said, "let's get into a circle suck on the bed."

We dried each other off which only made our cocks harder. We moved around into a circle suck on the big king sized bed. Graham had the honors of sucking Luke's thick cock. I had Graham's cock and Luke had mine. We were all pretty horny and it didn't take us long to cum. We all spurted out big loads which we eagerly sucked down. We cleaned the cum off each other's cocks and they were sparkling clean when we finished.

We all got dressed. Helping each other. We splashed on some cologne and checked ourselves once more in the mirror and thought we were ready for a good steak dinner.

Luke was parked on the side of the steak house. The steak house was a famous celebrity chain. We didn't have this steak house in our area. So this would be a new experience.

We walked up to the front door and a finely dressed young man opened the door for us and welcomed us to the steak house. Luke gave the name for the reservation and the host walked us to our table. He looked to be college age. He told us our waiter would be right with us.

We looked around and the steak house was rustic. It looked like a log cabin that had been turned into a steak house. The celebrity owners name and the name of the steak house were in large neon lights above a big horseshoe shaped bar. The seating wrapped around and it looked like the steak house could easily hold a hundred people or more. We also noticed sliding doors that could be closed, I assumed for meetings or parties.

Soon another young man walked over to our table and told us he would be our waiter. His name tag said, "Ricky." He asked us if we would like something to drink before we ordered dinner. Graham and I both ordered scotch and water on the rocks. Luke opted for a signature drink of the steak house. Our waiter told us he would be right back with our drinks. Our waiter also looked college age. I was glad to see the restaurant hiring college age kids and giving them a chance to earn a few extra bucks.

Our waiter soon came back with our drinks and I asked him about the restaurant and how it looked like a log cabin turned into a restaurant. He told us that I was correct. This used to be a log cabin used by lumberjacks when logging was big in this area. That was many years ago. He said the owner bought the log cabin for a steal. Had it all upgraded and made into a restaurant. Landscaped the yard and put in a big paved parking lot. He said the restaurant does very well. And sometimes they have live music on the weekends. We thanked Ricky for the information and he handed us our menus and told us he would give us a few minutes to decide what we wanted to order.

For a rustic restaurant, it sure had an extensive menu. The restaurant seemed to be out in nowhere. Not in a town or community. We looked over the menu. It was divided into beef, pork, poultry, seafood, appetizers, beverages and dessert. It seemed to have all the bases covered. We all agreed on a sixteen ounce blackened rib eye steak. That would make the cooks job easier.

Our waiter came back and we told him we were ready to order. We gave him our order and asked what sides were included with the steak. He told us our options and we all agreed on vegetables and salad.

The waiter came back promptly with our salad and a three choice salad dressing server. The salad was crisp and fresh. The waiter cleared our salad dishes and said he would soon be bringing our order.

I heard something sizzling and the waiter was bringing our steaks on hot pewter plates in a holder. He cautioned us that the pewter plates were very hot and to be careful. The steaks looked delicious. I cut into my steak and it was tender and cooked just the way I liked. I had asked the waiter to make my rib eye as lean as possible with very little fat. And that's just the way my steak was. It was as delicious as it looked. It would make the celebrity owner proud. Graham and Luke said their steaks were perfect. Our big steaks were filling and we passed on dessert. We had another round of drinks and then thought we would head back to the motor home and call it day. The waiter came back and thanked us for eating at the restaurant. I asked him where the bill was and he said it had already been taken care of. Graham and I left the waiter a generous tip and Luke had a smirky smile on his face. I would find out about the bill soon.

We left the restaurant and walked the short distance to the motor home. "Ok Luke. What happened to the bill in the restaurant?"

"I don't know what you mean." He started laughing. "Eating out is included in your motor home rental. It was already taken care of a long time ago."

We all stripped down after Luke had the motor home secured for the night. He told us we had about six hours to go, till we reached the National Park in Washington. We would park in our reserved spot in the park tomorrow evening.

We were all on our bed naked and Graham found us a movie to watch. Luke asked us if we wanted anything to drink. Graham and I decided on a glass of white wine. It would relax us while we watched the movie.

Luke got up and we watching his tight ass as we walked out of the bedroom. He soon was back with three flutes of white wine. Graham and I were really liking the white wine. This was the most we had drank of it.

The movie ended and we were all starting to nod off. Luke took care of the wine glasses and we made a spot in the middle for Luke when he came back. He climbed in over me. I felt his cock rubbing over my thigh. We snuggled together and fell asleep.

Graham and I woke up and Luke wasn't in the bed. We could smell breakfast.

Graham and I started talking and I told Graham I was a little concerned with Luke spending so much time with us. Part of this vacation was for us to have our time together. And everytime we're together Luke is with us. I have nothing against Luke, he's a great guy. But we don't have any alone time for just the two of us. "You know Bob your right. I'll take care of this and talk to Luke. You just relax here in bed and I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Don't worry. I'll be nice, but to the point."

I watched my lover leave in his naked glory. With just some flip flops on. God, Graham got sexier every day.

I don't think Graham was even gone five minutes and he was back in our bedroom. "How did that go with Luke?"

"No problem. Everything is taken care of and Luke is busy getting our breakfast ready."

Graham and I snuggled together and kissed and hugged and made out. We crawled out of bed with our hardons pointing the way to the bathroom. Graham got one of the raintree shower heads going and we washed each other. Our hardons never went down. In fact, I think they got harder. We took turns fucking each other in the shower. I leaned against the wall with my ass sticking out and Graham slowly slid his big hardon up my hole. God it felt good. We hadn't done this for a long time. Graham took his time fucking me. Long slow in and out thrusts. Finally, I felt his his cock stiffen in my hole and he was kissing and biting me on the ears and neck as he squirted way up my hole.

We moved around and now it was my turn to fuck Graham. Graham was getting better with his ass muscles and able to grab the head of my cock and slowly pull me into his hot tight hole. It felt really good. We didn't fuck a lot, but when we did we put everything into it. I was slow and gentle with Graham, but his tight hole squeezing my cock brought me over the edge and I soon was filling his hole with a big morning load.

We rinsed off and cleaned out our holes. We didn't want any cum running down our legs.

We walked out to the bedroom with our towels draped over our shoulders. We heard Luke telling us breakfast was ready. We put on another pair of jocks and our flip flops and walked out to the kitchen.

"Breakfast smells good Luke."

"Anything for my two favorite men. Where do you want to eat?"

"How about right here at the kitchen island."

Luke got three place settings set at the kitchen island and served us our breakfast. Omelettes just the way we liked them. I remembered our omelettes fixed between two hash browns and mentioned that to Luke for the next time. He told us he would remember that.

Breakfast was good and filling. Luke said he was going to clean the kitchen fast and get us back on the road. He said he was taking his time so we could take in all the views as we made our final leg to Olympic National Park. He would be parking in our reserved spot in the National Park this evening.

Graham and I went upstairs to take in the spectacular views. We were back on the pacific coast state highway, but Luke informed us in a little while he would need to turn on the highway that would take us directly to the National Park.

Graham put on some low background music using the tablet controller. We poured ourselves a couple glasses of refreshment. There was a pitcher of refreshment in the small frig in the bar upstairs.

Luke was thinking about what Graham had told him. At first he wanted to be mad and then disappointed. It was just that Bob and Graham were so nice and friendly. It was easy to be with them. No wonder they were so popular in their hometowne. it was easy to see. But he respected their wishes and understood they were on vacation. He had found a good restaurant for lunch and thought he would check and see what the guys wanted to do. It was approaching lunch time.

Luke got on the PA system and told Bob and Graham that it was approaching lunch time and he had a good restaurant on the computer if they wanted to eat there or he would be glad to fix them lunch.

Bob and Graham talked about it. Since meals were included in the price of the motor home, they thought they'd eat at the restaurant. Besides it would give Luke a break from driving and he wouldn't have to fix them lunch.

They walked up front to Luke's cockpit and stood on each side of him in their jocks. "We talked it over Luke and the restaurant sounds good. What do we need to wear?"

Luke brought it up on the computer and it said casual clothes. They told Luke to make the reservations. Luke used the opportunity to rub the back of his hand over Bob and Graham's bulges in their jocks. He told them he would be parking the motor home soon. They were approaching the restaurant.

Bob and Graham walked back to the master bedroom and put on some tailor made casual clothes with some nice dress shoes. Splashed on some cologne and were ready for lunch.

They walked out and Luke was dressed similarly to them. They all walked together to the entrance. The sign said Ye Olde Pewter Pub. Kind of a unique different name. The restaurant was very sophisticated. There weren't a lot of people and the host showed them to their reserved table. Again another young man, probably college age, was our waiter.

Our waiter came over and Graham and I ordered a drink. Luke said he wasn't having a refreshment. He didn't drink and drive. And we respected that. Luke took his work serious. I wasn't sure if there was alternative motives, but Luke seemed pretty up front and genuine with us.

Our waiter came back with our drinks. The restaurant was quite opulent inside. It seemed like it was out of place and should be located somewhere else. I asked the waiter and he said a lot of local businessmen ate here as well traveling businessmen. And they stayed quite busy.

It wasn't busy when we were there. The waiter handed us menus and said he would be back in a few minutes. Graham and I didn't want a big heavy lunch. So we both ordered Cobb salads and Luke had a salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy.

Graham and I knew Luke was being quiet and not sharing much with us. I was wondering if it was because Graham had talked to him earlier. I couldn't hold back. "Is everything okay Luke? Your being very quiet."

"No. No. Everything's fine. Just had a few things on my mind."

"I hope everything is okay between us?"

"Oh yes. Everythings fine. Nothing to worry about. It was some personal things I was thinking about."

Luke didn't want Bob and Graham to know that he had talked with Cindy. Cindy had put a lot of pressure on him for them to get together when he got back with Bob and Graham. It gave him a lot to think about. He liked Bob and Graham a lot, but wasn't sure about Cindy. She seemed to pushy and desparte to be with him. He would have to give it some thought and maybe they could go out to dinner a couple of times and see how that went.

Our lunch came and everything was good. It was just the right amount for Graham and me. Luke said his salisbury steak was delicious. We had warm apple pie, straight from the oven with vanilla ice cream. The apple pie was homemade and it had that home made taste.

We finished and Graham and I tipped our waiter. Luke reminded us that our meals were included in the rental of the motor home. He told us we should probably get going so it wouldn't be late when we arrived at the park.

We left the restaurant and noticed a crowd of people around the motor home. Pointing at things and talking together. Luke asked them if they had any questions. Graham and I went back inside the motor home. They asked Luke about the special features of the motor home and they said they had never seen a motor home this big and this luxurious. He told him he was the lead engineer and this motor home was specially designed for the clients. He pointed out some of the features and excused himself, but said he needed to get going. They thanked him for the information and asked about the price. He told them a lot, and then walked into the front of the motor home.

Soon we were on our way to Olympic National Park.

We went back upstairs and Graham poured us each a glass of refreshment. I told Graham to pour a glass for Luke too. I took the glass of refreshment to Luke and he thanked me and told me we were on schedule and should enter the park around seven this evening. The park closed at eight. But Luke had called ahead and they would keep a ranger at the main entrance if we didn't arrive until eight or later.

The views of the ocean were terrific on the second floor. We took a few pictures to add to our collection. We had all the pictures from Glacier Bay National Park downloaded on the computer.

It was getting dusk and Luke got on the PA system and asked us if we wanted a late dinner when we arrived at the park of we wanted him to stop and fix us dinner.

Graham and I talked it over and told him we would wait until we were settled in the park and then have dinner. Many times we eat dinner later.

Graham got us a cold beer from the bar frig upstairs. We were on vacation and we deserved to have a cold beer when we wanted.

It was going on seven thirty and Luke told us we would soon be pulling into the main entrance of the park. We could see the lighting sign at the park entrance. Luke talked to a ranger and then Luke pulled into the park and drove to our reserved parking spot. We noticed a lot of pine trees and other fir trees. We didn't know the names of. Our parking spot looked private and spacious. Luke told us we could get out and walk around if we wanted while he got our dinner ready.

The air was fresh with a nice pine scent. I asked Luke if the sap from the pine trees would damage the finish of the motor home. He told us no that it had a special finish and could be easily cleaned.

Graham and I noticed some paths from our parking spot. We didn't want to start down a path in the dark. We could wait until tomorrow when we met our guide and then start exploring.

We walked back to the motor home and walked in. I could see Luke setting the dining room table for three. I was glad he was eating with us. Dinner smelled good. Luke told us to take a seat, dinner was ready.

We sat down and I saw coffee poured for us. Luke set down a big platter of lasagna with garlic bread. We served ourselves and it was delicious. The warm garlic bread was perfect. "Luke you did another outstanding job."

"Like I told you before. Everything was premade and frozen. I all I have to do is warm it up."

We all finished and passed on dessert. We were stuffed.

We told Luke we were going to our bedroom and we wanted him to join us when he was ready. He told us it wouldn't take long.

Graham found a good college football game on and we started watching that. Soon Luke came in, in just a jock like us. He had been wearing boxers and some shorts earlier.

Luke snuggled down in between us and we each put an arm around him. I could see his cock twitching in his jock. He told us he liked watching college football too.

Soon our hands found each other's crotches and we were rubbing over big bulges with our fingertips. And playing with those big low hanging balls.

It was halftime and Luke said he would be right back. He was definitely semi hard in his jock. He came back with three cold beers. I was glad to see him drinking a beer with us. I knew he was more relaxed and comfortable now.

We held his beer while he got in between us. We drank our beer and third period started. The game was pretty good. It was two teams we didn't follow that close. We finished our beer and Graham sat the steins on his nightstand.

Graham and I nodded to each other and I went down on Luke's cock while Graham went for his big balls. Luke reached over and started stroking Graham and me. It didn't us all long to start moaning. This was really good. I was deep throating Luke's cock. Graham was sucking on one big ball and then the other. He rolled them around his mouth with his tongue and liked fondling them. He also had a couple of wet fingers up Luke's hole and he didn't seem to mind. Soon we told each other we were getting close to cumming. Just as we said that we started blasting out our loads covering Luke's chest abs and stomach. I felt Luke's cock stiffen in my throat and he start pumping out a big load that I had to swallow quickly. I pulled off quick and let Graham take over. Sucking and milking out the last of Luke's cum. We laid back and regained our normal breathing.

Luke got up and said he was going to take a shower in his bathroom. He had some calls to make and then he was going to go to bed in his bedroom.

I was wondering what Graham had told Luke, but if that was what he wanted to do that was fine with us. It would give Graham and me some quality time together.

What Bob and Graham didn't know, was that Luke was keeping the owners informed on how everything was going with Bob and Graham. Luke wasn't sure. They were a little hard to read. Also something else that Bob and Graham didn't know was that Luke was the businesses top salesman. Along with being the head engineer, he also was good at selling motor homes. With his good looks, friendly and laid back, it was the perfect combination for a good salesmen. People didn't even realize they had bought a motor home. Luke had eased them so gently into the sale. This was what he was planning on doing with Bob and Graham. There was still plenty of time and he could take his time with them.

Luke took his shower and got the cum cleaned off and then made his phone calls. He was tired after driving all day.

Bob and Graham made out and snuggled up tight together and fell asleep.

Luke soon feel asleep in his bed.

We woke up to great breakfast smells. Luke told us to set the alarm for seven. He thought our guide would be coming soon to the motor home to start our day and tell us what we needed to be ready.

Graham and I crawled out of bed and took a hot steamy shower together. We turned the water off and got into a hot sixty nine on the shower floor. This was the first sixty nine we had had in a long time. It was our favorite position. It didn't take us long to cum. We were both ready and needed each other.

Since our guide was going to be coming we thought we'd better put on some shorts tshirts and flip flops. If we needed to wear something else we thought our guide would tell us.

Luke fixed hash brown omelettes and they were delicious. He apologized to us for this being his first time making hash brown omelettes. We told him they were perfect and just the way we liked them. Luke ate an omelette with us. We had finished eating when there was a knock at the door.

Luke was also dressed and went to the door. He told us our guide was here and would like to talk to us.

We walked outside and a nice looking man, I would guess in his late twenties, was standing there in a park uniform. Again the same green military colors. He had red hair. Not muscular, but I would say lean. More like a runner or swimmers body. Red hair on his arms and legs. I noticed a nice bulge in the front. That looked promising if he liked fooling around. I guess time would tell.

We introduced ourselves and his name was Roger. He told us he had a busy and full day planned for us. He told us he would be back at eight for us to start our day. Roger told us to wear hiking gear and he would be back soon. We shook hands and thanked him and told him we'd be ready.

We went back inside and walked down to our bedroom. We started looking through our clothes and found another set of hiking gear we hadn't worn and put that on. The same hiking boots and we walked back out to the living room. Luke told us, we looked ready for exploring the park. We told him we couldn't wait. Luke told us he had a lot of work to do. And would be busy all day talking and working with his engineering team. He didn't tell Bob and Graham that he would be giving a progress report on the possible sale of this motor home to Bob and Graham. Also, he wanted to talk to Cindy and they were planning on doing a video chat. He thought that should be interesting.

Bob told Luke they were going to wait outside for Roger and probably wouldn't be back until early evening. Luke told us to enjoy ourselves and he would have dinner waiting for us.

We stayed close to the motor home and soon we heard footsteps and Roger was approaching. He wasn't wearing his military green uniform. He was wearing a khaki colored uniform. Looking just as handsome as ever. "You guys look ready for a day of exploring the park?"

"We are. We can't wait to start seeing this National Park."

Roger told us we would be starting by boating some of the rivers.

He told us to follow him. We didn't get into a jeep, we just kept walking on this same trail that came to a big open area. The lodge was there along with a rental shop. We saw a long dock behind the lodge and Roger told us we would start and end here today. A long flat bottom boat was anchored to the dock. It looked like it had a trolling motor attached.

We all got into the boat and Roger explained that loud gas powered motors where not allowed in the park. Either oaring or using a small electric trolling motor like on this boat. It's quiet and won't scare the wildlife.

I asked Roger what kind of wildlife we could expect to see. He told us the park had an abundance of black bears. Also, elk that were named after Teddy Roosevelt and mountain goats. Squirrels, gophers, raccoons and skunks. And he said wolves were reintroduced in 2022. When we take one of the rivers close to the ocean, we might see gray whales, otters, seals and dolphins. But today were going to be mainly staying on the Hoh River. This is a long river with many interesting things to see and I thought it would be a good way for you to spend the first day in the park.

Roger was sitting by the motor, we could get a good view of the big bulge in his crotch. Graham and I sat so he could get a good view of us too.

We started out and you couldn't hear anything. The electric trolling motor was super quiet. And we cruised at a nice leisurely pace.

Roger told we would be coming to an old growth rainforest. It's one of the most popular sights on this river cruise. We went real slow so we could take pictures. We spotted a mother black bear with two cubs. It looked like she was fishing for her cubs. The ranger told us we were at the park at just the right time. The water levels were perfect to be able to take in everything the rivers had to offer.

The old growth rain forest stretched along this side of the river for miles. Roger told us to look up and we saw a heard of elk. These were elk named after Teddy Roosevelt. Roger told us we might see some otter, since the water levels were higher now. And he said probably some beaver lodges. They like to block part of the river and it's a constant job removing their lodges and dams.

We were getting close to the far end of the river and it looked like a big open area with a beach. We are coming to one of the campgrounds. And Roger said, "something special is planned for you two."

Roger moored the boat at the dock. And we all got out of the boat and walked down the dock to the campground. It looked like we were the only ones at the campground.

Roger told us the campground was reserved just for Graham and me.

We sat down at the table that was set with a tablecloth. Dinnerwear that looked like it was stoneware and hand made. Whatever we were eating smelled good.

Soon a waitress came over with a big platter with assorted meats and another platter with different vegetables and berries.

Roger told us that everything we were eating came from the National Park. It was an assortment of wild game and natural roots and berries found in different parts of the park. It seemed a little like when we were in Glacier Bay National Park.

We finished our lunch which was excellent. There was no dessert, but I don't think Graham or I would have had any room for dessert. Once we finished, Roger told us that there was bear, elk, mountain goat, squirrel and duck on the meat platter. We told Roger everything was very good. And if he wouldn't have told us about the different game, we would have never noticed the difference. The taste and flavor was awesome.

Graham and I thanked that two ladies that had prepared our lunch and we got back into the boat. Roger told us he had a special surprise for us. A place he had found by chance, but would like to share it with us if we were interested. We told him, of course. Maybe we could get some more pictures.

Once we were settled in the boat and on our way to this special place. I noticed Roger checking us out, out of the corner of my eye. We had been doing the same to Roger too. Roger was really good looking and I liked his ginger features with the red hair, bright green eyes and freckles. I wondered if he had freckles all over. And I couldn't help but glance at his bulge showing on the side of the shorts. Graham and I purposely spread our legs wider than we normally do. Showing off our assets to Roger.

We had made out way to the far end of the river and were just started down the other side. When Roger slowed the trolling motor down even more. He told us to pull the branches back. We did and there was a small river going into the woods. As soon as the boat cleared the entrance, the branches snapped back to block the entrance. Roger made our way down this river. He told us we would soon be surprised.

Soon the woods weren't as dense close to the river and we could see a clearing up ahead. It looked like an old beach. There was still sand and it looked like someone had carved out a pool and the side of the river. Roger had a smile on his face. "I thought you guys might like it here for a little while. And enjoy the pool and the sandy bech. I think this used to be the old campground, but I don't know. Anyhow it's one of my most favorite parts of this river and it's a great place to relax and go for a quick dip."

Graham and I looked at each other and smiled. Roger docked the boat on the beach down on the far end. Roger told us that they weren't supposed to fraternize with the guests in the park, that's why he wanted to bring us to this secluded and private area. Roger then went on to say how he noticed us checking him out and we told him the same.

We climbed out of the boat and took our hiking boots off. The sand was fine and comfortable to walk on. The sand sunk in between our toes.

Roger had a blanket spread out on the gradual sloping bank to the beach. He told us we could change here and then try out the pool.

We started stripping out of our clothes, but didn't see Roger taking his clothes off. We stopped and asked him, "what's going on? Your not taking your clothes off?"

"I will, but I like watching you guys."

"We'd feel better if you joined us."

Roger walked over to where we were taking off our clothes and joined us. He was white and kind of a creamy color. His chest was smooth. He had red hair on his arms and legs. And when he pulled his pants off. He had a nice red treasure trail into his briefs.

We were all at the same place. Ready to take our briefs off. On three we took our briefs off. Roger had red pubes and it looked like a little red hair on his balls. His cock looked to be about four inches soft. It was a nice girth and I thought probably he'd be about our size erect. Seven inches or maybe just a bit more.

Roger was busy looking at us and told us we were in good shape for older men. I wasn't sure if that was a compliment.

Graham and my cock were flopping around and we walked down to the pool.

The water was a comfortable temperature and I asked Roger if the water was fresh and he told me this was a tributary of the river and fresh water was running through constantly and into the pool and back out of the pool. That's what I wanted to know. I didn't want to pick up some strange infection or get some weird parasite.

We fooled around in the water. The pool wasn't big enough for swimming laps. It was more like an oversized hot tub. But it felt good to just relax for a little bit in the pool.

We were all standing close together. I could feel Roger's body next to mine and I reached over and tweeked his nips. They got hard immediately. I was wondering if that was the only thing hard. Graham was on the other side of Roger and doing the same thing. I started running my hand down his smooth white creamy chest and over his abs. I felt him tensing and I asked him if he was okay. He said he was ticklish, but was okay. I ran my fingers through his red pubes under the water and around the base of his cock. He told us maybe we should take this up on the blanket.

We walked up to the blanket with an arm around each other's shoulders. We were all chubbed a little.

We laid down on the blanket with Roger in the middle. Graham and I went back to feeling Roger all over. He liked that and his hands were busy playing with Graham's and my balls.

Graham leaned over and took Roger's plump head into his mouth and started lick it all over his tongue. It looked like Roger's cock was growing. I know mine was and I saw Graham's cock filling out nicely.

I sucked on Roger's apricot sized balls. And gave them a good tongue bath. Roger was giving out low moans. I moved around over Roger's face so he could eat my hole and suck on my balls and cock which he eagerly did. Graham was busy deep throating Roger and he had a nice thick cock. I was right. It looked like ours. Seven inches.

Roger was horny and he started trembling and squirming and he flooded Graham's mouth with a big load. Roger had maneuvered my cock into his mouth and had me erect and on the brink of cumming. It didn't take long until I pumped a big load into his mouth. Graham was the only one that hadn't cum. And we both went down on Graham and had him gasping and shooting in no time.

"This was fun." Said Roger. We agreed with him.

I asked Roger, "how many other people have you shown your secret spot?"

"None. You're the first."

"Why us?"

"Just something about you guys. I knew I could trust you."

We all got dressed and walked down and into the boat. And Roger finished our boat trip. We got out at the main dock. And asked Roger if he was going to join us.

He told us he wished he could. But he couldn't take a chance getting caught with guests. He needed this job and liked working in the National Park. Roger also told us that he helped to get us a large parking spot that was private. He had ulterior motives. But decided against them. He told us he would see us bright and early tomorrow morning at eight and he might have some more surprises for us.

I had called Luke so he knew to get dinner ready for us. It smelled wonderful in the motor home. Luke asked how our day went and we told him it was interesting with a smile on our faces. We told Luke we were going to get freshened up and then we could all enjoy dinner together.

It felt good to take a hot steamy shower, especially with my lover. We washed each other and dried each other off. We put on jocks and some flip flops and walked out to the living room. Luke said dinner was almost ready and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. Graham and I said almost in unison a cold beer.

We ate another delicious dinner in the dining room and then Luke joined us after to watch a movie. He was wearing a jock also. He sure filled it out nice. We got into three ways in all the possible combinations during the movie. It was getting later when the movie ended and we decided to turn in. Luke said he was going back to his area and would see us in the morning.

The next day we visited the Queets River. Roger told us we had come at the perfect time when the water levels were high. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to go down this river. We took our time and this river offered some beautiful secluded rain forests. Roger had another secret spot where we could all get together. We had some great sex to mix things up. The river was long and it took all day to explore it completely.

We made it back to the main dock and Roger told us that tomorrow we would start visiting some of the lakes. And to be sure to get a good rest, because we would be getting a lot of exercise tomorrow. That sounded good to Graham and me. We needed some exercise.

Roger was right. The first lake we visited was Lake Crescent. It was big deep and the most beautiful blue color I had ever seen. Our exercise was using a paddle boat. The paddle boat seated four people. But with only three of us. It was more work. We took a couple of breaks and had a picnic lunch in another secluded spot that Roger knew. I was wondering how he knew all these secluded spots and what did he do in them?

The next day we visited Lake Quinault. We could feel the tightness in our legs from the paddle boat yesterday. We were using the trolling boat today. This lake had spectacular views of the mountains. Where we saw the sure footed mountain goats climbing the mountains like it was nothing. And we saw many old growth forests. We took many photos. This was a really picturesque lake. We told Roger many times how much we enjoyed this lake.

Our last day we visited The Outer Coast. Here we got beautiful views of the ocean. And saw some petroglyphs. We also saw eagles, starfish, seals, sea lions, seahawks, whales and a whole lot of crabs. Roger told us we would come back at dusk for a surprise.

We went back at dusk and the sunset was something you'd see on a postcard. We stayed on the bank watching the sunset until it got dark. We all kissed and hugged and Graham and I thanked Roger for being our guide and showing us some of the beautiful and interesting parts of the park.

Luke told us he had the motor home ready for visiting our last National Park for the summer. And we would arrive at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon tomorrow evening. He had called ahead and they would be waiting for us with a special reserved spot, because of the size of the motor home.

We went to bed early we were tired and anxious to see what Crater Lake National Park had in store for us.

Luke seemed happy to be able to spend the night with us. It was a few days since Graham had talked to Luke and we thought it would be fun to have him with us. Luke was really horny and it didn't take him long to cum a couple of times. After a little sex, we were even more tired and we all fell asleep curled up together.

Luke was up early and I could smell breakfast. I wasn't sure how soon he wanted to get going but I thought probably soon. If traffic wasn't too heavy it would take over ten hours to get to Crater Lake National Park.

We crawled out of bed and took a quick shower. Just left a towel wrapped around us and walked out to breakfast. We ate at the kitchen island.

Luke told us he was going to be heading out soon. Once he had everything put away and the kitchen cleaned. He didn't want to arrive at the park late.

Soon we were on our way and Graham and I went upstairs to get a good view of the ocean. Maybe see some whales or dolphins or cruise ships.

The motor home rode like a charm. It felt like we were floating. You didn't feel any bumps. Just a smooth ride.

We stopped for lunch and then for dinner. Luke said we were making good time. Traffic wasn't heavy. We had big crowds around the motor home when we went back to it after our lunch and dinner. Luke did all the explaining and it was clear how much he liked this motor home and his work. The people always wanted a peek inside, but Luke explained why he couldn't do that. Since the motor home was occupied. And he was always asked how much a motor home like this cost. He would just say a lot.

Soon I noticed Luke taking an exit ramp. I thought we were probably getting close to the park. It was almost dark out. He was driving slow.

Soon I saw a large illuminated sign welcoming visitors to the National Park. We were here. Luke talked to someone and I think they gave Luke directions. We kind of wound around and then came to a stop. Luke told us we were in the park and parked in our reserved spot. The only place that was large enough for this motor home.

He asked us if we would like a snack. It was still early. It was just after seven. We told him sure and maybe he would like to join us in bed and watch a movie. That brought a smile to him and he told us he would be right in.

It didn't take long and Luke was joining us. He was a mind reader and had three chilled beers with a snack tray, loaded with different cheeses, crackers, deli meat, and a variety of different nuts. It was perfect.

We nibbled on the snack tray while we watched the movie. Luke told us we needed to get a good rest. There was a full day planned for us tomorrow. The movie ended and Luke left with the empty snack tray and told us to get a good rest.

Graham and I made out for a little while and that was enough for us. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

Here it was our first day exploring Crater Lake National Park. Luke had fixed an excellent breakfast. We got changed into hiking gear and walked outside. Our guide/ranger was supposed to be here soon.

We walked around while we waited and soon heard a cough. We looked around and a park ranger was looking at us. He was dressed in a blue uniform. First time we had seen that. I expected the military green uniform. He looked like he could work as a security guard. His name was Frank and we introduced ourselves. Frank looked older like early thirties. He told us he was thirty two. And he couldn't believe we were both forty. He told us we looked younger than him. We thanked him for the compliment.

He asked us if we were ready to start exploring this wonderful National Park?

We told him we were.

Frank told us to follow him. Graham and I were looking at each other. We had that look that we needed to talk. We followed Frank out to the main lodge and he told us we were going to be taking the long Rim Drive. The whole distance was thirty three miles, but there many things to see so we might have to finish the drive tomorrow. Frank told us he needed to get something and would be right back.

We were in a military green jeep with the name of the National Park stenciled on both sides. This was the perfect time for Graham and me to talk.

I looked at Graham, "what do you think about Frank?"

He said, "why don't you go first and then I'll tell you what I think."

"Well, first impressions are pretty important. I feel Frank is not being himself and is trying too hard to be nice and friendly."

"Bob, you nailed it on the head. That was exactly what I was going to say. What do you think? Should we stick with Frank or ask for a different guide/ranger?"

"I think we should give him a chance. It's only our first meeting. And he might be nervous and that's how he relaxes himself. If we're still uncomfortable with Frank by the end of today. Then I would suggest we request a different park guide/ranger."

"Ok babe. I'm with you one hundred percent. I'll give him a chance. And then we can talk about Frank when we finish today."

Frank was thinking to himself as he walked to the park ranger's office. Bob and Graham are sure nice and two hot dudes. I need to be super friendly with him. I knew they are loaded and maybe I can horn in on some of that money as long as I stay on the good side of them.

Frank came back. It looked like he had a map with him.

He got into the jeep and handed me the map. He told us the map was of the Rim Drive and showed all the best spots to explore. I thanked him and we took off for the Rim Drive.

Frank took his time and gave us a good explanation at some of the pullouts we stopped at. We took a lot of pictures. When Graham and I had time to ourselves, we agreed that we were going to talk to Luke about Frank. Luke seemed to have contacts and might be able to give us more informtion about Frank. We still weren't comfortable with him.

We had a picnic lunch at a nice camping spot. Our favorite refreshment was also in our picnic lunch. We didn't talk a lot. Frank did most of the talking.

We finished our lunch and continued on the Rim Drive. The views of Crater Lake were just stunning. I was thinking, it's too bad our high school students couldn't see one or more of our National Parks, rather than reading about them in books. I think they'd have a better appreciation if they could see a National Park in person. Something I need to talk to Graham about and get his thoughts.

The afternoon went fast and Frank told us we were heading back. And we'd see the other half of Rim Drive tomorrow.

We followed him back to the motor home than thanked him for an interested tour today.

We were glad to get back and talk to Luke. We walked into the motor home and Luke was waiting for us with a cold beer. What a saint he was. We took a seat in the living and asked Luke to join us.

"Luke, do you have any information on Frank?"

Luke got a big smile on his face and said, "I was wondering when you were going to ask me. I have a lot of interesting information. First, Frank is the oldest son of the National Park Director. Second, he has access to his father's office and computer. Third, I'm sure he located all the information on you and Graham. He knows you guys are wealthy and personally, I think that's an attraction for him. Now what did you want to tell me?"

"We didn't get a very positive first impression from him. He seemed to be overly friendly and not sincere. The first day went okay. But we still felt uncomfortable. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. With the information you gave me, I have a couple of ideas to see how Frank reacts."

"Do you want me to check on a different guide/ranger, if Frank doesn't work out?"

"It might now be a bad idea. But I want to try a couple of things first tomorrow and see how he reacts and then I'll have a better idea about changing guides/rangers."

We went back to the bedroom and changed into jocks. Luke was wearing one and it sure framed his ass nice. He had told us he was getting dinner ready.

We walked back out and Luke told us to take a seat in the living room. I noticed white wine had already been poured. Luke brought out a big platter of Chicken Alfredo. It smelled wonderful and the taste was first class. Graham and I had two servings. It was so good. And a second glass of white wine. We passed on dessert and went back into the living room.

Luke joined us when he finished and we found a good college football game. Luke stayed in the middle and slowly rubbed his fingerstips over our bulges. God that felt good. Graham and I passed on sex with Luke. Just the body contact was enough. The game ended and we went back to our bedrooms.

While Graham and I slipped our jocks off. Graham asked me, "what's your plans for feeling out Frank?"

"I was think of mentioned a donation to the National Park and see how he reacts and maybe donating money for repairs and any updates that needs to be done. Not that it's going to happen. But I want to get his reaction."

"I like those ideas babe. It will be interesting to see how he reacts."

We cuddled up and soon we were fast asleep.

We had a great breakfast and had showered and changed into more hiking gear. Per instructions from Frank.

We had another full day of exploring Rim Drive. We took a lunch break and I thought this would be a good time to mention my ideas to Frank. I gave Graham a wink.

"Frank, Graham and I were talking and we really like this park. We were thinking about making a donation. And/or donating money for repairs and updates that need to be done."

I thought Frank was going to faint. He had a big smile on his face and told us that he could take care of all the paperwork. We thanked him and told him to get the paperwork ready so we could look it over. He really was eager. Just what I thought would happen. I thought I could see dollar signs in his eyes.

Over these two days on Rim Drive we had seen Sinnott Memorial Overlook, Discovery Point, Watchman Overlook, Devils Backbone, Llao Rock, Cloudcap Overlook, Pumice Castle Overlook, Phantom Ship Overlook, The Pinnacles and Plaikin Falls (via a seven mile spur road) and Vidae Falls. We had taken a ton of pictures and we were tired when we got back to the motor home. Frank reassured us that he would have all the paperwork ready tomorrow morning.

We told Luke about our discussion with Frank and he was going to have the paperwork ready tomorrow morning. Luke just smiled and said, "I'm not surprised."

We walked outside the next morning and waited on Frank. It was a few minutes before eight. Soon we saw him coming with a big smile on his face carrying a manila folder. He handed the folder to me. I went quick inside and gave the folder to Luke to look over. He said, "this should be interesting."

We explored Crater Lake Lodge. Frank seemed to be giving us special treatment. Graham and I just smiled to ourselves. The lodge dated from 1915. The rustic Crate Lake Lodge is one of the main man made attrations. The lodge is one of several historic lodges in national parks in the western United States. A beautiful example of so called "parkatecture." This took all morning, but it was worth it.

The afternoon we took a boat ride to Wizard Island. Crater Lake National Park is unique in the world because of it's perfectly round, blue and tranquil lake. This is only one of only a few places in the world where ou can see a volcano within a volcano.

Rising 763 feet above Crater Lake, Wizard Island is a cinder cone, the tip of a submerged volcano that rises 2500 feet from the bottom of the lake. We took a private Wizard Island Shuttle.

This concluded our day and what an interesting and eventful day it was. We told Frank we'd look over the paperwork when we got back and talk to him about it tomorrow morning.

We walked into the motor home and we saw Luke in a jock making our dinner. I don't think he heard us.

I never saw anybody jump like Luke did. "You scared the bejesus out of me. When did you get back?"

"We just got back. We're going to take a quick shower and change for dinner and be right back."

"Good. I have some interesting news for you."

Soon we were all eating another delicious dinner. "Luke, what happens to the left overs?"

Luke got a big smile on his face. "They don't go to waste. They make a good lunch."

Luke told us the folder was in the office and he would join us when we finished.

We walked into the office. Wow, what an office. A large black walnut desk with inlay. The four chairs facing the desk matched in black walnut with inlay. There was a sofa against one wall with black walnut trim and inlay. The floor was inlayed parfait in lighter tones of wood. Which made a nice contrast to the desk, chairs and sofa.

We saw the folder in the center of the desk. Graham and I pulled up chairs. I wanted Graham to do most of the investigating. He was the expert on this kind of thing. I could recognize some red flags if they were blatant. But otherwise, it would depend on Graham's knowledge. Graham laid out the two papers and started looking the first page over. Once he finished he handed it to me. Then he looked over the second page and handed it to me. I noticed a couple of things that I thought weren't correct. Also, I noticed the wording wasn't very professional. Like this was done in a hurry. It was on the National Park stationery. That seemed to be the only thing that looked official. Graham looked at me. "You notice anything babe?"

"I noticed the wording seems strange. Also, I don't know why we would be putting our bank account numbers on this form. I would think the account would go through the bank. Also, I don't think we should be signing this without a witness and again I would think any signatures would be done at the bank."

"Very good Bob. I should have you working with me. You've nailed it on the head." We had just finished looking the forms over when Luke came in.

"Well, what do you guys think."

Graham said, "this is a very poor document and breaks all kinds of codes of ethics."

Luke said, "how do you want to proceed? I can contact the authorities and let them handle this or you can let it slide and see how it plays out."

"Well, we definitely don't want to see how this plays out. I think the authorities need to be brought in. But it will need to be discrete and not cause a lot of attention."

"I think you guys should make one or two copies of these forms and I will get right on it tomorrow morning. And Frank should be visited by the authorities when you guys get back tomorrow afternoon. You have your cell phones, so when you get a chance, give me a call when your returning."

We told Luke we'd make the copies and leave them with the folder on the desk. Then we were going to bed and would like you to join us.

Luke came into our bedroom a few minutes later. He had lost his jock somewhere. He sucked ours off us while I fingered his hole and Graham jerked him off. We all came almost at the same time. That really wiped Graham and me out and we were ready for bed. Anxious to see what tomorrow would bring.

Luke was thinking about the papers. He had some good friends in the police department and making a couple of calls he knew they would be more than willing to help. And he couldn't wait. Bob and Graham didn't need this drama. They were on vacation to enjoy themselves. And he thought with his help, it might help to seal the deal selling this motor home. But he really liked Bob and Graham. They were so friendly and laid back.

It took me a little bit to fall asleep. I was thinking about what would happen tomorrow to Frank. Well, time would tell and finally I fell asleep.

Graham and I woke up and took a quick shower. Put on some hiking gear and walked out for breakfast. We all devoured breakfast and Graham and I walked outside and waited for Frank. Luke told us he had a couple of calls to make and then everything would be in place when we returned.

We saw Frank coming with a big smile on his face. I was thinking I wonder how long he'll have the smile when we return. "Did you and Graham have a chance to look over the donation form?"

"We gave it a quick scan and will look more closely when we get back today. We were tired."

"No problem. Once you have it filled out, just turn it in to me and I will take care of everything." That's for sure. He would drain our bank accounts.

Frank told us we were going to Hike up Garfield Peak. There are about 90 miles of trails around Crater Lake most of which are day hikes. We should be able to hit about half the trails today and then the other half tomorrow. We took the Garfield Peak Trail, a steep and strenuous 3.6 mile roundtrip to a commanding peak. The views were breathtaking along the way and at the summit, taking in the lake and the surround landscape.

As soon as Bob and Graham left I made a couple of calls to some buddies in law enforcement. They were more than happy to help me out and said they would come by early so we could fool around a bit, before Bob and Graham and Frank got back. Luke told his buddies that he had a copy of the donation form for evidence.

We hiked a few more short trails with spectacular views. The exercise was good for Graham and me. We took another ton of pictures. We wanted to make sure we had enough photos, so we could pick and choose the ones we liked the best.

Frank told us this was all we were going to see today. The rest of the trails we will hike tomorrow. Frank really knew the park well and all the best places to go. Too bad he wouldn't be doing it anymore.

Frank told us we had a long hike back to the motor home. And to stay close together. This is the time of day the wildlife starts coming out.

It was dusk by the time we reached the motor home. We thanked Frank for a great tour of the park today. He reminded us to be sure to fill out the form and give it to him as soon as we had it completed. We shook hands and were just going to enter the motor home when two big beefy policeman came around from the back of the motor home. Luke came out when he heard the commotion. Frank said, "what the hell is going on? I haven't done anything wrong."

"You've done a few things wrong Frank. While one of the officers put plastic binders on his wrists behind his back.

"I don't understand. You're making a big mistake and you're going to pay for this once my father finds out.

"Well, we already talked to your father and when he saw your makeshift donation form. He told us to do whatever we needed to to."

"Your making a big mistake and those two faggots are going to pay for this." Frank's real self was starting to take the front. "I bet they liked to get fucked in the ass and molest young boys."

"Frank it would be best if you kept your mouth shut. The more you talk the more charges we can add on."

One of the officers gave Luke a wink as they hauled him off to their squad car for booking and waiting trial at the station.

I was glad it was over. I couldn't believe some of the things Frank said, it was pretty hurtful and degrading.

Luke knew we were upset when we walked into the motor home. He said, "you guys need a cold beer to relax and forget all about this. The officers are two good friends of mine and they were more than happy to arrest Frank. Just so you know now. Frank will be serving many years in jail for what he's done and said. Once I have the details, I'll be sure to pass them on to you."

"Tomorrow you'll have a new guide/ranger and Frank will be history."

"I asked Luke what the wink was from one of the officers."

"Like I told you, I know these two officers well and we go back. They like to fool around and came early so we could have some fun. That was what the wink was about."

Luke make us a great dinner. And Graham and I were getting calmed down. We had another beer. We thought with our strenuous exercise today we could splurge. Over dinner, Luke told us we would have a new guide/ranger tomorrow and his name was Richard.

Graham and I went back to the master bedroom after dinner and told Luke we thought he had enough fun for one day. He just gave us a smile. Graham and I watched a movie and fell asleep with the movie still going. The strenuous exercise and stress with the Frank situation, had exhausted us.

The next day we met Richard and he was a nice man. In his early thirties and we asked him about his gold badge. He said he was chief of the rangers. And was looking forward to being our guide. He thanked us for getting rid of Frank. Graham and I thought that was a strange thing for him to say. Richard told us that Frank was arrogant and hard to get along with. The rangers couldn't do anything since his father was the National Park Director. But with Frank gone it's a big relief for all of us and we can start doing our job like it should be done.

Richard asked us what we saw yesterday and Graham and I told him to the best of our recollection.

He told us we would take some shorter alternate routes. Which again provided breathtaking vistas. We then took a roundtrip hike to Watchman Peak, offering a panoramic views. Richard told us this was a popular place for sunset watching and watching the sunrise over Crater Lake. "Maybe we could take in a sunset tonight?"

"Of course. I'll be back later to take to this wonderful spot."

We made our way back to our motor home and Richard said he would be here around six thirty to watch the sunset.

We told Luke about watching the sunset. He said he wanted to stay in the motor home, in case he heard anything from the police.

We ate our dinner and put some hiking clothes on. And waited outside for Richard. At six fifteen Richard showed up and asked us if we were ready. We told him to lead the way. We made to the lookout at just the right time. The colors of the sunset were something you'd see on a postcard. Graham and I managed to get many photos. As we made our way back to the motor home. Richard told us he was going to be here early so we could watch a sunrise and it was also an excellent place for taking photos.

We walked into the motor home and didn't see Luke. We thought he was probably upfront doing something. Actually, he was checking some things under the motor home. We heard him come in and asked him if everything was okay. Yup. Since I had the time I wanted to check a few things. "Did you hear anything from the police?"

"Not yet. I expect it to take a couple three days before I hear something. It depends on how full the judges slate is."

We ate dinner and told Luke we'd be getting up early to watch the sunrise. Probably get back earlier. He told us he would hang around here and wait to hear from the police.

We got up early and Luke had breakfast ready for us. That was a surprise. I didn't think he was an early riser. We had showered and had our hiking gear on.

We were finishing our breakfast when we heard a knock at the door. Luke went to the door and it was Richard, asking Luke if we were ready. We talked over Luke and told Richard we'd be right there. We gobbled down the last of our breakfast and joined Richard outside.

One of the absolute highlights of Crater Lake National Park is watching the sun climb over the rim, slowly illuminating the landscape with yellow and oranges. We used park of Discovery Points Trail. The trail had many rocks, tree roots and outcrops offering excellent vantage points and foregrounds for photos. This ended our day early and Richard told us we had two more days of exploring and then we will have seen the best parts of the park.

We thanked Richard and walked into the motor home. Graham and I could hear Luke talking on the phone. It sounded like he was talking to the police.

Luke got off the phone and walked out and joined us in the living room. He told us he just got off the phone with one of his police buddies. Luke told us that Frank was sentenced to 25 years in federal jail. I asked Luke if that wasn't a pretty stiff sentence. Luke said it was, normally he would be sentenced to 10 to 12 years in prison, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut and just kept digging himself a deeper hole. Luke also said that nobody showed on Frank's behalf. None of the park rangers, his dad or any other family members. He was in the courtroom by himself with his attorney.

Luke had just finished talking to us when there was a knock at the front door. Luke went to the door and we could hear him talking to a man. Luke invited the man in and he identified himself as Frank's father. We all shook hands and Luke brought us coffee. He apologized for his son's very out of line behavior. The park director was honest with us and said at first he was mad at us and then he realized what Frank had done, Frank was on his own with no help from him. He said he was sad to see his son go to prison, but hopefully he'll get his head on straight and be released being a better person. Also, the director told us that he hoped what Frank had done, didn't discourge us from visiting this wonderful National Park. We assured the director that Richard was doing an excellent job and we've seen some pretty spectacular things this park has to offer. He thanked us and we all got up and shook hands again and he left.

Luke got us a cold beer and told us to wait here in the living room, that he had a surprise to show us.

Luke went outside and we could hear motors and things sliding and jostling into position. "Come out guys and enjoy your patio. The floor was tucked under the motor home. With a push of a button it slowly came out and locked into place. A large awning covered the patio and Luke had the big flat screen tv on. We carried our beer out and the patio chairs were very comfortable. Oversized stuffed cushions really made it nice. There were four patio chairs and two love seats. Plenty of room. And the patio was good size. You could tell everything was top of the line.

Luke joined us outside. "This is really something else Luke. Does this motor home have any other surprises?"

"Nope. Not that I can think of. Some of our motor homes have space underneath for a car, but after reviewing and investigating you guys and knowing you liked your pool and lounging. I thought this patio would be a good idea."

We finished our beer and Luke went inside and came back with another round. It was nice finishing early today and having time to relax and be together.

Graham and I started reflecting on some of the things we'd seen in Crater Lake National Park and how each national park we had visited was unique in it's own way.

Soon it was dinner time and Luke showed us how to retract the patio. It was all push button and was very smooth. I told Luke, good engineering. He smiled, but didn't say anything.

We went back in and Graham and I put jocks on. We thought tonight would be a good time to try out the steam room again in our master bathroom. We mentioned the steam room to Luke when we all ate dinner together. He told us he would have to pass. He can't handle hot steam, but he said he would show us how the steam room operated. We told him we remembered.

We finished dinner and headed back to our bedroom and waited for Luke. Soon Luke joined us and we walked into the bathroom. Luke showed us the controls for the steam room again. Pretty straight forward and he apologized again for not joining us.

Graham got the steam room turned on. We took our jocks off and grabbed a couple of oversized bath towels. And laid the towels down on the top level. The steam room was getting very warm. It felt good and a good way to relax the muscles. The only problem for Graham and me was that the hot steam made us horny. Graham had set the timer for thirty minutes. We decided not to do much in the steam until we finished. We did kiss and make out and do some heavy petting, but nothing more.

Once our time was up in the steam room. Graham turned everything off and we took a shower. We lathered each other and rinsed each other off. We towel dried each other and crawled into bed. We started making out again and it was getting hotter and heavier. Soon we were making love to each other and I fell asleep, still inside Graham.

We woke up and showered and jerked each other off. Luke had made omelettes again. He knew we really liked them. We were dressed in our hiking gear and when we finished breakfast, we went outside and waited on Richard.

Soon Richard came down the trail to our motor home and we took off for Plaikin Falls. One of our favorite spots in the park was Plaikin Falls. A hike along Pinncles Road off the Rim Drive. This was easily a 2 mile roundtrip hike that leads through a wonderful old growth forest to a lush waterfall. Characterized by colorful wildflowers, grassy areas and countless cascades. Even though it was only 2 miles. It took most of the day to take everything in.

We made it back to the motor home and Richard told us tomorrow would be our last day exploring the park. And it would be a short day. So we had time to rest and get ready for our long drive home.

Our final day, Richard brought us to Camp at Mazama Campground. It's located 7 miles south of Rim Village. We had a large space reserved for us. It was very quiet and peaceful. A nice place for our last day in the park. We did a little exploring. There were some trails leading away from the campground.

It was time to call it a day and Richard brought us back to the motor home. He told a special dinner/buffet was planned at seven in the lodge and the park would be honored if we attended. We told Richard we'd be there.

We told Luke about the facilities at the campground and he thought that would be a good place to refuel and pick up a few things from the grocery store. Wash the motor home and clean the sewer system and check the water supply and be ready for leaving tomorrow morning.

Luke told us he planned on driving eight hours every day. It was close to 2700 miles to home. And depending on traffic it would take at least five days, maybe six to get home. He told us we would be eating lunch and dinner at restaurants. He wouldn't feel like cooking when he was doing a lot of driving.

Luke knew about the surprise party for Bob and Graham at the lodge. He knew that Richard was going to tell them it was a dinner/buffet.

It was already six and Bob and Graham thought they needed to get ready for the dinner/buffet. They showered and put on some causual clothes. Nothing fancy, but tactful. Once they were ready they were going to walk over to the lodge. Luke told them he was going to take the motor home to the campground and get it ready for tomorrow and he would join them later at the lodge. What Bob and Graham didn't know, Luke had taken the motor home earlier in the day to the campground and it was ready for leaving tomorrow morning.

Luke changed clothes quick and walked another trail to the lodge. He would be going in through the back. He wanted to make sure they were fixing a lot of things that Bob and Graham liked, since this dinner/buffet was in their honor.

Bob and Graham walked into the lodge. Graham wanted to find something in the gift shop for his secretary. They looked around in the gift shop and Graham found the perfect gift. It was a beautiful framed photograph of the sunrise and sunset at Crater Lake National Park. Graham asked the young girl working if the photograph could be taken to their motor home. The girl said she would take care of it.

It was a quarter to seven and they walked into the dining room. The lodge had a big dining room and it was nicely decorated. They noticed a stage with a podium and microphone and chairs lined up behind the podium. They wondered what that was about. Maybe they had had a meeting earlier and the podium hadn't been put away. A young man showed Bob and Graham to their reserved seats. Which were front and center. The food looked delicious and was making Bob and Graham hungry.

People were coming in. It looked like a lot of rangers. They were sitting down in the chairs behind the podium. There were ladies with kids. Probably the families of some of the rangers. We saw Luke and he walked over and sat down with us. The National Park Director came in and took a center seat behind the podium. Graham and I looked around and it looked like it was pretty full. A lot of talking was going on.

Soon the National Park Director got up and walked to the podium. "Thank you everyone for attending this special evening. I was told to do my speech before we eat, otherwise everyone would leave after their full. As you can see all of my rangers are seated here behind me. To pay tribute to this special award I'm going to be presenting. First, let me explain how this all came about. As you all are probably aware by now, my oldest son Frank, got into some illegal business and is now in jail. I was pretty upset at first, but after many of these fine rangers talking to me privately, I learned a lot about Frank.

This award came about because of the information I received from my rangers and two very fine young men that brought this unfortuante event to a close.

"I would now like to present this special award to Bob and Graham. Would you two men please come up here to the podium." As we made our way to the podium, every one was standing and applauding. Even the rangers behind the director. We stood on the side of the director and Graham and I went down the line and shook hands with all of the rangers.

The director then proceded. This award has never been given to my best recollection. It's an award for Bob and Graham being honorary park rangers here at Crater Lake National Park. We shook hands with the director and then I gave a short speech.

"The events that transpired were very unfortunate. But we couldn't let this matter slide by. Unfortunately, it just happened to be the director's oldest son. Luke our motor home driver, was also very helpful and Luke deserves this award just as much as we do. Hopefully, as he spends his time in jail, he will understand what he did wrong and will change his ways when he's released. It's a wonderful honor to receive this honorary plaque and it will be put in a very prominent place in our house. Thank you all so much for your understanding in a difficult situation."

We walked back to our seat to another round of standing ovations.

The director went back to the podium. "Now that we have that business taken care of, and I don't think it took that long. Let's eat. This buffet looks delicious.

We got up first and Luke was with us as we started the buffet line. I had some of our favorite foods. Graham looked like he was trying to sample everything. He had his plate heaped up. We had coffee with our dinner. Everything was very good and soon some people were starting to leave and we thought that was our cue to leave. We were leaving tomorrow in the morning.

Graham and I changed as soon as we got into the motor home to jocks. Luke did the same. He grabbed us all a round of cold beer. And we relaxed in the living room. Luke thanked me for mentioning him in my speech. "Like I said Luke, you deserve this award just as much as we do."

There was knock at the door. I told Graham and Luke to go upstairs and I would answer the door. I told the person at the door I'd be right there. I ran down to the bedroom and put on some shorts and shirt and walked out to the front door. I opened the door and Richard was there. "Hello Richard, wasn't expecting you. Come on in."

"I wish I could. But we can't fraternize with park visitors. And I'd love to see the inside of this motor home. I have a plaque here for Luke. The director just gave it to me and asked me to bring it to you guys."

"That's really awesome Richard. Luke really deserves this. And thank you for being such an excellent guide and showing us some of the most spectacular parts of this park."

I told the guys they could come back downstairs. "What was that all about Graham and Luke asked me?"

Richard brought something for you Luke. And I handed him a plaque, just like ours making him an honorary ranger of Crater Lake National Park. I thought I saw a tear in the corner of his eyes. "I'll be right back, I need to take this up front. I thought I heard him crying, but didn't do or say anything. He came back and his eyes were red.

Graham found a college football game that had already started. We watched it till half time and then we were going to turn in. We were tired and would be leaving early in the morning.

Here it was already Monday morning and our summer vacation was pretty much over. But we sure enjoyed ourselves and saw some amazing sites and people.

As Luke slowly drove the motor home up to the lodge and then out to the highway. There was a large crowd of people in front of the lodge. I recognized some of the people from the buffet from last night. The rangers were there, but I didn't see the director. They waved to us as we left the lodge and Luke made his way out of the park to the main highway. We had opened one of the large windows so we could wave back to the people.

On the long drive back home, Graham and I warmed up some of the frozen containerized food. It seemed like being home when we warmed food Cindy made us for the weekend. We also ate at some nice restaurants to break up cooking. We spent a lot of time upstairs looking out. Not a lot to see being on the interstate. We also spent a lot of time in the office, reviewing all the photos we took and started sorting out the ones we wanted to keep and photos we could delete. We had the photos saved in folders with the name of the national park.

It was already Thursday and Luke told us we should be arriving home tomorrow around six or seven in the evening. We thanked him and told him we would call Cindy and maybe she could come back to the house when we got home. To help unpack all our things. Luke told us he had already talked to Cindy and everything was arranged for our arrival home. I was wondering how Luke had Cindy's number. Then I remembered he had stopped by the house to pick up more of our clothes. He must have gotten Cindy's cell phone number then

This long drive home, gave Graham and me a chance to talk over purchasing this motor home or renting it when we visited more national parks next summer. We liked the idea of purchasing it. The motor home was perfect for us. But there were some things we wanted to talk over with Luke first, before we finalized anything.

Friday when we stopped for lunch, we told Luke about our ideas of purchasing or renting the motor home. We told Luke we'd like to purchase the motor home, but it's too big for our front entrance. And we have no way of storing or maintaining it. Luke told us that if we purchased the motor home, they provide storage and do regular maintenance checks. And he would be our regular driver. He would also take care of the purchase of the motor home. Since their headquarters is in the adjoining state and only about four hours from our house. He would take care of all the purchasing details and paperwork with us. Graham and I told him, then I think it's settled on us purchasing this motor home. It's perfect for us and it has everything we need.

Luke seemed pleased. I couldn't blame him. He would probably get a good sized commission out of this sale. He told us we were only about five hours from home. The traffic is heavier so that is why it's taking longer. We told him we didn't care. Just take his time and there is no rush to get home.

The last five hours seemed to go by quickly. We were recognizing more and more places as we got closer and closer to home.

Soon Luke was parking in the front by the gate. Cindy was there waiting for us. Our summer vacation was over and we made it home safe and sound.

Please read "My Alphabet Friends" there are pictures at the end of each chapter of some of the people in this series of National Parks. I've also included photos of some the people in Chapter 2 of National Parks.

Luke Gushklin Roger Frank Richard

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I hope you have liked the second installment of this story. Please email me at:

Please check out my other stories at Gay/Adult Friends:

My Alphabet Friends - series (July 15, 2022)
Bobs Holidays - series (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)
Hitching a Ride (May 4, 2024)

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