Navy Story

By moc.liamg@cohsyrk

Published on Oct 11, 2004


Thanks to everyone that emailed me ( with all the cool compliments. If you like Chapter 2, let me hear from you again.

Navy Story -- Chapter 2

This is part 2 of a true story that happened to me while on my last cruise with the Navy. I found this site shortly after returning to port and decided that I should write the story down for people to read. I'm not a good writer, but I received so many compliments on the first chapter, that I decided to write the rest. Chapter 1 known as "Navy Story in the Military section," was just the beginning of the weirdest sexual adventures I've ever experienced. The second part of this story gives a little bit of history about Mark and his story. Then the story continues with what happens on the remainder of the deployment.

Mark and I had now had 2 separate and very different shower experiences. I wouldn't say things were odd between us, because frankly we never had a chance to talk much. Mark was working on an opposite schedule than I was, so when I slept he worked and vice versa. I did continue to hear and feel him masturbating in the bunk below me. It always made me horny to know other guys were jacking off, and I'm not sure why. Mark never said anything to me, and I never approached him on the subject of our special showers.

A couple weeks or so passed and I began to feel like Mark and I had never done anything. One night I was up late, and couldn't sleep. I walked around the ship and in the bow area there is a small room I'm not really sure what it's used for. When I passed by it, I heard an odd noise, sort of a grunt and I was worried that someone might be getting their ass kicked for something. I decided against my better judgment that I'd open the door. When I did, I found two very shocked guys in an awkward position. It was obvious what they were doing, so I immediately shut the door. I went back to my bed, and lay down. It didn't bother me that two guys were having sex, I was just shocked that it happened on the ship. Our next port was coming up soon and I decided to approach Mark about shore leave, and thought maybe I could hang out with him.

The next day I found him walking below deck and followed him. Once I caught up I began to get nervous for some reason. I was confused and suddenly wondered what I was going to say. As I caught up I just did what came natural.

"Hey Mark!"

"Yo," was his response.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, just about to go pee."

I realized I had no idea what to say next. So I said the first thing that came in to my mind.

"At our next port, I have nothing to do, and I hear there's not much to do there either." "Wanna hang out and share a hotel room instead of sleeping on the ship?"

It was if someone else was talking. I asked myself "did you just ask him to share a hotel room on shore leave?" Although this wasn't unheard of, usually it was to have a place to fuck some whore. I started to try and back my way out when Mark spoke.

"Sure, that sounds cool, sleeping somewhere I can fully stretch out will be awesome."

With that Mark walked away and I stood there with a feeling elated, and having the urge to pee my pants. I felt like a moron. No girl had ever made me this way. I was always so sure of myself. I wondered what it meant, but soon this thought was interrupted with the Captain walking by me. I stood at attention and saluted, as he walked by me.

Once we reached the next port, we were only going to stay overnight. So Mark and I left the ship as soon as possible. We found a nice hotel, and got our room. I began to get nervous again. I really hadn't thought about Mark sexually per say since the bathroom incidents, but now all I could think about was a replay of those events.

Once we got in the room, Mark sat down on the King size bed. I put my stuff down and checked out the room. It seemed pretty standard for being a foreign country. I suddenly realized I was just standing looking at Mark while he was lying on the bed.

"You can sit down too ya know?"

"I know." Suddenly realizing my discomfort.

Something was nagging me about our earlier encounter. It was his comment where he made reference to not sucking cock by choice. I figured this was a good ice breaker.

"Mark, you said before something about sucking a cock but it not being your choice." "You wanna tell me about that?"

"I suppose, I think I can trust you to not say anything."

"Sure, I won't tell anyone, shit, look at what you have on me." He laughed, and seemed a little apprehensive now for the first time. He smiled at me and said, "Dennis, I'm not gay...I guess I'm bi, but I'm not really into a having a relationship."

I could have swallowed my tongue. "Me either Mark, I don't even think I'm bi, I mean I don't want to marry a guy or anything, I just thought we could hang out and..."

"Calm down, I wasn't saying that to freak you out, I just wanted to lay the ground work." "I wasn't sure what was going on in your mind, we haven't had a chance to talk since the shower thing."

I felt a little relieved, but things seemed odd for a few minutes.

"What I meant when I said that is that I have sucked cock before...a lot of times actually." "Before I joined the Navy I lived at home, with my Mom and older brother." "He is 3 years older than me, so he's 22 now."

"You're 19!" "I thought you were older?"

"Why'd you think that?"

"I dunno, you just seemed older than I am."

"Want me to finish my story or not?" He grinned

"Yes, please."

As I listened to Mark's story, it was one that seemed so odd to me. I came from the "perfect home." I had a dad and mom with a younger brother and sister. He had never known his dad, and his older brother (although not that much older) had always tried to be the male figure for the household.

Apparently Mark shared a room with his brother Josh, in fact they shared a bed. Their family was pretty poor. Mark's mom worked 2 jobs to support the 3 of them. Mark and his brother took care of the house and the chores to help their mother out. Mark told me about one night lying in bed when he was 13, his brother Josh and him had just gone to bed. Josh seemed particularly quiet that night. Mark asked Josh what was wrong but he said nothing. Soon Mark found himself drifting off to sleep, when he suddenly felt Josh staring at his face. Josh was lying on his side facing Mark. Mark jumped when he saw Josh's eyes staring.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I want to ask you a question." "What, I was almost asleep?"

"Do you jack off?"

Mark said the question confused him, as he hadn't done it yet at the time. He said he got hard ons constantly like most teenage boys, but never had played with it. Mark knew what it meant from a friend, but in his household privacy was non-existent, so he never got to experiment. Not wanting to sound stupid to his brother, he just simply said, "sometimes."

Josh leaned closer, and told Mark he wanted him to jack him off. Mark was shaking. He had no idea how to do it, much less had no interest in touching his brother like that.

"No, I don't want to."

"If you don't, I'll tell Mom you broke her vase in the living room."

"But the cat broke the vase!"

"I know that, but mom won't, and she'll believe me."

Mark knew he had no choice. He didn't want the wrath at being blamed for the Vase. His Mom was very upset that the Vase was destroyed. His mother didn't have much from her Mom, and now this was gone too.

"Fine, I'll do it." "Only this time though!"

Mark could see Josh pulling his underwear down and off. He told Mark to do the same. Confused, Mark obliged his brother.

Josh rolled over on his back, and stared at the ceiling. Mark got closer and began touching his brother. He was amazed at all the hair. Mark's hair had only begun to come in, but his brother had a large bush of dark pubic hair, and a trail leading up to his stomach. He'd heard at school, a lot of girls were after Josh.

Not really knowing what to do, Mark found his brothers penis, but it wasn't small like his own. It was huge, and it was hard. He brushed the top of it, to find a wet spot. Mark pulled back and accused his brother of peeing. Josh quickly turned his head knowing his brother had never jacked off.

"You've never done this have you?" "It's OK, I'll teach you how."

With that Josh rolled Mark on his back. Taking his semi erect penis in his hand, he began massaging it around, and it got hard. Josh seemed to know what he was doing, because Mark got very hard and very wet quickly as his brother masturbated him. It wasn't long before Mark felt like he had to pee. He tried to get away from his brother, but Josh held him down and kept pumping his cock. Mark began to feel something he'd never felt for the first time. His orgasm welled up and he was spraying cum for the first time.

Mark laid there, mystified unbelieving what had just happened. He could only think that he was now a man. Mark was shook out of his after glow by his brother.

"You came buckets, you haven't done this before have you?"

"No, just heard about it."

"Well now you know how it's done, so come over and do it to me."

Mark got up and with his underwear wiped his cum off of his body. He then got back into bed, and sat close to his brother. Josh's cock was hard as a rock when he touched it. It was warm, like something out of an oven. It was also very big.

"Will I get this big?"

"Yeah, probably, you're still young."

With that, Mark started going up and down on his brother's cock. He tried to mimic what had just happened to him, but he honestly couldn't remember. Josh corrected him a couple times, and eventually Josh began to breathe harder, and his hips were rocking back and forth. His cock got extremely hard, and he came all over Mark's hand.

Josh laid there a minute, and Mark sat there looking at his brother's penis with the moonlight from outside. Mark wondered what all this was about, and wasn't sure. He did know he was going to somehow do this to himself all the time!

Mark did just that. He did it in the shower, and sometimes at school in the bathroom. He couldn't enough. His penis would get sore sometimes from all the jacking, so he's give it a rest for a day or two. Then he'd be back at it with a vengeance.

As they got older, Mark and Josh continued to explore. Josh no longer had to blackmail Mark to be jacked off. Mark willingly did it, so long as Josh did it too. One night when Mark was 16 everything changed. Josh came home from a date, very drunk. He was so drunk, Josh could barely stand. When he came in their room, Mark helped Josh get undressed and into bed. Josh seemed to be very angry, and was slurring his speech complaining about his date that wouldn't put out. He grabbed Marks head, and started pulling it towards his dick. Mark fought his way away from Josh. Josh was very muscular, he'd been on his high school football team, and was a linebacker. Very tall, 6'4" lean, and muscular. Mark was muscular too, but smaller than and not as muscled as his brother. Josh caught his brother's shirt and pulled him back towards him.

"Give me a blowjob, that stupid prude tonight wouldn't do it."

"Get away from me, you're drunk."

"C'mon Mark, I promise I'll do it for you too, it won't be bad." "Please, I really need to get off, and a hand job just isn't enough tonight."

Mark wasn't really interested in doing this, but he was curious about getting a blowjob and what it felt like. He decided to go for it, even though something kept telling him it was somehow wrong.

"Ok, but tell me when you're close."

Josh agreed, and Mark got between his legs. As he got near, he could smell a familiar smell. It was musky, almost a smell similar to cum, but somehow different. He realized this was his brother's scent. It seemed to invigorate him. As he got close to his brothers cock, he saw it had a drip of pre-cum on the end. Mark decided to taste it, to see if it was as bad as he thought it would be. It surprised him to find out it was rather sweet. He took Josh's cock in his mouth. He licked around the tip, and then underneath the glans. Josh moaned in pleasure. Mark felt his dick growing in his pants. He couldn't wait for Josh to do the same to him. Mark then took Josh's cock and swallowed it. He had never blown a guy, but had seen porn and knew the basic maneuver. He went up and down, and Josh moaned a lot. Mark was glad his mom was working that night. As Mark gave his first blowjob, Josh realized he was about to cum. The alcohol had prevented him from knowing he was Cumming and so quickly. Soon Josh's cock was erupting in his brother's mouth. Mark realized what was happening. He knew he had 2 choices. He could pull off and possibly ruin the orgasm, or he could hold the cum in his mouth and spit it out. He chose the second. He decided this would feel better to his brother.

Josh seemed to cum forever. Mark was about to spit it out, when he accidentally swallowed a bit. It tasted odd, a bit salty and sweet. He looked around for something to spit it into but didn't see anything, so he just thought fuck it, and swallowed. It nearly made him puke. It didn't taste nasty, but it was a mental thing, knowing he just swallowed his brother's spunk, made him feel a bit awkward.

Mark sat down on the bed, his cock was covered in pre-cum, and he was horny. Josh leaned over, and simply said, my turn. Mark leaned back and his brother's mouth was soon all over his body. Josh licked his balls, underneath and all the way down to his ass. Mark had never felt anything like this before. He thought handjobs were the ultimate, and now his brother was showing him something totally new. Soon Josh was going up and down on his brother's cock. Mark couldn't believe the feeling a warm mouth on his cock could produce. He had to concentrate on not cumming within seconds of it starting. After about 3 minutes he was ready to cum. Without a word to his brother he filled his mouth with cum. Josh swallowed his brothers cum without a word and lay back in bed.

Mark was in awe. The orgasm from a blowjob was nothing like the handjob orgasm. He couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. Mark suddenly remembered his brother lying next to him, and felt really odd.

"Josh, do you think it's OK we do this stuff together?"

"Dude, I'm not gay if that's what you mean." "I wanted a blowjob, and couldn't get my date to do it, and you were willing, that's all it was." "Go to sleep."

Mark told me until he went into the Military; his brother often used the date being a prude to seduce him into sex. Eventually Mark even let Josh fuck him, although Josh would never let Mark fuck him back. Mark said while it was technically considered incest, that he never thought it was wrong. It was just two people getting each other off. It wasn't like they could conceive a child together and so it was just sex.

"Wow, that's a really interesting story Mark."

"So you think I'm a freak now right?"

"Nah, not at all." "I jacked off with my cousin once, but he lives across the country from me, so I couldn't do it regularly, but I might have."

"Cool, I've never told anyone that story, but I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't like it, cause we're brothers."

"Well, who is safer to mess around with than a brother anyways?"

"That's sort of what I kinda thought."

Mark's eyes seemed to drift down to my crotch. I hadn't realized but I had a raging hard on from his story, and from the looks of his shorts, so did he.

I've decided to separate the story into 3 chapters instead of 2. Stay tuned for Chapter 3, and write if you liked this one...

Next: Chapter 3

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