Neal and Jon

By Ben Stoloma

Published on Feb 4, 2002



The Neal And Jon Saga Continues

"So are you ready then?" Neal said looking into Jon's eyes thoughtfully. Neal and Jon had last met when they had fooled around in the school showers but now they meant business. Neal was leaning over Jon with his arm propping himself up on the bed, he suddenly jerked when the doorbell rang. Neal went to answer the door and checked that nothing was out of place in the mirror as he passed though the hall. He opened the door, moments later Jon heard the door close again and Neal call out, "It was only the pizza man."

They both felt disappointed that they had to go and eat but they knew the time would come later. Jon went into the kitchen where Neal had already begun to retrieve plates from a cupboard. Jon wandered over to the TV and flicked it on. There in all its glory was Jonathon Ross' New Year's Eve Show. Neal chuckled and to break the ice said, "How can they put this crap on? Jonathon Ross entertaining this C-List celebrities." They both settled down on the sofa and began to much slowly on their pizza.

Neal wasn't even halfway though his first slice of pizza when he could not control he urges anymore. He pounced on Jon who was beginning to quiver from this sudden rush of adrenaline. Somehow they had both fallen off the sofa and Neal was towering above Jon on the floor. Neal not quite knowing how Jon was reacting to his sudden move just restrained himself and gave Jon a quick peck on the cheek. He began to turn around and return to his pizza when Jon grabbed him back and kissed him full on the lips with all the passion that he could muster. They were both smiling so much that they were finding to difficult to kiss but after a minute or so it became so natural that they were easily exchanging juices mouth to mouth.

Twenty minutes had passed and they were still kissing. Jon finally broke the kiss and Neal looked devastated. Jon reached to the pizza box and carefully picked off a green pepper and laid it precisely on his lips. "A green pepper sir?" he mumbled through the pepper that was restricting his speech. Neal smiled, went down and picked the pepper from his lips and munched on it lusciously. This was a sign for both of then that they should go further. And they did. As their kiss commenced Neal fumbled around trying to find a button on Jon's shirt. He swiftly unbuttoned his shirt and exposed his lightly tanned chest to the world. Neal began caressing his chest and twiddling his nipples on the way. Jon began to breath deeper so Neal slid his head and face down his chest. His nose mapping every contour of his body, his hair delicately tickling his well toned pecks. Neal continued in this fashion until it was obvious he could take no more and quickly stopped depriving him of his final declaration.

Neal gave him a little time to recover and roles were reversed. Jon, who was now shaking, pulled off Neal's t-shirt over his head. Neal left his arms above his head and was laying inviting Jon to proceed. Jon got to work, he began by rubbing Neal's chest with his soft hands. He then thought a moment and began to suck on Neal's now erect nipples that protruded from the normal line of his manly chest. Jon was going at such a rate with such an extraordinary intensity that Neal was struggling to breath and gasping. Jon rescued him by injecting a fresh breath of air into his mouth and they locked together into a kiss that seemed as though it could never end.

Neal's parents were out and they weren't to be expected back until later in the early hours of the New Year. Neal was usually and very disorganised boy who continually forgot his homework or craved at a chance to be off school ill. But this time he was not. He had got everything planned for his night with Jon right down to the very last detail but it wasn't going to plan. Neal had not planned to do anything in the lounge and suddenly realised that he was when they broke their kiss.

"Why don't we go to my room? I had it all planned and I don't want to do it here." pleaded Neal. "Of course" replied Jon. They both wandered back through the winding maze of the house holding hands until they reached Neal's bedroom. Inside the lights were off but there was a warm glow from the bed. Neal had set up a boudoir of candles and an ice bucket containing the finest champagne in the house. Jon had not yet noticed the champagne and approached the bed whilst Neal stated in the doorway casting his wonderful shadow on the bare wall. Jon turned and said it was amazing and before long they were both on the bed, in the position that they had occupied earlier.

"I'm ready now" said Jon in reply to the question asked before they were rudely disturbed. Neal looked at the clock, "It's 11.30, looks like we're going to see the New Year in with a bang!" They both chuckled and stared into each others eyes. The stare was not broken until Jon noticed that Neal's hands had crept onto his crotch. Jon was not yet hard and Neal looked forward to making him so. Neal lusciously undid Jon's jeans button and zip. Inside Jon was wearing tight red boxer shorts that looked more like hot pants and as yet the bulge was only a small hill. After easing the jeans from Jon's legs he trailed his hand up Jon's legs and pulled it hard over groin. Neal yanked down his underwear to reveal Jon's cock that had immensely grown. Neal swirled it round in his hands and playfully banged it against his chest. Jon was ready now, his cock had reached maximum capacity of seven inches long, uncut protecting his sensitive head that lay beneath. Neal took a grip and could feel Jon's racing heartbeat through the veins that ran close to the skin. Jon looked up at the ceiling, awaiting Neal to work his wonders, there on the ceiling Jon saw glowing stickers of stars and planets from Neal's playful youth.

Neal ran his hand up Jon's shaft and over his sensitive head, which quivered with the ecstasy that it was experiencing. Neal had reached the top of the tower, Jon expected Neal to return down the way he had come up, instead Neal's had came straight off and Jon's cock lay there alone. Neal picked it up again and slowly slid it into his soft moist mouth. At this point Jon could think of nothing more arousing than having Neal's saliva as a lubricant. Neal's head bobbing up and down mimicked the Jon enjoyment and yelps of pleasure. Neal kept pushing his mouth lightly down the shaft and then quickly sucking as hard as he could on the way up. Every so often Neal would pause on Jon's head and tickle, with his tongue, where his foreskin met his shining head. Neal had been thinking to himself that Jon could not be enjoying this as much as he was but Jon was. Every time Neal had engulfed his entire dick in his mouth and he could feel it resting against Neal's tonsils, he grunted. It was a vicious circle for them both as Jon's grunting turned Neal on more, which, made him suck harder and faster leading to Jon grunting more often and louder. Jon looked down at Neal and saw his light green eyes twinkle in the dappled light. Neal had noticed this and took Jon's cock from his mouth. Neal dragged his body over Jon's naked body so that every crevasse on Neal tenderly rubbed Jon's dick. Neal was still clothed, but when their heads were level and they started to kiss, Jon could tell that Neal was hard as there was a largish lump just over his own. Neal moved his hips backwards and forwards so cock met cock.

Still kissing, Jon rolled Neal over so that he was on top. As Neal had done previously Jon made his way down Neal's body to his shrine. Neal had propped himself up against some pillows and was watching Jon. "What's this then?" said Jon pointing to squirming lump in Neal's trousers. "I'm not sure" said Neal, "Why don't you check it out for me?" he continued. "My pleasure" rejoiced Jon. He snuggled his head into Neal's groin to get a feel for the territory once again. Whilst there Jon noticed that Neal smelt especially great there and he decided he would sleep there, in that position, that night. Jon reached up and pulled Neal's t-shirt up revealing Neal's tanned chest with a faint line of black hair running from his bellybutton down. By this time Neal had fully taken his t-shirt off rendering his topless. Jon reached up as far as his arm would stretch, just level with Neal's armpit. Jon elegantly drew his arm back feeling Neal's wonderfully warm and soft chest. A barrier stopped Jon's arm returning though, it was Neal's belt. He carefully undid it and pulled it through all the loops. He got off the bed, holding the belt, and stood there lassoing it and whipping what Neal imagined was an imaginary horse. Jon returned to the bed. He opened all obstacles that protected Neal from prematurely loosing his virginity. He whisked Neal's trousers off down his long and skinny legs and cast them aside. Jon now had a large grin imprinted on his face as he was looking at Neal who was completely naked except the skimpy pants that he wore. Jon could clearly see that Neal had an erection, he planned to keep it that way!

Jon settled himself between Neal's legs and approached Neal's pants as you would the Queen. He pulled them down ever so careful as to not damage the goods within. Once they were off Jon could see the booty. Neal's dick was what you might call fairly average in size, that is marginally smaller than Jon's but did the job more than adequately. Neal was, as Jon was, an uncircumcised child who relished his protected and sensitive head. Jon took his grip and Neal already loved it, loved it more than anything he had ever experienced. Jon had never really seen Neal's cock properly before, their last encounter was in a steamy shower at school. Jon relished his time looking at it and vowed never to forget it, not that it would be easy. Neal's head was slightly reddened at the top most probably from his incessant wanking in his youth. Now he had someone to do it for him! Jon slowly worked his hands up and down, up and down. Neal was breathing deeper. Jon started to get quicker and quicker and Neal was getting more rigid. Jon then took it into his mouth sucking harder and harder. Neal had considerably more hair there than Jon which he found a slight novelty. Every time he got to the bottom of Neal's shaft he made an effort to rub his nose around in Neal's jungle, he loved the smell of it too. Suddenly Neal realised that Jon was now licking his balls up, down and roundabout. He returned to working on his dick and as Jon did so Neal's hands rested softly on his head running through his hair and down his naked back. Each and every time Jon went back up his cock to investigate Neal's head Neal would thrust his hips and inject his penis back into the heart of Jon's mouth. Neal was reaching a climax, as he had several times before but Jon forbid him to cum. Again Jon did not allow him to reach his height of ecstasy but this time said, "I'm not letting you waste your precious elixir!"

They mutually decided that they would try their hand at fucking. Neal bent over and displayed his tight white arse to Jon and his cock. Jon smiled and placed his hands on either side of the crack that lead to ecstasy. With his right hand still firmly caressing Neal's right buttock, he slowly slipped two fingers into Neal's juicy crack. Neal yelped, as never before had he felt such a thing. Jon got a steady rhythm going and Neal rocked back and forwards to accommodate Jon's action. Soon, or so it seemed to Neal, Jon retrieved his fingers but handled his dick as it was ready to go into battle. He leapt forward and his cock entered. Jon loved the feeling and all that could be heard was Jon's thigh gently thumping Neal's buttocks. Jon could not make a sound for all his energy was being used to fuck, and fuck harder still. Neal adored the feeling of Jon inside him. All of a sudden, when both of them were least expecting it, Jon came. A hot spurt of salty cum projected into Neal. Neal felt it hit him inside and made a peculiar chocking sound. Jon, on the other hand, immediately withdrew from Neal as though he had been hit in the stomach. He forced a grunt out and let his cum-soaked cock lay in his hands. All around Jon's groin his white cum lay awaiting Neal to slurp it up. It wasn't long before he did, Neal licked all the remains on Jon's cum from his body. This made Jon even hornier and as Neal was clearing up Jon's mess, he reached for Neal's cock. Neal immediately understood and ceased his licking, neither of them could wait any longer and Jon started to jack Neal. Jon's firm grip on Neal made his cock throb, and he loved it. Neal reached over and stared to caress Jon's nipples. Neal could not withstand the build up any longer and ejaculated in several pulses on his chest and Jon's hand. Jon sucked off the string of cum that dangled from his hand. Neal was panting loudly and Jon, as to empathise, lay his head down onto Neal's torso to rest. They both thought that they had a good New Year's Party of their own and they vowed to continue the new year as they had started.

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