Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on May 13, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

There were times that during summer I would see Jerome walking his youngest daughter to school. I believe her name is Megan. Her elementary school is just a few blocks up. This is from a gay teachers perspective of seeing this hunk of man walking his daughter to school. Once again, this does not suggest this hunk of maleness is gay or would play gay.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (The Kids Teacher (7)

... Martin had gotten what he wanted from Jerome that day several weeks back. He had gotten the mans dick in his mouth and his ass. It was a hard and rough dick that the man had given him. His ass was swollen dor several days from it. But he had gotten from the brute of a man what he never expected to get from him. The best, roughest fuck he had ever had. And even though he dis not expect it to happen again (Jerome was a man after all). He hoped he would get another go at the bull and his bull dick. Well to his surprise Martin was to indeed get another go at the man and that weapon of pure sex. But unlike he would have expected from Jerome. The man sure was full of surprises. For he showed up at thw school one day.

"What the..?" Martin said when he saw the man standing in the hall during a recess

Martin was waiting for the kids to come back in for the recess. He was chewing on an apple aa he stepped into the hall. That was when he saw Jerome as he stepped into the main hall near his class. Martin dropped the apple he had in his hand. It hit the floor hard. Shattering as it struck.

"Fuck!" He chirped as he dropped it.

But then as he bent down to pick it up he heard Jerome as he called to him. He looked up as Jerome spoke.

"Hey teacher man" Jerome said "How is class?" "My kid being good?"

Martin looked up as the man walked towards him. He was wearing some of those very snug jeans that the man had. There was an obvious bulge to the side and then as Jerome moved in closer he reached down and grabbed at his big crotch so that Martin could see the tube in the mans jeans. Martin felt a tugging in his own pants. That and a tingle in his ass. How much he wanted to get a hardy plowing by the bull of a man. To feel that huge cock in his needy ass. He wanted to be taken by Jerome again. But why was the stud there at school. Why was he there just to taunt him with his body and bull crotch. School was not the place to be showing up. But there he was.

"So Martin" Jerome then said "Daddy is horny" "And you are the closest pussy"

Martin looked down st the big crotch. The snaking dick along the mans thigh. He wanted to just drop to his knees. But the kids would be back at any moment. Jerome's kid would be back at any moment. She would see them.

"But it's the middle of school" he said

Jerome smiled as he saw the mans discomfort. And he loved it. Thus guy practically drooling for him, but unable to have him. Jerome would take him again. And right there in class. But not now. He would wait.

"It's okay Martin" he then said "Her mom is picking her up today". "And I will be back after class" "But for now.."

Jerome grabbed Martin's hand and pulled it to his bull crotch. Letting him feel it. Letting him feel the bulge of his cock. The cock he with be thrusting into Martin's throat and ass again soon. Martin instantly felt dizzy from the sensation on his fingers. The feel of Jerome's very big bilge under his hand. The feel of the mass of it, the tube alone the mans thigh. It was everything being gay was all about.

"Fuckk" he sighed

The. Jerome pulled his hand away. He smiled at the hungry look left on Martin's face. And then Jerome pulled away and walked off. Turning to leave Martin.

"I'll be back fucker" he said

Martin gazed at the meaty ass as Jerome walked off. He wanted to eat that was out. It was such a big hunk of gluteous maximus. No nans ass looked that good in pants. He reached down and grabbed himself as he felt hus cock throb in gus pants. When the kids came back fron recess he had to stay behind hus desk for most of the rest of the day. Feeling the tightness in his pants as he sat there. The problem was that he would look over at Jerome's daughter and only see her father as he moved through the hall earlier. See that huge bull crotch and butt. Remember that huge dick in the flesh. Hoe it felt and tasted. He almost could not wait for the end of the day. Pulling at himself constantly under his desk. Sighing as his head pictured the stud When days a end finally came and the kids were off to get picked up by the parents he git up and went to the window. Watching cars move in and out if the front pick up area of the school grounds. He saw as Jerome's daughter climbed into her moms car. Again he grabbed at himself.

"Should be here soon" he said softly to himself. "Jerome should be hear soon to give me that fat dick again"

He sighed as he stayed there at the window. Staring out as cars came and went. Looking to see when that hit stud would be walking up the way. But he did not see Jerome. And as the cars thinned and the people thinned out he wondered if the man was actually going to show up. Did he change his mind and decide not to come? Or was it just a tease to drive Martin crazy. Which it did. He was so damned horny now that he looked over at the door and back out the window. He had to jerk off at least. So he unzipped his pants and then he pulled out his dick. He had to get release before he burst. Martin started to pull at his dick now. Feeling how utterly hard he was. He had never been so hard he thought. But he knew why. It was that damned stud God Jerome. That bug thick rough beast if a man that had promised to come back after school to fuck his brains out there.

"Where are you Jerome?" He said looking out the window.

He slowly pulled on his self as he continued to gaze out to the front of fhe building. Seeing who was walking by the doors. But still no Jerome. So he them guessed that the man would not show. But again he was so horny he continued to jerk his cock more. He then moved over to the desk and sat against it. Leaning back as he continued to stroke his hard dick. Moaning as it did feel good. He moaned and softly called out his studs name. Wanting him there for him so he could have that massive dick again. So he could suck on that thick tube of cock flesh again.

"Ohh fuck. Jerome" he cooed "I need that fucking huge cock" "I so need that dick inside me." "Were the hell are you stud"

The sensations on his cock where then interrupted as he heard a voice to his left

"Here I am faggot" came the sexy deep voice

He turned and saw Jerome standing there at the door. He was leaning against the frame and had his hand on his crotch. And there to the side along the top of his leg was that big tube pushing at the material of his jeans. Martin stopped what he was doing and just stared at the man at the door. Gulping down a hard swallow of saliva as he sat there looking at Jerome. He was so damned sexy. The sexiest man in the world. Then he told Jerome to close the door. And then he dropped to the floor on his knees. Opening his mouth to show what he wanted from Jerome.

"Close the door and lock it stud" he said "Then bring me that fat cock"

Jerome smiled and then did as he was told....


To be continued

Next: Chapter 118: A Thief Caught 3

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