Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Feb 24, 2022


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Junk (1)

... Jerome. That's this studs name. He is my neighbor that lives behind my house here in my neighborhood. This man is a man's man, the epitome of what a man should be. A over average height, thick beefy and hot as all Hell. His face always looking gruff and unshaven. His appearance almost threatening and unfriendly. And he just looked like a wife beating homophobe. But nothing could be further from the truth. Jerome was a gruff manly man yes. But he was always nice to me. Especially after I moved into the neighborhood. And from the very first time I saw him outside, I. The very day I moved in I had the immediate hots for the man.

"Fuck me" I huffed as I first saw him

Why? Do you ask that I had the hots for him. Well in day one as I moved in. I was looking out the back window to my new house. Hey getting things packed as the movers continued to bring things in. There I saw beyond my fence and to his back yard in the other side of it. The chain link offered up a clear view of his fenced back yard. It was a cluttered mess of lawn mowers and outdoor supplies and such. And there was a play house outside for his apparently kids. But as I looked out the back window I saw the man. He was out there cleaning up junk in the back yard. The guy was in a t-shirt and jeans. And as I watched him momentarily as he moved around the back he back was too me. And those jeans were showing off the most incredible ass I had ever seen.

"Shit!" I chirped out "Neighbor behind me had an awesome ass" "Thick legs too"

Yes the jeans the new neighbor in my life had were stretched over a big meaty as and thick full looking thighs. And this was from the distance I had between us that I saw this.

"Fuck me" I then said as he turned

The man was a scruffy hunk of a man. I knew I had to get a better look at this man before he went inside. So I stepped out the back door and out to the back porch. Pretending I was heading to my shed that was in the back. The man saw me as I went outside. He looked mean as I got a better look at him. But still sexy as all hell. And the from of his jeans were stretched over his meaty looking crotch. I instantly felt a tug in my own pants as I saw it. The neighbor looked up and saw me. Then he smiled and waved at me. He then stepped over towards the fence. Calling out to me to greet me.

"Hey neighbor" he said in a deep luscious voice.

And man was his voice sexy. A deep man's gravel as he spoke. Saying hello and introducing himself as Jerome. He asked me if me and my 'wife' liked the house.

"No wife here" I said "Single"

He smiled and then welcomed me to the neighborhood. Giving my a strong hand shake. He sure did have a man's handshake. I glanced down as he pulled away. Looking at his thighs and crotch for a split second. Then back up to his rugged face. Seeing his eyes on me. And then he turned and went back to work. I back up as I glanced at his ass. Then near tumbled as I missed a step. I looked back and he must have seen my misstep. He again smiled, but Jerome went back to work. I went back inside. My head filled with images if the man I had just met. Filled with his rugged face. Strong and masculine features. Yet handsome In his own way my head already filled with thoughts of desire and wanting to worship this hunk of a man. Then beefy body and meaty thighs that were trapped in the jeans. The bug full ass and that very very promising crotch. A crotch that Already seemed to suggest the man was packing good meat. So yes I wanted the new neighbor I had there. Already I was in lust with the man that lived back there. Already I was in lust with the neighbor Jerome...


To be continued

Next: Chapter 129: A Thief Caught 10

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