Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Sep 12, 2017


This is an supplement off the 'Neighbor Behind' series. It's gotten such a response that I keep finding reasons to write about the hot hung stud.

This one is for the nephew he has with his wife's sister. This kid (obviously gay) from the little i saw of him while hearing Jerome and family in back yard this week at a BBQ. Maybe 12 or 13 is the next recipient of Jerome's huge daddy cock

Once again, this does not presume Jerome would play gay. But I'm sure his young nephew would love it

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (1)

Billy has an uncle name Jerome. He always liked uncle Jerome. He was always nice to him when he was a little kid. His strong manly features and deep baritone voice were always somewhat soothing to him. And he was really the only male figure he had in his life. His mom divorced his dead beat dad when he was 3. And his moms sisters husband was the father figure he knew.

The big strong man saved him from drowning once. He remembered being held in Jerome's arms after his save those many years back.

Thanking his big uncle Jerome for showing him how. Holding him in his arms as he waded in the pool. He would look over at his uncle's handsome face.

"I can swim now" he said to himself

"Great kid" his uncle would say

The man seemed to always stir something inside him.he wasn't sure until he grew into his early teens what those emotions and feelings were. He had seen Jerome that day that he saved his life. The man wearing swim shorts. The sowed off the very thick legs the man had. It was from bicycling, his mom had said. And the beefy cheat with small swirls of hair on the man. The meaty muscles flexing on the man's chest.

"You're the best uncle Jerome" he would say.

For several of his young years uncle Jerome was around. And he was sver so happy about it. But then things between his mom and his uncle changed.Billy would hear his mom and his aunt talking alot. His mom would always say mean things about his uncle. But what could he do. It was his mother after all.

His mother then stopped taking him over to his uncle's house when he was 9. She kept saying he was a bad man too. Just like Billy's father. And she kept trying to get her sister to leave Jerome. He didn't understand why, because he always thought Jerome was swell.

"You should just move on sis" she would say

"He is a dick just like Bob"

"It seems all men are dicks"

But his aunt didn't listen and stayed with her husband. Billy figured his mom had to be wrong about the great uncle Jerome. But when he would try and talk to her about it, she would just bite his head off.

"No!" She would shout

"I don't want his influence on you"

So Billy just gave up after a while. So he just went to school and came home each day as his mom wanted. He would see his cousin Penny once in a while when he was in entering junior high. She was a few years in him so even though he hoped to hang around with her, he never really did. She was a bitch to him in the halls too.

"Maybe mom is right" he thought

"Penny is such a mean bitch"

I could only be because her parents were.

Now entering teens, Billy found he was different than his class mates. He was drawn to boys way more than girls. He of course realized he was gay as he felt his little dick twitch as he saw another boys dick. He pondered why he was gay many a time.

Billy got in trouble at school when him and another boy were caught in the bathroom together jerking each other off. When his mom found out, she was mortified. Was her son gay?. This was unacceptable. He needed the presence of a man in his life. Or she fear he would turn gay.

His mom eventually broke down and started to bring him back over to Jerome's house. Being a single mom was taking its toll on her. She was short tempered with him ever since the incident in school.

"I will not have a homo" I this house he hear her say to his aunt

"It's probably one of those boyhood phases" his aunt would say.

"But you should have him hang around Jerome"

"Hell make a man out of him"

Then when his mom took him over to their relatives house. Jerome's house, he knew why men were more attractive to him. He hadn't seen Jerome in almost 2 years. But when he saw the hot daddy again he understood why he was gay. His dick throbbed in his pants as he saw Jerome again.

The man was meatier it seemed. Scruffier too. More facial hair on his handsome face. Then there was the man's body. Strong and built well for his age. He was wearing a buttoned down shirt and jeans. The shirt was opened at the top few buttons. It's showed flesh and Jerome's thick neck. The sleeves were rolled up to show his strong forearms. And the jeans were somewhat on the right side. Hugging Jerome's thick legs and ass. And that ass was huge. Then he caught the tube pressed against Jerome's crotch. Billy's eyes opened wide when he saw it.

"Hey Jerome" his mom said barely regarding the man

"Hey" he simply answered

You could tell the two didn't like each other much. But Billy didn't care. He rushed over to Jerome to hug the big hunk of maleness.

"Uncle Jerome" he shouted as he ran to him

"Hey kid. How ya doing?"

Billy hugged the beefy man. Feeling the girth of his big body. His dick twitched in his pants as touching the man .

"You've gotten big there Billy" Jerome said in his deep graveled voice

"Gonna be 14 in two months " Billy chimed proudly

"Wow. That's great."

"Gonna be a man soon son"

He looked at the rugged man that was his uncle again. The big bulky beast of a man. He watched as his mom and Jerome talked. They seemed cordial at least. But they were talking about him. Jerome looked over at Billy and snickered as he answered his mom's query.

Then his aunt told the two talking that she had to get the girls to practice. She hugged her sister and then got in the car with Jerome's daughters and drove off. So it was just his mom and Jerome.

"Is it possible Billy's a fruit" she had asked him

"If he is" Jerome said

"No man is gonna make him be anything else"

"But if he was jerking off to jerk off"

"That don't make him queer" uncle Jerome added

His uncle regarded Billy and the winked at him. His mom seemed to be more at ease as Jerome spoke to her.

"Look I'll take the kid fishing" Jerome added

"Gays don't like fishing"

"They don't like the smell and getting covered in fish guts"

"Great" she said.

"Do that"

She thanked uncle Jerome and then actually hugged him. Then the two looked t each other funny. His mom actually sighed kinda funny. They seemed to get close again. They exchanged a few whispered words. Something Billy couldn't hear.

"Why don't you play on the swings and stiff out here" she said to Billy

"Jerome and I have much to discuss."

"Okay mom" Billy answered

Then Billy turned for a moment to go to the monkey jump that was set up in Jerome's back yard for his daughter. But he looked back and was gonna say something to him mom. But that's when Billy saw his mom reach over to uncle Jerome's pants. Then she blatantly grabbed Jerome's crotch. His mom was groping uncle Jerome. Stroking his big covered dick right there in the yard.

"Wow. Look at that" Billy's head yelled

"Uncle Jerome has a big dick"

Billy's eyes were glued to the mans crotch. His mom stroked the cum vered dick for a moment. Then the two turned and headed into the house............


More to cum

Next: Chapter 21: Wades Tales 5

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