Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Feb 23, 2018


This is supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is the point of view of Jerome's young nephew. He is about 12 or 13 years of age. And obviously gay from the brief moments of seeing him when I saw him over the fence one day

This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (9) An Uncle's 'Love'.....

........ Billy felt the warmth and the body against him as Jerome had picked him up. Then the instinctively nuzzled up to Jerome's chest. He made a soft whimper as he lay in his uncle's strong embrace.

Jerome kissed Billy's forehead and then rocked him back into slumber. Then he crawled back to the sleeping back with Billy. He then slid himself back down into the sleeping back. Pulling Billy in there with him. Billy asleep and on his chest. Then Jerome fell asleep shortly after.

Billy woke in the morning to the sounds of light snoring. He lifted his head to see he was laying on his uncle's big hunky chest. He looked up to his sleeping man. He sighed lightly. A bit from happiness and some from the ache of the incident last night.

His uncle was so mad. Billy thought that the man would hate him now. Yet he had no idea how he ended up in the man's arms. He lay his head back down on Jerome's vast chest. Feeling the hairs tickle his nose. He took in the scent of the man again. Then he kissed the nans chest

"I love you uncle Jerome" he said softly

The snoring almost mad his fall back to sleep. It was almost comforting to hear. But then Jerome snorted and huffed as he lay there. Then his body shifted under Billy. Billy's legs then fell between Jerome's legs as he spread one out. That's when he felt the mans dick against his leg.

"Shit" he said to himself

There between them was Jerome cock again. And it was hard. He could feel the rigidness on his thigh. How he wanted it. But knew he couldn't, shouldn't dare to do again what he was doing last night. He decided to just lay there in his uncle and be happy with that. So he just sighed and lay his head back down on Jerome's chest.

"Hmmm. Shiit" Jerome said a bit after


The man was walking up. Billy didn't know whether he should get up off him. He didn'twant his uuncle mad again. Then Jerome looked down to see Billy on his chest.

Billy heard the man sigh softly. His head rising as the man's chest did. Then Jerome's hand reached for Billy and seemed to pull him to his body. Then he stroked Billy's head. And finally kissed it

"Its okay little man" Jerome said to Billy

"Just lay on yer uncle Jerome"

"Yer queer and that's OK"

He kept gently stroking Billy. He probably thought the kid was still asleep. So he spoke freely to him.

"Not the first gay guy who wanted yer uncle's dick" he stated

"And between you and me"

"I liked it"

"Liked fucking them gay boys"

"They are crazy for dick"

"And all want my big ole dick"

Billy felt as Jerome's dick twitched between them. As he spoke his dick was getting harder. And bigger again. He let Jerome finish speaking. It was getting him excited as well listening to the bug burly man talk. And to know that he had been with other men made him seem all the more godlike.

"Yeah. Fucked penny boyfriend" he continued

"He was a horny little shit"

"Little fucker coudnt get enough of my dick"

Jerome sighed again as he recalled the memories of sex with men.

"Hell the neighbor that lives behind my house is gay" he said

"So many straight acting gays too"

"Once they see my dick they are on their knees"


Then Jerome felt his dick swell even more. Billy did as well. The thick tube threatening to push through his shorts between the two. Jerome had to move Billy and slide his hand between them to adjust his dick

"Fuck, getting horny now thinkin bout' it" he finally said

"And no one here but us two"

Then Jerome gave a pondered sigh. He looked down at Billy's head. Then he decided to wake the boy he thought was sleeping. He gently shook Billy.

"Hey Billy" he said softly

"Get up buddy"

"Come on get up"

Billy pretending to wake. Sighed and forced a yawn. Then he lifted his head and looked at his uncle's handsome face. And to seem unaware of how he landed on the man, he expressed shock. He looked at Jerome with wide eyes then pulled back in a pretend fear. His hand on the man's broad chest.

"Sorry uncle Jerome" he started to cry

"I didn't mean . I don't know.."

"Hey. It's okay Billy" Jerome interrupted

"I pulled you on top of me so you could sleep"

Then Jerome reached uo for his face and caressed it.

"I'm real sorry if I yelled at you son" he said

"Just a shock"

"Yer mom said you were queer"

"But didn't believe it"

Billy lowered his head in a shameful motion. He breathed in deep in an act to bring on tears. He wanted to cry again.

"It's cool" Jerome finally said to him

"Yer gay. And that's okay Billy"

"Yer mom just needs to not be such a cunt about it"

He then pulled the kid back down on him. Holding him to his chest almost lovingly.

"Gay people are everywhere" he added

"And some are really great"

Then he paused and thought of his next sentence before speaking

"I have, are know a few 'great' guys that are gay" he continued

"And if you like dick. That's great too"

Then Jerome pushed to see if Billy still wanted him. He was so horny now, and Billy wanted him. At least last night he did. And his mouth did feel really good. He wanted the kid to finish what he had started. He wanted to get off now, more than ever. His dick throbbed between them. Billy looked up at Jerome to acknowledge he felt it. Jerome just smiled down at him again

"And you seemed to be doin a great job last night" Jerome stated

"That's before yer uncle fucked it all up"

"Good BJ skills for someone so young"

"Its even making me hard thinkin bout it again"

"Feel that"

Billy just nodded as he stared at his handsome uncle. He wanted to finish. He wanted his uncle's cum. But still feared he would get his ass kicked by the man once he started again

"You were soo mad" he said softly

"Yeah. But like I said. A bit of a shock is all" Jerome stated

"You're my nephew after all"

Then Jerome pushed his crotch up at Billy. Grinding his huge raging boner at the boys body. Then he reached for bilkys hand. He grasped it and pulled it down to his bulging dick again. Then he squeezed Billy's hand over the fat tube steak. Billy loved the feeling. It appeared he would indeed have his uncle. And Jerome was all for it.

"See Billy" Jerome said

"That's you. That's all you"

"So why don't you dont l down there like you were last night"

"Get down there and help yer uncle out"

Jerome then touched Billy's head. He gently pushed the kid down his torso. Billy wilfully took the direction as he wanted back on Jerome schlong more than anything in the world.

Billy's hand groped at the giant cock his uncle possessed. He was already licking his lips in anticipation of it. His small hand pulling at the covered dick again. Feeling the thickness through the shorts again.

"Just take yer uncle's dick out sin" Jerome said

"Take it out and do what you started to do"

"It felt soo damned good"

Billy couldn't believe that Jerome was letting him do what he wanted. And he wanted that dick again. So he reached at waistband of the man's shorts. Then he pulled them down. Jerome lifted his ass to help him. Then he kicked them off as Billy got them to his feet.

And there it was again. The man's massive dick. The huge throbbing shaft was almost fully hard. It was such a gorgeous sight again. Jerome spread his thick legs and Billy crawled back in between them. There was slight hesitation on his part. But then Jerome nodded down to him as an OK.

"It's sooo big" he said as he reached for it again

"And it's all yours Billy" Jerome stated. As he smiled down at Billy

Billy licked his lips as he reached for the huge shaft. Hepis hand pickedit back up and held it up from the man's crotch. It seemed bigger now in the daylight. An huge tree stump sticking up from the man's crotch.

"Soo big" he said again.

Then he leaned in with mouth opened...............


To be continued

Next: Chapter 42: The Knockout 5

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