Neighbors in Need

By william michael

Published on Feb 15, 2020



Neighbors in Need

Charlie stood at the end of the driveway of the new house he and his parents just moved into. This was the third time he had to check out a new neighborhood. It was actually his fourth move but the first happened when he was still too young for it to really register. His father was steadily advancing up the ladder of the financial services firm where he worked and he had just gotten a major promotion. His mom was a freelance writer and could work from anywhere she could recharge her laptop.

Unlike a lot of kids that had to deal with moves and relocations, he didn't mind all that much. He tended toward having casual friendships with a greater number of kids, then any deeper particular friendships. Plus, with social networking, it was easy to stay in touch. He was also quick to make new friends and the new house was a nice one with a three car garage, small home theater and he had his own attached full bathroom.

There was also a nice sized, enclosed backyard so exercising the family bull mastiff, Max, was going to be easy. His eyes were sweeping along the front yards of the properties alongside and across the street when he noticed a figure approaching. It was a boy, around his age, but slightly built and a bit shorter, with slightly long blonde hair, dressed in shorts and a tee shirt.

"Hey, welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Artie, live right across the street."

"Hi, I'm Charlie."

Artie saw a good looking boy of average height for fifteen years, a bit on the stocky side, close cut brown hair and golden brown eyes.

"So, what's it like around here? Anything interesting going on?"

"I dunno, typical suburbia I guess. There are a few more kids on the block, but a couple are gone for part of the summer. School is school, not much of a town center, but a good sized mall is nearby," Artie finished with a shrug.

"Been there, done that. Have to make our own fun I guess."

So the two boys talked for a while until Charlie was called into the house to help finish setting up. Then it was time for dinner. Normally his mother cooked. It was something she really enjoyed and often wrote about. But she was tired from the move and still didn't have the kitchen set up to her preference so they ordered in pizza and he went to bed stuffed.

But he wasn't so full that he could get to sleep before dealing with the tension that had been building during the last couple of days of moving. So when his street clothes came off nothing else went on. He lay naked on his bed, his hard cock laying on his abdomen, pointing at his chin. What Artie couldn't see when he was talking with Charlie was that the somewhat larger boy had a significantly larger cock.

It was thick and the tip was right at his navel, with precum already dripping. His balls were largish in a smooth, hairless sack. His cock was also covered with gel lube and he took it in hand and he began long, slow strokes that felt good right down to his toes. He was so horny he didn't even need any pictures or video stimulation, just his own imagination.

So it wasn't a surprise to him that after only about fifteen minutes, he felt his balls pull up tight and with his hips bucking, he started shooting loads of cum onto his belly and chest. When he finally stopped cumming, he laid there for a few moments and then he got off the bed carefully and hurried into the bathroom to clean up. This might just be too convenient, he thought.

The next morning he was out, pulling his bike out of the garage when Artie came sauntering across the street.

"Good morning, neighbor."

"Hi, Artie, what's up?"

"Nothing much, came over to see what you're up to."

"I was going to take a ride around the area, see what's what."

"Want a tour guide?"

"Sure, why not," Charlie responded.

Artie bobbed his head and then hurried across the street. He reappeared in a couple of minutes riding a higher end mountain bike, but outfitted with more road going tires. He pulled up and said,

"It's pretty much road riding around here, a few trails but very basic. Hardly any hills."

"That's alright. I use this mostly for transportation."

So they mounted up and headed off. For the next couple of hours the two boys rode around, going up and down various streets, checking out two different recreation parks, the second one looking significantly older than the first. Artie explained.

"This is the older part of town. Where we live used to be a bunch of farms. The first park is newer and has better facilities but a lot of people like this one because the trees are bigger, the buildings have an older vibe. There are some nice trails in the wooded area but there's something you should know. Depending on the time of day and day of the week, you sometimes come across people playing in there."

"Playing as in...?" Charlie asked, although he was pretty sure he knew.

"You know, sex, hook-ups, trolling, whatever," the boy said.

"Okay, well, that's interesting. We had a spot like that in the last town we lived in. Made for some interesting stories, although I think a lot of it was wishful thinking."

"So did you leave a girlfriend behind?" Artie asked as they peddled in under the trees.

"Not really. We all just sort of hung out together, went places. No one really paired off."

"Well, there's some real hotties in this town, so keep your eyes open."

Charlie gave a bit of a shrug but filed the information away. They came back out of the trees without having seen anything, which disappointed Charlie, it would have been interesting. When they rolled up to his house he asked Artie if he wanted to come in for something to eat. It was this kind of open, easy going nature that had made it so easy for Charlie to make friends pretty quickly when he came to a new town.

After a snack, Charlie took Artie up to show him his room. From the way it looked the houses on the block looked to be all different and Artie thought the mini master suite was pretty cool. He had a more modest room and the bathroom he had access to was only a smaller one with a single occupant shower stall. He used to share the bath with his older brother who had the room on the other side, but he had moved out over a year ago.

Charlie was of the opinion that his parents were feeling a little guilty with all the moves and they were trying to make up for it with the room. He was still six months away from a driver's license. He wondered what they had in mind. He was also starting to wonder what was up with Artie. The boy was making a show of checking out the room but Charlie felt Artie was checking him out just as much.

He knew that Artie was not quite a year younger, and as previously described, shorter and more lightly built. He was definitely a cute kid, maybe even a little girlish. Charlie leaned against the window sill and watched as the other boy moved around the room looking at this and that. He had to smile to himself as he noticed the number of times Artie leaned over to look at something on a low shelf or whatever, sticking his skinny butt out.

The possibility was intriguing him and it was starting to get his cock involved. A visible bulge was starting to snake down his pants leg and then Artie finally turned around and came to a stop. He pointedly looked at Charlie's crotch for a few moments and then looked up with his eyebrows raised. Charlie returned the look, complete with eyebrows. Artie stepped forward until he was within arm's reach.

The younger boy's hand slowly reached out and came to a rest on the bulge in Charlie's pants leg. If this went the distance, Charlie thought, it would be only his second guy on guy encounter and he hoped it would turn out to be as much fun. Artie began rubbing his hand up and down the increasing length of the bulge. When he got the feeling that it was as big as it was going to get, he looked up at Charlie, smiling shyly, and mouthing `wow'.

Charlie smiled back and nodded. Artie went to his knees and began working on the belt buckle and button holding those pants up. Then the zipper came down and with a few tugs, the shorts slid down to the older boys feet. Charlie obliged by kicking them off. Now the thick bulge was clearly visible down the length of one leg of the boxer briefs Charlie wore.

Artie began to rub more and paused to finger the wet spot that was starting to show at the lower end. He then took hold of the waist band of the shorts and began to slowly pull them down until they too were on the floor. He looked up to see a sizeable and very well formed erection jutting out and up above a sizeable pair of balls in a smooth skinned sac. He also noticed that Charlie had a pair of firm if not very well defined thighs. He absently thought he must do a lot of bike riding.

Settling back on his heels, he ran his hands over those thighs and then closed in on that hot looking cock. A pair of slender hands held the shaft between the palms, feeling the warm hardness, slowly stroking back and forth. His eyes were focused intently on the shiny drops that were forming and running down the underside of the head and shaft.

With a final look upward he leaned in and let the tip of his tongue dart out to catch a bit of the precum. It tasted sweet and salty and he loved it. As you might have guessed, the younger boy was not inexperienced in how to handle a hard cock, and the one he was looking at was one of the very nicest he had ever seen. He continued to lick the head, interspersed with the occasional touch of a pair of soft, wet lips.

After a time, he let the head slip past his lips and he dropped his hands to his own pants and got them undone and down by this folded knees. One hand went to his cock and the other back to Charlies. Happily he sucked in more of that fat shaft while stroking his smaller but equally hard dick. Charlie was definitely enjoying the younger boys attention. This kid knew what he was doing and it was obvious this was going to be a lot more fun than the circle jerk he had enjoyed over a year ago with several boys from his social circle.

Looking down he could see that Artie had gotten his pants down past his knees and was working to get them off all together. The other hand was stroking his hard cock, enticing a fair amount of precum of his own. Since Artie seemed to be committed, Charlie went ahead and pulled his shirt off over his head. He stood over his new friend, naked and hornier than he had been in a long time. On a whim, he put his hands on Artie's head and began to pump his hips slowly.

Artie was in heaven, having the older larger boy taking control. This was how it should be. He did his best to get the whole fat dick in his mouth and while failing, both boys were enjoying things immensely. Artie let go of his dick and with both hands, he took hold of Charlie's slender but firm ass. He liked this very much, and Charlie was enjoying the attention as well. Since we are talking about two teen age boys, it should be clear that this wasn't going to go on for very long and it didn't. About five or so minutes after feeling those hands on his ass, Charlie's hips froze in place and he began to empty his balls into Artie's eager mouth.

Eager, but too small for the load he was getting, so a fair amount was squeezing past his lips, dripping down to his chest, stomach and cock. He grabbed his own dick and began to stroke, using the natural lube of cum and soon he was shooting his load, letting it land on Charlies bare legs. When they were done, Charlie leaned back on the window ledge while Artie slumped to the floor.

"Did you enjoy that?" Charlie asked with a smirk.

"Damn right I did, you have a fantastic cock, about the best I've seen."

"Um, so you've done this before?"

"Oh, yeah. It's not like I'm a cock whore, but I've taken advantage of a number of opportunities," he said with a smile. "I especially liked the way you took control."

"Well, it seemed like the thing to do. Anyway, let's get this mess cleaned up. We can't use the shower. My mom would hear it. Some other time we can do that, if you want."

"Oh man, are you kidding? I'll go down on you anytime you want."

So the two naked boys made their way into the bathroom and quietly cleaned themselves up. As it turned out, the two boys found time to play nearly every day for the next two weeks. Usually they were in Charlie's room and Artie treated him to wonderful blowjobs, the boy favoring the deep, slow methodology. After the first four or five, Charlie returned the favor sucking on the smaller dick with equal enthusiasm, easily deepthroating it and swallowing the lesser load. He really liked it.

So he was initially a little disappointed when he went over to Artie's house on Saturday morning of that second week and found out that his friend had been picked up by his Aunt and Uncle for a surprise trip to their lakeside cabin for the weekend.

"I'm so sorry, Charles, but it happened so quickly, he didn't have a chance to let you know. They've been so good about taking him places and staying close with his cousins. His aunt is my ex-husband's sister."

Two things here. Ms. Mackenzie, Artie's mom, insisted on using full first names, so they were Charles and Arthur. Second, her ex-husband had left them over five years ago and hadn't been seen or heard from since. Artie had said very little about him and Charlie didn't press.

"So, I'm afraid we're both alone this weekend. Although I suppose your parents are around."

"Not at the moment. Dad had to go into work for the day, and Mom went to the Mall to look for some things for the house. I guess I'll go for a ride, or knock around the yard with Max."

"Would you mind staying for a while with me? I get so lonesome in this big house with my boys being gone."

"Sure, Ms, Mackenzie."

He really didn't mind. She was a pleasant, intelligent lady and to be perfectly honest, very easy on the eye. Very easy. Like her son, she was somewhat petite, but with a very nice set of curves. Her hair was blonde as well, but worn down to the middle of her shoulder blades. Her eyes were bright blue and as long as Artie was around, she smiled a lot.

"In fact, sweetheart, if you wouldn't mind, could you help me with something?"


She had him follow her down a hallway and into a room that didn't appear to have a specific purpose. A few chairs, a table against one wall, and a large closet by the look of it.

"I'm trying to get this room organized, the closet really. I've just been pushing stuff into it and I could use some help gettin things off the top shelves. If I hand them down to you from the step ladder, would you put them over on that table, dear?"

"No problem," he said, smiling at her.

She gave a brief smile back and then climbed onto the step ladder and began handing down boxes and bags, the contents of each he had no clue. He was careful to put them on the table in some sort of order. Then when the table was covered, the last few items went onto the two chairs. When she went to step down from the ladder, she apparently lost her footing and started falling backward, to be stopped by Charlie's chest and his outstretched arms, which wrapped around her as he took a step back to absorb the impact.

"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry, Charles, did I hurt you?" she said as she turned her head to look back at him.

"No, ma'am. No offense, but those shoes probably weren't a good idea on that ladder."

Charlie had noticed that Artie's mom always seemed to have some sort of heel on her shoes, to give her some extra height, he figured.

"You're probably right. Just a habit I suppose. Thankfully I had a big strong boy, or young man, here to save me," she said with a little laugh as she turned within the loosened circle of his arms.

When she was facing him she gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you, dear, for the work and the catch," she said, her very attractive face only inches from his.

"You're very welcome," he said with a brief smile.

"Hmm, you're a very handsome boy and you have a very nice smile.

And the next thing he knew her very close face was a whole lot closer and her lips were pressed against his. That his mouth was open had more to do with shock than passion but she seized on the opportunity and introduced her tongue to his. He wasn't slow on the uptake, not in the least, so after a moment he returned what he was receiving.

After a few moments of this, she pulled back and looked at Charlie with eyes that seemed to burn. He was feeling things too but he still had a major question.

"Um, Ms. Mackenzie, are you sure about this? I'm just a kid."

"No, dear, you're a handsome young man. I also know something else about you. I'm well aware of what my youngest son is about. If he is spending all this time with you, you have something worthwhile to offer," she said, and emphasized it with a subtle thrust and grind of her hips. "And I'm sad to say, my dear, that I'm rather desperate. I need this more than I can say. Would you please do this for me?"

He was all too aware of how her body felt pressed against his. His lips were still warm from her kiss and his cock was responding to the pressure of her hips against his. He also noticed that her fragrance, although subtle, was extremely insistent. What the hell.


She responded by tightening her hold on him and beginning a more enthusiastic kiss. Now committed, he added his own grinding and tongue play. She seemed to like that and they took some time with this first stage. Then she broke off the kiss and the embrace, and grabbing his hand, hauled him out of the room. She took him to the back of the house where the master, or mistress, bedroom suite was located.

Once inside the room with doors closed, her hands began to work on his clothes. She practically cooed when she got his pants and boxer briefs off. Her hands actually shook a bit as she let her finger tips run over the shaft and head. Once she had him naked she pushed him backward onto the bed and then made a bit of a show as she began to remove her clothes one piece at a time.

As each item came off, he could see that she was in remarkably good shape. Her skin was smooth and unwrinkled. Her bra contained a nice pair of tits that were pressed together to form a significant cleavage. The sides of her panties went up over nicely flared hips. Her legs, while not long, were well formed with firm muscles. God, his cock was hard and aching.

One hand brushed lightly over her cleavage while the other reached behind to undo the clasp. When loosened the bra popped forward a bit and with a shrug she shook it loose to fall at her feet. He stared intently at the largish tits that drooped only slightly and were capped with large hard nipples. She gave her shoulders a bit of a shake that set her tits to wobbling which he found fascinating.

Then she hooked her thumbs in the straps of her panties and began a slow push down off her hips. Then she let them slide down her legs to the floor where she kicked them off. She posed with one hip cocked to the side, showing that her pussy was almost cleanly shaved except with a small patch left above her clit. Then she started to move slowly toward him, her eyes fixed on the hard swollen shaft that was pulsing slightly as it rested on his abdomen.

She sat on the edge of the bed, her naked leg pressed against his and she lightly ran a hand over his chest.

"Oh, my dear, you are an incredibly sexy young man."


"Oh, yes. A handsome face, sturdy body and this amazing cock. Hmm, yes, a big hard cock," she said, seemingly liking the sound of the word `cock' but not as much as how it felt when she took it in hand.

He let out a bit of a groan as she began to stroke along the shaft, using her thumb to rub the precum into the head and the upper part of the shaft. Then she brought her hand up so she could lick and suck on her thumb.

"Hmm, you taste lovely, my dear. I need some more," she said as she began to lower her head until her mouth was a fraction from the head of his cock.

Her free hand was still running lightly over his abdomen while her lips began their descent down over the head and then the shaft. She got about half the shaft into her mouth and began to flick her tongue over the head. Then she pushed further until, much to his delight, she got the whole thing in. Then it was back up and she began a slow steady sucking, much like Artie, but she was much more skilled with all the subtle additions and tweaks.

He could feel the vibrations as she moaned in her delight at having this lovely young cock to play with. After a bit more work on his cock she popped her mouth off and began to kiss her way up his torso until her lips fastened on to his again. He had never had a naked female of any age lay on top of him, her tits pressed into his chest, her wet pussy rubbing lightly on his thigh. When she pulled her lips off his she said,

"My darling boy, you taste so good but I need to put that lovely cock inside me. Let me feel what I haven't felt in years."

He just nodded and after smiling she pushed herself off him and got to the top of the bed, her head and shoulders on the pillows. He had a notion of what was to come so he rolled over and crawled up so that he was between her spread legs. She held her arms out and he moved forward into them. This got his cock into approximately the right position.

Her arms slid up around his shoulders and she whispered hints into his ear. He moved his hips down so the head of his cock was touching the swollen lips of her pussy. She murmured something else and he shifted so the head slid down to the base of her pussy and then he began to push. She shifted her hips and pushed up and between the two the head of his cock began to push the lips aside and Charlie stated to fuck his first pussy.

Artie's mom brought her legs up to wrap around Charlie's hips to help pull him into her pussy. As the thick shaft started to move inside her she let out a low groan of pleasure and began to kiss the boy's neck and face. When he had managed to his full length inside her, she muttered some more and he slowly pulled out and then back in. After a few more slow transits he began to pick up the pace as instinct took over.

"Oh, Charles, darling, your big hard cock feels so wonderful. It's been so long and I don't ever remember one as nice as yours. Just keep doing as you are. Fuck me long and deep."

Charlie was incredibly turned on and hearing what she was saying only added to his arousal. It was fortunate for both of them that he had been having regular sex for the past two weeks so the usual teen-age hair trigger was a lot less sensitive. He was able to continue a long steady rhythm and thanks to her lack of sex for so long he had her on the edge quickly and her first orgasm hit and hit hard.

"Oh, Darling, oh my god, yessssss...." she said and then trailed off into an incoherent gurgle.

So encouraged, Charlie picked up his pace and began to give the older woman a thorough pounding. Her grip with arms and legs tightened and she hung on for the ride. But frequent sex or not, he was still a teen and he wasn't going to last forever. He grunted something about coming and she just held on tighter and whispered in his ear. Two more pumps and then his hips and ass pushed in as tight as they could and he began shooting thick streams of cum up inside her.

She screeched into his shoulder with another orgasm and then they were still and silent. Their entangled pose lasted for several minutes and she seemed in no mood to let go, but eventually her legs slid from around his hips and her arms loosened enough so that he could pull back a little. This resulted in her lips locking to his and holding him for an extended tongue kiss. When she broke it off she looked up into his eyes and said,

"Oh, my, darling boy. That was just so wonderful. So much energy, so much passion. And so much cum. I can feel it dripping out already."

"It was really great for me, too, although at the end I wasn't sure..."

"Oh, no worries there, dear. No more children for me. We are going to have so much fun together," she said and then after a thought, continued, "That's if you want to."

"Hell, yeah, I do. But can't you get in trouble?"

"I could, but only if we get careless. So please, no mention of this to anyone, alright, darling?"

He nodded and she pulled his head down and began another lengthy tongue kiss while his cock was still inside her, maintaining some rigidity. After a time, she was whispering something else in his ear and then with a tight grip on each other they rolled so that he was on his back and she was laying on top of him. With a final kiss, she slid off his cock and brought her lips to it and slowly swallowed the entire cum smeared organ sucking and licking until she was sure it was back up to full hardness.

She then slid back up so that she was upright and hovering her pussy over his dick. She had it in hand and rubbed the head along her very wet pussy lips until she had it where she wanted it and let her body weight push it back up inside her. Charlie watched as his cock disappeared and he saw how her head fell back, her eyes closed and her mouth open.

He didn't want her doing all the work so he reached up and took her full firm tits in hand and began to massage them. With his cock fully inside, her hands were free so she brought them up to cover Charlie's and coached him in what she liked. He had good hands and was a quick study and soon the addition of this stimulation had her extremely aroused and she was bouncing up and down on his cock, her firm ass bouncing on his thighs.

Her head was doing a fair amount of moving about and her long blonde hair was whipping this way and that. Then she changed tactics, letting her hands drop down to rest on his chest so she could brace herself, leaning forward and her hips doing a complicated grind against him. Then she went rigid and a number of unintelligible syllables flowed from her mouth as she came and came. When the tension went out of her body, she dropped down to press her tits against his chest and his arms went around her and his hips began an upward thrusting as he held her in place. After a time she joined back in, her hips moving this way and that until he grunted once more and began shoving hard up against her as he began to spray another heavy load of cum deep inside her.

And once more, she joined in with another orgasm that had her shaking and bucking. When they were both done, she went limp on top of him and with his arms still holding on, there was no sound but heavy breathing. Charlie wasn't sure when, but eventually he felt soft kisses on his face and when his eyes opened he saw the brilliant blue looking down at him.

"Hello, lover. Hmm, you are magnificent. I'm so lucky you moved in to the neighborhood. I haven't felt this satisfied in decades. Will you be able to come over again tomorrow?"

"I'd think so. Mom and Dad both have some things to do, so I'll be on my own for a good part of the day."

"Well, then, you'll just have to spend that time with proper adult supervision," she said with a smile and a kiss on the nose. "I have many things to teach you that a young man should learn so that his ladies are happy."


She just laughed and with a last kiss on his lips, slid off him and then with a crooked finger got him off the bed and into the shower with her where they shared some light hearted moments soaping and rinsing each other. While they were still slippery they stood in the large stall sharing a long tongue kiss. Later, when he was crossing the street in the early afternoon sun he decided this move wasn't going to be bad at all.

The next morning, once his parents had left on their various errands, he made his way across the street. Ms. Mackenzie met him at the door dressed in a barely there workout outfit consisting of some very brief spandex shorts and a well filled sports bra. When the door closed behind them, she had her arms around his shoulders and he around her back. The kiss was long and had a lot of body grinding for emphasis.

Then she had him in hand and towed him back to her bedroom for several hours of instruction that any schoolboy would have sold his soul to get. He was given extensive instruction in orally satisfying a woman. Considering the gut wrenching, screaming orgasm he gave her with just his tongue on her pussy indicated full marks were in order. She introduced him to various positions from which he could get his cock into her wet pussy, producing equally wonderful results.

She also offered suggestions about how to treat a girl so that she would feel special and that the encounter wasn't just about getting your rocks off as she put it. She was surprised but extremely pleased when it turned out the boy had a talent and eagerness to pay attention to her tight pink asshole. It had started with a stray tongue swipe while eating her pussy and based on the reaction he gave it more and more attention until his tutor decided to offer some specific suggestions.

In the end he wound up giving her three loads of cum that day, one in each of her eager, willing holes. It had been a very long time since she had had a cock of any size in her ass, and having this big beautiful shaft stretching her ring had her in ecstasy. The feeling and the idea of it had Charlie so aroused he gave her his biggest load of the day.

To finish off the lesson, she showed him how much fun it could be sharing a warm bath with a woman. While no orgasm were forth coming, it was a nice way to end the day together. When his parents got home he was sound asleep in his room.

Sometime that night, Artie returned home and when Charlie came outside in the morning he found his new friend waiting for him. They rode their bikes to the old park and checked out the woods and lo and behold, they spied a pair of middle aged men with their pants to their ankles, exchanging mutual oral and jo sex. The one fellow had a particularly nice looking cock and as they watched Artie had reached over and was rubbing Charlie's cock through his pants.

They took a direct route home and once in Charlie's bedroom they were quickly naked and working each other's cock with hand and mouth. Based on what he had experienced the day before he gave Artie's asshole a few exploratory licks and was pleased with the response. By the time they were done, he was finger fucking the boy's ass while he swallowed Artie's load.

And that's how the rest of the month passed. Almost every day, Charlie and Artie found time for some form of sex from a quickie in the woods to a long encounter at Artie's house when his mother was out that wound up with Charlie taking Artie's ass for the first time, dumping a major load in the boys ass.

Charlie had to think that with the willingness of the boy and the relative ease of getting his fat cock inside him, this wasn't his first time. He had even been able to fit in another afternoon with Ms. McKenzie when Artie went out for the afternoon with other friends. She had practically torn his clothes off once the door was shut and they never got out of the living room, instead using the couch, coffee table and thick rug as platforms for some very intense sex, once again leaving her with a sizeable load in each willing hole.

So it was a very satisfied young man who was in the driveway of his new home on the first of August, working on his bicycle when he heard a rather pleasant sounding voice call to him.

"Hello, you must be the new kid."

He had to admit that despite recent events he was pretty much still a kid so he wasn't going to take umbrage at the comment and even if he was when he looked up and saw who had offered it such thoughts would have fled. The girl who was standing where the public sidewalk crossed his driveway was quite the eyeful. It was safer to say she was stunning.

She appeared to be about his height, with slender, longish appearing legs that were almost completely visible thanks to a pair of very short shorts. She wore a tank top that ended just above the waist band of the shorts and a very nice pair of tits were constrained by a brief sports bra worn under the tank top. To his eye she appeared to be of multiple racial stock, although he probably wouldn't have put it that way.

Her hair was long, thick and shiny black. Her skin was a chocolatey brown tone indicating latin, African or a mix of both. Her eyes were dark and angular, perhaps Asian. She was currently flashing him a smile that was wide and very white.

"You must be Charlie."

"Um, yes, I am. How'd you know?"

"Artie told me he met you right after I left for camp," she said as she approached him. "Actually it was a text, but,.." she said, shrugging, which was an interesting gesture for her to make. "My name is Letitia, people usually call me Tish."

He gave her a quizzical look and she laughed a bit and said,

"Yeah, I know, Addam's Family."

"Which do you prefer?" he asked.

She seemed a bit surprised at this but replied,

"I actually like my full name."

"Okay, Letitia, it's very nice to meet you," he said as he stood up, wiping his hands on a cloth he was using to clean away some dirt.

"Nice bike."

"Thanks, got it for my birthday last year, so I try to keep it squared away. So I guess you're one of the kids in the neighborhood that Artie told me about when we met. Away for part of the summer?"

"Yup, camp, my fifth year. It's a cool place, lots to do, lots to learn. But it's good to be home," she said as she took a seat on the retaining wall.

When she crossed her legs Charlie got a bit of a thrill up his spine.

"Can I get you anything, something to drink? It's kinda hot."

"That would be lovely, thank you. Some water would be nice."

"Easy peasey," he replied, walking into the open garage to a small refrigerator that held water and some other things so someone working out there didn't have to trek into the house as his mother put it.

When he came out he handed her a bottle of water and twisted open the cap on his, taking a seat on the wall with a few feet between them. She smiled a bit at that and took a drink from the bottle. Charlie couldn't help but be fascinated by her. Each movement since she had started walking up the driveway seemed smooth, almost elegant. And she was so damned beautiful.

"So from what Artie told me, you and I will be in the same grade at school."


She nodded.

"So what's it like?"

"Typical high school, I'd imagine. My sister graduated two years ago and her stories seemed to be the usual stuff, cliques, in crowd and outsiders. It'll be nice to have someone from the neighborhood there with me. Bus?"

"Yeah, no license yet and my parents are pretty busy so they wouldn't drive me."

"Me too, so, I guess we could ride together," she said, smiling a bit.

"Too far for bikes?" he asked.

"Kind of. More like too dangerous from this side of town. You hit a lot of traffic the closer you get to the high school. A couple of kids have gotten hurt in recent years."

Charlie nodded thinking what it was going to be like seeing this vision at least twice a day.

"So what's your story, Charlie? Where'd you move from?"

So he gave a cursory history of different towns, states and schools. Favorite movies, video games and TV shows. No clue as to what he wants to do or what school he might go to after high school.

"You didn't mention a girlfriend left behind," she said, teasingly.

"Because there wasn't one. Just a group of friends that had guys and girls in it," he shrugged.

The look she gave him could only be called `appraising'. Then she gave him a smile and said,

"I don't think that will last long here. I can think of a number of girls that will be interested."

"Really? I would think there'd be plenty of guys."

Her smile looked a bit shy at this point before she spoke.

"First, if you don't mind me saying, you're a very good looking guy, and you seem to be a nice guy as well. That's put you above a lot of the boys. The other thing is that we've all been together a lotta years and it's hard to forget what twerps a lot of them have been growing up. You come in with a clean slate."

This smile wasn't shy in the least and had him a little tongue tied. He hadn't noticed how she did it but it seemed like the distance he had put between them had been cut in half.

"And just think," she said, cutting in on his thoughts. "none of them will see you for another month."

Then she laughed and reached out to rest her hand on his leg. She felt him stiffen a bit so she removed the hand but shifted closer.

"To be honest, Charlie, I haven't told you everything."

"What do you mean?"

"After Artie sent me that first text message, I was more than a little interested in the new kid on the block. So I pestered him for more information. The more I heard the more I liked. I got home last night and the first thing I did today was come here to see if I could meet you."

At this point they were sitting with only inches between them and the look on her face was best described as anxious. Or hungry, or both. And that face was getting closer and closer. He found his voice and send,

"Um, Letitia, isn't this going kind of fast?"

She shook her head slowly and said,


Then he felt her lips pressed against his and the shock that went through him wasn't like anything he had felt before. This was a beautiful girl his own age and she was kissing him and it was her idea. But the shock didn't keep him from responding and his lips parted, which got an approving murmur from the girl and then there was a bit of tongue dancing. No one's hands moved and they kept it to a basic kiss but his body was responding in all kinds of ways and he would have been glad, and perhaps a little terrified to know the same was happening to her.

When they finally pulled apart, but not too far apart, her eyes opened and the focus she directed toward him could only be described as laser like. He noticed that her heavy breathing was doing some interesting things to her but he couldn't tear his eyes away from hers.

"Hmm, that was very nice," she said in a low husky tone. "I was hoping but..hmmm."

"I'm not sure I understand what's going on here. We've known each other for only a half an hour or so. And that kiss seemed to have some real meaning to it."

She shifted herself so that they were now hip to hip and she took hold of one of his hands.

"I suppose I should explain a few things. With all that Artie told me about you it really got me interested. It's probably a terrible thing to say but I've had a lot of the boys sniffing around me the last couple of years and it hasn't been much fun. Like I said, a bunch of twerps. Now here you are, right down the street and in just this short time I find out that you're a very nice boy and a great kisser."

She held up his hand and examined it rather closely before setting it back down and then looking back at him, said,

"We're starting high school in a month and I'm not taking any chances. Unless, of course, you're not interested."

"Oh, I'm interested. I was the moment I saw you at the bottom of the drive. I'm just a little, no, make that a lot surprised at how fast things moved along."

She squeezed his hand and pushed her hip more tightly against his and said,

"I've been at this a month so it's not all that fast. And, when I see something I like, I don't waste time. My friends hate it when they shop with me," she said as she leaned in for another lingering kiss.

This kiss had a lot more mouth movement and tongue action. She still had a firm grip on one of his hands and each had their free hand on the other's leg. Those legs were getting some massaging. He was impressed at how firm her thigh was. Nice strong legs. When they separated she dropped her head down on his shoulder and sighed. Then her leg was up over his and her arm was around his back.

"Hmm, this is going to be such a lovely end of summer. And a very wonderful school year."

He had his cheek resting against her head and she had a nice fragrance coming off that thick black hair.

"Um, Letitia, are you just the teensyist bit worried that I could turn out to be a complete and total jerk?"

"Not at all. What I've seen and heard and felt all tell me that you're one of the good ones. Besides, a complete and total jerk would have gotten a whole lot more handsy while we were kissing. By the way, your hand felt very nice on my leg."

"I'm glad. You have really great legs. It felt very nice under my hand."

Her smile was dazzling. Her expression invited him to commence this kiss and he did. This time as the kiss progressed his hand began to glide up and down her thigh and she was moaning lightly into his mouth. The arm behind his back came up and turned into a one armed hug. He got his around her shoulder and they managed to squeeze in a little tighter.

Something that Charlie was glad about was that the thigh she had her hand on was not the one sharing a pant leg with a swelling cock shaft. That would have been really embarrassing. So the next hour progressed along these lines. Some serious kissing followed by some casual conversation, each learning a little more about the other, and liking what they heard more and more.

After the hour had passed a low growl was heard in the vicinity of Charlie's stomach and Letitia couldn't help but laugh. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said,

"Sounds like someone needs some attention. You could go in and eat or" and she dragged out the `or' "you could come with me and I could whip something up for you."

"You like to cook?"

"Oh, yes. I like to experiment too, particularly making sandwiches. Wanna be a guinea pig?"

"Sure, sounds interesting. Just so you know, I don't really like anything hot. You know, peppers and that. Makes a mess of my stomach."

"No worries, sweetie. I'll fix you something special."

Sweetie already. But some girls call everyone sweetie or sweetheart or dear. But all that kissing so soon after meeting. He was very excited about the possibilities but also a little confused. He put his bicycle in the garage and closed the door. When they began walking she took hold of his hand and held it in a firm grip. It was a very pleasant walk, especially with the heady fragrance he was picking up. When she turned him up a driveway he stopped for a moment. The front yard he was looking at was very familiar to him and his parents.

The very extensive landscaping had gotten his mom very excited and she had said several times that she needed to come down and speak with whoever lived there about it. His eyes swept over the meticulously kept plant beds, color coordinated flowers and small trees.

"Holy cow, is this your house?"

"Yes, it is, why?"

"My mother loves all the landscaping you've done. She'd love to talk to whoever did it. Was it your family or is it done professionally."

"Yes and yes," she replied. "My dad is a landscape architect. My mom made a lot of the decisions and Dad and his company did the work. It's kind of like a showplace. Wait til you see the backyard, but that will have to wait until I get you fed. Come on."

She tugged on his hand and led him into the house and the kitchen. While of a different design, he thought the house looked to be on a par with his and he figured Letitia's folks were doing pretty well. Not that that should matter. With practiced efficiency, his new friend had two very interesting looking sandwiches on plates, along with some corn chips and two glasses of ice water.

They carried their plates and glasses out through a French door to a table on the covered patio. Looking out over the backyard, Charlie was amazed.

"Holy crap. This is amazing, Letitia. How long have your parents been working on this?"

"They've been in this house for twenty years and Dad's been in business at least that long so..." she said with a shrug, a gesture he found very interesting.

He took a bite of the sandwich and his mouth lit up with a variety of flavors. The textures were both crunchy and smooth and he was enjoying it immensely. He finished the first half of the sandwich before he caught sight of the girl's broad and radiant smile.

"I guess you like it?"

"No, I love it. I've never tasted anything like it. Is this one of your experiments?"

"Yes, I worked that one out about six months ago. It's one of Dad's favorites. He takes it to work a least once a week."

Charlie was looking at the girl closely as he chewed a mouthful more slowly. She caught his gaze and looked back at him with raised eyebrows. He swallowed and said,

"Beautiful and a good cook. Why aren't guys lined up outside your door?"

Her smile was shy and a bit ironic. Then she shifted her chair so that she could reach over and pull his head to her to kiss him softly. When she let him go and sat back, but with a foot in contact with his leg said,

"Well, sweetheart, as I said, the last couple of years there have been guys but twerps, remember? But let me ask you a question. When you look at me, what do you see?"

Charlie gave a bit of a frown then said,

"I see a very beautiful girl with the most amazing combination of racial traits I've ever seen. It's like mother nature took the best features from a variety of different people and brought them together in you. I hope that didn't sound weird but it's the only way I know how to say it."

"I think you said it very well. Unfortunately, others didn't always see it that way. When I was younger I used to be made fun of because of my `unique' appearance. Now some of the same ones are trying to hit on me."

"And without ever apologizing for past behavior, I'll bet."

"I'm glad you understand."

Charlie looked away, seemingly staring at a point in space.

"I'm not trying to brag but when I was in elementary school there was a group of us and one of the girls had a little brother who had, well, issues. Some physical, some mental, but a nice enough kid. Sometimes if we were at their house he'd hang around with us. One day a guy who was a friend of a friend kind of thing was with us. He started making some cracks about the little guy. I told him to knock it off and he came back with `whatta ya gonna do about it'. So I broke his nose."

"You didn't."

"Yup, guy like that, they don't listen, you have to show them. And my Dad always said, `Don't fight but if you have to, go for the nose. It hurts like hell and if you do it right, the eyes tear up and they can't see'."

"But didn't you start the fight?"

`No, he did by going after the kid. I finished it."

She pulled on his arm so she could kiss his cheek.

"My hero. Did you get into any trouble."

"His mom made some noise about suing until every kid who was there gave the same story about what a dick he was being. It didn't go over well," he said.

"Well, I'm glad you did it. Someone has to stand up to bullies like that."

He just smiled a bit and finished the last of his sandwich. He didn't want to waste a morsel.

"Thank you for lunch. That was really good."

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You're in trouble now, you know."

"What do you mean? I said I liked it," he said, a little nervous.

"No, sweetie, not like that. I mean with us going to school together and seeing each other each morning, you're going to be getting sandwiches from me."

"Wow, nice."

He got another big smile and then they were up and bringing the plates and glasses back to the kitchen. Once everything was in the dishwasher, she took hold of his hand and said,

"Now it's time for the house tour."

Charlie thought he heard something in her voice but chose to just follow her lead. He saw a very nice house, different from his own, but on a par in terms of rooms and he wasn't entirely surprised when he found himself in her bedroom. It was a pretty girly space, done mostly in lavender with a few posters on the wall, the usual furniture including a queen sized bed.

She turned to face him and the look on her face sent shivers up his spine. She closed the distance between them and had her arms over his shoulders and her lips on his before he could react. Her body was pressing against his with some urgency and he wondered how far she was going to take this. He certainly wasn't going to try and press any advantage. He did get his arms around her lower back and tightened his grip as he responded to the kiss.

She maneuvered the two of them so that they could settle down onto the bed without any interruption. She had the superior position and was using it to best effect. His mouth was full of her tongue and her firm tits were pressing on his chest. Her bare legs were entwined with his and she was grinding her hips. She was also groaning into his mouth.

Considering how much hip grinding she was doing he took a chance and brought one hand down to take hold of a firm ass cheek, which resulted in a very contented sound and a change in her hip movement. It was less frenetic and more measured and intense. It also became apparent she had focused on the bulge of his cock down one pant leg and the pressure it would put on her covered pussy.

Eventually she pulled her mouth off of his and let out an explosive breath.

"Oh, my god, sweetheart, this is so hot. I'm ready to explode. And what is that you're hiding in your pants?"

Charlie's breathing was pretty heavy but he managed to reply.

"You've made sure it's not hiding anymore. And you're right, you are hot, gorgeous, really, really hot."

"Am I, really? You think I'm gorgeous?" she asked in a breathy voice.

"No, I know your gorgeous."

Her eyes really lit up at this point and she ground some more on his covered cock. Then she slid down his body and began tugging at his belt and pants button.

"Um, Letitia, are you sure about this?"

Her head came up and her exotic eyes fixed on his.

"Oh, yes, I'm very sure. Just lay back."

So he did, propping his head up on a pillow. He watched as her fingers worked and his belt and pants were undone and then she was tugging them down to his ankles. Then she began to rub her hand over the bulge in his boxers.

"Oh, sweetheart, this feels so nice. I didn't think it was going to be this big."

"Wait a minute. You were thinking about how big I am?"

"Ever since little Artie mentioned something about it," she said with a smile, bringing her lips down to kiss the bulge.

He was going to have to have a little talk with Artie. But right now he was refocused on her attentions and his cock was starting to twitch. Her hands went to the waistband and began a slow downward pull on his boxers. When his cock popped out and up she gave a quick tug to get them the rest of the way down.

"Hmm, god, you're beautiful."

She had her hands around the base of the shaft so that it was pointing at the ceiling. They felt warm and soft. As turned on as he was, it ratcheted up a notch when she began to rub the head on her cheeks and lips. He had heard of the concept of cock worship but this was the first time he had enjoyed it. Both Artie and his mom tended to try and swallow his cock as soon as they had it in hand.

She added some tongue swipes to the mix and his hips were beginning some involuntary twitches. She moved her hands and began to play with his heavy balls and she seemed to truly enjoy it. While she fondled his balls she let her tongue glide up the underside of his cock as it lay on his abdomen. She noticed something and took hold of the shaft again and pulled it upright. A glistening stream of precum was running from the tip and she slipped out her tongue to catch a bit of it. Apparently she liked the taste because she began to lap it up.

Then her lips puckered and kissed the head of his cock several times before they opened and took it into her mouth. Some sucking and tongue flicking followed before she began to slowly slide her mouth down over the shaft. Charlie let out a long groan which thrilled Letitia no end.

Like Artie, she couldn't get the whole fat shaft in but it was more than enough to get his hips in motion. Her hands began to run over his stomach, pushing up his shirt. Up and down, up and down her head went leaving a lot of dripping saliva. It slid down from his shaft to coat his balls. She continued working on his cock and balls for a time but poor Charlie was too wound up to make it last and with a choked warning his hips began to buck. She took the first shot in the mouth and then had to pull off and watch while his cock fired out three more large streams before the remainder oozed out over her hand.

Some oozed out past and over her lips. Charlie had never seen anything that looked so sexy, even after his encounters with Ms. Mackenzie. Even though Artie had such a hot ass, it just wasn't the same. Letitia got up off her knees and moved to her night stand to get some tissues to clean up her mouth and then his cock and balls and stomach where his cum shots landed.

Then she crawled up next to him and threw herself on top of him, covering his mouth with hers. When she raised up her eyes were sparkling. She was rubbing his chest with one hand and her covered pussy was pressed against his hip.

"That was really wonderful, sweetheart. So much better than I thought."

"You had a good time? How do you think I was doing? You were amazing. Your hands, your mouth, damn, even your eyes. But you do know it's only half done."

"Um, sweetie, I'm not really ready to go that far yet."

"I wasn't talking about that," he said.

He hooked his hands in her shorts and pushed them down and she didn't resist. In fact, she helped wiggle them down until she could kick them off. He then pushed her over onto her back and got himself between her legs, pushing them wider. Now it was her turn to watch while propped against the pillows.

He got down on his stomach and brought his face within inches of her cotton covered lips that looked like they were already wet. He rubbed his face on the fabric and heard her hissed intact of breath. He used his nose to tease her hard clit and smiled as her hips bucked. He used his tongue to trace lines along those hidden lips and while he did he got his fingers into the side of her panties and tugged. She lifted her hips and he got them down her legs. Her smooth firm legs.

Then he was down on her pussy like he had been taught and in a moment she was grunting, shaking, bucking and holding to the back of his head. She squealed when he tongued her clit, grunted when his tongue pushed up inside her pussy and cooed like a pigeon when he ran his tongue up and down between her puffy wet lips.

When his tongue `strayed' across the tight ring of her asshole once or twice she yelped and her hips bucked. By now her legs had wrapped around his shoulders and she was keeping him pressed firmly against her dripping hole. Then her entire body seized up, her back arching off the bed. Her ass bounced a couple of times and she went limp. Her legs slid off his back and her hands let go of his head. Based on the reaction and results he was pretty positive she had gotten every bit as well as she had given.

He raised his head and looked along the length of her semi naked body and was astounded at how good she looked. Her eyes opened slowly and a slow, lazy smile crept across her lips. Her hands came up in invitation and he crawled up to accept. When her arms and legs were holding him tightly she whispered in his ear,

"Oh, my lovely boy, that was just the best. The most amazing thing I've ever felt. I don' think I want to ever let you go."

"That might take some explaining. Explaining that I might not survive."

Letitia laughed, a sound he instantly fell in love with.

"I suppose you're right. I guess we need to get cleaned up and back outside. Mom should be home in an hour so that gives us time. Come with me."

She led him to a full bath across the hall and into the shower stall. They found the pleasure of slippery suds and naked skin. It was the lack of hot water that finally chased them out to dry off and get dressed. They were in the back yard gardens when her mother came out on to the patio.

"Sweetheart, I'm home. Oh, and who might this be?" the woman said.

"Hi, Mom. This is Charlie, his family moved into the house up the street. I made him lunch."

"Oh, dear, another one to become addicted to your marvelous sandwiches," the woman said with a smile. "I'm pleased to meet you."

As Charlie approached he could see where some of Letitia's features came from. She was a very attractive woman. She introduced herself as Marie Robertson.

"I'm glad to meet, Ms. Robertson."

"Marie will do fine."

"No, ma'am. My mother would kill me if she heard that. Oh, that reminds me. My mom loves the landscaping in your front yard. She'd really like to talk to you. She wants to pick your brain, I think she said."

Letitia's mother laughed and said,

"Anytime. Wait just a moment," she said before going inside and returning a moment later with a small card in her hand.

She gave it to Charlie and said,

"This is my husband's business card, but my name and number is on the back. Have her call anytime."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Sweetheart, I have some things to do, will you get dinner started later?"

Letitia gave her a look and said,

"Of course, don't I usually?"

Her mother laughed and then went inside. Charlie had turned toward Letitia so he missed the face and gestures the woman made before closing the door. Now Letitia laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Mom was gesturing behind your back. I think she likes you."

"Oh, well, that's good, I guess."

"Yes, it is. You should have seen her react to some of the dorks that hung around my sister," Letitia said, making a rather rude noise afterward.

"My sister and I are a bit different. She's always happiest when she has a crowd around her, her posse, I guess. Some of the hangers on were not up to my mother's standards I'd guess you'd say. A couple were banned from the house."

"I think your mom would toss me out on my head if she knew about what we were doing before."

"I have no plans to tell her. Don't you either," she said, hugging his arm tightly.

"Not me, I'm a confirmed coward."

"The hell you are. Now, let's go back to your house and drop off that card before you lose it."

She walked him around the side of the house by way of a curving pathway. He was really impressed, like it was some sort of botanical garden. She had him firmly by the hand and he got the impression she was intending to never let go. They strolled up the public sidewalk with her pointing out various houses and who some of the people that lived in them.

"It's really a nice street to live on. Mostly quiet with the occasional party breaking out here and there. The Smiths get really crazy for New Years. Don't plan on much sleep that night. Maybe you and I can think of something to do," she said with a pretty good attempt at a leer before leaning over to kiss his cheek.

He expected to find his mom home and he was right. He went in the front door and yelled,

"Hey, Mom, there's someone I want you to meet."

"For goodness sake, CJ, you'll shout down the roof. Come in here."

Letitia looked at Charlie and asked,


"Charles Jamison Weatherby. Jamison is her family name. Dad is the one who calls me Charlie. I prefer that."

"I like it better, too," she said huskily in his ear.

Shaking off the chill that went up his spine he led her into the kitchen. When his mom looked up and saw the girl standing next to him her eyebrows rose.

"Mom, this is Letitia Robertson. She lives in the house with all the landscaping you like so much. And here is her father's card with her mother's info on the back. She said call anytime."

"Oh, CJ, this is wonderful. Thank you for thinking of it," she said, taking the offered card. "And I'm very pleased to me you, dear. Letitia, is it? What a beautiful name. So appropriate for such a beautiful girl."

"Thank you," the girl said, blushing a bit.

"It gets better, mom. Letitia is big into cooking and she makes killer sandwiches. She made one for me for lunch. Amazing," he said, drawing out the last word.

"Is that right? Well, you and I will have to have a nice long chat and very soon. I think there might be an interesting article in there somewhere. For now I have some work to do. CJ dear, I think you might wind up on your own tonight for dinner. Your father is trapped at work and I have to leave in a couple of hours."

"No worries, Mom, I know the drill."

Letitia took one look at the boy, shook her head and pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

"Mom? Yes, can Charlie eat with us tonight? No, it's just his folks are going to be out and..Oh, great, thanks," she said, then putting the phone away. "There you go, you're eating with us tonight."

When Charlie started to say something, she popped a single eyebrow and he said nothing. His mom couldn't help but smile.

"That's very generous of you, dear. I'm pleased because I know my boy has a tendency to skimp when he is left on his own."

"Oh, really," the girl said, taking hold of his arm. "Not on my watch."

With the girl pretty much the same height, he was able to easily look her eye to eye and at the moment he didn't think he would ever be able to look away. His mom regarded the exchange and thought she saw a very interesting future ahead for her son. Maybe she shouldn't feel so guilty about moving him again.

Charlie took Letitia on a tour of the house. She was excited to see the home theater.

"Oh, cool. I love movies. And I make killer popcorn," she told him.

When they got to his room she was impressed and said so.

"Wow, Charlie, this is some little apartment you've got here. Very cozy."

"Thanks. I think my parents are trying to make it up to me for moving me around. I don't mind it much and it has its advantages," he said, giving her a hug, "but it is a very nice set up. But I don't think we should stay in here too long."

"Just long enough," she said, returning his hug and then planting a killer tongue kiss on him.

When she withdrew her lips she fixed her eyes on his and said,

"I had a few ideas when I came over here this morning, but now, you're going to have to use a crowbar to get me away from you."

"Too bad, I don't own a crowbar so I guess you're stuck with me."

This got him another thorough kissing and then it was back downstairs and out into the back yard. It was just an expanse of grass currently occupied by a rather large dog. When he saw the two teens he came at them at a dash, and Letitia was trying to back up but Charlie held her fast.

"Just wait."

Max pulled up sharply within a couple of feet of them and sat down, his big tongue lolling to the side.

"Hey, Maxie, how are you, boy? This is Letitia. She's very special so make sure you're nice to her. You'll be seeing her a lot."

The big head was tilted to one side as he listened and then he pushed his head toward her. After a moment of hesitation, Letitia reached out and put her hand atop the big head. As her fingertips rubbed the soft fur covered scalp the big dog gave out with some happy growls and pushed his head harder against her hand.

"He likes you," Charlie said. "He's a good judge of people."

"I think he's a big old softy, aren't you, Max?" she said to the dog, "And a very handsome fellow, just like your best friend."

"Hopefully, I kiss better."

Letitia turned her stunning smile on him and said,

"Not better, best."

It was Charlie's turn to blush. To hide his embarrassment he started to talk about the yard.

"I think my mom is just interested in the front and sides of the house. Max would wipe out anything back here."

"That's one reason why we never had a dog. The other is my sister is terrified of them. This big guy would have her in a dead faint."

"Was she ever bitten or chased?" he asked.

"Not that I ever knew about," she replied. "I think it's the noise and the aggression, you know, jumping, bumping and all that. She likes being in control of things."

"And her sister?" he asked.

"Only sometimes, my handsome fellow, only sometimes."

Charlie stood there, rubbing Max's back, looking at Letitia, shaking his head.

"What?" she asked.

"I don't know, it just seems like I've known you forever and it's only been half a day."

"It is strange isn't it? I feel like I could tell you anything, and I will, but not all at once. You'll know all my secrets but only one at a time," she said, giving him her best mysterious smile.

"Whenever you're ready to tell, I'm ready to listen."

They stayed in the yard for a while playing with Max until he had had enough and collapsed in a heap to get some sleep. Then it was a farewell to his mom and he was walking back to Letitia's house so she could get dinner started. He found himself fetching and carrying as directed. Apparently, the kitchen was one of those instances where she wanted to be in full control. He didn't mind. He liked seeing her so confident.

Looking around the kitchen, seeing into the dining room where he had help set the table, watching Letitia moving about the kitchen with such self-assurance he had a sudden flash of what might be and it felt like his stomach dropped to the floor. Letitia happened to turn around and saw him standing stock still, he's eyes blinking.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? You looked stunned."

"What? Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking how amazing you look, and are," he replied, with a bit of a smile.

"Well, I don't think that's nothing. I think it's just wonderful," she said, walking up to him.

"I know you're busy but would you mind," he said as he stepped in and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him."

Her arms were around him in an instant and her chin came to rest on his shoulder. With her lips close to her ear she said,

"I don't mind at all and insist you do this as often as you can. I love how it feels to have you holding me like this. Are we going to be able to spend the rest of the summer together?" she asked.

"I can't see any reason not to. I don't have a summer job. I just have to take care of Max and we can do that together. He really likes you. After that, it's just a matter of finding things we can do together."

She released her hold on him and he did likewise so she could get on with dinner. She talked as she worked.

"Shouldn't be too hard. There's bike riding and making out. We can go to the pool and then making out. We can even do some hiking and making out."

"I think I'm picking up a pattern," he said with a smile.

"I should hope so."

"You know, I think you should be ready for something."

"Oh, yeah, what do you have in mind," she said, looking over her shoulder at him with a wicked grin.

"Not that. When you start talking to my mother, don't be surprised if she writes an article about you. And who knows where that might lead."

"Why would it lead anywhere?"

"Because her articles on food and cooking wind up in all kinds of magazines and all kinds of people read them. You could just become the next big thing," he said grinning.

"I have my doubts about that. Besides, I just want to be your big thing, and want your big thing," she said with a laugh. "For the rest of it, there's time for that latter."

She adjusted the flames on a couple of pots and then bore down on him, wrapped him up in her arms and proceeded to kiss him hard and deep, her hips grinding against his. When she pulled back her eyes were fixed on his and she said,

"If my mother wasn't due home any minute, I'd have your pants on the floor. God, I am so hot for you."

He could feel her chest rising and falling against him with her heavy breathing. The intensity of her feelings had him a little rattled and he defensively fell back on humor, which he almost instantly regretted.

"I wouldn't have guessed."

Her expression shifted in an instant and he felt the change in her body posture as well.

"Hey, I'm sorry. This has been the best day ever, but it's got me a little shook up."

Her expression softened a touch and her posture relaxed but it was plain she was still a little upset.

"Why shook up and not deliriously happy?" implying she was the later.

"I've never had someone that I was really, really close with. You know, like a best friend or girlfriend or even brother or sister. It's always been just a bunch of people you hung out with. So having you so focused on me and me being so fixated on you, and it all happened so fast. My head is still spinning."

Now she was looking at him in a more speculative manner. Her grip on him tightened and her eyes were squinting at him.

"Fixated on me and your head is spinning. I think I like that. Maybe I'll just have to keep you that way."

Then her lips were back on his and she didn't stop kissing him until she heard the garage door going up.

"Mom's home. We'll pick this up latter after dinner," she said, stepping back but with a very determined look on that exquisite face.

Charlie wouldn't have been surprised if the ground had opened up and swallowed him whole. When Ms. Robertson walked into the kitchen she was all smiles as she bore down on Charlie and gave him a brief but tight hug.

"Well, Charlie, I didn't expect to see you again so soon, but this a pleasant happening. Letitia loves having someone to feed. It's amazing her father and I don't weigh several hundred pounds apiece."

"Oh, mother, please. You and Daddy run around so much you'd never get fat," Letitia said with a laugh.

Her mother laughed in return and then looked around.

"Well, I see you two have things well in hand. I'll go clean up and be right back."

Charlie looked at his new girlfriend and said,

"If you haven't already, you should think about culinary school."

"I've thought about it. That's a hard way to make a living, long hours in a kitchen. Right now it's more like a hobby. I don't know about doing it for a living."

He just nodded. They went about the business of finishing up and getting food ready for the table. Just in time, Letitia's dad bustled into the kitchen. Where Letitia's mom bore more of the African and Latin traits, her dad had more of the Asian and Pacific attributes. He also radiated energy. Every movement was quick and precise, even the kiss on the cheek he gave his younger daughter.

"Daddy, this is Charlie. His family moved in up the block."

"Ah, yes, very nice property, great potential. Nice to meet you, Charlie."

"Easy, Daddy. Charlie's mom already has your card and Mom's phone number."

"Ah, well, dinner smells wonderful," the man replied.

"Smells? My food never smells, it has an aroma," Letitia glared at her father with mock ferocity.

Mr. Robertson looked at Charlie and said in a fake whisper,

"Now would be a good time to run, young man."


Charlie couldn't help but laugh. Letitia gave him a squinty stare and then carried another bowl to the dining room table. Her father winked once and then headed out in the same direction as his wife. When Letitia returned from the kitchen she still had that flinty eyed stare but Charlie was pretty sure it was a pose.

"He's a funny guy," Charlie said.

"Only where I'm concerned. Usually he's pretty serious about things."

"Looks like someone is Daddy's favorite girl, then," he said.

"Why would you say that?"

"If you're the only one he treats like that, you're his favorite girl."

"What about you," she said, sliding up to stand just in front of him. "Am I you're favorite girl?"

"You're my only girl, and that's more than enough for anyone."

She flashed him her brilliant smile, planted a big wet kiss on his lips and then went back to the range top to get the last of the food for dinner. When they were all seated and in the process of serving themselves, her father was the first to offer a question.

"So if you don't mind my asking, Charlie, what brings you and your family to town?"

"My dad got a promotion. We've done this a few times already. He promised this would be the last time until I go off to school somewhere."

"And where might that be?"


"What? He's a young man you obviously have an interest in. Shouldn't I be allowed to have an interest as well?" he asked, his face a mask of sincerity.

"It's okay, I don't mind," Charlie interjected. "I have no idea. I'm not sure what I want to do. My dad is big in finance, but he didn't know what he wanted to do when he was in high school. So maybe I'll wind up the same way."

"Well, son, don't let it bother you. Too many young people stress over that. It'll come to you when the time is right."

Charlie was surprised to hear that coming from this successful and hardworking man. He was afraid he'd object to his daughter being interested in someone like that. The rest of the dinner passed pleasantly with much of the discussion centering around the house's landscaping and Letitia's cooking. By the time they were done, Charlie was sure he had eaten too much, but he couldn't help himself. After he helped them clean up, Letitia walked him back out into the backyard, and to a section in the rear that seemed isolated from the house. There was even a small bench back there.

"This is space my mother created for herself. It let her hide from my sister and me when we got to be a bit much."

Before he could reply she had her arms around his shoulders and she was kissing him, her body pushing hard against his. Despite a full stomach he was more than willing to respond in kind, his hands drifting down to hold her ass and pull her tighter against him. Her hips started to grind and he could feel himself responding.

She surprised him further by sitting on the bench and frantically working at his belt and pants, pulling them down and exposing his expanding cock. She gripped it in both hands and got her mouth on the head, her tongue flicking over the tip. Then her mouth slid down the shaft and she began a serious blow job.

Charlie had his hands on her head, just lightly holding them there. She didn't need any help from him. After a few more minutes she was standing with his wet cock in one hand and her lips back on his. Her other hand grabbed one of his and pulled it to press against her pussy through her tight shorts.

He popped the button and undid the zipper, then sliding his hand in to play with her clit and pussy lips through the thin fabric of her panties. She was moaning into his mouth as her hand began a steading stroking of his cock. They continued stroking and fingering each other for longs minutes until Letitia's hips started to buck and then she went stiff, squealing into his mouth. Her grip tightened on his cock and it was his turn and he began to fire off shots of cum that landed among the plants lining the little path by the bench.

When their orgasms subsided they slumped against each other while their lips remained glued together. Letitia finally pulled back and then dropped her chin on his shoulder. It didn't appear as if she ever intended to let go of him. But in a breathy voice just by his ear she said,

"Oh god, we are in so much trouble."

"What, do you think your parents can see us?" Charlie said, trying to look around.

"No, sweetheart, it's not that," she said with a laugh from his shoulder. "I mean, how are we supposed to be around each other without wanting to tear each other's clothes off."

"Ah, well, I suppose it's something called self-control."

"The hell with that. If I had my way, we'd be naked all the time," she said, letting her chin rub into the muscle on his shoulder.

He managed to pull his head back so that the two could regard each other eye to eye.

"As wonderful a way to go through life as that sounds, I don't think it's really all that realistic. I mean school, for instance. I'm pretty sure they have some sort of dress code."

His expression was deadpan and she tried to match him but in short order her lips were quivering and she began to chuckle. He did keep his hold on her rather tightly and continued on.

"I suppose we'll just have to spend as much time as possible together this last part of the summer so that by the time school's come around we'll have built up the ability to resist each other's charms so we stay out of jail."

She kissed him again and then reached down to tuck his softened cock back into his pants and then zipped and buttoned him up again. She took care of her own pants and although her panties were a bit damp, the dark color of her shorts kept any marks from showing. With her arms loosely draped around his shoulders, she regarded his handsome face and said,

"I'm afraid that's going to take more than a month, maybe I'll be ready in time for college."

She blew out a big breath and then gave his arm a tug and said,

"Come on, there's still some light left, let's take a walk around the block and then you can drop me off here. Any plans for tomorrow?"

"No, but then I had none for today and look what happened."

"Well, I did have plans, remember? So you and I will spend the day working on that resistance you talked about. That's going to take a lot of work."

So the young couple made their way out of the backyard and onto the public sidewalk, hand in hand for a leisurely stroll past the well maintained houses and lawns where Letitia continued to introduce him to who lived where and some interesting tidbits about each. Charlie just walked along, listening to her melodious voice and marveling at how his life had taken such a turn in just a day, less actually. He wondered at what was to come.

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