
By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Oct 20, 2001


This story is a work of fiction. If you are underage, cool, if not, cool. If you are offended by material with homosexual tendencies, what the hell are you doing here?

Neriam woke early as such habits are difficult to break. He looked over to see Alsuin carefully sleeping on his side of the bed, so he had no difficulties in getting out of bed to prepare for the day ahead. He gathered all his extra clothing, balling it into a small a pile as possible and placed the blankets and other supplies he had been given by Master Adane into the pack, leaving the cloak out for the day's wear. He looked at his trail rations, realizing that there would not be enough for two. He meditated on his course of events, attempting to determine where his destiny will lead, although pleased to have a companion once again. He hoped devoutly that Alsuin would prove to be a good friend and companion, although his heart ached when his thoughts moved to Mordeth. -I haven't thought of him enough-he mourned. -Some friend I am.-

The light of the early morning woke Alsuin, and he started, not remembering where he was, but wondered to find himself on a real bed for the first time in months. Suddenly, he remembered and flopped back in relief, knowing he was safe. He lay there for a few moments, but wondered where Neriam had gone. "Neriam," he called softly. Hearing no response, he sat up and looked around the room. At the foot of the bed, Neriam sat with his back straight and his legs crossed underneath, staring ahead with vacant eyes.

"Neriam?" Alsuin crawled across the bed, placing his hand lightly on his friend's bare shoulder. Without warning, Neriam's hands flew toward Alsuin's, grabbing his wrist and forearm and hauling him airborne. Neriam had moved only his arms when Alsuin landed on his with a loud thump. Without even seeming to see, Neriam's hands fired downward toward his prone friend stopping suddenly as his eyes came into focus. "Alsuin," he exclaimed, amazed. "What are you doing?!"

Alsuin groaned. "Nothing. Just...seeing if you were all right."

Neriam had a confused look on his face. "I'm fine. Why? Oh, gods, I'm sorry," he apologized, realizing what he had just done.

Alsuin stiffly sat up and put on a half-smile. "It looks like I've found a good protector, huh?" Neriam flushed. "So, can you teach me any of that?"

Neriam shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Even if I'm not a member of the Order any more, I have sworn that I will not teach any others. I'm sorry."

Alsuin waved it away. "It doesn't matter. I'm not entirely defenseless, although I could use a weapon."

"Do you know how much such things cost?"

"Well, more or less, I do. Don't you?"

He shook his head. "I don't know all that much about money." He hesitated a moment before continuing, "Can you watch it, then? We'll need supplies for such a long journey and I am unsure how to go about it."

Alsuin nodded. "Of course. May I see how much you have?"

Neriam handed him the bag and he peered inside. "This is a lot of money! We can do well with this. I don't think it enough to buy some horses, but we will be all right."

"Good. We'll get you some spare clothes and a pack, some food and weapons, and we'll be on our way."

"That sounds like a good plan."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Alsuin thought for a few minutes. "I think you should. I'm sorry to bother, but I don't know if those men are still looking for me."

"You DO stand out a little bit," Neriam agreed, eyeing his friend's lustrous hair. Alsuin shrugged and put on the pants from the night before. "Don't you wear shirts," he wondered, shivering.

"Not really. But you're buying the clothes, so get what you need. Don't overdo it, though. We'll really need the money for food."

"I know. Are you ready?"


The two boys made their way down to the common room. "Well now," boomed the innkeeper, "where be ye off to, m'boys?" He looked intently at the half- nude Alsuin and gave Neriam a knowing wink and a smile.

"We're going to take my friend home, master innkeeper," Neriam answered, not entirely sure what the wink implied. "So I'm here to settle the bill. Also, I need some supplies. What can I get from you?"

The large man laughed and for a reasonable price gave the two boys some dried meats and fruits that would keep for a while. They thanked him and added the foodstuffs to Neriam's pack. Neriam led the way to the shops of the city, having seen most of them, and watched as Alsuin made his purchases. He grabbed two sets of clothing and a cloak for half the original price. Grabbing some more supplies such as rope, pots and a pack to carry it in, the two boys began to head for the main gate of the town. "Oh, wait a moment," Alsuin exclaimed as they passed a swordsmith's shop.

Bemused, Neriam entered the store and stood in the doorway watching as Alsuin leafed through racks of swords, daggers and scimitars. He lifted several, testing their weight and balance before settling for a fine, slim- bladed rapier. He haggled the merchant for a few moments before getting a scabbard and sword belt thrown in. "Ready," he grinned to Neriam. "I can't believe I almost forgot to carry a weapon. My Master would kill me if he found out!"

Neriam shook his head. "Do you know how to use that thing?"

"Sure. The pointy end goes in the other man," Alsuin grinned. Seeing his friend's dirty look, he laughed. "I was only joking. I had really just begun my training, but I do know how to defend myself. And I have you here, don't I?"

Neriam smiled. "That you do. Are we ready to continue? We've got a long walk."

Alsuin hefted his pack. "Sure. Let's go."

The two of them walked continuously until nightfall. They made camp on the side of the road, and Alsuin cooked some of the dried meat. The smells were enticing and the two boys quickly ate all of it, scraping the pan clean. Alsuin lay back and looked at the stars with a sigh. "It's been a long time since I've done anything like this."

"You have before then?"

"Yes. My Master and I went camping for about a week so that we could get away from the hustle of the city. He'd been a soldier and wanted me to learn how to survive on my own if, goddess forbid, I'd ever been stranded away from the city. Lucky for me he did."

"Oh. So, what kind of man is your Master?"

"Well, Master Darion is a man in his middle years. He's a nobleman, but I haven't really seen him participate in trade or things like that. He has a great deal of money and influence, but some people don't like him very much. I'm not sure why, as he's the nicest man to me. He's a very caring man who knows so much about everything. I expect he's very worried about me. I hope he hasn't done anything rash," he finished in a worried tone of voice.

"I'm sure he's fine and he'll be relieved to see you. We should be there before midsummer."

"Has it really been that long?"

"I guess so. At least you'll be home," he added morosely. Without adding anything, he rolled over and closed his eyes.

Alsuin looked at the stars for a while longer. He softly raised his voice in a clear, boyish tenor. "Wishing on a dream that seems far off...hoping it will come today...into the star-lit night...foolish dreamers turn their gaze...waiting on a shooting star. But...what if that star is not to come? Will their dreams fade to nothing? When the horizon darkens most...we all need to believe there is hope. Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? I know my heart should guide me but...there's a hole within my soul. What will fill this emptiness inside of me? Am I to be satisfied without knowing? I wish, then, for a chance to all I"

He closed his eyes as tears glistened out of their corners and trailed to the ground.

Neriam listened to the clear sound of his friend and let the smooth song guide him to sleep.

He dreamt that night-the first in weeks. The stars overhead swirled into a spiral, flowing down towards him, bathing him in their light. He felt their warmth flood him as he lifted off the ground in wonder. He looked down to see the sleeping form of Alsuin. Then the dream ended and he flowed into the darkness of deep sleep.

They awoke refreshed the next morning and continued on their trek, neither speaking much until lunch. Neriam was deep in his thoughts, all day, and Alsuin was focused on the landscape, looking for a river or stream to refill their wineskins.

With an excited yell, Alsuin ran towards the stream and Neriam soon followed. As they refilled their skins, Neriam tentatively looked over. "You- you sing very well. It was very pretty."

Alsuin flushed slightly. "Thank you. I sang often back home, but haven't since I was taken. It was nice to do it again. Do you sing?"

"Me? Like a frog," he laughed. "I don't think that we should even try it."

"All right," Alsuin allowed. "But how about an instrument?"

"I never learned. I was a little busy with training, I'm afraid."

Alsuin sighed mockingly. "We'll never make a gentleman of you, then, will we?"

Neriam snorted. "I don't think I was ever meant to be one," he replied as he rose.

The boys continued on their journey for several days, chatting about the endlessly small things. Both lived wildly different lives, and a lot of time was spent in comparison. One night, several weeks after their initial outset, the Mountains of Mist, the border between the Good Land and the rest of the continent stood darkly off to their left.

Alsuin had noticed that Neriam willingly spoke of all things except his reason for leaving the monastery, and after two unfruitful attempts, he refrained from asking any more.

They approached a fork in the main road that they traveled and set off toward the mountains. It was nearly the beginning of summer when the boys reached the foothills. Due to the new moon, they had set up their camp earlier than normal and were about to go to sleep when a slight whistling sound stirred Neriam.

"Alsuin," he called out, "watch yourself!" Alsuin looked up to see a brown-fletched arrow thunk into the ground next to him. He dove backwards, searching with his hands for his rapier while gazing out into the darkness from which the arrows came. Neriam stood before him in a defensive stance and quick as could be, flicked his hands around his face and chest, knocking several of the incoming projectiles out of the air.

Finding his rapier, Alsuin jumped to the left of the fire as four unshaved men in dirty, ragged jerkins and waving swords ran towards them. He stepped up next to his friend and the two of them faced the ambushers. The first man swung a vicious overhand blow at Alsuin, who deftly parried aside the blow and thrust his rapier through the man. As the bloodied tip exited the bandit's body, he groaned in surprise and fell towards Alsuin. The boy jumped back and prepared for the next attack, only to see that Neriam had engaged all three.

Neriam moved quickly, dodging slashes and thrusts by all three. "I don't want to hurt you," he informed them, twisting sharply to avoid impalement. "Drop your weapons and go."

"Kill them, Neriam," Alsuin shouted as he ran forward, "or they'll kill you."

Neriam repeated his plea twice, getting a laugh each time, yet despite the sweat on the men's foreheads they still had not yet touched him. The boy sighed and with a quick motion stepped past the outthrust arm of one of the assailants, landing two strikes to the throat. With a crackling of shattered cartilage, the man fell to the ground. Neriam coldly spun, grabbing another man's arm and striking at the elbow. There was another cracking sound and the man screamed. Neriam snatched the sword from his numb hand, spun it in his own, and ran the man through the chest. The third man turned and tried to run, only to find the point of Alsuin's rapier. His momentum carried him to the hilt and with a wheeze, he moved no more.

"Where the hell did they come from," Alsuin panted.

"I don't know. Maybe they saw our fire and when they realized it was only the two of us, figured easy pickings," Neriam hazarded.

"I guess so," Alsuin agreed. He sat on a large rock near where they had set their fire and cleaned his blade with a strip of cloth ripped from one of the dead men's jerkin. Neriam sighed again, and looked at his friend. In the golden light of the fire, Alsuin's skin and hair both glowed with muted light. -He's so unearthly-Neriam thought. He nudged one of the bodies and asked, "Do you think we should bury them?"

Alsuin shook his head. "Let's leave them where they lie. If they've got friends, they'll deal with it." His voice shook slightly, as did the blade he was polishing.

Neriam sat next to him and placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "You did very well. Are you all right?"

"Yes, it's just that..."

"I know. I didn't want to kill them either."

"I've never killed anyone before," he shuddered.

"Sleep on it, Alsuin," Neriam advised. "You'll feel better in the morning."

"But, what about keeping watch?"

"I'll handle that."

"All night?"

"Don't you worry." Neriam knew without being sure how he knew that he could keep watch.

Alsuin shrugged, and settled down to sleep, his adrenaline rush leaving behind a bone-weary exhaustion.

Neriam sat down near the fire and focused his energies. He began to visualize a white line around their little camp-perhaps twenty feet wide and he felt his energy rush out of him. He looked up to see a shimmering, silvery line about six inches above the ground in a square surrounding them before waves of pain rushed through his body. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as his muscles spasmed beyond his control. Several minutes later, the feeling passed and he opened his eyes to see that the line had disappeared. Feeling his own exhaustion, he settled back and slept, hoping he'd done the right thing.

Author's Note: I know this is a little short, and I'm sorry this took so long to come out. The song that Alsuin sings is from a video game called Lunar, so I'm going to give credit where it is due. Anyway, I will work on the next chapter, which hopefully will be a little longer. Please e-mail comments to I love mail. Enjoy

Next: Chapter 7

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