Netflix and Chill

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Feb 4, 2022



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-------------------------------------------------------------------- "Netflix and Chill" Starring Rahul Kohl and Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Author's notes:

This story takes place in June 2021 in New York City.

Characters were randomly selected from nominations on Instagram. Congrats to Richard and Joris!

Rahul made his way down the corridor, his mind scattered. While looking over the list of possible projects in his hand, he was also going over a new character in his mind...and contemplating the cute hotel clerk's meaning of getting "special attention room service" as he was checking in earlier in the afternoon. With his attention divided in three different directions, he wasn't paying attention to the corridor itself...until he ran into what felt like a wall.

"Bloody hell, I am so sorry!". He bent down to help pick up the other person's scattered papers, apologizing as he placed them back into the other person's hands. Looking up, his words trailed away as he gazed into brilliant blue eyes and a very handsome face.

"Oh! You're the guy from...". The definitely-a-person-not-a-wall snapped their fingers while speaking, trying to jog their memory. "...Bly Manor. Man, I really loved that show!"

"Thanks. It was great to work on. Sorry about running into you.". The pair stood, brushing themselves off and returning to normal. "Really sorry".

"No worries. Aaron.". The other man stuck his hand out. Rahul grasped it, enjoying the strong grip.

"Kick-Ass, yes?"

Aaron Taylor-Johnson chuckled at the recognition. "Not `Quicksilver'?". He winked, causing Rahul's stomach to flutter.

"Naw, mate. Your hair isn't blond.". The chuckle turned into a roar of laughter.

"Good point. What brings you to Casa de Netflix?". He extended an arm, waving at the movie posters down the long hallway.

"Just flew in for a few days. They wanted to go over a new show and present some upcoming projects. You?"

"The opposite. Presenting some ideas, hoping that they take the bait.".

Glancing down at his watch, Aaron realized the time. "Crap. Have to go. Was nice meeting you."

"Same. Good luck."

The smile Aaron gave was big, warm, and genuine. "Thanks. You staying at the hotel that Netflix provided?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Maybe we'll bump into each other again soon.". With a pat on the shoulder, Aaron began making his way down the corridor. Rahul found himself standing there with a wistful smile.

`He can bump into me as many times as he likes,' he thought to himself as he sauntered towards the elevator.

He sat in the bar of the hotel lobby, feeling both hopeful and silly...until he heard his name shouted out.

"Rahul!". He was unable to not grin as he looked up to find Aaron entering the lounge, making a beeline across the space.

"How did it go? With the Netflix execs?"

"Aahh, not sure. Have another meeting tomorrow so I should know something better then. How do your project options look?"

"Promising. A couple look intriguing."

"Have anything else planned for the day?"

Rahul ran his hand down his beard, noticing that Aaron's eyes followed the movement. "Not really. Just didn't want to sit up in the room by myself, you know?"

"Completely know the feeling. Want to hang out then? The company would be nice."

Rahul looked into Aaron's eyes for a moment, trying to figure out if he was reading signals correctly... Or just hopeful and horny. He decided that it didn't matter - worst case scenario, he'd spend time with a guy that was really easy on the eyes. Best case scenario...

"That sounds delightful. Which floor are you on?"

"21st floor."

"Same here. Must be a set of rooms that they use regularly."

The pair made their way to the elevator and then to Rahul's room. Walking in, he realized that he'd forgotten to tidy up before leaving. He grabbed some dirty clothes from the living area and hustled to the bedroom.

"What's this?"

Rahul wracked his mind, trying to imagine what he'd left out. Re-entering the living area, he found Aaron holding up a thin black cylinder. He also spied the bottle of lube that he'd left out on the side table behind Aaron.

"I...uh, wanted to calm some nerves before the meeting.". Making his way past Aaron, he subtly moved the lube into the end table drawer, turning to find Aaron reading the vape cartridge.

"You have good taste.". Rahul looked up to find Aaron's blue eyes gazing at him.

"I hope so.". He wasn't sure if the line and raised eyebrow were too subtle.

"Do you mind if...?". Rahul shook his head, watching as those cute lips wrapped around the base of the vape, imagining them wrapped around something else. The other man exhaled, a cloud of smoke rising toward the ceiling. He held the pen out to Rahul, who copied the motion, making a note that their lips had touched the same instrument, in a distant sort of kiss.

The night went quickly...too quickly. They ordered dinner and drinks, time flowing by as they recounted stories from filming they'd done.

"Damn... Didn't realize it was that late.". Aaron looked down at his watch and then back up to Rahul. The host couldn't figure out what the look in Aaron's eyes was...disappointment? Longing? Wishful thinking on his own part?

"Oh wow.". He glanced down at his own watch. "How did that happen?"

"Good company." Rahul found himself smiling broadly from the compliment. He lifted his glass, tilting it towards his new friend.

"Back at ya.". Tilting the glass, he emptied its contents.

"Good luck tomorrow."

"Thanks. You too."

"Ahhh, don't remind me. I hate auditions."

"You'll do fine. I think they like you.". A wink and a hug... And Aaron was gone. Rahul looked down at his crotch, shrugging slightly.

"Sorry old friend. I'll find a good movie for you tomorrow."

Showing and brushing his teeth, he climbed into bed...

... And had just dozed off when he heard knocking. Scratching the back of his head, Rahul made his way to the hotel room entrance, wondering who it could be at this hour.

Swinging the door open, he couldn't help but look down before looking up. Aaron was back, in a white t-shirt that fit just right, white boxers, and nothing else... Holding a vape pen.

"I couldn't sleep..."

Rahul did a small double-take, which confused Aaron. "Sorry. It's probably a little late."

Rahul swung the door further open, extending his arm in a welcoming gesture. "No, not at all. Just surprised.". Aaron sheepishly made his way into the suite. "I'm just not dressed for company.".

Aaron turned, his eyes flicking down and then back up as he took in his host, clad in only a tank top and boxer-briefs. "Well, seems we're closely matched," he replied. Rahul took the opportunity to examine Aaron's attire once more. The white t-shirt hugged every muscle of his upper body...and the white boxers didn't have much room left after covering those thick thighs.

"Valid point. So, you couldn't sleep?"

"No, a little nervous about tomorrow. I come bearing gifts.". A hand extended out with the vape pen.

"That's one of the best kinds of guests.". With a smile, Rahul took the pen and made his way to the couch, grabbing the bottle of scotch and two glasses along the way.

"One of...?". Aaron sat, his head tilted with confusion.

Rahul waved his hand as he blew out a puff, handing the pen over to his guest. "Nothing. Bad joke.". He noticed Aaron's eyebrow rise and a small grin pull at the corner of his lips as they wrapped around the small black cylinder. He wondered if Aaron had gotten the joke after all.

"So, why are you nervous?". He listened as Aaron got his worries off of his chest...that big broad chest. Rahul worked to keep his eyes up as Aaron spoke, but it was hard. That shirt was almost one size too small...and those boxers. They clung to the other man's legs, a long bulge snaking down the left thigh. And there was no button on the fly, so whenever Aaron spread his legs at the slightest, the fly gapped open, giving a quick, tantalizing peek. And those legs seemed to spread frequently, driving Rahul crazy.

Aaron wrapped up his worries, handing the vape over and leaning back on the couch. "So, Jedi Master, what about your meetings tomorrow?"

Rahul shook his head and furrowed his brows, both in confusion at Aaron's words as well as trying to figure out if those legs were spread further than before. The fly certainly seemed more open, giving a nice view.


Aaron glanced down and then back up, one finger pointed at Rahul's Star Wars boxer briefs.

He put both hands up in the air. "Hey, you caught me in bed. Besides, you're not much more dressed.". Another chance to look down and up again, their eyes meeting for a beat longer than normal.

"Thought I caught you at the door, not in bed...?". Aaron's words trailed off as he turned to look at the bedroom doorway, breaking the tension with a laugh.

Rahul quickly ran through a list of proposed projects. The conversation devolved into an ad libbed acting session. Aaron would briefly describe an idea he was going to present, running through some imaginary lines of dialogue, with Rahul responding as the other character. They did the same with the offers that Rahul has received from Netflix.

Rahul couldn't help but grin, finding it difficult to figure when trying to do more somber ad libbing - they were simply having so much fun with the play acting that it wad impossible not to smile. Aaron's own smile and laughter created a feedback loop, the atmosphere in the room becoming more and more jovial. Several times, Rahul thought he caught Aaron glancing down at his boxer briefs, which caused three pouch to fill out slightly. His own gaze kept drifting down to those boxers - it looked like a lot of meat was being smuggled under the thin white cotton... And every move caused the open fly to shift, offering hot glimpses inside.

It was worse during Aaron's next mini-acting session, which involved a fight scene. The two sparred, feigning punches and kicks at one another. The movements caused both men's crotches to bounce a lot, something that neither man missed noticing.

"You move pretty good," Aaron complimented while settling back onto the couch.

"Thanks. You too.". Their grins and gaze held a moment longer than usual again.

Aaron broke the silence. "So what other role was on your list? The sci-fi one seemed neat."

"Yeah, it does. Thinking of taking them up on that one. The other was...". He closed his eyes, remembering what the sheet of paper looked like. "... ah, romantic drama. A period piece one."

"Very nice. That means you'll get some dapper costumes."

"Hush, you.". Rahul made as if he were about to throw a pillow, prompting his friend to duck and laugh.

"Alright, I'll behave.". Aaron's wink have away the lie. "So how's this one go?"

"Victorian London. I know...". He reached toward the pillow again. "Doctor. Falls in love with one of the ladies of the royal court, with the potential for scandal if it becomes known."

"Intriguing.". Aaron's eyebrows rose and fell with exaggerated mischief, cut off when the pillow finally did fly through the air, smacking him square in the middle of his chest.

The pair worked through a couple of pretend scenes, with Rahul acting as the doctor and Aaron alternating between his best friend being confided to and the love interest.

He found himself lost within the fictional world, his hands on Aaron's cheeks, ranting about how they could leave London and run away together, making a new life.

"I want this, I want you so badly that it makes me ache inside!"

"Then prove it - show me how much you want me!"

Rahul stood there, bodies close together, palms on either side of Aaron's face, staring into those beautiful blue eyes. He felt pulled across the short distance, their lips coming closer and closer, giving Aaron time to pull away.

Instead, he felt the other man's lips press against his own. It was tentative at first, as if they were still play acting. The intensity grew, until he found himself sucking on Aaron's bottom lip and felt big strong hands clutch at his shoulders, pulling him in even closer.

Rahul rolled his head back, letting out a long sigh of pleasure. His fingers worked through Aaron's long curly hair as the other man's head bobbed up and down. He'd peeled off Aaron's t-shirt earlier and traced every muscle with his tongue...but when he got to the waistband of the boxers, his guest had pulled Rahul up while he made his own way down the tanned body, tugging down the boxer briefs and swallowing Rahul's seven inch length in one gulp.

His head worked up and down feverishly, intoxicated by the taste and feel of Rahul's meat. Occasionally he would pull back, running his tongue around the tip, tasting his host's nectar while looking up with an eager-to-please expression.

With a playful growl, Rahul lifted Aaron to his feet, pulling him into another kiss as they stumbled towards the bedroom, their lips attacking each other with each step. He pushed Aaron onto the bed, the white boxers tenting obscenely. Taking the cotton fabric between his fingers, Rahul gently pulled, watching as more of his friend's skin was exposed. His eyes went wide as the boxers cleared Aaron's thighs, a long tube of flesh popping free...and still growing now that it was no longer confined.

Wrapping his hand around the base, he pumped the cock until it stopped stretching out and thickening. "God"

"A little over 24...". Aaron grinned sheepishly, always a little embarrassed when someone saw his manhood for the first time. He watched as Rahul did the math in his head.

"So a little over nine and a half...fuuuuuuck. This must feel amazing ramming inside."

"If...we, if I did that, yeah."

Rahul got the hint, smiling as he took a long lick up the length of meat. "That's okay baby. It'll be hot watching this bounce around while you're getting pounded.".

He looked up while licking again to find Aaron smiling ear to ear, eager to see Rahul make good on those words.

Rahul slid his lips up and down. Despite several attempts, he couldn't take all of Aaron down his throat. Pulling off, he wiped his mouth and tear-streaked cheeks. "Gonna need more practice with that.". He crawled up, locking his lips with Aaron's as their tongues began wrestling again. He watched with surprise as Aaron slid out from underneath and left the room...grinning as his friend returned with a bottle in hand.

"Ahh, so you caught me squirreling that away, eh?". Aaron winked with a nod as he climbed back onto the bed, opening the bottle and pouring lube down Rahul's thick tool. Once the pole was sufficiently greased, Aaron closed the bottle and tossed it to the side, straddling Rahul. One hand caressed the hair on his chest while the other grasped the base of his shaft. He groaned as Aaron's entrance opened up and allowed him inside, the tightness of that ass swallowing his dick.

In one squat, Aaron took his entire manhood inside, his ring squeezing Rahul's root. Those muscular thighs began pumping, propelling Aaron's hips up and down. His fingers clutched at Rahul's chest as he went faster and faster. His long thick pole flopped around as he rode, slapping against his abs and Rahul's stomach, splattering pre-cum all over.

Aaron looked like a man on a mission, his eyes glazed with hunger as he stared into Rahul' dark brown orbs.

"What do you need baby?"

"Your....mmmmm....damn you feel so good. Your...cum."

"Yeah? Where?". He watched as Aaron grinned devilishly instead of speaking, knowing right where this hungry bottom wanted his seed.

Growling again, he rolled Aaron off of him. With deft movements, they were in a new position right away, Aaron on all fours as Rahul mounted him from behind. One hand held those muscles hips as he began slamming in and out, Aaron's mewling egging him on. The meals.became moans as Rahul's fingers clenched the long locks of hair, gently tugging them back.


"Mmhmm?". Skin slapped against skin as his hips smacked against that amazing firm rear.

"I need it...please...."

"Tell me what you want."

"Breed me. Please. Fuck I need it."

"Aaaargghhhh!!!!". Rahul cried out, Aaron's begging pushing him over the edge. He slammed forward, burying himself balls deep as he shot his seed deep into Aaron's guts.

The other man felt his insides being flooded, triggering his own release, his body quaking as he shot all over the bedspread.

Spent, the pair of bodies curled down, cuddling with one another as their lips met again...still hungry but with less fervor than before. Before too long, their bodies responded and rose to the occasion once more. Lifting Aaron's legs and feeling them wrap around his waist, Rahul slid back inside. This coupling was slower and more passionate, with Aaron's hips rising up to meet Rahul's thrusts as their lips and tongue played at one another's mouth and neck. Their speed gradually increased until Rahul was ramming into Aaron, his mess of curly hair wedged into the pillow, both of their bodies covered in sweat.

Once again, he get Aaron's insides clamp like a velvet glove around his cock, the intense squeezing triggering his own release as he juices once more inside his new lover.

Rolling off and laying next to Aaron, their chests heaved as they caught their breath.

"When's round three? Ow!". He laughed as Rahul swatted his chest.

"Are you trying to f*ck the life out of me?" He chuckled, leaning over for another kiss.

"No. was really good. Really really good.". His fingers trailed through Rahul's chest hair. "And just...looking forward to more."

"Hang on.". Rahul's eyes twinkled with mischief as he rolled the other way, lifting the hotel phone to his ear and dialing 0. The voice on the other end was familiar...and then eager. Hanging up, Rahul shook his head and chuckled as Aaron asked what he was up to.

Minutes later, the door knocked and slowly creaked open. "Hello?"

"In here.". Rahul grinned as two hotel employees entered the room and quickly began shedding their clothing. Name tags gleamed in the lamp light. "Aaron, meet Joris and Richard. You boys fill in for me while I recover. This one's insatiable.". The two grinned and high-fived as they climbed into the bed and quickly began exploring Aaron's body.

An hour later, Rahul had emptied another load down Richard' throat after watching them fill Aaron in a variety of positions, both taking care of his mouth, meat, and especially his ass.

"Did you have fun?". His palm slid up Aaron's back and then down his arm and took his hand, leading him to the shower.

"Yesssssssss.". The word was almost a purr.

"We still have tomorrow night too.". Steam began filling the room and they stepped into the shower.

"Better make the most of it.".

"Still nervous about your meetings?"

Aaron dove in for a deep kiss, his hands clutching at Rahul's sides. Slowly he pulled away, a warm smile stretching his cheeks. "No, not at all."


These characters might show up one day in mainline story series such as "Holland Far From Bone" or "Suckered by a Jonas Brother". If/when that occurs, the character depictions will remain consistent with the way they are written here, both in personality and physical traits.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you.

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