New Covenant

By juan guzman

Published on Apr 26, 2008


Disclaimer: "The Covenant" names, titles, characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Sony Pictures Inc. (Screen Gems) and Lakeshore Entertainment. I solemnly swear that there is no monetary gain on my part by writing this FICTIONAL alternate universe to "The Covenant" (c) 2006. All "Charmed" names, titles characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Spelling Entertainment, and Constance M. Burge. All original characters are my sole property, and released to public archiving by Nifty Archives.

The following contains sexual and romantic relations between two or more men. If this subject makes you uncomfortable please do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some states) and therefore it is illegal to view this material please do not read on.

If none of the above apply to you, well then ENJOY.

Chapter 6: A Tactical Answer

I looked at Caleb's bed, his forehead glistened with sweat, when I looked at David, his forehead glistened in the same way as Caleb's. An idea wiggled its way into my head, like a worm burrowing in the ground. "Has anyone tried to heal Caleb?"

Wyatt turned to me, a puzzled look in his eyes. "you don't think...Caleb? Chris do you mean what I think you mean? But, that didn't work did it?" he looked around the room.

"Yea Wyatt, I think it did. I mean look at the timing. Dave's being rushed in and Caleb comes in orbs, which weren't exactly white, they seemed like purple or something I think this is it."

Wyatt looked at me, then he looked around the room. His eyes fell on mom and dad, then he looked back at me. "This isn't something we should discuss in front of them, don't you think? I mean it's not for us to tell, it's David's thing."

"If you're talking about Dave being gay, you're late, we already know, and plus he told me when he was 10, you guys weren't home. Now spit it out, if this could save him I need to know, please." My mom's eyes shone with pain, she looked at Wyatt pleadingly, her eyes welling up with tears.

"well in all truth it goes beyond the gay thing. You see...


The manor's attic.

Wyatt, Chris and David stand by the Book.

David looks through the pages, he seems to be looking for something specific.

"UGH! I'm never gonna find what I need in this book, it's all about destroying demons, and warlocks, all this shit, but no love spells...I need to find him." He looks at his brothers, pleading with his eyes "please help me write a spell that'll make him come to me...PLEASE!!!!"

Wyatt looks around, then whispers "If mom or the aunts caught us, we'd be in a hell of a lotta trouble, now listen, you said you knew you were like 20 in your dream right?" he looks at David, David nods his head yes "well, you're only 10, we could cast it later, like in a year or two, c'mon Dave...I don't like being up here this late, let's all just go to bed, I mean what's the rush?"

Chris looks at the book, he's reading the Scrying spell, his eyes light up "I have an idea!!!" Wyatt and David look at him in unison "well why don't we just reword the Scrying spell, then try scrying for him, that way you'll know where he lives...I mean it'd be a start."

David is alit with anticipation, while Wyatt is full of doubts and precaution, Piper has always told her sons how dangerous it would be to use magic for personal gain, he was sure finding David's true love through magic fell right under that category.

"I cal upon the Halliwell line, when I need him most bring forth the guy who's truly mine!!!" Lights swirled around the attic, but nothing major seemed to happen.

"Well, clearly you-know-who is watching, and they undid it before you were even finished. I'm telling ya Dave, they ain't gonna let it happen that wouldn't be a Halliwell if you didn't get you heart broken like 50 times before you find the right fit." Wyatt was beaming, it was like a personal victory, David had no right to find true love through magic, no one did.

"Well this was a bust...Imma go back to bed before we GET busted...I have an arcade to visit tomorrow, can't do it if I'm'nite fellas" Chris orbed out, Wyatt followed his lead, now it was only David in the attic.

David waves his hand, and utensils come flying from the walls, a pewter cauldron, some candles, and some ingredients come forth as well. David guided the things to a table by the window, then winked at the window and it swung open, revealing the full moon at its prime.

David begins to mix a potion. He tosses many herbs in, guided only by instinct and the few lessons he's taken with his mom and aunts. The potion begins to smoke, he adds a rose, then a lily, a tulip, and a sunflower.

"Hear now the words of this witch. My secrets I hide in the night. Heed now the words of this witch. Bring my rightful one to my side. Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda, Laura, Astrid and Grace, bring together my love and I through time and space. In this night and in this hour I summon all my covens power The oldest of gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought. Blood to blood I summon thee, blood to blood with my true love at my most vulnerable unite me." Swirling lights begin to surround David, moving faster and faster, creating more and more light, David sits still and looks around, enjoying the spectacle he's created, he begins to giggle.

Finally the lights subside and the window slams closed. David grabs a triquetra necklace and dips it into the potion, then hangs it around his neck. He walks to the attic door, but decides to orb last minute.

(Chris stops telling the story then remembers what happened next

Chris's jaw is on the floor, he couldn't believe what he'd just seen. He goes to the cauldron and quietly recites the spell then dips the triquetra necklace as well. He orbs back into his room, and sits on the bed, ranting at no one in particular. Then he slowly falls asleep.

Back in the present

"HE DID WHAT?!?!?!?! I can't believe you were so reckless!! Well no wonder we can't heal him, what if this is him at his most vulnerable? What if...what if Caleb is Dave's true love? I mean...isn't that how he re-worded the spell Chris `at my most vulnerable with my true love unite me?' I mean...this could be personal gain come to bite us on the ass." Mom looked at David, and got closer to the bed. She sat down next to him and held his hand, a tear fell slowly down her cheek. "I'm sorry for what I am about to do. I love you. KIRA!!"

Kira orbed in looking surprised "How did you get me here? I was protecting a charge!! What do you need?"

"I need you to heal Caleb, and erase his memory. After all he is the reason you were here...right? But once we got involved, the Elders decided to let this play out...jump in whenever I'm wrong by the way...then, when some oracle, probably Prue, saw that Dave had cast a spell to bring him and his true love together, personal gain came into play and the Elders knew that this...coma or ...shock or whatever it is that Dave had fallen into wasn't for any of us to mess with isn't that right? Now, I want you to heal Caleb, and orb him to wherever it is that he lives in, and make sure he remembers nothing, we'll do the same for David, and that way we'll let destiny have its way, and I get to save my son." Kira was stunned, dad was simply nodding along, while my aunts and uncles just stared at my mom, me and Wyatt concentrated on our shoes.

"I can't believe this...I'll have to talk to them did'd she...WOW" Kira wasn't making any sense, so dad orbed her to the Elders. He rounded his gaze on us.

"Now, you two, you should go home. We'll deal with this tomorrow. For right now, making sure that we can save David is the most important thing. Coop, can you check what other effects the spell may have caused? Phoebe, Piper, Paige, you should go home and rest. Harry, you should get back to work, I'll stay here with David and Caleb." He looked at us one more time, I knew he loved us, but we had crossed a line, and if the sons of the Charmed Ones couldn't keep their hands off of personal gain, well in his mind that was just a prelude of what might come with our generation.

"Dad, mom I...I'm sorry, for whatever that's worth." Wyatt hung his head, then orbed out.

"I shoulda said something sooner...I shoulda said something a long, long time ago, I'm really sorry...I..." I could think of nothing that would soothe how I felt, therefore I knew nothing I said could soothe how they felt, I orbed home, to the Manor, hoping to save David, and myself.

"INCOMING!!!!" As I orbed in Wyatt flew out of the Solarium's door, turned and sent an athamey flying inside, there was a grunt and then an explosion, once again we were under attack.

I ran to Wyatt to help him up, but a demon shimmered in in front of me, and smacked me across the face, sending me flying across the room. I crashed against the wall, then hit the floor. I looked up, and telekinetically sent the demon flying backwards, making him crash against the grandfather clock.

I began to go towards the solarium, I could hear Wyatt using his magic inside, I saw a fireball headed towards me, so I deflected it towards a demon it hit the demon in the chest and it blew up.

(The story will be told form Third Person)

Chris looked around hoping to find Wyatt, he spotted Wyatt fighting two demons in the living room. He orbed to his brother's side. As he orbed in, he kicked one of the demons sending it flying out of the window.

"Chris, get outta here, you gotta find a way to help Dave, I could handle these by myself. GO!" Wyatt pushed Chris toward the door, but Chris didn't budge.

"Why do I always have to leave when there's a fight? Not this time!!" he spun and orbed towards another demon, when he orbed in he punched the demon sending it against a hook on the wall, causing the demon to explode.

Chris was in the dining room, and Wyatt in he living room, both holding up their ends, while an endless hoard of demons kept up the attack.

Chris jumped up and did a split-kick, sending two demons flying back. A third demon shimmered in behind Chris, an athamey ready in his hand, while a fourth shimmered in front of Chris, and sent a fireball at him. Chris called the fireball and turned it towards the demon that had sent it, the demon shimmered out and the fireball missed him, then he shimmered back in. the demon behind Chris lunged forward with full-force, athamey at the ready, he plunged the athamey forward, Chris orbed out, and the demon's momentum took him straight into the other demon, in his fright the second demon created a fireball and sent it forward, both demons hit at once, and they were both vanquished, the dining room was clear.

Wyatt was in the living room, surrounded by demons, they all had fireballs, and energy balls ready, bouncing them on their hands, all looking at Wyatt. All at once the demons hurled their respective powers at Wyatt, he activated his shield and the power/fireballs bounced off and shot back at their respective owners vanquishing them on the spot.

(Back to Chris' POV)

The last demon vanished in a wall of fire and there was nothing left but destroyed property and upturned furniture.

"Why'd you throw that demon at the clock? You know mom's gonna P.I.S.S.E.D. pissed at you, that thing just got back from the repair shop yesterday." Wyatt fanned the front of his face with his hand swaying the smoke away.

"Should we try a spell to clean this up? I mean...with everything that's going on, do we really want mom and dad worrying about property damage?" I looked around, the foyer table was broken in half, the chairs in the solarium were singed, three windows were broken, the grandfather clock was smashed to pieces, and three of the couches in the living room had gaping holes in them. Most of the dining room had been spared, only three of the eight chairs were broken, and the table was only scratched, but there were some scorch marks on the walls, and a couple of holes where some of the demons had landed.

"Yea, let's do it quickly though, don't want mom and the aunts to find out, they'll have our hides. And now with Dave and all, they'll get bitchy even faster."

"Let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen"

Everything around us began to fix itself. Window glass flew back into place, splintered wood came together, torn fabric rewove itself. It all shimmered with golden lights.

"I'm going to the wastelands, I have a feeling Cole might be able to help. And Chris, could you go to the underworld, maybe some of the connections your future self made when came to save me could still help us. We need to find way to save Dave, he's too important to everyone for us to just let him die. I'll see you when I come back, and make sure to take care of yourself, I couldn't handle you AND Dave being out of commission." And with that he orbed out.

I looked around, there were so many memories of David, pictures, moments, and by the door was still his coat. I began to feel lightheaded, not from sickness, but from all the emotion that swirled around me over and over again.

I orbed to the Book. I flipped the pages wanting to find the right spell. I found the spell, and set the candles in a circle.

"Hear these words, hear my cry

Spirit from the other side Come to me, I summon thee Cross now the great divide"

Nothing happened, not Grams, not Grandma Patty, no one.

I found a spell that would link my mind's to David. I put the required candles on he floor and surrounded myself with five cydarite crystals, and chanted the spell.

"Life to life and mind to mind Our spirits now will intertwine I meld our souls and journey to The one whose thoughts I wish I knew"

I felt lightheaded, then collapsed...there was nothing more.

Author's Note;

Okay, okay. So yes I like making people go unconscious, but its good...and we will be meting someone new...Hope the person realizes who I'm talking about.

To those who've shown support thanks a lot. The emails help me get my juices flowing.

And as Always feedback is welcome at and at u can im me as well. AOL is the sure shot for ims and Hotmail is more of a sure shot for e-mails, though I do check both

Next: Chapter 7

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