New Covenant

By juan guzman

Published on Dec 3, 2008


Disclaimer: "The Covenant" names, titles, characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Sony Pictures Inc. (Screen Gems) and Lakeshore Entertainment. I solemnly swear that there is no monetary gain on my part by writing this FICTIONAL alternate universe to "The Covenant" (c) 2006. All "Charmed" names, titles characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Spelling Entertainment, and Constance M. Burge. All original characters are my sole property, and released to public archiving by Nifty Archives. All songs belong to their respective artist and recording corporation.

The following contains sexual and romantic relations between two or more men. If this subject makes you uncomfortable please do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some states) and therefore it is illegal to view this material please do not read on.

If none of the above apply to you, well then ENJOY.


Chapter 9: Where's Caleb?

Let's turn the clock back to that faithful day when Caleb Danvers went missing.

I kept looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Halliwell Brothers, I went to the nearest flight screen, and looked for flight 374, San Francisco to Ipswich. It had arrived on time, meaning the brothers should be around here somewhere. I went to the food court, thinking they might have gotten hungry, but they weren't there. I headed outside to the smokers corner, who knows one of them might smoke, but they weren't there either, their flight had gotten here at 2:00 pm EST, it was now 3:30 pm EST, and I couldn't find them anywhere, I took out my cell and dialed the school's main line, the phone rang once...twice...

"Spenser Preparatory School, this is Ms. Daniels speaking, how may I direct your call?" "Ms. Daniels, this is Caleb Danvers speaking, Provost Higgins asked me to pick up some new students at the airport, and I was just wondering-"

"Oh, Mr. Danvers...ummm there was an accident, the Halliwell brothers won't be here today, it was my mistake, I meant to call you earlier, but we got tied up."

"Oh, is everyone ok? Was it the flight or something else?"

"The youngest brother had a car accident, we don't know much else. Do you want to speak to Provost Higgins?"

"No, that's all right, I'll just drive back home. Thank you Ms. Daniels have a good day."

I clicked the phone, and began walking out of the airport, as I got to the doors my throat caught, and my breathing became ragged, my head began to spin, and my eyesight blurred, I saw white lights, and then I hit the airport floor, and it all went black.


We were all hanging out at Tyler's house when it happened. Nothing seemed out of sorts, the day had been quiet thus far, and we had been enjoying the last couple days of summer, but then there was that twang, like the snapping of a chord, like a long high note on an electric guitar, like the sound of dun bells falling onto the mat. But we felt, not heard it. All of us, at the exact same time, we felt as Magic took Caleb away.


It had been a normal day, just the guys sitting around, we were waiting for Caleb to come back from the airport so we could all head on over to Pat's and have some fun, the summer was winding down quickly and I didn't want to miss a single moment. Then we felt it, like a knife, Caleb was gone...physically removed from Ipswich, for the first time in over 200 years, an integrant of the Families had left Ipswich, and it was crystal clear that it wasn't by his own will.


From the moment he took the keys to my car, I knew there was something wrong, I could sense it in the air, like an omen...something told me to go after him, to make sure everything would be fine, but I knew Caleb Danvers, and he would've never allowed any of us along. Caleb liked driving alone in the middle of nowhere, it helped him relax. When I felt that snap I thought the worse had come to pass, but then I knew he was alive, although he was geographically unavailable to us at the moment, I knew Caleb was alive.

Third POV

As Caleb disappeared, a wave of kinetic energy ravage its way back to town where the guys were. Every magical tuned person felt a certain discomfort, or a peculiar peace, or sudden flare of their powers, but none knew that Caleb Danvers had very recently been taken away.

The airport's security cameras had blanked out for 10 minutes, Caleb had not been seen leaving the any means. The town of Ipswich had lost a son, and her very fibers cried for him, for that child that protected and helped her, for that magic which she had been accustomed to for so long. The magical inhabitants of Ipswich felt her pain, but 3 of them were now in pain for their long-time friend.


"First thing we have to do is make sure we cover his tracks. We need him to be covered with Provost Higgins, with his mom and dad, with any dates he may have had, and all that crap. We have to make it look like Caleb left town for a while, but not that he did so unexpectedly, everyone knows that's unlike Caleb." I looked at Reid and Tyler and hoped against every hope that they would see that it was the smartest way to do this, and I wouldn't have to fight them on it.

"Fine...I'll call my mom and se if she can help with a ticket or something like that...and with a car...hey wouldn't it be easier if we say he left in Tyler's car...I mean there'd be less to do than if we say he left in a plane." Reid had a point. I looked at Tyler.

"Won't work, I'll bet you anything my car is parked at the airport...that'll raise more questions than it'd answer don't you think?"

"But this is basing it on the fact that Caleb had nothing to do with his leaving, we should head over to the airport and check things out...y'know just make sure everything is how we figure it is." Reid always knew what to say to make everyone uncomfortable.

"Reid, don't you think Caleb woulda told us if e was leaving? It's kinda something he cant hide for long, plus if he was leaving he woulda taken his car, you know how much he loves it. And anywho, what'd make Caleb hide something from us?" even as the words left my lips I felt some doubt creep in slowly, could Caleb be hiding something?

Reid rolled his eyes and left towards the den. Tyler and I simply looked at each other, neither wanting to say what as so obvious, Reid might have a point. I admired Tyler, more than he knew, we all did, he was the voice of reason, even for Caleb. I stared at Tyler, more openly than I had for a very long time, I wondered what his lips felt like pressed against mine, I wondered what it felt like to hold him, to caress him. I noticed everything about him, the shape of his legs, the curve of his ass, the smoothness of his skin, his piercing light green eyes, his plump lips, the winkle in his smile...he looked into my eyes and I could barely breathe.

"Pogue...are you ok?"

"Yea, I was just wondering...where Caleb could be...that's all"

"Well I'm gonna head into the pool...wanna come with?"

"Sure, why not" I could barely keep my cock from tenting my pants, maybe it wasn't a good idea to have shorts on...then again he'd be in shorts too...

"I'm gonna change, you could use my bathroom, I'll get changed in my room, meet up back here?"

"Yea, I'll tell Reid as I go up"

"Reid's gone...didn't you hear the door?"

"Guess not...oh well let's go change"

We both got up and walked inside the house, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Tyler's ass, it looked so good, I wanted lick all inside him, make him writhe with pleasure under my hands...this was gonna kill me, I had to step away from these thoughts.


"Why what Tyler?"

"Why do you wanna step away from those thoughts?"

I looked up, amazed at Tyler, he'd turned around on the staircase, only one step above, his body leaning towards me.

"What do you mean?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean Pogue...why step away from something that sounds so good?"

"Ty I don't know what you're talking about...are you ok?"

"Pogue, let's cut the crap please. You know that we can all develop a power unique to us, mine happens to be telepathy, I know yours is a shield, Caleb's is that weird thing with his veins, and Reid's is a heightened form of psycho kinesis. You can't fool me Pogue, I know you want me just as much as I want you."

I couldn't seemed so utterly unbelievable, Ty couldn't really read my mind could he? He had no way of knowing everything I had though of while I stared a him...he simply couldn't.

"Not only do I know what you were thinking Pogue...I have visuals, provided by your overactive imagination, and I'd do most of it...except the whole whip thing"

I couldn't move, it was true, Ty had known...He knew I wanted to fuck him...and he seemed willing to do it...this could be very interesting.

Tyler began climbing up the steps backwards his eyes boring into mine, his skin flushed, his whole body exuding sensuality. I walked up following him, eager to close in the distance between us, to feel his skin against mine, to kiss his lips, to smell him. My hormones raged through my body, awakening every aspect of me, every cell, I could feel my temperature rising, my lips seemed dry, and my eyes screamed at me to blink, but if I did I could miss one second of Tyler, and right at this moment that was not an option. When we got to his room, Ty used his power to draw all the shades, plunging the room into a light dusk, I notice the candles spread over almost every surface and used my power to light them. The candle light played along Ty's face, giving his green/hazel eyes an eerie glow that heightened my interest in him, I could feel my body react, I could feel myself getting harder and harder. Ty smiled...such a naughty smile, it only made me hornier.

"Are we gonna stand here looking at each other all day or are we actually gonna do anything?"

I jumped in his direction and seized his mouth with mine, I wanted to climb into him, to merge with him, to feel him in every one of my microcellular organisms!!! Tyler's mouth felt so warm, so welcoming. We battled over superiority, our tongues wrestling inside his mouth, our lips flashing from position to position, our hands roaming all over our bodies, searching for an anchor where we could be safe in each other. The emotions were was beyond fucking was needed.

"If you don't get these clothes off me soon Pogue, I'm going to rip every shred of clothing with my powers...I swear!!!"

I moved a step back and pulled a knife out my pocket, flicking the blade I stepped close to Tyler.

"that ain't such a bad idea Ty...matter of fact...makes me hornier!"

I took the blade to Tyler's shirt and ripped the fabric away, revealing Tyler's fit upper-body, his erect nipples calling to me, his soft pecs yearning. I dove into his nipples, those little mounds of heaven placed so carefully on his body, I licked one them and Tyler shivered in pleasure, I looked at the bed and began to push Tyler in that direction, steering him so I would be on top.

When were close to the bed, I removed the tatters left of Tyler's shirt, kissed him with as much passion as I could find, then worked my way down his neck to chest, once I had hold of one of his nipples, I gently bit it causing Tyler to moan, his moan was so groggy, so rough, so full of desire and passion, that I forgot myself for a second and kissed him, I kissed him hard and lovingly, and as I kissed him, I let my weight take us onto the bed, our bodies entwined, as once again our tongues fought desperately for control.

"No're still wearing your shirt..."

As he said it Tyler ripped my shirt off, the rough material tensing then ripping, delivering my upper body a harsh blow as the material brusquely rubbed against my skin, and et it was so hot...his force, his utterly unlike the Tyler I'd grown up with, the very thought made me even harder...made me more bestial, made me more primal. "get the pants off Ty...get your pants off very quickly!:"

"lead by example Pogue!"

We both got up from the bed and chucked our pants, Tyler's eyes focused on my crotch, right as I focused on his...Briefs, so the long debated question was settle...Tyler wore briefs.


I couldn't believe it was actually happening, I was in my room with Pogue, and we weren't studying, we weren't with Caleb, we weren't with Reid, or talking about some unimportant chick I did not want to be with...or one that had been lucky enough to become one of Pogue's conquests. No this time around it was me and Pogue...kissing like there was no tomorrow, his voice was husky with desire, his body fuming with pheromones, calling me, enticing me, driving me abso-fucking-lutely wild.

When our jeans flew off my eyes just about bugged out of my head...there wrapped in navy blue boxer-briefs was my long awaited fulfillment of almost 12 years of fantasy (kissing him being a fantasy since before I knew about dicks, masturbation, and sex) and jerk-off sessions. I had seen the outline of it in the Speedos while we swam, I had even caught glimpses of it as we showered after practice, but hard as it was went above and beyond what my mind had cooked up. Here in front of me, half-naked, wanting ME, was the re-incarnation of Adonis. This would be absolute pleasure.

I dove for it, all thought left behind, all precaution flying out of the window, only the primal desires, the carnal instincts were left, nothing but raw emotion and action. I wrapped my hand around it and stroked it, feeling his hardness in my hand, looking at the swelled cock head already beaded with Pogue's precum, I flick my tongue at it and savor the tangy taste. In one swift move I swallow all of his cock, Pogue tilts his head back and moans, his dick twitches in my mouth, and my whole body responds.


"You like that?" I ask my voice husky with desire, Pogue looks down at me and I notice the glazed look in his eyes, the raw desire glinting in his green/hazel eyes, the live color in his cheeks..

"Ty don't stop, keep doing that...please keep doing that"

I engulf his cock again, and Pogue lets out a whoosh of air, arching his body towards me, driving his 8 inches deeper into the back of my throat, I raise a hand and start playing with his nuts, his wonderfully large nuts, this causes him to suck in air through his teeth and grab the back of my head as he begins to furiously face-fuck me.

"DAMN!!! This feels so fucking good Ty...take my cock...yea like that...I love this shit!!!!!!"

I hang on to Pogue's pert ass as he fucks my face, pulling on him, driving him deep into my throat, I hum when I feel his cock in the back of my throat, causing him to spasm from pleasure.

"Let's get on the bed Ty, I wanna taste your cock"

I get up and out lips meet, our tongues ravishing each other, our mouths locked tighter than Fort Knox's doors, our hands roaming every bit of skin they can find.

Pogue lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, I can feel his hardness pressing against my hole, and suddenly without preamble he slips inside. I am surprised yet the pleasure overrides all other sensations and I gasp into our kiss, Pogue does so too. He thrusts upward and drives more of himself in, my body arched backward, away from Pogue, but the motion only drives him deeper in, I am now in complete ecstasy, my mind completely submersed in the erotic sensations.

"Fuck me Pogue..."


He slams me against the wall, his cock never sliding out of me, I hang on to his shoulders, wrap my legs a little tighter around his waist, he thrusts up, I moan, he slides out and I shudder, he thrusts up again, and now I can feel my butt cheeks resting on his pelvis, his cock brushes my prostate and I can see heaven (in a sense) my body shudders, my lips sear for his neck, and I begin to nuzzle him, he shivers and thrusts harder into me, involuntarily my body arches away, my back rests against the wall, and Pogue thrusts in and out of me, over and over again.

I look at his face, already enveloped in a light film of sweat, his shoulders glisten as well, and I imagine I must look something like him, his thrusts are rhythmic, measured, practiced, every time he thrusts his cock it brushes my prostate, never hitting just teasing it, my breath is short and ragged, my back is tense and my legs are cramping.

"Pogue we gotta move off the wall...I can barely feel my legs anymore"

Without a word Pogue pulls me to him, his dick still planted inside me, he lays me down on the bed, never parting, looks into my eyes and I can see the desire burning in there, like a furnace on a cold winter's night.

"I've wanted this for so long Ty...I..."

"I know Pogue...I..." Both sentences hang unfinished, neither wanting to say something we might regret. He begins his thrusts again, this time more mellow and soft, more calm, even. He kisses my lips with a new flavor, less lust...more...

He derails from lips and nuzzles below my ear, his thrusts, his scent, and the nuzzling a heavy drug that clouds my I've dreamt of this moment...


I love him...God, I love him...he's what I've been looking for all this time, his scent, his lips, his awakens things in me so raw...I love him...does he feel the same way?

"I've wanted this for so long Ty...I..."

"I know Pogue...I..."

I can't...I can't say it now, he wont believe it...I'll have to say it some other some other place...if I ever get the chance.

I feel myself inside him and it drives me wild, I wanna fuck him raw, I wanna ram him until I'm through, and yet this slower sensuous, so erotic in its simplicity, my mind is heavy with desire, is lips on mine...sweet like strawberries, his soft and butter under my tongue.


I am lost in a paradise of sensations, I want to freeze the picture, to stop time, make this single moment an eternity.

"fuck me raw Pogue"

Even as the words leave my mouth I want to see who said it...and yet...

Like if it had never slowed, the pace picks back up, Pogue balances himself on his arms, his muscles flexing, the sight stirs something within me, and I start matching Pogue's rhythm, I thrust my own body against his, in a flurry of movement I find myself on top of Pogue, sliding up and down his cock, his massive hands splayed around my hips guiding my movements, his chest expands and contracts as he tries to fill his lungs, his muscles flex, sweat covers him, the raw, primal me is at it again. My movements become faster, and deliberate, I want to feel him as deep inside as humanly possible, I want to feel nothing but him.

A flash of movement, kissing, pulling, and moaning, and I'm on all fours looking at my headboard, Pogue pounding away behind me, I lift my body and lean against him, I steal his lips with my own, his hand flies out and start to stroke me...the pleasure is rising fast inside us both, Pogue's movements are becoming more erratic, our bodies are bathed in sweat, Pogue pulls on me and I wrap my legs around his waist, he walks of the bed and ferries us across the room to my balcony, the family property is private, my balcony overlooks nothing but woods, he slams me against the outer wall and continues to thrust, I gain footing on the wood molding of the lower wall, but Pogue pulls my legs back around him

"I wanna feel every part of you that I can"

I keep my legs wrapped around him, his hand strokes me furiously, his thrusts hit my prostate time and time again, he looks into my eyes.

"pull out or stay in?"

"pull out, cum on my chest...anywhere on my skin..."

He pulls out of me and grabs both our cocks in his hands, jerking us, the feel of his cock against mine driving me even wilder...then he stiffens, the feel of his cum against my cock pushes over the edge and im shooting we stand there, shooting our load between us. I peel myself off the wall and kiss Pogue, my body folding in on itself.

"ready for round too?"

With a mischievous smirk Pogue heaves me over his shoulder and we go back inside

"sure...I was waiting for you"


Crummy Caleb...he's probably shacked up with some ho, and here we all are trying to keep it from everyone that he's left town. I don't hate him per say...I just wish he wasn't such a fag...always aggrandizing himself.

Wonder if Haley's willing to lemme fuck her, haven't gotten any for a while...damn it's been like 3 days...maybe Karen will open those legs of her...I love fucking that pussy...

"Mr. Garwin!!"

What's this fag want...? "Provost Higgins. Good afternoon sir."

"Mr. Garwin I was wondering if perhaps you knew the where-a-bouts of Mr. Danvers...he was to pick up some new students at the airport but they were unable to show up...did he get back to town ok?"

"I...he decided to visit a friend up in Boston...he called me, but I haven't gotten around to passing the message on...I was heading to...Tyler's to tell him since Caleb's got his car, then I was going to head for Caleb's house see if his mom knew...I didn't even think about calling up the school..."

"Yes long as he's fine. Good day Mr. Garwin"

"Have a good day provost."

What a fucking fag...always asking about Ty or Pogue or Caleb...UGH! I hate that son of a bitch.

I pull my cell out and dial Ty.


Pogue and I have finished a third round, we're lounging around the pool, letting our bodies relax, although our lips aren't quite so lucky.

...I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house, that don't bother me/I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out/I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while event though going on with you gone still upsets me/there are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay, but that's not what gets me/ What hurts the being so close, having so much to say/and watching you walk away...

"That's my phone...since you're here, Caleb's missing and my parents are at a meeting, then its Reid."

I slid out of the pool and walk the small distance to the table and pick up the phone.

"Talk to me..." "Ty...I just ran into the provost and I kinda came up with a story on the spot...I'll conference in Pogue"

Before I could say anything the line went silent, I looked over at Pogue, and counted off in my head, and like a cue his phone started ringing

...Well I just heard the news today/ it seems my life, is gonna change, I close my eyes, begin to pray then tears of joy stream down my face/with arms wide open under the sunlight welcome to this place I'll show you everything with arms wide open/with arms wide open/well I don't know if ready, to be the man I have to be/ I'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side, we stand in awe/we've created life/with arms wide open under the sunlight welcome to this place I'll show everything with arms wide open...

Pogue had the phone in his hand, simply listening to the song play, he flipped it open and walked away from the table creating enough distance that there wouldn't be any echo from our voices.

"Pogue here" "Hey...hold on...Ty you there?" "I'm here...Hey Pogue" "Hey Ty" "Listen I was telling Ty that I ran into the provost...he asked about Caleb so I fed him some story about Caleb deciding to visit some friend up in Boston...I think we should stick to either of you know if he actually has anyone up in Boston?" "I only know about this girl he sees there from time to time...Andrea or Anna or something, he's always very iffy about her...I think his mom knows about might work" "Pogue what do you think?" "It'll work...for how long is the problem, we'll have to stave off any questions...listen I'm kinda in the middle of something so I gotta let you go" "Pogue's got a bitch in his house I betcha!!" "Reid can you be any nastier? Anywho I got my own thing I gotta get back to...later Pogue...later Reid"

I flipped my phone closed, and for good measure opened it and hit the end button, then powered it off.

Pogue laughed at something then cut the line too, as he was walking back his cell rang again, and the song almost killed me.

...What if I told you it was all meant to be/would you believe me would you believe/its almost that feeling we've met before, so tell me that you don't think I'm crazy when I say love's come here and now/ A moment like this, some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this...

I knew that ring tone...that was the ring tone Kate had bought and plastered on Pogue's phone so he'd know when she was calling, it was also the only non-rock tone he had, he shot a dark look at the phone, flipped it open and shot me a look that told me he didn't want to, but he had to.


Damn this bitch's timing

"Pogue here" "Hey baby" "Hey Kate...'sup?" "Well there's this movie playing at the..." "I'm kinda busy now...anyway we do have to talk, how about tonight we meet at Pat's tonight at like 8 `Kay?" "umm...sure...but..." "okay, bye."

I cut the line, feeling absolutely ready to break my phone in half, instead I just shut it off and made my way back to Ty.

"Ty, we have to talk before we go any further..."

"I know. Pogue, where and what are we?"

"If you're on the same page I'm on then we're I guess"

"Everywhere or just like quietly?"

"up to you."

"Well, in that case...everywhere to everyone...if you're comfortable with that"

"Does that mean I can kiss you at school? On the streets?" with every word I took a step closer to Ty, feeling ecstatic inside "at Pat's?"

"Wherever you want...whenever you long as we can"

I wrapped my arms around Ty's waist and pulled him into me. Our lips locked, and time seemed to stand still...this was worth the I'd kick everyone's ass if I had to, Ty deserved this...I deserved this.

"Very nice thoughts Pogue, and I'll be right by you every time."

We drifted into the pool and just kissed for what seemed like hours.

Back in Ty's room we got dressed and ready for the night.

"We have to go get the truck from the airport..."

"Fuck I forgot about think we should call Reid?"

"Nah! I'll drive us there and you can drive the truck...oh shit...where exactly do we put that thing?"

"ummm...we'll have to drive out of town...park it in a storage garage"

"you have that thing with Kate" "DAMN IT!!!! I'll have to cancel...thank God I'm breaking up with her...or I'd never hear the end of it"

I grabbed my keys and we both frowned, my bike.

"Put it in the garage, my parents won't mind, and...well just put it in the garage."

I ran down the steps while Ty finished up and parked my bike in his garage, then ran back into the house as he got to the entrance hall.

"Well, we're all do have your license right?"

I nodded. Then checked my back pocket just in case, there it was.

"I'll just leave my parents a message."

Ty went into the kitchen and came back out a couple minutes later with 4 bottles of water and some bagged snacks.

"Lemme guess Nidia caught you leaving?" I said with a smile. Nidia had worked for Tyler's family for 35 years, and treated Ty just like if he was 8, in fact she treated all of us the same way.

"Shut it or I'll run you over with my dad's monster truck."

He'd do it...Ty loved any excuse to get inside JemCrusher.

We moved off to the driveway, Caleb's car shone against the floodlights. It sent a pang of worry into my chest, we had to find Caleb.


There's been no sign of Caleb, the guys are worried, but they've exhausted every possibility. Reid insists that Caleb has vanished on purpose, Tyler and Pogue say otherwise. For some reason Tyler and Pogue have kept their relationship quiet, even though they'd agreed to go public, its not on purpose, but things have worked themselves out in that way.


"HE'S NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm just saying Ty, don't you think if he was alive he'd have found a way of letting us know?"

Reid's attitude rubbed against my nerves like a wire pad, gritting its way through my neurons.

"Reid, back off the subject, Ty chill b...before you say something you don't mean"

I looked at Pogue...he'd meant o say `babe' his preferred nickname for me, yet for some odd reason, neither one of us could bring ourselves to do it in front of others...well of Reid really, we didn't know why, but it happened regardless.

"Reid...get out. Just for right now...just lemme cool off please? We've been friends too long for something to happen now..."

"I'm out...y'all believe what you want, but something tells me Caleb's..."

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Reid jumped when my voice boomed with more than volume, my eyes flashed coal black, surprising even me.

"Dude, that's he first time I've ever seen you lose control...I'm fucking gone!"

He ran out, laughing. Pogue looked at me with concern.

"He's right you've never lost control like that before...are you cool?"

"Fine...he's just so...UGH!!!" a table rocked back and forth, then settled.


I concentrated and relaxed my power...this stuff is not use it...can't you see what it could do to you?...Caleb rang in my head, I felt a pang of worry and depression flood over me. I turned my gaze to the panoramic windows.

"Where are you Caleb?" a star twinkled into existence, I felt a shiver run through me. "Babe, wanna spend the night, I need to not feel alone...I need to feel like things will be okay."

Pogue walked over and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him, my head resting on his shoulder.

"He's hurt, I'll give Reid that...and that just makes matters worse."


...Where's my snare?. I have no snare in my headphones/Yea, Yo, Yo, ... Have you ever been hated or discriminated against? I have/ I've been protested and demonstrated against/picket signs for my wicked rhymes/look at the times/sick is the mind of the motherfucking kid that's behind/ all this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans exploding tempers flaring from parents/ just blow them off and keep going...

"Yo-ho-ho" "Reid...we've found him" "Who...Caleb? Where?" "I don't know exactly...but I know he's least for now...he...he came to me. Meet us at the Book of Damnation, Pogue and I are headed there now."

The line went dead...this was interesting, but I didn't care, my bags were packed, my car was loaded, I was withdrawn from school, my `rents were in Vienna or the Swiss Alps or something...Me? I was jetting off to Aruba...Good bye dreadful Ipswich...Hello mamasitas in skin-tight bikinis.

I looked at the phone...Ty and Pogue...well one last time for old times' sake wouldn't hurt...I still have 4 hours to my plane. I have to say good bye anywho...they maybe fags, but they're my only true friends.

I get in my car and head towards the old barn, my thoughts muddled, my anxiety rising higher every time I think of Aruba...that'll be the place for me.


Ty drove like a maniac. He was spouting something about a dream...something about Caleb and some place...He'd had the dream last night, Caleb had told him where he was, that he was fine, and that he was looking for a way back, but Ty kept repeating that it wasn't a dream, that he hadn't just imagined it all, he'd smelled Caleb's cologne, he'd felt his hand grabbing Caleb's shoulder, and had even woken up clutching the shirt Caleb had worn the day he'd vanished...that had been what made me believe, Caleb's navy blue turtle neck...Ty still had it, in his bag.

"The Book has to know something about it right? Like a darkling...or something? I mean I felt him...I smelled him, he was fucking real Pogue...I fucking swear it! This is creping me the fuck out...I need answers, if the book won't give me any, then Caleb's dad might...but someone, or something will tell me what the fuck is going on"

"Ty, can ya ease of the gas there?"

"Pogue...NOT now...I need to hurry, what if it was just temporary? What if it has like an expiration date? Or something?...I have to drive fast because if this is the only chance that Caleb's got I don't wanna lose a single minute...He came to me for a reason babe, I don't know why, but I won't prove him wrong...I'll get him out."

The Book of Damnation yields the information about the mythical Alaxio. Caleb will be fine, although the guys still don't know how to get him back. Reid postpones his trip to Aruba to help the guys sort it out. Ty and Pogue remain secretive.

Author's Notes:

I know the posting time between chapters has been a bit ridiculous, but I

have been dealing with some awful stuff.

New Covenant's MySpace page is being tweaked as we speak.

As always suggestions, praise, questions, hate mail, and all other opinions are MORE THAN WELCOME, feel free to e-mail me @


I am looking for some artists to lend me a hand in drawing up what the new mansion looks like, if u gots the time...

Until next time I remain truly yours.

Next: Chapter 10

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