New Guy Moves to Beacon Hills

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Dec 8, 2014


Hi guys this is my first store so plz tell me what u think email me at

first part is a lil slow

chaper one

Hello, my name is Landon I'm currently 16 I live in a small town in California called Hesperia with my parents. I've had a pretty good life so far we are not the richest family but we are comfortable. My mom works most days bringing in ends meat. My dad well he does what ever he wants a couple weeks ago he opened up a thrift shop, it didn't last long he got bored and sold it now he's into computers we will see how long this last.

Anyways enough with my family, like I was saying I'm 16 and so far my life has been good. Good friends and family I'm doing well in school, but that all changed when I got home from school. My parents asked me to come and have a seat they wanted to talk to me about some news they had, and by the looks on their faces it wasn't good.

I was kind of worried when my mother started to cry and my dad had to walk away. With panic in my voice I asked my mom "what heck is going on mom did some one die?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes she reached out and took my hand in hers "Landon, I'm not sure how to say this..." she stared to cry and my dad walked back into the room and held my mom and simply said "Landon we found out today your mom has cancer." I couldent believe what I just heard I had no idea what to say. My parents sat there looking at me tears in their eyes "we are not sure what they are going to do yet, they didnt catch it soon enough." Said my father. I was dumb founded "what the hell do u mean they didn't catch it in time?" My mom looked at me and squeezed my hand tighter "sweetheart I have stage four cervical cancer, it doesn't look very good for me." I didn't know what to do I got up and ran to my room crying.

I couldn't believe this how could this happen, when did it happen, why? So many questions and no answers. After I collected my thoughts I walk back out to the front room I decided that I should be with my mom and dad. As I sat down next to my mom I hugged tighter then I i think I ever have. "What are we going to do?" I asked heartbroken, my dad looked up at me he looked lost, confused, and even more heartbroken then I was "I'm not sure Landon, I don't know what to do. I can't do this I can't lose you Debbie I just can't." I've never seen my dad cry before and I felt like I was going to break down, but I can't I have to be strong for my family. I had to leave the room, I decided it be best if I let my parents talk alone.

It's been a couple weeks since we found out my mom has cancer and I've been spending alot of time with her, every night we sit out side on the porch and talk about every thing like when she was little and how she got in trouble she just liked to reminisce about her childhood and honestly I loved hearing about it. But tonight was different she wanted to hear about me how was school, is there any one special I was interested in, how my friends were doing. I gave it alot if thought and figured this would be a good time to let me mom know my secret. "Well mom I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now, I'm not sure how to tell you this but I'm gay.." I was so nervous I felt like she was going to freak. "Hunny tell me something I don't know." She said laughing, I was completely shocked. "I've just been waiting for you to tell me." She said with a giant smile on her face. I was so relieved my biggest secret finally out and it felt good next step was to tell my dad. Needless to say he didn't take it as well he said he loved me and what ever made me happy but I knew he didn't like it.

I woke up and got ready for school like any other day but something felt off, I couldn't put my finger on it but something wasn't right. I tried to shake the feeling and I finish getting ready and headed to the kitchen to make coffee for my mom like I did every morning, I was about to go wake her up but something told me to let her sleep so I did. I was at school waiting for the first bell to ring talking to my best friend Adrian when my phone started to ring, as I pulled it out of my pocket I noticed it was my dad and my heart sank I knew why he was calling I started to cry as I answered my phone "hello?" "Landon you need to get home its mom, I got to go." I got up and raced out of the school and to my house. When I got there there was an ambulance in the drive way, I ran though the front door and saw friends and family sitting there crying. My aunt Judy came up to me crying, she pulled me into a hug and whispered "I'm so sorry Lan, I'm so ssorry!" I knew something was wrong I knew it. My mother passed away in her sleep and I couldent do anything about it.

Her funeral came and went and I still couldent bring my self to cry. My dad lost it and we started to lose our house, every thing was falling apart and some how I was ok with it. My dad barely talked to me, he couldnt look at me, I don't know why he was acting this way towards me. Little by little me and my dad became more and more distant, I was to busy trying to figure out what was going on I didn't notice everything in the house was being sold off by my dad. I couldent take it any more I had to ask my dad what the hell was going on, I made my way to his room and knocked "come in." "Dad can I talk to you?" He just nodded "what's going on? You bearly talk to me everything I'm the house is disappearing are we moving?" He sighed and looked at me "I'm sending you to your aunts, I need to get away I just have to go." The way he said it was almost cold no emotion. "Why, why can't I go with you?" I said "because I don't want you to." I was hurt and shocked "pack your things she will be here in a couple hours." I couldent believe what I just herd, I just ran to my room and started packing tears kept rolling down my face I couldent help it anymore. What did I do wrong why doesn't my dad want me why is all this happening to me why?

A couple hours later my aunt Judy arived, I ran out to the car and threw my things in the trunk and sat and waited for her to get done talking to my dad. I didn't want to speak to him how could he do this to me, my aunt made her way back to the car but she wasn't empty handed she was holding a little box. I thought to my self why would she have that, it doesn't matter my dad probably gave it to her for taking me. We headed off to her home 7 hours away in Beacon Hills, I just looked out the window I didn't feel like talking but looks like I don't get a choice, my aunt looks at me "Landon hun, he's not doing this cuz he's mad at you don't blame your self." "I don't I blame him." "He has a reason hun, it's hard to explain now but I promise I will explain there's things you need to know first." "Like what?" "I can't explain it right now but I will promise!" I just looked back out the window I was done with this conversation. "Landon." I looked back at my aunt expecting her to want to keep talking about my dad in was Simi right, but when I looked over she had her hand in the little box and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to me. I was a little confused but I opened it and what I saw in side made me cry. It was my mom's necklace silver chain with a black onix pendant she wore it every day I thought my dad got ride if it. "Your father wanted me to give that to you and he said he loves you." I put the necklace on and quietly looked out the window for the rest of the trip trying not to cry.

Next: Chapter 2

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