New Guy Moves to Beacon Hills

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Jun 23, 2015


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I woke up early this morning with Liam still wrapped up in my arms. He looked so cute just laying in my arms, I could lay here and just stare at him he looked so peaceful. As I laid there I couldent help but think about how my life has changed so much over such a short period of time. I didn't even realize liam had gotten up to use the bathroom I had only noticed when I heard the toilet flushing. I looked up just in time to see a completely naked Liam standing in the door way of the bathroom, he gave me a devilish smile as he said "good morning sexy." "Good morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked. He blushed a little and laughed "well after last night I slept like a rock, you Sure know how to wear a guy out." I just smiled and jumped up to use the bathroom myself but I stop just befor I got into the bathroom to watch Liam as he threw on a pair of shorts from my dresser. Man he's sexy I thought to myself as I went into the bathroom to do my business. I walked out of the bathroom I saw Liam laying there on my bed and I smiled to myslef as I walked to my dresser and picked out a pair of boxer briefs and pulled them on the grabbed a pair of shorts to throw on over my boxer briefs. "Hey liam you hungry?" I asked "I'm a werewolf I can always eat." Laughed as he got off the bed With that we both headed down stairs to the kitchen and we both made a bowl of cereal and sat at the counter. "So are we going to talk about last night or keep pretending it didn't happen?" Liam said with a mouth full of cereal. "What do you mean?" I kinda choked out, his question catching me off guard. "I mean it was great don't get wrong but that's all It was no one knows I'm bi and I dont want them to find out." He said just looking at his bowl. "I understand." Was all I could say. We sat there for a few minutes in silence just eating. "I'm sorry if I sounded like an asshole, I like you I really do your hot and sexy its just I'm not ready to come out." He said with the saddest look on his face. I started to feel his pain and any flustration I had just melted away. I turned to look at him and took his hand into mine "ok. I get it we can just keep it to friends then." I said and smiled as he wrapped me in one of the biggest hugs I have ever had. "Friends" he whispered We finished our cereal and wash up our bowls before Liam left. I started to think of the events of last night I couldent shake this awkward feeling, don't get me wrong I enjoyed every minute I just can't help but feel bad for it. "Why do feelings have to be so complicated" I said aloud in flustration. "Well its not easy to separate your feeling and other people's emotions, Fae have empathy." She said getting coffee "which allows us to easily understand people's feelings." She took a sip of her coffee. "Start meditating it will help." She finished and simply walked out of the room "Thanks." I yelled. "try meditating? Hmm I'll give it a try." I quietly said to my self. I walked out back to our pond and took a seat in the grass, I closed my eyes took a couple breaths and completely let myself relax. Next thing I know I'm standing outside of my body and every thing looks so different nothing but moving colors. No not just colors it's energy. I look at where my body is sitting and my body is glowing with this electric blue color it was the most amazing color of blue I've ever seen, but along with the blue I could see different color energys entering my body, like I was attracting it. i had a flash back of when Juju said "every thing in this world has a life energy or aura." "Aura? Is this what this is? Is this how Juju knew Scott was a werewolf?" To many questions flooded my head and I needed answers. I sat back down and relaxed myself again and I imagined myself back in my body and when I opened my eyes. "it worked" I practicality screamed. I ran inside to go talk to Juju to figure out how this all works. When I got up stairs I knocked on Jujus door. "Come in baby boy." I heard her say. I opened the door to her room and walked in and laid on her bed "can you help me please?" I asked. "Sure what's up." She said extra perky. "Ok so I meditated and I saw all these different colors and I remember you saying something about life energy and aura, is that what I was seeing?" I asked "Right on the money baby boy, you can use aura to tell a lot about someone, like what they are, if they are good or evil, among other things." Juju explained. "That's how you knew Scott was a true alpha." I said getting it finally. "So how do you use it out side of meditation?" I ask. "It takes a little bit of work and focus. You just need to work on your concentration and let your instincts take over."She explained "What's the best way to practice?" "Well the easiest is by concentrating on some one and clear your mind just let the energy show its self to you." She said as she grabbed her bag. "I got to get going baby boy I'll be home later, go out and practice seeing aura." I nodded and She gave me a kiss and headed out the door. I walked up stairs to get dressed and head out for the day. I was trying to figure out if I should just go for a run or go hang with the gang. I texted Scott and Stiles to see what they were up to Landonhey guys what are you guys up too*.

I threw on a pair of jean shorts and a black beater and my running shoes. I grabbed my wallet, phone, head phones, and locked up the house and went for a walk though the woods while I waited for Scott and Stiles to text back. I walked for about ten minutes before my phone vibrated I took phone out to see who texted me. Stiles hey Landon, do you want to come over?* Landon yea I'll be on my way right now what's Scott doing?* Stiles he's at work he won't be off untill 5pm.* Landon ok I'm omw now see u in a few mins* Stiles ok :)* I walked up to the nearest tree and placed my hand on it, I focused on Stiles's house and I allowed my self to enter the tree. Time slowed down again it felt like I was walking through jello and just like that I stepped out and I was in Stiles back yard. Landon hey I'm in ur back yard.* Stiles lmao haha ok come on in its just me* I walked into the house and took a look around, I've never been inside Stiles house before "STILES!" I yelled He came and meet me by the door "Hey what do you want to do, are you hungry?" Stiles asked. "Actually I'm starved." I chuckled "Good pizza should be ready." He replied I followed Stiles in to the kitchen and watched as he grabbed oven mits and took the pizza out of the oven and placed it on the counter. "Big piece or little piece." Stiles asked "surprise me." I said and I watched as Stiles cut a big piece of pizza and handed it to me. "Thank you." I smiled "Not a problem eat up we have plenty." He laughed as he shoved pizza into his mouth. Some how the still managed to look cute as hell even with pizza sause all over his face. I laughed and pointed to his face. " Stiles You have pizza sause all over your face." "Really? Where?" He said with his mouth full of food and trying to use his shirt to clean his face. "You missed a spot." I sighed. "Where? Help me please." He asked I grabbed a paper towel and wet it from the sink, I Walked over to Stiles and gently wiped all the pizza sause off his face. We were just inches from each others face, I looked up into Stiles's big brown eyes and he looked into my deep blue eyes. It felt like all time stopped, I didn't know what to do my heart started to pound and I couldent control my breathing. I could feel this urge building up inside of me so I closed my eyes and leaned part of the way in to kiss him. When I felt his lips touch mine I instantly felt fireworks of off in my head, I got light headed, and weak in the knees. Every thing felt perfect

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Next: Chapter 8

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