New Hobby

By M Cp

Published on Aug 25, 2007


This is just a fantasy of mine. The usual disclaimers apply.

I had know the dude only as an aquaintence. He worked at the local store and we did the general chit chat of whats up and all that bullshit. Never really knew anything about him. Didn't even really notice him, if you know what I mean, until I had finally decided that I was going to explore my bi side. Even after that, I didn't think much about him, only in passing in the sometimes fantasies of what an encounter might be like.

It had been a a few months since my girl had not only heard my interest in exploring my bi side expressed, but had eagerly agreed to help me explore it. Since then wee had dabbled in finding a partner to play together with, or would be game with her watching. There was a lot of chaff to weed through, and we had been so busy that we really hadn't made the serious effort to get it done.

Really, how hard could it be to get a guy to let me suck his cock while my girl watched? Well, if you don't like bullshit and are picky, harder than you might think. So it was relegated to my fantasies for the time being. I practiced sucking cock on a few of our toys, and even dabbled with the small plugs of ours, but didn't really get into it. It was silicon after all. Also, we were so damn busy with all the play, the parties, the exploration, and the fucking each other into comas that the real drive to get it done just wasn't there. I was interested, but it could wait.

So the summer went by, and new experiences abounded. We had our first group experience, (mostly watching and touching the girls, and watching the girls go at it), then progressed to a MFF threesome with two different partners. We quickly got into it, and enjoyed ourselves immensely. Unfortunatly, our little group of friends did not include bi men, or a situation where I would feel comfortable giving it a whirl. That was fine. Plenty of fun. I was busy. I barely had time to ride my bike or do any outdoors stuff that I love.

Then came September. I had enjoyed a few trail rides with a few friends, and a few group rides with others whose schedules were clogged by wives and children. Just enough to wet the pallate, so when the chance came to take a 3 day weekend to go camping with a couple of friends and their group, I literally jumped at the chance.

There were about ten guys that went. It was a great time. The weather was perfect, the trail was even better. The weed was way too much for my system to stomach, seeing as I didn't smoke anymore, and the beer was good. Six of us rode the trail and the rest shuttled the bikes and riders to the trailhead and hiked in the camp supplies.

After about 15 miles of the sweetest, most challenging singletrack around these parts, we rolled down the super steep and nasty cliff to the campsite. I had been pushing the leaders of the pack the entire way, and chose this opportunity to pass them in a stunning display of bike handling skills. I gathered speed and bunnyhopped up onto the gigantic and ancient log that bordered the precarious trail leading down into the campsite area, and rode the log straight down, leaving the leader to fight the boulders and roots of the trail. I was cheered on by the already drunk denizens of our half set up campsite.

My seat was set high for climbing, and my bike was a lightweight racing model. Not the kind made for stunts. It handled like a dream, but wasn't good for what I was doing, especially when I hit the brakes near the bottom, wondering how I was going to make the 4' drop into several smaller logs without castrating myself. I was spared that decision when a section of the log gave way and I flew over the side into the somewhat soft side of the hill. Somehow, I avoided most of the sharp rocks and my bike missed my face by a few inches. I hobbled to my feet amid cheers and jeers. The dirt around here didn't taste particularly good. My biking shorts were in two pieces around my knees. I could plant potatoes in the crack of my ass.

With a quick check to see that I hadn't grown an extra asshole and to make sure the important parts were there, I kicked off the remains of my shorts and pushed my bike against a tree. I grabbed a beer and stripped off the rest of my cloths like I had just won the olympics and padded my way over to the wide pool of the creek and waded in.

Christ it was cold. It took about 15 min to scrub the dirt out of my ass and teeth. By that time, the rest of the riders had joined me, washing off the sweat and dust of the ride. Another beer was shoved into my hand with a swat on my ass and I was congradulated for the best wreck of the year. I downed the beer in about 30 seconds. Several places were really starting to hurt in the cold water.

The buzz hit fast as I made my way to the fire and dried in front of it. Screw cloths. I was wet and freezing. I was handed another beer. I just bullshitted for quite a while in front of the fire, and a few others did the same. The inevitable jokes came. The water was fucking cold.

The guy from the store was pretty quiet as he sat and made a comment here and there. I thought I caught him checking me out more than once.

Most of the guys there were skinner or fatter than I. I was probably the only one that hit the gym, and it did show. I wasn't defined like the couple of guys who are naturally that way, but I am built. Wide shoulders, thick chest, narrow waist, and thick thighs. Not an ounce of fat except for the ring of padding around the belly button. I look pretty damn good, I think. I should, Ive busted my ass for about five years to get like this, and look a damn sight better than most people my age. I got more than a few comments on my nipple rings.

Several of us partied naked for a few hours into the dark before passing out with beer and exhaustion from the ride. Caveman style for city boys at its best. Good times.

The next day, about half of the group pussed out and packed up and left. The rest of us drank coffee and ate breakfast and readied for the ride. Just the guy from the store and another one who didn't ride remained to hang out in the camp. Me ant two others took off to do a deadly climb and delicious downhill loop. Having commuted to work on my road bike year round, I set out to embarass my fellow riders. I was surprised that I had finished my 2 things of gatorage, 2 Powerbars, and about half a pack of cigarettes waiting for them at the top of the 7 mile climb. Im not as fast on the downhill, so I was passed handily about halfway through. I didn't mind. I was having a great time.

When I got down to the camp, I saw all but one tent packed up. What the hell? It looked like everyone was taking off. Damnit. I stripped and went into the pool to wash up. I stunk. I had busted my ass. Damnit, I wanted to stay another night. I grumbled as I got out of the frigid water and went to collect my shit.

I tried to get them to stay, but got a bunch of excuses. Finally, the guy from the store, Brian, said he wanted to stay as long as I would give him a ride home. Fine. Perfect. Done! I threw myself into the tent and fell asleep.

I woke up at dusk to see Brian making food. I ignored my cloths and shambled off to dig a hole and relive myself. When I came back I made my way into the freezing cold of the pool to wash up. He was there taking a bath himself. I took the chance to check him out.

He was slim and almost defined, almost hairless. A few inches shorter than me, and I outweighed him by at least 20 lbs. My mouth actually watered as I scrubbed myself in the freezing water. He followed me up out of the pool, and I made sure he got a nice look at my thighs and ass as I walked to the fire. I could feel the blood rushing to my groin as an excitement filled my head and belly. I might just get what I wanted, and from an unexpected place. I sat on the log and scooted as close to the fire as was comfortable. I checked him out as he laid out two plates of pre-prepared food. The seruptitious looks were replaced by leers as he saw me looking and got very self concious.

He sat down opposite the fire to me after handing me the plate of great camp food. I shifted and faked a cough, and caught him taking the chance to check me out. He licked his lips. I felt myself start to shake as I decided on a course of action. I set my plate aside and strutted over to the tent and my bike bag. I kneeled down, obviously showing off the thick muscles in my thighs and back, and pulled out the pipe and the small bag I had begged from one of the departed riders. I stood and strutted back to the small cooler and pulled out two bottles of beer. I walked over to where he sat on the log, trying not to stare at me too hard. I sat down next to him, making sure our thighs touched. It was like a shock, my hairy thigh slid against his hairless one. Mine was nearly twice the girth of his. I thought of his legs in thigh high stockings, and my cock jumped up to about half mast. I leaned over his lap and grabbed the bottle opener. He leaned back and gasped as my shoulder slid across his smooth stomach. I made no attempt to hide that my eyes were fastened on his cock, nestled in a thin patch of hair and plumped up as mine was, not hard, but curved up against the pull of gravity. As I leaned back, I made sure to exhale enough for him to feel it. His cock jumped. It looked delicious.

I stood up with bottle and opener in my hand. My cock was about half its size and curved down above my shaved balls. They were inches from his face. I stared down at him until he tore his eyes from my cock and looked up at me. I poppped the lid to the beer and handed it to him. He slid his forearm along my thigh as he reached up to take it. My cock jumped at the contact, and so did his. I took a deep breath as his cock plumped and expanded. I am a grower, not a shower. Im nothing special, just a bit more than average.

I could tell that he was a grower as well, and was much more than average. I took a deep breath, poppped the top to my own beer, and turned to return to my seat. My cock brushed the side of his face. By the time I sat down, my full 6" was tapping at my belly.

I sat and started to eat, and tried to keep the surprise from my face. His cock was fully hard as well.

In so many stories, people talk of thick eight or nine or more inch cocks. This is mostly bullshit. I reach a bit over six when I am really ready, as I was now. His must have been nearly a true eight inches. Probably less, but against his slight frame, it appeared huge. And it was thicker than mine. I have been complimented on the appearance and feel of my cock. It is nothing if not asthetically pleasing, but Im not a porn star. Strictly average is how I see it. Straight, proportionate, pictureworthy, if not impressive.

His was making my mouth water. I knew what was going to happen. We had hardly said much to each other, but the attraction was there. I devoured my dinner as if I was devouring him, my eyes going from feet to face and back. He did the same.

I don't produce pre-cum. I watched in fascination as a large drop formed on the head of his hard cock, then slid down the shaft to slide over and disappear underneath his overlarge balls. I ate faster. I wanted dessert.

I couldn't wait. I tossed the plate to the side and dropped to my hands and knees and crawled quickly across the distance separating us. He closed his legs as I reached them and froze halfway into a chew. I didn't say a word. I just looked him in the eyes and slid a hand between his knees and pushed. They opened easily. I stared up into his scared and lust filled eyes, surely the same expression mine held, as I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue.

I groaned and he gasped as my tongue touched the bottom of his balls and slid slowly upwards until the tip of my tongue was on the tip of his cock. I had never been so turned on, and I had never believed it would feel this good. Im a dom in most of my sex life, but being on my knees between his legs, with his beautiful cock twitching aginst my tongue was almost too much. I opened my mouth wide, lowered my eyes, and did what had been a fantasy of mine for a long time.

The baked beans burned my hand as he dropped the plate and I heard a wimper. My lips slid down the hard, soft, hot, throbbing length of his cock. I moaned against the thick head of it as it pushed against and filled my throat. I didn't stop until I had rocked my head and seated his cock deep in my throat. I stuck out my tongue to brush against his balls, his belly pressed against my face. I gagged hard, and my throat opened. I shoved, and he was buried as deep as was physically possible.

It felt incredible. I could almost cum from this. I reached a hand up and cupped his fat balls in my hand and pressed them against my chin. I couldn't breathe. It was incredible. He wimpered out several curse words as I applied tongue and suction and slid up slowly until I wiggled my tongue against his piss slit. I sucked down hard and gagged again, then slid back up slowly. His cock popped out of my mouth and I let the mass of saliva pour out on to his balls before mashing my tongue against his cock and sliding back down. He leaned back and moaned. My tongue mashed beneath his balls and tickled that sensitive spot. I wanted to eat his ass, but later. I wanted something else right now.

I couldn't control my moans and groans as I took his cock into my mouth and throat. It was what I had wanted for a long time, and it was better than I had ever imagined it could be. The feel of a cock in my mouth, the feel of churning balls against my chin, the throbbing of the blood filled shaft, the flex of thigh and belly... I dared not touch my cock. I don't produce precum, but I swear I was drooling into the dirt as I did my best to suck a nice fat cock like a porn star.

I like the sloppy sounds of a good blowjob and the sounds of a face fucking even better. I knew now what it felt like to make those sounds. From the bottom of my ribcage to my toes, I was tingling and clenching. It was incredible. I was going to cum from this.

I was going to cum from sucking cock. It was humiliating. I doubled my efforts. My nose hurt as it hit his pubic bone, my throat hurt from the repeated penetrations. I kneaded his balls in my hand and probed at his ass with my middle finger.

He warned me with a loud `FUCK, Im going to cum!'

I gripped his fat balls and sucked hard, tonguing hard underneath the head of his delicious cock, wanting, needing to feel his cum shoot into my mouth. My god, I loved this. I grabbed his hand off the log and pushed it against the back of my head. He got the idea real quick.

I gagged hard and couldn't help but wimper as he started fucking my face. I was in heaven. I was so close to cumming that it hurt.

And then he did. I wanted so badly to taste it, to swirl it around my tongue and mouth. It was not to be. The first four shots filled my mouth. I couldn't help but groan and try to pull back as the thick hot seed shot from his cock against the back of my throat. I had to swallow, but lots leaked out of my mouth. It was incredible, he kept cumming. His balls were fat, twice the size of mine. His load was at least three times the size. I swallowed three times as I managed to work my tongue over the fat head of his cock. It was thick, hot, salty, disgusting, and delicious. I couldn't help it. My hands ran over his thighs and torso as I sucked and nursed his slowly softening cock with my mouth.

I couldn't believe how good it was. I wanted nothing more than to do that all the time. But I could feel my own needs. My balls were drawn up almost inside of me with the need to cum. I couldn't help but shake my ass as I nursed his cock, not wanting to let it ever leave my mouth. The taste of his cum was still on my tongue, and the feel of cock in my mouth was incredible. His hands stroked my shaved head.

I knew, as he panted and slid his hands across my wiggling ass, and as I ran my tongue beneath his fat, delicious balls, that I had found myself a new hobby.

-to be continued.

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