New Modern Family

Published on Jan 10, 2014


I would like to start off by saying i hope everyone had a good holiday season, i know i did. for fans my other story, carl learns to take charge, has been taken over by the writer leo little. i know the story will do great under his direction and i urge you all to check it out. now sit back unbutton and enjoy.

Please note all characters in the upcoming story are properties of their individual owners, the writer makes no claim on anything

Also please note this story may not be legal to read in all areas of the globe, read at your own risk.

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three and a half months had passed. luke dunphy had gone through changes, he had finally started to grow sparse hair and had grown in length to a healthy 4 and 1/2 inches. and his father had finally started talking to him again, although he pretended their little session had never happened. that had not stopped luke from inviting manny over every night still, he pudgy step uncle more then happy to come over and have a session with the other boy.

in fact manny at that very moment came bullrushing into his room, shutting the door behin him. quickly engaging the lock. it was just a push lock,something anyone with a key, or wire hanger could easily get around. and phil had to argue with claire all night for even that much. his mother used the argument that he might be choking on something and they wouldnt be able to get to him in time, but everyone knew it was because she was scared of him growing up.

luke was currently sitting on his bed playing his ds, a youtube video sitting half watched on his computer and his phone sitting with a half typed text message on bedside table.

" hey, i have a poetry reading to get to in half and hour and my drycleaners just called to say my lounging robe is done, so lets get this over with fast today," the pudgy brazilian said sitting down on the bed and pulling off his shoes

"fine," luke sighs putting his ds down and unbuttoning his pants," its not like i have anything better to do"

cut to luke sitting on the couch lounging back

" its not that i dont have fun with manny, i mean we obviously both enjoy it. and the first time it happened i couldnt stop thinking about it for weeks, but...

i dont know it feels boring, i guess. like been there done that. i think i need to find someone else, i mean if my dad were open to it, but i dont think thats going to happen again. i mean he knows i still do that type of stuff with manny, its why he pushed so hard for me to have a lock on my door. i think hes relieved for me to have someone my own age to do it with "

a faint voice can be heard " luke!, how many times have i told you to stop throwing your shoes into the hamper!

" oh yeah,.. i got to go"

luke thrusts into mannys eager lips one more time letting go into the other boys mouth (both had decided about the second week into their little session that it wasnt so bad tasting and it got rid of the evidence alot easier then a towel or kleenex), his step uncle having already finished into his. luke rolls of and goes back to playing with his ds as manny silently gets dressed and leaves the room. he is still sitting there naked when his mother walks by

" uck luke!" she looks digusted shutting the door "why did your father even install the lock on the door if your not going to use it when your getting dressed!?!"

" sorry mom" he says through the closed door,chuckling quietly to himself " i got distracted"

" well hurry up and put on something nice and clean, were going out to celebrate your sister getting an A on her report card"

"why? alex gets A's all the time"

"yeah she does, but this is haleys report card. and we know how rare that can be"

alexs voice can now be heard in the hallway " haley got an A? someone should call the school and tell them their grading program is broken"

a much more distant voice can be heard " i heard that! good insult coming from the queen of the dorks!

" girls dont argue, cant we all just be happy for haley?" claire said stepping away from the door to go seperate the squabbling sisters

luke just sighs and gets up grabbing the closest pair of clean clothes to him

cut to the restuarant, the whole family is there talking and smiling. luke is distracted staring at his food as he builds his mash potatoes into a makeshift castle, he peas are left to guard it while his corn tries to storm it.

a stipend of conversation reaches his ears, " come on baby, the party was boring anyway"

he looks over at his oldest sister who is currently in a heated whisper argument with her boyfriend dylan. dylan didnt leave much of an early impression on luke. he looked like he was trying to be rockstar but came off as the guy who hung outside the mall all day trying to score some cigarettes. and he was stupid, luke was smarter then him in the fifth grade. despite that the teenager had grown on him, they would often hang out while dylan was waiting for hayley.

hayley was currently whispering back " yeah maybe it was, but i wouldnt know because you went without me"

"look im sorry, ok? but what do you expect? sue halverstien invited me.."

" SUE HALVERSTIEN?!? ok thats it if you think your getting any of this for a long time, your mistaken"

" oh come on babe, i.."

the rest of the conversation was lost to luke as his mothers sudden voice came out of nowhere " luke, stop playing with your food and eat it"

his mash potato castle was half destroyed by the giant ogre that happend to take the form of a pork chop the corn invaders had brought in to aid them.

" oh leave him alone" his grandpa defended him from the head of the table "hes just be creative, i mean mitch used to play with his food too and he turned out fi... on second thought you might want to stop him now"

lukes uncle mitchell, smirked angry " oh yeah dad, it was playing with my food that made me gay" he said over his fathers, and the rest of the families, laughter

luke gave a nervous look at the camera and quickly excused himself from the table feigning an urgent need to used the restroom. the two urinals were set up side by side less then a foot apart. luke had to squeeze himself beside some unknown patron of the restuarant. the man did his best to ignore the kid grabbing out his equipment so close to him.

luke for his part couldnt help but take a peek at what the guy had to work with, this meant having to lean back in an obvious manner. the man noticed quickly and zips up leaving without washing his hands. luke just shrugs and goes back to his business

seconds later the bathroom door squeaks open and dylan walks in stepping up the urinal without a second thought, he quickly unzips his skinny jeans and pulls it out,"hey little dude, mind if i join you?i shouldnt have ordered all that soda"

luke stares at the wall ahead thinking about the implications of trying to check out his sisters boyfriends cock. the urge to see wins out and he slowly leans back while dylan silently hums to himself.

luke lets out a little gasp, dylan is holding onto a soft five inches with what looks like a finely trimmed bush. he looks quickly down at his own, which remained very small when it was soft and even though it was finally coming in barely had sparse pubic hair surrounding it. again he starts to feel a little ashamed of his size. he quickly reverts his eyes back to dylans not noticing the older teenager had stopped humming

" what are you looking at there little dude?" dylan suddenly asks as luke realizes he is looking at him

" oh? i... was... looking at your... urinal cake, mine has one too, i was just wondering what their for"

for a second luke is left to worry dylan wouldnt buy it, the older teen looks down into lukes urinal and then his own " oh yeah those, i dont know. just dont try to eat one, their not really cakes. and they taste horrible" the older teen zips up and leaves also without washing his hands leaving luke to sigh in relieve and bewilderment that the older teen bought it. he in turn zips up and actually washes his hands.


cut back to the couch

luke is again sitting there, but he is in his pajama bottoms and it is clearly night outside

" i cant get the image out of my mind, i fought it all throughout dinner and the ride home, but when i was brushing my teeth it came on full force, i mean who knew dylan was packing that much down there? i mean i guess hayley must know, it would explain alot of the weird noises i hear in the night when dylan sneaks in. anyway, i couldnt stop thinking about it. do you know how hard it is to try and jerk off with one hand while brushing your teeth? because i do. does that mean im gay? if so i guess that could be kind of cool, those guys get to ride on parade floats and everything

cut to two days later, the family is in the kitchen, luke currently playing his ds again as alex and phil head out the door. hayley and claire are in another mother daughter fight about her accidently rear ending somebody.

" now we have to go down to autoshop and get your fender fixed, i hope your happy young lady"

"mom, i already said im sorry, cant you just go down there and take care of it?"

" and clean up your mess for you, no way your going to take responsibly for this and explain exactly what happened"

luke chimed in never taking his eyes off his ds " yeah, that will stop her from being stupid again"

claire looks over at him " oh no, lukey i forgot about you, i guess your going to have to come with us"

"thats ok mom, i would rather stay here if that ok, there showing a special about wolverines on animal planet"

claire give a look toward the camera before asking " you do know that they mean the species and not the comic book character, right sweety?"

luke looks over dissapointed "oh, well i still want to watch it, maybe they'll show them killing someone"

his mother sighed, " ok fine you can stay home alone, house rules apply though ok? no trying to cook anything microwave or stove, no opening windows or doors, no playing with things your not supposed to, no going outside, all your clothes stay on mister, also no answering the door for anyone or anything, no playing with anything sharp or dangerous, fact why dont you just sit on the couch and not move until i get back ok?"

"sure mom whatever"

she goes to leave stopping to look at hayley who was absorbed into her phone again, " you know what? no" she grabs hayleys phone and slams it down on the counter " you dont get your phone right now, thats the whole reason you got into the accident hayley, im unplugging you for a week"

"MOM! thats unfair" hayley retorts following her outside. the conversation can still be faintly heard from lukes vantage point in the kitchen. as soon as the car can be heard pulling out of the driveway luke pops up and opens the window in the kitchen, before grabbing a package of pizza rolls out of the fridge and using a chopping knife to open the bag putting them on a plate and into the microwave. he pulls off his shirt and pants as he waits for the ding of the timer. and settles in to watch some wolverine gore.

less then five minutes later he hears an odd chime from the kitchen, recognizing hayleys ringtone he lets his curiousity get the better of him and checks it out.

the screen is flashing with a picture of dylans face and across the top of the screen is dylans name

luke looks around and lets his little brother syndrome get the better of him, quickly hitting view text

hey babe, its dylan, you there?

he smiles, picking up the phone and carrying it to the front room with him plopping down and answering

yeah im here, whats up?

you know what babe, im missing you, like the stars miss the moon during an eclipse

thats so sweet, but you know im still mad at you, for whatever stupid girly reason i have

yeah i know babe, but i love your stupid girly reasons, and you

thats so sweet i guess,

thanks babe... so your alone?

um yeah, im just sitting in the frontroom in my underwear

your underwear? thats hot babe, so you wanna do a quick session?

sure my boyfriend dylan girlfriend...hayley, i walk into the room taking off my custom fit shirt smiling

oh, uh. i sit here smiling too, grabbing my luscious big boobs

luke realized with a start what was about to happen, he licked his lips nervously looking at the camera quickly before reaching down and releasing his boner through his boxer hole, he slowly jerks while texting with dylan,

i walk up to you unzipping my hip hugging skinny jeans, sliding them down my legs

i ooh in pleasure, unhooking my bra easily because i have been doing it all my life

i look at your gorgeous breasts sensually rubbing my crotch as i walk toward you

i stand up and kiss you, my big breasts rubbing against your chest

i moan babe reaching my arms around and grabbing your tight behind

i smile and get down on my knees pulling your boxers down


i grab your large cock in my obviously girly mouth


whats wrong?

are you sexting about giving me a blowjob?

yeah? is that a problem?

i just dont understand why you would agree to give me on through sext and not do it in real life

ive been refusing to give you a blowjob?

well yeah, obviously

i was just double checking for my memories sake.

luke licked his lips again trying to decide if he should go through with it, he was absentmindly formulating his plan now his penis laid forgetten sticking up in the fresh air

listen dylan, ive changed my mind, i want to give you a blowjob

are you serious? now? im in the middle of dinner with my parents but i could be over there in like five minutes.

no! no, not here. i dont want my mom catching us

smart move, she might make it awkward, so where then? and when?

yeah awkward, hmm ok, later tonight lets say 11:30, you remember how to get to my uncles house?

yeah of course babe, you think their going to let us do that in their house though?

of course not, my little nieces princess castle at 11:30, sneak in there so they dont know about it

ok sounds hot babe

one more thing


i want you to wear a blindfold,

a blindfold?

yeah, a blindfold, just put it on and get ready for me, it will make it hotter since you wont be able to tell whats going on

ok sure, ill see you then

luke smiled as he went through erasing the texts, he managed to put it back on the counter and pretend to be watching the animal channel as his dad and sister walked back in

cut to later that night, as the young teenager shimmies down the rope ladder his dad keep in room for evacuation emergencies. he smiles lighting up the torch he keep in his bedroom drawer using his hand to hide most of the beam of light from his parents window

his bike he purposely left out where he could get to it, he rode it quickly two blocks chaining it up to the nearby fence and got into the taxi he had prepared to be here before hand. it took him five minutes to convince the driver to take a kid in the middle of the night halfway across the city, but eventually he was on his way.

his uncles were still up, cameron was sitting in the kitchen arguing with mitchell, gesturing wildly while his counterpart just sat at the table making annoyed faces.

luke carefully sneaks past crawling under the window, he can see the castle in the faint glow of the light from the window, the door is slightly ajar and luke shakes excitedly as he nears

sure enough dylan is inside his clothes discarded to one side and a weird polka dotted tie around his eyes. luke smiles crawling into the castle.

"hayley, babe? is that you" dylan croaks out quietly " i hope so, last time it was a raccoon...i thought it was you for a bit, worse two minutes of my life"

luke hadnt planned for questions in his horniness and stopped short looking around for an idea

finally all he could was say "yes" in the girlyish voice he could manage

"oh good" the stylish and not to bright dylan responds, " babe, i cant believe we're doing this, this is definitely going in my memoirs when i get famous. and you can be my trophy wife who everyone will want to bang"

luke puts his finger to dylans lips. the older boy promptly licks his lips and says under his breath " peanut butter"

luke picks his phone up, and sets it on the window turning the camera on beforing laying down in an awkward position having to stick his legs out the door to fit, his face now inches away from the older boys cock, it was sitting there in its full glory, surrounds by neatly shaped pubic hair. it was slowly chubbing up. the younger boy slowly blows on it smiling as he watches it swell up, it reaches high luke could only guess it comes in at around nine inches.

no wonder hayley like dylan so much, he thinks bringing his face even closer. he slowly licks the underside, one of the tricks he learned from praticing on manny. it causes the older boy to shiver and raise his hips a bit

luke smiles wider at the reaction and take the tip into his mouth swirling around his tongue on the teens cockhead, sending him into a low moan. slowly he engulfs more of the gaint cock, fitting about half of it in his mouth before he starts to gag. rather then try and fit more he luke plays with what he has, slurping on teenagers cock like it was an ice cream pop. he reaches down and cups the older teens balls kneading them gently will he sucks. manny hated his balls being touched, luke on the other hand loved it and hoped the older boy shared his afinity for it. sure enough he was rewarded with another more potent moan of pleasure.

luke was hornier then ever his cock trapped in his shorts and he tried to sastify himself a little by gyrating into the ground as he sucked. he couldnt take it anymore and reaches down pushing his shorts down freeing it from its constrates, he starts to jerk off while sucking dylan. the older teen reaches gyrating his hips moaning out louder

before luke can think to reach the mid pleasure teen reaches down to put a hand on his head, obviously feeling the younger lads curly hair rather then the straight locks of his girlfriend he freaks out, reaching up pulling the tie off to stare horrified down at lue who stops sucking slowly trying to collect his thoughts as he give the look of a naughty child who has just been caught stealing snacks.

" what the fuck, little dud..luke, what are you doing, wheres hayley? "

" shes...not here," luke began gulping, " look dylan,.. i send the texts."

"dude! so not cool" the older boy curls up a bit reaching for his pants

"no wait"


" dont you want to finish"

"what of course not, luke im dating your sister, this is cheating, and its also gay"

" but you were liking it, why not let me finish?"

dylan doesnt answer reaching for his clothes again

"fine" the younger boy says reaching up for his phone " i guess ill just post this on facebook and we will call it a night"

"what? you took a video? you cant post that, you wouldnt post that"

"of course i would"


cut to luke sitting on couch

of course i wouldnt, besiding being illegal, my reputation would be destroyed as well, in fact probably more so, i mean hes obviously blindfold and im the one sucking him. im never showing that to anyone except maybe manny, i just wanted it to watch later. but dylan doesnt know that, hes actually really stupid.

cut back to dylan and luke present

"look dylan just lay back and enjoy the blowjob, and no one ever knows about it, this is a win win scenerio for you"

"except for the fact where its my girlfriends 9 year old brother is giving it to me"

" 13 actually, just lay back already"

" you promise if i let you finish you wont ever tell anyone right, especially not hayley?"

luke smiles in victory "especially not hayley, dylan"

the teen lays back down awkardly as the younger lad gets back down on his knees, he closes his eyes as the younger starts up. luke has to stroke dylan to get him going again, and to the teens dismay he gets hard . luke gets back to it, thinking how much hotter it is now that the teen is watching him do this.

dylan is obviously in conflict his face screwed in pleasure and resistance. the bobbing of the younger boys mouth and tongue on his cock prove to much eventually and he leans back in pleasure letting out another moan.

"luke" dylan moans out placing his hand back onto the boys head " please dont stop, oh my god keeping going"

luke uses one of his hands to start stroking the part of dylans cock that he couldnt fit in his mouth. it isnt long before he feels the moaning teenager start to buckle and he knows whats coming.

he pushes down on dylans thighs with both his hand sucking and bobbing as hard as he possibly could. he feels dylan push upward his cock suddenly jerking by itself as the teenager cums hard, luke swallows it all smacking his lips.

dylan lays backand closes his eyes, luke who had continued to jerk himself during the bj stood up on his knees and furiously finished, letting his own cum land on the chest and pelvis of the naked and panting older boy. who seemed to take no notice, or just didnt care.

"luke..."dylan began still panting " that was amazing,where did you learn to this?"

"manny taught me" the youth said pulling up his shorts

"gross" the spend teen says laying his head back again

"did you like it?"


"well maybe we could do it again, i could teach you how to do it so you could return the favor, its really not that hard"

"luke i told you im not gay, but.... anytime you want to, ill let you suck me off" dylan said clearly not believing he was actually saying the words outloud"

" wow" luke says squating in the doorway " promise?"

dylan doesnt answer and luke can hear the faint snores of deep sleep

so he goes home, using the same route and tactic he used to get there. this time having to risk finding a taxi and flagging it down in the middle of the night. he was followed for a good block and a half by some guy in a red compact who seemed much to interested to him. but he ducked into an open shop and called a cab from there. once he was safely in his bed he turned on the video and watched it , jerking off again to the looks on dylans face.

ok thats all for this chapter, im sorry if its to long or just boring. it kind of got away from me i feel. the next chapter will be dealing with luke and phil again. and me be the finale.

as always feel free to drop me any criticism or comments at

i am also thinking about starting a new series or one off, but i cant decide which source material i want to use, if you have a story or group of characters you want to see me write, please send me a request. i will consider doing it.

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