By Bastian Ward

Published on May 20, 2017



This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

He was the blackest man Simeon had ever seen. He had, as far as Simeon was concerned, the most beautiful face he'd ever seen on anyone, white or coloured. High cheek bones. Bee stung lips. Almond shaped eyes that were as black as pits. His hair was closely cropped to his head, so it looked as though he was wearing a skull cap. His ears were very closely set to the side of his head. He was clean shaven. His skin looked to be velvety soft. It was, as far as Simeon was concerned a kindly face. It sat on top of a long slender neck with a very large Adam's apple protruding from it. Which sat on his incredibly defined chest. His arms were well proportioned. Simeon was sure he had to work out. No one could be that perfect without working out, could they? He had to be immensely tall, Simeon hadn't seen him standing all night, well for as long as he'd noticed him anyway. But Simeon could see, from when he glanced in his direction that his knees seemed to almost hit the underside of the table he was sitting at, as well as being a good head taller than the other guys he was sitting with. But none of his physical features was what attracted Simeon in the first place, as far as he was concerned they were all secondary. No, it was the colour of his skin, Simeon had a thing for dark skin, but coffee coloured skin was what really got him going, or so he thought until he saw Ballan. He boned up the minute he saw a guy with darker skin. The man's skin was so black that it seemed to suck all the light that was around him into him. Simeon was in lust, he fantasised about the size of the man's cock and just how much it'd hurt to be fucked by him, but he knew that any guy that looked like that wouldn't be interested in a guy that looked like him. He built his fantasy up to the point where Simeon began to doubt he could even take one of his very large chicken egg sized testicles in his mouth. He could only pray that the guy had a great bubble butt to finish him off nicely. Simeon had to keep surreptitiously adjusting his crotch as he was beginning to bone up, and he was leaking so much pre-cum that he had a wet patch on his pants, that he hadn't noticed. He was too busy indulging in his fantasy about the guy. He kept stealing sidelong glances at him. When Simeon went to get a drink from the bar, he walked halfway around the room just so that he could `accidently' walk past to try to get just a whiff of the guy's muskiness. To be able to hear him talking in his rumbling bass. He wanted to bury his face in the man's crotch, his armpits, Simeon just wanted to force his face into the guy's arse crack, just to be able to smell and taste the guy's muskiness.

Simeon, like everyone else in his position, thought he was being very discreet. Watching the object of his desire from out of the corner of his eye. With the occasional quick glance in his direction. Simeon was so going to masturbate over the mental pictures of this guy for months. Imagining what it would feel like to have him run his hands all over Simeon's body. To play with Simeon's little dick. For Simeon to try and get at least the tip of the man's massive cock in his mouth. Simeon fantasised about licking all the sweat off his body and just drinking it all up. The more Simeon indulged himself in his fantasies, the bigger the patch on his pants grew, and still, Simeon hadn't notice.

Ballan loved to go the The Peel' hotel with his mates; he didn't go there to try and pick anyone up. He wasn't interested in doing that, well, not here anyway. No, he went to Porter St if he wanted to cruise and pick someone up. No, he just came to The Peel' to hang out with his mates, or his partner if he had one, which he didn't at the moment. While there were a lot of dark skinned people in Melbourne now, because Melbourne was so multicultural, Ballan felt he stood out because his skin was just so much dark than everyone else's. He felt like an oddity. And being gay he felt more so like one. He never got used to people staring at him. That's why when he caught the little fat white guy staring at him, trying to be surreptitious, and doing an incredibly bad job of it, it really got up his nose, so much so that he just stared at the guy until he looked up in his direction again. And before he could look away Ballan beckoned him over. Ballan almost laughed out loud, because the guy almost shit himself, but instead Ballan pointed at him again with one finger and then pointed at the floor right by his chair. Ballan didn't break eye contact with the guy and almost fell out of his chair when the other guy stood up hesitantly and walked over to Ballan. When he was standing beside Ballan, Ballan just ignored him and went back to talking to his mates.


Simeon almost shit himself when he looked up and made eye contact with the guy, and when the guy beckoned Simeon over, Simeon didn't know what to do. So, Simeon's first thought was to just ignore the invite so that he could go back to his fantasies, but when Simeon saw the second summons, and the guy pointed at the floor by his chair, Simeon, somewhat reluctantly went over. Simeon stood beside Ballan's chair a little bit self-consciously, and as Ballan seem intent on ignoring him, Simeon was a little unsure on what to do next. So, he cleared his throat trying to get Ballan's attention, which didn't seem to work, so he tried again but a bit louder this time. This time Ballan raised his hand, and with his finger pointing towards the floor he moved his hand downwards, and almost fell out of his chair when Simeon sat on the floor beside his chair, on his haunches looking up at him just like a dog. Ballan was so surprised that he forgot what he was talking about for a minute, but he soon caught up again, as he put Simeon out of his mind.

Simeon was feeling more and more uncomfortable, other patrons were beginning to stare at him, and they had to walk around him on their way to the bar, and he was beginning to feel incredibly self-conscious. He wondered if he shouldn't just get up and walk away, but kneeling beside the man, Simeon could breathe in his muskiness, and the man smelt better than Simeon ever imagined one man could smell. He could also see the bulge of the man's crotch, and even though the man was sitting down, Simeon could see he must have a big cock. While he was crouched on the floor he began to wonder why he was even there; he wasn't into S&M or bondage or anything like that. No, he was a strictly `vanilla sex' kinda guy. You know, find someone who didn't mind having sex with him, jump into bed, do the deed and then leave. So, Simeon wondered why he even walked over here in the first place; he knew someone like Ballan wouldn't be into a guy like him. But, then, Ballan had beckoned him over, so maybe... In the end, he just decided that he'd thought with his dick and not his head, so now this was over. Simeon'd just started to stand up, when Ballan looked down at him, "where do you think you're going he growled. Strip!"

Simeon baulked. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Was he just told to strip? Here in a public pub. Was he expected to strip completely or just down to his underwear? He looked up at Ballan with a stricken look on his face.

His command to Simeon caught Ballan unawares, had he just told this guy that he wasn't interested in, in the slightest, to strip. So now both men were looking at each other, both wanting to see what the other one was going to do.

Ballan broke the impasse, "I said, `strip', boy! What are you waiting for?" Ballan growled at Simeon. And, somewhat surprised, Simeon started to strip. Right there in the pub. It was a Friday night, so the pub was pretty full, and Simeon really was such a mouse of a man, to begin with. Simeon, a man who liked to hide in the shadows and not be noticed by anyone because he was too scared of what they'd think of him, slowly began to strip. Right there on the floor of the pub, surrounded by all these people.

Ballan had never been so surprised in his life; the fat guy was actually stripping, wide-eyed he turned back to his mates. Meanwhile, Simeon continued to strip. He got down to his boxers and wondered if he should keep them on or not, surely, he rationalised to himself, he wasn't expected to strip completely naked here in front of everyone? Was he?

His ruminations were broken into, when Ballan growled one word at him, "strip." So, Simeon pulled his boxers off and added them to the pile of his clothes, now he was sitting on the floor of `The Peel' totally naked, and his cheeks were flaming red.

"Put that little boy dick away," Ballan said to Simeon, "no one in here wants to see that poor excuse of a dick."

Simeon, going even redder pushed his erect dick down between his thighs and closed them over the top of it, effectively trapping his dick between them. But Simeon's embarrassment wasn't going to end there because one of the Staff came over and told him and Ballan that they couldn't do that kind of thing in `The Peel'. It wasn't that kind of establishment.

Ballan got up and headed towards the exit, and all he said over his shoulder was a one-word command, "come". Simeon jumped to his feet and gathering up his clothes, and covering his dick and balls with his free hand, ran after Ballan out into the night.

Ballan stepped out onto Peel St and turned left and headed towards Smith St, feeling quite embarrassed himself, actually. He'd never told anyone to just strip, anywhere, unless he was going to have sex with them of course, but then he didn't need to tell them to strip. Not even in the bathhouse in Porter St, I mean, most of the guys there, just walked around in loincloths anyway, so it was totally different. Even the guys he took home, he'd never told to just strip. Now he was being followed by a fat naked guy who wasn't even his type. If Simeon hadn't been looking at Ballan so much, none of this would have ever happened. Ballan'd crossed Cambridge, and Oxford St, and was going to turn into Little Oxford St and jump in his car when he became aware of a commotion happening behind him. He turned around to see Simeon running along behind him, still naked, fat jiggling all over the place, and a large bunch of guys trying to catch up to him. They were all calling out and wolf whistling at him, and if Ballan didn't feel so responsible for Simeon's predicament, he would have just left him to it. As it was, he was sure he could see Simeon bawling his eyes out. So, Ballan waited for him to catch up at the corner. They walked down Little Oxford St together, and when they got to Ballan's car, he told Simeon to sit on the floor in the back. Ballan jumped into the driver's seat and started the car, just as the mob reached them. Ballan ignore their calls and backed out of his parking spot and headed off where? Home? He really didn't want to take Simeon home, did he? But he slowly became aware of a very strange feeling that was slowly creeping up on him, but he couldn't work out what it was.

He turned right onto Stanley St and then turned left onto Wellington St as he headed home, and it was only after he'd turned onto Queens Pde, that he finally could work out the feeling that was building in him. It was a sense of power. Ballan realised that he felt a sense of power over Simeon. Fuck. He'd just told this random stranger to strip in a very crowded pub, and the guy did! What a head trip! He began to wonder if he could get Simeon to do anything else even more embarrassing, so he pulled the car over. He told Simeon to get out. Simeon looked up at him from the floor of the car and started to get dressed. Ballan reached over and pulled the clothes out of Simeon's hands. "I said fucken get out of my car! Not get dressed. Now get the fuck out of the car!" He finished with a bit of menace in his voice.

Simeon just looked up at him, "but, I'm naked! You can't expect me to get out of the car naked?"

Ballan just looked back at Simeon and growled, "get out of my fuckin' car now, boy!"

"Um, yes. Ok," he replied.

"Yes, what?"

Um, I don't know your name," Simeon replied as he looked up at Ballan.

"So, what are you going to call me, boy?"

Um, mister???"

"Guess again, boy. I'm using your name, now use mine!"

"Um, sir??"

That's right, boy. Now, get the fuck out of my car, or do I have to pull you out."

Simeon opened the door and jumped out of the car and stood naked on the footpath, with all the Friday night traffic whizzing past. Simeon stood on the footpath with his hands covering his genitals, but Ballan wasn't having any of that, not now that he'd experienced the sense of power he had over Simeon. "Put your hands on your head, boy, and walk," said Ballan out the car window.

So, going beet red again, Simeon began to walk along Queens Pde with his hands on his head. Thankfully there was no one out walking, and his cock had shrivelled up from the embarrassment. So much so, that Simeon hoped not too many people noticed, but unfortunately, a lot of people did notice and were honking their horns as Simeon walked along with his hands on his head. He'd never been so embarrassed in his life.

Eventually, Ballan let him get back in the car, and with Simeon crouched down on the floor in the back seat, Ballan headed home.

Normally, Ballan would just drive into his garage and keep his car off the street. But, this has been anything but an ordinary night, Ballan, totally out of character for him, just wanted to humiliate Simeon as much as he could. So, he parked a block away from his house and told Simeon to get out of the car. Simeon was also learning his place in this new arrangement and meekly got out of the car. "What did you say, boy?"

"Um, yes, Sir," replied Simeon still a bit unsure of his place in the new hierarchy that he found himself in. He reached for his clothes, but Ballan told him he could only have his boxers. The rest he had to leave in the car. Ballan locked the car, and telling Simeon to put his hands on his head he walked off in the direction of home with a naked Simeon trailing along behind him, holding his boxers on his head. When they got to Ballan's front door, Ballan took Simeon's boxers and told him to face the street with his hands on his head, as he didn't want to have to look at his little boy dick.

With that Ballan disappeared into the house leaving Simeon on the front porch, with his hands on his head facing the street. Meanwhile, Ballan found some scissors and made some `repairs' to Simeon's boxers. He went back to Simeon and gave him back his boxers and told him to put them on, which Simeon did gladly, not realising that they'd been modified until he pulled them up. It was then that Simeon discovered that Ballan had cut the arse out of his boxers. Simeon was horrified and spun around to tell Ballan what he thought, that was until he saw the look on Ballan's face.

"From now on you will keep your little boy dick covered at all times, is that understood?" Ballan growled at him. "I don't want to have to look at that pathetic little grub, but I want your arse available to me at a moment's noticed so I can fuck you any time I want to, is that understood? Also, you are going to do something about your weight. Fuck, man how can you let yourself go like that?"

Simeon couldn't work out what was happening to him. All he did was to perv on an incredibly good looking guy in the pub, which he did a lot. Didn't everyone? The next thing he knew, the incredibly good looking guy had called him over and told him to sit at his feet. THEN. Then, this incredibly gorgeous guy told him to strip in the crowded pub, which was kind of a fantasy of his. But still. Then it got them kicked out of the pub, Simeon stark naked, running down the road following this gorgeous guy's incredible bubble butt, who was, in turn, being followed by a large crowd of guys who wanted to fuck me fifty-two ways to Sunday. Then he had to sit on the floor in the back of this black stud's car, which the stud kicked him out of and made Simeon walk along a very busy road, completely naked with his hands on his head. Now Simeon's in his house wearing nothing but his boxers with the arse cut out them, so this godlike man can fuck Simeon whenever he wants. Simeon knew he kinda liked this on one level, particularly as his dick kept twitching in his boxers, but he was also shitting himself not knowing what this guy wanted to do with him.

"Um, I don't know, Sir." He replied.

"Fuck, come here," with that Ballan grabbed Simeon by the hair at the back of the head, and with Simeon doubled over, he pulled him through the house into the kitchen. Ballan threw Simeon over the end of the kitchen table. Ballan undid the fly of his pants and fished his cock out. He lined his cock up with Simeon's arse and in one fell swoop pushed his ridged cock all the way up Simeon's arse.

Simeon screamed as he felt Ballan's cock force its way into his hole. No lube. No prep work of any kind, and without any warning that that was what he was going to do. Added to all of this, up to today it was the biggest cock Simeon had ever had up his arse.

Ballan slapped Simeon's arse as hard as he could and told Simeon to shut the fuck up, and to take it like the bitch he is.

Ballan pulled his cock almost all the way out until only the head of his cock was holding Simeon's hole open. Then he just slammed his cock all the way back in. Simeon expected to feel the head of Ballan's cock pushing against his teeth trying to get out of his mouth. He'd never had anything this big up his arse before, and to him, it felt as though Ballan's cock was ripping his arsehole to shreds.

Ballan picked up the pace. "Fuck, your arse is so fuckin' tight, bitch. Oh, fuck, if I'd know you were this fuckin' tight..." Ballan got lost in the moment, and it wasn't too long before he shot his load of cum up Simeon's arse. When he'd finished Ballan collapsed onto Simeon's back and just lay there with his cock still planted up Simeon's arse. When he recovered enough to stand up, Ballan pulled his cock out of Simeon's arse and grabbed Simeon by the hair at the back of his head. He stood Simeon up and then forced him to his knees and shoved the head of his cock in Simeon's mouth and told him to clean him up.

Simeon felt Ballan's cock buck in his arse and knew that it was shooting its load of hot ropey cum up his arse. While Ballan was laying on his back catching his breath, Simeon realised that at some point, during the fuck of his life, his cock had shot its load in his boxers. He waited for Ballan to catch his breath, thinking that he'd be sent home then, he was very surprised when Ballan got off him and grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head and forced him to his knees. It was the first time he got to look at Ballan's enormous black cock, as Ballan forced the head of his cock into Simeon's mouth with the command to clean him up. So, Simeon licked and sucked the enormous head of this black god's cock. Simeon sucked the last of Ballan's cum out of his cock. He ran his tongue around under Ballan's foreskin and licked all the cum and shit from under it. He pulled back, so Ballan's cock fell out of his mouth and then set to licking and sucking the rest of Ballan's cock to make it all nice and clean for him.

Under Simeon's ministrations, Ballan's cock slowly rose to attention once again. Ballan grabbed the back of Simeon's head and forced his cock into Simeon's mouth, but when Ballan's cock hit the back of Simeon's mouth, Simeon pulled back as he'd never deep throated anyone one before. But Ballan was having none of that, so he grabbed Simeon by the ears and forced his cock down Simeon's throat, to the sounds of Simeon chocking and gagging. Ballan was surprised, because, although he'd been a bit aggressive with his lovemaking in the past, never in his life had he ever forced anyone to do something they didn't want to do. And here he was forcing his cock up another guy's arse, who obviously hadn't had something that big up it before, and now he was forcing his cock down that same guy's throat, who obviously hadn't deep throated anyone before. Ballan was loving the sense of power it gave him over Simeon, he looked down and could see Simeon's eyes were watering and snot was streaming out of Simeon's nose. But Ballan didn't care, all he cared about was how great it felt to have his cock down a virgin throat. He hit Simeon up the side of the head and told him to take cover his teeth, as he didn't want to scrap his cock on them.

"Yeah. Take it, bitch," was all Ballan could say, over and over again. Again, he felt his cock explode as he shot his next load of cum down Simeon's throat. When his cock stopped leaking cum he pulled out of Simeon's mouth and threw him on the floor, and leaving him there, Ballan turned off the light and went to bed. Leaving Simeon coughing and spluttering on the kitchen floor.

Simeon laid on the kitchen floor in the dark. He wiped the snot off his face with the back of his hand, while he continued to lay there coughing and spluttering. His throat had never felt so raw and sore before, not even when he'd had the flu. Every time he coughed, it seemed to make his throat worse, but he just couldn't stop coughing. His eyes and nose stopped running eventually, and even though his throat felt as though it'd been rubbed raw, Simeon actually fell asleep.

Ballan woke a couple of hours later, with a raging hardon. He grabbed hold of it with both hands and started to fist himself when his waking brain suddenly remembered he had someone still on his kitchen floor that he could use instead. So, jumping out of bed, completely naked, with his mammoth cock pointing the way, he made his way back to the kitchen and found Simeon asleep on the floor. Ballan turned on the light. He grabbed Simeon by the head and pulled him to his feet and bent him over the kitchen table again. And once again rammed his cock, the full length into Simeon's arse in one fell swoop. And once again Simeon screamed.

Simeon was rudely woken by someone turning on the light, and while he was trying to work out where he was, he felt Ballan grab him by the hair at the back of his head. Pulling him to his feet and bending him over the kitchen table, and just as his waking brain was slowly making the connections of where he was, and what had happened to him just a few short hour ago. He felt Ballan shove his cock the full length into his poor abused arse, and once again he screamed from the pain from having the biggest cock he'd ever seen shoved back up his arse.

Ballan pounded away at Simeon's arse, and instead of feeling guilty about causing Simeon pain, he used Simeon's screams to spur him on and fuck Simeon harder and rougher. And just like last time his climax was just as powerful as his last one. Only this time he saw stars as he collapsed onto Simeon's back. And in a repeat of earlier, he pulled out of Simeon's arse, grabbed Simeon by the back of the head, lifted him off the table and forced him to his knees. Ballan then forced the head of his cock into Simeon's mouth and had him clean it up.

Simeon felt Ballan's cock buck characteristically in his arse as it shot its second load of cum up his arse, and this time, when Ballan collapsed on his back, he just waited for Ballan's next move. So, when he felt Ballan stirring on his back he mentally got ready to have to clean up his cock, and probably having Ballan's cock forced down his throat again. Simeon tried to talk, to protest of his treatment, but all he could do was croak, so when Ballan grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head, he just gave up and went with it.

Again, while Simeon was cleaning up Ballan's cock, it rose to attention and Ballan, once again forced it back down Simeon's throat, and again Ballan raped Simeon's throat.

Ballan was loving the power he felt over Simeon, while fucking his arse, and by raping his mouth. Like he was doing right now. He totally ignored the sounds of Simeon choking around his cock as Ballan thrust it down Simeon's throat, again reminding him to mind his teeth. Ballan let out a primal yell as he unloaded all his cum down Simeon's throat, and collapsed backwards into the kitchen chair that just happened to be behind him. Simeon fell over backwards on the floor, effectively pulling Ballan's throbbing cock out of his mouth.

Ballan eventually stood up on shaky legs, and with his cock dripping cum from the tip of his foreskin, he went back and collapsed onto his bed.

Simeon rolled over and fell into an exhausted sleep as well.

Ballan made use of Simeon twice more during the night, and it was midmorning before Ballan finally rose from his bed, he strolled down to his kitchen whistling because he'd had the best night of sex in his entire life. He walked into the kitchen and found Simeon still lying on the floor looking very much the worse for wear. Ballan threw open the curtains and busied himself getting his breakfast, stepping over Simeon when he had to.

Simeon was woken by Ballan's whistling as he walked to the kitchen. Simeon looked up from his position on the floor and took the time to study the man who had used him, Simeon felt, nine ways to Sunday. By the fourth time, Simeon realised that he was, in fact, liking the way he was being used. He was nothing but a cum dump to this black man who was now walking around the kitchen, getting his breakfast, Simeon presumed and loving the sight of this very naked black man walking around the kitchen. Clearly, he worked out, as Simeon couldn't find an ounce of fat anywhere on his body, and while he had great muscle definition, he didn't seem to have a lot of muscle mass. Simeon marvelled at Ballan's beautiful face, the high cheekbones, and the sunken cheeks. His nose that started off so narrow at the bridge and broadened out at the nostrils. Simeon loved Ballan's bee stung lips, that looked almost too big for his face, but, Simeon decided, because Ballan's face was so long it all seemed to work. Ballan had, Simeon noticed, a very deep cleft in his chin, so much so that Simeon wondered if he had trouble shaving it. Simeon's eyes travelled down Ballan's graceful neck that nestled between his very broad rounded shoulders. When Ballan had his back to Simeon, Simeon could see just how straight Ballan's spine was and how it seemed to cut a furrow down the centre of Ballan's back. Simeon could see Ballan's ribs expanding and contracting as he breathed. Simeon's eye continued to follow Ballan's spine as the furrow disappeared into the crack between Ballan's huge mounds of his bubble butt. Simeon thought he could balance a cup of tea on the top of Ballan's bubble butt; it seemed to stick out that much. And apart from now wanting a cup of tea, Simeon wondered if he would ever be able to crack Ballan's butt open and be able to drill his hole for anything he could find there. Simeon was still curious about the smell of Ballan's arse and just how musky it would really be. From where he was laying on the floor, Simeon got tantalising whiffs of Ballan's muskiness, and he was intoxicated by it. When Ballan turned to almost face Simeon, Simeon got to see the pendulous cock that had so battered him throughout the night, and although he was very sore in places he didn't like to be quite that sore in, Simeon wasn't really sure if he was sorry last night had ever happened. Looking up at Ballan's long thick hooded cock, all Simeon could think about was if he'd ever get another chance to be used by that cock again.

Ballan had finished preparing his breakfast, and sat at the kitchen table and started to eat. Simeon waited for a little bit, and not quite sure what was coming over him, he got himself onto all fours and crawled under the table until he was in front of Ballan's slightly parted knees. Simeon pushed his face forwards until it was resting between Ballan's knees, and then getting a little bolder because Ballan hadn't pushed him away. Simeon pushed his face between Ballan's legs, effectively spreading Ballan's legs with his face until Simeon could see Ballan's thick, very black cock resting on, and just hanging over the edge of the chair Ballan was sitting on. Simeon grew even bolder and started to lap at the tip of Ballan's foreskin, forcing Ballan's legs further apart as he started to lick the head that was covered by Ballan's foreskin, and the shaft of Ballan's cock.

In response, Ballan scooted his arse a little further on the chair so that Simeon had better access to his cock and balls, and what huge balls they were. Simeon had not been wrong in his assessment of them last night, either in the pub or during the night when they were slapping his arse or his chin. Under Simeon's ministrations, he could feel Ballan's cock growing bigger, and watched as the foreskin was slowly pulled back to reveal the blackest glans Simeon had ever seen. Simeon lapped at the base of the glans as the drops of pre-cum were starting to drip, which caused Ballan's body to shudder, which Simeon was able to feel through Ballan's cock. Without thinking about it, Simeon opened up his mouth and very slowly swallowed Ballan's cock right down to the root, and Simeon didn't even realise what he'd done until the peppercorn swirls of Ballan's pubic hair started to scratch his nose.

Scared, Simeon pulled back off Ballan's cock, but caught himself before the head of Ballan's cock left his lips. He soon realised that his throat didn't hurt quite so much this time, so plucking up his courage he dove back down onto Ballan's enormous swollen member and taking his time he deep throated Ballan's cock until he felt Ballan's balls rising. Then Simeon held his head very still with Ballan's cock still down his throat, and when he felt the moment pass, he continued to deep throat Ballan's cock.

Simeon edged Ballan's cock three times before he would allow Ballan to cum down his throat, and by this time Ballan was begging Simeon to let him cum. Simeon swallowed every drop. Ballan pushed his chair back, pulling his own cock out of Simeon's mouth. He reached down and holding Simeon's face in his hands pulled him up into a very passionate kiss.

Simeon drowned in that kiss. After his treatment last night, he thought he hated Ballan with a passion, but now. After having sucked Ballan's monster cock, of his own volition, of being the instigator this time, Simeon wanted nothing more than to worship this cock and hopefully get the chance to crack this man's arse cheeks to see what he could find there. Once again Ballan left the kitchen dripping cum from his cock as he went to his bedroom to get dressed. He returned shortly after dressing ready to go for a run, ignoring Simeon he grabbed a water bottle, and filling it he left the house to go for a run.

Simeon searched the kitchen and found himself something to eat, he made himself a coffee and sat at the table, and reminded himself just how sore his arse was again when his butt made contact with the chair and had his breakfast. When he had finished, he cleaned up the kitchen and tidied everything away. While Ballan was away, Simeon decided to explore the house and found Ballan's bedroom where he discovered a pair of Ballan's discarded dirty jocks on the floor, probably the ones he had worn last night. Simeon picked them up gingerly between his thumb and first finger, and as he was taking them over to what he assumed was the dirty clothes basket. Not really sure why he did it he held the jocks up to his nose and took an experimental whiff of Ballan's muskiness, and he was almost balled over by the heady aroma. Before he realised it, Simeon had buried his face in Ballan's dirty jocks, trying to breathe in as much of the musty, musky aroma as he could.

Simeon was surprised with himself; he'd never done this before, well at least not with any of the guys he'd had sex with before. Ballan's aroma was such a strong musky smell that before he realised what he was doing he was sitting on the floor with his back against Ballan's bed and he pulled his little boy dick out of his boxers. Simeon started to masturbate while holding Ballan's dirty jocks to his nose, and he climaxed just as Ballan walked through the door having just come back from his run.

Ballan was furious, "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He roared at Simeon, "put your fuckin' little boy dick away. No self-respecting man wants to see that. And what the fuck are you doing with my jocks?"

Simeon was stunned and just sat there looking up at a very angry Ballan.

Ballan reached down and grabbed his jocks out of Simeon's hands and threw them in the dirty clothes basket. He reached down and grabbed Simeon by the hair and dragged him into his ensuite. Ballan turned the shower on while he stripped himself of his running gear, when he'd finished he stepped into the shower and told Simeon to get in and wash him.

Simenon couldn't believe his ears. He almost dropped his boxers, but remembered just in time, and jumped in the shower behind Ballan, ready and eager to help him wash.

Simeon grabbed Ballan's face washer and soaped it up, and proceeded to wash Ballan's face, being as gentle as he could. When he'd finished washing Ballan's face, he moved down and washed Ballan's neck, and told Ballan to turn around. Simeon scrubbed Ballan's back. He told Ballan to raise his arms so Simeon could get to his pits. As Simeon was washing Ballan, he was committing as much of Ballan's body to memory as he could, so he could use the images to masturbate over them later.

Simeon told Ballan to turn around, and Simeon scrubbed Ballan's chest and abdomen as he made his slow way down Ballan's body. As he went, Simeon marvelled at the chiselled perfection he was able to wash. Simeon knew his own body was repulsive to someone like Ballan, but he lied to himself and told himself he didn't care. He had the memory of last night, and now, now he knew he'd forever compare anyone's body, that he'd sleep with from now on, to Ballan, and his perfect specimen of a body.

Simeon knelt in the bottom of the shower stall so he could wash Ballan's cock and balls. Simeon carefully pulled back Ballan's foreskin and washed the glans of Ballan's cock, almost lovingly. Simeon certainly worshipped Ballan's cock now. When Simeon had finished washing Ballan's cock, and before he allowed Ballan's foreskin to cover it up again. Simeon gave Ballan's cock a little lick and then allowed the foreskin to cover it up again. Simeon couldn't believe his luck when after he'd washed Ballan's big balls, he finally got to turn Ballan around so that now he was faced with Ballan's huge bubble butt. Simeon soaped up the face washer again and then pushing Ballan in the small of his back to get him to lean forwards. Ballan complied, and Simeon was rewarded by Ballan's butt cheeks parting slightly. Simeon washed the two huge globes of Ballan's butt before he parted them and worked the face washer into the cleft until he could push no further. Simeon made sure he washed Ballan's arse very carefully, and when he'd finished, using his hands, he separated Ballan's butt cheeks until Simeon could see Ballan's black rosebud of a hole. Simeon doubted that anyone had ever penetrated that hole before.

Cautiously he probed the opening to Ballan's hole with a finger, and as Simeon ran his finger around the opening, he was rewarded with Ballan's low moans, of pleasure. Well, Simeon hoped it was pleasure, as his finger probed a little bit deeper until Ballan squeezed his sphincter shut tight. Simeon removed his finger and continued wash Ballan's long tapered legs. Simeon turned Ballan around so that Ballan was facing him again, Simeon raised one leg up and got Ballan to lift, and rest his foot on Simeon's thigh.

Simeon washed both feet like that, one foot after the other, and before too long it was all over. The only thing Simeon had to do now was to wash and condition Ballan's hair. When Simeon had finally finished everything, he grabbed the shower nozzle and rinsed Ballan off. He followed Ballan out of the shower and dried Ballan very vigorously, again paying particular attention to Ballan's genitals and arse.

Ballan applied his own deodorant and went and got himself dressed, leaving Simeon to dry himself and clean up the bathroom. When Simeon was finished, he went into the bedroom just as Ballan had finished dressing. "Come" was the one-word command he gave Simeon as he headed out the front door. Simeon baulked for about thirty seconds about going outside in his current attire but thought fuck it' to himself as he closed the front door behind himself. He trotted down the street as he followed Ballan to his car. Simeon got into the back and sat on the floor, thankful to see his clothes were still there, Ballan drove him back to The Peel' and told him to get out. When Simeon had exited the car and closed the door, Ballan drove off. Simeon got himself dressed very quickly and headed home, with a huge grin plastered all over his face.

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