New Ties: A Werebear Fantasy 1/9

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Aug 12, 2012



The following story is fictitious. I hope you enjoy the fantasy and all it brings; however please do not confuse it for reality. None of the incidents portrayed occurred, and all characters are creations based upon the author's imagination. Any relation to an actual person, living or dead is off pure coincidence. The following story contains graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If such stories offend you or are illegal for you to read, then please leave now.

Authors Note 01: I would like to thank both "PapaWereBear" & "UrsusMajr". Their stories on both bears and Werebear's have allowed me the chance to create such a story.

New Ties: A Werebear Fantasy

Chapter One

"Another day wasted and everything stays the same! Forced to see the same old places, the same boring faces and stuck within the same conversations I found tedious the day before. Why can't I seem to escape the life I promised myself I would never be trapped in?"

The statement ran through Ethan's mind each day around noon, another normality of his life to remind him of the broken promises he made to himself as a teenager. How he was once too scared to fall into the same mistakes of his family and yet, as he grew older, seemed unable to do anything but repeat their actions in his own mannerisms. No longer a child now forced into the reality that was the world; a world that no longer seemed pretty, hiding under the gloss a child created to make the world around him seem beautiful, as its true dark secrets would show themselves to the unsuspecting public. Now able to see the reality that left everyone acting like mindless drones ultimately following the same path only down a different route as the train doors slid open by the press of a button. The crowd inside, scrambling from their seats, making sure they had everything, before leaving the train in a hurried manner to make a break for home, while the growing crowd on the outside shoved past to make their way inside, each trying to best the other in their attempts to secure themselves a seat. Ethan stuck within the center of the crowd, a step ahead of his brother and an old family acquaintance of his brother that tagged along for the trip. The pair of them seeming more interested in their own conversation than keeping an eye on Ethan as they bordered the train. Their first words towards him nothing more than a shout, demanding he save them a seat. His brother Gregory treating him more like a hired servant than his younger brother; once more trying to control his every action as Ethan couldn't help but dread the rest of the evening planned. Gregory having used his political skills, their father and the age gap between them in order to charm Ethan into helping him with his last minute Christmas shopping spree that came from the healthy bonus in his paycheck.

Yes it was Christmas Eve; the dreaded time of the year to go shopping. Snow had fallen on the land in the hopes of trying to make the mundane look a little more magical for those that still cherished the holiday and ignored the money driven side to its nature.

The day had not been so kind to Ethan, despite the time of the year it currently was. Having spent it locked inside a meeting with his boss, forced to listen to the red-faced, aging gorilla scream out at the top of his lungs. Treating Ethan as if he were a mere child that needed scolded because of his actions, actions that were not even of his doing. A senor member of the firm caught with his trousers down, so to speak, leaving Ethan's name to thrown out to save the more important figure, to throw him under the bus and force him to take their blame and punishment, all because of his family name and the prestige it brought.

The family name of Carter well known in the business world. Seen as a family of pioneers from the empire his late-grandfather built before his death, where his father took over and led it into its golden years. This left high expectations on his offspring to such a degree that even those in a position of power and wealth would never be able to win against the odds. Forever left with a target on their backs for the bloodthirsty, greedy kind to stab them when the iron was hot for their gain. This was also an expectation forced upon him and his siblings from the one named Bethany Willis, their soon to be mother-in-law. A woman that Ethan, unlike the rest of his family, loathed with a passion; a passion she openly returned. Their bitter hatred for one another leading to many arguments between them; Ethan playing into her hand as he tried to fight back to save his father from the woman he knew would destroy him. Always seeming unaware just how much he really was playing into her hand, Bethany well aware of who Martin would side with when it came to his youngest child and his soon to be bride. This allowing her to sharpen her nails against the boy; testing out her ruthless tactics against him to keep her sharp and ready when it came to her career. Her name feared in the political world, a real bitch among men, refusing to quit when the odds where against her and often going out of her way to destroy those that challenged her on the way to the top. A real charming woman all around, already with three failed marriages under her belt, all in which revolved around her career. Having used those before Martin to climb higher in her quest for power, bleeding them dry before kicking each man to the curb, now a mere shell of her former self.

However, it was not just her habit of physically, and mentally draining men that left Ethan worrying about his father and his future. You see it was a little known fact that her stance on everything, ranging from her career to personal life, came from her heavily religious beliefs. Often seen with a bible in hand, using it to be openly raciest and extremely homophobic to those she met, as she publicly condemned them all in a false pretence of a God she tried to force others to believe in like the autocrat she was. Having even gone public with her stance live on television and in the view of her adoring public as the bribed reporters sat behind their cameras, asking her the set list of questions she fed them before hand. Bethany always knew to make sure nothing could surprise her as by the final question they quoted her on saying, "I would rather have a stillborn, bastard child, than carry and raise one that chose to be a faggot!" to a shocked live audience. At the time, no one knew how to react as the aftermath that followed disturbingly won her many followers. A small group of them going out of their way to block the streets on a protest in her name, each of her followers now using her words as if they were the battle cries of the suppressed masses, too afraid to fight back against the people she would openly stand up too. All ready to fight in order to squash those that claimed were a threat, those that wanted nothing more than the same legal rights as others.

This all left her relationship with his father both a disgusting and horrible nightmare that Ethan found he could not wake up from, no matter how much he tried. His mind unable to comprehend how such a vile woman could manage to dig her claws into someone like his father. The truth of it all hitting him harder than the rest of his family; his brothers and sisters loving the image she portrayed to lull you into a false sense of security, unable to see the truth that lay behind the mask. A mask only he seemed to be able to see through, knowing that her pregnancy with his father had been nothing more than a move to further her campaign to get re-elected. The people of Rosenberg wanting their leaders; those who spoke for the little people and represented everyone within the community with pride and honor; to be nothing more than the quintessential American Dream. They wanted someone that could have it all; the career; the looks to match a Hollywood star, and the glossy family paraded around at public events to seem perfect with their fake smiles and promises. An image, no matter how long you searched for, could never transcend anything more than a frivolous fantasy. A lie that Ethan knew would one day come back to haunt Bethany and his father as their world would eventually come crashing down to the reality that was left in its wake. His only fear was that he could still be stuck to deal with the aftermath with them.

He soon regrouped with his brother and the friend, having found available seating down in the latter half of the train as his brother shoved past him to take the seat closet to the window, leaving Ethan to take the seat beside him. A move on his behalf that angered the friend; whom moved in a fast motion, brushing him off with a swift shove to make it look as if Ethan had simply lost his footing as he slammed to the ground. The friend victorious as he claimed the seat for himself with a smug look on his face, the thought of Ethan possibly being in pain causing them both to laugh as he forced himself to his feet. The pair of them now making little cheap comments to degrade him; their words spoken in a loud enough tone to make sure they went heard by those in the train, once more showcasing the class difference between brothers as Ethan growled out against them in anger. His frustration growing; wanting nothing more than to seek his revenge as his mind warned him off trying such things; forever reminded by the loudening tone of his father, as he wiped himself clean and moved on down to take an empty seat by the window and by himself. The train now in motion as he stared out of the window, out into the darkness of the night that left the snow with an orangey glow. His mind using the moving lights, the train created when passing by, as a form of escape, the music now blurring away in his ears helping the process as he tried to blank out the world around him, at least for the moment allowed.

The train continued to ride through the different stops on their way to the inner city as he sat in the corner numb to the people around him. The place soon packed as it seemed more people were intent on heading into the inner city to catch a final bargain before Christmas Day. As soon the only empty seat was beside Ethan, a fact he could not help but realize as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. The soft touch bursting his bubble; bringing his mind back down to reality as he pulled an earphone out of his right ear and turned to look at the man smiling down at him.

A tall bear of a man, just over 6 foot and with a body most men would hunger for by spending years in the gym trying to obtain. His muscles; mixed with a cute chubby tummy, leaving the old faded t-shirt he wore under a jacket, clinging to his body. This image already pleasing Ethan and leaving his gaze more than noticeable as he paid attention to every little detail his eyes could drown in. tracing over the strangers body as he took notice of the tattoo on his left arm, which resembled the markings of a bear's claw dug deep into his arm. The pair of designer jeans he wore showing off a noticeable bulge that left those interested in such things licking their lips in a lust-filled dream. A full, rich looking brown beard and moustache covered his face; it's color the kind that would flare in the sunlight to make him look Godly in the eyes of those that lusted for his affection and much more. However, it was his eyes; those sparkling brown eyes that seemed able to pierce into Ethan's soul from a simple glance that caught his attention. It was in his eyes that hinted towards his past and left you wanting to be near the man, to listen to his every word as he opened up about the trials of his life. It was strange, the stranger before him looked as if not that much older than Ethan was... and yet, based upon his haunting stare, he seemed older from something more than just age. He was a person that exposed himself to a side of the world few knew off, and experienced the things many of us could never understand unless shown by someone already on that side of the world. As it aged him beyond a physical age and left him the wiser for having experienced it.

"Mind if I sit here? The rest of the train is already full and I hate standing." He asked, the tone of his voice hinting towards an old accent Ethan could not quiet place, its tone having long since given in to the part of the world he now lived. Still that deep tone sent chills down his back, leaving him a little tongue tied as he nodded for the stranger to join him. He could feel his face burning up as he turned a light shade of red, his state of mind making the stranger smile at him. "Thanks! I tried to take a seat on down near the doors, but a couple of upper-class assholes stuck their noses up at me and threw a bag over the empty seat hoping it would scare me off." he continued, taking off his hat and making himself comfortable. Missing Ethan's movement as he looked up over the back of his seat and down at his brother to find the pair of them looking back at him and chuckling at his expensive over whom was now sitting beside him. Once more acting like the snobs they were and all over something, Ethan did not understand until he sat back down and he noticed the smell coming from the stranger. A strong presence filling his nostrils as he took a deep breath, inhaling the strangers scent that burned his nose with its spicy nature and left him feeling a little lightheaded; as if craving something he could not place. The strangers scent left him feeling surprisingly warm inside, his smell coming across as a mixture of sweat and a prolonged exposure to animals, as if from living in the wild.

"My name is Oskar, by the way." he spoke, extending out his hand for Ethan to shake. Knocking him from his lust-filled thoughts, making him blush a deeper shade as he returned the gesture and mumbled out his own name, their hand shake a firm one that hinted towards the strength Oskar commanded as the train began to move once more. The long ride ahead easing them into a long conversation that helped Ethan relax around Oskar as their conversation delved deeper than planned. Oskar touching on feelings that Ethan would have normally been a little too protective over going public. He couldn't help but wonder how this man; a man he barely knew, had the ability to calm him down and, in a manner of speaking, help break him out of the shell he had been forced into by the people in his life.

By the time, their train had reached its destination. Ethan had begun to fear he had said too much from the impending silence that left him both hurt and angry towards himself; blaming himself for having ruined it all so fast, as he got up to pass Oskar. Smiling on his way as he tried to mumble a goodbye he felt would be forever and tried to catch up with his brother in the crowd. Managing to reach the platform before he found his brother and the friend, both acting like he never came with them in the first place as he called out to them. Running through the crowd and over to them before the friend took one-step back and shoved him back into the crowd. All he could hear was the sound of him snickering out as they disappeared into the crowd. Everything moving in slow motion as they disappeared and he fell back, ready to feel the impending pain from the cold hard ground before he found himself held up by a stranger that managed to catch him. His help leaving Ethan to sigh out, his heart racing from the old rumors of people mercilessly trampled to death in a freak accident as such, as the strange helped him back to his feet. Taking the time and making sure, he was all right before Ethan turned to thank him and found Oskar standing before him once more and still with that trademark smile on his face.

"You shouldn't let them both treat you like that." Oskar said; the crowd now gone as they began walking towards the station in a leisurely pace.

"He's my older brother; I have no choice but to put up with his bullshit and try to act the better person." a sigh escaped his lips, proving he had grown used to this kind of attention from his siblings.

"What about the other one?" Oskar asked.

"He's a friend of my brothers and a familiar face at home. He and my brother have been friends since before I was born." Ethan replied.

"Hmm, I would think he's much more than that!" Oskar snickered, a cryptic hint within his words that went unanswered, Oskar waving his finger for Ethan to follow him in silence as they entered the station and showed their tickets before breaking free from any other people. "It seems that this so called friend has stronger feelings for your brother, feelings that go beyond friendship," he explained.

"Don't be stupid! Everyone in my family has been openly homophobic ever since that bitch came into our lives." Ethan snapped back.

"Strong feelings if you can't stand using her name! Dare I ask who you mean?" Oskar asked.

"... I mean my soon to be mother-on-law. A person I would rather not talk about," Ethan said, pausing for a moment and sighing out. "Just trust me on this, if his friend was gay he would not be in our lives and acting like he does." he continued.

"You said everyone in your family has been openly homophobic since she came into your lives. Does that mean you are homophobic?" Oskar asked.

"... Of course, I am not homophobic!" Ethan could not help but blush a little as he said those words, as if revealing another part of himself to Oskar.

"No, of course you're not. You can't like something that much and be against it, at least without living a lie in order to cover up who you really are." As the final words slipped from his lips an evil grin came over Oskar's face, one that left Ethan's face a deep red and looking around in a panic. "Relax, it takes one to know one," he whispered. "Now, just trust me and watch their actions for a moment. You will see the truth for yourself." with that, he pointed over at Gregory for him to watch as he stepped into the restroom. The friend standing outside and seeming a little agitated as he waited exactly one minute and counting before following him into the restroom.

"See what I mean! If they needed to just go and take a piss, they would have entered together. The way they are acting is just too suspicious and reeking of them about to commit what one of them sees as a guilty action." Oskar explained, having himself known this kind of lifestyle back when he had dipped into the pool of playing around with as many strangers as he could, back during a different time in his life all those years ago.

They waited; neither one in a hurry to leave the train station and with Ethan determined to see if Oskar's words were the truth, as he paced back and forth outside the restroom. A lengthy ten minutes passing by in silence before the door swung open and he heard the sound of a man fixing himself up. The bang of the door catching him by surprise as they both looked over to find the friend coming out first; his face reddened, a little on the puffy side as he looked around the station in a guilt-ridden sense of panic. It seemed as if he were testing the waters to see if anyone important; at least in his eyes, had caught them out in their little act, before a sigh escaped his lips. Once more feeling safe, his guard back up to hide the secret he knew could one day bury him if found out by those he associated with. Now acting like his usual brass self, throwing a couple of sneering looks at strangers that passed by. Acting as it they had gotten away with the act, went unnoticed by judging eyes, as he took out his cell phone, and sent off a quick and easy text message to the other member in this little escapade to signal it was now safe for him to reemerge from the restroom. Their little game now over as he pocketed his phone and looked over to find Ethan, along with Oskar who stood behind him, waiting for them. The look on Ethan's face causing him to shoot back with his own dirty look, one that seemed almost imprinted on his ugly face.

"Hmm, I would have thought someone like you would have gotten the message by now and left!" He snapped at Ethan, his eyes looking them both over in disgust, as it he were better than they were.

"It seems not! Did you both have fun in there?" Ethan snapped back.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that; you're nothing but a disgusting little freak with a dirty mind." He shouted getting in Ethan's face and shoving him back, as Gregory came out from the restroom.

"... I do not know what you are talking about, little brother! However, I find it despicable at what you are trying to imply about the both of us. Mother and father won't be happy when they hear about this later on tonight." Gregory said in a calm yet twisted tone. He knew Bethany would make Ethan's life a living hell if he said one thing to her about the subject. Their hatred for each other known in their family home as it left their father feeling as if stuck in the middle of a fight he could not win no matter what side he was on.

"She is not our mother and never will be!" Ethan growled.

"Oh, I'm afraid she is now, and her presence has done your family a world of good! Just admit it Ethan, you need someone like her in your life to help fix with a mistake you have become to your father! I mean just look at what you are hanging around with; a man that looks and smells like the homeless. I swear he looks like he spent the night in a cold alleyway. Which makes me think the clothing he is wearing was stolen... maybe I should report him to security here." He stated his attitude and the arrogance of it all pushing Ethan further than he could take. This had been building for years, that side to him that had longed to escape; now breaking free in a fit of rage, as he grabbed his brother's friend by the arms and, without thinking, head butted him. The force of their heads crashing together sending him to the ground as Ethan stumbled back into the arms of Oskar, now holding his head and with his eyes shut from the pain; cursing himself out for not thinking his form of attack through a little more carefully. His brother now screaming out at him, drawing the attention of security as they came running over to obtain the pair of them quickly, to stop anyone from leaving in order to understand what had just took place. Their presence forcing Oskar to think quickly, knowing Gregory would love nothing more than to use this all against Ethan; his mind now wondering if this had all been some sore of plan to ruin the holidays for Ethan, as he held tight on Ethan and pulled him away. Both now running as he shouted out for Ethan to trust him and too not stop running until he said so! The last part more a warning for own safety than anything else, as they ran from the scene with security now screaming out and racing after them. Giving chase throughout the train station as they made their mad dash for the outside world, barely escaping the clutches of the guards as they managed to escape thanks to Oskar.

The cold evening air of the winter sent shivers through his body; Oskar seeming much more used to the cold, as he pulled Ethan away from the gawking crowd. Refusing to stop and let him rest until he was sure, no one had followed them down the empty alleyway and he pressed Ethan against the wall, exclaiming they were safe for the moment. Allowing him to open his eyes, his vision still blurred and trying to come back into focus to see his surroundings; his mind once more able to function without an extreme pain throbbing throughout to remind him of his rash actions.

"Do you feel better, now?" he heard Oskar ask him; his eyes focusing enough to spot the bear standing before him, smiling with an almost love stricken look.

"... My head still hurts!" as he moaned out Oskar could not help but chuckle a little.

"You know that's not what I meant!" the smile on the bear's face causing Ethan to smile back. He knew what Oskar was getting at and it was strange, he felt as if Oskar was the one person he could never bring himself to lie to.

"... Yeah, it felt great getting back at that smug son of a bitch!" his words echoed with a growl, his admission causing them both to chuckle this time. "It was a long time coming, too," he added as Oskar took out an old handkerchief and proceeded to clean his forehead of any remaining blood that lingered from his attack. The silence between them, leaving Ethan feeling as if he couldn't breathe, his hands instinctively reaching out to hold onto Oskar by his waist. Their eyes meeting once more as Oskar moved in closer and they kissed. Ethan losing himself to Oskar and wanting nothing more than to drink in everything he offered, willingly. The pleasure he longed for now rushing over his body like a wave that brought both a cold and warmth to certain parts of his body. The blood rushing down in his body to leave his erection poking against the fabric of his boxers, as his mouth felt dry by Oskar's touch, leaving it up to the bear to change that little fact as their tongue touched. Furthering the pleasure as Oskar pushed him into new territory, teaching Ethan and hinting at what he could do when the two of them where alone.

Their moment, sadly, unable to last, as they wanted, as the sound of Gregory screaming throughout the streets for Ethan to show himself, broke their kiss. His screaming making the two of them look out in the direction of the train station; unable to see Gregory standing by the doors, his friend beside him and crying out for fake symphony to the security guards that stood by his side, playing into their little mind traps.

"Ethan, I have father on the phone and he is not pleased! You are to come back here now and face the consequences of your actions. Then, and only then, will mother and father come to bail you out." Gregory screamed out, one hand covering the phone to stop his father from hearing him.

"Such fair conditions," Oskar growled, his body moving to keep them in the darkness and out of sight. Now able to hear the friend playing up; acting hurt once more to the security guards to make him seem like the victim of this all, pissing Oskar off. He knew what remained for Ethan if he turned himself in to them and lived up to the consequences of his actions. He knew they would make his life a living hell as he felt Ethan squirm in his hold, panicking a little and unsure as to what he could do in such a situation.

"You don't have to turn yourself in and give into their games!" Oskar suggested, sighing out; knowing their time was short, forcing him to push ahead and come onto Ethan stronger than he planned. "Look, I know we don't really know each other that well, yet. Nevertheless, if you give me just one night, I promise I will show you that side of the world you have longed to find. That place I can see in your eyes that you are searching for when you're alone." his words; those words that came straight from the bottom of his heart, acting as if he could see into Ethan's soul. Revealing that in which he had tried to hide from his family and the world he had grown to despise. That side to himself he no longer had to be afraid of exposing to others; Oskar's sweet nature helping him come out from the closet he had been sure his father locked him within so many years ago.

"Ethan, do you trust me?" Oskar asked with that same old warming smile on his face that seemed able to melt all of his troubles away. The sounds of his brother screaming out against his name, forcing Ethan to take one final look in their direction; his heart racing as he sealed his faith in that deciding moment. He knew what he was going to do - nothing could stop him from leaving with Oskar to see where the night would take them. He wanted to see this through, even if it did not end as his heart hoped, as he took a hold of Oskar's hand. His question answered without any words between them needed, as he smiled and they ran from the alleyway in the opposite direction of the growing crowds that gathered to watch the drama unfold before their gawking eyes.

They spent the evening exploring the city; now free from those that wanted them captive, as they spent every minute together trying to get to know the other. Exploring all the usual sites and checking out every store, they could to celebrate the final night before Christmas. Even taking the time to go and visit Santa Claus in his brightly lit village. Oskar choosing their moment to meet the bear of a man, holding Ethan back until the crowd had died down for them to make their way over to him. The elderly chub of a bear sweating inside his suit, despite the time of year, as Ethan found the man smiling at them in a manner more than just friendly. The emptiness of the place allowing the two of them to act up a little; not that Santa minded, as by the end of their visit, Ethan was left with a humorous photo of them both sitting on Santa's burly lap, and with Oskar's hand giving Santa an early Christmas present that left a noticeable wet patch. The surprise of it all, and Santa's kind reaction to them both before they left his village, left Ethan laughing out as they walked away from the place with Oskar pocketing the man's number. An ideal match coming to mind to as whom he planned to set him up with, as they heard Santa come out from the store to wish everyone still around a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The night had become better than anything Ethan could remember experiencing in a long time. Moreover, he knew it was all thanks to Oskar. He felt this unspeakable trust for him; almost treating him as if he were his protector. The one that sought to bring him out of his shell and thrust him, gently, into the life he longed to find. The night now set in place; the cold air now bitter and leaving Ethan shivering under its power as Oskar took him into the Christmas Fair. The smell of all the different regional food filling the air, their hunger becoming noticeable as they felt like a bear and his cub in the wild; both ready to try everything and anything they could wrap their lips around. As soon, they looked up into the night sky; the moon shining brightly with a small gathering of stars by its side to leave a romantic setting for lovers who looked up at its presence, taking Ethan by surprise as Oskar took his hand. Causing Ethan to look at him and blush; their eyes meeting as he found Oskar step closer and they kissed once more with their noses rubbing together and Ethan no longer feeling a panic over the people around them. He no longer felt their stares as they passed by and only felt the love Oskar was sharing with him; making their kiss seem that much sweeter in his mind. He had fallen for Oskar, now without a guard and much quicker than he could have anticipated, as he wondered if Oskar felt the same towards him. Unaware that he shared the feelings with just as much passion and love.

"Do you want to come back to my place?" The question his heart had been longing to hear; the moment seeming perfect as Ethan tried to give his answer. The words ready to slip from his mouth in a love stricken tone before he felt his phone beginning to ring; its siren like sound booming from his pocket and killing the romantic moment they shared. Its disturbance leaving Ethan to growl out against it in anger, as he pulled it out from his pocket and checked the touch screen to find the incoming phone call from his father. This was the call he had been dreading all night long and it had finally come. The moment they knew he could not ignore, as he apologized to Oskar and, with a little hesitation, answered his father's call.

Ethan became stuck in a one sided conversation; unable to answer back or even speak to his father as the one-sided affair lasted over twenty minutes. Those twenty minutes spent with Ethan forced to listen to his father screaming out at him. Lecturing him on the lies his brother spread about him; lies that even threw Oskar into the mixture of their family affairs. However, that was not the worst to Ethan; throughout it all, he could hear the sound of Bethany shouting out in the background, forcing herself into the conversation and giving her point of view regarding his brass actions. Her presence and apparent stronghold over his father, pushing Ethan once more, the life he had grown to know, and now it was reaching the end of its sell-by date. The actions of his family and the woman he despised left Ethan with a deep rage inside; while, on the other hand, when he looked at Oskar he felt nothing but a calm and loving place waiting for him. It was clear where he wanted to be and whom he was willing to cut from his life, as the final words they screamed down the phone against him, went unnoticed as he threw his phone in the nearest trashcan, effectively ending his relationship with them. A smile now on his face; sure the future was becoming unsure for him, but this was what he wanted, or more so needed. It was true that Oskar, just by being around him, had helped bring this side out of him and pushed him towards his freedom. Helping him to fly without strings as he agreed upon Oskar's request and they left the fair. No longer interested in the festival and its events to help celebrate this Christmas Eve, as he followed Oskar, never letting go of his hand; ready to see his home and hopefully more.

Oskar paid for the cab ride back to his home; refusing to take Ethan's money as they soon pulled up outside his place and Oskar dealt with the driver. Ethan getting out of the cab and seeming a little shocked by the fancy look home set within a private community, he knew many waited years to gain access too. This location seemed well out of Oskar's price range, not to mention against his taste; he did not seem like the type who would enjoy living among the wealthy.

Those facts left Ethan silent in his questioning, waiting for the right moment to bring it up and find out more about Oskar, as he watched him unlock the front door. Stepping aside to let him enter first; a move that made Ethan blush, rather to his surprise, as Oskar shut the door behind them and re-set the security code to avoid the alarm being trapped to leave them with a nasty surprise in the middle of the night. As that moment in which Oskar had his back turned, allowed Ethan to have a look around the place. Stepping into the sitting room to find a rustic and down to earth setting; the place seeming more like a man's den above all else. A large fireplace built in the center of the room, bringing warmth and light to the room at nights, and with an old and comfortable looking chair resting to its side for the owner to bask in the glow of a burning fire late into the night. A small table resting by the chair showing a spot to place your drink and an ashtray with the butt of a used cigar stubbed out; showing the owner loved nothing more than a night by the fire, with a drink in one hand, a cigar in his mouth and with something special for his other hand waiting below. The large screen television; which sat in the corner of the room gathering dust, looked more like a piece of the furniture; bought to finish the room off, than something the owner ever used. As Ethan eyed the comfortable looking sofa that rested in the center of the room, a spot for guests to relax and maybe try others things on as well - its location still near the fireplace so those resting could also bask in its warmth. Thus leaving Ethan with ideas on how he and Oskar could play in the room once given the chance and time.

"This isn't my place! I'm guessing you have figured that much out by now." Oskar spoke, walking into the room with two beer bottles in his hands, handing one over to Ethan. "My papa lives here and so I'm looking after the place while he is away on business." suddenly a large piece of the puzzle felt as if it fit into place. The design of the place fitting to what Ethan figured Oskar would love and yet something about it all; including the smell, left him wondering about another. His nose, ever since being around Oskar seeming to be more active, as Oskar moved closer, waiting until Ethan had finished taking a drink before he kissed him once more. His hands moving to set their drinks down by the table as he gently pushed him down into the lone chair. Oskar's body pushing into his own as their kiss became stronger; the hint of a more primal attraction, as Ethan's hands roamed over his body, trying to feel what he could until Oskar pulled up his shirt and threw it to the ground. Leaning back to give Ethan a view and, in sense, a tease to what was coming. Showing off his muscled body, the clawed tattoo on his arm; the hint of a light beer gut showing under the fur that covered his body in a rich, light brown tone that Ethan could not help but run his fingers through. However, that was only the parts he already knew about. His exposed chest now gave Ethan a chance to explore the rest, finding another tattoo on Oskar's right bicep, almost hidden under the thickness of his fur. While on down his body he found three small round birthmarks on his stomach, near his bellybutton, it pierced to match the one on his lower lip, as Ethan placed three fingers over the birthmarks finding them attractive and adding to the appeal of his body. His lust taking over as they shifted on the chair for Ethan to move down to his bellybutton, his lips opening as he played with the piercing, lightly pulling on it with his teeth and licking around it, trying to fuck his bellybutton with his tongue. His efforts making Oskar coo as he rested his hands on the back of Ethan's head, pushing his nose into his stomach and rubbing it against his fur, a tease on both sides of the game as Ethan's tongue tickled him in a pleasing manner.

"This is just one room of the house. Why don't you let me show you around a little more?" Oskar asked in a seductive tone to draw the cub like a bear to honey. Oskar helping him back to his feet, keeping him close as he lead him out from the sitting room; leaving their things behind as they passed by the kitchen. A place they would leave until the morning, Oskar having other things planned as he lead him up the stairs, slowly stripping him of his clothing to leave a trail on their way down to the master bedroom. Oskar's own clothing joining the pile; a mess he would clean up in the morning, as he pushed Ethan down on the bed. Now acting like the big bad bear he could be, as he grinned down at him, the moonlight shinning into the room acting as their only light. Giving them an almost romantic setting to the night, they had playing out in their minds. His powerful body leaning down over Ethan, his smell intoxicating and releasing his inhibitions for his tongue to taste Oskar's body; starting around his neck, absorbing his sweat before he threw Oskar on the bed; his own animal side coming out, as he moved down his body. His hands tweaking the bear's nipples, causing him to growl out from the pain / pleasure it enticed throughout his body, much to his delight him, as he watched, through glazed eyes, move closer to that in which left him licking his lips in anticipation. Heading towards what the cub really wanted, his erect eight-inch cock, which bounced to the drum of his heartbeat and demanded some attention with the copious amount of precum that leaked from the slit and soaked his foreskin. A pearl of his precum escaping from the foreskin to run down the base; his head seeming to be trying to pull the foreskin back in order to breathe, as it left the cub transfixed on his cock.

"Don't keep me waiting, cub!" Oskar whispered, watching him as his left middle-digit finger reached out and ran up his base, collecting his precum and bringing to his lips to lick clean with his tongue. The taste of his precum soaking into his tongue, awakening the slut within who begged for more, as he moved down closer to the fountain; the source of his elixir. Wanting to dive straight for his cock to drink more, and yet still wanting to play the bad cub; ignoring the one thing he knew Oskar wanted most, as his tongue trailed past his cock. Blatantly ignoring him now in a teasing manner that almost bordered on cruelty, as he moved on down. Soaking his balls, worshiping them for the sperm they would later give to him, before his hands grabbed Oskar's legs and pulled them up in the air. Exposing his furry little rosebud, Oskar now lying back on the back in comfort as he watched him with a grin, knowing what his cub was experiencing. The look on his face showing that his rosebud was just to tempting to ignore, a small dab of drool running from his lips for his tongue to lick clean as he leaned down to kiss it once, twice, and a final third time before his tongue began to lick around it in circles to loosen him up. Losing control of his inhibition with each lick of his rosebud; an animal side coming out with his lust, which he could no longer contain as he tried to fuck Oskar's ass with his tongue. The bear thrusting back as he felt Ethan's fat tongue probing inside him, tasting what he could to give them both pleasure. His hand reaching up to tug on the bear's balls, his thumb rubbing them as this continued until Oskar felt the usual tingling sensation down in his balls. Bringing out his desires of wanting to cover his cub's face in his cum and to breed his ass; the desire becoming stronger and forcing out that side a little, as he growled out, in a deeper tone than planned, for Ethan to stop; pushing him back and forcing them to make eye contact once more. The both of them breathing heavily as Oskar grinned down at him, trying to stop the orgasm from happening and unleashing the side to him, he was still unsure Ethan would accept. Ethan wanting nothing more than too force his face back down in his ass, too taste more of Oskar and overindulge in the bear's natural scent since rimming him was the perfect way to do both.

"It's your turn, cub!" Oskar gasped, pulling him away and shifting on the bed to give him a moment. The diversion giving him a moment to help calm the bear, while he laid Ethan on the bed, letting him get comfortable as he watched his cock bounce helplessly to show his excitement. His cock acting like a hidden tail all men secretly had; that wanted nothing more than for Oskar to tug on repeatedly. As he felt Oskar's hand grip the base, his thumb pressing into it to force the foreskin back. The head slowly exposing itself too Oskar and flaring as he lightly blew against it to force a light groan from his lips.

"Do you want me to suck it?" Oskar asked, teasing and prolonging it as he licked the base, ignoring the head of his cock as his moans turned into mindless rambling that tried to beg him; that tried to explain that he wanted nothing more than for Oskar's tongue to wrap around his cock. Soaking it up and leaving a slippery trail before he would give it a nice and warm place to rest, waiting for him to shoot his load down Oskar's throat. The bear able to understand his ramblings since they were the ramblings of a man in heat and yet could not help but ignore them. Loving the nature of the tease, as he instead pressed his nose between the root of Ethan's cock and balls; too lightly nibble on those low hangers, sending spasms throughout Ethan's burning, pulsating body.

"I can't hear you! What do you want from me?" a puppy-dog sounding tone to match the look in his eyes. Surprising Ethan as he felt a wet finger push against his rosebud, the one place another person had never been, as that finger invaded his body. An invasion he loved every second off as it made him cry out for more; his body arching up to let the finger go deeper in search of his prostate. Ethan having longed to feel this kind of pleasure coursing through his body, especially from another's touch, as Oskar's finger brushed against his prostate. A gasp escaping his lips from both the surprise and the feeling it inflicted upon his body as a blob of precum shot from his slit and slid down the base of his cock. The finger leaving him feeling cold and yet on fire at the same time, as Oskar, looking at the precum in a hungered manner, lapped it up with his tongue working around the base. Soaking his cock on the way up before he took the head in his mouth and, showing off a little, took him down to the root. His throat working the cock and milking it like an old pro; all the while, his fingers continued to open the cub up. Knowing this to be his first time sexually with another man, as he took it slowly, easing his body through it and showing him what he could experience from another's touch, in a warm up of things to come. First, however, wanting to drain the cub's balls to both ease him into the next part of their night together and to taste the seed of the man he was falling in love with, in such a short time, as Ethan felt a second finger invade his body further. Joining its brother to help pull his ass open, spreading inside too ready his ass with something much bigger in mind.

"I want your cum, cub! Give me that and I promise to take care of you." Oskar cooed, a third finger now forcing him open like nothing before as it all became too much. The sperm boiling in his balls, beginning to ache as he felt them retract, leaving a loud cry as his only warning before he came. That first, sweet tasting, spurt of cum shooting out to hit the back of Oskar's throat, catching him by surprise as he swallowed it with a greedy grin on his face. The bear getting his honey as he moved up in a quick motion, letting some of the root slip from his mouth to leave only the head of his cock resting on his tongue, that warm spot he had wanted to experience as a further groan escaped the cub. Now sounding like his animal spirit as he flooded Oskar's mouth, the cum building up with only a small amount being swallowed to wash the head in its own cum until it slipped from his mouth. The cub's distraction; lost in his pleasure, changing Oskar's plan as he surprised him by throwing his legs up in the air to expose his asshole and pressed his lips against his rosebud. The feeling of his tongue probing his ass open making Ethan cry out, the pleasure was building up again as Oskar's actions left his cock unable to rest. The experience of having his own cum leaking into his ass a pleasure he had never known before, his eyes shut to the world during it all, as his hands gripped the sheets on the bed. Never wanting this moment to end as his right eye peaked open to find Oskar reaching over for a condom. His hand reaching out to stop him as Oskar look up at him in confusion, a little scared that he had taken things too far on their first night together.

"Please! I have never had another person inside me before, I trust you! I want you to be my first and I want to feel you inside me, not with something separating us. Even if this is just for tonight and by tomorrow, you have forgotten my name." Ethan cried out, sounding a little hysterical from the high Oskar had brought upon him. His request leaving Oskar now seeming a little sad and lost, once more seeming the cub, instead of the bear he had become. Unable to say what he wanted too at that moment to show Ethan what he really was underneath it all, as he could not help but shed a tear? This was love, they both knew it and yet, the look in his eyes hinted towards something Ethan could not understand as Oskar leant down to kiss him again. A more loving and passionate kiss that promised he was not just another; he was not something that would become a regret once the morning came.

"Do you trust me? I mean really trust me?" Oskar asked, needing to know that this was what Ethan wanted above all else.

"Yes! I know you better than I should already. I want this; like this and so do you." Ethan replied, giving himself up as, with a final kiss, Oskar made his move. Resting Ethan's legs on his shoulders with ease; once more showing off his strength, as he aimed the fathead of his cock for that sweet tasting, pink pucker of Ethan's ass; the moment know or never. Both feeling nervous as he whispered for Ethan to take a deep breath, tell him to try to relax as he felt the head pass the barrier, forcing itself inside his body. The feelings it inflicted; its presence known, leaving Ethan unable to make a sound; unable to breathe for that moment as his lower body felt on fire from the rush of pain; from the rush of feeling another's bare, exposed cock moving inside his body. He felt powerless, unable to move under Oskar's control and he liked it that way; he wanted to be the cub; to be the one protected by an older loving bear that knew how to please his cub, as he willing gave himself up to Oskar without a fight. The pleasure for them both heightened by this knowledge as Oskar's fatheaded cock continued to spear his ass, forcing his inner walls open as the pain forced a cry to escape his lips. Feeling as if his body could not take it all; his mind sure there was still too much to come, as with each inch closer to the base Oskar's girth became fatter, becoming almost unbearable for his first time until finally he stopped moving. His cock now resting inside his cub, as he shifted for Ethan to wrap his legs around his waist, the pain slowly turning to pleasure and leaving him feeling a little delirious, mumbling out that he could take no more.

"I promise you this will feel better soon. Just relax, move your body when ready, no sooner!" Oskar whispered, leaning down into his ear in a cooing manner after he noticed the pained look on his face. Those sweet words he whispered acting as a lullaby to help the cub through his first time; allowing him the time to adjust to the size of his cock, waiting for the right moment; waiting until he felt the cub moving his ass in a bid to fuck himself, before he began to withdraw. Slowly removing his length to ease, and tease, the cub; showing him the feeling of emptiness his lover could leave him with; Oskar's girth having left its imprint inside the cub's ass by stretching his hole and tickling his prostate. Such actions done on purpose to leave the cub wanting more; to leave him yearning to experience this for more than just a night, as he whimpered out to Oskar; trying to tell him he wanted him back inside his body once more from the feeling of his cock head pressing lightly against his rosebud. The sounds escaping his lips causing Oskar to chuckle out in an evil manner; loving the tease; the ability to leave his cub crying out for more like the slut he was; no longer locked away in the closet and now free to experience everything he wanted. He knew the cub wanted it all, even demanding that Oskar not hold back on him, wanting things as rough as Oskar could give him; something he was more than willing to do for those special few in his life.

The time having come, he shifted to rest Ethan's legs on his shoulders and, with a look that promised he would never take him too far, he thrusted inside him once more. Beating Ethan's prostate as his groin slapped against his ass, with such force to make Ethan cry out to the sound of Oskar's groaning; both sounding out with their approval as he began to fuck him. An animal like manner taking over with such force it left Ethan feeling as if Oskar were trying to tear him apart. His cock breeding his ass in such a manner to teach Ethan his body now belonged to Oskar. This method of training used to ensure his body could take such a rough fucking in order to help him gain a broader pleasure from the small pain he inflicted throughout his body in a wave like motion. All the while, Oskar seemed to be fighting against an urge that wanted his body to give into that in which Ethan had yet to discover.

Time was no longer a reality for them, the world around them seemed to be a silent noise, only heard by those still living in its presence as they fucked long into the night with neither seeming to grow tired. Ethan's body had given itself up to the bear as Oskar, in return, gave him everything he wanted and desperately needed. His wet, throbbing cock pushing against the walls of his ass, beating against his prostate in a manner that felt as if he were trying to tenderize that spot inside him; each thrust causing more precum to shoot from the bears cock to fill his ass as it slid down to ooze from him around the base of Oskar's cock. All the while, he milked the cubs cock, leaving another sticky trail that oozed between their stomachs and matted their fur, as Ethan could not help but sound out. His cries begging for that release to come and wash over his body, his cock aching for it as his eyes began to blur from it all, leaving him holding onto Oskar, powerless, and in his control. Unable to notice the bear slipping a little into the more animalistic side from within; as it came out, intent on only allowing the cub to cum if he was the one to fuck it out of him, roughly. Leaving Ethan sounding louder than before as the end drew near, Oskar moving to kiss him, more to stop himself from growling out like the bear he was. His teeth biting into Ethan's lower lip to draw a little blood for his tongue to lick clean, both sharing the taste as they swallowed. Bursting the dam as Ethan felt Oskar's cum shooting inside him, filling him with his boiling hot cum that marked him forever. Oskar his first, as with each shot that fired from his enlarged head changed the cub. A state of bliss coming over his body that left the room spinning, as with a final few thrusts he felt his body heat up, as the room became darker and he slipped from consciousness.

End of Chapter One.

Chapter One+

Oskar lay in the darkness, holding the cub close as he watched him rest. Ethan having blacked out from the intense orgasm he experienced; at first worrying Oskar until the look on the cubs face left him unable to do anything but smile at him with love in his eyes. An hour having passed since they mated as now, and after Oskar cleaned them up without his cub waking; the reality of what had took place sunk in on a deeper level. His heart weighed heavy on his love for the cub and the pain he felt caused by his secret and lapse of self-control. He had marked Ethan and, even at that moment, he knew his cub was changing just as his life was about to change forever.

"I love you, my cub. And I promise to ease you through this." Oskar said, stroking Ethan's face by the moonlight. Snow was beginning to fall from the night sky as he soon gave up on the night and fell asleep, holding his cub close to his heart. Christmas now upon the world as it would be Ethan's last Christmas as the person, he once knew and thought he would be forever.

End of Chapter One+

Authors Note 02: To all who read this story, I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter to New Ties. This is my first, published, experience writing a Werebear story, though I have been a fan of the fiction for some time now. So please, dear readers, let me know what you think of this first chapter along with the little bonus chapter added on the end to further explain Oskar's feelings towards Ethan and enrich the story further. Once more, thank you for taking the time to read this story.

To Be Continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

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