New Years 2015

Published on Oct 21, 2016



Domination, oral, anal, F/F

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a young girl and older women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading, pleasure, or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them on your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2016 Jan, All rights reserved

Please mail to if you have any suggestions for future stories.

New Year 2015



It all started with a girl at work, she insisted that I go with her to a New Year's party after work. I wasn't all that excited about going out to a party where I wouldn't know anyone, but she insisted until I agreed to go with her. She told me that she would pick me up at 8:00 o-clock, so I would have plenty of time to get ready.

I took the bus to my apartment building. I took a long warm bath before getting dressed. I put on my best undergarments afterwards, and paraded around the apartment barefooted while I ate a chicken salad, because I wasn't sure if there would be food at this party. I spent a lot of time putting on makeup and fixing my hair. I powdered my body and put on my best perfume. I even debated about calling my friend and calling off the date, but I eventually pulled out my sexiest black cocktail dress and my best 4 inch heeled black pumps.

When my friend arrived she was full of compliments about how sexy I looked in my tight fitting little black dress. She was dressed for a part too. She drove a little Toyota coupe, so I had to pull my tight skirt up to step down to get into her car. It was about a half hour drive to get to the social club. She pulled into the underground parking lot, and we made our way to the room where the party was taking place. We bought vodka-7 drinks and sat at a table. As the evening wore on we were asked to dance many times. I found the conversation with the young men at the party was boring. They thought they were so clever and funny. I didn't find their off-color jokes funny.

About 10:00 o'clock my fiend whispered in my ear, "You can find your way home, can't you?"

I was shocked, "What are you talking about?"

She gave me a big childish smile, "See that sexy guy over there? I want to take him home and fuck his brains out!"

I figured that I could call a cab and go home, besides my feet were starting to throb, "Sure, have fun."

She went scurrying off with her new male companion. I sat there debating about leaving now or later. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was a very large woman sitting behind me. I couldn't help being impressed with her size. I'm not talking a fat woman. I'm talking about a woman that was obviously very tall. She was a natural brunet and well-proportioned for her size. I didn't hear what she had said at first.

"Pardon me?"

She leaned close to my ear and said, "I couldn't help overhearing you friend ditching you! What an asshole, no one needs a friend like that!"

"Right, I really didn't want to come to this party in the first place, but she insisted. Now I have to call a cab to take me home."

The woman said, "My name is Maxine!" and shook my hand. I introduced myself to her by saying, "My name is Roxane."

She said, "I'm bored stiff too! Why don't we get the hell out of here? I would be happy to drive you home!"

"I wouldn't want to put you out."

"You wouldn't be putting me out. I want to get out of here as much as you do, and I would like to get to know you better!"

I accepted her kind offer, and gathered up my purse and heavy coat before standing up. Maxine stood up and I realized just how tall she was. She was a true amazon. She was taller than every male standing in the room, and all eyes were on her. I was impressed that a woman so tall was confident enough with herself to wear 4-inch heels. Most tall girls wear flats and even stoop in a vain attempt to look shorter than they are. We made our way through the crowd to the elevator and went down to the underground parking lot.

She led me to a late model gray full sized Chevy Tahoe (SUV). She opened the passenger door for me. It was so high that I had to pull up my tight fitting skirt to be able to lift my leg up high enough to get into her Tahoe.

As soon as she got into the vehicle, she apologized, "I'm sorry about my Tahoe, I'm so damned tall that I'm not comfortable in most cars."

I said with a chuckle, "There sure is plenty of room in this thing. Two people my size would fit in this seat! By the way just how tall are you?"

Maxine said, "I'm six-foot four in my stocking feet, and six, eight in my heels! Before you ask I played college basketball for North Carolina!"

I was duly impressed. "I feel totally inadequate next to you, because I'm only five-feet five in heels!

She chuckled and asked, "Where are you from?"

"My family lives in small community near Little Rock, Arkansas, we lived within spitting distance of the Mississippi River. I couldn't get away from our little red neck Bible-belt community fast enough. As soon as I graduated from college I moved here to Raleigh, North Carolina, to get away from my family and my past."

Maxine laughed, "If you wanted to get away from RED NECKS, you sure made a mistake. This is home country of the striking coal miners that wore red bandanas marking original red necks!" We both got a laugh out of that comment.

I gave her directions to my apartment. When she parked the Tahoe she came around to help me get out of her truck. I felt obligated to invite her in for a drink. Maxine accepted and took a canvas piece of luggage out of the back seat.

As soon as we were in the apartment I turned up the heat, dropped my coat and was about to retire to the kitchenette to make us a couple of drinks, but Maxine suggested that we get out of the party dresses before they get wrinkled.

She was dressed for a party. She had a warm overcoat that she had removed as soon as she entered my apartment. Her dress was a brown velvet cocktail dress. The bodice of the dress was so tight that it looked like her monstrous breasts were about to rip the seams of the dress open spilling those tits out.

Maxine suggested, "I would like to get out of this party dress, and change into something more comfortable."

I told her that she could use my bedroom to change, and asked, "Would you prefer vodka or coffee?"

She said, "Coffee would hit the spot."

It didn't take her long to change clothes. When she emerged she had on slacks, a loose fitting transparent blouse, and comfortable slippers. She was an impressive woman to see.

The coffee was almost ready, so I placed cups and saucers on the cocktail table in front of the couch along with sugar and artificial sweetener. I brought the coffee urn to fill the cups after she sat down.

We sat down and were enjoying the warmth of the coffee on a cold night, and the heater soon had the apartment warm as toast. We were just getting around to discussing what we did for a living when we heard fireworks, explosions and horns. We had all but forgotten that it was New Years.

Maxine leaned over, took me in her arms and kissed me on the mouth. The kiss lasted longer than what would be appropriate for anyone just having met. Before I knew what was happening she was prying my mouth open with her tongue. I was overwhelmed by the kiss. No woman had ever kissed me that way.

When she broke the kiss and sat back, she asked, "Did that kiss offend you?"

"I wasn't expecting a kiss like that! No woman had ever kissed me that way."

Maxine apologized, "I'm sorry I thought you knew that I'm a lesbian!"

"I had no idea! Can we just talk about this for a while? I have never knowingly met a lesbian before! I'm a bit overwhelmed. Please tell me more about yourself?"

Maxine smiled, "I have always been a big girl. My size has always intimidated people. Boys don't like to date girls taller than they are, and girls are reluctant to befriend girls that will frighten away boys. I was always a shy girl until my size became a benefit on the basketball court. I was sought out by a lot of colleges to play for them. I still wasn't asked out on dates. The starting lineup of the men's North Carolina Tar Heels basketball team is black, and in this part of the world a white girl can't be seen in the company of a black guy.

When it came to sex, I was seduced by an older woman that picked me up at a mall, when I was barely a teenager. She thought I was an adult when she seduced me. The only other two girls I had sex with; one was in high school and the other one was in college. They were basketball players too. The second one was black.

While I was in college I met a woman that was a team booster. She had a thing for big girls, but she wanted me to dominate her. I quickly learned that I liked dominating her so much that I became more aggressive with other women. My women friends call me Max, and I play the part to the hilt. I'm so well known around town that I assume that every woman in the area knows about me."

I said, "I'm new to the area, and hardly know anyone. I was impressed by you when you stood up, but I thought you were just being kind to me when you offered to drive me home, because my so called friend that I work with dumped me for some cock she just met."

Maxine smiled, "I did feel sorry for you, but I was sexually attracted to you the moment I saw you. I thought the disgusted expression on your face while dancing with pompous males was because you would have preferred dancing with a woman."

I chuckled, "I might have been up for that, but I have never had sex with a woman."

Maxine cuddled up close to me and asked, "Would you like to find out what is like to have sex with a woman?"

I sat there for a moment somewhere between shock and intrigue before responding, "I am willing to try it, but I don't know anything about that kind of sex."

Maxine said, "Just relax and I will teach you everything."

She took me into her arms and hugged me tightly against her body. Sitting there on the couch my head was level with her huge breasts. She pulled my head against her blouse covered left tit. It was like a warm pillow, and it molded around my face. I loved the smell of her body and light fragrance of her perfume.

She eventually tilted my head up, by my chin and kissed me lightly on my lips again. As I relaxed to accept the kiss she became more ardent about kissing me. I could feel her breath coming out of her nose against my cheek, and used her tongue to explore the inside of my mouth. Her free hand was soon seeking out one of my tits to play with.

Maxine pulled the shoulder straps off my shoulder and pulled the front of my little black dress down to expose my breasts. I never wear a bra with this dress because it is too tight for such a thing. She placed her hands on my breasts and squeezed them firmly. She bent down to take my left nipple into her mouth and sucked on it hard. She even bit my nipple and pulled her head back, stretching my breast out until it was causing me pain.

While she was sucking on my tits she reached around my back to unhook my dress, and pulled the zipper down. The dress gathered around my waist. I felt like a child in her arms. She lifted me up and pulled my little black dress out from under my butt.

I was wearing pantyhose, to ward off the cold night air. I had on a thong underneath. She pulled off my pumps carefully and dropped them on the floor. When she sat me back down on the couch she kissed me again. We were exchanging tongues and spit.

Then she interrupted the kiss, sat up straight and started removing her own clothes. The blouse was a bolero type with puffy sleeves. Her light pink areolas and nipples were deliciously visible through the gossamer material. As she removed the blouse I was overwhelmed with the size of her breasts. They were a size 46-G and didn't sag much at all. I couldn't resist reaching out and feeling her breasts. While I was doing that she continued removing her slacks.

Her slacks were made of fine tan linen. She had not removed her pantyhose before putting on the slacks. She lifted her fanny up just enough to pull the slacks down and free of her slippers. Our nylon clad thighs were slipping against each other. It was strangely erotic listening to the sound of the nylon material rubbing against each other.

Maxine slipped her hand down the front of my pantyhose and thong. She masturbated me slowly and very gently. The way she did it made me felt good and it was comforting. I didn't feel threatened by her at all. She was almost motherly to me. I surrendered completely to her desires.

At one point she removed her hand from my hosiery and smelled her fingers before sticking her fingers into her mouth. After sucking on them for a short time she set about removing my pantyhose before pulling my thong up between my pussy lips. It was strangely stimulating the way she was pulling on the thong and relaxing her grip again. Before I had an orgasm she pulled the thong down and tossed the little ball of material in the general direction of the TV. With that she pulled me to my feet and led me to my bedroom.

She pushed me back against my bed and pushed me down across the bed. I lied there without moving, because I had no idea what I should do.

She made a show of removing her own pantyhose and underwear. She was such a large woman that when she put her knee on the bed, and put her full weight on it the bed sank, and I almost rolled against her knee. She placed her hands on my breasts to hold me still. She mounted me like I was a horse. She was sitting on my hips, and took hold of my nipples and twisted them like knobs on a radio. She bent over and kissing me on the mouth with her big tits resting on top of my own breasts. After a little time she moved down to my breasts and sucked on them.

We could still hear the occasional explosion of fireworks and the occasional sound of a drunk crying out "HAPPY NEW YEAR" somewhere in the neighborhood.

While she was sucking on my tits, she also reached down and masturbated me until I had an orgasm. I couldn't believe how intense it was. It was much stronger than any time I had masturbated myself. Just when I was thinking nothing could be any more exciting, Maxine went down on me and placed her hands on my thighs. The muscles in my thighs trembled at her touch. She blew worm air on my pubic hair before she started licking my pussy. She sucked on my clitoris like a baby sucks on their thumb. She kept it up until I was almost ready to have another climax, but for some reason I couldn't quite complete the orgasm. Maxine took care of that by sticking her finger up my ass. The shock of the sudden invasion took my mind off of my pussy and I had a strong orgasm.

I felt so relaxed that I could have lain there forever. Maxine lied back down next to me, and took me into her arms and kissed me. It was strange for me to smell my own pussy odor all over her face.

There came a point when I had to ask her, "Should I suck your pussy?"

Maxine lovingly stoked my hair as she said, "Honey, you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Why don't I tell you a little more about myself, and later on you can do whatever you feel like."

She said, "Because of my size a lot of women want me to dominate them. One such woman is a sweet little old lady from a very religious family. Her family was one of the original Scots-Irish families to settle in the Adirondack Mountains of western North Carolina. She sees herself as an evangelical missionary to spread the word of GOD. She goes door to door carrying an old worn King James Bible in hand to preach redemption to anyone willing to let her preach to them. About twice a month she calls me with intentions to preach to me, but what she really wants is for me to make her do all on the nasty sexual things she can't bring herself to admit she wants. When she comes to my home with Bible in hand, she is wearing a simple print dress that covers most of her legs and the sleeves cover her arms. Her hair is pulled back into braids, rolled up into a bun on the back of her head. Her look also includes wire rimmed glasses and practical blue shoes with big flat heels. This is the kind of woman that blushes whenever she hears so much as an obscene word, but when she comes to my house she cusses like a longshoreman when I make her suck my pussy and lick my asshole. In reality she just won't admit she wants the nastiest sex possible."

"When she comes over I prepare myself by putting on a black leather corset that pushes these two melons up. (She placed her hands under her tits and lifted them up.) Then I put on black fish net stocking and knee high black 6-inch boots, and attach the nylons to the garter straps of the corset. I don't wear underwear. The last thing I put on is a silk dressing gown that allows her to see my tits and pubic bush."

"When she knocks at my door I invite her to have a seat and she starts with her speech, until I interrupt her and remind her that Lot's wife had been a priestess in Sodom's temple before she married Lot. The angels had told Lot not to look back or GOD would know that they missed the debauchery of Sodom. She turned to look and was turned into a pillar of salt. On top of that, while he and his two daughters were living in a cave they got him drunk and had sex with him to have his children, thinking they were the last people on earth."

"I make her kneel before me and grab a handful of hair, and pull her head between my legs. I make her eat my pussy. I make her do every depraved sexual act she can hardly think of. I degrade her by peeing in her face and mouth. Then force her to tongue fuck my asshole. In keeping with her fear of Sodom and Gomorrah by making me prostrate herself over a table and I fuck her in the ass with a strap-on dildo, and that causes her the most satisfying degradation possible. When we are finished she goes home, and feels remorse for almost a week, before she starts feeling horny enough to work up the nerve to call me again."

There was something so perverse about what she was saying that made me horny. She asked, "Did your mother ever spank you? And did you ever sometimes deliberately do something knowing that you were doing it to incur the wrath of your mother?"

I said, "Yes, I was a willful child. I did things that were bad enough to get a lot of spankings. I remember one time when I was about 9, and I did a summersault across the top of my bed and broke the screen on my TV with my heels. I got a spanking from my mother with her hand until her hand hurt, and I laughed. That infuriated her so much that she picked up a leather belt and beat my ass until I was sure my ass was bleeding. But when she allowed me to stand up I found that I had left a cum stain on my bed sheet."

"When I was older I knew better than to steal some of my mother's hideout money, but I did for some stupid reason. When mother punished me it actually made me have an orgasm."

Maxine said, "That is why a lot of women want me to treat them like babies!"

To show me what it was like to be dominated she grabbed a handful of my hair and forced me to eat her pussy. She rubbed my face into her cunt until she had an orgasm. My face was smeared with the slimy juices of her cunt. She even forced me to lick her asshole. I couldn't believe it when I had an orgasm while licking her asshole, even without touching myself.

When she was finished she covered our bodies with my blankets and we fell asleep clinging to each other. In the morning the heat of the sun and her body woke me up. It took me a moment to realize that it had not been a dream. It had actually happened to me. When I stirred it woke up Maxine and she kissed me on the mouth. She had a strong case of morning breath, but after that first kiss I didn't notice the smell anymore.

We greeted each other with a good morning before we both realized that we need to relieve ourselves. We made our way to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and started peeing into the bowl with enough force that made a lot of sound as it splashed into the bowl.

Maxine stood there in front of me, making me self-conscious. It surprised me when she straddled my legs and sat on my lap and started peeing on my vulva. Her piss flowed all over my cunt and joined with my pee as it flowed into the bowl. While we were peeing she took hold of my shoulders, and kissed me on the mouth while driving her tongue into my mouth. When our bladders were empty she used her hand to wipe our pussies dry. We brushed our teeth. The kiss after that was minty fresh.

I would have normally been embarrassed about being in the presence of another woman while we were nude, but this morning I felt comfortable in the company of this amazon. We held hands while making coffee and breakfast. We lounged around all day naked. I kept the apartment warm enough to be comfortable.

I was fascinated by the prospect of seeing her all dressed up as a dominatrix. When I asked to see what she looked like in her costume. She agreed and we got dressed. I locked up my apartment before we made our way to her Tahoe. At least this time I chose to wear slacks, so that getting up into her vehicle was easier.

It was exciting sitting next to this Amazon of a woman on our way to her house. I was impressed with her home, it was warm and welcoming. The furniture was well made sturdy and expensive. She showed me around her house. The only thing in her house to reflect her lesbian lifestyle was a couple of paintings of naked women, one had her body turned three quarters away with her a hand lifting the breast while she washed it with the other hands from a typical blue on white "Dutch" porcelain bowl. The second painting was of a kneeling young Japanese woman washing her body from a lacquered bowl. This woman was full frontal, so that her vulva with the straight black pubic hair was visible, along with the brown areolas and nipples.

Maxine had a walk-in closet that was dedicated to her wardrobe, but one section was reserved for her dominatrix costumes befitting a woman prepared to play the Sadomasochistic role.

There was a variety of things to accentuate her powerful figure. Most of them made of leather and chrome steel. Brassieres made to lift, and show off her large tits, corsets designed to cinch up her waist while showing off her wide hips, boots with 6-inch heels. There were also paddles, whips and ropes to bind the submissive. The ropes were made of silk so that they would bind without leaving marks.

There was a leather covered bench in the middle of the room. I sat on it to watch Maxine undress, and deck herself out in an intimidating costume. The effect of her putting on a black leather corset that lifted her heavy breasts was exciting to see. She put on sexy dark nylons that had delicate lace self- supporting tops that didn't need garters, but she deliberately attached them to the corset with typical elastic straps. She didn't wear anything over her crotch, so that her dark brown pubic bush would be fully exposed to intimidate her submissive. Just sitting there looking at this majestic women was awe inspiring, standing there with her hands on her hips.

Maxine had no desire to use any of her disciplinary devices on me, but she did want me to learn to obey her every wish. We spent the morning with me between her legs sucking her pussy. We were lounging around after lunch, when she got a call.

It was her little old missionary woman. She wanted to come over to preach to Maxine, as she called it. Maxine asked me if I would like to watch.

It was Thursday, and I had taken a holiday, giving me a four day weekend. Even though she hadn't asked me yet, I wanted to be with her the rest of my holiday. I wouldn't have objected to her servicing another woman, even if the idea had not appealed to me.

She allowed me to put my little black dress back on without anything on under it. She had me help her prepare the house for her guest. It only took about a half hour before the doorbell rang. I waited in the living room while Maxine answered the door. I heard her greeting her guest and when she escorted the woman into the living room I would have recognized her based on Maxine's description of her.

Maxine introduced her as Bernice and told her that I was her new friend, Roxane.

She looked like the picture of a little old lady evangelist. Her gray hair was pulled back in a tight bun on the back of her head, gold wire rim glasses perched on her nose. She wore a blue and gray print dress with buttons down the front, a collar around her neck, long sleeves, thin belt around her waist, and the skirt went well below the knees. She was wearing ankle nylons, and blue practical shoes that were a feminine version of men's oxfords.

Bernice's face lit up, and she held her worn King James Bible in her left hand as she held out her bony right hand to shake my hand. She also hugged me and placed her cheek against my cheek.

Maxine had her hand around my waist, as she told me Bernice is a sweetheart that lives the good life most of the time. Everyone, but a few women like me know her to be the perfect little old religious lady, but she does have hidden carnal desires that surface every couple of weeks. She had to seek me out to satisfy her desires. She suffers from guilt for a week or so, but then she suffers with her desires until she gives me a call.

Maxine reached out and pulled Bernice to her and kissed her on the mouth while holding the back of her head. It was obvious that she was giving the woman tongue. Bernice was obviously embarrassed by being kissed in front of another person.

She unfastened the belt around the woman's waist, and then she started unbuttoning the dress, starting at the neck. As soon as she had the dress open below the waist, she pulled the dress free of her body. As she stepped out of the dress, I saw that she had on a full slip. Maxine had to pull the slip over her head, and Bernice offered no resistance. She just stood there blushing like a school girl caught masturbating.

That left her standing there in just her granny panties and less than flattering brassiere. She just stood there while Maxine reached around her to unhook the bra, and let it fall to the floor. The elastic in the panties had lost its elasticity a long time ago, so a simple brush sent them falling down her legs.

It was strange to be looking at her naked. I had seen women like her all of my life and had never considered what they looked like without clothes. I couldn't even picture them having pubic hair like other people. Her breasts sagged like empty bladders. The skin was thin and blood veins were visible on her limbs. It was strange looking at that sweet little face and seeing what time had done to her body.

Maxine led the two of us to her wingback chair and had me sit down. My little black cocktail dress rode up, exposing plenty of my thighs.

Maxine removed her dressing gown, exposing her domination costume, and grabbed a handful of Bernice's hair, and forced her to eat my pussy, as she quoted religious text. She suddenly told me to get behind Bernice and lick her asshole.

I knew that I was going to be her sex slave for life!

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