Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 26, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

"Okay Chris you just about ready to go," I asked. Chris and I were going out on the town and we were just going to hang out since we were now two engaged brothers who were happy to be settling down. We didn't know where we were gonna go but we figure we'd just hang out in the city.

"Yeah Evans I'll be there in a minute," Chris said. I was just standing by the door waiting for him while he was upstairs getting ready, and then Wyatt just came down to talk to me.

"So I see you and Chris are about to go out," he said as he walked up to me, "what are you guys gonna do while you're out," He asked.

"I don't know we're just gonna go sight seeing," I answered, "why are you so anxious to know what we're doing," I asked.

"I've got to make sure you're not going to do something crazy," he said.

"Like what?" I asked folding my arms.

"Maybe going to strip clubs," Wyatt said.

"Now why would we be going to strip clubs after me and Chris had said we were both happy that we're engaged and we're ready to settle down," I said.

"Yeah but still I mean we're not married yet and you guys could have some crazy ideas," Wyatt said.

"We're not going to do anything crazy okay I promise," I said. "Now speaking of what were you and Peter planning to do today,"

"Oh you know have a bachelor party you know, invite a few friends over, have some fun also bring some strippers over and you know get them naked and have a little gang bang," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt!," I said punching him in the arm and he was still laughing as I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and started pulling me back. I tried to get out of it but he was strong enough to pull me into a hug.

"I'm just kidding," he said while he had me in the hug, "Me and Peter are just going to have some fun at P3 until you guys get back okay, I promise I'm not gonna mess around on you,"

"Whatever," I said trying to break free from the grip.

"Where are you going," he asked.

"Out of the hug you've got me in," I said still trying to break free.

"Not until you give me a kiss," he said still having me in the hold.

"Screw you," I said.

"Fine have it your way," he said as he picked me up in a bear hug and carried me over to the couch and laid me there and got on top of me and kept taunting me, "you gonna give me a kiss now," he asked.

"No Wyatt let go come on me and Chris have to get going," I said.

"You're not going anywhere until you give me that kiss I want and I can keep you down here all day," Wyatt said still on top of me.

"Well then you're just gonna have to wait all day because you know I'm just as stubborn as you are and I don't give in easily," I said.

"Okay then I'll just make the time go by," Wyatt said holding my arms down and started sucking on my neck and I knew it was gonna give me a hickey so I finally just gave in.

"Fine you win just stop the sucking on the neck," I said and he finally stopped.

"Now give me a kiss," he said and I did, "another one," he said as I kissed him again. "See I always get what I want," Wyatt said getting off of me and pulling me up by grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. Peter soon came down not to long after the incident, "Peter you ready to go," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah I'm ready but Evans, Chris might be awhile, he feels like he has to be perfect now that he's engaged so have fun waiting for him," Peter said as him and Wyatt went out the door. I waited for about five minutes and Chris still hadn't come down then I heard the bell ring at the door and I thought it was Wyatt and Peter saying they forgot something so I went to it and saw Uncle Henry there.

"Hey Chris," He said. I then looked down and saw he was holding a baby in his hands.

"What are you doing here," I asked, "if you're looking for Aunt Paige she's in Hawaii and I could give you Aunt Piper's cell number if that's what you need," I said.

"No thats not why I'm here, I need a favor," he said.

"Okay and what favor are you asking for," I asked.

"I need you to watch this baby for a couple of days," he said, "I need to find his father and Paige has done this for me before so I was hoping you could do it for me this time."

"What?! Okay first of all I don't know the first thing there is to know about watching a baby," I said, "second you forget this is the Charmed manor I mean its dangerous here twenty four seven," I said.

"I know but there's no one else, come on there's nothing to it plus this could be practice for you when you and Wyatt have your kids," Henry pleaded.

"Okay I would but I can't I mean Chris and I are about to leave," I said.

"Just take him with you its not that bad and I would keep him at the office but I've got a lot of stuff to do and I'm going to be running in and out," Henry explained.

"Alright but if it gets to dangerous around here you have to come pick him up," I said.

"I will now here," he said handing me the baby along with a carriage and his baby bag, "I need your keys to put the car seat in your car," he said.

"My cars unlocked just go put it in there okay," I said closing the door and carrying the baby with me to the couch and laid him there while I changed his diaper. I swear I thought I was gonna pass out doing that. Not to long after I changed the baby's diaper Chris finally came downstairs, "okay what took you so long," I asked.

"I had to make sure there was nothing wrong and..," he paused for a moment catching sight of the baby I was holding, "okay where did you get that," he asked.

"Get what?" I asked.

"The baby you're holding," he said, "what else could I be talking about."

"Uncle Henry dropped him off a little while ago saying he needs us to watch him while he goes and finds his dad," I explained, "yeah I know I tried to explain to him the circumstances and he still insisted that we take the baby with us because he didn't have time."

"So he has to come with us," Chris asked as I put the baby in the carriage and started to carry him in that.

"Looks like it," I said grabbing my keys, "so come on lets go," I urged Chris as I opened the door and got the baby bag and threw it on one shoulder. Chris finally came down as we headed to my car and I strapped the baby in the back while Chris got in on the passenger side and we drove off and we decided to stop at a restraunt for lunch. It was that place where all our aunts would always go a lot. We decided we were gonna sit outside like they always did. I remember Aunt Phoebe telling me she did her lady Godiva walk over this restraunt not allowing Aunt Piper to breast feed her kids.

"So did Wyatt and Peter tell you where they were going," Chris asked.

"Yeah they said they were gonna go to the club for awhile until we come back but who knows what time thats going to be," I answered. The baby then started crying and I just took it out of its carriage and started holding it till it stopped. I got many people giving Chris and I weird looks but we ignored them.

"How long do we have to keep that baby," Chris asked.

"Until Uncle Henry comes and picks him up and that could be an eternity," I said, "but he says if he gets in any danger with the demons to call him and he'd be here to pick him up."

All of a sudden two guys came up to us, "hey is anyone sitting here," one of them asked pointing to one of the empty chairs that there was at the table.

"Yes someone is sitting there and their name is no one and we'd like it to stay that way," I said.

"Oh you guys are such teases," the other one said as the both came and sat in the empty chairs.

"Okay what do you guys want," Chris asked.

"Nothing we just saw two hot guys over here and we thought we'd come over and talk to them," one said, "my name is Josh and thats Craig," he said pointing over to the guy across from him, "so are you two dating each other," Josh asked.

"No as a matter of fact thats my brother so can you two please go back to wherever you came from and leave us in peace," I said with an angry voice.

"Sorry we can't," Craig came in.

"And why not," I asked.

"Because we see two single hot guys and we go for what we want," Josh said, "so what are your names,"

"Okay I'm Chris and he is also Chris and we don't like you guys," I said in a really impatient tone.

"We know you two are just playing hard to get so come with us and we can show you both a great time," Craig said.

"Look we don't want you guys to show us a great time we're engaged," I said as I flashed my ring and so did Chris, "and we are ready to settle down now leave us alone," I said.

"Come on your girlfriends don't have to know about us," Craig said.

"Okay first of all we have boyfriends and second they don't but they are going to know about today. Now if you two don't leave us alone I'm going to call them over here so they can kick your asses and trust me they will do it," I said.

"Fine but call us when you guys are ready to have some real fun," they said as they both left. I didn't feel like being there anymore so I called for the waiter and asked for the check and quickly paid without getting any change back.

"Lets go Chris," I said.

"You're gonna leave that much money in there as a tip," he asked

"I'm not staying here another moment so two new weird guys and come over and harass us," I said putting the baby in the carriage and carrying him away along with Chris walking by my side as we started exploring the city, "so do you think we should tell Wyatt and Peter about those guys harassing us," I asked Chris.

"No way they would seriously kill them," Chris answered.

"Yeah but I would like to see Wyatt as the jealous type just once to see how hard he would fight over me," I said.

"Like that time you got in a fight over him with Justin," Chris said laughing as we continued walking through the city.

"That was unfair for you to play that card," I answered, "now come on if he had hit on Peter tell me you wouldn't have kicked his ass."

"I probably would have but then again I don't turn people into demons when I go into the bathroom with them," Chris said.

"Ha Ha very funny," I said.

"Hey Evans I'm gonna go check out this store right here," He said pointing to a men's clothing story, "you coming," Chris asked.

"No I'll be in this store next to it okay so meet me back out here in ten minutes because its getting late and we should be heading home soon," I said. "I'm sure Wyatt and Peter are probably back at the manor anxious to see us okay so be back in ten," I said as we both went our separate ways. I went into a bride and groom store. A man asked me if he could help me but I told him I was just looking as I continued going over to the selection of tuxes. There was a white outfit. I liked it and I mean it would be the best thing to wear unless Wyatt wants me to wear a wedding dress but I'm sure he doesn't. I then got a ring on my cell phone. I looked at the screen and saw it was Wyatt. I decided to answer it, "hello,"

"Hey Chris where are you and the other Chris," Wyatt asked.

"We're still having our fun out in the town, why do you want to know," I asked.

"We've been at home waiting for you guys to come home its 7:00 pm," Wyatt stated.

"And the problem is," I said.

"Daddy wants you home now I mean I still want to spend some time with you before the day is up," Wyatt said.

"Okay I'll be home in a little bit just give me a couple of minutes to go catch up with Chris," I said.

"Why? did you lose him," Wyatt asked.

"No he's in the store next door," I answered, "we just both decided to go to different stores," I said.

"Oh okay well just come home soon its getting pretty lonely here," Wyatt said.

"You've got Peter why don't you talk to him until I get home," I asked.

"Because I've been around him long enough and I want to be around you now plus he's upstairs talking to his boyfriend Chris," Wyatt said.

"So you think you'd call me since Peter called Chris," I said, "I see how the game works but don't worry we'll be home soon okay," I said.

"Okay just hurry I'm lonely," he said, "I love you,"

"I love you too," I said as we both hung up and I walked out the store and saw Chris standing there waiting, "so I guess you got a call from Peter," I said to him.

"Yes and I'm guessing you got a call from Wyatt," Chris responded as we started heading back towards my car.

"I sure did and he wants me home as soon as possible," I said.

"I'm sure he wouldn't if he knew you had that baby with you," Chris said.

"Please thats gonna be a shock to him so don't mention it," I said.

"Since they're calling us home so quickly I'm assuming we're probably destined to be stay at home wives," Chris said.

"Tell me about it but you haven't seen your kids yet I mean just wait till you do then you're gonna freak," I said.

"Hey Evans I just want to let you know I had fun with you and we should do this again sometime," Chris said.

"I know we should but its gonna have to be a day when the men are away," I said as we finally reached the car and I strapped the baby in and got into the car while Chris went into the passenger side and we headed home. "So Chris have you thought about names for your future kids," I asked.

"No its gonna be awhile before that happens I mean I just got engaged what do you want me to do just think of names before its decided if we even have kids," Chris said.

"Yeah I guess you're right but I'm just lucky since I know I have two daughters named Penelope and Patrica," I said.

"Well you know when you have those two kids you let me know how bad the labor is and I'll decide if I want any," Chris said as we finally pulled up to the house and we could see Wyatt's car already in the drive way. This time when I got out Chris waited for me to get the baby and the baby bag before we both walked up to the house together. I let Chris go in first though I did have the baby in the carriage and was carrying the bag and the baby at the same time. "Peter I'm home!" Chris shouted out then Peter came running and hugged Chris real tight before finally kissing him, "so have a great time at the club," Chris asked Peter.

"Yeah we had a great time so hey tell me about your day," Peter said holding Chris's hand as they walked into the living room. I don't know if Peter even noticed that I had a baby in my hand. Not to much longer Wyatt walked in and I could see he was real happy.

"Hey sexy," he said about to hug me but then backed away, "whats that you got in your hand," he asked.

"Its a baby you know the things that people have sex and make," I answered.

"What are you doing with one of these things," he asked.

"Uncle Henry dropped him off and asked me to watch him so he could go find his dad, and yes I know the whole deal I talked to both uncle Henry and Chris about it being dangerous and everything around here with all the demons and all but uncle Henry still insisted on me watching him," I said as I put the carriage on the table and saw the baby was asleep.

"Tell me we don't have to sleep with that baby in our rooms," Wyatt asked.

"Wyatt come on its gonna be like this when we have our kids so we might as well get use to it now," I said. "Now can you please go take the baby upstairs to the nursery and put him in that old cradle Aunt Piper use to keep you in," I asked.

"Why do I have to do it," Wyatt asked, "uncle Henry asked you to watch him not me," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt please just do me this favor," I asked again.

"Okay fine but you owe me big time," Wyatt said.

"Thanks I knew I could count on you," I said kissing him. He then picked up the carriage and took the baby upstairs. I then walked into the living room where I saw Peter and Chris on the couch sitting and they were in a deep kiss, "you two get a room," I said causing them to break their kiss.

"You're just mad because Wyatt's not down here for you to kiss," Chris said.

"Please what's there to be mad about because I know Wyatt is twice the kisser your boyfriend is," I said.

"Oh I am," Wyatt said coming downstairs, "I can't believe my own fianc is giving me compliments on how good of a kisser I am," as he came down to me side and wrapped his arm around me and then sneezed.

"Wyatt you okay," I asked.

"Yeah," he said as he sneezed again this time harder.

"I don't think you are I think I'm gonna take your temperature," I said as I headed for the kitchen but was grabbed from behind by my waist, "come on Wyatt I know its not gonna hurt you so let me go get the thermometer."

"No I'm fine," he said not letting me go. Right then two men appeared in the living room right in front of Chris and Peter. I could tell they weren't demons by the way the came. Chris quickly grabbed Peter and orbed to our side. The men sent out energy balls but I knew what to do.

"ENERGY BALL," I yelled causing it to turn into orbs and sent it back at the men. One of them took one blink and then all of a sudden he appeared on top of the stairs where he sent another energy ball but fortunately Wyatt was able to think fast and put up his shield to block them both. The men then just blinked and they were gone, "the baby," I said as I ran upstairs to make sure he was okay and he was still laying there peacefully in the cradle and I went into the attic and got the Book of Shadows and came back downstairs.

"So is the kid okay," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah he's fine," I said flipping through the Book of Shadows.

"So what does it say about those two guys," Chris asked.

"Well the good news is that they're obviously not demons but the bad news is that they're warlocks," I said reading from the Book of Shadows.

"Is there a spell to vanquish them," Chris asked.

"Yeah but its a power of three spell," I said.

"Thats fine now we just have to find the warlocks," Wyatt said sneezing again.

"Okay Wyatt thats it, THERMOMETER," I yelled and a thermometer came in my hands, "now lets go up to bed and I'm taking your temperature," I said grabbing Wyatt's arm and leading him upstairs.

"I'm fine," he said, "I don't know why you're acting like my mom," he said smiling.

"Well since she's not here its my duty to take care of you," I said leading him into the room, "now lie down," I said forcing him on the bed and putting the thermometer in his mouth, "now I'll know if you took it out or did something to it so keep it in your mouth until I come back okay," I said.

"Fine but I don't understand why you have to do this," Wyatt said just lying there.

"Because I love you and I will someday vow to love you in sickness and in health till death do us part," I said kissing him on the cheek, "now I'm gonna go talk to Chris and Peter about the warlocks and I'll be right back," I said as I left and went right back downstairs to where Peter and Chris were. They went back to sitting on the couch, "okay so we've got two angry warlocks to vanquish any of you got any ideas," I asked.

"Not me but hey Evans I just thought of something," Chris said, "weren't those the same guys we saw at the restraunt earlier today and trying to hit on us," Chris asked.

I thought about if for a moment before finally realizing it, "yes they were," I answered.

"What guys did you see at the restraunt and trying to hit on you," Peter asked.

"Yeah what guys," Wyatt said as he started coming down the stairs with the thermometer still in his mouth and he even sneezed a few times.

"Wyatt I told you to stay upstairs," I said meeting him half way, "now give me that," I said as I took the thermometer out of his mouth and was shocked by the temperature, "Wyatt this thing says you have a temperature of 102.1," I said.

"I'm fine what do these science gadgets know," he said sneezing a couple of more times.

"Back to bed," I said grabbing his hand and leading him back to the bed and making him lay down again, "now don't move I'm going to go make you some soup and I'll bring you back some medicines now wait here and don't move," I said getting up and going back to the living room where Chris and Peter were, "okay guys this will conclude our evening and we'll deal with the Warlocks in the morning since Wyatt has to get some rest," I said walking into the kitchen and I could here Chris and Peter going up the stairs and Peter still asking Chris about the guys we saw earlier on today but Chris still kept avoiding the question. I quickly looked in the drawers and got out every cold medicine I saw and then I got out a can of cambel's chicken noodle soup and heated it up in the microwave. I put it in a bowl and put the medicines and everything on a tray and walked upstairs and I was amazed to see Wyatt still laying there on the bed. "Okay Wyatt I've got some stuff for you now don't get to comfortable but I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt," I said.

"Alright," he said as he quickly took it off and threw it on the floor, "so is this the sex treatment," he asked smiling.

"Nope I have to put some cream on your chest," I said as I set the tray down and picked up the cream and came and sat on the bed next to Wyatt, "now hold still and I know thats gonna be hard for you," I said and I started rubbing the cream on his chest. It was a weird cream that was suppose to make colds go away so I thought I'd try it. As I was putting it on he kept moaning, "Wyatt stop that," I said as I continued to do that and I finally finished. "Okay so here's some pills," I said getting up to the tray taking out the pills and giving the to Wyatt to take with some water. Wyatt took it without any struggle. Then I finally laid the tray above his lap and gave him a spoon, "okay now eat this and you'll feel a lot better okay now if you need me I'll be downstairs in the living room," I said.

"You're not sleeping in here with me?," Wyatt asked.

"No I think I'm gonna let you sleep by yourself today in peace," I responded.

"Come on please its been lonely all day without you," Wyatt said.

"Goodbye Wyatt and be good and don't get out of that bed till you know that you feel better," I said turning to leave.

"Hey do I at least get a kiss goodnight," Wyatt asked.

"Sure," I said coming back and kissing him on the cheek, "goodnight."

"What I thought I'd get a kiss on the lips not the cheek," he said.

"Sorry but hey I know STD is not transferred through kissing but I know colds can be so goodnight Wyatt," I said going out the door and back onto the couch to get some sleep.

Back at the warlocks mansion they were both having a fight about what happened earlier with them not being able to kill the Charmed Ones, "Its your fault Josh I can't believe you can't move quick enough to shoot them with an energy ball!" One exclaimed.

"Me you're the one who gave them the clue that I was up there Craig," Josh replied and they just kept arguing back and forth, "you know if you hadn't been so dumb they would have came with us back at that restruant like I had planned and then we would have had them you dumb ass," Josh started saying.

"That plan was the stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life I mean what makes you think that two Charmed Ones would come with two complete strangers, especially since they had a baby," Craig responded.

"Look that was the best thing we had to go on, but forget it," Josh said, "its over now and I'm horny as hell so lets just have some fun and then we'll get back to trying to destroy the Charmed One," Josh said as he ran over to Craig and kissed him while massaging his dick through his pants. They both quickly removed each others shirts and just kept making out. Josh then pushed Craig against the wall and the continued going at it hard core. "Get on your knees," Josh demand Craig to do and Craig did what he was told and got on his knees and began to suck Josh through his pants. Josh would sometimes tease Craig by pulling his head back and shaking his dick in front of him. Craig just kept moving Josh's hand out of the way and went back to sucking him through his jeans, "you want it don't you," Josh said teasing Craig and Craig just nodded, "you want it bad don't you." Josh finally just unzipped his pants and pulled them down, "now take that in your mouth," Josh demanded Craig. Craig started to jack him off for a couple of minutes before he finally just licked the head and Josh started moaning. Craig liked that sound so he just started taking all 7 inches in his mouth. He just kept going in and down and massaged it with his tongue while it was in his mouth. Josh just kept intimidating Craig, "oh you are so good take that cock in your mouth," Josh said as he started moving in that same motion. Then to make things better he pulled out of Craig's mouth and started beating his face with his dick. After beating his face with it for awhile he finally let it go back into Craig's mouth, "you didn't think I was done with you yet did you," Josh said as he kept going in and out. Craig was enjoying this taunting and teasing very much. When Josh got in his mouth again Craig just started deep throating it because he knew it would make Josh more excited and it was. Josh started yelling in pleasure because he loved it so much but then he pulled Craig back up and kissed him. Then he pulled off Craig's pants with his boxers, "now turn around," Josh demanded Craig and he did what he was told. Josh then stuck his finger in Craig's hole and Craig just groaned. "Do you want me to fuck you," Josh asked, Craig gave out a big yes, Josh then took his manhood and stuck it in Craig and taking no time to do it he just stuck it in very quickly. Josh just loved what was going on. He started of going fast from the start and Craig was in a lot of pain for awhile but Josh didn't care he just kept going. Once the pain started turning into pleasure Craig started moaning along too while Josh was pinching on his nipples. The fucking just lasted about 3 hours until Craig decided he couldn't take it anymore and just got off and started jacking himself off. It didn't take long for him to cum but he shot 2 huge loads on his own chest. Once Craig was done he thought it was over little did he know it wasn't, "you're not done since you got off you can suck it off," Josh said pulling Craig's head towards his dick and forcing him to take his dick back in his mouth and made him suck him off until he just came in his mouth and forced Craig to swallow it. "Thats a good boy now we can destroy the charmed Ones."

I was sleeping very peacefully on the couch and then I felt something soft on my lips. I opened up my eyes and I saw it was Wyatt kissing me. He was just in some boxers and no shirt. "Wyatt what are you doing coming down here like that what if Chris and Peter see," I asked.

"I don't care trust me I've had to shower with Chris before so he's seen me in much less than this," Wyatt said.

"Okay but are you feeling better," I asked, "you better be since you just kissed me without my permission," I said.

"I'm fine," he said taking out a thermometer and handing it to me. I could see that his temperature went down.

"Okay I trust that you didn't do anything to this but next time if you are sick don't give me a hard time and let me take care of you okay," I said, "you know I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you,"

"I love too and thanks," he said as he kissed me and then we started making out. I then heard the baby upstairs crying and I had to stop and get off the couch, "you know for once I'd like to have you to myself without interruptions," Wyatt said.

"I'm sorry look I'll make it up to you," I said as I started heading upstairs to the nursery.

"You always say that," Wyatt said.

"Well this time I promise I will okay," I said going up to the nursery and taking the baby out of the crib and holding him till he stopped crying. I then knew I had to change his diaper since it was morning time. So did that and then I took him downstairs and into the kitchen and put him in a baby chair and then warmed up a bottle before giving it to him. Chris and Peter then entered. Chris was in his boxers with a wife beater on while Peter just had on some pajama pants and no shirt. "Okay so you guys think this is the way to dress in front of a baby," I asked.

"Oh well he's gonna see it someday if he's in football and he has to take a shower with others guys and its not like we're showing our privates," Chris said.

"I know but guys come on he's really young," I said.

"Hey everyone whats up," Wyatt came in still in just his boxers.

"Wyatt!" I yelled.

"See even your boyfriend is doing it," Chris stated.

"You know what forget it I will deal with this issue later but for now since everyone is here we need to discuss vanquishing the warlocks," I said.

"Whats more to it other than just saying the spell and burning their asses back to kingdom come," Chris said.

"Chris could you please think with your head and not your magic," I said, "don't you think since the first and second attack they'd have something planned for the third," I said.

"Oh yeah by the way tell us about the first time you encountered those guys," Wyatt said.

"Look its a long story so later," I said.

"Oh no we've got time go on ahead so you said you met them at that restraunt and what happened," Wyatt said, "I think Peter and I have a right to know since you guys are engaged to us,"

"It wasn't anything big we just went and sat down and those warlocks just came and sat next to us and started making sexual advances to us but we told them that we were engaged okay," Chris said.

"What did they say," Peter asked.

"Does it really matter," Chris asked.

"Yes it sure does I want to know every little detail," Peter said.

"They just asked us stuff like 'to come with them so they could show us a good time' and stuff like that," Chris answered.

"Why didn't you guys call us," Wyatt asked, "Pete and I would have loved to come up there and kick their asses,"

"Well I was going to but I just decided to leave since you know I didn't want to cause any trouble, and that is what made them leave us alone is when I threatened to call you guys," I said.

"You should have done it without telling them," Wyatt said, "next time that happens you better call us when someone says some things to you that's sexual,"

"Wyatt look we were okay," I said.

"I know but those guys could have been pedophiles and took you guys somewhere and left y'all dead in an alley way," Wyatt said, "I'm just concerned and I don't want anything to happen to you,"

"I understand but Wyatt don't forget that Chris and I have our magic to protect us so we would have been fine," I said.

"I know but even though we're not married I'm still vowed to protect you like you took care of me while I was sick," Wyatt said.

"Thanks I'm glad to know you'll always be there to protect me," I said.

"Hey sorry to interrupt the love connection but does anyone know the spell to vanquish the warlocks," Chris asked.

"Oh yeah, BOOK OF SHADOW!," I said and the Book orbed in my hands and I flipped right to the page with the warlocks and put it on the table, "there it goes so if they attack we'll be prepared."

"Which would be now," one said as the both shimmered in.

"Didn't you hear us we found the spell to vanquish you guys and you still want to attack?" Chris said, "you guys are some pretty dumb warlocks,"

"You don't think we didn't come prepared for that see you can't vanquish us if we keep moving," one said as he blinked his eye and went to the other side of the kitchen. I then started laughing, "whats so funny," he asked.

"They might have not come prepared for it but I did, CRYSTALS," I said orbing a circle of crystals around both of them, "looks like you're both screwed so say hello to all the demons we vanquished in the underworld for us," I said as I went over to where my brothers were and we started reading the spell.

"Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will, with these words, waste the warlocks evil zest," we all said in unison as the warlocks shouted and blew up.

"Wow looks like my guy has been doing his homework," Wyatt said, "how'd you know they'd do that," Wyatt asked.

"They're warlocks what can you expect," I said, "I did my homework while Peter and Chris were upstairs doing who knows what," I said.

"We didn't do anything last night," Chris said, "but now that you give us that idea we just might," later that night they did just what I thought. While Wyatt and I were downstairs watching the baby and waiting for Uncle Henry to come by Chris and Peter went up to Chris's room and locked the door. "Oh I've been waiting for this all day," Chris said jumping on top of Peter as they started making out.

"Slow down tiger," Peter said, "I've got a little present for you," he said as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a can of whip cream. Chris just blushed and smiled. "I knew you'd like it," he said as him and Chris switched to wear Peter was on top and then Peter started by putting cream all over Chris's neck and then he just went straight for it and started sucking on his neck and licking the cream off leaving Chris's neck red. He then went down and pulled off one of Chris's shoes and squirted cream all over his foot and started licking it off of there and then he took Chris's big toe and started sucking on it. Chris was in so much pleasure he just pulled off his shirt and started rubbing himself. He then looked at Peter signaling him to come back up. Peter then came back up and put cream on Chris's nipples and his belly button. Before he could come all the way but up Chris grabbed his shirt and pulled it off. Peter was turned on by this. He got off the bed and just started doing a strip dance for Chris. Chris was loving what he was seeing. Peter finally got down to his boxers and threw them at Chris. Chris then took them and put them in his mouth and started loving the taste of the sweaty boxers that Peter had on. While Chris still had those boxers in his mouth Peter came back up and started licking the cream off of Chris's nipples and Chris was just loving it. Peter then just licked his way down till he found himself at Chris's hairy naval. He licked the cream off of that and just stuck his tongue in it and kept going in and out. He then sexually pulled Chris's pants off of him and luckily Chris wasn't wearing any boxers underneath. Peter then just forgot about the cream and just took Chris's dick in his mouth savoring the taste. His nose was buried in Chris's pubes. Chris just pushed Peter lower and lower and Peter knew what Chris wanted. Peter then lifted Chris's legs onto his shoulders and spread his cheeks and started putting his tongue in Chris's man pussy. This was the best thing for Chris he just moaned. Peter just buried his face in between Chris's cheeks. Peter just kept going in and out of Chris's hole with his tongue. Chris was red with pleasure and Peters boxers were now wrapped around his neck and Chris was now groaning. When he could take no more he pulled up Peter by his hair and kissed him then flipped so that he was now on top. Chris then picked up the whip cream and sprayed it all over Peters dick. Chris then put his gorgeous lips on Peter's cock taking in all the cream he had put on it and he had his finger going in and out of Peter's mouth while he was giving him the blow job. Peter was very much enjoying this that he put his hand over Chris's head and started running his hands through his hair. Peter could feel the tip of Chris's tongue sliding along the tip. Chris then started taking it in better and his tongue started swirling around. Peter was ready so he sat up and pulled a condom out of the drawer and put it on. Chris came and sat on top of it and they started going at it like crazy. Chris was screaming in pleasure and Peter was fucking his hole. As they were still fucking Peter sat up and started sucking on Chris's nipple. They then switched positions while Chris got on all fours and Peter started to fuck him doggy style. While the were doing this Peter started rubbing Chris's back. Chris just loved it. Chris finally got off of Peter and jacked himself off and it didn't take him long to cum. He shot 5 loads on his stomach and Peter came and cleaned him up. Peter then took off the condom and started jacking himself off. Chris came over and helped him by sucking on his balls until he came. When he came he shot 7 loads and Chris came and cleaned those off of him. Then after their little few hours of fun the just went and laid back on the bed for the time being.

Meanwhile me and Wyatt waited for a long time before we heard the door bell ring. I went to the door and there was uncle Henry, "hey so I found his dad do you still have the kid," he asked.

"Of course where else would I put him," I said sarcastically, "hey Wyatt can you go get the kid out of the nursery please," I said to Wyatt as he went upstairs , "so Uncle Henry hows work been," I asked saying trying to blow off time.

"Oh its been great but you know all this paroling and everything," he answered. Wyatt then entered with the baby in the carriage along with the baby bag and gave it to Uncle Henry, "thanks Wyatt oh and thanks Chris for watching him if you need a favor remember I owe you bye take care," Uncle Henry said as we shut the door.

"So looks like we're all alone," I said, "you know except for Chris and Peter which who knows what they're doing," I then caught sight of Wyatt who was giving me a sexual look, "Wyatt are you okay," I asked.

"Oh I'm better then okay say do you remember that you said you owed me something," Wyatt said walking towards me and he still had that sexual look on his face.

"Wyatt don't look at me that way," I said walking backwards but he was still walking towards me. I then turned away to try to run but Wyatt grabbed me and threw me over his shoulders and then ran upstairs to our room. He then tossed me onto the bed.

"Oh you owe me big time and I'm taking that favor now," Wyatt said as he removed his shirt.

"Hold on there I said I owed you but I didn't say when and sorry to spoil your fun but I'm not in the mood," I said getting off the bed and walking over to the window.

"Hey Chris think fast," Wyatt said throwing a football at me but I was able to catch it. Wyatt then came over and tackled me to the ground, "you okay," he asked as he was now on top of me.

"I'm fine what do you think you're doing," I asked.

"Playing my favorite sport with my favorite guy," he answered, "feel my bicep," he said and I put my hands on it and started rubbing it, "feels good doesn't it now let me show you something that feels even better," he said as he grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch and then I felt his manhood was fully pumped. "So you in the mood now," he asked.

"Okay fine Wyatt you win but we're even after this," I said as we started kissing and making out but we were then interrupted again by the sound of Chris moaning while him and Peter were going at it.

"So should we stop now," Wyatt asked I could see he was now frustrated.

"Nope lets just see if we can go louder than them," I said smiling.

"Now here's the Chris I want to marry," Wyatt said picking me off the floor and throwing me back onto the bed and unbuckled my belt and quickly pulled my pants down along with my boxers and then aggressively tore off my shirt. He then got on top of me and we started making out hardcore but then he switched positions and he was on top and I gave him a confused look, "hey I went first last time so this time you get the pleasure of going first so you know how I like it," he said smiling. I then went up to his neck kissing it and knowing that was one thing he enjoyed. I then moved down to under his armpits and I didn't know if he liked it there but I thought I'd give it a try. So I liked his armpit and he did have a lot of hair under there but I just continued doing it and by how he had his hand over my head keeping me there for awhile I assumed he liked it. I then started licking his chest and I mean he had a lot of sweat on it but I still loved it and he was enjoying what I was doing to him also. I quickly pulled of the jeans he was wearing and started sucking on him through his boxers. I knew he was ready for me to suck him off so I slowly started pulling his boxers down with my teeth. I then went in between his muscled legs and started jacking his cock of waiting to see him in pleasure but Wyatt just smiled at me and stared, "Is that all you got come on I've seen better from you than that," he said. I then took that as a challenge so I then started jerking him off even harder I could see a little pleasure in his eyes but not enough so then I started licking the tip and thats when I first started hearing him moan. I loved that sound so I decided to give it to him even harder. I then wrapped my lips around his dick and put my finger in his naval and started moving it around while I started going up and down on his dick. I now knew I was pleasing him hearing him pant like he did. "Don't stop," he said still panting so I kept going up and down on his dick and then I was going around and around with my finger in his naval. I then wanted to make it go over the top so I while his dick was in my mouth I started massaging it with my tongue and going over the tip with my tongue. I knew he was just loving this. I got off his dick and started licking his balls then worked my way back up to his dick again and took it in my mouth and started going up and down again. Wyatt was now in to much pleasure he just grabbed me and pulled me up saying, "oh you've done it now." He then kissed me and we switched positions. He just skipped my body and went straight for my ass but he started slapping it first, "oh you've been a bad boy," he said while he was slapping it and he finally just buried his face in between my cheeks and started eating me out. I was just enjoying the pleasure he was giving me as he moved his tongue in and out of me. I felt his finger go in and he started finger fucking me and then he took it out and replaced it with his tongue again. He was eating me like it was his last supper. Once he saw that I was open enough he headed for the drawer and pulled out a condom.

"Hey we don't need that," I said as I stopped him from putting it on.

"Are you sure what about getting pregnant," Wyatt asked.

"You know how to pull out in time now put that thing down and fuck me," I demanded.

"As you wish," he said as he tossed the condom and started inserting his manhood into me inch by inch and I mean he was doing it fast but I didn't complain because I loved the pain. Once he got it all in me it felt pretty good. He then kept pumping in and out of me. "Oh yeah take," he said as he just kept fucking me and was enjoying it just as much as I was. He was now sweating more than any other time we ever had sex. I started moaning as loud as I could. It was that good. I mean after awhile we couldn't even hear Chris and Peter going at it. After awhile of fucking me Wyatt just pulled out and came all over me and then I started jacking off and came also. Wyatt then just collapsed right next to me putting his arm around me like he always did when we were in bed. "Wow I can't believe this was the best ever," Wyatt said still breathing hard.

"Only the best for my Wyatt," I said reaching down to the floor grabbing my jeans and taking out a cigarette and lighting it and starting to smoke.

"Hey you can't smoke," Wyatt said taking it from me and putting it out on the bed.

"Thats not fair give me that back," I said reaching for it but I couldn't and ended up hitting Wyatt's lips with mine a couple of times trying to get it, "come on let me have it,"

"Since when do you smoke," Wyatt asked.

"Well that was my first one and I heard smoking feels good after sex," I said.

"Sorry you won't be experiencing that because you're my fiancee and I don't date smokers so sorry," Wyatt said as the threw the cigarette in the trash can. We then heard the door open and we knew it couldn't have been Chris and Peter so that meant it was the parentals. Wyatt and I quickly threw on some clothes and came out the room and so did Chris and Peter the same time we did. "Wow so I guess you guys think like us," Wyatt said laughing as we all ran downstairs to greet them.

"Hey guys," Piper said as she saw all of us come down, "i'm surprised the house isn't trashed but I guess that's a good thing,"

"Mom I thought you weren't coming back for another couple of days," Chris said.

"Yeah but the vacation was pretty boring so we decided to come home a little early so whats been going on around here did you guys have any demons to vanquish," she asked.

"Nope only warlocks," I answered.

"Warlocks! Wow that must have been exciting well you guys go on back to your rooms okay," she said. We did as we asked and I jumped back out of my clothes and into bed with Wyatt again.

Hey thanks for those of you who sent me feedback and keep it coming. This is a warning on Ch 11 & 12 are sort of father son relationship things so yeah and I've already written those so they'll be up sooner than normal but they don't have any sex in them and there is another warning about that on them so I thank you if you decide to read them but do send feed back about if you liked this chapter or not by emailing me at and thanks so please send feedback I really appreciate when people do.

Next: Chapter 11

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