Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 29, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

If you decided to read this I'm assuming you read chapter 11 and wanted to see more and I thank you because I felt that my story needed this. If you don't mind still email me and tell me if you liked the past couple of chapters.

It had been a couple of weeks since the whole thing happened. I tried to make things up to Trevor as best I could. I mean I know he was going to still miss his mom I mean I still miss mine and its been awhile. Today I just took him to the movies to see Shrek 3 and then we went go kart racing and I let him win. On our way home he started talking and asking me questions, "hey Chris do you mind if I ask you something," he asked.

"You just did but okay go ahead," I said.

"What happened to your mom I mean you never mention her and I haven't seen her around," Trevor asked.

"Well Trevor my mom died not to long after I was born," I said.

"So you're an orphan like me," he said.

"You could say that," I answered.

"So how did you end up living with Aunt Piper, Papa Leo, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Wyatt," he asked.

"You see I was given up at birth though my mother did die not to long after I was born but another woman adopted me. I just lived with her for 17 years and then on my eighteenth birthday she died. I met Aunt Piper and everyone else at her funeral. I didn't know it then but my real mother was Aunt Piper's sister," I explained.

"So you, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Wyatt are you're cousins," Trevor asked.

"Yeah and they're also my brothers I'm glad I've got them in my life now. I don't know what I'd do without them," I said.

"Since my mom is dead do I have to go back and live with Mr. Smith," Trevor asked.

"No buddy you're staying with me and everyone else until you're eighteen. I'm you're guardian now so looks like you're stuck with me," I said smiling at him as we pulled up to the house. Once I parked I knew he'd probably be to tired so I got out and carried him into the house and laid him in the bed without changing him into his pajamas. I then went into my bed with Wyatt and we started talking about things.

"Chris I can see Trevor's becoming part of the family," Wyatt said.

"Yeah I know and I'm happy," I answered.

"Hey I don't mean to put stress on you but what are we gonna do when we go off to college, I mean I don't think he would want to stay in a dorm room all day," Wyatt said.

"Couldn't he just stay with Aunt Piper," I asked.

"Yeah but then he's gonna miss us to much," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt we're just an orb away I mean we'll still have to come to the manor just about everyday," I answered

"Yeah but what about all the studying and work we're gonna have to do in college," Wyatt said.

"I know but we're still the Charmed Ones I mean if we go to New York and don't come back the demons are gonna go crazy and have a party so you know we're gonna have to come back," I said.

"Yes I guess you're right," he said as he kissed me and went to sleep.

Later on that night Trevor was having that same dream. He was running in the woods alone calling for me. He was then being chased by Mr. Smith with a knife. Trevor kept running as fast as he could. Mr. Smith kept appearing from everywhere. Then out of nowhere he saw his mom calling for him and he started running towards her with Mr. Smith still chasing him. His mom all of a sudden then turned into Mr. Smith and he then started calling for me louder than ever. He tried to get away but Mr. Smith jumped on him like a shark and ate him up and then he was dead. Trevor finally woke up and kept screaming for me, "Chris! Chris!," he yelled. I was worried when I heard this so I quickly got out of bed again like I always do and ran into his room where he was up screaming and crying. I ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"Trevor its okay," I said as I hugged him. "You were just having a bad dream everything is gonna be fine okay,"

"Okay," he said wiping his eyes.

"Now do you need come sleep with me and Uncle Wyatt," I asked.

"No," he said.

"Okay I'm gonna leave you here but if you want to come in the bed with me and Wyatt don't hesitate okay," I said as I put him back down and left.

"Whats wrong with him this time is everything okay," Wyatt asked as I came back into the room.

"Yeah he just had another bad dream," I said.

"Is he coming in here again," Wyatt asked.

"No he said he wanted to stay in his own room," I answered.

"Are you sure you want to leave him in there," Wyatt asked.

"Yes, I mean he can't always be attached to me," I said getting into the bed with Wyatt, "and we're gonna have to do this all over again when we have kids," I said.

"Yeah but this is good practice," Wyatt said as he went to sleep. I stayed up half the night worrying if Trevor was gonna be okay. I knew his dreams just kept getting worse as time passed by and it hurt me to see him like that. I know it had been two weeks since his mother died but I don't know why he's still having those dream. All I know is that I've got to get to the bottom of it. The next morning I went to go talk to Aunt Piper maybe she could help me with things. "Hey Aunt Piper can I talk to you," I asked. She was in the kitchen and no one had came down yet so I thought now would be a good time.

"Sure whats wrong," Piper asked.

"Its not me its Trevor I mean he's been having all these bad dreams ever since I brought him home and now that his mom has passed away its gotten even worse," I explained.

"Chris that's natural for kids to have nightmares after their parents pass away I mean didn't you have nightmares when your mom died," Piper asked.

"Yeah but they didn't go on for that long," I said

"I see what you mean, maybe he could see a psychiatrist," Piper suggested.

"I wouldn't go that far hmm," I started thinking to myself, "I think I have an idea of maybe how to help him,"

"What are you thinking about doing," Piper asked.

"Well I need to take him out of town for a couple of weeks," I said.

"And where are you planning to go," Piper asked.

"I need to go to Texas, there's an old friend down there who I think can help," I said.

"How do you plan on getting down there," Piper asked.

"I'll just orb I mean its no big deal," I answered her.

"No you won't look you're eighteen and you should be driving so I'm gonna let you have your mom's old car," she said.

"You guys still have that car," I asked.

"Yep its been locked away in the garage forever, we felt like we couldn't sell it because it belonged to her," Piper said.

"What kind of car is it," I asked.

"Its a BMW x5," Piper answered and then went to the key rack and tossed me a key, "now there's the key to it and when do you plan on leaving," Piper asked.

"Tomorrow," I answered.

"This just gets better and better but be careful I mean Texas is a long way to travel from here," she lectured, "so what were you planning to do with Trevor today,"

"I was gonna just take him to the beach," I said.

"Okay but watch out for him you know kids these days run into the water and then get eaten by sharks," Piper said.

"And I thought I was overprotective seems like Aunt Piper is getting attached to Trevor also," I said smiling

"I am not," she said at first, "okay maybe just a little," Piper said.

"Thats what I love about you, and I would love to sit and chat but you know I've got a kid to take to the beach so I'll talk you later," I said going up the stairs and showering off and as I came out of the shower there was Wyatt.

"Hey where are you going," he asked.

"I'm taking Trevor to the beach today," I answered.

"Oh thats cool," he said , "love the bod," he said smiling.

"Ha ha ha but hey do you want to come," I asked.

"No I'm going with dad to do some work at magic school but you two have fun," Wyatt said.

"Oh we will," I answered him going in the room and putting some clothes on. I then went into Trevor's room and he was still sleep. I started calling his name asking to wake up. He didn't wake up. I was now scared I started shaking him hoping he would get up. He finally started opening his eyes. I was relieved. "Hey buddy are you okay," I asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"You wanna come to the beach with me," I asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Okay come on we've got to get you ready," I said picking him up and putting him in the bath and then going to go get his stuff ready. I got a change of clothes for me and him and put them in a bag. I laid out his swim trunks for him to put on. After about ten minutes I heard him calling for me telling me he was ready to get out the bath tub. So I went and put a towel around him and took him back to his room and told him to change into his swim trunks and meet me downstairs. I then kept getting our stuff together and I finally went downstairs and Aunt Piper was still cooking so I decided to talk to her some more , "hey so where is everyone I know Wyatt and dad went to magic school but what about Peter and Chris," I asked

"Who knows they always disappear without telling anyone where they're going," she answered.

"So what are you planning to do today," I asked.

"Well I've got a lot of work to do at the club and thats just about it," she answered.

"Sounds fun," I said sarcastically.

"Tell me about it," she said.

"I'm ready," Trevor said coming down in his swim trunks.

"Okay well we've got to be going," I said picking up the bag and grabbing Trevor's hand.

"You two have fun," Piper said as we left the house. I went into the garage and saw that car that I was given so I put Trevor in first and then I got in on the drivers side and drove to the beach. It wasn't that far from the house. Once we arrived I got Trevor out and I let him run off in the water while I got our bag of stuff. I looked around and saw there was a lot of people at the beach. I finally decided to settle in this quiet spot where I could watch Trevor and relax. I set up by laying out two towels and laying down. I was still relaxing when I heard a voice from a man.

"Chris Evans is that you," the voice said.

I took off my sunglasses to see that it was Daughtry, "hey Daughtry whats up," I said shaking his hand.

"Its been awhile I mean I haven't seen you since middle school when we separated and had to go to different high schools," he said.

"Yeah so what brings you to the beach today," I asked.

"Oh I'm just watching my cousins," he answered, "what about you."

"Me well I'm watching my friend Trevor over there," I said pointing to Trevor who was now playing beach ball with Daughtry's two cousins

"Wow so how'd you end up watching him today," Daughtry asked.

"Oh well you know I'm his guardian and all now that his mom has died," I answered.

"Yeah thats right I remember seeing you in the paper with the kid," he said. "You are brave to take on a responsibility like that," he said.

"I feel like its my job to look after him you know," I said.

"Yeah I hear ya, but it was nice talking to you again we should get together sometime so they could have a play date," Daughtry said.

"Okay sure whenever you want to do it," I answered.

"Well I'll talk to you later," he said walking off. I sat there watching Trevor play for awhile. I was glad to see that he was starting to make friends and that I could start letting him go out into the world more often. We stayed at the beach all day long. When I told him it was time to go he said he didn't want to leave but I knew I needed time to get our stuff packed if him and I were going to be on the road tomorrow morning to get to Texas. He finally agreed to come along and I let him stay downstairs and watch TV while I went through his stuff and packed what was gonna be needed for the trip. He didn't have that much but if I needed anything I knew I could always go to the store to get some stuff. Wyatt came in and saw me packing.

"What are you doing," he asked.

"Oh I meant to tell you me and Trevor are going to Texas for a couple of weeks," I replied.

"For what?" Wyatt asked.

"You know his dreams, I have a friend down there who I think can help," I said.

"You know how I feel about you leaving for long periods of time," Wyatt said.

"I know but don't worry I'll be just an orb away this time okay or you can call me on the cell phone," I told him.

"Yeah but I won't have you next to me for awhile," he said.

"I'm sorry but I feel like this is something I have to do I mean if I don't get Trevor any better he'll still be having those dreams and then I'll just have to keep bringing him to sleep with us and then we won't be next to each other," I said standing up and walking towards him, "this is for the greater good."

"I know but you come back to me you hear," Wyatt said smiling and putting his arms around my waist.

"I will I always do, but you know maybe this time I'll wait for you to come to me," I said jokingly putting my arms around his neck.

"Ha you're funny," he said kissing me.

"Ewww," we heard someone say and then we broke our kiss. It was Chris. "How about you two get a room," Chris said.

"You know what, we don't say anything when you're in the back of Wyatt's car making out with Peter and what are you doing up here anyways," I asked.

"I was just coming to say hi but I guess I should have waited till you guys were done," he said.

"Where's Peter," I asked.

"He's downstairs watching TV with Trevor," Chris answered. "Okay I guess I'll be going to bed now and I'll leave you two love birds to your fun zone," Chris said leaving and going to his room.

"Wyatt can you help me get this stuff into the truck so tomorrow we can just go and not have to worry about packing," I asked.

"Sure," He said as he grabbed some stuff and so did and and we both headed downstairs and quietly moved past Peter and Trevor without them seeing us. We then loaded the bags into the car and came back in and sat down to watch TV with the both of them. We watched TV for about an hour when I decided it was Trevor's bed time.

"Okay Trevor its time to go to bed," I said.

"Do I have to," he asked.

"Yes so come on," I said walking up the stairs and he was walking up after me. I then changed his clothes and put him in his pajamas. After I tucked him in bed I started to talk to him, "hey Trevor the reason I need you to go to bed is because we're going on the road tomorrow and its going to be for a long time so I'm gonna need you to get some sleep okay," I said.

"Okay," he answered.

"Goodnight," I said as I left his room and went to mine and saw that Wyatt wasn't there yet but I just went to sleep anyway. When I woke up there he was again like always when I wasn't home. I thought I'd better get going so I got dressed and went into Trevor's room and saw him still sleep. I didn't want to wake him so I picked him up and carried him downstairs and buckled him in the car. I know it was only 6:00 am but I wanted to get going as soon as possible. I went back in to say goodbye to the rest of the family except Wyatt since he was still sleep but he then just came down right in time with no shirt on, "Wyatt you know you can't be half naked in front of the family," I said.

"You're one to talk you're were about to leave me without saying goodbye, I'll walk you out," he said grabbing my arm as he led me to the car, "now remember I love you and I want you to come home as soon as you can okay," he said and the hugged me for awhile and then he finally kissed me.

"Wyatt as much as I'm enjoying this we've got to hit the road," I said getting into the car and starting it. Wyatt then ran over to the other side to where Trevor was still sleeping and asked me to let down the window and I did and he then gave Trevor a kiss on the cheek and hugged him also. I started backing out and when I finally pulled out of the drive way Wyatt waved at me and I waved back and we were now on our way to Texas. It wasn't till about two hour after we were on the road that Trevor woke up.

"Hey Chris where are we going," he asked.

"To see an old friend," I said.

"How long is this going to take," he asked again.

"Its gonna be awhile till we get there but let me know when you're hungry so I can stop and get you something to eat okay," I said.

"Okay but why do we have to go see this old friend of yours," he asked.

"Well you'll know when we get there but you know I've been curious have you been having bad dreams," I asked but I knew that he has.

"Yes," he said.

"Would you like to tell me about those dreams," I asked.

"No," he answered.

"Why not," I asked.

"I just don't," he said.

"Come on Trevor you can tell me anything," I said pleading.

"I know but I just can't," he said , "Chris can I ask you something," I nodded, "did you have nightmares about the people who killed your parents," he asked.

"Yes I did," I answered.

"So how did you stop having those nightmares," he asked.

"Well lets just say I had to make a journey and see some things and find out that everything happens for a reason," I answered.

"What happened on your journey," he asked.

"Well long story short I found answers that I was looking for in the end and well that put an end to my nightmares and everything and allowed me to move on with my life," I said.

"Do you think I'll ever find what I'm looking for," he asked.

"I'm sure you will thats why I'm taking you down here," I said. We kept talking as we were going along the road. He told me about how hard his childhood was ever since his mom started dating the Smith guy. We didn't ever dine in any restraunts because we were in a hurry to get there so we just pick up something to eat on a drive through and keep heading along the road. When it came time for me to rest we pulled over in a parking lot and got some sleep instead of going into a hotel for only about 3 hours. Once I got my three hours of sleep I started back on the road again heading to Texas. I was only now 6 hours away so I didn't have nothing to worry about. "So Trevor are you nervous about coming down to Texas," I asked.

"No," he said, "Are we there yet," He asked.

"No but we will be soon," I answered. "So was you mom a witch also," I asked.

"No she says I got that from my dad and he died before I was born, my mom says he was a great guy but she never really talked about him," he said.

"Thats pretty interesting," I said.

"Where did you get your power from," Trevor asked.

"Well my power is a little weird but I got it from both parents my mom and my dad," I answered.

"Have you ever had to use you powers on anyone," he asked.

"Yes I have," I answered.

"Has Uncle Wyatt ever had to use his powers against anyone," he also asked.

"Yes he has," I answered again.

"So why is he so careful about using his powers," Trevor asked.

"Well Wyatt's powers are extremely powerful and I mean if he uses them without having a reason he could end up hurting someone thats innocent and you know that would be bad," I said. The rest of the way to Texas it was pretty quiet and he started falling asleep. I guess I was making him board. I didn't care because I wouldn't hear the 'are we there yet' quote for a while so it was pretty peaceful so I turned on the radio and jammed to some Rascal Flats. They had been my favorite band for awhile. I listened to them all the way until we finally hit that sign that said "Welcome to Texas" that was one of the greatest things to see after twenty seven hours of traveling. I headed straight for the camp that I wanted to go to. Once I came up to the main office I told the guy who I was looking for and he let me park there. I woke up Trevor and told him we had some walking to do. I got our bags and we started hiking through the woods of the camp. The walk was quiet until Trevor told me that his feet hurt and he wanted to stop. I decided to agree since the sun was now setting so we just set up camp. I went and got some fire wood while Trevor just took a break. Once I collected all the fire I was able to start a fire the old fashioned way by rubbing two pieces of wood together.

"Wow how'd you do that," Trevor asked.

"Easy I use to camp out here with a friend and well he told me about how he was half Indian and half white and how his parents died when he was about your age," I explained. "He taught me how to survive in the wilderness," I said.

"Will I ever get to meet this friend of yours," he asked.

"All in good time," I answered, "Now get some sleep we've got more hiking to do in the morning," I said.

"I don't want to hike anymore," he said.

"Come on Trevor will you do this favor for me please," I asked.

"Okay but I still don't like it," he said as he laid down onto his sleeping bag. I did the same. Trevor started acting weird a couple of hours later. He started having that same dream about Mr. Smith killing him and his mom calling for him. This time when he woke up he got up screaming and started running off. I heard him and I saw him running so I started running after him calling his name. He got a long ways a head of me. Trevor then ran into a man who grabbed him and wouldn't let go.

"Calm down," the man said still holding Trevor.

"Let me go, Let me go, Chris help me," Trevor said shouting.

"Calm down little man you're okay," the man kept saying to Trevor still holding him while Trevor was still shouting. Not to long I ran up to them and the man let Trevor go and Trevor ran right behind me.

"Trevor its okay I want you to meet someone, Trevor this is Walker Texas Ranger the man I've been telling you about," I said.

"This is the guy who taught you how to survive out here," Trevor asked.

"Yep he's a family friend I've known since I was little," I answered.

"Hi Trevor," Walker said extending out his hand, "I'm Walker I haven't met you before," he said.

"Hi Walker," Trevor said taking his hand and shaking it.

"And Chris," Walker said hugging me, "What brings you out here,"

"I was coming to see you," I said.

"Thats great but I mean you could have called and let me know you were coming and how'd you know I was gonna be out here," Walker asked.

"I remember you would always come out here at this time of year so I knew where to find you," I said.

"Yeah I'm impressed and I heard about your mom, I'm sorry I would have come to the funeral but you know how it is around here," Walker explained.

"Don't worry about it when I use to ride around with you I remember all the danger you would be going in," I said.

"So where you guys staying at," Walker asked.

"Well we're camping out here," I said.

"What?!" he said with a surprise look, " you know where my ranch is and you know you're always welcomed there now get your stuff and come on I'll meet you guys back there," he said as he walked off.

"Hey Trevor I want you to follow Mr. Walker to the ranch while I get our stuff," I said.

"No I don't want to follow him I want to stay with you," he said.

"I'll be there in a second," I said.

"I still want to come with you," Trevor said.

"Okay lets go," I said walking over to the place where we set up camp and packed the sleeping bags and everything and then put out the fire before heading up to the ranch. It was only a five minute walk from where we were. As soon as we got there I knew which room was the guest room so I put our stuff in there and I tucked Trevor in and went back into the living room with Walker.

"Wow so is that your cousin or who is that little boy you got with you," Walker asked.

"Well I'm his guardian I mean since his mom died so I'm now looking after him until he becomes of a certain age," I explained.

"I'm glad to see there's people like you helping out like," he said, "you know he reminds me of that little boy Lucas I adopted a couple of years ago I mean he looks like him and everything,"

"I never knew you adopted a kid but where is he now," I asked.

"He died," Walker said.

"Oh I'm so sorry Walker," I said.

"Its okay I mean he went down fighting like the brave boy he was and I'm proud of him, but anyway what brings you down here to see me," He asked.

"Well just a couple of weeks ago Trevor's mother died and he's been having nightmares and I remember you telling me about something spiritual that you did to make your nightmares go away when your parents died so I was hoping you could help because its getting worse," I explained.

"You've come to the right place, Lucas had the same problem," Walker said, "did his mom die of AIDS," he also asked.

"Yes how'd you know that," I asked.

"Lucas's mom died of the same thing and I remember him having nightmares a lot after that but heres what has to happen, Trevor is gonna have to overcome his fears," Walker said.

"How is he suppose to do that," I asked.

"I'll explain in the morning but right now you've guys have got to get some sleep,"Walker said walking to his bedroom. I then went into the guest bedroom and decided to sleep on the floor since Trevor had he bed. The next morning Walker gave me and Trevor some Indian clothes he wanted us to wear. Once we put those on he lead us to a lake and by the lake was a T pee. We went inside and we saw he had some stuff set up and he was now performing a ritual and then he had us grab hands. "Okay Trevor I need you to go to your dream and face it and when the battle begins Chris and I will be right there with you okay," he explained. "Now everyone close your eyes," we did as we were told.

Trevor's dream: At first in the dream it was just Trevor calling out for us. He just kept walking and looking for us then out of nowhere Joseph Smith appeared and started chasing him. He then kept running as fast as he could to get away from him. Just then Walker and I appeared. Walker then got in front of Trevor and tried to fight Mr. Smith but he punched him down. So then I got up and started fighting Mr. Smith and trying to distract him while Walker helped out Trevor. "What am I suppose to do," Trevor asked.

"You have to prepare yourself for war," Walker said taking out some paints and having Trevor put them on. By that time I had fought Joseph Smith for as long as I could and he just knocked me down also. Walker then gave Trevor an ax and Trevor got in front of Mr. Smith and fought him and killed him with the ax. After that happened we woke up and we were back in the T Pee.

"I did it," Trevor said.

"Yes you did I'm proud of you sport," I said hugging him. We then went out and relaxed by the river for a bit. Trevor started throwing stuff into the river while Walker and I just stayed back to watch him.

"So I see you're pretty attached to that kid," Walker said.

"Yeah I pretty much take him everywhere he's like apart of me now," I said.

"Well I'm not trying to make it hard for you, but I'm trying to warn you that from what you've told me he has AIDS, and well his time is gonna come soon and it will be sooner than you expect," Walker said.

"What makes you say that," I asked.

"I'm telling you I had this exact same experience with Lucas," Walker said.

"Maybe Trevor will be lucky," I said.

"I know its hard for you to take this but I'm sorry it will happen," Walker said as he left and went back to the ranch. I then saw Trevor go sit on a rock near the shore and so I decided to join him.

"Hey Trevor how you doing buddy," I asked.

"I'm good, what were you and Mr. Walker talking about back there," he asked.

"Oh nothing important just stuff you know," I said.

"Hey Chris can you tell me what my mom died of," he asked.

I had couldn't look at him and tell him this so I had to turn away, "she died of AIDS," I said slowly as the words came out.

"So since she had it does that mean I have it too," he asked.

"I'm sorry but yes you do," I answered him still just looking at the lake and not him.

He started crying , "will I die like she did," he asked. This hurt me so much I couldn't answer, "I want to let you know that I'm not afraid," he said still crying. I almost started crying but I knew I had to be strong for him so I put my arm around him and pulled him closer to me as he cried. We stayed there for an hour then we decided to go back to the ranch and there was Walker having a talk with some lady and after a few minutes I realized that was Alex his wife. She then came to the door where Trevor and I were standing.

"Hey your name's Trevor right," she said and Trevor nodded, "Well hi I'm Alex and I hear your birthday is coming up so you know what I've got a special birthday party coming up for you," she said , "no I've made you some lunch so come on," she said grabbing his hand and leading him into the house. I followed but was stopped by Walker. He then had a long talk with me about how it was with him and how he had to deal with losing his adopted son Lucas. It hurt me to hear about all of that and I just can't think about what would happen if I lost Trevor I mean I would lose apart of myself. Walker then said he was tired and he was going to go take a nap. So I went into the kitchen and got a plate for myself and sat down next to Trevor. I noticed he wasn't eating.

"What's wrong Trevor," I asked.

"I heard you talking to Mr. Walker about that boy named Lucas going to schools and talking about how he had AIDS," he said, "I want to do that too,"

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Okay then I'll talk to Walker about it," I said. A few days went by and I started taking him to different schools to talk to kids his age about his condition. I was very impressed with his courage to do so. I mean he stood up in front of thousands of people telling them about how he lives with it and how he lost his mother to it. He also tried lecturing them on not to judge because of a disease that someone might have. I can't believe someone his age would get up and talk to not just elementary students but he went around and talked to middle school students, high school students, he even went in some colleges in Texas and would tell them about a disease he had. He always got standing ovations when he was done with his lectures and even Walker would come around and watch them sometimes with me. I told Trevor I was very proud of him. He told me how much he loved Texas and especially that camp that we went to. I couldn't believe how much more closer him and I were growing but I was so happy about it.

Today was suppose to be his birthday party and we all had set up everything for him. He had invited all the kids from the schools he lectured at. There was a lot of kids who came and there were so many games for them to do. This was one of the happiest days of my life to see that he was being accepted for who he was and not because of him having a disease. So many kids wanted to play with him at his party you wouldn't believe it. It was depressing when the party was over because now the kids were going home now, but it was fun while it lasted and maybe when we get home I can now enroll him in an elementary school with other kids instead of him being home schooled. I'm glad I don't have to shield him from the world anymore. I can't believe this but I'm sounding more and more like a parent each day that I live but I guess thats what it all comes with when you're a parent you'll do anything to protect your child.

That night when everything was all cleaned up and I was about to tuck Trevor in for bed my cell phone rang and I looked at the screen and Wyatt's name and picture appeared so I figured I might as well answer it since I haven't seen him in a few days, "hello," I answered.

"Hey Chris its Wyatt," Wyatt said.

"Yeah its obvious," I said jokingly.

"Look watch out for Trevor okay Peter, Chris H, and I are on our way there," he said.

"Okay but whats the problem," I asked.

"You remember that Joseph Smith guy," he asked.

"Yeah what about him," I asked.

"He's in the same area you guys are in and he's looking for Trevor," Wyatt said.

"Thats not good, look I'm gonna get Trevor and we're leaving," I said.

"No you can't he's gonna keep following you guys till he gets him so stay there where its safe okay we're on our way," Wyatt said.

"Yeah but how much longer is it gonna take you guys to get here," I asked.

"Well we just left the house so a couple of days," Wyatt answered.

"Why don't you guys just orb here," I asked.

"Don't you know the rules, we can only orb wherever we can remember and since we haven't been to Texas we can't orb there so we have to take this way okay now watch Trevor and don't let him out of your sight," Wyatt said again.

"Okay I won't just hurry please," I said.

"We're coming as fast as we can be careful I love you," Wyatt said.

"I love you too," I said as him and I both hung up the phone. I quickly ran into Trevor's room and saw he was in his pajamas laying there sleep in the bed. I was a bit relieved to know he was okay for the moment. I was watching over him and not sleeping for the time being. After about two hours I thought he was okay so I decided to go take a shower.

Meanwhile, while I was in the shower Joseph Smith came and snuck into the house. He went straight towards Trevor's room and held him down and asked him where was the key that his mom gave him. Trevor didn't know what he was talking about. Still Mr. Smith held him down and kept asking for it. Trevor remembered him facing Mr. Smith in his dreams and knew he wasn't afraid anymore so hit bit Mr. Smith's hand and yelled out for me and started trying to get away. I heard him and I orbed my shorts on and ran out there and saw Mr. Smith grabbing Trevor's leg so I kicked him in the face to make him let go. He then got up and I could see he was mad.

"You wanna get Trevor you have to go through me," I said. He then pulled out a knife and charged at me. I kicked the knife out of his hand and then hit him with two fast punches and I jump kicked him. He fell to the ground but he got up again. "Walker!," I yelled he then came and charged at me and I used a spinning back kick to knock him back down to the ground. Then Walker came in and hand cuffed him. I grabbed Trevor and pulled him to my side. Walker later called some of his police friends who took Joseph Smith down to the jail. For the next couple of days we all had to go to court. Trevor had to testify against Joseph Smith for the abuse he did to him and for all the drugs he saw in the house. The judge gave Joseph Smith life in prison. We were all very happy. Once we got back to the ranch is when I started expressing my gratitude toward Trevor. "Hey Trevor that was brave of you to testify against that man who did so much to ya, I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you and your mother would be too, now I know this is gonna upset you but we're leaving in two days okay," I said.

"Okay and thanks dad," he said.

"What did you just call me," I asked.

"Nothing I'm gonna go get some sleep," he said as he was coughing really hard.

"Are you okay," I asked.

"Yeah I just got a little tingly feeling in my throat thats all," he said as he went to his room and started going to sleep. I noticed later on that night he was coughing even harder. I started worrying so I got up to check on him and saw he was sweating a lot and I felt his forehead and he was burning up.

"Trevor I've got to get you to the hospital," I said as I picked him up with his blankets still on him.

"Chris can I please say goodbye to Mr. Walker and Alex," he asked.

"You're gonna be right back," I said.

"I know but I just want to see them right now," he said.

"Okay," I said as I carried him to their room. "Hey guys he said he wanted to see you,"

"Is he okay," Walker asked.

"I'm taking him to the hospital," I said.

"Do you want us to come with you," Alex asked.

"No everything is gonna be fine," I said.

"Well see you when you come back Trevor okay," Walker said.

"You'll be fine," Alex said.

"Goodbye," Trevor said as I took him out of the room and loaded him in my car and took him down to the hospital.

Trevor died at the hospital that night. Two days later I found myself standing at his burial ground. He was being buried next to Walker's adopted son Lucas. It was finally my time to stand up and speak about him. "Trevor was a brave young boy, he has taught me so much in my life. He taught me not to judge and to be fair to everyone. Young men and young women when you go to school never judge anyone according to their outside but judge them according to their heart and live each day as your last for tomorrow may not come. Trevor told me about how much he loved it down here so I only thought it would be fair that he is buried down here. I will miss him very dearly." I said as I finished my speech and looked around and saw many young kids who were at his party and a few of their parents along with Walker and Alex. Aunt Piper, Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Paige, Dad, Chris, Peter, Wyatt, Uncle Coop, and Uncle Henry all came down for the funeral. I then took a flower and put it on top of his casket. There were many flowers on top of his casket along with that picture he had always kept with him of him and his mother.

As I started walking away Aunt Piper came up to me and put her hands on my face and said and she had tears in her eyes, "Chris I know that you were a good father to that boy and I know you will be a great father to my granddaughters," she said and then she hugged me.

We then went home and it had been a couple of days since the funeral. I was sitting in the attic just reading the Book of Shadows then all of a sudden a light out of nowhere came and it was my mom Prue again, "hello Chris," she said.

"Mom what are you doing here," I asked.

"Chris I came to tell you of how proud of you I am, it takes a real man to take in a kid thats not his but an even stronger one to let him go as you did," Prue said. "As a favor because of what you did the elders are doing this for you," she said and then another orb of light came in and there was Trevor.

"Trevor!" I said as I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Yes it is him now Chris I have to tell you this but this is the only time you can see him," Prue said.

"Why," I asked.

"Because if you keep seeing him it will keep him alive for you and you won't be able to move on, and we need you to because its on your shoulders that the New Charmed Ones come in," she said. "We have to go now but remember there will be many loses but it all happens for a reason," she said as she and Trevor went away. Then Wyatt came up in the attic.

"Hey so how you holding up," he said.

"I'm okay," I said.

"Glad to hear that but you know I just can't wait to see you taking care of our kids the way you took care of Trevor," Wyatt said as he came up to me and put his arms around my waist.

"Thanks I couldn't have done it without you," I said kissing him.

So if you decided to read this I thank you again and it was to show some emotion to the Charmed line but please let me know if you liked it email me at

Next: Chapter 13

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