Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Aug 2, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

It was morning time and I had been sleeping a lot because of the whole baby and trying to deal with the new power. I was now six months and I only had less than three months before the baby was born and school was going to start soon. I was very nervous I mean what was everyone going to say about me now that I was pregnant and all. It was like one o'clock in the afternoon when I finally got out of bed and decided to see what was going on downstairs. I just threw on some jeans and red shirt. When I got downstairs I saw Wyatt and Peter just sitting at the table while Piper was cooking and Chris was mixing potions. "Good afternoon everybody," I said.

"Good afternoon Chris did you have a nice nap," Piper asked.

"Its was okay," I answered. "Whats for lunch I'm starving," I started looking in the fridge and the freezer and I grabbed a pint of ice cream and a spoon and started eating that. I then started waddling over to the table. My feet were getting more swollen each month that went by.

"Slow down, I don't want my child being premature," Wyatt said as he saw me walking. "Aww look at my husband's stomach its getting so big. Soon you won't be able to see you feet," Wyatt and everyone in the room started laughing.

"Very funny," I yelled. "How about soon I will kill you. Oh and this is your baby, well I'm glad that you feel that its yours since you're not the one going through all of the pain."

"Our baby you know I'm just kidding with you," Wyatt said. "You know its coming closer and closer to when the baby is born so looks like we're finally about to become parents you excited?"

"Sure I'll be more excited when I can get these stupid pains off of me because I'm so tired of being sore all over and I don't want anymore swollen feet," I told him. "This is just ridiculous."

"You know thats no fair why is it that all you have to do is sleep and vanquish demons while I have to scry and make potions and clean up after every vanquish that we do," Chris asked.

"You're not the one who's pregnant and having a baby do summer salts and dancing in your stomach all the time," I answered him. "If you want to switch places I sure would be glad to."

"Aren't you seven months now," Chris said. "So the baby should be coming in about a couple of months."

"First of all I'm six months pregnant," I said standing up. "Second the baby isn't due until November and thanks for saying that I'm so fat that I look like I'm seven months pregnant," I then stormed off. "I'm going to take another nap. Its obvious I'm not welcomed here."

"What I say," Chris asked.

"Chris you need to stop being so hard on your brother you know he's going through a lot now with the new power and everything," Piper said.

"I have a new power too and you don't see me complaining plus how did we get the same power or is there any difference between the powers we have because they seem the same," Chris said.

"Okay look you've had a bit longer to channel your power than he did. I mean his power just came on him just like that and he had to control it all in one day. Oh and the answer to your question is yes. There is a difference remember you're like Phoebe and he's like Prue. You both do have the power to sense peoples emotions and read their minds but you have a special gift of not just being able to sense their emotions you can use their power against them while Chris E can just take emotions and put it in the mind of other people or demons or whoever. So you got the bigger end of the deal," Piper explained.

"I guess but I still don't think its fair that Chris gets to sleep all day while everyone else has to work," Chris said still mixing potions.

"Could you please stop talking about my husband in front of me," Wyatt said. "I mean I love you both and I just hate it when one of you talks about the other when one isn't here to defend themselves."

"Thats right Wyatt I'm glad to see someone here is acting like an adult," Piper said. "Oh speaking of I need you and Peter to go to the store and gets some stuff for me."

"Mom do I have to?" Wyatt asked.

"Yes now quit the complaining so heres a list of everything I need," Piper handed Wyatt a list. "Now hurry up and get going because I need all those things ASAP so get a move on," she said hurrying Wyatt and Peter out the door. "Now Chris I'll be right back I've got to go check a few things upstairs." Piper then left the kitchen leaving Chris in there by himself.

"I can't believe everyone is taking Chris's side over mine," he said to himself. "Just once I'd like to be him and just sit around pregnant all day and do nothing." He then through a handful of toad strewed in the cauldron and it exploded so hard that it caused him to pass out. I was upstairs asleep and I didn't realize that my soul and Chris's were now switching bodies. Chris woke up and noticed that he was lying in Wyatt and I's bed. He looked around and thought, "what am I doing in this room, gosh I feel sore and nauseated." He just then caught sight of my stomach, "wait thats not mine, uh oh," Chris then ran downstairs to where I was lying on the ground in his body. He had a struggle since my feet were swollen. He then woke me up and I wasn't to happy to see myself. "Hey Chris wake up."

I then just saw myself standing over me. I quickly got off the ground and just stared before I said anything. "Who are you," I asked hysterically. "No wait you're Robert back from the dead, no wait you're a clone or a shape shifter demon." I then noticed that I didn't feel nausea anymore or that my stomach wasn't big. "Wait what have you done to me and what have you done with my baby."

"Chris could you please shut up and calm down for a moment," Chris said. "Now look I was mixing a little potion and well I accidentally said that I wanted to be you and then poof our souls just switched place."

I paused for a moment then looked in the mirror and saw that I was in fact in his body and he was in mine. "You idiot, what were you thinking. Though on the other hand I'm glad that you took all those pregnancy symptoms away from me for awhile but you've got my power and I've got yours and trust me from the way Wyatt handled it I'm sure its not going to be easy especially if a demon attacks."

"Could you please stop panicking if there's going to be anyone panicking its going to be me since I'm now pregnant," Chris said. "Oh and by the way could you please do me a favor and not tell mom, Wyatt, or Peter?"

"You're kidding right I mean how do you expect us to get back to normal if they don't know," I asked.

"I don't know I mean just let me figure this out but just please don't tell the because they're gonna think I did this on purpose and then they won't trust me to do anymore potions," Chris said.

"Alright we'll figure it out now what ingredients did you use," I asked.

"I don't know and the smell of these potions is making me want to vomit and ouch!," Chris said. "I swear does Prudence play soccer in the future because she's kicking like this is soccer ball."

"I'm glad you're enjoying the pregnancy issues now if you don't mind lets get back to how we're gonna reverse this because everyone should be home any minute," I said.

"Sorry I can't think in this body I've got a headache. Though there is a few powers that we both have in common," Chris thought. "We both have our white lighter powers and then we can both read minds since we're empaths."

"Yeah but forget that power only works to a certain extent I mean I have to power to make others feel emotion and then your power is to tap into emotions and the ability to use their powers against them wait a minute thats it," I said.

"What you know the potion to fix this," Chris said.

"No I mean if we get attacked by a demon all I need you to do is try to use my powers and I can tap into them," I explained. "Do you get it?" Chris nodded. "Alright now do you know how to use my powers."

"As a matter of fact I do," Chris answered. "I'm the one who taught Wyatt how to use them."

"Thats good then so we're okay if a demon attacks," I said. "Now we need to work on getting that potion fixed before Wyatt and Peter come home and then we're in real trouble."

As I finished talking we heard the door open, "We're home," Wyatt said.

"Oh this is great," I whispered to Chris and Wyatt and Peter came into the kitchen. "Wyatt," I greeted him.

"Hey bro," Chris said going up to him and shaking his hand. "Whats up," he asked.

"Nothing whats up with you guys," Wyatt asked with a confused look. "I mean since when do you call me bro and when does Chris H call me Wyatt. Its usually the other way around. And why are you greeting me with a hand shake I mean we're married and Chris usually does that."

"Oh you know we just thought we would try some new things like you know I act like Chris and he acts like me so do you like," I said.

"Sure but how about giving the father of your child some love," he said trying to kiss Chris but he pushed him away. "Alright did I do something wrong or are you hiding something from me."

"No its just that I've well got a cold sore and I don't want you to get infected," Chris said.

"Yeah so Chris and I've got to go upstairs to talk about that thing," I said and grabbed him by the arm and ran into my room. "This is just great now they're at home and we're still in each other's body."

"You're telling me right now my own brother just tried to kiss me," Chris said. "Just the thought of that makes me want to vomit I mean how do you do it. It just feels wrong."

"Shut up alright no time to complain about who doesn't want to kiss who's boyfriend because the last thing I'm doing today is kissing Peter," I said.

"Its better than kissing Wyatt," Chris said. Right after that comment Chris and I started getting into an argument and was interrupted by a knock on the door and in came Wyatt.

"What are you two in here fighting about," was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Nothing bro we were just having a little brother to brother talk like we always do," Chris said.

"Okay again with the bro thing thats something that you usually don't say," Wyatt said crossing his arms and looking at us both intensely. "Is there something you two want to tell me?" We shook our heads together. "Okay then Chris, Peter wants to see you downstairs alone."

"Which one," I asked.

"You," he said not knowing that we had switched bodies. "Who else would he be talking about seeing, my wife Chris?" Wyatt said sarcastically. "So you might want to hurry and get down there he's awaiting."

"If I catch your lips on Wyatt's you're dead once we get our bodies back you got that?" I whispered into Chris's ear before I left out the door and headed downstairs.

Wyatt then locked the door behind me and gave Chris that evil sexual smile and started moving towards Chris and Chris just kept backing up with each step Wyatt took towards him. "Umm Wyatt what are you doing and why are you looking at me that way."

"You know I just love how you play games especially the one where you didn't want to give me that kiss. That just turns me on and right now I want you so bad that I just lied to Chris so that we could be alone," Wyatt said.

"Look bro I mean Wyatt I just don't think this is the time for this," Chris then finally backed and hit the bed and fell onto it Wyatt just started getting on top of him and Chris just moved to the other side of the bed and got off. "Hey you know how about we just go check on Chris and his potions I mean you never know what he could conjure up," Chris said sarcastically trying to get Wyatt from coming on to him.

"He's fine he's got Peter down there and mom too so where were we," Wyatt said coming onto the side of the bed that Chris was on and Chris started running from him. "Oh so this is a chase. I like, I think we should do this more often. Get over here!" Wyatt then started chasing Chris around the room and Chris was still having a hard time running but he managed. He kept thinking about my threat and how he didn't want to have sex with his own brother.

"Wyatt I really don't think this is the time for this," Chris said.

"Why not because I think right now is the perfect time," he was still trying to catch Chris and he was still running from him. "You are such a tease but you should know I'm going to catch you in the end and you're just turning me on more and more and its going to hurt your ass even more."

"Okay thats too much information," Chris said. "Now if you please I've got to go check on Chris because before you interrupted we were talking about something important."

Wyatt then got up against the door and blocked anyone from going through it. "If you want to get out of the room you're gonna have to go through me," he smiled. "I would love to see you try."

"You know what I'm not playing move out of my way!" Chris yelled and Wyatt still stood there smiling. "I hate to do this but look you're acting like a child. I don't want to have sex with you right now, I don't want to do a blow job, I don't want to canyon nole, I don't want to do anything sexual right now so get out of my way."

"What's your problem you've never said stuff like this before I mean yeah you said you didn't want to have sex for awhile the last time we had sex but you say that all the time," Wyatt was confused. "I mean what makes this time any different."

"I've talked to Chris about our relationship and he thinks I need to start following through with my words," Chris said. "So could you please move out of my way so I can go talk to him." Wyatt moved out of the way and Chris then went out of the room. He finally caught up with me where I was mixing things in a potion and didn't know what I was doing. Piper was still cooking. Chris then came up next to me and we had to keep it down to a whisper, "what are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out how to switch us back," I answered.

"By mixing together random stuff, oh thats going to help," Chris said.

"Shut up at least I'm doing something unlike being in the bed up there doing nothing," I told him.

"I was doing something alright. I was trying to keep your husband from having sex with me or you or whatever just he was turned on by me resisting him. Is this how its been while you guys have been together," Chris asked.

"Yeah it sure is," I told him. "Basically he decides when we have sex even if I say I don't want to its really up to him."

"You've got to stop letting him control your ever move. I mean yeah its okay to have sex but come on if you don't want to do it that sucks majorly. When Peter and I do it we both agree on it and not just him," Chris told me.

"I know but I just have a hard time saying no," I said. "I love him too much to not do what he wants I mean he's not abusive or anything its just that I'm a sucker for love."

"It sounds like thats a personal problem for you bro so I just hope you can deal with it," Chris said. "I think that potion is gonna need some toad strudel or whatever I used and I think its in the other room so I'll go get." He left the room and I was still mixing in things I didn't know. I then heard him scream in the living room so I decided to go check it out. When I got there he was standing on the couch.

"Chris whats the problem," I asked as Wyatt was also coming down the stairs.

"Snake!" he said pointing to a snake on the floor. I was wondering how a snake got into the house but I knew it was more important to get him out. "Okay look I left the door open and he must have come in through there but could you please get him away from me!"

"Since when are you afraid of snakes?" Wyatt asked.

"Its fine I'll get it," I said quickly grabbing the snake by the mouth so he wouldn't bite me and then by the tail and picking him up. "Wow Chris you are lucky looks like this is a rattle snake. Seems like if he bit you we'd be taking you to the hospital. Don't worry I'll get rid of him," I said taking him out the door and throwing him somewhere in the yard. I came back in and Wyatt was just staring at the both of us again with that same weird look. "Whats wrong Wyatt you look like you've seen a ghost."

"More like something stranger than a ghost," he said. "Since when are you not afraid of snakes. I remember when we were little and helping mom with her gardening you got bit by a snake and you've been afraid of them since. Also when is Evans afraid of snakes. I swear if I didn't know any better I'd say you two have switched bodies."

"Well you know I think I'll get back to looking for the toad strudel," Chris said leaving the room. I then took out a snickers and started eating it right in front of Wyatt.

"You see thats another thing since when do you eat snickers," Wyatt asked.

"Oh my bad Evans got me into them," I answered.

"You know speaking of him what did you say to him? I mean today he just scolded me about our sex life and I've never seen him act like that before. He seems so not himself," Wyatt said.

"Nothing except that maybe you should stop pushing him around," I said stuttering.

"What? You said what?" Wyatt was saying in disbelief.

"Look I'm sorry but you've just been calling on the shots and well I, I mean he hasn't had a say so in anything," I said. " I mean when we, I mean y'all have sex its when you want it and not him."

"Are you serious? I can't believe he told you this and not me. Yeah you're his brother but I think we should have talked this over before he came to you," Wyatt said.

"Any way why are you that way?" I asked.

"Promise you won't tell anyone," I nodded. "Alright its just that ever since he's been pregnant I just feel that we aren't that romantic anymore. Like before he got pregnant we use to do all sorts of things like wrestle, go to the movies, and stuff like that but now he's acting like we can't do anything fun haven't you noticed. Like I want him to sit in my lap when we go somewhere but he never does. We don't hold hands unless I grab his hand, he doesn't lean on my unless he's depressed, and he won't be the one to kiss me I always have to kiss him if I want a kiss out of him. Guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel the only way we can be romantic together is if we're having sex."

"Oh Wyatt I never knew you felt that way I mean its usually the girl in the relationship who has those feelings," I said. "Have you tried talking to me, I mean him."

"No I really don't want to cause any problems or stress on him being pregnant with the baby and all and the guys have feelings too but we just try to keep them to ourselves," Wyatt said.

"Try talking to him again not today but you know another day and see what he says," I told him. I then started to sniff myself. "I reek of potions I think I'm gonna go take a shower now." While I went upstairs Wyatt walked into the kitchen where everyone else was.

"Hey Wyatt I meant to thank you and Peter for going to the store for me," Piper said.

"You're welcome anytime," Wyatt answered.

"So you guys hows you're relationship going," Piper asked.

"Oh its fine you know a few problems but you know what couple doesn't have them," Wyatt said.

"What do you think Chris," Piper asked.

"Oh me well I guess its going okay I mean what he said," Chris answered and went right back to making more potion. "I can't believe these pregnancy symptoms are killing me."

"You've had those for six months now and I thought you'd be use to them after that long," Piper said. "I mean I got use to them."

"Yeah but you know I just hate waking up with them day and night you know," Chris said.

"Sure," Piper said looking at Chris intensely and then looking at Wyatt

I was still in the shower while everyone was in the kitchen. I never really noticed before but Chris had a nice body. I liked his happy trail that went from his navel to his lower area. I also had to get use to his hair I mean it wasn't long but I didn't have hair like this long. I then heard a noise. I thought it was Wyatt trying to play a joke so I just opened the shower door and when the fog cleared there standing was a demon. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed. "Someone help me!" the demon the shot an energy ball at me and I moved out of the way and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me still screaming bloody murder. After ducking and dodging for a few minutes Wyatt finally orbed in and immediately caught sight of the demon and blew him up. "Thanks," I said. He then started giving me an intense stare. "What did I do something wrong?"

"No its just that you aren't the one to scream about demons its usually Evans who does that, and why didn't you use your powers?," Wyatt said.

"Well I didn't think fast enough and you know there's a first time for everything," I said and then walked into Chris's room and put on some of his clothes and came right back out. As I was passing Wyatt's room he opened the door.

"Hey Chris can I see you in here for a moment," he said and I came right into the room and he closed the door right behind me. "So Chris you know I've noticed a few things about you," he said coming towards me and I just kept backing up until I got to the wall. "You see there's just something about you that I like," he said as he put his hand against the wall.

"Well thank you but I've got to go, I mean what would your husband think," I said and then tried to walk off but he grabbed me by the waist and slammed me back against the wall. "Hey what are you doing."

"Lets just forget about him right now and lets move onto us," he said and grabbed my hands and held them against the wall while he came and kissed me. I was so pissed I pushed him so hard he fell onto the bed. "Wow Evans if you wanted it this bad you should have said something."

"I can't believe you're doing this when you're married to....what did you just call me," I asked.

He smiled, "Evans you know thats your name right or should I call you angel my little nickname for you."

"Wait you know but how?" I asked.

"You are not good at acting like my little bro come on you calling me Wyatt instead of bro and then how Chris resisted me when I tried to you know have sex with you or him. I know you would have just given in," Wyatt said.

"I guess I'll have to work on that next time when we switch bodies but you got to admit it was fun while it lasted I mean it feels good to take a break from my swollen feet and everything," I said.

"Yeah now we've got to get you back into your body," Wyatt said.

"Whats the rush you know I'm enjoying this body right now as we speak," I said.

"Because I don't want to kiss my younger brother I want to kiss my husband plus I think you have it better in the lower area than he does though you might not be able to see it because of your stomach," Wyatt was laughing hard once he cracked that joke. He saw that I was very angry and he came over and hugged me, "I'm sorry I really am. I promise I won't crack those jokes again okay?" He took my arm and lead me down to the kitchen where everyone else was. "Alright mom I caught him."

Piper just laughed. "I was wondering when you two were finally going to fess up about it," Piper said.

"Wait you knew also but how?" I asked.

"First of all I've known both my sons for eighteen years and I might not have had that much time to get to know you but I've known your mother all my life and I know you're just like a clone of her and trust me your personality and my son's personality don't match. For instance you would complain about pregnancy symptoms but not after six months so I knew that wasn't you and then when would you know where the toad stuff is I mean only Chris H knows where that is and last but not least you guys were caught red handed. I heard you two having that conversation before Wyatt and Peter came into the kitchen so I knew about this the whole time."

"So you all knew and you didn't tell us," I said. "Its just like you guys to do something like that."

"We just wanted to see how long you two thought you could pull this off and if you guys had checked the Book of Shadows you would have found a potion to reverse it," Piper said.

"Wait why wasn't I in on it," Peter asked. "You guys were expecting me to kiss Evans before I found out."

"Hey mom and I figured it out on our own so we only thought it be fair that you do the same," Wyatt said.

"Okay now that you guys know how do we reverse it," I asked.

"Oh its fine I know this potion by heart I mean thats why its in the Book of Shadows. Turns out your Aunt Paige pulled the same trick awhile ago when she was first being a witch only she switched souls with Phoebe," Piper said going to the cauldron and mixing things together. "Now I hope you two have learned your lesson and don't ever try anything like that again and if you back fire on a potion you better tell me because it could have been serious."

"Okay mom could we just please get this over with because Prudence is dancing away again in this stomach," Chris complained.

"So this all this potion needs is a handful of toad strudel and you guys have to throw it in and want to be yourselves again," Piper handed the bag to Chris and he took out a handful of it and grabbed my hand.

"I want to be me again," he said and then tossed it into the cauldron. I passed out and then when I woke up I felt Prudence dancing in my stomach and everyone was standing over me and Chris. Wyatt then pulled me up while Peter pulled Chris up. "Yes! Its good to be back and not have that monster dancing in my stomach."

"Chris stop it. That monster is your niece and my granddaughter," Piper said. "Chris E are you okay?"

"I'm fine though I don't think I'll ever get use to having this baby dance in me this way," I said.

"Hey bro you know I was just kidding about your baby being a monster its just that I don't think I'm ready to be pregnant," Chris said.

"Oh don't worry because in ten years you'll be in my shoes and I will be done having kids," I said.

"Very funny," Chris said. "You know what just for that I hope you have another kid besides the three you have."

"What are the chances of that happening," I laughed. "Thats like a million to one I think that three kids is enough but you know on the other hand you could have more kids than just the one you saw."

"Yeah right you think I'm that crazy I'm only having one and thats it," Chris said. "You know since I got my body back I'm ready to party anyone want to hit up P3," Chris asked.

"I'm down," Peter said.

"Yeah I have to go there anyway to check up on the club so yeah I'll come along," Piper said.

"I'm down too," Wyatt said.

"My body says its nap time so count me out," I said.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us," Chris said.

"Yeah I'm tired and the baby is just killing me right now so I think its best if I stay here," I told them.

"Do you want me to stay here with you," Wyatt asked.

"No Wyatt you go and have your fun alright I just think its wise for me to get some sleep since you know my body has been drained," I told him. "I don't want to keep you from having fun with everyone so you guys go on a head."

"Are you sure," Wyatt asked again and I nodded. "Okay I'll be back home soon so be careful. Remember you are pregnant and if you fall down the stairs we could lose a future Charmed One."

"I'm fine now go get on," I urged him. He came up and kissed me on the forehead and then they all went off to their cars. I just went back upstairs and got back in the bed and slept for an hour. What woke me up was my cell phone ringing. I looked at it and saw it was Daughtry so I answered it. "Hey buddy whats up."

"Hey Chris I thought I'd check on my best friend since its been awhile and we're out of school so we don't get to see each other that often and you know last time I saw you was on your wedding day so how are ya," he asked.

"I'm good you know still pregnant, and my honeymoon turned into a disaster when my crazy ex showed up I mean how can I get this guy to leave me alone he's like some boomerang that you just throw and keeps coming back," I said.

"Wow that must suck to have your ex keep coming back to you but you know you got to guys fighting over you at least," Daughtry started laughing on the phone. "I'm just playing with you man but how are you and Wyatt and where is he I mean I don't hear him in the background."

"Him and everyone decided to go to the club. I didn't feel like going because this pregnancy is making me want to sleep a lot and I've had a long day so I thought it would be wise if I stayed home," I explained.

"Okay I have a question for you and answer me honestly," Daughtry said. "Why is it that every time I talk to you or see you ,except for the wedding, you're always so distant from your family."

"I am not," I argued. "You've most of the time seen my while I've been pregnant and you know I can't do a lot since I'm pregnant you know I mean one small thing could hurt my baby and I don't want that to happen."

"I guess speaking of your baby do you know if its a boy or a girl," he asked.

"Its a girl," I answered.

"Thats cool so have you decided on a name for her I mean I think Cristina would be a good name since its sore of a girl name for Chris after you," Daughter suggested to me.

"Thanks for the suggestion but I've already came up with the name its going to be Prudence Paige Halliwell for sure," I said.

"Where did you get that name from?" he asked.

"Well Prudence was my real mother's name and Paige is one of my favorite aunts so I thought she could you know carry on the family name with hers," I said.

"Thats great so have you decided if you were going to have anymore kids," Daughtry asked.

"Yeah I think we're just going to have two more and thats it I mean how many more kids do we need," I said.

"I guess your right I mean who would want to have like ten kids anyway," he said. I was enjoying talking to him all this time since we haven't talked since my wedding day.

My phone conversation was interrupted by Wyatt coming through the door. "Honey I'm home," he said as he threw his keys on the dresser. "I thought you were getting some sleep and I come find you on the phone."

"Hey Daughtry hold on," I covered the mouth of the phone. "What are you doing home so early and where is everyone else I didn't even here you come in through the front door?"

"Their still at the club. I thought I'd come back early since you know a husband is suppose to be home with his wife so now that we're married I thought I'd start acting like a husband and start coming home to you," Wyatt said.

"Well thanks but I'm on the phone with a friend," I then uncovered the mouth and started talking to Daughtry again. "Alright so I'm sorry I was interrupted by my loud husband, so where were we."

"You were about to get off the phone and tend to your husband's needs," Wyatt said standing at the foot of the bed. "So come on get off the phone I thought we'd spend some quality time together."

"I'm sorry Daughtry could you please hold on again," I said putting my hand over the mouth piece again. "Look I've been sleep for a whole hour while you were out having your fun so I think its only fair that you sleep while I talk on the phone and have my fun alright," I took my hand off the phone. "I'm sorry I had to put you on hold again but you know I guess these are the pleasures of being married is that you don't get any alone time."

"I can give you some pleasure if you just get off that phone," Wyatt smiled. I knew what he was talking about but I wasn't in the mood.

"Fuck you Wyatt," I said and Daughtry thought I was talking to him. "No not you I was talking to Wyatt.

"Oh really?" Wyatt said. He then got on the bed and got over me and came up and started kissing me while I was still on the phone. He started by kissing me on the lips but I just kept moving me head around so he just settled for kissing me on the neck. I pushed him off but that only made him want me more. He then just pulled off my pants and boxers and started to finger me. I just started moaning and whispering for him to stop but he would always play like he couldn't hear me. He just went and started spreading my cheeks and burring his face in between them. I was panting. I was also angry because I couldn't believe he was doing this to me while I was on the phone again. I started feeling his tongue go in and out of me. I tried to move away but he had one hand holding me down.

"Hey Chris is there something wrong over there I mean I can hear you panting and groaning for some reason," Daughtry asked.

"Oh there's nothing going on I mean I'm fine," I said while Wyatt was still licking my hole. I pulled him up and said, "stop it right now."

"Not until you get off the phone," he said and went back down to my hole and started moving his tongue in and out of it. He just continued doing this for another five minutes and I was getting aggravated but I had to admit it felt good and it was kinky.

He finally got out of me and walked over to the drawers and took out some lubricant and walked back over to the bed smiling. I thought that was the last straw, "don't even think about it," I said but it just made him want to do it more so he opened the bottle and put some of it on his fingers and stuck it in me. I gave out a loud cry and Daughry asked if I was okay again. "I'm fine really I am its just that you know I find what you're talking very interesting," I lied. Wyatt then looked at me and smiled again and took his fingers out of me and then unzipped his pants and his monster just hung out. He had a huge hard on I mean it was 12 inches again and he hadn't even took any viagra this time. He took his monster and stuck it up my hole and it hurt like hell but I somehow managed to keep quiet while he was doing this. He then started fucking me hard and fast. "Hey sorry Daughtry but I'm going to have to let you go this thing just came up." I quickly hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

"Now I told you to get off the phone maybe next time you'll listen," Wyatt said fucking me harder and faster. "Who's the best husband in the world."

"You are!" I yelled

"What's my name," he asked

"Wyatt!" I yelled.

"Now when I tell you to get off the phone are you going to get off the phone," he asked as he started going faster.

"Yes I will!" I yelled.

"Yeah thats right you better. Ahh I'm gonna cum!" he yelled and pulled out of me and came all over his shirt and pants. "Thank goodness I'm about to go to sleep so I won't be needing these anymore." He took off his shirt and pants and I pulled up my boxers and threw my pants in the closet before getting back into bed and lying on him and he kissed me on the head saying, "I love you."

"I love you too Wyatt," I said. "Hey look Wyatt about what you were saying today about us you know not being romantic enough I would just like to say that I'm sorry and I'll try better I mean since we're gonna have to go through this a couple of more times."

"Thanks," he said. "And I'll try not to urge you on to having sex a lot but you better not be on the phone again when we should be spending some quality time together." We both started laughing.

"I promise I won't but you just need to let me have my fun okay," I said and he nodded and wrapped his arms around me and we both just fell asleep. I was waken up by Wyatt kissing me while I was sleep. "Hey what's the big idea?"

"Nothing I thought you were sleeping beauty so I thought I should wake you up with a kiss," Wyatt said. "Should I go for a home run this morning I mean we're already dressed for it."

"How about not I mean its to early and you know I have morning sickness," I said. "Speaking of," I said grabbing my stomach and running out of my room and into the bathroom where Peter was in there taking a shower. I just started banging on the door hard. "Okay whoever is in there could you please open up!"

"Sorry I just got in here and this is the first time I've woken up early enough to take the hot water so I'm not coming out for nothing," Peter said as he continued to shower.

"I don't care you can have all the hot water I just need to vomit!" I shouted and about five seconds later Peter opened the door and he was still dripping and had a towel wrapped around his waist and I immediately went to the toilet and vomited. After I came out of the bathroom I just went to the kitchen where Wyatt, Chris, and Piper were. "You know I will never get use to this morning sickness I swear I need a vomit bag just for me."

"That can be arranged," Piper said. "Don't worry Chris everything will get better in a few months I promise though you're gonna need a week to recover after you have the baby."

"Thanks that makes me want to go a lot faster when I have this baby," I said. "Anyway what was everyone planning to do today I mean we don't have that much summer before school starts and we're not even moved in to our dorms yet."

"Don't worry we'll be moved in sooner than you think plus you know school starts on your birthday again this year," Wyatt said smiling. "Its just funny that your birthday is always the first day of school no matter what."

"Thanks I'll take that as a compliment from you," I rolled my eyes. "Hey Chris you've been quiet over there whats going on with you I mean you don't talk a lot but you'll still talk."

"Nothing I mean what's there to talk about you guys obviously aren't bringing up a strong enough topic so I figure I might as well stay quiet since y'all are boring me," Chris answered.

"You know could I please come in the room without the whole family against me," I complained. "I mean this is ridiculous that everyone in the room has given me an insult today."

"Except for me," Peter said as he entered and went straight up and kissed Chris. "So whats going on?"

"Nothing except for that we're all sitting here cracking insults on Evans," Chris said. "Pop a squat and join in I'm sure he'd be delighted to hear what you have to say."

"You know what Chris if you weren't my brother I'd send you flying through that window," I said.

"Too bad because I am your brother and you know you can't do anything about it. You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family members," Chris said.

"I wish it were other wise," I said getting away from the table and going into the living room and looking out the window. Peter, Wyatt, and Chris all came after me to the living room.

"Hey bro we're sorry we didn't think you'd take it that seriously," Chris said.

"Yeah I'm sorry too I know you were probably looking for a little comfort after your morning sickness and I insulted you so yeah sorry," Wyatt said. "So what do you say?"

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"Okay thats not the response we were looking for but at least you're talking to us," Chris said.

"No not to you I mean look out the window," I said pointing to a demon in the street following right behind an innocent. "This is not good," I then saw the demon conjure up an energy ball and I moved out of the way and lifted the window up. "Wyatt freeze them both hurry!" I urged him and he froze both the demon and the innocent in front of him.

"Now lets move the innocent out of the way," I said holding my hands up and moving the innocent out of the way of the demon. "Okay Wyatt now blow the demon up," I said. Wyatt lifted his hands again and blew up the demon and then unfroze the innocent. "Now that thats settled."

"What are you guys doing," Piper asked. She came in without any of us even noticing.

"Oh noting except saving an innocent and vanquishing a demon you know the usual," I told her. "Only this time the demon just decided to attack from the outside instead of coming in."

"Guys you need to be careful with that I mean you know that can get you exposed," Piper lectured. "Its important for us to be kept secret if we are going to continue saving innocents. I mean Chris this is one way that your mother died and I don't want to see anything happen to you guys alright now promise me you won't be fighting anymore demons in public."

"Mom look we're gonna be fine don't worry," Chris said walking over and hugging her. He then started shaking like he was having a heart attack. Wyatt and Peter grabbed him and set him down on the couch. He was bleeding a little bit from his nose. After a couple of minutes Chris finally came through.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I just had a premonition," he answered. "Its strange I mean it was eighteen years in the future. I saw mom, Aunt Paige, and Aunt Phoebe all being killed in this war against demons, witches, dark lighters, elders, and humans."

"What? Hows that possible I mean what could happen that there would be a war that big," I asked.

"Only one way to find out," Wyatt said. "We've got to go to the future again."

"No way you know how much I'd rather leave some things left unknown and you know going there could and probably would change our futures," I said trying to argue that we shouldn't go.

"You know Chris had this premonition for a reason so we have to go I mean if want a chance of stopping it," Wyatt said.

"I think we should let our future selves handle it," I said. "So I say we don't go and forget about that premonition."

"I say we take a vote on it," Wyatt said against me. I nodded and agreed to it. "All those in favor of going to the future raise your hand," Wyatt was the first to raise his hand and so did Peter and Chris. "So its settled we're going," I just rolled my eyes at everyone as we all just walked up the stairs. Wyatt went straight to the Book of Shadows and found the future spell. "Alright this thing is only going to work once so we've got one shot to go to the future and return."

"Wait," Piper came running in. "I just remembered you guys are going to have to memorize that spell to come back. I know you're probably thinking why but Prue, Phoebe, and I all have done this spell before and when we went to the future our future selves had already used that spell so we were stuck until the elders sent us back."

"You guys went to the future?" I asked very confused. "Okay I'm afraid to ask why though I did hear a little bit about it when you had that argument with my mom but don't you think its a little late for someone to try to memorize that spell?"

"Good point so here's what I'm going to do," Piper said. "I'm going to write down that spell on another sheet of paper and it will be in the back of the book alright now remember that just in case. Be careful the future might have some surprises."

"We will," Wyatt said. "Chris hows that cauldron coming?"

"Its fine now we all have to be in the circle for it to work," Chris urged us and we all came and sat in a circle. "Now I'm going back a couple of days before I saw this all happen," Chris was writing down the date.

"You know I've got an idea how about you guys go and I stay here and you can send me a postcard when I finally get there," I said.

"Chris stop complaining because you're coming we had a deal," Wyatt said. "Now Chris you ready with that date," Wyatt asked and Chris nodded as he lit the piece of paper with the date on it on fire and placed it in the cauldron. "Okay here we go, Hear these words here our rhyme."

"We send you this burning sign," I said chanting.

"Then our future selves we'll find," Chris said taking it over.

"In another place and time," Peter said and finally a bunch of orbs came and surrounded us and we disappeared. I blacked out after that. When I woke up I saw that I was lying down on the couch of the manor. I looked around. The manor seemed to be the same after all this time. The first thing I did when I got up was went straight to the mirror. I wasn't pregnant and that was a relief. I still had my same body figure from before I was even pregnant. The only thing that changed about me was that my hair was lighter now. It was like brownish instead of dark like it was before. "Wyatt, Chris, Peter, anyone!" I yelled looking around and seeing that no one was there. Then I heard the front door of the manor open up. I was hoping to see Wyatt or Chris but it wasn't them. I saw Prudence coming in along with Penelope and Patrica and she had a baby boy in here hands also. I had to remember we were eighteen years in the future so that meant Prudence was eighteen, Patrica was twelve, and Penelope was eight.

"Hello mom," Prudence said walking in with Patrica and Penelope and that little boy she was holding.

"Mommy!" Penelope and Patrica yelled coming up and hugging me on the legs since they weren't all that tall yet.

"Hey girls," I said knelling down on my knees hugging and kissing them both on the cheek. "Prudence , where have you been and have you seen your father?" I asked.

Prudence looked at me weird. "I went to go pick up the girls from school like you asked, Mom, don't you remember, dad is at work you know and he has to take some long shifts. He should be here any minute though since you know we're suppose to have a family dinner over here."

"Okay where does he work at exactly and who does he work for that is making him work all these long hours," I asked.

"Mom are you okay I mean dad doesn't work for anyone as a matter of fact he owns his own bank called Halliwell savings and loans and because of that we're millionaires and we live in this mansion downtown or have you forgotten," Prudence said.

"Wait we don't live here? This is just plain weird I mean then what am I doing here," I asked.

"Have you bumped your head you come here once a week to check on grandma and grandpa otherwise you're a teacher at magic school," Prudence stated and I was finding it hard to take in. I then got back to the child she was holding.

"I'm sorry sweetie mommy has a little bit of amnesia for the moment but who's baby is that you have in your hands," I asked.

"Who are you and what have you done with my mother," Prudence asked. "No wait you're a shape shifter demon aren't you? Where did you put my mother?!" She started going ecstatic.

"Look I am your mother I just fell down the stairs and I think I bumped my head really hard so I don't remember a lot right now," I said trying to make up an excuse for asking all those questions.

"If you are then prove it?" She said. "Whats my middle name," she asked.

"Are you serious, your middle name is Paige you were named after one of my favorite aunts," I said.

"Alright then what are Patrica and Penelope's middle names?," she asked.

"How am I suppose to know I haven't conceived them yet as a matter of fact I'm just six months pregnant with you," I said and then covered my mouth at what I just let slip out

"What did you just say?" Prudence asked.

"Nothing I'll explain later but not in front of them," I pointed to Penelope and Patrica who were now chasing each other around the couches in the living room. "Now who is that child you're carrying and who does it belong to."

"Mom look I don't know what drugs you've been taking but since you can't think right now I guess I have to go over all this again. This baby that I'm holding is your grandson and don't give me the lecture that you gave me two years ago when I first had him about how I'm not suppose to have a baby this young. Are you sure that you're my mother because if my mom forgot anything he would at least remember that Patrica's middle name is Piper and Penelope's middle name is Paige."

"Wait a minute I named you Prudence, then I name her Patrica," I said pointing to Patrica who was still chasing Penelope around, "and I named her Penelope," pointing to Penelope now. "Then I went back and named you Paige, Piper, and Phoebe. I must have been thinking of the Charmed Ones before us."

"That's another thing you never call us by our full name unless you're mad. You just call me Prue, you call Patrica Patty, and you also call Penelope Penny. What is going on with you today," she was frustrated with having to explain all these things to me.

"Nothing so this is my grandson?" I asked taking him off of Prudence's shoulders and holding him. "What's his name?"

"His name is Leo you know after grandpa," Prudence said. "I can't believe we have to go over this again. You're always scolding me on how I shouldn't have become a mother at sixteen. Why don't you ever go say any of that stuff to Patience or Ryan. Patience has already had two kids and she's pregnant with the third one and you know it and you haven't said anything to her. Yeah she might be married and going to college and living in a house of her own but she got pregnant at the same age I did and all you did was talk to her about. Oh and then there's Ryan he gets his boyfriend pregnant when he was sixteen and his boyfriend is now six months pregnant and you don't say anything to him just because they're married and they live in an apartment of their own. You know mom just because I'm not married does not mean I can't do anything alright. The father of my baby is a white lighter and he just keeps going and going," Prudence rambled on and on and I tried to stop her a few times but she just kept on going. It was shocking trying to take all of this information in.

"Hold it right there!" I demanded and she finally stopped. "Now who are Patience and Ryan?"

"Are you kidding me they are your other kids you know," she answered and my jaw dropped. "You know my half sister and my brother. Your son and your daughter. The twins you had before me."

"What that's impossible," I started. "How could I.." I was then interrupted by an explosion. Prudence and I rushed into the living room where we saw a black spot on the floor and Penelope was levitating in the air. "Penelope get back down to the ground," I demanded and she lowered herself onto the ground and I placed Leo on the couch. "Now what happened?"

"We were just playing mom," Patrica said. "We were pretending we were fighting bad guys and I just accidentally blew up a hole in the ground."

"You're not suppose to play with your powers you hear me?" I said.

"Mom aren't you going to ground them?" Prudence asked.

"How would I do that by taking away their toys," I asked.

"No you usually bind their powers for a week, what is with you I swear you have just forgotten everything," Prudence yelled.

"Look I'm sorry its just.." I was then interrupted again when four demons shimmered in. One shot an energy ball right at Patrica and I just jumped on her and pulled her to the ground while Prudence ran over to the couch and grabbed Leo. Penelope was scared and started screaming loud. Once she started screaming a gust of wind started coming through the house. It was powerful enough to send the demons through the windows and out of the and it was still moving things in the house. I grabbed on to the couch holding Patrica while Prudence grabbed onto the wall holding Leo when Penelope's scream was still giving that gust of wind and we were floating in the the air. "Penelope stop!" I yelled and she stopped screaming and froze and the wind finally stopped coming through the manor. I was now able to put Patrica down and get over to Penelope and hug her and tell her it was alright. Prudence came over and joined us with Leo. The demons then shimmered in again.

"Patrica take your sister and Leo up to your room now!" Prudence demanded and handed Leo to Patrica and she grabbed Penelope's hand and orbed all three of them upstairs. Right after they shimmered the demons started throwing energy balls at us and I just kept dodging them till I finally just got behind the couch and Prudence joined me. "We're gonna need some help, Ryan, Patience get your butts over here now!" Two different people shimmered in. One was a girl. She had long blonde hair and I could tell that she was pregnant. I knew she had to be the girl Patience that Prudence was talking about. Then there was a guy who was with her who had brown hair and a beard. He was built also. He had to be that Ryan guy she was talking about. Prudence jumped over to where they were. The demons the immediately hurled energy balls their way but they were quick to move. Prudence then got up and shot her hand up and started shooting her blue laser and freezing all four of them one by one. "Guys now," she said as her and the other two shot lightening from their hands blowing the demons up. I knew it was safe to come from behind the couch now so I stood up.

"Mom!" Patience said and ran up and hugged me. "Its good to see you. I'm sorry I can't stay but I'll be back in time for the family dinner we're having okay see you later mom," she said and shimmered away.

"Yeah mom I've got to go too. Jake has been really moody now that he's six months along so I better go check on him and I'll be back for the dinner also," Ryan said. "Take care and call us if you need anything," Ryan waved and orbed away.

"Were those guys who I think they were," I asked.

"Yeah the twins and your son and daughter if thats what you're thinking then yes," Prudence said. "Don't try playing stupid mom what is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean whats wrong with me," I asked.

"I mean why didn't you fight them back. You usually demolish demons like that in a second of them shimmering in and you didn't even defend yourself. I mean you just went behind the couch and I had to call Ryan and Patience to come help and I've never had to do that when you were around," Prudence said.

"I don't know I guess I just froze up," I said.

"Mom this is not the time to freeze up I mean we're at war here and its only a matter of time," Prudence said and I didn't even know what she was talking about.

"Sorry I'll try better next time now where's your Uncle Chris?" I asked now remembering that I came to the future with not just Wyatt but him and Peter also.

"He's at home watching his kids like usual," Prudence said.

"Kids don't you mean kid," I asked.

"No I mean kids you know he has three boys or have you forgotten about that also," Prudence answered.

"How far is his house because I need to talk to him and Peter so how far do I have to orb?" I asked.

"He lives next door, I swear it looks like you just forgot all about your life," Prudence said. Right after that was said the front door opened again. I was wondering who to expect this time. Thank goodness when I saw the person who came in was Wyatt.

"Hello everyone I'm here," Was the first thing that Wyatt said. He looked the same except he had his hair tied back like an adult. He was all dressed up in a black suit and was carrying a brief case like a business man. I checked him up and down and he looked pretty good in a suit.

"Wyatt," I yelled running up and hugging him tightly and he caught me and lifted me in the air. "Tell me that you're the same Wyatt who came with me from the past and not future Wyatt," I asked while he still was holding me in the air.

"Depends are you the same guy who's six months pregnant with my child the last time I checked," he smiled.

"Yes its you," I said with a sigh of relief and kissed him as he set me down.

"Dad thank goodness you're home," Prudence said walking over to us. "Mom has been acting pretty weird ever since I came here with the girls. I mean he doesn't even remember where you work, he doesn't know Patrica and Penelope's middle names, he doesn't remember Leo or Ryan or Patience, and worst of all he didn't even defend himself against a demon attack."

"Wait who's Ryan, Patience, and Leo," Wyatt asked.

"Oh no not you too," Prudence said pacing around. "I just can't believe my mom and dad are acting like this today out of all days." She finally walked over and collapsed on the couch.

"Wyatt, you and me attic, lets go. I'll explain along the way," I said. We started going up the stairs and I told him mostly everything that happened to me today with the whole demons attacking and about Ryan and Patience about how they were two kids that we had before Prudence and I didn't know how and him being a grandfather of Leo and some other kids.

"Wow thats a long story," Wyatt said. "I wonder how our future ended up like this I mean do you know where Chris and Peter ended up?"

"Don't worry they live next door and I was about to go visit them when you came in but you know what? I think I've enjoyed my stay in the future and I think I'm ready to go home and fix all this especially Prudence having a child at sixteen," I said as we finally arrived in the attic. We walked up to the stand where the Book usually was but it wasn't there and I started to freak out. "The Book?! Where is it?!" I started looking everywhere in the attic.

"Calm down don't worry we'll find it. I'm sure it couldn't have gone too far. I mean mom said it was never aloud to go out of the house," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt hello look around you. A lot has happened in eighteen years or did you forget me telling you that you're a grandfather and there's two more kids in our life," I said walking up to him so that we were now face to face.

"I still don't think we could have taken the book out of the house," Wyatt said.

"Then where the hell is it!" I yelled and swung my arm and knocked over the stand that the book was on. Thats not the only thing I did. A wave then came out of my hand and it sent an explosion in the attic(just like Prue did when Piper,Prue, and Phoebe went to the future to save Phoebe) leaving a big hole in the wall that was just as tall as me Wyatt. It went all the way to the outside. Wyatt and I just stared for a minute before saying anything. "Oh my did I just do what I think I did."

"Yes you did," Wyatt answered. "Your powers sure have grown in the past eighteen years I mean wow. I never thought I see you doing something like that and right through the walls. I'm surprised those demons attacked you with that kind of power. I hate to see you mad when you're pregnant. You'd probably destroy the whole world," he started laughing.

"Shut up," I said. "No wonder why Prudence said I'd usually demolish demons like that I mean I can't believe I just did that. Now how are we going to fix that, we just can't have people looking at us through the attic."

"Don't worry I have a new power. Watch this," with a wave of his hand everything went back to normal as if it never happened. "Pretty cool huh? I just discovered it as I was working. So whenever you make a mess I'll be there to clean it up."

"Thats nice we can praise each other about our powers later but right now we need to work on finding the Book of Shadows," I said.

"Alright let me change first," he said and waved his hand over himself and he was now in black leather pants and a black shirt.

"Wyatt I'm now just noticing. You're muscles are little bit bigger," I went and lifted his shirt up and let it back down. "And you're abs are a lot tighter, have you been working out more."

"I guess I mean look at this. My chest has gotten big enough to where I can move it," he said and started moving his chest without moving any other part of his body.

"You know what this is bothering me," I walked up behind him and pulled out the rubber band that had his hair tied back and now he started to look like younger Wyatt but you could still tell he was older. "Now there's that sexy beast I married," I then slapped myself. "Snap out of it. I can't believe I'm in my thirties and I still have hormones like I'm a teen."

"Maybe thats one thing that keeps us married," Wyatt said. "Our sex life I mean look at my muscles and your hormones," Wyatt pulled up the short sleeve of his shirt and started flexing.

"That's enough you're making me want to jump your bones right now," I said but he was still flexing. "I said enough," I started walking towards him and pulled his sleeve down myself.

"Mom, Dad we have company!" Prudence yelled from downstairs. Wyatt and I walked downstairs to the living room. I was wondering who it was that Prudence could be talking about.

Once I made my way downstairs and into the living room three boys came up and tackled me to the ground yelling, "Uncle Chris!" They were some young boys. About Penelope's age.

"Okay guys time to get off of Uncle Chris," a voice said. That voice sounded familiar. Once the boys got off of me I could see it was Chris. He looked the same except he was growing a beard.

Wyatt held out his hand and helped me up off the ground man he was strong. I swear he just about pulled my arm out. "Thanks Wyatt and Chris," I went up and hugged him along with Peter who also looked the same not much different except he was growing a mustache. "I'm glad you guys made it."

"So we're all here," Wyatt said.

"Yeah and I think we need some time to catch up so lets go for a walk at the lake," I said. "Hey Prudence can you watch your cousins and your sisters while we all go talk somewhere."

"Sure but just be back in time for dinner I mean my boyfriend is coming over and there's somethings we want to discuss with you," Prudence explained. "I mean thats the reason why we planned it so you could get to know your in laws just in case you forgot."

"Alright Prue we'll be back but make sure they don't mess up anything okay," I said and grabbed Wyatt's hand and we all orbed to the lake and started walking around. "So Chris how's your future life."

"Lets see where should I start, thanks to you for jinxing me and hoping that I had more kids I did. Peter and I have three boys. Peter Jr. who's eight, Christopher Evans Halliwell who's seven and you know who he was named after, and then there's Matthew Wyatt Halliwell and guess who he's named after. So looks like I named my boys after us. Oh yeah and Chris remember when I said that I was destined to be a stay at home wife. Guess what I am while Peter works twelve hours a day and we live next door to mom and dad. So I think thats all I have to say about me and Peter except that we're still married so what about you guys hows your life."

"Your life is nothing compared to mine, you think I jinxed you more like you jinxed me. First off Patrica and Penelope's middle names are Piper and Phoebe after our aunts. Then here it goes I find out that I have two more kids that somehow I had before Prudence. A boy name Ryan and a girl named Patience who I must have named after my adopted mother. Wyatt and I are grandparents already because our first three kids already had kids and there's more of them on the way. My first two kids who I still don't know about are married and living on their own. Wyatt owns a bank and we're now millionaires and we live in a mansion. Oh and did I mention that I teach at magic school six days a week and check on Aunt Piper and Dad the remaining day. Also my daughters have got their power down I mean you should have seen Penelope using her power of wind today. Oh yeah and last but not least my power is out of control."

"It is?" Chris asked and I nodded. "Well we were told that our powers would develop so I guess thats whats going on I mean lots has happened in eighteen years. I mean nothing has happened to Peter and I's powers but then again we haven't had any demon attacks."

"Lets just find out," Wyatt said. "So Chris you said you can levitate so try levitating."

Chris then closed in eyes and started going in the air as usually. At first I didn't see anything different until he started going higher and higher in the air until he was forty feet in the air. "Wow check this out," Chris said in the air.

"Chris get back down here! You could fall and hurt yourself!" I yelled sounding like a mother though I was furious. Chris was ignoring me and he was still levitating in the air. "Chris get down here now!"

"Chris please do what he says because you don't want to see his power when he gets angry," Wyatt pleaded. Chris finally levitated down to the ground. "Thanks I owe ya."

"I can't believe eighteen years later I can now levitate forty feet. Lets see if I have any active power yet," Chris said and held out his hand and shot lightening. "Cool this is awesome."

"Stop that! Are you insane. That's dangerous you could hurt someone with that power," I complained.

"I know but thats the point I can now vanquish a demon without having to say a spell or stab them," he replied. I just sighed. "So whats this dangerous power that you have because I'd love to see it."

"Oh no you don't I mean he blew a hole in the attic to the outside. Thank goodness my power has developed enough to fix it all," Wyatt said. "And that was because he was mad because he couldn't find the Book of Shadows. I'd hate to see how he'd be when he was pregnant and had that power."

"Keep cracking them jokes about me being pregnant and you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight," I said.

"You wouldn't do that to me," Wyatt said.

"Like hell I wouldn't, you forget this is a different time so you might want to watch what you say," I told him.

"You're just so difficult I mean how did we stay married for this long. Anyway you know lets see how my power has developed," Wyatt said about to lift his hands but I stopped him.

"Don't even think about it," I said. "Your power was dangerous eighteen years ago and heaven knows how dangerous it is now."

"It could be that bad what am I going to do blow up the whole forest," he said laughing then lifted his hands again and sent out a blow and the whole forest was gone. I mean it looked like a desert no trees in sight. "Wow I guess I could blow up a forest."

"You numb skull I told you we shouldn't be testing out these powers they're to dangerous. Now look what you did and we could be exposed as witches because of this," I went on and on and Wyatt finally cut me off.

"Stop whining I can fix it remember," he said as he waved his hand and the forest went back to normal. "You just need to chill out what's the worst that could happen?"

"We only came here to find out what happened to Aunt Paige, Aunt Piper, and Aunt Phoebe not to come around here playing with our powers so could we please just focus on that so we can get out of here," I said. "And look that stupid building," I pointing to a 50 story building, "is still there I wish it was moved over there," I said pointing to another place. Then all of a sudden the building orbed to where I wanted it to be. "! I just orbed a whole building somewhere," I said panicking and Wyatt came over and grabbed me from behind by the waist to calm me down.

"Its okay just focus on putting it back," he said. I then just focused on the building and it being back where it was before and about five seconds later it was.

I sighed with relief. "Alright there will be no using any of these new powers we have."

"Why not?" Chris asked.

"Because they're to dangerous and we shouldn't be tampering with them like this. I mean look you are levitating 40 ft in the air, Wyatt just blew up the whole forest, and I blew a hole in the attic and orbed a fifty story building. If thats not dangerous I don't know what is," I said.

"What if we get attacked by demons?" Wyatt asked.

"We call on Prudence," I answered.

"What if she doesn't hear us," Wyatt asked trying to get me to change my mind.

"Then we take them on by fighting and not using powers," I said.

"You know you're such a party spoiler lets head back," Wyatt said and we started heading back to the manor. On our way back we had to go through a mall and things just went downhill from there. "So guys have any of you seen the Book of Shadows because its not at the manor."

"Its not hmm I wonder where it could be," Chris said. "I don't think its at our house I would have known since I got to do a little exploring before we came over to the manor."

"Then where could it be," I asked.

"Have you guys checked your house?" Chris asked.

"It could be there but I wonder where? Prudence probably would know so I'll ask her when we get home," We kept walking through the mall. It was a busy day I mean you could barely walk a foot without bumping into someone. I then saw a piano about to drop on Wyatt's head. "Wyatt look out!" I shouted. Wyatt then held up his hands and used his power to freeze little did he know he froze everything and everyone in the mall. " just froze everything." I pointed out and we started looking around.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys no magic!" A voice yelled out of nowhere. When we finally spotted the voice I couldn't believe who it was. It was John Bregar. "I thought we all agreed not to be using magic unless it was a dire emergency," he said as he walked up to us. The only thing that changed about him was that he had a beard.

I was really angry to see him. "You know what I thought I would have vanquished you by now but looks like there isn't any way to get rid of you."

"What are you talking about you quit trying to vanquish me almost eighteen years ago," he responded. "Don't try to play dumb with me you know we all agreed not to use any magic for our daughter's sake."

"Our what? " I said.

I'm just going to stop here so could you please send me feedback about my story and thanks.

Next: Chapter 19

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