Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Aug 9, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Many thoughts started flowing through my head. I can't believe sometime between now and 18 years I must have either separated from Wyatt or cheated on him with John. Or maybe I didn't I mean that time John tricked me when I was under that spell but that wasn't a good feeling because that meant Prudence might not be Wyatt's and that would kill me to think that. "Okay first of all, John I don't know what you're talking about our daughter. I mean I wouldn't have sex with you even if you were the last person on Earth."

"What are you talking about," John said looking confused. "We haven't had sex in over eighteen years since that time you were under a spell. And no offense but I've moved on and I'm not after you, ever since we agreed to be friends for our daughter's sake."

"That's funny because someone like you I'd never expect to become friends with and I still don't know what you're talking about our daughter," I told him. John started looking at me, Wyatt, Chris, and Peter intensely.

"Is there something you want to tell me because you should know you've been taking care of her for awhile. You're the one who named her and everything and we even did a DNA test and it came out funny that Ryan was Wyatt's and Patience was mine though they were twins," John said.

"What?! That's impossible I mean the only time that I can think of sleeping with you both in that small amount of time was when I....had to..vanquish you..and then..three days later I had sex with Wyatt," I said slowly. "Wait a minute Piper made me vanquish that baby."

"Yeah and don't you remember or do I have to go over the story again," he asked and I stood in silence for awhile. "I'm assuming from the silence I do have to explain it again so here it goes. You remember when you told me about the kids the second time you vanquished me or let me say when Wyatt sent me through the hole," I nodded. "Alright so you know when demons are vanquished we go to the demon wasteland and I remembered you telling me about having an abortion so I knew the baby had to be down there somewhere. I looked around until I came to two little babies that I could tell were ours and I brought them back up with me when I revived myself. I was hoping we all could be a happy family after that but I found out that you were destined to be with Wyatt."

'So thats why he was so persistent in getting back with me' I thought "As much as I appreciate you saving Patience hello she'll still become the source of all evil," I said.

"No you made a stripping potion for her years ago like the one mom made for dad when he was Belthazar," John replied. "What has gotten into today I mean you act like you forgot everything thats happened in the past eighteen years."

"You're telling me," I muttered. "Wyatt do you think its safe to tell him," Wyatt nodded. "Alright so John I know this is probably going to sound crazy but since we're friends I think we can trust you so here's the deal. We're not who you think we are. We're from the past of 18 years ago so we don't have any knowledge of whats happened in the past 18 years."

"So what you guys are telling me is that you're from the past," he asked and we nodded. He then started laughing out hysterically, "you've got to be kidding me I mean I know you're trying to save your aunts but this isn't going to work." He was still laughing and we just looked at him more seriously and he just stopped. "Wait you're serious aren't you."

"Yes now John there's no time to play games so can you please tell us whats going on here that our aunts are in trouble because that's why we came here," I asked.

"A few months ago our cousins, Henry Jr., Primrose, and Melinda which are Paige's kids all were out demon hunting in the middle of the street. They were caught and exposed on camera along with the demons. Ever since, the army has been sending in the whole military to California and many demons, dark lighters, and other super natural beings have been coming out of the underworld to defend magic. Its gotten to the point now that even the elders are starting to come down."

"Oh this is just great," Wyatt came out. "Lets go its getting late and I know our kids are at home waiting for us," Wyatt moved out from under the piano and unfroze everything. They all started walking and stopped noticing I didn't move. "Chris you coming?"

"Yeah go on I'll catch up with you guys in a minute," I told them and they all continued walking. I had some questions I wanted to ask John. "John I was thinking is Patience the reason you kept trying to make us a family and you kept trying so hard to be with me?"

"Yes she is," John answered. "I didn't tell you about her because I didn't want you to freak out while you were already pregnant so I was planning to tell you about her and Ryan but somehow you figured them out and you never told me."

So this must have been how I figured it out. By coming to the future. "Can I just ask you one more question," he nodded. "How did we become friends after being enemies for so long."

"That's something you're gonna have to find out for yourself. I can't tell you because it could risk changing the future. Yes, I know I've annoyed you a lot and I've done some pretty bad things in the past but no matter what happens just never give up on us being friends," he then started to walk off.

"Hey John!" I shouted to stop him and he did. "Despite our differences was I really a good mother to my kids." He smiled and nodded. "Then what went wrong that all of them had kids at sixteen?"

"It wasn't you, they made that choice. I mean they all looked up to Patience and once she did it they all decided to. I just hope you can teach your other two not to do it but take care I've got to go run some errands," he said before he finally walked off. I ran up and caught up with the guys.

"So what were you guys back there talking about," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing just stuff about the future and everything but don't worry he didn't tell me enough to change it so we're good," I said.

"You seem down whats wrong," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing its just that my oldest isn't yours. I mean I never imagined being married and having any kids outside of marriage. Its all just too much for me to take in. Instead of three kids I have five and I come to find out that my enemy from the past is now my best friend? How are you even taking this knowing that one of my kids isn't yours," I asked.

"Its fine it happened before we were even together. Yeah of course it bothers me a little but I can't let it get in the way our marriage or let it come between us. We've been through too much to let something so small break us up," Wyatt explained.

"I know and thanks," I said going up and kissing him. "Oh and by the way once we get back home no one is going to the future because every time someone goes to the future I end up with one more kid. First I go and come back with Penelope and Patrica, then Chris goes and I have Prudence, and then we all come and I come back with Ryan and Patience so I think five kids is enough."

"How about we go for an even six," Wyatt suggested.

"No way Jose, I swear if we have one more kid I'll be going insane cause think about it. We already have two once we get back and another one soon on the way and trust me they're gonna be terrors I can already see it now," I said.

"Hey thats my job," Chris said and we all started laughing before we finally made our way home. When we got into the manor the table and everything was already set up. Three other kids started charging at me like cattle knocking me to the ground shouting 'grandma'. It was a boy and two girls. They all looked young and were under the age of five.

"Alright guys time to get off grandma," Prudence said pulling them off of me allowing me to get up.

"Prudence, who are they and what are they doing here," I asked.

"Your grand kids you know, this is Ryan Jr. who obviously belongs to Ryan, and this is Melinda and Laura who also go by Mel and Lore who belong to Patience," Prudence explained pointing at each one as she called them out by name.

"Okay where's Leo and the other kids we left you guys with," I asked.

"They're all in the dining room along with Patience and Ryan and their spouses and my fiancée. Sorry grandma and grandpa said they couldn't join us today since they were all worn out but you know we still prepared everything and you know its time to catch up on some things," Prudence said and we were all led to the dinning room where everyone was sitting. I was introduced to Luke who was married to Ryan. He was built like Chris except for the fact he was pregnant and also I was introduced to Patience's husband who's name was Blake and he was very built also. Both were also witches so I didn't have a problem with them. Prudence's fiancé however was a white lighter and his name was James. They all seemed nice. The kids were so busy tossing food at each other while we were talking. "So mom there's this thing that James and I wanted to talk to you about," she grabbed Jame's hand. "I know you're probably not going to take this to well but I'm...pregnant again and this time its with twins."

"What?!" I said standing up. "You know the first time is okay but now again."

"Mom I know you're probably not happy with me right now but look its going to be okay I mean we're engaged now and we'll soon be moving in together," Prudence said.

"You know what fine do what you want," I got up from the table and walked into the living room. Wyatt and Chris came in and followed me.

"Hey whats the big deal," Wyatt asked.

"Tell me you don't think its okay I mean you're her father you should be just as angry about this as I am," I said.

"Don't worry I am but I can't do anything about it. She's grown now and its her life and we've done what we can as parents so its up to her," he explained.

"Wyatt where did we go wrong. This isn't the future I expected with my kids. I didn't expect to be a grandmother in my mid thirties of four and then four more on the way," I said.

"I don't know but we're gonna fix all of this okay. I just need you to keep your head up. This isn't why we came here. We came because of another reason," Wyatt explained. "So come on we got to save what's left of our family," Wyatt grabbed my hand and we all headed back into the dinning room. "Hey guys I think we should wrap this up since you know I've got work tomorrow and so does Chris over here."

"We'll see you guys tomorrow," Chris said getting up and hugging everyone before he grabbed his three kids and left.

"Yeah mom we're gonna go also but we'll call you later on," Patience said and she came up and hugged me, Ryan, and Prudence before she grabbed Mel and Lore and her and Blake shimmered away.

"That just leaves us so bye mom bye dad," Ryan waved and he and Luke orbed away along with Ryan Jr.

"Mom don't worry I know you had enough stress on you already so I'll drive Penelope and Patrica home so you guys can go ahead and orb home so you won't have to drive," Prudence told us.

"Bye then," I grabbed Wyatt's hand and we both orbed back to our house. The house was pretty nice. It was huge I could have gotten lost in that house. Wyatt and I just came and sat on the couch and talked. "So lets recap on the future, Chris and Peter have three boys, we have two more kids and four grandkids along with four on the way and our powers are out of control. Can we think of any worse future than this?"

Wyatt smiled and put his hand on my cheek. "None of that matters to me, the only thing that does is that we're still together after so long. Yeah we have our problems but what family doesn't. Look on the bright side our powers are stronger, we have five beautiful kids and four beautiful grandkids, and we're living better than anyone else in the family."

"I guess," I shrugged.

"You guess? Maybe this could change your mind," he then pressed his lips against mine kissing me and then started placing butterfly kisses along my neck.

"I stand corrected you're right without a shout of a doubt," I said as Wyatt was still kissing me on my sensitive spots.

He stopped for a moment, "you know right now you're not pregnant and I've got these sexy abs so what do you say we go for a test drive on our new bodies. You know get a taste of our sex life in the future." I didn't respond I just pulled him back into the kiss. Wyatt started to deepen the kiss by leaning in on me filling me up while we were still kissing.

Unfortunately we were interrupted by Prudence, "umm mom, dad sorry to interrupt," Wyatt and I quickly withdrew from each other. "my car broke down so I had to orb us here so I've already tucked in the kids and I have to go see about getting my car repaired at the auto shop so I was just letting you guys know so bye," she said orbing out.

"Some things just never change. Looks like we're always interrupted when we're in the middle of something," I said.

"So then lets not change anything lets just continue," he stood up and pulled me up along with him and pulled me close to him.

"Oh and Wyatt by the way," I said coming closer to him. "I'm not wearing any underwear," I whispered in his ears which put a big smile on his face and he orbed us up to our room which was humongous. We didn't pay attention to that we just started going at it and Wyatt threw me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. "Wyatt baby you way a ton." Wyatt just smiled and started crushing our lips together. He thrust his tongue inside my mouth while running his hand up and down my leg. I lifted my arms up for him to pull my shirt off. We continued making out for a long time only breaking away for air. Wyatt took advantage of that to pull off his shirt and went back to kissing me. I could feel his hard erection against my legs and I'm sure he could feel mine. The second time we broke for air Wyatt undid my pants and pulled them off. This gave me the opportunity to check out his nice hard abs and I was liking what I was seeing. Once Wyatt pulled off my pants I pushed him onto his back and got on top of him. "Looks like I'm on top now." I slid down rubbing his body with one hand and undoing his pants with another. The next thing Wyatt felt was my warm mouth around his cock. Wyatt started stroking my hair while I was going up and down on his cock. As he felt he was about to cum he pulled me up and flipped me over so that he was now on top. "Hey whats the big idea," I complained.

"You might like it on top but I belong on top," he said kissing me and moving down lower. He put my legs onto his shoulder and took my cock into his mouth. It felt so good I grabbed hold onto the bed sheets until I knew I was about to cum so I orbed a bottle of lube to me and grabbed Wyatt's hair and pulled him up and handed him the lube. Wyatt put some on his fingers and stuck one in my hole. As he watched me moan in pleasure and pain he would come down to kiss me saying, "shh relax its gonna be okay," when Wyatt saw that I was okay he inserted another finger. Only this time it wasn't as bad as the first time. He finally inserted the third finger and I gave out a loud moan of pleasure once he found my prostate. I nodded giving him the okay and I was ready. Wyatt slid in me and I gave out an even louder cry when he was coming in. He waited a few seconds for me to calm down before he started thrusting. I grabbed a hold of his shoulders for support and wrapped my legs around his waist. Wyatt started thrusting in and out of my hard. I mean I've never felt him this way before. With each thrust I moaned and gasped of the pleasure. Wyatt always came down ever few thrusts to kiss me and make things better. It helped a lot. Through all the love making I kept shouting his name. Wyatt finally shot his loads in my hole and I shot mine all over his chest. Once he pulled out of me I started to lick up what I did and when I was done he pulled me up and pulled me close to him. We just laid there for minutes to tired to say anything. Wyatt finally came out with, "have I told you lately how much I love you."

"Yes over a million times for crying out loud. Even the whole family knows how much you love me," I answered.

"Well I love you angel," Wyatt said planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too baby," I said back and we fell into a deep sleep. I didn't realize how late it was till we heard the alarm clock beeping. I couldn't believe it but it was 11:00 am. I quickly jumped up and started putting my clothes. I tried to wake up Wyatt. I knew we were both late for work. "Hey Wyatt come on get up," I said shaking him and he just groaned. "Wyatt we're gonna be late come on," he smiled sat up and grabbed my arm and pulled me down to his lap and started planting soft kisses on my neck. We were stopped when my cell phone rang. Wyatt continued kissing and sucking on my neck. "Hello," I answered the phone and trying to get away from Wyatt and wasn't having much luck.

"Hey Evans its Chris," the voice on the other line said.

"Oh whats up have you and Peter found the Book of Shadows," I asked.

"No but we've got some bad news, mom and the others left this morning and we don't know where they're headed and according to my premonition they die today," Chris explained.

"What?! Okay have you tried scrying for them," I asked.

"Yeah but no such luck," Chris answered.

"Try scrying for them again, Wyatt and I will find the book and we'll be right over there," I said hanging up the phone and quickly jumping off of Wyatt. "Sorry to ruin your fun Wyatt but we have to go."

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Aunt Piper and the others left this morning and according to Chris's premonition they die today so come on we need to find that book of shadows now," I said and Wyatt started putting his clothes back on and I could see from his expression he was disappointed and I knew he wanted to continue but we couldn't if we wanted a chance at coming there to do what we needed to do.

"You know this is probably the only time we'll get to have some fun like this in awhile," he smiled.

"What are you talking about, you know we can still have fun when we get to the past," I responded.

"No you forget you're moody and pregnant in the past," he said.

"I'm sorry I know its been hard for you with me being pregnant and all but I'll make it up to you once Prue's born okay," I said. "I love you."

"I love you more," Wyatt replied.

"No I love you more," I said back to him.

"No way Jose I love you more," he said.

"You're just not going to let me win this are you," I asked.

"You know how stubborn I am," He smiled.

"I give up now come on we've waisted to much time arguing about things we can fix when we get to the past," I demanded and we got up and tried to make our way around the house. I saw Prue walking so I decided to ask her, "hey Prue have you seen the Book of Shadows?"

"You and dad keep that thing locked up in that old dusty drawer in the attic of the manor since you said you didn't want anyone getting close to it," she answered and continued walking.

"Thanks sweetie," I grabbed Wyatt hand and we orbed back to the attic of the manor. We looked around and it took us a few minutes before we finally found the drawer that Prue was talking about and that's where we found the Book. It had gotten a lot thicker since we last used it. "Lets find the spell..," I was opening the book and I could feel Wyatt was troubled. "Wyatt whats wrong?"

"Nothing," he answered.

"Wyatt don't lie to me, I'm your husband and other things and once we married I could sense your emotions so whats going on," I asked.

"I know you're gonna think this is crazy but I think we should stay here in the future," he said. I just gasped but before I could say anything he stopped me, "I know you think this is crazy but we have everything we've always wanted. We're rich we have five beautiful kids who are almost old enough to take care of themselves and our powers are strong enough to protect us from any demon."

"Wyatt as much as I would like to stay too you know we can't do that," I said.

"Why not lets just forget the spell and look for mom and save her and we can just live here," he pleaded

"No Wyatt, there are just somethings we have to go through and live through and there are some unanswered questions that I have about the past like how did my worst enemy become my best friend," I explained

"None of that matters anymore we can just be happy here," Wyatt responded. "I mean don't you want to live in this world where we have everything we've always dreamed about."

"Do you understand what world this is? It isn't one I've dreamed about. We're at war right now. What part of that did you not hear John say? We're being hunted like animals and our daughters are growing up in a world where using magic is punishable by death. Is that what you want?" I asked. He shook his head. "Then that settles it," I started looking through the book of shadows, "we're going back," I kept searching and searching and all I found was a piece of white paper that was blank. "Fuck!" I shouted and continued going through the book. "The spell its not in here!"

"What that can't be. Mom put it in there especially because she said this was going to happen," Wyatt answered coming by my side to search with me

"Well its not in here, so looks like we're stuck in the future," I panicked.

"Thats great," Wyatt smiled.

"No its not great there must be some other way," I kept looking through the book and found some weird spells. "Look at these spells here," I pointed out and Wyatt looked along with me. "Theres a memory spell, a spell to freeze time, a binding spell, a spell to vanquish the elders. How's that possible"

"I don't know but our future selves must have made these. I think they had a plan but what could it have been," Wyatt started thinking hard but my phone rang again.

"Hello," I answered.

"Yeah its me again and I've found them have you guys found the book," Chris asked.

"Yeah but the spell isn't in here," I answered.

"Are you kidding me how the hell are we suppose to get back then," Chris asked.

"That's not important right now okay, where are you guys?"

"At home," Chris answered.

"Meet us in front of the manor alright," I hung up the phone and went through the book and ripped out a page that I knew I was going to need. "Prudence get down here!" I shouted and she orbed in.

"What did I do this time mom," Prudence asked with her hands on her hips.

"Nothing just I need to ask you for a favor," I explained.

"Anything just name it," she said in a serious voice. She could tell something was wrong.

"If your father and I don't come back I need you bind your sister's powers until they're eighteen," I handed her that page that I ripped out of the book of shadows.

"Why whats going on," she looked at the page and stared right back at me.

"Just promise me you'll do it," I said

"But mom..." I then just cut her off.


"I promise," she finally said.

"Come here sweetie," I pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you Prudence and I don't want nothing to happen to you or your sisters." I started crying.

"I love you too mom," she replied.

"I'm lucky to have you as a daughter now go on," she orbed out. "Lets go," I said and started going downstairs. Once we got outside we found Chris and Peter who were just standing there. "So where are they?"

"They're not far from here they're just two streets away," Chris said. We all ran through the neighborhood until we heard an explosion. I froze for a moment but Wyatt grabbed my hand and we continued running towards it. When we got there I couldn't believe what I saw. "We're too late," Chris said. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige were dead and lying on the ground along with many other witches an a few elders and some demons were standing there having a fight with the elders.

"Wyatt freeze them!" I demanded and he did. I ran over the bodies hoping it wasn't to late. I checked their pulse and it turned out it was. I was so angry I hit the ground. I felt Wyatt and Chris rubbing me on the back as I stood up. I had so much anger and rage in me. I looked straight at the elders and the demons who were just frozen. I lifted my hand and I was about to blow them away till it was caught by Wyatt.

"Chris what are you doing," Wyatt asked.

"Giving those elders and demons what they deserve," I answered.

"No you can't. I loved them just as much as you did but we can't do this. If you kill them we'll have every demon and elder on our tail do you want that," I shook my head. "Okay then," he let go of my arm.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"I don't know guys," Chris came out and said. "Maybe my premonition wasn't meant to save mom but maybe it was just to prepare us for their death."

"No, I've already lost my mom and I'm not losing them either, we're gonna fix this somehow and someway and make sure that our magic isn't ever exposed," I said. "Come on group hug because we need it right now." We all came together in a big hug then orbs appeared over our heads and a note came out of it. I caught it before it hit the ground and I found it to be a spell to send us back. "Hey guys there might be a way back after all, look at this." I passed it around and they all looked at it.

"How did this get here?" Chris asked.

"I don't know but I'm glad it did," I said.

"Yeah but who?" Chris asked also.

"It must have been the elders I don't know what they get out of this but they're sending us back to the past," I said.

"Do you really think it'll work," Wyatt asked.

"Only one way to find out," I said and we all came and stood beside Wyatt.

"Take us back to whence we came, To time and place that are the same, Let past be present that time regain," we chanted. Everything went blurry for the next moments until we found ourselves back in the manor. Right that second I felt nauseated again.

"Did it work," Chris asked.

"I don't know where are we," I asked.

"I think we're back where we started," Wyatt said. "Look," he said pointing at my stomach and I was pregnant again.

I sighed with relief, "thank goodness but I wonder if Aunt Piper is still okay," I looked around and saw no sign of her. "Aunt Piper!" I yelled out and she came running in.

"Hey guys is everything okay," she asked. We all ran up and hugged her. "Okay I know you guys love me but I didn't think this much," she looked very confused.

"Oh my goodness you have no idea how much I missed you," I said.

"Missed me? You just saw me five seconds ago. We just switched your bodies back," she said.

"That means.." I ran over to the window and saw the demon going after the innocent. "Guys get over here," the all ran and saw what I was looking at.

"Stupid demons," Wyatt said lifting up the window and freezing him and the innocent. "These guys just don't learn their lesson," he was about to blow him up before Chris stopped him.

"Apparently neither do we, this is where it all started," Chris pointed out. "We're exposing our magic again."

"Bro chill out its something small I'm sure nobody is gonna see it," Wyatt said as he was about to blow up the demon but Chris stopped him again.

"Yeah but when you break the small rules its only a matter of time till you break the big ones," Chris said.

"Alright then what do you suppose we do, we can't just let that demon kill the innocent and do nothing about it," I said.

"Thats where you come in, so Evans do you still have control over that empath power of yours," Chris asked.

"I sure do why," Chris gave me a smirk and right then I knew what he wanted me to do. I went back over to the window and stared straight at the demon for ten seconds until he blew up.

"What the hell did you do?" Wyatt asked.

"Nothing I just made him feel the pain of the person he was following or did you forget demons can't take the pain of innocents," I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I remember that very well but can you take my pain that I want to give you," he said with a smirk and kissed me.

"Guys sorry to interrupt but did I miss something," Piper asked.

"Don't worry you didn't miss a thing," I said. Piper then left out and went back into the kitchen. "So you think we can still change that future though we failed."

"No we didn't fail. Our future selves did but we're gonna fix it no matter what," Wyatt said.

"Not everything was bad though I mean Evans you had two more kids and Wyatt was rich and I had three boys named after us," Chris said.

"Yeah and you know speaking of that, Wyatt, what made you want to start banking business," I asked.

"Well you see.." he started but the phone rang. "Hold that thought," he picked up the phone and answered it. It only took him five minutes before he came right back to me. "Guess what guys? I've got a job as a loan officer!" Chris and Peter started giving him a high five while I just stood there pissed off, "hey whats the problem we'll now be able to afford stuff for our baby and soon we're gonna get a place of our own."

"Wyatt what about college and being on the football team and then what about me and the baby you won't have time for all of that," I complained

"Come on we'll talk about that later okay," he said as he put his hand on my cheek and started rubbing. "Right now lets just celebrate."

"No," I said pushing his hand away, "we're gonna talk about it now, I'm tired of us always dealing things later."

"What do you want me to do? I'm trying to be a good father and husband and provide for my family but all you do is yell at me and get mad!"

"All I want is for you to be there for me and the kids and with this job, college, football, and everything you're not going to have time to spend with me and the kids and I don't want to tell my kids 'sorry but your father is to busy to spend time with you!"

"At least I'm trying to do something to provide for the kids unlike you who just sits on his ass all day sleeping and not even looking for a job or something while you're in college since you won't be doing anything after school!"

"I'm six and a half months pregnant who in the world is going to hire me?"

"I don't know but you should get off your lazy ass and do something with yourself. You complain a lot but you don't do anything, you're useless. At least I'm the one who's trying to take care of a child thats supposedly mine!"

"What do you mean supposedly your child? She's yours who else's could she be?!"

"I don't know how about your supposed ex-boyfriend John who you were fucking around with the same time with me. Could even be Chris's for all I know since you guys were kissing in the alley way. Who knows who else you've screwed while you were with me since you spread your legs to every guy in San Francisco, you fucking slut!"

I just broke down and started crying harder than I ever had.

"Oh no, I'm sorry," Wyatt put his hand on my back but I pushed it off. I got up and tried to walk away but Wyatt just grabbed me by the waist, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I tried getting away but he only tightened his grip and started kissing me on the neck trying to calm me down but it didn't work. He continued apologizing but he wanted to talk to me alone so he orbed us up to our room. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

"Let me go!" I yelled and finally broke away from his grip and turned to face him. "I hate you Wyatt, I hate you." He came and tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away. "Don't touch me, leave me alone! I don't want you being apart of my life or the baby's. Just leave me and my baby alone! I hate you and I don't ever want to see you again!" With that I just orbed out to a park not to far from the house.

I just sat on a bench still crying about what had previously just happened. I didn't know what to do. I felt as if the past year of my life was just a waste. I felt as though my world was crashing down and I couldn't do nothing to fix it. What did I do so bad that the elders are punishing me like this.

What am I going to do, I thought to myself, I'm pregnant and now a single parent and my baby is due soon. I knew there was nothing I could do now that I've left Wyatt. I'm just going to have to drop out of college and find a job as whatever to take care of my baby since I know Wyatt isn't going to do anything and he doesn't even care.

I started to rub my stomach and felt my baby kicking. It hurt me to think about everything she's going to have to go through and its not even her fault. I looked up and saw how cloudy it was. It seems that the weather is matching my mood. I slowly moved my eyes back to my hand and looked at the ring that was on it. I took the ring off of my finger and moved it over to another. As I did I thought about Wyatt's promise about how he said he would never hurt me. I guess promises are just meant to be broken.

I started thinking of that song by three days grace~never too late as I began crying again. To hide it this time I buried my face in my hands. My hand was flooded with tears as I felt someone come sit next to me on the bench. I expected it to be a stranger coming to see if I was all right, but when I removed my hand from my face and looked over I saw it was Wyatt. He was the last person I wanted to be around right now so I quickly got up but Wyatt must have known I was going to do that so he grabbed me a pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. I'm surprised I wasn't making a scene but luckily no one was there.

"No, we need to talk," Wyatt said holding onto me squirming around.

"There's nothing we need to talk about," I said still trying to pry away from Wyatt's grip on me. I tried to jab him with my elbow but he took the pain. Knowing him he can take a lot before he gives up but I wasn't giving up on trying to get away from him.

"Yes there is so please just let me talk," Wyatt said. I still kept trying to struggle away but then I thought about my baby and I knew it wasn't the best thing for her if I kept this up because it could hurt her. I finally stopped and Wyatt started kissing me on my neck but I moved my head away so he couldn't. "I love you and I'm sorry alright now please let me talk."

I just sat there quietly while Wyatt explained everything to me. I knew he felt sorry for what he said because of my empath power. I also knew he felt bad for what he did but part of me just wanted him to feel worse. Just to feel all the pain that I was in. The way he said that he loved me and how he never wanted to lose me just made me sick. He explained how he didn't know what came over him today and how Chris explained to him that Prue was only conceived only when he came in me and how much Piper yelled at him for what he said . I really didn't want to hear it at all but I knew that Wyatt wouldn't stop until he got his point across so I figured I might as well listen.

Everything he said only made me even more angrier. I just felt like packing a bag and running away from Wyatt and everything, but I knew I couldn't. There was no place that I couldn't go that he wouldn't find me. Not even in the underworld. Wyatt is the most powerful witch on earth and my powers were no match for his even with the baby.

"I'm sorry baby, but its just that," Wyatt said rubbing his hands through my hair, "I feel like you don't appreciate anything that I do for you or anything that I try to do for us. I try the best I can to make a living for us and the baby and you just yell at me. The most important thing to me now is my family and that includes you and our baby and I would die if anything happened to you or the baby. Thats just why I have to do what I have to do to provide for us. I couldn't live with myself if you and our child were out on the streets and I don't want us living with my parents forever. What I'm trying to say is that I love you and....I'm sorry," he finished explaining and he finally let me out of his grip. I just stood up and crossed my arms. It took a lot for him to say everything he said but I just couldn't forgive him. He hurt me beyond the point of John. I know I shouldn't be thinking of him right now, but I'd rather be talking to him than Wyatt at the moment. "Chris," Wyatt said but I was to busy thinking about a lot of things to even look at him or respond. Wyatt knew that my mind was else where so he kept trying to get my attention. "Chris!" he shouted and I snapped out of it and finally looked at him. "Can you forgive me?"

"No," I said firmly. That was the most serious answer I've ever given. Wyatt looked confused and was about to say something but I cut him off. "You don't say things you don't mean. I should have known that you were a jealous asshole who only thinks of himself. I can't believe you, you knew I was under a spell and you still think I meant to cheat on you!"

"Chris listen.." Wyatt said but again I cut him off.

"No you listen, I let you talk now its my turn, you promised me that you would never hurt me, but I guess I know what a promise from you is. I should have thought more about this before I decided to marry you," I yelled at him. As I was saying all of this I felt so many emotions come over me at once and it was so hard to tell which one was which but the only clear one that I knew was rage. "I'm only going to tell you this once, we might be living under the same roof, but don't come near me, don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't even look at me! As far as us, we're through and I'll file for divorce next week! Don't worry I'll take care of this baby by myself and I'm going to make sure that you never see her again you hear me!"

I turned away to walk off but Wyatt grabbed me by the arm. "We're not done here!" he growled.

"Yes we are and I said don't touch me," I pulled my arm back and tried to orb but when I did I found myself still at the park and still in front of Wyatt. "What the hell just happened?"

"You forget I'm a more powerful witch, so grounding your orbs isn't a problem with me," he said with a smirk.

"Wyatt, how many times do I have to tell you its over! I don't want anything else to do with you. I don't even want to see you again," I shouted at him hoping he would get the picture.

"Yeah I heard you the first time, but as I said we're not done here. Now you listen and listen good. You can try to fight me all you want, and you can even try to avoid me, but in the end, I promise you, we're gonna be back together. I'm not and never will let you and my child go, you hear me! When you said 'I do' then you gave yourself to me. Your mine ,Chris, for the rest of your life," Wyatt said. I couldn't believe this.

"Is that a threat Wyatt Matthew Halliwell," I asked knowing what the answer already is.

"If you want to take it that way then yes," he said.

"You know I could always get a restraining order against you," I said.

"What good would that do, you know that won't stop me," he chuckled lightly. "I'll give you a few days to think about what I said but we're gonna get back together you hear me." With that said he orbed out. I didn't know where he went to and really didn't care. I knew Wyatt was possessive but I didn't think that much. I even knew it before I married him. Piper even explained to me the longer I was married to him the more possessive he was going to get. He got that from our dad but I don't seem to have it. Maybe because my mom was different and I'm just like her. I have to figure out a way out of this marriage even if it meant suicide.

I just sat on the bed of my old room just thinking about what was I going to do about this whole thing. It had been a couple of days since the whole thing had happened with me and Wyatt being separated. I knew Wyatt soon was going to come talk to me about us in a day or two but I wasn't ready. Still processing the whole do I want to be with him or do I want a divorce.

I did everything I had to, to avoid Wyatt. I was now sleeping in my old room again. Every time Wyatt would come in a room I would walk out avoiding him when he tried to talk to me. When Chris, Wyatt, and Peter would go out on a date I would stay home. I was even avoiding Chris and Peter though they did nothing I just didn't want to talk to them about it.

It sucked that the whole family knew about Wyatt and I being separated and my plans to be a single parent. They even noticed that I didn't have the ring on my finger. The sisters kept trying to urge me to get back together with Wyatt but I'd always tell them I would think about it just to get to leave me alone for the moment. I'm sure they knew about the conversation that Wyatt and I had at the park.

I spent most of my day in the baby room that the sisters conjured up. Leo was mostly working on it all day. I didn't want to disappoint my father and say that I might not be staying and there was no use for that room.

Today we were having a family dinner with everyone. I really didn't want to go because that meant I was going to have to be in the same room as Wyatt and thats a can of worms I didn't want to open. I tried to make an excuse with Piper but she insisted that I be there. It was now ten minutes before the dinner and there was a knock on the door. I was scared thinking it was Wyatt so I used telekinesis to move a dress over the door so no one could come in. A lot of good that would do if it was Wyatt. He could just blow it open with a flick of the wrist. Thank goodness it wasn't Wyatt. It was Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige.

"Chris, its me and Paige please open up," Phoebe pleaded, but I was too scared to move. "We just want to talk, we're not going to do anything to hurt you." I finally worked up the courage to remove the dresser and walk over to open the door. Once they came in I just went back and sat on my bed while Phoebe stood up and Paige came and sat next to me rubbing me on the back. "Chris, we know this all must be hard for you."

"You have no idea," I muttered under my breath. Luckily they didn't hear it.

"But we were just wondering if you have any plans of getting back with Wyatt soon," Phoebe asked.

"Are you seriously asking me this question? I thought I could trust you two but over the past couple of days you have proved me wrong," I scolded them. "He threatened me and he told you about it and you didn't do nothing."

"We know he wouldn't hurt you," Phoebe said. "He'd be more likely to hurt us more than you."

"Yeah maybe physically but not mentally," I said.

"Chris please don't make this so difficult for us right now. Wyatt has already said he's sorry what else does he have to do to bring you two back together?" Paige said.

"There's nothing he can do. He can say he's sorry all he wants but it can't take back the words he said about me and my baby," I told them very vehemently. " My mind is made up and we're not getting back together and I don't know why you guys are in here trying to change my mind."

"Its only because we saw the future and the new Charmed Ones aren't going to come out if you two don't have them," Phoebe explained. "Are you willing to risk your marriage and innocent lives in the future over some words?"

"You know what thats not my problem anymore," I said. "Being a Charmed One is what ruined my life in the first place, so I know I'm not going to put my baby through the same stuff. After I get my divorce, I'm taking my baby and leaving and you know what, I never want to see any of you guys again!"

"But Chris..." Phoebe started but I stopped her.

"Just get out!" I yelled pointing at the door and they both left. I used telekinesis to shut the door behind them. Once the door was shut I started crying again. What have I just done? I just burned a bridge with two people I love for a small reason. Whats happening to me? Is it Wyatt who's the monster or is it me? No time to think about that now. I had to clear up my face since dinner was in less than five minutes. When I went downstairs I could see already that Paige's husband and her kids were already there along with Phoebe and her husband and her three kids. They were all about Chris's age except for Paige's twins which were ten right now.

"Hey bro how have you been holding up for the past couple of days?" Chris greeted me as I came down the stairs.

"Fine I guess," I said walking past him not even making eye contact.

"Okay why are you mad at me all of a sudden," Chris asked. "I didn't do anything and neither did Peter but you're not talking to us. I think I deserve and explanation."

"Look Chris I'm under a lot of stress okay, I really don't need this right now!" I snapped at him. "I'm sorry you didn't deserve that." I realized that I was now yelling at Chris and he didn't do nothing and I really didn't want to lose him as a friend and a brother. I had a few tears coming.

Chris just pulled me into a hug. "Its okay bro, do you want to talk about?"

"Later, not now. I just want to get this dinner over with," I told him. I went and sat next to Chris and Henry Jr. and across from Uncle Henry and Paige. Wyatt sat down two seats away from me. Chris knew that I was in no condition to be next to him so he put him and Peter in between me and Wyatt.

The whole time I was sitting at the table with the family I didn't say anything. I didn't even look at anyone. I just sat there barely even eating anything and I knew that was bad for the baby that I wasn't eating much. I tried to eat more but I just became more and more stressed out. The family wasn't talking about anything interesting. They were just talking about the old days when they use to be Charmed Ones, though usually I would find it pretty interesting but today I just wasn't in the mood.

"Hey Evans you alright," Paige asked.

"Yeah you barely touched your food," Phoebe added.

"I'm fine just leave me alone!" I snapped.

"Excuse me, sorry for just trying to see if you were okay," Paige said.

"Well don't be," I said back.

Paige just went back to the conversation with everyone else. Wyatt, who had saw this little altercation, looked around the table and saw that everyone was a little angry and a little worried about me. He knew he had to do something about it since he couldn't just let this go on.

"Hey mom can I be excused?" Wyatt asked and Piper nodded. Wyatt got up and walked over to me knowing how moody I was but that didn't bother him. He's seen my on my really bad days so this was nothing. He leaned down to my level so he could talk to me. "Chris, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" I just ignored him. He had some nerve even thinking I wanted to talk to him right now. "Chris, I'm not asking you as your husband I'm asking you as a brother." I still ignored him. I didn't even look his way

He waited a minute before he knew I wasn't going to come willingly. He then just grabbed me by my arm and started pulling me into the kitchen ignoring my dispute against him.

"I know you're mad at me but that's no reason to take it out on the whole family," Wyatt said as I tried to get past him but he blocked my path.

"You have a lot of nerve touching me after I said no and now you're talking to me when I said I wanted nothing to do with you. Now move!" I snapped trying to walk past him but he shook his head.

"We'll talk about us tomorrow, but I'm not moving until you promise to stop snapping at the rest of the family," Wyatt said as I stared at him with anger.

"You know with a flick of the wrist I can send you flying out of my way," I said.

"I'm not worried you don't have the guts to do something like that to me," Wyatt smiled. "And don't forget I do have a shield that can block your powers even if you do so don't try it."

I just growled and tried to orb, but I forgot Wyatt could ground my orbs and he pulled me right back down. This time I wasn't able to stand like last time and I just fell to the ground when he brought me back down.

"Why won't you just leave me alone," I snapped.

"Because the family doesn't deserve to be treated that way," he said offering his hand to help me up but I didn't take it.

"Fine I'll stop!" I lied knowing I was probably going to snap at them more now. I tried to leave again but Wyatt blocked the door again. "Move!"

"You forget I can read your thoughts and I know you're lying," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt could you please just leave me alone right now," I said.

"I know you probably think I don't I care but I do alright, not just about you but the baby too. Aren't you worried about all this stress you have on you is going to hurt you and the baby," Wyatt said.

"Why do you care you said its not yours?" I said back to him. I knew this was going to be awhile so I pulled out my cigarettes and started to light one.

Wyatt quickly walked over to me and grabbed it before I could light it. "I can't believe you would sink this low. You know that could cause problems for the baby.

"You're the one who's causing stress on me, and this is the only way I can relieve it. I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now its not helping its only making things worse," I said getting louder and louder with each word.

"But Chris..." Wyatt started.

"Enough! I don't want to hear anymore from you. I hate you! I hate you!" I yelled and finally pushed him out the way and went and sat down and the whole family just looked at me. "What are you all staring at?!" Not to much longer after Wyatt came in and sat back down in his chair.

Everyone just looked frightened and they went back to eating and continued their conversation. I'm sure they probably heard me and Wyatt fighting but I don't care. Its not like they haven't heard Piper and Leo doing the same thing but worse. I just went back to eating, still not much but I thought of my baby and I didn't want anything to happen to her. As I continued eating I heard something about my baby having a ceremony. I then started choking on some food. The whole family's heads turned.

"Chris you okay," Chris H asked. He started patting me on the back trying to help. Wyatt got up and offered some water but I just picked up my own glass and drunk some water and it helped me stop choking.

"Hey angel are you alright," Wyatt asked. That was the final straw he knew we weren't together so he had no right to call me that in front of the whole family. I was so angry I grabbed the glass of water he was holding and threw it right on him. He was soaked from the waist up. I didn't even bother to stay to see the rest of the families reaction. I just went upstairs to the attic. Piper and Leo kept calling for me to come back but I just ignored them.

I was sitting in the attic for a long time. I'm surprised they left me alone for this long after the scene I just caused in front of the whole family. Usually they'd be up here right away to yell at me but no one came. They probably thought with me and my temper and being pregnant and all, it would be best not to mess with me since I'll probably send the first person who bothers me flying all the way back to China.

I just sat on the couch in the attic thinking about everything thats happened in the past week like I always do when I'm alone. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, "you know all this you're doing isn't good from you." I quickly jumped up. I looked around and didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" I asked a little panicked hoping I wasn't going crazy. "Come on if one of you guys is playing a joke this isn't funny."

"I'm right here," the voice said. I turned around and saw nothing at first but then I saw a swirl of orbs and there standing was my mom, Prue.

"Mom?" I muttered.

"Yeah its me," she smiled.

"Its good to see you but what are you doing here, I didn't call you," I said calming down bit by bit. Glad to know I wasn't just going crazy and hearing voices. I went and sat back down on the couch.

"Its good to see you too, sweetie, but I just thought I'd come and talk to you about you're little outburst tonight at dinner and all these mood swings you've been having," she explained.

"You saw it?" I asked.

"Trust me, I see lots of crazy things that go on around this house, and I've mostly been noticing your little change of attitude. Do you want to talk about it," she asked coming and sitting next to me on the couch.

"Sure, why not?" I explained to her everything that happened within the past couple of days about what Wyatt said, how he threatened me, how I've said a few things to people that I didn't mean. How I just wish I could get away from all of this and how I thought about suicide to do it. "I don't know what to do anymore mom. I feel like I'm only living for me and the baby. I'm scared since I'm about to be a parent and right now my life is going downhill and I don't want to bring my baby into a home where there's so many problems."

"I see what you mean," Prue answered. "Let me tell you a story about me in the past. Did you know that before I had you I was with a guy named Andy?"

"Yeah Aunt Piper told me and she showed me pictures of you guys when you were in love," I said. "Whats the point of this story?"

"The point is I see you making the same mistake I did when I was your age," she answered. I knew something big was coming. "You see before I was a witch I was engaged to Andy."

"So what happened with him?"

"I'm about to get to that. We were in high school and you know we were young. I was wild and so was he. We thought we were soul mates as many young teens do, but one night the condom broke and I got pregnant," I was about to say something but she stopped me. "I know you're probably wondering what happened to the baby. Andy was the first person I told and his first words were the baby wasn't his."

"That bastard!" I yelled out.

"Chris, Andy was not a bastard he was a good man. He was just scared and its normal for a guy to be scared when he hears he got someone pregnant which I think is what happened with Wyatt. Back to my story, some words were said and I called off our engagement and I had an abortion. That was the last I saw of Andy. "

"You what? But why?"

"Chris, I just wasn't ready, plus I knew Grams wasn't going to be around much longer so it was up to me to raise Piper and Phoebe and I knew having a baby wasn't going to help so it was for the best," Prudence continued. "Later on in the years when I found out that I was a witch I met up with Andy at a hospital. We fell in love again, but not to much longer after that he died. That was the day my life changed forever. There were other guys who I dated but none of them were as good as he was. It was then I knew that Andy was my true love, but it took him dying for me to figure that out."

"Oh mom I'm so sorry," I said so apologetically.

"Its alright it happened a long time ago and even he told me not to be sad about his death. The point of all that is to say that I know what you're going through but don't let it take something happening to Wyatt to make you see the truth. Now are you going to let a few words come between you and Wyatt?" Prue asked me.

"I don't know mom, I still feel as though he has no remorse for what he said. I still feel pain from those words and its going to take a lot to heal them," I told her.

"I know baby, just promise me you'll think about it alright," she said pulling me into a hug. "The pain I had to go through losing Andy was worse then the pain you're enduring right now."

"Okay I'll think about," I said turning away for a moment. "Oh and mom...," when I looked back she was gone. "Mom, mom!" I yelled calling out for her but she didn't come. "I hate when she does that," I muttered.

"Chris who you talking to," I heard and didn't know who it was. I looked at the entrance of the attic and saw Primrose and Melinda, Paige's young twins, were standing there.

"Oh no one sweetie," I answered. "Sorry I'm just a little out of it," I explained knowing that they wouldn't understand that I was talking to my mom so I was hoping that they would take in that lie. "So whats up?"

"Chris why you hate us," Primrose asked. It broke my heart to see that little girl and her sister standing there asking me if I hated them. They were so beautiful and innocent and I'm sure they didn't understand what was going on.

"I don't hate you sweetie," I answered them back.

"Then why you yell at us," Melinda, the other twin asked.

"Come here baby, you two sweetie," I told both of them and motioning them to come to me. Once they got up to me I pulled them onto my lap and kissed them both on the cheek. "I'm sorry I yelled at you girls, but I will never hate you. I love you girls alright, now give me a hug." I said pulling them both into a hug at the same time. I can't believe I did that to those girls. I love them and they mean so much to me. They were my cousins and I never wanted to scare or hurt them. I hope my girls grow up to be like them.

"Chris why you mad at Wyatt," Primrose asked.

"Its a long story sweetie, adults sometimes have fights too. You'll understand it better when you're older," I explained to them. There was no other way of telling them whats going on and I didn't want to worry them about everything. It would have been too much for how young they are.

"Will you and Wyatt make up," Melinda asked.

"I don't know we'll have to see," I told them. I didn't want to tell them that Wyatt and I are on the verge of divorce. Though I was thinking about what my mom said and I can't say that we're getting a divorce. Not just yet. Not until I've had some time to think about things. "So where's everyone else."

"Downstairs," they both answered at the same time.

"Do you guys want to go back downstairs and have fun with the rest of the family," I asked and they both nodded in excitement. I thought it was cute seeing those two girls happy. "Okay lets go," I said. Each twin grabbed one of my hands and we started going for the door. We were stopped before we could reach the door when two demons shimmered in. The both quickly conjured up energy balls. "Girls get down!" I yelled letting go of both their hands and deflected the energy balls away. My first instinct wasn't to send it back to the demons but to make sure they went somewhere away from the girls. I then used telekinesis to send a table on top of the demons to distract them for awhile. I looked to my right and saw Melinda on the ground crying. I went over to her and comforted her. "Melinda you okay."

"I want my mommy," she cried.

"Primrose come here, sweetie," I said. I saw her on the ground also but I saw that she was okay. "Can you orb," I asked and she nodded again. "Alright then I want you to orb you and your sister downstairs to your mom where you'll be safe okay? Can you do that for me sweetie."

She nodded. "What about you?"

I was happy to see that she was concerned for me. Its the best thing I could ever hope for. "Don't worry about me I'll be fine now go before the get up." I told her and Primrose orbed back downstairs along with Melinda. Once the were gone I felt safe enough to do anything now. The demons finally figured a way to get the table off of them. For demons they are pretty dumb. Once they got up I flicked my hands but a wave of flowers came above the demons. "Oh this is not good," I said to myself. I couldn't believe my baby was doing it again only this time its worse. The demons laughed at it before they conjured up fire balls and shot them at me. I figured I'd use my other power. "FIREBALLS" I yell and sent them back at them, but before they hit the demons they turned into flowers. "Bad baby!" I said to my stomach. "Geeze I wish I had something to defend myself with. At least maybe an athame." All of a sudden an athame appeared in my hands. I was shocked at first because thats a demonic power but I didn't care I had something to defend myself with. Not to long after it was in my hands it turned into a lily. I was really getting frustrated. I had no way of protecting myself and the demons were laughing at me. They conjured up energy balls again and one of them hit my in the arm causing a scrape and another just bounced off my stomach as a shield appeared. "Good baby!" I said to my stomach. I knew I wouldn't last so I had to think fast. I finally thought about my empath power. I stared at them both making them feel the pain they put on my arm. It wasn't to much longer till they were consumed by flames and blown up. I sighed with relief.

It was too early to celebrate as four more demons shimmered in. Why me? Why today of all days. The each conjured up energy balls and I just jumped behind the couch before they could hit me. Right after that Piper, Leo, Wyatt, and Chris came running in. The demons turned to them as they heard them coming in. One launched and energy ball at Chris, but Chris used his empath power to send it right back to him, blowing the demon up. Piper lifted her hands and blew up a demon. Wyatt did the same thing except he blew up two at the same time.

I knew it was safe to finally come out. I got up sill holding my arm that was dripping with blood. Wyatt who saw me limping up got worried. I could tell he was from my empath power. "Chris you okay," Wyatt asked.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" I snapped at him.

Wyatt still was worried. He walked over to me and saw that gash I had on my arm. "Here let me heal that for you," he said as he tried to moved my hand away from it but I kept it there.

"I said I'm fine! I don't need your help!" I shouted at him again.

"Chris it would be wise to let you husband heal that for you," Leo came out and said.

"That's a funny word, husband? Don't worry dad I'm okay," I said trying to help them not worry so much. "I swear it doesn't hurt," I lied but the only one who could tell that was Wyatt. Right then my arm started feeling tingly so I let my hand away from the gash and orbs appeared around it and it was healed. "See I knew the baby would heal me."

"You could have been healed five minutes ago, but I'm not so worried about that, what I'm worried about is that you weren't defending yourself. What's going on?" Piper scolded.

"Nothing, except the baby is turning my powers into flowers again. I'm not just talking about my white lighter powers but all of them except for my empath power," I explained to them knowing they were going to be angry.

"What?! She hasn't done that in four months," Piper said. "Never mind that, if you knew your powers weren't working right why didn't you call for us. The only reason we knew that the was something was wrong was because poor little Melinda was down there crying about demons," Piper explained. I now remember I did send Melinda along with Primrose down there.

"If I'm going to be independent I think I should learn to defend myself without you guys always coming to my aid," I said. "Besides the baby was able to protect me from some of the energy balls."

"Okay what would you have done if you didn't have the baby in you," Piper scolded. I knew I was in for a lecture after all of this. "I don't want to see Prue growing up without a mother like I and my sisters did, you really need to think carefully about your decisions and I'm telling you this as a mother. From now on you don't go anywhere without Wyatt."

"What the hell I'm not going anywhere with him," I said back. "I hate him, I'd probably end up killing him!"

"You know, why are you always so mad at me I said I was sorry how many times do I have to say it!" Wyatt stepped in.

"Until you mean it, which I never will expect to come from a cold hearted asshole like you!" I yelled back at him.

"Mom I think its best if I looked after Chris you know since him and Wyatt aren't getting along right now," Chris suggested. It would probably be the best decision for all of us.

"I don't think so, Chris is my husband and that makes him my responsibility so I think it should be me who looks after him," Wyatt snapped at Chris.

"Soon to be ex-husband," I corrected.

"Look as I told you we're not over, you hear me!" Wyatt yelled at me.

Soon Phoebe and Paige entered the room. "Guys whats going on in here. We can here you all the way downstairs," Paige said.

"Chris H and Wyatt are fighting over who watches Chris until he has the baby since his powers aren't functioning right," Leo explained to Paige and Phoebe since they were just coming in and didn't know what was going on.

"I think Wyatt should be the one who looks after him. They're married after all and that's his husband so thats who should be keeping an eye on Chris," Paige said and Wyatt gave a big yes.

"I don't think so because they're not getting along right now and Chris is stressing out so I don't think that would be good on the baby, so I think it should be Chris H who looks after him," Phoebe said. Then Chris gave a big yes.

"No way is Chris H coming anywhere near my husband. He's mine and I'll be damned if anyone else is watching him besides me," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt I am not your property!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up Chris!" He snapped back at me.

"Hey don't you talk to my brother that way!" Chris shouted at Wyatt.

"You stay out of it!" Wyatt yelled.

Soon pretty much everyone was arguing with each other. Piper was arguing with Leo, Paige was arguing with Phoebe, and Chris was arguing with Wyatt. I wanted to join in but I couldn't. I put my hand on my stomach. I felt dizzy and my vision started to going blurring. I rubbed my eyes trying to make it go away.

"You know Chris was right you're such a controlling bastard!" Chris said to Wyatt. I started feeling bad. The last thing I wanted to do was come between Chris and Wyatt's relationship as brothers.

"And you're a pain in my ass! Always have been and always will be ever since we were little!" Wyatt said back to Chris.

"Paige I don't think you know what stress Chris is going through. So I don't think he should be around Wyatt like he said," Phoebe stressed.

"Yeah but how do you expect them to work things out if they don't get use to each other!" Paige said back to her.

"Leo come on I think its best if Wyatt watches Chris for the moment. I don't want anything to happen to him. I know what its like growing up without a mother and I don't want that for our grandchild," Piper said.

"Yeah thats why I'm saying he'd be more safe with Chris. Sure he's not as powerful as Wyatt but he can still protect him," Leo said to her.

I looked around as all the arguments continued. I can't believe what I've done. The whole family is against each other because of me. I never meant for this to happen. I sighed.

"You know I always kicked your ass when we were little and I can still kick your ass!" Wyatt said to Chris.

I blinked. My head was getting lighter and lighter, and my vision was darkening.

"Oh bring it on bro I bet you couldn't do anything to me now!" Chris yelled back at him.

"Paige come on think about it. Would you want to be around Henry if you were mad at him while you were pregnant?!" Phoebe said to Paige as their argument started getting wrong.

"Yeah! If it would save my marriage!" Paige said back to her.

I kept looking around seeing each argument getting to its peek. I couldn't believe this was happening. I've never seen this family fight like this before. I mean I don't know why they're fighting over me. I'm not that important.

"Leo, he's going to be with Wyatt and that's final! If we stand a chance at having anymore grandkids then they need to start working things out!" Piper said with a fiery glare at him.

The wooziness was getting worse, everything just kept going blurry.

"I can't believe you Piper, you're willing to cause stress on him only so you can have more grandkids?" Leo said back to her.

Melinda and Primrose heard all the arguing and they came into the attic and saw it all. They even noticed that I wasn't doing so well. The immediately went over to Paige.

"Mommy," they shouted trying to get her attention.

"Not now sweetie. Mommy has some stuff she has to take care of," Paige said.

"Please I can see that you don't care about your daughters enough to pay attention to them when they need you!" Phoebe yelled to Paige.

"I do too, my daughters aren't the ones who got caught shop lifting when they were twelve!" Paige said to insult Phoebe's daughter.

The girls just found themselves being ignored.

I felt like I should be trying to stop it all but I can't, the wooziness was so bad that I can't even think straight, let alone say something. The room was going so blurry I could barely see anything.

I wish they'd stop. Suddenly everything just seemed to go into slow motion. I could barely hear them at all. I finally felt myself falling to the ground. Once I hit it I could feel nothing until I just blacked out.

None of them heard me since they were to busy arguing. The twins saw it. One they did the immediately ran up to Paige and kept yelling, "mommy, mommy," until they finally got her attention.

Paige finally decided to stop arguing with Phoebe to see what the girls, "What girls!?"

"Chris fell on the floor," they said pointing at my body that was motionless on the ground. Right then everyone stopped arguing as they heard what the twins said and looked over to me.

"Chris!" Wyatt shouted and I still didn't move a muscle. I still laid there motionless. Wyatt and everyone else ran over to me lying on the ground.

Piper and everyone else was scared to death. They didn't know what to think as they saw Wyatt get onto his knees to turn me over on my back.

"Chris?" Wyatt said panicking and giving me a small shake hoping it would wake me up but it did nothing. I was still laying there as motionless as a dead body. "This can't be happening," Wyatt muttered to himself. He pulled the upper part of my body off the ground and pulled me close to his chest. "Come on please wake up, I'm sorry. I never should have said what I said or threatened you," he said hysterically, shaking me again hoping I would wake up but still nothing.

The whole family just stared as they saw Wyatt trying to wake me up. They were to scared to move.

Paige not wanting her girls to see anymore tried to get them to leave, "Primrose, Melinda, go get your father," she said.

"But what about Chris?" Primrose asked.

"He'll be fine just go," Paige said. The girls stared at Wyatt holding me for a moment before they finally left. You could tell they didn't want to go but they knew better than to argue with their mom so they left.

Once Piper was sure that the twins were gone she started asking questions, "Is he?" Piper asked Wyatt hoping the answer was 'no'.

"No he's still breathing," Wyatt answered her. "I can't heal him I tried." Wyatt said shaking me again. "He's not waking up!"

Piper and they other sisters were scared along with Chris and Leo. They all knew what had to be done.

"Okay Wyatt come on," Piper said and Wyatt looked confused. "We're gonna have to take him to the hospital, but before we do," Piper said getting on her knees and saying a spell.

"What did you do?" Wyatt asked.

"I just made him appear as a girl to the world. We all can see the real him, but to the rest of the world he looks like a girl. We can't let him go in their pregnant. A pregnant male would only bring the news and media to our house," Piper explained. "Now hurry up lets go!" Piper urged.

Wyatt quickly went into action. He put one arm on the back of my knees and the other on the back of my neck. He stood up and carried my in his arms. I was so pale I looked like a ghost.

"Look Wyatt, it'd be easier if you orbed to the hospital, rather than travel by car," Leo said. "Go on, we'll be right behind you as soon as we gather the rest of the family."

"What?" Wyatt said very confused.

"Yeah Wyatt you should take him," Chris said.

"Are you sure?" he asked and he looked around and saw Chris, Phoebe, and Leo nodding. He couldn't believe it. A moment ago they were all fighting for him to stay away from me but now their urging him to take me to the hospital alone. "Thank you," was the last thing he said before he orbed out.

"What changed your mind?" Piper asked Phoebe and Chris.

"You forget I'm an empath and so is Chris. We both could sense that apology he said was very sincere," Phoebe explained.

"I just hope he's alright," Paige said.

Thank you for reading. Please appreciate it. This was a hard chapter to do. So yeah send me feedback if you want to see what happens to Chris E. Email at or

Next: Chapter 20

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