Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Aug 20, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I was actually use to waking up with pains and headaches, being six months pregnant and all. In this case it was different. I felt bruises on my legs and arms and everywhere I could think of. I moaned softly, still half sleep I reached over hoping to find my coco butter that I put on normally every morning but I felt something hard and metal like, not knowing what it was.

"Chris," I heard a voice say, the sound was very faint like they were calling from far away. I couldn't make out who it was exactly. "Chris, angel please wake up," I heard the voice say. This time I knew without a doubt it was Wyatt.

I opened my eyes, my head still hurting worse than ever. When I opened my eyes everything was blurry for a minute before it all became clear. I expected to open my eyes and see everyone arguing again, was I ever wrong. All the white walls and all the lights had told me right then that I wasn't at home in the attic. I started rubbing my eyes a little to get my vision even more clear, and looked around and it didn't take long for me to figure out where I was.

"Chris, hey whats up," Wyatt said in a soft tone.

"Wyatt," I said seeing him nod his head. "What in the name of-?"

"Shh," he said putting his index finger on my lips and started running his hand through my hair. "Relax, the last thing you need to do right now is get all worked up again."

"Again? Worked up?" I said confused about what happened. "What's going here? What am I doing here?" I stopped for a minute trying to remember what happened. The last thing I remember was putting my hand on my stomach and, oh no. "The baby, what happened to the baby, is she alright."

"Chris, relax. Take a deep breath." he pleaded with me. I did as he asked. Wyatt could see I was working myself into a frenzy. I was sweating hard and I was still a little pale. "The baby's fine, okay," Wyatt said as he rubbed my stomach. "The doctors assured me that she was alright." He continued to feel my stomach. "I can feel her kicking."

Once Wyatt finally removed his hand I put my hand on my stomach and I started to feel her kicking too. I gave a big sigh of relief. "Wyatt, whats going on here? What happened?"

Wyatt was just about to explain everything to me, when Leo, Piper, Paige, Phoebe, Chris and Peter all came running in. They each gave a sigh of relief once they saw that I was alright. They then all started smiling at me like I was a million bucks and I was going to make them rich.

"Hey bro, you feeling alright," Chris asked being the first person to say something.

"Yeah I guess," I asked. "How did I get here?"

"Wyatt orbed you," Leo answered.

I turned to Wyatt to see him sitting next to me and smiling. "Thanks, but didn't you guys not want me around Wyatt," I asked.

They were all just about to tell me everything and again, they were interrupted when a doctor entered. I was really getting frustrated since every time I was about to know what happened, I was interrupted. The doctor was a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties. She wore glasses and was smiling happily at the family.

"Hello, I'm doctor Smith," she said as she held out her hand and I shook it. "How are you feeling?"

"Very tired and weak," I answered very weakly. "Can someone please tell me what happened?" I asked hoping there was no beating around the bush this time.

Dr. Smith looked through some pages, wrote some stuff down, and started to answer.

"From what your husband said, you passed out during an argument with your family," she stated. She pulled out a folder and then started speaking again. "I've got your test results right here, but I can't find your chart. When are you due?

"In ten weeks," I answered.

She started taking more notes on her tablet again. "And who's your regular doctor?" she asked.

"Well uh, we don't have a regular doctor," I answered very lightly. The smile that she had on her face the whole time was completely gone when she heard that.

"Yeah we've been seeing an alternative medical practitioner," Wyatt answered for me since he could see that I was still weak. How thoughtful of him. Not.

"You're telling me you don't have an OB/GYN," she asked and I shook my head. Her eyes just got big. I could tell this came as a shock to her.

"We're his, I mean her, brothers and we're training to be her midwives," Chris answered to the doctor who looked over to him with an even more shocked look on her face.

"Her? What do you mean he-?" I was starting to say, but Chris put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. The woman then started to smile again.

"I'm happy for you, but I must say I've never imagined guys as midwives, but more power to you," she said looking at her tablet again. "I'm opened for all forms of birth, but you should have had another ultra sound by now. A medical doctor could have caught your condition earlier."

I jaw dropped to the ground. "My condition? What condition?" I started panicking.

"Calm down Mrs. Halliwell," she said. I started relaxing a little, but I was still confused on why she called me mrs. and why Chris called me a her. "Panicking isn't good for you and your baby. It seems that you have toxemia."

"Tox what? Its not serious is it?" I asked hoping that it wasn't a big deal, because if it was I knew the family isn't going to let me do anything by myself from now on.

The nurse nodded, and started answering, "Toxemia is a form of very high blood pressure," she explained. I now knew there was no question about it. Looks like I get no privacy for the next 10 weeks. "Have you found yourself in any unusual stressful situations lately?"

I couldn't help but to give a sarcastic smile. What was I gonna say that I'm a pregnant male fighting demons non stop, I have a jealous ex-boyfriend on my back, and my husband and I are on the verge of a divorce.

"I guess," I answered very nervously, but who was I kidding. Wyatt probably has already said somethings to her before I woke up. "How bad is it?"

The nurse bit her lip before answering, "Toxemia restricts blood flow, and food, and oxygen to the placenta. Symptoms include premature birth, small baby, or other serious things," she said. I was even more scared now and I was about to say something before she stopped me, "don't worry, you won't have to worry about that your baby is perfectly fine, but we're gonna do an ultra sound before you leave, okay." Her tone then changed, "But if you want to keep things this way there are some changes you're gonna have to make."

"Changes? What changes," Wyatt asked continuing to stroke his hands through my hair. Could he do anything else to make me feel like a dog.

"Well, as bad as it may sound, you have to stop with all the stress, no salt diet, and get lots of bed rest. I know it sounds hard, but its for the sake of your baby. Do that and the symptoms should reverse, alright," she said and started smiling again. "Now I'm gonna go get the equipment for the ultra sound and I'll be right back," she said and she left. Two minutes later she stepped in, "Oh and Mr. Halliwell I need to speak with you before you and your wife leave," she said pointing to Wyatt before she left again.

The room was very silent once she left, though there were eight people in the room. I put my hand on my stomach and just left it there for awhile. I started to think about what the doctor said about me relaxing. That's easier said than done. I was in no condition to be worrying like the doctor said, but I couldn't help it with everything that was going on. I saw the sisters and Leo all whispering something between themselves and then start looking back at me. I knew it must have been something about me. What else could it have been. Wyatt was looking at me very seriously, which freaked me out. I felt he was worried and that was another thing that seemed funny. He's never been this worried before.

Wyatt finally decided to break the silence. "Hey Chris.." he said as he started to move his hand onto mine but I just pulled away. "This isn't good for you. The doctor said stop stressing so..." I decided to ignore him since it would put on stress.

Before Wyatt could finish, I just turned to Chris H and started talking to him. "So Chris...why is it that the doctor keeps referring to me as Misses and why do you call me her instead of a him," I asked sarcastically.

"Perhaps I can answer that," Piper said raising her hand drawing all the attention to her. "You know we couldn't bring a pregnant male into the doctor's office, so we sore know...changed your look to the world," she said smiling like she was innocent.

"But I've been to the doctors office twice," I said defending.

"Yeah I know, and I've turned you into a girl twice," she said back.

"So right now I look like a girl?" I asked very amused by it.

"To the world you do , but to the family you look like you," Piper explained. "Don't worry I'll take it off of you as soon as we get home if you don't like it," Piper assured me. I was pretending to look at her angrily to see how she would react.

I just broke out laughing when she talked about taking it off. She then felt relieved knowing I was just kidding. "Aunt Piper, what am I going to do with you?" I said.

30 minutes later....

Dr. Smith and another doctor came in, pulling along the ultra sound equipment with them. They were both smiling at the family as they started setting up the machine.

"Alright Mrs. Halliwell this is doctor Dillamond, and she's going to be doing you're ultra sound to see about your baby alright," Dr. Smith explained before she left the room.

"Pleased to meet you," Dr. Dillamond said as she started setting up the equipment. "Now don't worry I'm a trained expert on doing ultra sounds. I've been doing this for twenty years."

Wyatt just sat back in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest. It didn't take an empath to see that he was pissed off but what did I care. He's just a sperm downer.

"If you would please pull up your gown so we can get started," she said as she finished setting up the machine.

The last thing I wanted to do was let my whole family see my big stomach, but oh well it was for the sake of the baby. Reluctantly I pulled up my gown to expose my stomach. Thank goodness I remembered to put coco butter on it every morning or else they would have seen the stretch marks.

By this time I could see that Dr. Dillimond was rubbing gel on her hand. "I know this is going to be cold but I'm going to need you to relax as much as possible."

It didn't bother me since I've done this before so when she put the gel on my stomach I didn't squirm one bit. It wasn't long before until she picked up the machine and placed it on my stomach wherever there was gel and just kept moving it around.

It took her awhile to get it to work right. "There it is," she said and everyone started looking at the screen.

I couldn't believe it. On the screen was baby Prudence. Everyone just smiled as they watched as baby move around in my stomach.

"I see a head, oh and there goes an arm," the doctor said smiling at the screen, "aw and look there's the legs."

I looked around the room to see many different reactions from everyone. The first one I noticed was Piper. She was tearing up as she watched the baby on the screen. Leo put he arm around her shoulder. He was smiling like no other. I can completely understand since this is going to be their first grandchild and all, at least thats what they thought. Phoebe and Paige were obviously happy at the sight. Chris and Peter were holding hands while looking from each other to the screen. I didn't bother to even look at Wyatt. I didn't care what his reaction was. Even if he was the father of the baby, he still denied it.

The doctor started to gaze at the image intensely. She then turned back to me and smiled.

"Well I'm sure you'll be happy to know that your baby is perfectly fine," she said. She looked at the screen again and back at me. "So do you want to know if its a girl or a boy?"

I already knew the answer to that, but I figured since it would seem to be the normal thing to do is say yes, I had to. Otherwise the doctor would have thought we weren't normal people, which we weren't, but still.

"Sure go ahead," I said.

The doctor smiled before she gave the answer. "From what I can see it looks like you're having a girl."

"Wow I'm having a girl..." I said trying to sound excited but I was being sarcastic.

"You're having a girl!" Chris shouted out with excitement. "Looks like I'm going to have a niece."

"Okay Chris calm down we heard her loud and clear," I said smiling at him.

"If you would like I could print this on a picture for you," the doctor asked.

"Sure," I replied. I thought I'd get an ultra sound picture of all my kids to show them when they grew up.

The doctor got right on it. Meanwhile the rest of the family just watched her as she was making the picture. I was just staring at the image on the screen. I couldn't believe it. When I saw her three months ago I was amazed, but now I'm even more excited. All of the stress I had thinking about me and Wyatt was gone.

It was only five minutes before the doctor was done with the picture. She handed it to Wyatt and he took it happily and started to smile. He was really running my patience. That smile of his made me sick. I reached up and snatched the picture from him quickly.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought he was the father of the child," the doctor said very confused as to why I took the picture from him.

"No he's just the sperm downer," I answered her not even looking up from the baby's picture.

"Chris!" Piper shouted putting her hands on her hips.

"My mistake," the doctor said looking shocked. "I thought you two were married though?"

"No, we're divorced," I said at first but realizing what I said. "Not legally but we're about to be," I corrected myself.

"Well good luck with that," the doctor said chuckling a little. "You guys take care and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. Oh by the way congratulations on having a girl," with that said she left along with the ultra sound equipment.

"I'm gonna go tell the rest of the family the happy news," Paige said as she was about to run out.

"Speaking of the family where are they?" I asked.

"Oh they're in the waiting room but I can't wait to tell them the good news, that you're okay and you're having a perfectly health baby girl," Paige said as her and Phoebe stormed out of the room.

"Hey wait up we're coming too," Chris yelled as he grabbed Peter and they also ran out of the room. I can't believe they're all leaving me.

Thank goodness Dr. Smith came in. "I'm glad to hear everything went okay, oh and Mr. Halliwell can I see you for a moment," she said as she left the room along with Wyatt.

I was happy that he was finally gone. I started looking at the picture again before handing it to Piper and Leo to look at. "Isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever seen."

"Nice try Mister," Piper said taking the picture and setting it down and then crossing her arms. "What is wrong with you," she asked knowing I was probably going to reply with a smart allec remark like 'I passed out'. "Don't answer that. I mean why are you being so hard on Wyatt?"

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe she was taking his side. "I'm being hard on him? He's the one who called me a slut and denied my baby all together, and on top of that he threatened me. I don't know why you're mad at me and not at him for what he said."

"Chris he said he was sorry for it a thousand times," Piper said. "Yeah he's screwed up and yes he's said some things that he shouldn't have, but I've already yelled at him and he's tried to make it better." Piper started pacing around. "What is it going to take for you two to get back together."

"I don't know," I answered. "But its going to take a lot more than just an apology! How would you feel if Dad called you a slut and said that Wyatt and Chris weren't his kids!"

"Okay honey I think he's had enough," Leo said coming to my aid. "Remember the doctor said he shouldn't be put under to much stress for the baby." Finally someone was sticking up for me and not saying that I was being so hard on Wyatt.

"Thanks dad," I said very thankful.

"Oh no, I'm with her actually," he said. "I just don't want you getting worked up again, but don't worry. Once you have this baby we'll be back yelling at you again just like Piper was a minute ago." And they say that they were trying to help me not be so stressed.

"Oh my gosh why are you guys so persistent in me being with Wyatt," I said angrily laying down and turning away from them. "What is it going to take for you guys to get it through your heads that Wyatt and I aren't getting back together and we're about to get a divorce."

"That's what you think," Leo said. I quickly sat up confused to what he said. "Turns out by law if you and your spouse have slept together within the past year, you have to go through two months of marriage counseling before you're granted a divorce," Leo said smiling.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I was in trouble. The last time I remember sleeping with Wyatt was, shit, a couple of months ago or maybe less than that, besides that time in the future which didn't count but still. "So you guys are saying that I'm stuck being married to Wyatt for two more months."

"Yep, I checked with Henry on the car ride over here," Leo answered still taunting me. I wish I had my powers. I'd probably send him flying out the window by now.

"Erggg," I yelled as I fell right back onto the bad even more angry. "Why do you guys think that I should be with Wyatt again," I asked hoping they wouldn't evade the question. "Now answer me that honestly, since you had no problem letting mom and Andy separate."

"First off the elders have decreed it and secondly I think your powers are connected somehow," Piper said sitting down in the chair Wyatt was sitting in before he left. I stared at her in confusion and she started to explain. "Chris don't you remember a couple of months ago when you know your powers were turning into flowers," she asked and I immediately nodded. I would never forget that, though it was worse this time since last time my baby only turned my energy balls into flowers and not all my powers. "Don't you remember being mad at Wyatt then," I sighed. "Thats what I think is going on this time. It seems every time you're mad at Wyatt your powers turn into flowers, and if you want your powers back anytime soon you might want to consider working things out with him."

"You know I could live without my powers for awhile," I said but really didn't mean it, but I was hoping to convince them. "For the two months I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and ignore Wyatt and stay far away from him and it hasn't been that hard so far so looks like I'll win this one," I tried taunting them for once.

"Nice try mister," Piper said getting up from the chair and looking down at me in the bed. "You're going to be seeing a lot more of Wyatt now than you have for the whole time you've known him," Piper gave an evil smirk. I didn't like the sight of this. "From now on until you have the baby, you and Wyatt are going to be spending some quality time together. Everywhere you go, Wyatt will be going with you to protect you and the baby since you don't have your powers right now. I've locked the guest bedroom so looks like you'll be sleeping in a room with Wyatt again, and don't even try to get out of it because Phoebe and Chris think its a good idea."

"Ha! Not so fast I could still go stay at Daughtry's house," I said smiling.

"I'm not worried. I've already called him and told him what's up and he thinks that you and Wyatt should be making up too," Piper said back to me. "So looks like you and Wyatt are attached to the hip."

"Why do you guys love to torture me so much!!!" I shouted again. I'm surprised with all of this I haven't passed out again. "I hate Wyatt and I don't want to be anywhere near him!! What part about that do you guys not understand?!!" I then felt a kick on my stomach and I started going numb again and breathing and sweating.

"Calm down Chris," Piper said as she started to rub my back. "The doctor said stop stressing so stop," Piper insisted. "Now your father and I have to go check on a few things before we check you out, but we'll be right back okay, just stay calm." With that said her and Leo left out.

I decided to try and get some rest, it looks like its going to be the longest two months of my life. I closed my eyes, but before I could fall asleep I heard footsteps coming in my room . Thinking it was Piper trying to make sure I wasn't stressing, I quickly sat up trying to assure her that I was alright.

"Look Aunt Piper I'm fine," I said as I sat up. "You and dad can....," I stopped once I realized that it was Wyatt who was standing at the foot of my bed smiling at me. "You!" I said in a very mad tone. I waved my hand as hard as I could, but a swirl of flowers appeared above Wyatt's head. "I swear I thought my powers were okay by now."

"What are you trying to do? Seduce me with flowers," Wyatt asked smiling. I can't believe he's trying to make jokes at a time like this. God I hated him so much right now that if I had a penny for how much I hate him I'd be richer than Bill Gates.

"If you mean seduce as in kill, then yes," I said falling back on the bed and making sure I turned away from him so I didn't even have to see his face. He came and pulled a chair up right in front of me so that he could see my face. I kept trying to turn the other way so I didn't have to look at him but he would just keep moving chairs so I finally just gave up. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk," Wyatt said right to the point.

"Looks like I'm not in a position to say no now am I?" I answered back to him.

There was an awkward break of silence as Wyatt stared at me surprised I'm not trying to send him flying again. He was glad that he finally got me into a situation where I had to talk to him. He never expected for this to happen, but he was happy it did. Wyatt had a gaze on me that just freaked me out a little. He wanted to say something but he couldn't think of what to say.

I on the other hand was really getting annoyed. If it wasn't enough that I'm still going to be married to this asshole for two more months, I have to sleep in the same bed as he does, and to make it worse I can't go anywhere without him. I just wish I had my powers back so I could just send him flying out of the room so I wouldn't have to deal with him right now. Though that wouldn't stop him, he'd still keep coming back in until he said what he had to say so even with my powers, looks like I can't get away from him.

"What is it that you want to talk to me about, and you've got five minutes," I said breaking the silence. The way he was looking at me gave me goose bumps. He was staring at me like he just wanted to go at it right here and right now. The chances of that happening are slim.

"Where do I start," Wyatt said as he rested his chin on his fist. "Lets see how about the way you've been ignoring me, how about when Peter, Chris, and I go out you never come with us though you say you're not mad at them, or my favorite, how about the way you've been treating the family even though they didn't do anything to you," Wyatt asked. You could tell from his voice he was very frustrated.

The anger in me was bubbling even more than ever. I can't believe he even asked those questions.

"What the hell do you want me to do about it Wyatt!" I asked not even wanting to hear an answer from him. "You want me to be at home and just play house with you like nothing was wrong? Well thats just too bad. I'm not going to just pretend that you didn't say those words to me. What you said the other day hurt like a dark lighter shooting an arrow in my chest and those words just keep repeating in my head all the time," I shouted towards Wyatt. I was finally telling Wyatt how I felt after so long. "Do you know how hard it is for me trying to figure out what I'm going to do about me and the baby? Do you?! I'd rather my baby never know you than have you denying her to her face," I said even louder. " I can't believe you expect me to just forget those words and everything that happened on that day and just come right back to you!"

"I don't expect you to forget it," Wyatt said in a gentle tone knowings I was stressing out and he didn't want me fainting again. "What I want is for you to tell me how you feel. I need to know what's going to happen to us," Wyatt asked knowing that the answer wasn't going to be what he wanted. "It hurts me to know that I've hurt you and I can't apologize enough. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep," Wyatt said as he got out of his chair and started running his hand through my hair. I quickly slapped him off. "You don't know how much this is tearing me up inside, that I don't have you, and I might not act like it is, but it is. I know you can feel it."

"Wyatt you.." I started out but Wyatt put a finger over my mouth and stopped me.

"Shh, just listen, I know that I've hurt you but just think about it? What if I never said those words, would you still be with me?" Wyatt asked. He moved his finger to let me answer

"Yes," I answered slowly not even wanting to say that, but I know Wyatt would know that if I said no I'd be lying.

Wyatt smiled and what about to say something but I interrupted him.

"But that's the problem, you did say those words and there's nothing you can do to take them back," I said even more aggressively. Wyatt tried to say something but I stopped him. "This is just too much, and I really think we should have thought this through before we even got married. I think we rushed into things just because we saw the future and we thought we would end up together like then, but things change and so do people." Wyatt just stared at me in silence as I scolded him. " And even if we stayed together what about Patrica and Penelope, what if you denied them. I just can't do it and I can't go through this pain two more times."

"But Chris..." Wyatt tried to say but again I stopped him.

"No Wyatt, my mind is made up. This will never work...I just can't do this anymore. There's nothing more for us in the future and I'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to think of not just you but the kids," I told him as I started calming down a little. "Can you please just leave now." Wyatt just stood there for a minute.

There was a long minute of silence before Wyatt started to move and head for the door. I thought he was leaving but I was seriously wrong. He just went to the door and closed it and he slammed it pretty hard. I'm surprised the door didn't fall down. He then walked right back over to me.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said. I tried to say something but he stopped me. "Look I heard what you had to say now you're going to listen to me," he said in a mad tone. I was scared. He was looking at me like he was going to kill me. I know the sister's said that he would never hurt me but right now I'm not so sure. "See I believe what you just said was a bunch of bull shit. You can try to fight it and deny it all you want but I know you still love me." I turned the other way because I didn't want to see his face. I've never seen him like that. He was scaring me right now.

Wyatt then walked over to the bed that I was lying on and pulled me back so that I was now facing him. He pinned my arms down so that I couldn't move to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Please just give me another chance," he said and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you so much that I would go hunt down ever demon for you. Please give me another chance."

Wyatt noticed by the look on my face that my mind wasn't changing and I still didn't want to be with him so he continued trying to convince me.

"You and I were meant to be together, don't you see. The elders have decreed it and so has our future," Wyatt pleaded. "You're mine and you belong to me," he said possessively. "You've been mine and you haven't even noticed it. You were mine when you would come sleep next to me when you said you were afraid of all those thunder storms. You were mine when I came and saved you from those demons while you were in the shower. You were mine when I was there for you when you lost your boyfriend and your brother." I tried to deny it but it was true. I can't believe all those times. "You've been mine since the first time I saw you and you haven't realized it, but now its time for you to see that. You belong to me Chris, and no one else can touch you ever again."

"But what will stop this from ever happening again," I said telling him my worst fear. "Lets just say we do get back together, than how am I suppose to know that you won't do this all over again and I end up back here in the hospital and you trying to beg me to take you back?"

"Look, I've learned my lesson from all of this and I know the worst thing that I could ever do is hurt you, and I promise that I will never hurt you again," he assured me and I started to began to consider it but wasn't quite there yet.

"So are you saying you'd be willing to do whatever it takes not to hurt me again?" I asked wondering what his answer would be.

"Anything, what ever it takes I will do it," Wyatt said instantly.

"I still don't know," I muttered.

"Come on Chris, like I said I'll do anything for you and I'll make sure this will never happen again. When have I ever said something that I haven't done," Wyatt asked.

"Never, but.." I said but he stopped me before I could say anything else.

"But nothing, so are you willing to give me another chance," Wyatt asked as he got on his knees.

As I continued to think about it Wyatt kissed me on the cheek and then he grabbed my hand and held it. I don't know what happened but this time I didn't fight it. I didn't even have remorse for when he kissed me on the cheek. Usually my hands would be around his neck but I actually liked it. And the fact that he was holding my hand didn't bother me at all. To tell you the truth I liked it. I felt a special bond that had been broken was restored.

"Chris please," Wyatt whispered in my ear as he started to nibble on it. "Just give me another chance." He stopped nibbling on my ear and then started sucking on the skin of my neck.

I just laid there looking and thinking about what to do. If I take Wyatt back what stops him from hurting me again except for his word. If I don't then my kids would have to grow up in a corrupted marriage and they'd always wonder what made me and their father separate and I would probably never have my powers again. Its so hard to work this out in my head.

There was one thing that Wyatt was right about though. I do still love him. I never hated him as much as I said it and as much as I did. I knew I never wanted to let something happen to him for me to realize how important he is to me. He has hurt me before but everyone makes mistakes.

"Alright we can give this another shot," I finally came out with and started smiling at him. That was the first time I smiled for three days and it felt good. I felt like an enormous amount of weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Wyatt just went ecstatic and started smiling. He was the happiest guy alive. "You won't regret this, I promise," Wyatt said happily. He got off the ground and kissed me on the forehead.

I just laid there smiling saying nothing. Wyatt started kissing every part of my skin that he could see.

"I've missed you so much ,angel, you have no idea," Wyatt said as he pressed his lips against mine, we battled with our tongues trying to win dominance over each other but in the end Wyatt won. We soon had to break for air. I was gasping so hard.

I could see in Wyatt's eyes he wanted to continue. I'm not surprised because I wouldn't even talk to him for three days let alone let him touch me.

"Wyatt we can't do this," I said stopping him as he leaned in for another kiss. "Not here, not now. We're in the hospital. What happens if a nurse walks in?"

"So what, who cares? We haven't been caught yet. I think we're okay," he assured me as he leaned in for another kiss again but I stopped him again. "Alright we do it your way, but can I just kiss you one last time?"

I smiled and before he could do anything I pulled him into one last passionate kiss. Only this time when I thrust my tongue in his mouth I won dominance. After two minutes I finally pulled away leaving Wyatt gasping for air and a funny look on his face.

"Wow I've never expected something like that from you," he said still breathing hard. "You should do that more often. Try always being that aggressive with me, I promise you'll like the results."

"Yeah, yeah, enough with the sex talk. When can I go home because I hate wearing this stupid gown and this bed is to hard," I asked.

"Take it easy, I'm gonna go take care of a few things and then we can get you home," Wyatt said about to walk out but he stopped. "And just because we're back together doesn't change things. I'm still going to be around you 24/7." Before I could say anything he quickly ran out the door.


"It feels so good to be back home!" I shouted as Wyatt and I entered the manor. Wyatt had his arm around me the whole time. He decided to let the rest of the family go on home and he would drive me back.

"Chris!" I heard voices shout out of nowhere. It turned out to be the twins. They came running up to me and I knelt down to give them a hug. "Chris, you okay?" They asked.

"I'm fine, thanks to you girls. That was a good thing you two did and you should be proud," I smiled at both of them and they smiled back at me.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt girls , but your cousin Chris needs to get some rest. It was a long drive and the doctor said you're gonna need lots of bed rest to reverse the symptoms," Wyatt said.

"Aw, Wyatt do I have to?" I asked pleading like a child hoping that Wyatt would have a little sympathy and let me stay down there with the girls.

"Yes, now the doctor has given me some instructions on how to take care of you, and one of the main things she said you needed was lots of bed rest so come on," Wyatt grabbed my hand but I didn't move. "Do I have to carry you, because I will and its actually fun, if you catch me drift." Wyatt gave a smirk. I knew what that meant.

"Sorry girls I'll have to come play with you later," I said going up the stairs along with Wyatt.

Once we reached the top of the stairs I was welcomed home by Chris and Peter. They both hugged me at the same time. I felt squeezed to much in the middle. Thank goodness Wyatt was there to pull me out of it and he continued walking me to the bed. He tossed me a pair of pajama pants and a wife beater he asked me to change into. I did what he asked and also got into bed while he left to go take care of somethings in the kitchen.

Wyatt finally came back in, a few minutes after I had crawled into bed. He stood there smiling for a minute before he came and sat on the bed next to me and started caressing my cheek.

"Ok, Chris, there are somethings we have to get straight here," Wyatt started. "From now on I'm taking proper care of you."

"Wyatt, you don't have to take care of me. I'm a big boy I can take care of myself," I told him smiling.

"I know you can but you're not going to alright," Wyatt insisted. "I won't let you. Now like I said, everywhere you go I'm coming with you. Now I've cut back on my white lighter duties and the elders let me so I can take care of you."

"But Wyatt,"

"No buts Chris," Wyatt said. "I mean it. You are not doing anything stressful whatsoever. Even if that means I have to lock you in this room until you have the baby, because you know I'll do it. If anything happens to you or the baby then I'll never forgive myself." There was a minute of silence. He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said as I sat up and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't worry about work and college, I've worked out my schedule so I can always come home and spend time with you and the kids, okay?" I nodded. "Good now I'm about to go help Chris and Peter move us in," Wyatt said standing up from the bed.

"Move in? What are you talking about," I asked.

"Did you forget, we start college next week so we figured we might as well start moving in. And don't worry I've already got your books and everything so you're set," Wyatt assured me knowing that I was going to get worried.

"But how are you guys going to move all the boxes to New York," I asked. "Isn't it like a twelve hour flight?"

"That's why we're orbing," Wyatt answered.

"What about personal gain?"

"The elders owe us so I don't think anything bad will happen," Wyatt said. Another awkward moment of silence passed before anything was said again. "So I'm going to go help them. Is there anything you need before I go," he asked and I shook my head. "You sure," I nodded. "Alright if there's anything you need just call my name and I'll be here. Oh and before I leave let me tell you, don't get out of that bed," he demanded. "If you get out of that bed trust me I'll know. Now remember if there's anything you need just call my name. I'll be back to check on you in a few minutes, but don't leave that bed." With all of that said he orbed out.

I was bored as hell just laying there for thirty minutes. I felt my stomach growl and the sudden urge for a saltine. I quickly put on a robe and opened the door and looked both ways to make sure Wyatt wasn't out there. Once I saw that it was clear I tip toed my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw Piper was cooking.

I tried to sneak by but she caught me before I could reach the pantry. "Chris what are you doing down here. I thought you were upstairs resting," she said once she caught sight of me.

"I was but I got the urge for a saltine," I said opening the pantry and pulling out a box of saltines. I went and sat at the table since I knew that I didn't have to try to hide anymore.

"You know Wyatt is going to be pretty mad once he finds out that you got out of bed," Piper said as she continued cooking.

"Eh, he'll get over it," I said trying to open the box. It took awhile but I managed to get it opened.

"Chris what is that purple mark on your neck? Is that a hickey I see?" Piper said smiling. I quickly pulled my robe up to cover it. "Looks like you and Wyatt made up after all. You know you're gonna still have to get back in bed soon because Wyatt will be here any moment."

"Oh really what's Wyatt gonna do?" I asked sarcastically and Piper's eyes just shot up and her jaw dropped. "I mean whats the worst he could do to me," I said smiling as I was about to take a bite of a cracker, but then I felt strong arms wrap around me and I froze in place.

I turned to see Wyatt with a huge smirk on his face. That's why Piper must have dropped her jaw, because Wyatt was right behind me this whole time.

Wyatt gently removed the cracker from my hands and set it down on the table. "Chris, Chris, Chris," he muttered softly, "whatever am I to do with you," he said kissing me on the neck. "I thought I told you to stay in bed. And you're not suppose to be eating those. The doctor said you are on a no salt diet." He then kissed me on the cheek saying, " I told you I would find out if you got out of bed."

"I'm sorry Wyatt," I pleaded like a baby trying to get out of trouble. "But you know I had the urge for a saltine and I didn't want to disturb you so I just thought I'd, you know, get out of bed myself since you were so busy working hard. I mean look at your muscles. You're getting buffer every day," I said trying to suck up.

"Nice try , but its not going to work, Chris," he replied. "I told you to call me if you needed anything." He then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on back to bed," he said orbing us back up to the bedroom. He still had my hand in his and he walked me over to the bed and put me back into the bed. "Now Chris do I have to stay here and watch you like a baby or can I trust you to stay in bed this time. Either way works for me. Its actually fun watching you sleep."

"No, I promise I won't get out of bed this time," I said trustingly.

"Okay, but remember, if you do get out of bed again, I'll know and I'll be right here to watch you sleep. Now do you want me to get you something to eat before I leave?" Wyatt asked.

"No, I'm good," I told him.

"Alright I'll be back to check on you again in a few minutes," Wyatt said. "I'm just trying to set everything up and it shouldn't take too much longer." Wyatt orbed out right after that.

I decided not to fight with Wyatt and try to get some rest. I laid there sleeping for about an hour till my stomach woke me up. I was really hungry since I hadn't been eating that much in the past few days so I was just about to get up and go to the kitchen but I quickly stopped. I knew Wyatt wouldn't be too happy if he had to come home twice because of me coming out of the bed and I really didn't want to interrupt him from doing what he was doing so I figured I'd wait. I waited there for another thirty minutes and I just couldn't take it anymore. My stomach was growling like a dog. I was just about to get up when Wyatt entered the room.

Wyatt came in with a silver platter of all different kinds of fruits. They were all neatly cut and they all looked good. With the condition I was in anything looked good right now. Though I was very hungry, I wasn't in the mood for eating once Wyatt came in.

Wyatt smiled as he walked over to me with the platter in his hand. "Hey baby you hungry," he asked. "I thought I'd bring you something to eat since mostly all of moms food is full of salt."

"No thanks I'm not hungry," I lied. "I had a big lunch today at the hospital so I'm good." Wyatt walked over to the side of the bed where I was laying and bent down to my level so he could make eye contact with me.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you had a big lunch today," he said, but I didn't say anything. "Chris you need to eat, its not good for you not to eat."

"I know Wyatt, you don't have to give me that whole lecture about how its not good to not eat, but for the past few days I just haven't felt like eating," I said.

"And why is that," Wyatt asked frowning.

"I don't know, I guess with all this emotional distress, I guess I just don't have that much of an appetite," I answered him.

"Why haven't you talked to me about it," Wyatt asked setting the platter of fruits down on the bed and crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry but we were still arguing and I thought that, you might have not been the right person to talk to," I answered.

"Look Chris, it doesn't matter how much we're arguing, if there's a problem you need to come talk to me about it," Wyatt insisted. "You and our baby are some of the most important things in my life, and I love and care about you both very much to not want anything bad to happen to you." He nudged me over so he'd have room enough to sit. "Now come on you need to eat," he said as he picked up a branch of grapes. "Here, eat at least of few of these."

"I don't want to eat a few of those," I replied.

"Fine, eat them all," Wyatt said.

"I don't want anything to eat," I said.

"That's just too bad, you're going to eat something," he said back. I was going say something back, but one thing that I've learned from my relationship with Wyatt is that he's stubborn and he won't stop. I decided to cooperate and eat the grapes as he fed them to me. A couple of times he did insert his finger into my mouth and I sucked on it. He also fed me slices of oranges, mango, and many other fruits until they were all gone from the platter. "See that wasn't all that bad," he smiled and got off the bed. He stripped down to his boxers and got back into bed with me. "So you feel any better," he asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

"Yeah I guess," I replied.

"Thats good," he said and got on top of me and started kissing my neck while he put his hand under my shirt.

"Wyatt, stop," I demanded. Wyatt looked at me confused. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired right now so please not today."

"Alright," he said and got from on top of me but still held me close to him. It wasn't too much longer before we fell asleep.


A week later.....

I couldn't believe how things were going now. Wyatt was very protective and he was doing everything that he and Piper said he was going to do. I couldn't go anywhere without Wyatt and nor could I do anything without him. At first I was okay by it but now its just annoying. I can't shower alone and when I go to the bathroom, Wyatt stands at the door waiting, and if I'm not out in five minutes he comes in. Wyatt now even watches what I eat and makes sure I don't eat any salt items and he makes sure I don't eat too much or too little. He even picks out what I wear for the day and dresses me like I'm a baby. I'm pretty close to just killing him now, not literally but you know.

My powers haven't even returned to normal all the way. Sometimes they would work and sometimes they'd turn into flowers. While my powers were acting crazy Wyatt got three new powers which included super strength, conjuring like we saw in the future, and Pyrokenisis. Chris also got the power of Pyrokenisis, and he also go the power to levitate 20 ft in the air. The only new power I had was conjuring athames which I kept quiet about since it was a demonic power and I knew the family would go crazy over it. Besides most of the time I tried to conjure one it would turn into a lily. And since my powers were always acting crazy, every time Wyatt and Chris would go demon hunting I'd have to stay at home with Piper, Phoebe, and Paige since they didn't want to risk my powers working or not.

Though I did make one problem for Wyatt. We haven't had sex in a long time. I told him that it wasn't going to happen until the baby was born since I didn't want to hurt her. He kept promising me that it wouldn't hurt the baby at all since we've done it like a millions time before but I still wouldn't budge so he was frustrated about that, but I really didn't care. I still had my mood swings and there were days I cried for no reason at all.

I snapped back into reality when I felt hand rubbing against me, washing me. I was taking a bath with Wyatt since Wyatt said my feet were getting too swollen and he didn't want me standing up too much. I had to take a bath with Wyatt since so many demons kept coming in on me while I was by myself. All I had to do was lay back while he washed me. Today was the first day of college. Chris and Peter decided to take the shower in the dorm room so Wyatt orbed us back to the manor to get ready there.

"Okay you're clean," Wyatt said.

I got out of the bathtub and before I could grab a towel Wyatt wrapped one around me.

I turned around and glared at him. "Look I don't need your help I can do it myself!"

"Okay, I'm just trying to help you," Wyatt responded.

"I know..I'm sorry, I'm just having mood swings," I said apologetically.

"Its okay..I'm use to it by now," Wyatt said. He grabbed his own towel and wrapped it around his waist and led me to the bedroom. He went in the closet and pulled out some of his old pair of jeans and a black shirt along with a black hoodie. "Okay here ya go lets get you into this."

"Why can't I pick out my own clothes and dress myself!" I complained.

"You're the one who said you didn't want anyone seeing your stomach, and I'm just trying to make things less stressful for you!" Wyatt argued, but Wyatt knew if he saw anyone making fun of my stomach, he would take care of them personally. I just sighed and went along. "Okay so lets go, put one leg in here," he said holding out the jeans and putting them on me and fastening them up for me and even zipping up my zipper. He then put my wife beater on me along with my shirt and then the hoodie. This was really driving me crazy. "There, you're all set." Wyatt quickly got his stuff on and orbed us back to our dorm room.

I checked Chris and Peter's room and it seemed that they already headed to class. Wyatt and I then just headed to class. It was a long and painful walk, but I was sure not to let Wyatt know or else he would have done something crazy. Maybe even carry me to class. There were a few classes that we had together but thank god that my first class wasn't with him, but it was next door. I love Wyatt and all but I need some privacy sometimes. I was glad when we finally reached our first class. I was going to be alone again for once.

"Chris, are you sure you're going to be okay in there," Wyatt asked worried.

"I'll be fine you just get to you're class alright," I said walking in the room and he stood at the door looking at me for awhile. I walked in and was looking around for a place to sit. Before I could there was this one guy who wasn't even paying attention to where he was going and he backed up into me so hard it caused me to drop some of my books.

"Hey watch where you're going!" He said.

"Excuse me," I replied. "You're the asshole who bumped into me!"

The guy got so angry he just took my books and kicked them around the class room. It was getting pretty out of control for my first day of college. I already had an enemy.

Wyatt was still standing outside the room watching this through the glass window of the door. He scowled as he saw the guy tossing my books around. Without a second thought he walked in the room and over to the guy.

"Hey!" He said causing the guy to stop. "Pick up those books and give them back to him," he ordered. The guy just started laughing at Wyatt. Wyatt walked over to him and picked him up by the front of his shirt and lifted him into the air. "That wasn't a request, it was an order now pick them up!" Wyatt yelled as he dropped the guy to the ground. The guy was scared for his life. He hurried around the room and picked up all my books and handed them back to me. "Good boy, now go sit down before I beat the shit out of you." The guy instantly ran to the desk in the far back.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes at Wyatt before walking and taking a seat in the front of the room. Now everyone is going to think that I need Wyatt around to protect me.

"You're welcome," Wyatt said before he walked out of the class room and to his class.

This class was even more boring than the one at high school. I tried my hardest to pay attention but I couldn't. I knew it was going to come back on me when I have my first exam. I started to drift to sleep. I don't know if it was my pregnancy or if it was because my classes were so boring but I'm surprised the professor didn't notice me drifting off. I was about to go to sleep until I heard a voice in my head.

<Chris you alright, is there anyone in there bothering you that I have to come in there and beat up> the voice said. At first I thought I was going crazy. I never had voices come in my head before. <Chris, you there..> the voice asked again.

I said in my head wondering who else it could be. There's no one else who I could think of that would be that protective, to be asking me if there was anyone in class who was bothering me and if I wanted them to beat that person up.

<Yeah its didn't answer my question> Wyatt said again. <Are you okay?> he asked again.

<I'm fine Wyatt and what are you doing talking to me in my head, is this a new power you have or what because I don't ever remember you doing this> I said. I can't believe I'm talking to Wyatt again. Even in class I still can't get any privacy from him.

<No, you're an empath remember> Wyatt reminded me. <That's one thing empaths can do is speak to people through their minds> Wyatt explained. <I was just checking on you, but make sure you wait for me once class is over alright>.

I said real frustrated. He was finally out of my head for the time being. It wasn't till about thirty minutes later till class ended. I had to wait five minutes outside my classroom for Wyatt.

We talked about our experience with our first class which he and I both slept in. We sat on a bench on campus and talked for hours until it was time for our next class. Unfortunately, my next class was also next to his. Wyatt insisted on walking me to class, but I kept telling him that I could do it by myself, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Thank goodness my class got out thirty minutes before his did. So he told me to go wait at the bench we talked at earlier.

Me being stupid did what he asked and waited. Though it was good to finally get some privacy since he wasn't talking to me through my head this time. I looked down at my watch and saw he should be here any minute now. When I looked back up I saw that same guy who tossed my books around the class room and some other guys picking on another kid. I couldn't sit there and let that go on so I knew I had to do something. Even if I was alone against maybe four guys. I could handle them.

I walked right up to them. "Hey, leave the poor guy alone," I said helping the kid up who they were talking about.

"What are you gonna do, get your boyfriend on us like you did last time," the guys said.

I don't know what came over me, but it really wasn't me. I walked up to the guy and punched him so hard he went into a tree and fell off hitting every branch. <Bad Prue, Bad Prue> I said to myself knowing it was Prue who forced me to do that. I guess she doesn't like people talking about he dad. Once the guy got up I was scared. I'm sure he was pretty mad. Him and his friends were ganging up on me.

"Guys come on could we just talk about this," I asked pleading, trying to find away around this without fighting. I tried my best to avoid fights these days since I didn't want Prue growing up to thinking that violence was the answer to everything.

The guy was just about to swing at me but his hand was caught by Wyatt. "The guy was trying to ask you nicely, but I on the other hand won't be so nice," he said with a smirk. They all started going after him, but he took care of them one by one. I didn't pay too much attention since I was making sure that boy was okay. He thanked me and left in a hurry. "You know why is it that every time I see you talking to someone you're in trouble?" Wyatt asked.

"I didn't ask for your help, Wyatt!" I snapped back at him. "I could have handled it by myself!"

"Sorry, you look like you needed it, since it was five against one," he said sounding a little hurt.

"Well I didn't!" I yelled.


2 months later.......

"Dammit!!" I shouted trying to make my way downstairs since I couldn't see my feet under my stomach.

"Chris watch your language. The baby can here you," Piper yelled from the kitchen. It was oblivious that she heard me.

I was now eight and a half months along. For the past week Wyatt and I have been staying home from school and we've been staying at the manor. The baby is still causing my powers to go haywire and my mood swings are even worse than ever. I still wasn't aloud to eat any salt and Wyatt still made me sleep a lot. He's getting even more protective as the months go along.

It was now five o' clock and I was just now waking up from a long nap with Wyatt. He's still in the bed and I managed to sneak out. I don't care how mad he's going to be about it. I needed to get out of that bed. It felt like a prison since I was barely aloud to leave and I was being watched by Wyatt the whole time.

I finally made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where Piper was cooking, as always. "Hey Chris, how was your nap," she greeted me smiling as she continued cooking.

"It was okay, I guess," I replied waddling over to a chair in the kitchen and sitting down. "Aunt Piper how did you do this twice. Its killing me, I already don't feel like having anymore after this one."

"You just have to take it easy, you'll be fine," Piper assured me. "Now does Wyatt know that you got out of bed?" I shook my head. "How did you manage to get away from him like that?"

"I just put a pillow in my place," I chuckled. "I can't believe he fell for it, but I'm glad he did so I can get a break from him."

Phoebe and Paige then orbed in. "Alright," Paige said. "Here are your homework assignments that are due," Paige said handing me a sheet of paper with things written on it. For the past week Phoebe and Paige have been going to school looking like me and Wyatt so we could be at home and not miss too much school. So far they've managed to pull it off.

"Thanks," I replied and they orbed off. "Aunt Piper can I get some coffee please?" I asked.

She turned and looked at me with a shocked face. "Chris, you never drink coffee, what makes you want it now."

"Because I still feel tired and if I want to do this homework crap, I'm going to need to stay awake, and I heard that coffee was the best way to do so," I explained.

"Well Chris, I would love to give you some but....I promise Wyatt that I wouldn't give you any coffee," she said. My face was turning red with anger. "He said that you shouldn't be drinking that, he wants you to drink either milk or orange juice," she said trying to calm me down.

"Wyatt is a dead man walking!" I shouted. I couldn't believe that he was taking away coffee. Something I've never had before, but I wanted to try. Wait till I get my hands on him.

Soon after Wyatt orbed in and saw the anger on my face. "Hey, angel," Wyatt said kissing me on the forehead. "Why are you so mad, I mean I could hear you yelling from upstairs, thats what woke me up," he asked sitting in a chair next to me.

"Anger makes me happy," I said sarcastically.

"Chris," Wyatt said in a firmer tone. "Come on tell me whats going on."

"Why the hell am I not aloud to have any coffee!" I shouted.

"Oh, now I see whats going on," Wyatt said realizing why I was so angry. "I read up on things and it said that coffee causes premature birth so I thought that you shouldn't be drinking it for our daughter's sake."

"Look at my stomach!" I said pointing down to my stomach. "I don't think she's going to get premature with how big she is now!"

"I'm just trying to do whats best for you and the baby," Wyatt said rubbing me on the back but I quickly pushed him away.

"No! You're trying to do whats best for you!" I yelled at him. I was getting more angry by the minute. I don't know what was coming over me. It must be hormones, but I'm sure Wyatt is use to it already. "Its bad enough for the past couple of months that you have to come take a bath with me, control what I eat, watch me twenty four seven, pick out what I wear, dress me like I'm two, and make me sleep a lot even if I don't want to, but now your telling me I can't have one little cup of coffee?! The next thing you know, you'll be saying that I can't walk a lot, no wait you already do say that!!"

Wyatt just sighed and mouthed some of the words along with me. I've said this over and over so many times, he's practically memorized my lecture. "Chris I don't know why you're making this a big deal, I mean we go over the same thing every week."

"Well then maybe it will get through to your thick head," I shouted at him.

"Okay what do you want, do you want coffee?" Wyatt asked giving in.

"No I want you to quit controlling my every move!" I answered.

"Sorry, baby, but I just can't do that, I promised you that I was going to take care of you and thats what I'm going to do," Wyatt said back.

"Then try to quit!" I said banging my hand on the table, causing a few demons to shimmer in. "Aw, crap!"

All four of them threw energy balls at us. Piper ducked and so did Wyatt. I was so angry I didn't even moved. Luckily none of them hit us. I stared at three of them and made them feel how angry I was. They were consumed by flames within seconds before they finally blew up.

The third one was about to take off before I stopped him. "Oh no you don't," I said. "CRYSTALS" I yelled and trapped him in a crystal cage. This was one of the rare times that the crystals didn't turn into flowers. I walked over to the demon who was panicking trying to find a way out. "Alright who are you and who do you work for?!"

"I can't he'll kill me," the demon said. You could tell he was scared of his boss with all the sweating he was doing.

"He'll kill you? I'll kill you, so you better tell me right now, because I'm pregnant and I'm pissed off so trust me what he'll do is nothing compared to what I'll do!" I shouted.

"You might want to listen to him," Piper said. "Trust me you don't want to make him angry."

"Alright his name is Lucax and he wants your baby dead before its born," the demon said.

"Thanks that's all I wanted to know," I said and started walking away. Wyatt then blew up the demon. I pretty much didn't pay that too much attention since my mind was focused on Lucax. "Chris, Peter! Get your butts down here!" I shouted causing Peter and Chris to orb in. When they orbed in I could see they were both buttoning up their shirts. "Was I interrupting something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes you did. Now why did you call us?" Chris asked. He was frustrated since he and Peter were having fun and they had to stop in the middle of it to come see what was going on.

"There's a demon named Lucax after the baby, can you check the book of shadows?" I asked.

"Why can't you and Wyatt do it?" Chris asked.

"Because I'm not aloud near the Book of Shadows remember, Wyatt said I can't go demon hunting because my powers are acting funny," I explained. "Or did you forget about that."

"No, I didn't," Chris said back. "Come on Peter, looks like we have to suffer because someone over here is pregnant." Chris said hurrying up the stairs since he knows that my response is not going to be pleasant.

I just went into the living room and sat on the couch. It wasn't till about an hour later that Wyatt joined me. We really didn't say anything. I was still mad at him about the coffee thing and he loved me enough not to bother me when I was mad. Though he could have if he wanted but he didn't. Thirty minutes later, Leo entered.

He was taking off his black rob since he's been at magic school. "Hey boys what's up," was the first thing he said.

"Oh nothing, except Wyatt is controlling everything that I do," I answered him sarcastically.

"Dad, I'm only trying to take care of him and he just keeps yelling at me," Wyatt argued.

"Yeah by controlling everything I do!"

"No, by trying to keep as much stress off of you as I can but you're making things so difficult," Wyatt cried.

"Whoa, looks like you two have some major issues to work out," Leo said. "But hey Wyatt," Leo said getting closer to Wyatt. "Don't worry about it, its just Chris's hormones, he'll still love you tonight when you guys go to bed," Leo whispered.

"I heard that dad, and its not my hormones," I argued.

"See what I mean," Leo said and Wyatt nodded. They both started laughing and I was furious.

I was about to say something before Chris and Peter came in with viles in their hands. "Okay guys, I got him and I made the vanquishing potion so all we need to do is go vanquish him," Chris H said. "Wyatt you coming?"

"Yeah sure," Wyatt said getting off the couch and standing up.

"I want to come," I said starting to get up but Wyatt pushed me back down.

"Not so fast, you're staying here. Your powers are still acting crazy, so until they're back to normal there will be no more demon hunting for you," Wyatt said. I sighed and rolled my eyes at Wyatt. "Dad, can you watch him for me please, and call me know if he tries to orb out, so I can bring him back."

"Sure thing son," Leo answered.

"Thanks," Wyatt said very thankfully. "Now, Chris I'm only doing this for your own good, is there anything you need before I go."

"Did I forget to mention how much I hate you," I said.

"I love you too babe," Wyatt said before him, Chris, and Peter orbed out.

"I swear one day I'm just going to rip him open and tear out his insides!" I said real angrily.

"Hey, I'm glad he left you here, it gives us a chance to bond since we haven't had that much time," Leo said. "So come on, talk to your old man," he pleaded but I stayed silence. "Chris, you can tell me anything, I'm still your father you know, so come on talk to me." I still said nothing. "Do you know where you got your name from," Leo asked trying to make conversation.

"No, I don't," I said answering.

"Well Chris was my father's name, though the last thing I expected was to end up with two sons named, Chris," Leo said laughing. "Don't you think thats weird?"

"I guess," I said.

"Chris come on I'm trying my best here, can you at least cut me some slack," Leo said.

"Dad, its not you its just I'm so mad that Wyatt doesn't trust me to do anything anymore," I said. "Its like he thinks that I'm useless and I can't do anything for myself."

"Chris I'm sure Wyatt doesn't think that about you," Leo answered. "He justs loves you and wants to take care of you so you don't pass out again. I mean he almost had a heart attack when you passed out in the attic."

"I know its just....I don't know," I said depressed.

"Come on, this isn't a time to be sad, be happy. You're eight and a half months along that means the baby should be here any day now," Leo smiled. "This is going to be your first child and my first grandchild."

"Oh umm about that," I said. "Dad there's something I have to tell you." I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before speaking again. "This really isn't your first grandchild, and nor is it my or Wyatt's first child."

"What do you mean," Leo asked confused. "Of course it is, you guys haven't had any other kids."

"Actually, we have," I told Leo and his eyes got big. "You see when we went to the future, we sore of saw two other kids that we had before Prudence." Leo was so shocked he couldn't speak. "Their names are Patience and Ryan and Ryan is Wyatt's and Patience is....John's."

"What?! How?!" Leo exclaimed. I stayed silent, to scared to answer. Leo started to frown as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Christopher Evans-Halliwell, answer me now!"

"Dad, its a long story," I said.

"How long were you guys planning to keep this from the rest family?!"

"I don't know, we just didn't know the right time, but dad please don't be mad. We just didn't want you guys to have to worry about two more kids before this one was born," I explained.

"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that you guys didn't tell us this," Leo stated. "Do you know where the kids are at right now?"

"Yes, they're with John, but don't worry we're gonna fix it, dad I promise," I said but his face still showed a look of disappointment. "Look, I'm sorry dad alright." I started looking down at the ground. He then came over and hugged.

"Its okay son," Leo said. "But the next time something like that happens you need to tell me, okay."

"Okay," I said and Wyatt and everyone else orbed in.

"Hey did we miss something," Wyatt asked confused as to why Leo and I were hugging.

"No, you didn't miss a thing," Leo answered. "Well goodnight guys," Leo said before walking upstairs.


Wyatt and I were in bed now. Today was really interesting. I glanced up at Wyatt and saw that he was sleep. I mean he should have been since it was 12:00 am and he just came back from vanquishing a demon, so he's probably drained, but I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what I told Leo about Wyatt and I having other kids.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a weird noise. It sounded like it was coming from the attic. I thought about who it could be and it couldn't be Piper or Leo because they were both sleep. It might have just been Chris but I thought I'd go check it out just in case. I slowly pulled out of Wyatt's grasp and put my robe on.

Once I got to the attic, I peeked in and my jaw dropped to the ground. The attic was packed with demons. I was wondering what they were after. Probably the Book of Shadows, but why now. I didn't want to stay around and figure that out. I thought about taking them all on by myself, but I knew Wyatt would probably kill me so I hurried back to the room.

"Wyatt!" I whispered panicking and shaking him until he woke up.

"Whats up?" He asked, half sleep.

"They're are demons in the attic! I think they're after the Book of Shadows!" I whispered and Wyatt quickly woke up and got some clothes on and grabbed my hand and led us to Piper's room. He silently went inside and saw Piper and Leo, both sleep.

"Are you sure there were demons?" Wyatt asked whispering and I quickly nodded. "Mom, Dad wake up!"

"Wyatt whats going on that you had to wake us up at midnight," Piper asked slurring.

"There's demons in that attic and they might be after the Book of Shadows," Wyatt said.

Piper quickly got up and so did Leo and put some clothes on. "Go call Chris and Peter and tell them to get over here. I'll call Phoebe and Paige," Piper said.

Phoebe came over with her husband and her three daughters, while Paige came with Henry and Henry Jr.. The twins were visiting their grandma on their dad's side. Henry, Coop, and Leo were downstairs waiting since they had no powers. Piper led the rest of us to the door and she quietly peeked in.

"You're right, looks like there are a lot of them in there," Piper said.

"Chris, you should go downstairs with dad, Uncle Henry , and Uncle Coop," Wyatt said.

"What? Oh no this time I'm staying here," I demanded.

"You're pregnant, and your powers aren't working so you need to go downstairs where they can look after you," Wyatt said and I just stood there with my arms crossed. "Do I have to orb you down there myself?"

"Fine," I said disappearing in orbs and orbing downstairs like Wyatt asked.

"Yikes," Phoebe said. "Looks like he is mad at you."

"Yeah but he'll get over it," Wyatt said. "Mom, how many demons are there."

"A lot," Piper answered. "Lets go!" she demanded and she threw open the door and her, Chris, Peter, Henry Jr., Paige, Wyatt, and Phoebe and her three daughters all rushed in. They found out that there weren't just demons in there. There were dark lighters in there too. Paige and Henry Jr. orbed the dark lighter crossbows to themselves and started firing awhile. While Phoebe, Chris , and her three daughters used their empath power and kept sending energy balls back at demons when they were throwing them. And Wyatt and Piper were just blowing demons up one by one.

"They send you here too?" Henry asked.

"Yes, supposedly I'm useless," I said.

"Chris, I'm sure they didn't mean it that way," Leo said.

"Well it sure as hell sounded like it," I said. I head all the explosions and I just started pacing around. "Dad, can I please go up there and help?" I begged hoping he would say yes so they'd have no reason to send me back down.

"Do you want to put Prue's life at risk?" Leo answered knowing what I was going to say.

"Of course not," I answered.

"Well then, there's your answer," Leo said. I just growled at him and starting pacing the room again. Then all of a sudden, a dark lighter shimmered in. He shimmered in his crossbow as he looked at all four of us.

We all started backing up. I was in front. The dark lighter shot and arrow at us. "If there's every a time that I need my powers to work its now," I said to myself. "ARROW!" I yelled causing it to go into a swirl of orbs and sent it right back at the dark light, but again it turned into flowers before it hit him.

"Chris!" Leo shouted.

"It wasn't me. It was the baby!" I said. "Don't worry I got him," I said staring directly into the dark lighters eyes and making him feel the pain of the world causing him to blow up. "Glad to know that one power always works," I said separating from the group.

Next thing I know a demon shimmered in behind me. "Chris look out!" Henry shouted. The demon was pretty angry. He shot an energy ball at Henry sending him flying against the clock which has been broken a thousand times. I then conjured an athame and luckily I had one instead of a lily. I then stabbed the demon with it and he blew up.

Leo looked at me very intensely. "What, dad did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No that power you just used was a demonic power," Leo said. Crap I forgot not to use that power around people.

"Oh well ,dad, at least it saved our lives," I said as I saw Henry getting up. "I'm pretty sure this was a trap to get to the baby, but Uncle Henry you alright?"

"Yeah," he said grabbing his arm. "Its just my arm. I think it got cut by the glass on the clock."

"Uh oh," I gasped.

"Don't worry its okay," Henry said. "I'm sure Paige can heal it as soon as she's done up here," Henry assured.

"No, my water broke!" I yelled causing all of them to look below me and they saw a big puddle of water and my pants were also wet. Leo and Henry quickly grabbed my arms while Coop grabbed my legs and carried me over to the dinning room table.

They all gently set me on the table while I was crying out in pain. This pain was even worse than all those times I got shot with energy balls. "Okay Coop, I need you to go get some blankets, and Henry I need you to help me take some of these clothes off of Chris." Coop quickly rushed out while Henry and Leo stripped me down till I was just in a wife beater and some shorts. Coop quickly came back with the blankets and they all just put them on the table and gently laid me back down on them. "Alright Chris come on, just breath with me." Leo kept trying to get me through the process, but I just kept screaming because the pain was so bad.

"WYATT, CHRIS, PETER GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs causing the house to shake a little. It wasn't till about two minutes later, that Peter and Chris orbed in.

"Alright what's the big emergency, that you had to call us down here," Chris said. "We were just up there kicking some demon ass and we heard your call and it sounded bad so whats going on."

"Whats going on is my water broke!!! Where's Wyatt?" I shouted impatiently. I was really getting tired of this me calling for Wyatt and him never showing up. Thank goodness at least Peter and Chris showed up. Usually its no one.

"Uh oh this isn't good," Chris said. "Not good at all," Chris said as he watched Leo trying to help me through the whole breathing process. "Um Wyatt is still in the attic helping mom and the others. We didn't know what the problem was so Wyatt just said for us to come down here."

"Get over here and help me now!" I demanded. "WYATT GET DOWN HERE!!!!" I yelled again. Still Wyatt didn't come down and I was at the point to where I was about to orb up there and get him myself.

Chris and Peter were walking over to help me, when five demons all shimmered in. "Okay bro we're gonna need you to hold on," Chris said and him and Peter went straight to fighting the demons.

I was getting more angrier and going in more pain by the second. "WYATT PLEASE GET DOWN HERE!" I yelled almost in tears because the pain was so intense. Wyatt finally appeared in a swirl of orbs.

"What's going on here that you had to call for me three times," Wyatt asked.

"Chris's water broke," Leo answered him for me since I was just about out of breath. It even hurt me to breath.

"Oh my gosh," Wyatt said. "Are you serious?" Wyatt asked with his eyes widened. "Here I'll come help," Wyatt said rushing over to my side grabbing my hand. Things just went from bad to worse. John then shimmered in with a sword in his hand.

He looked at me and everyone on the table and smirked. "Lets see what you got Charmed boy," John said.

Wyatt got real angry then. He let go of my hand and started walking towards John. Somehow Excalibur orbed into Wyatt's hand. "Lets dance," Wyatt said and him and John started going at it with their swords.

A whole ten minutes passed. All of this was still going on. I knew if I didn't have this baby soon I was going to die right here on the table. Henry and Coop were doing the best they could but they weren't trained. I needed Chris and Peter and Wyatt. Chris and Peter kept trying to fight off the demons, but each one they vanquished two more would show up. They were now surrounded by twenty demons. I knew Wyatt could blow them all up at the same time, but Wyatt was still sword fighting with John.

I was a few minutes away from death when I figured out a plan. With my last ounce of strength I struggled to talk. "Chris!" I yelled gasping trying to get his attention. "Try freezing them!"

"What?!" Chris said not even looking at me because he was focusing on the demons. "I don't have that power and even if I did, it wouldn't work because these are upper level demons."

"NO, try turning them into ice, I mean," I corrected him.

"I don't have that power either," Chris said.

"You're an empath, try tapping into mine," I said still gasping for life.

"You don't have that power either," Chris said.

"But the baby does," I said. "Now hurry up and do it."

"Are you sure its safe," Chris asked.

"Yes now come on," I yelled.

Chris closed his eyes and concentrated on the baby. He finally found the power he was looking for and he opened back up his eyes and threw out his arm and started freezing every demon in sight until they were all frozen like statues. I'm pretty sure they would stay that way now. Once Chris froze them all he and Peter came over to my aid.

Wyatt and John were still sword fighting. Wyatt finally got the strength and over powered John and knocked him to the ground. He then looked over to me and saw that I was breathing hard for life. Wyatt put the point of his sword on John's neck to keep him there. "Look John, I hate you and you hate me, but we both love Chris and right now if you don't stop this, Chris is going to die."

John looked over at me on the table and he nodded in agreement. Wyatt then removed his sword from John's throat and lifted his hands and blew up all the demons that Chris had turned to ice. Wyatt then ran over to me and grabbed my hand again.

"Dad is he gonna be okay," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah he's going to be fine," Leo said. "Chris I'm sorry but I'm going to have to have to have a sea section."

"What?! How about not?!" I said.

"Its either that or it can come out the front, and right now I'm telling you that whole on your penis is really small, so do you want to try having the baby come out of there," Leo explained.

"I'll take the sea section for five hundred," I answered.

Finally the sisters orbed downstairs. "We got here as fast as we could is everything okay," Piper asked.

"Everything is fine, Chris is just going into labor," Henry answered.

"What?! Oh my goodness!" Phoebe said.

"Alright someone go get me some knives and some hot water," Leo ordered and Coop and Henry ran into the kitchen to get the knives. "Okay Chris you'll be fine, Wyatt will be able to heal you from this so don't worry."

I was still breathing really hard and Wyatt was holding my hand and kissing me on the cheek telling me it was going to be okay. I'm glad he was there. He always has been whenever I needed him. I know everything he does is for my good. I guess this is my hormones wearing down.

Coop and Henry finally returned with the knives and hot water. Chris lifted up my shirt to reveal my stomach. "Chris, you will not feel any pain okay," Leo said. I had to look away since I didn't want to watch him cutting my stomach. I was squeezing onto Wyatt's hand real tight. Once I was cut open Chris reached in my stomach and pulled out a baby who was full of orbs. When Chris pulled out the baby a blue light appeared over our heads(like the one when Wyatt was born). Wyatt let go of my hand for a minute and went over and cut the umbilical cord and then he healed my stomach back up and quickly came back over to my side and held my hand and kissed me on the cheek once more.

Chris wrapped the baby in a blanket and smiled. "Congrats its a girl," he said and handed her to me.

I looked at her and said, "Prudence Paige Halliwell. That's her name." She was beautiful. I was happy to finally have her.

"Wow Paige looks like you have a kid named after you," Piper said smiling.

"I'm a dad," Wyatt said smiling as he took Prudence from my hands and held he for awhile before giving her back to me.

It was late and the rest of the family decided that they would spend the night instead of going back home. Though Wyatt was able to heal me I was still sore from all the contractions so I still couldn't walk. Wyatt carried me up to bed, while Chris carried the baby and set her in the cradle next to me.

When I woke up I was hoping it all wasn't a dream and I was happy to see that it wasn't. I heard Prudence crying so I orbed her over to me and held her close until she stopped. Wyatt wasn't in the room. He must have gone downstairs to take care of some stuff.

I then felt an unusual presence in the room. I knew what it was. "John, I know you're here, its okay you can come out," I said. John then shimmered in smiling. "Hey," I said.

"Hey, how'd you know I was here," he asked.

"I just had a sense," I said.

"I'm surprised you didn't call for Wyatt," he said. He then looked at Prudence. "She's beautiful," he commented. "She looks just like you."

"Thanks," I said. "John, look I know why you did all of this, but I'm sorry there is no way we're getting back together, but I would like us to be friends, if thats okay with you."

"Sure," John said. "When you said you know, you mean you know about..."

"Yes," I said. "I know about those twins you have been taking care of."

"How'd you find out?"

"Lets just say I've seen the future, and I know that we aren't enemies," I answered. "But there is one thing you have to know though. The boy isn't yours. Its Wyatt's but the girl is."

"What? Of course he's mine. They're twins," John said.

"I know its hard to explain, but trust me on that," I said. "I'll prove it to you later." There was a pause and I then heard footsteps coming up. "Hey, I think I hear Wyatt coming and I don't think he'll be too happy about you being here so I'll call you alright," I said and he shimmered out. Prudence fell asleep so I orbed her back to her crib.

Wyatt came in with a tray of food. "How are you feeling," Wyatt asked.

"Good, but I've been better," I said.

"I thought since you know, now that you're not pregnant anymore, you can eat what you want," Wyatt said as he came over and set the tray full of food down on the ground next to the bed. He then got on the other side and crawled in the bed next to me. "So, I thought since you that you're not pregnant anymore we can..have some fun."

I punched him in the shoulder knowing what he meant. "Wyatt Matthew Halliwell are you trying to seduce me?" I asked.

"Well is it working," he smiled.

"Who said it wasn't," I answered him and he started kissing me but I stopped him. "Wyatt what about the baby," I asked.

"We can just go to the guest room," he said as he started kissing me on the neck but I stopped him again. "What now?"

"I'm still a little sore from the baby," I said.

"Oh I'm sure I can make you feel better," Wyatt said as he started kissing my cheeks and then moved down to my neck leaving butterfly kissing causing me to relax a little more.

"Yeah, I do feel much better," I said as Wyatt picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck for support and he carried me to the guest bedroom.

Yeah I know I'm stopping in the middle of a sex scene, but if I get enough feedback I'll continue it right where I left off. Email me at or

Next: Chapter 21

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