Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Aug 27, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I didn't get enough feedback so sorry I'm going to skip the little sex scene. I'm just playing.

Okay so I know you guys are probably mad at me for stopping at a sex scene. Just for that I won't continue it. I'm just kidding I'll start it right where it left off okay and I promise not to stop in the middle of a sex scene again alright. Now please put down the pitch forks and torches and I'll give you the story.

Previously on Charmed:

"I'm still a little sore from the baby," I said.

"Oh I'm sure I can make you feel better," Wyatt said as he started kissing my cheeks and then moved down to my neck leaving butterfly kissing causing me to relax a little more.

"Yeah, I do feel much better," I said as Wyatt picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck for support and he carried me to the guest bedroom.

Wyatt then placed me on the bed and got on top of me. He kissed me and I responded immediately. I then felt Wyatt's tongue go over my lips causing me to moan softly as I opened up and let Wyatt's tongue enter my mouth and search around. Wyatt gently started running his hands up my shirt and he continued to kiss me. After a minute he moved from my lips and went to my neck, kissing it, sucking it, and biting every inch he could find while I moaned louder.

Wyatt slowly took of my shirt and threw it on the floor and started going back to placing kissing all over me. He smiled as he moved his tongue along my navel causing me to moan. He then quickly pulled off my jeans and boxers, before pulling off his clothes.

He went back down to kissing me stopping at my nipples and taking one in his mouth and them he moved down even lower to my member. He consumed that all in his mouth easily as I moaned. I was about to cum soon and Wyatt decided to put me out of my misery. Wyatt used his new power and conjured up some lube and put it all on his fingers before he pushed one inside of me, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Shh, relax its going to be okay," Wyatt whispered kissing me on the neck. Soon the pain disappeared and Wyatt inserted two more fingers causing me to moan more. Wyatt searched until he found my prostate and slowly pulled out his fingers once he found it.

Wyatt then started to push into me and his vision went blurry for awhile. Its been two months since he's done this and he was now sex starved. I was so tight Wyatt knew he wasn't going to last long. I was still in a little pain so Wyatt started moving slowly.

He started thrusting as deep as he could, wanting to feel me more and more. My hands were holding onto Wyatt for support, as he kissed me and his thrust got faster and faster, until I just couldn't take it and came out all over myself while gripping onto Wyatt's shoulders even harder. Wyatt couldn't hold it any longer after that. He exploded deep in me.

Wyatt then collapsed on me, panting for a minute before rolling off and pulling out at the same time. He then pulled me closer to him. "I love you, Chris."

"I love you too Wyatt," I said before I laid my head on his chest. I was tired and I was falling asleep, but Wyatt was still full of energy. He wanted more since it was his first time in two months.

It was quiet for ten minutes.

"Hey umm Chris," Wyatt asked causing me to wake up.

"What," I asked half sleep.

"Can we please go again," Wyatt asked.

"Why," I asked harshly not wanting to since I just wanted to sleep.

"Please," he said rubbing every part of my body that was visible.

30 minutes later....

Wyatt was thrusting in and out of me again. I got even tighter around him to the point where Wyatt couldn't take it anymore. "Aww I'm going to cum!!" Wyatt shouted before shooting another load in me and collapsing on top of me. Both of us were panting.

"Can I please get some sleep now," I asked and Wyatt nodded and got off of me and pulled out. He then pulled me close to him again. Unfortunately he was still full of energy.

There was a minute of silence before Wyatt finally said something. "Hey umm Chris," Wyatt said as he started placing buttery kisses on my neck.

"No!" I said instantly knowing what he was getting at. He wanted to go again. I can understand, but I still don't want to.

"Come on please!" He begged.

"No," I repeated hoping he'd give up after that.

"I love you," he said and I gave in. He knows that when he says that I'll do anything for him.

20 minutes later.....

I was on all fours and Wyatt was thrusting in me even harder than before, grabbing onto my shoulders for support. It was much longer before Wyatt came in me again. This was a bigger load than last time. He then fell back and pulled me closer to him again. I snuggled into him this time. I was tired.

"I love you so much Chris," Wyatt said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. He gently started to rubbing my arm. "Hey how about..."

"No!" I said instantly again.

"But..." Wyatt said but I interrupted him.

"I said no," I shouted causing him to jump a little.

"Alright fine if you want to be that way," Wyatt said, and then he started to suck and nip on my neck causing me to groan.

An hour later....

I was on top of Wyatt bouncing on top of him, while he just laid down and smiled at the sight. His face then became full of pleasure as he came into me again. I was the one who collapsed on him this time.

"Can I please get some sleep I'm tired," I asked as our foreheads were touching.

"Yeah," Wyatt said and I got off of him pulling him out of me. I snuggled up to him once more. "Hey baby..." Wyatt said putting a hand on my butt.

I just slapped it off, "no and that's my final answer. That'll be enough for tonight you hear me!"

For a whole week that was how my sex life was. I could barely get any sleep since Wyatt was always in the mood for having sex. Some nights it got so bad with Wyatt trying to have sex with me that I would sometimes just throw some clothes on and go sleep on the couch. Whenever Prue would be crying and I could hear her through the baby monitor I'd always have to be the one to go put her back to sleep since Wyatt would never do it.

It was morning and I just woke up and got Prue out of her crib. Wyatt was still in the bed sleep so I made sure I moved quietly since I didn't want to wake him up or else we'd be going at it again. I was still sore from having sex a lot so I sometimes had a hard time walking. Everyone at first didn't suspect nothing of it. They just thought I was still sore from the baby.

I gently put Prue down in her baby chair since I was about to feed her something. I heated up a bottle and waited for a minute for it to cool down. Soon Piper joined me in the kitchen. She went right over and poured herself a cup of coffee before watching me limp my way back over to the table and pull up a chair next to Prue.

"Wow I can see you haven't recovered from having that baby," Piper said mixing a few things in her coffee. "Do you need some Tylenol or something," she asked.

"No, its not the baby," I said as I pulled Prue off of the baby chair and held her and gave her the bottle. "Its Wyatt," I said causing her eyes to pop out. "He's a sex machine. He has us going at it five maybe even six times a day," I explained. Piper then stared at me more closely and she saw the hickeys on my neck and laughed. She now knew I wasn't lying. I was pretty mad that she found this funny. "So you think this is funny don't you? My butt is sore, I've got I don't know how many hickeys on my neck, and I'm not getting much sleep because of both Wyatt and the baby!" I explained. "Tell me dad really wasn't like this after you had Wyatt and Chris."

"Honestly yes he was," Piper answered. I was shocked to find that out. "I was always trying to hide from Leo after I had the kids since he was too, what you just called Wyatt, a sex machine, but that's just how they are. I mean who can blame them. They were sexually frustrated during the whole time of the pregnancy and now that its over they just can't help themselves." Piper started sipping her coffee.

"That's just great," I sighed. "How long did this go on," I asked hoping it would be over soon.

"For about a month," She answered.

"What?!" I said standing up.

"Sorry but maybe Wyatt will stop sooner," Piper said hopeful.

"Don't count on it," I said. "If anything he would probably do this longer than a month." Prue only took a few sips from the bottle. That's mostly all she eats. "Aw come on Prue, why won't you eat more," I asked trying to make her drink more but she still wouldn't. "Aunt Piper do you know why Prue's not eating, I mean she doesn't eat much."

"Are you giving her the right formula," Piper asked.

"Yes, it says right on the label for ages zero to six months," I said.

"Have you given her the right amount," Piper asked also.

"Yeah it says three cups of water and two cups of formula," I answered

"Hm, what about the temperature. Do you think it might be too hot or maybe even to cold," Piper said going down the line.

"No, it can't be I checked it," I said. I then poured some on my wrist to check again to make sure. "Yeah there's nothing wrong with it."

"Well maybe she doesn't like that kind of milk," Piper suggested.

"Okay what other kind could there be," I asked.

"Um, you're probably not going to like this but...maybe Prue doesn't want to drink milk from a bottle," Piper said slowly but I still wasn't getting what she was saying so she went on. "Why don't you know...breast feeding?"

"Excuse me I think I must have heard incorrectly but the first word you said sounded like breast," I said sarcastically knowing what she really said.

"I think you should try it," Piper said smiling. "Its just the normal way that most first born babies do, and I heard it makes them smart. I mean I did it with Chris and look how smart he turned out. He graduated early."

"No way, no how," I said right away. "You're a girl, I'm a guy. And just because I can conceive kids does not mean that I have breast milk and even if I did, I wouldn't be feeding Prue that way. Its just...wrong."

"You haven't even tried it," Piper said.

"Yeah and I don't think I'll be trying it anytime soon," I said as I got up and put Prue in here carriage and started gathering some things for he baby bag. Prue then start crying. "What's wrong now I just gave you something to eat," I said sighing as I walked back over to her. I then checked her diaper. "Oh great, right when I put you in the carriage you decide you need a diaper change." I pulled her out of the carriage and put a few blankets on the table before I set her on it.

Piper just giggled the whole time. "You just remind me so much of all those times I had to do that with Chris and Wyatt."

"Thanks!" I said sarcastically as I put a new diaper on Prue.

"Umm, Chris sweetie I think you put Prue's diaper on backwards," she said smiling for a minute before she laughed even more.

"Grr," I growled. I was mad. I now had to take that diaper off and then put on a whole new diaper. "Alright that does it now, I've got some other stuff to do," I said as I went and threw that diaper in the trash.

"Chris, its still on backwards," Piper said.

"What?!" I said walking back over to her and picking her up and looking at her up and down. "How could this happen. I swear I put it on right this time," I then looked at Piper and she just shrugged her shoulders. "I mean there is no way it could have gotten backwards like this unless someone magically moved," I paused for a moment and then looked straight at Prue and she was giggling. She had guilty written all over her. "Prue fix it. Now." Prue giggled some more before she finally orbed her diaper back the right way.

Piper kept on laughing. She was laughing so hard she could barely stand up. "I'm sorry but you have to admit that was pretty funny." Piper finally stopped laughing after awhile and started gasping. "I can tell you right now she's going to be a handful, but that's so cute the way she's using her magic already and you fell for it."

"Ha ha ha, I don't think this is so funny," I said putting Prue back in her carriage. "Let me guess I'm sure she probably gets it from Wyatt," I shrugged. I put a blanket over Prue to cover her. I then grabbed her baby bag and the carriage and headed for the door. "Alright Aunt Piper I'll be right back."

"Hold it," she said stopping me. "Where are you going?"

"To meet a friend," I answered. "I'll see you later oh and if Wyatt wakes up you haven't seen me," I said as I started for the door again but was stopped.

"Stop right there mister," Piper ordered. "Which friend are you going to go meet," Piper asked. I was about to answer her but she stopped me from talking. "Oh no turn around and look at me in the eye." I turned around and Piper caught sight of what I had in my hand. "What are you doing with those viles?" I smiled trying to lighten the mood. "I'm waiting for an answer, who is this friend you're going to go meet and why do you have those viles."

"Well..uh..its..John," I said and Piper gasped but before she could say anything I tried to explain. "I know what you're thinking, but its not like that. John and I decided that we were just going to be friends and right now I have to meet him about something important and I'm taking the viles just in case..uh..just in case..umm any demons attack. Yeah that's right in case any demons attack."

"I understand taking the viles, but what I don't understand is why are you taking Prue with you," Piper asked. "Are you sure you want to take her out in public. She's not even two weeks old yet?"

"I know but I have someone I want her to meet," I explained. "And don't worry, that's why I have her covered in a blanket so she doesn't get any germs or anything else. If its anything demonic, well she knows how to put up her shield," I said assuring Piper of her deepest concerns. That's just Piper. She's always concerned about everyone. "Now remember if Wyatt asks you haven't seen me." I said and Piper nodded before I slipped out the door.

When I finally arrived at the restaurant that I was suppose to meet John at I didn't spot him at first but then I saw two beautiful kids sitting down at a table coloring. I then looked up more and saw them sitting on both sides of him. I quickly ran over and took the chair opposite from him and gently set Prudence on the floor so she wouldn't wake up.

"Hey sorry I got here so late," I said and John smiled. "So these must be the twins you were talking about."

"Yeah," John said. "Can you believe it they're already a year old. I guess its true when they say kids grow up fast. And you won't believe this but they already have powers and they already use them."

"Don't worry I believe it," I answered. "Prudence down here used hers today orbing her diaper on backwards twice, making me think that I kept putting it on wrong," I explained and John laughed.

"So why are we here," John asked sarcastically as he looked at the kids. "You mentioned that the boy wasn't my son."

"Yeah, and I can prove it to you," I said pulling out the viles that Piper saw me with. "Do you have a bowl, a couple of them actually," I asked and John took out two bowls. "Alright this is a magic DNA test. Look out for any waiters alright. Make sure they don't come see me doing this."

I pulled out two kieu tips. I swabbed them in both the twins mouth and put them in a bowl. I then carefully looked around to make sure no one was looking and I poured the vile in each bowl.

"Alright, now here's how it works, in a few seconds the face of the father of the baby will appear in the bowl," I said. John and I watched the bowls and watched while the faces started to form. Before we could see Prudence woke up and started crying again. "Prue," I said almost in tears. "What's wrong now, you just won't ever stop crying unless your sleep," I said as I picked her up and handed her a bottle but she only took a few sips from it and began crying again. "I give up, this is a hungry cry and she's not eating."

"Maybe you should try breast feeding," John suggest.

"Please not you too," I said.

"Alright," John said as he shrugged his shoulders. "It was just a suggestion, if you want her to stop crying."

"Fine I'll do it," I finally said giving in. "But only because you and Piper said something about it." I slowly unbuttoned my top few buttons and then pulled Prue close to me and tossed part of the blanket over my shoulder so it didn't look suspicions. A guy trying to do something like that would look pretty weird if you ask me. I waited for awhile before saying, "okay this is weird she's actually eating."

"See I told you it would work," John said with an 'I told you so' attitude. "Ready to check that DNA test."

"Sure," I said and we both looked into the bowls.


Wyatt finally woke up and realized that I wasn't laying beside him. He got worried since I'm usually there even if I go sleep on the couch. I would only do it until he would go to sleep and then I would come back in there and lay right next to him. He suspected something was wrong. He didn't even get dressed. He just put on a robe and left the room and went straight into the kitchen where Piper was making breakfast.

"Hey Wyatt sweetie," Piper greeted him smiling. "Did you sleep well," Piper asked. "You looked worried whats wrong."

"Nothing," he lied. "By any chance have you seen Chris," Wyatt asked and then he looked around and realized that he didn't hear Prudence crying and screaming. "And have you seen Prue anywhere either."

"Oh Chris is out with Peter," Piper lied. Not really because she was talking about Chris H. "Prudence is out hunting demons," Piper sore of lied again. Grown up Prue was out hunting demons but not baby Prue. "How about you sit down and have some breakfast." Piper was trying to get Wyatt off the subject of me. At least till I got home.

"Mom," Wyatt said firmly. "Where's Chris E and baby Prue," Wyatt asked.

"You know I really don't know," Piper said making it obvious that she was lying. "He just left with Prue without telling me where he was going, but he said he'd be right back."

Wyatt frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "Mom, you know, you were never a good liar even when I was a child. So stop giving me the run around and tell me what I want to know. Now where is Chris and Prue. He usually never gets up unless I get up or unless Prudence is crying, but right now I don't see Prue anywhere so where are they."

Piper sighed before answering, "look Wyatt, I'm sorry but I can't tell you that, I promised Chris that I wouldn't tell you where he was going, but I can tell you that its somewhere important."

"But mom," Wyatt began but was cut off by Piper.

"I'm sorry Wyatt but its not my place to say and a promise is a promise and I don't want Chris to think that he can't trust me," Piper said.

"Mom, please just tell me I promise I won't let him know you told," Wyatt said. When that did work Wyatt decided to tried another approach. "Mom, he's my husband and thats my child he's going around with. I have a right to know where they are at all times."

Piper went silent. She was to scared about whether to tell Wyatt or not. Wyatt did have a point but on the other hand she promised me. Wyatt waited and waited before Piper started talking.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you, but you must promise that you won't get mad and you won't tell Chris," Piper said and Wyatt nodded in response. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "Chris went to meet up with a friend and he just decided to take Prue with him."

"What friend," Wyatt said in a low voice. He was really getting tired of this being given the run around.

"You know a friend," Piper answered seeing how far she can push it. Wyatt then stared at her with the angry look and Piper finally gave in. "A friend named...John."

"A friend named who!" Wyatt shouted causing a small earthquake in the manor.

"Wyatt you promised you wouldn't be mad," Piper said.

"Oh I'm not mad I'm furious," Wyatt said as he turned to walk out of the kitchen. "Wait till I get my hands on him, he will never see light of day after I'm done with him."

"Wyatt stop," Piper said grabbing Wyatt's arm. "Wyatt if you go up there, Chris will be mad at you and me and he'll never trust us again. That's why he took Prue so you wouldn't think that there was anything going on."

"Its not him I don't trust, its John," Wyatt said. "He's done so much in our lives that there's no telling what else he'll do and I'm not sure if Chris is going to be able to defend himself against him since we haven't seen if his powers are back yet."

"Don't worry," Piper assured Wyatt. "I'm sure Chris can take care of himself. He's done so, many times already so just please promise me you'll stay here and not go after him."

"I promise," Wyatt said before he stormed back up stairs. Wyatt thought though that he may have promised he wouldn't go after me he didn't say he wouldn't call me. Wyatt went to the room and pulled out his cell phone. He knew my number by heart so he didn't have to look it up in the phone book.


"See I told you," I said as John and I looked into the bowls. His face appeared in the bowl with the girl's DNA and Wyatt's face appeared in the bowl with the boy's.

"So I guess you were right," John said. "Have you thought of any names for the kids though," John asked.

"Yeah, I already know, the guy is Ryan and the girl is suppose to be Patience," I answered confident.

"Ryan and Patience, hmm," John started thinking. "I like the names but where did they come from."

"John you were my boyfriend for two years and you didn't even remember that those were my adopted parent's names," I reminded him.

"Have you thought of what their middles names are suppose to be," John asked.

"You know I never thought about that, when I went to the future I only got their first names," I explained and tilted my head to the side. "You know I didn't even know who's last name Patience took."

"I want her to take your last name," John said and I just stared at him with surprise. "I don't want her to take the last name of the source, plus the name Halliwell is the name most demons fear and that's what I want."

"Thanks," I said.

"But I must say, how is Patience going to go around with that kind of name," John asked his worse fears. "Think about it, I like the name, but kids might go around saying 'have patience' or be patience."

"So..don't worry that's why all of the girls have nicknames, since Patty is taken or will be taken her nickname will be Patsy," I answered John. "I'm sure they won't be making fun of that name as much." I started laughing a bit. "Yeah four girls who's nicknames are Patsy, Prue, Patty, and Penny. Can you believe it."

"Yeah I can, but why doesn't Ryan's name start with a P if you're gonna name the rest of the kids with P?"

"Because Ryan's a guy. Its only the girls who's names start with P, duh," I said obviously. "My name doesn't start with a P and neither does Wyatt's or Chris's or Henry's." My tone then change. " do you want to do this custody agreement."

John sighed and his smile went to a sad face. "I want you to keep her," I was about to say something but he interrupted me. "Look, Chris I can't keep Patience. Since I stepped down from being in charge in the Underworld there are so many demons after me that I just don't want to put her at risk. On the other hand, demons fear you and they fear the Charmed Ones."

"John you're still her father," I tried to argue and I felt myself phone ring but this was to important to answer. "She's going to need you in her life."

"I'll drop in from time to time."

"That's not enough," I said. "Why don't you come back to the manor where we can protect you."

"No, I can't. Wyatt hates me and so does the rest of the family," John said.

"Yeah but you're still family," I argued.

"Look still doesn't matter, I'm not going there, and I just need you to promise me something," John said and I nodded. "Promise me you'll take good care of Patience for me and let her know her dad loves her everyday," John said with a few tears coming down his eyes.


Wyatt was getting mad now since I didn't answer the phone. Wyatt couldn't stand it anymore. He needed to know what was going on that I had to meet John now. Was it perhaps he wanted my help? Or maybe it was me trying to piss him off by trying to get back with him. If it was it was certainly working. Wyatt didn't know what it could have been, because I usually would tell him everything, but this no I didn't tell him. The thought of me even being out somewhere with John made Wyatt want to blow up something.

Wyatt just sat on the bed and just thought about what to do. Of course he knew that I would be mad if was spying on my since it wouldn't be the first time. But it would maybe give him some closure. Maybe there isn't anything going on between me and John.

There better not be anything going on with me and John. I was his. Wyatt knows those thoughts make him sound possessive, but he knew that I knew he was like that before I married him and he's shown it in more ways than one. The thought of John even touching me made Wyatt's temper rise to the point where he couldn't stand it. He was the person for me. Not John.

He quickly stood up with an angry growl. Just sitting there wondering what John and I might be doing was getting him worked up. He got so angry he punched a hole in the wall knowing that if he got caught spying that he and I would be arguing like no other. But if he didn't he would go crazy.

Wyatt then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet and opened it. He took out two small photos he always took with him no matter where he was going.

It was picture of me and him at our wedding. Him and I were kissing right next to our wedding cake. Then there was another one of him and I at the altar. He then saw the two pictures of him and I on the dresser. One was that photo of me, him, Peter, and Chris on that morning after my brother died. It was that same picture Paige took. Another one was of us at our engagement party.

Wyatt only wished he could go back in time and relive those moments. Those were the best times of his life. Yeah there were more demons but we both faced them together. Everything was now slightly different. Our relationship had so many ups and downs due to us becoming parents. Wyatt was always frustrated with me getting mad that he wouldn't spend time with me and the baby but now he knows what it feels like since me and the baby aren't spending time with him.

He put the two photos he took out back into his wallet and put it back in his back pocket. This was tearing him up inside. He wanted to know what was so important, no he needed to know what it was. He waved his hand over the hole in the wall fixing it and then he sensed for me before orbing out.

He made sure he appeared two restaurants down from where I was. He walked along the sidewalk and towards the place he sensed me at. There was a large crowd of people walking the streets today.

Once inside he was asked by a host if they could help him and he told them that he already had someone here so he was just going to go look around for them. He looked around and went towards where he sensed me at.

"John is there anything I can do to make you change your mind," I asked John. Me and him had been going back and forth with his decision for a long time and John just didn't seem to budge. I hope Patience isn't like that at all.

"No Chris my mind is made up, now I have to get going. There's not telling what they're planning," John said standing up out of the chair.

I set Prudence down in her carriage and stood up with him. "Just promise me you'll be careful okay," I said and he said okay. I didn't feel like he was an enemy anymore, so I went write up and hugged him for a good long while.

Wyatt had a hard time finding where I was but he kept sensing until he knew exactly where I was. He finally found the table we were at, but he just expect me to be talking to John. However the last thing he expected me to be doing was hugging him.

Wyatt tightened his fist as he felt all the anger and rage flowing through him. I was his and no one was allowed to touch me. Especially not John.

He rapidly walked over towards us. The waiters all saw his anger and moved out of his way. Once he reached us he didn't hold anything back. He grabbed John and pulled him away from me. Then without any second thought he punched John in the face. The whole place started staring at the scene that was taking place. The kids all started crying.

John was hit so hard that he fell backwards onto the ground. Wyatt started coming towards him like he was going to hit him some more, but I quickly got in front of him, putting myself between John and my at the moment, crazy jealous husband.

"What in the world is wrong with you!" I yelled watching my language trying not to swear in front of the kids who were still crying.

"I'm going to beat the fuck out of him," Wyatt said, pointing directly at John.

He tried to go around me and go after John but I put my hands on his chest and tried to hold him back.

"Look, Wyatt I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." John said but stopped as he got up.

"Wyatt go home!" I demanded.

"No way. Not until I kill this asshole," Wyatt said still trying to get to John but I was holding him back.

"Wyatt, dude chill out," John said putting his hands up.

"What the fuck were you doing here with him?!" Wyatt asked mad as hell.

"Wyatt we were just.." John said but was cut off.

"Shut up, John!" Wyatt said.

"Can I please explain," John asked but Wyatt just ignored him.

"Why are you out at a restaurant with him out of all people?!" Wyatt asked getting more angrier by the second.

"Wyatt you need to calm down," I said since I was probably the only one he was going to listen to right now. "Look just go home and I'll talk to you there!"

The kids were still crying so John went over to comfort them. The first one he picked up though was Ryan and that wasn't going to make the situation any better, but I would tell Wyatt that, that kid John was holding was Ryan but I knew that would only piss him off more.

"Okay, I'll go but you and Prue are coming with me," Wyatt said.

"I'm sorry Wyatt, I'm not trying to make this worse as it already is," John said sitting Ryan back down in the chair. "But isn't Chris old enough to do what he wants."

"Not with you he isn't," Wyatt said.

"Look I've already seen him that morning after he had the baby," John said. "He told me it was okay to see him in the room."

Wyatt angrily stared at me, "he was in our room?!"

"I'm sorry, its just I had to talk to him, I hope you're not mad about that," John asked. That's a stupid question of course Wyatt is going to be mad.

"No, I'm just surprised he let a demon like you come close to him and our baby, especially since you almost killed him," Wyatt said bringing up the past.

John just sighed and shrugged it off like he didn't care. Wyatt temper shot up and he just moved around me and started after John again. The two began fighting like crazy, though Wyatt was winning by a long shot. Punches were going everywhere and the kids were crying even louder and I couldn't split them up this time. My only question was what made him come here.

Dammit Piper. She promised me she wouldn't tell. I just knew this was going to happen. That's why I didn't bring Wyatt along. I wasn't just mad at Piper. I was made at Wyatt. It seems that he doesn't trust me.

"Break it up!" Two security guards said hurrying towards them. One grabbed a hold of John and another grabbed a hold of Wyatt and broke them apart. They then got in front of them both and shoved them apart.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" A security guy said to Wyatt.

Wyatt was about to say something back but I stopped him. "Go home, Wyatt I will talk to you about it later."

"Hey dude I'm sorry about this I didn't mean for it to get this far," John said very apologetically.

Wyatt again ignored his apology and asked me, "Who's it going to be. Me or him. Who's side are you on."

"First of all Wyatt I'm not taking any sides and second you just came here and punched John in the face for no reason at all," I said.

"I punched him because he was all over you, my husband," Wyatt said trying to excuse what he did, but even if John didn't hug me Wyatt would have still done it.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave or else the cops will be called," the security guard said.

Wyatt looked at me for awhile before he stormed out of the place. Everyone moving out of his way as he came through. Then everyone just went back to what they were doing. I sat back down and talked to John some more before I decided to leave. It looks like I have an angry husband to go home to.


I finally returned back to the manor carrying Prue in her carriage and holding Ryan's hand and Patience was walking on the other side of me. I had two baby bags now instead of one. Wait till Piper gets a load of this.

I entered through the back way and let Patience go in first before I walked in with Prue and Ryan. Piper was sitting at the table along with Chris and Peter. I'm surprised to see those two home. Usually they're too busy for family.

"Hey bro what you do to Wyatt, he just came back from the Underworld and he blew up a ton of demons," Chris said standing up to greet me. Patience walked up to him and he looked down at her. "Is this who I think it is?"

"Yes," I said before Chris could say anything else. "Now where's Wyatt?"

"He's upstairs in his room," Chris answered as he picked up Patience and started to play with her. "You might not want to go in there, he's pretty pissed. He'd probably blow up the next person who walks through that door."

"I've seen him on worse days so I'm not worried," I lied. I don't think I've ever seen Wyatt that angry before. "Can you watch the kids while I go talk to Wyatt, Chris."

"Sure thing bro," he said.

I began to hand Peter Ryan and he picked him up while I handed Prue to Piper. "Hold on," Piper said. "Who's kids are those," Piper asked. I forgot she doesn't know whats going on, but I can only handle on tragedy at a time and right now the most important thing I do is go talk to Wyatt.

"Alright that's Patience," I said pointing to the girl Chris was holding. "And that's Ryan," I said pointing to the boy Peter was holding. "One is you niece and the other one is you're grandson. So mingle. Chris please explain," I said rushing out the room before any one else could say anything.

I ran upstairs to our bedroom door. I could feel Wyatt was in there and since I'm an empath I can feel that he's very angry. I just took a deep breath before I slowly opened the door. The room was very dark and there were no lights on in there. I kept the door opened since it was the only source of light in there. I could see the shape of Wyatt just sitting on the bed. I wasn't going to say the first word. I just stood there.

"So you finally decided to come back?" Wyatt said breaking the silence. "What happened to John did he become the Source again?"

I just frowned at what Wyatt was saying. "No he didn't and this is why I didn't take you since I knew you were going have an unprovoked act of violence."

"Unprovoked?" Wyatt asked as he stood up. I knew Wyatt was going to start going off on me now that he was so angry so I just thought I might as well let him have it and wait till he was done.

"Yes unprovoked," I said as I walked onto the other side of the bed that Wyatt was on just so we could be face to face but we had space in between us and closed the door with telekinesis so no one could hear us.

"I go to the restaurant, hoping to see you talking to John and he's not trying to kill you, but then what do I see? You are all over him like chocolate syrup on ice cream!" Wyatt yelled.

I just turned the other way and looked out the window. I couldn't stand to look at him right now.

"First of all it wasn't what you think, and second you had no right to go up there and punch him like that," I said turning back back around.

"What did you want me to do, just leave? The person I love more than anything was all over the one guy who's tried to kill him and I'm just suppose to watch?" Wyatt asked sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh it was just a hug its not like I was kissing him," I said.

"Yeah you say that," Wyatt said back.

"I don't know why you're getting all worked up over a damn hug because if I was to punch every guy who hugged you them I'd have no hand left," I said hoping Wyatt would stop arguing after that.

Unfortunately that didn't work, "that's different. The guys I'm hugging are my friends not my ex's." He did have a point there. I couldn't say anything about him hugging any of his ex's because they were all girls. I was the first gay relationship Wyatt's ever had. Before me he only had sex with other girls, but he would only use them for sex he was never really in love with them. "John's your ex and he's always been trying to get back with you. He's even tried to kill you to do it and you still hugged him."

"Wyatt it was just a friendly hug, not anything more," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well it looked more than like a friendly hug to me, and he didn't look like he didn't want it," Wyatt said.

"Maybe he was trying to show me he cares for me and his baby, unlike you," I said only to piss him off. He was silent for a moment but I decided to break the silence. "Wow looks like you can't even say anything about that."

"You know you've been acting real moody ever since we went to the future and he claimed that you two were best friends," Wyatt said.

"Its not because of him its because of you that I'm acting this way," I said. "The reason why I went to meet him was because of Patience and Ryan and I knew you were going to act like this that's why I didn't bring you!"

"You know even when you're not pregnant your still always mad at me for trying to protect you," Wyatt said. I was about to say something but Wyatt had to egg me on. "Go ahead, say what you have to say about your little lecture, I'm use to all your bitchiness anyway."

"Oh yeah because I'm the one who's always wrong, right! And you're always the victim," I said with sarcasm.

"If that was the case then why am I always the one who says sorry," Wyatt snapped.

"Yeah and most of the time you don't really mean it, you just say what you have to say to get me to sleep with you," I said.

"If that was the case then how come Phoebe and Chris sensed that I was serious about it," Wyatt said.

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe there was something wrong with their powers and this isn't about Phoebe and Chris this is about me and you. You need to stop being a jealous asshole!"

Wyatt just ignored the statement. "You know he's only trying to get back with you, that's the only reason why he wanted to meet you."

"Oh really Wyatt, yeah because that's the only way I'll make any friends."

"Don't you find it the least bit odd that he tries to get back with you all this time and he all of a sudden stops once you have the baby," Wyatt said.

"No, I don't because he said in the future that we were friends somehow, and I think I should be allowed to hug my best friend," I defended myself.

"Well forget about it, you not aloud to hang out with him, and he's not aloud to touch you because you're mine, and no one is aloud to touch you especially not him," Wyatt said possessively.

"Wyatt I can hang out with whoever I want," I exclaimed. My temper started rising. "If you think just because I accept you being possessive means that you can control me you have got some issues."

"That's just too bad you were warned about that before you married me so looks like you're just going to have to deal with it and secondly I can't get over the fact that you put our daughter in harms way," Wyatt said.

"I didn't put her in harms way. I knew he wasn't going to use magic in public and secondly he wouldn't have harmed Prue anyway since he's already been taking care of your son for a year. Look I don't know why you're making a big deal. It was just a hug," I said.

"Just as well as I went there. Who knows what would have gone on if I hadn't stopped it!" Wyatt snapped.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Let me think, one minute you hugging and the next your kissing then the next you're back at his apartment let him fuck you!"

"What!" I said not believing what came out of his mouth. "Are you trying to say that I'm easy?!"

"No, but its happened before, so I'm just trying to say you might want to be careful around this guy," Wyatt said.

I glared at him angrily. "You know what there's nothing going on between me and John and if you can't accept that then I don't know what to tell you!" With that said I walked past Wyatt and proceeded to leave the room.

"Hold it, where are you going," Wyatt asked as he started walking after me.

"None of your business," I said opening the door and starting to walk out.

"Oh no you don't," he said pulling me back in and closing the door. "We're going to talk about this."

"I have nothing left to say to you," I said turning to open the door but he spun me around and kept me there in place.

"We're not done here," he said.

"Yes we are," I said trying to move away from him, but he pushed me back against the door.

"You're not going anywhere until we work this out," Wyatt said gazing me in the eyes.

"No we're not, now let me go," I said as I started to move away from the door but was pushed right back into it.

I was about to say something but I didn't get a chance. Wyatt pressed his lips against mine roughly and held me against the door, pinning my hands above my head. I wanted to protest but instead I found myself opening up and letting Wyatt's tongue come in. I moaned as he did that and ran my hands through Wyatt's hair as he ran his hands all over me possessively. I could feel our hard ons rubbing against each other.

Wyatt put his hand underneath my shirt feeling around until he finally started to pull it up. I raised my arms straight up and Wyatt pulled the shirt off my head. It only broke the kiss off for a second but Wyatt got right back into it with more intensity. He then quickly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on to the ground. Wyatt wrapped his arms against me and pulled me even closer to him, so that we were now skin on skin in addition to kissing. He started undoing his jeans and he quickly pulled them off before he went after mine.

He had no time for anything else. He just wanted to get straight to the point so he waved his hands conjuring both our boxers off. He then lifted me against the wall with one hand and with the other he stuck his manhood in my entrance. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Wyatt held his hand over my mouth so no one could here me as he pounded me against the wall. As the pressure started building in him, he started going even more harder and more faster, going in me deeper every time. It was the first time we'd ever done it in this position and we wouldn't be telling the truth if we said we didn't like it.

He was so close to cumming he could feel it. Another burst of energy shot through him as he started pumping even harder. He watched as I started to grab onto him tighter and my eyes started closing tightly. It was still a little bit of both pain and pleasure. He didn't want to hurt me in any way, but he knew he was being much rougher than usually. He just ignored it. He was taking out all his frustration and anger on me.

Wyatt didn't know what happened. One minute we were arguing over John and the next he has me up against the wall screwing me like he's never done before. He usually wasn't so rough, but he had a fire inside of him and it just made him go into a lust frenzy. He just needed to get every trace of John off of me that he had on me in the past two years and replace it with his. He needed me to be his. Not part of me but all of me.

I lifted my head up so Wyatt could start kissing my neck and biting it wherever he pleased. The kisses and the biting weren't as soft as usual but I didn't care. This was not usual.

Out of nowhere I just screamed Wyatt's name as I exploded. It caused my ass to tighten up around Wyatt's cock causing him to let out a huge load. He went down and kissed me on the lips again before he carried us over to the bed and we both collapsed there for awhile. I passed out but Wyatt was still full of energy so he was able to pull me closer to him on the bed.

Wyatt knew that even though we just had sex that our problems weren't over. He knew that when I woke up the argument would probably pick right back up but he knew one thing. That I couldn't push him away when we made love. Wyatt felt pretty good.


I woke up once I heard knocking at the door. I looked at the clock it was now 7:00 pm and I had left Chris with the kids at 4:00 pm. So I had been up here for three hours sleep. This does not look good.

The door was opening but I waved my hand and shut it before it could open all the way. Then someone knocked again. "Chris, Wyatt, you guys okay in there," the person at the door said. It took me a second to realize who it was, but I figured it was Chris.

"Yeah we're fine," I said. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, its just the whole family is up here and mom wants you guys to come downstairs," Chris said.

"Alright we'll be down there in a minute," I said quickly jumping off the bed and throwing some clothes on. I looked in the mirror to see my hair and everything was messed up. I couldn't go downstairs looking like I just had sex so I figured I had to make myself look as good as possible. Wyatt was just laying down so I figured I should go wake him up since he's going to be out like a light. I picked up his boxers and threw them on him hard enough to wake him up. "Get dressed," I said going back to the mirror and coming my hair.

Wyatt held a wearily groan and sat up. He slowly pulled the boxers off his face and looked over and saw me dressed combing my hair. He smiled and got out of bed and started to walk over to where I was standing, still naked. I didn't hear him coming towards me but I could see him coming in the mirror. I looked behind me and then quickly looked back in the mirror.

Wyatt smiled, he was very entertained by my reaction. He went and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "You know after a year of being with me, I thought you'd be use to seeing me like this," Wyatt said rocking me from side to side.

"I am," I said pulling away from him and going over to the nightstand and spraying some cologne on me since I smelled like sex. I looked over and saw Wyatt grinning at me. "What, did I do something wrong?"

"Have I told you how much I love you," Wyatt said smiling.

I just shook my and sighed at the comment and Wyatt just walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer this time. He went in for a kiss but I turned causing him to kiss me on the cheek. When I turned back I had a look of disappointment on my face.

"What's wrong," Wyatt asked. I stayed silent and didn't say anything. "Chris," Wyatt said firmer.

"Nothings wrong I just think we need to get dressed. We have guest over and I want you to meet your son without him seeing you act violent," I said sarcastically so I didn't offend Wyatt.

"There always over and I can meet him anytime. So they can all wait," Wyatt said as he bent down and started kissing on my neck and sucking every inch of skin visible.

"I know but I just don't think we should..." I started saying before I stopped and started moaning slightly as Wyatt nibbled on my neck. I then realized that if we weren't down there soon, Piper would probably blow us up. We've already been up here for three hours. I then pushed Wyatt off saying, "stop it."

"I'm sorry. I just thought we could have a little fun before we go downstairs," Wyatt said with a smirk.

"No Wyatt and I'm being serious," I said as I started walking backwards as Wyatt advanced on me. "Wyatt quit screwing around," I said and Wyatt's just lifted an eye brow. "Not that way, you know what I mean. Look we need to go downstairs before Piper blows us up."

"Mom won't blow us up, she'll just yell at us," Wyatt grounded out.

"And you think that's a lot better than her blowing us up? Don't answer that. She's already probably going to be mad enough that we found out that we had more kids and we waited over three months to tell her about it, and to top it off she's already had to watch them for three hours," I said going back to the mirror and inspecting myself one last time.

"I didn't say we shouldn't go down, I'm just saying that they can wait for an hour or two," Wyatt said trying to touch me again but I jerked away.

I started pacing around the room. "Wyatt we can't keep them waiting for too long and for goodness sake can you please put some clothes on," I snapped.

Wyatt looked at himself and then at me. "What's wrong," he asked. "Am I distracting you?"

"Yes," I said instantly. "And not in a good way," I said also.

"Okay in what kind of way then?" Wyatt asked smiling.

"In an 'if you don't put on some clothes right now I'm going to vomit' kind of way," I answered not holding anything back.

"Wow that hurt," Wyatt said. "You know you're pretty moody tonight. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were pregnant again." I just rolled my eyes. "So you don't even like what you see one tiny bit."

"No I don't, not even one tiny bit and don't jinx me alright. I'm not suppose to get pregnant again for another six years," I said worried hoping it wasn't true. But I knew it wasn't otherwise I'd be throwing up by now.

"Hmm, I didn't hear you complaining about it last night," Wyatt said as he finally started to put some clean clothes on.

"That's because you didn't give me a chance to say anything, you just shoved your tongue down my throat," I said harshly.

"There you go again getting all moody, are you sure you're not pregnant," Wyatt asked. I just frowned and crossed my arms. I can't believe what he's saying. "Wait a minute is that what's wrong with you."

"What," I asked pretending to not know what he was talking about.

"You're pregnant again aren't you," Wyatt asked as he started to fix his hair.

"No I am not! And stop saying that. If I get pregnant before the six years is up then we won't be doing it without condoms for another ten years, so you might want to stop saying that before it comes true," I warned him.

"Then why are you so moody," Wyatt asked.

"I don't know its just that...we probably..shouldn't have done that just now," I said.

"What, it wasn't like we did anything wrong," Wyatt stated.

"To tell you the truth there were a lot of things wrong with it," I said back.

"So what? You want to get a divorce?" Wyatt asked.

"No, Wyatt we've been through too much to just end it like this and why are you always going to the extreme with everything," I said. "I'm just trying to say that just because we had sex doesn't mean that all our problems are gone now."

"I know, but baby I'm just so tired of us arguing all the time, and I feel thats the only time when we're not," Wyatt said concerned.

"I know...and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken Prue and gone to go see someone without letting you know. I know you were just worried and I hope you can understand that there's nothing between me and John anymore and you're the only one for me," I said very apologetically.

Wyatt came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist saying, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have caused that big scene at the restaurant," Wyatt said back. There was pause of silence and we both just stared at each other for awhile before Wyatt spoke saying, "look lets just talk some more about this later okay. I'm sure we can talk out our problems without yelling at each other." He bent his head down and kissed me sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Wyatt," I said breaking apart from him. He grabbed my hand and led us both downstairs.

Downstairs the whole family was playing with the kids. Though Prue was laying in a cradle with Phoebe and Chris and Piper all looking down at her. Patience and Ryan were both running around the room with Leo chasing them. I actually found the sight pretty amusing.

"Aw, look at Prue, I could just eat her up, yes I could," Phoebe said in a baby voice looking down at Prue.

"Hey Prue do you want some cake," Chris said breaking off a piece of cake that he was holding and sticking it in the crib along with Prue.

My eyes shot up when I saw that sight. I let go of Wyatt's hand and quickly ran over to Prue's cradle and picked her up before Chris could put that in her mouth. "Whoa! There will be no sugar for this child for awhile. I don't want her bouncing off the walls. She's already started using her powers."

"Chill out bro, it wasn't much," Chris said trying to defend himself.

"I don't care, she's only a week old and she won't be eating that," I said.

"So, Evans have you thought about what you're going to name these two kids," Paige asked pointing to Ryan who was playing with Henry and Patience who was playing with the twins.

"Yeah their names are Patience and Ryan, but you can call her Patsy for short," I answered.

"What about their middle names," Phoebe asked.

"Hm, you know I don't know. They didn't say their middle names in the future," I then set Prue back in here cradle and began to pace the room thinking about what they could be or what would be the best ideas. Not to much longer I finally made my decision. I looked over at Henry who was still playing with Ryan and smiled. "Well, Uncle Henry, you took a big blow for me when Prue was born, so I think that Ryan's middle name should be Henry, and Aunt Paige, what your daughters did for me when I passed out was brave so Patience will have two middle names. Primrose Melinda. So that's their names. Ryan Henry Halliwell and Patience Primrose Melinda Halliwell."

"I couldn't of thought of anything better myself," Piper said smiling.


Wyatt and I were laying in bed peacefully for one. Somehow Wyatt was knocked out sleep. I'm surprised because we just had sex and he's usually wanting to go six more rounds but I'm not complaining. Its actually good to get some sleep with a horny Wyatt. I snuggled into Wyatt more.

I got angry when I heard the baby monitor go off and all three kids were screaming and crying. I woke up Wyatt. "Hey Wyatt can you please go check on the kids just this once since I always do it." Wyatt didn't even open his eyes he just shook his head.

I frowned and got up and put on a wife beater and some shorts. I walked over to the baby room where Prue, Patsy, and Ry were suppose to be sleeping. I slowly opened the door and saw the kids crying. Prue and Ry had their shields up. Prue had a red shield and Ryan had a blue one. I looked over and saw a demon holding Patsy.

"Get away from her!" I yelled and the demon just smirked. "PATIENCE!" I yelled and orbed her over to me. The demon then shot and energy ball at me. One arm holding Patsy I waved the other one and sent the energy ball back at the demon causing him to blow up. Prue and Ryan then lowered their shields, but they were still crying. I first comforted Patience and then gently set her back in her crib. I then went over to Ryan to comfort him and then to Prue. One thing that I could not figure out was why did Patience not have a shield. Prue and Ryan did so why didn't she.

I didn't want to leave the kids right here unprotected so I went to the attic and to as many crystals as I could find. I orbed back into the kids room and put crystals around their cribs since I didn't want any demons trying to get them. Unfortunately I didn't have enough to put around Prue's crib and I couldn't leave her there unprotected so I picked her up and carried her back to bed with me.

When I got into the room I noticed Wyatt was up. He was still laying in bad but he was sitting up. "What was with all the noise?"

"If you had gone and checked on the kids then you would have known that they were just attacked by a demon," I said as I set, Prue, who was sleep, down next to him. "Fortunately all of them had shields except for Patience. I don't know why she didn't but they're okay now since I've put protection around their cribs."

"Then why do you have Prue here," Wyatt asked. I was really hoping he wasn't going to ask about her.

"I didn't have enough crystals for her cradle and I didn't want to leave her in there unprotected," I said.

"She has her shield," Wyatt said.

"Yeah, but still, I don't want her in there unprotected," I repeated.

Wyatt got up and conjured on some shorts. He then picked up Prue while she was still sleep and carried her back to her crib ignoring my protest. When he came back into the room I frowned at him. "Look Prue needs to learn to sleep in her own crib and not in bed with mom and dad."

"Wyatt," I said hitting him with a pillow. "I can't believe you." The baby monitor went off again and you could here Prue crying again. I quickly got up and ran back into the room with the kids. Luckily there were no demons this time. I picked up Prue and carried her back to the room from where Wyatt had just brought her. I set her on the other side of me and Wyatt. Wyatt tried pulling close to me but I pushed him away. I felt that Prue was safe so I was now able to get some sleep.

The next morning I woke up and to my surprise Wyatt was gone. I guess he was mad that I wouldn't cuddle with him. I picked Prue up and changed her diaper and then set her in her crib while I changed Ry and Patsy. Once they were all changed I carried Prue in one hand and had held Patsy's hand and let Ryan go in front of us while we all walked down the stairs. The first thing I noticed was Leo standing in a chair hammering something in the wall.

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked as I set Prue, Patsy, and Ry on the couch and went and stood close to where he was.

"Oh I'm just installing this new demon alarm system," he answered. "Wyatt told me about last night when some demons attacked the kids so I thought just for safety I'd install this alarm again," he said as he went back to hammering a few more times before coming off of the chair. "So from now on if any demons shimmer in the house the alarm will go off."

I then walked back over to the kids and picked Prudence back up while Ryan and Patience stood up on their own. "Dad I think you and everyone else should calm down. I mean what demon would come after our kids knowing we're the Charmed Ones unless they have a death wish," I chuckled. The demon alarm siren then went off. I quickly set Prue back down and looked around. Three demons then appeared behind Leo. One conjured an energy ball and was about the strike. "Dad duck!" I demanded and Leo jumped to the ground right as the demon sent the energy ball at him. I waved my hand and sent it right back to him causing him to blow up leaving two other demons. My first instinct wasn't on them it was on the kids. "BABY ROOM!" I said waving my hand over all three of them and they disappeared in a swirl of orbs back to their rooms. I saw Leo about to get up but I stopped him saying, "dad stay down!" I could already see things were going to get worse. I then conjured an athame and threw it at one of the demons hitting him in the chest causing him to blow up. While I was distracted with the that demon the other one threw a potion at me. I didn't know what it was, but it hit the ground causing smoke to come out of it. I felt woozy and fell to the ground.

"Chris!" Leo said running over to my aid. The demon was still standing there smirking.

Wyatt and Chris came running in. Wyatt caught sight of the demon and quickly blew him up before he could move another muscle. They both rapidly came over to me. "Dad is he okay."

"Yeah," Leo said feeling my pulse. "He's fine, he'll survive. I think this was probably just a sleep potion to distract him so they could take the kids, but he's fine go check on the kids."

Chris quickly orbed upstairs while Wyatt grabbed my neck in one hand and my legs in the other and picked me up. "I'll just orb him upstairs to bed," Wyatt said as he orbed out with me. He went over and gently placed me on the bed and quietly slipped out the door. He then ran into Chris once he was outside. "So are the kids okay."

"Yeah they're fine," Chris said. "I think we should bring them back downstairs with us so we can keep an eye on them for safe keeping," Chris suggested.

"Good idea," Wyatt said as the both went into the room to get the kids.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was back in the room. My head was hurting. I must have fell and hit it pretty hard. I then felt a bad urge coming through me causing me to want to do things that I'd never do. It must be that potion that the demons hit me with. I slowly got up and tip toed my way out of the room. I quietly walked down the stairs and saw Wyatt sitting on the couch watching TV. I then tip toed to the kitchen and saw Chris playing with the kids while feeding them. Once I saw this I walked back into the living room where Wyatt was. Got up behind him and conjured an athame. I lifted my arms and was about to thrust it in him, but Piper entered.

"Chris what are you doing," Piper asked surprised that I had an athame in my hand and even more surprised that I was about to use it on Wyatt.

Wyatt then turned around and saw what I was during. I got so angry at Piper that I threw the athame and her, but she was quick enough to freeze it in place. "What the hell are you doing?!" Wyatt asked quickly getting off of the couch.

"Trying to kill you," I answered conjuring up another athame and trying to stab him with it. Wyatt just kept dodging me causing me to leave holes in the couch and in the wall. "Hold still so I can kill you," I said venomously.

Wyatt then hit the athame out of my hand, knocked me to the ground and pinned me there. "What's wrong with you?" Wyatt asked confused as to why I was trying to kill him.

"You're what's wrong with me. I hate you and I want to kill you," I hissed struggling trying to break free.

Chris then came in. "Uh Wyatt, why are you on top of Chris that way," Chris asked confused as to what happened since he was watching the kids.

"Because, Chris is trying to kill me?" Wyatt answered.

Chris started laughing before he finally said something. "Very funny Wyatt. You're just using that as an excuse to get on top of him like that. Don't worry you don't have to lie to me."

"He's not joking," Piper said. "He tried killing me too."

"Mom are you guys hallucinating or what?" Chris asked not believing a word they were saying. "Chris wouldn't kill you guys even if someone paid him a million bucks." I then looked past Wyatt and squinted me eyes at Chris causing him to fly backwards. Chris quickly got up. "Okay maybe you guys are right, but why is he acting this way."

"My bet is that demon who threw that potion at him," Wyatt said still keeping me pinned to the ground which wasn't a problem for him since he was taller and a lot stronger than I was.

"Okay Chris you take the kids back to magic school where they'll be safe, I'll go check the book of shadows to see what's wrong with Chris and Wyatt you look after Chris and make sure he does nothing crazy," Piper said.

"Mom, watching Chris isn't going to be much trouble but there is one problem," Wyatt said. "He's going to keep trying to kill me with his powers," Wyatt explained his fear. He wasn't really afraid of me killing him, but he just didn't want to keep having to try to contain me with my powers.

Piper then took out a piece of paper and wrote some stuff on it and handed it to Wyatt. "There you go, that should bind his powers for awhile until we at least can get him back to normal," she said as she headed up for the attic and Chris went to the kitchen.

"Chris are you going to stop trying to fight me or am I going to have to bind your powers," Wyatt asked hoping that I would stop.

"Go to hell you bastard!" I yelled.

"Alright then have it your way," Wyatt said looking at the paper. "this witch's power cannot fight, the lure of evil magic might, before misuse lines in hell, remove the powers of Christopher Evans Halliwell." Wyatt chanted and some golden orbs came out of me and he finally got off of me.

I got up and waved my hand at him and nothing happened. "What did you do to me," I asked. I then tried to conjure and athame but nothing happened again. "What happened to my powers."

"I told you if you wouldn't stop fighting that I would bind them, so that's what you get," Wyatt said causing me to frown but he smirked. "When you quit trying to kill me and everyone else then you can have them back but until then you'll just be powerless." I got so mad that I charged at him and he threw me onto the couch. "Chris quit trying to fight me because you're not going to win, so stop!" He then extended out his hand saying, "come on I think you'll feel a little better if you get some rest."

I then hit his hand away. "I don't need any rest. I just need to find a way to kill you and that's what I'm going to do," I said going to the kitchen. Wyatt grabbed my arm before I could get out of his reach.

"You're not leaving my sight and you're not going to kill me," Wyatt said. "Now come on you're not acting like yourself so you need to get some rest while mom works on finding out whats wrong with you." I then yanked my arm from Wyatt and ran for the kitchen. Wyatt just sighed and followed me. "Even when he's bad he always has to have things done the hard way," Wyatt thought.

I saw a bunch of knives in the kitchen and I was so close to picking one up until I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist, grabbing me from behind and pulling me back. I struggled hard, trying to push Wyatt off me but Wyatt just tightened his grip and made it to where I couldn't struggle as much and dragged me out of the kitchen kicking and screaming like a child. Wyatt tried to settle down on the couch and contain me in his lap but I just kept struggling.

Though this wasn't a problem keeping me under control Wyatt got pretty tired of it. Next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I looked over seeing Wyatt pull a needle out of me. "What did you do to me?!" I asked.

Wyatt still kept me contained since I was still struggling. He waited for the potions effect to take place on me. When I finally stopped struggling and laid my head back on Wyatt's should he felt that it was safe to let me out of that grip. He then picked me up and orbed me up to the bed.

I felt more woozy and I was drifting off. "What did you do to me," I asked again.

"You're not yourself right now," Wyatt said. "I don't know why you keep trying to kill me, so to get you to even calm down I had to give you a sleeping potion before you hurt yourself. I know right now you think that I did this to make you mad but this is for your own good." There was a pause. "Now I'm going to go check on things with mom but I'll be right back and don't move because trust me you won't get far and you don't have your powers. Now get some sleep." Wyatt then left the room and went up to the attic to where Piper was looking at the book of shadows. "So mom, found anything."

"Yes I have actually," Piper said looking at the book. "Good news is, he's trying to kill you, but the bad new is he's under a potion."

"What?! You call him trying to kill me good news," Wyatt asked.

"Actually it is," Piper said. "It seems according to this the demons carry this potion to turn someone against their loved one. So basically it turns the person you love the most into the person you hate, so it looks like since he's trying to kill you that means he loves you to death."

"Can he love me to death without trying to kill me," Wyatt said sarcastically and Piper laughed. "Is there a cure for that potion."

"Lucky for you there is," Piper said.

"How long is it going to take for you to make it?" Wyatt asked.

"It shouldn't take long, I'll call you when its done," Piper answered.

"Good. The sooner my husband tries to stop killing me the better," Wyatt said leaving the room and coming back into our bedroom where I started to wake up. "Okay Chris are you done with your little tantrum or do I have to keep fighting you and trust me its no problem with me." I just ignored him and went straight for the door but he pushed me back onto the bed. "Stay on that bed and don't you move," Wyatt ordered.

"You can't tell me what to do," I said getting back up and heading for the door. "You're not my mother."

Wyatt pushed me right back down saying, "yeah but I am your husband and yes I can tell you what to do since we're married. So are you going to stay there or am I going to have to pin you there like I did downstairs."

"I hate you," I said angrily.

"No you don't," Wyatt said smiling. "You love me and you can never convince me otherwise. I love you too though."

15 minutes later...

Wyatt was still standing by the door staring at me. I did try to make a few get aways but I always ended back on the bed. Wyatt then heard Piper calling him. "So can I trust you to stay here while I go up to the attic and get something or do I have to freeze you, because don't forget now that you're mortal I can freeze you. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. Either of them will work for me, but if I were you I'd choose the easy way."

"Oh I'll be here alright," I said sarcastically. "Trying to kill you!"

"You never change so fine have it your way," Wyatt said putting up his hands and freezing me in place. He left me there, frozen as he went up to the attic. "Mom you done with the potion?"

"Yep," Piper said handing it to him. "This should get him back to normal."

"Thanks mom," Wyatt said walking back to the room and unfreezing me. "Okay, Chris drink this it should help you feel better."

"I'm not taking that," I snipped.

"Like I've said a thousand times before we can do it the easy way or the hard way," Wyatt said pulling out a needle. "You can either drink it voluntarily or I can inject it into you like I did with the other potion. You've chosen the hard way every time. You might want to choose the easy way this time."

"I hate you more than anything," I said taking the potion from him and drinking it. I then felt an intense amount of pain come over me. I cried out. The pain was tearing me up, but within a few seconds the pain started to subside and I started seeing things clearer. "Wyatt, what happened? Did I try to kill you."

"Yes, but its okay. I know it wasn't you. It was what those damn demons did," Wyatt said angrily. "They'll pay for that." I felt woozy and started wobbling. "You okay," Wyatt asked as he eased me back onto the bed. "I'm sorry but the potion is going to make you feel drowsy for a few minutes."

"Its okay," I said as I leaned on Wyatt's broad shoulder.

Wyatt didn't mind but he thought it'd be better if I laid on the bed instead of him. "Chris come on, lets lay you on the bed."

"No I'm fine Wyatt," I said climbing onto Wyatt's lap and curling into his body just sitting there. Wyatt sat there as he held me thinking. He was glad the potion worked. I wasn't trying to kill him anymore. He was so happy to have me back, which is more than anything he could ever ask for and he would never let me go. I was back in his arms, loved and protected, where I belong.

The effects of the potion soon subsided and I was okay so I felt good enough to pull away from Wyatt and stand up on my own. Wyatt wasn't letting me get away that easily. He came up and grabbed me from behind pressing his hard on against my back side. "You okay," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered him.

"Well since you fine," Wyatt said as he turned me around. "You wanna make love?" He asked smiling.

"Wyatt!" I said upset.

"It was just a suggestion," Wyatt said still smiling as he kissed me on the forehead and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you," Wyatt said.

"Well I don't love you," I said and Wyatt pulled away and looked at me with a frown. "I'm just kidding, I love you more than you'll ever know," I said giggling at Wyatt's change of expression.

"Don't ever kid about that, you hear me," Wyatt said kissing me on the lips. "I love you so much that I'd believe anything you say, or do anything you say."

"Oh anything," I asked giving Wyatt a smirk and he nodded. "So what would you say if I said I wanted you to fuck me senseless."

"I would say," Wyatt said giving me a smirk back, "your wish is my command." He then pressed his lips against mine. Wyatt then pushed me on the bed removing every inch of clothing we had on. We then got into bed and got under the covers. "Oh..Chris," Wyatt moaned as our bodies started to rub against each other. Wyatt started licking and biting on my skin. He made his way down to my lower area and started kissing and sucking every area around it but not going anywhere near it at first. Wyatt then squeeze my inner thighs and started to pump my manhood that was moving around in front of him.

Wyatt started licking the head with the tip of his tongue, before he slowly consumed it all in his mouth. I loved the way Wyatt always gave me pleasure. "Oh...Wyatt," I panted and Wyatt stopped and looked up. I wanted to give some pleasure to Wyatt since he's always given it to me.

I slowly pulled Wyatt up. I then pressed my lips against his, and Wyatt started massaging my tongue with his as I rolled him over and got on top. I broke from the kiss and started sucking on Wyatt's neck and worked my way down to his collar bone as Wyatt ran his hand through my hair. I then heard Wyatt moan and I looked up at him saying, "Wyatt, I love you and I'm sorry." I felt so bad for putting Wyatt through a lot with trying to kill him. I was afraid he would never talk to me again.

Wyatt somehow felt my emotions and he rolled me onto my side saying. "Chris I will always love you. There's nothing you could do to not make me want you, even trying to kill me." Wyatt then planted a kiss on my lips. "Chris.." Wyatt said pleading. "Can I?" He asked and I nodded and smiled as Wyatt smiled back at me before placing another kiss on my lips saying, "I love you."

Wyatt then ran his tongue along my neck once more as he conjured lubricant in his hands. He couldn't wait to be inside me. Though it hasn't even been long, but for Wyatt it seemed like forever and he was hurting for it. Wyatt was about to lube his member up but then he looked at me and then looked back at his hard on and smirked.

I knew what he wanted. "Alright I'll do it," I said. I then sat up while Wyatt was still laying down, oiled my hand up, grabbed his shaft and started masturbating him. Wyatt couldn't help but to moan and I stroked his cock up and down. Wyatt then stopped me knowing if I continued that it wouldn't last much longer. I kissed Wyatt's cock and then went back to laying down.

Wyatt smiled and got up. He wrapped my legs around his waist and then gazed right at me asking, "Are you ready for it?" I nodded and not even a minute later, Wyatt started pushing his middle finger inside me, and I bit my lip trying not to moan, and Wyatt started to insert his second and then his third finger and once he inserted his third finger I couldn't help but to moan.

Once Wyatt found my prostate he slowly pulled his fingers out. He then took one more look at me before he started to push his member in me. I just grabbed onto the sheets of the bed. Wyatt finally got in as far as he could go and started thrusting in me fast not holding back.

"Calm...down." I said and Wyatt came down and kissed me trying to make me feel better.

"Just relax," Wyatt said as he continued his steady pace. When Wyatt felt my muscles tighten around him and adjust to his pace he just smiled and said, "I love you angel. He could feel the tightness was so warm. He then begun to pick up his pace.

I grabbed onto Wyatt neck for support as he kept moving in and out of me and Wyatt began to lick and suck on every piece of skin he could reach. I kept moaning feeling it all on me. I felt the tight grip Wyatt had around my waist and felt all sorts of things he was doing to my body with his mouth. I kept moaning as Wyatt kept picking up the pace, with every push Wyatt kept digging deeper and kept hitting my prostate.

"Slow....down," I begged Wyatt moaning, but he just kept his pace. He hasn't had that much sex in two months and I was now under him turning him on so badly with me tightening around him and moaning. He couldn't help but keep going. Wyatt knew he was going to cum any second. "Wy.." I mumbled as I felt my own orgasm coming up. I couldn't think at all, Wyatt was fucking me senseless like I said. I couldn't do anything but hold onto him as I moan. Wyatt then grabbed my dick and started to masturbate me. He could feel my precum around my cock, and that turned him on even more. It surely made him increase his pace. He knew he was going deep but he couldn't help it.

My vision started to go blurry as Wyatt started going in deeper. I felt our bodies being covered with sweat from it all. I then grabbed onto Wyatt even harder and gritted my teeth so I didn't scream. Before I knew I shot a very huge load against Wyatt's stomach and chest. My muscles then tightened around Wyatt's cock causing him to cum immediately. He stayed there for awhile before finally collapsing on top of me and staying there for a few minutes before pulling off of me and pulling out. We both then went to sleep.


There have been so many kidnap attempts on the kids that now Chris and Peter are starting to stay home from school with us. I was now a week before Christmas and I thought the demons would have wanted to at least give us a break since its now a holiday season. I mean one day it was so bad that a demon made us lose one sense. I lost my talking, Chris couldn't hear, and Wyatt went blind, but luckily we were able to fix it all.

All four of us were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast along with the kids. I was still having a hard time feeding Prue, but at least she was eating more than she usually did. Piper then entered and poured some coffee. Chris and Peter were now arguing like crazy. "Alright guys what's the problem here," I asked.

"Okay so I'm doing some work for Spanish, and Peter and I are having an argument about the word 'computer'," Chris explained. "He thinks its feminine but I think its masculine."

"I think its feminine too," Wyatt said and Peter started taunting Chris.

"No, wait a minute because I think its masculine," I said and then an argument broke out. "Hold it, I think we can discuss this like mature adults. Wyatt, Peter tell us why you guys think its feminine."

"Well we think its feminine like you guys, because," Peter started out. "No one but their creator understands them."

"And the native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else," Wyatt added.

"Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval," Peter continued.

"Last but not least, once you commit to one you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it," Wyatt finished.

"Oh so you guys are saying that's how we are," Chris asked. "Alright, its our turn. We think computer is masculine like you guys. For starters in order to do anything with them you have to turn them on."

"Yeah and they have a lot of data but they still can't think for themselves," I added like Wyatt did.

"They're suppose to help you solve problems, but half the time they are the problem," Chris continued.

"Oh and last but not least once you commit to one you find out that if you waited a little while longer you could have gotten a better model," I finished and Chris and I smiled at them both.

"You guys are so cruel," Wyatt said.

"Never mess with the Halliwell brothers," I said as Chris and I gave each other a high five. Right then five demons shimmered in and tried going after the kids. "Dammit!" I shouted and forgot the kids were in the room. Thank goodness Piper was in the room also. She blew up a demon, but there were still four more coming for the kids. I ran up and grabbed Patience from where she was sitting and placed her right next to Ryan. "Okay Ryan put up you shield and protect your sister," I said and Ryan put up his blue shield around him and Patience.

So now all the kids were protected from the demons. Wyatt lifted his hands and blew up one while Peter set one on fire. One charged at Chris but he levitated in the air and dodged it. He then picked up the nearest potion and tossed it at the demon causing him to blow up. One then shot an energy ball at me but I TK it right back at him.

"Alright thats it. I've had enough," I said angrily. Prue started crying and I picked her up and comforted her. "Looks like these demons aren't going to learn their lesson so guess we're going to have to teach them."

"What do you suppose we do?" Chris asked. "They just going to keep coming after the kids."

"I know so looks like we're going to have to give them a final warning," I said. "So Chris grab every potion you can find. We're going down to the Underworld and we are taking no prisoners."

"I don't think that's wise," Wyatt said.

"Sorry Wyatt but that's the only way these demons are going to learn," I said as Chris ran up to the attic. "Now can you hold Prue for a little bit while I rest my arms," I asked and he nodded. I then handed him Prue and she started crying very loud. "What's wrong?"

"I think she doesn't like me," Wyatt answered.

"Don't be silly, Wyatt you're her father how could she not like you," I said but Prue then orbed back over into my arms and stopped crying. "Okay that's something I didn't expect her to do at this age, but oh well. Here you go," I said handing her back to Wyatt and then she began to cry once more.

"See I told you she didn't like me," Wyatt said trying to rock her back and forth but she only started crying more.

"Wyatt maybe because she doesn't know you or maybe its because every time she sees you, you're always doing something violent," I answered him as Prue orbed over to me again this time grabbing onto my shirt so I wouldn't let go. "Prue come on sweetie go to your daddy. He won't let anything happen to you." I handed her to Wyatt again and once again she started crying.

"What am I doing wrong," Wyatt said trying to rock her back and forth again but it only made things worse.

"For starters you're not holding her right," I said as I pushed her up closer to his chest and she stopped crying. "You see, she just has to get use to you."

Chris then came down with a bag full of potions, "you guys ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah sure," I said. "Now Wyatt you need to stay here and bond with the kids and watch them alright. If there is one hair out of place on any of them then me and you are going to have some issues."

"But Chris I don't even know the first thing about how to watch the kids," Wyatt said.

"There's nothing to it, just remember to burp Prue in a few minutes, and make sure you check their diapers also to make sure they don't need changing. Got it. Okay I'll see you in a few," I said about to orb out but Wyatt stopped me.

"Wait!" He yelled. "I don't even know how to change a diaper," Wyatt said.

"What?!" I said in disbelief. "Okay the picture goes on the front alright thats all I can tell you. Now do you understand?" I asked and he shook his head. "Look, just do the best you can and I'll fix it when I get back alright. Bye kids, mommy will be right back," I said going up to each and every one of them and kissing them. "Remember Wyatt..."

"I know, I know , I know I can handle it. If it gets too dangerous I'll orb them out," Wyatt said and I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Be good for your dad kids," I said orbing out along with Chris and Peter.

We orbed straight into the main room of the Underworld where hundreds of demons were gathered. All of them started running off when they caught sight of us. Chris started throwing viles everywhere blowing up dozens of demons while Peter kept setting them on fire. I waved my hands sending and demons I saw flying. This all went on for another ten minutes until I finally decided I had enough. I then caused a rock slide blocking every escape path there was.

"Alright no body move," I said like a guy about to rob a bank. "Next demon I catch trying to get away will be sent flying all the way back to where they came from!" I said and all the demons froze right into place. "Now who's in charge here."

There was a moment of silence before all the demons stepped back leaving just one man standing there by himself. "What do you want?"

"I want you to call off your attacks on my kids," I said.

"Easier said than done," he replied. "You see your kids have so much power, it could be the end of all demons as we know it and that I can't allow."

"Oh really," I said staring him in the eyes and making him feel the pain of the world but pulling it back just so it would only hurt he. He gasped from all the pain before he finally came to. "Now do you think you might want to reconsider or do I have to make you feel the pain again."

"Okay, Okay there will be a law against any attempts on your kids," he said. "Satisfied?"

"Yes, now if I have to come back down here again then I'm blowing up every last one of you, and I mean everyone," I said and we all orbed out and got back to the manor.


Things were going pretty good for the past couple of weeks. There hasn't been any attempts to steal our kids and everyone was staying at the manor for the week of Christmas. We decided to enchant the house with enough rooms for everyone. We weren't worried about personal gain since technically it was for the family and not for ourselves. It was two days before Christmas and there were decorations everywhere. The tree was in the living room and there was mistletoe everywhere.

The little kids(which i.e Melinda, Primrose, Patience, Ryan, and Prue) were all sitting at the table eating cereal. I was just now coming in. Thank goodness Paige was staying over. She volunteered to get the kids up for me so I could sleep in a little more. The family was really adapting to the kids really. Wyatt was standing up eating cereal along with them. Wyatt had almost finished and was about to take the last bite but I came over and grabbed his arm and put the spoon in my mouth. Basically he fed me without wanting to.

"Hey!" he yelled.

I smiled and said, "thanks." I then turned to walk away thinking Wyatt just saw it as a joke.

Was I ever wrong. Wyatt set down the bowl of cereal and charged at me knocking me down from behind. He then started to playfully wrestle with me. He wasn't even trying and he was still winning. I was scared the kids were going to think I was in trouble, but it was worse. They were laughing. Wyatt finally got tired and then he just pinned me right under him, laying right on top of me giving me seductive smile. I tried to get from under him but Wyatt was so heavy.

Luckily Piper came in. "Wyatt get off of Chris," she said with her hands on her hips.

"Aw come on mom, I was just playing," he said giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Nice try now get off of him now," she demanded and he finally got from on top of me. Wyatt just sighed. He was having fun. I quickly got back up before he had any other ideas. My body was still a little weak from having all that weight on top of me. I was gasping for breath really hard. "Chris you okay," Piper said.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine don't worry he has done worse," I said. Wyatt always loved to wrestle with me. He knew he would win. All he had to do was get on top of me and let me try to fight my way out of it till I tired myself out.

"Whoa, too much information," Paige said as she had entered the room.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked.

"No, Aunt Paige I'm talking about he's done worse wrestling moves on me," I explained. "I was in no way talking about our, you know, other life," I said not wanting to say sex in front of the kids.

"Never mind, look I need you two to go to the store and get some things for Christmas dinner," Piper said.

"Mom why us, why don't you ask Peter and Chris," Wyatt complained.

"They're too busy helping your father at magic school," Piper answered. "Now if you want anything to eat on Christmas then you have to go alright," Piper said handing him the list of things she needed and leaving the room.

"Aunt Paige can you watch the kids for us while we go to the store," Wyatt asked.

"Sorry but the twins and I are going to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Otherwise I'd say yes," Paige said.

Wyatt and I looked at each other and sighed. This is going to be one hell of a trip to the grocery store. Especially with the kids.


"Alright we've got all the spices," I said to Wyatt as we were leaving the spice aisle. Prue was in the basket while Wyatt was carrying Ryan and Patience was just walking on her own. Wyatt hated shopping in the store but I didn't seem to mind it since it looked like we were going to be doing this for ourselves sooner or later.

Wyatt was using arm to carry Ryan and the other to carry the list. Wyatt then looked at the list again. "We need celery and tomatoes," he said.

"I think its this way," I said slowly pushing the cart. I couldn't push it too fast since Patience is little and I'm sure she can't walk that fast. Just when I stopped in the vegetable aisle and started collecting the stuff I caught sight of someone who I hadn't talked to in a long time. "Daughtry!"

"Chris," he said turning around and looking at me. He then smiled and I smiled back at him. "Wow its been a long time how have you been?" He asked as he came up and gave me a hug.

"I've been good," I answered. "Yeah it has been a long time. How are you?"

"I'm okay," he answered. "Come to think about it I tried to call you the other day and there was no answer."

"Sorry, I've been pretty busy lately," I said. Wyatt then gave a fake cough trying to acknowledge he was there. "Oh and do you remember Wyatt, my husband," I said.

"Yeah nice to meet you again," Daughtry said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you two," Wyatt smiled.

"And these are our kids, Patience, Ryan, and little Prue," I said introducing him to the whole family.

"Wow, where'd you get two more kids from?" He asked.

"Long story," I said.

"Yeah I'd better get going but call me," Daughtry said. "We need to hang out sometime soon." He then walked away and Wyatt and I continued our grocery shopping. It was silent for the rest of the time.


It was now Christmas Eve and we were all gathering at the table for dinner. The whole time Wyatt kept running his hands on my thighs but I kept swatting him away. The kids were actually finished eating pretty fast and they were drifting off to sleep. I quickly finished my food so I could put them to sleep. I carried Prue and let Ryan and Patience walk up there on their own. I changed their clothes and silently put them to sleep in their beds. I walked back downstairs and saw everyone still eating so I just decided that I'd watch a movie.

I put the movie 'Nightmare before Christmas' in the VCR. It was one of my favorite movies to watch during Christmas time. Wyatt then came in and sat next to me with an evil smirk. I then scooted away from him but he kept scooting closer and closer to me. We always had this chase around the house before and I always ended up in Wyatt's lap

Wyatt got so tired of watching that opening song. He's seen the movie a million times. He started to let his hands slide along my thighs but I smacked his hand off hard. Then he tried to kiss me on the neck but I shook him off. He then tried to run his hand along my arm but I shrugged him off.

"Come on, I'm getting tired of watching this boring movie," Wyatt said.

"Sorry, but I never asked you to come watch this with me," I said back to him. "I like this movie even if you want to call it boring so if you don't want to watch it no ones stopping you from going to bed."

"Ok, I'll go to bed...but you're coming with me," he said.

"Nope," I said getting off his lap. "Good night."

"Please, its not going to be that fun without you," Wyatt said as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Sorry, but like I said this is my favorite movie and I'm not going to bed until it goes off," I said pushing Wyatt off not even looking at him.

"Okay, okay I'll go to bed," Wyatt said as he got up and just stared at me while I was just staring at the TV. "Can I please have a kiss goodnight?"

I knew Wyatt. I wasn't falling for this trick again. Last time Wyatt did this he pulled me into a lip lock and then orbed us into the room and wouldn't let me leave until I gave him what he wanted. I know that's what he was trying to do again since we haven't had sex for a week and thats like a month for Wyatt. "I'm not falling for that trick this time."

Wyatt then stuck out his middle lip. "Please just one little kiss," Wyatt asked. He looked so adorable, like a child.

"Alright one little kiss," I said standing up with him and then tried to give him a peck but Wyatt pulled me in closer and started to devour my mouth. I'm pretty sure he was going to orb us back to the room but Piper came in.

"You two get a room," Piper said.

"I'm trying to get him up to the room but he won't come," Wyatt said.

"Yeah right," Piper said. "Chris there's someone on the phone for you," Piper said going back into the living room.

I started heading for the kitchen, but felt a sting on my butt. I looked behind me to see Wyatt smirking. I just shook my head and continued for the living room. I picked up the phone, saying "hello, oh hey Daughtry its good to hear from you. Yeah Christmas over here is good." I then peeked around and saw the whole family going for the living room. "Hey Daughtry I'm going to have to call you back alright. The whole family is over and yeah you know. Alright bye," I said hanging up the phone.

I then walked back into the living room to see the whole family in there watching the movie. I then walked over to Wyatt, since I knew he was going to make me, and sat on his lap. I almost tripped over my cousins trying to get there. Wyatt then whispered in my ear, "you wanna go upstairs and have some fun." I then looked at him and he had a smirk on his face.

"Not right now Wyatt," I answered him. Wyatt then rest he chin on my shoulder. I kept watching the movie for about thirty more minutes until I started to feel drowsy. Wyatt tried to keep me awake by kissing me on the neck. It was helping a little bit.

Piper then came in with a trey of eggnog. "Come on everyone get your eggnog," she said and the family attacked the trey like vultures. "Chris, Wyatt do you guys want any."

"No, I'm good, as a matter of fact I think I'm going to go get some sleep since I'm feeling tired now," I said getting off of Wyatt and turning to him. "You're staying here," I said as I saw Wyatt getting up but pushed him back down. "I'm going up there by myself. Don't move alright," I demanded and Wyatt nodded.

I climbed the stairs, I was really tired, I having to go to the store and then eating a big meal, which was great. Tomorrow was Christmas and I wanted to be up early since everyone is fighting to get their presents and its hard to get to the Christmas tree.

I then snapped back to when I opened the bedroom door and saw Wyatt was naked under the covers. I should have known he was going to try to pull a trick like this, so why did I fall for it.

"Wyatt!" I yelled slamming the door and climbing onto the bed but not going under the covers. "I thought I told you to stay there."

"Yeah you did but you never said for how long," Wyatt said as he pulled me under the covers along with him. He then began to undo my clothes and tried to take them off but I turned away from him.

"Wyatt, can we please do this tomorrow I'm tired," I said pleadingly.

"Aw come on you said downstairs we could do this in a little while," Wyatt said kissing me on the back of my neck. "Plus now that we're parents we're not always going to be able to do this anytime we want."

"Yeah I know that, but," I was then cut off by Wyatt pressing his soft lips against mine. I couldn't help but moan to it.

"But nothing, I haven't had you for a week," he said as he waved his hands and conjured off all my clothes onto the floor. "Right now I need to feel you more than anything," Wyatt said as he got on top of me and I wrapped my hands around his naked back and Wyatt started kissing my neck, causing me to moan. Wyatt then looked back at me. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he said as he started to nibble on my ear causing me to get a big hard on.

Wyatt started to leave butterfly kisses against me neck and worked his way all the down to my navel. He licked the happy trail all the way down to my erect member. He then ran his tongue from the head all the way down to the base.

"Oh..Wyatt," I panted from all the pleasure that was going through me. Wyatt then decided he wanted to make me moan even more so he took my member inside his mouth. He started to move up and down as he jacked himself off.

I then started running my hand through his hair and then grabbed and handful and started moving him where I wanted him to go. Wyatt ran his tongue everywhere, but his eyes started to water from me pulling on his hair so much from the pleasure he was giving me.

"Wyatt..." I said as I pushed my member deeper and deeper into his mouth and he took it all in. "I'," I said and I blasted a huge load into Wyatt's mouth. Wyatt felt the hot liquid in his mouth and he drank every last drop and even sucked on me more to make sure he got it all. I then felt Wyatt moving up and he licked me from there all the way back up to my neck.

"I love you Chris," Wyatt said as he went back to making out with me. I can now taste the stuff in Wyatt's mouth and it was hot. "Can I?" he asked and I nodded and he conjured some lube to himself and spread my legs. He then coated his long hard member with oil and then put some on his fingers. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded and with that he pushed his middle finger into my hole and waited for my muscles to relax and once they did he pushed his second finger and then the third and I just held onto the sheets and grinded my teeth together so I didn't moan and make a lot of noise.

Once Wyatt found my prostate he wrapped my legs around his waist and he began to push his member into me and I grabbed onto the sheets.

"," I said and Wyatt came down and kissed me.

"Shh...relax," he said as he started to push in even further only waiting for me to relax into him. Wyatt could feel the tightness of my muscles around him, it was so tight and warm and he couldn't wait. Wyatt then began to pace as he started to move.

I then wrapped my arms around Wyatt's neck for support. Wyatt was pushing in and out of me, and it felt so good. I could feel the tight grip Wyatt had around my waist. As he dug deeper he came closer and closer to my prostate.

"Harder," I pleaded, as Wyatt began to move in and out repeatedly, which kept making me release short moans. Wyatt obeyed me and started going in and out harder and faster. He hasn't had me for a week and he needed this so bad that he couldn't help it. And me moaning was just turning him on more. Wyatt knew he was going to cum any minute now.

Wyatt was getting so turned on he then started to masturbate me while screwing me. He just wanted to go in me and never come out. He knew he was going deep but he couldn't help himself. I was getting even tighter.

I couldn't take it anymore. I know I was about to shoot any second now. I then dug my hands into Wyatt's back and screamed his name as I came all over him and me. Wyatt then felt my muscles tighten even more and he just couldn't take it so he then came in me, and he stayed as he orgasm kept coming. One he felt his orgasm subdue he collapsed right on top of me panting.

He then rolled off of me and pulled out saying, "I love you."

"I love you too Wyatt," I said and then we kissed on last time before we both fell asleep.


I then woke up and saw that it was 8:00 am. I didn't succeed in waking up early but sex makes you even more tired. I looked at Wyatt who was still sleep and he had his arm wrapped around me. I slowly removed it and kissed him on the forehead and slipped out of bed. I quickly got on some clean clothes and silently walked out of the room and went down the stairs

I saw all the kids around the tree like always except this time my kids were there along with them. Piper had Prue in her lap and was helping her open her presents. I then walked over and kissed my three kids on the forehead telling them each Merry Christmas.

"Merry Christmas Chris," Piper said said smiling as she held Prue.

"Merry Christmas," Leo said as he was holding Ryan.

"Merry Christmas everyone," I said as I went under the tree and searched for the present Wyatt had for me and I found it was red with green ribbon. As I started to unwrap it things just went on in my head. What could Wyatt have gotten me this year. Once I opened the box I saw there was a locket. I wonder why he gave me this since he's already given me a locket. When I opened it up there was a picture of my mom Prue.

Pipers jaw dropped as she gently took it from me. "Oh my gosh. This was Prue's favorite necklace. She never took it off until two weeks before she died. She thought she lost it. I remember her searching the whole house for this," Piper smiled and gave it back to me.

"How did he get that?" Phoebe asked.

I then opened the locket back up and saw my mothers face again. She was so beautiful. I could feel her touch on it. It was like she was right there with me. I miss her so much through I never knew her, a part of me felt like I did because she was my mother.

"You like it?" Wyatt said smiling from the stairs. I don't like it, I love it. Its something I never thought that anyone could give me. Though anything that Wyatt gives me is great, I just can't believe he got this for me. I ran over to Wyatt and kissed him.

"I didn't think you'd be awake by now," I said as I wrapped my hand around his neck.

"Well, it was pretty hard to sleep since you left and left me all cold," Wyatt answered as he pulled me into a hug and we swayed from side to side. "So do you like it?"

"I love it, Wyatt," I said planting a quick kiss on his lips again.

"Hey, question," Phoebe yelled drawing the attention to her. "How did you get that, I mean Prue searched everywhere in the house for it but could never find it."

"I know Aunt Phoebe," Wyatt answered. "You guys told me about that a thousand times and I thought it would be a good present for him. But how I found it is my little secret."

"So you found it just like that?" Leo asked smiling at the sight.

"Yep, just like that," Wyatt said as he took the necklace/locket from my hands. "Here you go my little angel," he said as he turned me around and put the necklace on around my neck and planting a kiss there. "You want to go up and make love," Wyatt whispered in my ears knowing how happy it would make me to have that and I'd probably do anything for him now.

"Not right now Wyatt," I answered him. "Maybe later."

"Okay," Wyatt said placing a kiss on my forehead. "So where's my present?" I knew Wyatt was probably going to try to sneak his present from under the tree so I hid it somewhere else that I knew he wasn't going to think to look.

"Go check the garage," I said smiling.

Wyatt didn't waste no time as he grabbed my hand and led us to the garage. The rest of the family followed. Wyatt opened the garage door and looked inside and it looked normal as usual. He then went in followed by me and the rest of the family. He looked around and found a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with a red bow on top of it. Wyatt then slowly unwrapped it. In it was a laptop computer with finger ID and everything.

"Oh my gosh," Piper said.

Without warning Wyatt dropped the box and came right over to where I was. Before I could do anything Wyatt pushed me into the walls and started to devour my mouth right there in front of everyone. Everyone just turned away. Wyatt didn't care that they were there. He just wanted me right then and there for getting him that new computer he's always wanted.

"Chris I want you so bad," Wyatt groaned as he pushed his body up against mine and I couldn't help but moan as we hit the wall so hard causing some stuff to fall off the shelves.

"Alright break it up right now you two," Piper said as she saw us, but we didn't listen to her. As a matter of fact we didn't even hear he. "I said break it up."

Wyatt then orbed us up to our room, and immediately conjured all our clothes off onto the floor. Wyatt then pushed me onto the bed and checked me out up and down for awhile. He thought I was so beautiful. He immediately conjured up some lube and coated his erect member with it and then put some on his hands. He wanted to be in me as fast as he could. He wants to be deep inside of me again. He wants me, his angel so bad. Once he was done with the oil he threw it on the ground not caring where it landed.

I was panting. I was excited but scared since I knew this time Wyatt was going to do me without using his fingers and without stretching my muscles. I haven't done that but I'm willing to try.

"Ready angel.." Wyatt asked smiling and I nodded, and with that Wyatt quickly spread my legs and started to insert himself deep in me. Very deep that he almost buried himself inside me. I couldn't help but to give out a loud scream as Wyatt started to push himself inside me. I dug my fingers into the head board. It was just too much. I needed to get away from that pain. "Its going to be okay," Wyatt said kissing my neck helping me calm down a little and he waited for the pain to go to pleasure. He has never been this deep in me before and he knew I was having a hard time taking this all in. "I love you so much.." Wyatt moaned. I could barely talk from all the pain I was taking.

"," I barely was able to say with my eyes closed.

Meanwhile downstairs the rest of the family had just came in wondering where we went. They all then heard me scream like I was in really bad pain and they all just looked at each other. Piper and her sisters then all just ran upstairs without a second thought.

My pain soon turned to pleasure as Wyatt started to push in and out of me slowly and then started to pick up the pace. I had my legs wrapped around Wyatt's waist. He then kept going faster and faster and he was being rough this time causing my face to go red with pleasure.

Piper and the sisters finally made their way up to the room. They tried to open the door but they couldn't. Piper then freaked out and back away and then blew up the door and then the all walked in and immediately walked out covering her eyes and so did Phoebe and Paige. Wyatt was shocked and pissed off and embarrassed. He immediately waved his hand causing the door to reappear.

Wyatt then pulled out of me, but before I could do anything else Wyatt pushed me back onto the bad and gave me that stay here look. I could see he was very pissed of by the look on his face. Wyatt then grabbed his gold robe and put it on. I then saw Wyatt slip out the door and I heard him stomping down the stairs. I knew this wasn't going to be good so I tried to get up but I couldn't. I was still sore and I knew when Wyatt got back he might want to continue.

Wyatt was very angry. Not only had they disturbed us by they scared us too thinking it was demons coming through. Everyone was sitting there talking but they got silent once they saw Wyatt come in

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!!" Wyatt shouted at his mother and his aunts causing them to flinch as the house shook. The rest of the family doesn't even know what happened. All they knew was that Piper came down and said that I was fine. Though they all didn't know what was going on they were still scared. They never saw Wyatt this angry and some of them just clenched up. Piper was praying that I would come get her out of this one like I always do when Wyatt was mad at her.

"We...heard...Evans..scream...and we..thought...demons," she started off but was stopped.

"DO YOU THINK ANY DEMONS CAN EVEN COME CLOSE TO CHRIS WHEN HE'S WITH ME," Wyatt yelled causing the house to shake even more.

"'," Piper said even more scared since Wyatt kept causing the manor to shake and most of the family is scared and confused.

"THEN WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING," He yelled so loud causing some glass to break with this earthquake.

I was still upstairs listening to this and I can't let this go on. I know its Wyatt that's causing this earthquake and its probably scaring half the family to death let alone even the kids. I quickly got up and put my clothes back on and ran downstairs and saw a lot of things shattered around them.

"Wyatt calm down," I said as I went up to him and wrapped his arm around me shoulder. Wyatt kept looking from me to the sisters and then slowly took a deep breathe. "Are you okay?" I asked and Wyatt nodded. Once Wyatt was calmed down everyone else started to relax. "Don't think you guys are off the hook for this, I just don't want Wyatt causing anymore earthquakes."

"Thank you Chris," Piper said knowing I was going to bail her out like I always do.

"Don't thank me," I said.

"Chris what happened," Leo asked.

"Why don't you ask them," I said pointing to the sisters. Wyatt and I then orbed back up to our room. Wyatt was still pissed off and I could tell from my empath power. "Wyatt calm down," I said as I set him down and started to massage his shoulders. "I'm sorry okay."

"Don't be sorry it wasn't you fault it was there's!" Wyatt yelled causing me to jump. "I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't be losing it like this."

"Its not a problem, its kind of a turn on if you think about it," I said smiling and he smiled back.

"I love you angel," Wyatt said.

"I love you too Wyatt," I said back and we kissed passionately with our tongues battling again.


The next morning I woke up hearing my name being called from downstairs. I just ignored it. I didn't want to talk to them right now, because even though I didn't yell at them I was still mad about the whole thing. Even if I did try to move Wyatt would just pull me closer.

Just then I heard someone knocking on the door. Wyatt and I both quickly shot up. We heard it was Henry who was knocking.

"Hey Chris, there's a guy downstairs waiting for you. He said he wanted to talk to you," Henry said and I was just confused.

"Did he tell you his name?" I asked.

"Its Daughtry and he said he wanted to see you?" Henry answered.

"Tell him I'll be down there in a few minutes," I said hearing Henry leave the door. I was happy that Daughtry thought about me enough to come and visit me. He's done so much for me that I can't thank him enough. He's been real supportive throughout my whole marriage, but I'm wondering what made him come over. Usually he'd call before he'd come over, but then again he probably did and I just didn't answer the phone. I tried to get up but Wyatt pulled me back down. I then moved Wyatt's hand to get up but Wyatt grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down and got on top of me. "Wyatt come on I've got to go.." I said but I was silenced when Wyatt pressed his lips against mine and then begun to suck on my neck. "Wyatt stop...come..on..I've got to go," I said but Wyatt then started to devour my mouth and tried to stick his tongue in.

He started to lick all over my teeth waiting for me to open up but before he could do anything else I orbed away and into the shower. "Hey I wasn't finished with you yet."

"Too bad," I said back.

"You better stop talking to me that way or I'm coming in there," Wyatt said.

"You wouldn't," I said and I started to let the water fall on me.

"I would, and I think I will," Wyatt said orbing into the shower right in front of me and then continued where he left off and began to devour my mouth again.

"Wyatt stop," I said pulling away from him and I looked him up and down and saw that he had a hard on and he was giving me the lustful look. "I can't I have someone waiting for me."

"So.." Wyatt said as he pushed me into a corner and still had that lustful look in his eyes and Wyatt crushed our bodies together as he started to lick me up and down.

"Wyatt..I..can't," I said mumbling the words as Wyatt started to suck on my collarbone causing me to breathe even harder. "Daughtry...waiting."

"He can wait, he knows how we are," Wyatt said as he started to suck on my erect nipple and grab onto my hard on and masturbate me at the same time.

"Mmm, Chris you taste so good," Wyatt said as he started panting as he lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist and stuck his erect member in me and started to thrust in and out of me.


"So how have you been," Piper asked Daughtry who was sitting on the couch waiting.

"Oh I'm good, you know just having a little fun here and there," he answered

Henry then came running down the stairs. "Chris said he'd be right out," Henry said.

"Well make yourself at home," Piper said as she left for the kitchen and so did Henry.

Daughtry wait another thirty minutes before I came down.

"Hey buddy," I said coming down the stairs with Wyatt behind me. "How have you been," I said hugging him. "Oh and sorry for having you wait that long but stuff happens and I got distracted."

"Oh no biggie, but yeah I've been pretty good," Daughtry answered. "So whats up?"

Piper then came from the kitchen, "Wyatt can I please see you in the kitchen alone," Piper asked and then went back into the kitchen before Wyatt could say no. Wyatt then looked at me and I nodded telling him it was okay and then he left.

"Nothing is up with me so how about you," I said.

Wyatt then came and sat in a chair and grabbed a plate full of pancakes and started to pour a whole bunch of maple syrup on them. He didn't even look at Piper.

"So...Wyatt?" Piper started off. "So how's everything going," she asked just trying to make conversation.

"Oh since you barged in, oh everything has been great," Wyatt said as he continued to eat his pancakes.

Piper was speechless for the next ten minutes. She didn't want to say anything to make things worse. I then came in with a smile on my face. "Wow awkward silence," I said as I looked at the both of them.

"So what did Daughtry want?" Wyatt asked.

"Nothing really," I said. "Him and I are going to go grab a bite to eat, so I'll be back," I said heading for the door.

"Hold it," Wyatt said quickly standing up. "Where are you going?"

"Just out," I answered. "Wyatt don't worry Daughtry is just a friend and I think he's straight.

"No its not that..its just I wanted to spend time with you since you know Paige has taken the twins and I could get dad to watch Prue," Wyatt said. I then gave him a hug and Wyatt tightened the embrace.

"I won't go if you don't want me to," I said.

"No, you go since you haven't had that much time with Daughtry and we'll make it up some how. Now you have fun," Wyatt said as I kissed him.

"Thanks, I'll take Prue with me, so you guys don't have to worry," I said grabbing Prue who was asleep in her carriage and then picking up her baby bag. "I'll be right back okay," I said giving Wyatt one last peck.

"Okay call me if you get in trouble," Wyatt said as I left the house.

"Look, Wyatt I know you're mad at me," Piper started.

"You have no idea," Wyatt said back

"I'm sorry I just thought Chris was in danger when I heard him scream," Piper said.

"So you thought you'd blow down the door did you. You know what mom forget it," Wyatt said. "What's done is done and don't worry it won't happen again."

"What do you mean it won't happen again?" Piper asked.

"I wanted to tell Chris this today, but I found a place for us and the kids," Wyatt said and Piper gasped. "Yeah that's right. We're moving out."


Daughtry and I were sitting at a restaurant having a nice little conversation. He was telling me about how good his Christmas was and everything and I told him about the whole thing with Piper walking in on me and Wyatt and he thought it was hilarious. I was rocking Prue to sleep since I just gave her something to eat.

"So Daughtry do you ever plan on going to collage anytime soon," I asked.

"I don't know," I then started doing some hand gestures and knocked over a glass of what. "Oh my," he as he started to pick it up off of the ground. I then noticed a mark on his inner arm near his wrist.

"Hey Daughtry what's that red thing on your wrist," I asked.

"Oh that its nothing," he said trying to cover it up.

"Can I see it," I asked.

"No!" He said instantly freaking out.

"Come on its not going to hurt let me see," I said as I set Prue in her cradle and ignored his protest and grabbed his arm to see that red mark on him. I then quickly stood up. "You're a Phoenix aren't you?"

"Yes, but," he started but I interrupted him.

"So you knew about me being a witch this whole time," I said still standing up afraid to move. I then picked up Prue in her carriage.

"Look I know this sounds crazy but let me explain," he said.

"What is there to explain," I said back. "You're an assassin sent to kill whoever and take there powers." I then started back away and Daughtry tried to grab me but something ended up falling out of his pocket. I picked it up and I was shocked to see that it was a picture of him and his family and I recognized the girl in the photo. "Not only are you a Phoenix, but you're Bianca's older brother." I then dropped the photo and started to walk off.

"Chris wait," Daughtry said coming after me, "please let me explain."

"What is there to explain except that you're a Phoenix you asshole," I said not even looking back at him as I walked away.

"Well you know what you're part Phoenix too," he said.

"You're crazy, I am not," I said back to him.

"Then how do you explain your ability to conjure athames huh? Do you think that a good witch like you would have that power without there being a reason," he said and I froze and turned around to him.

"Go on," I said.

Alright guys please tell me you put down the pitchforks and torches now that I've given you the whole sex scene. So please appreciate this chapter I mean it took hard work to plan and work on. And if you want it to continue then send me feedback by emailing me at or The faster you send it the faster the story comes and the more feedback means the better the chapter will be.

Next: Chapter 22: Alternate Universe

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