Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Sep 3, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I know some of you guys were probably wondering what happened to Chris E during the time that Wyatt was evil and why his powers were bound until he was eighteen. This chapter really can fit in anywhere but it tells what happened with him during the time of evil Wyatt. It is going to start out with it being in the normal time but then its going to go to the alternate universe with evil Wyatt. This will be a little confusing but when Chris E goes to the alternate universe he does get visions so he has all of the knowledge of what happened, but he's just living it for himself.

"Come on Prue eat something," I said trying to feed little Prue with a spoon. I was still feeding her baby cereal since Wyatt insisted that we wait a year till she get on solids. "Why won't you eat anything," I asked her knowing she was still a baby and she wasn't going to talk. I continued putting the spoon to her mouth but she still wouldn't open up. This time she looked away. "Fine. I give up."

"Maybe she's not hungry," Piper said. "Or maybe she just doesn't like what you're feeding her. Have you thought about giving her anything besides simulac? I mean I'm sure she's probably tired of the same thing all the time. Oh how about I give her some of these grits I made."

"Sorry, but Wyatt said she's not aloud to have any real food until she's one year old and its going to be the longest year of my life," I answered Piper. It was morning and Piper had made some breakfast and I couldn't eat until I fed Prue, but so far looks like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. "Here comes the airplane," I said making the airplane noise hoping she would open up, but still no such luck. "What is it going to take for you to eat something?"

Right then Chris came running in. You could tell he was happy since it seemed like he was bouncing off the walls. We had the week off from school so now everyone was home, even though Wyatt was always working. Fortunately he got offered to work from home so just about the whole day he was on the computer.

"Good morning everyone," Chris said with a big huge grin of his face. "Pancakes, my favorite," Chris exclaimed as he grabbed a plate and filled it up with pancakes. "Thanks mom these are really good."

"Why are you in a good mood," I asked. "If you're on something, please share it with me since you're niece seems not to want to eat anything today, and I'm getting no help from Wyatt."

"I'm just happy to be off from school," Chris smiled. "What is that you're feeding her. I sure wouldn't eat that for one," he said catching sight of Prue. "Here let me try," Chris said as he got up and pulled up a chair next to her. I gave him the spoon and the bowl. "Alright Prue I'm going to need you to open up for me please can you do that," he said in a baby voice and she started smiling. "Here it comes," he said putting the spoon towards her and she finally opened up and started eating. "You see that wasn't so bad."

I finally got up to get me something to eat since I haven't had no breakfast this whole time. I felt bad for Chris since he had to be the one to feed Prudence, but it gives me a break. I had been down in the kitchen for over an hour trying to get her to eat something, even having to go heat the stuff up again like five times.

"Thanks Chris," I said. "I owe you big time."

"Oh no biggie," Chris answered. "After all she is my niece, and I'd do anything for her," Chris said continuing to feed Prue and talking baby talk to her. I don't know what I'd do without him. He helps me out with her a lot and doesn't expect anything in return.

"Why is she such an angel for you and not me?" I asked sarcastically. Prue wasn't all that bad. It was only when it came time for feeding that she really acted up, but otherwise she was really good.

"Maybe, because I'm cuter," Chris chuckled. "Speaking of angel where is Ryan and Patience. I haven't heard them and they're not in here so where are they at," Chris asked.

"They're still sleep," I answered. "Yeah even though Prudence is the baby, Patience and Ryan sleep like they're babies and they are driving me crazy, but I get no help from Wyatt since all he does is stay on that computer all day since he says he has to work all the time."

"Sucks for you," Chris said. "Its only going to get worse once Penelope and Patrica are born."

I was about to say something but Wyatt came storming in the room. You could tell he was very angry about something. He looked angry enough to blow up fifty demons right then and there. Once he got into the kitchen he looked around to see who was in the room.

"Alright which one of you was on my computer?!" Wyatt shouted. "I just spent the last hour fixing it because there was a virus on it, so which one of you did it so I can beat the shit out of you!"

"Okay first of all Wyatt, no one could have gotten on your computer without you knowing because you're on that thing twenty four seven," I started out. "And second could you please not swear in front of the baby. I don't want her going to school learning any new words that she shouldn't be saying."

Wyatt just gave me an angry stare and then stormed back out. "You know what, fuck it!" He said leaving the room.

"Wyatt!" I yelled at him trying to get his attention but he just ignored me and kept on going. Right when he was out of sight, Prue started crying. I ran over and picked her up to comfort her. "You know that temper of his is going to get him into a lot of trouble one of these days."

Prue still wouldn't stop crying so I had to think what could it have been. She had already had something to eat so she wasn't hungry and I don't think she's to unhappy so there was only one other option. Crap, she has a dirty diaper. The last thing I wanted to do after breakfast was change a dirty diaper.

I slowly laid Prudence down on the bar and went and got some blankets and picked her up and set her on them. Piper and Chris were watching and laughing the whole time since they saw I had a weird look on my face.

"Ha ha ha, laugh it up Chris but you'll be doing this when you have kids," I said as I finally opened up Prudence's diaper and almost passed out. "Whoa! Just hope your kids aren't as bad as Prue is though." I quickly cleaned her up and put her on a new diaper.

"Looks like you were a little resistant there," Piper said chuckling.

"Hey, you try changing a baby when you've already seen her when she's twenty six," I said referring to Prue's adult form. "It just shocks me to be changing her and then see her grown up." I was finally done changing her so I orbed the diaper into the garbage can and picked her up.

"Trust me, I know what you mean. I had to do that with Chris over here," Piper said.

"Mom!" Chris yelled out.

"Excuse me, why did you see Chris when he was in his twenties anyway," I asked. "Never mind that I just want to know why Wyatt's been so mad lately. I mean that's the third time he's lost his temper this week."

"You think that's bad you should have seen him when he was evil," Chris said. I just stared at him confused as ever.

"What are you talking about when he was evil. Wyatt's never been evil. I mean yeah he does have his moments where he loses his temper at times, but I mean who doesn't," I said not believing what I was hearing. Especially out of his own brother who he's known for all of his life.

"You must not have seen evil Wyatt," Piper said. I then looked at her and then back at Chris.

"What are you guys talking about 'evil Wyatt'" I asked.

"Its nothing just forget we said anything about it," Chris said.

I was really getting frustrated with them not telling me what was going on. I felt like I had a right to know what they were talking about since it involved Wyatt. It could be dangerous to our kids, so if its something important they need to tell me about it.

"No I'm not going to forget about it. Now tell me about this evil Wyatt guy you were just talking about," I asked as I set Prue in her carriage and she went to sleep really quickly.

"Mom should I tell him," Chris asked looking at Piper. She hesitated for a moment before she nodded slowly. "Look bro I know this isn't something that you want to hear, but it goes back to me coming here when I was twenty two years old. I had to come back to save Wyatt, because he know... evil." My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I was about to say something but Chris interrupted. "Now, I know what you're thinking, that Wyatt could never be evil, but he was. Something turned him, and before he was killing innocents and witches and he was basically the source of all evil. You see Chris I didn't want to believe it either but he was. He was taking over San Francisco in search of witches and power. That's all he cared about. And as much as it pains me to say, he killed mom when I was fourteen and not too much longer he killed Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe. I had to hide out with grandpa until I was old enough to understand. I know all of its hard to believe but its true," Chris explained.

I stared at him intensely for a minute before breaking out in laughter. "Come on Chris how can all of that be true. For one what made him turn evil and second where was I during this whole time. If this was true and he was hunting down witches he would have at least killed me too."

"Look, I don't know okay," Chris exclaimed. "I don't remember everything I just remember bits and pieces of it. I don't even remember what turned Wyatt evil."

"I thought it was Vicus and Gideon," Piper said finally talking after who knows how long.

"No, it was something else. I don't remember. Yeah they contributed to it, but there was something that actually pushed him off the edge. I just wish I could remember what it was, but after Gideon killed me and sent me back to my real time I forgot a lot of things," Chris said. "Like that ring I gave Bianca, I don't even remember where I got it or how I got it. And now that you say something, Wyatt had me and Bianca locked up and I don't know how we escaped." Chris put his hands on his head. He was just as confused as I was. "My head hurts, I swear I kept a record of what witches Wyatt killed and I can't remember you."

"Maybe he just never found him?" Piper suggested.

"No, if you were a witch there was no where you could hide from Wyatt," Chris explained. "Ugh, why can't I remember you. Out of all people I even remember our cousins."

"Okay well as funny as this sounds, I would love to sit here and listen but I think I'm going to go put Prue in her cradle so she can sleep," I said. "I think you guys maybe have just watched one too many movies." I grabbed Prue out of the carriage while she was still sleep and orbed up to her room and put her in her cradle.

I walked back into the hallway just pacing around. I didn't know whether to believe it or not that Wyatt was evil. Not just evil but the Source of all evil. No, it couldn't be true. Wyatt would never kill innocents or witches unless there was a reason. The way Chris described it, it seemed that Wyatt was doing it all for power. The Wyatt I know is never power hungry. He couldn't, he wouldn't be. But then again why would Chris and Piper lie to me knowing I would freak out. What am I to do. My head is hurting bad because of all the confusion. There's only one way to find out. I have to go see this alternate time that Chris was talking about, otherwise this will just keep going on in my head every time Wyatt looses his temper.

I quickly orbed up to the attic. I ran over to the Book of Shadows and kept searching for a spell. I knew the spell wasn't going to be under time travel. So I checked alternates. I saw spells for alternate personalties, alternate live styles, and alternate planes. I kept going till I found the one I wanted which was alternate universe.

I was about to chant till Chris walked in. "What are you doing," he asked. I didn't even notice he came in so I quickly closed the Book.

"Nothing, what are you doing?" I asked back.

"I came up here to check on you since you look like you didn't take the news of Wyatt being evil to well," Chris said.

"I'm fine," I said opening the book back to the page that I needed.

"No you're not," he said back to me as he started walking over to where I was. He looked at the spell I had the book opened to. "Chris are you crazy? I know you don't believe me and all but do you think going and seeing it for yourself is the answer."

"Chris I have to know this for myself," I said.

"You know that if you go there, you won't be able to come back until you find out what you need to know," Chris warned me. "That means if your answer could take days, you'll be there for days, months, maybe even years."

"I'll take my chances alright," I said and pushed him away from the Book. I then started chanting, "Hear these words, hear the rhyme, heed the hope within my mind, send me back to where I'll find, to see myself in alternate time."

[If you need a visual for this next part think of Butterfly Effect] Everything around me started shaking and going blurry. I then blacked out. When I opened my eyes, everything was in chaos. There were dead bodies along the streets. The tall buildings in San Francisco were destroyed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The next thing I knew I felt weak and I started seeing visions of what happened in my past twenty four years. The first vision I saw was Leo bringing me home when I was two and Piper was still pregnant with Chris, and then it flashed to a vision of Chris and I playing when I was 10 and he was 8, and then went to when Chris was 14 and I was sixteen. I saw Wyatt kill Piper. The last vision I had to see took a long time.


Wyatt and I were in the living room similar to the one in the manor, but you could tell that it wasn't it, arguing. It was clear that something about him changed. He was wearing black leather pants and a black shirt. Chris was right he was evil. Wyatt had his arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

I had my eyes closed, trying to overcome this whole thing, "Wyatt," I said quietly still panting in fear, "Please don't do can change....I know you can. You know this is bad....don't destroy every good memory I have of you."

Wyatt gritted his teeth and tightened his grip around my waist, those words hitting him hard like being struck in the chest with a sword. "That hurt, Chris," he said angrily. "As I told you before I'm not going to hurt you, when will you see that?"

"Everyday that you keep me here against my will, you hurt me," I pointed out. "All these times that you don't allow me to see Chris, you hurt me. Do you really think that I don't miss my brother and that I'll just go along with your sick idea. I know what you want with me and I know what you're trying to do."

Wyatt's grip tightened and turned into pain before he finally turned me around and we were now face to face and then he backed me up until I hit the couch and fell on it. I was scared to death. My eyes widened as I looked into the furious eyes of the source, who was also suppose to be the one I love.

"How many times do I have to tell you," Wyatt said, trying to keep his voice level and his temper down, "Chris, I only keep you away from him because he's poisoning your mind with all of this good verses evil nonsense and how all I want is your powers, and for awhile I put up with it until you started disobeying me. If all I wanted was your powers, I would have locked you in the dungeons once I stripped them from you and put them in me, and I would have kept you in the dungeons for the rest of your life. Instead I care for you, I protect you, and I keep you here against your will to make sure that you don't do anything to hurt yourself and you just spit in my face. I'm done waiting Chris. You should have known better than to provoke me."

I gulped very nervously as I looked at Wyatt. He now had an evil look on his face. " don't want to do this," I begged. "Please...don't do it."

But Wyatt didn't budge at all, he was still pretty angry from what I said. His temper was at its point. What I told him had pissed him off more than anything else in the world. "I don't?" he said with an evil smirk. "But I'm so good at it"

I looked at Wyatt and can't believe what I saw. He was as evil as they come. I knew what he wanted and I couldn't let him do it to me. I freaked out and I quickly tried to run, but I didn't get far.

Wyatt grabbed my arms as I tried to take off and I tried to struggle against him but it was useless. He was taller and stronger than me. For a minute I stared at him and he stared at me, lost for awhile at the monster I saw staring back at me. With a protest, I started to walk backwards, trying to keep him away from me.

Wyatt started advancing on me as I walked backwards until I finally hit a wall. I looked around to see where I backed myself to and I found that I backed myself into a corner. I tried to find a way to escape, but there was no way. Wyatt had me cornered.

Without any hesitation, Wyatt grabbed my arms and kept them pinned to the wall stopping any kind of struggle. He then lowered his head and pushed his lips against mine.

Right then, I tried to fight it, but Wyatt had me pinned to the wall so hard that if I kept it up I would end up hurting myself even worse. I can't believe this is happening. It all seems so wrong what Wyatt was doing to me.

Wyatt gave another evil smirk as he saw me squirming around trying to get away. He liked it when I struggled against him. It turned him on more. I could try to fight all I wanted but in the end I knew Wyatt was going to get what he wanted and nothing I could do would stop him.

He finally pulled away for air. I started tearing up just wishing this would stop and that this was a dream.

Wyatt smiled again and went back down for another kiss before flaming us to his bed. Wyatt then pushed me onto the bed and quickly got on top of me before I could move a muscle, and he quickly grabbed my hands and pinned them down again. I kept panicking with all the fear and everything else circling through me making me wish there was some way out of it. Squirming and moving around hoping that Wyatt would eventually give up, but he didn't.

Wyatt just laid on top of me watching me as I struggled. He got no better pleasure than to watch me trying to fight him off of me. It wasn't hard for him to handle my struggles, as a matter of fact its one of the easiest things he ever did. He still had my arms pinned down and he had my legs and the rest of my body under his weight so I couldn't move. He waited for awhile until I started getting tired. After a few minutes of struggling I was to tired and I just laid there.

As soon as I stopped fighting Wyatt said a spell that kept me motionless, that way he had me pinned down because he didn't trust that I wasn't going to try anything against him. He then kissed my on the cheek, "Chris," he said. "Calm down I'm not going to hurt you."

"Yeah you're just going to take advantage of me," I said back to him. "That's even better." Wyatt went down for another kiss but I stopped him and begged for him to stop. "Wyatt don't do this..I'm begging you please stop."

"I'm sorry Chris, but I can't, its too late," Wyatt said into my ear kissing it. "But don't worry, this will all be over soon and you will have enjoyed it. Now listen, you won't try to attack me and you will enjoy this."

Wyatt then started pushing his lips against mine and I kept screaming no but Wyatt didn't care. I kept screaming until Wyatt silenced me with his tongue. I was lying helpless under Wyatt and crying as he was doing all of this to me.

End of Vision............

I snapped out of the vision before I could see what else happened. "He couldn't," I said to myself. "He wouldn't have done that to me." But who was I kidding. In this reality Wyatt was evil and he was capable of anything. I looked back around at the chaos I had seen before I saw my visions. It was a disaster. Chris was right. I don't even know where I am right now.

"Chris!" I heard someone shout out. It sounded familiar but who could it be. "Chris, you okay bro," I heard him say again. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was Chris. No one else calls me bro. I looked around to see where he was and saw him coming towards me. He helped me off the ground. He also had a woman with him. I swear I've seen her in my visions but what is her name.

"Thanks Chris," I said. "Chris what happened?" I asked trying to see what how did I end up on the ground.

"We were running from a few demons , and somehow you just fainted," Chris explained. "Are you sure you okay to go on, because if you're not there's a place where we can hide from Wyatt until you feel better."

"No I'm fine," I said back to him even though I wasn't. "It was know, thing that happened at the moment but I'm ready to go."

"Come on guys we can't stop," the woman with Chris said. "If we don't get moving he's gonna catch up with us."

As we started walking more, which I didn't know where we were going, I started looking at that woman closely. I know I've seen her in my vision but not just that. She looks familiar from the real world. Bianca. That's who she is. I remember Chris talking about her. In this time that means she's his fiancé. Though I have never seen her in person in the real world I wonder why she looks so familiar. I'll have to figure that out later. At least once I know that I'm safe and I find a way to get back to my world.

We walked and we walked for about thirty more minutes. I was wondering why we couldn't orb, but I remembered from my vision that I can't because Wyatt stole my powers so he must have binded Chris's or stole his too. The whole time we were walking Chris kept humming the tune to stars and stripes forever. It did start to get annoying.

"Chris could you please stop singing," I said as we started to walk down an alley way.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to do something to make the time pass by," Chris said. "I mean-," Chris was interrupted when demons all shimmered in surrounding us. I knew this couldn't be good. A bunch of them came and over powered Chris and Bianca, holding them so they couldn't get a way, but none of them ever touched me. I wondered why.

I was about to find out.

"Hello Evans, little brother, Bianca," A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see that it was Wyatt. I was now scared for my life. I was standing face to face with who Chris and Piper called evil Wyatt.

"Hello Wyatt," I said back crossing my arms over my chest. I tried to look tough so that it appeared that I wasn't afraid of him but I was. I just didn't want him knowing that otherwise he probably would use it to his advantage. I was now wondering what I was still doing here. I saw Wyatt was evil and Chris and Piper were right. So now that I've seen what I need to see, why haven't I gone back.

"You know you three were pretty hard to track down, but I wasn't worried. I knew I'd find you someway, somehow," Wyatt said confident.

"Thats good for you, Wyatt," I said sarcastically, but I had to remember not to provoke him because it only turns him on and thats something I don't want. Wyatt just gave me an evil smirk. I tried my hardest not to show that I was scared.

"Wyatt you asshole, let us go," Bianca yelled struggling against the demons grip. Wyatt turned to her and conjured up an energy ball.

"No, Wyatt...don't do it, please," I begged. I didn't want to see anything happen to Chris or Bianca. Chris was the only family I had alive, besides Wyatt, but I really didn't consider him family after all he did.

Wyatt then turned back to me and said, "if I let her live, you're mine, for good."

"Over my dead body," I said firmly at him. Wyatt just frowned as I said that.

"Just kill us you bastard, since thats all you do!" Chris yelled out to him.

"So be it," Wyatt said as he turned around and he aimed straight for Chris. I knew I couldn't let this happen. If Wyatt killed Chris it would be all my fault. I know what I have to do.

"Wyatt stop!" I cried. "Please don't hurt them."

"Make up your mind, either they live and you come back with me or they die and you come back with me, either way you're coming back with me," Wyatt said.

"Fine, I'll come back with you, but you better not hurt them," I said.

"Chris don't do it!" Chris yelled trying to stop me.

"Take them to their room, we've got some unfinished business," Wyatt ordered and the demons all shimmered away with Bianca and Chris while Wyatt grabbed my hand and flamed us to his bedroom. Wyatt then started pressed his lips against mine kissing me but I pushed him off.

"I only said that I'd come with you," I protested. "I didn't say I'd make out with you."

"Fair enough," Wyatt said and he used his powers of telekinesis (well my power actually) to move a chair in front of me. "Sit," he said. I really felt like a dog then, so I didn't sit at first, when I didn't Wyatt said, "don't be a fool Chris. There's nothing you can do except obey me, now sit." I still didn't sit. "I'm warning you Chris, don't try me or else I can promise you that your stay here won't be pleasant."

I just stared at him with anger as I finally sat down. I wanted to just go take him down, but I knew I couldn't fight him, especially now that I don't have my powers. One thing that I know though is I'm not going down without a fight.

Wyatt got closer to me, I was staring him down. I wasn't going to move from my spot and give him a reason to touch me physically . "Do you fear me Chris," Wyatt asked suspect fully. "Why aren't you smiling? There was a time when you were happy to see me instead of angry."

"There was a time you weren't like this," I said instantly. "A time where you weren't evil and a killer."

Wyatt kept his cool. He knew that I had inherited my mom, Prue's personalty, and no one else but me and Chris H knew how to make him angry. I was just as stubborn as anyone Wyatt has ever met.

Wyatt got closer and closer till he was finally standing over me and leaning down to my level. "Do you know why I brought you here," Wyatt asked.

I rolled my eyes before answering, "let me guess, so you can kill me. Am I right? What's wrong Wyatt, are Chris, Bianca and I going out and vanquishing too many of your demon friends for your world domination." Chris, Bianca, and I were apart of a team called Resistance. We went around San Francisco vanquishing demons and saving witches. Even though Wyatt stripped me of my powers, there was one he didn't know about and that was empath. So even though I didn't have my best powers I still had empath and I was still able to make demons feel pain and I made sure Wyatt didn't know about that power or else I knew he would take it and that was my only defense against demons.

Wyatt quickly grabbed my jaw and force me to look up at him straight in the eyes. "Careful Chris," Wyatt warned. "You don't want to make me mad now do you. You're already in the hot seat with how much trouble you and the rest of your friends caused over the past year. I'm willing to forget it all ever happened, but making me mad isn't the way to go."

"Why not?" I said back. "I thought you liked it when I was resistant. You're nothing to me Wyatt. You're the source of all evil and I'm a witch and its my job to vanquish things like you."

"Not anymore Chris, you're mine now. And you better get that straight with yourself and start to understand it. I'm not the source of evil. I'm the source of all power. You will not be running from me anymore Chris, there's no where else you can go to hide."

I shivered at the evil look Wyatt was giving me. "Why don't you just kill me and get it over with," I ordered. "I've had enough of you and your little games."

Wyatt's started to smile and it gave me the goosebumps. "I have no intention of killing you, Chris. I have better plans for you." With that said, Wyatt just started running his hands through my hair. Petting me like I was a dog, I was doing my best to hide my fear from him. He then looked me right in the eyes and these words will haunt me for the rest of my life, "You're here because I want you here and what I want I get. I'm never letting you go, ever. You will rule by my side, and you will forget all those crazy ideas that Chris and Bianca put in your head, but most importantly you will be mine. In every way, mind, body, soul. Your first, your last, and your everything." As I grew more and more scared, Wyatt started to stroke my cheek, and then he pushed his lips on to mine but I pulled away. Wyatt that slapped me on that same cheek he stroked. "Don't jerk away from me! You will be mine," he said once again. "My prince, my love and together our power will be so great that no one will be able to stand in our way, not the elders, not the Resistance, not even your precious friends Chris and Bianca. You might as well make yourself comfortable here, Chris," Wyatt said. "You're going to be here until the end of time." He then flamed out.

For the past few days Wyatt managed to let this all go on and he found it amusing for awhile, but now he was tired of it. For a week, I was have a look of disgust at the sight of him. I was force to live at his mansion that was four stories tall. I was never allowed to leave the fourth floor though because he grounded my orbs and if that wouldn't work he put a magical bind that wouldn't allow me to leave. On the fourth floor was a living room that looked just like the one back at the manor and Wyatt's bedroom was right across from it. I felt more caged than anything else.

During those past few days I would think about Chris and Bianca. Wondering what was he doing to them. Hoping they were okay. I just wanted to see them, but I know Wyatt's not going to let me anytime soon. Every time I thought about them I kept wondering what was I still doing here. Everyday when I woke up I kept hoping that I was in a dream or that I would be back home. Chris told me that I wasn't going to leave until I found out what I needed so why was I still here. I found out that Wyatt was evil. What more did I need to know. For some reason in the past few days I was also puking every morning. I don't know why but it was a strange feeling. Like I've felt sick like this before but I don't know what it is.

I had mostly gone out of my way to do everything to avoid Wyatt. Even staying up till midnight or one in the morning so that I could sleep on the couch and Wyatt wouldn't make me stay in the same bed as he was in.

All of that was about to change. One day I was staying up and trying my best not to drift off to sleep. Every time I would feel myself go to sleep I would pinch myself and remind myself of why I have to stay up.

I felt I shiver go down my spine once I saw Wyatt's bedroom door open and he was standing there in the door way. "Coming to bed Chris? Wyatt asked smiling and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not tired," I said lying knowing that he probably knew by the drowsiness in my voice. "I'll come later."

Wyatt was very determined and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "No you won't Chris. Come to bed with me now," Wyatt demanded as he started to get louder

I was shocked with what he just said and what he wanted. My jaw dropped. "No," I said. "Nu uh, I'm not doing it."

Wyatt started coming towards me, "I want you to get some sleep with me. In our bed," Wyatt said, "its not a request."

"No," I said instantly. "I don't know what's wrong with you. You must be messed up in the head if you think that I'm going to go lie with you. I won't do it. Never." I was very sickened by that thought.

"You seem to think that you have a choice here," Wyatt said getting more irritated by the second. "Now you can come willingly or I can make you come. Its really up to you."

I rolled my eyes at him saying, "you do what you have to, but there is no way that I'm coming on my own."

"Fine. Have it your way," he said. "You know, this could be fun."

Wyatt started advancing on me, I just jumped behind the couch putting it in between us. Wyatt rapidly caught up with me. I tried to swing at him but he was to quick to dodge and he grabbed my wrist and I tried to get him to let go by swinging with my other hand but he grabbed my other wrist and then pushed me into the wall, pinning me there.

I was gasping, almost out of breath from trying to fight, Wyatt said as he saw me breathing hard, "Now are you going to come voluntarily or do I have to manhandle you some more, because I have to admit, this is kind of fun if you like it rough, and I do, if you know what I mean."

I just spit in his face since there was nothing I could do, "Bite me," I said.

Wyatt then let me up and pushed me back against the wall even harder and his grip tightened even more. "Now I'm going give you one more chance. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You might want to take my word for it, the easier way will save you a lot of pain in the end. You will learn to obey me, and I will use any means necessary to make sure that you do if you push my limits. I don't want to hurt you but that doesn't mean I won't."

I gave in for the time being. I knew if I resisted more than it would make Wyatt more happy and I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. Wyatt kept one hand on my wrist and led me into the bedroom. He closed the door and locked it magically so I couldn't sneak out.

Wyatt then went and laid on the bed smiling at me for a long time before he patted a place next to him and I knew what that meant. At first I wasn't going to go, but then I looked at the bruises on my wrist and I knew I didn't want anymore so I just came and sat at the edge of the bed. Wyatt soon protested against it when he looped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I kept trying to get away but the more I struggled the tighter Wyatt's grip got. Wyatt then used his free hand to hold my head still while he started kissing me on the lips and sooner or later I felt he had a hard on in his pants. I then tried even harder to get away but who was I kidding. Wyatt was stronger than I was and there was no way that he was letting me go. I finally just broke down and started crying for Wyatt to stop and to my surprise he did. He put one last kiss on my forehead and then he went to sleep and left me trying to get away but he still had a good grip on me even when he was sleep.

The next morning Wyatt woke up and found me sleep next to him. I couldn't take it anymore. I tired myself out trying to get away the whole night. Wyatt just looked at me. He needed me for more reasons than anyone knew. He knew that since their was a bond between us, he knew that with me, he could increase his powers a lot since both him and I were Charmed Ones, but he didn't feel as much power with Chris H as he did with me so thats why he chose me. And though as much as he didn't show it, he loved me more than anything in the world, and I was probably the only one who understood him the most. He knew some way he had to make me his and he knew I was going to push his tolerance level.

When I finally woke up I was hoping that I would be back in my room with good Wyatt, but when I looked up I saw that I wasn't and I immediately remembered what happened last night. I immediately started to try to get away but Wyatt's grip tightened on me once he realized that I was awake and trying to break free.

"Settle down," Wyatt whispered into my ear kissing me there. I didn't like what he was doing for one second. He's now forcing me to share a bed with him and kissing me when he wants to against my will. Wyatt maybe crazy but I'm not.

"Let me go!" I hissed at him, still doing whatever I can to try to break free. "Get off me!"

Wyatt easily kept his grip on me, "I said settle down," he said even louder. "You don't want me to make you stay quiet do you?"

"I'm not your little slave you psychotic asshole," I yelled, letting my temper get the best of me. "You can just go find someone else to do this to, because I'm not doing this anymore you son of a...."

Wyatt then put his hands over my mouth stopping me from finishing that statement. "What have I told you about throwing tantrums?" Wyatt lectured. "Getting yourself all worked up is not going to help me decide that you're not a wild animal that needs to be tamed, so don't try me." I started to settle down not because I wanted to but because I was tiring out again. "Now are you going to stop or are you going to fight with me again?" I then got made and bit Wyatt's hand. Wyatt then moved his hand from around my waist and slapped me so hard that I saw stars. Then he got on top of me and started to wrap his hands around my neck. It wasn't so that he could kill me. It was so that I'd pass out and soon I did. Wyatt then kissed me on the forehead. "We'll talk about this later, when you're a little bit more calm."

When I woke up I was alone. I can't believe the person I love and do anything for was doing all of this to me. I know how could I love Wyatt after him being evil, but the reason is I know there is some good in him somewhere. But I know I have to stand up against him since I know what he's doing is wrong. I know Wyatt wanted power but what did he need me for. There was something else but he just never said anything. I had to do everything in my power, which wasn't much, to stop him. I know he wanted me, Chris, and Bianca to change sides to evil, and I hope he hasn't already turned them but I for one will not change sides.

Since I didn't have all of my powers there was only one thing I could do to stop Wyatt and that was kill him. I don't want to but its for the good of the world. I remembered somehow from the other reality that my power to conjure athames came on this date. I tried to conjure one and I got one. So now I have a way to kill Wyatt.

When Wyatt came in on the fourth floor I hit him with a lamp. He fell to the ground and I got on top of him and conjured an athame and put it to his throat. Wyatt quickly grabbed my wrist and twisted it forcing me to drop it. I then conjured another one but Wyatt grabbed that hand.

"What are you trying to do?" Wyatt asked angrily, holding both of my arms.

I stared at him madly, "trying to kill you. Looks like I'm getting in touch with my inner demon like you wanted." I then tried fighting against him to get him to let my hands go.

Wyatt soon took charge once he waved his hand and sent me flying, and before I could even move anymore he pinned me to the ground. He had his knee in my back and pulled one hand behind my back. When I tried to get out of it Wyatt just tightened the grip to where I was crying out in pain so that I didn't move any more.

"That was not a very smart thing to do," Wyatt pointed out. "What do you think you were going to accomplish by killing me. Have you lost your mind? I'm warning you Chris, you might think that you can kill me but you have a lot more coming if you think you can."

"Then you might as well just kill me now, because if you don't I will just keep on trying until I succeed," I said in a mad tone.

"You idiot!" Wyatt yelled, "How many times do I have to tell you before you get it, I'm not going to kill you and you're not going to kill me."

"You're just fooling yourself then," I said back to him.

Anyone could tell Wyatt was fed up, so he got up and dragged me along with him. "I told you, that you were going to obey me and I mean it. You can't fight your way out of this one and making me angry is not going to help. You've just gotten yourself in a lot of trouble with this stunt you just pulled. I can't have my soon to be prince trying to kill me, now can I?"

Wyatt then dragged me all the way up to the attic that looked just like the one in the manor. He then threw me on the couch and kept his eye on me to make sure that I didn't move. He then pulled out a orange vile and came and sat next to me.

He held out the vile to me saying, "drink the tonic," he ordered.

"What is that?" I asked knowing if it was from Wyatt it must not be good.

"Something that will help you be more cooperative," Wyatt answered.

"I'm not taking that," I said viciously. "And you can't make me."

Wyatt then frowned and got up. "Alright then," he said calmly. "I know you don't care about your life enough to take it, but what about Chris's and Bianca's life. Now what would you do then."

"Wyatt don't you dare threaten them," I said. He then gave an evil smirk. "Where are they?"

"I'll tell you when you drink the tonic," he said handing it out to me again but I still didn't take it. "Drink the tonic or they die."

I couldn't let that happen to them so I quickly grabbed the vile from Wyatt and drunk the tonic. I felt woozy and as I started to fall Wyatt caught me. I wanted to fight him off but my body wouldn't let me. "What is this?" I asked.

"Something that will stop you from trying to kill me or fight me for that matter," Wyatt answered. "You'll feel woozy for a couple of days but until then, you'll be easier to handle."

"I hate you for this," I said.

Wyatt just laughed. "Don't try to deny it Chris, I know you love me even if you don't say it. Otherwise you would have done better trying to kill me, but that doesn't matter anymore, because now you're mine. I'll be right back," he said letting me go and flaming out.

I started crying. I can't believe all of this. I just wish I had Chris right now. Chris is more than just a brother to me. He's my best friend. We did everything together and he's the only one who can help me through this. In this reality, Leo brought me home when I was just 2 years old and Wyatt was 1 and it was three days before Chris was born, because my mom couldn't handle me because she wasn't a witch and my powers were growing. Chris was my best friend ever since we were little kids. We'd been through everything until Aunt Piper died when he was fourteen and I was sixteen. I remember when we were little we always use to sneak away to the park after school instead of coming home. Wyatt always picked on Chris but he'd stop when I asked him to. Everything went down hill when Wyatt killed Piper and the rest of the aunts. I couldn't let him kill Chris so I did what I had to. I took Chris and left him with grandpa Victor. It was the only way to protect him from Wyatt. I made Victor promise to keep Chris safe, before I ran off and left him. I knew Wyatt was mainly after me so I couldn't keep Chris with me. It wasn't till about four years later that Chris was old enough to go look for me. Thats how he met Bianca. He was searching for me and he found Bianca as a part of the Resistance that I had started against Wyatt. We fought against Wyatt for as long as we could. Wyatt did manage to capture me a couple of months ago. Thats how he did the unthinkable thing that I saw in my vision. I can't believe that I'm now twenty four and Wyatt's controlling my life. Thank goodness for Chris. He's the one who rescued me the last time but now Wyatt's got me heavily guarded so no one can save me this time.

I then remembered something. Chris is an empath like me. Maybe there is someway I can communicate with him. I said in my mind. I kept talking but there was no answer. still nothing. I started crying more <I guess you can't hear me.>

Then a voice came out of nowhere Chris said.

I asked.

<Yeah its me, Are you okay. I can feel you crying about something> Chris asked.

<I'm fine now that I know you're okay. Where are you> I asked.

<I don't know, all I know is that I'm in a room in a four story mansion, that's it>. Chris answered.

<That means we're in the same building,> I pointed out. <Is Bianca with you?>

<Yeah, Wyatt put us in a room together, but we can't leave the room. He's taken our powers> Chris said.

I asked.

<No, he just keeps torchering us and trying to make us join him, thats all, what about you. Has he done anything to you>

I knew I couldn't tell Chris about what Wyatt did a couple of months ago. He would try to kill Wyatt and end up dying in the process and I wasn't going to lose Chris. <No, he hasn't. He just keeps yelling at me everyday>

Chris said.

<I know but look Chris I'm going to find a way to get us out of here, you hear me. You guys just hang on. I'll find you somehow or someway. I have to go now but be careful.>

<Okay, see ya bro> Chris said and he was out of my head.

Wyatt then flamed back in the room smiling. "Chris I thought since you're gonna be my prince your look should change."

"Why?" I asked harshly. "Are my clothes not good enough for you. Do I have to dress like you with the whole black leather pants and black shirt attire." I asked.

"No, I want a more look of a prince, like this," he said and he snapped his fingers and my clothes changed. I now had on a black robe that went down to the ground and just some black shorts on underneath that. The robe had an opening that exposed my chest and my belly button. It didn't have a way to close it so I guess Wyatt just expects me to go around with that on. I hated the outfit so much, but you could tell from the smile on Wyatt's face that he loved it. "That's much better," he said.

A few days later....

I was still waking up wondering when I was going to go back to my reality. Looks like its not going to be anytime soon. I was now knelt down in front of the toilet puking again. I tried looking up as dizziness took me over. My head was hurting worse than ever. Ever since I came back here I've been vomiting like this every single morning. Wyatt said I must have contracted a stomach virus and since it was an inner sickness he couldn't heal it. What hurt me most that I couldn't stop thinking about was that vision of Wyatt molesting me. It just brought tears to my eyes to even think about it. I could just blow him up with my new powers that I had developed over the past few days, but I didn't know how to use them. I don't even know how I got them, but I suspect its got something to do with that tonic Wyatt has been making me drink every morning. I'm surprised he let me keep these powers, usually when I had a power he would take it away from me.

I then heard footsteps coming toward the bathroom which snapped me out of my thoughts. I tried getting up before he could get in but I felt to weak. I then heard the door open. Once I got up I saw it was Wyatt standing in the doorway. It just pained me to see him.

"Are you okay," Wyatt asked with concern.

"Why does it matter to you, you don't care," I snapped at him as I went to the sink and started washing my face. "I'm nothing but just a little sex slave to you anyway."

"That's not true and you know it," Wyatt said a little hurt. He came over while I was still washing my face and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily as I turned off the water.

"I just want you to get ready for the celebration tonight," Wyatt answered as he grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. "I want to show everyone my prince, and don't forget today is your special day."

"Wow, I'm surprised you even remembered, or even thought about anyone but yourself," I said sure enough trying to piss him off since I know what made him mad the most.

"Chris, look, I know you think that I don't care about you," Wyatt said as he temper started to rise , "but to show you that I love you I will grant you one wish, so ask for anything and its yours."

"Anything?" I asked just to make sure.

"Anything," Wyatt repeated.

"Alright then how about letting me go from this hell that you have me in," I suggested.

Wyatt just sighed in anger before answering. "You know I can't do that."

"Fine then just go away since you can't do anything for anyone besides yourself," I said turning away and not even looking at him anymore.

"Okay then," Wyatt said trying to hide his anger and coming towards me and putting his hands around my waist. "I didn't want to tell you because it might ruin the surprise, but instead of the ceremony I've planned a special surprise birthday party for you."

"Are you kidding me," I said sarcastically. I then pushed him off of me and went and fell on the bed. "Wow, someone is deciding to do stuff for someone other than himself."

Wyatt lost it then. I pushed him to the edge. He got so mad that he knocked over a lamp that was on the dresser. I was so scared that I sat up on the bed. "You don't understand its all wrong!" Wyatt exclaimed. "This is not the way its meant to be here!"

"Calm down alright, its not a big deal," I said seeing how angry Wyatt was.

"This is all messed up," Wyatt said as he started pacing back and forth. "You have no clues as to what I have given up for you."

"What you've given up?!" I yelled. I couldn't believe what he just said. "What about what I've given up Wyatt. My family, my pride, my friends, my life!"

"Oh really?" Wyatt said glaring at me. "From where I'm standing, it looks like you have a pretty damn good life to me. The food, the clothes, the luxury."

"Look the only one getting anything from this is you," I shouted back at him. I can't believe he thinks I'm enjoying this. "And I have no idea what that is, but trust me I'm going to find out even if its the last thing I do and you better hope its not anytime soon. The only reason that I'm here is to make sure that what happened to Aunt Piper, Aunt Phoebe, and Aunt Paige doesn't happen to Chris and Bianca," I said getting off the bed. "Now get out of my way!" I yelled at Wyatt pushing him aside as I stormed off to the game room.

Wyatt gave out a loud growl before he stormed off after me. Before he could get to the game room the Seer shimmered in front of him.

"My lord," the seer said.

"What is it now?" Wyatt asked.

"I think this is the second week," she said.

"Yes, he's been having morning sickness," Wyatt confirmed. "So I think he is."

"Then I'm certain that the tonic you are giving him is working," she said.

I looked back one last time before I slammed the door. I saw Wyatt talking to the Seer. I hated her even though she hasn't said anything to me, I just know she's evil and her and Wyatt are up to no good. I came and just sat on the couch. Mad as hell. I can't believe Wyatt just accused me of loving this stupid life he has me living. As I mentioned before this game room looked exactly like the living room in the manor. I wish I could just make Wyatt feel the way I feel. I know I could just use my empath power to do that but he would just take it from me and thats the only good power I have left since he took all of mine. I had a few tears coming down my eyes but I had to quickly wipe them away since every time I cried Wyatt would take advantage of me.

I turned on the TV to see what was on since thats the only thing I could do since I can't go anywhere. I've still been talking to Chris through empath and making sure I was careful enough not to do it around Wyatt so he never had any suspicions. I would talk to Chris everyday just to make sure he and Bianca were okay, but unfortunately I still haven't found a way to get to them. I miss them so much even though I talk to him everyday. I still haven't seen him for two weeks.

I flipped through every channel and nothing was on. So I decided to continue watching my favorite movie Spider man 3. Once I pushed play on the VCR my jaw dropped. I expected to see Spider man swinging through the city, but instead I saw on the screen, that night that Wyatt had molested me. It sickened me to see that. He recorded that, so that must have meant he planned it the whole time and thats why he wasn't in bed with me last night. He was so busy watching this shit and pleasuring himself to it. I was so angry that I flicked my hand and blew up the VCR. I then heard a knock on the door. I didn't answer it and it better not have been a demon or he wouldn't live to see another day.

The door opened and in came Wyatt. I glared at him and then turned away not even wanting to look at him because I'm so disgusted with what he did.

"What do you want?" I asked viciously.

"Nothing, I just came to see if you were alright," Wyatt said taking a seat next to me.

"I'm fine no thanks to you and quit acting like you care because I know you don't give a rats ass about me," I said getting up from the couch, not wanting to be anywhere near Wyatt.

"Yes I do Chris," Wyatt said as his temper started to rise once again. "I don't know what I have to do to show you that I care about you and I love you very much."

"Oh really, well lets get one thing straight," I said as I started to finally stare at Wyatt in the eyes for the first time since he came in there. "If you loved me and cared about me so much, then you would have noticed that I have been sick and I've been puking my guts out every morning, and you would have gone out of your way to freaking make me feel better, but no you say that I must have a damn stomach virus!"

"What else do you want me to do," Wyatt asked as he got up and moved towards me putting his hand on my shoulder. I just pushed him off. "Look, I would have healed you if it was curable, but this isn't just any disease. I think its tied to your emotions so magic won't have any effect."

"Oh gee thanks," I said moving away from Wyatt and going to the other side of the couch so that the couch was in between us. "Now your saying that I can't be cured and you haven't even tried. To make it even worse you're acting like you know what I have and that you know what caused my sickness. If it was a damn virus then why haven't you caught it!"

Wyatt sighed. "Look what is your problem? I don't know why you're getting all mad for no reason. So can you please tell me so we can sit down and talk about it like normal husband and wives?" Wyatt asked as he advanced on me but I kept walking away.

"Oh I'll tell you alright if you really want to know," I said as I flicked my wrist again and blew up the TV this time to take my anger out on something. "You know I wanted to watch TV but nothing was on so then I decided that I would continue watching my favorite movie Spider man 3 , but when I pushed play, guess what the fuck I find?!"

Wyatt then realized why I was so mad, but he knew he was in the dog house then. He had a hard time trying to figure out an excuse for this one, but he had to admit he found it turned him on a lot.

"So, whats wrong with it? Its not like I was doing it to someone else," Wyatt said trying to defend himself.


"Wait a minute, since when did I say that you weren't good enough for me," Wyatt said as he advanced on me and backed me into a corner. "You're actually better now that you're doing it willingly. When we're doing it you make me happy in more ways than one. I just hope one day you understand that," Wyatt said as he brushed his lips against mine.

"Just get the hell away from me," I shouted. "Before I hurt you."

"Are you threatening me Christopher Evans," Wyatt keeping me cornered as he lifted my chin up to look me in the eyes.

"If thats how you want to take it then fine," I said as I struggled to get away from Wyatt. "Think whatever the hell you want. I don't care anymore." I said trying to still break free. "Get the fuck off me you pervert," I yell as I just got angry enough to push him out of my way. "You fucking psycho you make me sick!" I yelled as I walked on the other side of the couch.

I then tried to orb, but I forgot I couldn't because Wyatt grounded them. Fuck. I thought to myself. "Trying to escape me Chris, you should have learned by now that escaping me is impossible. I thought you would have learned that the first time. I guess I'm going to have to show you again," Wyatt said as he started coming towards me. I just kept circling around the couch hoping he would just leave me alone. He then just orbed it out of the way.

I knew what was about to happen now. The same thing I saw on the TV, that same thing I saw in my vision, and the same thing that happened two weeks ago was about to take place again. I just closed my eyes and wished that I was with Chris and Bianca right now wherever they're at. I need them now more than ever. I then felt myself teleport somewhere. When I opened my eyes I was in their room. I saw Chris sitting in a chair and Bianca sitting on the bed. Their backs were turned to me so they didn't notice me come in.

"Chris, Bianca," I said looking at the both of them. They both quickly turned their heads to where I was and they were shocked.

"Chris!" Chris said as he and Bianca both jumped up from where they were to come give me a hug at the same time. I just started crying a lot. I was so happy to see them right now. "What's wrong bro," Chris asked as he and Bianca were still hugging me but I was crying so much I couldn't answer. "Its okay Chris everything is going to be okay," he said. He and Bianca finally pulled away and looked at me in the face. "What did he do to you?" Chris asked.

"Nothing," I lied. "Its just.."

"Its just what?" Chris asked.

I still couldn't speak I just fell down crying again. Chris pulled me into another hug and tried to comfort me through all of this.

"This is all our fault," Bianca came out and said while shaking her head. I then pulled away from Chris and looked at her confused. "Its because of us that you're stuck here with whatever he's doing to you, all because you want to protect us from him and ending up like the rest of your family."

"What?" I said, not confused, but just upset that she even thinks that this is her fault.

"She's right," Chris interjected. "This is all our fault, Chris. You should just let us die and get out of here. You don't deserve this. You'd be better off without us, Chris. If it means that you have to suffer like this to save us then you should just let us die. We're not worth it. I hear explosions up there all the time so I know what he must be doing to you is painful and you shouldn't have to endure all of that. You're a nice person. You even started the Resistance and you should go finish it. We're not needed anymore." Chris said as he shook his head and him and Bianca both looked away.

"Hey, you guys looks at me right now," I demanded and the both looked back at me. "I need you both alright. You guys are the only family I have left and I'm not losing you, you hear me. The only reason I'm going through all of this is to protect you guys. If I don't have you guys here with me there would be nothing for me to live for. I'd go to hell and back just to protect you."

We all just came into a big group hug crying again. Unfortunately our reunion was ruined when Wyatt flamed in.

"Wow, Chris you are one difficult witch to track down, but luckily I can sense you," Wyatt said smiling for some unknown reason. "But nice job on getting away from me by flaming here. Might I say, I never thought you'd do it."

Chris and Bianca stepped in front of me so that he had to go through them before he got through me.

I was confused as to what he was talking about. "Flaming? What do you mean flaming?" I asked.

"You used flames to get here to see our little brother and Bianca," Wyatt answered.

"Wyatt you must be crazy," I said back to him. "I orbed here, I'm not evil like you and I don't flame."

"I don't think so, Chris," Wyatt said smirking directly at me, "You forget, I have grounded your orbs."

I had to think for a moment. I was hoping that Wyatt wasn't right because if he was that means I was, oh no, that means I'm turning. No that can't be happening. I can't turn. If I do then who's going to protect Chris and Bianca. No, even if I flamed I'm still not turning evil and as long as I keep that confidence nothing will turn me. Even having evil powers.

"Alright lets just say that I did flame," I started. "Aren't you happy, since thats what you wanted. For me to turn evil like you."

"Yes I sure am, but I was a bit surprise by your flames though," Wyatt said.

"Why is that," I asked.

"Your flames were navy and not gold like mine," Wyatt said as he glared at me and he still had that evil smirk on his face. It just gave me the goosebumps. I know he would have got me right there but Chris and Bianca were there. "Anyways, I have a meeting to go to so Chris I won't be able to finish what was started in the living room but I'll finish it tonight, I promise, so be ready. Oh and goodbye little brother and Bianca," Wyatt said as he flamed out.

"Tell me it wasn't true," I asked Chris and Bianca.

"What's not true?" Chris asked not knowing what Wyatt was talking about. Like I said he doesn't know and I made Wyatt promise me to make sure that he didn't find out. I couldn't let him and Bianca know what Wyatt was doing to me or else they'd want to kill him and even worse they'd feel more bad.

"That I flamed in with blue flames," I asked hoping that the answer was no.

"Oh, well we didn't see Chris, you remember when you got here our backs were turned so we don't know," Chris answered. "Sorry."

"Its okay," I said as I went and sat on the bed while Chris went and sat on the chair and Bianca sat on the other side of the bed. "I know I've asked you this before, but how is he treating you guys. Is he torchering you. Are there any demons hurting you guys," I asked because if there were I was going to take care of them and they would regret the day they messed with my little brother.

"No don't worry about us, he's been treating us very well, though he keeps giving us a lecture about how things could be better if we join him," Chris said. I didn't have any reason to not believe Chris. I mean he never lies to me no matter what. Growing up he might have lied to Piper, Leo, Paige, Phoebe, he even lied to Wyatt, but he would never lie to me. "He even gave us our own personal demon to fetch for us and do what we want, but enough about us what about you. How's he treating you?"

"Yeah I was going to ask you about what he has you wearing," Bianca came in. I forgot that I was still dressed in that black robe and black shorts.

"Its nothing," I lied. I then felt woozy again and I knew what was about to happen. "Oh my where's the bathroom," I asked covering my mouth and they pointed me in the direction. I quickly ran in and vomited everything I ate last night. "Geeze, I've been puking like this for two weeks now," I said as I came out of the bathroom.

"Maybe you have a stomach virus," Bianca said.

"Oh no not you too," I said looking at her and she just smiled sarcastically. "Well it can't get any worse now can it."

Right then a demon came knocking on the door. I knew it couldn't be good. Anytime a demon comes knocking on the door. He then opened it saying. "Lord Wyatt demands that you go back to your room and he told me to personally escort you back." I was going to blow him up but I didn't want Chris and Bianca to see that I had some demonic powers.

I hugged them one last time saying, "I'll be back alright, if there's anything you need, Chris you know how to reach me." I pulled away and left the room along with the demon. The demon shimmered me back to the fourth floor causing me to feel a little woozy. I was so angry he did that, that I decided to blow him up.

Later on that night I decided to stay up and watch Spider man 3 with the new TV that Wyatt must have conjured up. I was watching the whole scene where Spider man was crying when I felt an arm wrap around me. I looked over to see it was Wyatt and then back at the TV.

I was scared. I slowly breathed as I heard Wyatt say, "are you ready to finish what we started this morning," Wyatt asked me.

"NO, Wyatt," I answered. "Not tonight, I refuse to do this tonight," I said trying to get out of it, but Wyatt knew that I had a weak point that would always break me no matter what.

"Alright then," Wyatt said frustrated since he's been looking forward to this all day. "You can tell that to Chris and Bianca at there grave sites. That its your fault that they're dead," Wyatt said about to get up and leave.

"No wait," I said stopping him. "Okay I'll do it."

"That's more like it," Wyatt said as he came and sat next to me again. He then started placing kissing on my cheeks and then moved down and leaving butterfly kisses on my neck. "Doesn't that feel good."

"I only said I'd do it, it doesn't mean I have to like it," I snapped.

"Fair enough," Wyatt said as he picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom.

Once we got there, Wyatt slowly and carefully placed me on the bed. I just laid there as I watched Wyatt who was taking off his back shirt to reveal his whole upper body, which was built like an athlete. He had a nice six pack that flexed when he removed his belt and pants and was just left there in his black boxers and he took those of also as he climbed into bed with me still fully clothed though all I was wearing was the black robe and shorts since thats the only thing I'm allowed to wear.

Wyatt likes to take my clothes off himself, since it turns him on more. Wyatt stared into my eyes as he slowly removed my robe off of me, so now I was just laying there in my shorts. Then without warning Wyatt went in for a passionate kiss, and Wyatt moaned as it got him more excited.

Our tongues were battling against each other for awhile before Wyatt finally won, taking his dominance over my mouth as he inserted his tongue in looking for his prize. Wyatt then briskly ran his hands under my shorts feeling for my long hard shaft. Once he found it he started to rub it and jack it off making me harder.

Wyatt slowly then pulled the boxers off and he came back up to my mouth and started going lower in search of something good as he feasted on my body. Wyatt soon headed towards my manhood, that was sticking up in the air, since he jacked it off, waiting for Wyatt like he wanted. I started to moan when Wyatt finally consumed it in his mouth sucking on it like a lolly pop.

Wyatt ran his tongue along the tip of my dick and the more he heard me moan the more turned on he got and Wyatt never thought he'd get his hard but was he ever wrong. Just even touching me turns him on. He continued the whole blow job until he head me say "stop, I'm gonna cum". It only turned him on even more until his cock started hurting from being so hard.

Wyatt decided to finish this as he continued to suck me off, he used my powers to orb lube to himself. Before he could put the lube on his fingers I came all over him and he sucked me dry. He then put some lube onto his fingers and inserted it inside my entrance.

Wyatt then inserted two more fingers inside me searching for my prostate. I grabbed onto the sheets of the bed as Wyatt moved his fingers in and out. Wyatt spread my legs apart once he found what he was looking for. Wyatt then coating his cock with lube before he started to move into me. He started to go in slowly as I moaned in pain but once I stopped moaning he started going in faster and would come down to kiss me once every chance he got.

My scream of pain turned into screams of pleasure. Wyatt kept telling me to scream his name and I did since it turned him on more. He was happy to be pushing deep inside me as he watched me grab onto the covers for balance. This went on for about thirty more minutes with Wyatt watching me moan and groan.

I was now rock hard, but Wyatt decided that he would take care of it as he began to jack me off again while he still kept pushing in and out of me. I could no longer hold it back. I just exploded on my stomach and all over Wyatt's hand, which Wyatt cleaned up himself again, but that only caused Wyatt to explode in my ass.

Wyatt then fell on top of me and laid there for a minute before he rolled off. We were both covered in sweat and semen. Wyatt slowly pulled himself out of me while gazing into my eyes saying, "I love you Chris." He started running his fingers through my hair before grabbing me by the back of my neck hurting me. "Say it," he said.

"I love you too, Wyatt" I said. I did love him but the good him. Not the evil him. Wyatt gave me one last passionate kiss before pulling my head onto his chest and we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up with morning sickness again. When I tried to get out of bed Wyatt grabbed me and got on top of me asking, "where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," I answered. "I'm sick remember," I reminded him as he got off of me and I quickly ran to the bathroom and started hurling again. I hated that this happened every morning. Though I also got some new powers that Wyatt was letting me keep. All these symptoms seemed strangely familiar. Like I've had them before, but where and when could I have had them.

I was hoping it would all soon go away and that I would be my normal self again, but for now I really needed to shower. I was now reeking of sex and sweat from last night and it was not a good smell.

I let the cold water flow down my body as it came from the shower head. I would always be in the shower for a long time since its the only place I can go to that no one will bother me. I never felt this good in years, I thought as I started putting soap all over my body and letting it rinse off with water. My stomach then growled. I needed to go get some breakfast and then I will go see Chris and Bianca again.

I slowly got out of the shower and wrapped a bath towel around me. I looked in the room to find Wyatt still asleep quietly in the bed with the covers, covering him from the waist down. I slowly tip toed my way across the room, trying not to wake him up since if he saw me wet and in a towel he'd want to go again and I just showered from that. I finally got to the closet and put on my black shorts and robe since thats all that I had in the closet these days. I checked myself in the closet before I left for the kitchen. Wyatt finally decided that I could leave the fourth floor but I just wasn't allowed to leave the mansion, which still made me feel caged.

I finally made my way to the kitchen which looked exactly like the kitchen in the manor. I went and sat in a chair as a lady demon shimmered in bowing to to me.

"What can I get for you today, my Prince?" She asked.

"Coffee, no cream, no sugar, just black," I answered a waved my hand for he to go do it but she just stood there. "What, did you not get what I said, now go fetch my coffee," I said sounding like an angry businessman

"Yes, my prince, but.." she said shivering in fear.

"But, what?" I asked getting real frustrated.

"Lord Wyatt has forbid us from giving you coffee," the woman said.

"What the fuck?!" I said. Though this conversation does seem a little familiar but where have I had it and who have I had this with. "What does he suppose I drink then?"

"He said it be best if you drink milk or orange juice," she said still shivering.

"What?!" I said getting so frustrated that I flicked my wrist and blew the demon up. "Who the hell wants that shit. Milk or orange juice. You've got to kidding me," I said to myself. I then called for another demon to go do my bidding but he also refused to give me coffee so he too got blown up. Wyatt then flamed in dressed back in his black on black gear.

"Hey beautiful," he said as he came and kissed me so quick on the lips I didn't have time to pull back. "What's going on, you seem so mad," he said as he pulled up a chair next to me.

"Maybe cause I like to be mad," I said.

"Chris," Wyatt said even firmer. "What's going on?"

"Oh don't act like you don't know," I shouted at him. "What makes you think that I would want to drink milk or orange juice in the morning huh?"

"Oh now I see whats going on here," Wyatt said realizing what I was so mad about. I swear every time I look up this conversation seems like its happened before. "I was only trying to do it for you so that you would be healthy."

"Oh really," I said sarcastically. "Since when do you care about my health. All you care about is yourself. And to make it worse you're trying to make me drink milk and orange juice. I know what's healthy for me and I've been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember."

"Yeah but its not good for you," Wyatt said trying to kiss me on the cheek but I pushed him away.

"Please spare me the whole 'whats not good for me' speech because I've had enough," I said as I stood up knocking the chair down backwards. "You have been controlling everything I do and holding the only two people who care for me as leverage. Why because there's something that you have planned for me that you're not telling me. I'm not stupid Wyatt I know there's something that you're hiding from me with all the conversations that you're having with the Seer and mentioning my name all the time! I'm not allowed to do anything I want anymore. I have no freedom and then what next are you going to tell me that I'm not allowed to sleep huh?! I'm so sick and tired of your bullshit," I said and he was about to say something but before he did I don't know what came over me but I slapped him hard enough to turn his face the other way. My jaw dropped. I've never done that before.

Wyatt on the other hand looked pretty angry. He slowly got up out of his chair. I was to scared to move. He swiftly grabbed my arms and pushed me into a wall and pinned me there saying, "you will. Not. Hit me again. Do you understand me?" I looked away from him and said nothing. He then grabbed my jaw and forced me to look back at him. "Do you understand me?" He repeated and I nodded. "Good," he said as he devoured my mouth before letting me go. I then started walking away but he grabbed my arm saying, "where do you think you're going we're not done here."

"To talk to Chris and Bianca, since they're the only two people in this world who give a damn about me," I said as I pulled my arm away from Wyatt.

"No you're not. You're going to eat something," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt I'm not you're pet who has to eat when you tell me to," I said back to him. "I'll eat when I want to."

"Right now you're only proving to me that you're an uncaged animal that needs to be leashed," he said.

"Well thats your opinion and I really don't care what you think, now if you'll excuse me," I said walking away. "I'm going to go talk to my little brother and future sister in law." Before I could even reach the door Wyatt closed it with TK. I then turned around madder than ever. "Why won't you leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted flicking my wrist sending Wyatt back hitting the windows and falling forward as the broken glass of the windows collapsed on top of him. "Finally someone shuts up," I said. I knew in a few minutes Wyatt was going to get up and yell at me and then smack me around for awhile but I wasn't going to stand there and wait so I headed for the door again until I got this pain on my head. It felt like my head was on fire. I couldn't take it. I just passed out. I then got a vision from the normal reality...


Piper and I were in the kitchen talking about something. She turned and looked at me with a shocked face. "Chris, you never drink coffee, what makes you want it now."

"Because I still feel tired and if I want to do this homework crap, I'm going to need to stay awake, and I heard that coffee was the best way to do so," I explained.

"Well Chris, I would love to give you some but....I promise Wyatt that I wouldn't give you any coffee," she said. My face was turning red with anger. "He said that you shouldn't be drinking that, he wants you to drink either milk or orange juice," she said trying to calm me down.

"Wyatt is a dead man walking!" I shouted. I couldn't believe that he was taking away coffee. Something I've never had before, but I wanted to try. Wait till I get my hands on him.

Soon after Wyatt orbed in and saw the anger on my face. "Hey, angel," Wyatt said kissing me on the forehead. "Why are you so mad, I mean I could hear you yelling from upstairs, thats what woke me up," he asked sitting in a chair next to me.

"Anger makes me happy," I said sarcastically.

"Chris," Wyatt said in a firmer tone. "Come on tell me whats going on."

"Why the hell am I not aloud to have any coffee!" I shouted.

"Oh, now I see whats going on," Wyatt said realizing why I was so angry. "I read up on things and it said that coffee causes premature birth so I thought that you shouldn't be drinking it for our daughter's sake."

"Look at my stomach!" I said pointing down to my stomach. "I don't think she's going to get premature with how big she is now!"

"I'm just trying to do whats best for you and the baby," Wyatt said rubbing me on the back but I quickly pushed him away.

End of vision.....[I know I copied and pasted it from my other chapter]

The baby! I thought. That's why this conversation seems so familiar. I had it with good Wyatt. And now I know what Wyatt wasn't telling me. He's more than a dead man walking now.

When I finally woke up I found myself staring up at the ceiling of the bedroom. Before I could even look anywhere else Wyatt's face appeared right over me.

"Thank goodness you awake," Wyatt said pulling me up and hugging me tightly. "Don't you ever scare me like that again. You had me worried there for a moment."

"Which is more than I could say for you," I muttered and Wyatt pulled away looking at me confused. "Nothing," I said not wanting to remind him of what I did before I passed out. "What happened?"

"You passed out because you haven't had something to eat for awhile," Wyatt said kissing me on the cheek. "You need to eat Chris," Wyatt said. "I'm telling you its not good for you."

"Not good for me?" I repeated sarcastically. "Is that what you're worried about me," I asked and he nodded. "I don't think so, Wyatt," I said as I got up off of the bed. "Is there something you want to tell me Wyatt Matthew Halliwell."

"No, nothing that I could think of," Wyatt said.

"Don't fucking play stupid with me," I said frustrated. "I'm not as dumb as you think I am Wyatt. How much longer did you expect this to go on without me knowing huh?"

"What are you talking about," Wyatt asked.

"When the hell were you going to tell me that I'm pregnant!" I shouted crossing my arms over my chest. Wyatt was speechless. "Yeah that's right. I told you I'd find out soon and I did. I can't believe you! This whole time I thought I was turning evil with the flaming in and out, with the new powers, with everything and I come to find out its not me doing it. Its the baby! That's why you did what you did on that night. You knew this would happen so you had to didn't you?! That's why you and your bitch, the Seer kept making me drink that damn tonic. Not for my benefit but for the baby's. I should have known! To tell you the truth I started to buy into your shit about you caring about what's good for me, but the only reason you're doing all of this is for your baby! You don't really love me. You just needed me to bring your baby into this world!"

"That's your baby too!" Wyatt snapped back. "You know I'm getting pretty fed up with all of this," Wyatt said as he paced the room. "Everyday you tell me about how much I don't care about you and how much I don't love you but I give you everything and its still not enough! I did what I did for us. Of course I needed an heir, but I chose you because I love you! If I wanted to I could have that baby removed from your stomach and place it into another witches or demons or whoever I wanted. But no I wanted you to carry my child! I wanted to have a family with you! And all you did is yell at me for it!"

"Wyatt you don't care about me or this baby! All you care about is power," I snapped back at his. We continued this argument back and forth for ten minutes before a demon came knocking at the door.

"What?!" Wyatt yelled as he opened the door. The demon told him something, but I couldn't hear what it was. "Okay," Wyatt said as he closed the door. "I've got some business to take care of so we'll finish this when I get back!" Wyatt said before he opened the door and left.

I wasn't going to wait until he got back to do something. I just opened the door and proceeded to walk out but a demon was standing in my way. "Lord Wyatt has forbid you from leaving the room," he said.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "I don't care what he said or did, get out of my way or trust me, today won't be a pleasant day for you," I said and the demon still didn't move. "Fine, I warned you." I looked straight into his eyes and made him feel the pain of every innocent he killed and he was consumed by fire and then blown up. "Demons, I hate them so much," I said as I shook my head. I proceeded walking down the stairs until I made my way to the second floor. I went straight to Chris and Bianca's room and knocked. "Hey guys its me Chris, open up?" I waited for a minute and there was still no answer. I then panicked and opened up the door.

What I saw pissed me off and shocked me at the same time. Leo was standing over Chris yelling at him while choking him. Chris was pale, I could tell he was about to pass out. Bianca was grabbing one of Leo's arms trying to stop him, but she wasn't strong enough.

I quickly ran over to him and pushed him off so hard that he went to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled as I helped Chris off of the floor and looked him up and down and saw his lip was bleeding and he had a couple of bruises on him. "What the fuck were you trying to do?!"

Leo got up from the ground and started talking. "This is all his fault," Leo said pointing at Chris. "If he hadn't always been getting involved with demons and everything this all wouldn't have happened!"

"Don't you dare blame this on him, Leo," I said and Leo looked at me confused. "Yeah I just called you Leo, your no father of mine. No father of mine would ever try to kill his own son. You were always so quick to blame him for everything! You never wanted to open up your eyes and see what was in front of you! You always focused all your attention on Wyatt. To you he was the perfect boy and Chris was just a mistake isn't that right?! If this is anyone's fault its yours!"

"You don't understand," Leo said back. "He was always the one in trouble. We always had to go clean up his messes that he made. Every time I looked up he was in trouble at school and you were always the one who defended him for everything he did!"

"He was crying out for your attention dad and you never gave it to him," I said back at him frustrated more than ever. "You were always so focused on Wyatt and you never had time for Chris! You'd rather be there for anyone but your own son! You were never there for him whenever he needed you, and now you have the audacity to come up here and try to kill him and blame him for something that your suppose to be perfect son is doing! You are more evil than Wyatt is!" I stated.

"I can't believe you're sitting here defending that sorry excuse for a witch," Leo said pointing at Chris again.

I was about sick of him. I just walked over to him and punched so hard he fell to the ground and his mouth was dripping with blood. "Chris is more of a witch than Wyatt will ever be! And you call yourself a father. You're the one who walked out on the both of us when Wyatt killed mom and Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe, leaving us to fend for ourselves!" Leo wanted to say something, but I wouldn't let him. "I've heard enough out of you! I don't want to see your sorry ass ever again! Now get out of here! And if I ever catch you near Chris again, you won't have to worry about orbing back to the elders because I will blow your ass back up there! Now go before I do something to you thats worse than what Wyatt is doing to all those innocents!"

With that said Leo quickly orbed out of the room. Bianca carefully helped Chris up and sat him on the bed. I went to the bathroom and got a cold wet towel and place it on Chris's lips to help with the bleeding. I was still in shock. All Chris ever wanted growing up was the love of Leo, but he never got it. Though I do have to admit Leo was there for me, but I still resented him for not being there for Chris and for leaving us when our aunts died. Growing up Chris felt like he was always unwanted by everyone except for me. I'd always be the first person Chris would come to if he needed anything. Everyone mostly focused on Wyatt since he was twice blessed. Me, I really didn't try for attention so I really didn't care if they paid any attention to me or not. It hurt me to see Chris growing up broken hearted because not many people paid him any attention. We were best friends growing up the whole time, even though we were brothers. I always looked after him and protected him. I still do.

"Why are you always being so nice and defending me," Chris said. "I don't deserve it." Chris said as he was starting to believe what his father was saying.

I looked right into Chris's eyes and said. "Chris, look at me," I said. "You're my brother and my best friend and I'm going to protect you whether you deserve it or not. No child deserves to be treated like that by their own father."

I continued to clean Chris up and he started talking again. "You know he's right about one thing though," Chris said and I stared at him confused as to what it could be. "This is all my fault, I should never have been getting into trouble with demons and everything else."

"Don't you ever say that," I said firmly. "Wyatt chose his own path, and he would have become evil with or without demons," I said standing up and handing the towel to Bianca so she could take over. "Its not your fault alright, Chris," I said and he nodded. "Now I'll be right back. Bianca call me if anything happens," I then left the room and muttered to myself. "If its anyone's fault its mine and I'm going to fix it."

I went straight back to my room and luckily Wyatt wasn't there. I was so busy pacing around thinking about what I had to do to fix this. I was so distracted that I didn't hear Wyatt flame in behind me. I didn't notice him till he wrapped his hands around my waist and started to kissing me on the sensitive parts of my neck. I moaned a little until I realized that I was suppose to be mad at Wyatt so I quickly pulled away.

"That's not going to work," I said turning around to face him.

"It looked like it was about to," Wyatt said with a smirk. "Even after how mad I've made you, I can still get you to moan in under a minute."

"Whatever, I don't have time for this right now nor do I have the patience," I said. "Today has been a bad day and I really don't want to do this right now."

"Do you want to talk about your day," Wyatt asked with concern.

"No, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't sneak up on me and try to have sex with me while my back was turned," I said.

"Come on," Wyatt pleaded. "You can't say you didn't enjoy that"

"I didn't enjoy that one bit," I said not stuttering once.

"So if I was to do it again, you wouldn't respond or moan at all," Wyatt asked.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean," I said back to him.

"Okay, I'll cut you a deal," Wyatt started. "If I can get you to moan within one minute then we go at it. Right here and right now. If you win then I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day," Wyatt said. Nothing would please me more than to have a day alone without Wyatt. This was an offer I couldn't refuse. "Deal," he asked smirking and I nodded. "So now why don't you walk over here to me so we can get started," Wyatt said gesturing with his finger. I did what he asked and got close to him. Wyatt leaned down a little so he could kiss me better. I was trying my hardest not to moan and I was good until Wyatt started to use his tongue. I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my mouth. I quickly pulled back and Wyatt had a smirk on his face. "You were saying?"

"Can it Wyatt," I said walking away from him and on the other side of the bed.

"Hey a deals a deal," Wyatt said as he advanced on me like always. "You can't just turn me on like that and not have sex with me." Wyatt then pushed me into a wall and started to devour my mouth again. I just moaned as Wyatt started to push my robe off. Wyatt and I broke for air. Then Wyatt lifted my head giving himself free advantage to lick, bite, and suck every inch of my neck. My hands roamed all over Wyatt's back and our hard ons started to rub against each other.

Wyatt couldn't take it anymore. He orbed the rest of our clothes of and pushed me onto the bed. He then started to lick, bite, and suck down my chest till he finally reach my manhood. I gave a moan and my cock was suddenly surrounded by moist warmth. I started to moan even more once I started moving my hips up and down.

"Wyatt..." I said with a lot of effort as I was pushing into Wyatt's mouth more. "I'm about to cum," I said and a second later I busted a whole load and he swallowed it all. Even after I came he still started to suck me three minutes before he came back up and kissed me again.

"Chris you ready," Wyatt asked and I reluctantly nodded. Wyatt orbed lube to his hands and started coating his middle finger with it along with his index and ring finger. Wyatt first entered his middle finger, then he entered his index finger, and then his ring finger and started to move around as if he was in search of something. Suddenly I gave out a loud moan and my muscles relaxed. Wyatt knew then he had found my prostate.

Wyatt then nodded letting me know he was ready. He coated his cock with lube before tossing it away. He then looked down at me and spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist. He slowly started to insert his cock in my tight hole. Wyatt just went red with pleasure as he heard me give out a loud moan. I was so tight Wyatt felt like he could cum right there.

Wyatt couldn't control himself for much longer. He started thrusting in and out while he ran his fingers through my hair. Wyatt started thrusting harder and faster as he heard me moan louder and he also started to masturbate me. Wyatt started saying "I love you so much," while I moaned in a frenzy. "You're mine aren't you?" he asked but I didn't respond. "I love you so much," he repeated and started kissing me wherever he could reach.

We both couldn't hold it any longer, Wyatt was still jerking me off, and I came as I shouted Wyatt's name. I shot it all over my stomach and in Wyatt's hand, which caused my hole to tighten around his cock which cause him to cum a huge load. Wyatt then fell on top of me as usual and settled there for awhile before he finally rolled off of me and pulled out. He then pulled me into his arms and held me there tightly.

"I love you Chris," He said as he kissed me on the forehead. "More than anything in this world. Can you forgive me for lying to you."

"Yes," I said as we both drifted off to sleep. I woke up thirty minutes later. I couldn't sleep. There was something I had to do. I carefully slipped out of Wyatt's grasp without him knowing. I quietly slipped on my clothes and then tip toed up to the attic where the Book of Shadows was kept. I looked through it. Its gotten so big over the years. I kept a watchful eye out for any demon. I knew Wyatt wasn't going to wake up for a while since we just had sex. Once I got all the information I need from the Book of Shadows, I tip toed all the way back down to Chris's room.

When I opened the door I saw Chris and Bianca just sitting. They were quiet as ever. "Hey bro, glad to see that you came back."

"Yeah I did," I said gently. "Chris can we talk," I asked and he nodded. I came and sat right next to him. "Chris look I figured out a way to save us from the life," I said. "You're gonna have to go back in time."

"What? No way it could change to many things," Chris said instantly.

"I know, but there's something I must tell you. It really wasn't your fault Wyatt turned evil," I said and Chris stared at me confused. "It was mine."

"No, this all isn't your fault I mean you didn't do anything," Chris said as he got up and started walking around the room.

"Chris let me explain," I said causing him to stop. "I didn't want to tell you this because I knew you'd hate me for it. It was because of me and my power that Wyatt became obsessed with power and turned evil. Growing up Wyatt always favored my power and he wanted it so much. He made deals with other demons and it went down hill from there."

"Thats not true," Chris said disbelieving.

"It is," I said back. "And that's what happened. Because Leo brought me back to the manor when I was two, it turned Wyatt evil. Why else do you think he picked on you when you were born. He felt you were a threat standing in the way of me and him."

"Now what are we going to do," Chris said.

"The only thing we can do, you have to go back in time and fix it all. You have to stop a few demons before they get to Wyatt but most have to make sure that Leo and the sisters don't find out about me before its time," I explained to him. "You have to bind my powers, from when I was a little boy."

"What?! No I can't," Chris said. "I won't. That means that I won't have had you in my life this whole time. If your powers are bound until the right time that means it could take forever or you may never get your powers back. If you don't have your powers then dad wouldn't have brought you home and if dad doesn't bring you home then I won't know you."

"I know but Chris its for the best," I said. "Unless you bind my powers then Wyatt will turn evil."

"I don't care," Chris responded. "You're the only one who's been there for me. Dad never loved me and mom was always to busy with Wyatt and Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe, they didn't care about me either. You were the only one who cared about me and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here today. You've been my best friend forever and I'm not losing you. I've already lost mom and the rest of the family. I'm not going to lose you too," Chris paused before saying something else. "I lost you once, remember when you left me at grandpa's house for four years and then it took me two years to find you. I'm not going through that again. Those six years without you in my life were the most miserable."

"Chris I had to take you there or else Wyatt would have used you as leverage like he's doing now," I said. "I wasn't going to put you in danger if Wyatt was just after me."

"It doesn't matter," Chris said. "All that matters now is that we're here. Together and thats all I care about."

"Chris are you willing to risk the lives of many just to live like this," I asked. "If you are, you're not the great guy I thought you were."

Chris had a few tears coming down his eyes before he finally spoke again. "Fine I'll do it. What is it that I have to do."

"Here," I said handing him a piece of paper. "Heres a spell that will bring the book of shadows to you when you get to the manor and also on there are a list of demons that got to Wyatt, that you must make sure the sisters vanquish and also on there is a binding spell that will bind only my powers. But you have to bind them before you're born or else they will find out about me. As much as it pains me to say but Leo must become an elder," I explained and Chris looked confused. "Look that's one way he found me, because I was his charge alright and if he's an elder he won't have time." Chris kept tearing up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Its just I'm not going to have you as a friend anymore," Chris said. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Chris, no matter what life time we're in, you're always going to be my best friend you hear me," I said as we pulled away. I looked on my finger and pulled off a ring and held it out to him saying, "take it. Your mom gave it to me not too long before she died. She told me to give it to someone special and I can't think of anyone more special than you and Bianca. I want the both of you to have it. I know with all of this you guys never had time to find an engagement ring so I want you guys to have it."

Chris sadly took it saying, "thanks."

"Bianca make sure he gets to the past okay," I told her and she nodded. "Now I've got a spell that can take you guys out of this mansion but it will only work once. Make sure you don't get captured by Wyatt alright. Chris I know you don't have your powers but once you go to the past there is a spell in the book of shadows that will give them back to you. Make sure you use it the first chance you get while the sisters aren't looking and the sisters must never know anything about me. Don't even mention my name to them," Chris nodded. "Goodbye guys and be careful," I said hugging them both one last time. When I pulled away from them I noticed Bianca dropped a picture. I picked it up and looked at it. I saw a face that I remember. That's why Bianca looked so familiar. "Bianca is this your family," I asked and she smiled and nodded. "So that means, that your Daughtry's little sister."

"Yes, I am," she answered. That changes a lot. Daughtry's a phoenix and he's known about me being a witch this whole time. "When mom and dad got a divorce, he chose to live with dad and I chose to live with my mom. I haven't seen him since, but I miss him a lot."

"I hope you see him soon, bye guys," I said waving and I put my hand on my stomach and chanted the spell. They disappeared in orbs never to be seen again.


Two weeks later

I was in the bedroom reading a book when I heard screaming from the attic. I knew it had to be Wyatt killing a witch. Usually I would just ignore these things but this voice sounded a bit familiar. I don't know what made me do it but I quickly jumped out of bed and went straight into the attic. What I saw scared me half way to death.

"Where is he!" Wyatt shouted as he and a few of his demon minions were standing over Bianca tormenting her for answers. "Tell me where he is?!" I knew Wyatt was talking about Chris. He must have caught Bianca before she had a chance to escape to the past. Bianca was still laying on the ground silent not saying anything. Wyatt then conjured an athame. "I'll show you what happens to anyone who betrays me," he said as he lifted the knife and was about to stab her with it.

I quickly ran over to him and caught his arm before he could do it. "Wyatt what are you trying to do here?!" I asked pretending I didn't know what was going on. "This is my friend you're about to kill and you promised if I did what you said that you wouldn't hurt her. I haven't disobeyed you so why are you doing this."

"She betrayed me," Wyatt said pointing down at Bianca who looked scared out of her mind. "Her and Chris were caught going to another time, and attacking my servants. Now I must show everyone what happens to anyone who betrays me." He pushed me aside and lifted the knife again.

"It wasn't her it was me," I said stopping him once more. "I told her and Chris to go do it. This is all my fault. I helped them escape. I even gave them the spells so if you're gonna take this out on anyone, take it out on me because she's done nothing wrong."

Wyatt then walked over to me and caressed my cheek. "My prince, you should know by now that nothing is ever you fault," he said sweetly. "She's to blame. She should have never done anything without my permission. Take her away!" Wyatt waved he hands causing a bunch of demons to grab Bianca and shimmer out. "Don't worry I'll fix this, I'll go find him myself." Wyatt said giving me an evil smirk and flaming out.

I knew I couldn't let this happen. I quickly ran back to the bedroom and stole some of Wyatt clothes. I had to go warn Chris about Wyatt. I hated to flame but it was the only way to get to the manor and get through Wyatt's bind. I closed my eyes and wished I was in the attic of the manor. I felt dizzy after awhile but when I opened my eyes I was in the attic of the manor. It was now a museum. The book of shadows wasn't there. There was only a replica of it. I went straight to the walls and drew the power of three symbol. I then chanted a spell making a portal. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching before I walked in. I'm sure Wyatt knows I'm missing by now and I know he'll stop at nothing to find me, but I have to warn Chris no matter what the consequences are.

I finally came out of the portal. I looked around. The manor just looked so weird. I then caught sight of Chris. He was mixing a potion. Thank goodness the sisters aren't around. I ran up behind Chris and surprised him. He jumped at first but then he gave me a hug.

"Chris where are the sisters," I asked.

"I thought I'd teach them a lesson," Chris explained. "So right now they're lost in there desires, so they're not on this plane."

"Have you binded my powers yet?" I asked.

"No not yet but I'm getting to it," Chris answered.

"You have to hurry," I urged him. "Look Wyatt captured Bianca, and now he's on his way here to bring you back."

"Is Bianca okay," Chris asked.

"She's fine alright, look I came to warn you and I need you to do me a favor," I asked.

"Okay what is it," Chris asked.

"Promise me you'll do it," I said.

"Alright now what is it," Chris asked getting frustrated.

I handed him a piece of paper with a spell on it. "Look I know this is going to be hard for you but this is a memory spell. It erases someones memory of things."

"What is this for the sisters," Chris asked.

"No its for you," I said. "The only way I know to be sure that Wyatt won't turn evil is if there is no trace of me left. Period. Meaning once you know that you've saved Wyatt I need you to erase your memories of me."

"What? No I'm not doing that," Chris said.

"Then coming here was a waste," I said.

"Fine then lets go back," Chris suggested.

"No Chris, you've come this far and you're not turning back now okay. Look I know this is going to be hard for you to do but its for the greater good alright," I said rubbing him on the back as a few tears came from his eyes. "Promise me you'll do it."

"Okay," Chris said reluctantly. "Wait here there's something in the kitchen I have to go get," Chris said as he orbed out of the attic.

I just sat there looking around. Though the manor was more messier her than it was in the future I thought it looked a lot better. I would give anything to live here where there is no evil. My thoughts were interrupted when a portal opened in the wall. I quickly got up and saw Wyatt come out.

"Hello Christopher," was the first thing Wyatt said.

"Hello Wyatt," I said back.

"Time to come home, baby," Wyatt said with a smile.

"Don't call me that," I said with anger.

"I can call you whatever I want Chrissy," Wyatt said as he started to advance on to me and I just walked backwards.

"No you can't! Get away from me!" I yelled, but then I found myself backed into a corner as always.

"No way Chris," Wyatt said as he finally reached me and started running his hand on my face but I just pushed it away.

"Leave me alone," I said, but Wyatt just ignored me and started kissing me on my neck. I then here a glass break. I looked over to see it was Chris who was shocked by what he was seeing.

"What's going on here," Chris asked.

"Nothing," I said as I pushed Wyatt away and tried to get away but he just looped and arm against my waist and pulled me right up against him. I still tried to get away but Wyatt tightened his grip so hard I stopped moving.

"Wyatt what the hell were you just doing to Chris," Chris asked shocked since he didn't know anything.

"Nothing, he wasn't doing nothing," I answered before he could say anything.

"Yep, you know I really came to bring you home but now that Chrissy here has gotten on the loose I had to come back and retrieve him, so looks like I'll have to send someone back for you little brother," Wyatt said.

"Could you do anything more to make me seem like a dog," I asked sarcastically.

"Yep I could have said, come here Chrissy boy," then he whistle, " come here." Wyatt answered.

"You're an asshole, now let me go!" I said struggling even more trying to get away.

"I don't think so baby," Wyatt said tightening his grip even more.

"Baby?" Chris said. "What the hell have you been doing to Chris?"

"Oh you know the usual, screwing him here screwing him there in exchange for your life," Wyatt answered.

"You forgot to mention against my will," I said.

"Come on I know you like it, I could feel it when I was fucking you senseless," Wyatt said.

"I don't like it at all. As a matter of fact I hate you," I hissed. Wyatt got so angry he tossed me into the wall. He then came over and started to caress my hair.

"I know you didn't mean that, so don't kid around like that. I love you so much that it would hurt me to even think you hated me," Wyatt said as he moved from caressing my hair to caressing my cheek.

"Yeah you have a funny way of showing it," I said as I pulled away from him caressing my cheek.

Wyatt then backhanded me which stung really bad, "Didn't I tell you not to jerk away from me?"

"Yes but I decided to quit obeying you a long time ago," I said said back to him.

"Then I guess I'm going to have to get you back in line now aren't I," Wyatt said as he grabbed my chest and flamed us into the Underworld. I was scared. Wyatt's going to kill me. Wyatt conjured up a bed. "Come Chris, I'm going to help you get back in line."

"No!" I said firmly.

"Yes now get on the bed!" Wyatt demanded.

"I said no," I repeated.

"I don't care what you said," Wyatt said as he backhanded me again so hard I fell to the ground. "Now get on the bed." He ordered and I didn't feel like getting hit again so I quickly got onto the bed. "Good boy now take off that shirt of mine." He demanded.

I didn't at first but Wyatt started coming up towards me very vehemently so I quickly took it off.

"Alright then," Wyatt said as he conjured some lube. "Lets get started."


Chris was still in the attic waiting for me and Wyatt to come back since the only way back to the future is through the portal up there. Chris couldn't believe what he just heard. He felt so bad and angry at the same time once he found out what I was doing to protect him and Bianca. Wyatt finally flamed back into the attic along with me. Chris saw that my clothes were all messed up and I had hickeys all over my neck. He could already tell what happened.

"Lets go Chris," Wyatt said as he waved his hand and made the portal appear.

I played like I was going with him for a moment and then I kicked him in the groin and tried to run. "Chris get out of here now!" I yelled. Chris was just standing there shocked by this whole thing.

Wyatt quickly recovered and flamed right behind me and hit me on the head knocking me out. He then picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. "Don't worry bro I'll send someone back for you," Wyatt chuckled.

<Chris,> I said to Chris in his mind.

Chris asked.

<Yeah I'm fine, go back to the back room of P3 and wait for me there alright, when its safe I'll come and see you, but just in case I don't make sure that you do what you promised and erase me out of your memory alright> I said.

<Okay, be careful> Chris said. As he saw Wyatt carry me through the portal.

Wyatt was greeted by many demons bowing down to him once he came back through the portal. This wasn't a good sign. There aren't usually this many demons gathering together unless there's something wrong. "What is it?"

"My lord, your brother has been killing off so many of your best demons," one demon said as he was still bowing.

"What?!" Wyatt shouted. It caused me to wake up more from my unconscious stage. I then thrust my knee into Wyatt's chest trying to get him to put me down, but he didn't. He just slapped me on the butt and said, "stay put." He then talked to a few demons for awhile before sending half of them away and then he threw me back down on the ground. "So you thought you could escape me did you? No matter since you decided to disobey me I'll just kill your best friend Christopher," Wyatt said as he started to walk away but I grabbed his pants leg.

I started begging him. "No please don't do it. I promise I won't do it again," I said.

"Its to late, Chris has already started vanquishing to many of my minions and I can't allow any more of it," Wyatt said.

"Let me bring him back, I'll even convince him to join you," I offered.

"You no, no I don't trust you to go to the past and come back," Wyatt said.

"I know someone who can though, just please give me a chance to send someone to bring him back," I said and Wyatt was still not budging. "I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Wyatt asked making sure he heard correctly.

"Anything," I repeated.

Wyatt gave an evil smirk before leaning down to whisper in my ear. "You have to give me a blow job in front of all these demons," Wyatt said.

"What, no way not in front of them," I said.

"Yes, here now and in front of them or I'll just kill both Chris and Bianca," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt please anything but that," I pleaded.

"Now Chris or Bianca dies," Wyatt ordered.

"Please don't do this," I begged.

"Bring me Bianca," Wyatt said to one of his demon servants and was about to wave his hand to dismiss them but I stopped him.

"Alright I'll do it," I said finally giving in.

"That's a good boy," Wyatt said orbing a chair over to him and sitting down right in front of me. "Go ahead." I glared at him in anger but he just smiled at me. I unbuttoned his pants and was about to unzip them until he stopped me. "Nu uh, do it with your teeth," he demanded. I resented him for it but I did it. I pulled down his boxers and took his member into my mouth. I began to lick on it and suck on it. Wyatt just sat there and smiled. I could feel Wyatt was about to cum and I was happy it was over. I was about to pull back when Wyatt put his hand on my head keeping me there. "Swallow," he said as he came in my mouth. At first I didn't swallow until Wyatt said, "I said swallow," so then I swallowed it all. Wyatt then finally let me go. He waved his hand to dismiss the demons and they all shimmered away.

"Now I've done what you want so let me try to bring back Chris my way," I said.

"Alright whats your plan?" Wyatt asked.

"I want you to release Bianca," I asked. "I know you're thinking she won't come back either but I promise you that she will. She doesn't want Chris hurt as much as I do. Just please let it be her who does it."

"Fine, but if she betrays me, there will be no second thoughts about it. I will kill her and Chris. Make sure she talks some sense into Chris," Wyatt said as he was about to leave but I stopped him again. "What?"

"Before I convince Bianca to do this, promise me you won't hurt him," I asked.

"Alright, I won't hurt him as long as you guys can talk some sense into him like I said," Wyatt said before he finally left the attic.

I then quickly made my way down to the dungeon. There were many different prisoners down there. They all looked at me with disgust. They must know that Wyatt considers me his prince so now they despise me too. I kept going until I found Bianca. She was all chained up.

"Bianca!" I shouted going to her.

"Chris, what are you doing here," she asked.

"Freeing you," I said unlocking her chains.

"Wyatt will kill you if he finds out what you're doing," Bianca stated.

"No he won't he knows already," I said and I knew she'd be confused. "Look Bianca Wyatt and I made a deal. He said that if you can bring Chris back that he'd be willing to forgive both you and him."

"Are you serious, and lose everything we've worked so hard for," Bianca said.

"Bianca please, you have to bring Chris back," I said. "Its either you bring him back alive or else Wyatt sends another demon back in time for him and he can bring him back dead or alive and then he'll kill you also."

"If you put it that way looks like I don't have much of a choice then after all," Bianca stated. "What is it that I have to do."

"You have to go back in time and bring Chris back here," I started explaining. "I know Chris isn't going to come back without a fight so that means you're going to have to drain his powers. Don't worry Wyatt promised that he wouldn't hurt him as long as you talked some since into him. Can you do that?"

"Does it look like I have much of a choice," Bianca said back.

"Come on lets go," I said. We went back up and Wyatt flamed both of us to the manor. He gave Bianca some instructions and gave her a spell that would allow them to return to the future. With all of that done Bianca went through the portal. Wyatt was standing there waiting with his demon friends. I couldn't stand to be around them so I left the attic. I waited right outside the door so I could see everything.

Not to much longer afterwards I saw the portal open and out of it came Bianca and Chris.

"Hello Wyatt," Chris said.

"He's no threat to me," Wyatt said dismissing his demons. They then got into a heated argument. I can't remember much because it all went by so fast. Next thing I know I see Wyatt using my power of telekinesis to choke Chris.

Oh no this is all my fault. Wyatt promised he wouldn't hurt Chris but I should have known not to trust Wyatt. There must be something I can do. I can't go in there and attack Wyatt or else he'll definitely kill them both. Wait. If there is one thing I've learned about Chris out of the 14 years that I've known him is that he always comes back with a plan. He just needs something to hold off Wyatt for awhile. I wish I could but I can't. Maybe Bianca can.

<Bianca, can you hear me> I said in her head.

<Yeah I can,> she answered.

<Look Bianca, I know Chris and I know he has a plan so Bianca try to hold Wyatt off alright> I explained.

Bianca asked.

<Shh I'm at the door of the attic, I wish I could come help but I can't,> I answered.

Bianca asked.

<Try to steal Wyatt's powers, I know you can't but it could hold Wyatt off long enough for Chris to carry out his plan> I said.

Bianca then ran over and stuck her hand in Wyatt's back. She told Chris whatever he was planning to do he needed to do it fast. Chris ran over to a certain spot in the floor. He pulled up a piece of wood and took out a sheet of paper. He then chanted a spell and he got his powers back somehow. Wyatt who was getting angrier by the second TK Bianca onto a chair causing a steak to go through her stomach. I gasped I was so scared. Now Chris was tapping into Wyatt's power with his empath power and TK him back into the wall. "This is all my fault," I said to myself again. "Wyatt and Chris are now fighting with my power and they could kill each other." A few tears started coming down my eyes. Chris ran over to Bianca. I couldn't hear their conversation but it was short. Chris ran over to the Book of Shadows and chanted that spell to take him back to the past. The portal opened once more and Chris took out the page from the book of shadows before he ran back into it. Wyatt shouted 'no' before he did. Wyatt gave a big growl before he finally flamed out.

I stayed. I was shocked to see what happened here. I slowly walked over to Bianca's body and cried for a little bit. Now they were both gone. I did this to save them, but now I lost them both. Chris might now be dead but I'll never see him again, now that there's no spell to go to the past. And I still don't get the point of why I was suppose to come here. Wait. That's it. I came here to find out not only that Wyatt was evil, but what turned him and unfortunately it turned out to be my power, but then I also wanted to find out why Chris couldn't remember me. He must have used that spell like I asked him to so he'd forget me. I guess Chris will always keep his promises. I'm glad to know he was and still is my best friend. One more tear came down my face and then I blacked out one last time

When I woke up I was lying in bed, but I didn't know who's bed. I then looked up and saw Chris standing over me saying, "hey bro you okay," he asked. I then knew that I was back in the normal time.

"Chris!" I yelled pulling him down in a tight hug so hard that Chris couldn't breathe. I didn't realize that till I heard him choking. "Oh sorry," I said finally letting him go.

"I know you love me but damn," Chris said. "I didn't think you loved me that much."

"Oh my gosh where is Prue," I asked remembering that in the other time I was pregnant with a demon child and it just got me thinking about Prue.

"Mom!" Chris called and Piper came in with baby Prue in her arms.

"Glad to see you're awake," Piper said smiling and handing Prue to me.

"Its good to be back in this time, and I hope I never live in that time with evil Wyatt again," I said. Right then Wyatt walked in wearing his demon hunting gear which was black leather pants and a black shirt. The same thing that evil Wyatt wore. "Wyatt take those clothes off and go change!" I demanded right when he walked in the room. I didn't want to see anything that reminded me of evil Wyatt.

"What? I wear this all the time, when we go demon hunting. What's the problem now," he asked.

"I just don't want to see you wearing that right now okay so can you please go put something else on," I asked nicely.

"Okay," Wyatt said and then walked out.

"So did you find your answers?" Piper asked

"Oh yeah and trust me, that was a bad world, but there were some good things about it. How long have I been out," I said. I couldn't tell Chris what I saw. It would only ruin some things.

"For about an hour, but glad to have you back sleeping beauty," Chris said as him and Piper walked out of the room.

A few minutes later Wyatt came back in. He only changed his pants. Now he was still wearing the black shirt but this time he was wearing jeans. "Is this better," Wyatt asked.

"Not completely but it'll do for now," I said.

Wyatt walked over to me and stood over me while I was laying down on the bed. "Hey Chris, I just wanted to say sorry for losing my temper today in front of our daughter. I shouldn't have made it a bigger deal than it already was."

"Wyatt, its okay. I'm just glad I have this you and not the evil you," I said and he looked confused. "Never mind its a long story and I'm sure you probably don't have time to listen. You have to get back to work."

"Actually I've got plenty of time," Wyatt said. "So do you want to tell me about what you saw," he said kissing me on the forehead and also kissing Prue.

Yes I know this was very long, but come on I had to make it to where you knew what happened to Chris E the whole time Wyatt was evil and why you never saw him or why Chris H never mentioned him. Yeah thanks if you decided to read this part. Trust me it wasn't easy to write and it did take a long time so I'd appreciate it if you told me if you liked it or not. Like I said this really could fit anywhere. But email me about whether you liked it or not. or

thanks for reading it.

Next: Chapter 23: Interlude 1

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