Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Sep 23, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Yeah I know you're probably getting frustrated with me not posting up chapter 22 but I didn't want to start it from where chapter 21 ended so I had to make up an interlude to put an ending to this part.

And by the way, there's going to be another character in the story named Robert and no its not Chris E's twin brother its a different one. I know I need to stop adding characters, and yeah I know you haven't seen a lot of adult Prue but she's back in this one and you'll see how Robert is connected in all of this and throughout the story he's going to be called all sorts of different names like Rob, Bob, Robby, and Bobby because they're all nicknames for Robert.

Oh and sorry about the long wait but you see how long the chapter is so I'm sure you can understand and this picks up from chapter 21

"I'm home!" I shouted walking through the door carrying baby Prue in her carriage. I could see that the whole family was home since everyone's cars were outside so that must mean that Paige must have come back with Ryan and Patience. Though the house was full off people it did seem quiet too quiet. I wonder what could be going on in here.

I didn't care. I was still to busy thinking about what happened earlier. I'm part Phoenix. That's just weird. Daughtry explained to me that when I had that when I had that blood transplant, when I was little, from his mom it gave me Phoenix blood which meant I was part Phoenix but in no way related to them though. I just can't believe that all this time Daughtry has known about this and that he's Bianca's older brother. Daughtry explained to me that him and his parents went through a divorce and he went to live with his dad while Bianca went to live with her mom. It must have been hard on the whole family. Daughtry showed me how to use my new powers which were conjuring athames, and taking another being's power. I don't think I would have to use that anytime soon, but he made me promise that I wouldn't reveal that he was a Phoenix to Wyatt or the rest of the family. I knew I had to tell the family that I was one though because they would've figured it out someway.

I then walked into the living room and saw there was no one in there. Where could everyone be if they're not in here? I then went into the dining room and there was still no one there. I walked into the kitchen and still no one was home. Thats funny. I didn't even see Ryan and Patience around there. I then tried to sense for where they were at, and for some strange reason they were all in the attic.

As I slowly started to walk up there lots of things started going through my head of what could they be in the attic for. Was there another demon attack? No there couldn't be. They would have called me if there was. What could it be? I finally made my way upstairs and walked past Chris and Peter's bedroom to see the door wide open and in there was Peter, Primrose, Melinda, Ryan, Patience, Henry Jr., and Phoebe's three daughters. Peter was sitting on the bed. He had Ryan in his lap while Henry Jr. had Patience in his. Melinda and Primrose were playing with their toys on the ground while Phoebe's three daughters were just leaning against the wall.

I slowly and quietly walked in, so no one would notice. "Hey, guys what's up," I said catching everyone's attention. They all looked up at me acting like they haven't seen me in a million years. I saw the Primrose and Melinda coming straight for me so I slowly set Prue down.

"Chris!" They yelled coming up and wrapping their arms around my legs. They were against me so tight that I couldn't walk if I wanted to. They finally let go after a patted them on the backs a couple of times.

When they got off of me Ryan and Patience jumped off of Peter and Henry and took their place in hugging me around the legs, but this time it wasn't so tight since they were so little. "Hey kids," I said picking each one of them up one at a time and kissing them on the cheek. I then turned to Peter. "Hey Peter, can you tell me what's going on that everyones in the attic?"

"I would tell you but I really don't know myself," Peter said. "They just told me to watch the kids and then they went upstairs and started arguing for some strange reason." I could sense Peter was very concerned and so was I. I mean I'm over that whole thing of them walking in on me and Wyatt, but I guess Wyatt isn't.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Prue crying again. I quickly undid her from her carriage and held her until she stopped crying. "Hey um, Pete," I said trying to get Peter's attention since he had gone to watching Primrose and Melinda while they were playing with their toys again. "Could you watch her for me while I go see whats going on?" He nodded and I slowly started to hand Prue over to Peter and she started crying. "Come on Prue, be a big girl, Peter is going to watch you for a minute while I go talk to daddy okay," I said and she stopped crying when I handed her to Peter.

I turned to leave and I was stopped when Ryan and Patience grabbed a hold of my legs stopping me. I turned my head and looked down at them. The look on their faces was so adorable. It was that sad look. I could tell the didn't want me to go. This is their first time seeing me today and right now I'm sure they want me to play with them.

I turned around and hugged them saying, "I'll be right back okay, I have to go talk to daddy alright. Your Uncle Peter's not going to let anything happen to you right," I said looking right over at him and he nodded. "Now be good for Uncle Peter okay?" They nodded and I kissed both of them on the cheek before walking out. I did miss my kids, but I knew this must be important if everyone's in the attic and they have Peter watching the kids.

I heard arguing before I even reached the stair. I'm scared now. They're all in the attic and they have Peter watching the kids. What is going on? I slowly made my way up the stairs and I took a deep breath before I slowly pushed open the door. I quietly walked in and no one noticed. Wyatt was standing while the sisters were sitting on the couch with each of their husbands standing behind them while Chris was sitting in a chair next to them.

"Wyatt I just really don't think this is a good idea," Phoebe said. This was the first thing that I heard from the argument but I was still clueless as to what was going on. "We said we were sorry a thousand times."

"Wyatt, look I know you don't want to hear me right now but you need to understand," Piper said joining her sister. This seemed to be an unfair argument. Especially since it was seven against one but knowing Wyatt it could be a hundred against one and he'd still win. "I just freaked out. I heard Evans scream and...."

"So you thought you'd just come in there, knowing that I was in there with him," Wyatt said and that made Piper silent. "Guys like I said just forget about it. If you keep mentioning it I won't forgive you," Wyatt scolded. I could sense Wyatt was angry still. He only had a few more weeks with me at home and even fewer times having me to himself and he feels like he can't do anything with me without the family interrupting.

"But Wyatt-" Leo started but Wyatt cut him off.

"No dad, my minds made up," Wyatt said. "We're adults now and its time we moved on, we don't need you guys to take care of us anymore."

"Have you told Chris yet," Chris asked.

"No, but I'll find a way to tell him, when the time is right," Wyatt answered Chris who was surely not happy about it.

"Tell me what?" I said with my arms crossed staring straight at Wyatt. The sisters and Chris all jumped up. I'm sure they never expected me to walk in on the middle of their little argument. "Go on, tell me what?" I asked again only this time not so patiently.

Wyatt took a deep breath before he could spoke. "Angel how long have you been standing there?" Wyatt asked innocently like there was nothing going on. He knew he was in trouble if I had been there too long.

"Long enough to know there's something you haven't told me that I need to know," I said coldly. "So just come out with it.

"Look I think we should talk about this somewhere more private," Wyatt said walking over to me and grabbing my hand and orbing us back to our bedroom. He gently set me down on the bed along with him. "As you can see, there's something I have to tell you."

"There's something I have to tell you too," I said grabbing his hand.

He put his finger on my lip to silence me. "I'll go first," he insisted. "I know you probably aren't going to like this, but I made this decision for us," he started. He was having a hard time trying to break the news to me. "Chris, I found a place for us...its a two story house and it has four bedrooms," Wyatt said and I gasped. "Yeah Chris we're moving out and the house is not to far away from the manor but far away enough so that we can get some privacy." I just sat there with my mouth opened for a while. "Chris say something please."

I frowned say, "what the hell were you thinking!" I yelled. "How the hell could you make that kind of decision without talking to me about it!"

"Baby just calm down okay," Wyatt started rubbing me on the back. "I did this for us. I think that now we're grown and its time that we acted like it. Since I'm a loan officer and I'm paid on commission I was able to afford this house."

I sighed. "Wyatt I just don't think we should be moving out now, I mean what about the power of three? I don't think it'll be as strong if we move out."

"Chris don't worry about it," Wyatt assured me. "The power of three will still be strong. We're only an orb away I mean think about how mom, Aunt Paige, and Aunt Phoebe did it before we came in."

Wyatt was right. They haven't lived together ever since Paige got married and Phoebe got married too. Though they weren't living together they still did have the power of three and maybe that could work for us too. I mean in the future we weren't living together but we still seemed close so I guess this maybe can be a start.

"I guess you're right, but are you sure this is something you want to do. I mean we'd be leaving so much behind," I asked.

"Well when one door closes another one opens," Wyatt said. "So what do you say?"

Even though I was thinking about the pros of leaving the manor I still couldn't help think about what I'm going to miss. I know I can come visit anytime I want but its not the same. I won't wake up to Pipers cooking in the morning anymore. Chris and Peter aren't going to be right down the hall.

Wyatt could see I was having a hard time making my decision so he through he'd help me out. He kissed me passionately on the lips, which caused me to moan in response, we battled our tongues hungrily trying to win dominance over each other but Wyatt eventually won. Things got more heated when Wyatt started leaning on me till he was eventually on top of me. We soon needed to break for air.

"Alright," I said giving in after that kiss. I couldn't say no after that.

Wyatt smiled and got off of me and sat back up on the bed. I waited for a minute before I slowly came back up with him. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me," he asked.

I forgot all about it. I don't know if this is the right time to tell him that I'm part Phoenix. Right now I'm scared he's going to freak out. I know that after I tell him I'm going to have to tell the rest of the family and I'm pretty sure they're going to be wonder how I got it and that's one thing I can't tell them.

"Chris, baby come on you can tell me?" Wyatt said grabbing my hand and kissing me on the cheek. I still was silent for a while. "Chris whats wrong, are you pregnant again or something?"

"No Wyatt I'm not pregnant," I said instantly. I was still finding it hard to come to terms with what to tell him. I slowly started breathing in and out thinking of the best way to break it to him.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"Okay, you promise you won't get mad and you won't leave me," I asked him, telling him my worst fears.

"Chris, I would never leave you, no matter what," Wyatt answered. The was still an awkward moment of silence before Wyatt decided to speak again. "Come baby what is it? Just please tell me," he asked. I don't know why this was so hard. I mean big deal I'm a Phoenix. It's not like I cheated on him or anything, but I don't know I had all this planned out in my head how I was going to tell him but I just couldn't speak. "I knew it," he said. I looked at him confused. "You're cheating on me aren't you?"

"What?! No how could you even think that," I asked.

"Then please stop stalling and just tell me already," he said frustrated.

I sighed before finally talking again. "I....uh..well..I'm..a.."

"You're what?!" He asked.

"I'm part Phoenix," I finally came out and said. I stared at Wyatt. His expression he had on his face was priceless. He looked as confused as a deer in front of headlights. "Wyatt?"

Wyatt stared for a moment before he broke out in laughter. I should have known he was going to act like that. "Okay Chris very funny joke, I know that can't be true because first of all Phoenix's are evil and you don't have a mean bone in your body and second you can touch the Book of Shadows, but a Phoenix can't."a

"Oh really Wyatt then how do you explain me being able to do this," I said as I conjured an athame. Wyatt then quickly jumped off the bed and stood there. I expected this reaction so I tried to find a way to deal with this. "Look Wyatt I know this is freaking you out okay, but I'm still the same Chris you married."

Wyatt frowned. I couldn't tell if he was freaked out by it or what. "How long have you known about this," he asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wyatt come on I just found out about it today," I answered. He was still frowning and my empath power was telling me he was furious. "Wyatt please don't be mad this is something that happened a long time ago."

"If it happened a long time ago then why are you just now telling me about this today since you claim you found out about it today," Wyatt said as he started pacing the room. I stood there scared about what to say. "I'm waiting for any answer Chris."

"Its a long story, but I promise you that I just found out about this today," I said back to him. "And like I said its a long story."

Wyatt started advancing towards me. "We've got time. So come on tell me."

I hesitated for a moment and I was about to tell him everything but I had to remember Daughtry and what could happen to him if I told. "I'm sorry Wyatt I can't. I promised a friend that I wouldn't tell."

Wyatt got so angry that he punched a whole in the wall. "What about what you promised me!" I was really scared now. "You promised me when you married me that you would honor me and there would be no secrets, but I guess that meant nothing to you since you put you're friends before me."

I was hurt I can't believe he was saying that. "Wyatt I can't believe you. I'm not trying to put my friends before you I'm just trying keep a promise," I said. "Besides you promised you'd love me no matter what and from what I can see it looks like you don't love me at all."

"Yes I do, I wouldn't care if you were a one eyed cyclops, I would still love you," Wyatt explained. "I'm not mad about the fact that you're a Phoenix, its just that you won't tell me anything about it," Wyatt said in a calmer tone. He was finally starting to calm down.

"I'm sorry Wyatt," I said very apologetically. "Its just that I made a promise to someone and I just don't want them to think that they can't trust me if something happens."

"No," he said walking up to me and putting his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have exploded like that on you." He kissed me on the lips lightly. "I know you're in a bind right now with finding out about being a Phoenix and me telling you about us moving. I'm a jerk."

I smiled at him. "Yeah but you're my jerk and I love you," I said.

"I love you too my angel," he said as he pushed his lips against mine.


The past few days were pretty hectic. I knew I had to confess this to the sisters and like Wyatt they didn't believe it until I showed them that I could conjure an athame. They freaked out at first, but it wasn't as bad as Wyatt, though it was more crazy. They kept giving me different potions to test if I was or if I wasn't and they each turned out positive. Piper even had me steal Phoebe's powers for awhile and then give them right back to her. I just kept wishing they would leave me alone with it all, but a week later they finally did. Luckily I assured them that it wasn't going to pass down to the kids. They would keep asking how I am a Phoenix but I kept telling them that I made a promise to a friend and I wasn't going to break it and they finally quit asking once they knew I wasn't going to crack.

Speaking of the past days things have also been hysterical with Wyatt moving all our stuff and the kids stuff to the new house. I still had a bad feeling about this. I would talk to Wyatt about it and kept assuring me that this was for the best. Wyatt mostly orbed our stuff to the new house since he didn't want to have to box it and then undo it when we got there. The family helped furnish the house by donating money and other things so we were pretty much set. I just knew I was going to miss the manor. I've had some pretty good memories in here even though I've only been living here for a year. Piper said if we needed anything we were always welcomed there.

I was now taking the pictures off the dresser and putting them in a temporary box for when I got back to the house. Each picture I took off I had a tear come down my eye. I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't hear Wyatt sneaking up and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body and kissing on my neck.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are," he whispered as he started to suck on my neck, but I really wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah I guess," I said as I pushed him off and continued taking down the pictures.

Wyatt could see the tears going down my face and he grew concerned. "Baby, you okay?"

"I'm fine Wyatt...its just...I agree with the family. I think we're moving too fast with this moving out thing." I walked over to the window and looked out at the backyard we got married in. "Wyatt I don't want to leave."

Wyatt walked over to me and stood right in front of me and looked me straight in the eyes. "Chris you're going," he said demandingly. "We've been over this a thousand times and you can't just keep changing you mind." Wyatt then pulled me closer to him. "We're not just doing this for us but for the kids. I don't want our kids growing up thinking thats its okay to live with your parents when you're an adult." I wanted to argue back with him but he was right. He pulled me into a passionate kiss causing me to drop the box. "I love you," he said pulling away

I smiled upon hearing those words. Wyatt could never say that to me enough. "I love you more," I said back.

"I don't think so, I love you more," he said as he pulled our bodies close to each other rubbing them against each other causing our dicks to go solid hard. He took that opportunity to pull me into a searing kiss. Wyatt then pulled away and we both smiled at each other. "Can we," Wyatt asked smiling. I knew what he was talking about so I smiled back and nodded.

Wyatt had a predatory look on his face when I gave him the okay. He looked at me up and down and saw my huge hard on and all his blood went straight to his lower area. He then grabbed me and tossed me onto the bed which caused me to smile slightly.

Wyatt then jumped on top of me like a lion on its prey. We both started kissing and battling our tongues for dominance. Wyatt then started unbuttoning my shirt almost ripping it off and moaned loudly and Wyatt thrust his tongue into my mouth. Then in one sudden move, he broke away, stood up, and quickly started pulling off his clothes piece by piece. I lifted my lower body pushed my pants down to my knees and then Wyatt took over by pulling them off the rest of the way. Both of us were now naked, and Wyatt was laying on top of me rubbing our cocks together. He kept grinding causing us to both start panting louder.

Wyatt sat up and grabbed his cock and mine and started to jerk us both off and it didn't take long for both of us to cum. Wyatt quickly came up and kissed me and threw my legs around his waist and started to push his manhood in me using our cum as lubricant.

Wyatt kept going in until he found my prostate, while I was laying there moaning in both pain and pleasure. I knew I was going to be sore but oh well. I grabbed on to the ends of the bed to support myself as Wyatt thrusts in and out of me. I let out a big yell which caused me cum everywhere. It caused my muscles to relax around Wyatt and he came right in me.

He collapsed on top of me panting for awhile before he finally pulled out. Both of our bodies were covered in sweat and semen.

"Whoa," I said panting hard.

"That just about sums it up," Wyatt said as he pulled me closer to him and held onto me not wanting to let go. "I love you," Wyatt said as he kissed me on the forehead. "I'm want to do everything I can to make you happy."

"I know you do," I responded. "I love you too," I said causing Wyatt to smile happily.

"This is a new start for us, and I promise, I will never let you go," Wyatt said before we went to making out.


Things took some pretty getting use to. The house was pretty much like the manor except it was motley carpet instead of wood. The kids each now had their own bedroom. No demons really attacked our house but when we'd go over to the manor for a visit it was demon heaven over there so I had to be extra careful when I brought the kids over.

When I woke up I kept thinking I was going to wake up in the manor but I never did. I just had to keep remembering that we were in the manor. Today Wyatt and I were going to start going back to college. I had to remember to take the kids over to the manor so Piper could watch them. When I woke up, it was a different time from Wyatt so I went and bathed the kids. Needless to say they all had to bath in the same tub at the same time. They each jumped out the tub a few times but I was quick enough to catch them and put them back in. Since my class started before Wyatt's I got the kids ready. I went back to the bedroom one last time and he was still asleep so I kissed him on the forehead before I left the house and dropped the kids off with Piper.

While I was in the manor I figured I might as well orb myself back to New York since my class starts in thirty minutes. My first day back to school was pretty boring. All I did was take notes and listen to the professor talk. He did say a couple of things to me as I was drifting off to keep me awake. I was so happy when class was finally over.

I had almost forgot that Wyatt's class was right next to mine and it started soon after mine. He was standing right outside the door waiting for me. He hasn't been that protective since I'm not pregnant anymore but he is still protective. I've been so happy now that he's started to let me do things on my own and has allowed me to have some space. I know that's going to end in six years but I'm going to enjoy it now.

I slowly walked out the classroom, only to be greeted by a smiling Wyatt. "Hey angel," he said as he gave me a quick peck on the lip and wrapped his arm around me as we started to walk. "Why didn't you wake me up before you left?"

"You were just sleeping there so peacefully," I answered back. "I just didn't want to disturb you." I started smiling.

"So how was class," he asked.

"It sucked, geeze I never want to come back to school," I said.

"Sorry but we still have three more years to go, oh and by the way please tell me you're coming to my last football game for the season," he pleaded. "Its the championship game and guess who we're playing?" He waited for me to say 'who' before speaking again. "UC also known as University of California so we'll be back home and this time the whole family is going to come to the game."

"Lets see if I'm busy," I said sarcastically.

Next thing I knew Wyatt swiftly grabbed my butt. "I'm not taking no for an answer, so what was that?" He smiled.

"Okay I'm coming," I said giving in.

"That's all I wanted to here," he said as we started walking again. He leaned in for a kiss but I pulled away. "What's wrong," he frowned.

"Nothing, I'm feeling sick," I said as I grabbed my stomach and I felt really nauseous.

Wyatt just shrugged. "You don't have to lie to me. If you don't want to kiss me in public that's all you had to say."

"No Wyatt I'm really feeling sick!" I yelled as I pushed his arm off of me and quickly ran straight into the nearest bathroom. Wyatt was very worried so he chased after me. I went to the first stall I could reach and right there I pucked out my whole breakfast. It tasted worst than sour milk.

"Baby are you alright," Wyatt asked as he came and started to rub my back during the whole process. He was really worried.

"Does it look like I'm okay," I snapped. I don't know what came over me at that moment. Why am I having a mood swing.

"I'm sorry baby, I was just asking," Wyatt said a little more worried by my mood swing.

"No, I'm sorry I don't know why I snapped at you like that," I said as I got up. "I love you," I then hugged him tightly and Wyatt got into the embrace by wrapping his arms back around me.

Wyatt kissed me on the forehead saying, "I wonder what made you sick?" He asked and I remained silents and was still leaning against him. "Chris did you have something bad to eat or what? What did you eat this morning for breakfast?"

"I had some eggs with peanut butter and chocolate sauce," I answered causing Wyatt to frown. "Oh and I might have added some hot sauce to it."

Wyatt then pulled away and stared at me in the eyes to make sure I wasn't lying. He could tell that since I wasn't laughing right now or making any weird facial expressions. The thought of eggs and peanut butter with chocolate sauce was making him want to gag. "What made you eat that today?"

"I don't know," I asked not knowing the answer. I had to think on that. I don't know why I wanted that today. "For some reason in the past couple of months I've been craving that and today I just decided to act on it."

Wyatt took another look at me and started speaking to me again. "Chris I think you should go back to the manor where mom can take care of you till I get home," he suggested and I frowned at him. "Look I know you don't want to but you're not doing so well so go back to the manor," he said. He could tell from my facial expression that my mind wasn't changing. "Please, Chris do this for me."

I couldn't resist Wyatt's pleading face. He looked like a little puppy pleading for his master to give him something. "Okay fine I'll do it, but only because I love you alright."

"I love you too," he said kissing me on the lips. "Now go, and don't worry I'll tell your teachers that you can't be in today alright," he said.

I orbed out and found myself back at the manor. It was once again pretty quiet. Sure why wouldn't it be since there's only three little kids, Leo and Piper. I slowly went around to see which room everyone was in. For some strange reason I saw Ryan and Patience sitting on the couch with Leo watching TV. That made me wonder where Piper was. I didn't want to disturb them so I quietly tried to tip toe behind the couch, but half way to the kitchen the twins caught sight of me.

They both jumped off the couch screaming, since they couldn't talk yet, and grabbed a hold of my legs like they always do. This got Leo to look up at me and smile. He was very surprised to see me.

"Hey son what are you doing home?" he asked. "I thought you were suppose to be at school."

I kept struggling to get the kids loose from my legs since they were causing me legs to go numb but I wasn't having much luck. "Dad I would love to answer you but right now my legs are tied up."

"Kids," Leo called. "Come on now get off your mom, him and your Papa need to talk, so how about you guys go into the kitchen with Grandma for a minute okay," Leo suggested.

The kids weren't too happy. They reluctantly let go off my legs and slowly walked to the kitchen with their heads down. I felt really bad for them and I just wish right now I could go comfort them but Leo has to know whats going on and I'll make sure I comfort them extra for that time I'm missing out right now.

"So what are you doing here?" Leo asked getting straight to the point once the kids were out of sight.

"Wyatt thinks that I'm sick so he sent me here so that someone could look after me till I got home but I feel fine right now," I answered while my stomach started to growl. This is just peculiar. A few minutes ago I was just throwing up and now my stomach wants more food.

"What happened?" Leo asked concerned but I was zoned out thinking about food. "Chris," he said but I still didn't answer. "Chris!" He shouted

I finally snapped out of it. "Oh yeah dad whats up?"

"Could you please tell me what happened that Wyatt sent you here," Leo asked getting frustrated.

"Oh nothing, I just threw up, its no biggie," I said making it seem not to be a big deal and Leo was shocked by the way I was acting. I wasn't too worried. I was just hungry right now. "So dad what's for lunch I'm starving." Without even saying another word I rushed into the kitchen

Piper was rocking Prue while feeding her with a bottle. The twins were sitting up at the table drawing with some crayons. I'm surprised Piper didn't wonder why they came into the kitchen. I was happy to see that. What I wasn't happy to see is that there was no food in sight. I needed something to eat so badly it was killing me.

I slipped past Piper and started going through the kitchen and went straight for the pantry. Piper was a little bit unhappy that I just walked in and didn't even acknowledge her presence which was rude but when my appetite is up I'd ignore demons attacking me.

"Well hello Chris," Piper said rolling her eyes. "I never expected you to be here," she continued still giving me that sarcastic happy look. "What brings you here," she asked.

I was looking up and down the pantry but I heard everything she said. "Ah ha!" I said as I caught sight of a thing of peanut butter. I took it out and twisted off the top. I almost forgot Piper was still in the kitchen. "Oh yeah Aunt Piper long story short I threw up and Wyatt sent me hear cause he thinks I'm sick," I said as I walked over to the drawers and pulled out a spoon. I then twisted off the top and started eating it straight from the jar.

Piper looked at me with a weird expression on her face. "I see what he means," she said as she set Prue down in the baby chair. "Since when do you eat peanut butter, especially out of the jar with nothing to go with it."

I just shrugged. "To tell you the truth I had it with eggs and chocolate sauce this morning and man it was good," I said making my mouth water. "Do you have any eggs and some chocolate sauce by any chance?"

"No I do not," Piper said instantly. "If I knew you were coming I would have prepared food but I didn't so Leo and I decided to take the kids to Mcdonalds and let them play there for awhile," Piper explained. "Now Chris you said you threw up earlier on today?"

"Yeah," I said. "But its no problem, I'm feeling much better now," I said as I threw the empty thing of peanut butter in the trash and went straight back to the pantry to look for something else.

Then for no reason at all the kids started crying. My mind went off the food and I went straight over to them to comfort them. Things went from bad to worse when I would be holding one and the others would start crying louder. Things went from worse to I don't know what when four demons shimmered in. I'm a bit surprised because I thought I handled that problem when I went to the Underworld.

"Wyatt!" I yelled knowing he probably wasn't coming since he was in the middle of class. I put the kids down and Piper ran over to where I was to safely guard the kids. They quickly put their shields up. "Dad!" I shouted. Before the demons could even do anything Leo came running in. One shot an energy ball at him but he was careful enough to get down behind the island bar. I waved my hand to send one flying but to my surprise flowers appeared above the demons. "What the...." I said causing the demons to smirk.

Piper shocked by it flicked her wrist blowing up one demon. I was relieved to see that she still had her power. Things went downhill from there. A darklighter then shimmered in behind me. He conjured up his crossbow. He got ready to fire, but before he did Piper yelled. "Chris look out!"

I quickly turned around to see what all the commotion was about. That was a big mistake. Before I could completely turn around the darklighter shot the arrow at me. I was too scared to move. It was too late for me to move out the way. Suddenly a green shield appeared around my stomach, blocking the arrow. Piper, Leo and I were just shocked, while the demons and the darklighter frowned. The demons then conjured up energy balls and started to fire.

I tried to wave my hands to send one back but again, my powers turned to flowers. They were mostly focused on me, for I don't know what reason. While they were distracted Piper took the opportunity to blow up the darklighter. The demons kept shooting energy balls at me and I kept dodging them until one was coming straight for me and there was no way out of it. I couldn't do nothing since my powers were turning into flowers again. I just held out my hands in front of me and all of a sudden the energy ball froze right there. I looked right at Piper thinking it was her who did that but she was just as surprised as I was.

The demons only got even more angrier. One was about to shoot an energy ball and I just lifted my hands again hoping to freeze him like I did the last energy ball but when I flicked my wrist both demons just blew up. Again I thought Piper did that so I looked straight at her. Pipers jaw was on the ground and so was Leo's. The kids finally put down their shields and Piper walked over to me.

I was silent for a moment. Many thoughts started going through my head. How did I do that. That's not my power. I must have stolen Wyatt's powers or something.

"Chris..." Piper said firmly breaking the silence. I was too deep in my thoughts that I couldn't even hear her.

"Chris.." Leo said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Buddy you okay?"

I started shaking and sweating. "What's happening to me?!" I cried.

"Son, you're okay," Leo said.

"No I'm not my powers are turning into flowers again and now I have shield coming on me," I stated.

"Don't worry," Leo said. "I think when you had Prue she just left some left over magic tissue," he told me. I looked at him confused. "When you have magic kids sometimes they'll leave some left over magic in your stomach, but don't worry it should all go away."

"Okay then what about these new powers of mine," I grounded out. "These are Wyatt's powers. The ability to freeze time and molecular combustion."

"You said you were a Phoenix, maybe you accidentally stole them from Wyatt," Leo suggested.

"Lets see," I said. "Wyatt! Could you please come over here for a second," I shouted but there was no orbs. "I'm assuming he's in class right now and he can't get out but don't worry I'll ask him later," I said leaving the room. I then felt sick again. I quickly ran upstairs to the restroom and emptied my stomach right there. I stayed there panting for awhile. I kept thinking what is making me do this. I slowly got up and started to wash my face. I then looked in the cabinet for some medicine that could maybe help with my stomach. What stuck out the most was a pregnancy test. "No I couldn't be. Patrica isn't born for another 5 years," I said to myself, but I had to think. What else could it be. The vomiting, the new powers, and the shield. Prue couldn't have left that much tissue or could she? Only one way to find out.

I quickly took the test out and I took it. I left the bathroom and waited for fifteen minutes before I went back in. I took a deep breath hoping that I wasn't. I took the test from off the sink. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I nearly fainted. The test was positive. I was hit with so many emotions right then that I just dropped the test. That's impossible. Like I said Patricia wasn't born for another 5 years. Now what am I going to tell the family. I just paced back and forward of thinking what to do. Wait a minute maybe Prue would know the answer. Yeah maybe this is just a fluke. If anyone would know she would since she's from the future and all. I remember she just went up to the attic to check on something and hopefully she'll still be there.


Prue was standing over the book of Shadows looking over a few spells. She was happy that she had finally been born but regrets that she's been so busy to spend time with the family, but she had to stay focused and remember that she's here to save Patrica and change the future and nothing else. She did regret keeping a lot of secrets from me and Wyatt though but she knew she had to since she didn't want to change the future too much.

Prue just stood there waiting in the attic. It was very silent and she didn't expect anyone to be coming up there anytime soon to see what she was doing. She smiled when she saw a portal open and a man walk out. He was about Prue's age if not younger. He was a dirty blonde with facial hair and he was 6'5.

"Hello Prue," the guy said smiling back at her.

"Hello Robert," she said running up to hug him. "So how is everything, are things changing?"

"Yeah they are," he said. "But," he said changing his tone, "things aren't changing as fast as they should be."

"Oh my," Prue said panicked. "What about James, Leo and the twins, are they okay?" Prue asked very concerned for her family. It was hard for her to leave her family behind but she knew she had to if she wanted a better future for her kids.

"They're fine," Robert said instantly. He could feel Prue's concern for her kids and he hated seeing Prue in that state. "James is taking very good care of the kids so don't worry?"

"What about Penny is she alright?" Prue asked. She cared for her sister too a lot since she had to leave her too when she was just 14 but she left her with Patience so she wouldn't be alone.

"She's doing good also, especially now that Ryan and Patience decided to move their families in together since they thought that would be the safest thing to do," Robert explained. "We all miss you back home Prue."

"I know and I miss you guys too," Prue said in a very sad tone. "But you guys know this is something I have to do and I can't come home until I do."

Robert was about to say something but before he could speak they heard footsteps coming towards the attic. "Prue!" I yelled. "Prue you up there," I yelled continuing to climb up the stairs.

"Quick hide!" Prue ordered Robert. Without arguing Robert went behind the table and Prue just stood there waiting for me to come up there. When I finally made my way up there she gave me a little innocent smile like she had been up to something that she wasn't suppose. "Hi mom whats up?"

"Nothing," I said taking a good look at her and trying to figure out what she was hiding. "Prue is there something you want to tell me?" I asked. "You never greet me with a smile usually its always saying that we need to vanquish this demon or that demon."

Prue instantly started shaking and tried to think of a good excuse since that was true. "Umm, well you know I'm just happy to see you thats all so what did you need to see me for," she asked trying to change the subject.

I figured I'd just let this one slide and I'll deal with what she's hiding later since I had more important issues to deal with. "Well I just took a pregnancy test and I found out that I was pregnant and Patty wasn't suppose to be born for another 5 years," I stated.

"Oh well what do you know," Prue said making it seem like it was no big deal. "Maybe you took the test wrong I mean I don't think you could be pregnant now," she said. She was acting very funny and strange and I just kept wondering why.

"Okay I think I'll go check with a witch doctor to make sure," I said about to walk out but Prue grabbed my arm.

"No mom, don't go to the doctors I mean what do they know," Prue stated. "You should listen to me since I'm from the future and I know everything and since nothing has changed about me, I don't think you're pregnant."

"You don't think?" I repeated and made her realize what she just said. "Okay that's it I'm going to see the witch doctor to get this checked out," I said pulling my arm away from Prue and ignoring her protest to it but I was stopped when I heard a glass break. I quickly turned around and saw a guy trying to hide behind a table. Not knowing how he came in I instantly thought he shimmered in since I didn't hear him. Without second though I waved my hand to try to send him flying but unfortunately flowers appeared again. "Damn pacifist child!" I yelled at my stomach.

"Hey! Watch it!" The guy yelled. Apparently for some reason it offended him.

"You, demon shut up!" I shouted back. I tried to conjure an athame but it instantly turned into a rose. I growled since it felt like I just got my powers and now they're turning into flowers again. I then looked around and saw one on the table so I picked it up and threw it straight at the guy. Prue waved her hand and sent it away from the guy causing it to hit the walk and stick there like a dart. "Prue what the hell are you doing?!"

"You can't kill him," Prue said.

"Oh and why not, he's a demon isn't he," I asked.

"No mom, he's...your...s..s..son," Prue stuttered out.

I looked back at the guy confused as ever. "Wow, Ryan you've changed a lot," I said looking at the guy up and down.

"Mom, thats not Ryan, that's your other son," Prue stated. "The one you're pregnant with right now and his name is Robert."

My eyes just shot up. "My other what," I said and then fainted.

"Crap," Robert said. "Come on lets wake him up," he said as they both walked over to my body. "Mom, wake up," he said hitting me on the face. Him and Prue continued this until I finally opened my eyes. "Hey mom glad to see you're awake."

"Alright you're both grounded!" I yelled as I got up. I then looked straight into Robert's eyes. He resembled Wyatt with those sweet blue eyes. I forgot I was even angry at that moment. "You said you're name was Robert right?" I asked as I started to touch his face. "You look more like your father, I guess the boys take after Wyatt and the girls take after me, but wow I can't believe my own son is so much taller the me," I said as I continued feeling his face. "I must have named you after my brother, and I bet I can already guess that you're middle name is Coop isn't it?"

"Yes," he smiled.

"So when were you conceived," I asked.

"The day after you had Prue," He answered.

"What?!" I said disbelieving. "That was two months ago, so that must mean I'm two months along," I thought out loud to where they both could hear me. "Okay lets hear it, why didn't you tell me about him and why didn't I see him when I went to the future," I asked. "I want to know every detail."

"Well uh," Prue started trying to think of a good way to explain. "You know there's only so much I could tell you about the future and I knew if I told you about him and Richard you'd probably faint, oops" Prue said covering her mouth realizing what she just said.

"Richard?" I asked. "Who's he and don't play any games with me or else I'll ground you until you 30."

"He's your and Wyatt's other son," Prue slowly said. "Before you blow up please let me explain, I'm sure you didn't think you'd have three girls in a row without having at least a few boys, the reason why you didn't see Robert in the future was because he attends NYU and Richard, well he went to live with Robert since him and dad had a heated argument," Prue explained. "So basically you had a boy in between each girl so first it was Patience, then Ryan, then me, then Robert, then Patrica, then Richard, and finally Penelope the baby. I know seven kids you think you'd go crazy but you didn't."

"Anymore kids I need to know about," I asked.

"Nope no more, I promise, but the good news is in the future there are two powers of three," Prue started. "There's a man power of three and a woman power of three, and if we ever needed it there is a power of six but we haven't faced any demon that powerful."

"Oh and let me guess Richard's middle name," I asked and Prue and Robert nodded. "Is it Leo," I asked.

"Yeah it is, but he does have two middles name but I can't tell you the other one or it could effect the future," Robert said deciding to finally come in.

"Okay so Robert what powers do you have so I know what I'm able to do," I asked.

"Basically the sames ones as Patrica," Robert said. "Even the fire power, you see my power and Patty's are the same and so is Ry and Prue's, and Penny and Rick's."

"Thanks for that explanation," I said sarcastically. "The only thing I don't get is why you turned my best offensive power into flowers like your sister did."

He just chuckled, "I don't know I guess baby me must have thought it was funny," Robert said.

"Obviously," I said sarcastically. "Hm, you know I'm surprised I'm not showing yet," I looked down at my stomach.

"Yeah you are mom," Prue said. She then came over and lifted up my shirt to reveal my stomach. There was in fact a small hump right there. "See," Prue said pointing at it. She then quickly let down my shirt and started talking again saying, "now that we've got that settled I think we should tell dad and the rest of the family that you're pregnant and they can also meet Robert over here."

"Nooo!" I shouted. "No way no how, is you're father finding out about this now!" I cried out.

"Why mom, you took it fine, so doesn't he have a right to know," Prue said.

"Its not the problem with him accepting the new kid its how he's going to start treating me," I told my worst fears. I knew Prue and Robert were confused because from what they were told Wyatt took care of me. "I just had Prue and Wyatt is finally starting to let me have some privacy, but once he finds out I'm pregnant again and demons just tried to attack our new baby then it'll be back to me not being able to get away from Wyatt and right now I'm enjoying my life with no Wyatt always by my side."

"I know mom, but come on," Prue pleaded. "Maybe its for the best I mean look your powers are flowers again and you might have Robert's powers but don't you don't know how to use them." Prue had some of me in her and I know since I'm stubborn as a mule she's probably twice that so its going to be pretty hard to convince her of anything.

"Look I can control his powers so I can defend myself alright Prue," I said.

"Alright then prove it," Prue said. Ironically once she said that four demons and a darklighter shimmered in.

"Prudence Paige Halliwell!" I shouted. "Is this one of your little tricks because if it is you're gonna be grounded until the end of the world," I said as I started backing away from the demons.

"Believe it or not mom this is not one of my tricks," she said as her and Robert backed up too.

"Chris!" I shouted hoping he would come down and help but unfortunately he didn't. "Okay you two take the ones on the left and I'll take the ones on the right and whoever finishes first takes on the darklighter."

We all then split up. I waved my hand hoping my powers would work but unfortunately they didn't and turned into flowers once again. I tried to remember how Robert's power worked. Both demons shot fire balls at me, and I quickly moved out of the way. The demons the shimmered out and then appeared in front of me. They then hurled energy balls at me. I quickly froze the energy balls along with the demons. It took me awhile, but I finally figured out how to use molecular combustion. I flicked my wrist and blew up both demons at the same time.

A demon went charging at Prue and she jumped and kicked him back onto the table causing him to knock over a few potions. The demon quickly got up and charged at her again but Prue waved her hand and sent him flying causing him to hit the wall. She was causing a lot of damage in the house but it doesn't matter since that always happens. The demon got up and was about to conjure something but Prue blew a breath of cold air freezing him in place. She then did a back kick and shattered him into pieces.

Meanwhile Robert was having more luck than me and Prue. When the demon came charging at him he quickly tossed the demon into the wall. The demon could barely get up since he was hurt so badly but he manage. Robert then threw out his arm and fire came out, burning the demon into dust. Robert then felt a shiver go down his spine, like he forgot something. He then looked around and saw the darklighter missing. It then shimmered in behind Prue and conjured its crossbow. It then shot it and Robert came and pushed Prue out of the way yelling, "look out!" The arrow then pierced Robert in his chest.

"Robert!" I yelled and looked back at the darklighter who had a smirk on his face. I looked him straight in the eyes and started making him feel the pain that Robert was in. It only took about three seconds before he blew up. I then quickly went over to where Robert was laying. "Robert," I muttered.

"I'm fine," he lied. He was panting real hard and sweating. "Ahhhh!" He cried out in pain.

"Shh...relax, you're going to be fine okay," I assured him. "Prue, help me lay him on the couch," I requested and she nodded. She grabbed his arms while I grabbed his legs and we gently set him on the couch.

"We've got to get that arrow out of him," Prue said as she reached to pull it out but I slapped her hand away. "What?"

"Don't touch that," I demanded. "You're half whitelighter it could kill you," I said in a worried tone. "Do you think you could orb it out, I would but my powers always turn into flowers."

"Sure thing mom," Prue answered. "ARROW" she yelled causing the arrow to disappear in a swirl of orbs. "Now what?"

"You forget, we're whitelighters so we can heal," I said as I got on my knees to lower myself down to him, and I put my hands over Robert's wound and golden orbs appeared. His wonder started to close up but the hole in his shirt still remained. "There, that should do the trick."

"Thanks mom," Robert said weakly. Though I might have healed him he will still be in pain for a little bit longer. "Ahhh," he cried out again trying to get up.

I slowly and gently pushed him back down saying "your welcome son. Now stay put, you're still a little weak," I explained to him. I was still a little panicked from what happened. The moment that darklighter hit my son with that arrow I nearly had a heart attack. I guess its just my parent instincts kicking in. "I'm proud of you though," I smiled as I started stroking his hair. "What you did for you're sister was brave of you."

"I guess it was huh?" he smiled. He then started panting again.

"Robby calm down," I said. "Getting yourself worked up is only going to make it take longer for you to heal."

Robert slightly chuckled again. His laugh was a lot like Wyatt's. There was no doubt in my mind that this was our son. "You were always the worried parent. Just thinking about all those times you stayed up waiting for me to come home from a party or anything and all those times you would give me a lot of attention even if I got a small cut you were still worried about me."

"When you become a parent you'll have those worries too ya know," I said pulling his upper body into a hug. "I love you son and I don't want to see anything happen to you." I then kissed him on the forehead(not a sexual kiss but a parent kiss).

"What's going on in here?" I heard a voice say from behind me.

I quickly jumped up and saw it was Chris H. "Nothing," I answered a little panicked not knowing who it was at the moment. "Chris, what are you doing here?"

"You called for me remember?" He reminded me.

"Yeah but that was like ten minutes ago," I said back. "I can't believe you're just now getting here."

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" Chris said raising an eye brow. He then looked around the attic and saw it was a mess. "What happened here?"

I sighed knowing I was going to have to explain. "A few demons attacked," I answered coldly. "That's why I called for you but I'm glad I didn't depend on you to get here or else I'd be dead by now." Damn mood swings keep causing me to snap all the time but I have to be careful.

Robert finally felt good enough to get up so he got up and went over and stood next to Prue. He then looked at Chris and started getting memories from the future. "Uncle Chris?" he muttered. Both Prue and I punched him in the arm. "Ow!" he yelled.

"What'd he just say?" Chris asked.

I was going to say he said nothing but since Chris is an empath he is able to read minds and I don't even want him knowing that he has a nephew. At least not yet because I know him and Wyatt are close and they don't keep secrets from each other so I know he'd spill the beans. So I had to make up a lie that he'd believe. "He said 'this is fixed' know everything is fixed," I said but who'd believe that. Crap I'm in trouble now.

To my surprise Chris just shrugged and said, "okay, I guess you're right. Everything is fixed." He proceeded to walk out the attic saying, "if you need me I'll be downstairs playing with the kids."

"Whew that was close," I said sighing in relief. "Now Robert remember no one knows who you are except for me and Prue so you're going to have to be a little bit more careful about what you say."

Robert just sighed in embarrassment. "I know mom, I know. You always gave me these lectures about this and that." He then grabbed Prue's hand. "We're gonna go find out more about those demons that are after me or my fetus."

"Okay but be careful," I said worried. "Now Robert remember to look after your sister, oh and Prue make sure you watch out for your brother, and if you guys get in trouble be sure to call me okay," I said causing them to roll their eyes and nod. "Hey don't you two roll those eyes at me, you might be older then me but I'm still your father/mother or whatever you want to call me." They quickly apologized for it. "Okay so be very cautious with the demons because you know they can hit you with fireballs and stay clear of darklighters because their arrows can kill you, oh and..." I started going on and on.

"Mom!" They both shouted at the same time.

"Sorry," I said innocently. "Just be careful alright," I walked up to them and hugged them both. "I love you guys and make sure you come back here at least by tomorrow so I can see you guys again to make sure that you're okay."

"We will and we love you too," They said in unison as they orbed out.


A whole week passed by and I tried to cover it all up but I just acted to strangely around the family. At breakfast I would as for milk most of the time instead of coffee. My favorite breakfast meal was some eggs with hot sauce and chocolate syrup which the family found disgusting.

I had so many mood swings its not even funny. I've snapped at Wyatt like ten times this week for nothing. Though Wyatt is usually use to it he figured he might want to leave me alone so sometimes after he got home from football practice he would change and go demon hunting in the Underworld. I did get mad about that since he wasn't spending as much time with the kids but I was happy about it also because if he did stay at home he would have figured it out. I mean with the emotional break downs. He's made me cry three times this week and it wasn't even over something big. Being pregnant with Robert was a lot worse then being pregnant with Prue.

Whenever we would go to school I would still throw up just about every hour and Wyatt would keep trying to get me to go home but I would tell him that it was just something I ate the night before and I should be fine. I don't know how but bought that excuse. I'm surprised because knowing Wyatt he'd probably would have taken me to the doctor by now.

Though I did feel bad for putting Wyatt through all of this. To make it worse we haven't even had sex for a week. I would always make up excuses like I wasn't feeling well, I had a bad day and I wasn't up for it, or my favorite that I was too tired and I wanted to get some sleep. He was starting to chew on ice since he said it was something to do if your sexually frustrated and I wish I could just go give it to him but I don't know I just can't.

As for my powers they were still turning into flowers. I wasn't even mad at Wyatt and my powers were flowers. To make things even worse I got woozy from just orbing which wasn't a good thing since I had to orb to school and back. I would only use my empath power in front of the family since I didn't want them to think I still had those powers, but if a demon attacked me while I was by myself then I would use Robert's powers.

Everyday after school I would orb to the manor and meet up with Prue and Robert to talk to them about what they found out about the demons. I would always tell Piper and Leo that I was just going upstairs to check on baby Prue, but I was really going up to the attic. No one has suspected anything or has even seen Robert.

Today was going to be the day that broke the ice. I was standing in the attic talking to Prue and Robert like normal. I didn't think anyone was going to come in. "Okay guys so how much have you found out."

"Not much but we're working on it," Robert said.

"Its been a whole week and you guys don't know much!" I yelled. I then realized that I was screaming at my own kids. "Oh sorry guys," I smiled. "I guess its just these mood swings."

"Don't worry we've seen them, remember you still have Patty, Rick, and Penny to go and trust me your mood swings don't get any better," Prue said. "We're about to go but don't worry we're going to find these demons."

"Okay as always be careful," I said hugging Prue and kissing her on the forehead as she shimmered out. Robert was about to but I grabbed his arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To help Prue," Robert said.

"Not without a hug and a kiss," I said as I pulled him into a hug and I could tell he was frustrated. "Don't be mad your sister got it so you're getting one too." I then kissed him on his forehead. "Now be careful okay."

"Did you have to do that?" He asked embarrassed.

"Yes I did, but don't worry its not like it was in front of your friends," I smiled.

"That's the point, you have done it in front of my friends," Robert said.

"Oh, well I guess I'll be doing it again, now get going. You don't want to keep your sister wait," I chuckled and Robert orbed out.

"What the hell?!" A voice said from behind me.

I turned to see again it was Chris H. "Oh hey Chris," I said.

"Don't you hey Chris me," he snapped.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked trying to make sure he didn't see or hear too much.

"Long enough to see you kiss that guy on the cheek and come to find out that isn't the first time you've kissed him," Chris said coldly. "You know I find it pretty funny that, that guy has been hanging around here a lot," he paused for a moment. "I mean just last week I saw him in your arms while he was laying on the couch and when I came in you quickly jumped up like you were up to something."

"Okay so your point is," I asked.

"What's wrong with you bro," Chris asked.

"Nothings wrong with me," I lied. "Why would you even think that?"

"First off you've been having so many mood swings lately its been crazy for everyone," Chris started out. I knew I was in big trouble now. "You've also been having emotional break downs over so many small things, oh and then you won't have sex with Wyatt, though that might be none of my business but he's still my brother, and then you're eating eggs and hot sauce with chocolate syrup which would make a cock roach sick, also you've been throwing up for the past week and you kept just saying it was something you ate, oh and last but not least everyday you come up here and talk to this guy who none of us have met and I find you kissing him."

"It wasn't like I was kissing him on the lips," I said trying to find a way around telling Chris the whole truth.

"You were still kissing him!" Chris yelled. "You better tell me what the hell is going on or else I'm gonna go into your head and find out for myself!"

"I can't Chris!" I yelled.

"Why not we're brothers you can tell me anything," he said as he started to calm down. All that he said made me feel guilty. I knew I had to tell even if it meant the whole family knowing. I couldn't look him into the eyes. I started looking at the ground. Chris then was over to me and saw that I had a few tears. "Please Chris just tell me," he pleaded as he started to hug me.

I sniffed and trying to stop crying. "Is there some place where we can talk privately," I asked.

"Sure," he said. He orbed us to the Golden Gate Bridge.

I just sat down and watched the cars pass. I kept thinking of how I was going to tell all of this to Chris. I still had a few tears coming down. I don't know if I was having an emotional break down or if they were just regular tears.

I was sitting there for five minutes before Chris finally came over and put his hand on my back and started rubbing it. "Come on bro, you can tell me," he said calmly.

I sighed before I started to speak again. "What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell Wyatt or anyone else in the family." I begged. "I know I'm going to have to tell them soon but I just don't think now is the right time."

"Okay I promise now what is it?!" Chris asked getting real frustrated. He was really anxious to know what secret that was so big that he couldn't tell the family.

"I..uh..I..uh," I started crying again. This time I buried my face in my hands.

"I knew it," Chris said causing me to look up. I can't believe he knew this whole time. He's smarter than I thought. "You're cheating on Wyatt aren't you? And its with that guy you keep having in the attic?"

"What?! NO!" I yelled instantly causing my mood to change from sad to angry. I couldn't believe Chris would even think I would do something like that. "I mean yeah it does have something to do with that guy but its not what you think, I'm not cheating on Wyatt. Never will. I love him too much."

"Then why are you treating him like crap," Chris asked. Now that I think about I have been pretty unfair towards Wyatt, but that's only because I'm pregnant, but he doesn't know that. "Chris tell me or I'm coming in you're head."

I took a deep breath and gathered all my thoughts before talking again. "I'm..well..uh..I'm," I started.

"You're what?!" Chris asked impatiently.

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled finally getting it out.

Chris nearly fainted when he heard that. "Is it Wyatt's?" he asked.

"No its the mailman's," I said sarcastically. "Of course its Wyatt's."

"Wow, I thought you weren't suppose to get pregnant again for another six year," Chris asked. "But what does this all have to do with that guy in the attic you keep kissing."

"Well that guy you keep seeing in the attic is YOUR future nephew and mine and Wyatt's future son," I pointed out.

"That didn't look like future Ryan from what I saw," Chris said.

"That's because it wasn't," I answered. "His name is Robert and he's the boy I'm pregnant with right now." There was an big moment of silence. I decided to tell Chris everything since I already told him that I was pregnant. "I know you're thinking that you didn't see him in the future but its a long story and he's not the only son we have, we also have another one in the future named Richard. Ryan, Robert, and Richard make up another power of three." Chris was taking this in better than I expected. "You see thats why I've been acting that way lately, its because I'm pregnant."

Chris just shook his head. "Chris why didn't you tell us? How many months along are you."

"Two, but I promise I just found out last week," I said as I saw Chris about to go into a frenzy. "Yeah thats why so many demons are coming after me. They don't want there to be two powers of three and then there's the power of six which could vanquish just about anything."

"Bro, you can't just keep secrets like this from us," Chris lectured. "I mean something like this could get you and the baby hurt, what were you thinking and why haven't you told Wyatt?"

"I don't know I just feel like I got my privacy back and I just don't want it taken away from me," I said. "You know with Wyatt watching me twenty four hours a day?"

"Chris did you just hear yourself," he said. "You said that you'd rather have your privacy then keep your baby out of harms way and always have it protected."

"No, I didn't mean it that way," I said back.

"Then how did you mean it," he asked.

"I don't know alright," I yelled. "I can't explain it."

Chris got up and started to pace around. "We've got to tell Wyatt and mom, and everyone else about this."

"No we can't," I said as I got up and went in front of him so we were face to face. "You promised Chris."

"I'm sorry but this isn't something you can keep secret," Chris said. "You have demons after you because of that baby and then you're getting sick and you're not even fully able to defend yourself. This is just the first week I mean I'm sure there are going to be even more demons after your baby as the months go along. I'm sorry but I can't bare the thought of what if something were to happen to you and my nephew."

"But Chris," I started but he interrupted me.

"No, bro my mind is made up," he said. "The family needs to know about this so either you can tell them or I will."

"Fine, I'll tell them," I said giving in. "But I can't tell Wyatt okay," I begged. "I have to tell him at the right time and I don't think now is."

Chris thought about it before he said, "okay but you have to tell him by this week or I will."

I nodded. "You know after this I probably won't be telling you anymore secrets," I said sarcastically as I smiled. Who was I kidding. I'm probably going to be telling him a lot more secrets now than ever.

"I'm not worried," Chris shrugged. "All I have to do is go in your head and find out." We both chuckled for a little while longer. "Ready to go home."

"Hold on a minute," I said and Chris gave me a 'now-what' look. "It makes me woozy to orb. So yeah Robert is doing a lot more damage than Prue is." I stayed still and tried to prepare my self for the dizziness that was about to occur. I took in a deep breath. "Okay I'm ready," I said grabbing Chris's hand and he orbed us back to the manor. I wobbled around for a few seconds before I finally got my balance.

Chris started calling everyone to the manor. I was very nervous for what I was about to tell them. I don't know whether they're going to get mad, be happy, act neutral. All I know is I better be prepared for anything. The first people to arrive was Piper and Leo along with Peter. They each had one of the kids in their arms. Piper had Prue while, Leo was holding Ryan, so Peter was left with Patience. After they all came in Paige orbed in along with Henry, Henry Jr., Primrose, and Melinda. Finally Phoebe and Coop came in with their three daughters. They all each took a seat. The kids mostly sat on the floor while the adults sat on the couches. They were all wondering what was so important that Chris had to call everyone here. The only person who was missing was Wyatt and that was a good thing.

"Now that everyone's here, Chris has something he wants to tell you guys," Chris said as he took a seat and left me standing by myself.

I couldn't believe he was doing this to me, but now I knew there was no way out of it. "Hold on guys," I said. "Prudence, Robert could you two please get down here!" I called.

Prue and Robert soon orbed in at first not realizing that the whole family was in front of them. "Mom what's the big emergency that you had to call us down here we were just in the middle of..." Prue started but stopped when she saw the whole family sitting down. "Oh, hi guys," she smiled.

"They're about to find out," I whispered to them both and they nodded. They knew instantly what I was talking about. "I'm sure you guys have been wondering what's been going on with me lately," I started. I was shaking a lot. "Well," I said turning to Robert. "Robert this is everyone, and everyone this is Robert mine..and um....Wyatt's future....son" I paused before sharing the rest. "Right now I'm two months pregnant with him." I closed my eyes. I couldn't bare to look to see what everyone's reaction was going to be. I then explained to them the story that I was told over and over again about the new power of three and everything that I was told.

I stood there for a moment wait for everyone to start yelling at me, but what I didn't expect was for everyone to start getting up and hugging Robert saying, "welcome to the family." It took a while with the whole family to get acquainted but I was happy that they were taking this all so well.

"So," Robert said as he walked up to Peter who was still holding Patience. "This is Patience right," he asked looking down at the 1 year old little girl.

"Yes it is," I said coming behind him.

"Wow, so is this before or after she and Ryan turned grandma and grandpa into mice and then conjured that snake and watched it try to eat them," Robert asked smiling like it was no big deal.

My eyes then got big. "Mice?! Snake?! What mouse and what snake," I asked.

Robert chuckled at my reaction. "I guess this is before," he said as he started walking away and playing with Ryan who was running around.

I proceeded after him asking, "What mice and what snake?" But he would always just ignore me and keep on playing with Ryan. I continued asking him until Leo and Piper came up and started to talk to me. I don't think it'd be best to mention that around them.

"So does Wyatt know about this?" she asked referring to not just Robert but everything. Which included everything about the male power of three and the power of six and everything.

I paused for a moment. "No," I said innocently. "Why ask?"

"That's good," Piper said and Leo nodded.

"Why is that?" I asked confused. I expected them to be yelling at me for not letting Wyatt know he has another child. A boy for that matter.

"No reason, just that Wyatt is going to get a little bit more possessive now that you're pregnant again, and this time its going to stay," Leo explained. "So you might want to be careful."

"Possessive? What do you mean possessive? Isn't he possessive already," I asked.

"Oh you have not seen possessive," Leo said in a frightening tone. "This time its actually going to get worse, I mean he might even start blowing up any guys that touch you." I started grabbing onto my stomach scared by the thought. "Don't worry he's not going to hurt you, just anyone or anything that touches you or the kids."

I started to calm down a bit after knowing that. The last thing I wanted was to see Wyatt hurt the kids because of his possessiveness but I don't know what made me even think that. I know Wyatt and he would never hurt his kids. Even if he was evil which he wasn't, but I'm still a little frightened about him being possessive. Not because I'm afraid he's going to hurt me but just thinking about how he was last time I was pregnant. He nearly sent 11 college students to the hospital who just said some inappropriate things to me. Just imagine if he's more possessive what he'd do to someone who even looked at me the wrong way.

"I understand being possessive, but why all of a sudden is he acting like this now," I asked. This was Wyatt we were talking about. Of course he was possessive, but what now is going to cause him to act this way. I mean, I've been pregnant before and it wasn't as bad as they were describing it.

"For some reason four is the magic number," Piper came in. "I just hope you're ready for it."

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said.


Everything continued as before except I no longer had to go meet Prue and Robert in the attic. I could just see them in anywhere in the manor if I wanted to since there was nothing to hide. Though if Wyatt ever came over to the manor, I'd just say that Robert was just a friend. I would say his name was Robert Cooper, sore of like his middle name. Wyatt trusted me so he believed me. I did feel sorry for lying to him though but I know I just can't deal with possessiveness right now.

My powers were still turning into flowers again and I didn't understand it. I mean that would only happen with Prue when I was mad at Wyatt, but I'm not mad at Wyatt and its still happening. I guess Robert is just a little different in his own way. Chris tried to make things easier for me by trying to give me some tea that was really a binding potion to bind Robert's powers, but Robert made me flick it away. Prue told me even through Robert was the middle child he was the smart one of the family. It made me angry that I couldn't do anything without Robert's power getting in the way. I mean I had to be careful with lifting my hands because I could blow something up or I could freeze someone or something unintentionally, or even worse set something on fire. One time I set a chair on fire and Prue had to put it out with he freezing power. Everyone thought it was hilarious but every time something like that would happen I would yell at Robert and tell him he was grounded.

Things at home were pretty hectic. I would wake up every morning and vomit and Wyatt would be right in the bathroom with me always asking if I was okay. I felt bad for him since he had to put up with my mood swings and my emotional breakdowns and he doesn't even know what's going on. I did my best to hide my hump on my stomach. Robert was much bigger than Prue was when I was pregnant. I was three months and though I wasn't showing that much it was still noticeable and I didn't want Wyatt to know until I told him. I was always wearing baggy clothes to school so he wouldn't notice. I knew with everything I was doing he was started to get suspicious but it wasn't the right time yet.

I had just picked up the kids and set them down on the couch and turned on Barney for them to watch. I was tired and I wanted to play with them but I wasn't feeling well at the moment so I needed to get some sleep. Being pregnant isn't all that easy. Especially since you have to watch three other wild kids. Though Prue couldn't even walk yet she was still pretty fussy. She was sleep when we got home so I laid a blanket down on the couch and laid her on it and placed another blanket on top of her. I set Ryan and Patience next to her.

I assumed Wyatt was out demon hunting since thats all he does nowadays. He never comes home until like 9:00pm. He goes to football practice which only lasts till 6:00 and then for the rest of the time he goes demon hunting in the Underworld. On weekends he just goes to the Underworld the whole day leaving me to watch all three kids by myself and now there was about to be a fourth one and I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it.

I was started to drift off to sleep when I heard the bedroom door open. I didn't know who to expect since demons never attack here and the kids haven't gone screaming like crazy. That's how I know when something is wrong is when the kids go screaming like mad beasts.

My question was answered when I saw Wyatt standing over me smiling. "Hey baby," he said going down and kissing me on the lips. This was strange. The last thing I expected was him to come home this early. Usually he'd be in the Underworld by now.

"Hey Wyatt," I responded with a little slur since I was tired. "What are you doing home so early?" I asked sitting up so I could see him better.

He shrugged. "I decided not to go demon hunting today, since I've been spending way to much time down there and I haven't spent enough time with you and the kids," he answered. He came and sat down on the bed. "So I thought you, me and the kids could go see a movie, what do you say?"

"I'm sorry Wyatt, I'm tired, but don't let me stop you," I said not wanting the kids to suffer because of me. "Just you and the kids go and have a great time."

"You sure," he asked worried. "I mean I did this so I could spend time with not just the kids but with you too."

I can't believe he was putting me on a guilt trip. I was breaking but I couldn't do it. "I'm sure now go," I urged. "The kids are waiting."

Wyatt got off the bed and left the room. I stared up at the ceiling for awhile. Thirty minutes later Wyatt came back in. I thought he'd be at the movies right now. He walked over to where I was laying and started saying, "alright I've got the kids all in the car and they're ready to go so come on lets go," he said.

I looked at him with a peculiar look. "I'm sorry Wyatt but didn't I say that I wasn't going."

Wyatt froze before he finally nodded. "Yes you did but come on, you can't just not go especially since we haven't had much family time together so come on," he said as he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the bed.

I quickly pulled back, "look Wyatt I'm just not up for today."

"What do you mean," he frowned.

"I'm just tired alright," I said. "I'll come next time."

"No," he demanded. "You'll come this time now lets go the kids are waiting." He pulling my arm trying to get me out of bed without hurting me.

I jerked my arm away saying, "No Wyatt, I don't feel well."

"Why do you have to make things so hard," he asked frustrated.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You know exactly what I mean," he said as he temper started to get the best of him. "All of a sudden you're starting to drink milk and thats something you never do, then you're eating eggs with hot sauce, wearing baggy clothes, you and I never have sex anymore, oh and then you have emotional breakdowns, and not to mention you're constant vomiting and all you can say for it is that it must have been something you ate." Wyatt said wanting to have said that for a long time. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I answered instantly while looking down.

"No theres something going on here Chris, I'm not stupid," Wyatt said as he started getting louder.

"There's nothing going on, I promise," I said lying.

"Then why don't I believe you," he said. I didn't say anything back. What could I say. "Come on Chris, we're married you can tell me whats wrong," he asked and I remained silent. "Are you cheating on me?!"

"What?!" I asked upset by the fact that he would even think I would do something like that. "What would make you even think that."

"Oh I don't know, with all those times you've been spending with your old friend Robert Cooper," Wyatt said.

"You know I would never cheat on you," I said.

"Then what's going on," Wyatt asked for the millionth time.

"I can't tell you," I said. "Look the kids are in the car they're probably waiting on you so can you please go."

He came and sat on the bed and looked me right into the eyes. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whats going on," he asked. I stayed silent. I just wanted to tell him but I couldn't. "Come on Chris tell me what's going on?" I still said nothing. Wyatt was at his peak now. He got up and headed for the door. "You know what just forget it," he shook his head. "I knew you were cheating on me."

"I'M PREGNANT!" I shouted accidentally letting it slip out.

Wyatt froze at the door before turning back around and facing me. "What did you say?" he asked in a serious tone.

"I'm...pregnant," I repeated.

Wyatt stood there for awhile before he headed towards the door and walked out of it this time. I waited for him to come back in but I knew it wasn't going to be for awhile since I heard his car pulling out of the drive way. I knew he was going to need some time to process all of that. He hasn't even heard the rest of it about Robert being his son. Just thinking about how he just walked out when hearing that I was pregnant, who knows how he's going to react when he finds out about Robert is his son and there's another power of three. I know next time we talk I have to tell him everything.

I heard his car finally pull in the drive way. There were a few door slams but I knew it must have been him trying to get all three of the kids out of the car. He slowly came into the house carrying Prue and holding Patsy's hand. Ryan was hyped up so he was basically walking on his own. Wyatt quietly led each of them to their rooms and put them to sleep. He finally walked into the bedroom where I was still laying down. He didn't even look at me as he undressed himself down to his boxers.

Once he was finally undressed he got in bed, facing the opposite way of me. He didn't say a word the whole time he was in here. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder but he pulled away. I could tell he was still angry I mean who wouldn't be. Just finding out that you have another child and no one has even told you about it. He sore of felt stupid though. How could he not notice with all the vomiting and all the emotional breakdowns and everything.

"So," I said trying to make conversation. "How was the movie," I asked not really caring about the movie. I just wanted Wyatt to talk to me. I hate seeing him like this. Now I know how it feels when the one person you love isn't talking to you.

After a few minutes of my pleading Wyatt started talking to me but just slightly. "It was fine, I guess," he grunted. He still was turned away from me.

I sighed thinking it was probably a mistake to tell him like this ,but I couldn't have him thinking that I was cheating on him. That's the worst feeling in the world to think that someone you love is cheating on you. Especially if its the person who've you devoted the rest of your life to.

I tried to snuggle closer to him, but he just moved away. "Were the kids alright," I asked still trying.

"The were fine, no thanks to you!" He snapped.

"Can we talk about this," I begged. He didn't answer. "Please," I said finally getting him to budge.

"Fine you want to talk," he said sitting up and facing me, "lets talk then." I could see all the anger in his eyes. I haven't seen him this angry in a long time. "I thought we promised never to keep secrets from each other, and you pull this," he yelled. "All this time I've been so worried about you because of all the vomiting and everything, but I come to find out that you're not sick at all. You're pregnant again!"

"Look Wyatt I know you're mad, but please let me explain," I asked, but he gave me no time to say anything.

"How many months are you," he questioned. I was to scared to answer so I remained silent. "How many months pregnant are you?!" he asked even louder this time, causing me to jump.

There was no avoiding the question this time. He was loud and clear and he wanted some answers and he wanted them now. "Three....months" I answered frightened.

"Three fucking months!" He shouted causing every bird that was around the house to quickly fly away. "So you lied to me that time I asked you if you were pregnant!"

"No," I quickly said. "I didn't know until a couple of weeks ago," I explained not wanting to make things even worse than they already were. "I didn't find out until Prue and Robert-"

"Robert!" Wyatt interrupted. "That guy you've been hanging out with who's suppose to have been your high school friend, though I never remember seeing him?" I nodded to answer the question still a little bit to frightened to speak. "What does that asshole have to do with this."

My body was filled with anger by that comment. He might not know that Robert is his son but he still has no right to talk about him that way. "Well that asshole you're talking about is your son!" I cried.

Wyatt nearly had a heart attack. "You mean to tell me that boy you've been hanging around with is my son," he asked. I nodded. "Great!" he shouted causing a change of mood from shocked to mad. "All this time I thought you were just pregnant early with Patrica, now I find out that you're pregnant with a boy." He shook his head in disappointment. "Anything else you want to tell me?"

"He's the one I'm pregnant with and you have another son named Richard in the future after Patty's born," I shrugged making it seem like it wasn't a big deal. Hopefully he won't be as mad if I don't make it sound all that bad.

"Okay there anything else," he asked wanting to know everything. I really got tired of explaining things but he had a right to know and maybe it would ease the tension, so I told him everything about the future. "You know what.....never mind," he said laying back down and turning away from me.

I started to massage his shoulders only this time he didn't push me off. He just let me. "Wyatt, I'm sorry," I said apologetically. I hated him being like this. "Can you please forgive me?" I begged.

He turned to face me and I gave him the puppy dog eyes. He knew he couldn't resist the look. I looked so adorable to him. He smiled saying, "of course I can," he as he put his arms around me. I started to move into the embrace but Wyatt pause. "But hey, lets get one thing clear here," he said and I looked up at him. "You can't keep anymore secrets like that from me, especially if its something serious like you're pregnant."

"I promise," I said. I cuddled up closer to him and he kissed me on the forehead. "Now that you're not so mad at me I guess this would be a great time to say that we have a doctors appointment tomorrow to check on the baby," I smiled.

"Doctors appointment?!" He said furious since it meant that he'd have to come with.

"Don't worry its with a witch doctor so there won't be anything weird going on," I assured. He didn't like the idea of turning me into a girl very much so I knew I had to get a witch doctor instead of a normal one.

"Fine, but I'm not happy about it," he said as he started drifting off to sleep.

"I knew you weren't going to be so thats why I waited till now to tell you," I said. I could hear he was almost asleep. "I love you Wyatt."

"Love you too ang-" he muttered as he finally went to sleep.

He looked like an angel just sleeping there. I finally went to sleep not too much longer after him.


Wyatt heard the alarm go off and he quickly woke up. He looked at the time and knew that the doctors appointment was in three hours and we still haven't even gotten the kids up and gotten them ready yet. He figured he'd leave the kids with Piper since they wouldn't want to be at the doctors office.

He rested his chin on my head saying, "Chris its time to get up!"

"mmmm" was all I could say.

"Come on baby, you have to get up," he said as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Tell me again, whats so good about being pregnant if you can't even sleep in until whatever time you want," I asked as I slowly started to open my eyes.

"Well lets see, oh I know, you get to have a beautiful baby boy with the person you love most," he smiled.

"Oh so that means I get to have a baby with Paul McCarthy then don't I," I said as I started to sit up and stare into his blue eyes.

Wyatt frowned, "Paul McCarthy is the one you love most," he asked in a mad tone.

"I'm just kidding," I said as I started laughing. The sudden change on Wyatt face just looked so funny I couldn't help it. Wyatt was still frowning a little. "Calm down, you know the one I love most is you. Are you sure you're not the pregnant one because you have sudden mood swings that come faster than mine," I said as I continued to laugh. He still had a small frown on his face, but I knew what would cheer him up. I gave him a quick little kiss and his frown was turned upside down. I then pulled away from him and went straight to the closet.

Wyatt checked out my stomach. This was the first time he's seen it since I was always wearing a large shirt so that he couldn't see it. He noticed though that my stomach was larger than usual.

He came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind saying, "you know I'm pretty sure you're the pregnant one, I mean think about what you eat," he said referring to all the combinations of things I made with things that don't mix. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he went to looking for some clothes for him to put on.

"Give me a break, I mean don't all pregnant people eat stuff like that," I asked not expecting an answer. I quickly slipped on some jeans and a shirt that was a little tight and I found it weird because I wore that shirt when I was 3 months pregnant with Prue. "Hey Wyatt," I said getting his attention. "Do I look fat in this?"

"Oh no I'm not saying anything," he protested. "Last time I said something when you were pregnant I ended up on the couch," Wyatt said as he started to put on his clothes.

"Alright I'm going to go get the kids and go to breakfast at the manor with Aunt Piper so catch up when you can," I said as I started heading for the door. I opened it and looked back at Wyatt one last time. It takes him forever to get dressed for some reason. "Is there anything you need before I go," I asked. He shook his head. "Okay then I'm off to breakfast," I said as I left the room.

"Yeah, and I bet you're going to eat it all too," he said as he started laughing to himself.

"I heard that!" I shouted causing Wyatt to instantly stop laughing. I would have gotten him back for that comment but I had too much to do at the moment. I quickly got the kids up and changed their diapers and got them dressed and packed their baby bags. The whole time the kids kept begging for my attention. I had to hold Prue and tell Ryan and Patience to grab hands for me to orb them both to the manor.

Once I orbed to the manor I got dizzy and started wobbling around in circles. Luckily Piper walked in the room and she took Prue out of my hands before I dropped her with everywhere I was going.

"Chris, whats wrong with you," Piper asked as she started to rock Prue back and forth, because she started crying.

I started to get back to normal. "Yeah umm I think the baby is causing me to go dizzy every time I orb," I explained. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed. This isn't the first time I came in the manor like that.

"You might want to get that checked out with the doctor today," she said rubbing me on the back. She finally turned her attention to the other kids. "How are my grandkids doing," Piper asked in a baby voice as she kneeled down to their level. She kissed them both on the forehead before she started leading us to the kitchen. "So have you told Wyatt yet?"

"Yeah," I said rolling my eyes just thinking about last night.

"How did he take it?"

"Lets just say better than I expected." The last thing I wanted to do was tell Piper everything that occurred last night.

We finally made it to the kitchen and the whole family was there. I wasn't surprised since everyone spends more time at the manor than they do at their own house. Even grown up Prue and Ryan were there now that they didn't have anything to hide.

"Hi mom!," Both Prudence and Robert said in unison.

"Hey guys," I said as I took a seat next to Robert. Ryan ran over to Henry and jumped into his lap while Patience ran over and jumped into Phoebe's lap. Piper continued holding Prue, even though she could sit in a baby chair Piper just liked to hold her. "Robert can I ask you something?"

"You just did but sure go ahead," he said as he was eating his pancakes.

"Don't get smart with me," I warned him. "You might be older than me but I'm still your parent," I said and he rolled his eyes. I raised an eyebrow causing him to to say 'sorry'. "Now why is it that you make me dizzy every time I orb?"

He shrugged his shoulders saying, "I don't know, I guess I just have that effect," he said as he continued eating.

I shook my head. I then caught sight of my favorite breakfast food. Eggs. I grabbed a plate and filled it up with eggs and then I grabbed some mustard and poured it all over them and then threw on some jelly beans before I started eating it. "Just the way I like them," I said as put a fork full of them to my mouth.

"That's sick," Robert muttered trying to make sure I didn't hear him but he was mistakened.

"Shut up or I'll ground you as soon as you're born," I snapped not knowing what came over me and caused me to yell at my own son like that.

"I'm sorry mom," he said not even looking at me. He just looked at his food.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that," I said as I hugged him.

"Its okay, I know its just the hormones," he said. I looked at him confused wondering how he knew that. "Remember you do have three other kids after me so I've seen you snap like that before."

I felt even worse now knowing what I did in the future. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you those other times either."

"Don't worry," he said. "You never snapped at me or any of my brothers or sisters no matter how bad your hormones got," he explained. "You basically snapped at dad all the time. I sure felt sorry for him or am going to feel for him with how much you yell at him."

"Oh don't worry," Paige said coming in. "You can see that just about anytime that they're around each other," she said causing everyone to laugh. "Speaking of Wyatt where is he?"

"He'll be here any moment," I said as I got more eggs and covered them with even more syrup and even more jelly beans. "Wyatt takes to long to get ready so I thought I'd come ahead."

"Are you talking about me," Wyatt said as he came kissed me on the forehead and pulled up a chair next to me. He grabbed a plate and put some pancakes on it.

"Yeah I'm just telling everyone how bad of a husband you are," I smiled and he just shook his head and gave the 'whatever' look. "How long have you been there, I didn't even hear you orb in," I said.

"I decided to orb in through the living room," he said as he started pouring syrup on his pancakes. He then looked at my plate and gave a look of disgust. "How can yo eat that," he asked. I got so mad I stuck my fork in the table so hard it made hole, and slowly started turning towards him giving him an 'I am about to blow you up' glare. Wyatt wished his could take it back. "I mean umm," he said trying to think of a way out of it. "How can you eat that without some peanut butter, isn't that you're favorite topping," he said not really wanting to see that but he had to think of a way to get out of this.

I looked up for a moment and thought about it. "You know you're right," I said getting up and heading for the pantry. Wyatt sighed in relief knowing he was off the hook until he said something stupid again. I sat back down next to him with a cup of peanut butter and a spoon. I started eating it straight out the cup and not even putting it on the eggs.

Wyatt who saw me eating all this peanut butter had finally had enough. He knew it wasn't healthy for me to be eating all of that especially since we have to go see a doctor soon. He thought for a moment about what I'd do if he tried to take that peanut butter from me and that's whats scared him, but then he knew I probably wouldn't kill him. "Give me that!" Wyatt shouted as he grabbed the cup from me. "You've had enough for today," he said.

I gave him the angry look again and he only smirked at me. "Come on Wyatt please, I've only had five spoon fulls," I begged but Wyatt didn't budge at all. "You know you're a pain," I snapped.

"Thats you're opinion," he said as he went to the pantry and set the peanut butter in the pantry. He didn't care what I thought about him, actually he did but he knew I was having bad hormones so I'd probably say some things that I don't mean. He sat back down and began eating again. "These are some good pancakes," Wyatt said.

"Tell us something we don't know Wyatt," I said.

"Can it Chris," Wyatt said since it was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Okay I will," I sniffed. I was now having another emotional break down. This is the third time this week that Wyatt has made me cry.

"Oh Chris I'm sorry," he said as he pulled me into a hug. "I didn't mean it I was just kidding."

"I'm okay," I said.

"You sure," Wyatt asked trying to make sure.

"I'm sure," I repeated and he finally let me go.

"Okay then," he said as he went back to eating. I just got up and headed out of the kitchen. "Chris where are you going, baby?"

"To get some sleep in our old bed," I said as I continued walking. "I'm tired."

Wyatt sighed. He knew he had to go get me since we had a doctors appointment in an hour and its hard to make an appointment with a witch doctor these days so it'd be even harder to reschedule. He really didn't want to go through that same trouble he with Robert that he had with Prue, with me passing out all the time. He actually wanted to take proper care of me from the start not wait until I was six months and then start.

He slowly walked up the stairs and into our old bed room. He didn't miss it that much. Our new room was bigger. He looked at our old bed and saw that I was already asleep. 'Looks like our argument last night wore him out' Wyatt thought as he smiled at the sight of me sleep.

He got into bed next to me and shook me saying, ""

"What?" I slurred.

"You have to wake up, we have a doctors appointment in an hour," he said as he kissed me on the lips.

"Come on Wyatt please," I said slurring every word not opening my eyes. "We have an hour can I at least sleep for thirty minutes?"

"I guess you can but remember you have to get up in thirty minutes," he reminded me and I nodded in agreement. He kissed me one finally time before leaving.

45 minutes later........

"Chris..." Wyatt said trying to wake me again.

"Yeah," I said as I started opening my eyes.

"We have fifteen minutes before we're suppose to leave so you have to get up baby," Wyatt said rubbing me on the back.

"Okay," I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Are you gonna be alright," Wyatt asked concerned

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I said as I got up and headed to the bathroom. Wyatt waited outside of the bathroom for me to come out. I made sure I was out in less than five minutes since I knew if I wasn't he was going to come in.

"Ready to go," he asked. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and orbed us out.


I patiently waited for the doctor to come in. Wyatt and I sat down in the room. Nothing was said really. He was holding my hand in his as we both waited for the witch doctor to come in.

"You know I'm curious as to how Robert would make his appearance if you don't have a c-section," Wyatt stated breaking the silence. "You know I was thinking what about an-"

"No Wyatt the answer is no," I said completely stopping him from finishing that statement. Just the other day he suggested that maybe I could have an anal birth, but that was out of the question. No way or no how was that going to happen. "Now zip it." I didn't even want to think about it

The door opened and in came the witch doctor Ava. "Good morning guys," she said sweetly and started looking at he pad. "Alright so I've done some tests and everything seems to be fine but I'm going to do an ultra sound before you guys leave," she stated as she checked off things on the paper. "The baby's birth should be nice and smooth."

"Okay so I have a question," Wyatt said causing her to look up. "When you say birth how do you think he'll be born?"

"Well for a male witch, the baby will probably be born through an anal," she started.

"No!" I shouted before she could say the whole thing. "No...we're doing a c-section like we did with Prue!"

"Oh come on baby it'll be an experience," Wyatt suggested as he smiled at me.

"Yeah and my foot up your ass will be one too," I said as I jerked my hand away from Wyatt's and pushed my chair away from his.

Wyatt shook his head. He was so tired of all my mood swings. "We'll take the c-section," Wyatt said nodding.

Ava smiled. This isn't the first time she's seen this before and she knows this isn't going to be the last. "Okay then we have to schedule this pretty soon since the baby is growing pretty fast, no telling when it'll be here."

"Yeah we should, I didn't just go out and buy new baby stuff for nothing and it had to be all blue this time," Wyatt said and I gave him a glare. "What? I didn't even do anything this time!"

"Yes you did," I said back coldly. "You were being a dumb ass," I stated in my angry voice.

"I thought I was an asshole," he said reminding me of what I called him last time he made me mad.

"You're both in my book."

"I'm going to let you two talk about a date and I'll be right back with the ultra sound," Ava said smiling before she left the room.

Wyatt then all of a sudden had a question and he had to ask it. "So I was wondering do you think you're gonna breastfeed like you did with Prue?"

"What?" I shouted as I got off the chair causing it to fall down from me jumping up so quickly.

"I was just thinking that you know maybe since you did it with Prue maybe you should do it with Robert too," Wyatt suggested.

"Are you trying to make me a girl?" I asked.

"Judging by the way the baby's coming out, no," he said as he smirked.

"That's it you're having Patrica and Richard," I said.

"Hello I can't, because I'm twice blessed remember," Wyatt said. "Only you, Chris, and other male witches can conceive kids, but I'm the only exception," he explained.

"Oh really? Well guess what, I'll make a spell for you to carry them both and you'll see how it feels to be pregnant, you got that," I shouted.

Wyatt scowled and shook his head. "I'm not carrying them or giving birth," he said one last time before he ignored the rest of my argument.


The witch doctor had her machinery on my stomach examining the baby. This wasn't too much different from going to a normal doctor except that a witch doctor could tell you the sex of the baby when its three months instead of six.

"Everything looks fine to me," she said. "Except it seems as though you're baby is growing faster than usual."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Well you said you were three months right?" she asked. "Well from the look of your stomach, and please don't take offense to this, it seems as though you're five months pregnant."

"So are you saying my baby is growing two months ahead of where its suppose to be," I asked a little frightened.

"Yes but your baby seems to be in perfect health," she assured me. "Its just growing faster thats all."

"Do you think its going to be born two months early," I asked.

"I'm almost positive it will be," she said.

"Will it be premature?"

"No that's the last thing you have to worry about," she answered. "I promise your baby is going to be perfectly healthy," she smiled and looked back at the screen. "So do you guys want to know the sex of your baby."

"Yeah!" Wyatt said.

She took another good look at the screen. "Congratulations it looks like you're having a baby boy," she said.

"Can you print that ultra sound out for us," I asked since I remembered wanting an ultra sound picture from all of my kids.

"Sure thing," she said as she started going to work on it.


Wyatt orbed us back to the manor. He did most of the orbing from now on because I get dizzy every time I orb and I don't feel like getting dizzy anytime soon. He orbed us upstairs. I really don't know why he did but he did. I still have that picture of the ultra sound. I was holding it as Wyatt and I walked downstairs seeing the whole family chatting.

"So how'd it go," Piper asked as she caught sight of us coming in the room.

"It was great, except Robert over here will be born two months early and don't ask why but that's just about it," I said. I then turned to Robert who came and stood next to me. "Oh yeah and Robby we know that you're a boy," I said.

"How?" Prue asked as she stood up and came next to Robert.

"Here take a look," I said handing her the ultra sound picture.

Prudence took a good look at it and she still didn't know what I was talking about. "Mom, how can you tell he's a boy?"

"Oh easy," I said as I took the picture from her. "You see this small thing right here," I said pointing to the lower area of the picture.

"Mom! Please!" Robert shouted as he grabbed the picture. He had the look of embarrassment on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Could you please not show this," he said.

"Alright, but I really don't see what the big deal is," I shrugged back. I then looked around the room and noticed some faces were missing. "Hey where are Chris and Peter?"

"In their room trying to clean it up," Piper replied. "You know its taken them a pretty long time maybe someone should go check on them," Piper suggested.

"I will," I said being the first one to volunteer. I headed up the stairs and went straight towards Chris's room. I knocked on it but there was no answer. "Chris you in there," I asked, but got no answer. I started to worry. "Chris can you please answer me or I'm coming in!" I shouted, but there still was no answer. I didn't know what to do so I slowly opened the door and the sight I saw almost made me vomit. "Oh my goodness!" I shouted as I covered my eyes.

Peter was on top of Chris with noting on except his boxers and Chris was just laying there letting Peter kiss him wherever while he was just in his towel. They must have just gotten out of the shower together because Chris is still wearing a towel and his hair is all wet and so is Peter's. Chris and Peter were really pissed off since I had just interrupted them in the midst of their love making. This is probably the third time I've done this within the past year.

"Evans could you please knock," Chris screamed not moving from his spot. I'm sure he was pretty comfortable where he was at so he just turned his so he could talk to me.

I quickly turned around not wanting to see anymore. Basically I was talking to them with my back turned. "I tried to but looks like you guys were too busy doing your own thing to even hear me," I said back angry. I know I interrupted him but hey I did knock and wait for a long time and what is a big brother suppose to do if his younger brother doesn't answer the door. "I even warned you guys before I came in."

"Too late for that now isn't it?" Chris said. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," with that said I quickly shut the door and let them go back to what they were doing.

Peter buried his face into Chris's skin and started to inhale his sweet vanilla scent. "Now where were we," Peter said to Chris as he softly kissed him. Chris smiled into Peter's lips and kissed him back. Peter slowly removed Chris's towel from his waist and Chris just laid there baring it all causing Peter to smile transfixed by the sight. "Beautiful, just beautiful," Peter whispered on Chris's lips. He broke for air and took this time to stare at every part of Chris's body before he started kissing all over his gorgeous skin. "So nice," Peter added causing Chris to moan as he pulled Peter back up and pulled him into a kiss. It felt so good.

Peter was not even close to being done with Chris. He wanted to taste every part of him that he could. He kept repeating his earlier action. He slowly moved down and licked Chris's wet dick, and started to suck greedily on it and heard Chris's whimpers causing him to suck more reverently. Chris's hand grabbed Peter's hair and started to push him down further onto his manhood. Chris could feel the pressure building up and with a very load moan he came inside Peter's inviting mouth and Peter swallowed every drop.

"Peter," Chris said as he kissed Peter on the lips and he came back up to him with a grin on his face, "I need more," he begged and Peter smiled at him. How could he deny it since he wanted so much more or Chris too. Peter began leaving buttery kisses all over Chris's neck.

Peter then slowly got off of Chris, not wanting to and pulled off his boxers. He then went over to the door and locked it to make sure they wouldn't be disturbed. When he looked back at the angel before him it made his shaft go from hard to solid rock within seconds.

He then came back and approached Chris and laid back on top of him causing even more friction on their dicks as their skin rubbed against each other. Peter reached over on the nightstand for the lube and applied it to his fingers as he continued to kiss Chris wherever he could.

"Oh Chris, I want you so bad," Peter muttered as he stuck his fingers inside of Chris that moaned in pleasure. "I want to feel you...I love you so much."

He finally replaced his fingers with his long hard shaft and entered Chris slowly wanting to make this an experience to remember since they barely got any time alone now a days. He moved in and out of Chris causing him to draw him nearer to his body. Chris's legs were wrapped around Peter's waist and he could only moan in pleasure at all that Peter was causing him to feel. He loved this feeling of Peter inside of him.

"I love you, I love you," they both kept saying the whole time. Chris kissed Peter hungrily, sucking on his tongue that moaned deeply in his mouth. They continued all of this love making for minutes taking their time before Peter's thrust became thicker and quicker filled with need and longing as they kept their eye contact.

Finally they both couldn't control themselves any longer and the pressure started to build and they both couldn't stop the cries of pleasure that came from their mouth as they both shouted each other's names. They embarrassed and Peter kissed Chris hungrily and domineeringly as though he was marking his territory on Chris. They were both shivering from the extent of their orgasm and both their bodies were covered in sweat. Peter quickly licked all over Chris and cleaned up all the semen on his body that was in sight and they just laid there too tired to move and not even really wanting to.

Peter didn't pull out, he just didn't want to as he laid on top of Chris. He started sucking on his neck while Chris had his eyes closed tiredly. He yawned and smiled sleepily as he laid in Peter's arms while he fell into a deep sleep.

Peter felt Chris's legs go limp so he finally pulled out making sure not to wake Chris. He then stretched out on Chris's side and rested Chris's head on his chest and his arms went around him and Chris snuggled into him more.

Soon I returned downstairs not even wanting to know what they were doing in their room. Everyone was still there as usual and Robert wasn't letting anyone see the ultra sound since he was embarrassed. I'm surprise because Prue didn't seem all that embarrassed by hers. I don't even have one of Ryan and Patience but that's for a good reason.

"So how'd it go?" Piper asked as I came back down.

"They're busy and they said to come back later," I replied sarcastically causing everyone to know just what I was talking about.

"To bad we can't wait," Wyatt said as he looked at his watch. "I have practice in an hour and tomorrow is our last game so hope to see you all there since it will be here," Wyatt said. "The whole team will be on a flight to come here in three hours and we're gonna have a practice before hand so come on Chris we have to go," Wyatt said as he took Ryan from Robert.

"Why do I have to go,"I asked. It wasn't like I was on the football team. Most of the time if I wasn't at school I was home with the kids.

"Because I don't want to leave you at the manor since there are so many demon attacks," he responded causing me to roll my eyes. His little possessive thing was really trying my patience. "So come on grab the kids," he requested.

I reluctantly went over and got Prue from Piper and grabbed Patience's hand and went over to Wyatt and he gave them all one last goodbye before he orbed us all out and back to our house. I looked at him and he just shrugged. "Fine, I'll put the kids to sleep for their nap," I said. I walked up the stairs and Ryan followed along with Patience.

The door bell rang as I made my way upstairs. "I'll get it!" Wyatt shouted. He opened the door and there appeared his friend on the football team Xander. "He dude what's up," Wyatt said as he shook his hand and let him in.

"Nothing much," Xander answered. "I figured we better get to practice before coach yells at us, and I thought I could orb back to New York with you since I have no other way," Xander asked and Wyatt nodded. "so hows your pregnant husband?" Xander asked.

He was Wyatt's new best friend and it was okay that he knew about everything because he's a witch himself. He was a shape shifter witch meaning he could copy anyone's appearance. Xander was the first guy Wyatt met on the football team and just one day out of the blue Wyatt saw him using his power and Xander was scared for a moment but Wyatt told him everything about him being a witch also and how he was a charmed one and how he was married to me and had kids. Xander really had no problem with Wyatt being gay at all. He just thought it was funny hearing about me and my mood swings. Wyatt basically told him everything. Whenever Wyatt would go demon hunting that's who he went with and a few other witches he met in the school. Though Xander was happy to have met Wyatt since he felt it was an honor to meet a Charmed One. He said that the Charmed Ones are famous throughout the whole magical world.

"Oh he's fine we just got back from the witch doctor a couple of hours ago," Wyatt said. He then got closer to Xander and whispered in his ear. "He's a little moody, so you might want to be careful."

"I HEARD THAT!" I shouted from upstairs. I was lying in bed. Even thought I might be upstairs I'm still an empath and I do have the power to listen in whenever I want. "You keep talking and you might want to be the careful one!"

"Lets go check on him," Wyatt suggested as him and Xander headed up the stair. Wyatt slowly walked in to see me lying on the bed.

"What do you want," I asked angrily. It was partly my hormones yelling at him but then again it wasn't. I was so mad that he made me put three kids to sleep by myself.

"Nothing," he said as he came and sat on the foot of the bed. "I just came to check on you is that a crime," he asked.

"I guess it isn't!" I said not even looking at him. I picked up the remote and turned on the TV to watch my favorite show.

Not too much longer Xander walked in and his eyes went straight to my stomach seeing how huge it was at only three months. "Whoa!" He shouted causing me to glare at him. "I mean whoa you so cool," he said.

It didn't take an empath to see that he was lying. "Wyatt get your friend out of here before I blow him up!" Wyatt quickly escorted Xander out of the room. He knew I would do it too since I've gotten angry enough to blow up Chris a couple of times. Thank goodness Chris is a whitelighter so he can rejuvenate.

Wyatt came back over and pressed his lips against mine. "You know maybe we can have some fun before practice." He tried to make out with me but I pulled away from him in the middle of a kiss. "What's wrong?"

"The baby, Wyatt," I reminded him.

"Its not going to hurt him you see we did it while you were pregnant with Prue and she turned out fine," Wyatt said. He's sex starved really bad and he'd do almost anything to get it since its been almost a month.

"Sorry Wyatt, but maybe thats why the baby is growing so fast," I suggested just trying to get out of it. "Plus don't you have practice?"

Wyatt sighed. "You know you're always a party spoiler," he said as he gave me one last kiss before he started to leave. "Is there anything you need before I go?" I shook my head. "Alright then I'll be back in a few hours," he said closing the door behind him.


"Halliwell! Smith! You're late," the coach shouted and the guys looked at each other scared knowing they were in serious trouble.

"Sorry coach, the traffic was really bad," Xander said thinking it would get them out of trouble.

"How come everyone else made it here on time," he asked.

"Because we had to stop, since I had to pee," Xander said.

"Well you're gonna run until you don't have to pee anymore! 15 laps," the coach demanded.

Wyatt and Xander immediately started jogging. Wyatt slowed down since Xander wasn't as fast and he wanted to jog with him and not in front of him. "This sucks, you just had to pee didn't you!" Wyatt scolded.

"I'm sorry, I drink a lot of water," Xander snapped and Wyatt just growled.

"Yeah well water or no water you could have waited but no you had to go flirt with that girl for I don't know, 30 minutes," Wyatt yelled angry.

"I'm sorry," Xander said. "She was a bitch anyway...she rejected me," he sighed under his breath but Wyatt heard him.

"You made us late only to get rejected by a girl!" Wyatt cried as he and Xander started to slow down. "I should have just orbed here without you."

"Oh well but you didn't," Xander said laughing.

"That'll be 20 laps for slowing down!" The coach shouted at the two teens.

"Thanks a lot slow poke," Wyatt said as he picked up the pace and so did Xander. "It can't get any worse can it?"

He spoke to soon. Right then some cheerleaders headed over to talk to the coach. Wyatt nearly passed out when he saw his ex-girlfriend Sandra. Sandra was his first before he found out he was gay. After he broke up with her she was still obsessed with him and now that she's here she's probably going to make his life a living hell.

"What did I do to deserve this?!" Wyatt shouted as he kept on jogging along.

"Dude whats the problem?" Xander asked and Wyatt pointed over to the blonde cheerleader talking to the coach. "Is that Sandra the girl you were talking to me about the other day?"

"No duh," Wyatt snapped as he kept moving while his coach kept yelling at him and Xander to pick up the pace. "Now looks like I might end up with getting in trouble with my husband soon."

"Why just because she's here," Xander asked. "Don't worry about her, I mean she probably doesn't even know you go here."

"Yeah well you don't know her like I do, she's going to keep trying to win me over just you watch and see," Wyatt said.


I finally fed the kids their dinner, gave them a bath, and put them to bed again. They actually cooperated this time. I was so happy that they didn't put up a fight that I decided to go downstairs and relax on the couch until Wyatt comes home. I slowly proceeded down the stairs and all of a sudden the front door opened and in came Wyatt. He looked worn out.

"Wow Wyatt looks like you got in a fight with a bull dozer and lost pretty badly," I joked laughing as I continued walking down the stairs.

"You know what...I don't care," he said. Must have been a hard day. Wyatt usually doesn't take insults like that from me. He went into the living room and collapsed on the couch. I thought I'd play with him to cheer him up so I came and sat on top of his back. "Get off of me!" He shouted.

I quickly got up. "Sorry am I too fat to be on top of you since I'm only three months?"

"No I'm just tired and I'm not up for anything right now," he said as he sat up. I took the opportunity to go behind the couch and start massaging his broad shoulders. "Aw yeah that feels good," he groaned. "Don't stop," he demanded.

"So what made your day so bad," I asked as I kept massaging Wyatt's shoulders.

Wyatt was so caught up in the massage that he barely even heard what he was saying. "Nothing, except I find out that my ex is now a cheerleader at our school," he said without even knowing.

I tightened my grip on his shoulders. "Oh really?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing going on between me and her," Wyatt assured me and I didn't have no reason not to believe him. I then loosened my grip back on his shoulders and started massaging him gently again.

"There better not be," I warned.

"Don't worry there isn't," Wyatt said as he grabbed my arm to stop massaging him and smile. "The only one I want something going on with is you baby," he said as he got up and started brushing his lips against mine. He slid his hand down to my backside and I could feel his hard on right there against my thigh.

I pushed him away knowing where this was leading. "Wyatt I thought you said you were too tired for anything?"

"I know but I'm never too tired for sex," he smirked as he pushed his lips back against mine but I pushed him off again. "What now come on?"

"No Wyatt I think you need to get some sleep since you have a game tomorrow," I said as I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. He pouted the whole way up but I didn't care. Its not like I don't deal with pouting when I have the kids with me and if it doesn't work with them it surely won't work with him.


"Come on," Wyatt said for the fifth time. He was just standing in the door way with his black wife beater on and some black basketball shorts and he also had his football bag on his shoulder. I was laying in bed since being pregnant makes me tired all the time, but this time I'm even more sleepy with Robert than I was with Prue.

"I can't Wyatt maybe next year," I said turning over so that my back was up.

"Why can't you?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm tired, this baby is making me sleep a lot," I stated starting to slur.

Wyatt walked over to the bed and grabbed my arm and tried pulling me out of the bed but I was being resistant. "Come on, I don't want you here by yourself," he whispered as he rubbed me on the back trying to get me to wake up. "I want to be able to keep an eye on you so no demons will attack," he said trying to pull me out of bed but I still stayed there. "One more time before I orb you to the car," Wyatt warned.

I quickly jumped out of bed and left the room. Wyatt smiled and followed. I hate being orbed since every time I orb somewhere I get even more woozy and I just didn't feel like going through it today. Baby Robert on the other hand loved it. Every time I'd try to orb somewhere he'd play a little trick and orb me somewhere else. Its gotten so bad to where Wyatt has to orb me everywhere I need to go.

I had to ride in the car with Chris and Peter. We mostly had to carpool a lot since there wasn't going to be a lot of parking spots. The kids were riding with Paige and her family and Piper and Leo were riding with Phoebe and her family. That just left me riding with Chris and Peter. Peter was the driver since no one else felt like driving.

Wyatt was kind enough to open the door for me to let me in. "Hey I've got to get back to the hotel before I get in trouble for being out during a game," Wyatt said. The whole team had to arrive at the stadium together so Wyatt had to ride the bus. "Do you need anything," he asked and I shook my head to tired to speak. "Okay then," he said giving me a quick kiss before he closed the door. "If you need me just call. He then just orbed out.


I sighed as I watched the game. I was to tired to even watch a lot of what was going on and I keep drifting off but waking right back up every time I hear the large crowd cheering. I turned to see everyone in the family cheering even our little kids were standing up screaming.

I got up and started to leave and Chris stopped me. "Hey bro where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," I answered. "I have to take a leak, remember being pregnant and all does that to you," I said as I continued walking to the bathroom. It was empty which surprises me with how many people who are at the game. I unzipped my pants took a leak and I was just about done when I heard a voice behind me.

"Christopher Evans," he said. I quickly zipped up my pants and turned around to see the person that was there. I didn't recognize the guy and neither did I know him. It just seemed weird to me that some random stranger who knows my name came up and talked to me while I was in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry have we met," I asked.

"The names Kevin," he said with a grin. "And no we haven't me, but I know you though," he said as he started approaching me. "You're that guy who's married to Wyatt Halliwells aren't you?"

I shrugged and replied saying, "I guess why?"

"I've been following you around," he said with a smirk. He started getting closer until he was within 4 inches of me. "You know he's cheating on you?"

"Really? With who?!" I shouted with my temper rising.

"His ex-girlfriend Sandra," he answered.

"What?" I screamed in disbelief. I shook my head saying, "no he wouldn't do that to me," I said. "He's the one who told me about her coming here anyway so I know he wouldn't tell me about her and then come cheat on me with her. He wouldn't"

"Oh but he is," Kevin said as he got even closer to me. I started backing up but I found myself hitting a wall. "I'd never cheat on you," he whispered as he pushed me even further into the wall and pushing his lips against mine.

My first reaction was to use magic but I had to remember that he wasn't a demon, so I couldn't. I quickly pushed him off and punched him in the face causing him to hit the ground. "Are you crazy!" I cried out. "I'm married," I said flashing him the ring on my finger. "And I don't believe you when you say Wyatt's cheating because he wouldn't do that to me and even if he was doesn't give me the right to do it back to him. Now get out of my sight!" I shouted causing the guy to get up and run. His nose was dripping with blood.

I was a freaked out. Did I just cheat on Wyatt? No, the guy forced himself on me. Now I'm going to have to tell Wyatt about this, but the moment I do Wyatt is probably going to kill him being the possessive guy he is. So maybe I shouldn't tell him. Wait I have to since I promised there wasn't going to be anymore secrets.

I walked out of the bathroom stall and headed straight back to where the family was. The whole time I was sweating so nervous about what just happened. The game was at half time and about to start third quarter. I came and sat back down just in time for the kick off. When I sat down I didn't even look at anyone. I didn't want them all to see the expression on my face.

Chris being the empath that he is could sense there was something wrong. "Hey bro you okay," he asked causing everyone to look at me.

I swallowed and panted saying, "yeah I'm fine."

"You sure," he asked.

"I'm sure," I said. I couldn't take it anymore. For most of the third quarter they kept looking at me and I couldn't bare to look at them with what happened. I got up and started walking away only to be stopped by Piper.

"Evans where are you going, the game is still on," Piper asked.

"I think I'm gonna go home," I said. "I really don't feel well."

"Alright, but just call if you need something," Piper said and I nodded. I then waited a bit for Wyatt to look up. I waved at him to let him know I was leaving and he nodded. I didn't want to leave without letting him know. That will really get him worried. I was too scared to go orb from the bathroom so I went under the bleachers. I put my hand on my stomach to make sure Robert was asleep before he orbs me to the other side of the world. I then orbed back home and got undressed and went to sleep.


The next morning when I woke up I could feel strong arms around me. I smiled knowing it had to have been Wyatt. If it wasn't they'd be dead knowing how protective Wyatt is of me and how he won't even let anyone touch me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the alarm clock go off. I reached over and turned it off. I looked at the clock and it said 10:00 am. I quickly jumped out of bed. The family was having a special birthday party for Peter and it was going to be at noon and I haven't even gotten the kids up yet. I'm surprised they're not crying right now. They must be sleepy. No telling how long they were out last night.

"Wyatt," I whispered shaking him. I really didn't want to wake him. He looked like an angel just lying there naked in bed. "Come on Wyatt you have to wake up," I said as I mumbled a few words under my breath. I decided to gently crawly back in bed and lay soft kisses on his neck, chest, navel and finally reaching down to his soft member. Though he wasn't even hard he was still 5 inches. I took his manhood in my mouth and began sucking and licking on it hoping it would eventually wake him up. I could hear Wyatt groans, but he wasn't fully awake yet. Soon what I was doing finally woke Wyatt up, but he was slightly confused.

"Oh Chris..." Wyatt said encouraging it since he hasn't had this in awhile. He just loved this feeling. The feeling of my mouth around his member, the feeling of my hands caressing his skin, the great sensation he got from my lips as I was going up and down on his manhood. I realized that Wyatt was awake and I was going to stop but I knew Wyatt was enjoying this plus I owed him for making him wait a long time. "Chris.." Wyatt said as he put his hands through my hair. His body started to tense as the pleasure was getting even better. His groan started becoming louder and louder.

I just continued sucking his member which grew to 10 inches within a matter of minutes. I knew he was going to cum soon. He didn't even have to tell me as I could already taste the precum.

"Chris.." Wyatt moaned as he unloaded his huge orgasm in my mouth. I took in ever last drop of it.

I crawled out of bed saying with a smirk, "I thought that would wake you up."

"You were trying to wake me?" Wyatt asked confused. "You know giving me a blowjob isn't probably the best way to do so," he chuckled.

"Well it worked didn't it?" I said with that same smirk still on my face. Wyatt didn't have time to say nothing as we heard the kids start crying from their rooms. "How crazy is today going to be?"

"Very," Wyatt replied. "Come on we have to get the kids ready and you know they're going to be a handful," he said as he got out of bed and slipped some boxers on. "So which one do you want to take."

"I'll get the twins you just get Prue alright," I said and Wyatt nodded and we both went out separate directions.


Meanwhile back at the manor Peter had just woken up. Him and Chris had just had sex and Chris was all cuddled up against him. Peter learned over the year that Chris liked to cuddle up against him at night. Every morning Peter wakes up and Chris is cuddled up against him. And if he gets up Chris will move over to that spot where Peter was laying.

Peter looked down to see Chris looked like a cute little kid when he was sleeping. Peter has seen this a thousand times but he just finds it adorable. Chris moved a little closer to Peter before his eyes fluttered opened.

"Morning baby," Peter said gently kissing Chris on the forehead. "Time to get up?"

Chris buried his face in Peter's chest not wanting to get up. "Peter I don't want to get up," Chris mumbled. "I don't feel well," he said as he did a fake cough.

"Come on its Saturday and have you forgot what today is," Peter asked. Chris only mumbled but Peter couldn't understand. "Its my birthday so come on we have to get ready."

"We have time," Chris slurred not moving one bit.

"No we don't," Peter said looking at the clock. "The party starts in.....10 minutes!"

Chris's head then shot up. "You're kidding right?"

"Nope," Peter said as he shook his head.

Chris quickly climbed off of Peter and ran straight for the bathroom. He then heard Peter laughing and he looked at his watch and turned around. "You're such a liar," Chris said.

"Sorry babe I just had to," Peter said still laughing.

"I'm gonna kill you," Chris said as he jumped back onto the bed. "As soon as I get under the covers since its freezing out here."

"No way Jose," Peter said. "You say you're going to kill me and then you want to get under the sheets! I don't think so!"

"Come on please! I promise I'll make it up to you tonight since you know its your birthday," Chris said with a smirk. It worked somehow because Peter lifted the sheets and aloud Chris to get under. Chris then got on top of Peter and just laid on him for a few minutes while Peter rubbed his back. They both stayed like this until they drifted off into a deep sleep.

They were woken up by a loud bang at the door. The party! The both thought as they quickly got up. Peter slipped on some pants and a shirt on without any under clothes and Chris slipped on some pajama bottoms and a wife beater.

The both slowly walked to the door and opened it. Behind the door stood Piper. "Did I interrupt something?" She asked.

"Yes, we were just sleeping," Chris said from behind the door not even seeing his mother.

"What are you guys still doing sleep, its 12:00," Piper asked.

"Well we got in late didn't we?" Chris said trying to figure out an excuse Piper would buy.

"Okay," she said not wanting to argue. "You two need to hurry up and get ready because the guest are already starting to arrive so get a move on. Chop chop," she said as she headed back downstairs.

"Whew," Chris sighed as he grabbed his clothes from the closet and laid them on the bed. "That was close , now we really do have to get ready," Chris said. He then grabbed a towel and headed for the door. "I'm not taking a shower with you," Chris said turning around and pointing at Peter.

"Aw, come on why not," Peter asked following Chris out of the bedroom .

"Because if I do we'll never come out," Chris said walking in and shutting the door behind him before Peter could come in.

"Chris come on open up!" Peter shouted banging on the door.

"No!" Chris shouted as he began to turn on the water

"Please," Peter begged.

"No!" Chris repeated, but he was breaking.

"Just do this for me since its my birthday and I love you," Peter said and everyone downstairs heard and started laughing.

Chris finally opened the door saying, "just get in here already," he said.

"Yes!" Peter yelled in victory.

They finally came downstairs fifteen minutes later since Chris refused to do anything with Peter except a few kisses. Peter was wearing light blue jeans and red shirt while Chris wore a dark green shirt and some dark blue jeans. As they were coming down they were both holding hands. They all got a weird stare from the family.

"What?" Chris asked.

"You two are so adorable," Phoebe said smiling.

Chris just rolled his eyes at the comment. He then looked around and realized that someone was missing. "Hey where are Wyatt, Evans, and the kids?"

"They're on their way," Leo answered. "They have kids no so its going to take them awhile to do everything now." The room was filled with laughter about that last comment.


The kids actually behaved today when giving them a bath. Normally they're crazy but I don't know. I'm not complaining. When we made it to the manor it was about 1:00 so we were there an hour late. Peter was turning twenty seven which was a big number to the family, and I don't know why. We set the kids in the sun room to play with their toys except for Prue. She was still a baby only three months old so she couldn't play by herself yet.

Now it was time for Peter to blow out his candles on his birthday cake. Piper had made it from scratch. I was a little jealous wondering why she would never do that for me but oh well. Maybe in a few months she will since my birthday is in August and thats only around the corner.

"Make a wish!" Phoebe yelled.

Chris put his hand on his shoulder and almost fainted with a vision that he saw.


Tyler blew out his candles and dozens of demons appeared around the manor which were bounty hunters. They got a hold of Peter.

"No!" Chris shouted seeing Peter captured by the demons.

"Chris don't come after me!" Peter yelled as he was shimmered out with the demons.

End of vision...

"Chris," I said causing him to snap out of his vision. "Hey you okay," I asked. He didn't answer so I got even more worried. "Did you just have a premonition?"

"Yeah I did," Chris said hesitantly.

"What did you see?" Piper asked worried about her youngest son.

"Peter," Chris said trying to remember his premonition. "I saw him blowing out the candles and then some demons shimmered in and took him, but Peter told me to stay away," Chris said. He then looked right at Peter. "Why did you tell me that?"

Peter shook his head. "I might be older but I'm still a fire starter and I'm still on the run from the Source," Peter explained. "I just don't want you getting hurt over me."

"But-" Chris started.

"No Chris, I won't have it," Peter said and Chris knew he couldn't say anything to change his mind. Peter was about to blow out the candles but I stopped him.

"Wait a minute," I said. "I've got an idea," I said as I went to the sun room and picked up the kids and brought them into the living room. "But first the kids havet to go," I said looking at Coop. "Uncle Coop do you think you'll be able to keep the kids safe?"

"Sure," he said. I then urged the twins to go along with him. Piper gave him Prue and he also grabbed Melinda and Primrose. He then shimmered out with all the kids the way a cupid would.

"Okay now that the kids are safe," I said right after Coop went out. "Prue I need you to go stand next to your Uncle Peter and put up your shield once the demons come in."

"Do I have to," she complained like a three year old. "Why can't Robert do it?"

"Prue get over there right now or else you're going to time out," I demanded. Prue just sighed while Robert laughed. "Okay does everyone have their powers ready," I asked the final time and everyone nodded. "Ready set, blow out the candles," I said.

Peter quickly bent down and blew out the candles on his cake and in just like Chris's premonition dozens of demons appeared. Prue quickly put up her shield protecting Peter. I quickly shot out my hand causing fire to appear and burning a few demons to death. The attention was off Peter and the demons started giving an evil grin and coming after me. They figured if they couldn't capture a fire-starter surely a charmed one, pregnant with a baby would do. One shot an energy ball at me but I was quick enough to duck out of the way. Unfortunately it hit Chris causing him to go backwards. Suddenly out of nowhere that demon was on fire. I looked over to see it was Peter who did that.

Another demon started walking up right towards me. I conjured an athame ready for it but it shimmered away before I could stab it. It then appeared right behind me, but I felt it and quickly turned around and threw the athame at him, hitting him in the chest. Not too much longer after he blew up.

One more demon shimmered in behind me but this time I didn't even see it. All I heard was it blowing it. I immediately saw that it was Piper who did it. I was relieved to know that they all had my back even though they might be busy with their own demons.

"Spherix!" Peter shouted recognizing one of the demons. The demon then turned around and looked at him.

"So I see you remember me," he said smiling. "You know I was really coming after you but this Charmed One over here will make five times what you're worth," he said focusing all his attention on me. He conjured up a darklighter crossbow, which I was surprised because I thought only darklighters could do that, he then shot an arrow at me. It came right to my stomach but a green shield appeared causing the arrow to disappear.

Spherix then got even more angrier seeing that I had a baby's shield protecting me. "Nice try Charmed One but I've got something better for you," he said as he conjured an athame and hurled it my way.

I remembered how to use Robert's powers so I quickly lifted my hands and froze it in mid air and then blew it up. "Wow, Robert your powers do come in handy," I said towards him. I then looked back at Spherix. "Is that all you got," I said taunting him.

Spherix then got very angry. He shimmered out and came right behind me and launched an energy ball at me. I turned around but I wasn't quick enough. The energy ball hit the side of my arm. Whats with those energy balls always hitting me there. My arm was again bleeding badly. I felt so much pain that I knelt down to the ground.

"Chris!" Wyatt shouted as he saw all of this happen. Wyatt forgot everything around him and quickly headed for Spherix. He tackled him to the ground and started punching him hard. The weird things was Spherix was actually starting to feel that pain. Wyatt got distracted when he saw that I was still in pain, allowing Spherix to escape.

Things were just about to get better once Robert finally decided to step in. "Enough!" he yelled in a low tone voice. "Leave my family alone," he said holding up his hands and sending out a wave blowing up all the demons.

Wyatt quickly came to my side and helped me up off the ground. I removed my hand from my arm and orbs appeared around my wound and it was finally healed. "Are you okay?" Wyatt asked. I nodded. "Good," he said pulling me into a hug and then quickly pulling back. He had a huge from on his face. "What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing," I asked confused as to what he was talking about.

"Who touched you," He asked getting angrier by the second.

I was even more confused. A bunch of demons just shimmered in and tried to kill me. A lot of them touched me. "No one," I replied a little scared seeing how angry Wyatt was. "A least I don't think?"

He then grabbed my chin and forced me to look him straight in the eyes. "Who kissed you?" he asked even more mad.

I knew exactly what he was talking about then. It must have been about what happened last night with Kevin. "No one did," I lied. Slowly backing away from him. I knew what was happening now. Wyatt was having a possessive moment.

Wyatt lifted his hand and I didn't know whether he was about to strike me or way. I walked backwards not even looking behind me until I tripped on something and fell to the ground. Robert, Peter, and Leo quickly grabbed Wyatt and pulled him out of the room.

Chris came over and crouched down to where I was. "Bro, you okay?" He asked and I just sat there not moving a muscle. "Did anyone touch you?" I was too ashamed to say anything. I had a few tears coming down my eyes. "Who touched you?"

"Some guy named Kevin," I answered sniffing. "Yesterday in the bathroom he forced himself on me but I was able to punch him and get away."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Chris asked.

"Because I know how possessive Wyatt gets and knowing him he'd kill that guy," I replied.

"Is that why you left the game early?" I nodded. "You have to tell Wyatt," Chris said.

I shook my head. "No, Wyatt's going to kill me!"

"No he's not, he couldn't kill you even if he was evil," Chris said.

That was true. I remember evil Wyatt and as many times as I made him mad he never once wanted to kill me. Even though he might have smacked me around a few times but he never tried to kill me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Wyatt stomping back in the room with Peter, Leo, and Robert behind him. I got scared and crawled backwards. Chris stood up and got face to face with Wyatt, not letting him come anywhere near me. I'm surprised Chris was brave enough to stand up to a possessive Wyatt like that.

"Move Chris," Wyatt demanded. Chris still stood his ground. "Look, I'm not going to do anything to hurt him alright, I just want to make sure him and the baby are fine."

"Chris its okay," Prue said. She was standing behind him. "Don't worry if he tries to hurt mom, I'll orb him away from Wyatt alright."

Chris finally moved aside. Wyatt slowly walked over to where I was sitting and knelt down and looked into my eyes. He ran his hands through my hair saying, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me?" I nodded and he pulled me into a tight hug. He had me in an unusual grip like he never wanted to let me go. He then kissed me on the forehead saying, "I love you Chris."

"I love you too Wyatt," I said back.

Yeah I was going to make this longer but its long enough. It actually was suppose to go to after Robert was born but I think I've kept everyone waiting long enough. I know I need to stop adding kids but hey you know, Wyatt and Chris E can't just have sex for five years and not have at least one kid come out plus I thought they should have sons, and not just all daughters.

If I get enough feedback I'll update, but so far I don't know since I really haven't been getting that much feedback lately. So if you want it to continue email me at or . Like I said I haven't been getting that much feedback so I don't know if I'll continue but if I do I will continue.

Next: Chapter 24: Interlude 2

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