Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Oct 12, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

So I'm continuing since all of you guys asked me to. Here goes the other half of the interlude that I was going to include on the other one but I didn't want to keep everyone waiting so I put that first one up. This is what happened after then, I was actually going to tell everyone a summary about it but I decided to write it instead because I didn't want to have tell 15 people the same summary over and over and I don't want to leave out any important details. To tell the truth I'm actually starting to take ideas from those who email me, so if you put in an idea then its in here. And no this will not be a long story. I'm sorry for those of you who like them long but if you think they take long to read, just imagine how long it takes someone to think that up and write it down. So lets begin now shall we?

I was slowly walking through the halls of the school along with Chris. Wyatt had something to do so he told me to go along with Chris and to be sure to stay away from that Kevin guy. Wyatt was still being very protective. Chris and I both had to convince him to let me go on without him. It took like ten minutes of convincing to do so. Right now I was happy that what happened this weekend was over with and I hope Wyatt never has a possessive moment again. Good luck with that right now, since I am pregnant.

Chris and I were on our way to class, but we got to school earlier than expected so we decided to just roam the halls for a little bit before we went to class. Peter was with us at first but his class starts earlier.

"You know it would be pretty funny to see Peter acting like Wyatt when you get pregnant," I said smiling at the thought. I could just see it now. Chris trying to go to a party and Peter not letting him.

Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head at what I just said. "Well that won't be for another I don't know how many years," Chris said. "But for you, it looks like you're going to have it all your life from what mom said."

"You think so," I asked as I looked up thinking about it. "Nah, I'm sure he'll probably ease off as the kids grow up, I mean he can't be protective of me all of my life."

Chris chuckled slightly saying, "you must not know Wyatt."

"I think I know him pretty well," I said back offended a little. "I'm married to the guy aren't I," I asked and Chris nodded his head still chuckling. "So see, I must know him."

An arm then came and wrapped around my shoulder. "Are you guys talking about me?" I looked over to see the father of my child walking next to me with his arm around me. "Us? No," I lied, but it was obvious because the whole time Chris and I were looking at each other and laughing. "What would make you think we were talking about you?"

Wyatt shrugged. "Hmm I don't know, maybe its because ya'll were talking about being possessive and well I can't think of anyone else more possessive than me," Wyatt said smiling.

So Wyatt seems to think he's the only possessive one. I think I'm going to play with his mind a little. "Well Wyatt there is always Peter, I mean we haven't seen him, with Chris being pregnant." I then had to think of a time where Peter was possessive. "Oh did you see him burn that demon when he chunked Chris across the house?"

"Yeah right," Wyatt said rolling his eyes as we all continued walking. "That's nothing compared to what I did to Spherix for what he did to you," Wyatt commented with a smirk . Chris was laughing was watching and laughing at this. He was shut up when he got hit in the head with a football. "Ow!" He shouted as he grabbed his head and started rubbing where the football hit. He looked around. "Alright who the hell did that?!"

There was a group of jocks coming down from the hall. They were being real assholes throwing the ball wherever not caring if it hit someone. Though they might have been Wyatt's friends I still hated the fact that they walked the halls thinking they were better than everyone now that they won the championship game. "It was me punk!" One jock announced as he picked up the football that hit Chris in the head. "You got a problem with it?"

"Hey come on dude chill," I said trying to calm the commotion. I knew if this went any further it was going to lead to a fight and that's the last thing that needed to happen.

The guys then turned to Wyatt. "Hey what's up Halliwell," another jock said shaking Wyatt's hand. "What are you doing hanging out with these losers," he smirked pointing at me and Chris.

"You better not talk to them that way," Wyatt said in an angry tone. "As a matter of fact you better be nice to them."

"Why are taking sides with these losers," The first jock asked.

"Because he's my husband, and thats my brother," Wyatt said pointing to both Chris and I acknowledging to the team who we were. The whole team all got pretty quiet then. Wyatt was the toughest guy on the team so no one dared to piss him off, especially with everything he's done.

The team looked back and forward between us, making sure they heard right. "So you're Wyatt's husband," the first jock said.

"And you're his younger brother," another asked.

Chris and I both smiled and nodded. We could see they were all scared of us now that they knew we had some connection with Wyatt. "Yeah!" Wyatt said. "And you better be nice to them both or else I will kick all of your asses, is that clear," Wyatt demanded.

"Yes!" They all said.

"Now thats more like it," Wyatt commented. Chris and I just laughed. It seemed that Wyatt had control over the whole football team. He turned back to me and gave me a little peck on the lips saying, "alright I've got to go to class now, but if anyone messes with you let me know," he said and I nodded. Him and Chris both walked away and headed for their class.

I was going the opposite way, but I had to go through the group of jocks that were standing in front of me. As I started to go through they all quickly moved out of the way and made a path for me to walk through. I shook my head as I laughed. Though it felt pretty good to be treated like royalty, I knew it was wrong and I shouldn't be taking advantage of it.

"Guys look," I started. "Don't worry I'm not going to tell Wyatt if you were mean to me alright so go ahead just be mean to me if you want," I stated. They still didn't move. They were all waiting for me to move. "Guys come on at least talk, you don't have to stair at me like I'm the president of the United States." They still just stood there and I gave up. I shook my head and proceeded to walk off.

"Hey Chris!" One jock called. So I stopped and turned around to see what he wanted. "There's a party this Friday so I was wondering since you know that you're Wyatt's husband maybe you'd want to go," he asked.

"I'll see," I said turning back around and proceeding to class. This was something I had to talk over with Wyatt. I mean we're parents now and its not like I can go anywhere I please. Especially without him now that I'm pregnant.

Once I was out of sight Kevin came from around the corner. That wasn't good news. "So did you guys get him," he asked.

"Yeah, but dude you might not want to do it, I mean he's Wyatt's husband," Josh answered. He was just the regular average Joe of the crowd. "Did you just see what happened there."

"Wyatt, won't even know about this, and the bet is still on," Kevin said pulling out a package of pills and showing them to all of the jocks. "I didn't just buy these for nothing," he said. Him and the other jocks made a bet on if he could get me to sleep with him and he was getting a hundred dollars out of it if he won, and he really wanted that money. "So he's going to be at the party on Friday night, right?"

"I don't know," Josh answered. "He said he'd see about it."

"Lets just hope that he does come," Kevin thought.


It was Wednesday night and Wyatt and I were laying there in bed. I was trying to get some sleep but Wyatt would keep moving his body closer to mine. The problem with that was he was just trying to turn me on so we could have sex, but it wasn't working so we would always sleep on opposites sides of the bed. That still didn't stop him. Just about every morning I would wake up with my head lying on his chest and I'd ask him how'd I get there and he would lie to me and say I cuddled up to him but that wasn't the truth. He knew that I knew that but he continued to tell me that. He was just kidding most of the time though. I know he wouldn't do anything to make me mad even though just about anything he does nowadays makes me anger, just because I have so many mood swings.

Wyatt started to rub me on the back trying to wake me up. I was getting pretty tired of him waking me up. Usually he just would wake me up to ask if we could have sex but the answer was always 'no' and he would just keep trying until I'd yell at him to leave me alone.

"Chris baby come on wake up," he begged. He kept rubbing my back till I finally turned over on my back. My eyes were still closed. " sleep," Wyatt asked.

"Not anymore now that you've woke me up," I said slurring a few words. "What do you want, Wyatt, that you have to ask me now, because I've had a big day and I just need to get some sleep, since I have a test tomorrow." I was really getting impatient. Wyatt out of all people should know not to mess with me while I'm pregnant. "And if what your waking me up for is sex, you already know the answer is going to be no, so why do you keep waking me?"

"No, its not that," Wyatt said. My anger started to die down a little but not completely because he still did wake me. "I wanted to tell you that, I have a little business trip I have to make this Friday, and I won't be back till Sunday," he explained. "And mom said she wanted to keep the kids for the weekend, so I just wanted to know if you'd be alright here by yourself?" He asked worried. Wyatt really didn't want to leave me alone and he had it all planned out that he was going to come check on me ever chance he got.

"Sure," I replied. "I'll be fine."

Wyatt was confused. He had prepared himself to be yelled at. Usually he got the lectures about 'why did he have to go' and 'why didn't he tell me about the kids going to Piper's house for the weekend'. The last thing he expected was for me to be fine about it.

"Angel, you okay," Wyatt asked.

I nodded saying, "I'm fine, but I was going to ask you since well you're gonna be out of town and the kids will be at Piper's, your friends sore of invited me to a party and I was wondering if it was alright with you if I went," I asked. I didn't really need Wyatt's permission, its just I didn't want him to come home and be worried about where I am.

"No," Wyatt said firmly. "No, there will be no partying for you," Wyatt stated.

I frowned, "Why not," I pouted like a five year old. "You're going to be out of town and the kids will be gone so why can't I just go and have some fun," I pleaded.

"Because parties equal drinking and drinking equals the baby being hurt and I don't want our son coming out more premature than he already is," Wyatt answered.

"I promise I won't drink."

"There's still second hand smoke that could hurt the baby and I'm sure they're are going to be smoking at the party," Wyatt said. He was throwing every excuse he could find at me, but I don't think its because he's concerned for the baby, though he does care for it, I just think it's because he doesn't want me to go to the party.

I was trying to best to plead with him. "I promise to stay away from the smokers and I won't stay long," I said. I told him that because thats the only way he'd maybe, maybe would let me go.

"Fine," he said giving in. "You can only stay there for two hours, no more than that," Wyatt said. "Be sure you have your phone on and if something happens call me alright."

"Okay I will," I agreed. I know two hours wasn't much, but that's all I was going to get out of Wyatt. If I tried for more he'd probably not let me go at all, and I didn't want to be stuck at the house all night by myself.

Out of nowhere the phone began to ring. Luckily it was on Wyatt's side of the bed so he had to answer it. He reluctantly reached his arm over to the nightstand and picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello," he said. "Oh hi mom," he said in a happy tone. Not to much longer his mood changed to worried. "What, are you serious?" He asked. "I'll be right over." Wyatt hung up the phone and got out of bed and started putting on some clothes. "Mom said a pack of demons just attacked the house," Wyatt said as he put on a clean shirt. "I'm going over to check on things."

"I'll come with you," I said as I started to get out of bed but Wyatt pushed me back down like he always does. "What? I want to help."

"No, you stay here with the kids," Wyatt ordered. "I'll call Chris on my way there, but you need to wait here, because if there are demons in the manor, they could be after the kids and I don't want them to be put in danger," Wyatt explained. "Is there anything you need before I leave?" Wyatt asked.

I shook my head. "No, just be careful okay," I said. "I love you."

He came over and kissed my hard saying, "I love you too." With that said he orbed out of the house.


Wyatt orbed in the same time as Chris and Peter did. Wyatt thought it was pretty weird because he hadn't called them yet, because he wanted to check everything to make sure it wasn't too dangerous for them to come. Wyatt looked around the foyer to see that there was no one there.

"So she call you guys too," Wyatt asked smiling at the humor.

Chris nodded in response. "Yeah she said to come over immediately, and I have no clue why though because I don't see any demons around here." Chris looked around also.

"Lets check the kitchen," Peter said seeing them both look around and find nothing.

Wyatt and Chris nodded. They slowly walked to the kitchen not wanting to make a noise just in case there was any danger. Wyatt was in front while Peter was in the middle and Chris was in the back. Wyatt slowly peeked from behind the door way and into the kitchen. In the kitchen was his mother and father tied up to the chairs with duck tape on their mouth.

Wyatt quickly ran over to them with Chris and Peter not too far behind. Wyatt slowly started pulling off the duck tape, not wanting to hurt them, while Peter and Chris started untying them. "What happened," Wyatt asked as he finally pull the duck tape off of Piper.

"Its a trap!" Piper shouted. They all looked behind them and twenty demons had shimmered in the manor. "They're after Chris and the kids!" Piper warned. Quickly Chris untied Leo and Piper before going after the demons. "Someone go check on Chris and the kids," Piper demanded. No one could, because everyone was occupied with demons.

Wyatt would have blown all the demons up by now but he couldn't because Chris and Peter were in the way and he didn't want them getting hurt. So he focused mainly on just blowing them up one by one.

A demon charged at Chris, but Chris levitated in the air and kicked it into the wall. It was pretty mad then. The demon conjured and athame and threw it at Chris. Somehow Chris caught it. The demon frowned and shimmered out and then shimmered back in behind Chris and came charging but Chris could hear him so he stabbed him in the gut and twisted the athame causing the demon to be consumed by flames and turned into ash.

Peter was doing fine. He was flaming all those demons like hot dogs on a Barbecue pit. While Piper was staying behind only blowing up any demon that came close to her husband.

After ten minutes of fighting all the demons were vanquished. They all sighed so happy that it was over. "Now could someone please go check on Chris and the kids," Piper asked for the hundredth time. "That's who the demons were after," Piper said

"Okay mom I'm on my way," Wyatt said. He was just about to orb when forty more demons shimmered in the kitchen. "Fuck!" Wyatt shouted. Usually Piper would yell at him and tell him to watch the language but this was not the time. All of a sudden out of nowhere half of them turned straight into ashes. They all looked over to see Robert standing with his hands up and Prue by his side

"Hi, dad," Robert said. "You guys look like you need some help."

"You have no clue," Wyatt muttered as the all went back to demon fighting.

Meanwhile I was back at the house laying in bed waiting for Wyatt to come home. I wonder whats taking him so long. He usually calls me if there's something big going on or he'll at least tell me something through my mind. Something just wasn't right. I'm sure he's okay though because I would have felt it if something had happened to him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt tugging on my shirt. I turned my head to see that it was Ryan and Patience, out of bed. This was very odd. They normally don't get out of bed. "Hey kids whats wrong," I asked concerned.

"Dares a monster in my room, can I sweep with you," 1 year old Patience asked. She was a special child. Usually not many kids could talk but Patience, well she was different.

"A monster?," I asked confused. There was no such thing as monsters, so what could she have seen. What would scare the kids out of their room and looks like a monster. A demon, I finally came up with. That's even more peculiar, demons don't usually come here. I then looked at the kids in their eyes and knew they were telling the truth. The baby monitor started going off. "Prue!" I yelled worried and scared at the same time. I got out of the bed but I knew I couldn't take the kids with me. "Hey Ryan, I need you to put up your shield up and protect your sister until I get back, can you do that?" I asked. Ryan nodded and grabbed his sister's hand and put up his shield. "That a boy," I said. Nothing else was said as I ran from my room, closing the door behind me, and ran to Prue's room. When I got there, Prue had her shield up while a demon was throwing energy balls at her. "Hey over here," I called trying to get its attention. I quickly waved my hand and sent the demon flying out the window. I ran over to Prue and picked her up out of he crib and cuddled her, holding her close to my chest. "Shh, its okay I'm here now," I said and she stopped crying. I walked back to the room to see Ryan with his shield still up. "Its okay Ry, its me," I said as laid Prue on the bed next to him while he lowered his shield.

Wyatt still wasn't back and the kids and I were just attacked. I orbed some toys to the kids for them to play with, while I dialed Wyatt's number on the phone. I got worried because he wasn't answering. I would go to the manor but if he's not answering then that could mean danger and I can't just leave the kids here by themselves.

I heard an explosion and the door was broken down. In the doorway was standing even more demons. Things were not looking good. One demon shimmered away. I knew this was gonna be at trick. "Kids, get your shields up now!" I demanded and Ryan quickly grabbed Patience's hand again and let up his shield while baby Prue put up her own shield. That same demon that shimmered out, shimmered in right behind me with an athame. I was quick enough to turn around and insert my hand into his chest and take control over his power and throw a fire ball at the demon in front of me, causing him to be vanquished. I pulled my hand out of the demon and grabbed the athame he was holding and stuck it in his stomach, making him consumed by flames.

I was calmed when the demons were finally gone. The kids started to let down there shields and I was about to pick Prue up again and then another one shimmered in. It stared me right in the eyes now we were both face to face. I waved my hands to send him flying but unfortunately he was surrounded by flowers. I shook my fist at my stomach. When I really needed my powers Robert would always do that to me. The demon smirked and conjured an athame and threw it at me. I caught it and sent it right back to him hitting it right in the head. The demon cried out in pain before he vanished into ashes. The kids started screaming even louder. They saw a darklighter shimmer in behind me. I wasn't able to turn around soon enough before he shot and arrow hitting me right in the back. I cried out in pain and finally collapsed on the ground.

Back at the manor Wyatt, Chris, Peter, Robert, Prue, and Piper were still fighting demons. The demons would keep appearing more and more when they were vanquished. All of a sudden Wyatt and Robert started yelling in pain.

"Chris," Wyatt muttered under his breath knowing he was feeling my pain. He looked over and saw Robert was in pain also. "Robert!" Wyatt shouted running over to him helping him off the ground. "You okay," Wyatt asked.

"I'm fine dad," Robert said panting and sweating. He had his hand on his stomach, because that's where he felt the most pain at. "You might want to go check on mom, I think he's hurt," Robert said.

"Mom!" Wyatt shouted trying to get her attention. He had Piper's attention but she couldn't look at him at the moment because she had demons in front of her and one distraction could cost her, her life. "Chris is in trouble, I have to go help him," Wyatt stated. "Do you think you guys can handle it here?"

"Yes go, check on Chris," Piper said as she blew up another demon.

Wyatt hurried and orbed back to the house, where he saw me on the ground with an arrow stuck in my back and all three kids had their shields up. He got even more angry when he saw a darklighter shooting his arrows at the kids, but their shields were protecting them. Wyatt lifted his hands and quickly blew up the darklighter. He jogged over to where I was laying and turned me onto my side. I gasped in more pain.

"Chris," Wyatt whispered. He was about to take the arrow out but he realized he couldn't because it could hurt him since it was a darklighter arrow. He had to come up with something quick or else me and Robert were gonna die. He looked around the room and noticed that Ryan could maybe do the trick since he had the same power as me. "Hey Ryan!" Wyatt called. "Do you think you can orb this thing out of your mom," Wyatt asked. Ryan nodded and called for the arrow and it disappeared in a swirl of orbs. "Good boy," Wyatt said. He was about to put his hands over me to heal me but another swirl of orbs appeared over my wound and it was healed. "Chris you're alright," Wyatt shouted pulling me into a hard hug.

"I won't be if you keep squeezing me like this," I said in a sore of squeaky voice.

"Oh sorry," Wyatt said letting me out of his embrace.

He helped me off the ground and sat me on the bed. "What happened," I asked.

"It was a trap," Wyatt replied. "The demons distracted me and everyone else so they could get to you and the kids but looks like you were doing a good job here," Wyatt said smiling. He noticed that I had the kids in the room so I must have protected them well or else they would have died when they were in their own rooms.

Before I could say anything else the rest of the family orbed in the house.

"Oh my Chris you okay," Piper asked seeing me holding on to my shoulder where the arrow had hit.

"I'm fine," I answered.

The kids let down their shields and Piper picked up baby Prue and started to cuddle her, while Peter picked up Ryan, and Chris got Patience. "I can see the kids are alright," Piper smiled.

"Oh yeah speaking of kids," I said as I got a reminder. I punched Wyatt in the arm. "Thanks for giving me a son who loves to just turn my powers into flowers, like your daughter, and then he almost got us killed with that stunt," I scolded.

Wyatt smiled and said, "no he didn't. He knew daddy was coming," Wyatt said as started rubbing my stomach. "Didn't you Robert, you knew daddy was coming so you didn't want mommy hurting anyone," he said to my stomach while rubbing it.

I snatched his arm and threw it off. "You keep rubbing my stomach and I'll cut your arm off," I snapped.

"Oh come on, I'm the father so I should be aloud to touch my son there," Wyatt complained. He then started to rub my stomach again. I just gave up since I knew nothing was going to change his mind.

I just shook my head. "Whatever," I said flicking my wrist and making the window explode. Everyone froze and looked at me. "I didn't do it," I said. "Robert!" I shouted towards him.

"What, I can't help what my fetus does," Robert said.

I started laughing at that comment along with everyone else.


It was now Friday and I was just getting out of school. I didn't have to worry about picking up the kids since Wyatt had reminded me that they were going to stay with Piper for the weekend since thats what she wanted. Part of me really didn't want my kids to go away for the weekend but I guess that's just another parent trait that I picked up along the way.

Wyatt soon orbed in to grab the last of his stuff before he got in the car and headed for the airport. He went in our bedroom and came out dressed in a black suit and he tied his hair in a pony tail again. "Hey babe do I look ok," Wyatt asked as he took one last look at himself.

"You look fine Wyatt," I answered. Wyatt for some reason was really trying to make an impression on this trip which I don't know why.

"Fine, that's it?" Wyatt asked.

"Well what else do you want me to say," I asked confused.

He shrugged and said, "I don't know, maybe that I look good and better than fine."

"Wyatt, you look great alright," I said getting frustrated. Him and this trip has not only effected him but its gotten me too. The whole week he's been asking me what he should take and what would look good on him and sometimes he even would ask me to go with him so he didn't make a fool of himself.

"I guess you're right," he said giving in. That's all he could do, see as how I was getting frustrated and he didn't want to make me angry. Especially now that I'm pregnant. He was about to leave but be came up and wrapped and arm around my waist and pulled me against him. "So are you sure you going to be alright here by yourself for the weekend?"

I nodded. "Wyatt, I'll be fine okay," I assured him. I knew he was real worried about me. He always gets that way if I'm out of his sight.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it, but call me if anything happens," Wyatt said and he gave me a long hard kiss. He slipped his tongue past my teeth and entered my mouth taking control. It all lasted for two minutes and I knew if he didn't go now he'd be late and that's not a good impression to make on your boss

I pushed him away saying, "Wyatt you have to go now."

"But I don't want to leave you," Wyatt said emotionally.

"Don't worry I'll be fine," I said back.

"What if a demon attacks," Wyatt asked.

"Robert is here to protect me alright, plus if that fails, I'll call Aunt Piper or Chris, and you will be the first one I call okay," I said. I looked at the time and it wasn't long before his flight was leaving. "Now you better go."

"Okay," Wyatt said giving me another peck. "Oh and make sure you call me after you get home from the party, love ya." Wyatt then went out the door. I waited till I heard his car leave the driveway.

Once I knew he was gone I figured, I better get ready for the party since its tonight and this might be my chance to make some friends. 'No drinking, and stay away from smokers, and you can only go for two hours' I heard Wyatt's voice say in the background. Even when he wasn't hear he still would lecture me. What is it going to take for me to get some away time from him.

I went into the closet looking for the best thing to wear. I knew it had to be something big so that it could cover my stomach. Nothing on my side of the closet was going to fit so I had to look on Wyatt's side. I wonder if he would notice if I borrowed some of his clothes. I doubt he will even care. Just as long as I put them back where I found them. I took one of his black shirts and a pair of jeans.

I put the clothes on the bed while I walked into the bathroom and showered off. I had to smell me best and I have been walking around and sweating trying to get from one class to the other. When I stepped out of the shower I combed my hair and sprayed on some cologne before I went and put my clothes on. Looking back in the mirror one last time before I orbed to New York for the party, I made sure that I didn't look pregnant at all.

When I knew everything on me was perfect I orbed back to New York and made sure I was two houses down from where the party was suppose to be at. Anyone could tell where the party was since the music was so loud. Wyatt might get his wish about me staying for two hours only, maybe even less than that since I don't want all this vibration on my stomach with the baby.

I slowly walked down the sidewalk and headed for the house. The music was so loud I'm surprised that the police hadn't been called yet. There were kids outside in the driveways partying. I could have stayed out there, but I didn't know anyone so I decided to go in and look for Wyatt's friends. I knew them. I could see that just about everyone in there was drinking alcohol and smoking. Remembering my promise to Wyatt I just left that room and went into another one.

"Chris you made it!" A voice call out to me from behind. I quickly turned around to see it was Josh. That same guy who invited me to the party. "I'm glad you could make it, I mean what did you have to do to get Wyatt to let you out the house," Josh joked. Everyone knew how protective of me Wyatt was so they were all surprised he even let me come to the party.

"Lets just say it wasn't easy," I said rolling my eyes. "So what's up," I asked trying to make conversation. I didn't really want to talk about me and Wyatt right now.

"Nothing," Josh replied. "You want a drink," he offered.

"Nope, I promised Wyatt that I wouldn't drink any alcohol," I said. Not that I would drink it anyway since I still Robert in me and I don't want anything to happen to him.

"Its all cool," Josh said. "But if you don't want a beer I could get you some water thats in the kitchen," he asked. I knew he wasn't going to give up till he finally got me something. Probably because Wyatt told him to be nice to me and he doesn't want his ass kicked.

"Okay," I said. "I'll take some water then."

"Wait here, I'll be right back," Josh said. He turned around and pushed through a crowd of people. It did take some time to get through the crowd and into the kitchen but he managed to make it. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. Before he could make it into the other room he was snatched back into the kitchen.

"Is that for Chris," Kevin asked.

"Yes, since he said he only wanted water and no beer," Josh answered.

"Good," Kevin said. He reached in his pocket and took out the tablets. "Open it," Kevin demanded. Josh stood there. He really didn't want to do this. "Did you not hear me I said open it!" Kevin said even louder.

"Dude, I just don't think this is a good idea, I mean like I said what if Wyatt finds out about this," Josh said pointing out his fears. He didn't want Wyatt to send him to the hospital for being an accomplice.

"Wyatt's not going to find out alright," Kevin said. "Now open up the damn bottle so we can get this over with." Josh reluctantly twist the cap off of the bottle of water and Kevin slipped in a couple of pills and put the packet back in his pocket. He then took the bottle of water from Josh and placed the cap back on it and shook it up so the tablets wouldn't be visible. "Now give him that and I'll come over in a few minutes," Kevin said as he handed him the bottle. "Are you sure there's an empty bedroom upstairs?"

"Yes, but I'm wiping my hands clean of this," Josh said. "If anyone asks I had nothing to do with this and I warned you about it," Josh said as he walked out of the kitchen and back into the room that I was in. He didn't have as much trouble pushing through the crowd since a lot of people had gone into the back with the pool. After looking at a few different people he finally picked out which one was me. "Hey," he said causing me to turn around. "Here's your water."

I took it from him saying, "thanks." I opened the bottle and took a swig from it and while I was doing it Josh was giving me a weird look. "Is there something wrong Josh," I asked.

He snapped out of his trans and shook his head. "No, there's nothing wrong," he said.

"Okay," I said drinking a little bit more water. The water tasted really funny, like there was something in it. "Hey Josh is there something wrong with this water," I asked.

"No," he said instantly, which made me suspicious. "What makes you ask that?"

"I don't know, this water just doesn't taste right," I said. "But oh well," I shrugged continuing to drink it. I didn't want to waste any water. "I think I'm just going to go sit down," I said as I went and sat on a couch.

The whole time I just sat around drinking that same bottle of water. I watched as people went from one place to another. This party wasn't all that exciting for me and it maybe was because I couldn't drink but who cares. It was for the good of my baby so thats a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Then for no reason at all I started feeling a little woozy. I looked at my watch and it said it was only 9:30 pm, but I usually stay up till 11. I guess my body was just telling me its time to go to bed. I got here at eight so I had thirty minutes left so I figured I might as well take them since this is probably going to be the last time I get out of the house without Wyatt for a long time.

"Is there anyone sitting there," a familiar voice said.

I looked over to see it was that one guy, Kevin, who tried to take advantage of me during the game. He was pointing at the seat next to me. "You asshole," I said as I got up off the couch. I couldn't stand to be around him. Before I got get more than three feet away he jumped in front of me.

"Look, I'm sorry alright," Kevin said apologetically. "I never should have done that to you," he stated. "I was hoping that maybe we could start over you know and maybe we could grow to be friends."

"No," I said firmly. I crossed my arms over my chest. "You have a lot of nerve even coming up and talking to me after what you tried to know if Wyatt was here he'd probably beat your ass, so I suggest you stay away from me, because if you don't it won't be a nice year of college for you," I warned. I then pushed him out of the way and proceeded to walk through the crowd, but next thing I knew everything was going blurry. I started wobbling around everywhere.

Kevin came up and grabbed me and put my arm around his neck. "Here let me help you Chris," he said with an evil grin. He started to lead me upstairs. "Got him," he whispered to himself. I didn't even hear what he said because I was so woozy until I finally blacked out.

When I woke up I was in a dark room. I had never seen this room, before and I wonder how I got here. This was all too strange. How could I have passed out when I had nothing to drink besides water. Things got even weirder when I felt an arm around my waist. I looked over to see it was Kevin. My jaw dropped. To make things worse he was naked. I was wondering what he was doing lying to me naked. The room felt a little cold so I looked down to see that I was wearing nothing also.

I couldn't have, no I wouldn't have done that with Kevin. The last thing I remember was yelling at Kevin and then him leading me up the stairway. Now I'm in the same bed with him. How is this possible. I could swear I didn't have anything to drink besides water. Things aren't making sense. One moment I'm arguing with him and then the next I slept with him.

I had to get out of there. I slowly pushed his arm from around me and then walked around the room to pick up my clothes. When I looked at the clock it said it was 9:00 in the morning. That means I've been here for over twelve hours. I know Wyatt is probably worried to death right now and I'm sure he's called. I slipped my pants on without even putting on my boxers and then I quickly put on my shirt. I heard Kevin whispering my name as he rolled over but I just ignored him and left the room. I searched for the first bathroom that I could find and then orbed to the house. Then I went over to the phone and checked for anyone who had called. To my surprise there was a message from Wyatt.

I pushed the play button and heard him speak. "Hey baby I miss you, and I'm sorry to call you so late but if you get a chance call me back, but hey I've got some good news. Turns out I don't have to stay up here the whole weekend so looks like I can come home today so I should be home at 3:00, and I thought maybe me you, and the kids could catch a movie together? Well talk to you later and I hope you had fun at the party, love you, bye," the message said. The timer said the message was left at 12:20 am so that must be why he said he was calling so late.

Never mind, that really didn't matter now. Wyatt was coming home today and he's going to be home at 3:00. That's in six hours. I started panicking. I can't let him know what happened at the party just yet. Looks like I really have no choice. I quickly ran into the washroom and threw everything that I was wearing in the washer and put a lot of soap on it and started it. Hopefully if I washed it enough he won't notice the smell. After I did that I quickly ran into the shower and used just about two bars of soap washing myself off. I couldn't believe what just happened last night. Kevin tried to force himself on me and then I end up sleeping with him. When I got out the shower, I looked in the mirror. I couldn't bare to even look at myself with what I did. I cheated on Wyatt and for no reason at all.

When I went to the closet, I just picked out some jeans and a polo shirt. I was so scared I just picked out the first thing I saw in the closet. I was walking through the living room on my way to get the clothes out of the washer when I saw orbs coming in. I immediately froze into place thinking it was Wyatt, but when the orbs cleared I could see it was Chris with the kids.

"What's wrong bro, you look like you just seen a demon," Chris joked. I sighed in relief when I knew it was him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a little bit angry. Not only had he interrupted me from covering up my tracks but he scared me almost to death.

Chris looked at me confused. "I was just dropping off the kids," he said as he let Ryan's hand go. Patience was holding onto his leg until she caught sight of me. Her and Ryan came up and wrapped themselves around my legs. Chris walked over and handed me Prue.

"I thought they were staying at Piper's for the weekend," I asked. This week was not my week. First Wyatt loses his temper and almost hurts me, then I get attacked by demons at the house for the first time, yesterday I wake up sleeping next to that one person I was suppose to hate, and now the kids are here unannounced.

"Wyatt didn't tell you," Chris said. I shook my head. "Mom has to work today, something came up at the club." I nodded since I understood. Chris looked at me and my facial expression. "Chris, are you okay, bro," Chris asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I said a little panicked. I hope he hasn't already came into my head and found out what I was thinking about.

"No reason," he said. He then took a good look at me and saw that I had a troubled look on my face. "Are you sure there isn't anything wrong with you," he asked.

I shook my head instantly. "No, there's nothing wrong."

He then crossed his arms over his chest. "Alright what's going on," Chris asked. I looked at him with a confused look, like I didn't know what he was asking, though I did. "Don't give me that look, now tell me whats going on," Chris asked.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Oh really," he asked.


"Chris, I'm your brother and I may not have known you all of your life, but I think I know you pretty well and I can tell when there's something bothering you," Chris stated. He wasn't lying thought. It does feel like we've known each other all our lives though its only been two years.

"Nothing, I just don't understand why you can't believe me when I say nothings wrong," I said.

"Do I have to come into your head," he asked.

"No, anything but coming into my head," I shouted. I hated when him and Wyatt would do that. Now that I'm pregnant it gives me headaches when people are in my head. That's why I never talk through telepathy.

"Okay, you've got three seconds to tell me or else I'm coming in," Chris warned. "And don't try any lies, because like I said, I know you pretty well and I know when you're lying."

I sighed. He just made me so angry. Why did he have to know everything. I understand he's worried, but its not like there aren't somethings I want to keep to myself. Ever since he got that stupid telepath power its been tell him this or he's coming in my head.

"Alright," I said as I sat down on the couch. "Hey kids can you go play in your room, while your Uncle Chris and I talk," I asked. I knew there was going to be some fireworks thrown and I didn't want them to be around to hear that. Ryan and Patience ran off to their room and I set Prue in a crib. When I came back to the living room Chris was sitting on the couch waiting. I came and sat on the couch across from him. I took a deep breath before I started talking. "Okay, Chris, what I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone and I don't care how bad the situation is promise me that you won't tell anyone, even Wyatt," I said.

"Okay I promise," he said

"No, you really have to promise me that if I tell you this you won't tell anyone, I mean anyone," I pleaded.

"Alright, fine I promise not to tell anyone no matter what," Chris said impatiently. "Now come on just tell me," he said.

I took a deep breath. I haven't been this scared since I told Wyatt about Robert, but I knew this had to come out. I closed my eyes before I spoke. "I did something bad okay," I said.

"What did you do?" Chris asked. There was a pause of silence. "Chris what did you do?" Chris asked even louder and firmer.

" on Wyatt," I confessed and buried my face in my hands. Drops of sweet were coming down my forehead because of how nervous I was. I waited and waited. I didn't know what Chris was going to say.

"What did you just say," Chris said in a low angry voice. "Did I just hear correctly that you just cheated on Wyatt?!" Chris yelled. Chris was pissed beyond belief. Of course I was his brother, but so was Wyatt and no one deserved to be cheated on.

"Look I'm sorry okay, it was an accident," I said as I looked up.

"That's what they all say," Chris said. "What the fuck were you thinking when you did that," Chris asked.

"I don't know alright," I said. I felt guilty as it was but was telling Chris a big mistake.

"Why did you do it," Chris asked. "Is it because Wyatt's possessive, and if it is then that's no excuse," Chris said. I did expect this when I told him, but part of me thought he would have been a little understanding.

"No, Chris" I responded.

"Then why," Chris shouted. "Give me the reason why you did it because there has to be some reason." I didn't say anything I just paused. There was no reason why I did it. "Who did you cheat on Wyatt with?"

"Ke..Kev..Kevin," I said. Chris's jaw fell to the ground.

"Is that the same guy who forced himself on you at the football game?" Chris asked. I nodded to scared to answer. "What the hell, bro," Chris shouted. "I don't know what's going on with you, that bitch almost got Wyatt to hurt you and then you go and sleep with him," Chris stated. "What the fuck is wrong with you, did you really want Wyatt to kill you now that you've slept with him?"

"No I don't," I said.

"Then what were you thinking," he asked again.

"I don't know okay," I said almost in tear. Gosh these stupid hormones are driving me crazy. Being pregnant isn't easy. Especially when you're getting scolded by your own brother. "Look, I don't know what I was thinking okay."

"What happened?"

"I really don't know okay," I said being real truthful. "I went to the party and Josh offered me some beer, but I told him I only wanted water, and then he came back with a bottle of water, and it did taste funny, but I drunk it. So after Josh left me that guy Kevin came and well I yelled at him and told him to stay away from me or Wyatt would kick his ass, and I was on my way out the door when everything went blurry and then next thing I knew, I woke up in bed next to him," I explained.

Chris looked at me confused. I expected him to scold me some more and lecture me. What I did not expect was him to be calm. "Are you telling me the truth," Chris asked.

"Yes I am," I said. "That's the honest truth."

"Hm, if everything you just told me was true then there's something a little fishy about that," Chris said. "Do you remember anything after your vision went blurry?"

"No," I said instantly. I shook my head. "Nothing at all."

"You don't remember getting in bed with him?"

"No, if I knew I was doing that I would have quickly orbed out before it went any further," I told him.

"And you said that water you drunk tasted funny," Chris said.

"Yes it did," I said. "I don't know maybe its just New York water," I shrugged.

"Or maybe not," Chris muttered under his breath. "Hey look, I'm going to look more into this alright, but until I find out the whole truth don't tell Wyatt, because I think there's more to this alright," Chris said. I nodded at him and he orbed out.

I was sitting there thinking what Chris had on his mind. I just hope whatever it is it can get me out of the trouble that I'm about to be in with Wyatt. I know I told Chris that I wouldn't tell, but what else can I do, because if Wyatt kisses me somehow he'll know. At least that's how he found out about Kevin forcing himself on me the first time. I'd rather tell him personally than let him find out his own way.

I sat there and waited for Wyatt to come home. I knew this wasn't going to be good so I put the kids down for a nap. I looked over at the clock and it said 2:00 pm. In an hour Wyatt was going to be home. I was getting more and more scared by the second. It seemed like just in a blink of an eye the clock said 2:50 pm. The time was getting closer and closer. I really didn't want to do this but I had to. I'm just scared to see what's going to happen. What's he going to do to me? Is he going to leave me. That's the worst thing that could happen, because I don't know what I'd do without him. I guess this is going to teach me to appreciate him a lot more.

I looked over at the clock one last time. It said 2:59. I took a deep breath. Wyatt was going to be here in a minute. When I looked over again it said 3:00. I waited and waited for Wyatt to come through the door. I looked at the clock again and it said 3:01. I guess he must me caught up in traffic or something. When I sighed in relief and started calming down, that's when I heard the door open. I froze and started panting again.

"Hey babe," Wyatt said as he came in the same room that I'm in. He noticed that I wasn't myself right now. He went over to where I was and tried to kiss me, but I pushed him back before our lips could touch. "Is there something wrong," Wyatt asked worried. I never push him off unless there's something bad going on. "Chris you okay," Wyatt asked.

"Can you please sit down," I asked. He nodded and did what he was told. "Look, Wyatt there's something I have to tell you and I know you're going to hate me for this," I said.

"I could never hate you," Wyatt interrupted. "You're everything to me," Wyatt said sweetly.

"You're about to," I whispered. "I well um, I cheated on you," I said not looking at him. I was to ashamed about it.

"You what?" Wyatt said angry and hurt at the same time. He was a little more hurt than angry. He didn't know what he did to deserve it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I pleaded with tears in my eyes. I didn't want his sympathy though. I didn't deserve it, after what I did. "Wyatt please say something."

Wyatt was frowning really hard now. "Who. Was it with," he asked.

"Kevin," I answered. "But I swear it was an accident."

Wyatt didn't listen to anything else. "If you weren't pregnant with my child right now I'd punch you in the face," he hissed. He quickly got up and headed straight to the bedroom ignoring everything I was trying to say. When he reached the closet he took off his business clothes and threw on his leather pants and his black shirt, which was his demon hunting outfit. "Time to blow off some steam," he muttered to himself before he orbed out into the Underworld.


That whole day I just stayed in bed crying. I had to ask Chris to watch the kids because I didn't want them to see me like this. Chris did give me that 'I told you not to tell Wyatt' lecture, but he let it down on me easy because he knew I was going through a hard time already. I replayed the whole scene over and over in my mind. Wyatt now hates me and what am I going to do about it.

I looked at the bump on my stomach. I guess Robert is going to be born in a world where his parents are fighting. There is probably no way to fix this now. This time it was my fault. Wyatt did nothing to deserve this. Of course he's possessive, but thats just in his nature. He wouldn't be Wyatt if he wasn't like that. I could sit here and think all day but there is no excuse that is good enough for me to cheat on Wyatt the way I did.

I stayed up the whole night hoping Wyatt would come home so we could talk about this but he never did. I guess he's still out blowing off some still, demon hunting. I'm worried about him. Even though I might not show it because I cheated on him, I am worried. He's still my husband. Well at least for now, unless he just wants to end it with me. I just hope he doesn't end like this. I need to talk to someone right now.


Monday came too soon for me with school. Wyatt hasn't been coming home. He's always out demon hunting these days leaving me with the kids by myself. I understand he's mad at me but he shouldn't be mad at the kids for what I did. They didn't do anything to deserve to be treated that way. All the time they would ask me when was daddy coming home. I had to lie to them and tell them soon.

Back at school the only person I could really talk to was Chris. Chris was neutral throughout this whole thing. I was glad that he was talking to me or else I don't know what I'd do.

Wyatt was walking through the halls the opposite way of where Chris and I were going. Right now he was so angry he could just punch the wall and make a big hole in it. He was still pissed about what I told him over the weekend. To tell you the truth he could just punch anything right now and make a big dent in it. He had never felt this angry before. He couldn't believe that the one person he loved and would do anything for would go and cheat on him. To make it worse it was that stupid guy named Kevin, who right now if Wyatt saw he'd kill him.

As Wyatt continued to walk the halls he just ignored everyone and everything that past him. He even ignored all of his friends who were trying to say hi to him. Right now if he stopped and talked to anyone he'd probably end up beating the shit out of them. He then caught sight of me walking in the halls. He gave me and angry glare before he continued walking.

"Hey Wyatt," I yelled trying to get his attention, but he ignored me. I knew that was going to happen but I needed to talk to him right now more than ever. I ran over to where he was and got in front of him so he couldn't go anywhere else.

"What do you want?" He asked. Right now I was the last person he wants to talk to. Especially now with his temper so high.

"We need to talk," I said.

"I have nothing to say to you Chris," Wyatt said as he tried walking past me, but I got in front of him again. "Get the fuck out of my way!" He yelled.

I shook my head. "Look Wyatt, you can hate me all you want, but please don't do this to the kids, they didn't do anything," I pleaded.

Wyatt rolled his eyes and just pushed me out of the way and continued to walk to class. He pushed me so hard I almost fell to the ground and I would have if there wasn't a wall right there. By the look on his face he wouldn't have care if I had fallen and lost his baby. He would have just continued walking.


Later on that night Wyatt was sitting back in the kitchen of the manor eating another gallon of ice cream. Not only was he out demon hunting but he was coming over to the manor at night and eating at least 2 gallons off ice cream a day. Thank goodness he has a high metabolism or else he would shoot up like a balloon.

Piper noticed what was going on. She knew everything about what happened with me cheating, but Chris convinced her to not be mad at me until he got to the bottom of it. Chris still had his suspicions that there was more to the story than led to believe. Piper walked downstairs and made her way to the kitchen where her eldest son was sitting. She poured herself a cup of coffee and came and sat across from where he was.

"Hi, sweetie," she said.

"Hi mom," Wyatt said back.

"Are you okay," she asked knowing he wasn't.

"Mom, how would you feel if you found out dad cheated on you," Wyatt asked.

Piper thought about it for a moment. "Well to tell you the truth, he sore of did, you remember with my own sister Prue, and that's how Chris came about or have you forgotten about that?"

"I guess," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt, how long are you planning to go on like this," Piper asked. "I mean all you do is go demon hunting and come here and eat up all the ice cream."

"I'm sorry mom, but right now I'm in a crisis and I don't know what to do," Wyatt said looking down.

"Have you tried talking to Chris," Piper suggested.

"I can't," Wyatt said shaking his head. "He tried to talk to me about it today but I just pushed him away. I knew that if I talked to him I'd probably end up losing it."

"Do you still love him," Piper asked.

"Yes I do," Wyatt replied. "Nothing could ever make me not love him its just right now I can't be around him."

Piper shook her head. "You know you're going to have to talk to him sooner or later, I mean he's carrying your child for goodness sake and he's already had two of your kids."

"I know," Wyatt said. "But that still doesn't make up for what he did."

"I understand sweetie, but do you really want to give up this family over one mistake," Piper asked.

Wyatt had to think on that for a moment. "I really don't know mom, I'll have to think about this hard."

"Don't take to long Wyatt," Piper warned. "Because if you do, you'll end up losing him whether he was wrong or not."


The next day Chris was up in the attic pacing around trying to figure out what happened. He went through my story time and time again and he even asked me about it, and not one word had changed. So why couldn't he put the missing pieces together. Wanting to use magic on this but he knew it would be personal gain and the consequences could be dire, but that was just a risk he was about to take. He knew I wouldn't have cheated on Wyatt, but why couldn't I remember what happened. Maybe someone else can answer his questions, and he knew just who to call.

"Prue, Bobby, can you two get down here for a moment," Chris called out. It wasn't too long before Prue and Robert had orbed in.

"Hey Uncle Chris, what's going on," Robert asked.

"Not much but there are some questions I need to ask you guys and I want you to answer them truthfully and don't play any games with me," Chris said and they both nodded. "Now how much of the future have you guys changed."

"Nothing, at least not yet," Prue said. "We're waiting until mom gets pregnant with Patty before we go and start messing up the future," she explained.

Chris felt it was now time to get serious and maybe this could be the break he was waiting for. "So are your parents still together in the future," Chris asked.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't they be," Prue asked. She knew what was going on, but because she knew what happened in the future she didn't think nothing of it.

"Alright then, here's where it starts to get hard," Chris said. "I need to know if you guys remember this incident about Chris cheating on Wyatt with a guy named Kevin."

"Yeah," Prue said. "Mom told me about the whole thing a thousand times."

Chris nodded saying, "okay so I need to know, do you know anything about what happened because all Chris says is that he blacked out and ended up in Kevin's bed."

"Well what do you want me to tell you," Prue asked.

"I want you to tell me what happened when he blacked out," Chris asked.

Prue and Robert started looking at each other. "I can't," Prue said.

"Why not?" Chris frowned.

"Because it could change the future," Prue stated.

"If you don't tell me it could change the future," Chris explained. He could see Prue wasn't breaking at all. "Right now your parents aren't even talking to each other and if there's something you know that could fix this then you need to tell me." Chris could now see Prue was starting to give in so he pushed it even further. "Prue please tell me," he begged.

Prue looked at Robert once again and he nodded indicating it was okay. "Look all that I can tell you is that mom didn't cheat on dad," Prue said.

"What do you mean he didn't cheat?" Chris asked confused. "He ended up in Kevin's bed."

Prue closed her eyes and breathed before talking again. "Mom didn't cheat," she said even firmer. "That's all I can tell you without changing the future. The rest is up to you." There was pause. "Now I've got to go, but remember, Chris didn't cheat on Wyatt, there is more to that story than anyone knows." Prue and Robert quickly orbed out before anything else could be said. They knew if they stayed any longer that they would give the whole thing away.

They left Chris there in the attic confused more now than he was before. He was still pacing around trying to find the answer. He then heard his phone alarm go off. He looked up at it and it reminded him that he had class in like 20 minutes and he couldn't afford to be late. Chris went and picked up his back pack off the couch, but he remembers that he was going to pick up right where he left off when class was out.


"Mr. Evans!" I voice called out.

I didn't hear them because I was stressed out and thinking about so much right now. Like how am I going to work things out with Wyatt and he won't even talk to me. Geeze why does everything seem so complicated. Maybe I shouldn't have came to school today. Seeing how much I'm going through right now and school isn't probably helping me one bit. The poor kids are still having to endure all this anger from Wyatt because of what I did. Right now even though I'm the one in the wrong, I hate him. He shouldn't be doing those kids that way, and now that we have another one on the way what is he going to do. Is he just going to abandon him like he does Ryan and Prue. If that's the way its going to be then maybe it should be me to break up with him rather than go through all this agony.

"Mr. Evans!" The teacher called out even louder. I quickly snapped out of my trance. "Is there something wrong," he asked.

I looked around and saw the whole class was looking at me. I must have either just stared off into space or maybe I just fell asleep. "No sir, everything is fine."

"Are you sure," he asked. I nodded. He looked up at the time. "Alright class dismissed," he said and everyone got up and headed straight for the door. "Oh and don't forget to read pages 10 through 50, there will be a quiz on it next week," the teacher warned as everyone. I was waiting in line since there was a big line and I was one of the last one out of my desk. "Mr. Evans can I please see you for a minute," the professor asked walking over to his desk. I came over there and he sat down and put his feet up on the desk. "Mr. Evans I have been noticing a slight change in you," he said.

"What do you mean sir," I asked.

He looked sideways before he took he feet of his desk and sat up straight. "Well, I've been noticing a drop in your grades here," the professor said. He then pulled out some papers and pulled out two with my name on it. He handed me one of them. "You see, you're the only person in my class to make an A on that test, but," his tone then change. He picked up another paper and handed to me. "Just on the quiz you made an F on some of that same material," he said. "I'm worried about you..I mean you're the only person I've seen in here trying to learn, other people I see are just taking this class because they have too. Is there something wrong," he asked worried.

Lets see. My husband is being mean to me because I cheated on him. Now to make matters worse he's ignoring the kids. How could there not be something wrong, but that's not something I can tell my professor. I mean marital problems should only be dealt with between the family.

"No sir there isn't, I guess I've had my mind on other things," I said.

"You want to tell me about it," he offered.

"Thanks but no thanks," I said looking at my watch. "I have to get to my next class now or I'm going to be late," I lied. My next class really didn't start for another two hours but if I stayed there I'd end up telling him some stuff that he shouldn't know.

"Alright but know that I'm here if you need me," he said. I nodded and quickly left the classroom.


Chris was just getting out of class also. He had also been distracted with the whole thing that's been going on between me and Wyatt. Thought it might not have involved him we were still his brothers and right now he didn't want to see us against each other. That meant not only was the power of three endanger but so were the kids, since Wyatt and I are arguing it could get our kids hurt if we don't fix it soon.

Chris was on his way to find Wyatt. Nowadays him and Wyatt have been meeting at the bench outside so they could talk during school. Wyatt needed to talk to Chris more than ever.

As Chris walked down the hallway he heard some voices. He knew they all sounded very familiar, and usually he wouldn't think nothing off it but he decided this time to see what these guys were up too. Chris put down his back pack, while he pretended to be kneeling down and tying his shoes as the guys passed. He noticed they were mostly jocks. Some of those guys were even Wyatt's friends, but one guy stood out. He recognized that guy was Kevin. Getting back up he slowly followed behind keeping enough distance so they didn't get suspicious and he used his telepath power to hear their conversation a little better.

"Hey I still want my money, I won the bet fair and square," Kevin said. Josh then handed him one hundred dollars.

"You know Wyatt is going to kill you if he finds out about this," Josh warned as they all continued walking.

Chris shrugged and didn't think anything of what they were saying, because Wyatt already knows and he hasn't killed Kevin yet. This conversation seemed like it was going somewhere so Chris continued to follow.

"That's the key word IF he finds out about what I did," Kevin replied. "Which I know he never will unless one of you says something about it."

"How many pills did you give him," Josh asked. Josh felt a little bit guilty for what happened. He felt like he could have done something to stop it, but it was out of his control. Once someone like Kevin makes up his mind there's no changing it.

Kevin chuckled, a little amused about what he did. "Can you believe it only took two pills to knock him out?"

"Kevin are you insane!" Josh shouted. "That's overdosing that could have killed him."

"Yeah but it didn't so quit complaining," Kevin said back.

Josh shook his head. He couldn't believe the way Kevin was acting like what he did was no big deal. "You just better hope Evans or anyone else doesn't find out that you drugged him and then rapped him," Josh said not knowing that Chris was behind them.

Chris froze in his tracks. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Anger just started bubbling in his blood. He started to clench his fist and grind his teeth. Now he knows what Prue and Robert meant by me not cheating on Wyatt. Kevin rapped me and Chris was angrier than Wyatt right now. Not only has he caused so much tension between me and Wyatt, but he took advantage of me and drugged me, while I was pregnant. If he hadn't of seen Robert standing in front of him he'd be worried about his nephew right now.

He was so angry he couldn't hold it all in anymore. "What?!" He let out so loud that it went down the whole hallway.

The jocks all turned around to see an angry Chris standing 20 feet behind them. They were all scared, and since Chris was mad they didn't want to mess with him. Especially because he's Wyatt's little brother, and Wyatt had even warned them if they did anything to Chris he would beat their asses. All of them took off, except for Kevin who just stood there. He looked back to see they all had fled, leaving him there by himself.

Kevin started walking up towards Chris smiling. "What do you want, Halliwell," he asked.

"You," he hissed pointing at Kevin. "You better tell me what you just said was a lie," Chris warned. He was ready to beat the shit out of Kevin right then and there.

Kevin tilted his said to the side still smiling. "Oh are you talking about the part where I drugged you're brother and then fucked him or if you want to say rapped," he said making it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

"You're sick you know that," Chris said coldly. "What the fuck is wrong with you," he asked.

Kevin shrugged saying, "nothing, I just go for what I want and I get it one way or another," he said. "Oh and trust me your brother was one hard one to get, I mean with drugging him, and then dragging him back upstairs to screw him, but he did yell at me before I did it and trust me it only made me want him more," Kevin said chuckling the whole time. "Yeah and call me next time he's drugged up because he was good," Kevin taunted.

Chris's temper was starting to get the best of him. "You monster," he said firmly. "Did you just hear yourself," he asked and Kevin just stood there laughing. "You raped him."

"Yeah," Kevin replied proud of it.

"Just wait till Wyatt hears about this," Chris said.

"Oh and how is he going to find out," Kevin said chuckling even harder. "Are you going to tell him, because he might believe you but without no proof there's nothing he can do about it."

"No, I'm not going to tell him," Chris responded. He then pointed back at Kevin saying, "you are."

Kevin then broke out in laughter. He was really annoying Chris with that happiness he was having. "Oh really? What makes you think I'm going to tell Wyatt anything?"

"Because I'm going to make sure of it," Chris said. He was now about to wipe that smile off of Kevin's face. He then ran over to Kevin and grabbed him by the arm and twisted it till Kevin was screaming out in pain. That's funny because that's a move that I taught him for interrogation. "Now are you going to tell Wyatt or am I going to have to twist off your arm."

"Alright, I'll tell him," Kevin said giving in

"Good," Chris said letting go of his arm. Chris then grabbed the front of Kevin's shirt and dragged him along with him to go find Wyatt.


Wyatt was sitting on the bench at the school waiting for Chris. He really needed to talk to Chris about me. Wyatt has been feeling real bad about the way he's been treating the kids, but right now he can't be around me. Wyatt felt like he had been stabbed in the heart with his own sword, Excalibur. Chris was taking a long time and Wyatt was getting pretty board so he took out his book and started reading his homework while he waited.

"Wyatt Halliwell," a sweet voice said. Wyatt looked up to see that it was his ex-girlfriend Sandra. "Wow I guess this is a small world after all, I never expected to see you here, how are you," she asked as she took a seat next to him.

"Fine," Wyatt lied. Right now wasn't the time for her to come up and bother him.

"How long have you been going here," she asked.

Wyatt answered, but he just continued looking at his book and never looking at her. "This is my first year," he said.

"Have you made any knew friends," she asked.

Wyatt was really getting frustrated with her and all of the questions. "Yes, I have now can I please study," he said angrily.

"Geeze, Wyatt you haven't changed one bit," she said seeing how he had a short temper. She knew that from when they were going out. It might scare people but it turned her on when Wyatt would yell at her. "You know I always wondered what would have happened if we never broke up."

"Yeah well you keep wondering," Wyatt said back.

Sandra laughed at how Wyatt was rejecting her. "Wyatt I know you still think about me from time to time don't you," she asked.

"As a matter of fact I don't," he said.

She then started to smirk. "Come on Wy, I know you miss me and you probably want me back don't you," she asked.

"No!" he yelled instantly. "Now will you please leave me alone," he said with his temper at its peek.

Sandra then took Wyatt's book out of his hands and threw it on the ground. She then pushed him down so that now he was laying on the bench. Before Wyatt could say anything she pressed her lips against his unwillingly.

"What's going on here," Chris asked. He had just walked up and he was still holding onto Kevin. Chris just hates that he comes in at the wrong time just about every single time he goes to meet up with someone.

Wyatt quickly pushed Sandra off of him and sat back up. "Nothing," he said. "Sandra was just leaving," he said looking at her. Sandra just gave a 'hmph' and walked away, mad that Wyatt had rejected her.

"So Wyatt," Chris said getting back to the real reason why he was there. "Kevin here has something he wants to tell you," Chris said pushing Kevin forward so that he was now standing in between him and Wyatt.

"What makes you think I want to listen," Wyatt snapped, looking down at him. He's the last person he'd rather see right now. He would rather see the Source than him right now.

Chris had worked so hard for this and he was going to make sure Wyatt knew the truth. "Because, Wyatt, what he's about to tell you could save your marriage," Chris said.

Wyatt stared at him in anger for a moment before he crossed his arms over his chest. Right now nothing could save his marriage, but he was interested to hear what he had to say. "Okay, you have something to tell me so, tell me."

Kevin looked back at Chris. He couldn't believe he was making him do this, "go on say it," Chris urged.

Kevin frowned. He really didn't want to do this but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Kevin, you better start talking right now, I'm already in a bad mood," Wyatt warned. He was really getting tired of the procrastination.

Kevin growled back at Chris and then looked back at Wyatt. His face was full of anger like he could just kill fifty demons. "I had sex with Evans alright," Kevin confessed and then looked back at Chris. "There I said it ya happy?"

Wyatt shook his head and rolled his eyes. He thought Chris was trying to save his marriage, but not make it worse by bringing that asshole up here to say it. "Don't worry I know," he told Kevin.

"See he knows," Kevin said towards Chris. He tried to walk past Chris but Chris then pushed him back and wouldn't let him go.

"Tell him the rest," Chris ordered.

Wyatt had overheard what Chris said. "There's more," Wyatt asked.

"Much, much more," Chris said to Wyatt. "Now tell him!"

Kevin just stood there for a moment. He was waiting for them to just let him go because he wasn't going to talk.

"Kevin, you better tell me what it is or I will beat it out of you," he warned. Wyatt really wasn't in the mood for games and as far as he knew Kevin wasn't going anywhere until he found out what Chris was talking out.

When Kevin heard Wyatt yell, he jumped a little. He looked back and growled at Chris once more before speaking. "I put the date rape drug in his water," he confessed unwillingly.

Wyatt clenched his jaw and started to grit his teeth. Did he just hear what he thought he heard. "What. Did .You. Do?"

"Tell the whole story Kevin," Chris added.

"Look, he rejected me at the football game and no one rejects me so I had to prove myself, so I made a bet with some friends that I could get him to sleep with me, and that's what I did. I told someone to invite him to the party and he came and then I slipped a couple of them into his water, though he did yell at me before, but I dragged him back upstairs and, if you want to say it, I raped him," Kevin said not stuttering one bit. He had no remorse for what he did. "But come on Wyatt, you have to admit, how could I not, I mean look at him, he's so gorgeous, and he was good in bed, I must say I see why you married him."

Wyatt could no longer hold it back now. Kevin was now taunting Wyatt about what he did. Soon Wyatt's fist collided with Kevin's jaw. Kevin got hit so hard he fell to the ground, but Wyatt didn't care. Especially not after he had no remorse for what he did to me. Wyatt continued punching Kevin in the face, everywhere he could hit him.

"You motherfucking son of a bitch," Wyatt growled as he continued beating the shit out of Kevin. He couldn't control himself now. "I can't believe you fucking pulled that shit," Wyatt yelled continuing this assault on Kevin. Chris just looked back and watched as Kevin got was he deserved. Soon people were starting to catch sight of the whole thing and started to gather around, and Wyatt was too busy punching Kevin to notice. "You sorry excuse for a human! You don't even have regret for what you accuse me of marrying him for sex, you bastard!"

Kevin couldn't even say anything back. He tried to open his mouth a could of times but he only got struck with more blows and it hurt even more so he decided to keep his mouth shut. Right now his face was covered in blood. Both of his eyes were black, his nose was dripping blood, he had bruises all over his cheeks, and Wyatt had even hit him so hard he knocked out a couple of his teeth, so now he was flooding blood out of his mouth.

"Do you know you just fucking drugged him while he was pre-," Wyatt started but stopped himself. He didn't want everyone now looking at me like I was a freak because I'm a witch. "I can't believe you rapped him, I could have him press charges on you're sorry ass, you fucking rapist," Wyatt yelled.

Chris looked around and saw this was drawing too much attention so he knew he had to stop it. Plus Wyatt was on the verge of killing Kevin and he didn't want Wyatt to be on trial for murder. Chris got behind Wyatt and pulled him off of Kevin. "Okay bro, I think that's enough," Chris said.

Kevin sat up on the ground, blood still dripping from his face. "Finally someone is able to control that beast," he said. Even after he gets the tar beaten out of him he still talks smack.

"You got what you deserved," Chris coldly said. Chris let go of Wyatt.

That was a mistake. Wyatt then went over to Kevin pulled him off the ground and said, "if I ever see you, no if I ever hear that you were near my husband again, and trust me I'll know, because I have eyes everywhere, I will kill you, do you hear me," Wyatt asked in an angry and interrogating tone. Kevin didn't say anything he just looked away. Wyatt grip on his shirt tightened to where he was lifting Kevin off the ground. Kevin scared of being hurt anymore nodded. Wyatt then threw him back on the ground. "Now get out of here, because if you stay I promise you will regret it, because not even Chris will be able to save you."

Kevin then, barely able to hold himself, got off the ground and ran off. All the students who had been standing there moved quickly away when the saw Wyatt staring at them. Luckily Chris was there or else Kevin would be a dead man right now. Wyatt knew he had some apologizing to do and it all had to start with me.


It was late and I wasn't expecting Wyatt to come home, and I didn't have any time to cook so, the kids had to eat McDonalds today, but I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it. Everything was really up to me now because I couldn't depend on Wyatt to do anything. Yeah I screwed up, but that doesn't mean he has to leave me with the kids by myself.

Right now I'm trying to rock Prue to sleep. Ryan and Patience were easy. For some reason after they eat something and take a bath their ready to go to bed. That makes everything a whole lot easier for me.

"Come on Prue its time to go to bed," I said as I sat her in her crib. I then turned to walk about but she started cry. So I had to go back up to the crib and hold her close to my chest until she stopped crying. I waited till she was sleep until I tried to walk out again. Nothing changed. She started crying again and I had to go pick her up. I sometimes wonder why is it so hard to put her to sleep and so easy to put Ryan and Patience to sleep. "Prue everything is going to be okay," I whispered. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, and I promise not to let anything happen to you," I said protectively. I'm sure Prue and the kids can sense something wrong, but I can't let them know I don't know when their dad is coming home.

Ironically, I heard orbs in the doorway. I expected it to be Chris since no one but him comes over to visit me these days. I mean yeah Piper and Leo would still come over but they couldn't orb so that would narrow it down. The funny thing is the whole family has forgiven me except for Wyatt.

I turned around to see, who I thought was Chris, but standing there was my husband. Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. I really wasn't up for his bull shit tonight so I slowly put Prue back in her crib and put her favorite toy hanging above her so if she woke up she'd be entertained. I looked at Wyatt and shook my head, and then pushed him out of the way.

Wyatt followed right behind me. "Chris, can we talk?" Wyatt asked. This was the first time I heard him talk in a calm tone ever since I told him about what happened at the party.

"What? Are you here to yell at me and tell me how stupid I was for everything," I snapped as I continued walking away from him. I really wasn't walking anywhere in particular I was just trying to get away from Wyatt right now, but that didn't seem to happen because he was following me to every room I went.

"No," Wyatt said. "Look I talked to Kevin today, well I mean I let him talk and-" Wyatt started but I cut him off.

"So, you're here to talk about divorce, well you know Wyatt if you want to end it then go ahead because I'm tired of all this shit you're putting the kids through," I said. I was tired of walking so I started heading towards the bedroom. I know that's not going to get him to leave me alone but I'm tired and I'm going to get some sleep whether he likes it or not.

"What?! No," Wyatt asked confused at first but then caught on. "Can you please let me finish," Wyatt pressed on. I really wasn't listening since I was walking around the bedroom. "And can you please stop moving so we can talk," he begged. I nodded and sat on the bed while he remained standing. "Thank you," he said. "Now as I was saying Kevin and I had a talk." Oh no this couldn't have been good. "And he told me about what happened."

"Look, I'm sorry alright I don't know what you want me to say," I angrily. I had just about enough of Wyatt always rubbing in what I did.

"No, Chris, it should be me who's sorry," Wyatt said as he came and sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "I should have known you wouldn't do something like that to me."

I shook my head in disagreement. "Wyatt, its my fault I shouldn't have gone to that party and stayed for as long as I did, as a matter of fact I shouldn't even be out partying at all," I downed myself.

"What?! No, its not your fault you hear me," Wyatt said furious. He was even more mad that I would even think this was my fault. "You did right, you tried to leave the party and told Kevin to leave you alone, and that son of a bitch just took it upon himself to do what he did!"

I couldn't argue with Wyatt on that. Even if I could Wyatt would still find some way to prove himself right. That's one thing I love about him. Even in my saddest hours Wyatt always found a way to make me feel better.

"Chris, I'm sorry for all of this," Wyatt repeated as he pulled me even closer to him. "I'm sorry for putting you through a lot in the past week. I don't know..I..I..I'm sorry, and from now on I'm going to be the proper husband," Wyatt said.

I smiled saying, "you already are a good husband, and I couldn't ask for anyone better," I said thoughtfully.

"You don't have to lie to me, I know I haven't been," Wyatt insisted. "Those trips I kept taking to the Underworld and leaving you here with the kids by yourself, was stupid. I never should have been doing that no matter what, and I shouldn't have treated the kids that way either."

"But Wyatt.."

"No Chris, you should never have had to go through that, especially pregnant," Wyatt said. "I promise no matter what happens, I will never treat you that way again."

I smiled and warmed up to his embrace, by putting my hands around his neck. It felt like ages since things were like this. I wish they could stay like this forever. When I finally pulled away, I found myself starring straight into his blue eyes. At that moment time seemed to stop. We both leaned in for a passionate kiss. Finally pulling away from it, Wyatt wouldn't let me out of the embrace. I knew I wasn't going anywhere with how tight he was holding me, so I rested my chin on his broad shoulder.

I soon felt him placing buttery kisses on my neck. As he kept doing it I let out a few quiet moans. His grip loosened on my, only for him to move his hand along my back area. Wasn't too much longer before he started pushing me down on the bed to where he was now on top of me. I knew exactly where this was leading.

"Wyatt...," I moaned.

Wyatt pulled off of my neck and place a finger on my mouth to silence me. "Shh, everything is going to be okay, I promise," he whispered. He must knew I was thinking about the baby right now. He pressed his lips against mine, and pushed past my teeth and inserted his tongue in my mouth hungrily. He pulled away and smiled at me, he didn't want to take it any further without my consent. "Can I continue," he asked. I nodded, since I knew Wyatt wasn't going to hurt the baby. He promised and he never breaks his promises. Wyatt proceeded sucking and biting on my neck, while he used his hands and went under my clothes and felt his way around my body. He finally stopped at my nipple and started to rub it with his thumb, making it hard.

Not being able to take it anymore Wyatt lifted my shirt up wanting to take it off. I helped him out by lifting my arms in the air so he could pull it all the way off. Once the shirt was off Wyatt went right back down to feasting on my body now that my shirt wasn't in his way, leaving marks and butterfly kisses wherever he went. Not wanting to be the only one shirtless I grabbed onto the back of Wyatt's shirt as he was kissing on my body and yanked it off, and threw it onto the floor.

Wyatt finally kissed his way down to my naval. He licked around it before sticking his tongue in and out, tongue fucking my belly button. Kissing even lower, he found my pants to be in his way. Getting frustrated with my clothes always stopping him, he quickly unbutton my pants, undid the zipper, and aggressively pulled them off along with my boxers. Once my pants were out of his way, Wyatt went back down to kissing and licking my body everywhere. When it came down to the hardest part of my body, Wyatt just licked along the tip and went to kissing around my legs, not going anywhere near it.

I was now getting frustrated with the teasing. I pulled his hair and pushed him onto my cock. Wyatt got the hint and took it into his mouth and sucked on it like a lolly pop. Thought it was turning Wyatt on he was in pain himself as I was grabbing onto his hair and guiding him to where I wanted him to go. Soon I didn't have to do that. I let go of his hair and he was able to sense where I wanted him to go.

It finally got to the point where I was at my peak. "I'," I moaned. As soon as Wyatt heard this, his cock got even harder to where he couldn't stand it in his jeans anymore. Wyatt pulled back, leaving me drip. Not wanting to be away from me too long, he quickly stripped off his jeans along with his underwear.

He conjured up some lube and started put it on his fingers, and with one hand he started to stick in his fingers one by one while on the other he coated his cock with it. He started out with just his middle finger. I cried out in pain at first but then I relaxed. After letting me relax for a little bit he stuck in his index finger with it. This time there wasn't any pain just pleasure. Wyatt felt safe to insert another finger, and waited till my face wasn't in pain, and in pleasure.

When he saw that I wasn't in any pain any more he thought it was okay to finish this off. He pulled my legs around his waist and started to insert his long erection in my tight hole.

I cried out so loud in pain that I thought I was going to wake up the kids, but luckily I didn't. This was beginning to hurt more than ever. "Pull it out, pull it out," I begged.

"Relax...its going to get better," he whispered in my ear before kissing it. Wyatt proceeded on and kept pushing in my until he was all the way in. He waited until all the pain I was in turned to pleasure. He nodded and started to thrust in and out of me. He was being rougher than usual, but who wouldn't after not having it for a long time.

I cried out in pleasure as all of this went on. Though he was being harder and rougher it still felt pretty good. I was holding onto the sides of the bed for support so Wyatt didn't cause me to hit the headboard. "Faster," I felt myself say as I kept moaning.

Wyatt smiled at that. He was happy to go faster. He started moving as fast as he could, causing some pain and pleasure at the same time. Wyatt could barely hold it any longer. He knew he was at his peek. So was as, and as soon as Wyatt thrusts in me the last time, I shot a huge load all over his abdomen. Seeing me cum turned him on more and he shot his load in me that was twice as huge as mine.

Wyatt was careful not to collapse on me. He lied there next to me and pulled me closer to him. Just wanting to hold me after, what seemed like ages. Wyatt kissed me on the forehead and smiled.

"You know, I can't believe we just did that," I smiled. I looked down at my stomach and put my hand on it. "I hope our baby's okay."

"Me too," he said as he kissed my forehead again. "I love you Chris and I'm sorry," he said.

"Wyatt its okay, lets just forget about it alright, and I love you too," I said back. I snuggled into his embrace and we both laid there staring at each other until we finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up thirty minutes later and Wyatt was still sleep. Right now I couldn't get much sleep thinking about all the things that took place between Wyatt and I this week. I'm glad we're back together, but I wish we never had gone through this. This scares me, I mean if it only took something like that to break out relationship up then I don't know if we have much of a future together. What am I saying of course we do. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with other than Wyatt. Even if he is possessive, though sometimes it can be a turn on, but more times its a bad thing.

As I was thinking about all of this I was playing with Wyatt's broad chest. He must be pretty worn out from all our fun that we had. I still can't believe I did that, but oh well it happened and if there was something wrong with Robert, we'd know by now so he's okay. I continued playing with one of his nipples while he stayed sleep, till I looked over at the clock and it said 3:00 am. I knew if I didn't get some sleep now then I wasn't going to fall asleep during class and I'm already in hot water right now so I closed my eyes and tried my best to sleep.

It felt like as soon as I closed my eyes I heard Wyatt's voice calling me. "Chris, baby its time to get up," he said.

"Hmmm," I said in response. I ignored what Wyatt said and snuggled into him more.

Wyatt smiled at the sight. He thought it was adorable how I never wanted to get up so I would just lay more onto him so he couldn't go anywhere. "Baby come on its seven o' clock and we're gonna be late for school if we don't get up," Wyatt proceeded.

"I don't wanna go to school," I slurred. I haven't even opened up my eyes. I kept my head on my husband's muscular chest. I just wanted to sleep like this forever.

"Baby you know you have to, we've been absent too many days," Wyatt pointed out. I still didn't move. "Fine you don't have to go," Wyatt said giving in. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him confused. "Yeah, I'm serious you don't have to go if you don't want to. I know all week has been stressful for you so if you want to stay home I could get a shape shifter to take your place."

I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled back at him. "Wyatt Matthew Halliwell have you been reading my mind?"

Wyatt smirked back saying, "I guess I'm guilty of that charge," Wyatt confessed. We both started laughing at that as I playfully punched Wyatt on his broad arm. "Come on baby, if you're not going to go can you at least let me up so I can go shower before I go to school." I still didn't move. "Come on I haven't had a shower in a couple of days."

I quickly rolled off of him and sat up. Wyatt laughed and sat up too. "I knew I smelled something bad," I said.

"You did?" Wyatt asked and I nodded. "Come closer," he said. I started leaning in closer. "Closer, I won't bite, well at least not right now," he grinned. I got even more closer to where our foreheads were almost touching. I thought he was going to kiss me. Next thing I knew I felt Wyatt's hand on the back of my head and he shoved my face into his armpit and kept it there for a few seconds.

"Mother fucker," I said once he let me go.

He lifted an eye brow and smiled again. "I guess I am because I'm fucking you and well you're a mother."

I picked up a pillow and hit him on the head with it. He laughed in response. I can never remember ever having this much fun with Wyatt in a long time. "Go on and take your shower, because I'm gonna have to get in there soon and you know how I am with the hot water, and you better not use all of it up."

Wyatt got out of bed and revealed himself and all his glory. He was about open the door to leave but he turned back around and smirked at me, like he always does when he sees me. "You know I just had an idea," Wyatt said as he made he way back towards the bed. "Maybe we could save the hot water by you know us going in together," he suggested.

"Sorry Wyatt but I shower alone," I replied.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yeah really," I said back.

"Is that so," Wyatt said as he was getting closer.

"Yep its so," I said back.

"Not today," he said. He then pulled off the covers and before I could get away he grabbed my legs and pulled them up towards him. Once I was close enough he picked me up with my legs in one arm and my neck in the other. I quickly grabbed onto his neck not wanting to be dropped.

"Wyatt come on you know you're gonna have to put me down," I said smiling.

"No way babe, now lets get to that shower," he said orbing us to the bathroom, where he finally set me down. He went and turned on the water and waited for it to be warm enough. He then held out his arm signaling he wanted me to go first. "After you," he said.

I slowly got into the shower. The water felt just right as it all came down along my body. Wyatt followed in after shivering a little. I turned and smiled back at him saying, "you having fun back there."

"As a matter of fact I am," Wyatt answered. "But if you'd switch with me, it would make things a lot better," he asked."

"I don't think so," I said shaking my head.

"Come on baby its cold," Wyatt pleaded.

"Sorry, but you're the one who forced me to take a shower with you so looks like you have to suffer," I said back.

"Oh no I'm not gonna suffer, so looks like we're going to have to fix this," Wyatt said. He then came closer to me and pulled us so close that we were skin and skin under the shower head. "Much better," he grinned.


It was coming near an end for the first year of college. I was happy and all since now I wouldn't have to wake up to take the kids to school a lot more and now that Wyatt and I aren't freshman anymore we don't have to have a dorm room on campus. Though next year we are still going to have to orb there everyday. I can't believe we chose a school so far away, though its not that bad since we all can orb.

Wyatt has made a complete turn around. For the past few months Wyatt has always been spending lots of time with me and the kids. If he's not at work or football practice he's at home with me and the kids. He hasn't gone demon hunting in awhile and that makes me proud. Not only has he started spending time with me and the kids but he lets me sleep in while he makes the kids breakfast and drops them off at Piper's. When Prue wakes up in the middle of the night crying, Wyatt tells me to go back to sleep, and he would take care of her. Wyatt was being the best husband in the world.

The only thing that he was doing that kept pissing me off was his little possessive moments. He was always walking around the school telling every guy that I was his and I belonged to him and he would beat their ass if they touched me. It probably was that whole incident with Kevin that set him off, but he really didn't have to be that way. Now because of him I'm finding it a little hard to make any friends since everyone is afraid of Wyatt.

Today I'm going out with Daughtry for some fun since I haven't seen him in awhile and neither have I been out of the house because of Wyatt not letting me go, but I understand since I'm pregnant still and he wants to protect me. I'm only six months and its showing to look about eight, but the doctor said the baby was growing faster than usual so thats not a worry for me, except for that's the main reason Wyatt wants me to stay home.

It only took me begging him for like an hour and promising that if anything peculiar happened to call him immediately. I sometimes just wish he'd let me have fun.

The doorbell rang and Wyatt quickly ran to get it. He had Prue in his arms since he had just been feeding her and was planning to put her down for a nap. Wyatt opened the door to reveal Daughtry there waiting. "Hello," Wyatt greeted him. He shook his hand. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too," Daughtry said back nodding. "Is Chris ready," he asked.

"He should be here any minute," Wyatt said. "Would you like to come in," Wyatt offered. He moved a side so Daughtry could come in. Daughtry went and sat on the couch to wait. "Chris! Your friend's here!" Wyatt called.

Daughtry caught sight of the baby Wyatt was holding in his hands. "Is that Prue you have right there."

"Yep," Wyatt said instantly.

"She looks like Chris," Daughtry pointed out. He's probably like the twentieth person who's said that.

Wyatt looked down at Prue who was finally sleep after being rocked for awhile. "You think so? Hmm I thought she had a few of my features, but that's what everyone says," Wyatt asked. He heard me coming down the stairs so he thought he'd ask some questions he wanted to know before we left. "So where you guys going?"

"Probably a movie and out to eat," Daughtry replied. "Why?"

"Oh I just wanted to know, so I know how to reach my husband just in case something happens," Wyatt lied. Wyatt knew he could always reach me through telepathy no matter what. "And by the way," Wyatt started. His tone began to change. "If Chris comes back with one scratch on him or any hair out of place, I will make you pay," he warned.

"Wyatt!" I shouted.

Wyatt turned around to see me standing right behind him. He gave me an innocent smile. "Hey Chris," he said.

"Don't you hey Chris me," I snapped. "Why did you just say that to Daughtry?"

Wyatt shrugged saying, "I don't know, maybe cause I don't want anything to happen to you, and then I have to raise three kids by myself."

I sighed and shook my head. "Look Wyatt nothing is going to happen okay, I promise, now are you sure you can take care of the kids while I'm gone or do you need to to take one of them with me?"

"No, I can handle them, now you go and have a good time alright," he said smiling.

"Okay," I came up and gave him and quick kiss, not wanting to make it to long since he has Prue in his hands. "I love you."

"Love you to Chrissie," he said back. With that said Daughtry and I left out the door. Wyatt got a little depressed when I left. He really wanted to spend time with me right now, even though he's the only one I've been spending time with. He orbed up to Prue's room and put her in her crib and quickly orbed back down to check on Ryan and Patience. They were sitting on the couch watching Barney. Wyatt thought it was nice so he went over there and joined them. He really wasn't paying attention to the show, since he's to old for it.

It was only a matter of thirty minutes before Ryan and Patience fell asleep. It didn't take Wyatt too long to realize it since they both fell asleep on his legs. Wyatt was just about to orb them up to their rooms until he heard a car door shut. Thinking it was me he sat there and waited. What he didn't expect was for the door bell to ring. He just thought that I probably just forgot my key. So he gently pulled Ryan and Patience off of him and set them on the couch. He quickly walked straight up to the door. He was really getting excited now that I was home. When he opened the door, his smile instantly turned into a frown when he saw his crazy ex, Sandra on the other side.

"Hi, Wyatt, you don't look like you're too happy to see me," she said smiling.

'That's because I'm not' he thought to himself. "What are you doing here," he asked furiously.

"I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by and say hi," she answered.

'Yeah right, if she just wanted to say hi she could have called' Wyatt thought to himself again. "No I mean what are you doing down here, in San Fransisco, shouldn't you be back in New York."

"Hello, Wyatt, schools out, its summer now so I came back to my home town," she answered. She was wondering why he was asking so many questions.

"How did you find out where I lived," he asked.

She gave him a smirk. "That's for me to know and for you to find out," she said as she winked at him. "Now aren't you going to invite me in," she asked. Wyatt rolled his eyes before he moved out of the way and allowed her to enter the house. She took a look around before laying down on a couch. "Nice place you have here," she said.

"Thanks, now what do you want," Wyatt asked getting straight to the point. He took a look at what she was wearing. She had on a short black shirk and a black tank top that revealed her cleavage. Wyatt remembered that was the outfit she used to seduce him the first time they had sex. "And why are you dressed like that?"

"What's wrong Wyatt, am I distracting you," she asked in her sexy tone. She started running her finger all over her body.

Wyatt looked over and saw the kids were still asleep and he was scared to see what would happen if they woke up and saw that. Wyatt knows I would kill him. He's already in hot water by letting her in the house. "Yes you are and you need to stop!" Wyatt demanded. "I have to kids laying right there that could wake up any moment."

"Now, now, why didn't you say so," she said as she got up off the couch and walked towards Wyatt. "We could always take this up to your bedroom," she offered, kissing his neck.

Knowing I could come home anytime, Wyatt pushed her off. "Sandra, stop it," he demanded. "I'm married and I'm gay," he said showing her the ring he had on his finger.

That wasn't going to stop Sandra. She always goes for what she wants. "Wyatt I know you don't love him," she said as she started to advance on Wyatt. "You still love me," she insisted wrapping her arms around Wyatt's neck.

"No I don't actually," Wyatt said taking her off his neck. "To tell you the truth I never loved you, I mean you were just a one night stand until I found out that I was gay and I liked Chris."

"So are you saying what we had was nothing," she asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying now, you need to go," Wyatt said pointing directly at the door.

It only made Sandra want Wyatt more. She gave him a seductive smile and began running her hand through his long blond curls. Finally, she moved in for the kiss and locked their lips together.

Wyatt's first reaction was to push her away but he couldn't. He didn't know what was coming over he now. He was filled with lust and now he couldn't resist her. He pushed Sandra up against the walls and started to fiercely devour her mouth. Knowing that the kids were still in the room Wyatt orbed them both up to the bedroom to finish this secession.


Daughtry and I finally pulled up back to the house. It felt good to get out after a long time. I hope to do it again, but knowing how Wyatt is it won't be any time soon. I slowly walked to the door, thinking Wyatt was going to probably open it before I can get my key into the lock, seeing as how he always does. I waited a few minutes before I pulled out my key and unlocked the door and walked in myself. I slowly walked into the living room to find Patience asleep on the couch. That was fine but I got worried because Ryan wasn't there.

Wondering if he was in the kitchen I quickly went in there. Ryan was on top of a bar stool trying to reach the cookie jar. He then slipped off of the bar stool. I reacted quickly by orbing a pillow to catch him. I nearly had a heart attack. I went over and picked him up and kissed him on the forehead. I almost lost him there. I was scared and pissed off. Right now Wyatt was suppose to be watching him and if I had not come in he would have broken his neck.

I set Ryan on the couch, "I need you to stay here, while I go yell at your dad okay," I said. I knew he didn't know what I meant by 'yell' so I felt it was safe to tell him that. I turned on Barney to distract him so he wouldn't go anywhere. I began walking up the stairs. "Wyatt!" I called, but there was no answer. "Wyatt!" I shouted again but still was no answer. I walked past Prue's room and saw that she was sleep in her crib so Wyatt had to be here somewhere. He must be in the bedroom. I made my way to the bedroom and twisted the knob, but it was locked. I found that strangely unusual because we never lock doors around here. I squinted my eyes and unlocked the door. I opened the door only to find Wyatt lying in bed naked with another girl lying on his chest. I clenched my jaw and started gritting my teeth. I now really angry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Wyatt quickly woke up and so did Sandra. He knew he was in deep trouble now. "Chris this isn't what it looks like," he said.

"It isn't," Sandra said. "You didn't say that as we were making love," Sandra continued, trying to provoke me. "I guess now that you're here, its time to end it and I was just having fun with you Wyatt," she said. She leaned in towards Wyatt about to kiss him again, and in front of me for that matter. Just before she could there was an explosion between then causing them to both fall on different sides of the bed and leaving a whole in the bed post. "What the hell?"

'Uh oh' I thought to myself. I looked down at my stomach knowing exactly where that came from. I don't know why the baby just did that. I wasn't in any danger or anything and I didn't order it to. This was scary, that could expose our magic, and expose us as witches. Right now I don't care about that. Part of me wishes that the baby had blown up the bitch.

Wyatt got off the floor and wrapped some blankets around his lower half not wanting to reveal himself. Sandra soon followed and wrapped a towel around her whole body. "I think you should leave," Wyatt said to her.

"But-" she started.

"Now!" Wyatt persisted. Sandra got so mad she just picked up her clothes and stormed out the house without even putting them on. "Chris look I can explain all of this," Wyatt repeated.

"Don't even try it Wyatt," I snapped as I went to the closet and pulled out a bag and began throwing however many clothes in it I could fit. "Right now I don't want to hear you or talk to you," I said.

"Come on Chris please," Wyatt pursued. "Can we just talk about this?" Wyatt asked as he came up and tried to pull me into a hug.

I quickly pushed him away. I pushed him so hard that he fell on the bed. "Talk about what? The fact that you were up here screwing your fucking ex while your son almost broke his damn neck, because he you weren't watching him since you were having so much fun," I shouted. Wyatt didn't have anything to say then. I quickly zipped up my bag, threw it over my shoulder and proceeded out.

"Where are you going," he asked worried.

"To Daughtry's house," I answered. "Right now I can't stand to be any where near you, let alone the same house as you."

"Please tell me you're not leaving me," he begged.

"It looks that way," I said back.

"But baby wait," Wyatt said coming after me. He was already to late as I had just walked out the front door and slammed it right behind me. Wyatt got so mad at himself that he punched the wall making a big hole in it. "Dammit!"


1 week later.....

I hadn't even said anything to Wyatt since that whole thing with his ex. Everyone keeps asking me if there's anyway of fixing it but I just say that I don't know. I still love Wyatt, always have and always will, but him cheating on me is just something I can't handle right now.

For the past week I've been staying at Daughtry's house like I always do when Wyatt and I have a fight. I would sneak and see the kids when I knew Wyatt was at work or when he was sleep. That's the only thing I regret is leaving him with the kids but I knew I couldn't take them with me. Now I'm pregnant with another one, 7 months to be exact, and it could be here any day now. The funny thing is tomorrow is Wyatt's birthday and his and I's anniversary of being married for one year.

I want to talk to him I really do, but right now if I saw him, I'd probably end up killing him. Just thinking about it made me want to hurl. How could Wyatt cheat on me with his ex-girlfriend out of all people. It would have been less painful if it was with some girl he never knew, but it wasn't. Some are saying I'm being a hypocrite, but the two times that I did it was because I wasn't myself. I was on a spell and I had the date rape drug slipped in me so that doesn't count.

Wyatt was getting real frustrated that I wasn't talking to him. Of course he's messed up, but how does he expect me to forgive him if I won't even talk to him. Right now he just pulled up to Daughtry's house knowing that's where I was staying at. Somehow he knew he had to talk to me about it. Especially since tomorrow was our anniversary and he didn't want us to spend our first year of being married apart from each other.

He walked up to Daughtry's house thinking about what he was going to say. He took a deep breath and was just about to push the door bell when the door suddenly opened before he could ring it.

Daughtry stood there in the door way with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. He was obviously not happy to see Wyatt. "Hello, Wyatt," Daughtry said gritting his teeth. He leaned on the door way. "What do you want," he asked angrily.

Wyatt was very surprised. He's never seen Daughtry like this before. He knew I told him about what happened. Including the whole thing with Ryan almost hurting himself. "I'm just here to talk to Chris," he replied.

"Sorry, but Chris doesn't want to talk to you right now," Daughtry said. His eyes were full of fury and it was directed towards Wyatt. "Now I suggest you get out of here before I make you leave."

Wyatt started to get angry at Daughtry. He felt that he had a right to talk to me without Daughtry getting involved since this was none of his business. It was suppose to be between me and him. "I'm not leaving here until I talk to Chris," Wyatt growled.

"Oh, yes you are, even if I have to beat your ass and put you right back in that damn car of yours myself," Daughtry argued back. "Everyone else might be afraid of you, but I'm not," Daughtry said. Daughtry and Wyatt stared at each other for what seemed like forever, anger flowing through them both. Daughtry got tired of looking at Wyatt so he finally slammed the door on him and headed straight back up stairs.

Wyatt stood at the door pissed off more than before. He was about to knock down the door but he knew that wasn't the best approach so he finally left. I was sitting upstairs watching this through the window. I didn't want Daughtry and Wyatt to go face to face with each other, but I was in no way able to talk to Wyatt right now. I'm going to have to wait till I can sit and talk to him about it.

Daughtry came and opened the door and sat next to me on the bed next to me. "So, how bad is he right now," I asked referring to Wyatt.

He shrugged before answering. "The guy really wants you back."

"I know and that's why I'm scared," I said looking down.

Daughtry came and started rubbing me on the back to comfort me. "Hey its going to be okay," he assured. "Wyatt's not coming anywhere near you until you're ready, and I'm going to make sure of that."

"Thanks," I smiled. I looked at him with a weird look. "You know, usually you're always trying to get me back with Wyatt, what's going on this time," I asked.

"That bastard," Daughtry hissed. "He had no right to go cheat on you the way he did, no matter what," he went on. "I wouldn't object to you divorcing him right now if you wanted to."

I laughed at him. I've never seen Daughtry this angry. "I just want to let you know that you're a great friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better than you," I said very gently.

"Hey, what are friends for," Daughtry said hugging me.


Wyatt was laying in bed by himself like he's always been for the past week. He really misses me and would do anything to get me back, heck right now he would do anything to even get to talk to me right now. He kept beating himself over it and wishing he could go back in time and just change it all, but that would be personal gain and things could just end up worse than before. Days were just getting worse each time I wasn't there.

Everyday the kids would ask why Wyatt and I weren't talking to each other, and Wyatt would have to tell them that him and I are going through a hard time. He almost said to them it was his fault but he knew that the kids wouldn't understand. Wyatt barely understands all of this himself.

As Wyatt thought of me he started rubbing my side of the bed that was still empty. He would do that everyday just because he felt me there sometimes. He started sniffing the pillow that I laid on and sniffed in my scent. How he missed it so much.

Getting a whiff of my scent really set him off then. He wasn't going another day without me in bed with him sleeping in his arms. He had to get me back one way or another, even if he had to go through Daughtry. Nothing was going to stand in his way. Wyatt jumped out of bed, and put crystals around the kids beds so the wouldn't be attacked by any demons. After being sure that all the kids were secure he orbed out and into Daughtry's house.

He searched and searched until he found the bedroom that I was sleeping in. Slowly and quietly he came in so he wouldn't wake me up. He shut the door behind him and said a spell and magically secured the room so that no one could come in or hear us. He saw me sleeping peacefully and smiled. It feels like forever since he's seen that. Right now he wanted to be in there, so he slipped off his shirt and his pants so now he was just in his boxers. He then pulled up the covers and climbed into bed with me and wrapped his arm around me and put my head on his chest.

I was sleeping so well that I didn't even notice what Wyatt was doing. When I finally did wake up, I felt I wasn't alone. There was a familiar body scent and a familiar body heat and there was something about the broad arms that were wrapped around me along with the muscular chest that I was lying on. Being really curious I looked up to see who it was.

What was the point. I should have known it was going to be Wyatt. "Wyatt," I hissed. I then tried to move away but his strong arms kept me against him. "Get off of me, let me go!" I yelled.

"Shh," he said putting a hand over my mouth. "I can't Chris," he whispered in my ear. "Please just listen," he said letting his hand off my mouth.

"No," I said instantly. "I'm not listening to a word you say now let me go," I said still struggling.

Wyatt still kept his grip on me. I don't even know why I'm struggling. Wyatt is way stronger than me and he can keep me there as long as he wants. "I won't, not until we talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about Wyatt," I said back coldly. "You fucked your ex in our bed, what more is there." I finally grew to tired to struggle anymore so Wyatt had me in a hold.

"I know and I'm sorry, I really am," Wyatt said very apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Then why did you do it," I asked. "Was it because we haven't had sex in a long time?" That better not be the reason, because if it is then not only will I divorce him but I'll kill him too.

"Honestly?" Wyatt asked. I nodded. "You're not going to believe this but to tell you the truth, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know," I said with my temper rising.

"I don't know, I mean one moment we were arguing and then next I heard some weird singing, and then I woke up in the bed with her beside me and you over me," Wyatt explained. That's really all he could remember. He didn't remember even having sex with her.

As I took in what Wyatt said, something sounded a little suspicions. "Wait a minute, Wyatt repeat the last thing you said."

"What that I woke up with her beside me," Wyatt questioned.

"No, before that," I answered.

"We were arguing?" Wyatt asked once more wondering if that's the spot I was talking about.

"No," I said again. "You said something about her singing to you?"

"Yeah, I mean that's the last thing I heard was her singing something to me and the next thing I knew, I couldn't resist her and we ended up in the same bed," Wyatt repeated.

"That evil little bitch! I'm gonna kill her!" I shouted.

"Why, I mean not that I want you to, but shouldn't you be mad at me and not her seeing as I'm the one who betrayed you," Wyatt said. He knew he was going to regret that in a few seconds after I yell at him.

"Wyatt don't you get it?" He shook his head. "The singing, hello," I said trying to point it out hoping he would catch on. "She's a damn Siren!" I shouted. "She goes to houses and seduces married men and she must have used her song to lure you back in bed," I said. "But," my tone started to change. I smiled, "that's probably why your son blew you two apart," I pointed out. "Of course it is, there's no probably about it. Wyatt your son just saved your life, because you know if she kissed you in front of me you would have burned to death."

"Please," Wyatt said rolling his eyes. "You forget, I'm invincible and nothing can kill me," Wyatt bragged.

"I know that, but she doesn't," I replied. "Looks like even from the stomach our kids are protecting us."

"Yes they are," Wyatt smiled and lifted up my shirt to reveal my stomach. "You were trying to protect daddy, weren't you?" Wyatt said to my stomach kissing it. "I love you baby," he continued talking to my stomach. He finally came back up to me. "And I love you too, my other baby," Wyatt said. He was about to kiss me but I held him back.

"Lets get one thing straight here," I started. "If I ever catch you inviting another one of your ex-girlfriends in the house, I will castrate you," I said firmly. "Got it?"

"Yes I do," Wyatt gulped. He then proceeded in his kiss and I didn't push him off this time. He started trying to stick his tongue in my mouth, so I opened up and let him come in. He was dominating my whole mouth. Not breaking the kiss, he got on top of me and his hand started to wonder and I could see where this was going when his hand was at the hem of my boxers trying to take them off.

"Hold it there tiger," I said pushing his hands off of my boxers. "What do you think you're doing," I asked. "I thought I said there was going to be no more of this until the baby is born."

"Hey! You know the drill," Wyatt complained. "First we make up, and then we have sex, those are the rules."

"Who makes up these cockamamie rules," I asked.

"I don't know but I like them," he answered smiling. "So can I continue," he asked wanting to finish what was started. I nodded and Wyatt continued his hungry assault on my body as he orbed us back to the bedroom.


Wyatt got from on top of me and pulled me close like he always does. We had been going at it for about three hours. That's probably one of the longest times we've ever gone at it. Wyatt was quickly going to sleep. I mean he should be seeing as we just had sex and its four in the morning. Plus I'm sure he's gonna want to celebrate out one year anniversary, though I hope its not anything to big. Being seven months pregnant takes a lot of energy out of you especially when if feels like your nine.

As I started to drift off to sleep I was quickly woken up by a slight pain in my stomach. At first I thought nothing of it since this isn't the first time I've had this pain. Maybe its just Robert kicking, so I just went back to sleep.

Again I woke up with that same pain only it was twice as bad. I could barely take it this time. I rubbed my stomach trying to sooth it and it finally subsided. This baby was really not letting me get much sleep. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 5:00 am and I really needed to get some sleep.

The pain got even worse to where now I couldn't even take it. I would have woke Wyatt up and said something but I didn't want to bother him. I slowly slipped out of the bed and carefully put some clothes on. Each move I made was a really bad ounce of pain. I wanted to go to the kitchen to see if there was any gel to rub on my stomach. I started for the kitchen but before I could even make it out the bedroom I collapsed on the floor, making a hard thump as I fell.

Wyatt heard the thump and quickly woke up and saw I wasn't lying there with him. He was really worried now. "Chris," he panicked. He got out of bed and ran over to my aid. "Are you alright baby," he asked rolling me onto my back.

"No," I cried. "The pain..ahhhh!" I shouted.

"Are you in labor," Wyatt asked concerned.

"I don't think so," I panted. "My water hasn't broke."

"Wait here okay, I'm going to go see if we have something for you in the kitchen," Wyatt told me. He then slowly got up and ran straight for the kitchen not stopping for anything.

I laid there waiting and waiting until the pain got so bad that I gave out another loud scream. Next thing I knew there was a large puddle of water around me. I knew what that meant. "Wyatt!" I shouted again.

Wyatt came running in faster than he's ever done. "Chris is everything okay baby," he asked concerned even more than before. I shook my head and pointed down at the wet spot. "No, not now," Wyatt said. He didn't know how to deliver a baby and surely he couldn't do this on his own. "Shit!" Wyatt shouted. He grabbed the phone and came back where I was. He started dialing Piper's number. "There's no answer," Wyatt said scared. He knew there wasn't anything demonic going over there or else they would have called him. They must be sleep. "Chris come on we're going to have to go over to mom's house."

"No, I'm not moving!" I shouted.

"Sorry baby but come on we can't deliver the baby now," Wyatt said and I glared at him. "No I mean I'm going to need some help so we're going to have to go to the manor." I still refused to go. Wyatt knew he couldn't wait any longer. I he didn't get me somewhere fast then things were only going to get worse. He knew what he had to do. In a swift movement he picked me up.

"What are you doing! Put me down!" I shouted.

Wyatt shook his head not believing he was doing this. He orbed us to the manor. That only made things worse for me.

"I hate you Wyatt! I hate you," I kept shouting as Wyatt carried me over to the kitchen where Piper, Paige, Phoebe, Chris, and Peter were all sitting down and having a cup of coffee.

"What's wrong," Piper asked. Its not everyday you see your eldest son carrying your eldest nephew into the kitchen with some water dripping from his pants. "Tell me that what I think is happening is not happening."

"Mom Chris's water broke," Wyatt explained. "Do you have any idea where dad is so he can do the c-section again?"

"You're father is somewhere in the past or the future with your Uncle Coop and there's not telling when he's going to be back," Piper explained.

Wyatt growled and he finally set me down on the table. "The one time I need him and he's not here."

"We're just going to have to do what we can," Phoebe said.

12 hours later............

"Is it over yet!" I shouted.

"No, baby sorry, but you haven't delivered him yet," Wyatt said.

I was really getting frustrated with Wyatt. Every time I'd ask something he'd be the one to respond with the negative answer. "Ugh," I growled at Wyatt. "I hate you Wyatt," I said once again.

"I know, you've said it a thousand time," Wyatt said rolling his eyes.

I saw it wasn't effecting him so I had to make a deeper approach. "You better never ever touch me again, no as a matter of fact we are never having sex again!" The whole family just looked at each other.

"You've got to be kidding me," Wyatt said.

"Like hell I am, you won't even see me with a shirt off again!" I shouted even louder. I started shouting in more and more pain


1 month later......

Wyatt was smiling and looking down at his second son rocking him back and forth. We were over at the manor visiting and Wyatt was bonding with his son while everyone was in the kitchen talking. Wyatt looked into his son's blue eyes and knew they were his. Baby Robert grabbed one of Wyatt's long curls and yanked on it.

"Ow," Wyatt said as he tried to take it out of Robert's hand.

I entered the room and started giggling at the sight. I went and kissed Wyatt on the cheek and then went over and kissed Robert on the head. "Looks like he's already learning how to irritate his dad," I stated.

"Very funny," Wyatt said not finding that too funny at all. He directed all his attention right back to his son. "Goochie goo," he said teasing Robert causing him to laugh.

I smiled. Seeing a father son bond was the best sight ever. "Do you think he might need a diaper change?"

"Nope, I just changed him five minutes ago," Wyatt answered.

"Alright well that's good," I said. "Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back okay," I said.

"Okay, but don't be too long," he grinned kissing me on the lips as he held Robert.

"Oh I won't," I replied. I ran up the stairs quickly and went straight to the bathroom. I was just about to wash my hands when I caught sight of something strange in the trash can. I walked over and pulled it out and examined it closely. I started to get really scared when I realized what it was. I knew it wasn't Piper's because she's too old for this, so that leaves it for one person. I power walked my way to Chris's room, and not caring what could have been going on in there, pushed open the door. Luckily Chris was just in there by himself reading a book. He looked up when he saw me.

"Hey bro what's up," he asked confused as to why I barged in his without even knocking.

"Chris what is this," I said holding the object in the air.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Don't play with me, you've seen me use the same thing," I said back. Chris was speechless. "When were you going to tell me?"

"I can't tell because things were gonna happen like this."

"Have you told anyone about his?" I asked.

"No, not a soul," Chris answered.

"You need to tell Peter," I said.

"I can't," Chris replied. "Peter is gonna freak out if he finds out that I'm pregnant."

Yeah I'm leaving another cliff hanger. Ha ha ha. Oh and yes I did cut out a sex scene so sue me, but if I didn't then you wouldn't be reading this right now, you'd probably be reading this a week later. The chapter is already long enough and I can't believe I said this wasn't going to be long and now look what happened. Okay this chapter might be long but don't expect this for every chapter alright. So please let me know how I'm doing with this story and send feedback. Remember you can always email me at or . And as I said before I do take in your suggestions or ideas and use them so people can see some of what they want so if there's something you want to see you can email me about that also, and I will reply back, but sorry I didn't last time. My email was being weird so I couldn't but I will from now on.

Next: Chapter 25

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