Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Nov 19, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Sorry this took so long but I had written everything but my computer erased all my files so yeah, but I love you guys so much that I wrote the whole thing over again, isn't that just nice of me.

But to tell you the truth, only a few people sent me feedback so it would have taken less time if more of you had. Oh and for those who did send me feedback actually got a preview of the chapter you're about to read. Yep that's what happens. So you might want to think about it. So fasten your seatbelt because it going to get a little bit intense. Last chapter was just to show the family life, but here's where all the intensity starts again.

Now here's a little bit of detailed info. Three years have passed and so now the kids are going to school. Just to let you know. Oh and Wyatt has grown his hair down to his shoulders and grew facial hair. Yep, Wyatt now has the evil Wyatt look only he's not evil. I like that look better and than the good Wyatt look.

"So," Wyatt said. "What does it say," he asked having waited fifteen minutes for the results. He really wanted it to turn out right. I mean this is the seventh time we tried and we both just want this to be over.

I looked down at the test. I bit my lip before saying, "its negative." I sighed upset. I just wanted this to be done once and for all so Wyatt could stop this little five times a day sex secessions. Were they ever annoying. Why was it so easy for me to conceive Patience, Ryan, Prue, and Robert, but so hard for me to conceive Patty.

For the past couple of weeks Wyatt and I have been trying to have Patty, but things are just seeming not to go our way. Well not my way but Wyatt's way. He actually loves our little fun together, but it tires me out, so I sleep a lot. How I missed not having to sleep so much.

Wyatt then smiled at me. "Well then looks like we're gonna have to try again," he said, with a voice full of lust. He was already hard, and if he could right now he'd just push me against the wall and screw me right there, but he knew that would make me angry.

I glared at him. "No," I said firmly. I can't believe he would just ask me that question. Especially after this was the fifth time today we've done this. If I didn't love him right now he'd be sent flying into the wall right now. I hate when someone asks a question like that knowing what the answer is already going to be. I shook my head and headed straight to the bathroom.

Wyatt just sighed and followed after.

I went to the trash can and threw away the pregnancy test that I had used. As I was about to leave I noticed a big mark on my neck. Not knowing what it was I got closer to the mirror and examined it closely. Turns out it was just a hickey. Looking at that made me think. I lifted up my shirt and counted five more hickeys under there. One around my navel area, two on each sides of my rib cage, one on my chest, and another on my collar bone. Seeing them there made me wonder. So I dropped my pants and saw one on my thigh. I quickly pulled my pants up and sighed. Looks like Wyatt was having a bit too much fun, but this time its only six, not the usual twelve. Again as I was about to leave out I noticed another mark on the other side of my neck. I turned to see that it was a bite mark. Wyatt was being a little rough, now that I remember it. I probably didn't feel him bitting my neck because I was like senseless from the whole thing. I think I might be able to get him to heal it, so the kids won't be worried and think I got hurt by a demon.

While I was still looking in the mirror, a pair of broad arms came and wrapped around me from behind. "So are you ready now," Wyatt whispered in my ear kissing it. I could feel his big hard on in my backside. I don't know why he's so horny, I mean it hasn't even been that long, but knowing Wyatt anytime is always to long.

"Not right now Wyatt," I replied as I pushed him off. I turned around so that we were now face to face. "Your facial hair hurts," I stated. "Why did you grow that out anyway," I asked. He looks like evil Wyatt, but I really don't mind. I was just wondering if he knew that I had a bad experience with him being evil, why would he make it to where he looks like that.

"I just thought it'd look sexier," Wyatt shrugged. His hair was grown down to his shoulders and he had a some facial hair on his face. The kids loved it. If he picked them up they'd grab onto his curls, which would hurt him, but I'd laugh about it. "So come on lets try again," Wyatt pleaded.

"No, Wyatt," I said even more firmly. I pushed passed him and headed straight towards the kitchen.

Wyatt followed behind me like a little five year old. "Come on please, what about Patty, she has to be conceived soon" he begged even more. He wanted this more than anything right now. To him, who says there's a thing as too much sex. "Just one more time and I promise I leave you alone," Wyatt lied. That's what he said the last time, and then look what happened.

"No, no, and oh yeah, no, and we have to more months to conceive Patty" I said as we made our way through the living room. Its so hard for him to take no for an answer. I smiled a little with the way Wyatt was following. He looked so adorable.

"Please, I'm begging you," he said jumping in front of me before I could get into the kitchen. He was standing in the door way, so that I couldn't go past him. "I haven't had you for a long time."

My eyes nearly turned to fire. "Its only been thirty minutes," I pointed out. I was frowning with anger. How could he say that. Then again Wyatt is always the desperate one.

"Okay, its only been thirty minutes," he confessed. "But it seems like its been days for me so how about it, I'm dry here?"

I shook my head. It was obvious that I wasn't budging. I wasn't going through that pain again today. I've already got six hickeys on me and one bite mark, and I don't need to add anymore to the mix. Once I saw that Wyatt wasn't going to move, I orbed right behind him and made my way to the fridge.

"Fine," he said leaning against the wall. Wyatt thought maybe reverse psychology would work. Even if that didn't he knew that I didn't like to see him angry so I'd do anything to make him happy.

Not this time. I just stared at him for a few minutes before going back to doing my thing in the kitchen. "Okay, so then..." I said trying to change the subject. Maybe changing the subject would get him off of that.

Wyatt sensed that it was not working and quickly ran in front of me and got on his knees. He took one of my hands and kissed the top of it. "Chris don't be like this," he begged.

"Wyatt, for the final time the answer is no," I shouted. "The kids will be home soon and I don't think it would be nice for their eyes if they walked in and saw us having sex."

"Fine then," Wyatt grunted as he got up. He went over to the table and picked up his jacket and put it on. "I'm going demon hunting," he said. "Its obvious that I'm not wanted here." For the past few years this is what Wyatt does whenever we have an argument. As a matter of fact this is all he does now a days. He just goes to work and then goes demon hunting with Xander like he use to. I feel as though its back like it was when I was pregnant with Robert. I don't know why he does this. I didn't cheat on him. Wyatt turned around to orb about but before he did, he was nearly missed with an athame heading his way that just barely missed him and stuck to the wall. He turned around to see that I wasn't happy right now.

Not happy wasn't the half of of it. I was furious. Right now I just wanted to beat him to a pulp. "I can't believe you," I said. "All I said was that I didn't want to have sex with you right now, and you think just because you're a telepath and you can read my mind, that I don't want you around, and you know thats not true."

Wyatt just rolled his eyes at me. "You have a funny way of proving that its not true," he said back.

"Oh really, you're one to talk," I replied. I was just five seconds away from throwing another athame at him and only this time I wouldn't miss. "You're never around and you're a dead beat dad to our kids."

Wyatt's anger started to get as high as mine. "I'm the one who provides the financial support for them. How can you say that I don't care for them?" Wyatt was really pissed off.

"Yeah, well it takes more than just money to raise a child Wyatt," I stated. "I'm the one who has to do the cooking, bathing, disciplining, and everything else. And do you think that's easy, huh? You try doing all that while I go to work and then you tell me how much you care for them," I yelled.

"Whatever," he shrugged. "I don't have time for this." He was about to orb out again, but I stopped him.

"Wyatt wait," I said with a whole new change of tone. "Please tell me you'll at least be home in time for dinner. The kids miss you and that haven't seen a lot of you."

"I might," Wyatt said quickly before he orbed out.

Right now I just wanted to cry. I can't believe he said he might and not that he would. Sometimes I just wonder why I married him. Of course I love him, but that wasn't the guy I fell in love with. They guy I know wouldn't keep going demon hunting instead of spending time with his kids. Part of me feels like I'm raising these kids by myself. Every night at dinner the kids would ask where their dad was and I would have to lie to them and tell them that he was at work. I couldn't tell them the truth and say that he was too busy demon hunting to spend time with them. Their hearts were already broken enough and for me to go and add that to it would just probably crush them.

I keep wondering what happened to Wyatt in the past few years. I mean its like we just grew distant. I don't know why he never comes around anymore. Whenever we would go out he sometimes wouldn't even acknowledge me. Was it because I embarrassed him or what? I just don't know anymore. To make things worse the only time he'll ever talk to me is if he wants sex. That wasn't the Wyatt I married. The guy I married was sweet, kind, he may have been possessive but it was only because he cared and he didn't want to lose me. He would have done anything for his kids. I would never have to wonder what time he was coming home because he was always here, with me and the kids.

I was snapped back into reality when I heard the kids running in the door. They must have just gotten out of school. Patience and Ryan had just started first grade this year and Prudence and Robert had started kindergarten. I was a little reluctant to let them start off school in a normal place. I wanted to let them start off at magic school so they'd know better than to use their powers in a public place, but Wyatt wouldn't let me. I don't know why. Its not like he's there for them anyways. His excuse, though was that if we wanted to live a normal life, that we'd have to start by letting our kids go to a normal school.

And I thought the kids were bad when they were at home. At home they were nothing compared to how they acted at school. Especially with their powers. Sometimes they would get tired of being in class and would orb home. Patience, I remember hearing about her using a fireball to set her teachers dress on fire. Robert, he would just love to blow things up that weren't to far from the teacher, and Ryan, he'd always turn whatever he touched into ice. Just about everyday I'd have to go to school and use some memory dust to erase someone's minds. If I didn't The Cleaners have threatened to erase them. The kids have come so close to becoming erased so many times its not even funny. I had to put a stop to that, so I took their powers from them until I knew they weren't going to use them in school or at least unless they were in danger.

That obviously didn't stop them. Though they might have not had their powers, they could still cause trouble in school. I would get calls from the principle just about everyday about what the kids have done. I remember one time about hearing Robert putting super glue on his teacher's chair, and the same day, Ryan had drawn on the school walls with a permanent marker. Last but not least was Patience. All she did was start a paper ball fight, but she got the whole class involved, but still, Patience was the ring leader of it all like she usually is. Though I did forget to mention Prue. Well there's really nothing I could say bad about Prue. Like always she was a good little girl, unlike her siblings. All I could do was hope that I didn't get a call from the principle each week because of them. Luckily today was one of those days.

I still heard the kids arguing. I figured I'd better go in there and see what its about before the argument turns into fighting like it usually does. I made my way to the living room from the kitchen and saw that most of the arguing was coming from Ryan and Prue. I chuckled a little since this was an everyday thing.

"He is too," Prue shouted towards her brother.

"He is not," Ryan shouted back

"Is too,"

"Is not,"

"Is to,"

"Is not"

"What's going on here," I interrupted. The kids all looked up at me giving me their full attention.

"Mommy look," Prue said handing me a book. It must have been something she brought home from school because Prue barely even knows how to read. This is probably another story that she wants me to read to her before bed time.

I looked down at the book and smiled. "Is this who you think your daddy is," I asked as I flipped through the pages. It was a Book about King Arthur and on many of the pages it had him holding Excalibur.

"Uh huh," she replied. She was a little bouncy. I guess she must have had a good day at school. "Grandma showed me the sword and everything," Prue told. She really looked up to her dad and was happy to see that there was book about him. At least that's what she thought

"Well sweetie," I said as I flipped through the pages. "This is not exactly who your dad is..." I continued but I was interrupted by my eldest son as always. He has made a habit of interrupting me in the middle of a conversation.

"See I told you," he taunted Prue. "Dad's way too cool to be in that darn book," Ryan said.

"Ryan watch your language," I warned. I knew I had to stop this habit at an early age. It might not have been a swear word, but if I didn't get on to him now then soon it would be. So just about every time Ryan would say something that even sounded like a swear word, I'd scold him.

"But Uncle Chris says it all the time," he whined.

"You're not Uncle Chris now are you?" I asked and he was quick to shake his head. "Now there will be none of that kind of language in this house do you understand me," I said.

"Yes sir," he said instantly. Ryan was smart enough to answer with a 'yes sir' or 'no sir' if he was in trouble.

"That's better," I nodded letting him know he was off the hook. That was until he says something that he's not suppose to again. Then I'll have to ground him for it, which I really don't want to do.

"Mommy," Prue said getting me attention. "Will daddy be coming home for dinner," she asked. She really misses her dad. With all of Wyatt's demon hunting the kids are barely being able to see him.

"Its up to him sweetie," I answered sadly. It pained me to have to tell her that her father was not coming. What really bothered me though was that he didn't seem to care. "Now go on upstairs, its time for your homework."

The kids nodded and did what they were told without any argument. They could tell I was having a bad day and right now wasn't a time to protest. Its like somehow they could read my mind. Plus the kids always do their homework when they get home from school. They might have been trouble, but they were honor roll students. Now if I can only get them to stop acting up in class they'd be perfect. Too bad I get no help from Wyatt.

I looked back down at the book and continued flipping through the pages and smiling. Its good to see that the kids still look up to their father, even though he hasn't spent time with them since, I don't know when. Ryan was right, there is no way Wyatt could be this guy King Aurthur. King Aurthur would never leave his kids to go hunting no matter what.

Just thinking about what Wyatt's doing makes me want to just slice his throat. I wouldn't do that really because I still love him, but I'm furious. Those poor kids worship the ground he walks on and he seems not to give a damn. Everyday I have to tell the kids 'sorry daddy is working so he won't be at dinner tonight' which is a lie. I couldn't tell the kids that their dad is too busy demon hunting to spend time with them. That would break their little hearts. Not that Wyatt would care anyway, but I still don't want to hurt them, because it would hurt me twice as worse to see them in pain. There's got to be something I could do to fix this situation. And I know just what I have to do.

I took a deep breath. Wyatt is not going to be happy about this, but oh well. He spends half his time demon hunting, what's five minutes away going to do. "Wyatt...," I called softly. I was expecting a cloud of blue orbs to appear before me, but nothing happened. I was starting to get angry. First he leaves, now he's ignoring me. "Wyatt," I called again only this time it was even louder. Still nothing happened. I clenched my jaw and tried one last time. This time I know he's gonna come. "WYATT MATTHEW HALLIWELL GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" I shouted, but I kept it to a level to where the kids wouldn't hear me up. It wouldn't be a good thing to scold them for cursing and then five minutes later, they here me curse, though right now I almost didn't care. Wyatt had me at my peak.

Wyatt orbed in with an energy ball in his hand. "What is it," he growled as he diminished the energy ball. He hated being disturbed during his demon hunts. Right now he and Xander were having so much fun. They were down in the Underworld hunting Lazarus demons and Wyatt kept blowing them up and freezing them and then watching them dissolve in slow motion.

"We have to talk," I stated simply.

"About what," he snapped.

"Look the kids were hoping you could be home for dinner, so please tell me you'll be home in time," I explained. Right now I was trying my best to keep my temper under control. Wyatt had no reason to come in and snap at me like that.

Wyatt shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "You called me up here for this," he said out of anger. He was really anxious to go back to his demon fun. He kept wondering why I had to ask him now, and why couldn't I have asked him at a better time.

It took everything in me from kicking Wyatt's ass right there. Though I couldn't because he is taller and stronger than I am, but who says I wouldn't die trying. "Thanks for proving my point earlier," I said coldly.

"Excuse me," he replied

"Yeah thats right, you don't care about me or the kids," I pointed out. "Do you know that you're kids think you hate them because you never come home for anything," I scolded. I've been wanting to say these words to Wyatt for a long time and now I was getting to. "Wyatt," I said with a change of tone. "What happened to you..I mean you've changed. What happened to where I could just look into your eyes and I felt love. You didn't even have to say it to me. I could just feel it by looking into your eyes. Now all I see is just lust. I know that the Wyatt I married is somewhere in there, so please show me that the guy I fell in love with is still alive. Please come home for dinner or at least tell me you'll try?"

Wyatt started to feel really bad. He never wanted his kids to think that he hated them and he always wanted me to feel love when I looked into his eyes. What has he become? This wasn't him. He never wanted it to be him. "I'll try," he managed to slip out.

I smiled saying, "thanks that's all I ask." I began to walk away, but Wyatt stopped me.

"Oh and Chris," he called. I stopped and turned around to look at him. "I love you," he said. "More than you'll ever know," he continued on. "I love our kids too and I care about you guys a lot," he said.

Tears started to fall down my eyes. There standing before me was the Wyatt I married. How much I missed him. "Wyatt, I love you too," I said sniffing a little. I tried as best as I could to hold back the tears but they just kept falling down from my eyes.

Wyatt saw that I was crying and sensed my emotions. He came over and pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear. I rested my head on his shoulder and cried a little more. "I love you so much," he whispered. Wyatt tightened the embrace not wanting to let me go. He began to rub his hands around my back.

After awhile of being held I pulled away from Wyatt. "Hey," I said looking at him in his beautiful blue eyes. "This isn't another one of your attempts to try to seduce me is it," I asked.

Wyatt tilted his head to the side and thought for a moment. "You know, I never thought of it that way, but if its working then yes, however, if its not then just forget what I said," he smiled.

I smiled back at him saying, "you jerk," and pushed him away playfully. "Go, and remember to come home in time for dinner alright."

"Alright," he said. He came back up and brushed his lips against mine one more time.

"Oh and Wyatt, before you go can you heal me," I asked.

"Is everything okay," he asked worried.

I pulled part of my shirt down to reveal the bite mark Wyatt had left from earlier on today. Wyatt grinned at what he did because he was proud of it.

"What, I'm just leaving my mark," he shrugged.

"Yeah its cute, but I don't want the kids thinking that I got hurt somehow and I have now way to explain it to them, so less talk and more healing," I demanded.

Wyatt continued to grin at me. He really didn't want to heal it, but he knew I wouldn't let him go anywhere unless he did. Reluctantly he walked over to me and put his hands over the wound and healed it. After it was fully healed, he placed a gently kiss right where the wound use to be.

"Thanks," I said very thankfully.

"You're welcome," Wyatt replied.

"Now remember, dinner is at seven today," I reminded him. Wyatt nodded one last time before he orbed away. I love him so much, that there are no words to describe it. I just hope he stays like this and never goes back to the old him that he knows I don't like.


"Peter! Peter!" Chris called for his fiancé from upstairs. Chris had just put the girls to sleep after a long day. The girls were also going to school along with Patience, Prudence, Ryan, and Robert. As a matter of fact Pyra was in the same class as Prudence and so was Pandora.

Right now Chris was focused on his fiancé since he seemed, like Wyatt, to be a little different than normal. Chris thinks its probably because they have to keep pushing back their wedding. The kids have been main targets for demons so for the past few years Chris and Peter have had to postpone the wedding until they felt it was safe, and so far that hasn't happened. Peter was really getting frustrated with them putting everything off. He really wanted to be married to Chris. Chris wanted to be married to Peter just as bad but he couldn't risk anything happening to his kids and he wanted the wedding to be perfect and demon free, but knowing the Halliwells when is anything demon free.

Chris finally found Peter sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. That's just about all he does, is go to work and read newspapers. At least he's at home and not out demon hunting like Wyatt. The difference though between Wyatt and Peter was Peter was actually there for his kids. He'd come home everyday just to be with them. The only problem was that he was ignoring Chris a lot and acting like he's mad at him for some reason. Chris didn't know why, but he had to get to the bottom of it. Especially if he wants to save his family.

Chris went over to the couch and sat right in Peter's lap and blocked his view of him reading his paper. "Hey babe, I just got off the phone with Wyatt and Chris and they seem to be doing okay so what are you reading here," Chris asked just trying to make conversation with the father of his girls.

"Nothing," Peter said as he lifted Chris off his lap and begin reading the newspaper again. "Just seeing what's going on in the world today, is that a crime," Peter asked with a little anger in his voice.

"Peter is there something you want talk about," Chris asked desperately, but Peter did not say anything. He just sat there reading the paper, like he never even heard Chris. "Come on Peter, please talk to me, I have to know why you're so mad at me." Again Peter ignored Chris and didn't say a thing. "Is it something I've done," Chris asked hoping Peter would at least shake his head or nod or something, but he was still motionless. "Fine then," Chris said as he got up and began to walk off.

Peter started to feel bad. Right now he didn't want to talk to Chris, since he knows he's pissed off right now and he didn't want there to be a full blown argument, but neither did he want Chris to think the reason he was like this was his fault.

Peter took off his glasses and set down the paper. "Chris wait," he pleaded stopping Chris where he was. "I'm just dealing with a lot right now," he confessed. "I mean right now I just feel slightly jealous of how much time you've been spending helping out your brothers and how you're always spending time with them and talking to them."

"What? Why does me spending time with them make you jealous," Chris asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Its not so much as I'm jealous of you being with them," Peter started. "Its just look at all they have. They're married, they have four beautiful kids and about to have another one on the way and not to mention they're kids might be bad but they're on honor roll. They have their own place, they're kids are going to be the new charmed ones, not ours. They're always able to make up just like that, not that its a good thing, but demons are always after they're kids and never ours, but we keep postponing our wedding to help them, and what do we get out of it. Nothing, that's what we get. We're still living at the manor, you couldn't even pay a demon to want to kidnap our kids. I mean think about it. Yeah Patience might not be a Charmed one but demons still come after her because she's the daughter of the source and she's just that powerful. Its just that they have everything and we have nothing."

"So what Peter? We still have each other and two beautiful girls and someday we will have three boys," Chris pointed out. "If you want me to stop spending so much time with them and helping them when they're kids get attacked then..."

"No that's not what I'm saying," Peter replied. "I don't know what I'm saying anymore."

"You know that soon they're gonna be your brothers, nieces, and nephews too. As a matter of fact they might as well be because they've already accepted you into the family," Chris stated. "They need us Peter."

"Yeah right they don't act like it with the life they're living," Peter replied.

"Peter think about it, when Wyatt thought Chris cheated on him and they broke up, do you think without me they would have made up," Chris said. "And how could you be mad at those kids I mean you were right there helping out when they were born. Did you forget the whole thing with Prudence, with the whole demon attack on the house when she was born. Those kids are gonna need our help not just with being protected but when they grow up who do you think is going to teach them how to use their powers? You know Patty and Rob are sort of like fire starters and I don't think Wyatt and Chris could teach them, so who do you think that leaves?"

"I guess you're right," Peter said.

"You guess? Peter those kids love you, and they don't even know what marriage is and neither do they know we're not married yet, but they still continue to call you Uncle Peter," Chris said.

"Okay you win already," Peter gave in grinning for the first time in a long time.

"I knew I would," Chris taunted as he went back and sat in Peter's lap again only this time Peter didn't remove him. "But no matter how much time I spend with my brother's Pete, know that I'll always love you and our kids."

"I love you too baby," Peter said planting a kiss on Chris's forehead.

Chris relaxed and rested his head on Peter's chest. They both just sat there in silence for a minute before Chris started to slightly chuckle.

"What is it baby," Peter asked. He had a bad week and he wanted to laugh too.

"Nothing," Chris lied as he shook his head.

"Chris come on tell me," Peter said firmly as he ran his hands through Chris's brown hair.

"Okay, well I was just thinking about that time when Chris was in labor, and the kids trapped us in that little Alternate Universe and we had to come face to face with our evil counter parts and Chris and Wyatt's to get back home," Chris explained.

"How could I forget," Peter said as he and Chris started to think about it.

*Chris and Peter's thoughts....

Peter and Chris had just ran upstairs to the attic hoping to find a spell that might be able to remove the baby from my stomach since there was no luck with finding Leo. Once they finally made their way up to the attic they saw Ryan and Patience already up there playing around. They had the magic book opened up to a page and they were reading something, which was a big surprise since they were only twenty months old.

"Hey kids get away from that!" Chris yelled, but the kids ignored him and continued going through the book. Chris made a quick jump to try to grab it but before he could the kids had finished reading the spell.

Once the spell was read a blue portal opened up on the side of the house. The portal started pulling in things that were close to it, which included Chris. Chris had grabbed onto a sofa. He was really pissed off right now. Right now he just couldn't wait till he got his hands on those kids.

Peter seeing his fiancé in trouble, ran over to try to help him but he too started to get sucked into the portal. Peter grabbed onto the table to stop him from going in himself. "Chris take my hand!" Peter demanded as he stretched out his arms towards his love. Chris did what he was told and took Peter's hand.

Ryan and Patience were just standing there laughing at what they just did. Though what they just did was bad, they don't know any better. I mean they're still young and not even two, but I'm sure Chris isn't thinking about that right now.

After ten minutes of struggling, Peter's arm began to tire out and his fingers started to slip off of the table. One by one his fingers went off until all five of them were off and there was nothing he or Chris could grab onto, so they were consumed by the portal and they didn't even know where they were going.

Once on the other side, Chris found himself on the ground with Peter next to him. When he lifted his head all he saw was black shoes. His eyes started going up higher and higher until they were locked with someone Chris never thought he'd ever see. His own evil counter part. He looked exactly like Chris only his hair was longer. In his hands was the little child who sent him here, Patience. Or at least evil Patience, which right now Chris saw no difference. Patience was trouble no matter what side she was on. Standing next to evil Chris was his fiancé, evil Peter. Evil Peter was holding Ryan. Peter looked almost the same except he had a mustache, that Chris kinda thought looked sexy.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Evil Chris hissed. The terror in his eyes were enough to scare any demon. Need not say that this Chris wasn't afraid to swear in front of the kids, but then again this was the evil world so just about anything could happen that was unusual to the good world. Good Chris wasn't answering fast enough so Evil Chris kicked him in the face hard enough for him to bleed out of his nose. "I asked you a question," he said. "Now what are you doing here?" He repeated. Chris was about to open his mouth but it still wasn't fast enough. Evil Chris conjured up and energy ball saying, "I guess since you're not going to talk, there's not use a in keeping you around." He threw the energy ball to the ground but Good Chris was smart enough to roll out of the way.

Good Chris knew there was no way he could talk to his evil counterpart, so why even try. He's evil and evil people just mostly want to kill. At least that's what it seemed like from his counterpart. He quickly got up from the ground and got into a fighting stance. Peter soon did the same.

Evil Chris smirked as they did that. He dark orbed the kids to their rooms. "Wow, looks like we've got two people who think they can challenge us babe," Dark Chris said to Dark Peter.

Evil Peter gave a smirk also. "My, my, right you are and looks like we're gonna have to show them what happens to witches or people that cross us," Dark Peter said as he conjured up a fire ball and Dark Chris conjured up an energy ball.

Good Chris and Good Peter did the same. Right away they both hurled the balls at each other making a big explosion that caused them all to fly back. That didn't stop neither sides. All four of them kept conjuring energy balls and fire balls and hurling them at each other. Finally after ten minutes all four of them were too tired to conjure anything.

"Had enough for you," Evil Chris taunted.

"Oh I'm just getting warmed up," Good Chris replied.

"Guys this is getting us nowhere," Good Peter interrupted.

"For once I do agree with the good side," Evil Peter said. "Now we have to focus on getting them back to their world, if we don't want our balance to shift."

"He's right," Good Peter said.

"What's the use in dealing with the goody two shoes," Evil Chris complained. "I mean I tried to be nice and I asked them what they were doing here and they thought they were to GOOD to answer me."

"That's because you kicked me in the face and hurled an energy ball at me before I could even mumble anything," Good Chris responded.

"Please...I gave you longer to answer than I give any demon," Evil Chris said.

"You know for once I do feel sorry for the demons on your side, I mean they could be trying to give you info for something important and you just vanquish them before they can tell you anything," Good Chris pointed out.

"No I don't," Evil Chris said.

"Yes you do," Good Chris replied.

"No I don't,"

"Yes you do,"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do,"

"Guys enough!" Both Peters shouted in unison.

"Now we've got to figure out how we're gonna get them back to their world," Evil Peter said as he went to the evil Book of Shadows and started looking through it for a spell. Good Peter went over there and helped out.

"That's great, the sooner I'm rid of this goody two shoes over here the better," Evil Chris said.

"You know being good is so much better than being evil," Good Chris responded.

"Is not," Evil Chris argued.

"Is too,"

"Is not,"

"Is too,"

"Is not, is not, is not,"

"Is too, is too, is too,"

"Found it!" The Peter's said in unison again.

"Turns out we're gonna need the power of three to send these guys back home," Peter stated.

"Alright then so where's Evil Wyatt and Evil Chris E," Good Chris asked.

"You do not want to mess with them right now," Evil Chris warned. "Evans is in labor right now. He'll set you on fire if you even say anything to him. And even if he wasn't there's still Wyatt down there who'll blow you up if you even come anywhere near him."

"Don't worry that's no different from our Wyatt and Evans," Good Chris replied.

*End of thoughts...

"Hey Earth to Chris," Peter said snapping Chris back into reality.

Chris shook his head saying, "oh sorry Peter. I guess I must have gotten to into that memory."

"Don't apologize, its nothing big, I was thinking the same thing," Peter smiled. "At least our evil counterparts found a way to send us back without using the power of three or else we might not be here today."

"Yeah," Chris chuckled. "The things we do for Wyatt and Evans."

"Your telling me," Peter said planting another kiss on his forehead.

"I say they still owe us for that, since it was their kids who sent us there in the first place," Chris suggested.

"Yeah, well what are you gonna do," Peter asked. Him and Chris just sat there laughing.


"Yes!" Wyatt cheered as he blew up four more demons. "So that makes it twenty four to twenty, looks like I win again," Wyatt taunted. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to win. He always wins, unless he decided to be nice and let Xander win, but that rarely happens.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you win alright twice blessed, but I'm not worried because I'll win next time," Xander replied.

Wyatt just shrugged and rolled his eyes at Xander smirking the whole time. "Please, that's what you said last time, and the time before that," he said. Wyatt can be real arrogant at times, but that's just how he is.

"Well I mean it this time," Xander responded confident.

"We shall see," Wyatt chuckled.

"So same time tomorrow," Xander asked.

"You bet," Wyatt confirmed.

"I guess I should be getting home," Xander said. He looked down at his watch. "Its way past my bed time and I haven't even had dinner yet," he said chuckling. "Looks like its going to be fast food again."

The word "Dinner" suddenly went off in Wyatt's mind. Crap, he had forgot that he told me that he would be home in time for dinner. "Hey Xander can you please tell me what time it is," he asked politely.

"Sure thing bud," Xander said looking back down at his watch again. "Its 10:30 pm," Xander said.

"10:30!" Wyatt repeated panicked. Xander nodded firmly. "Fuck! I told Chris that I'd be back home in time for dinner," Wyatt said.

"Dude chill out, just tell him the truth," Xander suggested. "I'm pretty sure he'll understand that you didn't mean to do it and you just lost track of time."

"No you don't understand, he yelled at me this morning for stuff like this, just wait till I get home. He's going to have my head and I'll be lucky if he doesn't castrate me," Wyatt explained.

"Wow," Xander said amazed. "You are in a tight spot. Good luck with that dude. Hope it works out for ya." With that said Xander shimmered out. Somehow within the past few years he found out that he could shimmer, so he didn't need Wyatt to orb him everywhere.

Wyatt quickly orbed out of the Underworld and headed straight for the dinning room. Maybe I held out dinner longer so that he could come. Once he made it there he found the whole place clean. He knew he missed dinner and now what was he going to do. Slowly he made his way up the stairs, thinking of what he could say to me that would make me forgive him. He's had a hard day today and he doesn't want to sleep on the couch tonight.

Finally he reached the stairs. Slowly he opened up the bedroom door only to find that I wasn't in there. Wyatt found this particularly strange. I'm usually in bed by ten and right now it was almost eleven. Wyatt then went to go check on the kids. He found Robert, Ryan, and Patience all sleeping in their beds. The only one he hadn't checked was Prue's. Making his way to Prue's room he put his ear up to the door to check to see if she was sleep or not. It was obvious that she wasn't because he heard her voice and another in there. Getting worried he quickly pushed the door open.

"Daddy!" Prue yelled excited to see her father after so long.

"Hey baby girl," Wyatt replied smiling at her. He looked over to see me sitting next to her reading a book to her. Wyatt was thinking I was just giving her a bed time story.

"Hey Wyatt," I smiled also.

"," Wyatt said confused. He thought by now that I'd be tearing out his insides, not being nice to him or smiling at him for that fact. Maybe this was just a show for our daughter.

I turned back to Prue saying, "alright baby its time to go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow." I gave her one last kiss on the forehead before saying, "goodnight Pooh Bear."

"Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy," Prue said.

"Goodnight," Wyatt replied.

As soon as Prue closed her eyes, Wyatt and I left the room. Wyatt followed my like a five year old child again. I couldn't help but smile. He always does that when he wants something.

"So Chris what you got there," he asked referring to the book I had in my hand.

"Oh this," I said gesturing towards the book. "Its just something that Prue brought home with her from school that I thought I'd read to her before bed time," I explained. "Here take a look at what its about," I said handing him the book.

Wyatt examined the Book for awhile before he spoke again. "Is this who Prue thinks I am," Wyatt asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yep, and I've tried to explain that to her, but she's so stubborn these days," I said. "Now I wonder who she gets that from," I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"Very funny," Wyatt said as we finally got to our bedroom. "Hey look Chris, I'm so sorry about dinner and everything, I just lost track of time, and I promise I really didn't mean to miss it and I do still love you and the kids..." he went on and on.

"Wyatt," I said stopping him where he was. "Relax, its okay, I understand. I can't be mad at you. You said you'd try and I believe you did so you don't have explain anything to me," I said as I started to get undressed.

"But I feel like I owe it to you," Wyatt pleaded. He was more mad at himself than I was, though I wasn't mad at him at all. At first I was but then I remembered that he didn't make any promises.

"Wyatt, you don't owe me anything, okay," I said as I finally removed the last of my clothing so that I was now in my boxers and got into bed.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it," Wyatt said removing his own clothes and climbing into bed with me. My back was turned towards him so I wasn't looking at him.

"Wyatt, hey I was hoping, tomorrow I have some business to take care of and I need you to watch the kids when they get home," I asked hoping the answer would be yes. "Its okay if you say no."

Wyatt felt guilty for earlier on today so how could he say no. "Okay sure, I'll watch them," he said.

"Thanks and I promise, I'll make it up to you, but that means you can't go demon hunting until I get back okay," I reminded him.

"Alright, I won't go demon hunting until you get back home," Wyatt promised.

"Thank you," I said thankfully.

For the next few moments we laid there in silence. Neither of us really fell asleep. I just don't know but we weren't tired at the time. Wyatt decided to finally break the silence. "Hey baby you awake," Wyatt asked.

"Baby?!" I questioned. Wyatt hasn't called me that in a long time.

"Yeah, you know as in I love you baby," Wyatt said lovingly. "Is alright if I call you that Chris?"

"Sure as long as I can call you that too babe," I replied. I turned back over so now I was facing my husband and father of my kids and smiled. I don't know but today has just been weird. I haven't looked at Wyatt like this in a long time. I'm almost positive that Wyatt's thinking the same thing.

"Hey there sexy," he said in a low tone voice. I couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit. Wyatt always knew how to make me laugh. Wyatt started smiling and laughing himself too. "Wow I haven't seen you smile like that in I don't know how many years. I guess I still have it."

I laughed even more and Wyatt started to get more excited. Wyatt then leaned over and kissed me firmly on the lips. It wasn't possessive, but it was like no other, he started pressing them against mine even harder. I knew this was Wyatt showing me how much he loves me and not just trying to sleep with me. I can tell, I don't know how but I can.

Voluntarily I opened my mouth and aloud Wyatt to stick his tongue in. I figured there was no point in tongue fighting with him since he always wins. When Wyatt was finally inside he pushed me down so that he was now on top of me. That's how he liked it. Since we were both wearing only our boxers, the friction of Wyatt's muscles were rubbing against mine.

Wyatt started to moan as he grew a hard on that was starting to rub against my thigh. I can see someone has missed me. Wyatt's arms started going everywhere on my body until they finally reached their destination which was my waist. I responded by wrapping my arms around Wyatt's back rubbing it everywhere I could. Wyatt was really getting into the whole thing and his hands started wonder down to my butt.

"Whoa!" I freaked when Wyatt squeeze my backside. I had just about fell off the bed but Wyatt was quick and strong enough to catch me. I was laughing a little seeing as how clumsy I just was in almost falling off the bed. "Wyatt slow down okay. This is a lot in one day," I explained.

"I'm sorry I thought you might like it," Wyatt said smiling.

"Yeah I know," I said feeling a little sorry for taking Wyatt's fun away like that. "You know, look I'm tired so I think I should get some sleep and maybe you should too as seeing its another day at work tomorrow plus you watching the kids."

Wyatt started to pout very adorably. All he wanted to do was have some fun with the person he loves.

I started to laugh, since Wyatt looks just like our kids when he does that. "Wyatt," I said firmly.

Wyatt just laid there and continued to pout. I knew there was only one way to fix this. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and leaned in closer to Wyatt. Wyatt, knowing exactly what I was up to, stopped pouting.

Our lips met with such tenderness, Wyatt couldn't believe I was actually doing this. The kiss got deepened with each minute that went by. Our tongues started clashing again very passionately. Wyatt's hands began to wonder all over my body as mine did his. For that whole night we just laid there making out until we both drifted off to sleep.


"Guys remember to be good for your dad okay," I lectured the kids before I let them leave off for school. "Sorry but I'm going to help grandma today at the club, so your dad will be watching you until I get home."

"Okay, we'll be good," they all lied. Well I'm pretty sure they're gonna be good because I know Wyatt is going to make them. They know better than to make Wyatt mad. To tell you the truth they were more afraid of him than of me, but I don't know why. Probably just the way he yells at them or whatever. I just wish I knew his secret. Not saying my way of disciplining doesn't work, but his seems to work even better.

"Bye kids love you," I said giving each of them a kiss on the forehead on their way out the door. They each headed for the bus stop, but the last person to come to the door way for a kiss was Wyatt.

He stood there smiling at me for what seemed like forever. "Come on I'm waiting for my kiss good bye before I go off to work. You know I'm not leaving with out it."

I chuckled before I pushed my lips against his. Only that wasn't the only kiss. It seemed like I kissed him a hundred times before he started for his car. "Hey and remember you're watching the kids today," I reminded him.

"I know," Wyatt responded. "Just make sure you're home in time for dinner. I want to make it up to you."

"Will be there," I said smiling to him and waving bye as he got in his car and drove off. Now I was back at the house by myself. Luckily today wasn't a day I'd just stay home and clean like a stay at home parent. I quickly went upstairs and got in the shower and began to shower off. I had to be at P3 in thirty minutes and if I didn't hurry I was going to be late. So this time I only took a 5 minute shower when my normal shower time is fifteen minutes and sometimes it could be even longer.

When I got to the closet I didn't even pay any attention to what I was going to wear. I just grabbed the first pair of jeans and shirt that I could get my hands on seeing how I was in a hurry. I checked myself over to make sure I had everything before I got in my car and headed straight for the club.

Once I got there I could see Piper was already signing for some stuff to order. Poor Piper is getting older and older and I know she's not going to always be able to run the club so this is why I volunteered today because I know its going to be a hard day for her and I just wanted to help her out. Today was probably the only day I was going to be able to do it since I know I won't be able to get Wyatt to watch the kids all the time. I just knew today I could put him on a guilt trip because he didn't show up for dinner last night so I'm pretty sure he felt like he owed it to me with the way he was beginning.

"Chris," Piper called snapping me back to reality.

"Oh hey Aunt Piper, how are you today," I asked with a smile. That's something I was always raised with. A smile in the morning starts the day off good and I'm hoping today will be a good day.

"I'm good, so right now I need you to sweep the club," she asked. "Can you do that for me please?"

"Sure seeing that's all I'm good at is cleaning," I joked.

"I did not say that," Piper said offended putting her hands on her hips.

"I was just kidding Aunt Piper," I chuckled seeing as she was having some mood swings this morning. She must have already had a bad morning. I would ask details but I don't want her to blow me up.

It seem like I was at the club forever. Sweeping, mopping, carrying boxes, arranging things on the shelf. That was a big mistake volunteering to help out at the club. I never thought my own Aunt Piper would have me doing all that. Then again who else was she going to get to do it. Wyatt and Chris were smart enough to make up excuses for why they couldn't come. I was the only little sucker who would say yes because I felt sorry for her. Not anymore I do. I couldn't wait to get home so I could take a shower. I had been sweating all day and I really need to get cleaned up before I actually cook. Hopefully the kids are having a good time with Wyatt.

"So you finished," Piper asked seeing me sit on a bar stool at the bar.

"Yep, the place is spotless and ready for being opened," I slurred tiredly from working all that time. I had gotten there at seven and now I'm about to leave and its seven. I've been working for twelve hours. To add more insult I wasn't even getting paid for this, not that I wanted to but this just felt like a normal work day.

"I can see you've been working hard," the mother of two nodded. "Would you like to stay longer, I mean there's some other things you can-"

"No!" I shouted instantly. Piper started frowning. Now I knew I had to find an explanation for why I just said no the way I did. "I mean, I'd love to but you see I have to get home to the kids. You know Wyatt can't be alone with the kids too long before he wants to kill them. Plus I have to go and cook since you know Wyatt and he hates cooking. I think that side of you went to Chris."

"I guess you're right," Piper laughed. "Well see you later."

"Bye Aunt Piper," I said as I got up and left the club. Right now I just left a fun club to come home to four rowdy kids and one horny husband. What have I come to. Thinking about all of that I just laughed about it to myself. Just wait till Patty's born. I mean she's probably going to be the rowdiest of them all and then soon after she's born will be Richard. At least I'll get a three year break after Richard before I have Penny. After her I'll be done having kids. At least I think, unless there's something Prue and Robert haven't told me which I highly doubt since they know I can just about find out anything by going into their heads when they least expect it.

When I got home I could already see in the driveway that it was chaos. What was Wyatt letting those kids do. I just heard something in the house break and also I'm hearing the kids screaming and yelling. This does not look good. I hope they haven't tied up their father and locked him in the basement. Or even worse, what if they did to him what they did to Chris and Peter. Why am I so worried. Those kids wouldn't pull any of those stunts on Wyatt. Still worried though I quickly ran up to the door, inserted my key and opened it quickly. The house was a big mess. Chocolate syrup and other foods were everywhere, some of the kids were running around half naked, and not to mention there was no sign of Wyatt anywhere.

"Oh hi mom," One kid said.

I looked down to see my eldest and the ring leader of the bunch. Her face was covered with chocolate. "Patience where is your father," I asked angrily hoping she hasn't done anything with him.

"I don't know," she shrugged.

"Oh really," I said in disbelief. "Lets see if your siblings know," I said as I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the living room where the other kids were playing. Once I got in the room, they immediately froze into place knowing they were in big trouble this time. "Alright kids where is your father and don't play any games with me or else you'll be grounded until frogs do fractions."

"We don't know," they all said in unison.

"Okay, lets see," I said. "Prue, sweetie can you come here for a moment," I asked. Prue was sitting on the couch being innocent as she normally was. When she finally got to me I knelled down to her level so I could look her in the eye. I knew she wouldn't lie to me. "Alright Prue, where's your father?"

"I don't know," she answered softly.

Now I knew that the kids weren't lying. Prue wouldn't lie to me, even if her brothers and sister paid her to. "So you kids have been here all day without no one to watch you," I asked angrily.

They all nodded in unison.

Dammit Wyatt. He told me he was going to watch the kids today, and instead he goes demon hunting again and leaves these kids here all by themselves. My blood was flowing with anger. Right now if Wyatt was here I'd probably kill him. Luckily he's not. "Kids, go upstairs and pack your things. We're leaving," I ordered. I have had enough of Wyatt and I wasn't going to take much more.

The kids all immediately went upstairs and did what I told them while I began to clean up the house. After I was done picking up the whole mess they made, which took about two hours, I went upstairs and packed my stuff, and then loaded it along with the kids stuff into the car. I knew Wyatt would be home soon so I had to hurry up.

"Okay, do you guys have everything," I asked and they all nodded. "Good now go to your rooms and wait there until I call for you," I asked politely. Things were about to get heated and I really didn't want the kids to see their parents arguing. I know that's not something you should see as a child.

The kids went up to their rooms and sat on their beds and waited.

I sat on the couch waiting for Wyatt to come home. An hour later he did. Wyatt walked in through the door happy as a clown. He must have done pretty good demon hunting with Xander. What he doesn't know is his happy day is about to turn into a real sad one.

"Hey babe," he said walking in seeing me sitting on the couch. "Guess what I got double the amount of demons I usually do, can you believe it," he smiled.

"Yes I can," I slurred.

"What's wrong with you," Wyatt asked as he came by and took a seat next to me.

I scooted over so that I was on a different side than he was. Right now I didn't want to be anywhere near Wyatt. "Wyatt, you know I came home today and I found the kids all alone. Can you please tell me why that happened when I thought you were suppose to be watching the kids," I asked keeping my temper under control.

"Oh dammit!" Wyatt said. He just now remembered that he was suppose to watch the kids today. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I forgot."

"You forgot about your own kids Wyatt?" I asked making it seem like the worse thing he could possibly do.

"No, I mean I just forgot that you asked me to watch them," he said.

"Really? I asked you last night and I reminded you again about it this morning and you were okay with it," I scolded.

"I'm sorry, I really am," he said very sincerely.

"Wyatt sorry is not enough this time," I replied. "You know for the past few years you've been treating the kids and I like we don't exist to you anymore and I don't know what is it that I or the kids could have done to be treated this way, and then yesterday I saw the same Wyatt that I married, who'd do anything for me, but I guess that was just my imagination fooling me. Wyatt I'm sorry to tell you this but I need some space."

"What do you mean," Wyatt asked.

"Look, Wyatt I think we need to take a break from each other," I answered.

"What?! Chris please don't do this," Wyatt begged.

"I'm sorry Wyatt, but I just don't feel like you love me and the kids anymore," I stated.

"Look I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, I'll watch the kids all week, just please do go," Wyatt said still begging

"I have to Wyatt. If I don't what's to stop this from happening again," I asked. Wyatt didn't have an answer there. "Wyatt when I see that you are able to love me and the kids, then I'll come back, but until then, Wyatt we can't stay together. I'm sorry."

"Chris don't do this to me please," Wyatt pleaded. He even got on his knees and took my hand into his own. "I love you, please don't go. I'm sorry I missed watching the kids today, but don't leave me because of that."

"Wyatt its not just today its everything. I mean you're never around anymore, all we do is fight, and then you barely even notice me or the kids."

"I can change though," Wyatt suggested.

"I know you can, that's why until you do, I have to go," I said getting off the couch and heading for the door. "The kids will come stay with you this weekend alright. Kids lets go!" I called. They didn't run down the stairs. For some reason they all orbed except for Patience who shimmered downstairs. I opened up the front door saying, "give your dad a hug and go get in the car."

Wyatt gave each of them a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. He really didn't want me or them to go. It would be pretty lonely around the house without all of us around. One by one they each made their way to the car. I was the last one to leave but Wyatt grabbed me by the arm. "Please don't do this Chris. I love you so much that its killing me to think you're leaving me."

"Wyatt, this isn't permanent alright, its just until I feel like you love me and the kids again alright," I said giving him a peck on the check. "I love you Wyatt and really there is no other guy that I'd want to be with right now other than you, but right now I just need some space."

With that said I shook Wyatt's grip off of my arm and went to the car myself, leaving him standing in the door way. As I put the key in the ignition I looked up to see Wyatt still standing there. He didn't know that this was hurting me more than it hurt him, but I had to do it. A few tears started to fall down my face. I had to make sure not to look in the back to let my kids see me crying. Right now I just wanted to jump out the car and run up to Wyatt and hug him and say everything is alright and I'm not leaving, but I couldn't. I would be taking a big step back. I never knew break ups would be this hard, but they are. I finally put the car in reverse and drove off and made sure not to look back.


It's been a whole month. Usually when Wyatt and I get into an argument we make up within a week. Less than that really. Sometimes we'd even make up in thirty minutes, but this time was different. If I had went running back to Wyatt like that now then I'd be doing it for the rest of my life. Next thing I know he'll be trying to leave me with the kids all the time and I won't let that happen. Not when the kids look up to him so much. All I want is for us to be a family. Not a single parent household where one works and never sees the family while the other is at home all day and all they do see is the family. I know is kind of sounds selfish, but there's only so much that I can do. All kids need their father. Especially these kids since they're witches and I can't train them all by myself.

Everyone keeps asking me how do I plan to get back with Wyatt if I don't even talk to him. The answer to that question is a mystery to me. As much as I wanted to talk to him, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It would only hurt me more about the break up. I would even have Chris take the kids over to Wyatt's so I wouldn't have to do it.

I've been staying at the manor. I'm glad Piper let me, especially since its her own son that I'm not with. She explained to me that even if Wyatt and I were to get a divorce she'd still consider me her son in law, and I'd still be one of her favorite nephews. The same went with Dad, Aunt Phoebe, and Aunt Paige. Glad to know the family won't hate me for any decisions I make.

Today I was sitting by the window of my room looking outside. The sight was nice. I could see two girls and two boys playing with a guy who seemed to be their father. From the running and everything I could tell they were playing hide and seek. A whole hour passed by with them playing and a woman came outside of the house and called for them to come it. I'm guessing that must be the mother. The kids quickly ran into the house and before the guy stepped in he gave the woman a quick peck on the check. Seeing that beautiful sight made me cry a little. I just wish our family was like that.

Chris came in the room quietly. He wanted to be sure not to disturb me, since he knows that times are hard for me and its best sometimes to let me be. Slowly he walked up and made his way and stood there and studied me for a moment, seeing what I was looking at outside the window. He looked over at my face and saw that I had a couple of tears on it.

"You miss, Wyatt don't ya?" Chris said acknowledging to me that he was there.

I looked back at him and stared at him for awhile. The older Chris got the more features of Wyatt he started to have. Not saying he looked like Wyatt, but there were just somethings they did the same, like the way they stood. The sore of had the same smile. You could tell without a shadow of doubt that they were brothers. I turned back around and looked back out the window. I didn't want anything that would remind me of Wyatt because then I'd just cry. "I guess you could say that," I answered him.

"Evans, when are you going to talk to him," Chris asked frustrated. This wasn't only effecting me and Wyatt, it was effecting him. He had to take the kids to and from the manor, then he also had to listen to Wyatt go on everyday about how he wanted me back and he missed me. Though Chris might have grew up with Wyatt, he still treated me and Wyatt equal. He'd never be mad at one because of something that the other did. That's one trait I admired about him.

"I don't know," I slurred still a little upset.

"Chris, come on this is getting real out of hand here," Chris said. "Either you love him or you don't. So do you still love the guy?"

"Yes, of course I do. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't," I said back a little offended that Chris would even ask me something like that.

"Then why don't you talk to him," Chris asked irritated.

"Chris...I can't," I said.

"Why not," Chris frowned.

"Chris, you know how its always been with the break ups. He does something wrong just apologizes for it and then I come running back to him with open arms," I explained.

"Yeah and what's wrong with that," Chris asked making it like it was no big deal.

"I don't want this to keep happening over and over again okay," I started out. "I need Wyatt to realize he was wrong and to make sure that he won't do it again. I need him to start paying more attention to not just me but the kids. I want him to notice me and not just when he wants to get laid and I don't think he's there yet."

"Well how are you going to know if you don't talk to him," Chris pointed out. He saw that I still wasn't budging so he thought he'd try a different approach. "Look you really need to talk to him if you want this marriage to work out, and if you won't do it for you or Wyatt or even me for that matter, please do it for the kids. I mean they don't know what's going on. They're too young and you know a divorce would be hard on the kids, especially at their ages. And then to top it off there's still three more kids that you guys are suppose to have. Don't you remember that Patty is due to be conceived in less than a month, and if you two don't get it together then what Prue and Robert came back from the future to save will be worth nothing."

I sighed sadly. Chris had some very good points there. "Chris, I get what you're saying, I really do, but its just that I can't get back with Wyatt yet, and don't worry about Patty, I mean we have a month."

"And what if you guys don't fix this within a month, have you thought about that?"

"Then maybe...maybe..Patty was never meant to be," I said softly which hurt me to even say that.

Chris was hurt and angry at the same time. "Evans did you just hear yourself bro," Chris asked rhetorically. "I mean you're saying you don't want to have your own daughter, the girl you saw in the future, and without her there's no power of three or power of six."

"I do want to have her Chris," I argued. "I want to have her so bad that its killing me, I mean she has Wyatt's pretty blue eyes, and her smile, when I saw her, it was just....I don't know, I mean it could make a demon smile." Just thinking of that made me want to work out my marriage fast so I could conceive her. "But," I said with a change of tone. "There are just some things Wyatt and I are going to have to work out and a baby isn't going to fix the situation."

"Whatever bro," Chris shrugged. "Just remember that the longer you decide not to talk to Wyatt, the more you're ruining your marriage. And this isn't just effecting you, its effecting the kids too." After Chris had finished his whole lecture he walked out of the room leaving me to sit there will all of that on my mind.

I sat there in silence for a few minutes not moving from that same spot that I was sitting in. It wasn't until the door opened that I finally moved and turned around to see who it was. I smiled seeing my second youngest standing there with a book in her hand.

"Hi mommy," Prue said.

"Hey baby girl," I replied. She must have just got home from school, because I could still see she was wearing her back pack.

"Mommy can you read this to me," she said holding the book up. It was that same book with King Arthur and Excalibur. "I want to here more about daddy and him killing all the bad guys.

I laughed at what Prue said. It was so cute how she thought about bad guys and good guys and things like that. "Sure thing sweetie, come over here," I said patting the bed for her to come closer, though she didn't sit on the bed, she just sat on my lap. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris was sitting on the couch of the manor, still a little frustrated about what went on with me and him. Luckily today was a break day for him, since Peter decided to take the girls to the park while Chris just relaxed. He never thought he'd have spent today arguing with me about Wyatt. Thank goodness though that Peter is being a real good father by taking the girls off his hands knowing Chris has had a stressful day with them. Pyra and Pandora and now starting to pull pranks on Chris. Just today they shrunk him and put him in the play house. Luckily Piper was up there looking for a spell and managed to hear him slightly.

Before Chris could think of the rest of the story, he heard the door opening. Thinking it was Piper, probably needing help with the groceries, he stood up and began walking towards the door. He stopped in the center of the doorway when he saw the person was not his mother. It was Wyatt.

"Hey bro whats up," Wyatt greeted catching sight of Chris's look of bewilderment. "What's wrong you look like you've just seen a ghost."

"What are you doing here," Chris asked straight up, but not in a rude way.

"Its Friday," Wyatt reminded Chris. "The kids stay with me on the weekends or did you forget."

"No, its just that I usually bring the kids to you," Chris pointed out.

"I know, but I thought I'd save you the trouble and come get them myself today," Wyatt lied.

"mm hmm," Chris mumbled. "So you're trying to talk to Evans, aren't you," Chris asked.

"Is it that obvious," Wyatt asked ashamed.

"Yep," Chris answered.

"How has he been," Wyatt asked concerned.

"Not good at all, bro," Chris replied. "All he does is sit up in that room staring out the window unless someone comes up and talks to him. I think he might be taking this a lot harder than you."

"Do you think I should go talk to him," Wyatt asked anxiously. No one knew how much he wanted to talk to me right now. Not even Chris. It was now a matter of life and death. It wasn't a want anymore it was a need that he talked to me. He missed m so much.

"Your choice bro," Chris said.

Wyatt nodded saying, "I think I'll go talk to him." Wyatt took one last look at Chris before he started up the stairs. Its been so long since he last came up here since he never wanted to bother me. He wanted to give me some space and hopefully by me being away from him that, I'd be able to forgive him.

As Wyatt continued up the stairs he started looking at all the family photos that were hanging on the wall. He stopped when he came to his favorite picture out of them all. It was a family picture of me, him, and the kids when Robert a month after Robert was born. I was holding Prue, while Wyatt was holding Robert, and he had his other arm around me. Patience and Robert were sitting on a chair in front of us. Wyatt wishes he could reverse time and go back to that day. We were so happy then, and it was all his fault that him and I were no longer together. How he just wishes he didn't make that mistake of forgetting to watch the kids.

Wyatt continued going up the stair. When he got to my door, he took a deep breath and tried to figure out what he was going to say. He couldn't just say he came in there to talk to me. That won't look good, so he had to figure out a reason.

"So mommy does that mean daddy is a king," Prue asked after I had finished reading her another chapter of the book.

For a little girl at a young age, she sure had a lot of questions. I smiled saying, "yes sweetie your daddy is a king."

"So does that make me a princess," she asked excited.

"Well um-," I started

Suddenly the door opened. I didn't hear it, because it came too slow. The only reason Prue knew there was someone coming through the door was because she was facing it. "Daddy," Prue shouted getting off my lap and running into his arms faster than anything.

"Hey Pooh Bear," Wyatt said picking her up and holding her for awhile before he kissed her on the cheek and set her back down on the ground. "So have you been a good girl."

"Yes," she smiled. "Mommy and I were just talking about you."

"You were," Wyatt said in a surprising voice.

"Yep, mommy said you were a king and that I was a princess," Prue replied.

"That's great baby girl," Wyatt said as he kissed Prue on the forehead and then looked over at me for the first time in what seemed like forever. "So how you've been?" He asked.

I just nodded and turned back around and started to stare out the window as usual. My back was now turned to Wyatt so I couldn't even look at him right now. I know I'm probably being mean, but right now I just don't want there to be a full blown argument in front of Prue. I know its been a month and I should be over everything by now but a part of me is still mad at him for it.

Wyatt could sense what I was thinking so he knelt down in front of Prue. "Baby, daddy needs you to go pack your stuff while he talks to mommy, can you do that," he asked as he ran his hands through her hair.

"Yes daddy," Prue said. She then walked out of the room and went to hers to do what her dad asked of her.

Wyatt then walked over to where I was sitting and took a seat next to me. "Can we talk," he asked. I didn't answer. I didn't even move. Wyatt got a little bit sadder, but he couldn't blame me. He wouldn't talk to me if I had done the same thing. "I'll take that as a no then," he said sadly. He put his hand on my shoulder, but I quickly shrugged it off. Wyatt had expected this and there really nothing he could do. "Chris will you please at least say something to me. I mean if you want to say you hate me then say it, but just please say something," Wyatt begged. He was really getting desperate, but what guy wouldn't. If the one person you love more than anything in the world doesn't talk to you then what are you suppose to do. "Chris I'm begging you," Wyatt said. He didn't know how much I just wanted to turn around and hug him and kiss him and say that 'I love you' but I couldn't do it. Wyatt waited another few minutes before he finally got up. "Fine," he said as he shook his head. "Just be that way Chris," he said angrily as he walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Part of me felt bad for not talking to Wyatt just now, but then the other part was angry for the way he reacted. Yeah, he had a right to be mad at me for not talking to him, but it was his fault that all of this was going on and how dare he act this way towards me.

Next thing I knew I heard the door opening again. Thinking it was Wyatt I quickly turned around and shouted, "will just leave me alone!" When I was finally fully turned around I could see it wasn't Wyatt. It was someone who I never thought I'd be talking to right now. It was Uncle Coop.

Coop looked a me puzzled for a moment. "I'm sorry did I come at a bad time," he asked. I shook my head and turned back around to the window. Coop came and sat next to me. "So I hear you're having a little trouble with Wyatt," Coop said simply. "Would you like to talk about it?"

I turned back around to face Uncle Coop. I felt it would be rude if I wasn't looking at him when I talked to him. "No offense Uncle Coop, but why would you care about mine and Wyatt's relationship, I mean isn't it a little awkward for you to be dealing with a gay relationship since you're straight," I asked.

Coop just smiled. "Well no actually, if you didn't know, I was the cupid assigned to put you two together so I don't find it the least bit awkward. The reason I care though is because I can feel the love you and Wyatt have for each other. Its really strong, and to tell you the truth, the love you two have is stronger than the love Phoebe and I have. To really be honest with you I haven't seen any couple who loves each other just as much as you two do. The sisters thought since maybe because I'm a cupid and I can understand love, then it'd be best if I talked to you. So should we get started or do you want me to come back later."

"No its okay," I said softly. "We can start now."

Coop nodded and moved closer to me. "So lets hear it," he said.

"Where do I start," I asked.

"Lets start from the top, where you and Wyatt first met," Coop suggested.

"Sure thing Uncle Coop," I agreed. I know Uncle Coop probably knows the story but he has to know from my point of view so he knows how to help. I started off by tell him about how I was a trainer in high school and Wyatt was a football player and any time he'd get hurt I'd be the one to help him out. Next thing I told him about was that I couldn't date Wyatt at first because I had a boyfriend which was John, but I did hold some feelings for Wyatt even then. It wasn't until we had to vanquish John because he was the source, that I actually got to date Wyatt. The longer we were together to more and more I started to love him until eventually he asked me to marry him and then next thing I know I was pregnant and we decided to get married before I had the baby. Back then Wyatt was always there for me when I needed him. Our relationship was about a lot more than just sex. Nowadays, because we have three more kids, Wyatt justs acts like he doesn't care anymore. "I mean Uncle Coop, I love the guy and all but he's just never there anymore. He forgot about the kids and that scares me because what if a demon had attacked. Sure the kids have powers and know how to defend themselves, but still. I just want Wyatt to be there for me, like I am for him and I don't see us getting back together until he can understand that."

"I see," Uncle Coop said as he took the whole thing in. "From what I can tell is that you still love Wyatt, but you just want more attention right," he asked and I quickly nodded. "What you guys are suffering from is a lack of communication," Coop stated. "Its not that he doesn't love you or the kids because I can sense that he does, its just you guys never have any time with each other away from the kids and because of that, Wyatt feels like the love you guys have is fading away, and thinks that the only way he can keep it together is by not hanging around for you to tell him 'its over'.

"But Uncle Coop," I interrupted. "Isn't that what we're suppose to do. I mean as parents isn't our first priority the kids and then us?"

"Yes, you're kids should always be your first priority, but just because you guys have kids doesn't mean you can't spend time together as a couple," Coop explained. "I mean there have been times where Phoebe and I left, Peyton, Pagan, and Phoenix, back at the house while we went on a date," Coop said. Peyton, Pagan, and Phoenix were Coop and Phoebe's girls. "We'd get Paige to babysit them and then we'd go somewhere to spend some time alone."

"That's easier said than done for us," I said.

"Why would you say that," Coop asked.

"Have you forgotten how bad our kids are. Even if Wyatt and I wanted to go on a date we couldn't because they scare every last babysitter that we have away, even Aunt Paige," I reminded him. I'm sure Uncle Coop has had to say something to him about our kids dropping that bucket on Paige's head. Phoebe can't keep anything a secret. I should have known that from what Aunt Piper said about their past events when they were Charmed ones and everything that she said Phoebe let spill.

Coop started to chuckle just thinking about. "I'll tell you what, I'll babysit them sometimes when you and Wyatt go on dates."

"You?" I asked disbelieving what I was hearing.

"Yeah is that a problem, that you don't want me to watch your kids," he asked

"No its just that, Uncle Coop, I don't know if you'll be able to handle those four, I mean they scared Aunt Paige off," I said

Coop chucked even more. "You forget I had three daughters of my own, so I know most of the tricks the kids can pull."

"Yeah I guess," I responded.

"So are you willing to give Wyatt another chance?"

"Yes, but when I'm ready," I said. "I still am going to need some time to process all of this."

"Sure, and I'll make sure I talk to Wyatt," Coop said.

"Thanks for everything Uncle Coop," I said very thankfully.

"No problem," he said giving me a hug before he left.


"Okay Chris you ready," Wyatt asked his younger brother. Wyatt had finally figured out a plan to get me to talk to him. As much as he really didn't want to put this plan into action this was the only way he could get me to talk to him, and that's something he needed more than anything.

"Wyatt, I really don't think this is a good idea," Chris said having second thoughts. "I really don't think we should lie to Evans like that I mean, won't he be even more angry that we lied to him rather than if you really did what you said you did?"

"Chris, I'll deal with that alright," Wyatt said frustrated. "All I want is for him to talk to me right now okay," Wyatt said. He then turned to the kids. "Our you guys ready too."

"We don't wanna," they cried. They weren't even having second thoughts. They didn't want to do this either. Lying to me and even worse, the lie that they were going to tell me.

"Guys I know you don't, but please just do this for daddy alright," Wyatt begged. "I mean do you guys want mommy and daddy living in the same house again," Wyatt asked.

They all nodded instantly. This whole break up was really effecting them more than ever. They hated that they had to go to different houses every weekend, but that was the only way they could spend time with both parents equally. The only way to stop that from happening was for me to talk to Wyatt and work things out so they could be home and stay home for once.

"Okay then, so the plan is set," Wyatt said. "Chris you know what you're suppose to do?" Wyatt asked once more making sure.

Chris sighed upset saying, "yes."

Wyatt still wasn't sure that Chris knew, so he went over the plan one last time. He kept telling Chris to make sure that I didn't suspect anything or that I could tell that the children are lying or else it could blow the whole thing and then I'd really never talk to him again and Wyatt would just die if that happened. "Alright, so are you ready," Wyatt asked his younger sibling.

"Yes," Chris said again even more frustrated.

"Look, Chris I'm sorry but I have to make sure," Wyatt stated. "You're my only hope Chris, and if you don't come through then our love is lost forever," Wyatt said very emotionally.

"I understand," Chris said to his older brother. "I'd probably be the same if I lost Peter."

"Thanks," Wyatt said. He then went over to his brother and hugged him tightly. It was a brotherly hug not anything sexual. If it were that would really get Wyatt in hot water. Me and him might not be together technically, but we're still married and he knows how mad that would make me. Especially if its with Chris. "I just can't thank you enough for what you're doing little bro. I know I can always count on you." He smiled and then turned to the kids. "Thank you too kids. I just want you guys to know that daddy loves you, no matter what okay," he told them. "Now come give daddy a hug." One by one he pulled each of them into a tight hug. He'd be so happy when he can do that to me. After he was done giving out hugs he went up to each of them and kissed them on the foreheads. "I love you guys," he said one last time.

"We love you too daddy," the all said together.

"Okay guys get ready," Chris said grabbed each of them and orbing out.

Wyatt stood there and watched as his brother and his kids went to go put the plan into action. So right now he was waiting for me to come in yelling and screaming at him, but at least I'd be talking to him so now maybe we could start to work out our issues and then get back together. That's what reminded Wyatt of what he was doing when he sent his own kids and brother to lie. Yeah they are acting dishonestly, but its for the sake of our marriage.

I was sitting in the foyer reading a book on marriages. This is the first time I've actually left my bedroom in a long time. That talk with Uncle Coop was really doing something for me these days. It has been four days since I had that talk with him but I'm taking it one step at a time. I don't want to just go talk to Wyatt so suddenly. I really want to wait until I'm at my best. That would be unfair to him and the kids.

Before I could flip another page in the book I heard crying coming from the kitchen. The cries sounded oddly familiar. It only took me a few seconds to realize that those cries were coming from my own kids, which were suppose to come back home today, but why were they crying. They don't usually cry often. Having been worried by these cries, I quickly ran into the kitchen. I saw all four of them huddled on Chris.

"Chris, what's going on here," I asked worried.

"Nothing, bro," Chris said innocently, but I knew he was lying.

"Kids, what's wrong," I asked them.

All the kids stopped crying for a moment and looked at each other, remembering exactly what their dad told them to say. Now it was time to put it into action. "Daddy hurt us," Patience said.

"He did what?" I said in disbelief. Hopefully I did not just hear what I thought I heard.

"He hurt us," Prue repeated after her older sister.

I looked towards my younger brother, who I knew had some idea of what they were talking about. "Chris what's going on," I asked.

"Nothing," Chris lied. "Except that they got caught horse playing around and Wyatt just spanked them," Chris lied even more. Gosh, how he really didn't want to do this, but every time he reminded himself this was for the sake of mine and Wyatt's marriage and for the sake of the kids.

"He did what?!" I asked angrily.

"Its not a big deal bro, they were just acting out so he spanked them," Chris said.

"I know that, but I told him not to spank the kids," I said angrily. Right now my blood was boiling and I just wanted to blow him up right now. "I don't believe it," I said lying to myself to help me calm down. "Wyatt would never spank the kids since he knows that I don't like it."

"Well you know you two have been apart for quite some time now and there's no telling how that's causing him to react," Chris said. He was just making up stuff as he went along. It wasn't as easy as he thought. No wonder why Wyatt was being so hard on him about it. "Bro I saw it with my own eyes, Wyatt spanked the kids."

"I'm going to kill him!" I growled. "Chris can you watch the kids while I got deal with their father," I asked and Chris nodded. "Thank you," I said orbing out. Right now I was so angry that I could just blow up a million demons right here and right now. I was never spanked as child and neither was he. Piper always said that spanking was barbaric, so I don't know what made him do that, but I know one thing though. He's going to pay for it. Finally orbing to the house I found myself face to face with Wyatt as if he had been waiting for me. "You motherfucking asshole," I shouted as I advanced towards him. "What the fuck where you thinking spanking our kids huh," I continued on.

"Relax, I didn't spank them," Wyatt replied putting his hands up in defense.

"Then why did Chris and kids say you did, huh," I asked taking more steps up to them.

"Because I asked them to," he said as he took a few steps back.

Thinking about it, it made perfect since. Wyatt would never spank the kids when he knows that I don't like it, and even if he did, he wouldn't do that in front of Chris. "What?! Why?"

"This was the only way I could get you to talk to me," Wyatt answered. "You never talk to me and I want us to be a family again, and that can't happen unless we talk about everything," he stated.

"Wyatt we can't. Not now," I argued.

"Why not Chris, its been a month," Wyatt said.

"We just can't," I repeated.

"Chris why are you fighting this," Wyatt asked a little hurt.

"I'm not fighting anything," I said in denial.

"Yes you are," Wyatt said as he started to advance on me. "I know you want to be back with me as much as I want to be back with you. So why are you fighting so hard Chris. I know you're only doing this because you think you'll get hurt, but I promise you Chris that I'd never hurt you."

"Then why have you been doing what you've been doing for the past few years, huh Wyatt," I pointed out. "If you loved me you wouldn't be always out demon hunting when I need you."

"I see the error of my ways, Chris, and I've changed, I promise," Wyatt said. "I haven't gone demon hunting in so long. Ever since the night you left me."

"Wyatt..I don't know," I said softly

"You just don't get it," Wyatt growled. His temper was really starting to get the best of him.

"What am I not getting," I asked.

"How much I love you and how it hurts me to see you look at me the way you do," Wyatt said very sincerely. "Do you know how precious you are to me? Do you? I mean if I had to choose between you and having all the powers that I have, I'd be one powerless witch."

"You would," I said softly.

"Yes I would," Wyatt said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you so much Chris," Wyatt whispered in my ear. "Power is nothing to me, if I don't have you. You and the kids are my world. Without you guys I'm nothing," he said giving me a quick kiss on the ear.

I accepted the embrace by wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my chin on his shoulder. This felt like old times.

When Wyatt saw this was working he continued on. "I've missed you so much baby," Wyatt said as his hand slowly drifted down my back until it finally got onto my butt. Wyatt smiled when he finally got to where he wanted. He began to bury his nose in my neck inhaling my scent. He always loved the smell of my cologne. Wyatt then squeezed my butt and kissed my neck. "You wanna make love?" he whispered.

I pulled away from him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. How I missed them. This wasn't the lust Wyatt. I knew he wasn't just doing this because he wanted to get laid. He was doing it because he missed me. "Okay," I said agreeing.

Wyatt smiled at my answer. He then pushed his lips on mine locking them together. Our tongues began fighting for dominance again, but as always Wyatt won. As soon as his tongue was in my mouth he orbed off my clothes so now I was wearing nothing. Wyatt then began kissing down my body making sure he didn't miss an inch of skin. He finally made his way down to my inner thighs until he came back up. The whole time I closed my eyes feeling my member grow harder under the feeling of Wyatt's most lips against my skin.

Once Wyatt was up I looked into his beautiful blue eyes again. I smiled as I orbed his clothes off like he did me. Once Wyatt we were both naked, Wyatt once again pulled my body up against his and just started kissing me hard as he orbed us up to the bedroom, not really wanting our bodies to lose touch. Wyatt then laid me on the bed and began kissing me everywhere on my body again. He really wanted this so bad. No he needed this really bad. He really missed the feeling of being this close to me and he knew I did too, but he wanted to savor every moment. He could feel his own member growing hard as a rock until he couldn't control it anymore. He finally orbed some lube over to him and put it all over his fingers and then started to push them in me, which caused me to give out a loud moan. Wyatt took a moment to examine me to make sure that I was in pleasure and not in pain before he inserted another finger. He began to search for my prostate and knew he found it when I had gave out an even louder moan.

When Wyatt knew I was lubed up enough he began to push into me slowly. He kept going in until he finally reached my prostate. He then wrapped my legs around his waist so they wouldn't get in the way. Once he began to thrust he used his hands to pin my arms down so I couldn't move. He wanted this moment to last forever. He finally knows what I mean by having sex and making love. This right here was making love.

I started to hear Wyatt grunting trying to hold back the moaning. It just made me harder and I was almost ready to cum. It only got better when Wyatt moved one of his hands from my shoulders and started to masturbate me, hard and roughly. It wasn't but five minutes later until I finally shot a huge load all over Wyatt's stomach. After I had came, my muscle's tightened around Wyatt's and that was just enough to send him over the edge. Wyatt blasted a huge load in me once. Than again, and again, and again, and again. I couldn't believe how many loads he shot in me.

He then collapsed on top of my saying, "I love you Chris."

"I love you too Wyatt," I replied.

Wyatt smiled once he head me say those words. He got off of me and pulled me close to him, so that my head was laying on his chest. Right now he was the happiest guy in the world.

When I woke up I felt bad. I couldn't believe what I just done. I slept with Wyatt. Not that its a bad thing but we're still suppose to be on break right now. I then looked over at the clock to see it was 7:00 pm. I had left the manor three hours ago. This is not good.

I began to get up but I was pulled back down. "Where are you going," Wyatt slurred half sleep.

"I've got to go," I whispered.

"Please don't go, I don't want to you leave me again," Wyatt protested holding me tighter.

"But Wyatt-"

"Shh," he said putting a finger up to my lips. "I mean it Chris, I love you and I don't want you to go."

"Okay, I guess I can stay," I smiled and laid back down on Wyatt's broad chest and fell back asleep.

I woke up again and looked at the clock. This time it was 9:00 pm. I couldn't stay. It was time for the kids to go to bed for goodness sake, and I'm sure Chris has taken care of their dinner so that's one thing I don't have to be worried about, though I am going to have a tough time explaining to him why I was gone for a whole four hours.

I looked over at Wyatt and smiled. Wyatt looked like an angel. Slowly and quietly I got out of the bed, and put my clothes back on. I've really missed Wyatt a lot. Not in a sexual way at all I just missed how he would always protect me and keep me and the kids safe when he was around. He might have been possessive but I felt safe and loved at all times when he was there. I looked at Wyatt one more time before I orbed out.

When I got back to the manor I saw Chris sitting on the couch reading a newspapers. Soon he heard my footsteps and looked over. "So how'd it go bro," he asked.

I just shook my head. "You didn't have to lie to me Chris, and neither did the kids."

"I'm sorry, we didn't want to but I no the kids and I just really want this all to be over," Chris defended.

"Just don't do it again," I said.

"Alright," he agreed. "So what happened?"

"Nothing," I lied.

"Something had to happen I mean you were gone for four hours," he said. "I had to put the kids to sleep myself because of you being gone so long."

"We just had a full blown argument, that's all," I lied again.

"You seem not to be bothered by it," he pointed out.

"I know I'm just tired so I think I'm just going to go get some sleep," I said. Chris nodded and I went upstairs to my room.


1 month later....

I haven't talked to Wyatt ever since the whole thing happened. I felt bad, but I just couldn't face him knowing what we did. We still haven't worked out our issue and now, I was avoiding him even worse this time. I cloaked myself off from him so now he could locate me, I blocked him from my mind so he couldn't talk to me through telepathy, and I even went out of my way to make sure I wasn't at the manor the same time he was which was a hard thing to do since he basically lives there. I growled when I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Evans come on let me in, I'm gonna be late to magic school," he said. Today Chris is substituting for a teacher in magic school because Leo asked him too. I guess it gives him practice for it since that something he does in the future.

"Go to the other bathroom," I said back. Right now I was in not in the mood. I've been having too many headaches and been waking up with morning sickness for the past month. At first I thought it was maybe something I ate, but then I started to realize that I had these feeling when I was pregnant with Robert, so I just thought I might as well take a pregnancy test to see. Right now I was sitting on the toilet trying to see what the results were going to be.

"Come on Chris, you've been in there for hours open up," Chris complained.

"No! Now go away," I shouted. Now I'm starting to have mood swings. I ignored Chris for awhile and waited for the test to come out. Once cleared it showed that indeed I was pregnant. I nearly fainted. How was I going to tell this too Wyatt and everyone. Wyatt is going to freak out, but the good thing is though Patty's safe.

"Chris open the fucking door!" Chris yelled again. He was really tired of being ignored.

Quickly I got off the toilet making sure to take the pregnancy test with me. I remembered how I found out Chris got pregnant and I wasn't going to make that same mistake myself. When I opened up the door, I saw a tired and worn out Chris. I guess hitting the door for over an hour must have done it for him. His knuckles were all red.

"Finally," he sighed. "What is with you and being in the bathroom for all these long periods of time I mean-," he started but stopped when he saw the look on my face. It was sad and loneliness mixed into one. "Is everything okay bro."

"Yeah its fine," I said. I began to walk over

Chris stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. "Bro what's wrong," he asked worried.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted as I pushed his arm off of me. I made my way up to the attic. That felt like the only place I could get some privacy at. I don't know why but just no one every came and bothered me when I was up here, but I'm happy. At least I know I can always come up here to think when I need to.

Right now I was so scared. I don't know what I'm going to do. It seems every time that I'm pregnant its at the wrong time. Yeah, I mean I should have expected this, but not now. I still had a week or so to conceive Patty, but I had to have her now, when Wyatt and I were going through a tough time. Things just don't ever go my way. I just need to talk to someone. Not just anyone, someone who I know can help me with this problem. I can't talk to Chris about his because he'll let it slip out to Wyatt that I'm pregnant, nor can I tell Piper, Paige, or Phoebe. Wait, there is one person I know I can always talk to.

I went straight to the Book of Shadows and turned to the page that I need. "Hear these words here my cry spirit from the other side come to me I summon the, cross now the great divide," I chanted. Soon the were golden orbs and they formed into a woman with dark hair. "Mom..."

"Chris...hello sweetie how are you," Prue said.

I ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. "Its so good to see you."

"Its good to see you to," she said. "So anything new with you and Wyatt," she asked. She knew everything that was going on. All except about me sleeping with Wyatt. That part I haven't told anyone. "Chris what's wrong sweetie," she asked worried about why I was so silent.

"Mom, that's sore of why I called for you," I said a little shaken for what I was about to tell her. "Well you see, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do," I confessed. My mom's jaw just dropped. "I know I'm dumb but I thought you could help with a decision that I'm struggling to make."

"Chris how is that possible, I mean you said you haven't talked to Wyatt in a long time," she reminded.

"Well you see, I sore of lied to you and everyone about something," I said. "You remember that time I told you that I went to the house and had an argument with Wyatt?"

"Yes, you did seem a little upset about it," she said.

"Yeah, well I slept with him that night, and I don't know whether or not to tell him that I'm pregnant," I said.

"Chris," Prue said firmly.

"I know, it wasn't a good thing to do," I said beating myself up.

"You can't just go around playing with peoples emotions like that," she scolded. "I think you should tell Wyatt about you being pregnant."

"But mom what if he gets too protective," I asked.

"That's just Wyatt and you knew how he was before you married him," Prue said. "Now you need to make sure to tell him about you being pregnant soon."

"I know, but we're still having marital problems and I just don't think a baby is going to fix this," I said. I was making up every excuse in the book not to tell Wyatt.

"I know that, so thats just something you two are going to need to work out okay," Prue said. "Look I have to go now, but Chris just think about what I said, you know Wyatt's going to find out the truth anyway and its best if you tell him now than rather four months down the road. Take care sweetie, bye," she said disappearing the swirl of orbs she came in.

For awhile I sat in the manor thinking whether to go with my mom's advise and tell Wyatt or go with my own and not tell him. I thought about the advantages and disadvantages of it. If I did tell him then he might be relieved and happy that Patty is now conceived, but the problem is he'll get protective and possessive like he always does. So if I don't tell him that's something I won't have to worry about, but when he does find out he'll be even madder than before. Thinking about that back and forth I finally came up with the right decision. Wyatt had the right to know. It would be cruel for me not to tell him. This is his baby too.

I went to my room and put on some clean clothes before I drove over to the house. Unfortunately Wyatt wasn't there when I got there so I figured I'd just wait around since this was an important subject and if I went back to the manor I'd probably give myself an excuse not to go. Now that I think about it Wyatt is probably at work and the kids are with Phoebe, thank goodness, because I know Wyatt is going to freak when he hears this news and I don't want the kids to be around for that. I looked at the time. It was 6:00 pm. I was really surprised. Today seemed to have gone by really fast. It seems like just an hour ago I was fighting with Chris over the restroom. I guess my talk with my mom and getting ready must have took awhile.

I sat on our couch and waited. Give Wyatt a couple of hours and I'm sure he'd be home since he can't go demon hunting right now since he has to watch the kids. Time was seeming to fly by because I was so nervous. I know I've told him stuff like this before but why am I more nervous now than I have ever been. Next thing I knew I heard the door opening and in came Wyatt.

He began walking in as usual and set his bag down. When he caught sight of me he gave me the look of both surprise and anger. "Chris," he growled.

"Hey Wyatt," I replied stuttering a little. This was going to make it a lot harder. I never thought he'd be angry to see me. As a matter of fact I'd thought he'd be happy.

"What do you want," he hissed.

I took a deep breath. Right now I really didn't want to do this, but I can't just show up at the house and then not tell him anything. "We have to talk," I said softly.

"Oh really, about what? Are you hear to fuck and leave like you did the last time," Wyatt asked as he made his way to the kitchen.

I sighed and followed behind him. I knew this was getting me nowhere, but what was I to do. "No that's not why I'm here," I said

"Well you could have fooled me," Wyatt said finally reaching the kitchen. He made himself some coffee and then went and leaned against the wall. "I don't know what else there could be that you would come over here and talk to me."

"If you would let me talk then I could tell you," I said.

"Why should I Chris," he asked. "You never talk to me, you don't answer my calls, you've blocked me out of your mind! If I didn't know any better I'd say that you don't want to be with me anymore."

"That's not what I'm trying to say Wyatt," I argued back. I expected there to be some anger but not this much. Now I don't know what to do. When Wyatt's angry like this he's as stubborn as a mule and won't listen. "If you would just listen to me then you'd know."

"I don't have to listen to you at all," he said. "Though there's something that I'd like to know. Why did you just get up and leave like that huh? After I begged you to stay huh?"

"Look Wyatt, I'm sorry I know it was wrong, but at the time I was a little....I don't know," I said.

"Yeah you were," he agreed. "You can't even tell me the reason why you just got up and left me. To add to it you have just been ignoring me for the past month and then you show up here like this and start an argument."

"FYI Wyatt, it was you who started the argument," I stated.

"Oh yeah blame everything on me right," he said angered. "All I do is try to be a good father and a good husband and do right by you and the kids, but you just stand there and everyday you yell at me like I'm some guy who's just left you alone to raise the kids by yourself."

"Oh really so are you saying you should win father of the year," I asked with my temper rising. Wyatt has pushed me to my peak and I won't tolerate how he's talking to me. I'm not taking anymore crap from him. I may have come here nervous but right now I'm mad as hell. "Whoever told you that you were a good husband and father must have lied to you to make you feel better."

"I'm the one who has been at work making money to provide for both you and the kids," he said back in his defense. "All you do is sit right here on your lazy ass and do whatever."

"That's because I'm at home taking care of our kids. I'm basically the one who's raising them. I do the disciplining, I take them places they want to go, I read them bed time stories, I check their homework, and I make sure they do what they're suppose to do. All you've done is watched them a couple of times and the other time I asked you to you just sat there and forgot about them, so what would you call that," I shouted.

"So what are you trying to say," he asked advancing towards me. "Are saying that I'm a bad parent?"

"Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying Wyatt," I said out of spite. I really never thought of Wyatt as a bad parent, I just thought he could be better than what he was doing. Right now I was only talking out of anger. "You're a fucking dead beat asshole who doesn't have any right to call himself a father-"

WHAM! Before I could finish my sentence I felt Wyatt's fist collide with my jaw. My vision went blurry. Next thing I knew I woke up with Wyatt standing over me shocked at what he just did. I was scared now. As I got up I realized that I had fell face first on my stomach. This was not good. Now I've got to worry about the baby, if she's okay.

"Chris, oh my gosh I'm so.." he started but before he could finish his sentence I got up and ran out the door. Wyatt hurried and followed me calling my name, but I wasn't stopping. He stopped following me once he reached the door and saw that I had finally made it to my car and drove off. Wyatt couldn't believe what he just did. Never in the almost eight years that we've been together has he hit me. What was happening to him. He was really starting to scare himself.

I was driving down the road not knowing where I was going. I was crying the whole way. My vision got so blurry that at one point I had to swerve from hitting a truck. I couldn't believe what just happened. Wyatt had hit me. How could he? For the first time. I mean yeah we were arguing really bad, but does that mean he had to hit me. We've had arguments like this before, but he's never hit me. I mean what happened today that he did it.

Next thing I knew my cell phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked and saw that it was Wyatt. I can't talk to him right now. I want to so badly but right now is not the time. I'd only end up saying things that I'd live to regret and I don't know what he'd do to me this time. I have to talk to someone about this so badly and I know just the person to talk to. I began to drive to a house that I haven't stepped foot in a long time.

Wyatt just kept calling for an hour hoping that I would just get tired of it and pick up the phone. When I didn't he got worried. So he just thought he'd leave me a message.

"Chris its me look, I'm sorry for what happen I know I should have never hit you. You had ever right to yell at me for what I've been doing and I can't say sorry enough, but please come home so we can talk about this. I'm worried and I'm scared baby, so please when you get this call me back. I love you so much, and I'm begging you," he pleaded. With that said Wyatt hung up the phone and waited on the couch. A few moments later her heard the door coming open. Thinking it was me he quickly ran to the door. Once he got there he found out it was Phoebe and Coop with the kids. Two of them sleep and the other two half sleep.

"Hey Wyatt," Phoebe smiled. This first thing she noticed was his worried look. "Wyatt is everything okay," she asked.

"No, Aunt Phoebe I need you to watch the kids tonight please," he begged.

"Wyatt what happened," Phoebe asked. Its not everyday that your nephew asks you to watch their kids.

"Look Chris and I had an argument, I hit him and just now he's gone, I don't know where he is, he's not picking up the phone, I can't sense him..." Wyatt kept going on and on.

"Just calm down okay," Phoebe said. "Now take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

"Chris and I had a fight," Wyatt said. "A big one and I let my anger get the best of me and I punched him."

Phoebe was a little angry about what Wyatt just told her but from the looks of everything she could tell Wyatt already felt guilty enough. "Do you know where Chris now?"

"No that's why I have to go find him," Wyatt said. "So please can you watch the kids while I go out and look for him."

"Its okay I'll watch them," Phoebe agreed.

"Thank you," Wyatt said giving her a big hug before he ran out of the door.


I went up to the house and rang the doorbell. I was scared. I don't know how this friend is going to react after having not seen me in a long time. I just hope he understands.

Three seconds later the door opened and out he came. "Hey buddy what's up I haven't seen you in a long time," he said.

"Hello Daughtry," I greeted back. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, you know you're always welcomed at my house, as a matter of fact I'm surprised you even rang the door bell when you could have just walked in," Daughtry said. That's how close our friendship was. I mean that's what Daughtry would do when he came around to visit me. A few times I even mistaken him for Wyatt coming through the door. Lately we haven't been hanging out since he's so busy with college, but we talk on the phone just about every week so he knows about mine and Wyatt's break up. He then lead me to the living room where he sat on the couch and I sat on the one opposite from him. "So what brings you here?"

"Nothing, can't I just come see I friend," I asked.

"I guess so," Daughtry said. "Can I get you something to drink or some alcohol for that bruise you got there on your jaw," Daughtry said once he noticed that I had a mark on me.

I couldn't believe I was already getting a bruise. "No thanks I'm good," I said.

"Okay, so how are you and Wyatt," he asked.

"Well I just came from there and we had an argument," I said. "And well-"

"He hit you didn't he," Daughtry grunted. Besides Wyatt and Chris Daughtry was the only one who knew what I was about to say before I said it. "Chris how many times have I told you about Wyatt and his temper."

"Its not like that," I defended him. "This is the first time..."

"You sound just like Bianca you know that," Daughtry scolded. "First he hits you and then he starts to beat you and next thing you know it when you decide that you want to leave him he'll kill you."

"Wyatt would never hurt me intentionally," I said.

"Yeah, you say that now, but what happens if he does it again huh," Daughtry went on.

"Please stop yelling at me alright, I just came from that," I begged as I started to get tears in my eyes.

"Just tell me what you were doing over there," he asked. "I mean you've been avoiding the guy for so long, so what about today made you go over there and talk to him."

"Well do you remember a month ago when I told you about him and I had an argument," I asked and Daughtry nodded. "That's not all that happened. I..uh..well...I...slept with him'm pregnant," I confessed as a few tears came down my face.

"HE HIT YOU WHILE YOU WERE PREGNANT!" Daughtry shouted out. This is the angriest I've ever seen him. I gave a little nod sending Daughtry over the edge. "HELL NO, I'M GONNA KILL THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" He said heading for the door.

I quickly got in front of him and stopped him. "No Daughtry, he doesn't even know alright," I said. I could see by the anger in Daughtry's eyes that the excuse wasn't playing well for him. "Look I'm sure he wouldn't have done it if he knew," I continued on.

"You are staying her tonight, do you hear me," Daughtry insisted. "Now tomorrow we're going to go get you checked out by a witch doctor to make sure the baby is okay."

"Thank you," I said relieved.


"Chris!" Wyatt shouted at the beach looking for me. He was really worried. He knew this was one of my favorite places to come and relax. Its been two hours and he's been looking everywhere for me. He's even gone to the Underworld and intimidated a lot of demons to tell them if they've seen me. So far no such luck. "Chris!" Wyatt shouted walking a long the shore.

"Looking for someone," a voice said from behind Wyatt.

"Yeah I'm looking for," Wyatt said as he turned around. His emotion turned from worried to angry. This was the last person he wanted to see right now. "Sandra," he hissed.

"Hello, Wyatt," she smiled.

"Mommy is that daddy," said a little boy from behind her.

"Yes it is," she answered.

Dun Dun Dun!!! Damn these long chapters. I'm sorry I just keep getting into the story and then away I go. I know it must have taken you guys about an hour to read this. And sorry Wyatt's an asshole sometimes and caring and loving the next, but it all just depends on my day how I write. Alright so yeah is that intense enough for you. If you think that chapter was bad you haven't seen nothing yet. And what did you expect for me to put Wyatt and Chris back together like that. No way Jose. So please do send feedback if you want to see the next chapter. As a matter of fact I do need all of you guys who read the story to email me please. There is a little thing that I need y'all to vote on, and I'm not telling unless you email me. So email me at or

Next: Chapter 27

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