Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Dec 13, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I'm very sorry about the long wait, but it wasn't that I wasn't getting enough feedback it was because I've had a lot on my plate this week and I haven't had that much time to update so sorry guys, but don't stop reading because things are going to get better in the story, maybe not this chapter, but soon. Oh and FYI, there's no sex in this chapter. Sorry I couldn't think of any place to put a sex scene, since Chris and Wyatt are broken up and I already used the Peter and Chris H one last story, so yeah sorry.

"Do you know where he might have gone," Piper asked her eldest son desperately. She was worried almost more than Wyatt was. She loved her grandchildren so much that she'd do anything for them. As a matter of fact she's been the one talking to the boys a lot about the whole separation thing since they don't understand and Wyatt would have a lot of trouble explaining it to them, especially since a lot of this has taken a hard to on him too.

"No mom," the father of six answered. "I have no idea where he could have gone," Wyatt said hopelessly as he paced around the room, until he finally sat down and buried his face in his hands. "If only I hadn't spanked him" he said sadly. Wyatt felt like he was down and out. He didn't think his life could get any worse right now. Him and I aren't together, he has another son that no one but Phoebe, me, Coop, Peyton, and the kids know about, and now he's caused his son to have run away and he can't find him.

Piper came and sat down next to him and started to rub his back gently. "Don't worry we'll find him," she said soothingly. "I promise," she added. Piper felt really awful right now. She's never seen her son like this in a long time. She can't even imagine the pain he's going through right now. It hurts her a lot and she knows this must hurt Wyatt a lot more. "Wyatt, I'm sure you only spanked them because you felt like that's all you could do at the moment." Though Piper still didn't agree with the way Wyatt handled the situation, she knew Wyatt was only doing what he thought was best and the only way he thought that his sons would listen to him.

"Please, what does it matter what I think is best anymore," Wyatt snarled. "Thinking what's best is what's got my marriage on the edge, my own son missing, and earning myself another child that I had outside of marriage," Wyatt slipped out accidentally.

"What did you just say," Piper asked surprised.

Wyatt had forgotten there for a second that she didn't know about Rolland. "Mom, please, not know," Wyatt begged.

Piper nodded and left it there. She had to be sure to ask him later about this son outside of marriage. Right now just wasn't the time. Wyatt was miserable and he was really beating himself up about the whole situation, and only pursuing something that he begged not to talk about would only make things worse, and Piper was kind hearted enough to not want to make things any worse for Wyatt right now. Wyatt seems like he's learning his lessons, and its best to just leave him be if he's learning.

"Wyatt look I'm sure everything is going to work out, you just have to keep your head up," the eldest of three sisters said. Well at least now Piper is the eldest of three only because Prue isn't alive anymore.

"Yeah right mom," Wyatt said. "Chris hasn't even came here yet," Wyatt pointed out. It's been a couple of hours since Wyatt has called me about the whole thing and I haven't shown up yet. Wyatt's beginning to think that I don't care about him or the kids anymore because I'm not here. Wyatt only blames himself for that. "I don't know where he is."

"I'm pretty sure he'll be here soon," Piper said.

"No he won't either," Wyatt argued. "Chris hates me and he's not coming, even if it is for his own son."

Piper knew that wasn't true and so did Wyatt, but there was no point in arguing. Wyatt would only find more excuses to feel bad about himself and that's the last thing that needed to happen. If they're going to find Robert, Wyatt is going to have to pull himself up and stop all of this negative thinking and start finding a way to think of where his son might be.

Just as things were starting to get bad, I orbed in the manor along with Patience and Prue. Patience was on my right, holding my hand while Prue was on the left holding my other hand. I also had their bag around my arm. I didn't know what was going on. Wyatt was sitting on the couch and Piper was there rubbing his back. I guess they were just having a little mother to son moment, since I haven't been here for the whole conversation they had.

"Sorry it took me so long," I said very apologetically. "But I went to the house first and you weren't there so I got worried and went to the bridge and then went to Aunt Phoebe's and she told me to check here so, here I am," I explained. I knew they were probably wondering what took me so long so I had to tell them. I didn't want them to think that my son was my last priority. If only they knew how much it hurt me that I had to leave him.

"Its okay, Chris," Piper said. "We understand."

"Daddy!" The girls shouted. They both quickly ran up and hugged Wyatt tightly.

Wyatt was so happy to see them though it might have not been that long, to him it seemed like forever. He gently kissed them both on their cheeks. He wrapped his arm around them, hugging them hard like he never has before, not ever wanting to be apart from them again. It was priceless seeing a father and daughter relationship right before my eyes.

"Why did you bring them here," Wyatt asked. He was happy to see his daughters, but he couldn't understand why I would bring them all this way. They were trouble when they weren't around their brothers and trouble was the last thing we needed right now.

"I didn't want to leave them back there and let them think that I had abandoned them," I said. I already felt bad enough leaving two kids behind, I didn't want my other two to think that I was doing the same to them. They would take it even harder than Ryan and Robert would, because for one they're girls and two they are closer to me than Ryan and Robert are, but I love them equally, its just that the girls are closer to me and the boys are closer to Wyatt.

"Daughtry couldn't watch them aye," Wyatt chuckled.

"No I just didn't want to leave them," I repeated a little more angrier. I started to smile a little though. I can see Wyatt hasn't changed that much. He knows what gets under my skin and he just loves to use that to his advantage, but what can I do. That's one thing that sucks about marrying someone. They know just about everything about you.

Wyatt got up off of the couch and whispered to his daughters to go into the other room with their brother. None of them really knew how extreme the whole situation was and all of us wanted to keep it that way.

"So would you like to start off by telling me what happened," I asked calmly once the kids had left the room. I figured that I might as well stay calm. Panicking is only going to make things worse and I can already see by the sweat dropping off Wyatt's forehead that he's already done enough panicking for the both of us. I haven't seen Wyatt this panicked since the time I was hit with a dark lighter arrow.

Wyatt took a deep breath. He didn't know how he was going to tell me all of this. "Its my fault," he stated simply. He saw that I was still confused, so he knew he had to go into even further detail. "I'm sorry, alright. I just....the kids weren't listening to me and I tried everything and then I just finally snapped and spanked them," he explained.

"You did what?" I asked making sure I heard what he said correctly.

"Look I know, I'm sorry," he said again. "I know go ahead and tell me that I'm a jerk, what was I thinking, how I'm a dead beat dad. Just go on and say it," he said. Wyatt stood there and waited for those scolding words, but the last thing he expected was for me to stand there and be chuckling. Usually I'd be at his neck by now, but I'm laughing. "What's so funny," he asked confused. "Aren't you gonna yell at me and say how bad of a father I was being and you should have thought twice about leaving me with the kids?"

I shook my head still smiling. "What is there for me to say, I mean you doing a pretty good job of it yourself," I pointed out to him. "Besides, I think you've suffered enough and you don't need anything else to get you so don't worry because I'm not going to yell at you."

Wyatt just kept looking at me like a deer lost in a pair of headlights. "Okay who are you and what have you done with Chris," he asked very sarcastically. He knew that was me but that just wasn't like my personality to be this calm in the middle of a crisis.

"Nothing," I shrugged. "Its me Wyatt," I said. "I just don't think arguing and yelling is gonna help us find our son any faster. Right now I think you need to calm down and relax before you can even think about looking for our son."

"How can you tell me to relax when our son is out there somewhere and I have no idea where he is," Wyatt shouted. He really wasn't trying to be mean, but he was worried about his son and scared. Being a parent myself, I can understand. Anytime the kids are out of my sight, I get worried. Wyatt is even more worried about me. How can I be so calm about this whole thing. I did have a point about how panicking wasn't good, but then again isn't panicking what parents do when their kids go missing. There's no telling what could be happening to Robert right now. As far as anyone knows a demon could have gotten to him, someone could be holding him for ransom, he could have gotten hit by a car and be in the hospital, or many other dangerous things could have happened. Wyatt just couldn't figure it out. With all those possibilities why was I remaining so calm?

Little did Wyatt know that inside I was panicking just as much as he was, but I couldn't show it for lots of reasons. One because one of us has to be the calm parent through all of this, and since Wyatt looks like he's already in a big frenzy that means its up to me. Another was because, I was pregnant. Any stress now could only hurt the baby. When I found out that Robert was missing, I fainted and Daughtry had to come help me and make sure I was okay. That's really what took me so long to get over to the manor. I had to lie. I couldn't let him know what really happened or else he wouldn't let me help and he'd also be mad at me for not telling him that I was pregnant again. The girls were screaming when I fainted. It was because of their screams that Daughtry had known something went on and came running to my aid. He mostly lectured me on taking it easy and was a little hesitant to let me go, but I managed to convince him that I would be okay and that I could keep all the stress off of me so it wouldn't harm the baby. He insisted that I go to the doctor once I got back. He wanted to be extra careful.

"I know that Wyatt, but you need to stay calm because getting yourself all worked up is only going to cause more stress on, not just you but the kids," I stated very firmly. "They can feel our emotions, Wyatt and they'll know something big is going on and that's the last thing that we should want right?"

Wyatt slowly nodded. He knew that I was right on this one. He began to calm down as he thought about what I said. Right now he couldn't help but slightly smirk. Usually in all the arguments we had, he was the one who was right but this time I'm the right one. Right now he just missed this. Before we separated we were always there for each other. When one was panicking, the other was there to comfort them even though the roles were usually switched.

"So have you guys started looking for him," I asked.

"Yes," Piper said. "Chris and Peter went to search the airports and bus stations, while Phoebe stayed back at her house to scry. Coop, Paige, and Henry went to check the downtown areas," she informed me.

"Any luck?" I asked hopefully.

"None," Piper said sadly.

I stood there and thought for a minute on what to do. "Piper, can you watch the kids while me and Wyatt search the area around our house," I asked. I didn't realize what I had just suggested until it was too late. I just volunteered myself to be alone with Wyatt for a few hours. What was I thinking? Oh well, he seems like he could get some fresh air anyway.

"Sure," Piper nodded. "How much trouble can three kids be," she smiled. Right when she said that, there was the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. Her eyes quickly shot up. "I guess they can be trouble, but if you two will excuse me I've got three grandkids to go murder," she said running into the kitchen, after all three of them. Who knows what they just did, but its probably because all three of them are happy to see each other, and now because of that they're just going wild and crazy.

"So," I said grabbing Wyatt's attention. The way he was looking at me with those blue eyes told me exactly how much he missed me right now. They're so cute and adorable I just want to walk up right to him and kiss him right now, but I can't since we're technically not together. I have to remember the reason that I'm here is to find my son and only to find my son. This has nothing to do with me and Wyatt. "Ready to go," I asked.

Wyatt nodded saying, "yeah lets go." He quickly jumped off the ground and orbed out and headed straight toward the house. I couldn't believe he had already orbed off without me, but its okay. I soon orbed out behind him.

Before Wyatt and I wondered the street we made some posters with a picture of Robert on them and started hanging them everywhere in hopes that someone has seen him and they would call. It had a reward for one thousand dollars on it, so that should help motivate people to find our son. Right now I would pay a million dollars to find him if I had to. Wyatt and I kept walking through our neighborhood and neighborhoods near ours showing people pictures of Robert asking if they've seen him. Every time we'd get a no. There were a few times when some people would say they saw him going a certain way, but in the end the trail was cold. He could have been anywhere by then, especially if he's figured out how to orb around, which scares me even more. He could orb himself just about anywhere in the world and Wyatt and I would have no clue as to his where abouts. Wyatt and I weren't about to give up now.

As Wyatt and I continued walking down a nearby street, Wyatt kept making unusual stares at me. When I would look at him, he'd completely stop. It was like he couldn't help himself. We walked for a few more minutes before he finally started to talk. "You know," he started. He was smiling very happily. "You remember when we use to take these walks down these streets alone," he reminded me. "We'd be holding hands and then wouldn't be worried about who was looking and we would just keep walking until we couldn't anymore."

I smiled back at him. I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Yeah I do remember, Wyatt. How could I forget? All those times with you were some of the best times of my life. I remember one time we had walked through the neighborhood like five times and I really didn't care. All I really wanted was to spend time with you."

"Yeah," he said. "That was back before I turned into this little selfish jerk that I am," Wyatt started. "I should have never treated you and the kids that way. I'm such a dead beat dad that I'm surprised that you even stayed with me for how long you did."

"Wyatt," I interrupted. "Don't okay..just...don't. What's done is done and there is no way of changing it," I said.

"I know," he grunted. "But I just can't let it go."

"Let what go," I asked. We had been walking down these streets for so long we haven't even realized that we passed up the house who knows how many times, but from the conversation that's about to go on, who knows how many more times we will pass it up.

"This" he pointed out. "Us," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt I'm not following you," I said.

"Chris, I'm still in love with you," he confessed.

"But Wyatt..."

"I know what you're about to say," Wyatt said. "I'm selfish and that there can never be an us again, but Chris I just can't go on living without you. Do you understand. You're everything to me. My heart, my soul, just everything that makes me whole and I know there is no one else out there like you." Wyatt was now pouring out all of his feelings for me and I really don't know what to say. I know it must take a lot of courage to say what he said, and this is something he's really been wanting to say for months now.

I buried my face in my hands before I looked back up into his ocean blue eyes that were just as beautiful as the day when I first saw them. "Wyatt, we...I mean I...I..I just can't," I said.

"What do you mean you can't," Wyatt said confused. I didn't answer. I didn't know how to tell him. "Are you saying that you can't or are you saying that you won't do it?"

"Both," I whispered. "Wyatt we just can't, we were young, we saw the future, thought rushed into things a little bit too fast and I don't know." I could see that Wyatt heart was breaking, so I had to do something to help him. "Wyatt, you will always hold a special place in my heart that no one can fill, but I just really don't see us getting back together in the future."

"Why not," Wyatt cried. "Chris I love you," he stated.

"I know Wyatt, and there's nothing that I'd rather do right now than to say I love you too and go back to how we had things, but we can't Wyatt," I said. This was beginning to hurt me as much as it was hurting him. My eyes began to get watery but I made sure to hide it. "We argue too much, we fight about just everything, the kids rarely ever see you...I just can't do it."

"I can change, Chris," he said. "Please lets just go seek marriage counseling before it all just ends like this. I just can't go on without you. If I lose you then I will be nothing and I won't have nothing. So please just give me another chance and I promise I can change." Wyatt was really trying his hardest to win me back. He hasn't been getting much sleep ever since I left and neither have the boys. He just doesn't know what to do anymore and he really needs me there more than anything.

"I know you can Wyatt, but its just not enough.." I said softly. I can't believe out of all days he was pulling this today. With our son missing and everything, today was just not the day to talk to me about this.

"Then tell me," he said. "What do I have to do to win you back," he asked desperately.

"Wyatt, I really don't know that answer myself," I said honestly. I hated seeing Wyatt in this state, but I couldn't just take him back like that. Then we'd be arguing again and it would only make things a whole lot worse than before, and it would be my fault that time. "Look, Wyatt lets just continue looking for our son okay. That's what I came down here for. I didn't come down here to talk about us, I just came down here to help find our son and that's what I'm trying to do."

Wyatt shook his head and walked away. "You just don't understand, and I guess you never will."

I chased after him. "What do I not understand Wyatt," I asked

"How much I love you and that if I had to I'd die for you," he said turning around to look at me once more."

"I understand Wy, but I just don't think we can do this now," I said. "I mean its only been a few days," I reminded. I got confused when I saw a smile on his face. "What?" I asked.

"Wy," he said. "You haven't called me that in a long time. I guess you still have some love for me in your heart after all."

"Always will Wyatt," I said softly. "That's why I was hoping we could at least be friends."

"We can't," Wyatt said in a mad tone. "I'm still in love with you and I can't just be your friend Chris." Wyatt was being real serious right now. Out of all the times we broke up this was the worst one and he was really trying to win me back with everything he could.

"Wyatt I know this must be really hard to hear but...." before I could finish my words I saw Wyatt's eyes quickly shoot up. I didn't know what was making him so scared right now.

Wyatt came charging towards me like a bull who just saw red. I was scared. I don't know what was coming over him. "Chris look out," he shouted as he pushed me out of the way and I fell onto the ground. Next thing I knew two cars drove past shouting bullets at each other. Must have been another gang fight, since they're known for them around these parts of the neighborhood. Wyatt had just pushed me out of t he way only to take a bullet in the back himself.

"Wyatt!" I shouted seeing him collapse on the ground. I quickly ran over to help him. I don't know but I was really worried about him right now. More than I ever have been before in my life. I don't know if its my love for him trying to tell me how easy I could lose him or if its just my human side that cares so much for him. Either way I just never had this type of excitement in me before. My heart is pounding ten times its normal speed. "Are you okay," I asked with a voice full of concern.

"Yeah," he said panting. He was sweating hard. Though that might have been a short distance he had to run, it still took it all out him. "Nothing that a little healing can't fix," he said as he tried to get up from the ground, but he the pain in his back was too extreme. He just cried out in pain and took it and still tried to get up.

I pushed him right back down saying, "Wyatt don't even think about it. You're too weak to even attempt to get up right now," I pointed out.

"I'm not worried I can just heal it," Wyatt shrugged.

"No!" I said instantly. "You can't, because if you do then you'll have that bullet stuck in you and that won't be good," I informed him. I waited a few more minutes before I decided to try to move him. "Alright, so lets try," I said grabbing on of his arms and wrapping it around my neck. Slowly and gently I got him to stand up. Most of his body weight was leaning on me. "Goodness, Wyatt you're heavy," I said.

Wyatt smiled at me. "Its nothing but muscle," he said. "Don't complain, you know you like it when all my body weight is on top of you," he said very seductively. Wyatt just loved to make these kinds of jokes. Even if it wasn't the time. That's just what made him Wyatt.

I almost started laughing but realized what he said. "Wyatt," I said firmly.

"I know I know I know," he said sensing how I was getting mad about what he said. "But you gotta admit it was pretty funny wasn't it," he laughed.

"It was funny I'll give you that," I said. It took me a few minutes, since having a heavy Wyatt on my shoulder was a little handicap, but I was finally able to go behind a house and orb us back to the manor. When we got there, there was no sign of Piper or the kids. "Piper! Ryan! Prue! Patience!" I called but there was no answer. They must have gone to someone else's house. They couldn't be in danger or else Wyatt would have been able to sense it a mile away. Somehow he always knows when his family is in danger. I guess that's probably how he sensed that I was about to get shot. Slowly I led Wyatt to a chair in the kitchen and let him down. I pulled up a chair right behind him and I could still see that hole in his back where the bullet had hit me. He wasn't bleeding that much but he was still bleeding. "Wyatt, I hate to say this but I'm going to need you to take off your shirt so I can get a better look at the wound," I said.

Wyatt was happy to do this. He quickly stripped himself of his shirt. If there was one thing Wyatt liked to do it was walk around with no shirt on to show off his toned abs that chiseled like a statue, especially since he's been working out a lot. "Bet you just couldn't wait to get me out of my shirt could you," he joked around.

"Wyatt, cut it out with the flirty jokes, will ya," I pleaded. I began to look deeper in him to see how I was going to manage to get that bullet out of him and what would be the least painful way to do so. I might have been mad at Wyatt for many reasons but I didn't want him to suffer at all. At least not physically. That would be in human of me.

"Having fun checking me out," he joked again.

"Wyatt!" I shouted frustrated.

"Sorry, sorry," he said innocently. "I just couldn't help it, but don't worry I'll stop."

I shook my head and chuckled a bit. Wyatt was so cute when he was flirting. I just wish he was like this all the time. He's so sweet and funny right now. Though he might have been sweating I could still smell the sweet scent of vanilla. I remembered every time he would come home from football practice he would just throw this type of cologne on just so he could get in bed with me since he knew that I wouldn't let him sleep in the same bed if he smelled like he had just come from outside. "Hey Wyatt would you mind if I asked you a question," I said as I finally thought of a way to get the bullet out of him.

"You just did, but sure go ahead," he said.

"Okay, let me rephrase that then, can I ask you another question," I said a little more softly.

"Sure though you just did," he said. I just fell out laughing. He knew exactly what I mean. "Wow, in just under a few minutes I can still get you to laugh, I must still have it," he cheered. "I haven't gotten you to laugh like that since the day we you know, had our little fun in the training room and the coach...came out and slipped on it," he said laughing so hard his stomach started to hurt.

I began to laugh hard too, but I had to catch myself. "Wyatt, come on I'm trying to be serious here," I said.

"Alright, go ahead," he said still laughing a little.

I squinted my eyes and quickly pulled out the bullet fast, in hopes that it wouldn't cause Wyatt too much pain. My hopes didn't help. Next thing I heard was Wyatt gasp in pain, trying to keep his screaming inside. "Sorry, sorry," I said very apologetically. I guess I'm just going to have to find another way to pull a bullet out next time I have to do this. Hopefully I won't have to do this again ever, but like I said, my hopes always fail me. "Not to say that I don't appreciate what you did Wyatt," I said getting back to the question I was going to ask him. "But what were you thinking," I said, but made sure it wasn't in a scolding tone. "I mean Wyatt, if you weren't invincible you could have been killed," I informed him. "Then we would have had two problems. You would have been on your death bed while Robert still would have been missing."

"I don't know," Wyatt said. "I guess even though we might not be together, I'm always going to protect you like you're my husband," Wyatt confessed. Wyatt has always felt it was his duty to protect me and not the other way around. That's why he would never forgive himself if anything happened to me.

"I know that Wyatt, but..." I said with a small change of tone. "I think there's something more to it than that," I pointed out. There was a brief moment of silence before we began to talk again. "Is there something that you want to tell me," I said as I raised my hands and began to heal Wyatt's open wound.

Wyatt hesitated for a moment, but he knew there was no way he could get around the truth. "I wanted to prove to you that I'm not selfish and I don't just care about myself, but I care about you and the kids," he confessed. This was becoming one hectic week and day for him, but he felt as long as he had me here things will be okay.

"Wyatt, you didn't have to do that to prove to me you're not selfish," I stated. "I mean you prove that to me that you're not selfish everyday when you stand up and take care of Ryan and Robert and then when you accept Rolland as easily as you did...that shows me a lot."

"But you said so yourself...."

"Wyatt," I said stopping him where he was. "Half of the things I say to you are out of spite," I said truthfully. "I don't think your selfish and never thought you were ever, once." His wound was finally healed and I felt it was safe to remove my hands from his skin, though I really didn't want to.

"Then why won't you be with me, Chris," he asked emotionally.

"Its not just you Wyatt," I said to him very softly. "Part of its me too. Then there is still the arguing and then not having time for the kids. Its more then just what it seems."

"Can we talk about it," he pleaded.

"Not now," I said as I began to massage his shoulders which were so broad. I felt Wyatt deserved it after he took that huge plunge for me. I owe him my life now. I can't believe that he still feels obligated to me though we might not be together. Wyatt's a handsome guy and he could easily find someone else, but instead he stays committed to me. I think I can honestly say the same, but I can't admit it to him or else things would just be even more hectic.

"Why not," Wyatt said as he relaxed on my touch. He's really enjoying himself. I haven't given him a massage like this ever since he played football and he's really going to relax on this one not knowing how long it maybe before he gets another massage like this.

"Right now isn't the time," I said as I finally stopped. "We should be working on finding our son."

Wyatt turned around and took my hand in his. "Chris, I know that there are problems going on in our relationship, but please, lets face them together. We've been through so much, I mean we've gone through three different times when you were pregnant, and then when you were giving birth. Those times might have been painful, but I couldn't think of anyone I would rather go through all of that other than you Chris."

Wyatt was reminding me of all those things that happened in the past. Some of which were bad and some that weren't so bad. I mean that time Prue switched his and my powers so we could see how it felt to be in each other's shoes, it might have not been at the time, but it is pretty funny if you think about that. Then Wyatt was still there throughout my whole pregnancy. It might have annoyed me with how much he smothered me but he was still there, and he care about me and our kids. I mean he made sure that I was safe and no one could hurt me. He would make sure that no one would make fun of me for having a huge stomach, and kept me from stressing a lot. I might have not seen it then, but everything he was doing was for the best and I could never thank him enough for what he's done. Some husbands would probably walk away and say that the kids weren't theres but Wyatt he stuck by my side the whole time and I have to say, he is one in a million.

Wyatt could sense everything I was thinking about. He knew this was his chance to make a move on me and try to put everything back together. "I love you Chris," he whispered. "More than anyone in this world, and if it takes us an hour, a day, a month or even a year to sit here and talk about this and work out our problems then I'll do it," he said. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes, just don't give up on us yet," Wyatt said. He could see I was still thinking so he decided that he was going to make things a little bit easier for me. He began to lean in closer and closer to me. He waited for me to look up before he moved so close that our foreheads were touching. Wyatt was just about to go in for the kill and press his lips against mine when he heard the door open. Wyatt looked up to see his mother coming in with the kids.

Piper was shocked to see what was in front of her. Her own son and nephew, who are still married technically, sitting down in the kitchen. Wyatt has his shirt of and our faces are so close together. "I'm sorry was I interrupting something," she asked. She knew Wyatt was probably going to be mad at her for a long time, since it seemed like we were working everything out.

"No, Aunt Piper," I said a little embarrassed. Not only was she seeing this but our kids were in the room also. "Wyatt got hit by a bullet and I was just getting it out and trying to heal him," I told her. It was mostly true, so there should have been no reason to doubt it. "There wasn't anything big going on here," I said trying to look innocent.

"Mommy," little Ryan shouted running up to me and hugging me by my neck. He misses me a lot and he didn't see me before Wyatt and I left so this was his first time to see me ever since I left for New York.

I picked him up and hugged him tightly and then set him on my lap. "Hey big boy what's been going on," I asked kissing him on the forehead.

"I miss you," was the first thing he said.

"I miss you too buddy," I said giving him another kiss on the cheek. "Where'd you guys go," I asked Piper. "When Wyatt and I got here we saw that you guys had left and we got a little worried."

"No need to worry," Piper assured me. "The kids were just a little bit excited so I decided to take them out to get some ice cream and then let them play in the park for a little while, no big deal."

My smile turned into a frown so quickly. "You gave them ice cream? You know how these kids act when they've had they're sugar," I reminded her. From the looks of things she was not innocent on this one.

"Oops," she slipped out.

After a long pause of silence and me looking at Piper with a frown, everyone just broke out in laughter, including the kids. I can never remember when I've ever had so much fun. All this excitement is really starting to make me think about a few things. Why do things have to go and be so complicated after I move to New York. Why can't things just be good when I live here and not so good when I don't. My head is killing me. Maybe its from the baby, and I've got to remember not to think out loud a lot because, Wyatt might somehow find another way to read my mind and that wouldn't be good.

Soon all the laughing died down and we just all sat there staring at each other. Everyone had a smile on their face except for me. I couldn't smile right now. Not with all this conflict going on in my head. "Maybe we should go back to looking for Robert," I suggested. Right now I was really trying to get myself out of this situation. Why do I feel like I'm running away from all my problems instead of taking them head on.

"Chris is right," Piper said. "We should be looking for Robert," she stated. "Come on kids its bed time," she told them causing all the little ones to groan. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Those little groans my work on your father but the definitely won't work on me. Trust me your father has tried to pull this trick a thousand times before and so far he's failed, so I don't think you guys will have any chance."

"This is not fair," Patience whined.

"Yeah no fair," Ryan whined along.

"Guys don't argue with grandma," I scolded them. "Now if grandma tells you to go to bed then you go to bed, understand," I said.

"Yes," they all said.

"That's better, now do what grandma said and get ready for bed," I ordered.

They all began to follow Piper to the other room. All except stubborn little Patience. Anyone could have figured that she was going to always be the difficult one no matter what. She just stood there with her arms crossed pouting like the little kid she is.

"Patience," I said firmly.

"I still think this is not fair," she complained.

I was just about to say something but before I could, Wyatt beat me to the punch. "Patience, listen to your mother," Wyatt scolded. I looked at Wyatt very intensely. I couldn't believe he was actually working with me on this. "Now go upstairs and get ready for bed and don't talk back young lady," he warned.

I was very surprised. I've never seen Wyatt like this before. I mean he's actually working with me instead of against me or not at all. I don't know what has happened to cause this whole change but I'm really starting to like it on him. It suits his personality really well.

Patience just growled and stormed up the stairs along with her brother and sister. She really didn't want to go to bed right now, and its really understandable. She hasn't seen her best friend and brother Robert in a couple of days, but its really past their bed time and they shouldn't be staying up to late. Next thing you know they'll be too tired to do anything the next morning. Being a parent really isn't easy when you have to train your kids like that.

Once Patience was gone I looked at Wyatt hard. Wyatt looked back at me with a smirk on his face. He thought he had done something wrong again and he was about to get yelled at like he's never been before. "What, did I do something wrong," he asked me.

"No as a matter of fact you didn't," I said back.

"Then why are you looking at me as if I did," Wyatt said.

"Because this doesn't seem like the Wyatt I know," I pointed out. This was really even starting to confuse me what I was saying. "Okay since when do you want to ever work with me on disciplining the kids or having the kids do something. Usually it would be 'they can stay up for another hour' or 'sorry I don't have time to deal with this right now, but I'll take the next problem'," I reminded him. That's really how it was for the past few years, not saying that it was that way before then. "So what's going on Wyatt?"

"Nothing, can I guy just want to help raise his kids right," Wyatt asked. Part of him was getting frustrated with how much I would complain all the time about whatever he did. He couldn't even think something sometimes without getting a big complaint from me.

"Not if you're Wyatt Matthew Halliwell," I stated.

"Maybe I'm just trying to turn over a new leaf," he suggested.

"Yeah, what's with the quick change of heart," I asked.

Wyatt sighed frustrated more than ever. "Nothing, I guess," he muttered angrily.

I could sense his anger from my empath power, so I knew I better check it out. Wyatt is never good when he's angry like this. Next thing you know he'll be back to his old tricks and going demon hunting again. "What's the problem now," I asked him.

"Besides you never being happy with me or seeing that I'm trying to make a change for you, nothing," Wyatt said.

"You see this is why we can't be together," I said back.

"Oh what? I do everything," Wyatt shouted. "I try to change myself, I try to help you out with the kids and I even try to have fun with you while you are down here but you still don't want to be with me," he argued. Wyatt was almost at the point of just giving up. He wouldn't though. He would never give up. He's twice blessed and he's going to always try hard for what he wants.

"No, the reason we can't be together is because of this," I cried as I paced the room. "You see how its only been a day and here we are, back to the same old thing. Arguing like we use to."

When Wyatt realized how right I was he felt like he had just been struck with an energy ball of stupidity. All he was doing was proving me right. "Chris, I just don't know what to do anymore. I mean it seems like you don't want to be with me anymore," he said depressingly. "Tell me the truth and don't lie to me. Do you still love me and would you still be with me?"

"Yes," I whispered hoping he didn't here it, but he did. "But Wyatt, I just can't right now, and I'm sorry about that. There's just some issues that have to be worked out and I hate to say it but things aren't getting any better, they're only getting worse. I feel as though our relationship is just slipping apart day by day," I told him.

"How?" Wyatt asked desperate to know.

"I don't know," I answered. "Its just something that I feel is pushing us away from each other and there's nothing I can do to stop it Wy. I love you so much that I just don't know what to do anymore. Ever since the break up you're all I think about and I...I...I don't know."

"Chris, there's nothing pushing us away," Wyatt said truthfully. "The only reason that you feel that is because you're fighting it."

"No I'm not," I shouted instantly.

"Yes you are," he argued back.

"What am I fighting huh?"

"This," he said as he began to advance towards me. "Us," he said taking more and more steps towards me. "I love you Chris, and there's nothing or that can ever make me stop loving you. Do you hear me?! You can even say that you hate me, but I will always love you, and I know that you feel the same way and don't deny it Chris. You might think because you blocked me from your mind that I don't always know what you're thinking but I do. Our love is greater than the love Aunt Phoebe has for Uncle Coop. They even said so themselves. So why fight it, Chris. Why not just come back home so we can be a family, and this time I promise you I'll do right by you."

"But Wyatt.." I said.

"No buts," Wyatt said pressing a finger against my lips to keep me quiet. "You're everything to me and more, and I can't keep going on like this without you. I'm sorry for hitting you and I'm sorry for all the mistakes and the pain that I've caused you in the past. You never deserved any of it. I know I don't deserve another chance but I was hoping part of you would give me another one anyway."


Next thing I knew Wyatt had grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. Before I could say another word his bent down and pressed his lips against mine hard. As the seconds went by, Wyatt got more and more into it as he started to let his hands roam around my back until he eventually set them around my waist and pulled me so close to him that every part of my front side was touching his. Wyatt stuck his tongue into my mouth and began to explore, since its been a long time since he's done this and right now he can't help himself.

Once I realized what was going on I quickly pushed Wyatt off and broke away from the kiss instantly. I started panting really hard, because I was just a little excited from what just happened. I don't know what came over me to allow this to happen. Now I have to live with what I just did. People might not find that it was wrong but we're not even together, and we were just kissing. That's not a good thing.

"What's wrong," Wyatt asked as he started to move closer to me.

I started backing away. "Wyatt I..I.."

"Chris please," he begged as he grabbed my hand into his own. "Just come back to me. I love you so much," he said.

"I'm sorry, Wyatt I just can't," I said pulling my hand away from his. "Maybe we should go back to looking for Robert," I suggested moving away from Wyatt as quickly as I could.

"Chris wait..." Wyatt said running after me, but before he could catch me I orbed away. "Dammit!" Wyatt cursed himself as he hit the wall hard with his fist. He was getting to me, and he could feel it. He can't just let me get away that easily. He has to go after me and finish this. He was just about to orb out and go after me when he was stopped.

"WYATT GET IN HERE NOW!" Piper shouted from the other room.

Wyatt thought he was in big trouble. His mom must have heard him hit the wall or something. Whatever it was Wyatt didn't have time to talk to him mom right now. Not if he wanted to finish what he's started with me he can't. There's always time to get chewed out by Piper, but there aren't many chances that he has to make up with me.

"Not now mom, I'll be in there later," he said.

"NO YOU'LL GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" she insisted.

"But mom this is an emergency," Wyatt said.

"I'm pretty sure the one in here is a bigger one, now stop arguing with me and get your ass in here!" She shouted. "Before I come in there and drag you in here myself," she warned.

Knowing Piper she will do it. It wouldn't have surprised Wyatt right now if she hadn't have already done it. Wyatt wasn't about to argue with her after she had said that. After she would be done dragging him in there, she'd probably blow him up, like she does just about everyone who makes her angry. Wyatt quickly walked into the room where Piper was. When he got there he saw that she was looking at the TV. This confused Wyatt very much. What so big on TV that she had to stop Wyatt from doing what he was doing.

"Mom," Wyatt said annoyed. "What's the big emergency and this better be big, because I've really got something to do right now and I would appreciate it if you would stop interrupting when I'm trying to do something."

"Well I think this is more important," she said as she pointed straight to the TV and Wyatt looked as he gritted his teeth.

On the TV was the news, but it wasn't something Wyatt was expecting to see. Not today out of all days. "We're live here at the diner where it was reported that 25 year old Sandra Summers was gunned down at the job. Witnesses say that the man asked Ms. Summers for some favors and when she refused the man shot her in retaliation. She has been sent to San Francisco hospital where she is said to be in critical condition..." the reporter on the news went on and on.

Wyatt was immediately shocked for what he had just heard. His ex-girlfriend got shot and was at the hospital in critical condition. As much as he did not like what she did in the past he would never wish something like that upon her. Even though last time was his fault, but still. This was not good. If she was in the hospital that means, uh oh. Rolland, was the first thing that came to Wyatt's mind.

"Isn't that your ex," Piper pointed out.

"Rolland," Wyatt whispered.

"Who's Rolland," Piper asked hearing what her eldest just said.

"Not now mom," Wyatt said as he hurried up and grabbed his jacket off the couch and quickly made his way to the door. He knew after this he was going to have to tell his mom who Rolland was, but right now just wasn't the time and he couldn't stop. He had to go check on Sandra, and Rolland. Hopefully Rolland is okay. He probably doesn't understand whats going on but maybe Wyatt can be there and try to explain it to him.

"Where are you going," Piper questioned. She's never seen Wyatt head out the door that fast before. It was like he was racing for the winter Olympics and it was for his ex. Now there was bound to be something going on that Piper didn't know about. Especially since Wyatt mentioned a little boy named Rolland who she's never heard him mention before.

"To the hospital," Wyatt said instantly as he opened the door. "Tell Chris, if he comes back to meet me at the hospital. Tell him its because of Rolland, and he'll know what I'm talking about." Before his mother could ask anymore questions Wyatt quickly ran out of the front door, leaving his mother standing there puzzled about everything.


Once I orbed out, I went to a park near by the house. I don't know what's been wrong with me. I want to be with Wyatt, I really do, but there's something in me telling me that I shouldn't be with him. This is so confusing. What should I do? I've never come to a decision this difficult in my life. Not even when I had to choose between vanquishing John and being with him. That decision was a lot easier. Like I said a thousand times before. If I take Wyatt back now what stops him from walking all over me again, but then if I don't I'll always have this conflict stuck in my head about how much I love him. Now I know what Daughtry means by love isn't easy. I just wish for once it were though.

As I began to think, I started to walk, not even paying attention to where I was going. I was just walking hoping that it would clear my head. As I began to walk, I also began to cry. Today Wyatt was just so sweet and loving. He's changing a lot and he's doing all of this for me. Maybe I am just fighting this. I go to New York to find a new life and maybe start all over, but this life works for me too. I don't know what to do. This was all just too much for me. Right now I'm pregnant, and a single parent, even though it doesn't have to be that way. I could just as easily get with Wyatt again, but then I'd be setting myself up for another failed attempt.

My eyes started to get more and more puffy as I began to cry. As another tear drop began to fall down my cheek a hand came right there and wiped it away. Confused as to who's had it could be I looked up to see someone I'd never thought I'd see out here. "Mom," I said.

She smiled at smiled and stood straight in front of me. "Hello Chris," she greeted. "Its been a while," she stated.

"" I said a little freaked out.

Prue sensing that I was feeling a little odd around her right now decided to see what was going on. "Chris aren't you happy to see me," she asked

"I am, but how are you here," I questioned. "I mean don't you usually come when I call you and how were you even able to leave the manor," I asked. I've never seen her outside of the manor so that was kind of weird, and then to make it even more weird why was she here.

She just smiled and said, "that'll be my little secret."

"Yeah I guess," I said as I made my way over to a bench and sat there. Right now I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. It might sound like I'm being selfish but I don't want it to seem like I'm mad at her when I'm just having a bad day. I hate taking things out on people when its not their fault. Especially when I take it out on anyone so close to me.

Prue wasn't about to let me be alone right now. Even though she might have not known me and gave me up at birth it hurt her like a mother to see me in the pain that I was in. Against my will she began to walk right over to where I was sitting and took a seat right next to me. "Chris I came here to help you, you know that?" she said.

"I know," I sighed. "One question, though...can everyone see you or is it only me, because I'm sure there are some people who know that you're dead and it wouldn't look too good if you were sitting right here talking to me."

"Don't worry," she assured me. "No one can see me, but to everyone that does walk by it will look like you're talking to yourself," she joked.

"Well things couldn't get any worse, since half of the family already thinks I'm crazy," I stated, which was really going to get back to the subject. My mom probably knew what was going on. How could she not since she sore of lives in the house to. Not live, but visits from time to time, and so does grams and my grandmother.

"What's going on that makes you say, they think you're crazy," she asked.

"Oh just lots of things," I replied.

She was really getting tired of me avoiding the real subject so she had to get back to that. "Chris, what's wrong," she asked soft but firmly. She was careful to talk so she didn't say anything that would offend me. She knows how pregnant witches can be. Don't forget she's been there before and it wasn't very nice, so she knows how I feel at times, though she might not have gone through five kids.

"Nothing," I lied

"Come on Chris I know you're lying to me. Don't forget I've been in your position too," she reminded me. She always would talk about the past, how she was the eldest and she had to always be the strong one and never cry for her sisters. Even when her mother died, which I find kind of hard, because when your mom dies, its like a part of you that goes away. I sometimes do feel the same way but its a different situation. I have to deal with a break up while my mother mostly had to deal with fighting demons and everything else. I did have to fight demons, but it was Wyatt who was the strong one in that case. Though that's one thing I hate to admit, since he's not the oldest and its always suppose to be the oldest.

I knew that my mom wasn't going to give up until she knows what's going on. Can't blame her though. She is a Halliwell, and if there's one thing I've learned about all Halliwells is that they're stubborn and don't give in easily. So I might as well tell her. "Everything," I whispered.

"What's everything," she asked.

"I leave San Francisco to try to have a new life away from the old one, but now I fell like I'm being dragged right back into my old life," I explained. This was really getting hard to tell so I had to try to hold myself, but I wasn't able to do so for long. Tears started coming down my face like never before. I've cried many times in my life but never this hard.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't follow you," she said. This was unusual. She was usually able to understand what I was telling her, but right now was different. A lot of things were different right now, though, like I was still living in San Francisco.

"I'm sorry," I said very apologetically. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love my life in New York as a single parent, but then this life works out also. A married Parent living in California and a Charmed One. I just wish I could choose without it being so difficult and effecting not just me, but my four kids, plus a soon to be born baby girl that turns evil in the future. I don't know if its this that turns her evil or what."

"Speaking of child, have you even told Wyatt about Patty," she asked. I had almost forgot. Last time we talked I told her about everything with me being pregnant and all and Wyatt and I having sex. The only people who know about that is her and Daughtry and no one else. Part of my is surprised she doesn't know the answer herself, though. I guess she does see everything that goes on around the manor but that doesn't mean she knows it all.

"Well...." I was about to lie to her but she gave me that mother look that all mothers give to their kids warning them what could happen if I lied. I know that look because I give my own kids that exact same look when they seem like their going to lie to me. Especially Patience. I swear that girl could come up with a lie faster than a demon throwing an energy ball at someone. "No," I confessed. I know I'm in the dog house now. Lets just hope she spares me for Patty's sake if not mine.

"Christopher Evans!" she yelled. "Why not?"

I don't know how much she knows but I know that right now I'm going to have to go over the whole thing with her just in case there is something that she doesn't know, which is probably everything, but she might surprise me with something she knows so I'll just see.

"Okay well," I started off. She really isn't going to believe this. "When you told me that, I thought about it for awhile..." I paused. I don't know what was stopping me from wanting to tell this story but there was something in the back of my head telling me to stop while I was ahead. No I'm not crazy. I'm sure that everyone has a thing called a conscience, but isn't telling my mother the right thing to do so she could help me. She's never steered me in the wrong way, even if I felt like the rest of the family was doing so.

"So," Prue said interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head snapping out of what I was thinking. "So please continue," she said. I was a little confused on to where I left off. "You said you thought about it for awhile and...." she reminded me of where I had stopped.

"Oh yeah thanks," I said. "So as I was saying, I thought about it for awhile and so I decided that he had the right to know as the father of the child," I told her which caused her to smile. That smile was about to be wiped off of her face once she hears the rest of this. "When I had went over to the house, Wyatt wasn't there so I decided to wait instead of running out since I've done that too many times. I waited and waited for awhile until he came home. Unfortunately he wasn't happy to see me. In fact he was pissed off beyond measures. I didn't know why, but he claimed that the night he begged me to stay, he felt as though I didn't love him so I was just coming to have sex and then leave, but that wasn't true. So him and I had a huge argument that left us going at it with each other for a long time. He claimed that I didn't love him and I said that he was a dead beat dad and some other stuff that I shouldn't have said that got his blood pressure up and well next thing I know, I saw stars and when I woke up I was gone the ground and I had this metallic taste in my mouth, come to find out that it was Wyatt hitting me that caused all of that," I lectured. This was a real long story and I wasn't even half way done with it. I'm sure my mom probably wishes she had asked about all of this sooner, so she would have to listen to this speech go on and on.

"Oh my goodness," she said covering her mouth. Prue's always been the one to help out people who are in those types of situations, but this one was going to be tough, since its me and her own nephew. Usually her answer would be to just leave them and don't come back, but she had to realize what she was dealing with here and it wasn't just someone off the streets asking for her advice, it was me, her own son talking to her about this. "Tell me it isn't so," she asked.

"Yes it is," I stated.

"Out of all the years of being in the manor I never thought Wyatt would turn out to be violent like that," Prue said.

"That's not the half of it, though,"

"There's more?"

"Much more," I said. "You might as well get comfortable because this is going to take awhile." I took a deep breath since I knew it was going to take a lot out of me to say this. "When he hit me I quickly got up and left and you know he called me like a million times and left me tons of messages. I was to upset to even reply back and even if I did the argument would have picked up from there, so I decided not to go home or to the manor that night. I decided to stay at Daughtry's just to be safe, since no one really knows that I still talk to him. Thank goodness that is one of the places I know I can hide if something like this happens, but anyway back to the point. I told Daughtry everything and he was really pissed about it. He made me stay at his house, which is what I was planning to do, but it helped him not to kill Wyatt. The next morning he took me to the hospital to get the baby checked out and to make sure that she was fine, you know just to be on the safe side, even though I might have not fallen on my stomach, but its still easy to lose a baby when you're only two months. So the doctor said I was fine and Daughtry and I had a little talk and I decided that I was going to try to tell Wyatt again. So when I went to go try again the second time, I caught him with his ex," I said making my mom gasp. I knew what she was thinking. "No it wasn't like that, at least not that far. She was actually giving him some advice on how to fix things and next thing you know he decides to kiss her, and that was the final straw, so I packed up all my stuff and moved right up to New York and took Prue and Patsy with me. I did feel awful for leaving Ryan and Robert behind, but I knew Wyatt wouldn't let me take all of the kids with me so I had to leave them. Next thing I know I get a call from Wyatt about Robert missing and here I am. Back down here where its been nothing but confusion."

Prue was having a real hard time keeping up with all of this. This was really a lot to take all in one day. Now she does wish that she checked up on my more often so she wouldn't have to hear all of this at once. It was going to be real hard coming up with a solution to this problem. This wasn't like one of the problems she's faced with her sisters and their problems. She could never think of a time that she and Andy has had a problem this big nor Piper with Leo and Dan, or Phoebe with Cole and any of their other relationships that weren't as big. Prue knew one thing though. That she has to help solve this or else the marriage that's gone on for years will be destroyed and she doesn't want to see that happen. Not after all that we had to go through to get married. The things with everyone saying that we're brothers, my crazy ex who wouldn't stop coming into the picture, and many other problems that we had to face. Though this did remind her a lot of Piper and Leo's relationship, but not the problem that we're going through now. Just some stuff is similar like people not wanting them to get married such as the elders, problems in the relationship with Leo leaving Piper with Wyatt and Chris, and other things such as arguments that would go on and on.

"Have you talked to Wyatt anytime recently," she questioned. This was just a start to see how bad or where the the relationship is right now and what its going to take to fix it. Knowing how bad the situation is right now it could take days, maybe even weeks to fix.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I talked to him today," I said.

"And...did anything unusual happen," she asked nervously.

Why did she always have to ask these types of questions and to top it off knows that I can't lie to her. "Yes," I said slowly and she looked at me with a 'what happened look'. "We...sore of.....kissed," I said. My mom didn't say anything to me at first. I'm sure she is just as shocked as I was when it happened. "I know mom, that was a big mistake and it shouldn't have happened, but it did and I don't know how."

"No, no, no, no," she stopped me. "Its actually a good thing that you guys kissed," she smiled.

"Its is...why?" I asked confused. If I wasn't mistaken, isn't it against the rules to kiss your ex if you guys are broken up. Those might not be the rules for everyone but they are the ones for me.

"Because if you guys kissed that means you still love each other," she stated.

"Huh," I said still confused.

"Okay, did you try to fight Wyatt, when you guys kissed," she asked.

"Not at first, but when I realized what we were doing then I pushed him away," I explained.

"Its not over between you two," she said. "Not by a long shot. Trust me on that, a kiss says a thousand words, but that one said that you two are not over yet." I was about to argue with her on that but she was quick to talk. "Oh look at the time," she said. "I've got to go. I'm suppose to be doing something with mom and grams tonight, so is there anything else you want to talk about?" she asked.

"No," I said.

"Great then I'll check up on you later alright," she said.

"Okay, thanks mom," I said happily. "Oh and mom.........." I turned to see that the seat next to me was empty. "Mom..........Mom," I said looking around. I hate it with a passion when she does that. This is like the one millionth time that she has pulled this kind of trick on me. Its always the same little trick. Her and I have a conversation about Wyatt and some other stuff and then next thing I know she disappears on my in thin air, which is kind of expected, since she's a spirit and all. I have to remind myself that the next time I see her that she can't disappear on me. It really gets irritating after awhile.

Next thing I knew I heard a little kid scream loudly at the top of his lungs. It wasn't a happy scream like you would think if you were in a park that kids loved to come to. It was a scared scream. The part that scares me more than anything right now though is that it sounded a lot like Robert. Instantly my heart began to race like a criminal from the police. I began running towards where I heard the screaming hoping to everything and to every god that I could name that it wasn't Robert that I heard. If it was then I don't know what I'm going to do. It wasn't too much longer before I had finally reached my destination. Once I there I found that the scream that I heard, in fact did come from my youngest son, Robert. The site I saw was one that would have scared any parent to see. I saw him lying there in a ditch, that was very deep and dirty. His forehead was dripping with blood, and he was knocked out unconscious. I froze there for a moment to catch my breath before I jumped into the ditch, myself to examine him with my own eyes. I put my hand on his heart to feel if it was still beating. Luckily, for him and me, it was, and at just the right speed. The next thing I checked was to make sure that he was breathing. I pressed my hand against his neck, only not to feel his breath. That could only mean one thing. He wasn't breathing. I almost fainted. For a minute there I thought my son might be dead, but I remembered that his heart was still beating. Maybe there was a chance I could save him. I put my hands over his wound and hoped that it wasn't too late. When I did his wound immediately started to clear up, which meant it was working and that I wasn't too late. I sighed with relief when I found that out. I don't know what I would do if I knew it was because of me that Robert had died. Looking back from how he got down to the ditch and everything, he must have been hit by a car. I'm pretty sure that was the case, but the car didn't stop to help him. That means this was a case of hit and run and the person who just ran over my son is still out there. That isn't good. For all those other kids that could be in risk too, but right now, I could almost care less. It might sound selfish of me but all I care about right now is that my little boy is okay. Once the healing was done I stood up and waited for awhile for him to wake up, but he just laid there and there was nothing. That was impossible because I had just healed him and he is still not waking up. It should have worked. This was really starting to look worse. I bent back down and checked his heart to see it was still beating. I then checked his neck and he still wasn't breathing. I don't know how this is happening.

"Robert," I whispered shaking him, just hoping that he would open up his eyes and wake up and this would just be a scare, but it wasn't. He was still just lying there and was not moving. "Robert!" I panicked as I continued to shake him and there was still no movement. "Robert!" I said even louder. "Come on son wake up," I pleaded heavily. "Your mom's here Robert, please wake up," I whispered in his ear, hoping that those words would be just the right ones to wake him up. "Please wake up," I said with a few tears coming down my eyes. "Oh no," I said. "What have I done?" It was my fault all of this happened. If I hadn't of left Wyatt then he wouldn't have come after me and this wouldn't have ever happened. I had to get a hold of myself right now. Blaming myself wasn't going to help him now. Quickly I picked him up and carried him in my arms and ran back to the manor.


Piper and Leo were sitting the couch waiting for someone to come home, whether it be me or Wyatt. They just wanted some relief on one side. Its been an hour since Wyatt's left and a little over that since I have left and they're starting to really get worried since the kids are already sleep and its really getting late, and its not usual for parents to be out this late. They were just hoping that both of us were okay at least.

"Piper," Leo whispered, but Piper was to stuck in her thoughts to hear him the first time. "Piper," Leo said even louder.

Piper shook her head snapping out of whatever she was thinking. "Oh I'm sorry Leo," she said. "I guess I must have just dozed off for a second there," she explained to him.

"Still worried?"

"Yes," Piper said ashamed a little. Her boys were all grown up now, but she still thought of them as her little babies. She can't count how many times she's had to save them from demon trouble, but at least she knows she's done it plenty of times. She guesses that its true that kids grow up fast. They've both got their own families and own relationships now.

"You've got to let it go, Piper," Leo said.

"Let what go," Piper asked.

"Our boys are all grown up now and they can take care of themselves," Leo informed her. "I think we've already done all we can, so now its up to them to make their own decisions. Besides I think we taught them well, I mean look at Wyatt. He's feared in the Underworld and he works to take care of his family and look at Chris. He's wiser than almost anyone I know."

"I know, Leo," Piper said softly. "But I can't help, but worry about what if they're hurt. I've already lost a sister, and I just don't want to go through that pain of losing anyone close to me again."

"Don't worry I'm sure our boys can handle themselves," Leo promised. "They've already vanquished tons of demons and warlocks. So far there hasn't been anything that they haven't been able to handle."

"I guess you're right," Piper sighed.

"You guess," he asked.

"Stop trying to use Wyatt's line that he uses on Chris," Piper scolded.

"Okay but it was worth I shot since I hear that line a lot," he said.

"How is that?" Piper wondered.

"Easy," Leo replied. "Just sneak upstairs and listen to their conversation in their bedroom, or sometimes just hear outside their window."

"Leo have you been spying on them," Piper asked surprised.

"What, isn't that what all parents do?"

"So I guess you worry about them just as much as I do," she stated.

"I wouldn't say that," he said, but then thought about it for a moment. "Okay, I do, but you said it yourself. What parent wouldn't."

With that said Piper and Leo just laughed and sat there on the couch. Piper rested her head on Leo's chest and Leo in response wrapped his arm around her. Its been so long since they've been able to spend time like this since mostly all their time had been devoted to raising Chris and Wyatt. They've missed just having all this alone time to themselves a lot right now. It felt so good that they almost felt like they were in heaven.

"HELP!" I cried from outside of the manor. I couldn't make it up the stairs so I just stopped where I was.

Piper and Leo quickly got up from the couch hearing me, they're eldest nephew and son crying out for help. That must not be a good sign since they knew I had went out to look for Robert. Something told them that this was not going to be good when they get to me. When Piper had opened the door her and Leo saw me down at the bottom of the steps with Robert in my arms.

"What happened," Piper shouted running down the steps leaving Leo up there looking on in surprise.

"I found him lying in a ditch," I told her. "He got hit by a car," I shouted still panicked as ever.

Piper finally had reached the end of the stairs and got close to look at him in my arms. "Have you tried to heal him?"

"Yes," I replied.

"What happened," she asked.

"He's not breathing," I shouted. I was really hysterical that I don't know if anything could calm me down, but who wouldn't be going crazy if you have your son right here in your arms and he's not breathing and you tried to heal him.

"Are you serious," Piper gasped.

"Very..." I said.

"Oh my, we're going to have to take him to the hospital and quickly," Piper stated. "Leo grab the keys and get down here now!" Piper ordered. She was really in the most panicked state that she's ever been in since she had to deal with Wyatt turning evil in front of her years ago.

Leo knew by the way that Piper and I were acting that this was no time for him to check out Robert himself. He quickly went inside the manor and grabbed the keys. He didn't even put on a jacket or anything to keep from being cold. All he had with him was his wallet and keys and that was it. Quickly he made his way down the steps as fast as he could and used the button to press open the car. Piper jumped in the front along with Leo, while I climbed in the back and held onto Robert tightly, while I ran my hands through his hair. How much he resembled Wyatt amazed me right now, and this was the first time I noticed it. I did notice he looked like Wyatt, but not this much. I don't know why its taken me this long to realize it but I hope its not the last time I see him like this.

"Where's Wyatt," I asked. After looking at my youngest for so long and realizing how much he resembled his father, made me think about how Wyatt wasn't here.

"He's already at the hospital," Piper replied.


"I'll tell you later, but right now we've got to get Robert there," Piper said as Leo hit the gas as hard as he could. He probably could have gotten a speeding ticket any time now for how fast he was going, but none of us care. We've got to get Robert to a hospital as soon as possible.


Wyatt searched around the hospital for a long time, going from doctor to doctor trying to find out where Sandra was at. Hopefully she was okay, and Wyatt knows that Sandra more than likely had Rolland with her. Wyatt remembers seeing him in the background on the TV. Something must have gone wrong because she usually doesn't have him with her at work. She always would have a babysitter or she knew if she ever needed to that she could call Wyatt. What really was scaring Wyatt was how his son was handling seeing his own mother hurt. Wyatt knows that he wouldn't be able to coop that well if he saw Piper hurt like Sandra was, though he has been told its happened before a long time ago before he was even born.

Wyatt had finally made it to the emergency floor. He was hoping she was in here, because he was really tired of going everywhere to find her and his son. When he got there he ran over to the nearest nurse he could find to see if she would know her where abouts.

"Excuse me ma'am," Wyatt said getting her attention. "I'm looking for Sandra Summers and I was wondering if you have any clues to where she might be," Wyatt asked worriedly. There's not telling what could have happened in between the time it took Wyatt to get here and the time that Sandra was shot. Wyatt was just hoping that she wasn't dead.

"Yes sir," she answered. "May I ask your relation to the patient?" It was a required policy for all nurses to ask that before letting someone in the room. They couldn't just let some random stranger go into the room and them not know who he is.

"I'm a friend," Wyatt said.

"I'm sorry sir, but family only," she said.

"Please, I have to see her," Wyatt pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to," the nurse told him. "We're only allowed to let family members come in."

"But she's the mother of my baby," Wyatt stated to the nurse. That was his only hope and that was as close of a relationship that Wyatt was going to get to her other than friendship

The nurse looked at Wyatt and saw that he was telling the truth about that, not that she doubted him, but he had a very worried look in his eyes. She could tell that they must be close or else he wouldn't be trying to see her in the hospital so bad. "Down the hall, and first door to your left," the nurse told him while pointing the direction that he was suppose to go.

"Thank you," Wyatt said softly. He would have said more, but he was in a hurry to get to Sandra. He ran straight towards the direction that the nurse had pointed him in while trying to fight through a pack of nurses. It is the emergency room and this is where a lot of the serious injured people go, and there is always seriously injured people now a days, so it was a hard struggle to get to the room with all of the nurses filling the room. It was the most crowded place that you'd ever find in a city. Wyatt went into the room to find his ex lying in a bed sleep, with all sorts of tubes tied to her body, while his son sat there in the same room doing nothing but just staring there. The boy was so into his mother that he did not even notice that his father had walked in the room. Wyatt slowly walked up behind the boy and put his arm around his shoulder. "You okay," he whispered to him. He was finally able to get a good look at the boy and it appeared that his eyes were poofy and that must have meant he's been crying, which is understandable.

"Is my mom going to be okay," he asked scared. The boy didn't know anyone else besides his mother, and its not his fault. Its because his mom has shielded him away from other adults. The little boy didn't even know how to ask people for something if he needed it. He was a very shy person and his mom would always tell him not to talk to strangers. It wasn't that Sandra was trying to keep him to herself, she was only trying to protect him. Though she might have stopped that job she was still known as a Siren and any demon would kill her in an instant, let alone make her suffer by killing her son.

"I don't know buddy," Wyatt told him honestly, which he knows he going to regret in a moment. That's not something you tell a five year old, but Wyatt just didn't want to have more regret just in case Sandra doesn't come through. That would have meant he would have just lied to him and that's no way to start of with your son. At leasts that's what Leo taught him.

"Mommy wake up," Rolland said shaking her bed. He's never seen his mom a condition such as this. This was becoming harder and harder on him by the minute. How is he able to stand it the way he does at six is beyond belief, but he's partly like his dad. Strong through a bad time.

The woman just laid there and didn't make a move, while the machine continued to monitor her life, that was slowly fading away. She didn't look like herself. She wasn't smiling nor was she talking. Those were traits that made her personality to Wyatt. She was shot in the chest close to her heart area, and the doctors said that it was a miracle that she's survived, but she is still in critical condition. No one knows whether she will live or die. Not even the doctors.

Wyatt knelt down beside Rolland and started to rub his back to comfort him. He pulled his son closer to him and kissed him on the forehead. "Do you want to tell daddy what happened," Wyatt asked. All he knew right now was that she was gunned down. He didn't know how our why, but that's mostly all he knew, and he needed to know more. The nurse wasn't going to tell him. Its a surprise that she even let him in there.

"A man came in and he tried to take me away, but mommy grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go, and he shot her," Robert was quick to explain. The story might have not seemed that long, but it was from a five year olds point of view, and plus it all happened so fast to him that he probably didn't catch everything that happened. It was bad that he had to go through something like this at an early age. No one five years old should have had to go through that. He's going to be blaming himself for this for a long time with his mother and everything. Also he's afraid that his mom might yell at him for the whole thing when she wakes up, because he felt like there was something he could have done to have gotten away from this.

Robert was reading his sons thoughts and he couldn't just let his son think that. "Robert," Wyatt said turning his son so that he was now facing him. "This was not your fault, understand me," Wyatt pointed out to him. "You couldn't of helped if some random guy came over and tried to grab you or do something. You're mom was only trying to protect you like all moms do." With that said Wyatt pulled his son into a tight embrace and let his head rest on his shoulder as he cried. Wyatt understood Sandra's decision. It wasn't too much different from when Wyatt took a bullet for me. It might have not been the wisest thing to do, but being a parent will make you do some crazy things. Each minute that passed by Wyatt was tightening his embrace on his youngest son, not wanting to lose him. From what he had told him he almost did, and that would have made two sons that he had lost, and it would have been double the heartache. His experience with losing Robert has made him realize his time with his sons and how important they are to him.

"Wyatt..." A voice whispered.

Wyatt looked up to see that Sandra was awake, but she was still week. He let his son out of his embrace, but kept his arm around him for comfort. He got closer to the bed and looked down at the mother of his youngest. "Sandra," he said. "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to see that I picked the right man to be a father to my son," she stated weak, but happily. She felt her life was draining away and she knew that this was it, and she wanted to make her last moments count. After all, she doesn't want to be known for just going around and killing married men. She wants people to know that she had a good heart though it is said that demons don't have hearts at all, but Sandra was different.

"Hey I could try to heal you," Wyatt said.

"No, Wyatt," she protested. "I know you can't heal demons and I don't want to be an exception."

"But I can try," Wyatt said. He knew what she was getting at and he didn't want Rolland to lose his mother. He already had to experience the same thing with me leaving Robert and Ryan and it hurts him to have to go through that again. Though this time it would be much different. Sandra wouldn't come back like I did.

"Wyatt, don't," she argued. "Its just my time," she said sadly. As much as she didn't want to leave her son, she knew that there was no hope for her, but she was happy to leave her son in good hands. "Wyatt can you come closer, there's one last thing that I want to do for me," she said slurring as he life was leaving her. She knew she had to tell him this in a hurry.

Wyatt quickly got closer to her so that. He knew that what she wants him to do for her must be important or else she wouldn't spend her last few breaths on him. "What is it," he whispered soft enough so that Rolland can't hear.

"Promise me that you'll take care of Rolland, no matter what," she whispered in his ear.

Wyatt could sense where she was getting at. "But Sandra..." he started, but was instantly stopped.

"No!" she said. "Promise me that you'll take care of our son," she whispered even louder.

"I promise," Wyatt finally agreed.

"Thank you," she whispered. When Wyatt had stood up at full height, Sandra decided to talk to her son. "Come here sweetie," she said holding out her arms. Rolland ran right into them and she kissed him on the forehead and held him tightly. "I want you to be a good little boy for mommy okay," she said. "Promise me?"

"I promise," the boy said sadly.

"I love you sweetie," she said kissing him on the forehead. After holding him a little bit longer she finally let him go. She waited till she saw Wyatt wrap his arm back around him before she took one last breath and laid all the way down. The screen starting beeping really hard and it was only one line, signifying that her heart stopped beating.

"Mommy, mommy," Rolland cried clinging to the sheets.

"Nurse!" Wyatt called. Immediately five nurses came in and a few doctors did also. Wyatt knew that they wouldn't be able to get to her with Rolland in the way, so he went and pried him away from the bed and picked him up and started to comfort him best as he could.

He watched as the nurses started to operate with the machinery. The doctor took his electric circuits and began powering them to Sandra's heart trying to bring her back to life. First he tried 200 jolts and got nothing. Then he tried another four hundred jolts and still got nothing. They decided to try one more time. They turned the machine up as high as it would go and applied it to her chest, hoping it would bring her back for at least a minute, but still they got nothing. That was it. The doctors had done. She was gone.

"Call it," One doctor said.

"Sandra summers, died at 9:15 pm," she confirmed.

The doctors then put a sheet on top of Sandra covering her face. After they made sure her body was secured to the bed they began to cart her out of there slowly. They had to make sure she got to the morgue on time.

"Mommy," the little boy said seeing the doctors take his mom away. Wyatt didn't realize it but Rolland was watching the whole thing over his shoulder. "Mommy," he cried again with tears running down his eyes. "I want my mommy," he said as he tried to break free from Wyatt's grasp, but wasn't able to. All he could do is watch his mom being carted away on a hospital bed while he just laid on Wyatt's shoulder and did nothing except cry. "MOMMY!" Rolland shouted once more hoping that she would wake up and come over and hug him, but she didn't. Rolland just laid there crying on Wyatt's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into his son's ears. "I'll always be here for you Rolland," Wyatt said.

"I want my mommy back," Rolland cried.

"I know, I know," he whispered soothingly. As much hell as Sandra has caused on him, Wyatt wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Sandra did have a good heart, and that's one thing he had to admit. He almost let a tear slip, but was quick to stop it. He had to be strong for his son, if not Sandra. He was also sad about her death. Not only had he lost the mother of his child, but he lost a friend that gave him advice on how to save his marriage. All he had to do now was use it.


Piper, Leo, and I came running in the hospital as fast as our legs would take us through the hospital. I was still carrying Robert and Leo or Piper would always get the door for me if there was one in the way. We had to almost go through four of them and I just wanted to blow them down right now. I was in a big hurry to get Robert to the doctors as fast as I could and the doors were only slowing me down to get there.

When we finally got up to the front, the room was filled with people doing all sorts of paper work. I couldn't wait for that. Someone has to see my son right now. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" The nurse asked.

"My son is not breathing," I panicked.

"Sir I'm going to need you to fill out some paper work while I call for a doctor," she instructed. "I'm also going to need a copy of your drivers license and make sure that you're the real parent."

"I don't have time for all of this!" I yelled. I was starting to really get impatient. I don't know if it was the hormones talking or if it was my parent instincts. Either way my son was going to see a doctor as soon as possible or else tonight won't be a pleasant night for the doctors. "My son needs to see a doctor now!"

"I know that sir and I'm calling one, but I still need you to fill out some paper work," she said again.

"I don't care about what you need. I only care about my son's and right now he needs to see a doctor," I shouted. Each minute that went by kept me thinking about how he is hurting. I might not know what's wrong with him, but it has to be major if I couldn't heal him.

"Chris calm down," Piper said.

"I will not calm down!" I argued loudly. I wasn't really trying to be mean to Piper but right now I can't think straight. I'm pregnant, and my hormones are up and then again my son is sick, and the doctors are more worried about getting some stupid paper work done before they see him. "My son is dying and you want me to calm down. For goodness sake he's not breathing!"

"I'll get a doctor down here," the lady said leaving the office. She knew from experience that this was an emergency case and that it would be best to just go get a doctor and to get the paper work later. She quickly phoned around and got the first doctor that she could. It wasn't but for a few seconds later that a doctor came down.

"Hello sir," the man said holding out his hand. "I'm doctor Smith and I was told that there was an emergency situation with a child?"

Piper shook his hand and decided to do all the talking since she knew that I was probably not in a state to explain things clearly with how hysterical I'm acting. "Yes we do. You see my grandson ran away and we found him lying in a ditch and my nephew says that he's not breathing," she explained.

"May I check him," the doctor asked.

I nodded and let him get close enough to check him himself.

"You're right he's not breathing," he stated. "I'm going to need to get him into a gown as soon as possible," Smith said taking Robert away from my hands and placing him onto a bed. He quickly called for some other doctors and they began to stroll him away down to the emergency hallway. "I have to ask, but are you this boys father," the doctor questioned.

I had almost forgot that they check to see who the parents are, and this is going to be a real tough one to explain. If Wyatt comes in and he says that he's the father, then I'm screwed, but maybe there's a way out of this. "Well umm.....not exactly," I said. "But I am the legal parent," I informed him. Maybe then he would let me go through with them.

"I'm sorry I don't follow," he said.

"Well, his father and I are married legally for now," I said with a little regret in my voice. "But his mom gave me custody of him when he was born so I've raised him ever since he was little," I lied. I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't say that the boy had two dads that were both related to him or that I'm his mother and I had him. That would really get to the news and the media would really have a big field day.

"Okay, thank you for explaining," the doctor said. "Can you please tell me where the real father is," he asked.

"I don't know..." I said ashamed. This is really going to make us look like bad parents. Robert is on his way to the emergency room and I don't know where his father is at, but little did I know that Wyatt was taking care of some more important matters, not that they were important as his son, but he needed to be somewhere right now.

"Is there any way that you can contact him," Mr. Smith asked politely seeing as I was already in a frenzy and a panicky mode.

"No sir, why do you ask," I said.

"Because it would be proper if both parents are present in case it is something critical," he explained.

That word 'critical' scared me. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Even though he might have not said anything about it being critical yet, but him saying that there is a possibility scares me. I've never heard these words before, nor have I ever been in this type of a situation. Its not something I ever want to be in again if I get through it this time. "When you say critical, what do you mean by critical?"

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you now how bad it is, but maybe sometime later," he said.

"How long do you think it might take before you know anything?"

"There's not telling," he said. "I've never had a situation like this before though," he said. "You say he got hit by a car right?"

"Yes," I said.

"I don't see any wounds on him though," the doctor pointed out. I was in trouble now. I forgot that I healed him and now his wound isn't there anymore. This is going to be a hard one to explain to the doctor, without mentioning the fact that I'm half white lighter, and half witch, and that I'm able to heal.

"Maybe he wasn't hit by a car then," I suggested. It wasn't a lie technically. I only assumed it, but more than likely that's what happened.

"Well lets get him to the emergency room, now," the doctor said pulling Robert in a bed along with a few other doctors. The were quick to do all of this, which means that this is a real dire emergency. Hopefully they can help Robert. If not I don't know what I'll do.

I began to follow, but I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around to see it was Piper. I was beginning to wonder why she would stop me from going to the emergency room with my son.

"I'm not trying to stop you," she said, partly reading my mind. "I just wanted to let you know that Leo and I are going to wait here. If we see Wyatt we'll send him in along with you. We're just going to phone Chris real fast and have him bring up the kids okay," she said.

"Okay," I nodded and quickly ran over to where the doctors were carting away my youngest.

As the kept strolling him away they began to undress him and give him CPR and mouth to mouth in hopes that he would start breathing again. No matter how hard they tried or how much they kept giving him mouth to mouth he was still not waking up. They kept checking his heart to make sure that he was alive, and his heart was beating just fine, but it was he just stopped breathing. There was not telling what could be wrong. It could even be a disease or what not, but they weren't about to give up just yet. The kept pushing his bed and giving him CPR.

We were turning the corner to the emergency room and I got the shock of my life. I saw my husband, Wyatt, walking on the floor with a boy in his arms. I got a better look at the boy and found it to be Rolland. His son that he had from Sandra. What I found more awkward was that he was there and he had Rolland with him. This could not be good. Especially if he's leaving the emergency room.

"Wyatt!" I called getting his attention.

Wyatt looked around to see where his name was being called from before he finally caught sight of me and hurried over to where I was. "Chris," he said. "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"I found Robert," I said pointing to the bed that Robert was laying on and the doctors still strolling him away.

"What's wrong with him," Wyatt asked worried.

"He's not breathing," I answered. "I don't know what happened, I heard screaming so I ran over to it, and I found him just lying there in a ditch and I tried my best to heal him, and he healed, but he still wasn't breathing, so I brought him back to the manor, Piper and dad told me to bring him here," I said panicked. I had never stopped panicking ever since I had gotten to the hospital. When I say I was scared I was really scared. I don't know what to do. This is just crazy.

"Alright calm down," Wyatt said calmly. "Everything is going to be okay. I know you did everything you can." His words were very comforting like always. I don't know what about him, but he always knew how to calm me down during a situation that was very bad. This is one reason why I was happy that he was the father of this kids. He could always find a way to make a bad situation better.

"Thanks Wyatt," I said. I then looked on his shoulders and found Robert sleeping on it. I had almost forgot he walked out with him. "So what are you doing here," I asked. "I didn't expect to find you in the emergency room."

"Sandra's dead," he stated simply.

"What?" I said shocked. She might have not been my favorite person in the world, but no one deserves to die. Even though she might have caused some trouble between me and Wyatt, but she still had a child. I don't know what Rolland is going to do now. I might have not known at the time, but I found it pretty hard growing up without my real mother.

"Yes," Wyatt nodded. "I'm going to have another son to raise," he informed me.

"I'm so sorry Wyatt," I said sympathetically.

"Its okay," Wyatt said. "I've got to be strong for him," Wyatt said gesturing towards Rolland.

I nodded knowing exactly how Wyatt was. As I mentioned before, he was always the stronger one of us, when it came to something like death, but he knew if he ever needed a shoulder that I'd be there. Wyatt and I continued following the doctors and nurses as far to the room as we could, but we got stopped.

"I'm sorry, but we cannot allow you two to go any further," the doctor informed. "We're gonna have to run some test and see what we can do," he said.

"Okay," I nodded in agreement.

The doctor quickly left into the room with my son. I was still worried, because I didn't know what was going on in there. He was out of my site again, only this time I know he's hurt and there is not telling what's happening to him right now. I don't know why my life is so dramatic. I guess being a parent, a charmed one, and a spouse is not as easy as it seems.

"Wanna sit down," Wyatt offered as we made our way to the waiting room

"Sure," I said taking a seat, and Wyatt took one right next to me. He took Robert off his shoulders and let him rest in a chair next to his, and then looked back at me to see that I was staring at him the whole time. For the next few minutes we sat there smiling at each other.

Our moment was interrupted when our grown up daughter Prue orbed in. She didn't look to happy. What was more confusing is that she didn't have Robert with her, which I found awkward, because they were always together. "Mom, dad," Prue said. "What did you guys do," she asked.

"What do mean," I replied to my future daughter.

"What happened to Robert," she asked worried.

"He got hurt...and...well that's why we're here," I explained. "Why do you ask?"

"He's dying," she stated simply.

My eyes grew. "What do you mean dying?"

"Adult Robert is dying, which means that his younger self must be too," she said.

"No, that can't be," I said in disbelief as I got up and paced the room. "Where is the adult Robert," I asked.

"Back at the manor, lying on the couch," Prue answered.

"I'll go check on him," Wyatt volunteered getting up.

"Are you sure," I asked. It wasn't that I didn't believe Wyatt was worried, it was just that I didn't want him under too much already. I mean he's already lost his friend and now he has a son to take care of.

"Yeah, I'm sure," he replied instantly. "Can you please just watch Rolland for me," he asked. I nodded quickly. "Thank you," he said before orbing out. Wyatt was anxious to see how his son was doing. He might have just lost Sandra, but right now he couldn't just stay on that. He had to make sure that his son was okay. He already feels guilty about the whole thing.

"So mom," Prue said turning to me. "The whole family has told us what's been going on between you and dad," she said.

"Shouldn't you already know about this," I asked. "I mean you've been to the future hasn't this happened before," I stated.

"I'm afraid not," she said depressed.

I noticed that my daughter was really starting to feel upset. I guess this whole thing has taken a toll on not just me and Wyatt, but the future. The future must obviously be shifting, because if it weren't then Prue would have known about this break up before it happened. As I kept looking at Prue I saw a few tears coming down her eyes. This was really scaring me. Something must be terribly wrong.

"Prue sweetie what's wrong," I asked.

"Everything," she said back. "You and dad are separated, Robert is dying, and Patty hasn't even been conceived yet, and its past her time," Prue explained. Little did she know that she might have not failed her mission.

I wrapped my arms around her and was just about to speak, but then, "Ahh" I gasped out in pain. My hands went straight to my stomach. Patty is really learning how to kick like her brothers and sister. Actually, even harder. I just hate when my kids do that when I'm completely unaware. I guess though since I'm past four months now that she probably is going to start kicking a lot.

"Mom, is everything okay," Prue was concerned.

I smiled back at her. "Prue, let me see your hand," I asked. She looked back at me like I was crazy. "I know what it sounds like, but just let me see it," I demanded. After a minute of staring and thinking Prue finally let me see her hand. I took and lightly pressed it against my stomach and smiled at her. I waited a few seconds for her to feel the kick, before I released her hand.

Prue froze for a moment. "Is that who I think it is?!"

"Yep, the one and only Patty," I nodded.

"How long?" she asked.

"Four months now, and its a long story and please don't ask me to explain it," I begged.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Nope," I said shaking my head. "Except for your Uncle Daughtry and Grandma Prue, but other than that, no one."

"Not even, grandpa, grandma, or Uncle Chris," she said going down the line. Those are the people I usually tell when something is going wrong, but this time I had actually kept it secret.

"No, not even them," I said.

"So do you still think there's hope for Robert," she asked.

"I know there is," I said confident. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Wyatt orbed into the manor and searched for his son. There couldn't be too many places that he could be lying in the manor. At least not too many places that Wyatt couldn't find him. He went to the downstairs rooms first before he started to head upstairs. This was scaring him. His son was dying and he didn't know where he was. Now he knows how I must feel sometimes. As Wyatt walked up the stairs he caught a few glimpses of the pictures that were on the wall. He wished he could stop and look at them, but there might not have been that much time for Robert. Most of the pictures he saw that stuck out to him were pictures of me and him. He missed all those days when we were both so happy together. He'd give anything right now just to have them back.

Wyatt finally made his way to the attic. The last place he hadn't checked. There he saw his son lying on the couch gasping in pain. Quickly he ran over to Robert's aid and kneeled down to where he was laying. "Are you okay," Wyatt asked, putting his hands over his son trying to heal him.

"I'm fine dad," Robert slurred trying to get up but collapsed right back down because of the pain he was in.

"Calm down," Wyatt demanded. "The last thing you should be trying to do is get yourself all worked up," he stated. Wyatt was hurt to see his youngest in pain, and know that it was all his fault. Whatever happens to younger Robert, happens to older one too, and Wyatt should have known that. Wyatt just wishes that he had thought about that before he decided on spanking them. As the gold orbs from his hands started to disappear nothing happened to Robert. He was still laying there panting as usual. "Its not working," Wyatt said.

"I know dad," Robert said. "It not going to."

"Why not," Wyatt asked.

"Because unless you can heal the younger me, it won't have any effect," Robert stated.

"Is there anything I can do to help," Wyatt asked.

"Yes there is," Robert said. "Make sure whatever happens that you and mom get back together. Even if Patty is not conceived, I still want this family to live on, as it would have."

"Easier said than done," Wyatt muttered.

"Why would you say that, dad," Robert said.

"Because Chris is never going to want to get back with me," Wyatt said. "I'm a jerk and I don't deserve anyone like him. He's put up with a lot from me from the past year and he gives me chance after chance after chance, and all I do is throw it in his face and take advantage of him."

"Dad, I'm sure mom still loves you," Robert said. Wyatt was really surprised at what comes out of his sons mouth and how wise he is at this age. He realized that him and I must have been good parents to raise a man of such great wisdom. "You can't give up on him. It might be hard, but trust me in the end it will all be worth it. Just please promise me, whatever happens to me that you will get back with mom."

"But Robert, you're gonna get better..." Wyatt went on.

"No! Promise me, if anything happens to me that you will get back with mom and be a family, and that you will take good care of them for me," Robert insisted. The man was just as stubborn as his father. If there's something he wants to happen, he will not stop until it does. That's what makes Robert a strong man in the future and everything.

"I promise," Wyatt whispered. "You'll be okay, though, trust me I know it."

"I don't know dad," Robert said weakly.

"Just hang in there buddy," Wyatt said kissing his son on the forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can." With that said Wyatt looked at his weak son one last time before orbing out and back to the hospital. When he got there he saw that Prue and I were still there. Prue had jumped a little making Wyatt wonder what was going on. "Prue you okay sweetie,"

"Yeah, dad I'm fine, why" she said. She was a little scared because her hand was on my stomach at the time Wyatt orbed in. I made her promise not to tell anyone, but she was relieved to know that Patty was okay. She just had to make sure she didn't let it leak. It almost did when Wyatt orbed in. If you see your daughter on your husband's stomach that's got to mean something.

"Just making sure," Wyatt shrugged.

"How's Robert," she asked.

"He's not doing too well," Wyatt replied. "I don't know what's wrong with him and if we don't do something fast then....then...I just don't know, but I can't let our son die," Wyatt said firmly.

"We won't," I interrupted.

"I'm going to go watch him, you guys stay here for when the doctor comes back," Prue said as she orbed out.

Wyatt stood there for a minute before he came and sat back down next to me. This whole time Rolland was still sleep and Wyatt just decided to keep him in the chair so he didn't wake him up. We just sat there in silence for a long while before Wyatt had to be the one to break it. Honestly I really didn't want to talk right now though. It wasn't that I was mad at Wyatt. This could have happened to either of us, its just that I'm really worried and I don't know if talking right now is the best thing.

"So.." he said.

"So," I repeated.

Wyatt began smiling and shaking his head. "Chris, you remember the last time we came here. It was when you had passed out and scared me, because you were under so much stress when you were here with Prue," he reminded me. "It might have not been a happy one but hey I must say that rushing you up here was something that I'd do in a heartbeat."

I chuckled a little. "I know, Wyatt.."

"You know that I would do anything for you," Wyatt stated.

"Don't worry, I know that too," I said.

"Even die for you if I had to," Wyatt continued.

I sighed saying, "Wyatt, I know what you're trying to do, so stop it," I demanded. "Just stop."

"What am I doing," Wyatt asked like he really didn't know.

"You're trying to say you're little sweet words to get us back together," I said.

"No I'm not...," he said. I looked at him and frowned and he figured he was in deep trouble so he better fess up to it. "Okay, maybe I am, but Chris I don't know what to do anymore."

"Do about what?"

"Us," he said. "Chris, I love you so much and I just don't know what to do without you anymore. I can't sleep, I can't raise the kids, I can't do anything. I just didn't realize how much you meant to me."

"Wyatt, I know that must have taken a lot for you to say, but I don't know if there ever will be an us again," I sighed. "I'm sorry, but I think we should start seeing other people and looking to divorce."

"Other people?! I can't Chris," Wyatt said. "There's no one else that I can love more then you. And there never will."

I was about to continue with him, but then the doctor walked in with some paper work on him. He did not look like he had good news which scared me. I don't know what he's going to tell us, but whatever it is I hope there is something that Wyatt and I can get through, maybe not together, but just get through.

"Mr. And Mr. Halliwell," the doctor said. He began looking down at the paper work and reading some of what it says. "I'm sorry to say, but your son has lost a lot of blood. We're doing all we can to keep him alive, but to tell you honestly there's not much we can do."

"Is he going to be okay," I asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Halliwell," the doctor shook his head. "It hurts me to tell you this but your son is dying," he stated. I gasped so hard that I didn't think I was going to be able to breath again. "Due to your son's extreme blood loss there is nothing we can do to keep him alive. My best bet is to say that he may only have six months maybe less."

I froze in fear of what the doctor just told me. "But there's got to be something that could help. Don't you have any blood that was donated to save him," I asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Halliwell, but your son has O Negative blood, which is a rare type and hard to find," the doctor said.

"Can't one of us donate it to him," I said referring to me or Wyatt. "I mean if he's our son one of us is bound to have that same blood type."

The doctor looked back down at the papers. "If I remember correctly, you both said that you were gay and married, right, and that you've had sexual contact with each other," he stated and Wyatt and I nodded. "I'm sorry, but we're not aloud to take blood from homosexuals due to the spread of HIV. Homosexuals are more likely to have it that any other group."

"But we haven't done anything, with anyone else other than each other," I lied. But we have been checked out since the whole incidents with Sandra and Kevin and we both didn't have any type of STD's. That's why I could say honestly that Wyatt or I could donate.

"I'm sorry, but its too risky," the doctor said. "I'll run some more test and search everywhere to see if we have that blood type, and I hope to see you tomorrow," the doctor said leaving the room.

I didn't know what to do. My son was going to die and there was nothing I could do about this. Its all my fault. If I hadn't have left and thought about myself Wyatt and I would still be together and my son would be okay. No I had to leave Wyatt and go to New York. Why was I being so selfish. As I began to think of all these negative things, I started to get woozy. I don't know what was coming over me but it wasn't good. Things started to get blurry, and more blurry by the second, until my vision just saw complete darkness, as I fell to the floor.

"Chris!" Wyatt shouted seeing that I fainted.

*Dream *

I was walking around a park with a little girl. She was holding my hand and it seemed very strange like I knew this girl from somewhere. She was a little red head and she wasn't that old. She was probably like four, maybe five. As we continued towards the park, I caught sight of Ryan, Robert, Rolland, Patience, and Prue all one the swings. That was odd. Robert was in the hospital and now he was playing on the swing. What I didn't know was that this was a dream. It was a beautiful sight. I must have been taking the kids to the park. This seemed a little strange. Was this my future.

"Patty, sweetie," A voice called out. I looked over to see Wyatt sitting on a bench. "Come to daddy," he said.

The little girl who was holding my hand, let go and ran over to Wyatt. That must mean that little girl that I had with me was Patty, but how. She wasn't even born yet. She didn't seem evil at all. She looked so sweet and innocent, but then again she was young.

Wyatt picked the girl right up when she got to him and set her on his knee, and gave her a little kiss on the forehead. "Hey, big girl, have you been good for mommy."

"Yes daddy," she said nodding joyfully. "Will you please tell me the story again, about how I saved Robert."

"Sure, thing baby girl," he said. He then looked at me and smiled. "Hey Chris, Chris...Chris...," he continued on, but I still stood there motionless. "Chris...," he kept calling. As he was calling my name my eyes started to go blurry again, until I saw darkness. When I opened my eyes I saw Wyatt was standing over me. "Chris," he said. "Thank goodness you're awake."

I looked around. The last thing I remember was passing out and oh no. "Wyatt what happened," I asked.

"Lets just say you nearly gave me a heart attack," Wyatt said. I looked around and saw that I was wearing a gown, and in a hospital bed with tubes tied around me. "Don't worry," Wyatt said sensing my fears. "You're in a witch doctor's hospital," he said. "So I didn't have to turn you into a girl this time."

If he said that he didn't have to turn me into a girl that means he knows. Uh oh, I must have fainted and... "the baby, Wyatt is she okay," I asked very worried.

"Calm down Chris she's fine," he said pointing to a machine behind me. "Look, that's the baby's heart beating.

"So that was a dream," I said.

"What was," he asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Chris tell me," he pleaded.

"I dreamed that I saw Patty, and Robert playing in the park and Robert was fine, and then I saw you, but I don't know if we were together, but you were about to tell Patty how she saved Robert and..." I trailed off, but then it hit me. I know exactly what Wyatt was going to tell Patty. Why didn't I think of this before.

"Chris, you okay," Wyatt said concerned about my pause of silence.

"Wyatt, didn't Prue and Robert say that him and Patty were one in the same," I asked.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with your dream," he asked confused.

"I think that Patty might be the key to saving Robert. She has the same blood as he does, so maybe her blood might be what will save him," I said.

Okay I'm very very sorry it took so long, but other people worried me about updating my other stories here and there and then my friend broke her computer so now she comes over my house to use mine a lot so I hardly can get on, but it wasn't y'alls fault that I didn't update sooner it was mine and I apologize and hope that you guys keep reading. You're probably mad because A Wyatt and Chris are still not back together B. Robert is now dying and C. there was no sex scene and I'm very sorry about that but like I said I didn't know where to put one. So please send feedback if you want this story to continue, because after this chapter, which was weird to me also, I don't know if any of you guys want to know what happens. Email me at or

Next: Chapter 29

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