Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Dec 23, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

So this is a shorter chapter. After the last one, I don't know if you guys want me to continue since only four people sent me something, but I understand. So this I think this might be the last chapter, because I don't know who reads this anymore, so enjoy. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that the results that I had everyone vote on will be in this chapter. You'll find out at the end, and don't scroll down to see which one it is because it'll ruin the whole chapter for you. I don't know if you could see what I was trying to do in the last chapter, but I was trying to confuse you on which one it was. Hopefully I succeeded, lets find out which answer one shall we?

I was walking in the park with that little girl beside me, holding my hand. I looked down at her to see that she was the same little girl I took to the park. She was a red head, which I don't know how, because my hair is black and Wyatt's is blond, but whatever. She had the perfect little smile that anyone could ever see. I just can't believe that she's my daughter and that everyone said she was evil. They all must be blind. A little girl this innocent wouldn't hurt anyone or anything. I find it hard to believe with everything that goes on around her that she is still this loving and calm.

I took her over to the swings for a bit to play. It was up to me to push her, since she was too young to know how to. She was only four for crying out loud. We stayed on the swings for awhile, until she said she was tired of it, so we went and play seesaw. She was mostly the one who stayed off the ground since I out weighed her by a lot. I looked around and noticed how dark it was getting so I figured we better start heading home.

"Patty sweetie, its time to go home," I said simply as I walked up to grab her hand. She immediately pulled back. "Patty, what's wrong, don't you want to go home to see daddy and your brothers and sisters?" I asked softly.

"No," she pouted.

"Why not," I asked a little hurt. I would just love the chance to be with my mom and dad along with my brother, if only all of them were still alive that would be possible, and I don't want my daughter regretting not spending any time with the family any chance she has.

"Dad, no love me," she cried.

"What?!" I said in disbelief. "Why would you say that," I questioned. I know I've heard Prue say that and hopefully Wyatt hasn't gone back to his old pair of shoes, but if he has then I'll just have to put him right back on track. "I'm sure he loves you sweetie."

"No he doesn't," she said as she started to cry. "He's never there for me. He's always to busy with Ryan and Robert and Rolland. He never has time for me. No one loves me."

"I do sweetheart," I argued back.

"Yeah, but no one else does," she replied.

"Well forget everyone else alright," I said stubbornly. "I love you okay, and if no one else does than forget them. Remember we have each other alright," I lectured and she nodded. I don't think there was anything that she could say after what I just told her. "Now come on we have to go home," I said holding out my hand. "We'll deal with daddy and everyone else when we get there okay."

"No," Patty said and took off running.

"Patty! Patty!" I yelled before running after her. Unfortunately we were too close to trees and that's the first place she ran towards. "Patty!" I kept yelling as I ran into the forest after her. For a little girl she can run pretty fast. I don't know if its her power developing or what, but she has some legs on her. "Patty stop!" I shouted, but she kept on going. I kept chasing after her, and got scratched by a few tree branches but I didn't realize the wounds were there for awhile. I was just worried about Patty. Hopefully she didn't get scratched by these branches either. I finally had chased her into an opening in the woods. I saw her sitting on the ground crying. I don't know what was going on that made her stop. "Patty," I whispered as I slowly began to walk up to her.

Just as I was walking up to her Patty started to stand up. Next thing I knew she had turned into her adult form. She turned around and looked at me when she did. She was now about twenty. You could tell she was Wyatt's child and she was evil. She had on some leather pants and a leather top that showed her cleavage. She gave me a smirk that was similar to Wyatt's when he was evil, which scared me to death. Her hair was still red. That was about the only thing that didn't change about her. The innocent little girl I was walking with had just turned evil like that. "Hello mother," she said firmly. "What's wrong don't recognize your sweet little girl," she taunted as she walk towards me.

I began walking backwards. This could not be my little girl. What happened to her? The little girl I knew would never turn evil like this. "Patty," I gulped. "Is that you?"

"The one and only," she smirked. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" she exclaimed as she shot flames from her hands right at my stomach that caused me to yell in fear of what my own daughter was doing. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

*End of Dream *

"Ahhhh!" I screamed waking up from the whole thing. I looked around to see that it was only a dream. My hand instantly went to my stomach remembering the woman had set fire to it. I could still feel Patty kicking so that must mean she was okay, but I don't know what that dream was about or what it was trying to tell me. I just hope I don't have that dream again.

Just as I started to settle down, Wyatt came in running. I don't know how he got here that fast, but he surely must be worried, seeing as I'm pregnant with his child again. "What happened is everything okay," Wyatt asked very worriedly. Hearing your husband scream in the middle of the night means there has to be something wrong.

"Wyatt, what are you doing here," I asked angrily, that he came in on me. Thank goodness I was wearing a shirt and some shorts to sleep in. I wasn't too keen on Wyatt seeing me naked now since we're really not together and that shouldn't be happening.

"What are talking about Chris? I live here if you forgot," Wyatt said acknowledging that it was his house, though that comment did make me a little angry. Wyatt's the one who begged me to stay at his house instead of the manor so he could take care of me and protect me from demons since Prue said that a demon turned Patty evil while I was pregnant with her. That didn't give Wyatt the right though to come barging in just about every time I scream.

"I know that," I said in an obvious manner. "I mean what are you doing in the room that I'm sleeping in. This might be your house, but I think I deserve some privacy," I stated.

"Sorry," he said a little hurt. A little really didn't describe it. He was hurt a lot. All he was trying to do was see if I was okay and I just snap at him, but then again he remembers going through this before. First the morning sickness, then the mood swings, then everything else. "I was just trying to make sure you were okay," he said softly. Wyatt still cared for me more than anyone and he'd would be damned if he ever let anyone try to hurt me. We might not be together, but that doesn't stop Wyatt from being protective and possessive at the same time.

"How long have you been standing outside my doorway," I asked figuring that's how he made it in here so fast.

"For about a minute," he lied. "I was just on my way to the bathroom and right as I passed your room I heard you scream," he extended, which was only going to get him into more trouble not out of it. Wyatt thought with this lie, maybe I wouldn't hurt him.

I made a big frown saying, "I'm pregnant not stupid, Wyatt. I know you were there for longer than a minute and you better tell me right now or I'll blow your ass back to kingdom come!" I didn't mean half of the things I just said, but right now my hormones are really taking over, and in the state that I'm in no demon, warlock, or any other magical being better mess with me or their due for a lot of pain and torcher.

"Okay fine," Wyatt said giving in. "I might have been here ever since you went to sleep, but its because I miss you Chris."

I just sighed. "Wyatt how many times are we going to have to go through this?" I asked. We've had this arguments ever since we separated. "Wyatt there is no way we can get back together, and I'm sorry about it."

"But Chris, what about our kids huh," Wyatt questioned. "You can't just come back and then leave again. They're going to be heart broken."

Wyatt did have a really good point. As much as I know I can't stay here, I know I can't just separate the kids. They've been together ever since they were born and now they're reunited again and it looks like they don't want to go away from each other ever again. Plus I don't want to change Prue's and Patsy's school, so there has to be someway that this could work out.

"Okay look, how about the kids come stay with you one day and then they can switch and come with me," I suggested. "But don't worry they'll come to your house everyday because I don't want them changing schools, but I'll just pick them up after school on my days. What do you say?"

"I say that you're just not getting it," Wyatt said as he started to advance closer to me, which scared me a bit, but I know he wasn't going to do anything that would hurt me. "I don't want you going back to New York. I want you to stay here, so we can work out our marriage," Wyatt said as he was now standing over me. "I'm still in love with you Chris and there's no way that's ever going to change, so I want another chance."

"Wyatt, I'm sorry, but things aren't going to work out," I stated. "Don't you see, we argue a lot, I'm pregnant and I can't take all that stress, and then sometimes I don't feel like you're there for me and the kids."

"But Chris, I'm trying to change," Wyatt said gently putting his hands on my shoulders and massaging them. "I love you Chris and I don't think I'll be able to live without you."

I looked up at Wyatt and could tell exactly where this was going. "Wyatt..what are you trying to do," I asked seeing as he had his hands on me. This was not a good sign and it usually never was.

"Chris, I love you and I want to prove it to you," Wyatt stated simply.

I gulped knowing exactly what he meant. "Look, Wyatt we can't do this. We're separated and I just don't think it would be right to do it. I love you and all, and still do, but this won't change anything even if we did and--," I was stopped with Wyatt's finger going over my mouth.

"Shh," he said. "Relax," he whispered. "I love you, and that's all that matters," he said letting his finger of my lips only to replace it with his. My first thought was to protest, but for some reason I couldn't. I just let it all happen. I know this was going against all my rules, but I've been abstinent for a long time, and I know I could find another guy to relieve me, but to tell the truth, I really haven't wanted any other guy but Wyatt, though I don't want to be with him. Wyatt wasted no time in pushing me down onto the bed and covering my body with his. He had each of his hands on the side of the mattress. Gosh he weighed a lot, but it was all muscle. I looked up to see Wyatt's face was full of lust and possessiveness. I could feel his hard on against my thigh and knew he's been wanting this for a long time. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he started pressing his lips against mine again and this time he used he inserted his tongue in my mouth, not even fighting me for dominance knowing that he was going to win. Wyatt was so horny now it was hurting him in his pants.

Wyatt slowly moved away from me and began to check me up and down. How much has he missed the feel of my body on his. Quickly he went right back down and began kissing every piece of skin that was visible to him. I couldn't help but let out a slight moan at the touch of his lips against my skin. Its been so long since I've felt this. It was like heaven. Wyatt began letting his hand go under my shirt and feeling my chest as he continued kissing my neck, sure to leave a mark.

Wyatt slowly began kissing down and found the shirt in his way, so he lifted it up, and smiled at me to lift my hands for him to completely remove it. He then began a hungry assault on my upper body. Once my shirt was off he felt himself getting harder by the second. Wyatt slowly came to my nipples and licked around them before taking one into his mouth and sucking on it. As he played around with my nipples, his hands were roaming my lower area.

I kept moaning as I felt it all coming on me. Part of me was saying I shouldn't be doing this, but then the other half tells me to just enjoy the ride since I haven't had it in so long. I let my hands roam all over Wyatt's long curls, which I've never felt in so long. They were a nice touch.

After leaving a few marks on my upper body, Wyatt decided it was time to take it to the next leave. He kissed his way down to my navel, which he licked around before sticking his tongue in it and roaming around. Hearing me moan at that, Wyatt had to hurry up and get to the next level, before he cums in his pants and its all over right there. He began kissing his way down, until he finally came to a stop, which were the shorts I was wearing. Wanting to hurry, Wyatt just orbed them off. I was now lying on the bed showing all my glory to my husband of four years. Wyatt began teasing knowing how much it was turning me on. He began by kissing on my outside thighs and began working inward.

"Wyatt.." I felt myself moan. I don't know what came over me, and I don't know what's allowing me to let this happen but it feels so good. It feels like heaven and part of me doesn't want it to stop.

Hearing his name, Wyatt wanted to send me off the edge. Finally he took my hard on into his mouth and began sucking on it like a Popsicle, only wanting to give me the best ever. He wants to make sure I remember this for as long as he lives. He began bobbing his head up and down fast.

I couldn't help but guide Wyatt's head up and down, for when and where I wanted him to go. Once I knew Wyatt had the rhythm my hands began to roam his back. I could feel that he still had his shirt on and I want to get rid of it. Both my hands grabbed Wyatt's shirt and pulled it of very aggressively. His chest was chiseling like a statue. Wyatt surely has been working out really hard, since his abs are more tighter. Wyatt only got off of me for a second to let me take off his shirt before he went right back to sucking me off.

After a few minutes of sucking me off, Wyatt felt that I was about to cum, but he didn't want that yet. He was going all the way and it wasn't stopping hear. He pulled off of me and quickly pulled off his boxers and conjured up some lube. With one hand he lubed up his fingers and with the other started lubing up his long hard manhood. Once he felt his fingers were lubed up enough he began pressing them one by one, in my hole. Each one more painful then the next, but soon they were just as much pleasure as they were pain.

Wyatt felt that I was loose enough for him, so slowly, he began to push himself into me. I cried out loudly as the pain came to quick. "Sorry," Wyatt whispered, not wanting to hurt me at all. He waited till I wasn't in pain anymore till he finished pushing himself in. Wyatt began pumping fast from the start. His senses went dim for a moment because he was in so much pleasure. His hands began roaming any part of my body that they could.

I started gritting my teeth to keep from moaning too loud and waking the kids. The sex was getting so intense. I could never remember a time where Wyatt's ever been this good. I don't know if its because I haven't done it with him for a long time or what, but this was amazing.

Wyatt started to jack me off as he continued pumping in and out of me. He could feel himself about to explode. He soon came to his climax and let out his large load inside of me, and began jerking me harder and harder, wanting me to cum for him really bad.

I was just about to cum, until my brain kicked in. What was I doing? I was having sex with my soon to be ex-husband. This isn't right. I'm leading him on and I'm not suppose to do that. I just did whatever I had to do to make sure that I didn't cum as Wyatt kept jerking me off.

Wyatt quickly sensed what I was thinking and was hurt by it. "Chris..," Wyatt said softly

"I'm sorry Wyatt, I just can't," I said. "We can't," I added. "I mean what we're doing right here is wrong. We're suppose to be separated and look at what we're doing."

"But I love you Chris," Wyatt said tenderly.

"I love you too its just...." I sighed. "This is not going to change anything between us. I'm only here because of Robert and thats it. Once I'm sure he's okay then I'm going right back up to New York."

"I know this is going to take more than just one night, but please...lets just forget about everything else and let me show you how much I love you. I want to go to bed holding you tonight," Wyatt said.

"But..." I started.

"No Chris," Wyatt said firmly. "I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I'm holding you, and that's what I'm going to do." I could see that I wasn't going to win this argument. Wyatt was stubborn. "Now will you cum for me," Wyatt begged. "I'm not pulling out of you until you cum for me."

I began jerking myself off hard. I haven't done this in a long time, and it felt so good when I let out my seed that went all over my stomach and all over Wyatt's too. I could see by the smile on his face that he was happy.

"That's my baby," Wyatt said leaning down to kiss me on the forehead. He then pulled out of me and pulled me close to him. He held me tight, like he would never let go again. I didn't know what to do. I just had sex with Wyatt, which is a really bad thing, if we're not suppose to be together. Maybe this was his way of attempting to bring us back together again. Unfortunately this isn't going to work. It would take more than just sex to win me back.

That night I just laid there with Wyatt thinking how could I just do what I just did. As I said before, I had sex with Wyatt and it felt so right, but I know it wasn't right. Him and I are getting a divorce and for me to come and sleep with him like this is just stupid. I don't know how I'm going to deal with this now. I love Wyatt, I really do, but I just really don't think we can be together, no matter how much I wish we could. We still haven't even worked out our problems and the only reason that I'm here is because of Robert. That should have been my main priority, not talking to Wyatt about our relationship.

I looked over at Wyatt to see him in a deep sleep. I took this opportunity to carefully sneak out of his arms and go to the kitchen. Before I went though I put on the shirt and shorts that I was wearing before Wyatt and I had sex. Careful not to wake anyone up I went to the kitchen and just sat at the table for awhile, thinking about the past few weeks events that have occurred. Lets see, Wyatt and I broke up over lots of reasons, I left to go to New York, Robert is in the hospital on his death bed, and I'm pregnant with Patty having nightmares about her growing up. These times are some of the worst. I just hope the demons don't take this as an opportunity. If they do, we're in trouble, because Wyatt and I are too worried about Robert to focus on any demons right now. I hope they don't know that I'm pregnant again either.

Wyatt kept moving around in the bed and felt something was missing. At first he didn't know because he was sleep, but there was a feeling of warmth that he felt just went away. When Wyatt finally opened his eyes he saw that I wasn't there. Immediately he began to think the worst, but he knew if any demon or anything tried to hurt me or take me away from the house, he would be able to sense it, even though I might have blocked him off. There are someways that we are still connected and its not by magic. He knows, but I don't.

Wyatt got up and slipped on some clothes before he went in search of me. He went through the whole house before he finally came to the living room. When he got there he could tell by my eyes that I hadn't gotten much sleep, which worried him. Not only was it not good for me, but it wasn't good for Patty, and he has to make sure I stay off a lot of stress. Making his presence known, Wyatt walked over to the bar and poured himself a cup of coffee and sat right next to me.

"Feeling alright Chris," he said rubbing my back with one hand. Hopefully it would help me to relax more and let some of that stress go instead of me holding onto it all.

"Yeah," I lied nodding. It took me a few seconds to realize that lying right now is the worst thing to do. "No," I replied back honestly shaking my head. "Look, Wyatt what we did last night was wrong and I'm sorry I led you on."

"Chris, don't worry," Wyatt assured. "If you're worried about everyone finding out about it, this could be our little secret," he said. "I don't want to rush you into something, so if it takes you more time then I can wait, and I might be angry, but I'll get over it."

I sighed sadly. Wyatt was just not getting it. "Wyatt, that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that I really don't see us being together anytime in the future." I know that I'm making things harder on him than they already are, but I can't let my feelings for Wyatt get in the way of the reason why I'm here. "Maybe it was a mistake for me to stay here last night. Don't worry though, I'll go stay at the manor tonight."

"No, no Chris," Wyatt protested. "This is your house too, and you should be able to stay here if you want to at anytime." Wyatt just looked down and tried to take in what I just said to him. "Chris, I have to tell you...I really don't think I can just go on without you. I'm not saying that we should let our feelings for each other come before Robert, because I don't want that. I always want our kids to come first, but Chris, we can't be friends. I love you too much and its at the point to where its pain."

"What are you trying to say," I asked.

"I'm saying that if we can't be together, then I don't know if I will be able to see you at all," Wyatt said. "I won't be able to talk to you or anything. I just hope that you can make that choice without regretting it Chris, because I don't know anymore."

"But Wyatt, what about our kids," I pointed out. "If I can't talk to you then how are we going to be able to raise our kids. We're gonna have to see each other if we want our kids to have both parents in their lives."

"I've thought it over, and its going to be tough, but I guess the girls will just have to live without knowing me and the boys will just have to live without knowing you," Wyatt said. This was hurting him to say more than it was hurting me to take. He can't believe it himself. He's saying that he won't be able to see his own kids because of stuff that's going on between him and me. I don't know why he's being like this but I just hope this is a phase and he's not really being serious, because if he is then the kids will be heartbroken if they're not able to see each other again. "I'll give you till Patty is born Chris to make your decision, but after that then, it'll be too late. I can't keep waiting for too long." He made a small pause before he began to speak his finally words. "So Chris, its up to you. Either its you and me together raising the kids as a family or its just you and me alone, raising the kids by ourselves. Its your call Chris, and this will be something that doesn't just effect you and it. It will effect our kids and our ability to be the Charmed Ones. So make the choice Chris, but I want to let you know that whatever choice you make, I will love you no matter what, and I might say we can't see each other, but if there's any emergency, you know you can always call me." Wyatt stood up and looked at me and gave me time to process everything he said. He then came and kissed me on the forehead saying, "Come on its time for us to go visit Robert." With that said he left the room.

I sat there thinking about what he said. A tear fell down my cheek remembering what he was saying. If I don't have Wyatt in my life, my life will be forever changed. I don't know what I'll do without Wyatt, but if I do stay and decide to be with Wyatt then things will go from bad to worse. I know what I have to do though, but just in case I'll think over it in the next few months before Patty makes her appearance in this world. I'm sure I'll know by then, but if I don't then I'll just stick with the decision that I'm thinking now. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris was up in the attic flipping through the Book of Shadows hoping to find a way to cure Robert without having to wait for Patty. He could of course summon future Patty here to the present, but that might mess up the time line. Right now he just felt so helpless, like there was nothing he could do to help his nephew. He and Peter tried to donate blood, but the doctor also knew that him and Peter were boyfriends so they wouldn't take blood from them. Everyone in the family tried. Piper, Leo, Paige, Phoebe, Coop, and Henry, but none of them were successful. The doctor said things like they were too old and then that some of them weren't the right blood type.

Chris kept pacing back and forth thinking of what to do, before he finally went to searching the Book of Shadows again. He flipped through a few more pictures before he finally got frustrated and threw the Book on the ground. Not even magic could help him right now.

"Chris," someone said causing Chris to look at the door way. It was Peter. He was only wearing his boxers. Peter got worried when he felt that Chris wasn't next to him so he thought he might check the attic. That's the first place that Chris would go if he has problems. Its quiet and this use to be where one of the sisters would go to think. "What's wrong baby," Peter asked worriedly. He loves Chris so much that if Chris is worried about something then so is Peter. Over the years their relationship has grown more and more to where they could almost feel each other's pain. They're almost there, but not quiet yet. Peter started moving closer to Chris, because he knew this was not a good time for him and he knew that Chris needed him right now.

Chris just sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He's been stressing a lot from ever since he found out about Robert. "I just feel so useless," Chris said. "I don't know what I'm good for anymore. I can't even find a way to save my own nephew then what use am I?"

"Chris, baby," Peter said walking up behind him and wrapping his arms around him. "There's not much you can do about it right now. Wyatt and Evans have already figured out a way to save him, and it might not be the best way to do so, but its the only way that they've got. The only way that we've got, Chris." Peter laid a gentle kiss on Chris's neck. "Don't feel useless, because I know that you've done all that you can and know one blames you for that. I'm sure Wyatt and Evans don't either."

"What does it matter anymore about them," Chris said causing Peter to give him a confused look. It wasn't like Chris to not care about his brothers. Chris was able to quickly hear what Peter was thinking and quickly went to clarify what he meant. "No Peter, I care about them its just, their relationship doesn't even matter anymore. They've been broken up for far too long and its not like them. Usually they make up the next day, a week at the most, but they've been broken up for months now."

"Don't worry," Peter said tenderly as he stroked Chris's hair softly. "I promise you that they'll make up," Peter was sure of himself. "I don't think that Wyatt will let Chris go that easily and Chris isn't going to let his relationship with Wyatt be ruined over something that happened awhile back. They just need some time apart so they know how important they are to each other. Once they realize that I can promise you there won't be anymore break ups."

"I hope you're right about it," Chris said.

"I know I am," Peter responded. "If its one thing that I know about my soon to be brother in laws, its that they sometimes can't stand to be around each other, but they can't stand to be apart." This made Chris laugh knowing how true the statement was looking back over the years. "Come on baby its time to go back to bed, if you want to be up for Robert soon." 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt and I hadn't said much to each other after that little conversation we had. There was a word here and there, but it was only concerning the kids. It had nothing to do with the decision that I was thinking about. This is going to be the hardest choice I have to make in my life. Part of me is mad at Wyatt for putting me in this type of bind. If it weren't for him then we wouldn't have broken up in the first place. Now he's forcing me to choose whether or not if I can see my kids again. Sometimes I think he can be a real asshole

Wyatt and I were both getting dressed to go visit Robert today. Everyday the doctor tells us about his condition. Thank goodness though that he's finally woken up, but he sounds weak when we go to see him. I just hope Patty's blood will be enough to help him. If not, then I'm going to have to find something in the Book of Shadows or make up my own spell. I don't care how much personal gain will play into it I just want my son well, and I'm not losing him. Even if this might be the last time that I see him thanks to Wyatt.

I was getting the kids ready, and I was just about done, when the door bell rung. I expected it to probably be some store advertisers or something. If they were then right now is not the time. To tell the truth it could be anyone since we have a son in the hospital trying to offer their sympathy.

"I'll get it," Wyatt shouted as he made his way to the door before I could. When he opened the door to his surprise he found a lady with two policemen there. Wyatt couldn't think of anything he's done against the law or anything that I've done that would call for police being called. Maybe these guys have the wrong house. Hopefully that's what it is. "Hello, may I help you?" Wyatt asked politely since he didn't want to make a police officer mad.

The woman had some papers in her hand and looked down at them before she looked back up at Wyatt and spoke. "Yes, is this the Halliwell residents," she asked softly.

"Yes it is," Wyatt answered truthfully. "I mean there's another Halliwell residence if you are mistaken," Wyatt said hopefully that they were.

"I'm looking for Mr. Wyatt Halliwell," she confirmed looking at her papers once more.

"Well I'm Mr. Wyatt Halliwell," Wyatt replied. Wyatt began looking at the lady intensely and also at the police officers. Wyatt was praying on everything that he hadn't done anything wrong. He can't think of anything that he's done except that one speeding ticket and he paid that already. At least he thinks he did. "Did I do something wrong?" Wyatt asked.

"Not exactly," the lady said. "I was told that you were at the hospital on the night of the death of Ms. Sandra Summers," she stated.

Wyatt looked at her confused. If they think he was the one who murdered her they are sadly mistaken. As much trouble as Sandra has caused for him in his past he can't think of anytime where she's made him want to kill her. Wyatt's a good witch and that's not like him to do. "Yes I was, why?" Wyatt questioned. She must be accusing him of it or something because why else would she have two police officers here with her.

"Well, I was told that you picked up her son Rolland Summers and he has been living here with you?" She asked.

"Yes he has," Wyatt said firmly. If this is about Rolland, Wyatt knows that he couldn't be causing problems. Rolland might not be the best boy in the world, from Wyatt's past few weeks with him, but its not his type to go do something that's completely illegal. If Wyatt knew Sandra, then she would have taught him better than that.

"I'm here to take Mr. Summers into custody," she said.

"What?!" Wyatt could not believe what he was hearing. He nearly fainted when he heard what she was here to do, but he still did not know why she was here to take him into custody. If Rolland has done something bad, he's in big trouble, which will require strict punishment. "Why," Wyatt asked wanting to get to the bottom of the whole situation.

"I'm sorry to say Mr. Halliwell, but you have no legal custody of Mr. Summers and we're not sure if you should be taking care of him, so we have to take him into foster care until we are able to find the next of kin to him," the lady had explained.

Wyatt was turning from scared to angry in a matter of minutes. How could they say he was not able to take care of him. He was his father, and as far as Wyatt knows there is no next of kin to Sandra. She's always been on her own and unless she has someone out there that Wyatt didn't know about they were going to put Rolland in a foster home forever and Wyatt wasn't going to let his son suffer there. "But I'm the boys father," Wyatt argued.

"I'm sorry Mr. Halliwell, but there is no DNA test to prove that," the woman said. "We can't be sure by your word that he's your father, and I know that you have probably been taking good care of him, but without legal paperwork or custody we have to take him into foster care."

"But you can't!" Wyatt argued. "You can't take my son away from me!"

"I'm terribly sorry Mr. Halliwell," she apologized again. "I will call you tomorrow and see about setting up an appointment for when I can come talk to you and get a DNA test done. Only then will Rolland be aloud back in your custody, but until then I'm afraid he has to come with me."

"What's going on in here?" I asked as I walked into the room and the kids were right behind me. I heard the yelling in the other room and I new it had to be something critical so I rushed over to the door. Wyatt never shouts like that unless it has something to do with a person he loves. When I finally got over there I could see this was not good. There were two police officers there along with another woman. All I heard was there was something about taking a child into custody. I hope they're not talking about Robert. I'll just have to wait and see what they tell me.

"Excuse me Mr. Halliwell, but its required that I ask who that man is, and if he's living with you," she said taking out a pen to jot down some notes. Things were not looking to good.

"He's my husband and yes, we do live together," Wyatt said angrily. This woman was like out to get him. Wyatt didn't know why. He hasn't done nothing to her so why is she trying to make his life miserable.

"So you two are partners," she confirmed.

"Sorry ma'am not to be rude, but we're not partners," I corrected her. "We're married and we're in love. Partners are people who just meet to have sex and I don't like that term so don't call us that. We're a happily married couple and I think we should be called that."

The lady wrote down some information. "My apologies Mr. And Mr. Halliwell. I also have to ask who's kids are those that you have with you right there?" She really needed a lot of information. I don't know if she doesn't like us because we're gay or because we're gay and we're raising kids.

"Half of them are mine, and the other half are his," I lied. There was no way in hell I was going to tell her that I had all those kids. She would either call the media or take me to an insane asylum. "We've been raising them together ever since they were born and they don't know anyone else besides us as their parents."

"Glad to see you two sticking together," she said. I was sure she was lying. She was looking the children over. There was no doubt in my mind that if she saw one of them have a mark she was going to accuse us of child abuse, but luckily she could find nothing. "Well, I have to say that I'm now going to have to question you both about the custody of Rolland."

"Why?" I asked. "Wyatt's the father," I repeated, which I'm sure Wyatt has told her a thousand times.

"There's not enough evidence for us to trust that he is," she explained. "That's why we must take Mr. Rolland Summers into our custody until I have a DNA test done that states it and then I must sit down and talk with you two about raising Rolland." She was evil as evil could be. I'm almost certain that she didn't have to do this, but she was probably doing this out of spite. I'd have to ask Paige about this since she is a social worker and she knows a lot about these things.

"I'm sorry, but didn't Sandra put him down as the father," I reminded. At least that's what Sandra should have done if she knew all this time that Wyatt was the father of her baby.

"I can't say that she did," the lady replied. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll be taking Rolland into custody and I will call you Mr. Wyatt Halliwell and you Mr. Halliwell. I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"It's Chris," I hissed at her. I really didn't like her. Just the looks she was giving us when she heard that Wyatt and I were married. I didn't like the fact that she referred to Wyatt and I's relationship as partners. That just pisses me off. Sure Wyatt and I are gay, but we have the right to be treated just like any other human being. I'm sure you wouldn't call a straight couple partners. They're call them husband and wife, and I think Wyatt and I should be called the same, except maybe husband and husband.

"Chris," she corrected herself. "I'll remember to set up an appointment, with you and Chris, now its time for us to go," she said attempting to grab Rolland and he jerked away.

"You can't take my son away from me," Wyatt shouted as he went towards them belligerently. "I won't let you," he said.

I quickly got in front of him and held him back. I knew that they had police right there and the last thing we needed right now is Wyatt going to jail for assault. "Look, Miss, is there any other option? I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone taking your kids away and you know they're yours."

"I don't have any kids, and I'm afraid not. We have to take Mr. Summers into custody until we have enough evidence that it is proper for you to take care of him," she said making another attempt to grab him. Rolland was finally caught by the cops. As he cops began to walk out I had to be sure to hold Wyatt back hard. He was really fighting. This was a hard task for me since Wyatt is a whole lot stronger than I am and its nearly impossible for me to do anything against him, because of how he's built.

As the woman and the two police officers walked out, Prue then squinted her eyes and closed the door before they could walk out. Next thing Patience began to conjure up a fire ball and was ready to freeze them all. They're kids and I understand what they're doing. Wyatt and I would probably be doing the same thing if we saw someone trying to take Chris, but I've got to stop them right now or else they'll know about our magic.

I had to think fast and I remembered that I was pregnant with Patty, so she has the power to freeze time just like Robert, Wyatt, and Piper. I let go of Wyatt only to freeze the police and the woman with them. No one else could freeze because they were all witches.

"Prue, Ryan, Patience, stop it right now!" I demanded, putting my hands back on Wyatt just in case he'd try something now that they're frozen. One thing to know about Wyatt is that if you mess with anyone he loves then you're in for a hurting from him.

"But they're taking Rolland away," Patience said.

"I know sweetie, but there's nothing we can do about that right now," I said apologetically. "Rolland," I said turning to the boy. "Come here," I said calmly so that he wouldn't be afraid. With everything that's going on now its a wonder that he's not. Rolland slowly came over to me. "Wyatt, I promise we'll get him back okay, but for now tell him goodbye. You guys too," I said looking at the other kids.

Wyatt looked at me and grunted. He knew I was right as much as he didn't want me to be. He knelt down to Rolland's level saying, "Be a good boy for daddy. Remember mommy would want you too," he then hugged the boy tightly and placed a kiss on his cheek. The little boy never said a word, he was almost in tears "I love you and so do your brothers and sisters."

Wyatt let him go only so he could go hug his elder brother and sisters. After he was done, I signaled everyone to get back into position. Before I unfroze them I made sure to squint my eyes and open up the door so they wouldn't think something weird happened. Once unfrozen the police and the lady proceeded out of the house leaving the kids and Wyatt with a very upset look on their faces. I knew that this was the time I had to be the strong one, even if its usually Wyatt, it has to be me. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris, Peter, Piper, and Leo were all sitting in the waiting room for visitor hours to come up. They had been waiting there for what seemed like hours, but it was only minutes. What they were really confused about is that Wyatt and I weren't up there which is very surprising. Usually him and I are the first ones there, so there must be something wrong. Piper tried calling Wyatt's phone many times, but there was no answer each time. Chris tried calling my phone also, but still they go no answer. Little did they know that we were busy fighting with CPS.

After what seemed like forever the doctor came into the waiting room to talk to them. "Are the parents here anywhere," he asked.

"No, but I'm sure they're on their way," Piper replied. "Why do you ask for the parents."

"Well Robert keeps talking about how he wants to see his mommy and if I remember correctly that both Mr. Chris Halliwell and Mr. Wyatt Halliwell both said that he never knew his mom and that Wyatt has always had Robert in his custody," the doctor explained which was not looking good. Now how was Chris going to explain that I was his mom and that's what he called me so he never got Wyatt confused. Chris decided on lying, because that's the only way that he can tell him something without the doctor calling them all insane.

"Oh, you know he doesn't like to call my mom grandma, so he calls her mom," Chris lied. Hopefully this would be convincing enough for him. If not then Chris would make up another lie, at least until Wyatt and I got there. Then he was going to leave it up to me and him to tell the doctor something.

"He does?" Piper said with a confused look. Chris quickly shot her a glare that said 'play along'. "Oh he does, yeah that's right," Piper joined in on the lie. "He's been doing that ever since he was little."

"Okay, I was just making sure that I wasn't just hearing things," the doctor said believing the lie. "So I've been running some test and they haven't been coming out too well, and I've been looking to see if we have 0 negative blood and so far no such luck, but what I can tell you is that I put his name on a list and I hope to hear something soon."

"Thank you Dr. Smith," Leo said thankfully.

"No problem," Dr. Smith said. "I have a son of my own and I know exactly how you guys feel, so I'm doing all I can, because I would want the same for my son." The doctor was really being sympathetic to our family. He felt a strong connection to us more than he has with any other family that has stepped in the room. He especially felt for me, since he remembers how crazy I acted when I came in the hospital. Dr. Smith swears he has never seen a parent more anxious to get their son in the hospital the way I did, which wasn't a bad thing, but he's just never seen someone like that.

"So is it okay for us to go see him," Chris asked desperately.

"Sure," the doctor said leaving out of the room.

Right after the doctor left, Wyatt and I came in the room with the kids. Wyatt and the kids had mad looks on their faces like someone just stole something from them. The family doesn't know what's going on or why we're so late, but they're sure about to find out.

"Sorry we're late," I said being the first one of us to say something. "Things really just didn't go our way this morning," I told them. I didn't want to be the one to say what happened. I thought Wyatt would want to be the one so I just left it to him to explain the whole story.

"It's about time," Piper said. "What took you guys so long," she asked. There was no answer from anyone. Piper could tell there was something seriously wrong as she looked at the faces of her eldest and her grandkids. "What's going on?" she worried. "Is there something wrong?"

Wyatt really didn't want to talk about it right now, but he knows if he doesn't then she will keep pressing until she knows what happened. "Social services came to our house this morning and they took Rolland," Wyatt informed them, which was a shock to everyone.

"What?!" Chris shouted in disbelief.

"They said that I had not right to keep Rolland in my care," Wyatt nodded.

"But you're his father," Leo pointed out.

"I told them that a thousand times, and they claim that until they get a DNA test on him that he's not aloud to live with me," Wyatt said. "I just don't know what to do now. I've got one son in the hospital and another one not with me."

"Don't worry son," Leo said comforting his eldest. "We're going to get him back, I promise." Leo and Piper had just heard about Rolland when Wyatt brought him home to the family. They weren't mad about it. As a matter of fact they were excited to hear that they had a new grandson, even though it might not be by me, but at least Wyatt is still doing his duty and stepping up to the plate and being a father like he's suppose to be.

"I sure hope so," Wyatt sighed.

"I'll call Paige and see what she can do," Piper said remembering that Paige works in social services. "You guys just go into the room and check on Robert and see how he's doing alright."

Wyatt and I nodded and went straight to the room, where we saw our son lying in the bed weak. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see him like this. How could something this bad happen to someone so young and innocent. I went and stood on the opposite side of the bed that Wyatt was on. Soon our son woke up and looked up at the both of us.

"Mommy, daddy," he said acknowledging both of us. He sounded weak and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey big boy," I said kneeling down to him and running my hands through his head. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't feel too good," he whined.

"I know," I sighed. "But I promise you will feel a lot better soon."

"Are you and Patsy and Prue coming home?" He asked. I don't know what I'm going to tell him. It scares me. Wyatt is right there and I remembered our conversation earlier, and I can't be too sure about the choice that I'm going to make. "Please come home, I promise I'll be good and I'll never run away again."

"I don't know, but maybe," I said hoping that would help cheer him up, but I knew that wasn't going to help. "But right now we've got to focus on getting you well," I said.

"I wanna go home," Robert moaned.

"I know you do, but you've got to stay here until you're well," I explained to him. I'm surprised Wyatt's not saying anything, but I can tell his mind is still focused on what happened earlier and I don't blame him. "These people here are going to help you feel better."

"If I get better will you come home," he pleaded. It was obvious that Robert was both mine and Wyatt's child because he was stubborn. I don't know who he's getting it more from, me or Wyatt.

"I hope so buddy," I said placing a kiss on his forehead. "I hope so." I looked up to see that Wyatt was so stressed right now he couldn't say anything. I hope he'll be okay. I'm worried about him. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"I can't believe they took him!" Wyatt yelled slamming his fist on the table. Luckily it wasn't causing a scene. Chris said he'd watch the kids while Wyatt went through this whole little angry state. Right now we were at P3 so Wyatt could try to take his mind off of things, but so far it isn't working. I'm here with him and I don't even know why, but I just feel like I owe it to him to be there whenever he needs me even though sometimes he's not there when I need him. I guess its true when they say two wrongs don't make a right.

"Wyatt calm down," I said. He was so angry it was really starting to give me a headache because of my empath power. Lately that power has been acting a little fuzzy, but I'm sure its probably because of Patty. I know it'll go away soon, but I wish it would go away. The thing that really makes me mad is it only goes haywire when its Wyatt's emotions getting in the way. Why did it have to be his out of everyones in the club or everyone that I meet. Whatever reason it is, I just wish that it would go away, because right now I'm on the verge of just killing Wyatt so this headache will go away.

Wyatt looked at me and frowned. "How can I calm down when my son is in foster care. Do you know what those people do to kids?! Huh?! Well do ya?!" Wyatt said taking all his frustrations out on me. "I don't know how you're being so calm when everyone is so worried about Rolland. You just sit here calm as can be. I guess you don't care about him since he's not yours!"

"Wait a damn minute Wyatt," I argued. He was really starting to push my buttons and he wonders why we can't be together. Because of stuff like this. "I'm trying to be strong for everyone Wyatt," I said back angrily. "I love Rolland like he's my own and for you to sit up here and say that I don't care is a lie and you know that. I'm worried about Robert too, but I know only one of us can break down at a time, because if we both do then we're screwed, and I'm sure Rolland is going to be okay. He's strong like you Wyatt and he's strong like his mother."

Wyatt sighed realizing what he's just done. He said that he wanted to change, but he finds himself making the same mistakes. "I'm sorry Chris," Wyatt said very emotionally. "I just...I don't know. I mean it just seems like everything is going downhill you know? I know that's no excuse to why I just yelled at you right now, but right now I just don't think my life can get any worse than it already is. I don't have Rolland with me right now and I feel like I failed Sandra."

"Wyatt," I said soothingly. "Its not your fault okay, and I you haven't failed Sandra. I'm sure she told you that she wanted you to take care of him, because she knew you could, Wyatt, and don't worry. We're gonna get Rolland back and then everything will be fine again."

"I guess you're right," Wyatt said. I would laugh right now but its not the appropriate time. I want to laugh because its usually me who says those words and Wyatt always does something to make me say 'I know' rather than 'I guess'. Its tempting to play that game with him right now, but he's not in a good mood and I don't want to put anything on him. "Hey, I'm gonna go get us some drinks, so what do you want."

I had to think about it for a moment but I finally decided. "Can you get me a root beer. I think it'll help with my morning or whatever sickness you want to call it," I said.

"One Root Beer coming right up," Wyatt said getting up from the table and smiling at me and flirting before he went up to the bar. Wyatt had to almost push through a big crowd to make it all the way to the bar. Lucky for him that there wasn't a huge line at the bar.

"Hello Mr. Halliwell," the bartender greeted him. Just about all the employers know all of Piper's family since we're here just about all the time. "What can I get for you today," he asked politely.

"Two Root Beers please," Wyatt answered. While Wyatt waited for his orders to come he looked around the club to see if he could spot anyone he knew. Its been a pretty long time since he's seen someone he knew at the club, but that doesn't mean he won't see anyone tonight.

"Hey dude," A guy said walking up to Wyatt. "Is that guy you're sitting with your boyfriend?" He asked hoping the answer is no. The guy was a nice looking guy himself, but what would he want with me was the question Wyatt was asking himself.

"Why do you want to know," Wyatt asked curious to know what interest he had in me since this usually never happens.

"Because he's so fucking hot, and I was just hoping that he was single," the guy answered. "So, if you could give this to him," the guy said handing Wyatt a note assuming that I was single since Wyatt didn't say anything about me and him being married or anything.

Wyatt took the note and decided to read it himself before giving it to me. He wasn't going to let someone say anything inappropriate to me. Not if he had anything to do with it. Wyatt opened the note to read 'hey sexy, if you ever want a real date feel free to call me' with a number on it. Wyatt was so angry right now that he could just blow up the whole club, but he had to remember to keep his temper under control. He knows that I can feel his anger and it gives me headaches and it could hurt the baby.

"Excuse me," he said grabbing the guys attention. "Can I talk to you privately," he asked.

"Sure, where at," he said.

"Just follow me," Wyatt said leading him to the back room. This guy had something coming if he thinks that he can get away with trying to make a move on me. Once Wyatt had got him in the back room he magically locked it so no one would come in, while he was teaching this guy a lesson.

"So what did you want to talk to me about," the guy wondered. As far as he knew, Wyatt was a stranger and he just brought him in the back room for who knows what reason.

Wyatt quickly turned to him. "Oh yeah," Wyatt said. Wyatt instantly threw out his arm and grabbed the guy by the neck and pushed him up against the wall so that now he was in a lot of pain. "Now you listen to me and you listen good," Wyatt warned the guy who was now shivering at what Wyatt was doing. "You better stay away from Evans, because he's mine," Wyatt said possessively. "And if I catch you anywhere near him, I swear by every God that you name, I will kill you," Wyatt threatened. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious and this was no game right now. "Do you understand me?" The guy was scared for his life. He was sweating and panting really hard. All he could do was nod to answer Wyatt's question. "One word to this about anyone and trust me you'll die a very painful death so bad that you'll wish that you had died when you were born." After Wyatt was finished with what he said he tossed the guy on he ground saying, "remember what I said." He then walked out of the room leaving a scared guy on the ground. After he walked out of the back room he went back to the bar and picked up the drinks and came back to where I was sitting.

"What was that about," I asked.

"What was what about," Wyatt played like he didn't know what I was talking about, but he knew exactly. He just didn't want to tell me what he just did.

"You know what I'm talking about," I said frustrated. "Why did you just take that guy into the back room?"

"Oh that guy...No reason," Wyatt shrugged. "He just thought he could make a move on you and try to get you to go out with him, so I had to make it clear that you were mine," Wyatt said knowing that he was in for it now, but he didn't care. As long as he got that guy away from me then everything was good for him.

"You did what?" I gritted through my teeth. It took everything in me to keep from strangling Wyatt's little neck right now. "What the fuck were you thinking, Wyatt? I can take care of myself."

"He was trying to use you for a one night stand," Wyatt said a little offended. How can I get mad at him for sending a guy away from me who was trying to use me and then dump me. "I had to make it clear that you were mine and that you belong to me," Wyatt stated.

"What the fuck Wyatt?! I can't believe you said that!" I said standing up out of the chair. "We're not even together, and I'm not your property and you don't own me. I'm sick and tired of you always treating me like an object to be owned. You're such an asshole." With that said I picked up the glass of Root Beer and threw it on Wyatt and walked right out of the club not looking back once. I was so mad at Wyatt right now that if I had stayed around him I'd probably end up killing him. He should know not to mess with me right now. Especially since I'm pregnant and he knows how back my mood sings can be.

Wyatt sat there and took a paper towel and wiped his face of the soda. He was embarrassed but he expected this. As much as he wanted to go right after me and set things straight he knew it would probably be best if he just left me alone for awhile and he would talk to me later when I got home from the manor. So for the rest of the night until he went home Wyatt just sat there watching everyone dance. That was all he could do now since he didn't have me there to talk to. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

I was so angry at Wyatt right now I didn't know where a good place to go to relieve some stress would be, so I continued to roam the streets. All I could think about right now is Wyatt. Even when he makes me mad he's all I can think about. Why is Wyatt always in my mind. I just wish I could get him out even if its for an hour but I can't. I just don't know what to do about him anymore. He says he's changed, but there he went being all possessive again, and we're not even together, but he still claims me like I'm his property.

I was so angry and distracted that I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into a guy. I ran into him so hard that the groceries he was carrying fell out of the bag. Quickly I began to help pick them up. "Oh my gosh, sir, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," I said handing him a can that he dropped. When I saw the guy get up off the ground, I was able to see his face. It was a face that I hadn't seen in a long time. A face that I never though I'd see again. "John?" I muttered.

"Hello Chris," he smiled.

I just stood there for a moment looking at the face I hadn't set eyes on in over seven years. Now I find him out grocery shopping like a normal guy. This is just the strangest thing I've seen today. Speaking of grocery shopping I almost forgot that I was holding his can. "Oh sorry, I guess this is yours," I said handing it to him.

"Oh yeah it is," he laughed taking it from me and putting it back in his bag. His eyes went right back to me once he was done. "So, Chris Evans, or should I say Halliwell?" He teased, but right now wasn't a good time for him to joke about that. "I haven't seen you in a long time."

"I know, John," I replied. "You look good, seeing as the last time I saw you, you were running away from demons." I can remember the day John walked out of my life like it was yesterday. That was the day Patience had lost her real father, leaving Wyatt to pick up the pieces. "So what happened? I mean something must have changed for you to be standing right in front of me without a thousand demons appearing right behind you."

"Long story that I'll explain later," John said. "What I'm more interested in is how have you been doing," he asked softly. "How's Patience? Tell me that she's okay," he asked. Its been many years since he's been able to see his little girl and everyday he's regretted it, but it was for her own good. If he had took her with him or stay around, just about every demon in the Underworld would try to hunt her down with everything that they've got, and John didn't want that for his daughter. He figured that she'd be a lot safer with Wyatt and I since we're Charmed Ones and demons fear the Halliwell name, so they'd think twice before coming after any child of ours.

"She's doing great John," I told him. "She's smart, I mean she's doing well in school, she's learning how to use her powers, and she's working hard." I went on making John nod. "But you know she does take after you a lot. She plays little jokes and even though she might be on honor roll she is still the ring leader of trouble. You won't believe how many calls I get from the principle about what Patience had done."

Hearing that John smiled. All of that just brought back memories of himself when he grew up. "Yeah, like father like daughter," he stated. His mood then changed. "You don't know how much I miss her and how much I wish I could just be there for her right now."

"I know and you can come and see her anytime you want," I reminded him.

"Yeah, I guess I'll have to stop by one day to see how she is," John said. "I just hope somehow she remembers me and I hope that she'll be able to accept me as her father, despite the fact that I've already missed the first seven years of her life, due to a mistake that I made a long time ago."

"Don't worry I'm sure she won't hold it against you," I promised him. Patience might sound like a bad kid, but inside she has a heart of gold. She just shows off so that people will like her. I just wish that she could find a way to get people to like her without that attention.

"I hope so," John sighed. "Hey you know I was meaning to ask, how was your relationship with Wyatt going," John asked.

"Umm...well," I really didn't know what to say. "Him and I are sore of separated right now, but we're living in the same house." I'm sure that probably sounded crazy to John, but I'm sure he's heard crazier things than what I just told him. You forget he use to be the Source of all Evil.

"I'm sorry, what was it over," John questioned.

"Long story and I really mean a long story," I replied.

"I could have probably guessed that, but you two must have just recently separated then," he stated.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"From the looks of things, I can tell you're pregnant again," John said looking down at my stomach that was showing. I didn't think he'd recognize that since not many people have been saying anything. Maybe because I'm intimidating to other people because I'm pregnant and I'd hurt them real easily since I have a low tolerance level because I'm pregnant.

"Yeah," I said. "Its our sixth one," I told him.

"Six!" John said surprised. "Wow I thought you only had three, last time I left you."

"That's another long story," I sighed.

"Just about everything with you is a long story," he pointed out. I thought about it and its true. My how life is a long story that I should right and post it on the Internet for people to read.[hope that was a good pun]

"I guess so," I shrugged. "So if you don't mind me asking, what brings you back to San Francisco. I mean last time I checked you were on the run from a demons who were trying to kill you because you quit being evil."

"Yeah," John nodded. "For the past few years they haven't been able to track me down." John then took a deep breath. "Chris, there's something I have to tell you." He said. "Within the past five years, a lot of things have changed," John confessed. I just looked at him confused. He hasn't seemed to have changed much. So what could it be. "Chris..I'm married and..I've have a couple more kids."

"What?!" I said surprised, but happy for him. I wasn't jealous at all. I was happy that John had found someone who loves him like he should. "That's great, John. I'm really happy to hear that. What's the person's name that you married?"

"His name is Tyler," John said. "He's a witch obviously since he is able to conceive kids."

I couldn't stop smiling. I just couldn't believe this. This was some really good news though its been a bad day. "So you're saying that Patience has younger brothers or sisters," I confirmed. This was a lot to take in at one time, but hey it was making my day good so I would take it all in if I had to within seconds. This is something that I've only dreamed about.

"A boy and a girl," John said. "We have a boy who's five and his name is John Jr. and a girl named Faith who's three," he explained. Those kids were his joy and his pride. He'd do anything for them and hasn't ever been apart from them since they were born, but there's one thing he does regret. He hasn't told them anything about their older sister. "Yeah, but the don't know about Patience, and I guess I deserve that for leaving her," John sadly said.

"No John," I corrected him. "You did what you thought was best for Patience, and I'm sure she might not understand that now, but I can promise you she will thank you for it when she gets older. I'm happy that you made that choice now so we wouldn't be spending all our time fighting demons and keeping them away from Patience every second of the day."

"Don't you already do that with the other kids though," John asked. He knew we were the Charmed Ones and if the Charmed Ones had kids then every demon in the Underworld would be after them since they will be powerful kids coming from their parents.

I started laughing happily. "Yeah, but lets just say that it would be worse," I lied which it couldn't get any worse. "So," I said going back to my original question that I had almost forgot about because John and I had been talking about our past lives for the last few minutes. "What brings you back to San Francisco, I mean you could have called or said something that you were in town or what not?"

"I didn't think you'd want to see me again after all the trouble I had caused in yours and Wyatt's relationship," he said. "I had to move back because there was no were else I felt that I could go where I knew my way around, and that's when I met Tyler. So things turned out great with me moving back to San Francisco, and I wanted to call you and see how Patience was doing and to see if she was okay or if she needed anything, but then again, I knew that if she was with you and Wyatt, I could guarantee that she was being taken good care of."

"I'm glad to know that," I smiled.

" know there is one favor that I've been meaning to ask you, but I've just been too scared to ask, because if I talked to you I'm sure that Wyatt would probably kick my ass," he added which caused us both to chuckle a little. "I was hoping that you could maybe bind my powers."

"Sure, but for how long," I asked.

"Forever," he said.

"John, you can't...I mean you'd be mortal," I pointed out.

"I know that's what I want," John said. "I don't want my kids in danger because of my powers and everything. I just want a normal life and a normal family."

I looked at John and knew that I wasn't going to win this argument. He would find every reason in the book to not have his powers. Through the years of dating the guy I found him not to be power hungry, ever. He might have been one of those jealous boyfriends who always wants that one person that they've been with for a long time. Might I add though he doesn't really give up easily. I hope he doesn't let his husband go like he almost didn't let me go, because that would just be tragic, if he lost him.

"Alright, but if you take those powers away, you know they have to go into another host someday or else they go into another source," I reminded him. I remember the story of when Aunt Paige told us she binded Cole's powers and then they went straight into Barbus, so I had to make sure I knew a host where that someone could control that power and not go power hungry.

"I know and I had that figured out," He knew this was probably going to shock me half to death. "I want Patience to have the powers when she gets older," he said. "Look I know you probably don't want her to take them, but I think she would be the best person to have them. Its all I can leave her after that I've left her."

"But won't that turn her evil," I said telling him my worst fears. I already have Patty to deal with trying to become evil like Prue say and I didn't need anymore kids to try to keep from turning. One was enough, and if I had to keep another one from turning evil the I'd probably kill someone. Patience is already starting with all the stunts she pulls.

"No she still has white lighter in her, so she should be fine," John explained. "I just want to leave her something so she'll know that he father loves her and that I care."

I nodded agreeing to the idea. "Follow me," I said leading him behind a dark alley way and orbing out. I knew he could shimmer so he wouldn't be too far behind. My goal was to go to the manor. Hopefully no one is there. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt turned the key to his house and opened the door. That was one boring night at P3 and usually P3 is somewhere he could go to have fun, but today has so far been a bad day for him so he hasn't been having much fun. When he got home he expected me to be there since it wasn't like me to be out and about somewhere when I'm angry. Usually when I'm mad I would just come back to the house and relax, so Wyatt was hoping to talk to me since I've probably cooled down since the whole thing at the club which Wyatt didn't see as a big deal, but oh well. Wyatt went and hung up his jacket in the closet. He was also expecting the kids home too. Chris would probably return them soon after having them for so long. Wyatt begin his search in the house to see which room I could be in. First he searched the living room, then the kitchen and then every other room and I wasn't in there. There wasn't even a sign that I had been there. When Wyatt saw this he was half worried then he was half angry.

He quickly took out his cell phone and begin dialing my number, but there was no answer. He called again and again. "Hey Chris, its me Wyatt, I was just wondering if you were gonna come home anytime or if you were still mad at me, so give a call and let me know, because I'm really starting to get worried since I don't know where you are." With that message left he hung up the phone and begin to pace the room to think where I could have gone. Maybe I went back to New York, but then again I wouldn't have left with knowing Robert was well. Or maybe I went back to the manor, but then again Chris is there so he'd know. Wyatt pulled his cell phone back out and dialed Chris's number. The phone rang a couple of times before Chris had answered it. "Hey Chris, I was just wondering if you've seen Evans anywhere around."

"No bro last time I saw him he was with you," Chris said through the phone. "Did anything happen that I should know about?"

"Oh nothing except he's mad at me because I chased a guy away from him," Wyatt confessed, which got Chris to laugh a lot over the phone. "Hey what's so funny the guy was trying to make a move on him and I could not allow that. If Chris and I stand a chance in getting back together then he can't date anyone else. He's only aloud to date me."

Wyatt couldn't see it but Chris was shaking his head. He can't believe how much more possessive Wyatt has gotten over the years. He feels sorry for any guy that tries to hit on me in the future, because Wyatt would probably kill them if he saw it. "Bro you need to chill with being all possessive, I mean you really expect Evans to come back to you if you're constantly nagging him and controlling everything he does, and you guys aren't even together so what does that say about you guys if you were."

"I don't think I'm being too possessive, I mean what type of husband would I be if I let him get away that easily," Wyatt said. "I promised Robert that him and I would get back together no matter what and I'm going to stick by that. I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep."

"Why would you make that promise to a six year old if he doesn't understand what's going on," Chris questioned.

"It was to adult Robert," Wyatt corrected him. "As I saw him lying on the couch I promised him that Chris and I would make up no matter what happened, and I have to make sure of that or else we won't have Rick and Penny or have you forgotten about your other niece and nephew?"

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten about them," Chris replied. "Its just right now you and Evans seem busy with the five and about to be six that you have already," Chris pointed out.

"Speaking of kids, where are they because I don't hear them in the background and its not like them to settle down and be quiet," Wyatt asked his younger brother.

"Oh they're in the other room wrestling with Peter," Chris told him. One thing that Chris loved about Peter was that he was good with kids. "I don't know what I'd do without the guy. Right now he's got five kids to deal with," Chris said chuckling at what his fiancé might be going through right now.

"Yeah," Wyatt muttered. "Hey I've got to go, but if you here from Evans can you let me know or at least tell him to call me."

"What if he doesn't want me to tell you if I've seen him," Chris pointed out. He knows how I am and I've played this kind of trick before, so he just wants Wyatt to be prepared.

"Then tell Peter to tell me or something," Wyatt said. "Look I just want to make sure he's okay alright, because you and me both know how he can get when he's pissed off and you know that he can end up hurting himself."

"Alright bro, I'll let you know if I hear from Evans," Chris said giving in.

"Thanks, take care," Wyatt said.

"Yeah, I will and don't worry, I'll have you're kids back to you soon," Chris said.

"I know," Wyatt groaned.

"Take care bro," Chris said.

"I will," Wyatt said back.



Wyatt hung up the phone and decided to wait for me to come home. Wherever I am right now I'm am dead meat when I get back. Wyatt hates it when I go somewhere and he doesn't know where I'm at. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"Wyatt did what!" John said in disbelief. I had just finish telling John the whole story to how am I am where I am right now. I'm surprised he hasn't fainted yet with everything I've told him today. That story is a lot for me to tell, so I know it must be a lot for John to take in, especially since he hasn't heard from me since Patience was one and now she's seven. "Wyatt hit you and you still wanted to be with him."

"Yeah I know, I'm stupid, but I'm in love," I said tossing some toad strudel in the pot.

John and I have been back at the manor for the past couple of hours trying to make this binding potion. Luckily no one has come up here to see what I was doing. I know Chris and Peter are down stairs with the kids that's why I told John to make sure he keeps it down so no one will know that we're here. I'm sure Wyatt has called around to see where I've been and I know for a fact that he hasn't got much of an answer so, I have to be sure that no one sees me or else I'll be dealing with a crazy ex-husband of mine, and that's not something I need today after I've already seen him in a jealous rage today with that guy.

"I wouldn't call you stupid," John said. "I'd just say that you're in love and you want to try to work things out with the guy," John told me. I was really surprised. This guy has changed a lot, I mean he has a heart. The John I remember would have killed someone if he were to even hear mine and Wyatt's name in the same sentence. I'm just happy that he was able to move on and start a new life. "You know, there's one thing I'm confused about though?"

"Oh and what is that?" I said in a kind of joking manner.

"Why are you here, and not back at the house trying to work things out with your husband," John questioned.

"You really want to know," John nodded. How was I going to put this so that anyone would understand this. "I really don't see me and Wyatt getting back together any time soon."

"What? Didn't you just that you guys slept together last night," John reminded me which I was now mad about.

"Yeah but that was an accident," I said. "Trust me it will never happen again." I finally threw in the last ingredient causing a big explosion in the attic. I kept hoping that no one heard me. Chris and Peter are probably to busy with the kids to really pay attention to that anyway.

"Whatever," John shrugged saying that he didn't believe me, but I really didn't care who believed me and who didn't. I just wanted to make sure that I helped the guy out even though he might be annoying me about my relationship, I'm still going to help him. After all he is the father of my first child.

"Okay so," I said putting the potion into a vile. "Take this and it'll take your powers and place them into that vile and I can give it to Patience when she's older and knows how to handle the power." I walked over to him and handed him the potion. "John are you sure you want to do this, because I mean you'll have all the consequences mortals have. You'll bleed, you'll have human emotions, and everything else that comes with being a mortal. Not to mention you won't be able to defend yourself from any demon attacks."

"I know Chris," John said with a little frustration in his voice. "Like I said, I've thought this over for a long time and I know that I want a normal life." He took the potion from my hands and quickly pushed the top off. He took one last look at me and gulped it down fast. I can tell by the look on his face that the taste of the potion wasn't too good. Once he had it all down dark orbs appeared on his body and soon went into the vile. I quickly took the vile from him and closed it so that no power could accidentally escape and go into another mortal. That would be a nightmare. "So do you think it worked?"

"Only one way to find out?" I said. "Try conjuring up an energy ball."

John tried to conjure one as hard as he could but came up with nothing. "Well I guess it did. So I guess this is it."

"Oh John I was thinking, maybe we could set up a play date for our kids," I said. "I mean I don't want Patience growing up not knowing you."

"I would like that," John smiled. "I'll be sure to keep in touch," John said. For a minute he just stood there, but he forgot he couldn't shimmer anymore. "Oh hey Chris, since I don't have my powers anymore can you please orb me back home, because I'm sure my family is worried."

"Sure thing bud," I said waving my arm causing John to disappear in a swirl of orbs. After he was gone, I looked back down at the vile I had in my hands. All of Johns powers were now in here. This could be dangerous so I've got to make sure I hide it somewhere safe where no one would find it, and I know just the place. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

I approached the house and saw most of the lights off, but Wyatt's car was in the drive way, so hopefully he's sleep. I slowly walked into the house hoping that he wasn't up. I knew the kids weren't back yet. I heard them still playing with Chris when I left so that must mean they're still at the manor. I opened up the closet to put my jacket in. So far so good. I don't see any sign of Wyatt up so he must be asleep. I slowly tip toed my way into the kitchen. I needed some milk after the day I've had and this baby is really kicking for it. I went to the kitchen and turned on the light. Next thing I knew I heard the cough of someone in there. I turned to see Wyatt sitting at the table, and he doesn't look too happy.

"Uh, hello Wyatt," was all I could say.

"Don't you hello Wyatt me," Wyatt said angrily. "Where the hell have you been, I've been calling everywhere trying to find you and then you don't even answer your damn phone!" He was really pissed off. I've never seen Wyatt this angry since the day he saw me hugging John and that was a nightmare to see, and now he's probably at his peek. He had gotten up out of his seat and began pacing around the kitchen making me too scared to move

I was shivering a little, because I was scared of Wyatt yelling. "I'm sorry Wyatt I mean I was...uh," I then stopped myself after I realized what I was doing. "Wait a minute you're not my mother and I don't have to tell you where I've been. That's none of you business."

"Well it is my business if you're married to me and pregnant with my child," Wyatt gritted through his teeth. He was getting angrier by the second. First I come in late and now I'm not telling him where I was when he's been up worried half to death.

"Don't worry, because we're getting a divorce or have you forgot that," I reminded him of us being separated and on the verge of divorce.

"Hey, well you forgot one thing," Wyatt yelled.

"Oh really and what's that," I shouted back.

"We're married for another few months," Wyatt said all cocky. "Yeah, you forgot that if we've had sex within the past year that we're required to go to marriage counseling before we're granted a divorce."

"So is that why you slept with me yesterday," I said making my way over to the refrigerator. "I should have known," I said pulling out the milk. "You only slept with me so we'd stay married for another year, and here I thought that you loved me and I was really thinking hard about coming back to you, but as I can see now you don't love me at all."

"No, no, no," Wyatt instantly replied back. "You know that's not true! I slept with you because I wanted to feel you or did you forget that I love you so much that its hard for me to live without your touch," Wyatt explained. This argument was really going to go back and forth for a long time. "I guess you wouldn't know, because your so caught up with yourself that you don't even think about me anymore. If you did you would still want to be with me, but I guess since its all about you, you never want to be with me again, is that right?"

I poured myself as glass of milk while Wyatt stood there and threw his little tantrum. "No the reason why we can't be together is because of this! You're always mad at me and we're always arguing and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm pregnant and you know that I'm getting moody so you might not want to keep yelling at me if you know what's good for ya," I warned. Right after I said that Chris orbed in. Thank goodness he didn't have the kids with him

"Um guys," Chris said, but Wyatt and I were too busy yelling at each other to even notice his presence. "Guys," he said even louder, but Wyatt and I still continued to argue. "Guy!" Chris shouted at the top of his lungs gaining both our attention. "I was coming by to see if you guys were ready for me to drop of the kids, but I can see not. Wow you two are really going at it."

"Chris, you might want to keep the kids at the manor tonight, because its going to get crazy around here," I informed him.

"Why," Chris asked.

"Because of him," Wyatt spoke pointing at me.

"Yeah go ahead, blame everything on me like you always do!" I shouted back.

Wyatt growled at me. "Oh really well why is it always me who's apologizing then if you're the one who always gets blamed huh?"

"I don't know because half of the time you don't even mean it," I shouted back.

"You know guys, if you haven't noticed you're really starting to act like a couple again," Chris stated.

"What?! How?!" I questioned.

"Easy," he said simply. "Look at how you guys argue. Its like you love each other again," Chris said laughing.

"Well we're not a couple and we never will be again," I shouted mostly out of spite. I really don't know if I do want to be with Wyatt or not, but I still need time and right now its a no, because I just want to strangle his little neck with some of he things he says.

"I'd love to sit here and watch you guys go at it, but I've got a husband and five kids back at the manor so you two finish what you started and I'll be back tomorrow morning," Chris said orbing out.

"Now where were we," I said taking a sip of my milk. "Oh yeah, if I were to call you a selfish asshole that would be insulting all the selfish assholes out there," I yelled.

"Oh yeah, well I could think of a few names that I could call you," he replied back even louder.

"Oh really," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Really," he answered.

"Well how about you say them instead of just talking about them since that's all you can do," I said trying to get a rise out of him. Being married to the guy for six years really teaches me how to make him angry and I like to use that to get to him. "You always can talk the talk but you never can walk the walk."

Wyatt's blood really started to bubble now. "You're a fucking spoiled brat! That's what the fuck you are, always wanting me wherever you go and I can never have any time with my friends, but you can! You're aloud to go out with Daughtry, but I'm never aloud to have any fun in the Underworld with Xander!"

"You know what, fuck you!"

"Fuck you twice!"

"Go to hell, you twice blessed motherfucking douche bag!" I shouted.

"Blow me!" He shouted back.

"In your dreams,"

"What?! It's not like you haven't done it a thousand times before," he reminded me.

"Well it won't happen again," I shouted.

"Oh yeah," he said advancing towards me.

"Yeah," I said coming towards him. I wasn't going to back down from him. I don't care if he's the twice blessed, wielder of Excalibur, or whatever. I was tired of his shit.

"You want to say that to my face," he said now that we were face to face.

"Yeah, I will never blow your ass ever again! You hear me, never again!" I shouted at him.

Wyatt and stood there frowning at each other just about ready to snap. Next thing I know I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist at the same time, and we took no time into pressing our lips against each others. We were kissing each other hard this time. I don't know what was coming over us. A minute ago we were arguing and now we're making out. Wyatt and I started battling with our tongues harder and rougher than ever. I tried my hardest to win the tongue battle, but Wyatt won again. He stuck his tongue inside my mouth now exploring something he's only dreamed about.

After making out for just a few minutes, we looked at each other. I've never seen his beautiful blue eyes this intense before, but I am liking it. Wyatt then pushed me back so that I hit the island bar. Not even caring what was on it he quickly push everything on it to the ground and picked me up and set me on the bar, before pressing his lips back up against mine again. This time our hands began roaming everywhere around our bodies. I found this kind of fun

Wyatt had to get himself inside of me as quick as possible. He quickly orbed all of our clothes off and conjured up some lube. There was no time for any oral sex. All that arguing really turned him on and he wanted to stick himself in me before he came which wasn't going to be too long. He took the lube and began to lube up his dick as fast as he could. With the other hand he inserted his finger into my hole. He didn't even wait till I wasn't in pain before he inserted more fingers. He wanted me loose right now.

After he felt that I was loose enough he began to replace his fingers with something bigger and thicker. He inserted in at a fast pace which caused me to cry out so loud I'm sure anyone would be able to hear it outside the house. Wyatt was panting. This was taking a lot of him already, but he was ready to start pumping but he didn't want me making too much noise so he waited until the look of pain was off my face.

Once he knew I was ready he began pumping hard and fast from the start. He was really taking all his anger and frustration out on my ass, and it was hurting too, but Wyatt was having a lot of fun and pleasure from it. He was being a whole lot rougher than he usually was, but right now he didn't care. This was some intense sex that we've never had and Wyatt wonders why he's never done this before when we're arguing like this. It feels so much better when we're mad at each other. Wyatt's body was full of sweat. He was really having to work hard. My legs were getting in he way so he stopped pumping for only a second to wrap my legs around his waste. After my legs were secured around he waist, he began pumping even more and more. Gosh he wanted this to last longer, but he knew he was about to cum and he couldn't hold it anymore. He gave one more cry before he blast a large load that was huger than normal in my whole.

Feeling that sticky substance in me made me moan in pleasure, and caused me to blast a huge load onto Wyatt's chest. It was everywhere, and usually its on our stomachs, but this was like no other. I couldn't believe this just happened again, but I had to admit, this was a lot more fun than last night, even though it might have been a whole lot more painful.

Wyatt collapsed on top of me and rested there for awhile. He was panting real hard. Having sex was a lot more tiring than working out and a whole lot more fun. Once he felt good enough to get up, he got off of me and pulled out and laid on the island right next to me still panting.

"You know what," I spoke the first words after us having our little fun. "There will come a time when you won't be able to get me to have sex with you that easily," I said staring at the ceiling still a little to weak to move after that whole sex scene.

Wyatt just looked over and smirked. "Yeah right," he said rather cocky. "You know you can't resist me, and I know I'm just that good," he said still smirking. "Its okay if you can't resist my touch, because who wouldn't be able to," he said pulling me closer and nibbling on my neck.

I was enjoying it at first, but then I realized something. How could I be so stupid to have just done that with Wyatt again. First times a mistake, but the second time is being stupid. Dammit, this isn't right. I quickly pushed Wyatt off of me and picked up my clothes off the ground and covered myself with them. "Wyatt, look we shouldn't be doing this."

"Don't worry Chris, you don't have to cover yourself up," Wyatt said. "We just had sex, so I've already seen you naked."

"Look, Wyatt we shouldn't have done this," I said disappointed in myself. "This was a mistake and I think we should just forget it happened, and I'm sorry I led you on," I said said walking away and heading straight upstairs to my room.

"Chris wait! Chris! Chris!" Wyatt called, but I had already went up the stair. "Fuck!" he cursed hitting his hand against the bar. He wanted to go after me, but he knew this probably wasn't the right time. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

A month later...

Wyatt and I were sitting in the office of the social service lady who had taken Rolland away. Wyatt and I haven't said anything to each other since the whole thing happened. I found it a little to frustrating. I felt like I couldn't make my decision about whether I wanted to be with Wyatt or not if we kept this up. I mean that was the second time it happened and that was two times too many, and if I didn't stop it now I would have made the wrong decision and lived to regret it, and I won't let that happen. It was pretty hard not talking to Wyatt since we were staying in the same house, and I'm now eight months pregnant, and having to steal some of his clothes to hide it, but we're managing to do it. I just hope Wyatt doesn't take the fact that I'm not talking to him to hard. I love him, I really do, but I have to make this decision and I can't do it with us having sex all the time, and I don't want to lead him on and hurt him even more. He might have hurt me but I don't believe in two wrongs making a right.

Within the last month Wyatt has taken a DNA test to see if Rolland was really his and we're now in the office for the results. The woman said that we both had to be here, because we were married and she wanted to speak with both of us before allowing Rolland into our custody. She couldn't have a gay couple raising a child if we're not qualified. I just think she's against gay people, but I've already talked to Paige on this one. Even if we're gay it doesn't make it any harder for us to be able to have custody of kids. I just hope we are able to get through this in one peace, and go one and deal with our problem with Robert. The doctor says he has a week left and I'm praying that Patty comes out soon so that she can help him.

"Mr. Halliwell," the lady said reading some more of her papers. "From what I've read you have five kids between the two of you that you both are raising on your own, but one of them is in the hospital. May I ask why?"

"He was hit by a car on accident," Wyatt answered.

"How was that possible if you were watching him," the lady questioned.

"Because he ran away from me, and I wasn't able to get to him in time," Wyatt told her.

"I see," she nodded. "And I've also read that your claimed to be youngest son, Rolland, is only a few months younger than your other son Robert, and from what you two have told me, you guys haven't been divorced, so the only possible thing was if you were to have had an affair with Ms. Summers, that its possible for Rolland to be your son," she explained. "So tell me, if its true that you had an affair with Ms. Summers while you were married to Mr. Evans."

Wyatt was just about to speak, but I interrupted him. "We were separated at the time," I lied. "It was legal, but we were separated and we made up later in the year." I didn't want Wyatt to lose his son. I wouldn't want to lose Patience if the roles were reversed so I had to do all that I can to help Wyatt get his son back in his custody.

"Mr. Halliwell, is this true," she asked turning to Wyatt.

"Oh yeah, it is," Wyatt said sweating. He really didn't know how he was going to get out of that one at first, but thank goodness he had me there. I was the one who knew how to think fast in a bad situation and that's another thing that Wyatt always loved about me. Now he doesn't know what he'll do if I decide to leave him after Patty's born.

"Okay," the lady said jotting some more notes down. "From what I have seen and heard there is no reason that Rolland shouldn't be able to go back into your custody, but it all depends on these results," she said holding up an envelope. Slowly she tore it open. Wyatt was shaking really hard. Just to show him I was there for him I grabbed his hand and held it in mine so he wouldn't feel so nervous. At that, Wyatt smiled. He knew he always had me. The woman finally took out a piece of paper in the envelope and begin to examine it before she read it out loud. "According to this Mr. Wyatt Halliwell, you are the father of Mr. Rolland Summers."

"Yes!" Wyatt cheered pulling me into a tight hug. Its not that he doubted that he was the father, but some DNA cases can be wrong, but he was so happy that this one turned out the way it did. This made his day and nothing could ruin it right now. Not even a million demons shimmering in the office, though we both hoped that wouldn't happen. "So where can I pick my boy up."

"You can wait at the front of the building and he will be released to you," the woman said.

Wyatt and I walked right out of the building happier than the day we got married. I wanted this to turn out good for Wyatt. He deserves to raise that kid, and he's already been a good father to the other ones. Wyatt and I waited at the front smiling at each other but still not saying a word. I wanted to say something to him right now, but something wasn't letting me talk. I'm sure Wyatt was having the same problem.

After waiting a few more minutes, Rolland came running out of the building and quickly jumped into his father's arms. "Daddy," was the first thing he shouted when he left the building.

"Hey buddy," Wyatt said kissing his forehead. "I've missed you," he said holding him close. He then turned to me. I don't know how he said it but he did. "Thank you, so much Chris," he whispered. He then set Rolland back down on the ground. "You know, I heard someone has a birthday today, I wonder who," he said right before he tickled Rolland. "I've got a surprise waiting for you at home," he said as he took Rolland and put him into the

The car ride home was very quiet. Wyatt was afraid he would crack on the surprise birthday party they had planned for Rolland if he said anything. When we finally reached the manor Wyatt let Rolland walk in first. The lights were off of course, but once Wyatt turned them on Rolland got a big 'surprise' from the whole family. It was my job to go get the cake so while the rest of the family was singing happy birthday I quickly ran into the kitchen to grab the cake. I lighted the candles that had the number 7 on it. Slowly and carefully I brought the cake right back to the room everyone was in.

"Alright guys who wants some cake," I asked, and just about all the kids jumped up and down shouting they did. It was nice to have all our kids in here as a family for once. I missed it. The only thing that could make this better is if Robert were here, and I hope he will be able to come home soon. Right as I was about to set the cake down I felt a twinge in my stomach. At first I didn't know what it was, so I decided to ignore it for now, which was a big mistake. I then felt a big pain in my stomach which instantly caused me to drop the cake on the ground. I grabbed my stomach scared for what it could be. It felt like Patty was trying to tear herself out of me, but I know that wasn't the case. It just felt that painful. I grabbed my stomach and started to cry out in pain, but I tried to contain part of it because I didn't want my kids to see that.

"Chris, you okay," Wyatt asked as he made his way over to me.

I walked a little before I finally collapsed on the ground. It took me only a few seconds to realize that I was laying in a big puddle of water, which only meant one thing.

"Oh my goodness," Wyatt said a little panicked once he realized what was going on. "Mom his water just broke," he announced, which confused the kids, because they didn't know what that meant. This was probably not the best time, but for Robert's sake anytime would be a good time.

"Oh no," Piper said running over to my aid. "Leo get in here now!" she called. Leo was in the kitchen preparing some other stuff for the party so he didn't just see the whole thing that just took place.

"Ahhhhhh!" I cried out in pain. "She's coming!" I screamed. This was more painful then all of the other times put together. I don't know why Patty's birth seemed to be the most painful one, even though she seemed to be the birth I had less morning sickness with. If I had to choose between less morning sickness or a less painful birth, I would choose a less painful birth because this pain is almost unbearable to the point where I feel like I'm about to die right here on the floor of the manor.

Wyatt quickly went down to where I was and grabbed my hand. "Its going to be okay Chris, I promise," he said soothingly. "We're going to get through this and we're going to go save Robert and then everything will be fine okay," Wyatt kept whispering to me in my ear.

"Thanks," I said panting. I was sweating really bad. I could hardly breath with the pain I was going through. Thank goodness Wyatt is here. I don't know what I'd do without him right now. Maybe this is a sign. This might be the answer I'm looking for. I know I can't live without Wyatt, but then again, am I willing to go through all the pain of arguing again. "Ahhh," I cried out again. I just want this baby out of me right now.

"What's going on here," Leo said entering the room. "I heard screaming and then I heard Piper calling me."

"Chris is having the baby," Piper shouted.

"What?! Now?!" Leo said.

"Yes now, so get over here and help," Piper demanded. Leo quickly did what he was told. He knew how Piper got when she wanted something and he had no desire of being blown up anytime soon.

"Grandma what's wrong with mommy," Patience asked Piper.

Piper had forgotten all of the kids were there and this was not a sight that t hey should see at such a young age. "Paige can you and Phoebe take the kids to the park until this is over," Piper pleaded with her younger sisters.

"We're on it," Paige said rounding up all the kids. "Alright guys we're gonna go have some fun at the park."

"Is mommy going to be okay," Prue asked.

"Yeah, your mom will be fine," she said orbing the kids and Phoebe out of the manor so the rest of the family could proceed with the whole process.

Piper was wiping the sweat off my head with a towel. "Could we please hurry up, I can't take this much longer," I shouted. The pain was getting worse and worse each minute that passed. It has gone from being worse than all the pain I had with the other kids put together, to being three times as worse than that within ten minutes. I don't want it to get anymore hectic. I bet after this birth I'll be able to handle anything from a demon.

"Hold on son, I'll be right back," Leo said. "I have to go get my stuff to do the c-section," Leo said running into another room. He returned within a few seconds. Thank goodness Piper has always told him to be prepared since it could happen at anytime. "Alright son here we go." 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"Mr. And Mr. Halliwell," Dr. Smith said to us, when he entered the waiting room. "I've checked and your daughter is a perfect match so her blood will be good enough for your son," he said. "But with the risk of taking blood from an infant you have to be careful with her after this is done."

"We will," we said in unison.

"Alright then, I'll go and prepare to draw her blood," the doctor said as he left the waiting room.

Wyatt and I were so happy right now. We came straight to the doctors office the day after Patty was born to tell him that we had someone that could donate. I was still limping a little, because of the birth effects, but I knew I'd be over them within a week or so. I was just happy that the whole birthing process what over and that I didn't have to have anymore morning sickness or mood swings. At least I won't have that for a few months if I can remember correctly for when Rick is conceived. I just wish that it was a year instead of a few months that I got pregnant with Rick since I need more time to recover from Patty.

Wyatt and I hugged each other tightly happy to know that we might have saved our son from death. I guess you never know how scary it is to be a parent until you feel like you're about to lose one of your kids. I'm just happy that he will be saved and that Patty will be the one who is saving him. Wyatt pulled away from the hug and quickly walked away from me and stared out the window.

I didn't know what happened. His whole mood just changed. He had just gone from happy to sad within just a few seconds, and I don't know what could have triggered it. I mean we just found out that we could save our son and now he's turning all emotional on me.

"Wyatt what's the matter," I asked walking over to where he was.

"Chris," he said firmly. "We need to talk," he stated. I only nodded. I assume he knew what he wanted to talk about since he's the one that said we needed to talk. "Look, I know this might not be a good time right now, but this has been killing me for a long time. Chris, I gave you a choice remember?" I reluctantly nodded my head again. "I told you I would give you until when Patty was born to make up your mind and well...time is up, and I need to know, Chris. I need to know whether you want to be with me or if there is no chance that we can ever talk again, and I need to know that now, Chris."

I now knew what I had to tell him. So how was I going to do it. "Wyatt," I said taking both his hands in mine. "I love you. You know that right?" He nodded in response to what I asked him. "I hope you know that there's no one in this world that I can honestly say that I'd rather be with than you," with that he had a smile on his face. "But," I said with a change of tone. "I'm sorry to say this, but I can't. Wyatt, I know there will never be another guy out like you. I mean you're one in a million. You were always there when I needed you, you helped me through some tough times, I mean you have a heart of pure gold Wyatt, and I am the luckiest man alive, and I'm proud to say that I'm the mother of your kids, but I'm sorry Wyatt we can't be together, and since we can't be friends, I guess we won't be able to see each other anymore. I'm sorry Wyatt, but we can never stop the arguing and we can never stop the fighting. I have to think about my kids before I think about myself, and I just don't want our kids seeing that. As much as I want to be with you and raise our kids together, I don't think it would work out." A few tears fell down my eyes as I said all of this. This was the hardest decision that I ever had to make. This even meant saying good-bye to my boys which was the hardest thing to do. "I love you Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, and always will."

"But Chris please....I beg you to change your mind," Wyatt said.

"I'm sorry Wyatt," I said softly. "I wish I could, but I can't. That's why after Robert has his surgery, I have to leave, and no matter what happens, I'm going back to New York."

"But what about us Chris," Wyatt pleaded. He was doing everything he could to get me to reconsider. "What about the Charmed Ones. Without the power of three we're all just sitting ducks."

"Wyatt I'm sure your power has grown enough to where you can protect the kids without me," I told him. He was the wielder of Excalibur. Of course he had enough power to protect his kids, not to mention that every demon in the Underworld feared him the most out of all three of us. "Just promise me one thing though," I asked. "When Robert and Ryan grow up, promise me that you will let them know how much I love them and how much I care."

"I promise," Wyatt said. With the whole conversation at rest Wyatt and I pulled into the last hug, we would ever do. I was crying a little, but I was trying to be strong for myself, now that I won't have Wyatt to be strong for me anymore. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt and I were now in the room with Robert about to watch the doctor do his operation. He had already put Robert into a deep sleep so when he poked in the needle Robert wouldn't feel a thing. "Alright Mr. Halliwell this is it," he said. "Unfortunately I have to tell you that because this is so late that your son has only an eleven percent chance at survival."

"What, but I thought you said..." I started but was instantly stopped by the doctor.

"I know, but I didn't know it then, but I do now," Mr. Smith said. "This is all up to your son if he wakes up from this or not," he stated. "Alright here we go," he said as he inserted a needle in him.

Wyatt and I were holding hands. Though we were now separated for good, we couldn't think of anyone better to go through this with than each other. I was squeezing Wyatt's hand so hard, but it wasn't phasing him. I looked at Robert's heart rate and kept praying that it would stay the same for when he woke up. If it stopped then it was all over.

"Now all we can do is wait," the doctor said as the blood started going from the tube and into Robert. The doctor looked on along with us hoping for the best and that Robert would be okay. It would just kill me if he wasn't. I don't know what I'd do, but one thing I know is that I have to go back to New York no matter what the outcome is.

*Robert's dream *

Robert was running toward a tunnel of light that he saw. It was the most beautiful thing he could imagine. He didn't know what it was but he thought he would check it out. As he got closer and closer to the light, he felt part of him go away, like he was separating from his body. Just before that happened, a dark haired woman appeared before him out of the light along with two small children. Robert knows he's seen this woman before but he can't remember where.

"Hello Robert," the woman said.

"Who are you," the little boy asked.

"You don't know who I am," the woman asked surprised. "I'm your grandmother, Prue, or has you mom and dad not told you about me."

"Oh yeah," Robert said remembering he's seen pictures of her in the house. "Where am I," he asked.

"That doesn't matter right now sweetie," Prue smiled. "I'm here to tell you that your time isn't up yet," she said. "You have to go back to your mom and dad. Its up to you to save your parents from a decision that's going to hurt them both for the rest of their lives."

"Okay," the little boy said confused. "Grandma who's that," he said pointing to the other two kids that were with her.

"They are your future brother and sister," Prue answered. "Say hello Rick and Penny," Prue said.

"Hello," Rick and Penny said together.

"Now Robert you have to go back now okay, and be good for your mom and dad," Prue said disappearing along with Richard and Penelope, leaving Robert in just darkness and no more light.

  • End of Dream*

All the blood had gone into Robert, and now it was up to him to wake up. Wyatt and I were on the edge right now. Either the monitor was going to stay the same and Robert was going to wake up or else it was going to go dead and Robert was going to die. I just hope he wakes up soon. The monitor went on for another few minutes, before the whole thing just stopped beeping. Robert was dead. I had fell down and cried and Wyatt quickly went over to comfort me.

"Call it," the doctor told the nurse.

"Robert Coop Halliwell, died at 9:15 pm," the nurse announced, but right as she was about to finish what she was saying, some miracle happened. The monitor turned right back on and began beeping again. That only meant one thing. Robert was still alive.

I quickly got off the floor and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked down to see my youngest son open his eyes on the bed. This might be one of the last times I see him, but I'm happy that he survived. This must have been a miracle, but I don't know from who. Part of me wanted to say that my mother was looking out for me, but then again I don't know if it was her or not.

"Mom, dad," Robert spoke weakly.

Wyatt and I quickly rushed to his side. "Shh," I said putting a finger on his mouth. "You don't need to get yourself all worked up buddy. You just came out of an operation and you're a little weak, but I promise you'll feel better, and you'll be able to come home soon."

"But mommy I saw grandma," the boy said, which caused my eye to nearly pop out.

"Uh huh," he said. "She told me it was up to me to save you guys. I saw Rick and Penny too."

"You saw who," I questioned. I wondered how he even knew those names. "Wyatt did you tell him anything about them," I asked and Wyatt shook his head. "Then that must mean.." I went on. He really did see my mom, and he must have also saw Rick and Penny. How was that possible. Whatever it was I'm so happy that my mom could help save my son. I've got to remember to thank her for that. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

It was my last day in San Francisco. I stayed there until I knew Robert was back to health before I decided I'd go back to New York and never see them both again. This was going to be the hardest day of my entire life, and having been a Charmed One and married to Wyatt for a long time, there has been some pretty hard days that I've had. This was going to be the second time that I was leaving my sons, only this time they would never see me again. I'm sure everyone is going to say that I'm a bad parent for leaving my kids like this, but they don't understand that this decision is for my kids.

I knelt down to give Ryan and Robert a tight hug. I really didn't want to do this. I was tearing up, but I knew I had to be strong for them both. I looked up and saw Rolland standing by himself so I signaled for him to come and get in the group hug. With all three of them near me, I tightened up the hug knowing it was going to be the last one.

Wyatt had Patty in his hands. He did not want to let his little angel go away. Prue and Patience were on his legs. He knelt down to give them a hug, and kissed their foreheads holding back a few tears that were about to come down. Wyatt was never the type of guy to ever want to cry because he was strong, but right now he was at his point. He was losing his family and that was his world. He felt like his whole world was crashing down on him all at once and there was nothing that he could do about it. He wishes he could just turn back the hands of time and redo everything that he's done wrong.

Wyatt and I both stood up at the same time, and looked at each other in the eye, before both our kids started to walk back to our sides. I went up to meet Wyatt though since he had to hand Patty to me. I took Patty and held her close to my chest. Even though most of the girls look like me, I had to admit Patty looked a lot like her father, and now she's going to remind me of him all the time.

"Take care Chris," Wyatt said.

"You too," I said. The girls and I began heading for the taxi that was suppose to take us to the airport. All three of us waved back to Wyatt and the boys one last time before we got into the car and drove off. I wanted to start doing things the mortal way since I didn't want my girls growing up with a lot of magic. It would only remind me of the life I left behind and bring back more demons and that's just one thing I didn't want happening. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

The plane ride home was long, but there was nothing said the whole way home. Patty was pretty quiet and so were the girls. I know this must be hard on them as well. I just hope that one day they'll be able to see why things happened the way they did. Now I'm going to have to go face Daughtry with the decision I just made. I know he's probably not going to be happy either. I took another taxi to get back to Daughtry's apartment, which wasn't a long way away from the airport.

When I got there for some reason the door wasn't locked. That was funny because Daughtry always locks his door. I entered the apartment to find not much changed since I left. "I'm home!" I shouted to let Daughtry know that I finally made it here. I was just about ready to hear his lecture that he was going to give me. What I didn't expect was no answer from no one. "Daughtry!" I shouted as I went and looked around. "Daughtry!" I finally went into my room only to see the surprise of my life. This was something that I never thought I'd see. Wyatt, and the boys were in the room.

"Daddy," the girls shouted running up to Wyatt and hugging him.

"Wyatt," I muttered. "I don't understand," I said. "How'd you get here so fast," I asked.

"Easy, orbing," Wyatt smiled. "I would hope that you wouldn't have forgotten all about your white light powers."

"I don't think I have," I laughed. "Wyatt what are you doing here," I said confused. "I thought you said that we won't be able to see each other after the whole thing."

[This song plays in the background, I know I have an imagination, but sue me alright. It just reminds me a lot of Wyatt and Chris]


Every time our eyes meet This feeling inside me Is almost more than I can take Baby when you touch me I can feel how much you love me And it just blows me away I've never been this close to anyone or anything I can hear your thoughts I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you

Wyatt set the girls down and took Patty from me and set her down too. "Chris," he said taking my hands into his. "I know we've had some problems and I know I can get a little possessive," he said but the realized exactly what he said. "Okay maybe I can be possessive a lot, but I love you. I can't imagine life without you and I can't raise these boys by myself. They need you just as much as they need me. Chris, I know that we have been arguing a lot but I promise, things will change."

"But Wyatt, you say that all the time," I pointed out. "I'm sorry but I don't know if I can trust you on that," I said back.

"Because if its for you I will do it," Wyatt stated. "I love you Chris, and it only took me a few seconds after you left for me to realize that I made the mistake of not coming after you the first time you left me, and I won't do the same thing Chris," he said confident. "The boys and I both agreed that we're not leaving New York without you and the girls. Heck I'm willing to stay up here for a hundred years if I have to if that's what it takes to win you back, because I'm not giving up until you say yes."

"Wyatt I don't know," I said sadly. "You expect to just come here and then tell me how much you love me and expect me to take you back and for me to just go back to San Francisco with you and raise the kids, and I just cry and go back into your arms like I always do."

"Yep everything without the crying," he smirked with his little sense of humor.

"Well that does have to happen," I smiled and with a few tears of joy coming out. Wyatt quickly came and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a kiss while the kids just cheered in the background.

The smell of your skin The taste of your kiss The way you whisper in the dark Your hair all around me Baby you surround me You touch every place in my heart Oh, it feels like the first time, every time I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you

"Hey Daughtry," Wyatt called when he pulled away from me.

Daughtry came in the room quickly. "Yeah what's up?"

"Can you watch the kids for a moment," Wyatt asked, with a smirk

"Sure thing," he said.

Wyatt then knelt down and pressed his lips against mine once more before orbing us both to our bedroom. I should have know this is what he wanted when he asked Daughtry to watch the kids. Wyatt had pinned me to the bed, while he straddled me, kissing down my neck, nibbling, sucking and licking at times, causing me moan.

Wyatt pulled at my shirt wanting me to take it off while he was still continuing his hungry assault on my neck. I quickly pulled the shirt off and as the feelings of pleasure ran through me, I couldn't help but smile as I watched my husband take his own shirt off. Wyatt then came back down and kissed me hard, as he laid on top of me, he began to move his lips down my body, making sure he didn't miss an inch. He spent most of his time on my nipples, and he felt my hard on against his thighs which was making his hard too. Feeling that, Wyatt began to move his hands down my body and started to undo the button on my pants, even though he didn't want to pull them off yet. He kissed all over my upper body, hearing me moan , as his hands ran over my boxers, only turning me on even more, and then to make matters worse he licked around my navel and inserted his tongue in. His own manhood was growing hard as he kept doing what he was doing. He pulled up once and smiled at me and I smiled back. I just knew this was going to be a day that I would never forget. Him and I were back together, and we were a family again

WTH! Sorry, I expected this to only be 60 K now look what happened. Yeah I don't know how some of these scenes got in there like the second sex scene. I mean I was just writing Chris and Wyatt arguing and then next thing I know they're having sex. Oh and sorry I brought back the possessive Wyatt and the ex-boyfriend John, but hey the story was boring to me so I had to do something to spice it up. Yeah and that whole thing with Rolland being taken away was suppose to happen in the last chapter, and he was suppose to come back in this chapter, but that one was long enough already so I decided to do it all in this chapter. Oh yeah and if you didn't notice option B one. I was actually rooting for A but sorry. You each gave good reasons for the choices you picked and so the final score was Option A-3 votes and Option B-13 and then there were two people who voted neutral, but if you didn't think you vote would count you maybe have been sadly mistaken, because each vote counted. So yeah they're back together. I know, I'm cruel, but like I said this might be my last chapter since I really don't know who reads this anymore, but if you want it to continue then send me feedback at or And even if you don't want it to continue please send feedback anyway. This chapter alone took three days to do and I do have two other stories that I'm working on. One is a slash between Wyatt and Chris Halliwell for when Wyatt was evil and another one is a Degrassi one so yea. Please be sure to send me something and I promise I'll respond back. Thanks, love you guys and I appreciate you four who always send feedback. You know who you are. B

Next: Chapter 30

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