Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 6, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

I was in my new room that Piper and everyone had made for me. It use to be the guest room but Piper and everyone said that they wanted me to live there because it would make everything easier. I was lying down in a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I usually slept naked or slept with John but now everything is so weird. He's now the Source of all evil. I can't believe it. While I was laying there thinking there was a knock on the door. "Come in the door is open." I said still lying there facing the opposite way of the door.

In came in Wyatt and Chris. Wyatt came and sat on the bed while Chris came and sat in the chair. "So how are you holding up" Wyatt asked as he started to rub me on the back.

"I'll be ok. Just got to come to terms with reality." I answered.

"You know you can talk to us anytime." Chris said. "We're your brothers and thats what family is for." he said also as he rubbed his hands through my hair.

"Yeah I guess, but I mean what am I suppose to do. He's like the best thing to ever happen to me and now he's evil. It was just yesterday he was there with me at my mom's funeral. The sweetest person I could ever ask for now he's just a demon and evil." I went on.

"Yeah I know its hard. You should ask aunt Phoebe about it when she had to deal with Cole." Wyatt said.

"Who's Cole." I asked

"We're not going to say its something Aunt Phoebe has to tell you herself. It hurt her to even date for awhile but now she's married to Uncle Coop and has three girls." Chris started going on.

"Yeah but I can't believe all this is happening to me at once. In one month I loose my mother, I find out my real mother died not to long after I was born, my boyfriend of two years becomes the Source, and I find out that two people I had been going to school with were my half brothers and cousins." I said

"Yeah and we're glad you are our brother and cousin." Wyatt said. "You had to be a Charmed one by the way you fight , your powers, and you sexy looks." he said in a deep tone.

"What?!" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him down and pinned him to the bed.

"Chris could you help me out bro" Wyatt asked trying to break free.

"Sorry Wyatt looks like you got yourself into this one." Chris said. "I'll leave you alone before I get pulled into it." Chris said leaving the room. Me and Wyatt continued to wrestle through the whole room. This was the most fun I had in a while. Sometimes Wyatt was able to flip me and pin me to the bad. I felt his hard abs. I was always able to get out of his pins though. After 10 minutes of wrestling we finally stop and caught or breaths. Me and Wyatt then stared into each others eyes. He had the best eyes. Better than John's I had to say. We started to get closer and closer until our lips met and we were in one deep kiss. I quickly pulled back off of him.

"Whats wrong?" Wyatt asked.

"We can't do this. You're my brother and cousin and well its wrong. Plus I still really haven't broken up with John yet."

"What?!" Wyatt said angrily getting off the bed. "You still want to be with John after he's the Source of all evil." Pointing at me now,"let me tell you I've had a crush on you before we even knew about us being family and don't even try that because you and John are technically cousins."

"Look, I think I can turn John back to good. He's been with me for 2 years and I don't want to give it all up so easily. Look Wyatt please try to understand."

"Understand what. That you would rather be with a demon than me. You know once you're the Source you don't go back. Ask Aunt Phoebe and how her heart was broken by Cole." Wyatt was extremely mad now. "You know I'd do anything for you but you know what do what you want." he said walking out the room.

"Wyatt wait!" I stopped him.


"Can we at least still be friends I mean I know we're brothers and cousins but could we at least still be friends."

"I guess" he said slamming the door.

After Wyatt left I knew I had to go back to school the next day so I had to get some sleep. It was going to be my first day back in a week.

The next day I got up. I looked in the closet to see what clothes I had brought over. There was nothing good so I just pulled out some jeans and then looking for I shirt I just took out my black shirt. I took the clothes I picked out and put them on the bed and took of the other clothes I was wearing and put them in a basket in the closet. I then was stripped and wearing nothing so I put on a towel and headed for the bathroom. Thank goodness no one saw me. I took my shower ,dried of headed back for my room, put my clothes on and started to head down stairs towards the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I bumped into Wyatt.

"Hey Chris, I just wanted to say sorry for last night I was way out of line." Wyatt said.

"Its ok I mean we all have our days." I smiled "Heck I should be apologizing to you for using my powers against you and Chris the other day."

"Just wanted to make sure everything was cool between us." Wyatt said.

"Sure" I said. Then we hugged and both of us headed down to the kitchen. Other Chris was already there. This was real weird both of us being named Chris. Aunt Piper was cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey you boys better get going or you're gonna be late." Aunt Piper said. We then each grabbed our back packs and went out the door and got in Wyatt's car. I wanted shot gun but Chris said he earned that right since he's been there longer but whatever it didn't matter to me. When we got to school Wyatt walked off in one direction while me and Chris walked off into another. I remembered we had our first class together and the second one was with Wyatt. Chris and I entered the classroom I almost forgot where I sat but Chris reminded me that I sit next to him. Our teacher started going on with the daily lesson and I was dozing off. Then I heard a voice out of nowhere. "Chris..."

"huh" I said looking around. "Hey Chris did you just call me."

"No" he replied. "Why"

"I guess I must be hallucinating." I said dozing off again.

"Chris.." the voice said. This time I know I wasn't hallucinating. I looked around then finally at the door way. In the door way was John. He stood there and winked at me then walked off. Once I saw that, I knew something strange was going on. I then raised my hand and asked the teacher to go to the nurse because I had a headache. Thank goodness the teacher said yes and I grabbed my stuff and started walking down the hall. As I was walking down the hall I could still hear John calling me then finally I reached the bathroom where we last made out and he grabbed me and pulled me in. "Hello Chris" he said first. "Seems like you not happy to see me."

"I'm not especially since you tried to kill my father." I replied.

"Look he got in the way, plus you knew I wouldn't let him die." he said wrapping his arms around my waist but I pushed him off.

"Hands off John, before any of that goes on we need to talk." I said

"Talk about what me being the new Source and all."

"No you not being in school, of course about you being the new Source."

"Baby look I did this for us so that we could be together forever side by side."

"What? You decided to do this for us. How is this going to be done for us? You're evil and I'm a Charmed One. I vanquish things like you."

"So what are you saying? You want to break up."

"No I'm saying I want you to come back on to the good side that way we can be together."

"Well I can't. As the Source its my duty to be the king of all evil."

"Look I love you please don't do this." I said coming closer and closer to John's face until our lips finally met. I missed kissing him.

Our kiss was then interrupted by Chris shouting, "Chris get away from him he's evil."

John responded "Why you little" as he flung his hand and sent Chris back against the wall. I then ran over to Chris to help him up. "So I'll talk to you later but think about what I said baby." he said. I took one last look at him and he shimmered away.

"What were you thinking" I said to Chris helping him up.

"I thought you were in trouble when you left to go to the nurse so I followed after you." Chris responded.

"I'm eighteen I can take care of myself." I said "He wasn't going to hurt me, somewhere inside him is still John that loves me, but you on the other hand he would have no problem hurting, you could have been killed." We then just skipped our other classes went home got some potions just in case John came back and then got back to school in time for lunch for us to meet up with Wyatt. We then told Wyatt what had happened with the whole thing with John.

"What?" Wyatt said in an angry voice. "You saw him and you still went down the hall by yourself are you crazy" Wyatt was mad.

"Look he wasn't going to hurt me I know somewhere John is still in there." I said

"Yeah but it might not be enough of him for him not to hurt you. He's been consumed by evil. He's not John anymore he's the Source. You know he could have killed and if that happened there would have been no way to vanquish him and he would have gone around killing innocents with no way to stop him. Then again lets say he won't hurt you but converts you to the evil side there will be no way of stopping him either because you will be evil too. Chris this is one of the worst demons we're facing I'm asking you as a brother and a fellow Charmed One please stop seeing John before its to late."

"I can't. He's my everything." I responded.

"What about the Charmed Ones." Wyatt asked.

"What about the Charmed Ones." I responded. "I'm so tired of always thinking about the Charmed Ones and never me. So I'm done thinking about the Charmed Ones. Its now time for me to do whats best for me." I said getting away from the table.

Later on that day when school ended we got back into Wyatt's car and started home. On our way home Wyatt started talking to me, "Look Chris, I want you to know that we're always going to be brothers no matter what and whatever choice you decide to make I hope its the right one." he said as we pulled up to the house. I just ran upstairs looking through the book of shadows hoping to find a spell to take the evil out of John. He all of sudden shimmered in.

I gasped. "John"

"Shh" he said walking over to me. "Look I love you more than anything and these past few moments without you have just hurt me worse than anything in my life. Please come with me. I just can't bear the thought of not having you."

"Yeah but you're evil and I was told if I come to your side that you would kill so many innocents." I replied]

"Yes but this is the only way we can be together for eternity. Let me show you what everyday will be like." he said kissing me a picking me up and putting me on the couch in the attic. He was now on his knees in between my legs. "Now relax" he said as he lifted my shirt and put his tongue in my belly button and started to move it around. I started to moan. He then pulled off his shirt and continued to lick my abs and then moved up to my nipples. I removed my shirt so it would be easier for him. He continued to move up until he met my neck and sucked on it for awhile leaving a hickey. He then went back down and undid my pants. "Are you ready for this." he asked. I nodded. He then pulled my pants down along with my boxers that I was wearing. He started to jack off my dick for awhile. After jacking it off for 3 minutes he took all 8 inches in his mouth and started to go up and down in in motion. He had one hand holding my cock while he gave me a blow job and the other holding me down so I couldn't move around that much. He kept sucking me off forever and when I was about to cum he squeezed my dick until it went down. He then picked my legs up and put them over his shoulders. He stuck one finger inside my hole fingering me and then he stuck two opening my hole even more. Then he stuck his tongue inside me. Going in and out in a motion. It felt so good I just kept moaning and moaning as he ate me out. After he was done he came back up to my face and kissed me. Then we switched places. I got on my knees and pulled down his pants he was wearing nothing under them. I then took his 9 inches of manhood in his mouth. He was moaning while running his hand through my hair. I kept going up and down then moved down to his balls and like them like they were lolly pops. He all of sudden pulled me up and kissed me again then placed me on my back on the couch. He then put my legs on his shoulder ,put some lube on and started to fuck me without a condom. He pushed in and out slowly until I felt no more pain and then started to go harder and faster and faster. I was moaning extremely hard. John was seeming to enjoy this more than I was. It was better than the first time. I then started coming all over my chest. Though I had came John still continued. He kept going and finally he came but it was in my hole. He cleaned me up and then we put back on our clothes. "See baby thats how it could be everyday if you decide to come with me."

"I don't know. I mean this is my family and you're my everything. I just don't know who to choose. You were my first." I responded

He then came up to me and put his arms around my waist saying "I know. I want to be your first your last and your everything." he said pulling me into a deep passionate kiss. "but you and I must destroy the Charmed Ones and all that remains of them."

"What?" I said, "oh my I have to think" I said as I ran out of the attic and down to the bathroom washing my face.

"Chris!" John shouted he started to come after me but the Wyatt and Chris H orbed right in front of him. "How did you two find me here." John asked.

"We scribed for you and now its time for you to be vanquished." Wyatt said shooting John with an energy ball breaking him into many pieces while Chris started to put the crystals around him. "Chris get up here now." Right after that John came back together and use his powers and sent Wyatt and Chris against the wall causing Chris to drop the last crystal

"You foolish Charmed Ones I shall kill you both." John said. Chris H then jumped up and started to fight John as best he could.

"You hear that Chris if you don't get up hear right now he's going to kill us." Wyatt said.

I just came out of the bathroom. I knew what I must do. I walked up the stairs slowly. Walking in I picked up the last crystal and saw that John was holding up Chris by the neck dropping him when I walked in.

"Chris" he said to me "Don't do it, you know what we could have." I walked right up to him and gave him a kiss. Chris and Wyatt were pissed now. I then backed away and planted the last crystal causing a containment on John. I then was pulled back by my brothers. Wyatt holding one arm and Chris holding the other. I was crying really hard. So hard my face was red. "Chris you have to start it." Wyatt said.

The words barely came out but they did, " Prudence, Penelope, Patrica"

Then Wyatt took over, " Melinda, Astrid, Helena"

Finally was Chris, " Alora and Grace"

Now all of us had to say it in unison, "Halliwell witches stand strong beside us vanquish this evil from time and space, Halliwell witches stand strong beside us vanquish this evil from time and space, Halliwell witches stand strong beside us vanquish this evil from time and space" we said it the last time and the John started to blow up.

But before he did he took one last look at me and said, "Chris I love you and always will" after that he blew up and in the center of the crystals was nothing. I was crying so hard. Wyatt and Chris had their arms around me.

It now and been 3 days and I was in my room still crying from the whole thing while everyone else was down stairs. I was crying so hard that everyone could hear me from down stairs.

"Well" Wyatt started talking with the whole family in the room (i.e. Aunt Paige, Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Piper, Dad aka Leo, and Chris). "Its been three days."

"Phoebe how long do these things lasts." Piper asked.

"It took me awhile to get over this with Cole and he's known John longer than I knew Cole so I can't even imagine how much harder it is for him." Phoebe said. "Maybe I should go talk to him."

"No Chris and I will" Wyatt said. "Aunt Phoebe had mom and Aunt Paige to help her now it has to be me and Chris to help him." Wyatt said as him and Chris began to walk up the the stairs.

Chris and Wyatt slowly opened the door and came into my room. Wyatt came and laid beside me while Chis came and sat in a chair in front of me.

"We're gonna get through this, I know its hard but everything is going to be ok," Wyatt said.

"Oh yeah how would you know." I said sniffing.

"I know. Aunt Phoebe went through the same thing you just got to hold on there. You're strong Chris I know it and I need you."

"Do you know what its like to loose a mother, a real mother, and a boyfriend all in one month. Do you have any clue as to the pain I'm going through." I said in an angry voice now sitting up. " I now have nothing or no one who will always be there for me."

"You have us, we're your brothers you know we'll always be here." Chris said

"Yeah I know but its just that I don't know you guys as well as I knew my mom and John."

"You haven't given us a chance. Trust me we're not here to hurt you. We want to help and make up for lost time." Chris responded.

"I know you guys are here for me but I feel like everything and everyone who was so close to me has just disappeared. Like the past 18 years of my life was just erased."

"Chris I want you to do something for me." Wyatt said

"Anything" I said.

"I want you both to stand up, both you and Chris" we both did what we were asked. Wyatt also stood up and grabbed my hand and Chris's. "Now you two grab each others hand." we did as we were asked again. "This marks a new begging not just for you Chris but for the Charmed Ones." he said. We all jumped into a group hug. I felt a lot better but I still have some emotion over what happened.

"Oh yeah hey guys I've got to go with dad to magic school. See ya." Chris said as he ran out of the room.

"Magic School?" I asked Wyatt.

"Yeah its kind of hard to explain" Wyatt said. "Maybe I'll take you there someday."

"Yeah" I said. "Someday"

He walked over and got closer to me. "So you feel any better"

"yes" I said. " I mean I'm not completely over everything but this is the first step and its going to take some time."

"Well we've got all the time in the world." Wyatt said putting his hands around my waist.

"What are you doing." I asked

"Something I've wanted to do for a long time" he then kissed me. After he broke it he pushed me onto the bed and walked over to the door and locked it, "just want to make sure we're not interrupted." he said with a smile. He then came back over to where I was. He got on top of me and we started making out. I can't believe it. I was doing this with my brother and cousin. My own flesh and blood. Then again John was my cousin so whatever. We continued going at it for what seems like forever. Wyatt then pulled my shirt of my body and started pinching my nipples. John never did that but it was time for me to quit thinking of John. Wyatt and I continued making out while he grabbed my nipples. He then pulled of my pants and boxers. "Wow this is huge but hey I can take it all" he said then wrapped his lips around my sausage. Wyatt was pretty good at it. Better than John as a matter of fact. I was moaning even harder with him. Wyatt went up and down and it almost made me cum till he stopped and moved back up to my face and kissed me. Now it was his turn forget the shirt I went straight to his pants pulling them down fast. I saw Wyatt was huge. He was 10 inches. I tried to take it all but I couldn't. Wyatt put his hand on top of my head making me go down faster and faster. I started to choke trying to take the whole thing. After Wyatt was satisfied he pulled me up. After he pulled me up he then put me on my back and stuff a finger in my hole losing it up. Then he stuck in two fingers. After he saw that I was in no more pain he stuck in his 10 inches of man hood. Bit by bit he slowly put it in. Then he started to go in and out slowly then faster and faster. I realized he wasn't wearing a condom either. So it felt better. The more hurt I felt the more pleasure it became. I then cried out as I came all over myself. Then Wyatt came in my hole and was so tired he just collapsed on top of me. "Wow you're pretty good he said giving me a kiss."

A month now passed and I was doing great. I think I was just about over John and everything, but lately I've been sick. I've been sleeping a lot in my classes. I started to gain a few pounds. I started going to the bathroom a lot and to top it off I started to throw up every morning. I didn't know what the problem was. Today aunt Piper was taking me to the doctor to see what was up. So we got to the doctors office and he started running some test. He then finally sat me down to have a talk. "Mr. Evans how long have you been feeling this way." I knew Aunt Piper was now frustrated she was sitting in the other room waiting while all this was going on.

"Well I've had these feelings for a month now." I replied

"Mr. Evans I don't know how to break this to you but, you're pregnant." he said

"What? How? Thats impossible" I said jumping out of my chair

"I wish it was but your are pregnant we've ran the test twice." he said.

"I can't believe this, what am I going to tell everyone." I said walking from side to side real frustrated.

"Mr. Evans I would love to sit here and talk to you about it but I've got other appointments to do so I've rescheduled you for next month to check up on the baby."

"Thanks" I said sarcastically walking out meeting Aunt Piper in the next room. We didn't exchange words till we got into the car.

"So what happened." She asked as she was driving.

"nothing" I said.

"Did he say what was wrong with you?" she asked

"Look I have something to tell you and please don't be mad." I said



"What?!" she said ecstatically as she stopped the car in the middle of the road. "Who is the father" she asked as she continued to start driving again

"Well you see thats the problem I don't know."

"How could you not know it was just a month ago." She said angrily.

"See thats the problem it could be two different people." I said

"Which two could it be?"

"Well obviously one could be John and the other well it could be.....Wyatt."

"What, oh things just keep getting better and better. How long between those two did you sleep together."

"See thats why its so hard I slept with them both the same week." I said

"One thing I know if its John's baby we have to vanquish it now before it is born" Piper said.

"Why" I asked "Its only a baby"

"Thats the point you see how John became when he grew up. He was the new Source and if this baby enters the world he could also be the new Source." she explained.

"But how are we going to tell if its Wyatt's or John's if we don't let it come into the world first"

"We can't take that chance we're going to have to vanquish it once we get back to the manor"

"But I don't want to vanquish it I think we should at least give it a chance, its my baby."

"And it maybe my grand child but you know what we're gonna ask everyone else when we get home."

"No I don't want everyone knowing just yet."

"Well they're gonna find out anyway with all the vomiting and you gaining all you weight, how long do you expect to keep this up so you might as well tell them now." She said pulling into the drive way. "Lets go" she said as she opened the front door. "Hey everyone get down here we're having a family meeting." she exclaimed. In orbed Phoebe with Paige. "Oh you guys are just in time." she said. Next Chris, Leo, and Wyatt were coming down the stairs. "So everyone Chris E has something he wants to tell you all. You tell them or I will."

I stuttered for awhile but it all came out "Well guys I'm uh uh......I'm pregnant."

"What" everyone shouted.

"Yep thats right he's pregnant and tell them the other part of you secret Chris." Piper said.

"The baby could be John's." right then everyone gasped.

"And.." Piper urged me to continue.

"It could also be Wyatt's." everyone gasped and look at Wyatt. He was just as surprised as anyone.

"We've got to vanquish it." Phoebe said

"Wait! We can't" Wyatt said walking over to me and putting his arm around me. "This could be my child."

"And it could also be my grandchild Wyatt, but I don't want to take the risk to see if it is or isn't." Phoebe said

"My thoughts exactly , which is what I told Chris in the car" Piper said

"I won't let you" Wyatt said still with his arm around me and his other hand touching my stomach.

"Okay lets vote on it then, everyone in favor of vanquishing the baby raise your hand." Piper said being the first one to raise her hand. Phoebe, Paige, Chris , and Leo all raised their hands. "Then its settled the baby will be vanquished. I'll go make the potion." she said walking into the kitchen.

"I can't believe you all. You'd be willing to sacrifice a child's life because you think he's dangerous and he might not be at all." I stated.

"Look son." Leo started, "It was a hard decision for me because whether or not it was Wyatt's or John's child it still would have been my grandchild and the charmed line is going to continue through either you, Wyatt, or Chris. We don't know yet but if the new Charmed Ones are destined to come from you and one of them turns out to be the Source of all evil then the Charmed Ones will be no more and if we don't have the Charmed Ones then there will be millions of innocent people getting hurt."

"But I can steer him away from the dark side." I replied

"Chris I tried that before with John and look at what happened. I even sent him away to where he was suppose to know no magic but somehow it found him and he became the Source. Yes it was hard for me to send him away but it was even harder for me seeing him become the Source and that is no pain you should have to endure."

"Yep so are you ready to take this potion" Piper said entering with a potion in her hand.

"No!" I shouted. "I'm not taking it."

"Chris look you can either take the potion the easy way or Paige can orb it in your mouth, so its really up to you." she said with one hand on her hip.

I took the potion from her "Did I mention I hate you guys" I said as I took the potion and then there was and explosion in my stomach which hurt so bad a fell to the ground. Wyatt came and helped me back up. "Well I hope you all are happy now." I said as I ran upstairs to my room. Then there was a knock at the door. "Go away" I said. In came Aunt Piper. " I just said go away."

"Look Chris I wasn't trying to be mean down there I just don't want to see you get hurt." She said

"Well you failed that mission."

"Chris see heres the thing I just saw you get over everything with you mom and John and I was so scared that if this baby turned out to be the Source it would break your heart."

"How would you know."

"Because I saw Wyatt grown up to be evil and it hurt me almost as bad as loosing my sister did."


"Yes before Chris came back in time and reversed everything to keep Wyatt from becoming evil Wyatt was the evilest witch there was and well just the thought of it broke my heart I just couldn't bear the thought of you having to deal with it too."

"Well I'm happy to hear that now what made you think I couldn't have changed my child like you changed Wyatt."

"Because the Source will always be the Source no matter what and I just don't want you get hurt."

"Well congrats" I said getting up and walking out of my room and went up to the attic and flipped through the pages of The Book Of Shadows searching for a time travel spell. Then I heard someone walk in thinking it was Aunt Piper. "Could you just leave me alone."

"No" said a deep voice. "I love you." I looked up and realized it was Wyatt. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing" I said continuing to search through the book of shadows.

"Please you coming up here after loosing your child and now looking through the book of shadows. Thats a whole lot of nothing."

"Look I'm going back in time to fix this all." I said.

"Fix what?" Wyatt asked.

"Everything, I don't want to be a witch anymore. I'm going back in time to where I first turned eighteen and found out I was a witch. I'm going to keep my mom from coming home on that night so that the demon won't kill her and I won't find out that I'm a witch and me and John will still be together." I explained

"You can't." Wyatt said walking towards me.

"And why not?"

"You do that and there will be no more Charmed Ones and then there will be so many hurt innocents."

"I don't care. I've been hurt to my extent and I'm not taking anymore pain." I said as I started to read the spell. Wyatt the came over and grabbed my arm causing me to say future instead of the past. The spell now sent me and him 10 years into the future. When I woke up I saw myself still in the manor, but I was in the family room all of a sudden a girl beautiful little girl came up to me about the age of four shouting.

"Mommy, mommy." she yelled coming and giving me a hug. I didn't know what was going on I looked at my left hand and realized there was a ring on my ring finger indicating I was married to someone. I then looked down at my stomach and saw the I was two months pregnant. Then Aunt Piper and Dad entered the house through the front door. They didn't look old. The only had a few gray hairs.

"Don't mind us" Aunt Piper said.

"yeah we're just picking up little Patrica for the weekend like we said." Dad told me. I was now confused as ever I guess this little girl who is standing next to me is Patrica.

"Grandma, Papa" she said running up to Aunt Piper and dad giving them a hug also. "Don't worry we'll take good care of your little daughter." Aunt Piper said. My daughter I thought. "Wyatt should be coming home soon. I can't wait to see little Penelope." she said as her and Dad left with Patrica. I then saw Wyatt orb in.

"Wyatt" I said.

"Yeah its me." he said. "Wow look we're married."

"What? I'm married to you."

"Yep and we have a daughter."

"How did you find out all of this and I'm still trying to figure out whats going on."

"Well I was just at work and I must say I now work at magic school but I saw this book and I looked through it and there were pictures of us at our wedding and pictures of when you were first pregnant and then pictures of little Patrica."

"Well look at this" I said pointing to my stomach.

"You're pregnant again. Wow I must have not been able to keep you off of me." he said as he laughed and was joking around.

"Very funny" I said sarcastically. " Supposedly we named it Penelope before she was even born"

"Wow" he said. " I can't believe we're married and we have one kid and another on the way." he walked over to me smiling and started to rub my stomach. " Wow father of my child this is new and awesome and look at this stomach you soon won't be able to see your feet if it keeps growing like this." he started to laughed.

I then punched him in his arm. "I don't know how we even ended up together, but don't worry you could still die at any moment keep cracking them jokes."

"I'm sorry but you still got to love me especially since you're gonna marry me in less than ten years." he said hugging me. Suddenly I felt an extreme pain on my body and then we orbed back to the attic of the manor where we first started. "So that was our future."

"Maybe not since we've seen it already and could have messed it up." I replied.

Right then the sisters came and rushed in. They saw the magic book and saw it what spell it was opened up to. "Oh no" Phoebe said. "You guys saw your future."

"Yes, why" I asked.

"Well now you guys know you two were destined to be together."

"What? You guys saw it too."

"When the Charmed line was transferred from us to you guys we got a glimpse of the future and saw it." Phoebe said.

"So why didn't you tell us." I asked.

"Well we didn't want to rush you two into anything, so I think we'll give you some time to talk alone." Piper said as her, Phoebe, and Paige walked out

Wyatt then looked a me "Chris do you want to be with me?" he asked holding out his his hand.

"I can't," I said. "Just with everything thats going on I don't know."

"But you know you always got me." he said.

"I know I just have to think." I said walking out of the attic into my room. Wyatt did the same thing but went into his room. I was laying on the bed then I heard a knock at the door. I hear those all the time when I'm in a bad day. "come in" I said. There Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige came in and sat next to me

"Hey why are you making things so hard" Paige asked.

"I just don't want to be hurt I mean I just lost someone who I was with for two years and I'm scared because I never expected to marry Wyatt and be the father or mother of his kids." I replied

"Look you know Wyatt wouldn't do anything to hurt you. He loves you and always has even before I mean he use to talk about you all the time at the table." Paige said.

"Yeah but what if the future changes, what if one of us gets hurt." I asked.

"I know none of you would do that intentionally so I think you should go talk to Wyatt." Paige said hugging me as I walked out the room.

Meanwhile in Wyatt's room he was sitting on his bed when he heard a knock at the door. In came in Piper. She came and gave him a hug and sat right by him.

"Hey sweetie" Piper said.

"Mom why is he fighting it. What's wrong with me? Am I just that bad" Wyatt asked

"No Wyatt Chris is just scarred and afraid. He's had a lot to deal with I mean he just vanquished his ex and when you do something like that its hard. He just doesn't want to hurt you or get hurt like he did with John." Piper said.

"There's nothing he could do that wouldn't make me want him or want to be him forever." Wyatt said. "It just seems like he doesn't want to be with me ever." Wyatt said impatiently.

"Wyatt Chris loves you and he'll come around." she said smiling.

"Thanks mom." Wyatt said hugging her as he did I entered.

"Oh I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said.

"No I was just leaving" Piper said getting up and walking out the door.

"Come sit here Chris" Wyatt said patting a place next to him on the bed.

I came and sat next to him. "Look Wyatt I want to be with you but, theres something I have to talk to you about."

"Okay" Wyatt said.

"Just promise not to hurt me okay" I asked.

"you know I would never do that" Wyatt said.

"Promise!" I said not so nice this time.

"I promise." then I leaned in and we kissed. Me and Wyatt were now officially a couple.

Next: Chapter 4

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