Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jan 5, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Fine I'll continue, but only if you guys keep sending feedback. So a warning about this chapter. This was asked for by someone so, I decided to make a chapter out of it. Really it shouldn't count as a chapter, it should just have Alternate Universe number two on it, but I decided to make a chapter out of it. It has evil Wyatt again, and I advise you if you couldn't take the last one than you shouldn't read this one. Though to tell you something else, if you haven't read 'Alternate Universe' then there will be somethings that you might be confused on, so maybe you should go read it before reading this one. This chapter has a lot more violence and other things in it, and trust me it gets real crazy. So this is my final warning, and I'm sorry I'm taking a break from the whole thing with Patty, but we'll get back to her turning evil after this alright.

I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast since Wyatt told me that he would get the kids ready, and for me not to worry. This seemed so much easier. Now that Wyatt and I are back together I don't have to do this all by myself, and I'm sure he feels the same way. Its been two months since the whole thing, and things have changed a lot. Wyatt and I aren't arguing that much, but we still do have arguments here and there, but they're not as big as they use to be, but all couples argue so I can't get mad about that. Wyatt has even started helping me discipline the kids when needed. It seems as though Wyatt is a changed man except for being possessive. Wyatt is always going to be that way. He still gets angry if any guy even looks at me in a sexual way. I saw that when I told him about the conversation between me and John. Wyatt just about blew up the whole house, until I told him that John was married with kids. That was the only thing that calmed him down. I just hope that the guy, since they take after Wyatt, aren't that possessive. I'd feel sorry for their wives or husbands or whoever they decided to marry.

The kids have been fine though. They're still getting in trouble and making honor roll, but then again who can blame them. Now due to my empath power, I'm starting to get a little jealous vibe from Prue like she said happened in the future. Just about from the time Patty was born till now, I really haven't been able to set her down. It wasn't because I didn't want to, it was because every time I did, she would cry her eyes out and then demons would shimmer in which I found a little odd, but that only made me be more cautious of her. That only made Prue a bit more jealous of Patty. I just hope Patty doesn't turn evil.

Right now though I hope she's acting good for Wyatt while he gives her a bath. I'm sure she is since Wyatt hasn't called me up, and said that she's going crazy. I swear I thought five or four was bad enough, but now we got six within just the past year. Rolland was okay though, but Patty was just trouble. Part of me doesn't want her to get older, because then she'll be going to school and she won't be at home, but oh well.

I had just set up the table with everything right as half of the kids came running down. It was mostly all of the boys, but Patience was with them. Now all that's left is Prue and Patty, who are probably still in the bath tub with Wyatt giving him a hard time.

"Good morning," I greeted all of them. All of them didn't even hear me. They were too busy fighting over the pancakes like vultures. I sure hope they leave some for Prue, since Patty can't eat any solids, because she's only two months old. "Guys, I said good morning," I repeated.

The stopped fighting for a moment and looked at me long enough to only say, "hi mom," right before they went back to fighting. Kids, gotta love them. Especially since they keep fighting all the time and make your life miserable. Wyatt and I would usually break them up, but seeing as its just over food and there's enough for all of them, I'm sure they will realize how dumb they're being fighting over it.

Once they were done fighting and they each had all they wanted on their plates, I smiled at them. "So how's school been for you guys," I asked trying to make conversation with them.

"Fine," Patience said.

"Okay," Robert said.

"Fun," Rolland said.

"It sucks," Ryan said being the last one down the line. "My teacher is so boring and I hate her," Ryan complained. That's one thing that he was good at. He always complained about how much he hated school. I swear if I had a dollar for every time Ryan said about much he didn't like school, I'd be one rich guy. Maybe I'd just kick Wyatt out and live on my own. Just kidding, I would never do that. I love Wyatt too much to ever live without him.

"Yeah," I said taking a seat next to him. "And you know what, speaking of teacher Ryan, yours called me last night," I pointed out to him. He knew he was in big trouble right now. Here comes the big lecture for him, even though it doesn't seem to do much, because I know he'll be trying to pull another little stunt next week that will get him in more trouble. "She said something about how you decided that you would talk all during class and then she caught you red handed cheating on a test?"

Ryan sat there for a moment and tried to think of a good excuse for this one. He was usually pretty good at that to tell the truth, so he couldn't let himself down this time. His siblings would lose all respect for him. "She was boring and she never taught us anything," he stated. "And I wasn't the only in the class who cheated," he said. "Everyone else cheated."

"I don't care about what everyone else did," I said back. "I only care about what you and and thats it, and from what you're telling me its true." I didn't expect Ryan to lie to me though. He was honest for the most part. "I'm sorry Ryan, but you're grounded for a week, and next time you do something like that, it'll be a month." I got up and tended back to the stove.

"Ugh, I hate you," Ryan said.

I just chuckled. Kids just love to throw temper tantrums when they're angry. "Well it wouldn't be the first time you've said that, and I'm sure it won't be the last," I stated.

Just about every time him or the other kids would get grounded they would tell me and Wyatt that they hated us. At first it hurt, but then we remembered when we were kids and when we use to say that to get under our parents skin. We never really meant it, but if it could help get us ungrounded then we would do it. I don't know how many time's I've heard those three words, but I'm use to it by now. I'm sure I'll be hearing it from Patty soon, when she is able to talk. Luckily that won't be for another few months.

I was so busy at the stove that I didn't even notice Wyatt come in with Patty on his arms. He saw that I must have just had an argument with Ryan, by the look on Ryan's face. He was frowning like he just got grounded, which made Wyatt chuckle at the way he was pouting. Slowly and quietly he set Patty in her chair. Not too long after, did Prue come right behind him and sit in her chair. This was the quietest the kids have ever been at breakfast time.

Wyatt slowly tip toed up behind me and grabbed me at my waist. "Have I told you lately how much I love you," he purred into my ear lustfully. He had already felt how it was to be without me and now he knows how precious I am to him so he says that just about every chance he gets.

"Only about a million times," I said back. I tried to break free of Wyatt's grip, but he had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, and it would have taken the jaws of life to pry him off. I started to feel his hard on against my backside and knew exactly what he wanted. "Come on Wyatt, you know we can't do this right now," I said. "The kids are right there and plus you have to go to work in a few minutes," I stated.

He just sighed saying, "I know." That still didn't stop him. He slowly began sucking on my neck, making sure to leave a mark, only stopping because I pulled away. "Aw come on can we just go do a little quickie before I have to go," he begged.

"Mom, what's a quickie," Prue asked.

I turned around and frowned at Wyatt for saying that term. He should know not to say those things to our daughter. Last week she was asking what a blow job was and then the week before she was asking about what sex was. Then I don't know when it was but sometime she was asking what cum was, and every last one of those things, she got from Wyatt, which sometimes I wonder if he knew how to keep his mouth shut at inappropriate things towards our kids. When Wyatt saw me frown he gave me the sweetest little innocent smile, knowing I couldn't resist and he was off the hook once again.

"It's nothing sweetie," I said back to her. "Wyatt come on its time for you to get going, but I promise, I'll make it up to you later on tonight okay," I told him. Which hopefully nothing happened since for the past few nights, demons have just loved to come attacking at the manor, but I don't know what for, I mean Patty is already born so it will be pretty hard to turn her now.

"Fine," Wyatt gave in. "But tonight its on," he said letting me out of his grasp. "Come on kids, time to go to school," he said. They all began to walk out the door, but not before I was able to say bye to them.

The hard thing was I had picked up Patty and had her in one arm, and was waiting by the door to say bye to each of them. "Be good kids," I pleaded with them. Maybe they'll listen this time. I gave each of them a hug and a kiss before they left. Wyatt was the last one out. "Do I have to tell you to be good also," I taunted my husband and father of my kids.

Wyatt shrugged his shoulders. "Depends, what's my punishment if I don't be good," Wyatt smirked. I punched him in the shoulders, causing him to chuckle. The kids didn't know what he meant, but I sure did. "See you later baby," Wyatt said kissing me on the lips, and then again, and again, and again. It felt like he had given me a thousand kisses. "Be good for your mommy, Patty, and Chris call me if anything happens and I'll be home in no time" Wyatt said kissing his now youngest on the forehead. "Bye Chris, and remember, we have our little deal for tonight," he reminded me. "So be ready," he warned as he got into the car with our five kids. Wyatt decided to be a better father and start driving the kids to school. I waved them all a good bye, before I closed the door, happy to have the family that I have.

Patty started crying once I closed the door. I don't know if it was because of the sound or because her father, brothers, and sister had just left, but whatever it is I have to quiet her down before a bunch of demons shimmer in and that's the last thing I want right now, since I'm alone and I have my daughter who's only two months with me and I don't want anything to happen to her.

After listening to her cry for about two minutes, I figured that she was hungry. This girl eats just about every hour. I guess part of her does take after Wyatt, since Wyatt does work out a lot and has a high metabolism. I swear he could eat the whole pantry in one day and not gain a pound. Then again, that's what his work outs are probably for. Patty on the other hand doesn't do nothing, but sit around like all babies do, so I don't know why she is hungry so much, but she's got to stop this wanting to eat a lot or else she's going to get so big I might have to grease the doorway to get her through.

I sat down in a chair and slowly began feeding her. I still had to do the stupid breast feeding method. I told Wyatt that I was only doing it till she was three months and then she's getting a bottle. No buts, ands, or ifs about it. I didn't like doing it this way, but Wyatt begged me to, and I know that he only wants to do what is best for the kids.

As soon as Patty was done eating she went right back to sleep. I took this opportunity to orb her crib into the room, and set her there for a few minutes while I packed her baby bag. Today I was suppose to see Ava to check on Patty to make sure that she's health and to see if there was some little reason that demons are after her when she cries. As soon as I was done packing her bags, I picked her right back up and orbed out. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

The wait was really bad. There was a real long line of witches with kids waiting to see Ava. I guess over the years she must have gotten real popular with kids I guess. I actually started to feel a little uncomfortable in the room, because all the witches were looking at me and Patty, talking about how I'm a Charmed One and my daughter is the daughter of the twice blessed. I just ignored them all and pretended to look at a magazine. Being a Charmed one isn't all that its up to be. You might be feared by demons, but you're admired by other witches like a movie star.

The door opened with one of Ava's helpers who was calling in the patients one by one. "Christopher Evans-Halliwell and Patrica Piper Halliwell," she read off the papers.

"That's me!" I raised my hand. I grabbed Patty's carriage that she was laying in and her bag, and quickly ran into the room, happy that all those faces would be off of me, because if they all stared at me for another second, I was gonna send them each flying back home, just to show them what a Charmed One could do if you made them angry. I followed the woman back to a room that I can say I've been in plenty of times before, because of my kids and being pregnant.

"Wait here," she said. "Mrs. Ava will be right with you," she informed. "Can I get you anything before I leave," she asked.

I'm pretty sure she never asked that to any other patients. It's because I'm a Charmed one that she thinks I should get special treatment. I just wish that they would quit treating me like I'm special. Could they just see that I'm just an ordinary witch trying to bring their baby in for a check up. That's all I'm asking, but they don't seem to care.

"Okay," she said. "If you need anything just call for me or you could throw something if you don't get my attention, but I'll be in the hallway," she told me. I nodded and she left. I know it might be mean to say that, but I'm happy that she's gone. If one more person comes in a treats me special just because I'm a Charmed One, they're getting fried.

I waited for what seems like forever. I don't know what about today that just everyone had to come visit the doctor's office. I'm sure there's more than one witch doctor around. I come here because Piper, Paige, and Phoebe all recommended it. They said that it would be wise to come here, since Ava is a good friend of theirs and she does good work, because she's a gypsy and she works as a hospital doctor, so she knows a lot that can help me.

The door finally opened and in came Ava. "Hello Mr. Halliwell," she smiled. "Sorry it took me so long, but its been real hectic, ever since everyone found out that the 'Charmed Ones' have me as their doctor. Now because of you my doctor's office is always busy," she explained. So that's what triggered it. If Ava wasn't a good friend of the families I just might have to find a new doctor to go to.

"Thanks, and we've been coming here long enough and I'm sure we will be in the future, so you can start calling me Chris," I told her. "I don't see the problem in that since I already call you Ava instead of doctor," I joked.

"Okay Chris," she said. "I see you've brought Patrica in for her first check up, and you say in your papers that you've been having a little demon trouble," she pointed out. "Would you like to tell me what's going on?"

"Well I don't know," I said. "I mean she's fine, I don't think she's sick or anything, but its just every time she cries, a demon shimmers in, and I don't know what's triggering it."

Ava jotted that down on her papers and then began to think about what could cause it. This isn't something that she hears often. To tell the truth this isn't anything she hears at all. Its not like all of her customers are Charmed Ones. Demons wouldn't have any reasons to go after any other babies. "Hmm," she said as she thought to herself. "Have you had this problem before with your other kids," she asked.

"Well...yes actually," I remembered. "Prudence, Ryan, and Patience did the same thing, but demons only shimmered in when it was all three of them crying, not just one of them," I explained.

Ava wrote that down too. It didn't take her long to figure out what maybe the problem. "I think its because, maybe they sense her as a bigger threat," she said. "You see its not that she's more powerful than your other three, I just think that its because she's the second and you only have one more girl to go before you've completed another power of three, so they probably want to take her out before you have your third."

"I guess," I said. "So what should I do about it?"

"Just make sure you keep her calm and happy, I'm sure everything will be fine," she said. "Now I will be right back. I've got to take Patty's temperature and check her blood pressure and stuff to make sure she's healthy, which I'm sure she will pass with flying colors, but I'm going to do it just in case." With that said she left the room again. Leaving me there alone with my daughter.

I could tell that Ava really didn't have much of a family. The sisters told me about when she lost her Aunt Lydia and mother Theresa. I can sore of understand what she went through, seeing as I lost my mother to witch craft and now I have to endure it. I can't help, but wonder sometimes that if my mom never became into witch craft would she have given me up or would she still be alive now. That's a question I'll just have to ask her

Soon Ava came back into the room and ran some test on Patty. There wasn't just the blood pressure and the temperature test. She had to give Patty a few vaccine shots to keep her from contracting any diseases, which I knew was going to be a big nightmare. Luckily Patty was cooperative and didn't blow up Ava for giving her the shot and all the other test she did on her that might have been painful. She was braver than her siblings though.

"Okay, well she seems perfectly healthy to me, Chris," Ava said. "I just recommend being a little careful when handling her, because she's still and infant and she will bruise easily. Other than that she's good, and I'll reschedule you sometime for next year," she explained. "Any questions?"

I shook my head. "Nope I think that'll be it for the day," I said laying Patty back in her carriage. She had fallen asleep a little bit after she had gotten the shot, which made things easier for me.

"Alrighty then, I will see you next year, or maybe even before, but congratulations on having a new baby girl," she said.

"Thank you," I said as I gathered all my stuff, making sure I had everything. I was just about to walk out that door, but I remembered that there were like a hundred witches out there probably waiting. "Oh and Ava, is it alright with you if I orb home from he office," I asked. "I just really don't want to go back out there with all those adoring fans."

"I understand, so sure," she said leaving out the door.

I cheered before I orbed out happy that I didn't have to go through that whole crowd again. When I got back to the manor I could see that it was four o' clock already. There was no sight of Wyatt or the kids. I guess Wyatt must have got caught off in traffic, but I'm sure he should be here. As soon as I set Patty's carriage down, I heard the door open. I'm pretty sure it was them.

The first kids I saw running in were Patience, Prue, Robert, and Ryan. They each came up and hugged me so fast, I almost fell to the ground. "Hey kids," I smiled. "Where's your father and Rolland," I asked.

They all pointed back at the door. Soon Wyatt came through it with Rolland on his shoulders, being the playful dad he was. "Alright Rolland the ride stops here," Wyatt said. Rolland groaned not wanting to get off his dad's shoulders. "I'm sorry buddy, but you have to walk on your own," Wyatt said setting him down on the ground with the other. "Hey Chrissy," Wyatt said walking up and greeting me with a soft kiss. He then saw Patty was in her carriage and decided to pick her up and put her on his shoulders while she was sleep. "So how has Patty been," he asked.

"Oh she's fine," I said.

"What did the doctor say," Wyatt asked remembering we had discussed talking to the doctor about the demon attacks.

I had to think for a moment to try to remember Ava's exact words. "She said that Patty probably poses more of a threat to demons since she's the second to last, before the new power of three," I told him. "She also said be extra careful with her because she's still an infant."

"Did she forget we've came to her like three times before," Wyatt said sarcastically.

"No, I just think its a policy that she has to go by, that's all," I said.

Wyatt looked over to see the kids standing there looking at us like they didn't know what they were suppose to do. "Kids, what should you be doing right now," Wyatt asked. They just looked at each other and played like they really didn't know, but Wyatt wasn't buying it. "Homework kids, go on," Wyatt said. The kids didn't argue with him. They just went right up to their rooms, and Wyatt put Patty down in the carriage again. "So," he said wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling our bodies against each other. "You were saying you were gonna make something up to me this morning?" He had his eye brows raised. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Wyatt we can't do it now," I said slowly pulling out of his grasp.

"Why not," he said pulling me right back against him, before I could break all the way out.

"The kids are here, and they're still awake," I pointed out.

"So..." Wyatt said, making it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

"I just don't want any of them walking in on us and seeing us doing something that they shouldn't see until they're twenty one," I said. I don't know why I said twenty one. They're Halliwells. They'll be losing their virginities really early. Lets say maybe sixteen will be the latest, if they haven't done it at thirteen or fourteen.

"They won't, we'll just lock the door," Wyatt said. "You promised me that we were gonna have our fun and you owe me," Wyatt demanded. He then grabbed me arm and dragged me upstairs. I can tell right now he's been waiting for the his all day. He pushed me onto the bed and closed the door and magically locked it so the kids would have to knock before they entered. "I say we have a little fun," he smirked. "I think we should try this game called cops and robbers," he said. "I'm the cop and you're the robber," he suggested. "So lets get started," he spoke conjuring up a water gun. "Alright thief, you have the right to remain silent, anything say can and will be used against you in the court of law," he recited just like he was a policemen. I guess he must have been watching Uncle Henry a lot to know that motto. "Now, I have a search warrant to take off that shirt of yours.

I just laughed at him. This was highly amusing. "Wyatt, I really think you've been playing with the kids a little bit too much," I pointed out. "How about lets not play cops and robbers?"

"Did I tell you, that you could speak," Wyatt shouted still into the whole thing. I shook my head and he squirted me with the water gun, so now that my shirt had a wet line on it.

"Hey!" I said angry.

"Don't talk back to me, now remove your shirt or I will be forced to put you in handcuffs and remove it myself," he demanded. Wyatt was really liking this game. It gave him the chance to be the dominant one, once again, which was really annoying me since he was always the one in control. Why couldn't I ever be in control of it for once.

Reluctantly I took off my shirt, which made Wyatt smile like he's never smiled before. I did not like this game one bit. Now I was bearing my whole upper body while Wyatt was bearing nothing.

"Good, now lay back down on the bed," he said. I was trying to see if he would really squirt me with the water gun again, so I just sat up and didn't move a muscle. I just looked at him funny. "I said lay back down on the bed," he repeated squirting me with the water gun. I didn't want to be squirted again so I did what he told me and laid back down on the bed. "Now that's more like it," he cheered. "I like my fish wet."

Slowly he started to put the gun to his side, and moved towards the bed. He took a look at me up and down before he got on top of me with all his weight. After he felt like he was secure on me, he began devouring my mouth. His tongue went straight in without any fighting, and began his little search warrant on my mouth with his tongue, which caused me to moan a little. I wish all police searches were this easy. Wyatt was really getting into it, but the phone rang. Wyatt tried to get me to ignore it, but I wouldn't.

Wyatt just growled because he was so angry. Every time he was having fun someone seems to interrupt it. "You know we really need to start turning off that phone, if we want to have any fun at all," Wyatt stated. "I swear the next person who calls me while I'm in the middle of having sex, I'm going to fry them," Wyatt gritted through his teeth.

I chuckled at him as I picked up the phone. "You know Wyatt, I think you need to be a little more patient, don't you," I said hitting the talk button.

"No," he said.

I shook my head. "Hello," I answered the phone.

"Hey, Evans, did I call you at a bad time," Chris said.

"No, what makes you say that," I lied. I knew Wyatt wasn't happy about what I said. Maybe if I hadn't said that, we could got back to having our little fun, but I liked to tease Wyatt. This was my way of getting back at him for squirting me with that little water gun. Maybe now he'll think twice before he squirts me with a gun again.

"Oh, I just heard a real frustrated Wyatt in the background," Chris stated.

"Don't pay him any attention," I said. "So what were you calling about?"

"You and Wyatt really need to get over here now!" Chris panicked. This was odd because it the worst times, Chris was never one to panic. There must be something seriously wrong at the manor or something wrong with Piper or the sisters, but I wonder what it is.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"No time to explain, just grab Wyatt and hurry over here," Chris said.

"Alright, we're on our way," I said hanging up the phone. I got off the bed and grabbed my shirt off the ground and put it right back on. Seeing that made Wyatt groan. "Sorry, Wyatt, but Chris says there's something going on and he needs us right now."

"Did he tell you anything?" Wyatt asked.

"No, but he sounded a little panicked," I told him.

"Can't he handle it himself, for maybe like thirty minutes," Wyatt suggested.

"Wyatt, we have plenty of time for this, but Chris might not be so lucky, so make your little hard on go away, and we can get back at this later," I demanded him.

Wyatt shook his head fed up, but did what I told him to do. You can see how much he's changed, because right now we would be arguing, but now he's doing what I ask him to do without any arguments. I'm not controlling him in any way, I'm just telling we have more important things to do right now than to have sex, when we can do that just about any time of the day, even if he wanted to take his lunch break and come over and do that.

We quickly rounded up the kids and got them into the car and headed right to the manor. The whole car ride was pretty quiet. I know Wyatt's probably still mad about the whole thing, but I'll make it up to him. I have a lot of making up to do to him, but it'll all be worth it. When we got to the manor, we could see that no one was downstairs except for the girls.

"Chris! Peter! Aunt Piper! Dad!" I shouted to see if any of them were around. I waited for a minute before I finally got a response.

"Upstairs! Attic!" I heard one of them say. I don't know, who, but I just know it was one of the guys.

I felt it would be quicker if we orbed up there so I grabbed Wyatt's hand and got ready to orb. "Kids, wait here," I said, just in case there was something dangerous in the attic. I assumed it was because Pyra and Pandora were down here. "Be good or else you're grounded," I warned just before I orbed to the attic along with Wyatt. When I got there I saw the whole family standing around the couch. I don't know what was on it that the whole family had to be there. I mean Phoebe, Paige, Peyton, Pagan, Phoenix, Henry Jr., Primrose, and Melinda were all there. I don't know what could have caused everyone to come over like his. "What's going on here?"

"Look," Phoebe said pointing to the couch.

Wyatt and I pushed through the small crowd and looked down at the couch. My jaw dropped for what I saw. I can't believe this. Lying there was Chris, but then I looked up and saw Chris was standing with the crowd, so this must be a different one. I looked down to see that this Chris was dying. He had a stab wound, but somehow he was still breathing.

"Is he a demon," I asked.

"No," Piper said. "This is the Chris that was suppose to have been killed by Gideon and disappeared, but now he's right here in our attic," Piper explained. That's what this was about. I remember hearing about when Chris came to the past to save Wyatt. Heck it was me who sent him to the past in my other life. This is the Chris that must have came to save Wyatt, and I never heard from him again after Wyatt tempted to kill him right after he killed Bianca, but I remembered that he escaped through the portal.

"Has anyone tried to heal him," I asked.

"I tried but he won't heal all the way," Chris said.

I tried to think of what to do then. "Okay then, lets all three of us try together," I said. I was thinking that maybe if we had the power of three trying to heal him it would work.

"Its worth a shot," Wyatt shrugged.

We all knelt down and put our hands over his wounds. I kept hoping that this would work so we could find a way to send him to his real world. I'm sure with him being in our universe its probably messing up the balance right now as we speak. Golden orbs appeared out of all six hands. We waited for a minute and finally the wound started to heal. We all sighed with relief knowing that it was going to be okay. Soon he was healed all the way and we all backed up so he'd have some air.

That Chris just laid there breathing heavily, before he woke up to see some familiar faces standing over him. Wyatt, the other Chris, and I decided to move to the back just in case he would freak out. Standing over him were Phoebe, Piper, Paige, and Leo. He looked at them intently and recognized them as his parents and his aunts.

"Mom," the alternate Chris whispered as he looked into Pipers eyes. Immediately he sat up remembering that last thing that happened was he was trying to protect Wyatt and then Gideon stabbed. "Oh no, mom what happened?"

"You're okay Chris," Piper said rubbing his shoulders.

"Where's Wyatt, is he okay, I mean is he good, what has Gideon done to him," the Chris was panicking.

"Relax, Chris," Piper said calmly. "Leo vanquished Gideon and we were able to save Wyatt," she told him. "Wyatt is fine, and he's good, see for yourself," she said stepping aside to let Wyatt see him.

Wyatt was not happy. He just had to come and heal the guy and now he just had to go up to him to show him that he was good. Slowly Wyatt pushed past his Aunts and his mom to look down at the alternate Chris. He looked exactly the same as the real Chris, except maybe he looked like a year or two older, but thats not much of a difference.

Chris immediately jumped up and got onto the other side of the couch when he saw Wyatt. "Get the fuck away from me Wyatt," alternate Chris hissed like a poisonous snake. He was getting really excited and we really didn't know why he was. We were showing him Wyatt so why was he scared of him. It wasn't like Wyatt was trying to kill him or anything.

I had to think real hard for a moment, and it finally clicked. I stepped in front of Wyatt and pushed him back a little. "Wyatt, look at what you're wearing, and look at how you look," he said.

Wyatt looked himself up and down. Nothing hasn't changed about him. He still has that same old facial hair and hair down to his shoulders, along with his grim reaper outfit. Black shirt and his black leather pants. "So," he shrugged. He didn't see a problem with it. He's been wearing it around the other Chris and he hasn't freaked out once.

"That's the problem," I said. Wyatt and the family still didn't see what I was talking about. "Hello, evil Wyatt use to wear the same thing, so because he doesn't see much of a difference he's freaking out, since he feels as though nothing has changed."

"Oh," they all said.

I turned back to the alternate Chris to see that he was still a little panicked. Actually a little wasn't even half of it. He was hysterical. I would be too if I was killed in one world only to wake up in another, but it happened and there's nothing that I could do about that now. I put my hands up to show him that I wasn't going to hurt him. "Hey Chris, you know that I'm not going to hurt you right," I questioned.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked.

I didn't know what to say. Did he just lose his brain or what. "Chris, you've got to be kidding me," I said. "I'm your brother slash best friend or have you for-. Dammit!" I shouted. I had forgotten all about me telling him to use a spell on himself so he'd forget me and he did. Now he has no memory of me. Now how am I going to get him to trust me now. "Okay there goes that plan."

"What," Wyatt said.

"I forgot a told him to use a spell so he would forget me and now look," I said. "Why did my other self have to be so stupid," I muttered to myself. I started to get close to Chris slower and slower. "Chris no one here is going to hurt you okay," I promised. "Wyatt's not evil anymore and he won't ever hurt you again alright."

I spoke to soon. Next thing I knew a portal opened. It was the same type of one that someone would use to time travel. It was a blue triquerta that I remember going through when I was in the past and seeing alternate Chris go through last time I saw him, but the problem is who could be time traveling, if Chris took the spell with him.

Next thing I saw was to men and a little boy walk out. I couldn't see their faces at first because it was too dark. When it all cleared up, I saw that the two guys who were standing there were me and no doubt in my mind, evil Wyatt. So the guy he had with him was the evil me or alternate me, but one thing that confused me was who was that little boy they had with them. He looked awfully familiar, but I don't remember seeing him in the alternate Universe. Evil Wyatt had his same attire on. His black shirt and black leather pants. The alternate me had on a black shirt and some jeans, and for some reason he was wearing sunglasses. That's peculiar because back in that universe the sun rarely shined.

"Hello little brother," Evil Wyatt smirked.

"What the-," alternate Chris said looking at me and Wyatt then back at our alternate selves. "There's two of you guys," he said. "How's that possible?"

"You see little brother," Evil Wyatt started. "You might have thought you could escape me by taking my time travel spell, but I knew I could catch you and bring you back if you went to an alternated Universe, so here I am and my, my might I add this place looks a mess." Evil Wyatt looked around and noticed that the attic was in a mess. In his time he cleaned it up and turned it into a museum and he hated seeing this. "So if you would just come on we can be making our little trip back to our world."

"Uh uh," alternate Chris shook his head. "Now way am I going back with you," he said.

Evil Wyatt began advancing on alternate Chris. "You seem to be under the impression that you have a choice in this little brother," he gritted through his teeth. This Wyatt was a whole lot more impatient then my Wyatt. If he wanted something he wasn't going to stop till he got it, which was not much different from my Wyatt, but this guy will kill an entire city to get what he wants. "Now I said come on, you're wasting time."

Alternate Chris kept scooting back. It was obvious that he was afraid of evil Wyatt in that time if we didn't already know that. "No way," he said. "Not a snowballs chance in hell."

"Then a snowball must have a chance in hell, because you're coming back," Evil Wyatt growled. He was getting frustrated by the minute. Anyone else who would talk back to him would have been turned into ashes within the next sixty seconds, if they lasted that long. "Now get your ass through that portal!"

"No!" Alt. Chris said firmly.

Wyatt then began walking over to him and finally caught up with him. He grabbed Chris by his hair and began dragging him over to the portal.

I was watching while all of this happened right before my eyes. I could see the whole family was shocked to see what was going on, but I had all that I could take and I wasn't about to let my best friend or my alternate self's best friend go back to that hell hole. Part of me doesn't understand why my alternate self is just standing there and not saying anything.

"Hey let him go!" I shouted. I know this was a big risk. Evil Wyatt could probably blow me up right now, but I wasn't just going to let him come here and take Chris without a fight.

He stopped to look at me and smirked. "Well, well look at what we have here," he taunted. "Chrissy, baby that looks just like you," he said turning to my alternate. "Can't believe this guy thinks he can stand up to me," he laughed. Then he turned to look at my Wyatt. "Wow, and I look exactly the same. I don't know why Christopher thought he could change me because look at this, I'm still the same old Wyatt."

"FYI, he's nothing like you," I interrupted. "He's good, unlike you, ya bastard."

"Yeah, whatever, I must be going so come along Chrissy," Evil Wyatt said as he continued to drag his little brother through, but just as he was about to walk through the portal it all of a sudden just shut. "What the hell," he said angry. He waved his hand over the portal hoping that it would open again, but nothing happened. He did it again and again, and shook his fist when it still wouldn't open. "What the fuck is wrong with this portal," he said.

"Watch you're language young man," Piper scolded.

Evil Wyatt then turned back and looked at Piper. "Mom the last time you thought you could tell me to do something, you got yourself killed so I'd shut up if I were you."

"Hey don't talk to my mom that way," Wyatt shouted at his evil self.

Evil Wyatt then looked at good Wyatt and smirked at him. That smirk was killing me though I've seen it a thousand times. "So you are me if I turned good. I must say, I'm highly disappointed. I thought someone like me with good powers would have taken over the whole universe."

"Well sorry that I have a family that I have to look after, so I don't have time to take over the world," Wyatt said back to his evil self. He hated this guy almost as much as I did for the world I had to live in because of him.

"So do I, which I almost forgot to mention to my little brother here," E Wyatt said turning down to Alt. Chris. "Did I tell you that you're an uncle and an uncle soon to be."

"What are you talking about?" Alt. Chris asked.

"You didn't tell him?" E Wyatt questioned Alt. Evans. "When you left your brother, he was pregnant."

"Evans is this true," Alt. Chris asked.

Evans nodded in shame.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew that if you knew I was pregnant you wouldn't go back and change the whole past," Evans replied.

Evil Wyatt chuckled as the whole conversation took place. "Meet your nephew little brother," he said gesturing towards the little boy they brought back with them. "Wyatt Matthew Jr.," he smiled. The boy looked to be about five years old.

I can't believe that time still went on even after this Chris worked to fix ours. The alternate me must have continued to be abused by evil Wyatt and had that baby of his. I'm sure these past five years have probably been hell for him and that child. There's no telling what Wyatt's done in that time. Now he says that Evans is pregnant again. I can't believe Wyatt's doing this to someone that he says he loves, but he's evil.

"You're sick you know that," I said.

"You're just jealous because you don't have any kids," Evil Wyatt replied.

"As a matter of fact I have six," I bragged.

"You're kidding me," Evil Wyatt grunted.

"Nope he's not," Wyatt said.

Evil Wyatt then smiled again and pulled his Evans closer to him. "I'm not worried, I'm sure we'll have a bigger family in time," he said. "Ain't that right my little Chrissy," he whispered in Evan's ear. I can recall from being in that time that Wyatt always liked to tease Evan's but there wasn't much that Evans could do about it since Wyatt had bounded his powers. I'm wondering if he still has his powers bound.

Evans was really tired of Wyatt right now. He's put up with him for a long time. "Whatever, you asshole just get the hell off of me," Evans said pushing Evil Wyatt off of him. He hated Wyatt's touch and he really hated being anywhere near Wyatt. That's why he was always happy when Wyatt would have his long meetings about how he was going to take over the whole planet.

Wyatt retaliated in anger and backhanded Evans so hard it left a big mark on his face. Evans has really never pushed him away like that or talked to him like that without being punished and Wyatt wasn't about to start letting him get away with it now. He had to show everyone that he was in control of Evans. "Is that anyway to treat your lover," Wyatt whispered in his ear, but it was loud enough so that everyone could hear him.

"Lover?" Wyatt questioned

"Yeah lover," Evil Wyatt said firmly. "Isn't he your lover?"

"No, to tell you the truth, he's my husband or have you two not gotten married in your time," Wyatt asked.

Evil Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders. "Who needs marriage when you can just fuck him mindlessly and make him have your kids without a document that says so?"

"You're sick," I seethed through my teeth. That right there was saying that he had no love for Evans, he was just using him as a fuck toy, but from being back in that time I knew it wasn't true. Plus my empath power told me he did in fact love him, but I don't get why he treats him that way.

"You know," Evil Wyatt said towards Good Wyatt. "How do you put up with him talking back like that, I mean doesn't he get pretty annoying sometimes?"

'The real question is how do I put up with you' Evans thought to himself. Wyatt has been torchering him for years now and Evans is pretty much fed up with it and is tired of all the abuse. If he had his powers he would send him into the wall right now and take his kid with him and leave. That's if only he had his powers, but Wyatt does so theres not much he could do.

"Now look at you," Evil Wyatt hissed to his lover. "I bring you here only because I don't trust you not to act crazy in the other world while I'm not there and now look at how you're acting," he said.

"Could you please stop invading my mind," Evans cried.

"No," Wyatt said sitting on the couch that alt. Chris just got off of. "I'll invade your mind if I want and when I want to, understand?" He frowned. This was really not the time to make him angry, but Evans was really going for the big one since right now he didn't care.

"Whatever," Evans rolled his eyes.

Evil Wyatt just buried his hands into his face. "Why do you always have to cause me such trouble?"

"What are you talking about?" Evans replied angrily. "I haven't done much to cause you trouble ever since I help Chris out, and ever since then I've been your loyal lap dog doing whatever you wanted," Evans told, which put a whole new look on things.

"Well you know what? I like you better when you act that way because at least you don't talk back or give any lip," E Wyatt said. He then grabbed Evans and pulled him onto his lap. "I think you need a little reminder of what your place is," he gritted.

Evans tried to struggle but Wyatt had him secured. "How about you let me go?"

Wyatt suddenly slapped him for talking back. "Shut up!" Wyatt shouted at him.

Evans was scared to move a muscle. He now knew that Wyatt was serious and he's only seen Wyatt use that kind of tone a few times, and Evans has tried talking back to him when he did, but then Wyatt made sure that he paid for that. The last thing that he wanted to happen was for Wyatt to punish him right in front of everyone, which he knew Wyatt wasn't afraid to do.

Everyone in the room was surprised to see Evans just sit there after Evil Wyatt had just slapped him. I wasn't though. I knew exactly how evil Wyatt was and I wasn't going to let him do the other me like that. At least not while he's here. When they go back to their time there's really nothing I could do about it.

Right now I just wanted to take care of what was happening now. "Hey let go of him right now!" I demanded. That probably won't do much good since Evil Wyatt listens to no one but its worth a shot.

Evil Wyatt looked up and glared right at me saying, "oh and give me one good reason why I should?"

I was so angry right now I don't know what came over me. I just squinted my eyes, sending evil Wyatt flying right back to the wall. It might not have accomplished much. As a matter of fact it might have just made things worse, but at least he let go of Evans.

Evil Wyatt got up and growled. "So that's how you want to play it," he said as he started to advance towards me. I knew he was about to do something that he would do to his Chris, so I was scared. I'm sure if I used my powers against him right now, he'd probably make it worse knowing him. I will never forget how bad he was in the alternate universe.

Just before he could get within 10 ft of me, good Wyatt stepped right in front of me and blocked evil Wyatt from me. "You touch my Chris, and I don't care how bad it messes up the balance, but I will kill you, got it?!"

"What makes you think I'm afraid of you?" Evil Wyatt said.

"Trust me," Wyatt warned. "You don't want to make me angry, because I can be twice as bad as you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah," Wyatt said firmly.

"Boys," Piper said stepping between them. "There is not time for this," she stated. "Right now we have to work on getting you guys back to your time and until we do, you all are just going to have to deal with each other."

"Fine with me," Evil Wyatt said.

"Good," Piper said.

Evil Wyatt then walked over to Evans and pulled him up to his side. "I need some relief so where's our bedroom and then we can go onto dinner."

"You better not be talking about doing something to Evans," I said.

"I can if I want to," he smirked. "And by the way, yes I was, so where's our bedroom so I can seriously let out something that I've been holding in the whole trip over here."

Everyone quickly got what Wyatt was talking about. If you didn't then he was talking about how he had a hard on and he want to let out some cum. I can't believe he's that sick right now to want to force Evans into doing something like that. He's as evil as they come.

"You're crazy, now let him go," I yelled.

"Fine, if you won't show us to our room then I guess I'll have to take this elsewhere for now," Wyatt said grabbing onto Evan's wrist. "Come on Chrissy, lets go," he said.

"No! I'm not going anywhere," Evans protested.

Wyatt was really getting impatient with Evans disobeying him. This is why he keeps him locked away a lot because as soon as Evans get an ounce of freedom he starts thinking that he can disobey him, and every time Wyatt has to put him back in check though he never got tired of doing that. Wyatt conjured up a collar and a chain leash and quickly latched them both onto Evan's neck.

"You will do as I tell you," he said yanking on the chain and dragging Evans wherever he went. "I'll be right back," he said shimmering out along with Evans. They reappeared in the Underworld. One thing Evil Wyatt knew is that no one in the family could sense where he was at if he was in the Underworld and he knew this was a private spot that no demon would dare to come. This is where he would take Evans, if he wanted it to be somewhere hot and he could sweat while he was screwing Evans mindlessly. He kept yanking on Evans chain, making him go wherever he wanted to. This wasn't the first time he's made Evans wear a collar and a chain like he was a dog. Wyatt yanked on the chain and forced Evans closer to him that their bodies were almost touching. "Now as I said, I'm going to need some help down there, Chrissy," he said looking at his hard on. "And I'm sure you're probably hungry so.."

"Ha ha ha...No way, now let me go," Evans struggled against the chain.

Wyatt then yanked on the chain so hard that Evans felt his throat constricted and he almost couldn't breath. He fell to his knees, and his knee caps hit the ground so hard that he cried out in pain and quickly Wyatt pressed his fingers into his jaw to force him to keep it open. Evans couldn't close it if he tried, but he struggled against Wyatt's fingers until he did, but Wyatt always knew Evans' pressure point. He made Evans squirm and with one hand he held his hair and the other he used his hand to keep his mouth open.

The Source used Evans' power and squinted at his zipper opening it up, and out came his big manhood. "You know what to do, so do it," he demanded.

Evans thought that if he did this then maybe Wyatt would leave him alone for the rest of the night. That was a big 'maybe'. He could hope that he would. It wasn't any harm in that. Closing his eyes because he was so disgusted he licked the head of Wyatt's cock leaving his saliva all over his pulsating flesh. His tongue darted down the shaft and suddenly engulfed Wyatt's manhood in his mouth, sucking on it for all he was worth and easing it forward, letting it slip down his throat. Wyatt was fully into Evans and began fucking his lovers throat, never letting the head out of the back of Evans' throat. It just felt too good.

"Ooooh yeah....I swear you just get better and better at this everyday Evans," he moaned, throwing his head back never once releasing his grips on Evans' throat. It was all Evans' could do to keep from gagging on his lover's throbbing meat as his hips pistoled a pulsating cock in and out of his throat.

Wyatt closed his eyes as Evans sped up his strokes, sensing Wyatt's climax approaching. Images of Evans bound and kneeling on the ground of the Underworld instead of just him kneeling were going through Wyatt's head until the very last second when cum burst into Evans' throat, half drowning his lover with the volume of it. Evans swallowed it all knowing how his lover liked it. He didn't even look up to see if Wyatt was satisfied, he just sucked every last drop of cum, swallowing it all.

"That's better," Wyatt smirked as he put his manhood back into his leather pants. He just stared at Evans for awhile, admiring his beauty. He was so fucking hot. Wyatt knew he couldn't stop here. He was going to have to take it all the way.

He conjured up a chair and sat in it. Then he waved his hand orbing all of Evans' clothes off making him stand there in all his glory. So much for Evan's theory of thinking that if he gave Wyatt his blow job that he would leave him alone

Wyatt just stayed in the chair and looked over Evans once more before he yanked the chain, choking Evans, and dragged him onto his lap. Evans was sitting so he was facing the opposite way of Wyatt. He had to now look over Wyatt's shoulder and not know what was being done, though he probably could predict it.

"Sorry baby, but when you have to do it, you just have to do it," he whispered into Evan's ear as he unzipped his leather pants for the second time of the day.

A monster cock came out of the hole and Evans nearly fainted when he felt it rubbing up against his backside. Wyatt was usually ten inches, but now his cock was about fifteen or sixteen inches and twice as wide as it usually was. This wasn't good. Wyatt must have used a spell to enhance his dick even larger. Evans knew he was in trouble now.

The only reasons why Wyatt has done this was to punish Evans for disobeying him, but Evans didn't think he had disobeyed Wyatt enough to deserve this. There was only two times when he's used this and that was when he helped Chris escape and then when he was going through the Book of Shadows without Wyatt's permission.

Precum was already dripping from the head of that monster cock and Evans just knew Wyatt was about to fuck him with it. Oh no. Evans knew he would never survive having something that big in him again. It was going to split him in two. Why was Wyatt doing this to him? Evans' heart started to beat extremely fast and he gulped shaking his head and begging Wyatt not to do it. What has made him go off like this? Evans had to hold back his tears at the idea of how much this was going to hurt him and how much Wyatt would be violating him. Wyatt grinned evilly, gripping his lovers biceps with his fingers like steel talons, thinking of how this was going to ensure Evans cooperation. Evans squeezed his eyes shut as Wyatt lifted him and placed the enormous head in his entrance.

Evans tried to plead with Wyatt one last time, but it wasn't working. Wyatt started edging his huge erection into his lover a tiny bit at a time. Evans gridded his teeth together to stop himself from screaming and giving Wyatt the satisfaction. He could already feel blood in him and Wyatt wasn't even half way in yet. Because it was more wide it was harder to take in.

It hurt so bad that Evans finally gave in and screamed out in pain, that quickly turned into agony as Wyatt slid in the rest of the dick without any warning

Evans wanted to be sick, it hurt so much. He could already feel himself bleeding inside and screwed his eyes shut, silent sobs coming out of his body as Wyatt began to tortuously fuck him.

He started to whisper some words to Evans, but Evans couldn't hear, because he just passed out. All he wished is that Wyatt would just hurry up and pull out of him, and stop it right now. He could barely move with all the pain. All he could do was groan as Wyatt moaned with pleasure and lust, slowly pumping in and out of his lover.

Evans didn't even know how long Wyatt had been fucking him. He was sure he passed out at some point. He could just feel Wyatt crying out in pleasure, and with a quick sharp pain that would have hurt less if it had been done with a knife. Wyatt soon came, and came. The Halliwell shot thirty times throwing his head back and screaming to the sky.

Wyatt finally pulled out of Evans' ass and it welcomed the nice breeze of air. Wyatt set Evans down on the ground on his side as blood and cum was flowing out of his lovers ass, the hole stretched out beyond repair. Wyatt's cock finally shrunk back down to its normal size.

Evans was crying into the ground, full of sobs that made Wyatt feel a little guilty. He really didn't want to hurt Evans to that point. He just wanted to teach him a lesson in respect. Giving mercy to his lover and his swollen and bleeding hole, Wyatt quickly healed him and took off the collar and the chained leash that he had on him. He was about to shimmer back to the manor, but he remembered that he couldn't bring naked Evans back so he had to wave his hands and conjure his clothes back on him. He then pulled Evans up so that he was now laying against his shoulder. He knew that Evans couldn't even stand up, and wasn't going to be able to for at least a few minutes. He then orbed out and back to the manor.

Back at the manor the whole family was sitting in the attic waiting for evil Wyatt to return with Evans. I made sure to tell my Wyatt to take the kids to magic school along with Chris' so they'd be safe. Its not that I'm scared that Evil Wyatt would harm my kids, but you never can be too careful. It was getting real late, so Phoebe and her family decided to go home, and so did Paige and her family. Piper told them that she could take it from here. I just hope we can though Evil Wyatt shouldn't be more powerful than Good Wyatt even though he might have Evans' powers, but Wyatt has me right here to back him up if he needs to plus he also has Chris. While we waited we decided that we would look in the Book of Shadows to see if we could find a spell that might make Alt. Chris get his memories back. Maybe if he could get his memory back then he'd be more likely to trust me. Right now Chris was over there talking to him about things that he might remember while Wyatt was downstairs helping Piper cook, as we waited for evil Wyatt to come back.

"I found one!" I shouted.

"Found what? Evil Wyatt and Evans," Chris asked.

"No, I found a spell that can give him his memories back," I said.

"Okay, well try it," Chris said as he moved away from Alt. Chris.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself. "'The memories of this witch do not hide, reveal to him what was lost inside,'" I chanted.

There was orbs of white lights that surrounded Alt. Chris for awhile. His eyes were shut as he started to remember everything. When he looked up the first person he saw was me. "Evans," he muttered. I smiled and nodded at him. There was moment of of silence, but then he quickly ran up to me and hugged me so tight that he picked me up in the air. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you're here," he said excitedly.

"Yeah I won't be if you don't stop hugging me," I said with my voice sounding real tight. I hated being hugged that hard. Good thing though, I wasn't pregnant so I didn't have to worry about anything hurting my baby.

"Oh," Alt Chris said as he let me down. "Sorry," he apologized. He smiled and looked around the room again and this time he caught sight of the real Chris. "Evans look out doppelganger!" he shouted as he pushed me onto the ground. He then conjured an energy ball and sent it directly at Chris.

Chris was too shocked he couldn't moved. It was all happening to quick. I knew I had to think quick. "ENERGY BALL" I shouted causing the energy ball to quickly become orbs. I then redirected it out side breaking a window. I know Piper is going to kill me for that.

To make things worse Wyatt walked in cleaning his hands with a towel. Piper had obviously been making him do some work in the kitchen. "Okay guys, dinner is ready and I hope that Chris is..."

"Wyatt," Alt Chris muttered. He then began to back away. "You're still evil," he said. He was now scared for his life. There was a doppelganger on one side of him and then Evil Wyatt on the other.

I quickly got off the ground and ran towards him. "Chris calm down alright," I said. "Now look you're not where you think you are okay?" I replied calmly since I know that's probably best. To tell him something like this in a panicky mode would not be good especially with the state he is in right now. "Wyatt is not evil and that's the real Chris," I pointed out. "You're well sore of from an Alternate Universe."

"What do you mean," he panted.

"Well um-,"

I was about to talk, but then someone had to come ruin it. Right when I was about to explain Evil Wyatt shimmered in along with Evans on his shoulder. I could see that he really must have hurt Evans, because he wasn't standing on his own to feet. He was leaning on Wyatt like he was handicapped. I don't even want to know what Wyatt did to him right now. Its dinner time and I'd rather hear about this after dinner.

"Go get yourself cleaned up before dinner," Evil Wyatt demanded and he let Evans fall to the ground knowing he could barely stand up. He looked around the room to see his little brother staring at him in shock. "Ah, little brother, I can see that you still look as if you've seen a ghost. I can't help, but wonder if you'll ever know what's going on," Wyatt taunted.

"Wyatt you sick bastard what did you do to him," I hissed as I ran over to Evans' aid to see him unable to stand up.

"What?" Evil Wyatt shrugged. "He knows what happens to him when he defies me," Wyatt said.

"Oh my goodness I remember," Alt Chris said. "This isn't the first time you've done this to him," he pointed out, which we already knew. "You did the exact same thing when he helped me escape back to the past," he remembered. "You're such a sick bastard. I don't know how you can be a brother of mine, because no one in my family would pull such a sick, domestic, trick like this."

"Well what can I say," Evil Wyatt shrugged like it was no big deal. To tell the truth it really wasn't to him since he has done this like a million times and has had no remorse for it once. Who would have thought that someone born of a Charmed One could become that evil whether it was over power or not. "So what's for dinner," he asked as he pushed right past Wyatt and went downstairs.

I shook my head angrily. "Hey you alright," I asked Evans.

"I'm fine," Evans said weakly as he slowly got up. "Trust me, this isn't the worst he's done."

"I know," I said from experience. He probably doesn't know that I lived in his life for a few weeks. If it had been any longer I probably would have killed evil Wyatt somehow or someway. "Do you think you'll be able to walk," I asked even though he was walking already.

"Yeah," he muttered. "You guys might want to go downstairs and make sure he doesn't eat up everything in the kitchen, because trust me he can."

"Don't worry we know," Chris smiled.


"There's not much different between your Wyatt and ours," Chris explained. "Wyatt over here would usually be the one who eats most of the food unless, Evans over there is pregnant."

"Shut up!" Wyatt and I said together.

"Don't pay Chris any attention," I said. "Come on, lets get you showered off and change you into some new clothes." Right now he looked a mess with his cloths all messed up and everything and I'm sure if Wyatt just did what I think he did then he's definitely going to need a shower. At least that's if he wants to because I don't want to force anything on him like evil Wyatt would do. Thats just plain wrong.

Evans nodded and followed behind me. He wasn't use to such nice generosity, so he felt he might as well enjoy it while he can, because once they get back to their time there won't be any of that. Evans followed me back to my old run, which is now the guest room. It was the room that I would stay in before I moved into the same room as Wyatt which was a long time ago, but if we did get into arguments at the manor I would come stay in this room. Evans had the same memory except he had to leave his room when he was sixteen because of the whole thing that happened with the Charmed Ones, and Wyatt killing them off. He can remember it like it was yesterday.

I pulled out some of my old clothes that I never wear anymore. I knew they could probably fit him since he's my exact same size and height. "So here's a towel, and here are some clothes that you can change into when you get out of the shower," I told him as I threw both of them onto the bed.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"You're welcome," I said. I then noticed something strange. He hasn't taken off those sunglasses ever since he got here. It was like 7:00 pm, and there wasn't no sun out so I wonder why he had them on. "You know you can take off those sunglasses now."

"Oh that's okay," he was quick to say. It was like he was hiding something, which I don't know what it could be since it was behind some sunglasses. "I think I would just like to keep them on."

I wasn't going to take no for an answer though. I wanted to see what he was trying to hide. "Come on now, don't be silly," I responded back. "Take those glasses off," I demanded. "I know you want to."

"No," he said even quicker this time.

"Come on," I replied as I started coming towards him. He still refused to take of those glasses and I knew he only way those things where coming off were if I took them off. I would have used magic, but that would have been an unfair advantage since Wyatt has taken his powers. I went right towards him and him and I began to struggle against each other. It was a little playful, but what can I say. It wasn't like we were having sex. That would be sick. Him and I fought for a little while trying to get the glasses, till we finally fell on the bed. We rolled around there for awhile before I was finally able to get on top of him and pin him there. That allowed me to take his sunglasses off from his eyes. When I took them off, I quickly moved back. Evans had a black eye. That's what he was hiding. I knew Wyatt must have done that back to him in the other time, because he walked through the portal wearing those glasses, so he didn't just do it. "Evans," I whispered.

"Its nothing," he sighed.

"What happened," I asked. I knew Wyatt was abusive, but he's gotten worse within the past few years. He might have done stuff like backhanded me and that's as far as he would go, but now. He must have done that with his fist or some hard object that was sure to leave a bruise.

"It was my fault," he said simply.

"How," I questioned.

He took a deep breath. By the looks he really didn't want to tell me this, but he knows from his own personality that I won't stop asking until he finally tells me what happened. "I didn't have dinner ready on time like he wanted so that was my punishment," he explained.

Things were pretty hard for him in his time. Wyatt had gotten a whole lot move evil as if he couldn't get worse already. It was Evans job to keep the house clean, take care of Wyatt Matthew Jr., have dinner ready when he comes home, and to make it worse, look appealing to Wyatt everyday. That would mean he'd have to take a bath with the special soaps that Wyatt told him to use, and everything. If that wasn't a harsh life then I don't know what was. If Evans did one thing wrong or if there was one tiny mistake that Wyatt didn't like, Wyatt would beat him and sometimes even rape him. With Chris there anymore or even Bianca for that matter, Evans just gave up on his life. He had no one else to live for except for Wyatt Matthew Jr. and that was it. He made Wyatt promise him that he wouldn't do any of his abuse in front of him. Evans didn't want his son knowing what happens to him when he's not around. The last thing he wanted was his son growing up witnessing it and then growing up and becoming that same exact evil source that Wyatt was, but knowing how Wyatt was, he was going to make sure that his son took over for him and was just like him, but Evans was going to do all he could, which wasn't much, to make sure that Wyatt Jr. was different. Now that he's pregnant with another child, which wasn't expected things have just gotten worse. Wyatt put a spell on him to make sure that the baby would be okay through all the abuse. Wyatt might be the source of all evil, but he doesn't want anything happening to his children. They were the ones who were going to take over for him once he couldn't do it anymore. So he had to be sure they were safe.

"Look at me Evans," I said grabbing his shoulders and shaking him a bit. "This wasn't your fault," I told him. "Wyatt shouldn't be hitting you like that do you hear me?" He nodded, but he didn't agree. I know Wyatt has put some stuff into his head that makes him think low of himself. I tried to put my hand up to heal it, but Evans quickly pushed it off. "What's wrong?"

"Don't heal me," he begged. "Wyatt has to do it," he stated. "If Wyatt sees that anyone else has healed my wounds besides him then he will make new ones that are worse than the ones I already have."

"Hey," I protested. "As long as you're here, I won't let him do anything to you okay," I said. "Neither will my Wyatt, nor your Chris, my Chris, Piper, or Leo will let him."

"Why are you being so nice to me," he questioned.

"Because believe it or not, I did go to your universe, where you lived, so I know how you feel," I told him. I then lifted my hand and healed his black eye.

"Thanks," he said smiling for the first time since he's gotten there.

"No problem," I said.

"I better get showered down and to dinner, before both our Wyatt's eat up everything," he joked. Both him and I laughed together at it knowing how true it was with both our husbands or lover for Evans since his Wyatt didn't believe in marriage.

"Yeah," I replied. "See you downstairs," I told him. With that said I began to walk out of the room, but something told me to turn around and look back. When I turned around I could see that Evans already had his shirt off, but his back was facing me. On his back were some red slash marks that went all the way down to his back. "Evans," I whispered, and he looked back at me. "How did that happen," I said.

"How did what happen," he asked.

"How did you get those marks on your back," I asked him. I knew they must have come from Wyatt, but I just wanted to know how he did that. I know he couldn't have done that with his fist.

"Well uhh...." he tried to avoid the question and lie, but he knew I was an empath and I could go into his head to find the truth. "That was my punishment for not having the house cleaned," he said. "Only instead of punching me in the eye, he took off his belt and hit me with it."

It took every last restraint in me to keep from going downstairs and kicking that Wyatt's ass. Evans wasn't a child. As a matter of fact he was older than Wyatt. It might have only been by a few months but he was still older and he didn't deserved to be treated like that. It made me think about the one time Wyatt hit me. I know Wyatt would never do it again, but it was just how much I complained about getting hit that one time, and Evans here has been hit a thousand times. Sometimes for stuff that he shouldn't have to do. I just walked over and healed it like I did with the black eye.

"Evans," I said. "You can't just keep living like that," I stated.

"Well what else can I do," he asked.

"You can leave," I suggested.

"Oh yeah, and where am I going to go," he said. "Every place in San Francisco is destroyed and even if they weren't Wyatt isn't going to let me go anywhere," he stated, which is true. Wyatt was sore of like that when I left him, but he wasn't crazy enough to hurt me. "You see what Wyatt is capable of if I even thought about doing anything against him."

"Well you're going to have to fight then," I told him.

"How huh? I don't have my powers or anything," he said. "You know that Wyatt has taken my powers."

"You still have one power that Wyatt doesn't know about," I reminded him.

Evans was shocked. "You know?"

"Hello, I've lived your life for a few weeks," I said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," he chuckled. "But you know what will happen if I try to use that power against Wyatt. It won't be hard for him to strip me of that one too, and this is my only power I have to defend myself against other demons."

"Well if you don't use it then whats the point," I waited for a response, but he said nothing. "That's what I thought." I then heard Wyatt calling my name, so I knew I had to go. "We'll finish this another time, but remember what I said," I reminded him as I left the room.

Evans continued undressing himself until he was just in a towel. As he did he was thinking about what I told him. Maybe I was right. Maybe he had been taking too much from Wyatt and it was time to stop, but that got back to his other question. How would he be able to overcome Wyatt. No one could. There wasn't a demon or witch alive that had enough power to take Wyatt. Even if he had his powers, Wyatt would probably still be more powerful, but if he had Chris with him then maybe he could stand a chance. That's probably why Wyatt never aloud him and Chris to be around each other, because he knew that they were Charmed Ones and maybe together they could over come him, but they would need to get Evans his powers back.

Evans walked into the bathroom. He hadn't remembered seeing a bathroom like this ever since he lived in the Halliwell manor. Wyatt had him living in a mansion with a bathroom that was way bigger than this, but Evans would rather have a bathroom like this and live like this, with his family then to have a mansion and live an abusive life with Wyatt. He turned on the water. At least now he could use hot water and it won't hurt like hell, because of the scratches and stuff he always had on. Once he felt the water was warm enough he took off his towel and got into the shower.

It felt so good to let the warm water run down his skin. He can't remember the last time it felt this good to take a shower, but he just wishes that it would never end. Next thing he knew he heard the bathroom door open. At first he thought it was me to see if he was alright. "Hey don't worry I'm fine," he shouted through the bathroom door. He couldn't see who it was through the shower so he figured that since I heard him that I just might leave, so he went right back to bathing.

The last thing he expected was for the shower door to open up and for Evil Wyatt to be standing right there. "Oh I knew you were okay, but I thought I'd come in anyway," he smirked.

Evans quickly froze up. He thought he was downstairs with the rest of the family. Could he have anytime alone without Wyatt coming in and invading. "Wyatt what the fuck are you doing in here!" He shouted. This was probably going to get him in trouble. He's never sweared at Wyatt before, but he remembered what I said and thought it was time for him to stand up for himself. "GET OUT!" He shouted.

"Now, now," Wyatt taunted. "Is that any way to talk to me," he said.

"I don't care if its a way to talk to you or not get the fuck out right now," Evans repeated even louder this time. He has had enough of Wyatt and he's not letting him push him around anymore.

"No," Wyatt said firmly. "I want to watch, and maybe join in," he added raising his eyebrows and smirking at Evans.

"Well you won't be doing that today," Evans replied angrily. "Now I said get the fuck out!" He shouted as he pushed Wyatt away from the door. He did not know what came over him. Never in the many years that he's been with Wyatt has he ever had the strength to push him, except that one time he tried to kill Wyatt with an athame, but Wyatt made sure that he paid for that.

Wyatt was pissed off now. He wasn't about to let Evans start defying him now. He was going to have to teach him a lesson in respect. Wyatt stepped right back up to the shower and pushed Evans all the way back up against the wall. He held him there using his power of telekinesis. Then he turned the water all the way up to the hottest temperature and watched as Evans stayed there and screamed in pain, as his skin started to burn. The whole time Evans was screaming Wyatt was chuckling to himself. This was to ensure that Evans knows that he is not to go against anything that Wyatt wants.

I was downstairs helping Piper set up the kitchen when I heard screaming. It sounded a lot like me, so it must have been Evans. I looked at Piper and she nodded saying that it was okay for me to go upstairs. I knew that Evans must have been in really big trouble so I orbed up there instead of running. When I got up there I saw Wyatt holding Evans in the shower, while hot water was touching his body. I don't know how someone could be such a monster to do that. Wyatt was having so much fun that he didn't even notice that I came in.

"What is going on in here," I asked with my arms crossed on my chest. I had a frown on my face that would make any demon think twice about trying me because right now if I could, I would just blow Wyatt up with a force wave, but I know that it will mess up the balance between all the Alternate Universes, and that won't be good for ours.

Wyatt looked back at me for a second and then went right back to torchering Evans. "But out unless you want to join him," he threatened.

"Get out Wyatt," I said in a warning tone. "Now," I said firmly

"Or else what," he said.

I began advancing towards him. "Trust me Wyatt, Evans might take it from you, but I promise you, that I'm a whole lot worse than you think. If you thought our little incident in the attic was bad, I can tell you that was nothing compared to what else I can do."

"Whatever, I'm going downstairs to see whats for dinner," he shrugged turning off the water and walking out of the room like nothing happened.

Evans was just left there crying. I don't know how someone could just do what Wyatt did and act like that was nothing. If he was still right there I'd use my empath power to make him feel the pain he was giving to Evans, though it might kill him sense evil can't take human emotions. If you were to call Wyatt human, but I don't. He's just pure evil to me. I went right over to Evans and handed him his towel. I'm sure he doesn't like baring it all in front of himself though I look at it every single day. As soon as he covered himself up I began to heal up his burns. There was a lot of them so it took longer.

"You okay Evans," I asked worriedly.

"Yes," he said still crying.

I helped him out of the shower and sat him down so he could calm down. "What made him go off this time?"

"He wanted to watch me shower and I told him 'no' so he thought he'd torcher me," Evans explained. "You see this is why I can't stand up for myself," he stated. "He does things like this to me."

"You did right okay," I told him. "If you had let him get away with it he would have continued to do this to you more and more, until you just wouldn't be able to take it."

"I don't see the point in this," Evans said back. "He still is going to come in the shower when I'm in there and torcher me, so what did that accomplish," he questioned.

"It proves that you can stand up for yourself," I informed. "If you couldn't then you would have just let Wyatt take advantage of you like he always does, but this time you at least stood up for yourself and that's the way it has to be from now on if you want Wyatt to stop hurting you."

"I wish I did just let him take advantage of me like always, because then I wouldn't have to go through all of that again," he said. For all of his life, Evans has never been the person to defend himself. He's always been the one who's been pushed around and treated like crap, by just about everyone. Though no demon would ever do that to him. All demons treated him like royalty or else they would have to answer to Wyatt. None of them would even think about hurting Evans for any reason what so ever. When it came to punishment, Wyatt had to be the one to do it himself. If anyone or anything had hurt Evans, then they would suffer the wrath of the Source. He would torcher them so badly that they would be begging him to kill them. At least that's one thing Evil Wyatt did that showed he cared about Evans.

"Don't ever wish that on yourself okay," I said soothingly. "You might not be the best guy in the world but no one deserves that kind of treatment okay?" Evans just nodded. "Do you think you'll be okay enough to come downstairs for dinner," I asked. Knowing him I don't know how good he's feeling, but I know from experience, if I was like this I wouldn't want to be around anyone right now.

"No," he muttered. "I don't think I can come down," he said. "I just want to be alone right now," he stated. "No offense to you or your family its just, I don't feel well right now."

"Its okay, none taken," I said. "I know how you feel, I've been in your shoes before." I then got up and helped him up too. I'm sure he'd probably want to get some sleep or at least some time away from evil Wyatt. "So do you want to stay in the manor or do you want to stay somewhere else away from Wyatt?"

"I think I can handle Wyatt," he said a little scared.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Okay then," I said as I began to leave the bathroom. I turned back at him one last time saying, "if you need anything just call my name, even if its like at one in the morning," I said. "Wyatt and I'll be staying over to help you guys out, so I'll just be in the room next door."

"Thanks," he said very thankfully

"No problem, just get some sleep and we'll work on getting you guys back to your time in the morning alright," I told him. They had to get back to their universe as soon as possible. We couldn't have things messing up the Universe or else it could risk magic being exposed, and that could lead to dire consequences. That's something that got my mom killed and I don't want to lose anyone important to me like that again. With all that said, I left and went back downstairs to dinner, which I knew was going to be great from the smell of things

Evans, having decided he wanted to get some sleep, went back to the bedroom. It was nice and quiet and Evans couldn't remember the last time he had some quiet, being a parent now and all. At least he won't have to worry about anything until he gets back to his time. Really he doesn't want to go back to his time. He feels as though he has a good place here. Its like Evil Wyatt can't harm him as much if I'm around and then he has his best friend Chris around after not seeing him for another five years, so why would he go back. That's right, the whole balance of the Universe. Evans would rather live his life with magic exposed. Really there wouldn't be a difference since Wyatt now practices magic freely without caring about the consequences, because he's mostly killed off all magical beings as we speak, including the elders. No, that would be selfish of Evans just to think about himself and stay here. As much as he doesn't want to go back he knows he has to because he doesn't want our lives to be effected no matter how bad his life is.

Evans slipped on some boxers and a wife beater that I gave him for some clothes, but he figured he would just wear that to bed instead of bothering me. Even though he knew he could come get me anytime he needed, he just didn't want to seem like a needy person who has to have everything done for him. He looked at the time to see that it was eight. It was a little early for him to be going to sleep, but right now he just couldn't think of doing anything else, because of the day he's had.

When Evans opened up his eyes, standing over him was the man he deeply despised right now. Evil Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. Evans looked over at the clock to see that it was only 9:00 pm, so he must have been sleep for just an hour, and Wyatt must have eaten fast and came straight upstairs to torcher him some more. Why couldn't Wyatt just leave him alone. If Evans could have just one day without Wyatt around he'd be the happiest man alive in his Universe, though there aren't many happy men in his Universe.

"I said wake up!" Wyatt shouted as he hurled a low voltage energy balls at Evans while he was still in the bed.

Evans was just so freaked it knocked him out of bed. Thank goodness it missed him though. He just laid there panting until he saw Wyatt come stand right back over him again only he could see more of him since he was on the ground. "What the fuck you bastard," Evans hissed at the father of his first son.

"And hello to you to lover," Wyatt smirked as he bent over and talked to Evans.

"What the fuck do you want Wyatt," Evans said as he laid there defenseless against the Source.

"I grow tired of you resisting me, Evans," Wyatt said as he grabbed one of Evans' arms and pulled him to his feet.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm forced to have sex with you when I don't want to. Next time you rape me I'll try to act like it I don't want it," Evans snapped as he tried to walk away only to be pulled right back into Wyatt's grasp.

Wyatt smirked and looked at his lover up and down noticing that he only had on some boxers and a wife beater. This plus Evans yelling at him was enough to make his manhood go wild in his pants. "You know, I don't know where you think you were going, but I must say, I like your style," he said as he began to kiss all over Evans' skin. Wyatt was really needing Evans' right now. It might have been only a few hours since they had sex, but for Wyatt it feels like a few weeks. "Do you like my touch," he purred into Evans.

"As much as I would like having my flesh being eaten by worms," Evans growled back at Wyatt, who he hated so much, but then again he loved him. He hoped that last comment would just make Wyatt mad enough to just hit him and then let him sleep. He'd much rather that than being violated for like the eighth time today.

Wyatt chuckled at how much his lover was resisting. He expected this like always, so he was pretty much use to it. "Well you'll learn to love it soon," Wyatt said as he began to suck on Evans' neck. "Trust me, in good time you will learn to stop talking to me the way you do."

Evans just gasped as he felt Wyatt sucking on his neck, being sure it was going to leave a mark there in the morning. He really wanted this to stop and he would do anything to get him to. "Wyatt....stop it right now or I'll call..I'," he tried to think of what to say but hissed in pain when he felt Wyatt finally bit his neck. That sure was going to be sore tomorrow.

Wyatt pulled away from Evans only to stare at him directly in the eyes knowing that he was going to see fear. Fear was something that he loved. It gave him control, and control was power, and that's what everything was about. Whoever has the most power wins. "You'll what? Is that a threat Evans? You know how I'm not one who takes threats lightly," he reminded. If he ever heard Evans say anything that even sounded like a threat, Wyatt punished him and made sure he knew not to threaten Wyatt anymore.

"Wyatt stop it-," Evans was interrupted by Wyatt pressing his own lips up against his. Wyatt soon started to rub his tongue all over Evans lip, saying that he wanted in. Evans had no choice, but to open his mouth and allow Wyatt's tongue to roam inside. If he didn't he would be in trouble. Evans almost started to cry, but then he remembered what I said about how he couldn't give into Wyatt. When Wyatt pulled away from him for a second, Evans knew this was his opportunity to retaliate. Wyatt tried pressing his lips against Evans, but Evans opened his mouth and sunk his teeth on Wyatt's bottom lip, and held them there until he tasted blood.

Wyatt drew back and gritted his teeth. He soon backhanded Evans to the ground so heard, anyone could probably hear it in the house. Wyatt lifted his hand to his lip to see that he was still bleeding a little. "DONT. YOU. EVER. DO THAT AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME?" Before Evans could even say anything back, Wyatt grabbed him, by his shirt and violently threw him on the bed. "It seems as though someone hasn't learned their lesson yet about going against me," Wyatt said.

Evans just rolled his eyes, knowing that was probably going to earn him another backhand, but he didn't care. "What lesson? That your a jackass," Evans growled back at Wyatt pushing his buttons even more..

The twice blessed the slapped his lover once more. "You just love it when I hurt you, don't you Evans, but no matter. Despite what you say and what you think, I love you and I'm going to prove it to you," Wyatt said. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

The rest of the family had gone to sleep. The kids were at magic school being babysit by Peter, who I feel really bad for, since he won't be around till we get Alt Chris, Evans, and Evil Wyatt back to their reality. Poor Peter even has to deal with their son Wyatt Matthew Jr. He's the last thing I would want to babysit if he's anything like his father.

Since the whole family was asleep, Wyatt begged me to stay up with him and watch one of his favorite movies, Just Like Heaven. I don't know why he's so obsessed with Reese Witherspoon, but I promised to love him for better or for worse and this is for worse. I wanted to go upstairs and go to bed really bad, but Wyatt said he didn't want to be alone and he would always plead with me to stay downstairs with him.

I don't know what part of the movie it was right now, but it seems like its been going on forever and my eyes were so tired that they were practically closing by themselves. "Wyatt, baby can we please go upstairs," I pleaded. "I'm tired and then I have to deal with the whole thing with Evil Wyatt in the morning and I think I should be rested up."

"But aren't you happy to be spending some alone time with me," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay then," he said. "Look, just stay down here with me for a few more minutes and then we can go up to bed please," Wyatt begged.

"Alright, but I think you owe me for this one," I said as I crawled over and rested my head on his chest. I have to admit though, that this feels a little more comfortable than the bed. I laid there for awhile and didn't even realize I was laying there for almost thirty minutes. The only way I knew was when I looked up at the clock. It seems as though time flies when you're with that one person that you love most. I begin to drift off to sleep on Wyatt, but then I heard something. It was a thump on the floor and it was pretty loud. I didn't know what it could be, but whatever it was it wasn't good. My mind went straight to Evans. I had almost forgot that Evil Wyatt would probably go to his room, and not any other in the house. I quickly got off of Wyatt and began to head up the stairs.

"Baby where are you going," Wyatt asked a little upset that I was leaving him.

"I'll be right back, Wyatt, I just have to go see if Evans is okay," I told him.

"Okay, but don't be too long," he said.

I nodded and continued all the way up the stairs. On my way up I was trying to think of what Evil Wyatt was probably doing. No telling right now if he was beating him, raping him, or all of the above, which is probably correct. I swear, I would just like to give Evil Wyatt a piece of my mind. The only thing that's stopping me is that Evans would be the one to suffer all of it, and not me, and because he has no powers then he's defenseless, but I'm going to change all of that. I'm going to find a way to give him his powers back one way or the other. If Evil Wyatt doesn't like that, I dare him to try to challenge me. Honestly, he might have more power than I do, but that doesn't mean I won't stop without a fight.

I went up to the door and pressed my ear against it. I couldn't hear anything, and that wasn't a good sign. That means Evil Wyatt is doing something and is forcing Evans to keep quiet.

Evil Wyatt had Evans on the bed. He had already stripped him of his shirt. Wyatt smirked as he began sucking on Evans' neck once more leaving like ten hickeys and two bite marks. Wyatt then began to feast on Evans' body. He started out by licking all over his chest up and down slowly. Evans did not move a muscle afraid of what Wyatt might do if he did. Wyatt had finally kissed his way down to Evans' lower area, and was pulling his boxers off, but stopped when he heard the door opening.

There I stood in the doorway with my arms folded over my chest. Seeing this is something that really pisses me off. I could see Evans was scared of what was going on by the way he was shivering on the bed.

Wyatt was now looking at me with a frown. As you can see, I just interrupted his fun and knowing how my Wyatt is when we're interrupted, I'm pretty sure this Wyatt isn't too happy about it. "Can't you see we're busy right here," he growled.

"So," I shrugged. "Let me tell you something, Wyatt. You might be able to force yourself on Evans back in your Universe, but if you take a look around, you'll realize that we're not in your time period, so you won't be forcing Evans into anything he doesn't want," I stated. "Evans you okay," I said looking past Wyatt and at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said as he got up. He was just about to leave out of the room, until Wyatt snatched his arm and looked at him angrily.

Wyatt told Evans through his mind.

<You wouldn't dare> Evans replied back.

<You know me, Evans, and you know that I am not one to make idle threats>Wyatt reminded him. That was true. If Wyatt has ever threatened to do something he has always followed through with it. No one ever took Wyatt's threats as a thing that you could avoid, because Wyatt has a way with getting to people.

Evans really didn't want nothing to happen to me. I've already been so nice to him and stood up for him that he can't allow me to get hurt on his behalf. "Look, everything is okay, so you can go back downstairs," Evans lied.

"Are you sure," I asked. I know Evil Wyatt probably threatened him, but I had no way of proving it so there was nothing I could do. I could keep offering my help to Evans, but if he doesn't want to take it then there's not much I can do to help him out. He makes his bed, he lies in it.

"Yeah," Evans gulped. He knew after I left he was in for it.

"Okay then," I said, walking out of the room and closing the door right behind me.

Evans really wished he could go out with me, but he knew Wyatt wouldn't allow it. Wyatt sneaked up right behind Evans and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and started sniffing the back of his neck before kissing it. Wyatt then pushed Evans right back onto the bed saying, "now where were we." Wyatt had a smirk on his face that would scare anything, but there was nothing that Evans could do about it now. Wyatt was about to have his way with him. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt and I were both laying in bed in the room right next to Evans and Evil Wyatt and that was the biggest mistake of our lives. I can't believe we chose to stay over at the manor with them. I could hear them going at it real bad, and I'm surprised Piper hasn't said anything about it yet. She probably put ear plugs in her ears to keep them out. Nothing seemed to work for Wyatt and I since our room had to be the one right next to theres. I'm thinking real hard about just going right back home, and sleeping there.

"Can't sleep either," Wyatt said.

"What gave you that impression," I said sarcastically. I looked over at the clock that said 4:05. Could those two be any less considerate. I then heard Evans give out a loud moan

"Why don't you go over there and tell them to stop," Wyatt suggested.

"Me? Why not you," I asked.

"Oh, because you have more patience then I do, and if I go over there I'll probably end up killing them both," he stated. It was probably true. Wyatt didn't have that much patience in him. That's why I don't know how he handles the kids so well, but I guess because they're his kids. That's the only reason why.

"Fine, but you owe me," I said grabbing my boxers off the ground and slipping them on along with a shirt. I made sure to slam the door behind me as I left the bedroom to let Wyatt know that I wasn't happy and I was sure to make him pay for this. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"Give up?" Wyatt asked Evans panting. This was the longest he's gone for a long time and he wants to make a record of it. Right now he had Evans tied to the bed like always and was fucking him over and over again like no other.

"To you, never," Evans snapped. Evans just wanted to slap himself for what he just said. Maybe he should start thinking about what he says before he says it, then maybe he'd be able to get evil Wyatt to respect him. Evans felt more pain when he felt Wyatt pushing his cock back into him. This was becoming painful. Evans knew his butt was going to be sore in the morning like always. Next thing he knew, there was a knock at the door.

Wyatt just frowned and pulled out of Evans. He hated being interrupted in the middle of his fun. That's something him and Good Wyatt have in common. Wyatt quickly put on his boxers and went to answer the door. "What?" He growled as he opened the door and saw me standing right there.

"You two need to keep it down," I stated. "You guys have been keeping everyone up all night long and you need to just go to bed," I said frustrated. It was mostly from being tired, but it was still all Wyatt's fault for going at it with Evans for this long.

"Please, we haven't been going at it for that long," he said. "What time is it?"

"Its after four you moron," I said. "Trust me, you guys have been going at it long enough."

"Fine we'll go to bed," he said slamming the door in my face. I should have known I got that from somewhere. Who would have thought that it was my own husband. I swear that room reeked of sex and sweat. Wyatt went back to the bed and untied his lover. "You don't know how lucky you just got," he said as he crawled into the bed next to Evans and pulled him close.

"Yeah, whatever," Evans said, knowing that was another smart remark that was probably going to get him in trouble. Evans was just happy that Wyatt was letting him sleep, since he's mostly had him locked in the room and going at it with him ever since 9:00pm and now its after 4:00. Evans just laid there staring at the ceiling for a moment wondering how it must be to live my life. My Wyatt must really love me a lot to not hit me or treat me like shit. Evans just wishes his Wyatt was like that. Nice, charming, funny, loving, but Evans knew he was dreaming. His Wyatt was evil and didn't care about anyone but himself and power. Evans still wonders why Wyatt has him around. Its not like he doesn't have a lot of other people he could just use to relieve him.

Evans got out of bed and put on his boxers and wife beater that he had on, before Wyatt had came into the room. He quickly headed straight for the bathroom, needing to pee really bad. Once he was down he washed his hands and looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't know what he was staring at. He felt like there was nothing there. Wyatt has taken everything away from him. His rights to do anything, his rights to feel good, even his civil rights. All Wyatt has done is made Evans feel real bad about himself. Some days Evans feels like just cutting his wrist, but then he remembers that he has a child, and one on the way who depend on him and love him very much. If it weren't for them, Evans would have killed himself a long time ago, just to get away from this chaos. Even if he attempted to do it, he had to make sure that it would have been something that couldn't be reversed by magic. Knowing Wyatt he would try anything to bring Evans back from the dead, even going into hell to bring his soul back himself. Wyatt was just that crazy and that obsessed with Evans. Evans washed his face and knew he better get back to bed before Wyatt wakes up or else he'll be in for it.

Quickly he dried his face off with a towel and slowly sneaked back into the room and made sure he tip toed so that Wyatt wouldn't hear him. He was successful. When he got back to the room, he saw Wyatt there with the sheets on him, covering half of his body. Evans wanted to say he looked like an angel, but he knew that wasn't true. Evans slowly walked back over to the bed. He opened the covers and was about to get back in bed, until Wyatt woke up.

Wyatt opened his eyes and swiftly grabbed Evans by the wrists and pulled him on top of him. Evans had no time to react and ended up straddling on Wyatt's hips. "Evans," he whispered. "Do you think that you can ever love me the same way that I love you?" Wyatt asked.

Evans had to think about it for a moment. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe," he replied honestly. "Do you think you'll be able to stop punishing me," Evans asked. "I know that I probably deserve it, and I'll let you fuck me anytime you want, but please stop punishing me. Its hard for me to love someone who keeps hurting me so please stop," Evans begged.

There was a moment of silence before Wyatt just lost it. Evans felt Wyatt punch him out of nowhere. The punch was hard enough to send Evans flying off of the bed. Evans could tell that Wyatt was pretty pissed off right now and there was nothing he could do to calm him down. "You need to be punished for running that little mouth of yours," Wyatt hissed as he got out of bed. Evans knew he had done it now. Evans looked up from the floor where he laid terrified for what was about to come. Evans could see that Wyatt was in pure rage. The blows started coming down on him hard and all Evans could do was lay there and take it. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

I could feel the sun against my face and knew it was time to wake up. I really didn't want to get up right now. The last thing I wanted to deal with was an Evil Wyatt and getting him back to his Universe so he could put Evans and Alt. Christopher through more hell, but if I didn't then the balance would be messed up so I had to. I felt around the bed and there was something miss. Wyatt wasn't in bed with me. I wonder where he went. Its not like him to get out of bed and not tell me where he was going, but he probably just went to go check on the kids, so I can't get mad at him for that.

Looking over at the clock I saw that it was 11:00am. I usually don't sleep this late, but then again, I usually don't have an Evil Wyatt sleeping in a bedroom next to me going at it for like seven hours. I just can't wait to get rid of him. First he comes into our time and tries to start something with me, then he thinks he can take over this house, and next he keeps everyone awake all night, because he has sexual urges.

I rolled the covers off of me and went to the drawer and put my clothes on. Thank goodness I always have some clothes over here just in case I spend the night for whatever reason it may be. When I opened the bedroom door, it was pretty quiet, but I had to remember that I was in the manor, not at my house, and the kids were at magic school. I was so use to waking up to the sound of loud kids. For once I was smelling breakfast and someone else cooking it instead of me. I made my way downstairs to see just about everyone gone except for Piper, but she had all her stuff packed up and it looked like she was about to leave. I made my way over to the breakfast table to see all that she had made and it was a good variety.

"Hey Chris, good morning," she smiled. "I've got to go work at P3 this morning so take good care of the manor for me."

"Okay," I replied. "Do you have any idea where Wyatt went," I asked.

"Him and Evil Wyatt went to go check on the kids at magic school, then they're going to go find some ingredients for a potion," Piper answered.

"Don't we have all the ingredients we need for any potion," I questioned.

"No, well at least not this one," Piper said. "There's just some special ingredients needed to get them back to their own time, so that's what they went to go get."

"Oh, okay," I said. "Oh and by the way have you seen Evans around here by any chance," I asked.

"Nope," she was quick to answer. "Haven't heard from him," she said. "Maybe he's still sleep," she guessed. "You should go check on him."

"I probably will," I agreed.

"Okay well take care and I'll be back as soon as I can," she said as she left out of the manor.

I began to get worried. If Wyatt was gone then where could Evans be. Wherever he was I was just about to find out. I bolted up the stairs went straight into their room. Unfortunately he wasn't in there. That was unbelievable. Maybe he had gone with Evil Wyatt, but then again maybe he didn't feel like it, but Evil Wyatt makes Evans do a lot of things he doesn't want, but not if my Wyatt has anything to say about it, so my Wyatt would have made Evans stay here, so that means he had to be here, but where. I slowly began to enter the room, until I felt myself almost slip on a puddle. Thinking I was water, I looked down. It turned out that it was blood. That must mean that Wyatt had just beaten Evans again last night. I went back out of the room and saw that there was a blood trail all the way down the upstairs hallway. I don't even know why I didn't notice it before.

Quickly I followed the blood trail all the way back to the bathroom. I was praying that Evans wasn't dead. He couldn't be, because if he was then I would have felt something or at least I should have. When I slowly opened the door, I saw a battered and beat up Evans lying in the shower, letting water run all over him as blood dripped off of him. I couldn't believe it. How could someone be so evil as to do this to him. I ran over to him and noticed that he was unconscious. He must have used up all his strength crawling over here. I started to feel around him to see how bad of a state he was in, and it was pretty bad. He had a broken nose, broken ribs, busted lip, and many other things. I just can't believe Wyatt beat him to that state. I knew Wyatt could be really abusive, but not this abusive, and this is when he's in our Universe. I hate to see how he acts when he's back in his.

I let my hands run over Evans as golden orbs appeared from both of them. He was nearly dead, but I knew no matter how Evil Wyatt was, I'm sure he would have come back to heal him, but I couldn't leave Evans like this. I kept running my healing hands all over Evans' body until I knew that he was completely healed.

"Evans," I whispered. "Evans," I said even loud. "Come on wake up," I pleaded for awhile and shook him but carefully. I knew he might have been healed but he was in some real bad pain.

Evans squinted his eyes before he finally opened them. He was surprised that he could since Wyatt had given him two black eyes instead of one this time. "Chris..." he muttered knowing that it could only be me, since I'm just about the only one who checks on him often.

"Come on Evans, let me help you up," I said grabbing one of his arms and wrapping it around my shoulder, and led him straight back to my room and let him sit on the bed for awhile and relax before I said something. "Evans what happened?" I asked angrily.

"Nothing," he lied. "Just some stuff, that's all."

"Quit playing games with me Evans," I scolded. "You can't just keep covering up all these black eyes, broken bones, and bruises and tell me that nothing is going on. I'm trying to help you, but I can't unless you want help."

"No one can help me Chris," Evans said hopelessly. "It was my fault anyway," Evans sighed. "I asked him to stop hurting me and that only provoked him so I got what I deserved."

"Do you hear yourself," I asked even more angry. "You're saying that you deserve what he does to you." I shook my head as I paced around the room. "I really don't know how you do it Evans, I really don't."

"Trust me he's done worse," Evans stated.

"Oh really? Would you like to tell me about it, since you don't want to try to stand up for yourself."

"Sure," Evans shrugged. "You said you stayed there until you saw Bianca dying, but you really should have stayed longer."


Evans was standing over Bianca's almost dead body. He had just lost his brother and his best friend and now he was about to lose the only other friend that mattered to him the most. Evans just sat there over Bianca, holding her hand for a long time. He just wishes he had though twice about trusting Wyatt before he did what he did. Now he's made the whole thing worse. Bianca was about to die because of him, and if only he had not sent Chris back in the past they would still be here with him. Evans was sobbing so bad that he didn't even notice Wyatt had flammed in right behind him.

Wyatt was angry. Why was Evans standing over that bitch. She had betrayed him and now his lover was down there crying over her almost dead body, which made him want to puke. Wyatt slowly moved closer to where Evans was and waited for him to turn around and notice his presence. Once he saw that Evans face was looking up at him, he violently slapped him so hard that it instantly left a mark.

"Where the hell have you been," Wyatt growled. "I have been looking for you everywhere and I come and find you lying over this bitches helpless body," Wyatt said as he paced around the room.

Evans slowly crawled back scared that Wyatt would hit him again. "You killed my friend you evil bastard," Evans hissed back. "You tried to kill our brother and you promised me and Bianca that you wouldn't hurt him," Evans reminded him, but then again, when is it ever like Wyatt to keep his promises. He should have known better and Evans mostly blames himself for what happened.

Wyatt was so angry that he began to advance on Evans while he stumbled back. "You both said that you would talk some since into him, and I see as that did no good," he gritted through his teeth. "And now he's going to destroy everything I worked so hard for," Wyatt stated.

"That shouldn't matter Wyatt," Evans said moving behind a couch and putting it in between him and Wyatt as he got up. "He's still our brother, and I can't believe you were just going to kill him like that," I yelled at him, but I should know better. He's probably going to kill me after this whole conversation is done. "No matter what he did, you should still love him enough not to want to kill him, Wyatt. He's family," I stated.

"We don't need him, Evans," Wyatt said chasing me around the couch. "All I need is you, me, and our child. That's all the family I want." Wyatt then started chasing me around the couch even faster. He was at his peak right now.

I wanted to do something to piss him off even more. What's the harm, I mean I'm already in trouble, so why not take advantage of it while I can and say some stuff that I've been wanting to say for a long time. "Well I don't need you, Wyatt," I hissed at him. "You're an evil asshole and I hate you and want nothing to do with you, you hear me?"

Wyatt was really about to lose it now. "I guess you haven't learned your lesson, so looks like I'm going to have to teach you a thing or two," he said as he chased Evans around the whole attic some more, but he still didn't catch him. It was a surprise how fast he could run when he was in danger. Wyatt was being made a fool of by his own lover, and he wasn't going to have it. "Lets go Chris, you're only making this a lot harder on yourself."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Evans argued. "That was the last time you hit me and put me over your shoulder and drag me back home with you again," Evans said. He was being real resistant and he thought if he stood up to Wyatt now that maybe, just maybe Wyatt would start learning to respect him and treat him equally instead of just like a sex toy.

Wyatt then growled at Evans. He just wanted to flame over there and beat the tar out of him, but he knew that's just what Evans wanted, but Wyatt had to make him suffer even more for thinking he could act this way towards him and get away with it. "You know what, since you want to act like a hero, I'm going to treat you like one," he said. "I'm not going to make you come with me, you're going to come with me voluntarily. Make no mistakes, Evans, I always get what I want. Always have and always will."

"Nothing you can do can make me walk out of here with you," Evans yelled at the evil Source.

"Oh really?" Wyatt smirked. He then conjured up an athame. At first Evans though Wyatt was just going to stab him to death, but what he didn't expect was Wyatt to walk over to Bianca's body that was only a few more moments away from death.

"Get away from her!" Evans shouted.

With one hand Wyatt began healing her wound, and with the other hand he began tracing all over her skin with the athame. When he saw that she was fully healed, Wyatt began his assault on Bianca, by cutting her skin, and having her cry out in pain. That was just music to Wyatt's ears. All he did was continued cutting while he gave his little evil laugh that was seriously annoying. He direct the athame to one of her ears and cut line down there before he cut her whole ear off which made her cry in pain. He saw one of her hands trying to move so he cut that off slowly making sure that she suffered.

Evans could barely watch as he saw his good friend Bianca being dissected like an animal. How could he be so evil to heal her only to make her suffer some more. This was not good. "Wyatt don't do this," Evans pleaded.

Wyatt looked back at Evans and smirked. He could see that he was getting to his lover and that's how he wanted it. Wyatt doesn't know why he didn't think of this before. Torturing Bianca and Evans begging for him to stop was just the cherry on top of his day. "Its your choice, Evans. Do you want me to stop torturing your soon to be dead sister in law or are you going to continue to fight me. Either way you still belong to me. We're bound together by blood."

"You're fucking insane Wyatt," Evans shouted. "Do you know how sick you sound right now."

That really hit Wyatt where it hurt. Without anything more said he turned right back to Bianca and continued cutting her everywhere. Her cries of pain were cover up by Wyatt's evil laugh. The athame traced along her nose before Wyatt just cut it off, having blood spill down all over her body.

"This is doctor Wyatt Halliwell reporting for surgery," he taunted. He looked back at me to see the shocked expression on my face. He was enjoying every minute of torture that he was giving Bianca and Evans. "What's it going to be Evans," he asked as he traced the athame down Bianca's skin. "How much more of her do I have to cut before you see the truth," he said. Wyatt then traced his athame over to Bianca's other ear ready to cut it off.

"Wyatt, please don't do it," Evans begged.

"Why not? Its so much fun, and it brings so much music to my ears," he said as he finally chopped off her ear. Bianca was now ear less and there was no way she could hear anything or smell right now. Wyatt was really a sick bastard, and he just loved to torture every inch of her body. Wyatt then traced it up to her eyeballs. Evans did not know how much more of this he could take. "Its your call Evans," Wyatt reminded him. "Say the words and I'll stop this, but if you don't then we can always continue playing operation on poor little Bianca here. Wyatt's athame was going straight for Bianca's eyes

Evans really didn't want to watch this. He had already watched as Wyatt took her hearing away and her ability to sniff, now he was thinking about blinding her. Evans knew that there was no way he could save her from dying, but he knew that he could stop Wyatt from torturing her.

"Wyatt stop hurting her and I'll go home with you," Evans gave in. "Just don't touch her anymore please."

Wyatt smirked knowing he had just one this battle. He got up and left Bianca's crying body right there to die. Wyatt then walked over to Evans, and he saw that Evans wasn't going to move, because he knew if he did, Bianca would be the one to pay the price. Wyatt grabbed Evans by the arm and began to walk out of the attic dragging him along with him.

"I try to treat you as my consort. As an equal and you have the nerve to say all those things to me. If you ever try to defy me, I will break every bone in your body do you understand me," Wyatt lectured as he continued down the stairs. Evans didn't say a word. He refused to give Wyatt the satisfaction. Wyatt had already gotten him to come with him, so Evans thought he wouldn't say anything the whole time Wyatt was dragging him away with him. "I show you kindness, I show you love and this is how you repay me," Wyatt said as he dragged Evans down the second set of stairs.

"I was just trying to do the right thing Wyatt," Evans spoke for the first time since they left the attic. "Wyatt you're turning evil and you're scaring me so the only thing that I could do that I thought was right was send our brother back into the past."

"Your mother was always trying to do the right thing, by protecting her sisters and so was our grandmother Patty, and then Grams, and it goes all the way back to our ancestor Melinda Warren, and look at where it got them? And I see you making the same mistake that they did, and I'm trying to save you from those same exact mistakes they made that cost them their lives," Wyatt explained. This was really driving him crazy. He thought after how long he's had Evans with him, it seems as though he hasn't learned his lesson from all those beatings.

"Yeah, by being evil and becoming the source of all evil," Evans muttered under his breath, but Wyatt heard.

Wyatt then backhanded Evans in the face. "How many times do I have to tell you and Chris. Its not about good and Evil. Its all about power and whoever has the most power wins. Instead of using their power to look after themselves, they used it to protect innocents, and your mother got herself killed trying to protect my mother and our Aunt Freebie." Wyatt then finally got outside and flamed them back to the mansion. Evans knew he was in trouble now. "How dare you," Wyatt grunted as he punched Evans in the stomach. Luckily the baby was protected or that could have just killed it. "Talk to me that way," he said punching Evans in the stomach a second time. Evans felt so sick that he just threw up what he had that morning. "You'll clean that up when I'm done with you," he said.

"Wyatt please," Evans begged barely being able to talk as he tried backing away from Wyatt.

"Please what," he asked.

"Stop this," he said barely able to talk. "You don't have to do this Wy."

"You know this hurts me a lot more than it hurts you," Wyatt said as he advanced towards Evans who just laid there on the ground scared.

"Please you expect me to trust you on that one," Evans said back coldly knowing that this was probably only making things worse. He just wishes that he could just clothes his eyes and Wyatt would just go away.

"I'm about to make a believer out of you," he said as he took off his belt. Evans started to crawl away, and Wyatt quickly followed after him. "You better not move or else this will be a whole lot worse," Wyatt warned. Wyatt took no time in swinging the belt and cracking it against Evans' skin, that left some hard welts on his back. Evans' tried crawling away, but Wyatt just started swinging the belt harder and hitting Evans harder with it. Evans cried out in pain as he felt the black leather going up against his skin. He couldn't believe that Wyatt was doing this to him. Someone who says that they love him is putting him through more pain then he's ever been. There was a minute when Evans felt nothing, but when he looked up he saw Wyatt swing his belt, and it wrapped around Evans' neck, and Wyatt yanked him forward cutting off his air circulation. Evans screamed as he fell forward on his knees in front of Wyatt. "You're mine, Evans," Wyatt said possessively

"No, I'm not," Evans argued as he was still choking on the belt.

"Oh is that so," Wyatt said.

"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with like you do with the others who betray you," Evans said. Evans didn't know how much longer he was going to last until he passed out from that rope. It was really killing him, and if Wyatt didn't stop it soon then Evans wouldn't be able to breath again.

Wyatt loosened the bond around his lovers neck with TK. He could sense that Evans was about to pass out and he wasn't done with him yet. "No, I'm not going to kill you," he said. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that, before you believe it." Wyatt watched as Evans started choking even more as he tried to take in air. Wyatt took this as the opportunity to kick Evans in the chest hard, but not too hard. Remember he didn't want to kill him. Evans tried to crawl away from Wyatt, but Wyatt quickly got behind him and grabbed a handful of his hair and whispered in his ear. "You know I can't decide if whether I like seeing you most. Happy or miserable."

"Go to hell," Evans growled back.

Wyatt heard he words, but they seemed to not have phased him one bit. "You know what I like? I like seeing you right after I force you to have sex with me. When I make you cum you can't help, but be disgusted because you don't know why you came, but you know you like it, because you and I both know that deep down we're the same." Wyatt then let go of Evans to see him crawl away some more.

"I'm nothing like you Wyatt," Evans said back coldly.

"So you think you're better than me Evans," Wyatt challenged him.

"No, I just think I'm sane thank you," Evans replied sarcastically, knowing how Wyatt hates it when he's sarcastic.

"Well you must be pretty crazy to think that you can defy me," Wyatt pointed out. "You know that you can never win against me," he added. "In the end I will have you in every way possible."

"It'll be over my dead body," Evans said as he continued to crawl away from his half brother. "You won't have a snowballs chance in hell."

"Oh really," Wyatt said advancing on him.

"Yeah, that's right," Evans said.

"Evans you know how powerful I am and I can make you beg to join me," Wyatt said.

Evans just rolled his eyes as he remembered how many other witches he's done that to, and then he thought about how Wyatt tried to get Chris to join him, which was a nightmare. "So what," Evans spoke back.

"I can make you do whatever I want, do you understand that," he informed him.

"Please," Evans taunted the source. "If you could then why don't you do it huh?"

Wyatt smirked back at his lover who was still helplessly on the floor. "Yeah, but whats the fun in that," he said.

"Yeah whatever," Evans shrugged.

Wyatt was really getting sick and tired of Evans smart allec remarks. It was about time he learned a lesson in respect. Wyatt advanced towards him and quickly grabbed him before Evans could get any further. He grabbed his chest and aggressively brought Evans to his feet. "Get up to you room, now and take off all of your clothes," Wyatt demanded.

"No," Evans protested. This was sick what Wyatt was doing, though Evans doesn't know why he's not use to it by now.

"You will do as I say or we can go back to the manor and I can torture your friend Bianca some more," Wyatt threatened.

Evans hated seeing Bianca in that type of position. She might have been a phoenix and she might have done some terrible things before she met Chris, but no one deserved to be tortured like that before they died. "You wouldn't dare," Evans replied back.

"I wouldn't huh," Wyatt said as he pushed his lover back down on the floor with a great force. Evans landed with a big thump, before he rolled over onto his stomach and tried to crawl away from Wyatt for like the tenth time that day. Wyatt smirked at that sight. It was the position that he wanted Evans in. Wyatt reached out and grabbed Evans by the sides and orbed them both up to their bedroom. Evans tried to squirm away when they materialized on the bed. Wyatt held onto his lover even tighter and gave him a few hard spanks on the but that were sure to leave a mark. "You are a very naughty boy, Evans, and I'm going to help you learn your lesson," Wyatt whispered into his ear. Evans was sickened at what Wyatt was saying to him in his ear. He was doing his best to get away, but it wasn't working at all. Wyatt took the opportunity to lick all over Evans neck and face, while his hands began to roam inside of Evans' pants. "You like that don't you? Just stop fighting it Evans. It doesn't have to hurt," Wyatt purred in his ears as he orbed Evans' pants off and then flipped him over so that he was laying on his back.

"Fuck you, Wyatt," Evans hissed at the evil man.

Wyatt chuckled at how resistant his lover was being. "You must like it, when it hurts," he said. "You know you want me, so why don't you be honest with yourself even if you're not going to be honest with me or anyone else for that matter."

"You don't know what you're talking about, bastard," Evans grunted while struggling with the father of his soon to be born baby.

"Oh I don't?" Wyatt raised an eyebrow. "Well, why don't you enlighten me then, Evans. Tell me why you are so hard right now?"

Evans saw that Wyatt was still smirking and he turned away from him. That smirk was scary enough to break a mirror. Evan really wanted to wipe that smirk off of Wyatt's face, by punching him, but there wasn't really much he could do since Wyatt was on top of him, holding him down and had his arms pinned above his head. This would have been a great opportunity to use his empath power, but then he knew Wyatt would have found out about that it wouldn't be pretty. Wyatt would take that power for sure. Evans kept struggling trying to find a way to get away from Wyatt. He wasn't going to let Wyatt push him around anymore, but he wasn't going to use his powers to get away, and then he'd have no defense against him. He had to wait until he maybe got more powers in the future so he could use those. Right now though, he was tired of always being controlled and beaten by Wyatt, and just laying there in the bed and taking it. Though in his heart he knew some part of him loved Wyatt. He didn't know why since all Wyatt has done was torture him for a lot of his life.

Evans figured out just how to piss Wyatt off and get that smirk off his face. "I hate you Wyatt, and trust me, you have never gotten me hard. I was just thinking about another one of your demons, that's what always gets me hard." Evans knows he's going to pay dearly for this. The smirk on Wyatt's face quickly disappeared. Evans knew he was winning now. "I mean all your demons are so hot, I'd rather have sex with one of them than you," he taunted. "I'm sick and tired of you Wyatt. You're the biggest asshole in the world. I'm through playing your games."

"Games? You think I'm playing games with you, Evans," Wyatt grunted.

"Thats all you ever do, and that's all you're ever good for," Evans teased.

Wyatt backhanded him for that comment. "Do you have a death with?" Wyatt asked. "There are so many other people I could go and make my consort. I don't need you," he said.

Evans was scared for a moment but he quickly hid it. The last time he heard those words was when Wyatt said them to Chris, and that was when he tried to kill him. "I know you don't, but you want me," Evans stated.

"And whatever I want I get," Wyatt reminded him. "Thats how it is and has always been and that's how it will always be."

"Not this time Wyatt," he said. "You can't have me. I'll never be yours, you here me," Evans shouted. "You can do whatever you want to me, but you'll never have me the way you want so you might as well just kill me now."

Wyatt chuckled and shook his head. "You seem to have misunderstood the whole situation," he said. "You are not going anywhere. I have you in every way possible," Wyatt said.

"Oh please, sit back and watch me," Evans aid.

"Do you seriously think that you can run away from me, Evans? You know I'd find you anywhere. There's no place in this world you can hide from me lover. Its destiny that we belong together," Wyatt said. Little did Evans know that it was true that they were meant to be together. In just about every alternated Universe, Wyatt and Evans ended up together.

"If this is really love, wouldn't you like to know what life would be like if you hated me," Evans said still struggling under Wyatt.

"I could never hate you, Evans," he said. "You're everything to me. You're so strong and beautiful, and I would hate to see anything happen to you, and you wouldn't be able to survive without me. You don't have the skill to survive on your own. I've kept you sheltered from everyone and everything," Wyatt stated.

"I'd rather be taking me chances out somewhere else than to stay here with you," Evans said back coldly. "You've hurt me more than anyone, and I just can't take it anymore. You're killing me."

"You just need to be taught a lesson that's all," Wyatt said as he petted Evans like he was a pet.

"I think I've learned enough lessons from you," Evans said.

"Well obviously you have, because you haven't learned you place yet. I"m going to rule this sorry planet and everything on it, and there's nothing you can do about it, but take your place beside me as my consort," Wyatt lectured his lover.

"Yeah but no one else will benefit from it," Evans stated

"Oh really? Have you been talking to our little brother again," Wyatt asked and Evans nodded. "What did he tell you? Was it something he saw in his premonition? Is this why you're behaving this way? Is that why you're rejecting my love?" Wyatt asked with concern in his voice.

Evans could sense that Wyatt was worried for the first time. With his empath in full effect it didn't take long for him to find it in him. "Yes," Evans managed to say.

"Whatever he told you, I did it for us. The elders were getting in my way, and they already got to Christopher and turned him against me and then they wanted you, so I had to kill them all if I wanted to at least keep you by my side," Wyatt explained to him.

Evans had no clue what he was talking about. This wasn't what Chris told him at all. "What the hell, Wyatt? You killed the elders?" Evans repeated.

"What? You didn't know? You're getting real good at tricking me Evans, but soon I will beat it out of you," Wyatt gritted through his teeth.

"What Chris told me was much worse than you killing those elders," Evans stated.

"Oh really? What did he tell you?" Wyatt asked.

"Don't worry about it, because its not going to happen. If Chris doesn't succeed in changing you in the past, I promise that I will stop it," Evans said confident against Wyatt.

"You?" Wyatt said laughing. "What makes you think that you can stop me from hurting other people if you can't even stop me from hurting you?"

"Because I have to and I will do anything that it takes to stop you," Evans said.

"Yeah, well thats a very hard goal for someone like you. All you are is a miserable powerless witch who has no chance of going up against me. However you do make a formidable ally and a terrific concubine," Wyatt stated and smirked again knowing how much Evans didn't like it.

"Fuck you, Wyatt," Evans yelled as he struggled his hardest to try to get away from Waytt.

"Always the feisty one and you are good at it too, but enough talk, its time we have a repeat performance of that night I got you pregnant," Wyatt reminded him. Wyatt moved off of Evans and held him in place with telekinesis while he spread his legs wide and then made him watch him undress. Violently Wyatt tore off his clothes saying, "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to sit for a week." Evans was shivering in fear of what Wyatt was saying and how crazy he was acting. Wyatt draped his body over Evans' running his hand up and down Evans' thigh. "No one can make you feel the way I can Evans, and you know it," Wyatt whispered against Evans' neck enjoying the shivers he was getting from it. Wyatt grabbed Evans' manhood and began stroking it up and down hard. He looked up to see Evans bitting his lip to hold his moan in. "I will make you scream before the night is over, Evans," Wyatt said.

"You're not man enough to make me moan," Evans said out of spite.

"Fuck you," Wyatt said.

"I thought that's what you were trying to do to me, since thats all you do," Evans said back. This time he couldn't suppress the moan that came out of his mouth, but he was able to cover it up with a laugh, and just hoped that Wyatt didn't notice it.

"Those stubborn little acts have to go. You might have inherited your mother's powers and her will to protect everyone, but you also inherited her little stubbornness," Wyatt grunted as he let go of Evans' dick. Wyatt then lifted Evans legs in the air and began to push in. It really hurt like hell. This was his punishment if he ever made Wyatt angry. Wyatt would fuck him without any lube, which was pretty painful. "You're still so tight. I mean you've always been this tight ever since I can remember the first time I fucked you. I love it when you're tight. That's why I always heal you after we have sex," Wyatt said as he finally pushed all the way in.

Evans bit down on his lip as hard as he could to stop himself from screaming like Wyatt wanted. He soon felt Wyatt hitting his prostate. Wyatt was very determined to make him scream. He decided to grab Evans' cock and pump his fast and hard while he pounded his as harder and harder. Evans didn't know how much longer he could last, but he kept himself in check. This is the last thing he wanted. No matter how good it felt, he was not going to give Wyatt the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

"Scream, you know you want to, Evans. You can hardly stand it as is. You know that if I start kissing you on your sensitive spot then its all over," he warned, but he saw Evans still wasn't screaming so he started kissing Evans on the neck. Wyatt knew that was one spot that Evans couldn't hold in on, and thats what he liked. Evans couldn't help but start screaming and cumming along with with Wyatt when he felt Wyatt nibbling on his neck.

End of flashback.........

Having told me about that Evans just sat there on the edges of the stairs with his face buried in his hands crying. That was the worst day ever. Seeing his friend being tortured, losing his his brother, and then being beaten and raped by the person who says that they love him.

I put my hands on Evans back and began to comfort him. I did not know what to say right now. This was just too much for me to take. I thought my experience with Evil Wyatt was bad, but that just blew mine out of the water big time. I really felt sorry for him. That was just half of what he had to go through, and I don't know if Wyatt even helped him through his whole pregnancy, and now Evans is pregnant again. This is really bad.

"Its okay," I told him. "That was something you just had no control over," I stated. "I mean, evil Wyatt is a person who always gets what he wants and will do anything to get it."

"I didn't? I'm the one who taunted him to do it," Evans said.

"Yeah, but come on, if he chose to do that its his fault," I stated. Evans was still not seeing what I was saying so I knew I was going to have to explain this a little bit better to him. "Look, you can't keep blaming yourself for what Wyatt does to you," I told him. "You don't deserve that, and you shouldn't have to take it."

"Well what else am I suppose to do huh?" Evans questioned. "I can't fight him back, he's a lot stronger than me and I don't have any powers."

"Evans, you still have that empath power so use it," I suggested. "I know you say that's you're only way to defend yourself, but if you don't defend yourself against Wyatt then what's the point?"

"I guess you're right," he sighed.

"Now come on, lets go check on our kids," I said holding out my hands.

Just as we were both about to shimmer out a group of demons shimmered in. This was not good at all. I can't orb out of here, because I just might lead them to the kids and back to magic school. I looked around and quickly counted them. There were like twenty demons and two of us, but really one since Evans really didn't have any powers except for that empath one, but I'm not to sure if he knows how to control it well since he never uses it.

"Evans run!" I demanded. "Get out of here and go upstairs!" I shouted as I saw demons coming towards us like a bunch of vultures. I didn't know what they wanted or why they were here, because Patrica was nowhere around the manor. "Wyatt!" I called, but nothing happened. I was just about ready to kill Wyatt because he never answers me. "Chris!" I called, but I still got nothing. "Aunt Paige!" Still nothing. It was up to me to take them all on.

"I can help," Evans said trying to focus his empath power on a demon, but for some reason it wasn't working.

"No you can't Evans now go," I said. A demon then sent an energy ball flying his way. "ENERGY BALL," I shouted causing the energy ball to turn into a bunch of orbs. I then redirected back at the demon who sent it at Evans, but the demon was quick enough to shimmer out and shimmer back in just in time to miss the energy ball. These demons were some slippery ones. Another one sent another energy ball my way, but I was able to jump in the air and miss it before it hit me. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I conjured up an athame and sent it straight a group of demons. All of them were able to move out of the way in time except for one. He actually caught it, which was unbelievable. No demon has ever caught my athames that I've thrown. I've never met any demons this tough before. I don't know who they work for, but their boss must be a really good teacher, if they know how to block my attacks. I wish I was still pregnant right now so I could use my baby's power to set them on fire. Next thing I knew, I looked over to see that same demon shimmer out and shimmer in behind Evans. He still had the athame in his hands and was about to stab him. I couldn't let that happen. "Evans duck!" I shouted. Immediately Evans ducked. I held out my hand and blew a breath of cold air at the demon and he froze into solid ice.

Once he was frozen Evans delievered a back kick to him causing him to shatter in pieces. Evans might have not had his powers, but he was still able to do hand to hand combat since that's just how every charmed one was raised. "That's one down and nineteen to go," Evans stated.

"I know that, now get back upstairs!" I shouted at him for the millionth time. I didn't want to see him get hurt because of me.

"Why, I can help?" Evans said back.

"I'm more worried about your baby now get back upstairs," I said. A demon then shimmered behind me and grabbed my neck trying to strangle me to death. I conjured another athame and stabbed him in the stomach and managed to move away from him before he blew up. That was a close one and that was because I was worried about Evans and why was he not listening. I then looked towards him and saw a demon shimmer in right behind him, and hit him with an energy ball, knocking him out unconscious. "Evans!" I shouted as I saw the demon shimmer away with his body. I was to worried about Evans that I didn't even notice another demon shimmering behind me and did the exact same thing.

When I woke up I looked around to see that I was in an awkward place. It had to be the Underworld since so many demons were gathered around. I suddenly remembered that a demon hit me and brought me here. I had to find Evans. Little did I know was that he was lying right next to me. We were both up against the wall for some reason. I don't know why a demon would want us. Only one Charmed isn't going to be that much power. I hope whoever the demon is that wants us is not planning to go on a charmed hunting spree.

I then saw that same group of demons walking up to us. I could see that their leader was in front. I didn't know who he was, but he looked familiar. I'm sure I've been told a story about him, but I just wish I could remember what story it was.

"Chris," Evans muttered as he woke up. "What happened?"

"A demon got us both and brought us here for some reason," I stated.

"Why do you think he brought us here," Evans asked.

"I don't know," I said back. "You're guess is as good as mine." I watched as more and more demons shimmered in. This was not good. I don't like sight of all these demons coming in after us. I hope they're not planning to kill us. I still remember that if they do its going to offset the balance and that will not be good for all the alternated Universes.

The leader had finally approached us. He was a tall man. He seemed kind of old, but who knows how old any demons are since they don't age or whatever like mortals do. His hair was dark and he had a lot of facial hair. The more I look at him the more I can remember seeing him in the Book of Shadows. Its hurting my head to think of where I might have seen him before.

"Well, well, what have we here," he said as he examined us both. "I told my minions to go and bring me back the Charmed One by the name of Chris Evans, but I never expected double the fun," he said chuckling. He then went over and examined Evans and started to run his hands over his face. "My, my what a pretty little Charmed One you guys are. I say I just might have some fun with you both before I kill you," he said.

"Who the hell are you," I asked.

The guy just looked over at me and laughed. "You know for a Charmed One, and a decedent from the old Charmed Ones, I'm very surprised you haven't heard of me," he stated. "I'm the demon who almost defeated you're aunts or mother. Which ever son of the Charmed One you are. As I was saying, I almost killed the Charmed Ones, and I was lucky enough to get a hold of that little Nexus they had, but somehow they found a way to vanquish it," the man stated.

After hearing that story I knew exactly who the guy was. "Zanko," I gritted through my teeth. I should have known. Who else would have had that dark hair and everything and have such strong demon workers. "I thought my Aunts vanquished you a long time ago."

"Your Aunts aye," he said. "I thought you might be the son of a Charmed One, but I guess I was mistaken."

"Actually I am, but my mother died early so shut up," I shouted at the evil man.

"Well it doesn't matter," he said going back to Evans. "I'm just glad to have a Charmed One in my presence," he went and started running his hands through Evans' hair.

"Don't worry, because when I get out of this I'll make sure you're vanquished," I threatened.

"You know I find it pretty funny that you're sitting up here threatening me when you're the one who's all tied up," he said smiling. "Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to have some fun with this one," he said referring to Evans, "since he obviously knows when to keep his mouth shut." Zanko then took out a potion and tried to make Evans drink it but he jerked away. Zanko wasn't going to have that so he used his hand to hold Evans in place and open his jaw and forced him to keep it open as he poured in the vile. "There that should do it."

I saw that Evans was getting a little woozy. "What did you do to him, you evil son of a bitch?!" I asked.

"I just slipped him a little drug so he won't feel any pain while I'm fucking his brains out," Zanko laughed.

"So basically you slipped him the date rape potion," I said. I know the term was date rape drug, but this was a potion instead. I don't know what made Zanko attracted to me or Evans, but he's clearly insane. "I can't believe you're doing that to him."

"Don't worry you'll get some too," he promised.

"You're sick," I replied.

"Yeah well, you're hot so we're even," he said. Next thing I saw as him kissing all over Evans' skin. I know Wyatt's probably going to kill him for this. I know if I want to right now I'm sure he's going to want to hurt him even more than me. "I now know why the legendary twice blessed loves you so much," Zanko said as he lifted Evans shirt and saw his ripped abs. He began kissing up and down Evans torso, and I just was getting sick by the second.

How could he do this in front of his demon friends and me. I looked around and saw that all the demons were getting turned on by this from the hump in their pants. These are some sick perverted demons. I can't believe they enjoy watching their master try to have sex with a Charmed One. I don't know how they're doing it because I can't.

I then heard a jingle of orbs. I looked up just in time to see both Wyatt's forming in the Underworld. With an angry gesture they both waved their hands sending the demons that were around them and us right into the wall. They both then looked right at Zanko who looked like he was scared. Good Wyatt grabbed him and threw him to him to the ground.

Both Wyatt's then came up to us. Good Wyatt came to me and Evil Wyatt went to Evans who was still motionless from the potion. "Chris are you okay," Wyatt asked worriedly as he cut me down from the wall.

"I'm fine," I said as I started to rub my wrist. They really hurt from being tied up so hard.

"How did you get here," Wyatt asked.

"Zanko and his minions brought us here," I stated.

Wyatt saw Zanko was getting up and he was about to try to get away. Wyatt then orbed Excalibur to his hands. "Wait here Chris," Wyatt said as he went after Zanko. "I got him," he told Evil Wyatt who was tending to Evans who was still motionless. Before Zanko could make another move Wyatt went and stuck him in the chest hard and twisted the sword and watched him become consumed by flames and then blown up. Wyatt then looked around at the other demons who were in the Underworld. "Anyone else want to try to fight me," he challenged. All the demons then shimmered out of the Underworld faster than any demons I have ever met before. "Come lets get back home," Wyatt said grabbing my hand and orbing us out while Evil Wyatt threw Evans over his shoulder and carried him out.

We finally arrived back at the manor. Piper and everyone else was there waiting for us. We must have been gone a long time for them all to worry about us that much. I looked at the clock and knew that I was talking to Evans at one and now its 8:00pm. So Zanko has us in the Underworld for seven hours. Thank goodness Wyatt got back into the Underworld as soon as he did or else Evans and I would have been jail bait for Zanko.

"Are you guys alright," Piper asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but how did you find us," I asked.

"Evil Wyatt somehow has connections in the Underworld so he was able to sense for you guys," Wyatt answered.

"That's interesting to know," I said. "Oh yeah I almost forgot," I said before I punched Wyatt right into the arm, causing his to give a big 'ow'. "Where were you when I was calling for you?"

"I'm sorry, but the other Wyatt and I were so busy arguing that I couldn't hear you too well," he responed.

"Thanks that makes it a whole lot better," I said angrily. I stopped being angry for a moment and noticed that someone was missing. I looked around to see the other pair of us around. "You know speaking of other Wyatt, I didn't see him and Evans come back," I pointed out.

Right as I said that I saw Evil Wyatt flame in with Evans still on his shoulder. That must be a very strong vile if Evans is still knocked out. I don't know how long Zanko was planing to do what he wanted with him. "Sorry, I'm late, but I had to go hunt down a few demons before I came back."

"So you killed all those demons that attacked us," I asked and he nodded. "Why?"

"Because no one messes with my lover, except me," Evil Wyatt said possessively.

"Do you think he's going to be alright," I asked worried since he still hasn't woken up.

"He'll be fine," Evil Wyatt assured. "I'm just going to go give him a bath and put him to bed," he said as he made his way towards the stairs, but knew I was a little hesitant on letting him go up there. "I promise there will be no sex alright, I just want to make sure he's okay," Wyatt he promised. He then went on up the stair and on his way up he could feel Evans waking up a little and he was kicking a little bit. "Hey be still," Wyatt demanded as he slapped him on the butt a few times to make him be still. Wyatt made his way to the bathroom and laid Evans down as he drew some bath water. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

When Evans woke up he realized he wasn't in the Underworld anymore. He felt his body was pressed up against a soft mattress and the Underworld had a wall that was rock hard. He looked up at the ceiling and realized that he was back in his room, but he didn't even know how he got there.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep," A familiar voice said. Evans looked over to see Wyatt propped up on his elbow staring at Evans. Wyatt must have been watching him for a long time.

"What happened," Evans asked.

"I found you in the Underworld with Zanko and well he's vanquished now, and I made sure to get all the other demons who touched you," he said comfortingly. "I then brought you upstairs and gave you a bath and then put you in bed with me to make sure that you were okay," Wyatt explained.

"Thanks Wyatt," Evans said. "I'm sorry that I didn't listen to Chris when he told me to go upstairs."

"What happened," Wyatt asked.

"A bunch of demons shimmered in and well, Chris kept yelling at me to go upstairs and I didn't listen to him, and its my fault," Evans said full of sorrow. "It was because of me that we both got captured. If Evans wasn't so distracted and focused on protecting me then Zanko would have never got to us. His demon friends took us to the Underworld where he made me take a potion and he tried to rape me before you guys shimmered in."

"Come here," Wyatt said pulling Evans into his arms. It felt good to hold him like that. He knew that Evans might not be that comfortable with it, but it felt so good to have him with him, and hold him like that. Wyatt then kissed the back of Evans' neck. "Everything is okay, Evans," he whispered soothingly as he began to hold Evans even tighter. Evans soon realized that he wasn't wearing anything but his boxers. Wyatt's hand started to rub his butt. "Does that feel good baby boy," he asked and Evans nodded. "I love you so much," he whispered into Evans' ear. "I know you might not feel the same way about me, but I'll always feel this way about you. You're just so beautiful and I've always felt this way about you since the day I laid eyes on you," Wyatt went on. "You feel so good and taste even better. I'll kill anyone who ever tries to hurt you again," Wyatt said protectively.

Evans didn't know what to do. He's never felt Wyatt treating him this way before, but he liked it. Wyatt wasn't hurting him or yelling at him at all. Its probably because he thought he lost him for a few minutes, and that's probably what made him realize how much he loves him. Evans figured he might as well enjoy it while he can because tomorrow, Wyatt is just going to back to his same old ways. This is the Wyatt that Evans loved so much. His Wyatt will always be evil and that's something Evans can't change, but he just wishes that he'd stop the abuse against him. That's all he's asking for.

"Hey um Evans," Wyatt whispered. "We need to get some sleep, since we got a big day tomorrow," Wyatt told him. "We might have figured a way to get us back to our world."

"Okay," Evans agreed as he got off Wyatt but he didn't want to. There was a brief moment of silence. He can't believe what Wyatt just told him. Their going back to their world, but Evans didn't want to go back. All those innocents gone and everything. A world without his Aunts, but then again its destiny that it happened in their universe. There's nothing Evans could do to change it. All he could do is hope that Wyatt treats him better than now then he did in the past, which he knows will never happen, but it was fun while it lasted. "Hey umm Wyatt," Evans asked hoping that he was still awake.

"Yeah whats up," Wyatt said.

"Could you please hold me until I fall asleep," Evans asked.

"Anything for you baby boy," Wyatt said pulling Evans back on top of him and cuddling him onto his chest. This is something he hasn't done in a long time, and he misses it. Maybe he should do this a little more often. It would make Evans love him more. Wyatt waited till he felt that Evans was sleep before he finally drifted off himself. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Evans woke up that morning and made sure to take his shower and get ready before Wyatt came home. He didn't want Wyatt joining him in the shower. That wouldn't be nice. He loved Wyatt and all but sometimes he just needed his space. As he was getting ready he thought about what was going to happen when he got home. He doesn't know if he'll be able to take it anymore. All the beatings and everything he endured were painful, and now that he's had a taste of how life might be like without Wyatt always hitting him he doesn't know if he'll ever go back.

Evans put his clothes on quietly so he wouldn't wake up Wyatt. Seeing Evans just get out of the shower all wet and everything would only turn him on and want to have sex, and right now Evans didn't want to do that, but it wouldn't be his choice though. Its always Wyatt's choice when they have sex. Since they didn't do it last night he's surprised Wyatt hasn't woken up and demanded that they do it now, but Evans know he soon probably will. If not now later on in the day.

Deciding not to stick around for when Wyatt wakes up, Evans decided that he'd go downstairs in the clear where Wyatt, and I were. Hopefully Wyatt wouldn't try to do anything while all of us were down there. If he did, Evans knows that I would give him a big talking to or else there would be a big magic fight that wouldn't be good.

As Evans slowly made his way down the stairs, he suddenly felt a hand go to the back of his shoulder. Scared that he was Wyatt he slowly turned around to see that it was me right there smiling. He gave a small sigh happy that it wasn't Wyatt behind him or else he just might be in trouble.

"Hey Evans, you okay," I asked worried. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"No, I'm fine," he said.

"Okay, well I just wanted to let you know that Wyatt and I are going to the magic store to get some more toad strudel to make some potion, but we'll be right back, so do you feel okay with being here with evil Wyatt by yourself," I asked knowing how much he is scared of Wyatt.

Evans didn't want to look like a coward. "No, everything will be fine, you guys just go on," he said.

"Okay, but if he does anything to you just call me alright," I said as I walked in front of him and made my way out the door. Wyatt was already in the car waiting for me, but I just wanted to make sure that Evans was going to be okay before I left him there alone with Wyatt.

Evans slowly walked down to the end of the stairs and looked around. He was never allowed in the real manor and here he is. At the famous Halliwell manor that was now a museum in his time. Why did Wyatt have to kill the sisters. This is the life he wishes he had. The one that I have. The one where Wyatt would never beat him or do anything to him that would hurt him. Now he's about to go back to that old life of torment. Evans walked into the dining room and looked there. There wasn't much to it. That's what he liked. In the old museum that Wyatt had made the dinning room was full of their costumes that the charmed Ones used when they transformed into different objects to vanquish different demons. Evans couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle when he thought about his mom being turned into a man and then a dog, but there was no costume for that. He wishes there was, but Wyatt never put one up. Wyatt barely had anything of his mothers up. Evans doesn't know what his mom did to make Wyatt made. Its like because his mom died a whole lot earlier then the other sisters did, its like Wyatt basically thought she didn't deserve a special place in the manor. His own Aunt Piper had pictures of her, but now they're all gone and Evans doesn't know what Wyatt did with them.

Evans just kept thinking about how his life is hell back at his own time and how much he doesn't want to go back. What's left in that time for him except for a museum full of souvenirs and nothing else. He wasn't even aloud to go into the museum anyway. Thinking about that made Evans come to a very hard decision. He decided that he wasn't going back no matter what. He was just going to run away in this time and start a new life. He couldn't take Evil Wyatt anymore. He was done with it.

"I'm sorry Wyatt, I love you, but I can't stay with you, and that's why I have to leave you," Evans muttered to himself as all the memories of the past came to his mind.

"You know its not nice to talk about me behind my back," Wyatt said as he firmly placed his hands on his shoulder.

Evans turned around to see indeed that this time it was Wyatt. He couldn't believe he was there. He was all dressed up in his grim reaper outfit, and Evans doesn't know how he put it all on that fast and got down here in time to hear him. Evans was scared. He knew what was about to happen next.

"You should be scared," Wyatt stated as he read every thought that was going on in Evans' mind. He then grip Evans' shoulders harder before he turned him all the way around. "You know Evans, I love you and all but sometimes you can be an ungrateful little brat. I do so much for you. I give you a mansion to live in, food to eat, command over all the Heavens, hells, and Earth and what do I get for it? You say that you want to leave me and never come back," he said with more venom in his voice.

"Wyatt I'm sor.." Evans tried to say, but Wyatt clamped hand over his mouth stopping him from talking.

"Shut up!" The man shouted as he grabbed a hold of Evans and flamed them back up to the bedroom.

Evans didn't know what to do. What happened to him always was about to happen now. This time Evans knew he couldn't let Wyatt do this to him. He remembered what I told him about fighting. Evans decided he was going to try to fight his way out of this one. Evans punched Wyatt in the face, but Wyatt smirked back at him, and Evans shook with fear seeing that it did nothing. What could he do? He had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, Wyatt was going to have his way with him like always.

"My turn," he heard Wyatt say in a low toned voice as he back handed him across the face. Evans then fell to the floor from the force of the hit and did not move, until he felt Wyatt's hands on his arms, pulling him back up. The force, which he pulled Evans up, made Evans feel like his arm was going to rip from its socket.

Wyatt threw Evans backwards, into a wall, and punched him, making sure to leave a bruise. The beatings continued until Evans was too weak to fight back, and then the blond haired Halliwell pulled him over to their bed and tied him to it before ripping his clothes off.

Wyatt felt himself getting harder as he looked at Evans' naked body, and climbed up onto the bed.

"You're going to learn your lesson, Christopher Evans," Wyatt warned his lover, running his hands over Evans' body. Evans tried to get away, but it was no use, the ropes that were used around his wrists were too tight, so tight they were cutting into him, so the more he moved the more they hurt. All Evans could do was let Wyatt take him into his mouth. He was disgusted at the thought, his own brother was doing this to him, how could he? What was worse, the look on Wyatt's face, the feeling of his growing erection that Chris could see and feel, hearing Wyatt's moans meant that Wyatt was enjoying it. His brother/lover was enjoying raping him.

Wyatt stopped what he was doing and moved back up Evans' body, to see the look of hate in his brown eyes, but it just turned him on even more. The Twice Blessed's hard member pushed against Evans' thigh, he wanted Evans right now, and was going to have him.

"You are never to run away from me ," Wyatt warned the father of his child, as he placed a finger inside his tight hole, making it painful for him, like he had already decided, Evans would learn his lesson the hard way, "Understood?" when Evans did not answer, Wyatt stuck another finger inside his lover, causing his to clench his teeth, breathing hard as pain shot through his body, "I said understood?"

Evans clenched his eyes, the pain was getting unbearable, he writhed around trying to either making it slightly easier or get Wyatt's fingers out of him, he preferred the latter, but it was not working, it was just making it worse for him. As Wyatt stuck a third finger inside of him, Evans screamed out in agony.

"Answer me, Christopher," Wyatt glared down at the lighter male, "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes," Evans cried, hoping it would make the pain stop, he would do anything right now to make the pain stop, "I understand."

A smug smile appeared on Wyatt's lips, seeing Evans like this made him harder, even though he did not think he could get any harder. He wanted Evans right now. Removing his fingers, he could hear Evans sigh.

"It's not over yet, my little lover." Wyatt whispered, forcing Evans' legs to bed and open more so he could get into position and push deep into Evans. Evans' cried of pain were met with Wyatt's moans of pleasure, as the tightness of Evans felt so good, better than it had ever done before. He was so tense, which was not surprising, but it felt so good.

Straight away, Wyatt pumped his erection inside Evans, his breathing getting harder and faster.

"Wrap your legs around me," Wyatt ordered Evans, but the brunette did not move, still clenching his eyes from the pain he was feeling, "I said wrap your legs around me." When he did not respond again, Wyatt pushed in deeper than he usually went, causing Evans to cry out in pain, louder this time. Wyatt looked down on his brother and pulled Evans' legs around his waist. "Hold them there, or this will be worse." He warned his brother before pumping his hard muscle again, enjoying the feelings of pleasure running through him. God, he wanted this to last all night, but he knew it would be so much better if Evans would willing do this and join in with the love making rather than forcing Wyatt to rape him.

Evans now laid there numb, even though there was still pain, he could not feel anything else. Apart from closing his eyes every now and again from the slight pain, he would lay there, his head to the side, looking at the dark wall, waiting for it to be over, waiting for Wyatt to finish with him, but it seemed to take forever.

Feeling his legs being lifted, Evans looked up hoping it was over, but just saw Wyatt changing position slightly, so the brunette's legs were over his shoulders. Chris knew it was to make his hole, tighter for Wyatt.

The Twice Blessed moaned louder as his lover's hole felt so tight around his painfully hard member. He knew he was peaking so pumped harder and faster.

"Oh fuck, yes," Wyatt whispered as sweat ran down his body. His movements became shallow and fast as he felt the point of no return reaching closer and closer and soon blasted his semen inside his lover. Wyatt's body shook as his orgasm peaked, "Evans..."

Hearing his brother say his name during orgasm disgusted Evans even more. How could he do that? It was sick. But at least now he had come meant he was finished, which was one good thing.

Wyatt let Evans' legs drop but stayed inside him as his orgasm subsided, and then he collapsed on top of Evans, breathing deeply. He moaned slightly as he pulled himself back up and looked at Evans, who was looking away from him.

"Look at me," Wyatt told him, but Evans ignored him. Wyatt pulled out of Evans fast and grabbed his face, pulling it sideways so their eyes were locked, "You will do as you're told, that was just an easy lesson, there will be worse if you continue to defy me," Evans narrowed his eyes at Wyatt and then spit in his face. Angrily, Wyatt backhanded Evans across the face, "Are you wanting more, because trust me, ten minutes and you will get more if you're not careful."

For the rest of the time Evans just laid there until he felt that Wyatt had gone back to sleep. He couldn't believe what just happened. One thing he knew for sure was that this was going to be the last time that it did. Slowly, Evans slipped out of Wyatt arms and put his clothes back on. He went straight to the kitchen without thinking about anything else, but what was on his mind. He opened the drawers and found the sharpest knife he could. He pulled it out and slashed his wrist with it and grabbed a towel so the blood wouldn't drip too much. Slowly he felt his life going and going. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"Alright, now that we've got the potion its time we get these guys home," I said as Wyatt and I had just finish making it in the attic. Wyatt and I orbed straight to the attic without coming to the front door. The manor was real quiet which we liked. I just assumed that Evans and Wyatt had gone to sleep. "You think its safe for Chris to bring, the other Chris, and Wyatt Jr. here now," I asked my husband.

"Sure, what's the worst Wyatt could do now," Wyatt said.

"Okay, CHRISTOPHER PERRY HALLIWELL GET DOWN HERE!" I shouted. A few seconds later Chris entered with, Alt. Chris and Wyatt Jr. in his hands. "Took you long enough," I joked.

"Thanks for being so loud," he said.

"Now all I have to do is draw a triquerta on the wall and we'll be set," I said walking over to the wall. Slowly I drew my best triquerta on the wall. I wasn't really a good artist, but who else was going to do it.

As soon as I was done drawing the triquerta on the wall, I saw Evil Wyatt come running in the attic. For some strange reason he had a worried look on his face. "Have you guys seen Evans," he asked.

"No, I left him here with you, why," I asked.

"I can't find him anywhere," he said.

"Have you checked downstairs?" I asked.

"No, but I called for him and I thought he would have come if he was down there," Evil Wyatt said.

"Come on lets go check downstairs," I said. I was getting pretty worried myself. It wasn't like Evans to ignore the calls of his lover. I don't like it, but he knows that he would get punished if he did. I looked around the living room and the front room and there was no sign of him. He couldn't have run away because if he did, Wyatt and I would have seen him down the road on our way home. I don't think he's done anything magical either, because for one he is limited and two I'm pretty sure he hasn't been in the attic. The Book of Shadows was still in that exact same page as it was before so he couldn't have done anything magical. Next thing I knew we all her a cry from Evil Wyatt. All of us quickly rushed into the kitchen. My jaw dropped to the ground. We all looked as we saw evil Wyatt kneeling over Evans' body that I couldn't tell was dead or alive. I saw a knife on the floor beside him. He must have committed suicide. I went over and knelt beside evil Wyatt. "Oh my gosh what happened?"

"I don't know, I just found him here," Evil Wyatt said. He was almost in tears. He was about to loose the love of his life. "I tried to heal him, but nothing happened."

I couldn't believe this. What in the world would make Evans do this. He seemed fine yesterday, so I don't know what could have pushed him over board to do this, but I'm sure it had something to do with Wyatt. "Wyatt what did you do to him," I asked angrily.

The Evil Wyatt sighed knowing he had to tell me this story and I would hound him until he did. "He said that he was going to leave me so I beat him and rapped him and warned him that if he ever tried to leave me that it would happen again," Wyatt sighed sadly.

I was so angry I had to hold myself back from killing him right now. "You know what," I gritted through my teeth. "I don't even know where to began," I said. "You see what you did? You might have killed the person you say that you love," I scolded him. "What am I kidding you don't love him," I said.

"Yes I do," Evil Wyatt said defensively.

"Then tell me one thing," I asked. "Why do you beat him and force him to have sex with you huh? Thats not love, that's just using someone to be your little sex toy," I stated.

"Look I'm sorry alright," he apologized.

"Sorry is not going to cut it," I said. "You've been hurting him for a long time, and you can't just keep doing that," I yelled some more. The whole family just stood there and watched as I broke down the evil Wyatt. "Now because of you, your soon to be child might not live and your other son will be without a mother, I hope you're happy about it, because that boy is always going to hate you for what you did that caused his mom to commit suicide."

Evil Wyatt looked down. He couldn't argue. Everything that I was saying about him was true. He looked down at Evans body and began to run his hands around it, feeling him, and somehow, he could feel that Evans was still alive, but barely. He doesn't know how he feels it, but he does. "He's alive," Wyatt cheered. "Can you please heal him?"

"There's no way that we can heal him if you couldn't," Good Wyatt said.

"No he can't be maybe we can," I said referring to me, Wyatt, and Chris. "We were able to heal the other Chris so maybe if we work together, we can heal him," I said.

"Its worth a shot," Chris said as him and Wyatt got down to where I was. All three of us put our hands over Evans' wound and quickly began to heal it. I was hoping more than anyone except for Evil Wyatt, that Evans would be okay. He was a great guy and he didn't deserve to die. Not, now and not like this. Soon or golden orbs that were coming out of our hands were healing his wounds. Everyone smiled knowing that he was going to be okay. If he wasn't then he wouldn't be healing. Soon we were done healing and we all stepped back to give Evans some air.

Evans woke up to see a familiar face staring at him. "Wyatt," he whispered.

"Thank goodness you're awake," Wyatt said pulling Evans into a deep hug. "I thought I lost you there for a moment," he whispered. "Look, Evans I'm sorry that I hurt you this time and last time, but if you let me, I want to spend the rest of our time together making it up to you. I love you Evans, and I know I'm going to be evil and always will, but I want you by my side and I promise I'll never hit you again."

Evans smiled. He's never seen his Wyatt this sensitive before. "Wyatt, I love you and I will be with you," he said.

Wyatt smiled and pulled his lover back into a deep hug. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

We were all standing in the attic saying our goodbyes to our doubles. I really am going to miss having two of me around. It was pretty fun with Evans. I had someone to talk to and someone who understands how I feel. I wish he could stay, but he has to go back to his universe. Alt. Chris decided that he was just going to still be part of the Resistance to stop Wyatt, but he was still going to love his big brother. Evans decided that though it was evil, he was still going to rule by Wyatt's side. He loved him more than anything, and he was doing this for their child and the child that they had on the way. Though all three of them are headed for separate paths they know they will still be close.

"Well, I don't know if we'll ever meet again, but I enjoyed having you guys around," I said honestly. Sure who cares that they made a lot of noise at night, but they were still fun to talk to.

"Yeah we had fun staying here," Evans said. There was a pause of silence. "I guess its time for us to get going."

"Hey, Evans," Evil Wyatt called to his lover. "There's something I want to ask you," he stated. "I know that we've been through a lot and I haven't treated you right and all, but I want us to be a family."

"What are you talking about Wyatt, we are a family," Evans said smiling.

"No where not," Wyatt argued. "At least not a real family and that's one thing I know you want just as much as I do," he said. "I know I really didn't believe in this before, but now that I know what it feels like to be without you, I know that I never want that to happen so," Wyatt stopped for a moment as he got on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket. "Christopher Evans, will you marry me," he asked.

Evans was just shocked, just as well as everyone else in the attic was. He couldn't believe what Wyatt was just asking him. He's waited for this day for a long time and never thought that it would come, but it finally has. "Yes," he nodded. "I will marry you," he added.

Evil Wyatt smiled as he grabbed Evans' hand and placed the ring on his finger. He got off the ground and pulled Evans' into a nice big bear hug. "I love you Evans, more than anything in this world," he whispered in his ear. "I know I can't say sorry enough, but that doesn't mean I won't stop trying."

"I know Wyatt," Evans said. "Its time to go," Evans pointed out.

Wyatt grabbed Evans' hand along with Wyatt Jr.'s. He then looked back at me and Good Wyatt, who had his arms wrapped around my waist and was resting his head on my shoulder. "Take good care of your Wyatt for me," he said.

"Will do," I promised.

Wyatt then waved his hands over the triquerta and a portal appeared and he walked through it with his now fiancé, son, and brother. I looked back at my Wyatt and kissed him, knowing that we will always be together no matter what Universe we were in. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Whew. I'm glad I'm finally done with that chapter. This is by far my longest chapter and now I hope you guys know why it took me so long. I hope this wasn't to hard for you guys to look at. I hope they post this on nifty with how bad it is. I don't think this bends any rules. So yeah I had to take a few breaks from writing this story because it got way to dramatic for me, but I've got some good news. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico lol. No that's not really the good news. The good news is that because I had to take so many breaks from this story I was able to get chapter 28 done. Yeah, believe it or not so I'm going to have to wait a couple of more days before I post it, because that's the rules, and someone is probably going to have to remind me that I have it or else I'll forget that I have it and won't realize it until I'm done with 29 so someone remind me in a couple of days that I have chp 28. Okay then, so please tell me if you liked this chapter or not, but I'm sorry. Evil Wyatt chapter are just too much so this will be the last time I write about Evil Wyatt so I hope you guys who liked Evil Wyatt enjoyed that. So email me and send feedback at or and I do reply back. I think I got to everyone who emailed me last time. If I didn't just send me a little message saying how much you hate me lol.

By the way if there's anything you want to see in the story let me know. To tell you the truth, like I said this whole Evil Wyatt chapter was not my Idea. One of my fans decided they wanted to see an evil Wyatt chapter so I decided to do it okay, so thank you for all those who send feedback it is greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 31

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