Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jan 12, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Okay so keep the comments coming. They're good and do remember I do take some of your ideas into consideration. Like I said, that whole evil Wyatt chapter was not my idea. Someone asked for it so I gave it to them so if there is anything you want to see happen just let me know. I don't even know if the last chapter should count as a chapter, but oh well. Now lets get back to the whole thing with Patty. That's what's to come now. So for those wondering what made Patty turn, it will be revealed in this chapter, and like always, don't scroll down or else it will ruin the story for you. Oh and also in this chapter you will meet the whole family. You'll see what I mean as you read it. Here's some pictures if you want to see what the family looks like before you read. I know you've probably have your own image of the characters, but if you don't then I'll show you my images, and I tried to pick people who would look like they could be Wyatt and Evans' kids.

Chris Evans

Wyatt Halliwell

Chris Halliwell










"Any last words," I said standing over a demon with a vile in my hand. Chris and Wyatt were both at my sides, and we had chased this demon all the way back to the Underworld after we had found the potion to vanquish it. We caught this demon trying to kidnap Patty. For some reason there has been a massive attempt to kidnap Patty now days by almost every demon in the Underworld. Every time we ask them why they're after her they won't say anything so we just end up vanquishing them. That was really getting us nowhere. We needed to know why they were after Patty and what possess them to go after her instead of the other five. Not that I want them coming after the other kids, but its really getting frustrating keeping every demon away from just Patty. It was a whole lot easier when they were after all of the kids, because at least we didn't have to heavily guard one.

"Yeah, will you please let me live," the demon begged for his life. You could tell by the fear in his eyes that he really didn't want to die. I knew that he was working for someone, since he's not crazy enough to take on the Charmed Ones by himself so there must be something more to his attempts to kidnap my daughter than he's telling.

"Sure," I smirked. "If you tell us who you work for and why every demon in the Underworld is after my daughter."

"You know I can't do that," he replied.

"Then I'm sorry, but I can't save you," I shook my head. I opened up the vile and the demon was already screaming before I could even lift it to throw. Once I threw it the demon cried out in pain before he was engulfed in flames. He was burning for quiet sometime before he finally just turned into ashes. "I never get tired of seeing that," I joked.

"Me either," Chris added.

"You know that is the fifteenth demon this week," Wyatt stated. It was true. The funny thing about that is, its only Tuesday. It might be our duty as Charmed Ones to go demon hunting and protect innocents, but this is getting a little bit too far out of hand if you ask any of us. "When are we going to get a break from all of this?"

"I'm with you, bro," Chris agreed. "Lets get back to the manor."

We soon grabbed hands and orbed out. I couldn't help but think about how many demons we've had to come down here and vanquish. The demons are just causing me a lot of stress. Why couldn't they have made their attempt while I was still pregnant, like Prue said they did. I guess things in the future must be changing. Now the question I need to know is who or what turns Patty evil so we can stop that from happening.

When we got back to the manor, I could see my second daughter holding Patty, along with my second son with her. They've been here for years, and still haven't accomplished what they were here for. Its disappointing to them, but they say they can't go back home until they've accomplished what they've come to do. Even if it meant they had to stay away from their family more. I know Prue and Robert must miss their family. I sure would if I was in the past. I can't help but wonder though what has Patience, Ryan, Patty, Rolland, Penny, and Richard all grown up to look like. If I calculated the times right then they should all be grown.

"Mom, you're back," Prue said as she got up from the couch, with Patty still in her hands. Prue herself couldn't believe such a beautiful baby like Patty would be evil in the future. Because Prue was so young she couldn't remember Patty as a baby and now she was happy that she got to see it. Though anything with babies makes her sad right now. Holding Patty reminded her of her own family. Her oldest Leo and the twins that she had not too long ago. She just hopes James is in the future taking good care of them.

"Hey Prue," I greeted. "So how's Patty?" I questioned.

"She's been fine," Prue answered. "Thank goodness there hasn't been any demons coming in the manor so far," she said relieved. We all began to laugh at what she just said, because there have been plenty of demons for the Charmed Ones.

She spoke to soon. Right as we started laughing five demons shimmered in. None of us even noticed, because we were too busy laughing. It wasn't until one conjured and energy ball and hurled it right at us that we noticed. Once that demon hurled an energy ball at us, we quickly ducked. It was so close to hitting us. It blew up Piper's old clock though. I know Piper isn't going to be too happy about that since she's had to get it fixed a thousand times because of demons.

Chris, Wyatt and, quickly split up. We knew we could take all five of them on. We just had to tell Prue to stay behind us and make sure to protect Patty. One sent an energy ball at Chris. Chris levitated in the air and dogged it. He levitated back down to the ground and waved his hand sending one flying. He just loved using his telepathy power to tap into mine. The demon then growled at Chris and sent another energy ball his way. Chris smirked and used his telepath power to send it right back to him. The energy ball then hit the demon with such great force that he went flying right into the wall. The young Halliwell took this opportunity to send an electric wave at the demon causing him to scream in pain and then blow up.

One demon came at me, but I was able to back kick it back to the wall. I did regret doing that a little because my kids should never see me using violence. I then felt a pain on my back that caused me to fall to the ground. Not knowing what it was, I looked back to see there was a demon behind me. He must have just shot me with an energy ball from behind. I can see that it was now two against one, but I knew just how to even the odds. I astro projected so that there were now two of me. That power never ceased to fail me if I was ever out numbered. My two astro projection then jumped into both demons and made them feel the pain of the whole entire world, which caused them to cry out in pain before they finally blew up. Seeing that my job was finished, my astro projection went right back into my body and we were one again.

A demon came straight after Wyatt and Wyatt was quick to pick him up and throw him straight into the wall. That had to be painful from how bad the demon gasped. The demon quickly got up and came charging at Wyatt again. Wyatt gave him a quick punch that sent him right through the clock again, which was already broken. Wyatt gulped knowing that his mother was going to kill him. The demon got up another time and came after Wyatt. Wyatt then lifted his hands and blew the demon up. That was pretty easy.

Next thing he knew a demon was coming right behind Wyatt with an athame in its hands. No one saw it except me. I had to think fast or else this demon was going to hurt Wyatt. "WYATT DUCK!" I shouted. Wyatt didn't even ask. He just did what I said. "ATHAME" I called and the one in the demons hands orbed to me. I then threw it right at him, and it hit him right in his chest, making the demon stop where he was and fall head first to the floor. He started squirming around a little before he was engulfed by flames and then went to ashes. I looked around to see the whole manor in a disaster. Our little demon fighting must have gotten too out of hand. "Well, I don't feel like cleaning, so who's in for using magic to fix this?" I asked. I looked around to see everyone nodding. "Okay then, Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the scene to be unseen," I chanted. Next thing I knew there were orbs around everything and the whole manor went back to normal. Even the clock that would always break.

Seeing everything gone back, Wyatt looked at me and smirked. He then began waving his index finger up and down gesturing me to come closer. I knew I must have done something to make him happy like that. Slowly I began walking his way. When I got within three feet he pulled me up against his body. "What would I do without you," he whispered in my ear as he nipped on it.

"Huh, what are you talking about," I moaned. Wyatt really has learned to hit my sensitive spots lately. I hate it when he does that. It makes me agree to do whatever he wants, and that's not a good thing seeing as all Wyatt has to do is come sucking on my skin and I'll do anything for him.

"You just saved my life," he stated as he moved his tongue and started to suck on my neck.

I couldn't help but giggle. The combination of Wyatt sucking on my skin and his little sense of humor was enough to send me over the edge. "Come on, Wyatt all I did was just tossed an athame at the demon that was coming behind you," I stated. "Its not like you would have died if he touched you with it, because have you forgotten that you're invincible and self healing?"

"No baby, I'm just glad you saved me the pain," he said. I knew Wyatt was just making excuses so he could do this to me. Its not that I didn't enjoy it, but it sometimes does get annoying with him always sucking and kissing on my neck. I wonder if he's ever thought about thanking me another way besides this way. Probably not in a million years.

Chris coughed to make his presence known. Once he did Wyatt stopped what he was doing and looked at him to see a frown upon his little brother's face, knowing that he must have done something wrong. "Could we please not do this in front of the kids," Chris suggested.

"What?" Wyatt shrugged. "Patty is the only baby in here, and I'm sure she doesn't understand whats going on."

"I know, but I don't think this is something that you want to show your kids," Chris gestured towards Prue and Robert.

"You know, I think Chris is right," I nodded pulling away from Wyatt.

Wyatt just stood there and pouted like a five year old. Just like a kid he hated when he couldn't get what he wanted, and right now he wanted me. It wasn't like there wasn't plenty of time when we got home, but with all this demon hunting and stuff Wyatt and I really haven't had the time to spend alone. Then anytime we do, we always have the kids with us. Poor Wyatt, never got the attention he deserves, but he will once we're done with Patty's problem.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," I told him.

"Yeah, you say that a lot," Wyatt mentioned.

"Well, look I'll make it up to you later on today, I promise," I said sincerely. Wyatt still didn't believe me, so I had to try to convince him even more. "As soon as we have time, I promise we can go have our little fun okay," I said kissing him lightly on the lips. Wyatt still wasn't budging. "Come on Wyatt," I pleaded giving him the sad puppy dog eyes, but he was being stubborn. "Wyatt," I said even firmer, but he was still pouting like a five year old. "I love you," I said, and he started to break, but now all the way. I knew what would get him. I begin slowly sucking on his neck, where his adam's apple was. He didn't know that I knew that was one of his sensitive spots.

"Okay, okay," Wyatt said giving in. I was only turning him on even more right now and if he could he would just carry me all the way up the stairs right now and fuck my brains out, but he knew that Chris and I would kill him if he did, but to tell the truth it was almost worth it to him. "Later today it is," he agreed. "You owe me and there better not be any excuses," he said. "And I love you too," he said back.

"Thanks," I said giving him a hard kiss on the lips. "So Prue, Robert I was hoping to talk to you guys about Patty."

"Umm," Prue smiled. "We'd love to but we have something to take care of," she lied.

"Can it wait," I asked.

"No it really can't," Robert said. "I mean we should have taken care of this a long time ago," Robert was lying also.

"Is there anything we can help you with," Wyatt asked.

"No dad, we don't need your help," Robert said calmly, but inside he just wanted to yell that at Wyatt.

"Yeah dad, I'm sure you're busy enough," Prue added.

"Oh okay," Wyatt said hurt. His own kids were mad at him and he doesn't even know what he did to make them hate him so much.

This was some very strange behavior. For the past few weeks, ever since Prue and Robert found out that little Robert was okay and he was home from the hospital they've been acting pretty strange. I don't know what's going on. I mean they never want to talk to me a lot and now they're always being mean to Wyatt like he's done something to them. I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the future. If it didn't then I don't get why they're acting this way because Wyatt and I haven't done anything to them. They're pretty much acting the same way towards Chris as they are towards me. When Chris asks them if they can do something for him, they would lie and say that they're busy and they can't do it. I would go into their heads and find out what's going on, but by doing that I could mess up the future and find out some things that I'm not suppose to know, but no matter what the cost is, I've got to get to the bottom of this. I don't want them growing up hating Wyatt and avoiding me all the time.

"Hey, Prue, Robert, can I please talk to you guys in the kitchen for a minute," I begged.

"Sure," they both said together.

"Can you hold her Uncle Chris," Prue asked as she gave him Patty.

After she gave Patty to Chris, I then lead them to the kitchen, thinking of what I was going to say the whole way. So far they've managed to duck and dodge just about every question that Wyatt, Chris, and I threw at them. I don't know what they could be hiding that they don't want to tell us. I've concluded that its something that has them mad at Wyatt and something that makes them not want to talk to me and Chris. There's not many things I could think to do that would make them act like that towards me. Whatever it was I needed to know so I can fix it. I was about to find out since we now made it to the kitchen.

"So what did yo want to talk to us about mom," Robert asked nervously. I could see him sweating a bit. I don't know what he was nervous about. He's usually is never the nervous one, but there's some reason he is now.

"Yeah I wanted to know why you guys have been acting the way you've been," I questioned.

Robert and Prue looked at each other, not being able to think of what to say. "What do you mean," Prue asked innocently.

"You know what I mean," I said angrily. I was really getting frustrated with the whole thing and I was at the end of my ropes. First they were treating all of us very badly and now they're playing like they don't know what I'm talking about. "You guys are always avoiding Chris and I now like we did something and then you're being mean to Wyatt," I stated. "Would you like to tell me what I did to make you guys dislike me to the point that you now don't want to talk to me anymore?"

"No, no mom, you didn't do anything," Prue was quick to say.

"Then why are you guys avoiding me," I asked.

"We can't tell you," Robert said.

"Why not," I frowned.

"Because, it could mess up the future," Robert said back.

"But aren't you guys here to change that future," I reminded him.

"Yes, but there are certain things that we can't change," he said sadly. "We really want to tell you mom, but we can't," he said. "I'm sorry," he apologized. I could tell by the sincerity in his voice that he wasn't lying to me. He really did want to tell me, but he couldn't.

"Well then can you at least tell me why you guys are being so mean to your dad," I asked.

"That's something we can't tell you either," Prue said sadly also. "That has even more future consequences then if we were to tell you the reason we're avoiding you," she said.

"Well then why are you avoiding Chris," I asked.

"Same reason we're avoiding you," she answered. Prue was almost in tears. Whatever it was, must be dramatic. I've never seen her almost in tears, but this only made me wonder even more what it was that they weren't telling me. I wanted to I needed to know what it was.

"Can you guys at least tell me something," I pleaded. This was really tearing me up inside. I don't know if I had done something to hurt them or if I just said something to them in the future. I just wish I knew. I didn't want my kids hating me or avoiding me.

"I'm sorry we can't," Prue said.

"But mom, we don't hate you," Robert interrupted. "You were a really good mother," he stated. "The best one I could ever ask for and so could any of us, but some things just happened and I really rather not talk about it, because it brings up too many painful memories. I know that you are probably wondering what you did, but you didn't do anything, and neither did Chris. There were just some things that happened that we never expected and if they tend to happen again, well Prue and I want to be prepared for it."

I nodded taking in all that they said. I still was a little hurt though. When I look at them I could still see those two little kids that I'm raising right now. They would tell me everything, but now they're keeping something from me that they say will mess up the future. I don't want the future messed up, I just want to know what happened. Not only that, but what did Wyatt do to make them hate him. I can't fix it unless they tell me, but if they don't want to tell me then there's not much I can do.

"Robert were you reading my mind again," I asked with a smile. I thought I might brighten things up since everything was a little sorrowful in the kitchen and it shouldn't be.

"Maybe," he tried to say innocently. "What makes you ask that?"

"I don't remember asking if you guys hated me out loud," I stated.

"Oh well, you know me," he smiled. "I can't help but to want to go into peoples minds," he said.

I shook my head. "You don't get that from me," I informed him. "Neither do you get it from your father. The only one in the family that I know would do that is Chris, so I guess you must have hung around him a lot in the future right?"

"Not really," Robert shook his head.

"Oh then who did you mostly hang around," I asked.

"Uncle Peter," he answered. "I mean we all had some great times," Robert said. "He was the one who helped us through...well um, that whole thing we can't tell you about," he said.

"Oh," I replied. "Where was Chris then," I asked.

"He really was somewhere else during that time, along with you," Robert said. Robert really couldn't stay around. He knew that if he did, he would end up telling me what happened and he couldn't do that. "You know, Prue, I think its time that we go and take care of that thing," he said.

"What thing," she forgot. Robert then elbowed her and reminded her of what they had said earlier. "Oh that thing," she said. "Bye mom," she said.

"Yeah, bye mom," Robert repeated.

"Wait!" I yelled stopping them from orbing where they were going. "Can I at least have a hug before you go," I begged.

"Sure," they said. They both came up to me and gave me group hug. It lasted for a long time, but I wasn't going to complain. I loved to hug my kids, whether it be for a long time or a short time. They were my everything and I love them so much that I don't know what I would do without them. They might be hiding something from me right now, but I know its for a good reason. I'm sure they wouldn't do all of this without it being for a good cause, and I know they want to tell me, but I understand that they can't. Sometimes I wonder why I don't just going into their heads and find out what's wrong, but then again, that's sore of invasion of privacy and I don't want them to feel like they're being spied on all the time. After a hug that lasted for almost five minutes I let them both go.

"You guys know that you can always talk to me about anything right," I reminded them.

"We know mom," Prue said. "Remember, we've had you in the future and like Robert said, you're he best mom anyone could ever have."

"That's guys, and you're the best kids that any parent could ever have, and I love you guys more than life itself," I told them.

"We love you too mom," Prue said.

"Alright then," I said. "Take care of yourselves, and Robert make sure you watch out for you sister even though she might be older. Remember, you're they guy and you're suppose to protect her."

"You know me," Robert said.

"Okay, so see you guys later," I said.

"Bye mom," they said orbing out.

I watched as the orbs floated away. I started to think. Robert and Prue are already almost preteens. Soon they're going to be teenagers and then they're going to be adults. I guess its true when people say that your kids grow up fast. It seems like just yesterday, I had given birth to both Prue and Robert. They were some crazy kids to try to have. I can't believe all those times of them turning my powers into flowers and orbing me to the other side of the world. I wouldn't trade that for anything. I just hope that whatever it is that is troubling them, we will be able to fix, because I hate seeing them all depressed and not able to tell me whats wrong with them, especially if it has something to do with me, Wyatt, and Chris. I don't want them to hate Wyatt. Wyatt is their father, and he loves them a lot and for them to just act like that towards him, must mean that he's really screwed up big time in the future. All those times that Wyatt has made me mad, I've never hated him to the point where I just couldn't talk to him. There has been times where I felt like he didn't care so what was the point, but I never thought that I couldn't talk to him.

I decided to make my way back to where Wyatt and the others were now, before something big happened, like another demon attack, that was common these days. I knew the rest of the kids were back at the manor, because I do remember hearing them come in while I was talking to Robert and Prue. Gosh they're loud. You could hear them coming from five miles away. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I almost tripped over Patty as I made my way over to Wyatt. He was still standing in the door way where I left him, and Chris must have just let Patty on the ground to play, but what confuses me is that she's playing around on the floor away from her brothers and sisters. I know there might be sibling rivalry when kids are growing up, but I still would think that they would be playing with each other.

"Hey, Wyatt what's wrong with Patty," I asked worriedly.

"Nothing," Wyatt said. "What makes you think that there's something wrong with her?"

"I don't know, its just that she's not playing with anyone," I pointed out. Right now Patty had a little doll that Phoebe gave her, and was hitting it on the floor like babies do. It was pretty adorable, I have to say, but I just don't like when she's playing around by herself.

"Don't worry about it," he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Its just a phase that all kids go through," he assured me. "I'm pretty sure that she'll grow out of it soon."

"I don't know," I doubted a bit. It wasn't that I didn't trust Wyatt's advice it was just things seemed to be a little bit too odd around her. "I mean, I want her to have friends when she grows up and not a loner, who everyone dislikes, because she's different."

"Chris, I'm sure she'll be fine," Wyatt said. "You just gotta have a little faith."

"I guess," I shrugged.

"There you go guessing again," he said. Wyatt then looked at his watch. "Its getting late, so maybe we should be heading home, I mean, the kids need to get their sleep."

"Fine, I'll get the kids you get there stuff," I said walking off and leaving Wyatt standing there with Chris.

Wyatt stood there watching as I gathered the kids shaking his head. He really felt bad that I was in this kind of depressed state, but there's not much he could do about it. Wyatt was trying his best to give words of comfort, but they were just simply not working. If he could, he would just transfer all that emotion from me to him, and the only thing stopping that is personal gain. Though even if it wasn't personal gain he still couldn't do it, because he was the one everyone depended on to be the strong one. I might be the oldest, but he feels its his duty to be the stronger one of everyone.

"You alright bro," Chris interrupted Wyatt's thoughts. Chris was sensing what was going on in his brother's head, so he thought he might as well help him out since his brother is his best friend, and well there's no one more important to him, besides his kids.

"Yeah," Wyatt lied.

"Whats got you down," he pursued.

"Its Chris," Wyatt confessed. "I mean he's acting all sad and everything," Wyatt explained.

Chris nodded his head knowing exactly what Wyatt was talking about. "Bro, just forget it," he said. "He's going to be like that for awhile, so all you can do right now is just be there for him."

"How long do you think he's going to be like this," Wyatt asked. The father of six was really hoping this wasn't going to last too much longer. We were due to have another child any day now and with me being all depressed, another child wouldn't be too good.

"I don't know," Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Could be days, it could be weeks, but I wouldn't say it would take months."

"I would hope not," Wyatt said. "If not for my sake for his," Wyatt said as he went and gathered the rest of the kids stuff.


The whole ride home was pretty quiet. I know Wyatt is getting worried and I assured him that I was fine, but Wyatt knows better. That's one thing that makes him a great father. He can sense when somethings wrong even if I tell him otherwise. I just wish I knew what was wrong. Its mostly Patty. As I told Wyatt, I just want to know if she's ever going to have a normal life when she grows up, when she has demons after he all the time. I mean I know that it might have not been the whole reason why Wyatt turned evil, but I remember Piper saying something similar about Wyatt when he was a baby. She told me of all the demons that were after him, because he was the son of a Charmed One. I guess thats what happens when you're a Charmed One and you have kids. You'll spend your whole life protecting them from demons.

Dinner was pretty silent too. Wyatt just kept giving me worried stares across the table. It got so bad that I had to stop looking at him because I really felt guilty about it. I made sure to finish dinner early and grab Patty and go put her to sleep. That was my only way to avoid Wyatt, at least for now. One by one, I came back into the kitchen and put each of them to sleep until all six of them were in their beds and had their baths. Thank goodness there was no running naked out of the bath tub. I guess its because they've matured and now they know how silly they look if they run out of the bath tub without their clothes on.

It now came time for me to go into the bedroom. I know Wyatt's in there waiting for me. When I opened the door, it was dark. The only way that I knew Wyatt was there was because I could see the outlining of his body. I don't know why Wyatt was just sitting here in the dark. I went over and turned on the lamp so I was able to see better. I then went and sat on the bed next to him.

"Hey Wyatt what's up," I started the conversation. I don't even know what caused me to say that out of all things, now I look real stupid. I've been with him most of the day so I should know just about everything that's happened with him today. Wyatt's on vacation this week and he decided that he would spend most of his time at home since Patty is only a few months old.

"With me, nothing," he shrugged. "The real question is what's wrong with you," he asked.

"There's nothing wrong with me Wyatt," I argued.

"Chris, you know that I've known you for a long time, and I know when you're lying to me," he stated. "I thought, since we decided to get back together, that we would have a closer relationship and we would be able to talk to each other about everything, and now I feel as though you're pushing me away and you don't want me to help you."

"No, Wyatt its not that," I quickly argued. I know that I might not act like it, but I know I can talk to Wyatt about anything. "Wyatt, I know I can come to you about anything, but I don't know if you would be able to understand everything that I'm having trouble with."

"Chris, you know that if you can understand it, then I will," Wyatt stated.

That I couldn't argue with. Wyatt and I were like one in the same, and if anyone could understand what I was going through, it was him. I knew this was going to be tough, but oh well. Wyatt deserves to know the truth and I'm going to give it to him.

"Okay," I sighed. "I know you've been telling me that Patty will be fine, and that she's just going through a stage, but I'm afraid that with all these demon attacks, I don't know if she'll have a normal life and to make matters worse, our kids, grown Prue, and grown Robert are acting strange, and today I had a conversation with them and now I know they're hiding something."

"Hey," Wyatt said pulling me closer to him. "I'm sure whatever it is, its for a good reason. I know our daughter and our son, and I know their wise, because they get that from their mother," Wyatt added with a smile.

"Nice try," I smiled back. My smile quickly went into a sad face. "I'm still scared about what it is that they're hiding. I know it has something to do with Patty, but I don't know if its what turned her or what. The real problem is I think what turned her has something to do with me, because of the way Prue and Robert have been acting towards me."

"What makes you think that its you," Wyatt asked. "I'm the one that they said they don't get along with in the future."

"I know its me," I said with a tear coming down. "Wyatt, I know I should have told you this before, but we were broken up at the time, and I just felt like I if I talked to you about it then things would get worse." I paused for a moment to catch myself. "Wyatt do you remember, before Patty was born, and you came into my room when I woke up scared," I said. Wyatt nodded to answer. "I know you asked me if I was okay, but I wasn't. I had a nightmare about Patty. Her and I were just having fun in the park like normal. I tell her its time to go and she's doesn't want to . I ask her why and she says that its because you don't love her, and she runs away into the woods. I follow her back there and when I finally catch up to her, I see her turning....evil. She then looks at me. The burning hatred in her eyes is enough to break my heart. And then she tells me 'Its all your fault'. Finally she kills me." I didn't realize it at first but I had a few tears coming down my face.

Wyatt began wiping them away. "How long have you been having these dreams," he asked.

"For a few months now," I answered. "Everyday, I've been having that same dream, over and over. Everyday I just see the hatred in her eyes when she tells me that its all my fault. I don't know what I did, and I know it has something to do with why Prue and Robert are acting the way they're acting towards me."

"It's okay Chris," Wyatt said soothingly as he kissed me on the forehead. "Why didn't you tell me about this."

"I just felt like I couldn't," I said. "I really didn't want to worry you about something that was happening with me."

"Chris look at me," Wyatt said as he cupped my face in his hand. "If its hurting you then its hurting me, and I need to know so I can help you. You and my kids are the most important things to me right now, okay." With that said Wyatt pulled me into a tight hug. He then pulled away saying, "I promise you that our daughter is going to be fine, and whatever it is that turns her evil we will take it on together, okay."

The was another pause of silence where Wyatt and I were just staring at each other. Wyatt took this as an opportunity to close the gap in between us, by placing his lips on top of mine. Soon we were both lost in a deep passionate kiss. Soon I felt his tongue asking for permission to enter and I granted it to him immediately. Our tongues were lost in a lustful dance, as Wyatt held me close and protectively after hearing what I just old him.

Wyatt soon pushed me down onto the bed so that he was now laying on top of me. He felt like he weighed a ton, but I loved it when his body was on top of mine. I was soon able to feel Wyatt's hard on rubbing up against my thigh. I knew he wanted to have his fun, but I didn't know it was that bad. Wyatt then began roaming his hands all over my body, feeling me up, like he always loved to do, imagining what I looked like with my clothes off, though he already knew. Wyatt's hand slowly roamed down to the hem of my shirt and stayed there for awhile until it finally when under there and he started to fill up my chest.

I moaned in between every kiss, because I felt myself getting harder and harder each moment Wyatt was rubbing all over my upper body. Wyatt pulled away from my mouth onto to go kissing my neck softly and soothingly. Soon those kisses turned into hard and possessive kisses, and before I knew it he was sucking and then he finally bit down on my neck. I didn't feel any pain, because I was use to it. Wyatt laid one more kiss down on my neck before he pulled off of it and went back to pressing his lips against mine.

Now that he was done with my neck, he wanted to go further. He worked his way down to the hem of my shirt and pulled it up so that it was now revealing my chest. The whole time he held my shirt up, he began to feast down on my abs, and ever part of my upper body that he could. He started out by licking all around my navel. He knew that it was turning me on as he could feel my hard on against his stomach. That only made his cock larger in his pants. Wyatt licked his way up till he came to my nipples. I couldn't help but give out a loud moan. Wyatt was sucking them the way I like. He knew just how to do it. He continued licking on my buds for awhile, before he finally decided to go lower, knowing thats what I wanted. Wyatt let my shirt fall back down as he started to move lower and lower. He just smirked at me and raised his eyebrows. I knew that meant he wanted it off, so while he was licking all over my navel again, I pulled it off and threw it on the ground.

Wyatt could see my hard on before he even pulled off my pants. Wanting to tease a little bit Wyatt gently massaged my crotch through my pants. Gently he outlined it with his fingers seeing that it was huge. He went down and licked it a few times, before he went and opened up my pants button and slowly started pulling off my pants. He wanted to tease a little more so he kept my boxers on. Wyatt let his hands go under my boxers, and gently stroke my cock some more. He smile as he saw me moaning, knowing how good he was making me feel.

Right now I wanted to see Wyatt's hot body so I bent down and tried to grab his shirt only to have him push me back down on the bed. I couldn't believe he wouldn't let me take off his shirt. I guess he's just playing hard, but I actually do like it.

Wyatt stopped massaging my cock and finally pulled his hands out of my boxers. He then went and grabbed my boxers by the sides and slowly began to pull them down, knowing it turned me on more with the longer he took. As soon as my boxers were of Wyatt began his hungry assault on my legs and inner thighs. Today was just a day he liked to tease. He made sure to like around my manhood everywhere, before he finally took it into his mouth.

I gasped in pleasure as I felt, Wyatt's warm and most mouth around my manhood. It felt so good after having been teased for so long. I couldn't help it anymore. I had to see Wyatt's upper body. I sat up while he still had my cock in his mouth and was bobbing up in down. I took the opportunity to grab his shirt again and I quickly pulled it off before he could protest. I know Wyatt is mad about that.

Wyatt smirked at me and pulled away from my cock. He then lifted my legs in the air. "Hold them up there for me, please," he requested.

"Why," I asked. I know Wyatt is probably trying to get me back for pulling off his shirt while he was having his fun.

"Just do it," he said. I did what he said and kept my legs in the air. I felt Wyatt leaving a trail of kisses down from my cock to my balls, until finally he reached my ass. He let his tongue dance around until he finally pushed it into my entrance and began tongue fucking my ass.

I held my teeth together. Its been a long time since Wyatt has done that to me and it felt good. I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to take that. I felt his tongue enter me over and over, and dance around my tight ass. It was getting so good, but Wyatt soon took his tongue out of me and pulled right back up and stood over me. I saw him orb some lube over to his hands, but I didn't want it to be over so fast. I wanted this to last longer.

I sat up and grabbed Wyatt's shoulders and pushed him onto the bed. Right when I knew he was settled on the bed I got on top of him. "I think I owe you for that," I said as I began sucking on his neck. This wasn't something that I normally did, but I wanted Wyatt to feel some of the pleasure that he gave me. I could hear him moan a little and I knew he was liking it so I thought I might continued.

I pulled away and started licking down his neck and kept licking my way down until I found myself at his nipples. I quickly took one of them into my mouth, while I started rubbing the other one with my thumb. I started caressing it, and licked my tongue in circles around it, until I found that I liked to the center. I quit playing with his nipples when I knew he was teased enough and licked all over his broad chest. I wanted to taste ever little inch of his body that I could. After I made sure I got every inch, I started to work my way down to his lower area.

I knew Wyatt was long, and he would never cease to surprise me. Slowly I undid his pants with my mouth, knowing that it was going to turn him on, but that's what he got for teasing me so much. In one quick movement I pulled off his jeans along with his boxers. There I could see his long hard throbbing meat, sticking up in the air waiting for me. I grabbed it into my hand and began jerking it off. When I heard Wyatt moan, I could tell that he was liking it. I decided to put the icing on the cake and just take it into my mouth. He tasted so good. I began to take it in and out of my mouth slowly, but then I got faster.

Wyatt cried out in pleasure the whole time. He grabbed a handful of my hair and began guiding me up and down in his own pace. This felt so good to him, he didn't know what to do. He's been waiting for this for a long time, and he just wishes that it would last longer. Wyatt felt himself about to cum and he knew he couldn't let that happen. He wasn't nearly finished with me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me right back up and flipped us over so that he was on top.

Still having that lube in his hands he oiled his hands up and began sticking his fingers in my entrance. He started out with two, wanting to get in my as fast as he could before he came. He slowly lubed his throbbing cock up with the other hand knowing if he went to fast he would cum. When he was done lubing himself up he saw that I wasn't in pain anymore, so he inserted another finger in me and then another and started caressing my prostate. When Wyatt felt that I was loose enough he let his fingers out and began to replace them with something bigger.

Slowly Wyatt began to push his long manhood inside of me. At first it hurt, but it was quick to turn to pleasure. When Wyatt was all the way in I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist knowing that it was going to be a big ride. Wyatt began thrusting in and out fast from the start hitting my prostate head on. I couldn't believe how good he's gotten over the years.

I cried out in pleasure, which made Wyatt go even faster. I felt so tight on his cock that he wanted to just cum right there, but it took everything in him to make this last as long as he could. Wyatt continued to thrust faster and faster hoping to make me scream again, and soon he got just that. He thrust deeper and deeper in me earning him a cry of pleasure which he loved so much. It wasn't too much longer before I blasted my seed all over his stomach. Wyatt then cried out as he blasted his seed into my hole, and then collapsed right on top of me. Wyatt laid there for a second before he rolled over and pulled out of me.

He then pulled me close to him so that my head was now lying on his chest. "I love you Chris," he whispered.

"I love you too Wyatt," I whispered back as we both just laid there before we went to sleep.

*Dream *

I was pushing Patty on the swings in the park. Nothing seemed to be wrong. At least not yet. It was a nice beautiful day out and I could almost guarantee that nothing would go wrong. Patty looked fine and she didn't look like she was evil, but this seemed a lot like my other dream, so I had to be careful.

I grabbed her hand and walked around the park with her, just wanting to spend time with my daughter. This dream had to be different. I continued walking around with her until I felt it was time to leave. I let go of Patty's hand only to get my keys out of my pocket.

"Come on Patty its time to go," I said holding out my hand for her to take again.

"No," she yelled instantly. Before another word was said Patty took of running again like she always did in my dreams.

"Patty!" I yelled as I quickly ran after her. I knew what was going to happen next and I had to stop it before it did. I kept chasing her, but soon found her running into the forest. I gulped before I went after her. I can't believe I was walking right into it again, but I had to do something to try to stop her or else I would keep having this dream. I chased after her, but knew with all the branches in the way that I wasn't going to catch up with her, so I quickly took another way and thought that I could beat her to the opening. When I finally got to the opening, it was worse. The little girl wasn't even there. Grown up Patty was standing there waiting for me as if she knew I was going to take the short cut way. "Patty," I muttered.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" She shouted as she shot out her hands and my stomach was consumed by fire once again.

*End of Dream *

"Ahhhh," I screamed as I woke up. I quickly jumped us as I screamed. I couldn't believe I just had that dream. Patty being evil again.

I felt myself being pulled right back down by Wyatt's strong arms. "You okay Chris," he asked worried.

"Yeah," I said panting.

"Did you have that nightmare again," he questioned.

I nodded slowly. I was about to say something, but I then I felt a little nauseous and I knew I was about to throw up. "Um, Wyatt," I said grabbing his attention. "Did you use a condom," I asked.

"No, why," he asked. I punched him hard before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist before I ran to the bathroom. "Ouch," Wyatt said rubbing his arm. For someone so small compared to him, I sure do punch hard. Worried, Wyatt got up and went after me. When he got to the bathroom door, he knew I would probably kill him if he didn't knock before he walked in. He knocked hard saying, "Chris! Chris! You okay in there," he worried. When I didn't answer the door, he took it upon himself to push it open and there he saw me emptying my stomach.

When I was done throwing up, I grabbed onto the bathroom counter and pulled myself up since I felt a little weak. "Thanks for getting me pregnant again Wyatt," I shouted sarcastically. Now it was back to feeling woozy and with the morning sickness again, and last but not least the mood swings which I hated so much.

"Sorry," he rolled his eyes. "You were due to get pregnant any day now, so I don't see what the big deal is."

"You could have waited one more day," I grunted, before I walked past him.

Wyatt shook his head before he followed. He could already see that my mood swings were starting to kick in. This was going to be one long pregnancy for him especially.


Wyatt and I were pulled up to the manor. Nothing was said on the whole car ride there. I wasn't made at him last night, it was just that I was upset, because I was going to have some mood swings. I was due to get pregnant any day now, but I just wasn't ready. I was hoping to really take care of things with Patty before that happened, but looks like that didn't work out too well, but that means I'll have to be more careful around demons and what not, because I don't know if Richard had a shield or not. To tell you the truth I don't even know if Patty does. So far we've been keeping here so protected that no demon has gotten within ten feet of her, so she hasn't put up any shield. I just wish I knew, but I'm not going to take that risk.

Wyatt grabbed Patty's stuff while I grabbed Patty. We had just come from dropping the kids off from school so the car was a little less crowed. Wyatt let me be the first one to go up the stairs before he followed. That's just the way he's always been. Patty fell asleep on my shoulder when we made it to the top. I opened the door without even ringing the bell, because I know I'm always welcomed there since Wyatt and I both use to live there. I looked around to see the manor was empty. I guess Piper must have already went to the club, and Leo went to his job at magic school.

I must have thought to soon, because Chris and Peter came running down the stairs, a few minutes after we had entered. I could see what they were doing. Chris had a hickey on his neck and his shirt was inside out, and his hair was all messed up, and so was Peter's but what can I say. Wyatt and I had our fun last night, even though it might have gotten me pregnant.

"Hey guys what's up," Chris said as him and Peter made their way down the stairs.

"Nothing much," I shrugged. "I'm sorry if we 'disturbed' you guys," I said as I walked past them and made my way to the couch and laid Patty on it. "By the way Chris, your shirt is inside out, and you have a big mark on your neck," I pointed out to him, letting him know that I knew what him and Peter were just doing a second ago.

"Oh my bad," Chris said waving his hand on his shirt and turning it back the right way.

"Quit tapping into my powers!" I shouted. That's mostly what him and Wyatt do now a days since they're telepaths. They're always able to use my power whenever they want to, but it sucks because I can't use theirs unless I'm pregnant or if I still one of their powers.

"My bad," Chris said scared because of the how bad I was yelling. "Geeze, Wyatt, what is his problem," Chris whispered to his older brother.

"He's pregnant again so he's going to have a few little mood swings," Wyatt whispered back to his little brother.

"Oh," Chris nodded. He couldn't say anything or be surprised by the whole thing since it was bound to happen one day or another. "So bro, do you want me to go get your saltines," Christopher offered.

I looked back at him with an angry face. I was two seconds away from sending him flying to the other side of the wall. Damn mood swings are really driving me crazy and I really don't feel good and its only been one day. I swear after Penny is born there will be no more kids. I don't care what happens or what might change the future.

"I guess not," Chris said backing away. "So what do you guys want to do," Chris asked. "Hey Evans you want me to go get you a chocolate bar so you won't be so grumpy," Chris taunted. Every time I got pregnant it was always Chris who like to make fun of me and how bad I got my morning sickness. If I was still pregnant with Robert or Patty right now I'd blow him up like I'd use to do. The only thing that sucked was he kept rejuvenating. That's the only thing that kept him alive.

"Look, I might be pregnant, but I'm not helpless like you think," I stated as I got off the couch and made my way to the stairs. "I can get stuff for myself, and I don't need anyone's help, thank you very much," I said. "If anyone needs me I'll be going upstairs by my lonesome self since nobody down here gives a damn about me or gives a damn about how much pain I am in," I said as I stomped my way up the stairs one by one. I know I was too old to be acting like that and throwing a tantrum, but try having your brother, husband, and soon to be brother in law making fun of you because you're pregnant.

Chris felt bad and knew this was probably his fault. He looked around to see the disappointed look on Wyatt and Peter's face. Chris rolled his eyes and with 'fine, fine I'm going' look. He then walked his way up the stairs after me. Hopefully I wasn't going to be in a bad mood and test out a new power on him. As much as he can rejuvenate all that still hurts and he's not in the mood for pain right now. First he went and knocked on the bedroom door and got no answer, so he knew I must have not been there or else he would have heard me. The next place he decided to check was the attic.

I was in the attic flipping through some pages in the Book of Shadows. Hopefully I was going to find what I needed. I was so busy looking through the book that I didn't even notice Chris come in. He knew that if I was at the Book of Shadows there must be something up so he coughed and made his presence known. I looked up to see my youngest brother standing in the door way of the attic with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, what do you want," I asked looking back down at the Book and flipping through more pages to see if I could find what I was looking for. I can't believe its so easy to find a demon vanquishing spell, but its so hard to find something that helps you out in a situation you need.

"Well I came to apologize for what happened downstairs," Chris as he made his way to where I was.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I know you were just kidding and you didn't mean any harm to me," I brushed off. I wasn't even looking at him when I said that stuff.

"What are you doing," Chris suspiciously asked.

"Does it matter what I'm doing," I said back.

"Yes, because it involves magic and it could be dangerous," Chris pointed out.

"Whatever," I shook my head.

"Evans, what are you doing," he repeated, but a little more louder. He was now beside me looking as I was turning the pages.

"I'm looking for a spell okay, now will you get off my back," I snapped at my younger brother.

"No, not until you tell me what kind of spell you're thinking about using," Chris said as he pushed me over a little to examine what all I was looking at, which didn't look like something that I would use.

"Look, I'm tired of all this so since magic is getting me into this, its going to get me out of it," I shouted

"What are you talking about," Chris asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Christopher," I said as I aggressively started to flip through the pages. "I'm just tired of everything," I confessed. "My own daughter is being attacked by demons twenty four seven and she didn't do anything for crying out loud and I don't know how she could because she's just a baby, but that still won't keep the demons from coming after her, secondly my own two kids from the future know whats going on, but they won't tell me. In fact they're just ignoring me or avoiding me and for some reason they're mad at Wyatt, and all they say is that they just don't get along with him, and they don't even tell me what he did, and last but not least, I'm pregnant and this baby is driving me insane and he's only one day!"

"Whoa, bro you just need to relax," Chris said calmly as he rubbed circles around my back to relieve some stress. To tell the truth it was working. "I think you're letting your hormones get the best of you and right now I think you should just calm down and relax," he said.

"Relax?! Relax?! You try relaxing when you got demons after your baby and then you try to relax," I said still flipping through the pages. "Then have your daughters come from the future and not tell you anything that goes on when it effects your sons life and then they ignore you and get mad at Peter, and on top of that try being pregnant!" I shouted. I put it in his shoes, that why I replaced daughters with sons at least. I had to remind him that he was going to have three sons in the future. All that I just said had Chris silent, and that made me happy that I could have quiet while I searched the book. Then I thought about it for a second. Chris really didn't deserve all of that. "Hey, Chris, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean any of it," I apologized. "Its just my hormones are acting funny and I just feel like crap right now," I told.

"Its okay bro," Chris patted me on the back. "I've been pregnant too, remember? And I know how it feels when you have a lot of stress on you," Chris said. "What makes you feel so bad though?"

"Just everything," I sighed. "I mean, lately I've been having these dreams about Patty, and its the same one every night and I don't know what to do about it anymore," I explained. I went over to the couch and sat down and buried my hands into my face. "I don't know why I keep having those dreams, but I know there has to be something behind it."

"Dreams?" Chris came and sat down next to me. "Have you talked to Wyatt about those dreams," he asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"What does he say," Chris asked.

"He tells me that everything is going to be okay," I said as I felt a tear coming down my eyes. "I know its not because my dreams are telling me something different." I know Wyatt was usually always the right one, but this time I had a bad feeling and I didn't know what to do, but trust what my dreams are telling me and I know that I should trust Wyatt, but I can't right now. Not if there's something that you know your kids aren't telling you, but it has something to do with your daughter.

Chris held his arms out and pulled me towards him. It was nice to have Chris being a brother to me, like he always does. I'm lucky to have him as a brother. If there is one thing he's good at its making me feel better when I'm down, even in the toughest situation. I remember it was him who was the strong one when I had to vanquish John. Wyatt helped, but it was mostly Chris who was strong through the whole process.

"What happens in your dreams," Chris wondered.

I gulped before telling him. I knew this was going to take a lot out of me to tell since I got emotional with Wyatt when I was telling him all of this. "Patty and I were playing in the park," I started. "I mean she was beautiful, and she was older than she was now, and I don't know how much older, but she was older. Maybe like three or four," I went on. "I told her that it was time to go home and she said no. For some reason she didn't want to go home to Wyatt, and I'm scared it has something to do with why Prue and Robert are mad at him, but she said that he didn't love her, and no one did, and after pleading with her for awhile I told her that I loved her, but she just ran into the forest. I knew I couldn't let her go in there, because she was young and she might get hurt, so I quickly ran after her. I don't know where she learned it, but she could run pretty fast. I never caught up to her until she was in an opening. Next thing I knew she just changed into a 20 year old adult and then..." I paused for a moment. This hurt me so much that my own daughter would do this to me. "And then she looked at me," I continued. "I'll never forget the hatred I saw in her eyes," I described as I began to tear up even more. "She told me that it was all my fault, and then she killed me," I began crying, cause it hurt so bad. My own flesh and blood killed me in my dreams, and she said it was because of me.

Chris kept rubbing me on the back for comfort. That's really all he could do because he really didn't know how to handle a situation like this. Wyatt would, but Chris knows me and he knows that talking to Wyatt right now might not be the best thing. He knows I love Wyatt and all, but I sometimes just need my space away from him. "Come on bro, everything is going to be okay," he said.

"That's what Wyatt said, but I still don't believe it," I replied back to my younger brother. "I still keep having those dreams and they're telling me that's somethings wrong, and Prue and Robert know what it is, but they're not telling me," I said. I shook my head sadly. "I just need to know what's going on and what do I have to do to fix it?" I asked Chris, but I know he didn't know what it was that I was going on either.

"I don't know, bro," Chris said. "I wish I could tell you what it was and we could fix it together, but to tell you the truth, I'm just as much confused about this as you are," he said. "I mean don't feel too bad about it, because Prue and Robert are treating me the same way, but for some reason they love Peter," Chris stated. "I asked Peter to see if he could get anything out of them, but so far no good. They told him what was wrong, but he won't tell me, and he even took a telepath blocking potion so I couldn't read what was in his mind," Chris explained.

Chris and I just sat on the couch for awhile and said nothing. There wasn't much we could say after that. Neither was there much we could do. If the kids won't tell us then there has to be a way that we could figure this out. I had to think about that time Piper told us about a spell she said she used one time to see if Wyatt was okay. Maybe that's the same spell I need.

"Hey Chris," I jumped out.

"Yeah, whats up bro," Chris asked.

"Did Aunt Piper ever tell you what spell she used on Wyatt when he was a baby," I asked. Chris looked at me confused like he didn't know what I was talking about. "Come on Chris, you know that one when Wyatt was talking to the wall and Piper used a spell and you know...accidentally summoned Wyatt to the future," I reminded him, but I knew he was going to go berserk when he found out what I was thinking.

Chris started to think for a moment. At first he couldn't remember what spell it was that his mom used on Wyatt to see if he was alright. All he remembered was that it was something that showed her the future. That was it. The spell brought future Wyatt to the past, but then Chris knew that's probably what I was thinking about doing. Bringing future Patty to the past. That's not a good idea.

"Evans," Chris said looking at me with a sarcastic smile. "No," he said instantly, as he got up off the couch.

"Aw, come on, its not going to do any harm, I mean I just want to see if Patty's okay, and that's the only way I can do it," I explained. Chris seemed not to be budging at all. He sure is Piper Jean Halliwell's son. He can be as stubborn as any Halliwell except for me and Wyatt. We both win on that, but he also got his mom's wit and everything so he's going to be one tough cookie to crumble.

"The answer is still NO," Chris said even firmer as he began to walk down the stairs and I quickly followed. "If you forgot about what happened when mom brought Wyatt back from the past," Chris began as he stopped in the upstairs hallway to talk to me. I shrugged my shoulders and played like I really didn't know. Chris, frustrated as ever, crossed his arms over his chest. "When mom brought Wyatt back from the future he was evil and he almost took his baby self with him to the future, oh and lets not forget he tried to kill the Charmed Ones," Chris reminded. Chris really didn't want to see that happen. It was a nightmare from what his mother told him. It took his father talking Wyatt down, so he could turn him good again which was a big risk since it almost got him killed. Knowing Evil Wyatt, Chris was surprised he even had a weak spot. As far as he could remember, Evil Wyatt cared about no one but himself and power, and maybe Evans, but that was probably because he was carrying his child.

"I know that, but they were still able to turn him back to being good," I pointed out. "Oh and think of what would have happened if they didn't turn him good," I informed him. "Wyatt would still be evil and your little trip back to the past would have been for nothing."

"Yeah, maybe it would have been, but the answer is still no," Chris said. "I don't want to do anything that could mess up the future," Chris stated. Right now he sounded like his old self. The one that came back from the future to save Wyatt. I guess apart of that must have never left him if he's still talking about future consequences.

I frowned at Chris. If I could I would send him flying, but I have to hold back my temper. As much as he makes me mad he's still my brother and I'd do anything for him. Even if it meant I had to kill a demon that messed with him. Its not like I haven't done it before. Over the years there have been so many times that me and Wyatt have said Chris from demons, but its our job as the older brothers to look after the younger brother.

"You know, Chris did I forget to tell you that I don't like you that much," I said out of spite hoping it would effect him.

"Nice try Evans, it won't work this time," he said.

"But Chris, I'd do the same for you if you were in the same situation," I said. "If your daughters came back from the past and told you that Matthew was evil and they wouldn't tell you anything about what turned him or how to save him or what happened to turn him evil, I'm sure you'd want to do the same thing," I lectured.

"Look, bro, I get where you're coming from, I really do, but I don't think that would be a good idea," Chris said. "Plus I think that would count under the personal gain category," he told me. "You wouldn't want that spell coming back on your or the rest of the family would you?"

"No, but-," I started but got interrupted before I could say anything else.

"Good, then there's your answer," Chris said as he continued walking.

I continued walking after still hoping to change his mind. Chris can really walk fast. I mean he was nearly half way down the stairs when I finally caught up to him. I was just about to shout for him, but then I heard a baby scream. It was Patty. Chris looked up at me for a second before we both rushed down the stairs. I don't know why she's all of a sudden screaming. I left her down here with Wyatt and I don't know what could have happened with the past few minutes that I left. When Chris and I finally made our way down the stairs, we saw Peter and Wyatt fighting off like twenty demons that must have shimmered in. Patty was on the ground by Wyatt's feet with a red shield. Wait she has a shield. That means she can protect herself. That's a good thing. Next thing I saw was a demon hurling an energy ball right at my husband, that barely missed him. Wyatt reacted by lifted his hands and blowing up that demon and the other two that were next to it. I knew that was our q.

Chris and I immediately ran off the stairs and joined in. A demon tried hurling a fireball at Chris and Chris just stared at the demon as he made the fireball go right back at him, causing the demon to blow up instantly. Another demon launched an energy ball from behind, but Chris could feel it coming and levitated straight into the air. He then came back down to the ground and shot lightning out of his hands shocking that demon to death.

Wyatt quickly orbed Excalibur to his hands and quickly began stabbing demons in the chest and blowing them up. One demon had a sword himself and tried to challenge Wyatt at sword fighting, but he was crazy. Wyatt was better at fighting with swords than me, and I had been trained to do sword fighting ever since I was with John. It only took one swing before Wyatt was able to find a clear shot, and stuck the demon right in his stomach, killing him instantly.

I ran over and stood in front of Patty to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt, even though she had a shield up. I had to go over there now that Wyatt wasn't over there anymore. Instantly I became the main target for the demons. I don't know if it was because I was near Patty or if it was because I was pregnant with another baby. It might have just been both. One demon hurled an athame at me, but I was quick enough to catch it before it could hit me or my daughter. I sent it right back at the demon with more force. It struck the demon right in the head causing him to shake hysterically, and then he blew up. That had to hurt. Another demon came right at me but I waved my hand sending him straight against the wall. I didn't know how much more of this I could take. I was beginning to go crazy. The more demons that were vanquished, the more that would shimmer in. I was at my point to where I was about to send out my force wave. Before I could three demons sent energy balls flying my way all at the same time. I couldn't move right or left so I knew the the only way was up. Before the energy balls could hit me I jumped into the air and sighed with relief because they had barely missed me. Happy to be safe from the energy balls I looked down to see Wyatt, Chris, Peter, and the demons all staring at me with their jaws dropped.

"Why are you all staring at me like that," I asked them confused. They were staring at me like I did something wrong and I don't think that dodging three energy balls is considered wrong.

"," Wyatt stuttered because he was shocked.

"What?!" I shouted frustrated. I was really tired of everyone looking at me and not telling me what wrong. Finally Wyatt pointed up to me, and I didn't get it at first. When I looked up, I bumped my head. "Ow," I said as I rubbed my head. It was then I realized why everyone was so shocked. My head was nearly touching the ceiling which meant that I was still in the air. Which means that I'm...uh oh. I hate levitating. "Chris!" I shouted. "Help me down from here," I yelled in the direction of my youngest brother. I knew that my baby was going to give me some of its powers, but I didn't think this soon. I don't know how to even control Chris' powers, since those are the ones that Rick resembles, and being in the air is making me woozy, and I feel like I about to empty my stomach on all of these demons.

All the demons quickly took this opportunity to start attacking again. They started hurling energy ball at Chris, Wyatt, and Peter was even more force. They thought with one Charmed One in the air, and not able to control their powers would make the other two vulnerable. Little did they know that, that was a big mistake. Even without the power of three Wyatt and Chris are some tough witches on their own, but the power of three does make them even more stronger.

"I'd love to help you out bro, but right now I'm a little busy at the moment," Chris said as he wave his hands and sent energy balls right back at the demons. He was a little bit reluctant about using his telepathy power to tap into mine, but right now since I was all the way in the ceiling there was really nothing I could do about it, and Chris knew that so he thought he'd take advantage of it while he could.

"Well could you at least tell me how to get down from here," I shouted angrily. I was pretty much getting agitated. I was feeling sick right now because I was in the air, and I felt like everyone else was too busy fighting demons to even pay me any attention or to even want to help me. Chris was still too busy paying attention to the demons. I don't even think he heard me. "Christopher Perry Halliwell, help me get down from here dammit!" My mood swings were really bad right now, because I wasn't getting the attention that I needed. If he weren't helping me, by protecting my daughter, I'd send my force wave out on him. I was caught of guard and two demons sent energy balls my way. It wasn't until I was too late to block them that I realized that they were after me. I was about to scream, but it was too late. As soon as they got close enough to me that they were practically touching me, an emerald color shield appeared around my stomach disintegrating the energy balls. The shield might have protected me, but the force of the energy balls was so great that they sent me back against the wall. I might have been mad about being sent into the wall, but I was happy that my son had a shield that protected me from turning into ashes. "ALRIGHT NOW I'M PISSED OFF!" I shouted causing the whole house to shake. Those demons really done it now. I had enough of those pests. My ears red almost fire.

I looked at all of them. I blew a breath, hoping to freeze them all, but instead somehow everything and everyone started flying away as a gust of wind started to fill the room. I didn't know what was going on until I finally remembered that the last element was wind, and Rick and Penny were the two who had it. The last time I saw this was when I saw Penny use it in the future. All the demons started going out the window breaking it. Wyatt grabbed onto the rail of the stairway and held onto it for dear life, while Peter attached one of his hands to the couch and his other hand was attached to Chris to make sure that he didn't go flying out of the room. They held on for a long time.

When I looked down, I saw Patty was blowing away, and I instantly panicked. "PATTY!" I shouted holding out my hands and orbing her to my arms. I sighed with relief knowing that she was safe. As soon as I got Patty into my arms the gust of wind subsided and Wyatt, Chris, and Peter were able to let go. Thinking everything was over, I was just about to ask Chris how was I going to get back down to the ground, but those same demons shimmered in the room. One shot a fireball at me. I looked out it and held out my hand. "FIRE-" but before I could finish the whole statement, lightening came out of my hand blowing up the fire ball and going straight to the demon that shot it and shocking him to death, before he was turned into ashes. I couldn't believe I had that power too. This was really getting crazy. After that demon was vanquished two more shimmered in. I swear they never give up, and I would send them back out, but that power is a little to risky to try to handle right now, but I had an idea to get rid of those demons. "Hey Wyatt!" I called. He looked straight up at me. "How angry are you right now," I asked.

Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders. "Not that angry," he said. "Why do you want to know?"

That wasn't good. I needed him to be real angry for my plan to work, but maybe I could still make that happen. "Okay, look, here's what I'm going to do," I started. "I'm going to use my empath power to make you feel the anger of the world, and I need you to tap into my power and use my force wave to vanquish those demons, got it?"

"Sure, but I thought you hated it when I tapped into your powers," he pointed out, knowing how much I yelled at Chris when he did it.

I was then about to explode, because I was so angry. "USE MY DOG ON POWERS RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL COME DOWN THERE AND GOUDGE YOUR BLUE EYES OUT!" Damn mood swings are really getting the best of me today. Then again, Wyatt should know not to piss me off while I'm pregnant, but he still does. I'm sure this won't be the last time he does it while I'm pregnant. When I said all of that I had to make sure not to use any swear words in front of my baby though. I knew I didn't want her or the other kids learning any new words from me, and since Patty is still a baby I don't want her first word to be a swear word. That wouldn't be good, especially since I've been scolding my other kids about the smallest words.

Wyatt was shook up a little. He hasn't seen me like this since I was pregnant with Robert, and he definitely knew what would happen if he made me even more angry. "Okay will do," he said.

"Thanks," I said. It was time to put the plan into action. I concentrated and started gathering all the anger that people in the world had, and it was a lot. There was still a little pain gathering it into my head, but I knew that it was just enough. I didn't need anymore. If I took anymore anger Wyatt's head might explode. I then concentrated on focusing all that anger into Wyatt. It didn't take me long before I did it.

Wyatt concentrated and channeled all that anger into him. He waited till he was angry enough to where he knew my power would work. Wyatt gave out a loud cry, because he was so angry right now. The only time I've seen him that angry was when he was evil. Maybe I had given him a little bit too much anger. Wyatt soon had enough to where he was able to tap into the power that he wanted. He looked across the room at all the demons that were standing there. He let out one more big cry before he wave his hand sending out a big force wave turning every last demon in the manor into ashes. Wyatt looked around the room with an angry face daring any demon to show up.

Chris and I looked on scared. That was an even bigger force wave than I have ever sent out. I now know who had the bigger temper. I swear is he the one pregnant, but that one was my fault though. I gave him the anger so I mostly triggered it. I think I might think twice next time before I give him that much anger, even though he just saved my life.

"Nice couple tag team," Chris commented.

"Why thank you," Wyatt said.

"Um...guys," I said drawing all their attention back to me. "I'm not trying to stop you're fun, but GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" I had been in the air for awhile now and I'm really getting grumpy and if someone doesn't let me down right now I swear one of those two are going to be dead meat on a stick.

Chris and Wyatt just stared at me for a second before looking at each other and laughing so hard they could barely stand up straight. They could see I was not too happy right now so they immediately stopped laughing. "Chill bro, we'll get you down okay," Chris said. "Levitating is that same as using any of your other powers," he stated. He saw that I was still confused so he knew he was going to have to explain it better. "Just close your eyes and concentrate on coming back down to the ground," he directed.

"Okay," I agreed. "But if this doesn't work I'm sending you flying all the way back to China after I fry you with your own electricity powers," I warned making Chris gulp. I'm sure he's really hoping that it works. He knows with me being pregnant, he knows how dangerous I can be, and that's something he wants to avoid. I slowly closed my eyes and began to concentrate on the ground. I know this was different, but Chris says its like using my other powers so if it is then this should be easy. I waited for a few seconds before I opened my eyes and saw that I was slowly coming down to the ground. I sighed once I was there. I couldn't believe I just levitated into the air and I really don't even know how to use that power. I guess the power works most when your in danger or something. I walked over to Chris and Wyatt who were still standing next to each other. I grinned at both of them before I punched them both in the arm, with one hand. I still had Patty in my other. "That's for giving me a child who likes to control my powers anytime he chooses," I said towards Wyatt. "And that's for making my child have those powers," I said towards Chris. "Because you had them, my child had to have them and now I have to learn how to control them."

Chris and Wyatt started gently rubbing their arms from the pain they suffered from the punch. I might not be the strongest, though I'm not the weakest, but I still can punch pretty hard and they both know it. Especially when I'm pregnant. Wyatt swears sometimes when I'm pregnant, my punches hurt worse than his, which I highly doubt, since he's the Halliwell with the super strength.

"Hey, that was unfair," Chris frowned. "You didn't punch Wyatt this hard when he got you pregnant with Patty and Robert, and you had to learn to control their powers."

"Actually yes I did," I pointed out. "Trust me Chris, he's gotten a whole lot more punches than you have, so stop complaining or else I will punch you again." Right then Chris shut up and he did not say another word. I guess I am pretty intimidating, but I just hate to be messed with. Once the whole room was silent, Patty started crying. I don't know if it was that she thought we weren't there or if it was because I was scolding her uncle and her dad, but whatever it was, I could tell that it was an unhappy cry. "Shh, its okay baby, Mommy was having a little disagreement with your daddy and your uncle Chris, but its alright now," I whispered in her ear.

"Wow, good job bro," Chris rolled his eyes at me. I quickly looked at him with the look of, 'I might have my baby my hand, but I'm not afraid to blow your ass back to kingdom come' look. "Oh I mean good job with handling the baby while she's crying," he lied. "You're a great parent, and I wish that you were mine," he smiled hoping that would get me off his back. I shook my head and went back to looking after the baby. Chris knew he was off the hook until he said something stupid again. He didn't think that I would really do anything to him while I had the baby in my hands, but he didn't want to take that Chris. He knows that I've done some pretty crazy things in the past and I'm not afraid to do it again.

A fly started flying around my face and started buzzing in my ear. The sound was really getting annoying. I swear, flies were just put on the Earth to annoy people because that's all they do. I waved my hand and swatted it until it flew away. A lot of good that did. The fly only came back twenty seconds later and started buzzing even more. I was really running out of patience. I didn't want to hold Patty in one hand again, so I just decided to blow a small breath hoping it went away. Not only did the fly go away, but so did Chris and Wyatt. My small breath of air sent them flying towards the door, and the wind was so hard it opened the doors but Wyatt and Chris only flew to where the door was an luckily they didn't go outside or else I'm pretty sure they'd be even more mad at me.

Wyatt was the first to get up and brush himself off before he closed the door. "Geeze, Evans, I'm sorry and I'm not trying to be mean, but could you be a little bit more careful with that power," he asked.

Chris got up along with his older brother nodding. "Yeah, I agree," he said. "Until you learn how to control those powers, you might need to watch when your blowing any air."

"Fine," I said. "I'll start controlling my power or the baby's power better," I told them. I just really wanted to get them off my back, so I could go back to looking after Patty."

I continued holding Patty for awhile and rocking her back and forth until she finally went to sleep. Its been so long since she's really gotten a good nights sleep that's she's probably tired. With all this demon hunting and everything going on I know its probably been real hard on not just us, but her. I wish there was something I could do to figure this out. There is something I can do to figure it out. I know it might be bad, but what else can I do. All of this has been going on for far too long and its time that I found out exactly what it is.

"Wyatt, can you watch Patty for a minute," I asked him.

"Sure, but why?" He wondered. It wasn't like me to want to leave Patty behind. Wyatt knows that ever since I've been having those nightmares I haven't let Patty out of my sight, and this was just strangely unusual.

"I just have something that I need to take care of, so can you please just watch her for a moment," I begged.

"Okay," he said holding out his hands welcomely. Maybe this would give him some time to spend with his daughter, and maybe she won't hate him as much in the future. Ever since Wyatt has heard about my dreams he's been real worried, because it really hurts to know someone that you love so much hates you. Especially when that someone is your own flesh and blood. It already hurts him that his daughter, Prue, and son Robert from the future hate him for some reason that they refuse to tell. He doesn't want to make that same mistake with them.

I checked her one more time to make sure that she was asleep before I carefully handed her over to Wyatt, careful not to wake her up. Wyatt took her into his arms and held her close to his chest. Knowing that Patty was in safe hands with Wyatt, I began to go upstairs and take care of something that I really needed to do right now.

Angrily I stomped up the stairs. I had, had it with everything that was going on around here. I'm going to find out the truth, and if its personal gain, I'm willing to suffer the consequences. I really don't think I should even have any consequences for any magic that I do seeing as how much I've done for the magic community. I finally got up to the attic when I needed to be. There was no need for the Book of Shadows. I was going to write my own spell since I couldn't find one. I took a piece of paper and a writing utensil and sat down and began writing.

Soon, Chris came in and saw that I was writing something down. It only took him five seconds to figure out exactly what I was doing. "I can't believe you're doing this," Chris said disappointed as he saw me look up at him. "I thought we talked about it and you decided that you weren't going to do it, because it would count as personal gain."

I got what he said, but really didn't care. I went straight back to writing the spell. "I don't care anymore, Chris," I said firmly. "I'm tired of everything and I just can't take it anymore," I told him. "Like I've said a thousand times before, my own two children are upset with me for some reason. They won't even talk to me and tell me whats wrong. My own daughter is being chased by demons and then she's said to be turning evil and now I'm pregnant and I can't control these powers so I'm going to find out what's going on, one way or another. If my own kids won't tell me then I guess I'll just have to find out on my own." I continued writing the spell as fast as I could. I couldn't let Chris stop me like he usually does. If he stops me now then what's the point of me having a mind of my own.

"Evans, I still don't think this is a good idea," Chris said. "I know how you feel, and trust me on that, not because I'm a telepath, but because we're close, and it hurts me almost like Wyatt to see you in this state, so please lets just figure out another way to deal with this. Its not the answer," he protested.

As Chris had finished his little speech, I had just finished the spell. It was the perfect one that I needed. "I'm sorry Chris, but its a little too late for that," I stood up out of my chair. "Power of the witches rise, come to me across the skies, my daughter's spirit is feeling catty, so let me see her inner Patty," I chanted. I waited and waited for something to happen.

For a moment I thought the spell didn't work, that was until the whole attic started to shake. Chris and I looked at each other and we both knew that the spell must have backfired because of the whole personal gain. Next thing we knew there was a bolt of lightening that struck right in the center of the attic and smoke was all around that spot. I was thinking that it was on fire, but then again the fire would have spread by now. When the smoke cleared, I could see someone standing there. It was that same person that I called for. That same person I kept seeing in my dreams. That one person that this was all about.

"Patty," I muttered under my breath.

The woman gave me an evil smirk like she would do in my dreams. That just let me know that it was her and no one else. She was wearing the same black leather pants and leather top with her cleavage showing. Her hair was red like I saw in my dreams and her smirk was just like the one that Evil Wyatt would make when he was up to know good. That's how I knew that she was partly taking after her father. She was evil. This is the same path that Wyatt took, but I don't know why she's making the same mistakes he made. I can't believe it. I feel like there's a stranger standing right in from of me. My little girl Patty, that I know would never turn out like this. Wearing all black and giving evil smirks. That was the same person that Prue was warning me about. Evil as they come, she was standing in front of me. Part of me was scared and then part of me was just sad. I couldn't believe something so precious to me could turn out like this. Whatever happened to her I have to find out.

"Hello mother," she greeted as she continued to smirk. She looked at me and saw that the look on my face was not a good one. "What's wrong mom? Are you not happy to see your little girl right here," she said.

"P..Pa..Patty," I stuttered scared of what I'm seeing before me. Someone who is in pain and is hurting for a reason that I don't know. "Come on sweetie, I know this isn't you. You're good," I told her.

Patty started her evil laugh as she started to pace the room. "Mom, you know it looks like you don't know your little girl, but don't worry, I wouldn't expect you to since you were never around," she slipped out, but she meant to say that on purpose.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned eagerly. Maybe what she was saying had something to do with what was going on around here.

Right when Patty was about to say something Prue and Robert orbed in. I could tell already this wasn't going to be good. From what I've heard, I know these three don't get along. It might be sibling rivalry and everyone has it, but I swear these kids have it worse than anyone other pair of siblings I know. Prue and Robert were unaware that Patty was even here at first. I know they're not going to be too happy when the find out that she's here right now and not too far away.

"Okay mom so we were able to track down a few demons and...," Prue started as she looked around the room and finally noticed that Patty was right there in here with us. Prue's face quickly turned into a frown. Her sister was not someone who she always liked growing up, but she remembers always having to deal with her, and its because of her that she's here. "What the hell are you doing here?! Prue yelled at her younger sister.

"Well, well, look who it is," Patty taunted. "Sister and brother dearest, I never expected to see you here."

"I asked you a question," Prue said.

"And I should be asking you the same thing," Patty gritted through her teeth. Just about everything she did kept reminding me of evil Wyatt. It was scary. "Who the hell do you think you are, and what authority do you think you have asking me a question," she said as she began to approach the dark haired woman who she despised so much. "You're not my mother," she stated.

"Well I'm the one who took care of you when mom-," Prue went on but quickly stopped afraid of what she was just saying. It could effect the future and she really didn't want that, even though she might have come back to change it. If what happened was destiny she couldn't stop it no matter what so, she figured that she might as well leave well enough alone or it could be more painful the next time it happens.

"When I what," I asked.

Patty looked at me then back at her sister and brother, who were just sweating bullets, because they were scared that Patty was going to reveal the secret. "So, you guys haven't told him," she said. "I thought better of you Prudence, but I guess I was wrong."

"Patty, don't you dare tell him," Robert grunted.

"Why not, he has a right to know," she said back coldly.

"I have a right to know what," I asked. All three of them just stood there and looked at each other back and forth. I was really getting tired of all these little games that they were playing. "Does this have something to do with why you guys are always avoiding me and why you're mad at Wyatt," I asked. That's the only reason I could think of why they were hiding it.

"Wyatt," she gritted through her teeth. Just the mention of his name made Patty want to blow someone up.

"No not you too," I groaned. "What is going on that you don't get along with Wyatt," I asked my second daughter who was now also the Source of all evil in her world.

"Dad and I just don't get along okay," she shouted. She then looked back at her older siblings before she went on. "Well, none of us do," she added.

"Why, and I want to know the truth," I said firmly. "I don't care about all this future consequences stuff, I want to know why you guys are acting the way you do, and if you won't tell me, trust me I have my ways of figuring things out," I told the three adults standing before me.

Patty sighed sadly. She tried to be strong. She was the ruler of her world and she couldn't cry. At least she couldn't let people see her cry. She still cried about the whole thing. It would still haunt her everyday about what happened. "Because dad left me behind, and I was stuck living with Prue until I was eighteen," she said.

"What?!" I couldn't believe this. I was shocked at what my daughter just told me about that. "Why would Wyatt leave you," I questioned. I thought that since I left him he wouldn't leave his kids, but I guess something must have happened to make him leave.

"Because of you," she said with a tear coming down her cheek. "All of this, because of you," she said pointing at me. "It's because of you I turned evil," she stated. "You died on my fourteenth birthday mom, and dad was too busy out protecting his own charges to come and try to heal you," she told me. I had no time to react before Patty started going on. "You were the only one who cared about me and loved me and then you just died, on me and left me, and Richard, and Penny! And then dad was all we had left, and he just walked out on us! Uncle Chris died along with you too, and a few months after Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Paige, and Phoebe all died, and dad just was never there! He didn't even come to their funeral! All he did was showed up at yours and then he walked out on us, and I never saw him again!" She now had tears streaming down her face like a rain storm.

I couldn't believe this. My own daughter was in pain. It hurt me more than that dream that I had to watch my daughter crying out because I didn't exist in her future. I turned to my older two, who were standing there with sad looks on their face also. "Is this why you guys never want to talk to me? Because I died?"

Prue and Robert slowly nodded.

I turned back to Patty and started coming towards her. "Patty, sweetie, you didn't have to do this," I told her as I started wiping her tears from her cheek.

"Yes I did! The magic community had to pay for taking you away from me!" She insisted.

"Patty, no one took me away from you," I told her. "Maybe it was just my time," I suggested.

"No! It wasn't," she was quick to argue. "The elders even said that it wasn't suppose to happen! That demon just takes everyone away from me," she let slip out on accident.

I looked at her knowing from what she said I probably know who's she's talking about. "Patty, what demon killed me," I asked.

"I can't tell you...I've already told you too much," she said.

"Patty," I whispered. "Look at me," I said cupping her chin in my hand and softly pushed it up so she was looking at me in the face. "Tell me who killed me? Tell me how I died," I begged. "I need to know, Patty and don't worry about future consequences just tell me," I asked softly.

Patty quickly pulled away. At first she wasn't going to tell me, but she knew that I wouldn't give up until she did. "You know, I got pretty sick of everyone saying that it was dad who was always the brave one when it was you," she said angrily. "Dad never really had time for me! I was the middle child so he never cared, and neither did anyone else! Not Uncle Chris, not Grandma, Grandpa, or the aunts! No one cared about me, but you mom! No one would ever come to see me or anything, they would only come to see my other brothers and sisters, but never me!" She lectured. "And you wanna know how you died?! You were the one who always cared about people! You were the Charmed One who was always doing the right thing and that's what got you killed! You died just like Grandma did!" She stated. "The same demon that killed her was the one that kill you," she told me.

"I died like Piper did?" I questioned.

"No, not her? Guess again," she said.

"Mom," I muttered. "No, I couldn't, that would mean...I was killed by Shax, but he's dead?"

"Oh he's much alive," she said. "And he killed you just like he killed your mother," she told me. "Everyone always said that you resembled your mother, and it must have been true, because you died just like her! Your mother died trying to save her sisters, just like you did trying to protect dad and Uncle Chris like you always do," she said. She then paced around the room a little bit longer before she back to talking. "But wanna know a secret," she said. "It wasn't their fault," she shook her head. "No, it was mine," she told me. "Because I didn't listen to you, you got killed," she sobbed hard. She could even stand any longer. She just knelt down to the ground with her hands buried in her face and poured her eyes out.

I looked at my daughter crying her eyes out for awhile before I looked at my older two who were just standing there with sad faces. I couldn't believe it all. That's what this was all about. That's what my dreams were telling me. That's why Prue and Robert always avoided me. It hurt them too, and they knew that if they kept talking to me any longer that the truth would eventually slip out and they couldn't let that happen so they just decided to avoid me. I couldn't believe that I just died on my daughter, and I know that's exactly what turned her evil. I couldn't believe that it was because of my death that Patty grew up and took over the world. There was never any demon who did a spell, and all the time it was me.

"Why didn't you guys tell me," I asked my son and daughter.

Prue and Robert looked at each other before looking back at me. "We didn't want you to know that truth," Prue told me. "We knew that it would break your heart if you found out that you didn't see all of your kids grow up."

"It really hurts us, just as much as it hurt you to keep this from you," Robert added.

"But," Chris interrupted speaking for the first time. "Prue, you told me that your mom only had a near death experience and that she really didn't die," Chris reminded her.

"I lied," she said simply. "If I had told you the truth then it would have messed up the future."

I looked at Patty as she was still going on the ground. I was still confused on what she said about it being her fault. I'm sure whatever it was, it couldn't have been her fault. I walked over to her kneeling on the ground. I got down and knelt right in front of her. "Patty, baby," I whispered. She looked up at me with her eyes all puffed up, because she had been crying so hard. "I'm sure whatever happened it wasn't your fault," I spoke as I put my hands on her shoulder. Next thing I knew, I could feel my stomach reacting. Something was happening. I felt like I was shaking, and I knew that it must have been that I was having a premonition. It must have been the baby's power giving it to me.

  • Premonition *

Patty and I were back in the park. Only this time it felt different for some reason. Like this time I didn't feel like she was going to turn into her adult form and try to kill me. Also because she was a whole lot older. I would say that she was a teenager. I don't know if she was thirteen or fourteen. As we started walking more and more, something told me that this was her fourteenth birthday. We were walking around the park hand in hand. The sun was shining real bright and it was a beautiful day out, just like my dream. I lead Patty all the way over to the swings were I let her helped her get on it, and began to push her on it, as she began to swing back and forth. I could hear her screams of happiness from going up and down in the air. I could tell that this was the most fun that she's had in years. After swinging for awhile I let her back down. We then began to walk around the park some more.

"Mommy," Patty started.

"Yeah sweetie," I replied as I looked down at her.

"Why couldn't anyone come to my birthday part," she asked calmly.

"They were all just busy, thats it, but I thought we were having fun," I pointed out. "Are you not having fun with me," I asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Well then lets just forget about everyone else right now and have fun," I told her. "Its your fourteenth birthday and you deserve to have fun okay," I told her as I continued walking with her. The whole scene then changed. Prue and I were sitting in the kitchen of the manor alone. It was still her birthday. We must have just gotten home not that long ago. I had began lighting the candles to Patty's birthday cake and saw that she was a little upset. I could tell that she really wished that her brothers and sisters were here. "Patty, what's wrong sweetie," I asked.

"Nothing," she lied.

"Don't let your Ryan, Robert, Richard, Rolland, Prue, and Patience ruin your birthday," I pleaded.

She just sat there silent for a moment. "Is daddy or anyone else coming," she asked.

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"Mom, why doesn't anyone love me," she asked sadly.

"What makes you think that no one loves you," I questioned.

"Dad doesn't because he's never there for me," Patty stated. "He's always busy with everyone else, and he never has time for me, and Uncle Chris and Uncle Peter never come around to see me," she said. "They even said so themselves. They only come to see everyone else and so does grandma and grandpa. They don't love me either," she told me.

"I love you, Patty," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but that's because you have to," she sighed.

"No, I love you because I want to and you're my daughter," I argued. "Who told you that it was because I had to?"

"Prue," she said.

"Well don't listen to her okay," I told the now fourteen year old. "I love you more than life itself, and there's nothing that you could do to make me stop, you hear me?"

She instantly nodded. "Yeah, but you're the only one who loves me, and I just wish that dad and everyone else did," she said.

"Well you what Patty," I replied with a little anger in my voice. I wasn't mad at her it was just I was mad that everyone was doing this to her and making her feel this way. "You don't need them, you've got me, and that's all you will ever need, understand?"

"I love you mom," she said.

"I love you too, Patty," I replied. It felt so good to hear those words from my little girl. That was the best thing in the world. When you hear your child telling you how much they love you. I pulled Patty into a tight hug, loving every minute of it. I know that's what she needed. To feel like someone loved her, and that's what I was doing. "Now come on," I said pulling away from her. "Blow out your candles so we can have some birthday cake alright," I told her. The rest of the time we sat there laughing and eating birthday cake.

The scene changed once again. It started out in Patty's room for some reason, but something was odd about it. It was a room in the manor. It must have been because we were spending the night or something. Patty was laying in her bed shaking, until she finally woke up. She was panting and scared. She had just had another nightmare that she would always have. Quickly she jumped out and bed and went down the hallway after me hoping to find me in one of the bedrooms. She looked in just about each one and found nothing. She was starting to get worried. It wasn't like me to disappear from her and go away.

Patty then thought that she would check downstairs to see if I had maybe woken up and went and got something to drink like I would do some nights. Patty was only able to make it to the foot of the stairs before she heard someone shouting. It sounded just like her Uncle Chris and she didn't know why he would be shouting like this. Something was going on that wasn't good, and Patty just stood there and waited for it all to happen.

Chris and I quickly pushed the door open to the manor. It was really getting crazy, and we had to take the fight somewhere else. Chris and I were walking so fast and our minds were somewhere else that we didn't even notice that Patty was at the top of the stairway looking down. Shax was one demon who was putting up one good fight. It wasn't but a few days ago that I found out that he was still alive and he was killing so many innocents. After hearing about him kill my mother, I felt like it was my duty to try to stop him.

"Mom," Patty shouted down to Chris and I.

I looked up to see her standing right there. "Patty go back to bed sweetie," I shouted back at.

"But mom I had a nightmare," Patty pleaded.

"I'll be up there in a moment, Patty, just go back to bed," I shouted at her. I couldn't focus right now. My daughter was right there and Chris and I had Shax on our tail.

Shax then came blowing in a tornado. This wasn't good. I was right now distracted by my daughter and I couldn't fight that well with her right there, and Shax can easily hurt her right now, but I can't let that happen. My first duty is to protect my daughter. Shax looked around. He was still the same Shax that killed my mother. He had blue skin that was just a cold as his heart, if he had one. He conjured up one of his special balls. My thoughts was that he was about to shoot it at my daughter. Little did I know that's not who he was aiming for. It was Chris. Shax hurled an energy ball straight at Chris. I couldn't let this happen. I immediately dived and pushed Chris out of the way and got struck with it myself causing me to go back against the wall with such a force that my head was bleeding and my life was draining away. Chris quickly got up and was in complete shock. It all just happened so fast. Before he could even react or do anything about the whole situation, Shax conjured up another ball and quickly launched it at Chris. This time there was no one to save him. Chris took the energy ball on full force and went flying backwards in the air and hit a framed picture that was of me him and Wyatt. The glass had cut up his head real bad. His life was draining away just as fast as mine was. Shax smiled seeing that his work here was done. He then quickly turned back into a tornado and blew away.

Patty was still on the top of the stairs. She saw everything and couldn't believe what just happened. She quickly ran over to my aid and saw me just lying there on the ground as blood was coming out of my body. "Mom," Patty whispered as she knelt down beside my body. "Mom please wake up," she said shaking my body.

After a few shakes I woke up. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful little daughter standing over me. "Patty," I whispered weakly. My life was going away by the second.

"Dad!" Patty called knowing that he was the only one who could heal me, but he was the last person that she wanted to talk to. "I'm going to get you help mom just hang in there," she said. "Dad!" She called again.

"Its okay baby," I told her as I slowly touched her face.

"Mom, I can't lose you," she pleaded.

"Everything will be okay sweetie," I whispered. "I need you to be strong for not just you, but your brothers and sisters," I told her. "Can you do that for mommy," I asked.

"Yes," she said sadly.

"Good," I nodded. "Patty, you're strong okay, and don't let anyone, even your dad, tell you that you're not okay?" She nodded back. "Remember that I will always love you and nothing can change that," I stated.

"I love you too mommy," she whispered as she felt her throat getting sore as she was holding back the tears.

"I'll always be with you sweetie," I promised her. "Be good for your daddy okay? Promise me Patty?"

"I promise," she said.

I felt that I had now accomplished what I was hear to do. I then let myself go and I just died right there as Patty watched on and cried. She couldn't believe this. I had promised her that we would be together forever. This couldn't be happening to her. Not now. Not when she needed me more than ever.

"Mommy," Patty said shaking the lifeless body. "Mommy!" She said louder. "Mommy, please wake up," she said, but the body still didn't move. "Mommy!" She cried. Nothing happened and Patty started to cry hard. The only person who loved her was now gone. "Wake up," she said still shaking, but still nothing happened. "Mommy!" She screamed as loud as she could.

Soon Patience, Ryan, Prue, and Robert all orbed in. They saw Patty lying over my lifeless body.

"We're too late," Prue said to her siblings.

Patty just watched as strange men who she had not ever seen before had started to put my body into a body bag. That was the last she saw of me. It hurt her to watch that. She kept crying as she watched them put my body onto and bed and began to wheel it out of the manor.

"Mom," she shouted as she watched them zip up the body bag. "Mom," she said again. "Mommy!" She said as she started running after the people who were taking my body way. She was quickly grabbed by Ryan, who pulled her close to him and let her cry on his chest. While Prue had Patty, and Robert had Richard. It was all hard for them to see.

  • End of Premonition *

I took my hands off my and moved back away from her. I couldn't believe everything that I had just scene. I started to tell myself that it wasn't true and that it didn't happen, but I know it did. It all happened so fast. My whole relationship with Patty and then me just dying on her. Why did it happen? I died the exact same way my mother did.

" okay," Patty asked concerned.

"So it was true," I said. "I died just like my mother," I told her.

"Wait, how do you know its true," Prue asked.

"I just had a premonition," I told her.

"But that's not your power," she replied.

"I know, but its the babies, and well whatever power the baby has, I am able to control," I told her.

"Wait, you're pregnant with Rick now," she asked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"What is it to you if mom is pregnant or not," Patty hissed at her older sister. "You're a selfish bitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself."

"Excuse me Ms. Ungrateful, but I'm the one who took you in when dad left you, and I can understand exactly why seeing how you are," Prue said back out of spite. She really didn't mean it, but right now she was tired of the insults from her younger sister.

Patty got so mad that she growled and threw her arm out shooting flames right at Prue. Prue was smart enough to counter it with throwing her arm out and shooting a blue laser. Unfortunately both their powers were equal and all it did was caused a big explosion that sent them both backwards. They both just got right back up and decided that they were going to continue going at it. Prue waved her hand and sent Patty flying against the wall. Patty was so mad. She got up and flicked her wrist. It nearly hit Prue, but luckily it missed, but the explosion was near her feet and it sent her right back into the wall. Prue got right back up and they just went back and forth.

I watched on as the two sisters fought with their powers. This was just hard for me to look at. They should be sticking together not fighting between each other. I can't believe my death has caused so much on them. I knew it was going to be painful, but I didn't think it would push my kids to the point of where they were fighting now. I had finally watched as much as I could take. The sibling rivalry was going to end here.

I stepped right in between then and waved my hand sending both the girls against the wall and kept them there while I talked to him. "I don't know what's gotten into you two, but you two better stop it right now!" I demanded.

"She started it," Prue pointed out.

"I don't care who started it!" I yelled at both of them. "Prue what are you doing fighting your younger sister," I asked. "You should be the bigger one," I told her. "I expected better out of you since you're older. You should be protecting Patty not fighting her!"

"But mom I-" She started but quickly shut her mouth when I interrupted her.

"I'M NOT FINISHED YET!" I shouted causing the attic to shake a little. "Patty, what in the world has turned you like this, and I don't mean evil, but what would possess you to attack your own sister," I asked. "That's the person you should love and want to protect."

"Sorry mom, but she really is a pest and she's made my life hell for the four years that I was living with her," Patty said.

"Oh yeah, well you're the one who would always be sneaking out of the house and I'd have to go find you," Prue said back to the younger sister.

"Yeah well maybe I was trying to tell you that I didn't want to live with your ass," Patty said back.

"Why I ought to," Prue gritted through her teeth.

"That's enough!" I stopped them both. "Prue, I know that you do try and do what's best, but please stop being so hard on Patty. I even saw it myself that she grew up and felt like no one loved her so please just bare with her and try to understand like an older sister would okay," I said and Prue nodded. "And Patty, I'm sure it wasn't easy for Prue to take you in, especially since she had three kids of her own. Even if you don't see it, your sister loves you, Patty and trust me on this, I know that she would die for you," I told her. Patty just sighed and looked down at the ground. I let go of my hold on them. "Now I want you two to sit in here and work this out, and no fighting or else I will take your powers," I told them. "Come on Chris lets go," I said grabbing Chris by the arms and leaving the attic. "I just can't believe that someone like Patty who was so sweet as a little girl just turned evil," I said to Chris as we started going down the stairs. "We've got to stop her from turning evil. I don't want my sweet little girl growing up to be like that."

"I understand," Chris said. "We just have to stop you from dying," Chris stated.

"Yeah, but how do we do that," I asked.

"Well Patty said that Shax is still alive so maybe we can try to vanquish him now, instead of waiting fourteen more years," Chris suggested.

"You really think we could do it," I asked. I mean if our future Charmed Ones, who I know were more powerful than us, wasn't able to defeat him then what chance did we have.

"I know we can do it," Chris said confident. "Just have a little faith," Chris said. We finally made it to the upstairs hallway where we saw Piper. "Hi mom," Chris greeted her.

"Hey peanut," Piper smiled. Next thing she knew she saw a woman appear right behind us out of nowhere. She didn't see how she came in. She didn't know if that woman was a demon or what. She had brown hair like Pipers and she looked familiar. Like Piper had seen her somewhere. "Evans, Chris, move out of the way!" Piper ordered. Quickly Chris and I moved. Piper flicked her wrist trying to freeze the woman, but nothing happened. "What? Why aren't my powers working," Piper asked herself.

"Maybe because I'm your granddaughter," the woman said smiling.

I looked back at her. I think I might have seen her around, but she couldn't be one of mine, because they're both in the attic and I've already seen Patience and she doesn't look like this. "Who's daughter are you?" I asked.

"Yours," she answered. "From the future."

"What?! You can't be my daughter," I said. "Both of my future daughters are in the attic, and I know that you're not Patience so who are you?"

"Mom, you don't recognize me," she asked.

"No," I said firmly. "The only other daughter I have is Penelope and she is....," I paused as I began to examine the girl closely. "Penny," I muttered not believing that it was really her who was standing before me. "Is that really you," I asked in disbelief. The girl smiled and nodded.


Wyatt was in the kitchen feeding Patty with a bottle. It was just recently that she started getting to eat with a bottle. Wyatt smiled as he watched his beautiful little girl eat. How could someone so cute turn evil in the future. Wyatt was having a hard time believing that. Whatever reason it was, he just hopes that we can fix it before its too late.

Wyatt then heard a sound by the door. As far as he knew everyone was at the manor so there should be no one by the kitchen door. Wyatt went and looked and saw no one there, but for some reason the door was opened. Wyatt quickly went over and shut it thinking that it was probably the wind that blew it open. He then went right back to rocking Patty on his shoulder.

"Wow," a voice said from behind him. Wyatt quickly turned around to see a young man standing there. "You still pretty much look the same as I remember you," he said. "You're even hotter in person," he continued.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the manor," Wyatt asked angrily.

"You know, you were always the short tempered one," the boy smirked. He quickly began advancing on Wyatt. "But you know what, I liked that about you," he laughed as he went and smacked Wyatt on the ass, causing Wyatt to freak out a little. "Don't worry, dad, you're not my type."

"Dad?" Wyatt asked confused. This guy must be from the future. Of course he is. Why else would he be saying all that stuff, but Wyatt doesn't remember ever seeing him, when he went to the future. "Ryan," Wyatt asked.

"Nope dad, guess again," the guy said.

"Richard," Wyatt asked again.

"The one and only," he said. "I can't believe you thought I was Ryan," he laughed.

"Are you guys talking about me," a man said behind Wyatt.

Wyatt turned around and stared at him. He definitely remembers seeing this man in the future. "Ryan," Wyatt said.

"Yeah dad, its me," he smirked.


Woo. This chapter was really my break from that Evil Wyatt chapter. I can't believe I finished this one before that one, but oh well that just means a quicker update. Sorry to stay, but Chapter 29 is going to be awhile. Lots of stuff happens in there and well it gets pretty hectic, but I promise you will be satisfied. So thank you in advance for sending feedback for the whole evil Wyatt story since I still haven't finished it, but the funny thing is you'll have already read it by the time you read this so just forget about it. I hope you liked those pictures of the characters that I chose. Please send feedback. I'm begging you guys. I worked hard on this chapter. Email me at or

Wow, so I had this done almost a week ago and no one reminded me that I had this chapter until I get an email from Mr. F(I really don't want to call anyones name out so you know who you are since you reminded me that I had this) saying that I needed someone to remind me that I still had this chapter. I told you guys I was going to forget that I had it, but oh well to late. So I just hope you enjoyed the story and please send feedback.

Next: Chapter 32

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