Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Mar 4, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Hello guys once again, and welcome to another chapter of Charmed LOL. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and sorry that it took me so long to do this chapter, but hey it gets really crazy. I mean I knew what was going to happen in it, it was just putting all the ideas together was some hard work. I'm going to have to say out of all 29 chapters so far this is the one that took the most work. I knew I was going to have trouble with it after I had all that trouble with chapter 27, but well this one was a lot harder so please appreciate it, and send feedback. Thanks for all the feedback I've been getting and I think I got to everyone and if I didn't get back to you then let me know. I promise you this is not as easy as it looks. Oh and one more thing, I'm asking you in advance to please forgive me for what I do in this chapter. I know you're probably wondering what that is, but you'll see soon enough. And once again do not skip down to see what it is, because I promise you, if you did it in the other chapters, and it may have not had an effect, I'm telling you it really will in this one, so read the whole thing, and don't just skip down and skim through it. Now on with the story.

I stood there motionless staring at the girl, who I never seen before, but I know she is my future daughter. Not by what she said, but by her looks. She looked more like Patty then anyone, but there were still some features of mine that she had in her that I could not deny.

Her beautiful hair was mixture of mine and Wyatt's. She was in between both of our skin colors, but other than that, she mostly resembled me just like the girls do, except for Patty, who is almost a splitting image of Wyatt if he were a girl.

"Penny!" I shouted excitedly as I ran up and hugged her tightly. I quickly pulled away from her to look her up and down and see how she turned out. She looked to be about eighteen right now, so that must mean that the others are in their twenties. "Wow, I just can't believe that you're here," I said amazed. "I mean, wow," I smiled at my youngest daughter who I haven't even conceived yet, but I'm still happy that she's here.

"Its good to see you too," she smiled back. She had Wyatt's smile that was just so perfect. Penny couldn't believe that she was here. Face to face with me. Someone she has never seen in so long. Someone who she's only dreamed about seeing again ever since she was little.

It was hard for her, especially since I died when she was only eleven, which was way to soon for her. She had the least amount of time to get to know me than the others, but the time she spent with me was well, and she'd give everything just to have that again.

Penny then looked over to see another person who she never got to see, because of death that was all too soon. "Uncle Chris," she muttered looking at him up and down. Its been a pretty long time since she's seen him, but she's heard so much about him. How he was the one who came back and saved her dad and everything, though she never knew all those stories when she was growing up or else she would have spent more time with him. She slowly walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "Its so good to finally meet you again," she said.

"Believe me the pleasure is all mine," Chris responded, wrapping his arms around Penny and hugging her back. This was just as much of a shock to Chris as anyone. His own niece was happy to see him. Not that he didn't think that she would be, but he didn't expect her to have this much love for him. After all he wasn't her parent, neither was he her guardian after I died.

It seems as though he must have had a close relationship with Penny in the future, and if this is what it brings him, Chris hopes that he can continue to be a great Uncle to all of his nieces and nephews in the future.

Penny slowly pulled away from her Uncle as she still wore the smile on her face. You could tell that Penny was a little different from her sisters. She was loving and a kind hearted girl. From the way she smiled, it was like she was an angel sent from above. Her smile could light up even the darkest rooms, and bring happiness to the most depressed person in the world. It was hard to believe that she came from a world that Prue said was in chaos.

"So Penny," I started. "What brings you to the past," I asked. Don't get me wrong. I was happy to see her, but there had to be something that brought her here, like it did for Prue and Robert.

The funny thing is now I have all three of my daughters here who make up the future power of three female side. Penny turned around to look at me in the eyes. Hers were emerald green like Chris', which was funny that, it happened, since most of our kids had blue and brown eyes like mine and Wyatt's.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot," she chuckled. "A few years ago my older sister Prue came here, and well she hasn't returned, and then all of a sudden, Patty just disappeared off the face of the Earth," she went on. "So we used a to find a lost witch spell and it brought me right here," she explained.

"Us?" I questioned. Who else could she have brought with her.

If she did bring anyone else with her that could be really dangerous. Someone could be down here right now changing the future as we speak, even though that's the whole plan Chris and I came up with, by having me not die in the future which his going to something hard to do since we're put in harms way just about everyday.

Penny quickly froze. She knew she wasn't suppose to tell me that her brothers were with her, though she kept wondering what happened to them since she has somehow appeared here.

"Well um-," Penny was about to speak, but was interrupted, by a loud boom that came from the attic.

I shook my head angrily knowing exactly what it was. Patty and Prue were at it again and I can't believe they're fighting like this when they're in their twenties. Right now they're acting like they're five. I now know I'm in for a long ride with these two when they get older. I just can't imagine the fighting that they're probably going to do, and just wait till they both learn how to use they're powers while they're still young.

Why couldn't they just be like me, Chris, and Wyatt. We have our disagreements, but we don't fight like they do. From what I've seen, Patty and Prue fight like cats and dogs.

I was just about to head up the stairs, but before I could, the girls started coming down. That saved me a whole lot of trouble than going up the stairs. Patty was the first to come down, and Prue was not too far behind, but Robert was the last one in line. I was hoping since he was a guy he could handle the whole situation. That's the only reason why I left him up there, but I guess not.

Those two were so mad that they didn't even notice Penny right away. "Mom, Prue's up in the attic calling me a bitch," Patty tattled on her older sister.

You could really tell that they were related by the little rivalry they had towards each other, but deep down inside, no matter how much they fought you could tell that they really cared for one another, even if they didn't show it.

"That's because you are one," Prue said to Patty. "She's the one in there saying that she's better than me, because she's all 'I'm the ruler of the world'," Prue mocked.

"That's because I am," Patty said confidently.

"You are not," Prue said.

"Am too," Patty yelled back.

"Are not,"

"Am too,"

"Are not,"

"Girls!" I shouted causing the whole upstairs hallway to shake a little. "That will be enough of that today," I told them. I might be happy to see them, and glad that they're here, but I'm still pregnant, and there's only so much I can take from them. "When are you two going to understand? You're sisters and you should be working together, not fighting," I lectured them. "You girls make up part of the power of three, and without that everything that I died for in the future would be lost!"

"No," Prue spoke out. "There reason why we can't be the power of three is because someone over there decided to turn evil," Prue pointed out.

"Shut up, Prue," Patty hissed.

"No, you shut up," Prue said back.

"Why don't you make me," Patty challenged.

"With pleasure," Prue said as her and Patty began to get closer.

I could see exactly where it was leading so I quickly got in between them both and pushed them apart as they continued arguing over my shoulder.

Penny looked intensely as her two older sisters argued. This wasn't something Penny saw going on often. When I died, Penny went to live with Patience and her family so she really never saw that much of them, unless Patience would go take her to visit, but that was like once a month, which wasn't nearly enough for Penny. It hurt her so bad that she couldn't see her two sisters as much as she wanted, but when she heard about Patty turning evil that was something that she couldn't believe. She might have just been a teenager, but she still understood what they meant when Patty was the new Source.

It was hard on her, even though she never really had that big of a relationship with Penny, but when I died those two got close, and Penny really made Patty feel like she belonged, but that was only for a few months before they both separated and went to different families.

"Prudence, Patrica," Penny whispered as she slowly started stepping closer to the fighting sisters.

The feuding woman stopped their fight only to look at who was calling them, and it was by their full name to be exact. There really wasn't many who would call them by their full names, knowing how much they hated it. The voice was so soft and gentle. Knowing they heard that voice somewhere before they both turned at the same time to see their baby sister standing right there next to me.

"Penelope," they both whispered. Penny smiled and nodded, excited to see her sisters after so long. How much she missed them and how she wished that they were all home so that they could all be a family like they were before the whole thing happened.

Patty and Prue forgot all about their fight and ran right over to Penny and hugged her at the same time. I was pretty sure that Prue and Patty both knew that they were in a group hug and partly they were hugging each other, but they didn't seem to care. They were just so happy to see their baby sister, who was now all grown up and almost out of her teenage years.

"Its so good to see you again," Prue smiled.

"I'm happy to see you too," Penny smiled back. As she was hugging her sisters, Penny was able to look past there heads and see someone else that she hasn't seen for a long time. "Robert," she muttered happily. She pulled away from her sisters only to go pull her older brother into a tight hug, even though he might have been taller and stronger than her. "Hello brother," she said soothingly.

"Wow," was all Robert could say. "Its good to see ya sis," he replied.

Chris and I looked on and smiled seeing part of the family together. It was the best sight in the world. I was even more happy that right now Prue and Patty were putting aside their differences for Penny. That's what makes them the older and more mature sisters, even though from what I've seen it looks like Penny is the only mature one in the family, but after all she's been through I'm sure she had to mature fast.

I could imagine how hard it was for he with me dying at a young age, and her having to grow up so fast. At least that was one thing her and my mother had in common. I will never forget all that Piper told me about Prue having to be the older sister and mature the fastest, because their mom died, just like me. I hate to put that on my kids. Things should be different and I'm going to see to it that things do change.

As soon as Penny pulled back from Robert she realized that there was something wrong. There was someone missing who was there before. "Hey, where did grandma go," she asked as she looked around.

"Oh she went downstairs to take care of some stuff," Chris was quick to answer. Piper saw that Penny and I were really having some bonding time and catching up so she thought it would be a good time to leave us and let us talk. "I think she might still be downstairs," Chris told her. "You want to see her," he asked.

"Yeah," Penny said excitedly.

"Me too," Patty added. Patty really wanted to meet the younger version of her grandmother. She's only seen the older one, but she's heard so many stories about her and how she was named after her. This is something that she's always dreamed about. Meeting the famous, strong, and short tempered Piper Halliwell.

"Follow me," Chris asked them politely.


Wyatt was sitting on the couch with his sons from the future sitting across from him. He had conjured up a carriage to place Patty in since she had fallen asleep, so he thought that right now would be a good time to talk to his future sons about the future. The whole time that they were talking Wyatt couldn't help but notice the resemblance that the three of them had.

There was no doubt in Wyatt's mind that those three were his sons. If he couldn't go by what they told him, he could always rely on the looks, and that's how he knew that they weren't lying to him when they said that they were his sons from the future.

Ryan had that built angry look that was Wyatt's. That look was sore of intimidating, but it would work on demons or anyone that would piss Wyatt off, so it was pretty safe to say that Ryan was the same way. Ryan was built just like his dad with many muscles and his hair was not as long as Wyatt's but it was still crazy. He was the exact same height as Wyatt was and his facial hair was almost like his except Ryan had more.

Richard on the other hand was built as much as his brother, but he was still built. He had Wyatt's blond hair and blue eyes. Wyatt could also tell from how he met him that he picked up Wyatt's early teenage sense of humor, even though you could tell that Richard was probably in his twenties right now, but he was still a kid at heart, which was something Wyatt found a little hilarious.

Richard and Ryan both took turns explaining to their father the why they were back in the past, and what was going on in the future. It was a long story and even though they were guys, it was still hard for them to tell everything that was going on.

They started out by telling Wyatt the whole thing that happened with Chris and I dying, which almost caused Wyatt to nearly faint, hearing that I might die in the future. Little did he know that wasn't the half of it. After hearing that he walked out on his own kids after the whole thing happened almost drew him to tears, but Wyatt couldn't let his sons see him cry. That wouldn't look good on him as a father.

"Oh," was all Wyatt could say after the whole story that his oldest and youngest sons had just told him. He couldn't really think of anything else to say. It would hurt him even more to think about what he's done. He knows surely that he probably helped turn Patty by walking out on her and leaving her without a word or anything.

He even felt more ashamed for not even having the decency to show up at his mother's funeral. What he became in the future was far more worse than what his evil self was. When he was evil he might have hurt so many people, but he would have never walked out on his kids.

Richard could sense how his dad was feeling. He was still a telepath like his Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Chris, but his power was a little bit greater than there's. While Phoebe and Chris could only feel the emotions of someone only within the same building as them, Richard could feel the emotions of just about anyone in the whole entire world, which was a little dangerous for him to control, but he was able to master it.

"Dad, don't worry about it," Richard said softly. "It doesn't happen for a long time, and even though many people in the family haven't, I forgive you and I still love you," Richard told his father.

Wyatt started to smile knowing that even after how much of a bastard he's been, his son still loves him, and already has forgiven him, which he knows is probably more than he could say for his other son and daughter, Prue and Robert. Wyatt finally knows why they're mad at him, and now knows why they've been treating him and I the way they do.

"Thanks Rick," Wyatt said very thankfully.

"Me too dad," Ryan added. "I know that it all happened for a reason, so don't worry," Ryan said. "You're still the best dad I could have ever asked for, and there's no one else who I'd rather have as a father other than you," he confessed to Wyatt.

Growing up Ryan had the burden of being the oldest guy in the house, and when it came to when Wyatt had left and me dying, Ryan took on the role as the man of the whole family. Ryan always felt that he couldn't have done it without Wyatt teaching him everything he knew.

"Come here guys," Wyatt told his sons.

Richard and Ryan nodded and got up and walked over to their father, who as soon as they got close enough to him, pulled them into a very hard hug. In the future it was never unusual for the boys to hug their dad. As a matter of fact Wyatt would hug them just about everyday before they left to go to school, and he even continued it when they were all grown up and moved out of the house. That was just Wyatt. He might have seemed controlling and short tempered all the time, but he still has a loving and caring side for his family and everyone else who was important to him.

Wyatt was just starting to enjoy the hug when he heard crying. He pulled away from his sons and looked down to see his young, infant daughter had woken up and now she was upset for some reason.

Wyatt shook his head and picked her up out of the carriage and held her close to his chest, but she still wouldn't stop crying. "Is she like this in the future?" Wyatt asked.

Rick and Ryan looked at each other before they broke out in laughter.

"What's so funny," Wyatt asked a little angry.

"Don't worry, dad, you'll see soon enough," Rick nodded.

Wyatt just grunted frustrated. Though he knew it would mess up the future, he was pretty tired of hearing about all these little future consequences, but he knew that his sons weren't going to tell him anything so he figured he might as well just give up and pursuing why they're laughing at what he asked.

Wyatt then put his attention back towards his new born daughter. He went down the line trying to figure out why she might be crying. She just woke up so she's not sleepy. He's held her close to his chest for awhile so she's not unhappy. Wyatt then put his hands on her diaper and it didn't feel like it needed to be changed, so that left only one other option.

"I can't believe she's hungry again," Wyatt growled.

"When was the last time you fed her," Ryan asked.

"An hour ago!" Wyatt exclaimed which only made Patty start to cry even louder. "Darn it," he cursed himself. "Does she eat this much in the future," Wyatt asked his sons.

"Yeah right," Ryan chuckled. "She eats a whole lot more in the future than she does now," Ryan informed his father. "I mean she could probably eat the whole pantry, but somehow she just stays skinny," Ryan said.

Wyatt reluctantly nodded. "I guess that's something she gets from me," he said.

Rick and Ryan began to slightly chuckle to themselves.

"What's so funny," Wyatt asked his sons. Of course that was a little funny, but it wasn't so funny that they had to start chuckling like it was the funniest thing that they've ever seen.

Rick and Ryan pointed right at Patty which made Wyatt even more confused than he already had been.

Wyatt looked down to see his daughter was dripping from her diaper. Wyatt scowled as he begin to hold Patty away from him, seeing as she had already gotten his shirt wet and everything and now she was dripping on the floor. He knew his mom would kill him if she saw a big mess on the floor after she had just cleaned it that morning so Wyatt waved his hand and the puddle disappeared. He then snapped his fingers and changed his shirt.

"Sorry, but will you guys excuse me for a minute, while I go change her diaper and give her something to eat," he said to his sons. Ryan and Rick understood and nodded at what their father asked. "Thanks," he said very thankfully. "Make yourselves at home, what's mine is yours," he informed them as he made his way over to the kitchen to change Patty's diaper which was really going to be a pain in the butt for him.

Rick and Ryan took this opportunity to walk around the downstairs part of the manor. It just brought back so many memories. Some were happy and some were sad, but never were any of them bad memories except for one. They looked straight at the door and they almost saw the scene unfold right before their eyes. The same scene that they might have not saw for themselves, but could feel it happen. The scene where Shax had come through that door and killed me. It was the day that changed their lives forever.

Rick was forever depressed and sometimes felt full of despair. Except for Penny, he was the only one who had the least amount of time to get to know me. Everyday he always wondered what his life would have been like if I had lived. Maybe the whole family would still be close, but in the future just about everyone has separated.

Rick went to live with Robert, while he remembered his other siblings went else where, but they reunited when they got older, but Patty had turned evil by then.

Ryan's life was forever changed too. He had to take responsibility for Penny. He might have had a family of his own, but to tell the truth he really wasn't ready to take responsibility for a ten year old little girl, but he knew he had to. He didn't want to disappoint me, and even though he might have been mad at Wyatt, he never wanted to disappoint him either, so he took on that burden of being the strong one of the whole family.

At my funeral he didn't cry and never in his life has he shed a single tear knowing he had to be strong for the whole entire family since he was the eldest male. Patience was the oldest and she was strong, but Ryan felt like it was his duty to be stronger than her, even though she might have been older by maybe a minute or so.

Soon as Penny was eighteen was when the whole family started to come together again, but it was only because their sister Patty had turned into the Source of all evil and the only way for them all to be safe was to stick together.

There was one secret that Ryan did keep from the rest of the family. Deep down he knew that Patty really wasn't evil. She was just acting out from losing me. He remembered so much when she was little about how she felt that no one loved her, and how only I loved her and so on. If Ryan could do everything over again, he would try to let his sister know that he loved her and he cared no matter how much he picked on her.

That brings him to why he's here. The whole point of him coming here was to see what happened to his sister. Prue had been her for so many years, so Robert was only suppose to go back in time to see how she was, but then he never came back which was odd. Next thing he knew, there was a report of Patty having disappeared off the face of the Earth which scared him, so Ryan, Richard, and Penelope decided to use a spell to find Patrica and here they were in the past.

That reminded Ryan that his sister wasn't around and he's been worried. Where could she have gone if him, Penny, and Rick all used the same spell to get to the same place. Him and Richard were able to get here, so why wasn't Penny here. Ryan knew he had to find her. There was no telling where she could be, and how much she could be changing the future.

"Ryan," A voice called out to him.

Ryan knew that voice. At first he thought it was Rick, but then it was too high pitched to be his, and plus Rick was standing right next to him, so why not just tap him on the shoulder to get his attention, like he would usual do when they were with each other.

Ryan looked up at the stairs and saw his youngest sister standing there. Just as he was starting to get worried about her, he finds her, with a few people he'd never thought he'd see again. Me and his Uncle Chris. He also saw his other siblings who he was also looking for, and hadn't seen in a long time.

"Penny!" He shouted back.

Penny quickly ran down the stairs and jumped into her brother's arms and hugged him tightly. She was so happy to see that he was okay after appearing in a place completely different from him, even though it might have been in the same house, but still that was a little scary.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know if you were okay or not," she said.

"Same here," Ryan smiled. "I was worried about you, sis," Ryan said as he pulled away from her. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," Ryan warned sounding just like a parent. Well he sorta was since he was the one who took care of Penny when I died so you could almost call him Penny's dad, if only he was a little bit older, but he wasn't too much older than Penny. Ryan was able to look over Penny's should and see that his other siblings were right there too. "Prue, Rob, Patty," he shouted happy to see them.

Prue and Robert were so happy that they followed Penny and ran up to both Ryan and Rick and gave them hugs. Its been so long since they've seen them. Everyday they've always thought about each other and how much they missed everyone and how things were in the future, even though Patty was evil. They were still close, just like siblings should be.

Ryan felt like there was someone missing from the group. He looked up to see his younger sister, Patty still on the stairs next to Chris and I. She hadn't moved one inch. Her face showed that she was hurt because she was missing out on all of the family love ever since she was little, because she felt like she was always the unwanted child. Ryan didn't want her to feel that way anymore though. She might have been evil, but she was still apart of the family.

That's part of what turned her evil. Ryan can't just blame it on me dying, but part of it was because everyone treated her so badly, and because of that she felt like she had no one after I was gone, so she had no choice but to go to the evil side.

"Hey Patty," Ryan called to her. "How about coming over here and giving your big brother a hug," he smiled.

More than anything, Patty wanted to run over there and hug her oldest brother, but she felt like she would be imposing on their family fun, and she didn't want to do that, even though she might be evil. She shook her head at Ryan saying, "its okay, Ryan, I think I'll pass," she said.

Ryan was still determined though. "No come on, I insist," he said. "Its been a long time and I've missed you baby sis," he told her.

Those words nearly broke her. Never in her whole life has she heard those words from anyone except me and Penny of course, but other than that, no one had ever said those words to her. Most of the time people would tell her how much they don't miss her, but now her own brother, who she really never got along with when she was young, was offering her brotherly love and affection, but Patty was torn between taking it or if she should just stay out of it and leave it to her siblings.

"Thanks Ryan, but no thanks," she told him "I'm fine really," she lied.

Ryan still wasn't going to take no for an answer, so he broke away from his other siblings and ran over to his sister, and before she could even make an attempt to get away, Ryan picked her up and had her in the biggest bear hug ever, which Chris and I found a little funny, seeing how they were really acting like brother and sister. Ryan then carried Patty all the way down the stairs ignoring her protest, as he still kept her in a tight hug. The funny thing was that Patty wasn't trying to use her powers to break free, and she could, but inside she really is enjoying all this love she's getting from her brother.

"Hey don't forget me," Rick said running over to his brother as he saw him finally reach the bottom of the stairs. He joined in with his brother and hugged Patty. Patty right now was stuck in between her oldest and youngest brother like a sandwich.

"Me too," Robert said going over to join the guys in hugging Patty. Now she was squeezed in between three guys and wrapped up like a taco, which was pretty funny seeing her trying to get away.

"Don't forget us either," Penny said referring to both her and Prue who smiled as they made their way over there. Both of them joined in the group hug, and soon Patty was wrapped up just like a corn dog, and there was no chance of escape, so all she could do was just stand there as she was being hugged to death by all her siblings at once.

Chris and I both looked on as we saw our future generation coming together as one family. We both looked at each other then back down at the siblings who were still showing love to that one who felt like she was never wanted. I knew right then that there was still hope for the family. Maybe it was possible for things to change and for Patty to feel accepted into the family. It might be easier said than done, but I won't give up on trying.

Slowly Chris and I began walking down the stairs toward them as they were all laughing at Patty trying to get away.

"Alright, you guys win," Patty said giving in, and all her siblings let her go. She sighed happy that she could finally breath, and she didn't have five people crowded around her.

"Wow," I said getting all their attention. "This is something that I never thought I'd see," I smiled. I looked at all my kids who were just standing there in a line. "Ryan," I said and he smiled and nodded. "Robert," I said as I looked at him and he nodded and smiled like his older brother did. "Richard," I said to my son who I was pregnant with right now. He nodded also, to acknowledge that it was him, since I've never really seen him before. "Prudence," I said to my second oldest daughter. She nodded too. "Patrica," I asked the middle child, who nodded. "And Penelope," I said finally reaching the end of the line. She smiled at me and nodded. "Its so good to see all of you," I said walking into a group hug with all of them. "Y'all are all grown up," I stated. The hug lasted for a few minutes before I finally pulled away. I saw there was six faces, but I thought there should have been eight. "Wait a minute, there's two of you guys missing," I pointed out. "Where's Patience and Rolland," I asked.

"Well," Ryan started. "Someone had to stay back in the past and watch your grandkids," he explained.

"Oh," I nodded. "How many do I have," I asked.

"Nice try mom, but I think I'll let you see that for yourself," Ryan said.

Just as you thought things couldn't get any better or worse, Wyatt had entered the room. At first he didn't even notice that everyone had just come downstairs. He was so caught up with having to wash his hands and change Patty's diaper, that he didn't even notice that the whole family was here right now.

"Okay, guys, I hope you didn't miss your dad too much, but you know how Patty gets sometimes," he laughed as he continued coming in, but completely froze when he saw a two girls he didn't know, but looked familiar. "Umm..Chris, who are those two girls right there," he asked.

Patty was highly offended. Not only was her father insulting her, but he acted like he didn't know who she was, but she had forgotten that this was the past, and he hasn't seen her all grown up. "Dad," she hissed. Just seeing him right now made her blood boil like lava. She then threw out her hands and sent flames right his way trying to burn him.

"Patty don't!" I shouted, but it was too late. I quickly blew a breath of cold air at the flames, causing them all to be extinguished. I then quickly got in front of Wyatt before she could attempt it again. Knowing Patty, she doesn't give up easily and I don't want her hurting Wyatt.

Patty frowned at what I had just done. She couldn't believe I was still defending the guy after all that he did. "Why did you stop me?!" She asked angrily. "He deserved it," she said.

"Patty stop it alright," I demanded. "This is not the time nor is it the place for this," I stated still standing firmly in front of my husband. I had to be careful, and watch her carefully to make sure that she didn't try anything that could harm Wyatt. If she does anything to him, it could effect Penny seeing as I'm not pregnant with her yet, and Penny is so beautiful right now and I don't want to lose her.

"Wait a minute," Wyatt said realizing what I called the girl who just tried to attack him. "Did you just call her Patty," he asked. I nodded, but I didn't even look back at him. "You mean our Patty," he asked even more shocked, but I still nodded. He looked back up, not believing it. His own daughter had attacked him, and he wondered why, but then he remembered what his sons had told him.

Wyatt had to think about it for a moment, and if it were him, he'd probably do the same. Wyatt slowly got in front of me and held his hands up for defense. Cautiously, he began to walk towards his daughter who he could see had hatred in her eyes, which hurt him a little. Nothing hurts more than to see that someone you love hates you and look at you that way.

"Hey, Patty," he said calmly as he continued walking towards her.

"Stay the fuck away from me, Wyatt," Patty hissed as she back away from her father. She was really heated and wanted nothing to do with him right now or ever again. She blames everything on him. Because of him, she had to go live with Prue, and the family became separated, because of him I died, since he decided to always be busy with his charges and didn't come down in time to heal me. The list just goes on and on, and Patty just doesn't want to be around Wyatt right now.

"Excuse me little girl, don't you talk to me like that," Wyatt said back to his daughter who resented him. "I'm still your father, and that's who'll you'll address me as, not Wyatt."

"You're no father of mine, and I will talk to you however I want," Patty spat back at Wyatt.

"Hey, I was just back there changing your diaper and feeding you so I am your father," he stated.

"Big deal! Just because you changed my diapers and fed me a couple of times when I was a baby doesn't make you my father," she pointed out. "Especially after you walked out on me," she gritted through her teeth.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I shouted as I moved so that I was now standing in between them. "I'm tired of all this arguing and..." I couldn't continued, but I felt a pain in my stomach and I felt my head getting a little woozy. I couldn't hold myself up anymore.

If it wasn't for the couch that was right in front of me, I would have fallen onto the floor. Lucky for me I was able to grab onto the back of it and hold myself up while I panted heavily . Wyatt took all his attention away from Patty only to put it all towards me. "Evans, you okay baby," he asked worriedly as he walked over to me and started rubbing circles around my back.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied as I continued heavily panting. I tried to let go off the couch but nearly fell to the ground, but Wyatt was quick enough to catch me. Wyatt clearly didn't believe that.

We've gone over the same thing over and over again each time that I was pregnant. It was clear that I had a lot of stress on me right now, so it was causing me to feel a little weak.

"Maybe you should get some rest," Wyatt suggested as he helped me up so now I was standing up. I wasn't even standing on my own. I was leaning on Wyatt for support. Wyatt took this opportunity to pick me up and carry me bridal style. "You need to rest, Chris," he stated.

Wyatt carried me, ignoring my protest, all the way back up to the bedroom in the manor, where he laid me under the covers and pinned me down there until I tried to stop getting away, and finally realized that Wyatt wasn't going to let me out of the bed. I just laid there and pouted like our little kids. Wyatt just chuckled a little seeing as he sees this just about every time he forces me to go to bed after I nearly pass out.

"Wyatt, I'm fine," I repeated for the hundredth time.

"Evans, you nearly fainted," he reminded me. "We've been over this before, and this isn't the first time this has happened, so its clear that you have a lot of stress on you and its not healthy for you while you're pregnant," he said concerned. "You just stay here and get some rest while I go into the kitchen and try to get you something to eat," he told me.

"Wow, look at someone try to play doctor," I taunted . Wyatt just sighed. "Just wait here okay and try to get some rest," he asked and I nodded. "I'll come check on you in a few minutes," he told me as he opened the door and quietly left the room.

He made his way back downstairs and back into the room where his children from the future were still sitting. Wyatt knew that they were probably worried, since Wyatt had carried me out of the room before they could even ask about me. Ryan was the first one to speak to Wyatt.

"Is mom okay," he asked. His voice was full of concern.

"Yeah he'll be fine," Wyatt assured his eldest. "He just needs to get some bed rest and he's gonna have to cut down on the stress or else your brother over there is going to be born premature," Wyatt informed them.

"I don't see any problem with that seeing as he's already immature," Robert joked with his youngest brother.

"Shut up!" Richard was quick to yell at Robert.

The rest of the siblings just laughed. Its really been quite sometime since they've all really been able to laugh this much as a family. They sometimes wished that everyday was like this, but there were circumstances that were keeping that from happening, which they couldn't effect unless the things they came back to change were to change.

Wyatt looked over at Patty who was not laughing at all. She must still be upset about the whole thing and feels left out. Wyatt just wishes that there was something that he could do to change his daughter, but he knows there's only one way that can happen, and that's for him to stop me from dying. Not just that, but now he has to give her more attention, and actually be a father to her, unlike his future self was.

"Patty," Wyatt muttered as he began to try to make another truce with her.

Patty looked over to see the man that she resented for the past six years calling her name. She knew that if she were to even be around him right now she'd probably end up blowing his brains out, and she still wants her baby sister around in the future so she knows she can't do that.

"Look just save it," she snapped. "Stay the hell away from me alright," she warned her father. With that said, Patty just stormed off into the other room where she isolated herself away from the rest of the family.

Penny saw the whole thing, and saw that it was hurting her dad. She figured there had to be something she could do to help. She didn't want the whole family to be like this, especially since they can't stay here for long.

"I'll talk to her," Penny said as she followed after her older sister.

"You okay dad," Robert asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," Wyatt lied sadly. "I'm just going to go into the kitchen and get your mother some water," he said as he made his way to the kitchen, the whole time thinking about Patty and how bad he feels for walking out of her life.

Wyatt walked over to the fridge and took out a bottle of water, thinking about Patty the whole time. His mind could not stay off of her. He looked down at her baby form who was still sleeping on the kitchen table. How could someone so sweet grow up to hate him the way she does, but Wyatt has no one but himself to blame for that one.

When he made his way back up the stairs, he didn't even attempt to try to go after Patty knowing that she'd probably burn him to death. He made his way back to the room where he could see me lying down on the bed all tangled up in the covers. Wyatt smiled and shook his head at that sight. It wasn't really like me to get all tangled up like that.

I rolled over to see Wyatt standing at the door way smiling. Obviously he thought me being tangled in the covers was pretty funny, but I can't say I wouldn't be laughing he it were him in the covers and not me. "Can I get out of bed now please," I begged.

Wyatt responded by shaking his head and setting the water bottle on the night stand right before he climbed into bed on top of me, and rested his chin on my head playfully.

"Did I say that you could get in bed with me," I asked.

"Nope," he said instantly. "Now ask me if I care," he taunted with a smirk. "I'm your husband, so I shouldn't have to ask permission to get in bed with you," he stated.

"Yeah, I must have forgotten," I laughed. "So do you really care," I asked with a hint of reminder in my voice.

Wyatt was able to sense exactly what I was talking about. He knew this probably wouldn't be a good time to talk to me about this, because of the position that I'm in, but then again, he knows that all I'm going to do is pursue it until I actually talk to him.

"You mad at me?" He asked referring to the whole thing with Patty and him walking out on her.

"How can I be mad at you for something you haven't done yet," I pointed out. "Disappointed yes, but mad no," I told him. "Right now I'm only focused on saving Patty and nothing else. Wyatt I would say that there was a good reason for you doing what you did, but I can't because there is no reason for a father to walk out on his kids, and leave them to fend for themselves." Wyatt just nodded knowing that was fair enough. "Wyatt, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he said. "Is the only reason that you're around is because of me," I questioned.

"What do you mean," Wyatt asked not understanding.

"I mean, is the only reason that you're here with your kids is because you feel like you have to be, because I'm making you," I restated the question.

"Of course not," he said soothingly. "I love you and the kids, and I want to be here with you guys," he went on. "I mean I'm worried about you and the kids every moment that you guys are out of my sight," he said.

"Then tell me something, Wyatt," I started. "Why would you walk on on the kids when I died," I asked simply.

"I don't know," Wyatt said. "I really don't. I mean, I would have to ask my future self that question," he told me. There was a whole moment of silence after that. Neither of us didn't have anything to say. Wyatt just got off of me and headed for the door. "You need to get some rest okay," he told me. "Its not good for you to be stressing out right now," Wyatt stated. "We'll talk more about this later," he said as he walked out the door, not even giving me a chance to reply.


Wyatt was really starting to get worried about me and the baby, Richard. Ever since our kids from the future have been here, I haven't been eating much nor I have I been getting a lot of sleep. I nearly fainted just about all the time and thats not a good sign. Wyatt has even had to take me to the hospital a couple of times to make sure that the baby was okay, and somehow luck has been on our side just about every time since each time we've gone to the doctor, she's assured us that Richard is okay.

Wyatt is also getting sick and tired of his daughter's attitude towards him, even though he might deserve it. Everyday Wyatt's tried to make conversation with Patty, but every time it just ends the same with Patty telling him how much she hates him and how hes not her father, but only because DNA says so. Patty won't even tell Wyatt anything about how her child life has been ever since he left her without starting up an argument about how much she hates him.

Penny has tried to talk to Patty about maybe forgiving her dad, but if there was one thing that Patty had gotten from me is that she doesn't forgive Wyatt easily. From the looks of it, there is no telling if she will ever be able to forgive Wyatt.

Wyatt sensed Patty in a place that he dared not go, but he knew this was the only way he could even try to make a mens with his daughter. This probably wasn't going to end well, but there was nothing else Wyatt could think to do.

He closed his eyes and orbed to the park where he saw Patty sitting on a bench watching as everything went on in front of her eyes. This must be the park that I would always take Patty when she was a little girl. No wonder why she came her.

Patty sat on the bench almost in tears as she watched all the families playing together in the park. It brought back so many memories of me and her. If Patty could she would give up all her powers just to have things the way they were before she lost me. This place was her favorite place to come ever since that day. She would make a visit out here once a week, just because it brought back some good memories.


"Alright Patty, you better hide," I warned her as I placed my head on the tree and closed my eyes and began counting. "1, 2, 3, 4..." I went on and on.

Her and I were playing hide and seek. One of her favorite games to play when we come to the park for some reason. Patty looked around and tried to see a good place to hide. She there really weren't many places that she could hide, seeing as the park was really open and it wasn't really meant for hiding, but maybe she could try to trick me. Patty quickly over to the bench and got under it and stayed there hoping that I wouldn't find her. "98, 99, 100," I said as I finally got done counting. "Ready or not Patty here I come," I told her as I got up and looked around.

It didn't take me, but a few seconds to see that she was hiding under the benches. I smiled, but I had to give her credit, since there really wasn't many places to hide. I decided to play with her for a little bit before I actually surprised her.

"Where's Patty," I said in a playful little voice. I wondered around the park, but didn't go anywhere near the benches at first. "Is she under here," I said looking under the swings to see her not there. "Oh no where could she have gone," I acted. I continued going around the park and still didn't go anywhere near the benches. "Where's Patty, where's Patty," I kept saying as I wondered the park. Each time, I said that I started to look in a spot that was closer and closer to the benches. I finally came and sat down on the bench that she was under. "Wow, I give up," I sighed. "I don't think I'll ever be able to find Patty," I lied. "Unless, she's under here," I said quickly looking down underneath the benches to reveal Patty's hiding place. "There she is," I said playfully. "Come here Patty," I said.

Patty just laughed and decided she wanted to play some more. She crawled the opposite way of me and decided to take off to see if I could really catch her, before she hit base. I smiled and shook my head at what she was doing. I couldn't believe she was really doing this. I jumped up and ran after he, but I was able to catch her before she hit the base. I grabbed her and playfully pushed her to the ground and soon we were both rolling around on the ground, which was probably getting dirt on the both of us, but we didn't seem to care.

"Thought you could get away from me didn't you," I said as I began tickling her on the stomach. Patty tired to get away, but I quickly secured her on my lap and I continued tickling her on the stomach, until I knew she couldn't take no more . "I love you mommy," she said.

"Love you too Patty," I replied.

End of flashback...

A tear fell down Patty's check as the memory ended. That was the last trip we ever made to the park together. That was the day when Patty had lost what mattered most to her. It was her fourteenth birthday, and that's when she lost me to death. Every time she came to the park that memory would play in her head over and over again, but never did Patty get tired of seeing it.

Wyatt, seeing his daughter in pain, just wanted to orb away and leave. Maybe right now wasn't the best time. No, he couldn't. Walking away from problems is what got Patty angry at him, and right now she looks like she needs him more than ever, and he can't just walk out on her.

Wyatt slowly inhaled a deep breath knowing this was going to be hard, but luckily he knew she wouldn't use her powers on him, since they are still mortals playing around in the park. Slowly and silently Wyatt came and took a seat next to his daughter. He let his arms rest on the back of the bench, as he waited to see if Patty would notice if he was there.

"So," he started making his presence known to her. "I can you have some pretty good memories here," he said.

Patty instantly looked over to see the person sitting next to her was the father who she hated so much right now. Quickly she wiped her tear away from her eyes. She couldn't let him see her cry. She was the Source of all evil, and she's not suppose to cry. "What do you want, Wyatt," Patty gritted through her teeth.

"First of all, its 'dad' to you," he reminded her. "Second, I was hoping that we could try to work things out," he said.

"You had your chance to work things out with me when I was fourteen, but now its too late," she hissed at him like a poisonous snake. "The only reason why I haven't blown you up is because without you Penny won't be born, otherwise you'd be dead right now" she said as she got up to leave.

Wyatt felt like he's let this go on for long enough and its time to put an end to it, here and now. As quick as Patty got up, Wyatt threw out his hand and grabbed her arm before she could get away. "Sit down," he demanded.

"What did you say," Patty asked shocked how her father was reacting to her.

"I said sit down," he repeated even firmer.

"You're not my father, and you can't tell me what to do," she said.

"Yes I am, whether you like it or not," he told her.

"Let me go," she demanded. "Or else I'll orb," she warned.

"Nice try, but you forget, I'm your father, and I can ground your orbs, so don't even try it," he replied back. "Now will you please sit down so we can talk," he asked calmly.

"Why," she frowned.

"I want us to make up," he stated simply.

"Why?" She repeated again. "Its not like you care," she said. "You never gave a damn about me," she told him. "You were never there for me, ever!" Patty was really starting to let out some frustration that she's wanted to tell her father for a long time.

"Look, I'm sorry, and I know its not nearly enough, but I want you to please give me another chance," he said, but he saw that Patty wasn't cracking. "If not for me please do it for Chris," Wyatt pleaded.

"Mom," she muttered. "How's he doing," she asked worried.

"Not good," Wyatt stated. "Not good at all, because he's so stressed out and I've had to take him to the doctor so many times, I don't know how much longer he's going to be able to take this, so I thought maybe if you and I were to work things out maybe he'll start to get better," Wyatt said.

Patty nodded in agreement. She didn't want to punish me for anything that Wyatt did. Especially since she only has less than fourteen more years to spend time with me. "Where do you want to start," she asked calmly for the first time as she talked to Wyatt.

"I don't know, I mean you could start off by telling me how have you been ever since you know..." he suggested.

"To tell you the truth there is no words that describes how I feel to tell you honestly," she replied back. "I mean how would you feel if that one person who means a lot to you, just goes away," she asked Wyatt.

"Well, I can't say I know how it feels to lose that one person," Wyatt said honestly. "But I can say that I know how it feels to have someone that you love with all your heart and would die for look at you with hatred," he stated. "And for you to know that they hate you."

Patty turned and looked at her father in his blue eyes. "Dad I don't hate you," she said. "I never did and I really never could," she told him. "I just said those things, because I just wanted to hurt you and make you feel how I felt when you just left me," she stated.

"Mission accomplished," Wyatt said.

Patty felt herself about to cry again, but she just kept holding it all back. Just like she did when I died. The only time she cried was that night she saw them carrying me away, but other than that, she's really kept it inside. She felt like she had to be strong for Patty and Rick.

Patty looked over to see Wyatt smiling at her. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing, its just that sad face," he said. "It belongs to your mom," he smiled.

"It does?" Patty asked.

"Trust me, that's one trait you get from him," Wyatt stated. "I've seen that pout so many times, its not even funny anymore," Wyatt told Patty.

Patty just chuckled for awhile, before her mood all of a sudden just changed like that. "You know when I was little and after the whole thing happened...the whole family was still together, and Penny and I were best friends through the whole thing, even though she was just ten when it all happened," Patty stated. "It was just...I don't know. Ever since we all separated I just felt like I had no one around, and that's how I felt when mom died," she said. "But I had no one to blame for it, but myself," Patty said as her eyes began to water.

"What do you mean," Wyatt asked. "It was all my fault, that mom died," she said. "If I hadn't been there, then this whole thing wouldn't have happened," she told her father. "Mom wouldn't have been so distracted with me, and he would have been able to protect himself, but he was so worried about me getting hurt," she stated.

"Patty, look at me," Wyatt said cupping her face in his hands. "It was not your fault," he told her. "Evans is stubborn, and he would have given his life a thousand times to save you or anyone else if he had to," Wyatt stated.

"I know," she said sadly. "Dad," she said for the first time. "I'm sorry," she said.

"For what," he asked. "The way I've been treating you," she said.

"Its okay, I deserved it after I walked out on you," he said back.

"No you didn't," she said. "And that wasn't the reason why I was mad at you," she said, which confused Wyatt. "Its just that all this time I felt like it was my fault that mom died, and I felt that if I put the blame on you then maybe all the pain would go away," she stated. "But I was wrong," she said.

"It still hurts me inside that I will never have someone to love me again." "Patty," Wyatt whispered to his daughter. "I love you sweetie," he said. "And I'm not going anywhere, you hear me," he stated as he pulled her into a tight hug and let her cry onto his shoulder.

Wyatt could help them, but place a soft kiss on her. He was able to make up things with his daughter and that was more than a victory for him. That's all he wanted right now, and he was not going to let something like this get in the way of his relationship with any of his kids. From now on he was going to treat them equal. He loved them all the same. That's the way it should be and thats how it was going to be.


I had walked out of the room holding my stomach that was still in pain. I just wish that this pain would go away, but it doesn't look like that will be happening any time soon. I could barely walk right now, but it wasn't like I was going to let that handicap me from doing anything.

I held on tightly to the rail as I slowly walked down the stairs. I knew Wyatt had gone to find Patty, and well I don't know where the rest of the kids are. Right now I was hungry so my mind was set on the kitchen. I was hoping that some saltines and milk would be able to cure this morning sickness like it always does when I'm pregnant.

I was so close to the kitchen when I got busted, since I really wasn't suppose to be out of bed.

"Mom," a man said. I turned around to see my eldest son right there looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest. That made him look so much like Wyatt right now. "What are you doing out of bed," he asked with a little frustration in his voice. "I promised dad that I wouldn't let you out of bed, and he said he told you to call me if you needed anything," Ryan lectured just like Wyatt would.

"I'm fine, Ryan," I shrugged as I made my way to the cabinet and got some saltines. "I don't know why you and your father are making this a big deal," I said.

"Maybe because I want to get my little brother here without any negative effects," Ryan stated.

"Trust me, he'll be fine," I assured my son. "I've already had six, who made it here without any bad effects so trust me, he'll be here without any too," I stated. I noticed that the house was pretty quiet. "Where's everyone else," I asked.

"Grandma took them grocery shopping," Ryan said. "They should be back here any minute though," he told me.

"Why didn't you go with them," I asked.

"Because I'm suppose to be here taking care of you," he said.

"Wow, I'm suppose to be grown, but now I've sunken so low to where I have to be babysat by my own son," I said which caused a little laughter to go on in the house.

Next thing I knew the door was being opened and in came Piper with the rest of the family. Each of their hands were full with bags of groceries. Poor kids. I actually feel sorry for them knowing how Piper is when she does her shopping. I'm sure it was either come with me or get blown up.

"Hey Evans what are you doing up," Piper asked.

"What, did Wyatt tell you that I wasn't suppose to be up either," I asked and Piper nodded. I grunted saying, "you know for a husband he is pretty annoying. I don't know how we stayed married for almost ten years."

"Please mom, I'm sure dad is wondering the same thing," Richard said aloud, which caused just about everyone in the house to start laughing so hard they could barely stand up, except for me who was not laughing at all.

"Richard Leo Halliwell!" I shouted angrily. My mood swings were really starting to kick in now. I don't usually call my kids by their full names, but Richard is really starting to make me angry.

"What?!" Penny said confused. "Mom, I thought you named him Richard Leo Da-," just as she was about to say it, Robert covered her mouth.

"She thought I named him what," I asked.

"Nothing mom," Robert said still covering Penny's mouth.

"No, I want to know, what did she think I named him," I pursued.

Robert was silent for a moment. "Well, we can't tell you that," he said. "I know, you're probably tired of hearing it, but there's future consequences," Robert said letting go of Penny.

"Come on Robert, what harm could telling me his name do," I asked.

"Trust me it could do a lot," he said with a hint of suspense in his voice.

I was just about to pursue it even more, but the doorbell rang. I was wondering who it could have been. It wasn't that it was a bad time, but I don't think Piper or Dad was expecting anyone, so that's what really got me. I just left the situation alone for now and went straight to answer the door. Hopefully there's not a demon on the other side.

Slowly I put my hand to the knob and twisted it, but I was quick to swing it open. The person on the other side was someone who it feels like years since I've seen, but I wasn't expecting him to show up on the door step, though he is always welcomed here.

"Daughtry," I muttered.

"Evans," he replied.

I moved out of the doorway only to give Daughtry the biggest hug I've given him in years. "Wow, its so good to see you," I said happily.

"You too, and might I add, I heard that you have another kid on the way," he said.

"Whoa, who'd you hear that from," I asked. Not many people know, except for the family and I really don't know who all talks to Daughtry since I really haven't talked to him since I moved back to California.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he said.

"So," I said moving onto another subject. "What brings you here," I asked.

"Oh, I was on vacation from work so I decided to come down here and visit family for a few days and I thought since I'd be in the neighborhood, I might as well drop by and say hello," he explained.

"Wow, I don't know what to say," I said. "I mean, its been so long. Do you want to come in," I offered.

"No thanks," he said very politely. "I need to get going, since my family expected me to be home like half an hour ago, so yeah," he told me.

"Well it was nice seeing you again," I stated. "Do you think we'll be able to hang out before you go back?

"Sure thing," he said. "You know I wouldn't come all this way to not have had some fun with my best friend," he told me.

"Okay, you have my number right," I asked making sure.

"Yeah, I hope it hasn't changed," he said.

"Nope," I said.

"Alright then, well I guess I'll get going, but remember I'll be in town for a few days so one of these days we have to hang out," he said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely be hanging out," I promised.

"Okay, see ya," he said leaving patio of the manor.

As he was leaving I noticed something odd that was right behind him. I don't know if it was demonic or what. There was a black cloud right behind him, and that's not something I've ever noticed. This was starting to get me worried, but maybe its something to do with him being a phoenix, but then again why don't I have it. For some reason this black cloud is following him wherever he goes. I have to make sure I look that up in the magic book. Black clouds are always a sign of death, but hopefully its not one for Daughtry.

I decided to leave that alone right now. Wyatt told me not to stress out, and if he sees me stressing out at all he's probably going to lock me in a room with him, and all I'll be able to do is sleep.

As I closed the door and turned back around, I saw blue orbs appearing. I didn't know who it could be since just about he whole family is half white lighter these days. I waited for the orbs to clear to see that it was Wyatt, but the weird thing was he had Patty with him, and she wasn't yelling at him. They must have worked things out after all.

"Patty, Wyatt," I said acknowledging them both. "Its about time you two worked out your issues," I laughed. "I swear I never thought I was going to be able to relax again, because of you guys," I joked. I walked right over to the couch and laid right down and made myself comfortable.

Wyatt smiled and walked over to where I was and playfully pushed my legs off the couch so he couch sit there.

"Hey!" I grunted.

Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. Soon the other five kids came in the room and it was now a big family reunion.

"We heard mom, scream is everything okay," Robert asked.

"Everything is fine," Wyatt nodded. "Your mom was just throwing a tantrum because I moved his legs, but he'll get over it," Wyatt said.

I frowned at Wyatt just wanting to kill him right now, but I don't want my kids to watch me murder their father, so I held back. "Ugh," I cried out in pain as I felt a kick in my stomach. If always having morning sickness, sore nipples, and vomiting just about five times a day wasn't enough, I had to feel the baby kicking my stomach just about ever hour.

I looked down at my belly then back up at adult Richard, who was giving the best innocent look he could. "What, I didn't do anything," Richard said innocently like he didn't know what was going on.

Right when he said that his baby self kicked my stomach once more causing me to growl at his adult form. Wyatt leaned over and started to rub my stomach soothingly which caused the baby to stop kicking. At least for now.

"Are you a daddy's boy," I asked as I leaned back on the couch.

"Who? Me?!" Richard asked confused. "No," he lied. "I love you both the same," he said. "I don't think I like either of you more than the other, alright," he continued on.

Wyatt and I looked at each other, knowing that he was lying. We knew that he was a daddy's boy, but he just didn't want to admit it. Just thinking about that made us both start to chuckle.

I couldn't believe this. All of our kids are here and grown up, and Patty has forgiven Wyatt, even though you never would have expected her to by how she was acting towards him when she got here, but I'm just glad things were able to be worked out.

"So what about the rest of you guys," Wyatt said looking up at the rest of them. "Surely more of you has to love me," he asked.

"Well, you guys are basically even," Ryan smiled. "All the girls love mom, and well all of the boys love you dad," Ryan explained.

"Yes!" Wyatt cheered. "So looks like my team is almost here," he taunted. "I'm not worried," I said. "I can wait three more years for Penny to come out," I said back.

"Cute, Evans, just cute," Wyatt said leaning over and kissing me on the cheek.

"Okay guys could you please stop," Ryan asked.

Wyatt and I just ignored him and he pulled me into a hard kiss. He went on hard pressing his lips against mine and sticking his tongue in my mouth, without even waiting for me to give him the okay to enter. I responded by sucking on his tongue causing him to moan in pleasure.

"Eww!" The girls screamed as they all covered up there faces.

Wyatt and I finally pulled away, because we didn't want to really keep grossing our kids out. "Oh, shut," I said. "How do you eight think y'all were born," I reminded them.

"Thanks for that reminder," Richard said.

"You're welcome," I said smiling at my youngest son. "Oh and by any chance do you play soccer," I asked. "I mean you kick more than all of your brothers and sisters combined," I stated.

"Yeah right," he smiled back. "Just wait until you're pregnant with Penny," he said. "She's actually the one who plays soccer," he told me.

I just sighed and slumped on the couch. "Why did I have to open my big mouth," I said to myself.


[Sorry I accidentally wrote this part in third person and I'm too lazy to rewrite it so enjoy] Evans was laying in bed panting, making Wyatt very concerned. It was obvious that he was having another nightmare. He's been having them ever since he saw Patty and how evil she became. Ever since then Evans really hasn't been getting a good nights sleep which isn't good for him or the child that he's carrying. All this stress is causing him to have panic attacks nearly every hour.

"Patty, Patty, no," Evans was saying while he was sleep.


"Patty go to back to bed I'll be up there in a minute!" I shouted to my daughter who just stood there motionless. I was scared for what else was about to come and I didn't want her to have to witness all of this at such a young age.

Shax came in with a tornado causing everything in the house to go move everywhere. He then shot lightening from his hands and it went straight for Chris, but I went and pushed him out of the way causing me to get sent flying back and hit the wall so hard that my head cracked open.

Chris tried to get up, but then he was sent back against the wall even harder and his head was bleeding more than mine.

"Just like your mother," Shax said before he left using his same tornado.

Patty ran down to my aid crying, "Mommy, mommy please don't leave me!"

Soon the whole scene changed. I was back at the manor, but it seemed a lot different from the first time. I don't know what was changed about it, but it just looked different. I expected it to be me to come through the front door, but the two people who walked through the front door wasn't me and Chris. It was Piper and my mother, Prue.

At first I didn't know what was going on or what brought me here to this scene, but I was soon about to find out. A tornado came through the house, and it was that same tornado that got me in my dream. The same tornado that took me away from my child, and the same one that took my mother from me. It was Shax again.

I couldn't believe I was now dreaming about this. Shax soon formed out of the tornado. He threw out his arms and sent out lightening that hit Prue and then he sent out another wave hitting Piper, causing her to fly back and her body to lie next to my mothers as they both lied there dying. Shax knew that he had done his duty and soon he left using his tornado.

"Mom," I shouted as I ran to her aid. I checked her neck to feel that she was already gone. "Mom," I cried out.

End of Dream...

"MOM!" I shouted as I woke up panting from being so shocked.

I couldn't believe what I had just dreamed about. At first it was only Patty, but now I'm dreaming about my mother's death and I don't know why. It was said that dreams are suppose to tell me something, but what are they trying to tell me.

"Evans," Wyatt said rubbing me on the back. He had been watching me sleep all night. He really hasn't gotten that much sleep either, because he's been so worried about me. Its hard for him to see me in a state like this and know that there's nothing he can do to fix it. Whatever it is that's getting to me, he wants to protect me from it. "You okay baby," he asked soothingly.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah," I let out.

"What happened," he asked.

"My mom," I started. "He killed my mom," I told Wyatt. "Just like he killed me or is going to," I said to the father of my kids. "I'm scared Wyatt, I mean I haven't been dreaming about my mother till now, and I don't know why," I said sobbing, just thinking of the memory of her, because it changed my life.

"Come here," Wyatt said gently as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "Shax isn't coming anywhere near you," Wyatt whispered in my ear. He then went up and kissed my forehead and continued holding me for a long time, not wanting to let anything or anyone try and hurt me. Wyatt promised himself that if Shax came anywhere near me or Chris, he would live to regret it.

I felt safe right now in Wyatt's arms. If I could I would never leave his arms. It felt like no one or nothing could do me any harms when I was close to him. Wyatt would always hold me like this when he knew I was going through something because he knew it made me feel good. I just love him so much for being there for me. I just don't know what I'd do without him. I'm glad we didn't get a divorce or else I wouldn't have anyone like him there for me to protect me like this.

"Thanks, Wyatt," I told him as I laid my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for always being here when I need you."

"Anytime," he said. "I love you Evans," he said from his heart.

"I love you too Wyatt," I said back and he gently began to lay back down and pulled me down with him so that I was now on top of him.


The next day Wyatt and I went over to talk to Piper and the sisters about everything that had been going on with Shax, and then I got a little mad Wyatt for telling them about my dreams that included my mother, but I quickly got over it, because I know he was looking out for me and he was concerned. That's the only reason he told the sisters about it, because maybe they could help since they know a lot more about Shax and my mother than I do.

The future people were up in the attic having a little talk. They've been up there for hours, making me wonder what they could be talking about that was taking so long, but whatever it is, I hope they're working out their differences and hopefully they will be able to accept Patty into the family and make her feel welcomed since she never felt like she belonged ever since she was baby.

Right now Wyatt and I are sitting on one couch next to each other, while Chris and Peter are sitting on another next to each other. The sisters were spread among the whole room, talking to us about how we should handle the whole situation with Shax. Things didn't seem to be going too good.

"How is it that this Shax demon is alive anyway," I asked. "I thought you guys told me you vanquished him," I reminded them.

"Yeah, but each time a new Source is born so is Shax," Piper answered. "You forget that John was once the Source and he had to have a body guard," Piper stated to the family.

"So how do we vanquish him," Chris asked.

"Its not going to be easy, but you guys are going to have to use a power of three spell," Phoebe answered her third eldest nephew. "I mean, he wasn't an easy demon to vanquish, guys. Are you guys sure that you're up to it now," Phoebe asked just making sure.

"Yeah," I said.

Piper looked at me with a very strange face. You could tell that she had something to say, and whatever it was, it wasn't good. "You know, Evans maybe you should sit this one out," Piper suggested.

"Why," I asked.

"I just don't think this would be good for you, and neither does the rest of the family," Piper stated.

I looked around to see everyone nodding, even Wyatt. I can't believe they've been talking about me behind my back. Part of me feels betrayed, but the other part of me feels stupid for not knowing that they were probably doing this, seeing as how they knew about all my dreams and everything about the future with me dying and everything.

"Is there something you guys want to tell me," I asked standing up off the couch angry.

Piper looked around and saw that no one was going to speak so she took it upon herself as the oldest to do so. "Chris, its not that we don't trust you, its just that we think this demon is too dangerous for you," Piper pointed out.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked my temper rising. I couldn't believe they would say something like that to me. "I was the one who vanquished that demon who was said to be invincible remember," I reminded them.

That was when I got that empath power, and made the guy feel the pain of the world, just like my mother did with his father.

"We know that Chris, its just I...," Piper started but looked around once more. "We, just don't want to risk you," she said. "This demon killed your mother, and every time we hear about your dreams, we just see you making the same mistake that she did," she explained.

"Its not going to happen," I argued.

"I'm sure that's what she said," Piper said back. "And I'm sure that's the same thing mom said," Piper said with a tear coming down her eye. All these emotional memories were coming back and hitting her hard.

"What are you trying to say," I asked confused. Piper stood up and began coming towards me.

"Chris, think about it?!" She said raising her voice. "Haven't you realized, there's a trend thats going on," she asked. "Prue, your mother was only seven when our mother died, and Prue was right there to see it happen and she was never the same after," Piper stated. "She never cried about it for a long time, and you were just a baby when your mother died, and then Patty was fourteen when you died, and she was there to witness the whole thing, just like your mother did" Piper told me. "Chris open your eyes and look at what's happening," Piper said. "Your grandmother died at the hands of a demon, and so did your mother, and so did you by the same demon as your mother, and I just see you walking into it," Piper told me.

"Well I'm not my mother," I gritted through my teeth.

"Yes you are, Chris," Piper said back. "You are just like her," she said. "Oh really, tell me how then huh," I asked.

Piper sighed deeply. "Chris, look, I don't want to talk about your mother right now okay," she said.

"Well I do," I argued back.

"No, Chris, I just can't talk about this, alright," Piper said.

"Why not," I frowned. "I deserve some answers as to how I'm like her, and how you just see me making her same mistakes," I pointed out. "So come on tell me, she's my mother and I have a right to know everything I want to know about her."

"Chris, please," Phoebe entered. "Now is not a good time," she said.

"Okay fine then," I snapped. "If you don't want to tell me about her, then I'll ask someone who will," I said turning to walk away.

"Evans wait," Piper said stopping me where I was at. "I want you to think about something," she begged. "If you died, the cycle will only keep repeating and Patty will be without a mother just like you were, and she will turn evil, and not just that, but you're pregnant, and you could lose Richard in the process," Piper pointed out. "Is that what you want," Piper asked knowing good and well that I didn't want that, but it was the only way she could get me to think about what I was doing.

I looked back at my family one last time. Piper had brought up a good point, but I don't know what to do. This was going to be a tough decision to make, but I need some answers, and I think I know who to go to for them. Without saying another word I just walked out the door.

"I hope he doesn't do anything that he'll regret," Phoebe spoke.

"He's his mother's child," Piper said. "And Prue would never do anything that she would regret," Piper reminded Phoebe.

"I just hope we don't lose him like we lost her," Phoebe said. "Like you said, I see the same thing happening."

I shut the door behind me thinking about what Piper said. Am I really like my mother or do they just miss her so much that they're starting to see her in me. Whatever the reason is, I just have to find out some more about her. I can't summon her because I don't want her knowing what I have to do. She'd be against it from the start.

I just wish I knew more about her, and got to know her better, even though she is still around and I can call her anytime I want. Its just not the same as actually having her alive right in front of me. I've got to figure out how she was. What kind of person she was and what she was like compared to me, and why is everyone so obsessed with saying that I'm just like her, when I don't believe I am.

I know just who could answer that question, even though this person might not be able to tell me as much about my mother as Piper and Phoebe could, but I know they know more about her than Paige. I want to know everything about her. How she was like as a child? How she was when she was a teenager? How did she cope with her mother's death? I know Piper told me that she didn't cry about it at first, but there had to be more to it than just than, and Piper didn't tell me anything, and I couldn't believe she wouldn't.

That was my mother and I wanted to know why they were making such a big fuss over how much like me she was. I don't believe that she could be as much like me as they say she is. I mean we had the same powers and faced some of the same demons and things like that, but as far as personality goes, I just can't see myself being like my mother for far to many reason.

I put on my sunglasses as I began to walk the streets and go for the person that I had to find my answers from. I sometimes hated to walk these streets alone, and I would have asked Wyatt to come with me, but I don't think he would approve of what I'm doing, after his mom refused to tell me what I know, and now I'm going to talk to someone that they probably would never expect me to ask about my mother, but who else could I go to. If Piper didn't want to talk about it, then I'm sure that Phoebe wasn't going to say anything about it either.

As I continued my walk, that I knew was going to be long but I needed the exercise, I started looking around to see many little kids playing in the front yard with their mothers, which reminded me of what I missed out on. The mother who adopted me was a good mother, but each day I would always wonder how different my life would have been if I was raised by my real mother. Growing up with magic and learning how to control my powers from an early age. That would have been so much better than me finding all of this out on my eighteenth birthday, but then things did turn out for the better, though I still don't know how they would have turned out if I were raised by Prue.

No, that wouldn't be good. If I had stayed around then Piper would have known about dad cheating on her and they probably would have separated and then Wyatt and Chris wouldn't be born, and those two mean the world to me.

After a long walk, I had finally come to the building that I was looking for. I haven't been here many times, and I couldn't remember exactly where it was at, but I knew the streets and everything, and thats the only way I was able to find it. I made my way into the door and up the stairs. I just hope this person is home and doesn't mind me stopping by.

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door, and just stood there and waited and just kept hoping that he was home. The door slowly opened. The man had his lock on the door, so no one could just push past him and in a surprise attempt to do anything. The door was only opened a crack. That's as far as the chain lock would allow it to go.

"Christopher," the guy muttered surprised to see me, since it felt like ages that he's seen me, and now I just show up on his door step without so much as a phone call.

"Grandpa Victor," I replied back.

"What are you doing here," he asked taking the lock of the door and opening the door up, so he could see me better.

"I was hoping you could answer some questions for me about my mother," I pleaded with him.

Victor stepped aside saying, "come on in."


The power of six was sitting in the attic. For awhile they all just sat there in silence not knowing what to say. They were all in a circle. Patty was sitting in the middle of Prue and Penny, while Robert was sitting in the middle of Ryan and Richard, leaving it to be Ryan sitting next to Prue and Richard next to Penny.

This was all Ryan's idea to have this little brother and sister meeting for a lot of reasons. For one they haven't been together like this for awhile and this gives them a great opportunity to catch up, and second they all decided that they wanted to show Patrica that they didn't have any hard feelings on her. Even if she was evil, she was still their sister and they all still loved her and wanted her to be in their lives.

There was still silence amongst the room. Ryan looked around to see that the whole group was nervous, so being the eldest he stepped in. "Okay, I'll start," he said drawing all the attention to himself. "I would just like to start off by saying that its good to see you all again, after so long," he started. He then turned to his second youngest sister who had her head down in her lap. "And Patty," he called, making her raise her head out of her lap. "I just want to let you know that I have nothing against you and I'm sorry..." he said from the bottom of his heart.

Patty looked at him confused. She hasn't seen Ryan this sensitive ever since he met and married the love of his life and had kids, so she knew this wasn't no joke, but what was all of this for. "For what," she asked. "Ryan, I'm the one who should be sorry," she stated. "As a matter of fact I'm the one who should be apologizing to all of you," she said. "I'm the one who's been tearing our family apart, I'm the one who's been taking over the world, and putting you guys in danger and forcing y'all to run and hide and form the Resistance," she said. "And now I've driven all you guys to the trouble of coming to the past," she told them.

"Patty," Penny spoke. "This isn't your fault," she stated.

"She's right Patty," Robert said. "We all take some blame in this, even dad," Robert went on.

"Yeah, but you guys didn't do anything," Patty said back. "I'm the one who's been hurting so many people and...its my fault that things are the way they are," she whispered so quietly that barely any of her brothers or sisters heard what she had said.

"What are you talking about," Richard asked. "Its not your fault that things happened the way they did," Richard said comforting his sister. "No one could have predicted what would have happened."

"I know, but...its still my fault," she said. "Its all my fault that mom died," Patty said with a tear coming down her eyes. "Things could never go back to how they were before and its all because of me," Patty let out.

"What do you mean," Ryan asked.

"I'm the reason for why mom died," Patty told them. "I was right there and I saw the whole thing, and I never told anyone this, but he got distracted by me and that's what got him killed," Patty confessed. "If I hadn't of been there then he would have never been distracted, and he would have been able to save himself and Chris without losing them both in the process." Patty then went crying and buried her hands in her face.

This was the first time she's cried since she saw me die. Just thinking about this was hard on her, but she's never cried about it before, so she doesn't even know why she's crying now.

Prue felt like this was her time to step in. Of course her and Patty have a love hate relationship right now, but her sister really needs her and this would be a disappointment to not just her parents if she didn't step in, but herself. Prue might not act like it, but she cares a lot for Patty. More than anyone will know. Words can't describe how much she loves her sister.

"Patty," Prue whispered. "Patty look at me," she said and Patty looked up to her second eldest sister. "None of it was your fault," Prue told her. "Mom cared about you and she would have died for you a thousand times, just to protect you, and so would I," Prue said.

"What?" Patty asked not believing what she just heard.

"You heard me," Prue said firmly. "I would die for you a thousand times just like mom did, to protect you," she repeated.

"You would," Patty asked again.

"I sure would," Prue said.

"So would I," Ryan came in.

"So would I," Robert also said.

"I would too," Richard said with the rest.

"Me too," Penny said also, even though she's the youngest and everyone should be protecting her, but Penny will always be the one who wants to protect her family from everything.

Patty looked around as each of her brothers and sisters told her that they would put their life on the line for them. She couldn't believe this. After all she had done and everything that she's said to them in the future, they still love her. This was more than anything she could ever ask for. After always wanting to be loved and recognized all of her life.

Prue, sensing how her sister was thinking took this opportunity to pull her into a strong hug. Patty accepted the embrace by wrapping her arms around her sister's neck and pulling herself onto Prue's shoulder where she continued crying and Prue just rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

Prue right then knew exactly what turned Patty evil. It was never the fact that I died. It wasn't even the fact that she saw it. All this time she and her siblings thought it was because of that, but it had nothing to do with it. Patty had turned evil, because all this time she's blamed herself for my death. Everyday she wished that she wasn't there, and if she had not been then I would have still been alive.

If only she knew that wasn't true. That's why all this time she's gone around searching for Shax and vanquishing him. She thought that after she killed him, all the pain would go away, but it didn't. Things only got worse. That's why she started going after every magical creature.

Soon Ryan and over and pulled Patty of Prue and let her cry on his shoulder. Ryan felt since he was the oldest, besides Patience who wasn't there, it was his duty to look after Patty and protect her.

After Ryan had embraced her for awhile, soon the rest of the power of six came over and joined in on a group hug. It was a beautiful sight to see. All of them together as one.

"And Patty, I just want to let you know one more thing," Ryan whispered in her ear. "When we go back to the future, no matter what the outcome is, I hope that you know that we all love you and we want you to come live with us so we can all be one big family, okay," Ryan told her.

Patty nodded at what her brother's request. There's nothing that she would have wanted more than to be with her family forever. They meant the world to her, even if she didn't show it. She would have never done anything to hurt them, no matter what. She might have been evil and she might have killed so many innocents, but the people she would have never thought of hurting was her own family. She knew that I would have been disappointed and the last thing she wanted was to disappoint me knowing how much I loved her when I died.

As Patty began to accept the love that her siblings were giving her she finally realized that this is what was meant to happen. These people are who she belongs with. Patty has never felt closer to the family more than she has now. This was the point of coming to the future. Patty remembered that I always had a little saying 'that everything happened for a reason.' Not that she wanted me to die, but maybe that's something that my death was suppose to do. Bring the family closer, and it did.

Ryan pulled back and saw that Patty's eyes were a little puffy from crying so much. "Patty, you will always be my little sister, and no matter what happens, from now on I'm never letting anyone or anything hurt you ever again," Ryan said firmly. "Even if I have to vanquish the whole Underworld," Ryan smiled.

"Thanks Ryan," Patty said back.

"What are brothers for," Ryan replied causing Patty to smile and laughter to float among the siblings.


I was sitting down in Victor's small apartment. I haven't been here in so long that I don't remember where everything was. I know he's been living here for awhile now, but I still don't get how he does it. I mean I couldn't live in such a tiny space like this, but then again its only him. His daughters are all grown up, and he isn't married to anyone so I guess this would be a good place for him to live by himself.

Victor had gone in the kitchen to make some coffee. He knew that this was going to take a lot of explaining so he thought he might as well get all the caffeine in him that he could. He wasn't as young as he use to be so talking a lot was a great deal of energy and he was going to need it for when he explained to me about his eldest daughter who he sometimes had a hard time talking about since she was deceased and that was hard on him.

I was sitting on his couch flipping through a photo album that he gave me of just my mom. He had one with all family pictures, and then he had one of just my grandmother Patty, and then there was one of just Piper and Phoebe by themselves. I couldn't believe all the pictures that he had collected. I mean wow. I never knew how they all looked when they were little. Piper was geeky, my mom was a rebel, and she had braces, and Phoebe was just as rebellious and her nickname use to be Freebie, which I found hilarious.

After looking at all the ones that my grandfather had, had of them together, I finally took the chance to look at the ones with just my mother. I never knew my mom was such a sweet little girl. She looks the same as she did when she was little. That mole was still in the same place of her face that it was when I saw her adult form. She looked like a sweet innocent little girl. I found it so hard that she turned from sweet and innocent to troublesome then to serious all in that time loop.

I continued looking at the pictures as Victor came in and handed me a cup of coffee while he sat down on the opposite couch of the one that I was sitting on. Victor was happy that I was here. He's never really had a chance to get to know me. Yes the family does come to visit him once a month and sometimes even more, but he's really never had his time to be alone with me and talk to me like he's done with Wyatt and Chris H.

When he had heard about me, he was almost ecstatic to find that his eldest daughter had left a son behind, so that part of her would still be here. Victor and Prue might not have gotten along because of some stuff that happened in the past, but deep down they both cared for each other.

Victor took a sip of his coffee as he saw me continue to look through the books. "Your mother was a very pretty girl," he started as he nodded. "I only wish that I could have been there to see her grow up," he confessed. "If I only knew that my time with her was going to be so short, I would have never left. Even if your grams had chased me away."

I chuckled a little just imagining that. I know all the stories about how grams hated Victor. I just can't believe she did that though. I continued looking at all the pictures, but I realized something. There weren't that many of them with Victor in them. That was very odd.

"Grandpa how did you get all these pictures of the girls," I asked. "Your grandmother sent them to me," he answered taking another sip of his coffee. "Yeah, little did your Grams know that Patty was sending me pictures through the mail of the girls just about everyday," he told. "Even though Patty and I weren't together, we still kept in contact. I had to know what my girls were up to, and it was hard when I left them," he said.

I took in one deep breath. There was just something I had to ask him, even though its none of my business, but I still need to know. "Um...Grandpa," I said looking up from the pictures for the first time since I had gotten there. "Can I ask you something?"

"You know you don't even have to ask," he said. "You know you can always ask me anything you want," he said.

"Well I think this time I needed to ask, but please don't take any offense to this question," I begged. "But, I was hoping that you would tell me why you left mom and the rest of her sisters," I asked.

This was something that I needed to know. If not for my sake for my kids. Maybe if I could find out why Victor left the girls, I could find out what would make Wyatt leave his kids after I died.

Victor knew this question was going to come up one day by one of his grandkids, but he never expected it to be me. I was the one who he talked to the least, and if anyone he thought the person who would ask the question would have been Wyatt, since Wyatt is the one who is a little anxious about a lot of stuff.

Victor set down his coffee mug and crossed his legs. "It had nothing to do with the girls, and neither did it have to do anything with Patty," Victor started. "It all had to with magic, believe it or not," Victor confessed.

"Magic?" I asked confused. "How did magic play a role in this," I asked.

"Everything," Victor answered. "Patty wanted to raise the girls around demons and magic, but I didn't," Victor explained. "I wanted the girls to live a normal life without magic, but their Grams kept insisting that it was there destiny. For awhile I took it in, and just about everyday a demon came and attacked the house, until one day I just couldn't take it anymore. So I walked out, but I wanted to take the girls with me, but I knew your Grams wasn't going to allow that. If I had known she was going to bind the girls powers soon after that, then I would have stayed, but I knew I couldn't."

"But Grandpa," I started. "Wouldn't you want to be in your girls lives no matter what, even if it was with magic?"

"I did, but I knew after I walked out the first time, Penny wasn't going to let me back in their lives," Victor said. "If I could do it over again, then I would have never left them. I would have stayed and saw them all grow up just like I should, and they wouldn't have had to have your mother take care of them the way she did," Victor said.

I nodded and continued looking at the pictures. I know Victor already feels bad enough about it so I knew I should just drop the subject. I don't want to make him feel back or worse for the whole thing. He's already lost a daughter in his life and I'm sure he still has bad days thinking about it.

"So, what brought you here Christopher," Victor asked. "I mean I thought you said you wanted to talk about your mother?"

"Yeah, I did, and I still do," I told him.

"Well, why did you come to me," he asked. "I'm glad that you're here, but why didn't you just ask Piper or even Phoebe. They know a lot more about her than I do," he stated.

I was now going to have to explain something that I didn't want to, but Victor told me something that I'm sure he didn't want to tell so I might as well. "Well Grandpa...we sort of had a fight," I confessed.

"A fight? Over what," he asked.

"Long story short, they think I should not be going after a specific demon because they think I'm just following in my mother's footsteps, and I don't think I am, but they keep insisting that I'm just like my mother and they see me making her same mistakes, and I asked them to tell me about her, but they refused, so I just walked out and I came to you," I explained to him.

"I see," Victor said nodding.

He knew just how his daughters were, even though he might have not been there to see them grow up, but he was there in their lives as Chris and Wyatt grew up. He even sometimes took Chris and Wyatt off their hands while they were busy with demon fighting.

All that time that he would come over to visit he would find that the girls never liked to talk about the people that they lost in the past. For some reason it was painful. Especially for Piper. Victor remembered that time of the final battle. That night Piper had come over crying because she had lost her sisters Paige and Phoebe and all the while Victor was shocked. He didn't know what to say. He had already lost one daughter who he had barely the chance to know, but then he lost another, and a girl who was like a daughter to him. Thank goodness Piper was able to fix it all when she went back to the past or else it would have been tragic.

"You have to understand though Chris," Victor said. "Its hard for Piper to talk about her sister, I mean sometimes she will even blame herself for that matter," Victor told me.

"What would make her blame herself," I asked. That was pretty interesting to think that Piper would do that.

"Well just about every time someone mentioned her death, Piper would always say that it should have been her," Victor explained. "I mean Piper always thought that Leo should have healed Prue instead of her."

"I can't help but wonder the same sometimes," I muttered.

"Chris, your mother was a wonderful woman," Victor started, telling me the stuff that I wanted to know. "I couldn't have been prouder to have called her my daughter," he said. "She was brave, smart, wise, I mean that's why her name was Prudence, because we knew that's how she was going to be from the start. You're mother was the bravest out of all her sisters, just like they said, and when I first tried to come back in their lives, your mother didn't like it one bit, but I could understand, because I hadn't been there in so long."

"Hmm..that doesn't sound like her," I said.

"Yeah, well that was her," Victor smiled. "Prue always looked before she leaped," Victor stated. "Every demon feared her, many people looked up to her, and I admired her for the person she was," Victor went on. "That's why when I tried to come back in their lives well she was stubborn, but in the end she accepted it, and I only wish I had come in sooner," he said.

"Did you go to her funeral," I asked.

"Yes, and it was very hard trying to be strong and be there for them, and try to hold myself together in the process," Victor said. "I know I'm a guy and I'm suppose to be strong, but it hurts when you lose your daughter, and I knew it had hurt Piper and Phoebe even more. They were acting sore of strange ever since she died. They started to treat everyone they met differently and they weren't really welcoming."

I nodded at the statement knowing how true it was. Piper and Phoebe weren't mean, it was just now that they had lost their oldest sister, I could just imagine them not welcoming new people right away, even though Victor wasn't new. Seeing as how Piper first treated Paige, I knew that's probably the way she would have treated him. Piper did warm up to Paige, but I heard that at first she wasn't up to having a new sister. Thank goodness she was able to put that aside and bring herself together or else things wouldn't have ended up the way they are today.

I looked back down and this one picture stood out to me for some reason. It was a picture of my mom and Aunt Piper, but they had their hand on Grandma Patty's stomach for some reason[the picture that Phoebe took in 'That 70's episode'.

"Hey grandpa, who took this picture," I asked lifting the book up and showing it to him. Victor got a little closer to see what it was.

"Oh, your Aunt Phoebe took that one," he answered.

"But how," I asked oddly confused. "I mean, if I'm looking at this correctly, then she wouldn't have been but like a month old, if that," I said.

"Yeah, she wasn't even born to tell you the truth," Victor told me. "That's why your mother and Piper have their hands on Patty's stomach, but it wasn't the baby her who took the picture, it was her older self. You know with how crazy things get and the girls had to travel back and forth to the past," Victor pointed out.

"Good point," I agreed.

I then turned over the page to see another picture of my mom, but this one was a little odd. It wasn't colored like the other ones. This was in gray, but that's not why I felt that it was different. There was something about this picture that made it more peculiar than the one before.

Victor saw that I was staring at that one particular picture, and he knew why. It really never dawned on his other grandkids when they saw it, but he should have known it would, because Prue is my mother.

"That there is a picture of your mother...when she saw Patty die," Victor told me. "I remember that Prue was never the same since," Victor stated.

"Yeah, I know," I told him. "Piper had already told me that."

Victor nodded and for awhile he just stared at me like he felt some kind of connection.

"What," I asked a little freaked out that he was looking at me the way he was.

"Nothing," he shook his head. "You just remind me a lot of Prue," he said.

"Please not you too," I sighed hearing Piper in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Chris, its just I'm not trying to take sides here, but I kind of feel Prue when you're around," Victor said. "I mean just everything you do, and the way you look just reminds me of her, and how wise she was and how great of a mother she would have made if she was still alive," Victor said with a little sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry, but Evans, I can't lie to you, when I say Piper is right. Just about everything you do resembles her, and I know how much you don't want that to be true, but it is."

"Grandpa please," I begged. "I can't be like her," I tried to deny.

"I'm sorry, but you are," he said. "I know its hard for you to hear that, but I can't lie to you."

There was a brief moment of silence, and Victor could tell it was because I didn't want to talk about it anymore. He knows how much this hurts me and he's always been respectful enough not to talk about matters when others don't want to.

"You know something odd about today," Victor asked making me look up. "Today was the day your mom died," he said.

"It is," I asked out loud, but then thought about it for awhile. "Yeah it is," I said. "Well, thanks for everything Grandpa, but I've got to go," I said trying to get out of the apartment to go do something. There was something that I just had to do.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer," he pleaded. "I mean, I could tell you some more about your mother," he informed me.

"Thanks, but no thanks Grandpa," I told him as I opened the door and began to walk out. "I'll come by to see you again, soon, bye and take care," I told him as I finally shut the door and left.


The rest of the family was still back in the manor worried about me and the whole incident that took place earlier on today. They were all scared because I hadn't come back for a long time. Most of them wondered where I was. Wyatt didn't, because he could sense me and he always knew where I was, since our minds worked as one and we were that close.

While the whole family was wondering around the house doing whatever, Wyatt was in the kitchen with his right now, youngest baby girl, Patty. He was trying to feed her before he had to put her to sleep. It wasn't that late, but Wyatt decided that since today was a bad day he would put the kids to sleep early today.

To Wyatt's surprise though, Patty wasn't going to be the challenge. It was going to be his older kids who might be the trouble with complaining about how early it is and they wouldn't want to go to sleep, but they were just going to have to deal with it.

Wyatt continued to try to feed his baby girl, but Patty ended up with more food on her than in her mouth just about every time Wyatt would put anything in her mouth. Being a dad wasn't easy. Especially now that he has six now and one on the way who's gonna make his appearance soon.

"Alright Patty, here comes the airplane," Wyatt said in a baby voice, causing his daughter smile. Wyatt then started to make little airplane noises, making Patty open her mouth wider and allowing Wyatt to put some food in, and as always half of it dripped out and onto her bib. "There you go again," Wyatt sighed.

"Baby trouble," someone said from behind.

Wyatt looked up to see his mother standing over him smiling. "Yeah, I guess you could say that," he smiled back as he continued trying to feed Patty, who was still being as difficult as ever.

Piper walked over to the kitchen sink and started to wash dishes. For awhile there was nothing, but silence in the kitchen, besides all the commotion that Patty was making because she was a baby and that's just what she does.

Piper continued washing the dishes as she looked back he son who had a long face. "Worried about Chris aren't ya," Piper pointed out.

"What was your first clue," Wyatt replied.

"If you're so worried about Chris, then why don't you go see him," Piper suggested. "I mean I'm sure you can sense where he's at and I know you probably want to be with him right now, more than anything," Piper stated.

"Yeah, but I just don't know if he wants me around right now," Wyatt said getting out of his chair. He went and took the bib of Patty and pulled her out of the baby chair and picked her up and began to rock her back in forth trying to make her go to sleep.

"Now what would make you say something like that," Piper asked her eldest. "I'm sure he wants you around," Piper said confident. "Can't you feel his emotions right now?"

"Yeah, and he's in a lot of pain," Wyatt informed her. "I don't think that little argument that he had with everyone helped at all any," Wyatt let out. That's the main reason why he feels like he can't come near me.

"Wyatt, I'm sure Evans understands the whole thing, and I promise you that he's not mad at you," Piper told him. "Now go on," she demanded. "Go check on your husband," she told him.

"But I've still got Patty and I have to put her to sleep," Wyatt said.

"I'll take care of Patty, you just go on," Piper said grabbing her granddaughter from her son's arms. "Now go," Piper ordered.

"But what about the other kids and-,"

"Out!" The mother of two was pushing her son right through the front door. "I'll take care of the kids, you go and make sure that Evans is okay," Piper ordered. She was about to close the door, when Wyatt stuck in arm in the crack blocking her from shutting it all the way. "What now?"

"Thanks mom," he smirked before kissing her on the forehead and then kissing his daughter who was still in his mother's arms. "Be good sweetie," Wyatt said softly. "Daddy loves you," were his finally words before he orbed out.


I was standing in the cemetery with red roses in my hand. I was always told that my mom's favorite flowers were roses, and thats what I wanted to give her. The last time I had been here was when we had a ceremony for my mother, but I had never returned since then, scared of all the pain and emotion that it would bring, but I knew I had to face this someday or else I would be living with it for the rest of my life, but for some reason, I just blocked the pain out instead of facing it head on.

"Hey," I said looking at my mother's head stone. I looked to the left and saw that next to hers where my grandmother's and great grandmother's. I started looking at them from the eldest person to the youngest.

The first said 'Here lies Penelope Halliwell "Grams" , beloved mother and grandmother, may she rest in peace.' The next one to that said, 'Here lies Patrica Halliwell, loving mother and daughter, may she rest in peace. Last, but not lease was my mother's headstone. It read 'Here lies Prudence Halliwell, loving daughter and sister, May she rest in peace.' There was one thing I thought that was missing from it. It didn't say that she was a loving mother.

Part of me wanted to shed a tear, but I couldn't. I had to be strong. There's too much going on for me right now to cry about my mother's death. I have to hold it all in. If not for me, for my children who are in trouble right now, and I just can't let them see me breaking down or else I know they will too.

I knelt down on the ground and placed the roses right next to my mother's headstone. "Mom," I muttered. "I know I talk to you all the time, but it just doesn't feel the same without you here, and alive," I sighed. "I don't blame you for dying, I mean you did what you had to do to protect your sisters, and I know that you would want me to be strong, and that's what I'm going to do." I took in a deep breath. I couldn't believe I was actually talking to my mother's headstone, but I felt like I was talking to her more right there than I had ever done talking to her spirit. "I know this sounds selfish, but I can't help but to wonder what would have happened if you had lived, and it was you who raised me instead of Patience, but I know you had to make that sacrifice, and things wouldn't be as good as they are not if you didn't and for that I do love you, but I still wish you were here," I pleaded. The wind started blowing and I felt something beating me on my chest. It was the Christmas present that Wyatt gave me. "Oh yeah, Wyatt found your locket," I said holding it out. "I know its something that you've been looking for, for a long time and Wyatt had found it for me. Can you believe it?" I laughed. I looked up at the sky for an answer and then looked back down. "Yeah mom, I know you're hearing all about everything that's going on with me, and how everyone is comparing me to you," I started. "I'm sure you know everything that's going on with your granddaughter Patty turning evil because of my death and now Aunt Piper is scared because that demon who killed you is alive and he's the same demon who killed me in the future, and she doesn't think I should try to take him on. I know what you're gonna say, that I should listen to my Aunt Piper, because she knows what she's talking about, but I just can't mom. You know how hard it is for me to just sit back and watch the demon that killed my mother hurt innocents and there's nothing that I could do about it. Anyway on a lighter note, I'm pregnant again, but I'm sure you already know that. Robert told me he saw Richard and Penny in his dreams, so you must have known all along when they were coming." I smiled and couldn't believe I was still talking to her grave. I knew she couldn't talk back, but I still liked being there. "Well anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I miss you, even though I really never got the chance to know you personally, and I hope to see you soon."

I stood up from kneeling on the ground. I stayed there and stared at the grave for awhile. I was just about to turn around when all of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me. I wasn't scared, because I knew who it was. I could feel his presence anywhere, and if that wasn't enough then I knew the smell of his cologne and his touch.

"Wyatt," I muttered. "Is that you," I asked.

"Yes, babe, its me," Wyatt said kissing me softly on the cheek.

"So how did you find me," I asked him. Wyatt shook his head.

"Did you forget that we're connected," Wyatt reminded. "I can't believe you forgot," Wyatt joked. "You're my other half Chris, and our love for each other is so strong, I mean that we're linked to each other. I always know where you are and how you're feeling."

"I guess theres that," I smiled but then immediately sighed.

"You feeling alright," Wyatt asked worried.

"Sure, I guess," I shrugged.

Wyatt took that as a no. He always knew when there was a problem and he was stubborn enough to always want to fix it. That was just how Wyatt was. Caring father and loving husband. "Come here," he said grabbing my arm and walking me over to the nearest bench, which wasn't too far from my mother's grave. Wyatt took a seat first and then he took my arm and settled me onto his lap "What's wrong," he asked.

"Nothing," I lied, but then looked at Wyatt, and I could see in his blue eyes that he wasn't going to give up until he found out what was going. "Except, I just can't help but wonder..."

"Wonder what," he asked.

"What would have happened if my mom hadn't of died," I confessed sadly.

"Chris, you know you can't just keep thinking like this," Wyatt said. "Its not good for you and neither is it good for our baby," Wyatt pointed out.

"I know, but..I can't help it," I told him. "If my mother hadn't of died, maybe so many things would be different. Like maybe Robert would still be alive," I pointed out.

"You're still dwelling in the past," Wyatt stated. "That happened so long ago, and I thought you would be over that by now."

"I am, Wyatt, but that's just something that you'll never recover from," I told him. "Losing my brother was a lot, and just imagine how you would feel if you lost Chris?"

Wyatt nodded seeing my point. "I understand," he said. "Chris, look at me," Wyatt said cupping my face in his hands. "I know things aren't the best now, and who knows, maybe life would have been better if Aunt Prue had lived, but Chris, I'm happy the way things turned out." I was so confused on how Wyatt was happy and all the things that went on. "I mean look at us, we're married, we have six and about to be seven kids," he said rubbing my stomach. "I can't imagine my life without you," he told me honestly. "If I didn't have you then...I really don't know what I would do. I'd probably be somewhere scoring with girls or maybe I'd be that evil Wyatt."

Him and I both chuckled for awhile. "Wyatt, I know you, and I've seen both sides of you, and you could never be evil, no matter what," I said confident.

"Yeah, but that's besides the point," Wyatt said. "The point is that I'm happy with the way that things are, I hope that one day you will be too, because I couldn't have pictured a better future or a better life with anyone besides you," Wyatt told me.

"Thanks," I smiled back at my husband who had not stopped smiling at me ever since we had been sitting down. I looked up at the sky to see that it was dark. It must have been really late. "Hey, Wyatt, we should be getting home soon," I suggested. "I mean its getting dark and with us being witches, I wouldn't be surprised if something or someone just popped out of their graves."

"Good point," Wyatt quickly said. I got of of Wyatt so he could stand up, and as soon as he was standing all the way up straight, I grabbed his hand and we began walking away from the graveyard.

"You know Wyatt, you say you can't imagine how your life would be without me," I remembered. "But you know, I could imagine how my life would be without you. I mean I'd be married to Corbin Blues," I joked knowing how much Wyatt doesn't like the guy.

As Wyatt and I continued walking through the cemetery, we caught sight of a figure running through and headed for the inside[where Phoebe use to go to meet Cole. It was dark out so at first we couldn't see the person, but when he ran through the light, we both could see clearly, who it was. This was very odd, because you wouldn't see him running through the graveyard at night. Especially by himself. Something must be up.

Wyatt looked at me saying, "Was that Daughtry?"

"I think so," I said continuing to stare at him as he made his way inside . He looked around to make sure no one could see where he was going. Little did he know that Wyatt and I were standing behind a tree so he couldn't see us. Daughtry, knowing that he was okay, went inside.

"Think we should follow him," I asked my husband.

Wyatt nodded to me. "I think that would be a good idea," he said.

Wyatt and I grabbed hands, and Wyatt decided that he'd be the one to lead the way. Slowly we made our way past the headstones, almost tripping over half of them. When we got to the door, Wyatt slowly pushed it open, just to make sure there wasn't a trap on the other side.

Wyatt is smart, and he doesn't just fall for anything. Seeing that there was no trap Wyatt and I continued into the building. When we went in, the door shut right behind us causing me to jump a little. "You okay," Wyatt asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said.

There was no light in the place, which caused me to get even more scared. This was light a horror movie. Two people are just standing in the dark waiting for something to happen, and one of them goes missing. Luckily Wyatt and I were still holding hands. Wyatt conjured up a torch and lit it with his pyrokinesis. He looked down at me to see that I was shaking a little, because I was scared. Being the protective guy Wyatt is, he pulled me closer so that I was against him and wrapped his arm around me.

"Don't worry, Evans, I'm not going to let anything happen to you," he promised me. He then gave me a little kiss on the forehead. I felt safer then and quit shivering.

I'm glad Wyatt was here right now, because I wouldn't be able to go through this place by myself. I'm usually not scared of much, but because I'm pregnant, I'm just about scared of anything because it puts me at risk with the baby, and if I die right now then Patty will still remain evil and I will have lost Richard, just like Piper said.

Wyatt kept his arm around me the whole time we walked through the place. It was not a place I would want my body to be buried, and I don't know how people come and bury others here. It gives me the creeps just being in here for five seconds. There were rats in just about every corner that you looked, and if that wasn't bad enough there were spider webs and big spiders about the size of a boulder. Wyatt and I had to make sure to watch out for these creatures. They might be in their own little corners, but they're still poisonous.

The whole way was just a duck and dodge creature place. You couldn't turn any corner without having to watch out for a spider or anything that could come your way. I just hope Wyatt and I are able to find Daughtry soon, and hopefully he hasn't gotten bit by one of these animals.


Daughtry had finally made it to the end of the building. This was where he was suppose to meet up with someone he's been looking for, for a long time. For awhile he's been tracking down this demon and now, he knew this demon was going to make his appearance here. Daughtry had a score to settle.

Daughtry stood there for a while, until a tornado came shimmering in the mausoleum. This is something he's been waiting for ever since he moved to New York. When he lost the most important people in his life. Now he was facing their murderer, Shax himself.

Just before the tornado cleared, Daughtry conjured up an athame. It wasn't going to do much against a demon like Shax, but that didn't mean that Daughtry was going to give up in trying to vanquish him. After searching for him, and hoping for this day for so long he wasn't about to turn back.

When the tornado cleared, Shax stood there for awhile and smirked at the Phoenix before him. This guy had no chance against him. The only people who could defeat him were the Charmed Ones, and they don't even know he's alive. He killed one of them before, so he's not so scared of them anymore even though there's three of them now. He can still just kill one to stop the threat. Shax continued smirking at Daughtry evilly.

"Prepared to die, Phoenix," he mocked Daughtry who was still standing firmly in front of him.

"Funny," Daughtry said. "I was just about to ask the same thing about you," he replied.

The smirk on Shax face quickly disappeared and turned into a frown. He has never been this angry since he's faced the Charmed Ones themselves. Shax conjured up his electro wave and sent it straight to Daughtry, but Daughtry was quick to get out of the way, causing the electricity to hit the wall, making the hole building shake and knocking down part of the wall.

Before he could try to do it again, Daughtry quickly hurled his athame straight at Shax, hitting in right in the back causing the Source's assassin to cry out in pain from the blade. Daughtry smirked thinking that it was the end, and he had won that, and Shax was finally vanquished, but he was wrong.

Shax' muscles quickly tensed back up and the blade fell out of his back. The demon then turned to the Phoenix and with an angry face. He sent out another wave of electricity, this time hitting Daughtry hard with a great force. Daughtry disintegrated for awhile, making Shax think that he had won, but soon, he reformed just like a Phoenix could.

"Its going to take a lot more than that to beat me Shax," Daughtry said.

"We'll just see about that," Shax growled, conjuring up another electric wave of energy and hurling it at the Phoenix who dodged it once more. Again and again, Shax kept shooting bolts of electricity and Daughtry kept dodging it. The Phoenix was able to hurl a few athames at the demon, but he wasn't able to hit the demon, because he might have had enough time to throw them, but never did he once have enough time to aim for the demon.

The fight was getting so bad that the whole building was starting to cave in. If they continued they would both be trapped in there forever, and no one was going to win the fight. This battle continued on and on. There was never a Phoenix who was able to put up a fight as big as Daughtry. He was really determined to win this battle, even if it killed him too in the process.


Wyatt and I had been walking down the long hallway when we finally started to feel the building shake. That couldn't be good. Wyatt and I began looking at each other scared of what might be taking place. Daughtry is in trouble. I just know it and I have to help him. He's my best friend and I know he'd do the same for me if I was in the same spot.

I shrugged Wyatt's arm off of me and quickly began heading towards the area where all the explosions were coming from. I knew I was being risky because I was pregnant and everything, but I wasn't going to run and just let my best friend for many years get hurt and I could have done something about it, and everyday I'd regret it.

Before I could get without of Wyatt's reach, he grabbed me and pulled me back against him. "Evans, where do you think you're going," he asked. This was his child I was pregnant with, and there was still a high risk of me dying and as long as Wyatt was around, he wasn't going to let that happen. Not if he had anything to do with it.

"Daughtry is in there, Wyatt," I told him. "I've got to help him," I pleaded with my husband of eight years.

"Chris, you can't," Wyatt said. "Things are not looking good in there," Wyatt stated. "If you go in there, you could possibly be risking not only your life, but the baby's as well," Wyatt lectured.

"Wyatt, I can't just let Daughtry get hurt, and not do something about it," I said back.

"Wait here, Chris," Wyatt said. "I'll go in," Wyatt insisted.

"No, I'm going in Wyatt, and that's that," I argued back.

Before another word was said, I quickly ran ahead towards where the whole clashing sound was coming from. I knew Wyatt was not going to be happy about this. Just wait till he catches up with me. He's probably going to lock me up in a room, until I learn not to run off like that.

"Chris," Wyatt shouted after me. "Chris get back here," Wyatt shouted also, but he could already see that I've gotten so far that I was nearly out of sight.

Not wanting me to be out of his sight completely Wyatt quickly began chasing after me shaking his head. He couldn't believe I just took of like that. Part of him could actually, since he knows how I am, and he blames himself since he should have been prepared for me to react like that.

Wyatt quickly started to run after me in hopes that he would be able to catch me and orb me back home before I could get through the doors. The whole building collapsing down wasn't helping much. Wyatt had to duck, dodge, and even jump over the parts of the wall that were falling. He's never had to go an obstacle like this ever since he was in football, and right now he really didn't want to relive those days, but then again he didn't want anything to happen to me, so he had to go after me.

The only thing that was stopping him from orbing over to me was that he didn't want to orb right under a rock that might have been falling from the building. As he continued chasing after me, he shook his head and grinned. Gosh I was so much trouble, but then again, to him I was worth it.

I had finally reached the door way to where all the fighting was coming from. I was just about to open it until Wyatt quickly came right behind me and shut it before I could even open it half way, which caused me to look at Wyatt and frown. How could he stop me from going to help my friend.

"Let go of the door, Wyatt," I demanded.

"No," Wyatt replied. He knew he was probably going to regret this later with how mad I was going to be at him, but he'd rather have me alive and mad then have me hurt and mad.

"I said let go of the door, Wyatt," I repeated even firmer than before.

"And I said no," Wyatt repeated his answer even louder than mine. "Now listen to me, you are going to stay here while I go in and I'll bring out Daughtry okay," Wyatt proposed.

"No way, I'm going in," I snapped at my husband, which was usually not a surprise seeing as I was pregnant, but this time that didn't matter. Wyatt was blocking me from doing something that I wanted to do. "Now get out of my way, Wyatt," I pressed, but Wyatt wasn't one to give in. Wyatt just shook his head and stood there with his hand on the door keeping me from opening it. I really didn't have time for this. Daughtry was in there and I had to get to him. "Fine then," I said shoving Wyatt off the door, and quickly opening it and running through it myself. I knew Wyatt wasn't going to be happy with what I just did, but that wasn't my first priority.

"Evans, don't!" Wyatt shouted as I was running in.

I froze in place of what I was seeing. I couldn't believe this. More shocked I was than scared. Right in front of my eyes I saw my worst enemy, Shax, and my best friend, Daughtry. Shax had Daughtry by the throat and was choking him to death, and he was only a few more seconds away from death.

I quickly snapped out of my shocked thoughts and knew I was going to have to act fast if I was going to help him. "Hey let him go!" I shouted towards the demon who I despised so much. As I continued looking at Daughtry I could see there was still a puff of black smoke coming out from beside him. Did he or Shax even notice. If they didn't then why am I the only one who notices it.

Hearing me shout, Shax looked over. He didn't look to happy to see me. "A charmed One," he muttered. He then threw Daughtry over to the wall, causing him to hit with such great force that I knew he was injured critically. Shax then conjured up and energy bolt and quickly hurled it straight at me.

I was beginning to see my whole life flash before my eyes. This was it. I had no time to counter it, and this is how it all ended. Shax killed me, and now it here it is. My doom is here.

Wyatt quickly coming in and seeing a lightening bolt going straight at me, ran over and pulled me down to the ground along with him, saving my life. Wyatt sighed with relief, even though I was on top of him. He was very worried, but he was also angry.

"Chris, don't you ever run from me like that again, you hear me," Wyatt said firmly. "You just nearly got yourself killed," he stated.

"But Wyatt-," I tried to plead.

"Not buts Chris," Wyatt cut me off. "Don't you ever do that again," he said and I nodded.

I looked over to see Daughtry on the ground, and he still had that puff of black smoke surrounding him. "Oh no," I panicked. "Daughtry!" I shouted getting off of Wyatt and running over to where he was.

Shax took this as an opportunity that he could kill a Charmed One, since I'm off guard, and without a power of three spell that would mean he could be here forever. Shax then started to conjure up an electric ball, smiling thinking this was just as easy as it was when he did it over twenty years ago. Killing Charmed Ones these days was now a piece of cake.

Wyatt saw what Shax was about to do, and quickly waved his arm, sending Shax against the wall. That was a close call. Wyatt didn't feel comfortable having me and Shax in the same building, but he knew I wasn't going to go anywhere without Daughtry, and there was nothing Wyatt could do about that, except his best to protect me.

I finally got to Daughtry, and he was knocked out cold. I began rubbing his back in hopes that he would wake up, even though he took a nasty fall and he could be out for hours, maybe even days. Next thing I knew, I looked up to see the puff of clouds to form a man. Things were just getting weirder and weirder. First I see Daughtry trying to take on Shax for a reason that I don't know, and then all of a sudden I see this puff of black smoke that has been on him form to make a man. The guy looked evil from the way he was dressed. He had on all black and his hair was gray. I felt like I knew him for some reason though, even though I could swear I've never seen him before in my life.

"Who are you," I asked, a little scared not knowing why he was here and why he had been following Daughtry.

"It doesn't matter," he said. The man had an English accent. "I'm here for him," he said pointing at Daughtry's motionless body.

I quickly stood up and puffed up saying, "you're not taking him anywhere," I said back.

The man looked determined, but so was I, and he wasn't going to take my best friend anywhere. He started advancing towards Daughtry and I quickly threw him a sucker punch thinking that it was make him back off, but it didn't. This was crazy. For some reason my punch just went right through him like he was a ghost or something. It must just be a fluke or something. I then threw another punch at him, that just went right through him like the first one. This was not good. I then decided to do a back kick and try to hit him on the head, but it went through him again. I waved my hand in hopes that he would go flying, but still nothing happened. The man was just standing there, not moving an inch.

I looked at him up and down to see if there was something on him, preventing me from hurting him, but there was nothing. "What are you," I asked. I've never met a demon or a magical being like him. Even the most invincible demons have their weaknesses, but this demon seemed to not be phased by anything.

The man smirked saying, "I'm good nor evil," he replied. "That's why it is impossible for you to hurt me," he said.

"Oh really," I said back. "Well I'm a Charmed One and anything is possible for me, so we'll see how impossible it is for me to hurt you," I said as I began throwing every punch and kick I knew at the guy, but he still wasn't moving and nothing was hurting him at all. That didn't mean I was going to give up and let him have Daughtry. I started kicking and punching even harder and harder.

Shax had sent an electric wave at Wyatt, who put up his shield and blocked it with no problem. Shax' electric wave had no effect on Wyatt what so ever. It didn't even push him back a little. That's how much Wyatt's power has grown over the years, and Shax began to shiver a little thinking that maybe it wouldn't take all three Charmed Ones to defeat him, but that didn't mean he wanted to let all of us get together and vanquish us like the past ones did. Shax began sending his electric waves everywhere, causing the building to collapse even more and faster.

Wyatt was smart enough to keep his shield up. He knew if he tried to attack Shax now then he'd be at risk of getting hit with a piece of the building that was collapsing from the roof. The twice blessed knew he couldn't go on like this, it was going to be just a matter of time before the whole building caves in, and then him and I are going to be trapped.

"Chris!" Wyatt called. "A little help here!" he shouted looking my way. When he saw what I was doing he could have swore his eyes where playing tricks on him. I was next to Daughtry, who was still lying there motionless, throwing punches and kicks at the air. I must have lost it or something, because that's not usually something that I would do. "Chris," Wyatt kept calling. He was really beginning to worry. Why was I just fighting the air. That was the most unusual thing he's seen me do, and if he didn't know any better, he would say that I was going crazy, but Wyatt knew that I was far from it. I might be short tempered, but I wasn't crazy. "Chris, get over here and help me," Wyatt shouted.

That time I did hear him, but I was still distracted trying to stop this guy from touching Daughtry. "I would love to help Wyatt, but right now I've got my hands full," I told him.

Wyatt continued to look as I was still throwing punches and kicks at the air. He is still having a hard time trying to process what I'm doing. Maybe I am crazy, but right now isn't a time to be acting that way. Shax is on a rampage and the whole building is beginning to cave in and right now we needed to get out of here more than anything.

"Chris what are you doing," Wyatt shouted.

"I'm trying to keep this guy from hurting Daughtry," I shouted back. "What does it look like I'm doing?!"

"What guy are you talking about?!" Wyatt asked getting frustrated more and more. Right now I wasn't just endangering myself, but also the baby and Wyatt was going to be damned if he's come this far to just let me and his child die right now. If he has to he's willing to just orb over there and carry me out of the building on his shoulders like a five year old if he had to, which he's been doing a lot of these days.

"This guy right in front of me," I said still kicking and punching what was a man in front of me, but Wyatt still saw nothing.

"What guy?!"

"This guy, can't you see him," I said turning around and looking at Wyatt. When I turned back, the guy was gone. "Well there was a guy there," I said. I just shrugged. Maybe he was my imagination. No, he was real. He was talking about taking Daughtry away, but I don't know why.

Daughtry groaned, finally starting to wake up. He opened his eyes, and at first he couldn't remember a thing until he saw Shax in an angry rage. His memory quickly came back to him, and Daughtry was now ready for round two with Shax. Conjuring up and athame and ready to hurl it at the demon, he didn't realize there was a rock about to fall on top of him.

I on the other hand was quick enough to see it was about to fall right on him. I waved my hand sending the boulder the other way, and luckily it hit Shax, causing the demon to fly back against the wall hard. I knew he wasn't dead, but at least he was out cold for a good long while. This gave all three of us the opportunity to get away before the whole building collapsed on us.

"Evans, get Daughtry out of here now!" Wyatt demanded.

I saw that this was no time to argue with Wyatt. He didn't look like he was in the mood to put up with an argument from me right now, so I did what he said and grabbed onto Daughtry and orbed out of the mausoleum. I waited outside in the cemetery for Wyatt, because I didn't want to leave without making sure he was alright.

Once Wyatt saw that I was alright, and that I had orbed out, he let down his shield only so he could orb out. When Wyatt got out to the cemetery he could see me standing there with Daughtry, letting him sigh with relief because I wasn't hurt and I had finally listened to him when he told me to do something. Wyatt ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank goodness you're okay," he whispered in my ear. He held me for a little bit and then he pulled away and his mood then changed to angry. "What were you thinking," he asked. "I told you to stay back and you could have gotten yourself killed," he scolded.

"I'm sorry okay," I said back.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Chris," Wyatt continued to lecture. "You could have gotten yourself killed and our unborn child," he pointed out. "What were you thinking?! And then you go off and start punching the air! What's wrong with you," Wyatt asked angrily. Wyatt's blood was really starting to bubble. He loved me, but I was making it way to easy for myself to be killed and it was becoming more difficult for Wyatt to protect me, so he's really starting to get heated.

I was highly offended. I wasn't punching the air, and he should know that I might be crazy, but I'm not that crazy to just start punching something that isn't there. "Okay first of all, I was not punching the air, and second there really was a man there okay, and he said he was after Daughtry and I was able to stop him, no thanks to you," I said harshly.

"Well sorry I was to busy trying to protect you from a real demon who was said to have killed you in the future," Wyatt replied. "While you were over there punching this so called invisible demon, I was trying to hold back Shax so he wouldn't come after you!"

"Guys!" Daughtry interrupted. He got up from the ground and began holding his head as he walked towards us. Taking all those hits really hurt his head, and he felt like he had a bad headache. "Right now isn't the time for you two to be arguing," he stated. "Chris, you fainted once while you were pregnant with Prue for arguing, so why are you two going to make that same mistake," he said.

Daughtry really had a point. He was a really wise guy. I knew I could always count on him to make the wise decisions even in a bad time. He's the one who's mostly helped Wyatt and I work out our differences and he's the one who has always been there for me to give me the best advice when I need it, so I should have known he was going to say something about our arguing, since he's a good friend and he doesn't want to see me faint.

Wyatt nodded agreeing with him. "He's right Evans," he said. "I shouldn't be yelling at you like that, but next time please don't go off and put yourself in danger like that okay," Wyatt begged.

"Okay," I agreed.

"I love you and I'm sorry," Wyatt apologized.

"I love you too, and I'm sorry for not listening to you," I said. Wyatt took this opportunity to pull me closer to him, so he could wrap his arms around my back. I responded by wrapping my hands back around his neck and coming even more closer to him. Soon our lips closed the gap that was in between us, as we were lost in a passionate kiss.

Daughtry waited for us to stop, but after watching it for awhile he knew that we weren't going to unless he said something about it so he took in a deep breath and decided he was going to ruin our fun. "Hey umm..guys," he said, causing us to break our lip lock. "I don't mean to spoil the party, but we've got bigger problems on our hands," he pointed out.

I looked back at Wyatt, and could tell by his facial expressions that he really wanted to continue, but I knew we couldn't because there was so much to do right now. "He's right Wyatt," I said and Wyatt began to pout like a five year old. "But hey, I promise, we can have our fun later alright," I said giving him a quick little peck on the lips.

"Okay," Wyatt gave in. "Lets get home," he said grabbing my hand along with Daughtry's and orbing us back to the manor.


When we got back to the manor I took Wyatt to the kitchen and put some ice on his head and stayed there for awhile with him, while everyone else was talking in the living room. Wyatt told them everything that happened, including the part where he said he saw me fighting an invisible man, who the sisters found quite suspicious. They can remember hearing this story before, but they didn't remember exactly where.

"Are you sure it was a man Evans saw," Phoebe asked.

"I don't know," Wyatt answered. "I mean it was him who claims that he was fighting someone," Wyatt pointed out. He didn't want to make it seem like I was going crazy, but he really didn't know what else to say. This was really getting complicated and Shax wasn't making things any better.

Everyone in the room sat in silence for the next few minutes trying to process all the information. Did I really see someone or was my mind playing tricks on me. That was when I entered sensing what was on everyone's mind.

"I did see a man!" I exclaimed causing everyone to look up. "He was there, and if I hadn't of fought him off he would have taken Daughtry," I said. I decided that it was okay to leave Daughtry in the room alone since he was conscious and I don't think anyone would attack him while he's at the manor. That would be suicide in my book.

"We believe you Evans, but why didn't Wyatt see him," Paige asked.

"I don't know," I said back. "Maybe for some reason only I can see him," I suggested.

" said he was there to take Daughtry," Piper asked and I nodded. She started to think about this hard. There was only one man who would do that, but he's not even a man. Piper has met this guy many times, and if I was talking about the person who she was thinking of then this could mean trouble. "Evans what did he look like," she questioned.

"Well um..," I started to think trying to get his image back in my mind, which wasn't too hard since I just saw him not that long ago. "He has gray hair, he wears dark clothes, and he has an English accent," was all that I could tell them. I know that wasn't much, but there was nothing else that I could use to describe him. I then looked up to see that same man standing in the room. "And he's standing right there," I said pointing to where he was.

The whole family immediately jumped up from where they were and all crowded to one side. I can tell that they've met him before, but for some reason they're afraid of him, and I don't know why. He seems harmless. I mean I even threw punches and kicks at him, and though they did nothing to him, he never once retaliated and tried to do anything to me, so as far as I knew he was harmless.

"You," Piper said.

"You guys can see him," I asked.

"Of course we can see him," Phoebe said.

"See, Wyatt, I told you I wasn't lying," I said. "Who is this guy?"

"He's not a guy, this is the Angel of Death," Piper answered. "What do you want," Piper asked. This man wasn't someone on her good list. He's take so much away from her. He's taken her mother, her grams, her sister, and then even tried to take Leo away, but Piper was able to save him. The man even killed her and forced her to go around collecting souls for him. Whenever he showed up, it was never a good sign, and that's why Piper is suspicious as to why he's here now. If he's here to take away another one of her family members, Piper was not going to allow it. Even if that meant she had to go through the same thing she did with Leo.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for any of you," he smirked as he began advancing on the family. "I'm here to warn Evans," he said looking straight at me, and not eying the rest of the family.

"Me," I said and he nodded. "What are you trying to warn me about," I asked.

The man looked to the side and then stared at me once more. "I'm here to warn you about Daughtry," he said. "I'm sorry Evans, but Daughtry is due to die soon, and there's nothing you can do about it. Its his time," the angel of death spoke, knowing how I was going to react. That's why he decided to warn me knowing because I'm a Charmed One, and I'm stubborn I'm going to try everything I can to protect him.

"What?!" I said in disbelief. "You can't be serious," I began to pace the room back and forward. "No, he can't die, its not his time yet," I yelled at the man who I right now hated more than anyone or anything.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do," the angel said. "Its his destiny, and I only came to warn you so that you can be prepared," he spoke even more. "I'm sorry Evans, but it has to happen, and you can try to fight it all you want, but if you interfere it could mean your death as well," he said.

"Wait, what are you talking about, it could mean my death as well," I asked.

The angel didn't say anything. Before I could press on with the matter he started disappearing knowing that if he stayed any longer things would not be good, so without letting things go any further, he left leaving me standing there confused and scared.

"No, Daughtry," I cried remembering that he was in the kitchen. I took off as fast as I could with the my brothers not to far behind calling my name, but I was in such a panic that I didn't even hear them. My first thoughts were on Daughtry, and then I couldn't help, but wonder what the Death Angel meant, by his death could be the cause of mine, but I'd soon find out. I ran all the way into the kitchen only to find Daughtry not there, and the back door was wide open, with the wind blowing it open and close. I froze right there on the spot scared. A million things could have happened. He could be hurt, Shax could have him, he might even be dead, and if he is I will never forgive myself.

Not too much longer after I had entered the kitchen, Wyatt and Chris came in there also, having been scared to death themselves of what the Angel of Death said. If it were true then that could mean I would die sooner than what they saw in the future and that would be worse.

"Evans," Wyatt said walking up to me and pulling me so that I was facing him. "I told you not to run off like that," Wyatt lectured. "You had me scared there for a moment," he added.

"Wyatt, not now please," I begged. I know he's upset, but right now I just can't deal with it. I've got too much on my mind, and I know that Wyatt should be one of my first priorities, but right now I'm so worried about Daughtry that I really can't take anything else. "I've got to find Daughtry," I pointed out.

"What?!" Wyatt said looking around to see that he wasn't there just like I saw. "Where could he have gone," Wyatt asked.

"I don't know, that's why I have to find him before Shax does," I panicked more and more. My stomach then started hurt. Something was happening to Richard. The more and more I was panicking the more my stomach was starting to hurt. It almost got to the point where I just wanted to collapse on the ground.

Every moment that went by I started to get more and more scared about what could be happening to him, especially since the Angel of Death came to visit and said that he was suppose to die. I couldn't let that happen even if it was messing with destiny. Daughtry has been there for me so much that I owe him this more than I owe anyone anything. I can't just imagine life without him. He's been my best friend for a long time, and there is no one in my life who can replace him. Not even my own brothers or Wyatt.

Wyatt could feel my pain and knew exactly where it was coming from. Stress, and that was a problem that we've been dealing with too much over the days, which is really not good, and he feels as though its getting too out of hand and its time for him to start taking action.

"Chris," Wyatt said holding me against him till I stopped shaking. "You need to calm down okay," Wyatt pointed out. "If you faint right now then you won't be able to help Daughtry, so please just calm down right now for me," Wyatt said.

I stopped shaking only so that Wyatt would let me go, which he did and I was quick to pull away from him. "Calm down! You want me to calm down, Wyatt when my best friend is out there and there's a demon after him, and not only that, but then there's the damn Death Angel who's trying to get him too," I pointed out.

This was all a lot to take in, in one day, but there was nothing I could do. This was my life. Chasing and hunting down demons and protecting innocents with the stress of being pregnant, but this time things are a lot worse. I'm hunting down a demon who is said to have killed me in the future, and the innocent I'm trying to protect is my best friend who was said to die, and if I interfered could mean my death too, which I still didn't get.

"Bro," Chris said. "You need to calm down okay," he agreed with Wyatt. "Don't worry, we're gonna find him, and everything is going to be okay alright," Chris continued. He then came over to where I was standing and began to rub my back gently to calm me down a little more. A few seconds later Chris started to shake like he was having a seizure.

"Chris, Chris!" I called. "You okay bro," I asked, but the young brunette did not answer. All he did was continued to shake like he had some kind of shacking disorder and then blood started to come out of his nose, which scared Wyatt and I because this was not usual.

"He's having a premonition," Wyatt pointed out.


The manor was quite, and the house was deserted. No one was there. There wasn't a sound being made. It was like everyone had abandoned the house, but it didn't look like it was old. It looked the same as it looked now, except that this time, it was in the day. There wasn't a sign of a child there or anyone else. Just pure silence like an empty house would be. The question was, why is the manor so quiet when there is so many people walking in and out of there including all the sisters and they're children slash grandchildren.

It wasn't quiet for much longer. Next thing Chris saw was me walking right there the front door in a hurry, like I had been running from something, but what. I was still pregnant, so that must mean this isn't too far away. Chris continued to watch the whole seen as I walked down the hall, scared of what it was going to show him, since his premonitions are really never good, but why is it showing him something that I'm doing. If Daughtry was the innocent, shouldn't it be trying to warn him about Daughtry. Chris just decided that he would wait and see.

Soon after I had entered a huge tornado came whirling in through the front doors, pushing them right open like gang busters. The tornado kept spinning, and it was heading straight towards me, but it stopped when it had reached within a ten foot distance of me. The tornado stopped spinning and it revealed to be the same demon who it always had been. Shax, the assassin and my mother's killer.

For awhile the demon and I were staring at each other in the eyes. Chris had never seen such hatred in my eyes. This was the demon who had killed my mother and this was a demon that I've wanted to have my chance at to face on my own, even if it meant putting myself at risk and it could mean my own death. The way Shax was looking at me was horrifying, and this did not look like it was going to end pretty.

"You ready to die, just like your mother," Shax asked with a smirk on his face. This demon was so cold that he enjoyed taking her life. He was proud of himself for taking a mother away from her son, only so that he could kill me too, and put an end to the Charmed Ones again, even though he failed to do it when he met Paige, but this time he was going to redeem himself. Without the power of three, Shax thought I was just a sitting duck waiting to be shot, and he couldn't wait to say that he was the one who took me out along with taking out my mother.

I stared back at him. My empath power was letting me know his thoughts, and they would have brought me to tears if I had let my guard down but I couldn't. If I let this demon know he got to me then he would only continue to do it to me even more. "You should be the one ready to die," I said back, wiping that evil smirk off of his face and turning it into a from.

The demon was so angered by the comment that he gathered all his energy into one electric ball, and before I even had time to react he sent it straight at me. Before Chris could see the rest, the whole seen just flashed and he found himself at another place.

Only this time, it was somewhere he never thought he'd be. It was at a funeral home, and he instantly suspected the worse. Anytime he's at a funeral its never good. Nothing good ever came out of being there, and Chris knew that he was about to get some sad news.

Once Chris got inside he could see a coffin, indicating someone's death. It was white with flowers everywhere, just like the one his Aunt Prue had when she died, but why was it exactly like hers was the question that was on Chris' mind more than anything else.

Next thing he knew, he was looking at his mother who was sitting down in one of the front rows crying, and then his dad had his arm around her trying to comfort her. The next people he saw were his nieces and nephews who all had sad looks, and some of them were even crying, but Chris still didn't know who's death it was that they were crying about.

Chris finally then noticed something strange. I wasn't anywhere to be found, and this was a funeral with the whole family there. The next person Chris saw was Wyatt. He looked really sad, but he wasn't crying at all. He then saw Wyatt looking down at piece of paper. It was a program in memory of that person who had died. Chris finally saw Wyatt turning the page, and half way through it, Chris saw the picture of someone who he hoped and prayed that it wasn't. The picture was me.

End of Premonition...

When Chris opened his eyes, he could barely breath. He had been in that time so long that he was in shock, and he nearly fainted, but somehow he was able to manage to keep himself together. His nose was still bleeding, but the brunette did not know that, and even if he did, he didn't care. What he saw was far worse than a bloody nose.

"Chris," I called again. "Chris, you okay," I asked concerned.

Chris was too shocked to say anything so he just nodded. I grabbed his arm and helped him to a chair to sit down. It was obvious that he had seen something that wasn't good. Wyatt quickly got a cold paper towel and began cleaning his nose for him.

"Chris, what did you see," Wyatt asked.

Chris gulped and did his best to find the strength to speak, which was just about all he had. This premonition was the one that took everything out of him. He's never had one like this out of all the premonitions he's had, and that's been a lot. "Y..Yo..You," he stuttered as he pointed at me.

"Me," I said as I pointed to myself confused. Now I was really anxious to know what he saw. What about me did he see that would cause him to be in shock like this, and give him a bloody nose. It must have been really intense, because he's never had a premonition about me before, at least I don't think he has, and if he has, he's never told me about it.

"," he stuttered even more trying to get his strength back.

"You saw me what?" I asked even more anxious.

Chris had gulped one last time regaining his strength finally. "I saw you in my premonition," he said. "And you died," he told me.

The whole room went silent for a moment. At first I thought I heard wrong, but I couldn't deny it by the way Chris was acting. "What?! That's impossible, I mean Patty even said herself that I was suppose to die when she was fourteen."

Chris shook his head saying, "I know what I saw Evans, and it made it even more clear," Chris said. "You were going head to head with Shax in the manor, and then next thing I knew, Shax shot you and then I saw mom crying and dad comforting her along with Wyatt and the kids. I knew it was you, because you were nowhere to be found, and then I saw your picture," Chris explained.

"No," I feared. "That can't be right," I said. "You must have misunderstood something," I suggested to my younger brother.

Chris was quick to reply. He was more sure than he could ever be, and that was pretty darn sure. "No, Evans, I know what I saw, and now I know what the death Angel means," Chris said. "If you keep trying to protect Daughtry, then eventually Shax will kill you," he said.

It took me time to process what Chris was telling me. Did he just tell me that I could die from trying to protect my own friend. From protecting an innocent. Someone who has been nothing but kind to me. He's saying that I can't even protect him.

"I don't believe it," I said. "Your premonition must be wrong," I snapped.

"Evans, you know that my premonitions don't like," Chris pointed out. "How can you just sit up here and think that I would tell you something like that only to lie about it."

Chris was right. He knew never to lie about anything serious like that. Especially when it could mean the death of someone close to him. "Well there must be another way," I said. "But I'll figure that out later," I decided. "Right now I've got to find Daughtry."

"You can't," Chris was quick to protest.

"He's right Evans, and I'm not letting you take that risk," Wyatt said. Wyatt had been pretty silent for a good long time. He was still having trouble listening to what Chris had just told him about me dying, and that's Wyatt's worst nightmare. If he lost me, then his whole world would go upside down, and that isn't something he wants to happen. Plus he doesn't want to be a single father and have to raise all these kids by himself. Wyatt knows that he will never remarry again, because there isn't another person out there like me, and he wouldn't want his kids to grow up without knowing me, like his mother did, and like I did.

I knew how stubborn the both of them were, and I knew they weren't going to let me out of the house knowing that there's a good risk of Chris' premonition happening, but I then thought of something. "Chris, where did you say, your premonition took place at," I asked.

"The manor," he answered. "Why?"

"Because, if it took place at the manor then you guys don't have anything to worry about if I go out and look for Daughtry," I pointed out.

"Maybe Evans, but I still don't want to take that risk," Wyatt said.

I grunted still angry, but I understood. If it were Wyatt I would be acting the same way. "Look Wyatt, we might not even run into Shax, we're just going to go look for Daughtry and bring him back, okay," I said. I could see by his expression that his mind wasn't changing at all. "Please, Wyatt, you'd do the same if it were one of your best friends," I stated.

Wyatt really had to think about this. I was right about Chris' premonition being at night and if we just go to look for Daughtry there couldn't be much harm in doing it, and if Shax shows up, Wyatt could just orb me back to the manor, ignoring my protest. What really got to Wyatt was that he knew if he was in the same place that he would want to be able to go find Chris, so that was the straw.

"Alright Evans, but if things get too out of hand, we're coming right back to the manor, no questions asked," Wyatt said.

"Okay," I agreed . 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Daughtry was walking through the empty dark streets that were as quiet as the graveyard itself. He had been walking around for almost two hours now, and it was pitch black outside, and he didn't know where he was going, but it was somewhere, he could go and face Shax, alone, without me or anyone else getting involved with it.

Daughtry didn't want anyone getting hurt because of him. Little did the whole family know that, Daughtry had heard everything that was said in the other room. The Death Angel saying that it was his time to die, plus how it could be the death of me if I tried to interfere and Daughtry wasn't going to let me lose my life for him. I had so much to live for. I have a husband and six kids, about to be seven, and on top of that I have a family, which is something that he would kill for, and he's not about to watch me throw it all away for him.

All he's ever had is gone now and nothing really matters to him anymore. Shax took everything from him, and Daughtry knows one thing. Its either going to be him or Shax that dies, and from what the Death Angel said, it was him, but that didn't mean Daughtry was going to give up without a fight. He might not be as powerful as the Charmed Ones, but he still has confidence in himself. After all he is a phoenix, and they are said to be powerful assassins.

As Daughtry finally came to an abandoned park, he looked around to see that there was no one around, and that there were no houses in sight, for miles away. Daughtry really didn't even know where he was at right now. He could have been in the middle of nowhere for all he knew, but at least he was somewhere that his magic wouldn't be exposed, and it would take a lot to find him.

Once he was clear, Daughtry looked up to the sky and shouted, "You want me Shax! Well here I am! Its just me and you so why don't you come out from wherever the hell you are! I know your ass has been following me, so why don't we just settle this now!" He taunted, but didn't see nothing. Daughtry then thought that he would try a different approach. "What Shax! Are you too afraid to get your ass out here and face me! Afraid that I might whoop your demon ass," he teased even more knowing that Shax would definitely not back down from this challenge. "You're probably not even worth my time, and you don't even deserve to be called the Source's assassin because you're too scared of one little Phoenix!"

Right then the whole ground began to Shax, as a tornado had started to spin into the area. Trees started flying everywhere, and even rocks that were huge were starting to fly. The assassin was really angry. No demon has ever challenged him like that. At least none that have lived to tell the tale. When Shax had approached the spot he wanted to be at he stopped the tornado, and there he stood face to face with the Phoenix, who's life he destroyed.

"Well, well," Shax said. "It seems you are without your Charmed friends," he pointed out.

Daughtry clenched his jaw angry at what the demon said. "Well, at least I have friends, unlike you who isn't even liked by the Source. He only needs you when he's too lazy to do his own work," Daughtry told the demon who he hated more than he hated anything.

Shax then let out a loud cry. He was so angry right now that he could blow up even the Source if he was here right now. The demon the conjured up his biggest lightening ball ever. Next thing he did was sent it straight at the Phoenix who just stood there and watched.

Daughtry knew this might be the end for him. This was a big attack that he knew he couldn't dodge, nor could he block it. All he could do was stand there and take the attack like the brave person that he is. Nothing could save him now. He was about to die like his family. This all had gone in slow motion. Daughtry could have moved out the way before Shax had even sent the ball his way, but he was frozen solid, putting himself in harms way.

Wyatt, Chris, and I orbed in just in the nick of time. Not in enough time really. All we could see was Shax hurling an energy ball straight at Daughtry, which was so close to hitting him.

I knew the Angel of Death was there. I might not be able to see him, but I could feel him, and I knew he's been waiting for this moment. I couldn't let him have it. Not my best friend. Not the guy who I could call at anytime even if its 1:00 in the morning and he'd still be there. He's done so much for me, and I refuse to lose him this way. I can't lose him. Not here, and not now.

Before anyone else could react I pushed Wyatt and Chris' arms off of me. I know this is really going to get me in big trouble, but I can't let Daughtry die like this. Neither Daughtry nor Shax had seen my presence. It wasn't until I had pushed Daughtry out of the way, and took the full blast, that they had known I had orbed in.

The blast hit me so hard it sent me all the way back into a tree that was in the area. I hit the tree so hard that my head split right open and was leaking blood. I could already fill my life draining away, but there was nothing I could do about it. I had made my choice, and now its up to Wyatt to protect the kids.

"Evans!" Wyatt shouted panicked. He was so stunned. This shouldn't have happened. Wyatt should have never brought me along. He should have just trusted his instincts and left me at home, and none of this would have ever happened. If only he had thought about this more before he brought me.

Shax smirked seeing as he has done some damage to someone he didn't think he would catch today. "Well that's one Charmed One down, and two more to go," he said.

Wyatt turned at the demon and growled. Wyatt tapped into my power and waved his hand sending the assassin flying in the air. Wyatt would ave attacked him even more if his brother hadn't come up and stopped him.

"Out of my way, Chris!" Wyatt growled.

"No, Wyatt," Chris replied. "There is still a way that you might be able to save Evans if you go heal him now," Chris told his brother. "Look, I'll distract Shax, you just go make sure that Evans is okay?"

Wyatt nodded and agreed to the plan. If there was any chance in him saving me then he was going to do it. Even if that meant losing his own life in the process. It wouldn't matter to him anymore, because he wouldn't have me in it, and if he didn't have me, then he felt like he had nothing in the world. He might still have his kids and he loves them to death, but he doesn't want to raise them on his own.

Wyatt took no time in running over to where I was, but someone had already beat him to me. It wasn't a demon. It was my best friend, Daughtry. He was kneeling over my body balling his eyes out.

"This is all my fault," Daughtry sobbed.

Wyatt didn't have time to play the blame game, even though he partially did blame Daughtry, but he never said anything. He knew if I found out that he was blaming Daughtry for any of this, then I would never talk to him again, living or dead. "Look, the only way I can save him is if you move alright," Wyatt asked politely, but inside he was bubbling.

Daughtry nodded and moved away from my body, which hurt him a lot. If Wyatt wasn't able to save me, Daughtry would never forgive himself for this. Daughtry has always felt I was like a brother to him more than a best friend. Daughtry knew that I had kept his secret of him being a phoenix for a long time, and he knew that after this he was going to have to reveal to the family his secret, whether I lived or not. The Charmed Ones had to know why Shax was after him. He felt as though he owed them the explanation, after having nearly gotten me killed.

Wyatt put his hands up to my head, hoping more than anything that this would work. Golden orbs started coming out of his hands, and Wyatt waited to see if my body would take any reaction to what he was trying to do. Wyatt continued to try and try.

"What's going on," Daughtry asked worriedly.

Wyatt nodded saying, "its working." He continued to hold his hands up there until the crack in my head was healed, letting him know that I was fully healed and back to health. Before I could even move another muscle Wyatt pulled me into a hard hug, never wanting to let me go, ever. He kept me there for awhile, until he finally pulled away. "What were you thinking!" He yelled. He knows that arguing with me isn't good for the baby, but right now he can't help it. The risk I just took wasn't good for the baby either. As a matter of fact, that could have gotten the baby killed easier than if I fainted. "Evans, do you know how close to death you were? You scared the hell out of me," he scolded even more.

I should have expected this. This was the third time tonight that I hadn't listened to Wyatt when he's told me to do something, and this time it had almost gotten me killed. The other times he might have let slide, but I should have known he wasn't going to let this one go without giving me a lecture.

"I'm sorry, Wyatt its just I couldn't let Daughtry get hurt," I explained.

Wyatt shook his head. "I've lost you once, Chris, and I don't want to lose you again, you hear me," Wyatt said as he pulled me into a rough kiss, not wanting to break it for anything. The kiss continued until we felt the presence of Chris fall right next to us from getting sent flying from the demon we almost forgot about.

"Hey, um I'm not trying to spoil you guys' moment, but right now we've got bigger problems," Chris pointed out as Shax began to move closer and closer to us. Chris quickly reached in his back pocket and took out a piece of paper that had words written all over it. "I brought this just in case we needed it," he said.

Wyatt took it from him and studied what was written on it. It was a spell to vanquish Shax. All three of us quickly stood up from the ground, and started to read the spell, but before we could finish it, Shax quickly tornado out of the area.

"Well looks like this isn't the last we'll be seeing of him," Chris said as he watched the tornado move further and further away.

"It sure isn't," Wyatt said. "Come on lets get back to the manor," Wyatt spoke as he grabbed my hand and also Chris'. Daughtry was beginning to walk away, but Wyatt stopped him. "Stop right there," he demanded. "You're coming back to the manor with us," Wyatt informed him. "We're all gonna have a little chat," Wyatt explained. "So come on, grab Evans' hand," Wyatt told him.

Daughtry knew by the look in Wyatt's eyes that he better not argue, and he might as well go back with them. How else was he going to explain about the whole thing with Shax being after him. Daughtry walked over to where I was and immediately grabbed my hand, and Wyatt wasted no time in orbing us all back to the manor.

Once at the manor, Wyatt looked at all three of us and gestured us straight for the couch, meaning we were all about to get it, even though I wonder what Chris did to deserve it. I can see why he wants to talk to me and Daughtry, but I don't understand why he wants to talk to Chris. Maybe Chris is just there to back him up on whatever he said.

All three of us went and sat on the couch. Daughtry sat on one couch, Chris sat on the one across from him, I sat on the couch near the center. I felt that I might as well, since I'm the one in the most trouble, and I'm the one who Wyatt is probably going to yell at the most, so why not be the center of attention when he's doing this.

Soon after settling ourselves on the couch, Wyatt walked in and stood in front of all of us. His hands were on his hips and he did not look to happy. It wouldn't even take an empath to figure that out by the frown he had on his face. I haven't seen him this angry since the time that I told him I cheated on him, even though I didn't really, but still Wyatt did look pretty pissed off. Since he had that same look again, I knew we were in for it. At least Daughtry and I were, but I don't know about this.

"Alright let me start off by saying how mad I am," he grunted. "No wait, mad isn't good enough, let me say that I'm furious," he added. "I can't believe the way you guys are acting," Wyatt stated. "Chris, to tell you the truth really I'm not mad at you at all, but I thought you should be here to hear this," Wyatt told his younger brother. "But the rest of you, I can't believe how you guys are handling this situation, first off, Evans, you go and you almost get yourself and our baby killed by taking the fall for someone we could have saved easily!"

"But Wyatt I-," I tried to speak.

"I'm not finished yet!" Wyatt shouted so loud that the whole manor began to shake. Hopefully it wouldn't wake Piper and Leo. "We'll talk more on that issue when we get home," Wyatt said. "What I'm more focused on right now is something else," Wyatt spoke as he looked at Daughtry. "Alright Daughtry, I want to know the truth! Why is Shax after you, and why are you so anxious to go after him, and don't give me any bullshit," Wyatt warned.

"Wyatt calm down," I pleaded.

"Chris, I told you already, we will talk when we get home, but right now I want answers and I'm going to get them from your best friend," Wyatt said. "So start talking," Wyatt said.

Daughtry looked at me and took one last breath before he began speaking. This was going to be a lot for him to tell. Especially since it meant losing the people who he loved most.

"It happened about a week ago," Daughtry started. "I had just come in to town after coming to visit with Evans, and I went back home to see my family, and at first they were all okay, and so my dad asked me if I could go to the store for him to get a few things, and I thought there was no harm in it, so I went to the store, and it did take me awhile to get everything that I needed," Daughtry told. Right then his whole tone changed. "When I got back home, I found my whole family murdered in the house, and standing there next to all their bodies was the demon, Shax himself. Turns out that they were all suppose to be executed for not fulfilling their end of a bargain they made with Shax. Seeing as my family were all assassins, they were asked to go wipe out an entire family, but they refused, and decided they didn't want to kill anymore, so Shax took it upon himself to kill my family, including my older sister Bianca," Daughtry said.

Wyatt nodded taking it all in, but there was something that caught his attention, and Wyatt can't believe that he hasn't figured this out before. Not only was he suppose to be the bravest one of all the Charmed Ones, but he was expected to be the smartest.

"Wait a minute," Wyatt spoke. "Did you say that your whole family were all Phoenix's," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah, why?" Daughtry questioned.

"I should have know," Wyatt muttered under his breath. "It was him, wasn't it," Wyatt asked turning to me.

I looked back at Wyatt confused as ever. "What are you talking about, Wyatt? Daughtry didn't do anything," I stated.

"He's the reason why you're part Phoenix, isn't he?"

I knew Wyatt must have figured it out, and this wasn't good. I promised Daughtry that I would keep his secret, and I have to keep that promise. Even though he might have told Wyatt and Chris that he's a phoenix, I'm not going to tell him about who turned me into a Phoenix. That would be betraying a friend, and that's something I'm not going to do.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Wyatt," I pretended.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about," Wyatt said. "Don't lie to me Chris. It was him who turned you half Phoenix wasn't it," Wyatt asked again really wanting to know.

I was just about to say something, and lie even more, but Daughtry was able to quickly sense it, and stopped me before I could get any worse. He didn't want me and Wyatt going at it again. "Its okay Chris," Daughtry said. "He's your husband now, and he does have a right to know everything that's happened to you so, yeah it was partly because of me that Chris is part demon, but it wasn't me who gave him the transplant, it was my mother who donated her blood," Daughtry explained to the blond male.

"So you knew about us being witches all along, didn't you," Wyatt pressed.

"I guess you could say that," Daughtry replied.

"And you didn't say anything," Wyatt pointed out.

"Look, it wasn't my choice alright," Daughtry said. "My mom and dad said that my sister and I weren't aloud to tell anyone about our powers, even if it were someone we knew wouldn't tell," Daughtry stated.

"Well you told Evans," Wyatt said back.

"Actually, I didn't tell Evans," Daughtry said. "He figured it out on his own that I was a Phoenix, but I did make him promise me not to tell anyone about my secret. Even you," Daughtry said.

"Really," Wyatt said turning towards me again. "So this is the person you made a promise to, and couldn't tell me why and how you were a Phoenix, and everything," Wyatt shook his head. "You know Evans, I thought you loved me enough to talk to me about anything," he said.

"Wyatt, I do, but its just I promised Daughtry that I wouldn't tell, and I couldn't break a promise," I told my husband.

"Yeah, but I thought we promised that we wouldn't keep secrets away from each other," Wyatt reminded. "I guess your promise to Daughtry is more important than your promise to me."

Daughtry could look at this and see it was getting nowhere, but he couldn't help but be a little mad at Wyatt. Yeah, I was married to Wyatt and all, but that didn't mean I should have to break every promise I have with anyone to tell him everything that he wants to know. Wyatt should understand that I have Daughtry as a friend and I should be able to keep his little secret and not have to tell just because I'm married. Daughtry understands that Wyatt was worried about me, but that's no reason to start getting mad at me now, and scolding me for keeping one small secret from him.

"Hey, Wyatt, I know you're probably mad at me too, but I'm telling you that this is going to get us nowhere," Daughtry said.

"He's right," Chris said speaking up for the first time. "Wyatt we shouldn't be playing the blame game right now, what we should be doing is going after Shax before what happens in my premonition comes true."

"No," Wyatt said. "Its late, and we should be getting home," Wyatt decided. "I'm sure mom has probably put the kids in their beds, thinking that we're going to be home any minute now, so I think its about time we get home before one of our kids gets out of bed and realizes that we're not home," Wyatt suggested. "Well deal with this Shax in the morning."

"Sounds good to me," Chris agreed.

"What about Daughtry," I asked.

"He's staying here," Wyatt stated.

"No thats okay, I can stay at my own house," Daughtry said, as he began to walk out, but was quickly grabbed by Wyatt.

"You're staying here, got that," Wyatt demanded. "I'm not trying to be mean or controlling, but I know you're Evans' best friend, and right now you're on the run from Shax, and he's probably just waiting to get his hands on you, so I want you to stay here with my mom, dad, Peter and Chris so they can protect you just in case that demon comes after you again," Wyatt said.

"Okay, I'll stay," Daughtry agreed.

"Come on Chris, lets go home," Wyatt said grabbing my hand and orbing us both out of the manor and back to our house. "You go check on the girls, and I'll check on the boys," was the first thing Wyatt said when we got back to our house. Wyatt took no time heading up the stairs and down the hall where the boys rooms were. He didn't even ask if I needed any help or anything. I could tell he was pretty mad about everything that had occurred today, but I knew I'd talk to him later.

I waited till I saw Wyatt out of sight before I went up those same stairs thinking about everything that happened today. I first went to Patience's room, and saw that she was in a deep sleep. I guess she must have had a rough day at school or something, because I haven't seen Patience sleeping this peaceful ever since she was a baby. I just wish that she would sleep like this all the time, so she wouldn't be up making a lot of commotion like she usually does.

Quietly I close Patience's room, and walked down the hall to the room next to hers, which was Prue's. Prue seemed to be sleeping the same as she normally slept. She still had that bear that I gave her. I can't believe she's almost eight years old and she still sleeps with a bear. I know she'll get over it soon. At least I think she does, because I didn't see grown up Prue with a bear.

I then left out Prudence's room to go to the youngest room. I know she's just a baby, but she really takes a lot out of me and Wyatt. She requires so much attention, but I still love her. I opened the door to see the baby sleep as usual. Whenever she's not sleeping she's eating. That's Patty for you. All she does is eat sleep and then has to be changed just about ever hour of the day, which is a real nightmare, but what can I say.

Once I was sure that my daughters were okay, I began to head back to mine and Wyatt's bedroom. I know things aren't going to be good. Especially since Wyatt said we had to talk about what happened today. I understand Wyatt being protective and all, but sometimes I just wonder why does he have to know everything I do and when I do it. Then on top of that, he's always acting like I can't protect myself. I know I made a mistake today of trying to save Daughtry the way I did, but I'm sure Wyatt would have done the same thing for Xander or Chris, so why is he complaining. It shouldn't be a big deal anymore.

Once I got back to the room, I could see the father of my child getting himself ready for bed by taking off his clothes until he was just in his boxers. He then jumped in the bed and pulled the covers over him. I took this opportunity to start getting myself ready for bed. I figured I might as well talk to Wyatt while I'm at it since I know I'm going hear it from him anyway.

"So," I started as I began to pull of my shirt.

"So," Wyatt repeated.

"You said you wanted to talk about everything that happened today in private with me," I reminded him. "So how about you start now," I suggested, but didn't hear a word from Wyatt. "Go on Wyatt tell me what's on your mind," I urged.

Wyatt then sat up on the bed so he could talk to me face to face. "Chris, I don't even know where to begin," Wyatt started. "I mean do you understand how worried you had me today, I sometimes feel like I'm your parent instead of husband, and that's not how it should be."

"I'm sorry okay, Wyatt," I said sincerely. I know how worried Wyatt can get. I've been married to the guy for over eight years, and even before I married him, I could see how worried he gets when it comes to me. "Its just that Daughtry was in trouble and I just couldn't stand there and watch him get hurt. He's done so much for me Wy and I just felt like it was my duty to protect him whether he was an innocent or not."

Wyatt gritted his teeth together angry and tired of hearing that name. He moved so he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back turned to me. Right now he couldn't even look at me. "There you go again with Daughtry," Wyatt said. "Ever since the guy came back into your life, its always been Daughtry this, Daughtry that, I promised Daughtry, or I owe it to Daughtry, well what about me, huh? I'd give my life for you in an instant, but as far as I can see your commitment is to Daughtry, not me," Wyatt let out.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This whole thing today wasn't about me or me putting myself in danger. I mean yeah that was part of it, and it did add on to the bigger problem, but the real problem wasn't what happened earlier. It was that Wyatt had a problem with Daughtry. I can't seem to find why. I mean all Daughtry has done is helped us and he's a great godfather to Patience and Patricia, so I don't know why Wyatt is acting this way towards him.

"Wyatt," I said calmly. "Are you jealous of Daughtry," I asked.

Wyatt was too ashamed to answer so he just nodded. He wanted to lie and say he wasn't, but right now it was so obvious that his own little kids could tell that he was jealous. "I'm not so much jealous of him, its just that, I feel like you love him more than you love me and the kids," Wyatt said.

"What? Wyatt, you know that's not true," I stated. "What would even make you think that?"

Wyatt sighed saying, "its just that you're always so worried about him. You tell him more secrets than you tell me and then you're out here risking your life for the guy, but then I can't help but wonder if you would risk your life for me that way. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Daughtry is your best friend, and I feel like you don't need me whenever he's around."

From Wyatt's words I could understand exactly where he was coming from. Part of me feels bad, but then again, I can't help what goes on with me and Daughtry. Its not like I'm kissing him or anything. We're just friends, and nothing more. As a matter of fact I don't even think Daughtry swings that way.

"Wyatt, yeah Daughtry is my best friend, but that's it. None of the things that Daughtry and I do change how I feel about you. I love you and our kids more than anything in this world, and I know I've kept a few secrets from you, but I'm sorry, Wyatt, I know I can talk to you about anything, but there are just some things that I can't tell you, and please don't let that get in the way of our family. I love you so much," I told. I was able to sense that Wyatt was starting to break. I then climbed in the bed with him and wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Wyatt, I'm sorry for making you feel like Daughtry was more important than you were, but I just want to let you know that you're the most important person to me, and if I had to choose between losing you or Daughtry, lets just say I know I might not have my best friend, but I'll have someone that I love with me there all the way," I told him.

Wyatt smiled, unwrapping my arms from around his neck so he could look at me. He then pushed me back down on the bed so that we were both laying down. "I know, and I'm sorry that I made you feel so bad," Wyatt said.

"No, you have your right to your opinion, and I'm glad we could talk about this instead of fighting," I said. "I love you Wyatt," I repeated for the millionth time.

"Not as much as I love you," Wyatt smiled as he held me close.

We both then heard knocking at the door. At first I thought it was Chris coming to tell us something has happened with Daughtry, but when the door opened we both saw all our standing there. Patience was holding baby Patty since Patty really couldn't stand on her own yet, but she was getting there.

"Hey guys, what are y'all doing up," I asked.

"We heard you and daddy yelling," Patience answered as all of them climbed into bed with us. Patience and Prue went and laid on my side while Ryan, Robert and Rolland went and laid on Wyatt's side, and baby Patty went in between me and Wyatt.

"Oh sorry guys," I apologized. "Daddy and I were just having a little disagreement, but everything is okay now," I told them.

"Promise," Patience asked.

"I promise," I said. Nothing else was said after that. We all just drifted to sleep.


When I woke up, I looked over at the clock to see that it was two in the morning. I looked over to see that Wyatt and the kids were fast asleep. I guess they should be with everything that's gone on today. Right now I've just got too much on my mind to sleep, and I can't stop thinking about everything that was said today. Even what Chris told me what happened in his premonition.

I can't believe Chris says he saw me die. At first I really found that hard to believe, but seeing as I have already put myself in danger with Shax more than once, his premonition is likely to come true. It scared me a lot, but I can't tell Wyatt that. I know its another secret I'm hiding from him, but he has to understand that I can't tell him everything.

I looked down at my stomach and began to rub it. Not only had I been putting myself in that situation but my baby too. He should be due just about any day now. Being eight and a half months pregnant isn't easy, but then again since I've gone through this like five times, it isn't so bad. Except when baby Richard is kicking. I still can't believe he kicks harder than all his brothers and sisters.

I smiled just thinking about it all. I really didn't want to lose my kids and I didn't want them to have to live without me just like I had to without my mother, and it turned Patty evil. There had to had to be something that I could do to change this. I know what I have to do. I know it isn't going to be easy, but hopefully it will work. If not for my sake for Daughtry's and Wyatt's. I know I can't live without either of them. They're both so important to me, I just can't count the number of things that they've both done for me.

Prue and Patience were both lying on me, so I slowly and quietly pulled them off of me, and slipped out of bed. I quietly tip toed over to the closet and pulled out some clothes and put them on, making sure that I was silent the whole time. I didn't want my kids to see what I was doing or else they'd want to come, and what I'm about to do is dangerous. Probably too dangerous for them.

Before I left, I looked back at my whole family who was still in bed. It was a beautiful sight. Wyatt in bed and all the kids in bed with him. That's the way things should be, and that's how they always should be. I wanted to treasure this moment, so I went into the drawers and pulled out my camera. I then took a picture of the whole scene. I forgot that the flash was on. Wyatt started to wiggle, scaring me into thinking that he was awake, but lucky for me a few seconds later he went right back to sleep.

I then quietly left the room, and shut the door gently. Having left my whole family back in bed, I orbed back to the manor. I made sure I landed in the attic, and I knew I had to be very careful. Knowing Piper and Chris, I'm sure they've had too many run ins with demons trying to steal the Book of Shadows, and now that its like four in the morning, I'm sure they probably don't think one of us could be trying to use it.

I went over to the magic book and began searching for a spell. I remember my mom telling me she used this spell before so I was hoping that it would work for me the way I needed it too. I know there is a way to cheat death. My mom told me that she was able to do it a few times, and so was Piper. Piper even told me how Paige once even cheated death. So if all of them could do it, then why couldn't Daughtry and I. They weren't much different from us.

I know using magic for personal gain has consequences, but if saving my best friends life means that my life will be miserable for the rest of the time being then so be it. Daughtry shouldn't have to die. He's the only one left in his family.

After searching for what felt like hours, I pulled out a sheet of paper, and began to write the spell down. This spell has only been used once as far as I know, because I'm pretty sure that Piper wouldn't risk using this kind of spell, knowing how dangerous it could be. I had just finished writing the whole spell when I heard coughing letting me know that someone else's presence was there.

I looked up to see that Daughtry was standing there in the doorway. Judging by how he was lying against the door, I could tell that he had been up here watching me for awhile, so I quickly shut the book before he could see what spell I was using. I knew if he knew what I was doing he would freak out.

"Evans, what are you doing," Daughtry asked crossing his hands over his chest.

I was shaking a little. "Nothing..absolutely nothing, but wait a minute, aren't you suppose to be sleeping," I said turning the tables back on him.

"Maybe I am, but what are you doing up here in the attic looking at the Book of Shadows at this time of morning," Daughtry questioned. "Just tell me the truth Evans."

I might as well tell him what I'm doing. What harm could come of it. "I'm figuring out how I'm going to save your life," I confessed.

"By using magic," Daughtry said.

"Exactly," I agreed.

Daughtry shook his head as he began to come over towards me. "Evans, you know magic can't fix everything," Daughtry said, sounding just like the sisters. "If it could then a lot of things would be different. I mean my family would probably be here, and we would have never separated."

"Well magic is what got us into this right here, and its what's going to get us out of it," I told him.

"Evans, what are you trying to do," Daughtry asked, suspicious of why I had the Book of Shadows opened and I was writing something down. Daughtry knew that with everything going on I wasn't up there trying to vanquish a demon that might have attacked.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," I replied honestly. I knew if I told him about my plans he would try to stop me too, and I didn't want to have to fight with anyone about what I had to do.

"You better not be going out there and getting yourself killed," Daughtry warned. He knows me really well, and seeing today proved to him that I would give up my whole life to protect him, which is something I shouldn't be doing. He should be protecting me since he's the older one of us two.

"Don't worry about me Daughtry, okay," I snapped. " I can take care of myself and I don't need you or Wyatt to tell me not to go out and get myself killed. I'm not stupid you know."

"I didn't say you were, I was just saying the choices that you're making right now are pretty stupid," Daughtry said back. "Evans, listen to me, as much as I hate to agree with Wyatt, he's right. You shouldn't be out here risking your life for me while your pregnant. Your choices don't just effect you right now, they effect your baby too, and your future. If you keep on trying to save me then, like the Angel of Death said, it could me your death as well."

"So what do you want me to do, huh?" I asked. "You want me to try to stop saving you?"

"That's exactly what I want," Daughtry answered.

"Well I'm sorry Daughtry, but I can't do that," I said back. "Now if you'll excuse me," I walked up to him. "I've got to dance with death," I muttered as I began to walk past him.

"Evans," Daughtry called before I could fully make it out of the door. "I know you might not believe this, but maybe I wasn't meant to be saved. Maybe I die for a reason. Even the sisters said that they weren't able to save every innocent, so why are you going to try?"

I stopped for a moment and started to think about what he said, but then I knew he was just saying that. If he wasn't meant to be saved then why was it that I happened to be in the graveyard the same time he was. I don't think it was a coincidence. It must have meant he was suppose to be saved. Why else would he have cheated death. I shook my head and continued to walk.

Daughtry sighed knowing he wasn't able to break through to me. "I guess if you won't listen to me, then I have no other choice," he said as he left the attic not to far behind.


When Wyatt woke up, he let out a big yawn. He still felt the presence of all his kids with him, but there was one presence that was missing. Wyatt looked over to see that my body was not in the bed. Immediately Wyatt started to worry. Why did I get out of bed, and where did I go?

Hoping that I was just in the bathroom or the kitchen, Wyatt got out of bed and quickly slipped on a wife beater and some pajama bottoms. He didn't want his kids to wake up and only see him in his boxers. That would be a big disaster for not just him, but the kids too. Wyatt then walked to the bathroom, knocking on it before he opened it to see no one there.

He then decided to go down to the kitchen. Maybe he'd find me there. It was common that whenever I got worried about something, I would wake up in the middle of the night and go to the kitchen to get some coffee. Wyatt quickly made his way down there, but he heard no one, and it had been too quiet down there, but that didn't mean I wasn't down there, so the blond continued walking down there until he made his way to the kitchen to see that it was empty.

This was the time that Wyatt was starting to panic. There was no sign of me in the bathroom nor was there any sign of me in the kitchen. Where else in the house could I be, unless I really wasn't in the house. That was probably the reason that Wyatt couldn't hear me.

"Evans, Evans!" Wyatt shouted as he walked around the house in search of me, but found no one. He had searched everywhere. All of the kids rooms, the attic, the other rooms, but there was still no sign of me, and with Chris' premonition still able to come true, Wyatt was really scared. This didn't look good at all. Wyatt quickly tried to sense for me. He felt nothing, meaning that I had taken a block potion so he couldn't sense for where I was. Not knowing what to do, Wyatt quickly ran to the phone and quickly began to dial a number


Chris Halliwell woke up in just his boxers and a wife beater. Peter was lying next to him, with Chris snuggled all on his chest. Peter wanted to have sex last night, but Chris told him that he had a hard day and last night wouldn't be a good time, so Peter respected his wishes and let Chris sleep. Chris was happy that he had someone like Peter.

His thoughts were interrupted when he had heard his two girls crying. For girls who are four they sure do cry a lot. Chris saw that Peter was sleeping hard and didn't want to wake him. Especially since its been Peter who's been taking care of the girls for the past few days during the whole Shax thing, so Chris feels that its only fair that he go do this one by himself.

Chris slipped out of bed, and quickly ran over to his daughter's room. Judging by the way that they were crying, Chris could tell that they both just had a nightmare. Chris quickly picked them both up one at a time, and comforted them both until they went back to sleep. They were getting heavy, and they were almost taller than Chris. Chris knew that he wasn't going to be able to this all the time. He guesses its true when they say kids grow up fast.

Chris started to think about how bad it was going to be when he had his three boys in the future. Two girls are bad enough already, but three boys were going to be a handful for Chris, but Chris had Peter there, and even though they were still not married yet because of all the demon attacks and everything, Chris knew that they were gonna be a great family.

As Chris headed back towards his room, he heard the phone ring. Wondering who could be calling at this time of night, Chris ran down the stairs, where he didn't even look at the caller ID. He just answered it.

"Hello," Chris said over the phone.

"Hey Chris its me," the other person replied.

"Wyatt," Chris asked confused at to why he would be calling at this time. It must have been an emergency, because Wyatt knew that if he woke his mom up from a long sleep she would blow him up. "What's going on?"

"It's Evans," Wyatt said simply. "He's going and I don't know where he is," Wyatt told Chris. "I can't even sense him, because he's done something to block me from finding where he's at. I know he's gone after Shax, Chris, I just know it, and if we don't get to him first, what happened in your premonition could happen in real life."

"Whoa, Whoa, hold it right there," Chris said. Wyatt was talking a little fast, making it hard for Chris to understand everything that he said. All he got out of it was that I was missing, and what could happen in his premonition could come true. "Now why can't you sense him?"

"He blocked me somehow," Wyatt answered.

"Thats not good," was all Chris could say. "Where do you think he could have gone," he asked.

"I don't know, but I bet you Daughtry does," Wyatt said. "You might want to keep an eye on him, because right now Evans' life depends on his, and if anything happens to him, then you know Evans' is going to have a cow."

"Don't worry bro, Daughtry is fine," Chris said as he made his way over to the couch where Daughtry was suppose to be sleeping. Chris could see a figure under the covers of the couch making him think that Daughtry was still there. "See he's still here," Chris told his older brother. "I don't think Evans may have went after him," Chris suggested as he pulled the blanket off the figure, and froze when he only saw that they were just pillows stuffed under there. The brunette dropped the phone scared.

"Chris, Chris, Chris," Wyatt kept calling over the phone only to receive no answer. Wyatt then started to worry about his brother. One second he was talking to him then the next he couldn't hear anything. What was going on over at the manor that got Chris to stop talking? If there had been a demon attack then he would have heard crashing, but he didn't. "Chris," Wyatt called again.

Chris finally snapped to and picked up the phone. "I'm here Wyatt," he said. "Look we've got bigger trouble now, because Daughtry is gone," Chris told his brother, knowing that it might send Wyatt into a panic.

"What?!" Wyatt said in disbelief. "Alright, stay there, I'm on my way, and we're just going to have to scry for them both until we find them alright," Wyatt suggested to his younger brother.

"Okay," Chris agreed.


I sat at the beach where my mom would use to come to think when she lost her mother. Looks like history is just repeating itself again like always with the Charmed Ones. Piper was write about one thing. My mom and I do think alike. I can't believe this is the place where she would come. For a time of sorrow this place seemed so peaceful and quiet. All the waves that were going up and down, and all you could hear was water and birds flying. I don't know why I came here to do this, but it just called to me.

I felt bad for not only taking the spell that I needed out of the Book of Shadows, but also a mind blocking spell. I knew Wyatt was going to try to sense for me and I couldn't have that. I know again, he's not going to be happy about this, but there are some decisions that I have to make on my own, if not for me for other people that I love.

It was hard for me to sit on this beach and look around knowing that this use to be one of my mother's favorite places. I just wish she was right here now to talk to me in person, not in spirit form. I just wish I had one moment with her before she was taken away from me for good. I don't even know how old I was before she gave me away. I know it was for my own good, but still, I can't believe someone would walk out on their own child. All that I have left of her now are her powers, and some things that she left around the manor. None of it really makes up for how much I really need her.

Maybe if she had been alive Robert wouldn't have had to die. Not my son, but my brother. Maybe seeing our mother would have turned him good even though it was said that he was to be evil, but people can change. Look at John. He use to be the Source and now he has his own little family and takes care of them. If he could do it, I don't see why Robert couldn't. I know its been almost ten years since the whole thing happened and I'm over his death, but I can't always help but look back every once in awhile and think what would have happened if he and I were raised by our mother. He might still be living as we speak.

Then there's some other questions on my mind about my mother. Would she have gotten married or did she have any other kids that I don't know about. I know she promised that there were no more kids, but I just can't be too sure about that. I'm pretty sure there were some secrets that she kept from Piper and there are some that she still is keeping. She did a pretty good job keeping me from the rest of the family even though it did involve the whole other Chris, but still.

That was enough thinking about all this. I came here to do something and that wasn't to think about what would have been. Everything is done and over with and right now its time for me to start thinking about what's going on now, and that's mainly what I'm focused on. The monster that killed my mother is now after my best friend and he might have taken my mom away from me, but he won't take my best friend. Even if its at the cost of my own life.

I reached into my back pocket and unfolded the spell that I took from the Book of Shadows. I know just what to do, and who to talk to. Like I had told Daughtry. I had to dance with death.

"Spirits of the air, sand and sea, Converge to set the angel free, In the wind I seen this rhyme, bring death before me, before my time," I chanted. It didn't take long before the spell started to work. Right in front of me, that same puff of smoke started to appear before me. Soon it turned right into a man.

It was that same man who told me that I could die if I kept trying to save my best friend. The same man who took my mother away from me. The man who took my brother away from me, and is now trying to take away my best friend and I won't allow that. He's done so much to me that I hate him more than I hate Shax right now, and that's pretty hard to do since Shax is the one who actually killed my mother, but it was still the Death Angel who took her away.

This was pretty scary though. Standing in the presence of death himself. I never thought it was possible. That is until I found out that I was a witch and anything was just about possible seeing as I was magical and all.

"You," was the first word that came out of his mouth. "I figured I'd see you here," he smirked. "Are you sure you really want to call me," he asked with a hint of warning in his voice.

"I..umm," I was too scared to speak. I don't know why. I faced this guy before and even tried to fight him. So why was I so scared to face him right now. I've been waiting for this day and now its here.

"Come on now, I don't have all day, there are people waiting, and definitely don't have all day," he said as he began to advance on me, and I started backing away scared. Though the Death Angel has had many encounters before he felt like this one was familiar to another one that he's had in the past, but right now he just can't pin point which one it was. "So what is it? Did I take your wife or husband and you want them back," he said starting to go down the line. "Did I take your brother, or maybe it was your mother," he finally hit the spot.

I gulped as a lump formed in my throat. "No, don't you dare talk about them," I warned him. "Don't you dare talk about my mother or my brother," I said to the Death Angel himself.

He smirked knowing that's exactly what it was. "It should have been an easy guess with the sad little puppy dogs eyes, seeing as they miss someone so much," he taunted.

I looked away not wanting to look at him right now for bringing him up. I then looked back at him a minute later knowing that I had to face this head on or I was never going to be able to face death again. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about alright," I lied. "I never even knew who my mother was until I was eighteen and she died when I was a baby so it had no effect on me," I gritted through my teeth. "Now you want my best friend Daughtry and I can't let you have him, so tell me what is it that you want or what do I have to do to stop you from taking him," I asked.

"That's not the reason why you called me," he said back.

"Yes it is," I was quick to reply.

"No its not," he said confident. "Its just an excuse," he pointed out. "Your mad at me for taking your mom, and your brother," he smirked. "You say it doesn't effect you, but I know it does, because the death of everyone's mother effects them in one way or another."

"I told you not to talk about them," I repeated even angrier even though he was right. I hate to admit it, but the angel of death knew what was on my mind somehow, but I don't know how.

"Now you said you were a baby when it happened," the Angel of Death repeated after me. "So were you three, I'm just guessing now," he said. This was really starting to seem very familiar to him, but he still couldn't figure out who he's had this conversation with.

"Stop it!" I shouted at him. I didn't know how much more of this I could really take. This was hurting me a lot. I don't know why the Angel of Death is doing this to me now. I know I might have called him, but I never expected him to be this cruel. He was nice enough to warn me, so I thought he would be nice enough to make a deal with me.

"No, you were younger then," he stated. "And now you think that by saving your best friend, you think you'll have beaten me somehow, and somehow you'll have gotten your little revenge on me for taking your mother and brother," he spoke even more, getting more and more to the point.

"Just go away," I hissed at him. I was almost at the point of crying, and I really didn't want him to see me like this. I was a guy and I was suppose to be strong and I didn't want the Death Angel to see that he was breaking me, piece by piece or else he would win.

"No," He said back. "You wanted me here, and now you've got me," he crossed his arms over his chest. "And now your wasting valuable time," he snapped at me. He hated when he was called for things like this, and then the people aren't able to stand up to him.

"Well sorry, okay I didn't know you had so many people to go kill in so little time!" I shouted back.

"Its not my time your wasting its yours," he replied back seeing as I was taking what he said the wrong way. "You refuse to accept me for what I am, which keeps you from mourning me," he spoke even more.

"You don't know me," I hissed back at him. "You don't know anything about me you asshole."

"But I've seen this so many times before," he said. "The pain, the anger, look up your tears and angrily steal yourself from me as if I was the ultimate evil," he added.

"You are the ultimate evil," I told him. "You go around here taking lives from so many people who don't deserve it, and you don't give a damn about the pain you leave. Not only did you take my mother and my brother, but you took an innocent little boy's life named Trevor, who didn't deserve it," I told him. "His life ended when you said it, and there you were."

"I'm not good or evil, I just am," he replied. "I'm inevitable, and I only take those who's time it is, not when I choose," he said.

"Look, lets cut the bullshit and tell me what it is that I have to do to save my friend," I asked once again, a little more frustrated this time. I didn't want to talk about my mother, and the guy has already forced me to, and now he won't tell me what I want to know.

The Death Angel shook his head. "You still don't get it do you," he replied. "There's nothing you can do," he stated.

"Well I can't just sit back and let my best friend die," I said back coldly.

"You have to let him die," he spoke back. "You have no choice because until you learn to accept death, you'll just keep missing the bigger picture, and it will be the cause of your death," he said.

"What bigger picture is there," I asked.

The Angel smirked seeing as he now started to remember exactly when he had this conversation, and he knew just how to handle it. "I'll show you," he said holding out his hand, but he saw that I jerked away because I didn't trust him. "Oh don't worry, its not your time, at least not yet," he told me. Slowly I put my hand into his and he smoked us somewhere else.


Daughtry knows that he's let this go on long enough. He understands that its his destiny to die and so does Wyatt and Chris, but the only stubborn one who doesn't seem to understand that is me, his best friend. Daughtry couldn't figure out what was so hard for me to understand about that. Each of us has our own destiny and his was to die. You can't stop destiny no matter what. In the end it was going to win no matter what.

Knowing how I was Daughtry knew that I wasn't going to let him die. Daughtry didn't want to be the person to blame for my death though. He would never forgive himself for it if it was because of him that my life was lost. That would make him no different from Shax, and Daughtry didn't want to be associated with Shax at all in any way.

When Daughtry had left the attic, he immediately shimmered down to the Underworld knowing that, that was one place that I wouldn't be able to scry for him, even though he knew that Wyatt would be able to sense for him down there, but Daughtry figured that Wyatt would be too busy looking for me to worry about where he was so Daughtry didn't worry about that. He knew Chris would probably be the one looking for him, and since Chris really didn't have the power so sense for other people like Wyatt does, Daughtry figured he might as well not worry about that.

Daughtry walked around the Underworld in search of the demon he was hoping to put an end to this with, and hopefully this time they won't be interrupted, and Daughtry has made sure of that or at least he hopes he has with everything that's going on at the manor.

Looking around in the Underworld for Shax wasn't easy. This demon was not only an assassin for the Source, but if he was paid enough he would go around assassinating whoever any demon wanted.

Daughtry continued to look and look and knew his time was running out. It was only a matter of time before I stopped what I was doing and found out what he was up to, and he knows that I am always prepared and I'll have some plan or way to find him even if he's in the Underworld.

"Hey Shax!" Daughtry shouted in the Underworld hoping that the guy would appear like he always does. "Its just me and you this time," he shouted even more. "So why don't you come out here and show your face you son of a bitch. Always picking on people who are weaker than you. That's why you went and killed my family, because you knew there was no way they could defeat someone like you, ya bastard," Daughtry shouted throughout the whole Underworld knowing those were the right words to provoke the assassin to come after him.

He was right. Next thing he knew he felt an earthquake in the Underworld which was not really unusual since it was the Underworld, but this time Daughtry could feel exactly who and what it was. He look over and saw a tornado coming from that direction. Rocks were flying everywhere, and this time Daughtry knew that there was no escape. This time he was in for it.

When the tornado stopped, there appeared Shax again. "Well, well, what have we here," Shax taunted. "Looks like we have one little lonely Phoenix ready to be taken down, but that's what I thought the last time," he remembered. "Is this another trap that I should be worried about?"

"No traps this time Shax," Daughtry said conjuring two athames in his hand. "Look around, there's no one else here, right now its just me and you, and we're gonna finish this," he said.

"You know, you're very brave to think that you can take me on," the assassin smirked evilly.

"That's because I can," Daughtry replied. "And I will, and trust me, if I don't vanquish you, I promise that the Charmed Ones will," Daughtry threatened him, knowing good and well that we would eventually vanquish him.

Shax shook his head. "I've stopped the Charmed Ones before, and I'm pretty sure that I can do it again," Shax replied. "You saw yourself that I had nearly killed one of them, and if it hadn't been for the other healing that one then there would be no power of three."

"Yeah well, you won't stop this power of three, and I can promise you that," Daughtry said firmly.

"You speak with such confidence, that's why it makes this harder for me to kill you, but you know I can't just let it go," Shax said conjuring an energy ball and hurling it at Daughtry.

Daughtry quickly jumped up and dodged it. He might have been planning on dying, but he wasn't going to go out without a fight. He quickly hurled his athames at the demon which struck him hard, but the still had no effect. Shax just pulled them out of him, like they were just stickers on him. The demon then conjured up an electric blast and he was ready to toss it.

"Any last words," he asked.

"Yeah," Daughtry said. "I'll see you soon," Daughtry smirked.

Right when he said that, the Angel of Death and I shimmered in. I can't believe he was bringing me to see this. I don't know what Daughtry was thinking of coming to the Underworld, but then I quickly figured out that he probably knew that I nor Chris could sense him while he was in the Underworld making this the best place for him to try to take on Shax.

I saw that Shax was ready to hurl that electric ball at Daughtry. I wasn't about to let that happen. Even if the angel of Death was right here to take my life if I did. I waved my arm hard, just before the demon could launch the energy ball. The force was so hard it sent the demon crashing into the wall with such an impact that rocks started to fall on him, but he tornado out of the way and just went away like he normally does. I knew the Angel of Death wasn't happy with what I just did. This was suppose to show me how to accept death, not how to keep helping my friends avoid it.

I quickly ran from the Angel of Destiny's side and went to my best friend to make sure he was okay. There had been no telling what happened before I got there, and what would have happened if I had not shown up. Well if I hadn't shown up, he would have died. Right when I got over to his side, I heard orbs in the Underworld. The only people who use orbs are whitelighters and usually they don't come into the Underworld. I looked over to see my brother and husband standing right there with their arms crossed over their chests. I know they must not be happy at all, but what can I do.

"You can try to fight this all you want," the angel of Death started to speak. "But I can promise you that if he's not dead by tomorrow, then your life will start being at risk," he warned. He said nothing else, and shimmered out hoping that I would think about the decision that I was making.

I just shook my head. I knew I was not going to get any help from him, so I figured I might as well try to do all of this on my own. My attention quickly turned right back to Daughtry worried about if he had any injuries or not. "Daughtry are you alright," I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. "My back just hurts that's all, but other than that, I think I'll be okay," he said.

I then heard coughing, and looked up to see that it came from Wyatt and Chris, trying to get me to acknowledge their presence, and I don't know if they knew that I already had seen them. My mood quickly changed when I had actually paid attention the the frowns they had on their face. They looked even more serious and angry then the first time we were in this.

"Hi guys," I smiled innocently, and so did Daughtry. We knew we were really in for it now. "I think we're in trouble," I said to my best friend who was standing next to me just as scared as I was.


Chris and Daughtry were sitting at the bar for the longest time thinking about the events that had happened earlier, and right now Daughtry felt so bad. Because of him I was probably in deep trouble with Wyatt, which wasn't something that he wanted. All he wanted was to make sure that nothing happened to me, and now it looks like I'm going to have to pay the price for it.

Chris was feeling the same way. Right now he knew that Wyatt had took me back to our house to talk to me about it, and knowing how Wyatt was, it didn't look like it was going to be a pretty talk. Chris knows from seeing Wyatt on both sides of the universe that he has a good side and a bad side. If anyone pushes him to the point they will see his bad side, and right now Chris knew that I had probably pushed Wyatt over the edge.

Chris had already got done lecturing Daughtry about how he can't just disappear and go to the Underworld, because he knew how I was going to react. Wyatt had taken me back to the house and Chris hasn't heard from us yet. He was really starting to get worried. Luckily the kids were at magic school with Leo so they couldn't hear it like they had heard it yesterday or else things would be bad. Usually things would be a 'I'm sorry' and 'don't do that again' lecture from Wyatt, but even Chris had to admit that I crossed the line this time. Summoning the Angel of Death and then blocking Wyatt off so he couldn't get in contact with me was just too much. The only way that they were able to find me was because they knew that anywhere Daughtry was I was probably going to be there with him, so they scryed for him, and it so happened that I was right there with him, but I wasn't there alone. I had the angel of Death with me, which wasn't something that should have even been thought about because its so dangerous.

Chris and Daughtry were so caught up in their thoughts that they didn't even notice Piper entering the kitchen. Piper saw that her son, and Daughtry had guilty looks on their faces, and she knew she had to get to the bottom of it, if she wanted to help them feel better.

"Hello Boys," Piper greeted. "What's with the long faces?" Piper asked.

Chris looked up to see his mother standing over him. She looked desperate to know what was wrong so Chris knew he had to tell her. Since Piper had been so busy with the club and the restaurant, she didn't have time to here what had happened earlier on today, and now she's just getting back from work.

"Wyatt is pretty mad at Chris, and now they're back at home arguing," Chris told his mother.

Piper shrugged seeing as it was no big deal to her, since she didn't know what was really going on. "Oh don't worry about them," Piper said. "They're just having a little husband and husband argument, like they always do every once in awhile, but I'm sure its nothing. Before you know it they'll be kissing and making up and then it'll be just like nothing happened," Piper smiled.

The brunette then shook his head at what his mother said. "No, not this time," he told her. "So far they've been going at it for hours, or Wyatt has been lecturing Evans for hours I should say, and you should have seen how mad he was at him today," Chris said.

"What happened?" Piper asked curious. Her son and my arguments usually last for only half an hour at the most, but this wasn't an argument though. This was a lecture from Wyatt, and thats something she's never heard Wyatt do in a long time. The last time she heard him do that was when we broke up, and that was a serious situation, which called for it.

"Well Piper, I know you're probably going to freak," Daughtry came in. "But it sore of started with me being a Phoenix," he confessed, and saw the shock on the mother's face. "Yes, I am the one who turned Chris into a part phoenix," he told her. "Shax killed my family and now I've been going after him, and as you know the Death Angel said I was suppose to die, but Evans is so bent on saving me."

"I know that part, but what's that got to do with Wyatt being mad at Evans," Piper asked.

"Today Evans tried summoning the Angel of Death and asked him what he could do to save Daughtry, and lets just say Wyatt wasn't too happy with the idea, especially since Evans had just left the house, without letting Wyatt know where he was," Chris explained.

Piper nodded knowing just how protective Wyatt is of me, and that was probably pushing the limit, but Piper had expected me to pull a stunt like that. "Sounds just like something Prue would do," Piper stated. "Evans is like his mother in so many ways, and I just do know how I can get him to believe that," Piper sighed.

"I'm just hoping he's okay, and Wyatt hasn't killed him," Daughtry said.

"Don't worry," Piper assured them. "I'm sure Wyatt isn't going to kill him, he's probably just going to yell at him, and then in the morning it will be over, so don't worry about it okay," she told them. "I've got to start dinner because I know your father is going to come home, and I know having to deal with all those kids, he's probably going to have to an appetite of an elephant," Piper said.

"Mom, I think you might be mistaking him with Wyatt," Chris said.

"Hello, where do you think Wyatt got that kind of an appetite from," Piper pointed out causing both the boys at the table to laugh


I sat there on the bed looking at my husband who was standing in front of me with a frown on his face, and his arms crossed over his chest. I was really in for it this time, and I thought the last lecture was pretty harsh. I hadn't seen nothing yet. Wyatt isn't going to let me down so easily after finding out that I summoned the Angel of Death. Wyatt already doesn't like the man after hearing about how he almost took his father, and then about how he took his mother's soul and forced her to go around soul hunting.

For hours Wyatt just stood there looking at me with disappointment. How could I do this to him? I should know how worried he gets whenever I'm out of his sight and he doesn't know where I am, and now that I'm pregnant, and I am due any day now, its his job to be with me just about all the time. The baby could come at any moment, and right now I'm out demon hunting, which is something that I shouldn't be doing at eight and a half months pregnant.

Wyatt was starting to wonder if he was going to have to do to me what he did that time we had Prue. Of course he knew I hated it, but he didn't care at the time. All he cared about was getting the baby there safe, and thats what happened. Wyatt remembers when I was pregnant with Prue he kept a better eye on me and never let me go to the Underworld at all, but now that I've had a few more kids, he thought that I should have more privileges, but now its really getting out of hand, and Wyatt is starting to feel like he's going to have to go back to the old way, and keep an eye on me at all times.

I was really getting tired of the silence, and I knew I was about to get it, but I didn't want to be in silence for the rest of my life so I decided to break it, even though I'm about to get the lecture of my life. "Wyatt just say something please," I begged.

Wyatt shook his head angrily. "Chris, I really don't know what to say to you any more," Wyatt started to speak. "Apparently everything I tell you goes in through one ear and out the other," he pointed out. Wyatt was really starting to feel ignored by me, and he sometimes even wondered if I listened to him when he told me anything. "Answer me this, did you even think about what you were doing, before you did it?"

"Well..ya," I answered.

"So, you thought bringing our soon to be born baby around the angel of Death was safe," he asked. I was speechless. Now that I think about the way Wyatt is putting it, what I did really does sound dangerous. "Evans, I understand you want to save Daughtry, I really do, but there are other ways to go about this, and you didn't have to go to him," Wyatt stated. "I mean did you hear what he said? He told you that if Daughtry isn't dead by midnight then your life is going to start being at risk, and I will tell you one thing Evans, I can not lose you right now okay," he said. "I don't want to be stuck raising all six about to be seven kids by myself," he lectured. "Do you know how bad that would be, huh? I am not raising all of these kids by myself do you hear me," Wyatt said.

I started to really feel bad for what I was putting Wyatt through. I'm now starting to understand why he's getting so mad at me. Not only am I putting myself in danger, but I'm also putting baby Richard in danger too. If Wyatt were the one pregnant I can honestly say that I would be the same way. I can't believe how selfish I've been acting. I've been so focused on saving Daughtry that I haven't thought about how it might be effecting my relationship with Wyatt.

"I'm sorry Wyatt," I said very apologetically. "I guess Daughtry is such an important person to me, that I just can't see myself losing him," I told Wyatt hoping that he would understand.

"And you won't okay," Wyatt said calming down. "You're just going to have to trust me on that."

"I do trust you Wyatt," I said.

"Well you sure haven't been acting like it," he said. "I mean when you saw that he was about to get hit by Shax you went in his place, and I was barely able to save you, but I stilled did though, and I could have saved Daughtry that same way, and you wouldn't have had to get hurt."

"I know and I'm sorry Wyatt," I replied.

"I don't think you are Evans," Wyatt said. "If you were sorry you wouldn't keep doing this," he continued lecturing. "Do you have any idea about how worried I was about you today? I mean I wake up and look everywhere in the house only to find that my lover isn't anywhere to be found and then when I try to sense for you, I find that you have blocked me out."

"Yeah, but that's because I didn't want you to find out what I was doing because I knew that you would stop me," I said back.

"Damn right I would," Wyatt was quick to say. "I still don't think you know how serious that was, calling the Angel of Death. He could have taken your life right then and there if he wanted to."

"Wyatt, I think you're over reacting just a little don't you?" I asked. "He told me that it wasn't my time yet and I believe him," I said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that the next time he sees you it won't be your time," Wyatt said back as he begun to pace the room. He was getting so frustrated he didn't know what to do right now, but he knew he had to keep the arguing down to the minimum, because he didn't want me passing out. Really this wasn't even an argument. It was just him lecturing me. If I thought this hurt me, little did I know this hurt Wyatt even more. He hated to have to be so hard on me, but it seems like this was the only way I was going to listen. Wyatt never liked having to raise his voice at me or ever giving me a lecture, but if it was going to save my life then he was going to do it. He'd rather have lectured me and have hurt himself for doing that than not having said anything to me and losing me and hurting himself for the rest of his life.

I could sense what Wyatt was thinking. My empath power was really getting a boast since I was pregnant. My intentions were really not to make Wyatt feel bad and he should know that, but I shouldn't be out blocking him from my mind and having him worried. I mean if he didn't show up when he did Daughtry and I could still be in the Underworld fighting with Shax for our lives. I'm glad to have a husband like him who worries about me a lot. It can be annoying at times, but there really isn't anyone I would rather be with.

After a few moments of silence I could tell that Wyatt had calmed down a little and now was a time to try and talk to him again, and tell him how I really felt about the whole thing. I got off the bed and walked up to Wyatt so that we were now standing face to face.

"Wyatt," I said looking at him in his blue eyes. "I love you okay, and I'm sorry alright," I repeated. Hopefully he would accept it this time.

Wyatt nodded and pulled me into a hug. That answered my question. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you baby, but you need to understand that what you do right now will effect the future, and I don't want to see our beautiful little girl turn evil," Wyatt confessed. "I want us to grow old together and see our kids take over."

"I know Wyatt, but I'm just worried," my eyes started to tear up.

"Worried about what," Wyatt asked.

I sighed thinking of what to say to Wyatt. "Everything," I told him. "A lot has happened I mean, I'm having dreams about my death in the future and now its turned into me having dreams about my mother's death, the Angel of Destiny says if Daughtry doesn't die by tomorrow then it will start effecting me, and if I die then Patty becomes evil, and just a lot of things."

Wyatt pulled away and looked at my face to see that I had a few tears coming down. "Hey, Chris, look at me," he said cupping my face in his hands. "We're going to get through this you hear me," Wyatt said firmly. "Everything is going to be okay," he said. "We've been through worse, and I know we'll be able to get past this together like we always do okay," he said. I nodded letting him know that I trusted him.

Wyatt took this opportunity to pull me closer to him till our bodies were touching. Wyatt then closed the gap between our lips and pulled me into a passionate kiss, running his hands all over my back. He pressed his tongue against my teeth hungrily waiting to enter.

I opened my mouth wider allowing Wyatt's tongue to explore my whole mouth, dominating it way he always would. I couldn't help but let out a slight moan as Wyatt's tongue started to roam my whole mouth in search for treasure. I began to play along by rubbing my tongue against his, causing the blond Halliwell to let out a moan of his own.

Wyatt wanted to take this even further. He began pushing me back until I fell on the bed, and Wyatt took no time getting on top of me, and pressing his lips back against mine harder this time. Letting his hands roam all over my body, Wyatt started to feel his huge hard on in his pants, and he wanted me so bad. No, he needed to have me right now. With everything that's been going on he hasn't had time to make love to me like he wanted and now was the time. Wyatt continued letting his hands roam under my shirt feeling all over my upper body area.

I moaned in response. Feeling Wyatt's hand all over my body made my dick jolt up. I wrapped my arms around my husbands neck, wanting to intensify the kiss even more. I then started to let my hands roam through Wyatt long curls that were so soft they felt like cotton. After letting my hands roam through his hair for awhile, I decided to give Wyatt some of the same pleasure that he was giving me, and let my hands roam under his shirt from the back. His back muscles were hard as rock, and I struggled to pull his shirt of, but I couldn't do it, and I knew Wyatt wouldn't let me. At least not just yet.

Wyatt wanted to tease some more with our clothes on, because he knows once our clothes are off he'll be too hard to function. Wyatt moved away from my lips only to start sucking and nipping on my neck, leaving a hickey, earning him so many moans. To keep me from moaning so much Wyatt stuck his finger in my mouth and let me suck on it, which felt so good. Wyatt so wanted that nice sensation on another part of his body right now.

Wyatt started to move lower and lower on my body licking the whole upper part of me through my shirt. When he finally got down to my waist line he used his teeth and raised my shirt up a little so he could start licking my stomach. Using one hand to hold up my shirt and the other one to keep his finger in my mouth so that I wouldn't moan so much Wyatt started to lick around my navel. He went in circles and circles just the way I licked it until he decided to stick his tongue in and out and tongue fuck my belly button.

I tried to moan, but Wyatt's finger was still in my mouth. It all felt so good. Wyatt was just getting better and better at learning how to make me moan. To stop myself from moaning, I started sucking on his finger even harder and harder as he started to push it in and out of my mouth. At first barely going in, but then going into my mouth deeper and deeper until his finger started going down my throat and eventually I was deep throating Wyatt's finger.

Wyatt stopped licking my belly button only to start licking on my rib cage knowing that was one of my sensitive spots. Not only was he licking it, he was sucking on it and biting it to make sure he left his mark there, and he was nice, big and purple. That still wasn't enough for the twice blessed, so he kept sucking on my rib cage hoping to push me over the edge. He wanted to see how much more I could take before I actually pushed out his finger, but seeing as I just kept sucking on it, Wyatt knew he had to try harder.

The blond pulled my shirt up a little more so he could start licking all over my chest. He let go of the shirt only to rub one of my nipples with his thumb, while he sucked on the other. Wyatt started to nibble on the tip of my nipple before he took the whole thing into his mouth and started to suck on it for awhile. He then let it out of his mouth only so he could trace it with his tongue in circles before he took it back into his mouth again and sucked on it even harder while my other nipple was so hard from Wyatt rubbing it with his thump.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I finally just pushed Wyatt's finger out of my mouth and gave out a load moan. All this pleasure was really starting to get to me. My dick was so hard right now that it was hurting me through my pants, and I just really needed to get out of my pants right now so it could breath or else it would break.

Wyatt smiled and stopped playing with my nipples knowing that he had accomplished his mission. Wyatt came right back up to my face and began to lay soft kisses on my neck and check, and wherever he could reach. "I love you so much baby," he whispered in my ear as he kissed it before he tucked it into his teeth and sucked on it for awhile. Wyatt let my ear out of his mouth only to go over to my lips and push his on them and stick his tongue in again.

Seeing as he already has roamed my whole upper body, Wyatt pulled up my shirt and struggled to pull it off, and I raised my arms to make it easier for him. Only breaking the kiss to get my shirt fully off Wyatt continued to let his tongue roam my mouth as he continued to let his hands roam around my body to feel me even more.

Wyatt wanted to taste me even more, so he pulled away from my lips leaving me wanting more, but he wanted more of my body right now. Wyatt began to lick down my biceps and then lifted my arms up in the air so he could lick my arm pits, which I found odd because he's never done that before.

Loving that feeling I used my other hand to push Wyatt's face into my under arms more, causing his to start licking even harder. It felt so good that my vision nearly went dim for a moment, but quickly came back. I felt Wyatt's tongue hit just about everywhere there. I finally too my other hand away from Wyatt so he could at least breath.

Once I took my hand away, Wyatt took this as an opportunity to explore the rest of my body. He started to lay more soft kisses on my chest. He knew if he started to lick in that area he would be licking there for days, and he wanted to move on since he could feel his dick getting real hard, and he wanted to get inside me soon.

Wyatt soft kisses came to a halt when he finally came down to my waist line and saw that my jeans were in his way. Wyatt began to lick my hard on through my jeans really wanting to tease me. When he saw that it was working his started to suck on it and rub it, wanting me to be as hard as I can be, before he really takes it into his mouth. He licked his way back up to the button of my jeans, and undid it with his teeth, and pulled the zipper down with his teeth always.

The blond sat up and slowly began to pull down my jeans, and his jaw nearly dropped when he saw how horny I was, but then again he wanted me that way. Wyatt slipped his hand into the leg holes of my boxers and began teasing me slowly by rubbing my thighs before he started to rub my hard on.

It was getting so intense that I almost couldn't breath, because it felt so good. Wyatt sure knew how to work his hands and his mouth. I clenched my teeth together to stop from moaning. I didn't want to give Wyatt the satisfactory of knowing that he could make me moan so easily.

Wyatt could see by the look on my face that I was holding back a moan, so he started to massage my cock even harder, and harder and started to get rough with it. "How bad do you want it," he whispered in my ear.

"Bad," I panted back.

Wyatt slowly moved his hands out of my boxers, and slowly began to pull them down until they were to my ankles, but he decided that he wanted me all the way naked so he pulled them all the way off and there he could see that my shoes were still on. Wyatt then pulled both of my shoes off along with my socks, and he knew he couldn't just pull those off without doing something there. Wyatt took my big toe into his mouth and started to suck on it hard from the start. He wanted to make sure he's sucked on every inch of my skin and that I was his. He was possessive, but he couldn't help it.

When he finally decided that he had teased me there enough he slowly started to come back up. He started out by licking my ankles and working his way up slowly with his tongue. Stopping every now and then to suck on a part of my skin and leave a hickey there. Wyatt had finally came to my large man hood that was in the air and ready for him, but he wanted to get me harder right now. He start placing small kisses on my outer thighs, while he used his hand to jerk my off roughly. He wanted me to have pleasure, but he didn't want me to cum yet. Not at least till he's had his way with me.

I started clenching my teeth even harder. The kind of teasing that Wyatt was doing to me was in human, but that was just how Wyatt plays, and right now I'm loving it even though I'm being teased real badly.

Wyatt thought that I had, had enough of being jerked of and slowly began licking around the head of my manhood, sticking his tongue in the top part as much as he could before he licked around the head again in circles. Finally he took it into his mouth like he knew I wanted and began moving up and down taking more and more of my cock in his mouth as he went down. To make it more pleasurable he started to lick around the head as he took it in his mouth.

I was really enjoying it, but there was something that I didn't like right now. Wyatt had all his clothes on, while I was bearing it all. I reached down and grabbed Wyatt's shirt and did my best, and eventually I got what I wanted and pulled it all the way off, until I could see Wyatt's hard rock upper body.

Wyatt wanted to get back so sucking me off so badly that he just let me take of the shirt. He knew he could get back at me by teasing me with all the things he does to me. Wyatt continued sucking for awhile until he could taste precum and that's when he quickly pulled away and squeezed my dick so I wouldn't cum so fast just yet.

He then conjured up some lube, but before he could use it I sat up and pushed him on the bed so that he was lying on his back and I was on top of him now. Wyatt looked at me confused. "You honestly didn't think I was going to let you tease me and give me all of that pleasure without giving you something in return," I whispered in his ear, moving my tongue all around it.

Wyatt was liking this side of me. I was a feisty one, and that was something that he liked when we were having sex. He just hopes that I can start being more like this from now on. It will definitely make our sex life better, even though its already amazing.

I licked all over his jaw line, and worked my way from there. I placed buttery kisses all over his neck, making the blond hunk smile, but he wasn't moaning yet, and my goal was to make him moan just as loud as he made me.

I traced my tongue all over his neck, and sucked on it hard leaving my own mark on Wyatt. I then worked my way down to his collar bone and began sucking and nipping there. I felt Wyatt's hand go on top of my head meaning he was enjoying the feeling that I was giving him right there, and I was happy to know I was satisfying him in more ways than one.

I waited for Wyatt to take his hand off of my head before I started to move lower. I liked all the sweat drops of his broad chest which were salty, but they tasted so sweet for some reason. I worked my way over to his nipples and traced them with my tongue around and around a few times before I finally took his nickel sized nipples into my mouth.

Wyatt groaned feeling me nibble and lick on his buds. Those were some of his favorite places he licked me to lick and nibble on, other than that one special place that never felt better to be licked or sucked on. Wyatt just wishes that I would stop teasing and hurry up and get there. Its hard as a rock and if he doesn't get out of those pants he's gonna explode.

Hearing Wyatt groan told me that I was getting closer to making him moan. I released his nipple out of my mouth, and took on last lick around it, before I started to move lower. I liked a trail down his abdomen and then went lower and started to lick all over his six pack, making Wyatt groan even louder and louder, the lower I went.

I finally reached Wyatt's lower area, and I knew he had been waiting for that forever. With one hand I slowly began undoing his belt, while I gently rubbed his manhood with the other. Once the belt was undone, I took it from between his pants and threw it on the floor. I then slowly began to undo his pants with my hands while I licked the big lump that was in them. I then slowly began to pull the down and saw the real size of the manhood in his boxers.

"Wow, someone has been waiting for this," I smiled.

Wanting to make the blond even harder, I slowly pulled down his boxers and threw them to the floor along with our other clothes. I nearly gasped. Wyatt was fully erect, but that wasn't going to be a problem to take in me. I took his long hard erection in my hand and slowly began to jack him off, making the twice blessed moan a little. When I saw that I was getting him to moan, I knew this would be the perfect time to start jerking him off harder and faster. The faster I went, the louder his moans went.

Knowing that my lover couldn't take anymore I decided to put him out of his misery. I slowly began inserting his cock in my mouth, making sure every inch of it touched the tip of my tongue for more pleasure. Pumping it in and out of my mouth just the way he licked it. At first I wasn't taking it all in, trying to tease Wyatt, but Wyatt started to pressed my whole head down all the way telling me he wanted me to take it all.

I started taking more and more in my mouth each time I went down, until I finally had all of his manhood going in and out of me, and Wyatt was now fucking my throat, which would be all the time. I was starting to taste the precum in my mouth from Wyatt and knew he was about to go over the edge, so I continued sucking and licking on his cock harder and faster.

Wyatt was panting heavily. I just got better and better at this each time we did it, and Wyatt just kept feeling the waves of pleasure going through his body. He started to run his hands through my hair feeling himself about to climax. He only needed something to push him over the edge.

I knew what it was. I took his cock out of my mouth only to start licking around the tip, and then I licked down from the head all the way down to his balls. I licked them a couple of times before I took them into my mouth and sucked on them even better than I did his cock.

"Evans, I'm about to cum!" Wyatt shouted.

Not wanting it to go all over my face, I let his balls out of my mouth, and quickly took his cock back in. It was but two seconds later when Wyatt came in my mouth, and I sucked it all down my throat and kept on sucking his manhood until he was fully erect again. I then kissed my way back up to Wyatt's lips. I then picked up the lube he had set down and was about to lube him up, until he aggressively flipped me over onto my back.

"My turn," he smirked.

Wyatt took no time pulling my whole body up more to the edge of the bed. Wyatt then went on the floor on his knees. I knew exactly what he was about to do, but it was too late to try to get out of it. Wyatt then threw my legs over his shoulders and started to spread my ass cheeks apart. He knew this was really going to send me over the edge, but this was payback for all the taunting that I just did. Wyatt had to have to last laugh.

Wyatt slowly started to let his tongue go around my hole. Wyatt's never thought my ass has tasted sweeter. It felts so good that I was beginning to squirm a lot so Wyatt had to use one hand to hold me down to keep me still as his tongue danced around my hole.

I could barely breath. This felt so good. Wyatt was holding me down with his hand so I couldn't move around while he was eating me out, making me give out louder moans as all the waves of pleasure went through my body. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

"Stop squirming babe," Wyatt begged. "You're not like this when I'm fucking you, I mean yeah you scream, but you don't do all this squirming," he pointed out. With that said Wyatt went back to his business and licking all over my ass.

I did my best not to squirm as Wyatt's tongue moved in me, which was very hard. Every now and then I would squirm a little but then Wyatt's hand would hold me down even harder, reminding me that it was hard for Wyatt to do what he was doing while I kept squirming around.

When Wyatt saw that I was open enough he pulled his tongue out of me and orbed the lube over to him. He thought he would give me time to relax while he lubed up one hand and used the other to lube up his dick. He wanted to get inside of me as soon as possible, and by the time he finished lubing himself up, he saw that I was relaxed enough so he could move on to the next stage.

Slowly, Wyatt started inserting his finger inside my hole. He kept probing and probing like he was searching for something. He saw that I was in pain, and waited till my cries of pain were replace with moans of pleasure, and then he knew he had hit the spot.

He then inserted a second finger and began probing even faster this time, wanting me to open up faster, and I did, and then he finally inserting a third finger. He pushed in and out looking for my prostate and he knew that he had hit it when I gave out a loud moan of pleasure. Wyatt knew I was ready then, and he just couldn't wait.

Wyatt took no time in pulling his fingers out of my and slowly started to replace them with something bigger. Not wanting to cause me any pain, Wyatt carefully started to push his manhood inside my whole. As soon as his head was in, Wyatt started to feel how tight I was, and his vision went dim for a moment, causing him to start to push in faster, and faster.

I gave out a loud cry of pain. I knew Wyatt wasn't doing this on purpose, but he was inserting his dick in me so fast that I was taking mostly pain and a little bit of pleasure.

Wyatt heard the cry and immediately stopped. "Sorry," he said. He waited for me to nod and say that it was okay for him to go ahead. Wyatt slowly started to insert the rest of him in me stopping a few times when he saw that I was in pain. Once he was in me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and to let him know I was ready for him to start riding me.

Immediately Wyatt began pumping in and out of me, and I was helping set the pace by moving my body along with his. Wyatt felt that I was so tight that he was almost about to cum when he was in me, but he was somehow able to keep himself under control so he could fuck me.

I grabbed onto the sides of the bed as I felt Wyatt pushing in and out of me. The pleasure was so good that it was almost unbearable. Wyatt was really starting to go fast now, and hard. He was going so fast that I could see sweat running down his nice chest, and I was really starting to pant, because I was going in the same speed as Wyatt. Having sex was more of a work out that going to the gym. I figured why go to the gym when I could just have sex, and lose more weight.

Wyatt then stopped all of a sudden. I thought it might have been because he came, but I didn't feel anything, and it didn't feel like he had put on a condom, so I wondered why he stopped.

"Wyatt, what's wrong," I asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," Wyatt was quick to answer not wanting me to blame myself. "You didn't do anything wrong," he said. "As a matter of fact, you're doing great, but I want to try something else," he added. "I want you to ride me. Can you do that baby?"

"Sure," I said.

Wyatt and I hadn't done this in a long time, but with everything we're both going through, I'm sure Wyatt doesn't want to do all the work in this. He pulled out of me and I got up and he lied on the bed, on his back. I stood over him, while he kept his cock in the air and waited as I came and started to place myself on it. The pain wasn't as bad since I had already been loosened up enough, so I was able to get on Wyatt's cock faster than he was inserting it in me.

Once I was settled I started bouncing up and down on my lover's cock, who by the look on his face, was enjoying watching me bounce off of him. To make things better I took my fingers and started to rub circles around Wyatt's nipples to turn him on more.

It sure was working. Wyatt could feel himself getting turned on the more and more I rubbed his nipples. Wyatt really thought this was unfair that I got to tease him while I rode him, so for payback, Wyatt started to pinch my nipples in defense. The more and more I rubbed his nipples, the harder Wyatt would pinch mine knowing how much I like it when he does that.

Soon we were at war with nipple teasing, until it started to feel so good that we both couldn't take it anymore. I felt myself about to climax, so I took one hand off of Wyatt's nipples and started to jerk myself off to make it come easier. Soon I felt myself shoot a huge load that went all over my husbands chest and stomach.

My muscles then relaxed around Wyatt's, and seeing me cum was enough to send him over the edge. Wyatt soon felt himself release five loads in my ass. Wyatt was now panting harder. I really gave him a work out that he knew he was never going to forget.

Wyatt saw that I was about to pull off of him, but he wrapped his hands around my waist and held me there. "I know you didn't think I was finished with you," he smirked. "You made a mess, now its time for you to clean it up," he said in his sexy voice.

I slowly went down to Wyatt's chest and began to lick every single place that I saw had a white spot on it. Usually Wyatt and I would go take a shower together to get this off, but this wasn't the first time he's wanted me to lick all the cum off of him. I saw a big spot of cum on his nipple so I took it in my mouth and suck on it till I could taste no more cum, making the father of my child moan.

When I was finally done, Wyatt released his grip from around my waist and let me get off his his dick. I then want and laid next to him, but felt him pull me closer to him so he could hold me. I should have known Wyatt would want to cuddle. That's something that he always wants to do after sex. I lied my head down on Wyatt's chest, making him feel like he had the world. Wyatt rested his chin on top of my head.

"Wow babe, I'm going to have to say that was amazing," he said.

"Amazing isn't good enough," I replied back. I smiled and cuddled up to him even more. There was no word to describe how much I love him.

For awhile I just stared at the ceiling. Everything that happened today started to come back to me. I don't know why, but it just all started to come to me. I was mainly thinking about what the angel of death said that if Daughtry doesn't die by tomorrow, that I will be at risk. This is going to be a tough decision to make tomorrow. If I try to save my best friend I could die, but maybe, just maybe it will save him, but if I don't try to save him, and just let him die then I would regret it for the rest of my life, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I know what I must do.

"Hey Wyatt," I whispered.

"mmm," was all he could say. Our fun really wore him out.

"Wyatt, I really need you to promise me something," I said.

"You know that I'd do anything for you baby," he said back.

"I know, but I really need you to promise me something right now," I said. " I know you're probably not going to like what I'm going to ask, but if anything happens to me please promise me that you will not walk out on the kids, and you will be there to raise them."

Wyatt immediately started to wake up. He knew just what I was thinking about and right now this was something he really didn't want to talk about. "Look Chris I know you've had a hard day, but just please go to sleep," he begged. All of this had been just as hard on him as it was me, and now I was talking about something that happened in the future.

"No Wyatt, please just promise me," I pursued.

"Look, Chris nothing is going to happen to you okay," Wyatt said firmly. He was getting frustrated about this. "You and I are going to raise our kids together and everything is going to be fine, understand," he angrily said. "Now end of discussion," he finished pulling my head even closer to his chest and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I expected Wyatt to act this way, and I couldn't blame anyone for it but myself. I mean I have been the one dragging him through the mud with all of this, and he had just about every right to be angry with me, but I really needed this out of him more than anything right now. I knew if anything happened to me, whether it be now or fourteen years from now, I didn't want Wyatt to walk out on our kids, and I know that Wyatt wouldn't break a promise, so by making him promise this, I knew I could trust that he wouldn't do it, even if I was dead.

"Wyatt please," I pleaded. "Just please promise me this one thing," I kept asking. "I love you and I really need to hear those words. That if something happens to me you won't walk out on the kids."

Wyatt really did love me and if it meant doing something for me out of love then Wyatt would do it. "I promise," he finally whispered.

With those words said, I knew that I could do what I had to do, without any regrets about what would happen. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me and I know its going to be hard. It wasn't too much longer before I drifted off to sleep.


My eyes opened, and I looked to my side to see that Wyatt was fast asleep. Wyatt sure was a hard sleeper. I could have been yelling in his face right now and he wouldn't wake up, but for some reason if I tried to sneak out of bed, he would know. I guess it must be the body heat. It was hard for me to get up to go to the bathroom, because I would always feel Wyatt's hand pull me right back into be whenever I got out.

I knew because of that I was going to have to be real careful getting out of bed right now. This was something that I had to do. I know its going against Wyatt in every way, but I will not be able to live with myself if I don't do something about my best friend.

Wyatt had his arms around me, so I slowly and carefully wiggled out of them. Wyatt made a little moan scaring me a little, but he didn't wake up. I quietly got out of the bed and tip toed over to the drawer. I grabbed some clothes that I hadn't worn in a long time. It was the same black shirt and leather pants that I used to hunt down a demon that killed my adopted mother.

I heard Wyatt give out a louder groan, making me jump. I was scared that he had caught me, but when I looked back, I saw that he had turned over on the bed and he was lying on his stomach now. I smiled thinking about how Wyatt always rolls around in the bed. He's rolled on top of me so many times that I lost count after the first two years we've been married. Its a wonder why I'm always up in the middle of the night. He's always on top of me.

Looking at Wyatt all that time just felt like I was looking at an angel. Wyatt looked so cute right now. If I could, I would just get back into bed with him and cuddle up with him even more, but I can't. There is something that I have to do.

I sneaked out of the room, only to get in the hallway so I could dress myself. I knew if I tried in the bedroom, it would make to much noise and Wyatt would definitely see that I was up to something, and it wouldn't take him too long to figure out what it was.

Once I was dressed I stepped right back into the bedroom to see myself in the mirror. The person who was staring back at me in the mirror was a person who I never thought I'd see again. A person out for revenge, the way I was a long time ago when I first wore this. I was young and I had only turned eighteen that week and I didn't even know what I was doing. So why am I going back to that old person, was the question I had to ask myself. Maybe because this demon was the one who killed my real mother.

I took one last look back at Wyatt. He had actually rolled back onto his back. Thank goodness he still hasn't felt that my body presence wasn't there or else I'd be in trouble. I slowly walked up to the bed and stood over Wyatt where he was laying. I knelt down and placed a kiss on his lips, causing the blond to lick his lips in his sleep.

I turned back around and left out of the room. I went to all of the kids rooms and gave them a kiss on their foreheads. I know they're too young to understand this. Just like I was, but hopefully when they grow up, they'll find it in their hearts to forgive me.

After going back to the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror one last time, I knew that there was something that my outfit was missing to be complete. That something was at the manor, and I was going to have to be really careful if I wanted to get it.

Orbing over to the upstairs part of the manor, I looked both left and right to make sure that no one could see me. I walked over to the master bedroom of the house. Even though Piper and Leo are probably in a deep sleep I know the will wake up easily unlike Wyatt, so before I went into the room, I went into my pocket and pulled out some sleep dust. I this could make anyone sleep through anything. Even there on death. I remember Wyatt using it to help me sleep sometimes when I would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares. I know he probably isn't going to like the way I'm using this, but I have to.

When I entered into the room of Piper and Leo, I saw that my entrance caused them to instantly start to wake up. Before they could sit up and see that it was me who was there, I held out my hand and blew the sleep dust right at them, putting them right back to sleep faster than a sleeping peel could. I felt bad about this. I never liked using magic on my family. Especially since it was because of them I even knew who my real mother was.

I went straight into the closet and searched for what I needed. As I went through their closet I saw that they had a lot of clothes. Piper has still kept all her clothes from when she was still a Charmed One, which doesn't surprise me. That's why I was hoping that what I was looking for was in there, and a few seconds later after searching I found that it was, and I pulled it off the hanger that they had it on.

It was my mother's leather jacket. It wasn't just any old leather jacket of hers. It was the one that she died in. Piper told me it wasn't too long after she died that Piper took it upon herself to wear the jacket because it was now her duty to be the eldest Charmed One. That's why I was hoping more than anything that the jacket would still be in her closet and I was right. I knew Piper wouldn't throw out anything of my mother's. That's really all she had left in memory of her, was her stuff.

I looked at the black leather jacket, and it wasn't hard for me to tell that it was old, but it was still good. I slipped it on around my arms, and for a split second there I could feel my mother's touch. I can't describe it really. It was like, I felt that she was right here. I know her spirit is, but this felt a little different. It felt like I was in her body.

This was exactly what I needed to complete my outfit. It might not have been much but it was something that would let me know that my mother was still there. I just wish I could talk to her in person right now, and not in spirit, and ask her why she made the choice that she did.

There was really no time right now for me to think about all that. Right now I had something that I had to do. It couldn't wait any longer. I left the room, and went out to check on Daughtry, because I knew he was probably still staying at the manor. I orbed downstairs wanting to be as quiet as I could so that no one would hear me. I had to remember that I didn't have enough dust to keep Chris and Peter asleep. When I looked down at the couch, Daughtry was not there. All that was there was a piece of paper, that had my name on it. I picked it up seeing it was a letter from Daughtry.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you do this to Wyatt or your kids. By the time you read this letter, Shax will have probably already taken my life. Please don't be mad, but I just couldn't let you die and your daughter turn evil all for the sake of me. You've been my best friend for a long time Chris, and I can't say that there would be anyone else that has been a better friend to me than you, but now its time for you to be without me. I can't always be there Chris. If the Death Angel says its my time then it is. I'm sorry, and let Wyatt and the rest of the family know that I thank them for all their kindness towards me in this time.

Your best friend always,


I pulled the letter down from my face. I couldn't believe Daughtry was really going to do this, but there might still be a chance that he's alive and I might be able to save him. I held the letter for a long time, and then I finally started to feel a pain in my stomach and I started to get a bad headache. I was having a premonition. At first I didn't know how, but then I remembered that Richard has that power and he's in my stomach right now. I didn't get much out of the premonition, but I saw exactly where Daughtry had went to, and when he was going to meet up with Shax. I still had time. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my sunglasses and put them on. I then ran out of the manor to where I knew I would find Daughtry.


Daughtry had been walking the streets for a long time. When he left the Halliwell manor it was midnight and the sun was starting to rise. He wanted to make sure that he got as far away from the manor as possible. He didn't want anyone to interfere this time. Not the sisters, not Wyatt and Chris, and not even me. This is something he has to do by himself. This was something that he's been waiting for and he won't allow anyone to stand in his way of it. He knew that if I knew about what he was doing, I would instantly be trying to stop him, and if I couldn't stop him, I would try to stop Shax, and if that didn't work I would get myself killed in the process and Daughtry wasn't going to let that happen. He's already almost lost me, and he saw how Wyatt reacted to it, and he doesn't want Wyatt yelling at me anymore. Especially if its for something that he's done.

The man could tell already that Wyatt didn't like him because of what was going on, but Daughtry didn't care if Wyatt liked him or not anymore. All he cared about was my well being, and Wyatt could be made at him till he was red in the face, but when it came to me, Daughtry was going to do whatever he had to do to protect me. Even if that meant losing his life in the process.

Daughtry finally came to a stop. He wanted to make sure that he was really in the middle of nowhere. The man didn't want anyone to be able to find him or see him what so ever.

He looked around once more to make sure that the place was empty before he shouted. "Alright Shax come on, its just me and you," he taunted. "No tricks this time, and I can promise you that! If you want me come and get me! You killed my family, you've taken away so much from me, but I won't allow you to take my best friend! You hear me! You're not taking anyone else from me ever again! If you want to fight someone, how about you get your ass out here and try to fight me! I'm not afraid of you, even if it means that I might die! You think you're so big and bad because you're the source's assassin huh! Well you know what, you're nothing. You're just a big bully who goes around picking on weak witches and mortals! So why don't you come out and pick on somebody your own size!" With that said Daughtry waited for the tornado of death to come.

And soon it did. The tornado had come twirling in, even bigger than it had ever been in the millions of times that Daughtry had seen it. At first he was scared, but he swallowed it up and remembered that he was doing this for me. In the long run, it would all be worth it, because he would have made it so that I could be with my family.

Soon after the tornado had cleared and there was Shax. He looked from left to right to make sure that Daughtry was being true to his word right now with no one being around. He could never be too sure since the last few times, he saw that he was ambushed by Charmed Ones, and though he said that he was going to take them down right now he wasn't up for it. All he wanted right now was the Phoenix that was standing in front of him.

"Well, well, looks like we meet again," Shax said. "And I see that you're little Charmed friends aren't around. What happened, did they find out that you were a Phoenix, and they don't trust you anymore?"

Daughtry really got irritated easily by the words of the assassin. Just about every time the guy spoke it was something to piss him off, but Daughtry knew not to let his anger get the best of him or else Shax wins, even though Daughtry knows this might be his time to die, but he still wants to go out winning the war even though he knows he might lose he battle. He wants to go out having fought bravely against the demon that killed his family,.

"No, its just me and you," Daughtry gritted through his teeth. "You might think that just because they're not here means they're not my friends, but I've got news for you Shax, they are my friends, and I know they always will be, which is more than you can say because you don't have any. Not even the Source would want to be your friend with how much of a pain you are!"

Shax has had enough with the talk. He came here to do one thing and that was to take out this Phoenix and that's what he was going to do. Shax conjured up an energy ball and hurled it straight at the Phoenix, who was quick to jump in the air and dodge it before the demon had time to conjure another one and send it his way again.

Daughtry conjured his own energy ball and sent it straight at the demon, who was immediately struck in the chest and cried out in pain. Daughtry knew that he had done some damage. This was the first time he's actually really hurt Shax, but then before he dies, he wants to make sure he goes out fighting the best that he could and not just fighting like a coward.

Getting really frustrated the demon then conjured even more energy ball and kept sending them to the way of the Phoenix. Getting more stirred up when he dodged them. "Hold still so I can blast you," the angry assassin yelled as he sent more and more energy balls at the demon, but the Phoenix was still quick and was able to dodge every single energy ball that was thrown at him.

The assassin was really starting to get annoyed but then he saw that the Phoenix was getting real tired and soon he would be too tired out to continue the fight so he continued hurling energy balls hit, but not with as much energy. Tossing them about more and more, the assassin just kept waiting patiently while the Phoenix wore himself out.

Daughtry kept dodging everything that was thrown at him. He was surprised with how much he was dodging. He has never been able to dodge this much from any demon. Especially the Source's assassin. Daughtry kept on until he started to feel himself ware down. The more balls that were thrown at him, the more tired he got. Daughtry knew he wasn't going to be able to take this much longer. It wasn't too much longer before he tried jumping but wasn't fast enough and got hit with an energy ball, causing him to go to the ground.

Shax smirked, seeing as he had Daughtry in the position that he wanted him in. Shax conjured up one of his electric balls and sent it straight at Daughtry, hitting the Phoenix directly in the chest. Daughtry went flying high in the air before he hit the ground. Seeing the Phoenix was gasping for breath, and knew that he didn't have much life in him, the assassin started moving in closer towards the Phoenix that was lying helplessly on the ground.

Once he was standing over the weak Phoenix, Shax felt victorious. He had finally won. He had killed the family, and now there was nothing or no one who could take his happiness away from him right now. This was more than a victory. Someone who he's been trying to kill for so long, is about to die at his hands, and his hands alone.

Shax conjured up one last electric ball. This was the end. He had finally won, and there was nothing or no one that could stop him now. First the Phoenix, and then the Charmed Ones. Shax was just about ready to throw the energy ball at the Phoenix, when he all of a sudden felt him self flying across the air. When he got up he saw that I was standing there. Shax then got a weird feeling in his shoulder. Like he's met me before. It wasn't just all those times that I interfered with Daughtry, but he felt likes he's actually faced me before.

"Why don't you pick on a being your on size," I grunted at the demon. I saw him looking at me as though he knew me and was trying to figure out where. I guess he probably doesn't know its because of him that my life has changed.

"One question," he said. "Why are you so bent on hunting me down," he asked. "I know you're a Charmed One, but I'm sure you have other demons to hunt down. So why are you after me?" I can't believe that Shax just asked me that question. Him asking me that made me just want to conjure up an athame and stab him in the chest a thousand times and make him feel the pain that I've felt for so long. I know he probably isn't going to figure it out so I might as well tell him so he knows the reason why I want to vanquish him so bad.

"You really want to know," I spoke more. I looked the demon dead in the eyes. I hated him so much. There was no one or anything that I hated more than him right now. "You killed my mother," I stated to him. I felt my throat lump up, making me want to cry, but I couldn't. That would be showing weakness to the demon and that's not something I'm willing to do.

Shax then knew exactly why I looked and acted so familiar. Shax had to admit, Prue was one of the best fighters or witches he's ever come in contact with, especially since she was a Charmed One. He has no regret for killing her because she was very powerful. No telling how much more powerful she would have gotten if Shax hadn't of killed her then.

"Well'll be joining her soon," he replied.

"If you want me come and get me," I challenged. I then took off running. I knew just how to provoke the demon to come after me. I wanted to get him as far away from Daughtry as I could. Things were not really looking up, and I didn't want Daughtry to get hurt in the process.

The demon did just what I wanted him too, and turned into his tornado form and began to follow me. This was just like the time he killed my mother. This was going to be a piece of cake for him since he's chasing after only one Charmed One and not all three of them, and now that he knows he's killed my mother, he knows that he is very capable of killing me just as easily. He sees me walking into the same trap as her and that's just what he wants.

Daughtry was still lying there, worn out from the fight. It had taken a lot out of him, and after all that trouble he had gone through, everything still ended up the wrong way. Now Shax was chasing me and Daughtry knows that he has to get to me before Shax does or else it might mean my death. The angel of Death did say that today was going to start putting my life in jeopardy and not to mention that my child was too.

Daughtry then just gave up hope. There was no way he was going to be able to stop me from being hurt by Shax. I was too far away for him to go chase after me, and there was no telling where I had went. Daughtry could only hope, that Wyatt or someone else gets to me before Shax does.

As Daughtry continued to lay there he the saw a bright light. It was supernatural, causing the phoenix to stand up and look to see that it was a bright orb coming his way. He had never seen anything like this before. The light was almost brighter than the sun.

When the orb had finally landing it formed into a woman. She was tall with dark hair, and had a mole in an unusual place. Daughtry swears he has seen her before but doesn't know where.

The woman smiled at him saying, "hello Daughtry," she said. The woman started to slowly walk towards the man who she didn't know, but had heard so much about she felt like they were old friends.

Daughtry immediately started to back up. This all seemed too strange. A beautiful woman comes out of the sky and shines like the sun. At first Daughtry thought he was dead, but he couldn't be right now. If he was he wouldn't have seen that whole interaction between Shax and I.

"Who are you and how do you know my name," he asked backing up so fast he didn't see the bump on the ground and immediately fell backwards, but he was still crawling away from the woman, who he still didn't know why she was there. Even though she might have not looked harmful, Daughtry still had to keep guard up. Sometimes the things are don't look dangerous are the most dangerous things you'll ever see.

The woman got even closer to Daughtry, to the point of where the wasn't any space near them. She was now practically standing over the man. "I know this all seems a little strange to you, but trust me I'm not here to do you any harm. I just wanted to tell you thanks for protecting Chris," she said.

My name was enough to make Daughtry figure out who the woman was. He couldn't believe this. She looked better in person than she did in all of those pictures of her that he's seen. "You're Chris' mom, Prue," he stated.

The woman nodded and knelt down to where Daughtry was and ran her hands around his face to let him know that her touch couldn't harm him and he was safe. "I am," she said. "I know you've always been looking out for my son and guided him in tough times, and I couldn't say thank you enough," she pointed out. "But there's something that you have to do," she spoke with a change of tone. "You can't let Chris die, whatever happens or else the future Charmed generation will not be able to make the power of six," she stated.

"But how," the man asked in despiration. "I've tried to stop him from getting in the way so many times, I just don't know what to do anymore. I mean even the Angel of Death can't stop Evans when he's determined on something."

"I think you know the answer to that," she replied. "I know its not going to be easy, believe me I do, but you have to stop him, and that's all I can tell you. I have to go now, the elders only let me come down here to tell you that," she said as she turned back into white orbs and began ascending back to the sky.

"But wait!" Daughtry called after the woman. "I have so many questions to ask," he yelled, but no matter how loud he was the orbs were still going up to the sky, leaving the poor Phoenix there by himself to make the hardest decision that he ever had to make.

Daughtry had a real tough choice to make. Was this something he wanted to do. No it wasn't, but Daughtry learned a long time ago that there's not always choices in the decisions that are made. If there was a choice in everything, then then the world would be a happier place.

A tear came down his cheek as he thought about what he had to do. This wasn't going to be easy but he had to do it. For the world's sake and not just mine or his. All of this stop being about just me and him a long time ago. Now its about the future and well being of my family. If Daughtry doesn't do this, then the whole world is at risk of being devastated, and Daughtry knows that his life isn't worth the whole world's.

Daughtry took one last thought about his memories with me, and how much this was going to change me. He was in my wedding and I would always go to his house when Wyatt and I had a fight, and then he was the one who would always give me advice on my marriage. Daughtry knows that if it weren't for him, lots of things would be wrong, and that's why this makes everything so difficult. The Phoenix only wishes he could go back and fix the outcome so that it would work out for everyone.

The first thing he would do is fix it all from the start and bring back his family. That's where it all started. If they hadn't of died, Daughtry would have never gone on that little hunt for Shax and finally found him, and provoking him to come after him the way he did. He wished that he could fix things to where he could be married and have a family by now and that he would at least have someone to call family, but he then moved that thought out of his mind, because he knew that I had and always will love him as a brother, and he feels the same way. Thinking about all this reminded him of something that I had told him, that my mother told me. Everything happens for a reason. That must be why his family died. There had to be a reason behind it, even though the young Phoenix did not understand.

Daughtry pulled out his wallet, and took out the one picture he had left of his family. The only thing was he wasn't in it. He was in New York when they all had taken this picture. It was probably the only time his mom and dad had put aside their differences so they could all spend on family day together. Bianca was in the middle of the picture. If Daughtry had only knew that his and Bianca's days were so few he would have stayed in California. How he's missed seeing his sister, and he was sure that she missed him too, but when there is a divorce he couldn't help what happened. He had to go with his father or else he would have been lonely.

The phoenix pulled out his wallet again only to pull out a picture that he's kept with him for even longer than he's kept his family picture. It was a picture of me and him. It was just before we both went up to New York and I was still pregnant with his goddaughter Patricia. Its because of things like this, Daughtry is going to do what he has to do.

He put the picture back in his wallet and teleported to where he knew he could catch up with me and Shax. If only things were different, were the Phoenix's last thoughts.


I continued to run, and the tornado was not too far behind me. He had been trailing on my ass for a long time, and I'm surprised neither one of us has tired out, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up and let this asshole win. He had to pay for what he did, and I was going to make sure he did, even if it meant losing my life to make sure that he knew the pain he caused on my.

I ran around the corner of Prescott street and I froze right there. It was a good angle to see the manor from. What was scary was that, the house looked abandoned, just like Chris' premonition said it did. All of the cars where gone. There wasn't a sign of life in that manor. I don't know what is going on. Its not like Piper, Leo, Chris, and Peter to just get up and leave the manor without something bad going on. This was really starting to scare me. If things were going the way they were in Chris' premonition, then I was in trouble.

The tornado started coming right behind me. I could hear its rumbling and knew that I better get to putting my plan into action before the demon catches up to me and stops me before I get a chance to even try it.

I quickly began running up the stairs as fast as I could, and the tornado was still not too far behind me. The wind was getting so close to me that I could feel myself almost being pulled back to Shax. I had to retaliate some way. I had almost forgot that I could control the weather, and since I'm pregnant, I do have the power of wind. I turned around and blew a big breath, pushing the tornado all the way back down to the bottom of the stairs. I knew that wasn't going to do much but at least it would slow him down.

I turned back around and went through the door of the manor. I looked around the whole place. It looked like no one really lived here. Like the whole family had just left it. The more and more I thought about it, the more and more scared I began to get.

I couldn't get scared now. I had to put my plan into action. I didn't come this far only to stop now. My whole plan had been to bring Shax back to the manor and face him like my mother did. Only this time, I wouldn't fail. I know how crazy it sounds with it being in Chris' premonition, but this was the only way I could think if facing the monster. There was no other way I could picture facing him, then trying to take him on like my mother did.

Soon the tornado of Shax came in. Stuff started flying everywhere, but I made sure to stand my ground. This was it. The moment that I had been waiting for. Shax' tornado finally died down and there he appeared once more like always. The monster who killed my mother. "Ready to die, just like your mother," he smirked at me, sounding confident.

"I was born ready," I replied. I had a his vanquishing spell in my pocket, and I knew that I was going to need to power of three to do it, but I was hoping that with me and the baby, that would be enough to stop him. I felt my hand reaching for the spell in my pocket, but then it froze. I started to feel a big pain in my stomach that wouldn't allow me to move my arm anymore. I didn't know why the pain was coming now, but it was very intense. I ground my teeth together to stop my from crying out in pain.

Looking up, Shax was already conjuring his electric ball. There was nothing I could do to counter it, because I couldn't move my arms since I was in so much pain. I guess this is the end of me. I'm ready to take it all. I closed my eyes, as I took one last look and saw Shax hurling his electric ball at me.

"NOOOOO!" A voice shouted. I opened my eyes to see that the voice was Daughtry, jumping over the couches and coming my way. Daughtry had remembered better than anyone that Chris' premonition took place at the manor, and something had told him to go there. The man quickly pushed me as hard as he could out of the way into the wall making me hit it so hard that I was knocked out, and took the big jolt of energy himself, getting himself sent back into the walls so hard that his body just went through it. There he laid with a big puddle of blood coming out of his head. He had fulfilled his destiny. His life was gone.

Chris and Wyatt had just orbed in quick enough to see me lying on the ground, and Daughtry lying in a pool of blood, and Shax standing there smirking at what he had just done. Wyatt grunted and flicked his wrist hit the demon so hard that it sent the demon back to the wall. If I was hurt Wyatt would make this demon pay so bad that he wished he had never met the Charmed Ones.

Chris seeing Shax on the ground took this opportunity to orb crystals around Shax, trapping him in a crystal cage. Chris looked around once more to still see me on the ground and Daughtry covered in a pool of blood. He knew this was going to happen. Little did I know that Chris had read the letter that Daughtry wrote and immediately called Wyatt and Wyatt told him that I was gone too. They both thought about Chris' premonition and immediately went into action and told everyone to leave the house, and they both made sure that the kids were safe before they orbed over here, hoping to get here before all three of us.

"Looks like we're too late," Chris said. All he saw was that I was on the ground. He really didn't know what happened. Didn't know if I was dead or alive. This is what scared him the most.

Wyatt looked at me and he could still feel me for some reason. "Maybe not yet," Wyatt said to his brother. "You check on Daughtry and see if he's able to be healed and I'll check on Chris," Wyatt told him.

Wyatt and Chris looked at each other and nodded and both went to their spots. Chris put his hands over Daughtry and tried to heal him, while Wyatt put his hands on my neck to check if I was still breathing. When nothing happened, Chris knew that Daughtry was gone.

"He's dead Wyatt," Chris said getting up and running over to where Wyatt was kneeling. "What about Evans, is he..." Chris couldn't get all the words out. He didn't want it to be true. If it was he didn't know how life was going to go on without me.

"No," Wyatt shook his head. "He's just out cold," Wyatt told him.

Chris nodded happy that I was okay, but he then started to panic again almost forgetting that I was pregnant, and I had just taken a hard fall, and that fall could have cost me the baby. "Wyatt, what about the baby," Chris pointed out.

Suddenly Wyatt started to get worried. He then went feeling around in my stomach to see if he could feel the baby kicking, but he felt nothing. He then started to panic inside, but wasn't showing it on the outside. He knew that if he did, Chris would too, and that's not what they should be doing right now. Wyatt moved his hand to the top part of my stomach to see if he could feel the baby's heart beat, but he still felt nothing. Wyatt had then started to assume that I had just lost the baby from the big fall. Next thing he knew he started to feel a big pain in his head and he started to shake.


Wyatt saw himself carrying the baby in his arms. Wyatt didn't know where he was but it felt like heaven. He had his son in his arms and that's all that mattered. Things couldn't get any better than this. The boy looked so beautiful. He looked just like Wyatt, and there were some features that he had from me, but it was mostly all Wyatt, and at the the blond smiled.

Then the premonition fast forwarded to the boy all of a sudden being five, and Wyatt was playing with him in the park. Wyatt was chasing the boy around. They must have been playing hide and seek or tag or something because the little boy was teasing Wyatt on how he couldn't catch him, while Wyatt looked over and saw me and a few of the other kids sitting down and looking on.

Next it went to him being a twelve year old. Wyatt found himself in an auditorium. His son was in a school play. Wyatt was so proud of him, just like any father would be of any son. He looked over and saw me sitting next to him, holding his hand like we always did. This showed that we were all still a family, and Wyatt looked to his left to see his other sons sitting next to him.

Next place Wyatt found himself was at the manor. He was standing in the foyer waiting for something with me. In front of him was a big birthday cake that said 'Happy Birthday' on it, but how old was Richard this time. When Wyatt so the young man pass through the door, he saw that the guy was now sixteen. Richard came over to the both of us and gave us a big hug at the same time and told us that he loved us.

End of Premonition......

"Wyatt! Wyatt!" Chris kept calling. This was really starting to scare the brunette. He had been calling his brother for a long time, but he got no answer from him, and now he was beginning to get scared because I was still lying on the ground and he didn't know what happened.

Wyatt finally snapped out of the premonition and looked back at his brother and smiled. "The baby's okay," Wyatt said. To see that premonition was everything that the blond needed to know that everything was going to be okay, and that thing were going to work out fine even though there has just been a tragedy.

"Umm...Wyatt," Chris said again. "I think I know the baby is going to be okay," he said. The blond was confused. How could he know that the baby was going to be okay, unless he saw that same premonition that Wyatt did. "Wyatt, unless Chris fell into some water, I think this might mean what I think it means," Chris said pointing out to Wyatt that my leather pants were all wet signaling one thing.

Wyatt couldn't believe this was happening now. I was out could and this pain wasn't waking me up, and it didn't look like it was going to. "Chris, we've got to get the baby out of him now!" Wyatt panicked.

"We can't," Chris said back. "If we try to get the baby out of him, he could wake up and see us, and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't look good after being out cold for awhile, to see your brother and husband opening up your stomach.

"Don't worry about it Christopher," Wyatt said back. "If we don't get the baby out of him soon, he could die, and this time its serious. I know he only has a certain amount of time and we can't wait for him to wake up or else it might be too late," the blond spoke. The brunette agreed with him. "Dad!" Wyatt called for Leo, knowing it was going to have to be him to do the whole thing, because even though they've been through this so many times, Wyatt still doesn't know how to do this right, and its always been his father to do it.

Soon Leo orbed in with Paige. They had been at magic school with the kids, and the future people who were a little scared about what was happening. All Leo heard was his eldest son calling for him, and it really sounded important, and since Leo couldn't orb anymore he asked Paige to bring him here.

Leo looked around and saw that Daughtry was in a pool of blood, and I was lying on the wall motionless. Right then the father of three started thinking the worst of the situation. "Wyatt, what's going on?" He asked anxiously. "Are they...," he asked referring to me and Daughtry.

Wyatt knew that his father was thinking, and the blond wanted to make sure he didn't faint because they needed him right now. "Chris is fine," Wyatt told his father. "But Daughtry," Wyatt shook his head. He couldn't find the strength to say the words and he knew I was going to have a hard time dealing with it when I woke up.

The former whitelighter nodded. If there's one thing that he learned from being with the Charmed Ones for so long its that they can't save everyone. Premonitions aren't always suppose to help save an innocent, but to sometimes warn them of what may come.

"What do you guys need," Leo asked.

"Chris is in labor," Wyatt was quick to speak.

Leo quickly knew what that meant. "Chris, you remember what to get me," he asked his youngest who nodded and then quickly took off to the kitchen. Leo was sad about Daughtry's death, but happy to see that he was about to be a grandpa again of a new child. He believes that once one door closes another one opens. Leo began to rub my stomach, and even though Wyatt wasn't able to feel the kicking at first, Leo was immediately able to feel it. He couldn't believe this baby was ready to come out.

Soon his youngest returned with all the supplies need to do the whole thing to bring out the baby. Leo took the knives from Chris knowing this was going to be hard to do without trying to wake me up.

"Alright guys lets do this," Leo told his sons.


I was sitting on a bench that was floating on clouds. I didn't even know how I got here. Last thing I remember was seeing Daughtry push me out of the way of Shax' attack and that was all. Wait a minute. Maybe he wasn't able to push me out of it in time. I started to think that I was dead. I felt miserable. I can't believe that I had failed my family. To make it worse I might have just lost the baby. There goes everything that we all worked so hard for. Now Patty is going to turn evil and Wyatt might walk out on the kids even though he promised me that he wouldn't.

I was snapped out of my grief when I felt a person come and sit next to me on the bench. I didn't know who it could have been. Maybe it was my mother welcoming me here. When I looked up I didn't see my mother. I had seen someone that I was hoping wouldn't be up here. I was staring into the face of my best friend, Daughtry. I can't believe he's up here, but is it him that's dead or me, or is it both of us who died.

"Hello Evans," he smiled.

"Daughtry," I replied. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "What am I doing up here," I added.

"Its my time Evans," was what he said. This was harder for Daughtry to tell me this then it was for me to listen. Daughtry didn't want to die, but he knew if he didn't then I would have and so would my new born baby. Daughtry had to take the fall for me or else things would have been worse. "I know you don't understand this, but in time you will, but this is where I belong," he stated.

"What do you mean this is where you belong," I asked not believing what he was saying. This was all beginning to become to much for me to handle. I couldn't believe it. Not only had I failed, but I lost my best friend.

"I mean that this is my home now," Daughtry explained. "I've lived a great life and now its time for me to leave the Earth," he went on. "My journey down there is complete, and now its time for me to join my family and be up here with them. Its been good knowing you."

"No, no you can't Daughtry, you can't go," I pleaded with a lump in my throat. "You're the best friend I've ever had," I stated. "What am I suppose to do without you?"

Daughtry got up and pulled me into a hug knowing that I was going to react this way. I am still having a hard time dealing with my mother's death and the last thing I needed was another person to die in my life, but it had to happen. "I'm sorry Chris, you've been the best friend I've ever had, and I will always be with you," he promised. "You might not be able to see me, but I'll always be there for you," he said. "Be strong like I would want you to," he told me. "Look to Wyatt and know that he loves you so much and so do you're children. You have a heart of pure gold Chris. Let it shine and brighten up the world like you're brightened up mine," he told me.

"You know I was told that people come into my life for a reason, and that maybe true, but I know that I am the person, and I have the life I do, because you have been in my life," I told him.

"Thank you Chris," Daughtry pulled away. "You don't know how much that means to me, and I would like to tell you that even though we might never see each other again, I want to let you know that a lot of me is made of what I learned from you, and I don't know what I would have done without you," he told me.

I could see that he was about to leave but I couldn't let him go without asking him for one last favor. "Daughtry wait," I called. "I wanted to ask you to forgive me for causing you so much trouble to get to this point," I told him.

"You've never disappointed me Chris," Daughtry told me. "Never once, and there's nothing to forgive you for." With that said Daughtry began to walk away until he just disappeared into nothing.

End of Dream.....

I woke up and felt that I wasn't laying on the floor. I was lying on something more soft. It didn't take me too long to see that I was on the couch. I guessed Wyatt must have moved me from there and put me on the couch of the manor. My mind rushed onto Daughtry. I was hoping that what I saw just now was a dream and only a dream and that he was walking around here somewhere.

A few seconds later, Wyatt was standing over me smiling, happy that I had finally waken up. "Thank goodness you're awake," he said pulled my whole upper body into the tightest hug that he's ever pulled me into. He was so happy that I had recovered and I wasn't injured that badly. "Come on now Chris, we have to say the spell," Wyatt said grabbing my arm and legs and carrying me bridal style.

As he continued to carry me, I saw him pass Daughtry's body. I couldn't believe it. So I was not dreaming at all. Daughtry really was gone. My best friend was gone for good. I wasn't able to save him. My powers weren't enough. Looks like Shax did win after all.

Wyatt had finally reached the front of the manor where Shax was still standing in front of the cage. Chris was already there waiting for us, and he had the spell in his hands. Wyatt felt that it was safe enough to set me down. "Come on Chris, we have to say the spell and end this," Wyatt told me.

"But Daughtry," I looked over at his body.

"He's gone Chris," Wyatt said pulling me close to him. "There's nothing we can do about it, but if you don't say the spell Shax is still going to be capable of killing more innocents."

My mind quickly went away from Shax. My body went from sad and hurt to anger and hatred that I had towards Shax. The monster has taken everything away from me. My mother, my life, and my best friend. I looked on with Wyatt and Chris who knelt down to let me see the spell. "Evil wind that blows, that which forms below, no longer will you dwell, death takes you with this spell," we all chanted. Shax then started to feel a pain in his body as he spun around and soon he was blown into just ashes.

With that done I looked down to see my stomach was its normal size. That wasn't good. "Wyatt," I stared at my husband. "What happened to the baby," I asked scared that I lost it in the battle.

"He's fine," Wyatt assured me. "Dad!" Wyatt called.

Leo then walked in with a little baby boy in his hands that he had close to his chest and was cuddling him gently seeing as he was just born. The baby was sleep, after having been rocked so much and so gently. Leo walked over to me and handed the baby to me saying, "congratulations, its a boy," he said.

I looked down at the baby. He looked just like Wyatt. I was happy to see that he made it out alive through all of this. I only wish that I hadn't of lost a friend in the process. I can't believe this really happened. I gave the baby to Wyatt and walked over to Daughtry's body to see that he was really dead.

I knelt down and ran my hands over his face. The body looked so empty. I couldn't hold it back anymore I just broke down crying harder than I ever had. This hurt so bad. A piece of my heart was missing. Daughtry was a part of my heart and that part could not be replaced with nothing or no one.

I soon felt Wyatt come on kneel down next to me and pull me closer as Leo came and put covers over the body. Wyatt could feel how much this hurt me. He began rubbing my back to sooth me more but it wasn't working much. "Shh, its okay Chris, I'm here," Wyatt whispered in my ear. Wyatt felt so bad for me. He knew how close Daughtry and I were. Wyatt is really starting to feel bad for how jealous he's been of the guy and he hasn't always treated the guy right. Wyatt knew this was going to be hard.

"Wyatt," Chris whispered to him softly so that I couldn't hear. "You need to get him home," Chris advised. "Its not good for him to be here right now," Chris stated. Chris was really thinking of my well being. He knew that the longer I stayed in the manor the worse things were going to get. "I'll take care of the kids, you just get him home," Chris told his eldest brother holding baby Richard in his hands, who Wyatt had given him before he came over to me.

Wyatt nodded in agreement. He knew that Chris was right that I shouldn't be here right now. This was really going to take some time, and he knew I was going to need him now more than ever.


Wyatt had finally orbed us back to our house after struggling with me so hard to leave. He then carried me over to the bed room and laid me down gently in the bed seeing that I was still crying and I hadn't stopped ever since I saw that he was gone. "Lay down okay, babe," he sighed. "I'm going to check on the kids," Wyatt told me. Wyatt didn't want to leave me alone for too long so he only stepped outside of the bedroom and left the door open a crack so he could hear me, and make sure that I was okay. Wyatt dialed Chris' number to check on new born Richard Leo Halliwell and the other kids, and found out that they were all okay, and on a better note, Chris told Wyatt that future Patty had changed into her good form, so that must mean they succeeded. Wyatt hung up the phone and went back in the bedroom to see that I had stopped crying for a second. He saw that my body was turned the opposite direction from his, so he couldn't see what I was doing. Wyatt then crawled in the bed with me and got right up against me, and saw that I was holding a picture of me and Daughtry. It was the same picture that he was looking at today. "Evans," Wyatt whispered. Wyatt was tired and he needed to get some sleep. Today had been a hard day, but he couldn't. He had to watch me, because he knows I'm real vulnerable at times like this.

"He's really gone isn't he," I whispered back at Wyatt as I began to cry again. I wasn't just crying about Daughtry though. "Why do the elders take so much from me," I cried. "My mom, my brother, Trevor, and now my best friend," I continued crying so much.

Wyatt was doing the best he could to sooth me. This was beginning to really get to him. "Wanna talk about it," he asked. Wyatt has never lost anyone that close to him, and was really having a hard time understanding how I was dealing with it all, and trying to figure out what I needed and what he had to do to take care of me the best he could.

"Thanks," I said to him.

"For what," Wyatt asked.

"For being there when I really needed you," I replied looking into Wyatt's blue eyes. His eyes were so beautiful that I don't know why I haven't noticed how nice they were until I was in a troubled time. Today was the day that I finally realized just how important Wyatt is to me. I couldn't be going through this alone. That's what makes this so hard. I usually have Daughtry here to help me through times like this, but now that he's gone I don't know.

"I always be there for you," he said to me softly. Wyatt pulled me into a deep hug and held me tightly. He let his hands roam my back only to comfort me because he knew that I needed to be held and comforted a lot right now. Especially after losing someone so close to me.

After being held for awhile I pulled away from Wyatt and looked at him in his eyes once again. I stared at him for a moment before I decided to push my lips against his and pushed Wyatt down so that I was now on top of him. I was letting lust take over my body.

"Chris..," Wyatt tried to say in between kisses, but I was too lost in the kissing to even hear him, and started taking it to the next level and unfastening the buttons on his shirt. "Chris...," Wyatt said seeing where this was going and quickly grabbed my hand and stopped me from going any further with it, but that didn't help. I only got more passionate by being restrained and started to kiss him even harder and once he let go of my hands I began unfastening his shirt all the way down until I finally started on his pants, and thats when Wyatt quickly grabbed my hands and stopped me from going any further with it. "Chris, we shouldn't be doing this," Wyatt said.

"Why not," I asked trying to go for another kiss, but Wyatt held me back with everything he could.

"No, Chris, not tonight," Wyatt shook his head.

"But don't you want me," I pleaded

"I do want you Chris, and I always will, but not like this," Wyatt pointed out. "I don't want you when you in a bad state like this, Chris," Wyatt went on. "You just lost your friend and now is not a good time for us to do this."

"But I'm okay Wyatt," I told him.

"You're not going to be if you sleep with me tonight," Wyatt said trying to be the bigger one in the picture since he knew that I wasn't in any state to be making any decisions. "You need to grieve," Wyatt said.

"I have already grieved," I said firmly. "Now its time for me to let go and go on with my life," I leaned in trying to kiss Wyatt, but he still held me back. "Wyatt, what's wrong?"

"No, you're not done grieving and you know that, and you need to start now...," Wyatt replied.

"Well what if I don't want to grieve," I shouted finally starting to let it all out. "What I want is to wake up and see my best friend again, and now I know that's not going to happen and its all because of me." I got off of Wyatt and the bed and stood up. "Now he's gone and I don't have no one anymore. I don't have anyone to talk to when things go wrong, I don't have anyone to help me through all of my problems. All there is now is just me..."

"No you're not," Wyatt responded and got off the bed. "You've got me, and you will always have me," Wyatt said cupping my face in his hands. "I'll never leave you Evans."

"This can't be happening, Wyatt," I began to cry again. "I just can't live without him. Daughtry has been my best friend for a long time, and he's helped me so much. He was the one who I knew I could go to at anytime. I could call him at anytime and he would be there, even if it was 2:00am and now he's gone and there's no one to help me."

"Chris, I know you don't believe that, because you know that I would help you any way that you need me to," Wyatt whispered into my ear after he had pulled me into a hug. "You can call on me anytime, even if its at 2:00, 3:00, or 4:00 and I will always be here for you, and I'm not going to leave you no matter what. Talk to me, yell at me, do whatever you want, just get it all out," Wyatt pleaded. Wyatt stood there keeping me close to him, knowing that if I pulled away from him for one second I would start trying to do things that I would regret, and he's not going to let that happen. "Come on," he whispered. "Lets get some'll feel better in the morning."

I let Wyatt pull me back down onto the bed gently and I just laid there and cried until I just couldn't cry anymore. After crying so much I just laid there resting my head on Wyatt's chest in silence as Wyatt stroked the back of my head gently, waiting for me to fall asleep, knowing that if he fell asleep before I did, I would probably try to sneak out, and Wyatt wanted to keep a closer eye on me now than ever. I really didn't want to go to sleep. I didn't want to wake up and be told that Daughtry was gone. I couldn't take it much longer, and my body had finally given in and I slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep. When Wyatt saw that I had finally went to sleep he closed his eyes and tightened his grip around me, so that I couldn't get out of it before he woke up.


[slipped away-Avril Lavigne playing in the background] The funeral was a very sad time. There were so many people there that I couldn't believe they all knew Daughtry. There were people from out high school, people who had come all the way from New York and there was people from my family there, because they all had come to accept Daughtry as part of the family since he played such a big role in my life.

Na na, na, na, na, na , na I miss you so bad I don't forget you Oh it's so sad

Things were going exactly the way they were in Chris's premonition. Everything was exactly the same way as he said it would be. Daughtry's coffin was white with tons of flowers on it just like my mother's. I couldn't believe that they were all the same. Why did things have to come to this. I can't believe I lost a friend. It hurts so bad, because just looking at his coffin and seeing that it looked just like my mother's was hurting my heart more than anything. I never felt this hurt before in my entire life.

I hope you can hear me I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away Was the day I found It won't be the same Oh

I looked over to see things becoming more and more like Chris' premonition. Piper was there with Leo comforting her. She was crying thinking about how Daughtry has always been a member of the family. She can only imagine the pain that I'm going through with the whole thing. It always hurt Piper to come to funerals like this. Especially since the last funeral like this that she can remember was her own sister's. The day she had to become a big sister, and she was far from ready too, but it had to happen.

Na na, na, na, na, na , na I didn't get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand I wish that I could see you again I know that I can

Next to Piper were the kids. They all looked sad. It was mainly because they saw everyone around them was sad, and they did understand. Little did they know that Daughtry was apart of their lives too, and I know I'm going to be telling them stories when they grow up about how great he was. He was Patty's godfather, and he was going to be Richard's.

I hope you can hear me I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away Was the day I found It won't be the same Oh

Wyatt was sitting there being the strongest one in the family. He was still sad though. If Daughtry was alive right now, Wyatt would give him a big apology for the way he's treated him, and thank him for always being there for me when him and I would get into all those arguments. Wyatt wouldn't be able to thank him enough if he could. The blond looked down and opened up the program, and it was a picture of me, and Daughtry. It was that picture that he had in his wallet. That was the only picture of him available.

I had my wake up Won't you wake up I keep asking why And I can't take it It wasn't fake It happened, You passed by

I was nowhere to be found near my family. I was sitting on the front row, where the family of Daughtry was to sit, and because he had no one alive, I was basically his family. He was my brother. I just sat there with tears coming down my face non stop.

Now you are gone, now you are gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can't bring you back Now you are gone, now you are gone There you go, there you go, Somewhere your not coming back

The day you slipped away Was the day i found it won't be the same noo.. The day you slipped away Was the day that i found it won't be the same oooh...

Na na, na na na, na na I miss you

This was really it. My best friend and brother was gone and out of my life for good. He didn't deserve it. It should have been someone else. It should have been me instead.


I was now standing in the graveyard. The whole service was done and over it and all there was left was for the coffin to be buried, but I was just standing there looking at it, still above ground. The other coffins around his were his families. There was even one for Bianca. They were all gone. My second family who I knew would do anything for me.

I still just stood there. I didn't know how long I had been there, but I wasn't alone. Wyatt and Chris were there with me. I walked over to the coffin and placed a red rose on it. I knew I had to pull away from the coffin, but if I did then it would all be over, and I just couldn't let go of Daughtry. I know I should be getting over this, seeing as I have a husband and kids who need me more than anything, but I just can't. I don't know what to do anymore. Daughtry would though. He was the stronger of us two.

"Come on Evans, its time to go," Wyatt said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Its getting late, and I need to get you home," Wyatt told me.

"I know," I whispered back to him. "Goodbye my buddy, and I hope we meet again," I said before grabbing Wyatt's hand.

Wyatt led me back to his car along with Chris. He knew this was only one step and that this wasn't over. There was still a lot more he was going to have to help me through, but he's ready.


When we got back to the house, Wyatt had taken me to the kitchen table and made sure that I sat there while he tried to make me something to eat. It was quiet since Chris has been the one taking care of the kids since he knew that I wasn't in a good shape and he didn't want my sadness rubbing off on them. Wyatt has been worried sick about me for the past few days. I hadn't really been eating or sleeping much, which was really starting to scare him.

Wyatt came and put a bowl of soup in front of me, and I just shoved it away saying, "I'm not hungry, Wyatt. I don't want anything."

"Evans, you need to eat something, so please," Wyatt said pulling up a chair next to me. "Just eat something for me, and it doesn't have to be the whole bowl, but please come on." Wyatt just sat there and saw that I wasn't budging making him sigh sadly.

"Well what do you want me to do Wyatt?" I asked a little upset. "Act like nothing's happened? Act like everything is okay, and that nothing has happened over the past few days? Well I'm sorry, but I just can't do that, Wyatt." I looked away from him for awhile then looked right back at him. "How would you feel if you lost your best friend? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me," I stood up and started to pace the room. "You've never lost anyone that important have you Wyatt? You don't know what its like to lose the last person in your life who was always there for you," I told him.

"Yes I do," Wyatt stood up. "Remember the day after our wedding when I had nearly lost you," Wyatt pointed out. "I told you Chris, that you have me and I'm always going to be here for you."

"Maybe I need someone more than you," I said with tears falling from my eyes. "Maybe I need someone who actually loves me for who I am, and not just because destiny says that it was meant to happen," I said out of spite. I didn't even know how that even came out.

"What!" Wyatt shouted not believing what he had just heard. "I don't love you because the destiny said so. I can't believe you would say that. If I only loved you because of that then I wouldn't have stopped you from having sex with me the other day." Wyatt saw in my eyes that I really didn't mean what I said, and he knew he should stop yelling at me, because that wasn't going to do any good right now. " Evans, I love you so much, and before I met you, I never knew what love really was. I had been with so many girls, you just wouldn't know how you've changed me. You're the first person and the only person who I have truly loved and it hurts that you would think that I only love you because destiny said it."

I was shocked by Wyatt's words. I couldn't believe he was telling me all of this. I couldn't believe it. I didn't really know what to say. Wyatt was pouring out his feelings for me and I was being a jerk. I knew that Wyatt had always loved me for me, and I didn't need him telling me that. Wyatt has helped me so much through this that I don't know where I'd be without him. "I'm-"

"You don't have to say anything," he interrupted. "I just want you to know that I love you and there's more between us then what destiny says there is. You're everything to me Evans. My husband, the father of my kids, my heart, my soul. I want to be there for you and protect you. Trust me I know what it feels like to lose someone so close to you, because I almost lost you, and that's a pain that I never want to feel neither would I want you to feel. I love you so much," he said.

"I know, Wyatt," I replied. I then started to leave the kitchen. I had to be alone for awhile.

"Where are you going," he asked worried.

"I'm just going to go get some sleep," I answered. He nodded and I went up the stairs to our bed room and just stood there. I went over to the wall where there was a picture of Daughtry hanging. I took the picture off of the wall and looked at it for awhile, and next thing I knew I started to have a premonition. I didn't know how. It must have been left over from the baby.


I found myself in another room in our house. It was the room that Wyatt and I had kept all the pictures of the family. Looking around I could see that so many had been added. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There had been so many pictures of Wyatt and I on shelves, and in the room. I looked so happy though, like Daughtry's death hadn't effected me.

Looking around I caught sight of many pictures of me and Wyatt that had already been in the past. There was one where Prue was still a baby, and it was Christmas time, and Wyatt and I had both Patience and Ryan in our laps helping them unwrap their presents while Chris was holding on to baby Prue who was a little to young to try to unwrap anything.

There was another picture that Wyatt and I hadn't even taken yet. It was a picture of me, Wyatt, and all of the kids in the park. It couldn't have been too much longer after Richard was born, because he is still in a stroller and I'm on the bench next to him, and Wyatt is on my other side with his arm wrapped around me, and the kids are sitting in front of us on the ground.

I saw one more picture of a beautiful little girl who was in my arms, while I was lying in bed. It didn't take long for me to figure out that it was little Penny who had just been born. She was a beautiful baby. Wyatt was standing next to me as I was in the bed smiling. He had a doctor's outfit on and everything. It kind of made him look sexy.

I couldn't look at anymore pictures. I knew they could effect the future and I didn't want that to happen. I wanted it all to be a surprise for when I get there myself, but the really question was, what did I come here for. I know my powers wouldn't have brought me here unless it was for a good reason.

I walked out of the room, and slowly tip toed around the house, until I came into the living room, where I saw future me, Wyatt, and the kids. The future me was sitting in the middle while all of the girls were sitting on one side of me, and Wyatt and the boys were all sitting on the other. This must be far into the future because Penny looks to be about fourteen right now, meaning that all the kids are close to being grown ups. I looked and saw that Patty was still good which made me smile.

"Do you guys remember who this is," future Evans said pointing to a picture in the book, but I was not able to see it. I was too far away, and I wasn't about to get in closer to let them see me.

"That's Uncle Daughtry," Richard said.

"Yeah," Future Evans nodded. He then looked up and saw me standing there and grinned even more. I jumped seeing as he knows that I'm there. "Hey, Wyatt, could you take over for me," he asked. "I've got to go do something real fast, but I'll be right back," he said handing his husband the book.

"Sure thing, babe," Wyatt said giving him a little kiss before Evans got up and headed towards me.

I was scared. The future me was coming straight towards me. I can't believe this. This isn't even the first time this has happened.

"Hello Chris," Future Evans said. "Its a little crowded in there so lets go somewhere more private shall we," he said leading me back to the place where I had first came in. "So, here we are again, as I knew we would be," he smiled more and more.

"Wait a minute," I said. "You knew that I was going to come to the future again," I questioned and he nodded. "Why didn't you say anything about it," I asked.

"I told you before, I can't tell you everything," he replied. "I know that you just lost Daughtry, and I know you don't believe it now, but everything is going to be okay," he said confident. "Like I said, everything happens for a reason, and there will be lives that are lost but you can't let them take over your life. Things will look up."

"Oh yeah how can you be so sure," I muttered.

He was just about to say something, when I heard a glass break in the other room. "Dad!" A girl shouted. I could immediately tell by the voice that it was Patty. "Richard did it again," she said.

"Richard Leo Daughtry Halliwell!" Wyatt shouted.

The future me just broke out in laughter. You could tell that this was something that goes on all the time, and he's probably so use to it that he finds it pretty hilarious.

"Wait a minute, what did Wyatt just call Richard," I asked.

"That's his name," Evans nodded. "I know how you feel, and trust me, because I found myself standing in the same place you were, but I promise you that you will understand things soon enough," he smiled. "I've got to go," he said. "I better go save our future son before Wyatt kills him, but take care," he replied as he left the room.

I stood there and smiled until I had found myself back in the past.

End of Premonition.....


The power of six was standing right before us all. It has come time for them to all go home. They had accomplished their mission here and they knew that they've fixed the future for the better and as much as they wanted to stay, they all missed their families so much.

"Thank you guys for coming," I said hugging all of them in one big group hug.

After I had hugged them Wyatt came over and hugged them all. "I feel very lucky to have had children as beautiful as you," he said.

"We're all happy to have had parents like you," Ryan said speaking for all of the kids.

"Take care of mom for me, dad," Patty said.

"I will, and you guys looked after your sister, and make sure she doesn't get in any trouble," Wyatt told his sons.

"We will," Robert replied.

"Oh and one more thing guys," I said. "When you see Rolland and Patience, make sure you give them a big hug for me," I pleaded.

"Why?" Prue smiled. "I'm sure you'll be able to do that yourself," Prue said.

"Its time for us to go," Penny said. "But we'll see you in the future," she told us.

"Bye mom and dad," Ricard said as the portal opened and they all went though.

"Goodbye guys," Wyatt and I both said waving to them.


I was sitting on the steps of the manor by myself just thinking about everything that's happened within the past couple of weeks. Losing Daughtry, seeing my future kids, and then watching them go back to the past. Also seeing my other future self again, which wasn't something that I had expected in so many years. Finding out that my youngest son has my best friends middle name. I couldn't believe it. All this has made me realize that so much can happen in so little time. Its all taught me how to treasure my life and my time with everyone that I know. I can't take it for granted, because you never know how important someone is to you until you lose them, and that included my mother. I might have lied to myself when I said I was over her and my brother's death, but now I know that they're in a better place and so is Daughtry. I know I can't see them, but I know they are there. I'll always miss them, and I'm sure they miss me too, but I will cherish our memories and the things that I have left from them.

"Hello Christopher," A voice said interrupting my thoughts.

I turned around to see that it was the Angel of Death once again. I was scared. Why was he here. Was he here to warn me again or was he here because it was my time. Which ever one it is, I'm prepared for it. I know that it is apart of life and I can't change destiny.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to take you or warn you about anything," he said reading my thoughts. "I just came to tell you that you made the right decision," he told me. "And I know it was hard for you to lose a best friend."

"How did you know my name?" I asked.

"I was right there when you were born," he answered. "It wasn't too much longer after you were born that it was your mother's time."

"I know that I might not ever understand the reason you took them, but I've come to understand destiny and it was there's," I told him.

"I'm glad to see that you've learned that," he smiled and shimmered away leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Next thing I knew, I heard the door to the manor opening and out was coming Wyatt and Chris. Chris had Patty in his arms. I guess he was growing attached to the little girl seeing as him and her were close in the future, and he has been taking care of her for a good while. Both of them came and sat next to me on the steps. Chris sat on one side of me while Wyatt sat on the other.

"Hey," Wyatt smiled. "What are you doing out here," he questioned.

"Nothing," I said. "I was just thinking about how beautiful our future is going to be," I truthfully told him.

"I'm not worried, because I know any future with you is going to be good," Wyatt said.

I smiled and kissed him passionately before all three of us stood up and began walking back into the house. Once all of use were in I smiled once more and waved my finger and shut the door.


Many years before.......

The Halliwell manor seemed to be very quiet. That was until you went to the famous Wyatt Halliwell room. All you could here from that room was moaning coming from a girl. That wasn't a surprise that was something you could always hear from his room, and it was a wonder that his parents never caught him, since he always had a new girl just about every week, but Wyatt was slick. He knew just how to pull these things off without his parents know. The blond knew that if his parents found out how many girls he's slept with they would put him on lock down, but that wouldn't stop him though, but Wyatt that didn't mean the blond wanted to be on lock down.

After going at it with the girl for almost two hours, the twice blessed collapsed and then pulled out of the girl and laid there panting with her for awhile. Wyatt found having sex to be more of a workout than running in football or anything else he does.

"That was," the girl said lost for words. This had been her first time and it felt great. She couldn't believe it was with the famous Wyatt Halliwell. He was very popular at their school, and for any girl to date him was just an honor, but this girl hasn't just dated him. She's gone all the way, but little did she know that's just what's gone on with all the girls who have ever dated him.

"Yeah it was," Wyatt smiled. He then looked at his watch to see what time it was. "You should probably get home, before your parents find out that you're gone, and mine find out that you're here," he pointed out. "I'll see you tomorrow at school," he said.

"Okay," the girl said giving Wyatt one last kiss and running out the door with her clothes.

Once she was gone Wyatt pulled out his yearbook and turned to a page where he had been keeping track. He then took a marker and put an X through the girls face. "That will be every girl on the cheer leading squad," the blond said to himself.

Chris then orbed into the room. It reeked of sex, and Chris should have known before he orbed in that it was going to since that was all his brother was about was sex. "You know Wyatt, this is really starting to get old," Chris said.

"Come on, don't be jealous," Wyatt said putting some boxers on. "You'll start to get some too, soon enough."

"Yeah, well not with you going around screwing every girl before I even get a chance," Chris said. Chris had always been the younger Halliwell at the school. He's gone on dates with girls, but he's still a virgin. Why? Because just about every girl he dates, Wyatt has screwed and Chris didn't want to be stuck with Wyatt's leftovers.

"I'm sorry, but I happen to like my sex life so I'm sorry if its getting in your way," Wyatt taunted.

"What's you secret," Chris asked.

"Easy, I just give the Halliwell charm, which is one thing that you lack," Wyatt said.

"Could you teach me how to charm girls like you do," Chris begged.

"So you want me to help you lose your virginity?"


"Who do you want, because little brother trust me I can any girl you want to sleep with you so just tell me who it is," Wyatt asked.

The next day at school....

Wyatt and Chris were walking in the halls together like they always did. Wyatt and Chris were laughing right now. A few minutes ago, Wyatt had just dumped the girl he had screwed the night before. He knows it is cruel, but he can't help it. He's a Halliwell and he does what he has to do to sleep with the hottest chicks in the school.

"You know Wyatt, you are one evil bastard," Chris chuckled.

"I know, but what can I say," he laughed. Wyatt was too distracted to notice that he wasn't watching where he was going and he all of a sudden bumped into a guy, making the guy drop his books. At first the twice blessed was furious. That boy should have been watching where he was going, even if Wyatt wasn't. "Hey, watch it," Wyatt said, but when the boy got up, Wyatt stood there motionless. The guy had dark hair, and was smiling at him. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. Wyatt couldn't believe this. He was having an attraction towards a guy.

"Oh I'm sorry," the guy replied. "I didn't mean to..."

"Its okay," Wyatt said helping the guy with his books.

"Thanks, and I guess I'll see you around," the guy said taking off before Wyatt could even get his name.

A few hours later....

Wyatt was laying on a bed, having injured his leg. He couldn't believe he got tackled that hard. Why did the defensive men have to be so rough today. Wyatt just wishes that he saw it coming before he tried to go after the whole touchdown. Wyatt really wanted to go back out on the field, but right now the coach wasn't letting him.

"Come on coach let me play," Wyatt begged.

"Fine Halliwell, but not before you get bandaged up," he said. "Evans, get over here and bandage Mr. Halliwell up," the coach said.

"Aw come on coach, I don't need anyone to bandage me up I'll be-," but before the Halliwell could finish his sentence he saw a guy appear right before him. It was that same guy he had bumped into earlier on today.

"," he said. "Looks like you and I keep running into each other don't we," the guy smiled. "I guess since I'm a trainer we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," the guy stated. "I'm Christopher Evans," he said holding out his hand for Wyatt to shake. "And you are?"

"Wyatt Halliwell," he replied shaking his hand a little nervous.

Evans smiled and quickly bandaged up Wyatt's leg. "There, that should do it Mr. Halliwell," Evans said. "So I guess I'll see you around," he smiled walking over to someone else to help.

Wyatt did not know why he felt so attracted to this guy. He was just perfect. Had the best smile, a beautiful body and everything. Wyatt hopes that he will have a chance with this guy, and he won't blow it.

Whew this was my longest chapter ever, but because I took so long with it, I decided to give you guys a little short story on how Chris E and Wyatt met . Now do you see why it took so long and why it was so hard to do. Again I would like to apologize for the time it took. Sorry, but did you guys miss me. I hope I haven't lost my loyal readers because I took too long. There are other charmed stories on here though, so you don't have to just read mine. I know please don't kill me for the whole thing with Daughtry. Some of you guys knew this was coming. The next chapter shouldn't take that long, but just because I decided not to leave you guys with an evil cliff hanger doesn't mean I don't want feedback. So please send feedback I'm begging you, even if you never have. This was my longest chapter and it took a lot of work and I want to know what everyone thought of it. Please send feedback to or

Next: Chapter 33

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