Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Mar 17, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

"Wedding Crash"

Christoper Halliwell was sitting and looking at himself in the mirror making sure that he looked perfect. It wasn't going to be long before he was going to be married to the love of his life, and the father of his two girls. He was very nervous about this more than he was about mine and Wyatt's wedding when he was the best man. He now knows how it feels to have been in my shoes.

The brunette looked over at the clock to see that it had only moved a minute, and the young Halliwell just wanted to throw it across the room. He hadn't seen his soon to be husband since last night and he's dying to see him right now, but he knows he can't see his husband because its bad luck for them to see each other before the wedding.

Chris still couldn't believe it though just thinking about Peter and all of the stuff that they've gone through. There had been so many demons that had interrupted their wedding so many times that they never thought they would get married, but now here they are. Peter was in one room, while Chris was in another getting himself prepared for the whole thing.

With all the demon hunting and raising their two twin daughters, Chris and Peter would always wonder if there would ever be a time when they didn't have a problem with demons or their girls. The girls coming in wasn't something that was expected, but they were able to work it out without changing the future too much somehow. At least that's what Prue said before they left.

Speaking of his daughters he all of a sudden felt one of them pulling on his leg. Chris looked down to see it was they younger twin, Pyra. Though they both looked exactly alike, Chris has been able to tell them apart from being around them so much. Plus the twins both had a favorite parent that was different from the others. Pyra was always around Chris. For some reason she liked to be around him more than she liked to be around her father Peter. Pandora or Panda as the whole family would call her, was the exact opposite. She seemed to like Peter a lot more than she liked Chris. Chris smiled thinking that she was doing the same thing to Peter as Pyra was doing to him.

"Hey sweetie," Chris greeted his daughter as he pulled her up to his lap. "Whats going on?"

"Can I start throwing flowers now," the little six year old pleaded with her mother.

Chris smiled at his daughter. He should have known she was going to be so anxious to do this ever since he made her a flower girl. Her sister was probably asking her father the same thing.

Chris had it all planned out. Patience, Prudence, Patrica, Pyra, and Pandora were all going to be flower girls, while Ryan was suppose to be the ring bearer, while Robert and Rolland where suppose to be ushers. I was his best man, like he was in mine, but he wanted a bigger wedding involving the family even more, so he made Primrose, Melinda, Peyton, Pagan, and Phoenix all his grooms maids. Wyatt was Peter's best man while Henry Jr. was his groomsman. He was going to put little Richard in it, but I persuaded him not to because Richard is barely a year old and he's a little jumpy at times.

"Sorry sweetie, but not now," Chris kissed her on the forehead. "You will be later okay," he promised her. "Right now I want you to go find your Aunt Paige and get dressed, because we want our flower girl to look the prettiest out there," Chris tickled her and made her laugh hard. After five minutes of tickling her, Chris knew that he was probably wasting time, and he knew that Paige was going to need ever second with her that she could get. "Now go on before I tickle you again," he warned, and the little girl ran as fast as she could to the door and out.

Chris can never remember when he's had so much fun. Today was a really great day for him and right now there's nothing that could ruin it. Not even a demon shimmering in his room. Thank goodness though there haven't been many of those lately.

Even though he might be happy, the brunette was still very nervous. He still couldn't believe it was finally here. He hoped that if he was dreaming right now that he wouldn't wake up. It might not be a dream, but Chris still feels that it is.

What made him even more scared was thinking about his future. This was only one step away from his next three kids, who there is no telling, how much trouble they're going to be. Chris is prepared for it though. After having to take care of two twin girls, not to mention his three nieces and four nephews who were much worse when they wanted to be. Chris felt if he could handle all of them then three more boys wouldn't be a problem.

The more and more time that went by the more nervous the young Halliwell started to get. Right now his hands were sweating and he was so nervous that he couldn't put his tie on right. He kept trying and trying, but it wasn't working. All he could think of was probably last minute wedding getters, which is what it probably is since he saw me getting them on my wedding day, but I was able to overcome them so why couldn't he.

Maybe it was because he was too worried about what was going to go wrong today. Was a demon going to show up and destroy his wedding? Is Peter going to be able to say I do? Are the kids not going to make a fool of themselves and him? All of these questions started running through Chris' mind making him sweat from his forehead. Why such negative thoughts on the day of his wedding?

The brunette then started pacing the room up and down thinking about it all and hoping to every God that existed that it wouldn't happen. Not after him and Peter have come this far. They've been waiting so long for this and now its so easy for a demon or a warlock or anything supernatural to just come in and do something and make him call of the whole wedding.

Chris started thinking about everything that his Aunt Phoebe had told him that went wrong with her wedding with Cole and then he started to think about all that went wrong with his mother's wedding. It seemed like there had been a tradition for something to go wrong at every Halliwell wedding, and Chris was now scared of what was going to happen in his. He didn't want to see one of his brother's ride off on a motorcycle like his mother's nor did he want a demon to shimmer in and force him to marry Peter in a mausoleum like Phoebe.

Soon I walked in with Richard in my arms to see my brother pacing the room. I could tell that he was very nervous about this. He was more nervous than I was on my wedding day which is a big surprise to me because Chris isn't the type of person to get nervous real easily. I would expect that from Peter maybe, but not Chris.

I stood there and watched the brunette mutter to himself a little before I finally stepped in. "Someone's a little nervous there," I spoke finally letting him know that I was in the room.

Chris stopped where he was scared, because he was unaware that another presence had entered the room. When he saw that the person was me, he was calm, and he went back to his chair and sat down looking himself over again in his white suit, before he tried to tie his again.

I saw that Chris was having some major trouble trying to tie his tie, which was an even more surprise. This wedding must be really getting to him. Part of me started to question whether he actually wanted to marry Peter, but I quickly thought about how much they loved each other and knew that Chris would want to marry Peter more than anything right now, so their had to be something else going on.

"Chris, why you so nervous," I asked. "I mean everyone is here, Grandpa Victor, my mom Prue, grandma Patty, all our friends from high school, even Grams is here to perform he ceremony," I informed him.

Chris just nodded. "I know," he said. "I guess I'm just nervous, that's all," he replied.

"Last minute wedding getters," I asked. That's usually what it is. I remember having it on my wedding day, but thank goodness I had Daughtry and Chris there to help me through it.

"Nope," Chris shook his head.

"Then what is it," I questioned. This was something new. If he wasn't thinking about not marrying Peter or having the last minute wedding getters, I don't know what is up. I could always go into his head to find out what was going on, but for the past year, I've been letting people have their privacy, even though they won't let me have mine.

Chris sighed deeply. "Its just...Peter and I have waited so long to get married, and now its finally here, but I just don't know if this is really it," Chris pointed out. He really hated to say all of this, but it was the truth.

"What do you mean you don't know if this is really it," I asked.

"Well bro, I mean that there have been so many things that have postponed our wedding that I never thought that Peter and I would make it down the isle, with all the demons and warlocks attacking and then having to make sure our kids don't go haywire on us," Chris explained. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm finding it pretty hard to believe that today is going to be any different," Chris pointed out. "I mean, I'm scared that some demon or something is going to come and destroy my wedding and then I'm going to have to call it off, like I've had to for the past few years."

I felt bad for Chris. Of course I had to go through the same thing, even though Wyatt and I never postponed the wedding though. I had to deal with thinking about whether or not John was actually going to come through and crash it. There were possibilities of demons, but I was more worried about John, because he was the one I expected to come and destroy my wedding more because he still wanted to be with me and didn't want me to marry Wyatt. I really don't know who had it worse though. Me or Chris. Part of me said that it was Chris, since his wedding was postponed so many years, but then the other part of me thought that I might have had it worse, because I had the crazy ex after me. That really didn't matter though. What mattered was that I had to be here for Chris, just like he was for me when I was having so many bad thoughts about my wedding.

I set Richard down in a chair and walked over to Chris and looked him over. "Don't worry about it Chris," I told him as I fixed his tie for him. "You're going to walk down that isle and you're going to walk out of here a married man, you here me," I said firmly fixing his collar. "If any demon or warlock gets in the way, I promise you that I will fry him all the way back to kingdom come."

Chris laughed hearing what I had just said, and the reason it was so funny is because he knew that I would do it too. "Thanks bro," he smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he said.

"Hey what are brothers for," I told him going back and picking my son up again. I didn't want to let the boy down by himself for too long or else he would start to cry for some reason. "I mean this is the least I could do for all those times that you've helped me out," I reminded him.

"," he started. "How have you been holding up," he asked worriedly. "I mean you know with everything that's gone on in the past year?" Chris knew even though he was around me just about all the time that I still did have some held in emotions that I refuse to let out sometimes, and there were some days when I thought I was alone I would just break down.

"I'm fine," I told him honestly. "I know its been a year since he's been gone, but I still miss him," I told my younger brother. "Even though I'm not aloud to see him yet, I know that he's still around. He's like the wind. You might not be able to see it, but you know that its there." I then looked at my son who was now squirming around and beginning to throw a fit. "Plus I've got little Richard Leo Daughtry, right here who reminds me of him," I said causing the brunette to laugh at me even more. I began to rock him up and down and found that he was hungry, so I went into his bag and pulled out a bottle that was already heated and gave it to him. I then saw Chris giving me the weird eye like I had done something wrong. "Something wrong Chris," I asked.

Chris shook his head before he looked right back into the mirror and began combing his hair. "Nothing at all except your son is still on the bottle," he said. "Have you ever thought about putting him on the sippy cup, because you know he's already past the age of one," Chris stated.

"Don't worry," I said. "He'll be on it soon enough, and that's one thing I can promise you."

"You know," Chris started to think. "I'm actually surprised that he's not still on the chest," he joked knowing how much it irritated me that I actually breast fed the kids.

"Ha ha ha," I mocked him. "That was so funny I forgot to laugh," I said back. "You know this guy wasn't going to be breast fed for too long," I pointed out. "And you're one to talk, because you did it with your twins until they were almost two years old," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but I mean I can't help it, seeing as how I haven't seen my future kids and you have," Chris shook his head. "Every time you're feeding them whether it be with a bottle or it be with your chest, I just get a future image of them," Chris laughed.

Just thinking about that made me sick to the stomach. I love my kids and all, but when I put in my mind their adult forms, it justs makes my stomach churn thinking about all the things I have to do for them, which include feeding them, giving them a bath and changing their diapers. If I had to do that to them as grown ups I would die.

"Thank you for that little image," I said sarcastically. After hearing that I could no longer hold Richard. I set him down on the ground to walk for himself now. I didn't want to picture myself holding him as a grown up and giving him a bottle. That was be just too odd.

As soon as the little boy was on the ground he dropped his bottle out of his mouth and began to cry hard. He hated being on the ground and walking on his own. If it was up to him, he would never have learned to walk, just because he likes to be carried everywhere.

I shook my head and sighed angrily seeing the boy grab my leg and beg to be pulled back up. I couldn't believe this. He was really working my head. The laziest out of all his siblings. I just hope that little Penny isn't like this when she's born because then that'll be double trouble.

"The joys of being a parent," I said as I picked him back up and began to comfort him. "I swear, how could he be a daddy's boy if he's always attached to me at the hip," I said frustrated. I really didn't want to carry him everywhere. I knew that would start to make him lazy and I didn't want any lazy kids in the family. I swear, Richard is one of of a kind. The other kids hated to be picked up after the age of 9 months.

Chris just kept laughing. He just couldn't help it, thinking about how much patience I would lose just about everyday over the kids because of how crazy they were driving me. "Well you know you could always send him to Wyatt," Chris suggested.

"You know I can't go see Wyatt right now," I pointed out. "He's probably in a room with Peter," I pointed out.

"So," Chris shrugged. "Its only bad luck if I see them," he stated. "You on the other hand is already married, and you have been for almost ten years, so I doubt you really have anything to worry about," he said.

"Like I said," I started repeating. "Wyatt is with Peter, and they're probably getting dressed, and I don't want to see my soon to be brother in law in the nude and neither would I want little Richard here to see that either," I told him.

"Good point," Chris said.

"Thank you," I said seeing that Chris had finally agreed with me. Ever since I've gotten in this room he's been disagreeing with me, and for once I'm glad that he agreed with me.

Chris however was having a mind of his own, just thinking about what I said about Peter being in the nude. Anytime anyone mentions anything about Peter being in the nude, Chris gets turned on. Peter's hot muscular body was enough to turn Chris all the way up. Chris just can't help but think about all the things he and Peter are going to do on their honeymoon, and lucky for him, they're gonna be alone, since Wyatt and I agreed to watch the kids, because they've watched our kids so many times.

"Umm...Chris," I said. I don't think he notices it, but he better, before he has to go out there in front of everyone. I don't think my brother would be too happy to see this, but I have to admit, it would be pretty funny to watch him walk down the isle with it. He'd probably never forgive me for not telling him, but it would all probably be worth it.

"Yeah, what's up bro," he asked. I just stared hoping he would catch my drift, but at first he didn't get that I wasn't staring at him in general. "What?" he asked still confused as to the reason why I was looking at him that way. I then stared even harder at the spot. Chris looked down to where I was staring to see that he had a huge bulge in his pants. He was so embarrassed, but he shouldn't be. I'm pretty sure he's seen me and Wyatt have the same thing. "Crap," he cursed.

"Its okay," I laughed. "I just didn't want you to remember your first wedding with that in your pants," I told him.

"Thanks a lot," he said very thankfully. "I owe you big time."

"Oh really," my eyes shot up.

"No," he chuckled. "I just said that because it felt like the right thing to say at the time," he said as he began to look himself over for like the millionth time. He wanted all of this to be perfect. It was his first time getting married, and hopefully his last.

"Do I want to know what you were thinking about," I asked. I could probably guess it had something to do with Peter. Seeing as I was talking about him being naked would probably be enough to send the brunette into fantasy land.

"No," he said spraying a little cologne on him. He then looked down and saw a little spot on his tux. "Dammit," he cursed.

"Um..Chris hello, your one year old nephew is in the room," I pointed out. I already had Patience repeating a few words she heard her step father say, and that wasn't good at all, so I thought I'd keep the kids away from cursing all together. That meant no PG 13 anything. I didn't want to have to go to school to pick them up for saying swear words.

"Oh sorry," Chris apologized. He quickly grabbed a wet cloth and began rubbing it hard on his suit trying so hard to get the spot off. He was shaking and sweating even more thinking about how bad this was going to look at his wedding. It would make him look like he didn't know how to keep himself clean for a few hours and Peter would be marrying a slob.

I shook my head and walked over to Chris and took the towel away. "Chris, relax alright," I told him. "Everything is going to be fine," I assured. "You're gonna walk down the isle say I do and then you and Peter are going to go on your honeymoon while Wyatt and I take care of Pyra and Pandora, and then y'all are going to come back all happy and excited and maybe pregnant," I joked seeing as how many couples end up expecting after their honeymoon. Only reason why Wyatt and I didn't was because I was already about to have a baby. Otherwise there would probably be a power of seven instead of just six.

"How can I relax when I've got this big stain on my tux," Chris pointed out. "Its so noticeable," he said.

"Chris, no one can even see it, unless you make a big deal about it," I stated to the panicking brunette.

"Well you noticed it," He said.

"Yeah, that's because you're making it out to be the biggest thing in the world," I reminded him. Chris just ignored my comment and started to lick his finger and try to rub it out, since I had taken the towel away. "Is it really bothering you that much?"

"Yes," he shouted.

I shook my head angrily. Chris was really hard to please. Guess this is what happens when its your first time getting married even though I can't remember being like that. When I got married, all I remember was being a little scared because I had to let so much go, but other than that, I really wasn't paying attention if I had one little stain on my tux, but again, I'm not Chris, and this guy is paranoid, but I think I know just what might help.

I squinted my eyes at the spot, and made the stain move from Chris's tux over to the wet cloth that he was trying to use to clean it up. "There, is that much better for ya," I asked.

"Yes, thank you so much," he said so excited that he ran up and hugged me, forgetting that I had the one year old in my arms.

"Chris!" I yelled. "I've got this baby in my hands, and if he wakes up, you're dead," I threatened. The baby had gone asleep when Chris had a hard on, and that's why I wasn't really making it more of a big deal because my son didn't see it or else I would be yelling at my brother right now. Thank goodness that the baby is sleep though, and hopefully he will be that way until after the wedding because I don't want him waking up half way through it and then throwing a fit because I'm not holding him.

"Oh sorry," Chris said pulling away. "I am very thankful bro, but aren't you worried about the whole personal gain thing," Chris asked. His mom had lectured him on it so many times that he's practically memorized the whole lecture and hears it in his head when he sees anything that could be under the personal gain category.

I shrugged my shoulders saying, "it wasn't like I was doing it for myself. I was actually trying to help you out, so I don't think it would count as personal gain, and if it does, consider it your wedding present."

Chris smiled and shook his head. "I know I've said this many times before, and I'm saying it again. What would I do without you bro," he asked.

"I don't know," I said. "I know you'd probably still have that little stain on your tux and you'd be freaking out more than ever," I laughed at my brother who just rolled his eyes. "Chris remember when your kids flushed yours and Peter's ring down the toilet," I continued laughing hard.

"Don't remind me," Chris was quick to say. "Peter was so mad at me because I let them see the ring, and he said never to give the girls anything valuable," the brunette said. "I swear there are some days that I think he is still mad at me for that even though he never brings it up."

"So what makes you think that he's still mad about it," I asked.

"Because anytime I talk about something that the girls had flushed down the toilet he just keeps telling me that I just don't learn," Chris said. "But at least I'm not the one who always has to go dig everything out of the toilet that they flush," Chris pointed out.

Over they years, the girls had flushed many things down the toilet. Including their rings, Peter's favorite watch, Prue's necklace that had her name on it, Piper's wedding ring which she never knew about, and many more expensive items and each time, Peter has been the one who has to do the plumbing and pull it out while Chris mostly gets to sit back and watch, but he would still get the lecture from Peter which was almost worse than having to plum it out himself.

"Well its only going to get worse since you guys are going to be married, and you'll have three boys on the way," I told him.

"Yeah, I just can't wait till its all done and over with," Chris said. Next thing we heard was a knock on the door. "Come in," Chris said not even looking at the door, still focused on himself in the mirror. I swear one would think that he would stop being so nervous after awhile.

The door opened and in popped Paige. "Hey you guys, almost done yet," she asked. "I mean the wedding is about to start soon," she said. Paige was really excited about this. She had been planning this wedding with her sisters for so long and now that its finally here, she just can't wait till the ceremony starts.

"I thought we had two hours," Chris asked.

Paige looked down at her watch. "Not according to my watch," she said. "My watch says that you only have ten minutes," she pointed out.

"What?!" Chris shouted and started panting really hard. He looked like he was about to faint. He looked down at his watch and saw that his Aunt was right. They did only have about ten minutes. He guesses all this time that he spent in here talking with me must have really made the time fly by. He couldn't believe it. "Oh my gosh, I'm not ready," he panicked. "There is no way that I will ever be ready in ten minutes," he continued. "Oh no, where's my stuff. I need something old, something new, something burrowed and something blue," he continued.

"Bro, chill," I said placing my hands on his shoulders. "Now here is something old," I said pulling off my mother's locket that Wyatt had given me for Christmas. "Just make sure you give me that back, because besides the leather jacket that's all I have left of my mother," I told him.

"Chris, I can't take this," the brunette said looking down at it.

"Why not," I asked.

"This is something that means a lot to you," he stated.

"So do you," I replied back. "Chris, you're my brother, and its my duty to look out for you and help you with anything you need, and that thing is pretty old, so I want you to use it for your wedding okay," I told him. "Now all we need is something new, borrowed, and blue," I said.

"Well guys, I hope you can hurry it up because the wedding starts in five minutes," Paige said about to leave the room, but I was quick to stop her. Why not ask her to do this while she's here.

"Hey Aunt Paige, could you take Richard, and put him in a chair, so I can go and get where I'm suppose to be," I asked politely picking up my son who was still sleeping.

"Sure," she said taking him from me. "Just hurry alright," she said leaving the room.

I knew I had to be out there soon, or else I'd be in trouble, since I was one of the first people walking out. I didn't want to be late to my own brother's wedding. That would look very irresponsible of me, but I couldn't leave Chris back here panicking so I had to help him find his stuff before I went and got into my place for the wedding.

I looked around the room and saw that I had a blue wrist band lying around. It was in support for cancer patients. I thought that those were suppose to be pink, but it turned out they could be any color. I quickly picked it up and handed it to my soon to be married brother.

"Okay that takes care of something blue, and you borrowed that tux, so that leaves us with something new," I pointed out. I stood there thinking for a minute, but I had to remember to think fast. "I've got it," I said. I went into the babies bag and pulled out a CD to my favorite band, Switchfoot. "Okay, this is a new CD, but be sure to give it back to me after the wedding alright," I told him.

Chris looked down and checked everything. His Aunt Prue's locket that I gave to him was something old, the CD that I bought and gave to him was something new, the tux was borrowed, and the wrist band on his wrist was something blue, so that meant he had everything he needed.

"Thanks so much," Chris said hugging me once again. "I mean I can't say thank you enough," he told me. "I'm very happy and lucky to have a brother like you, who helps me out all the time."

"What are brothers for," I smiled. "Its the least I could do with you always watching my seven kids when I was going through a rough time," I said back happily. "I just can't believe that my little brother is all grown up and getting married and has a family," I teased.

"Shut up," he laughed pushing me a little.

We stood there in silence for a few moments, before I knew the time was really getting close and they're all probably waiting for me. "Well, I guess I better get going," I suggested. "Oh and next time I see you, Chris, you'll be a married man," I smiled.

"Sure will," he said hugging me one last time real tight. The hug felt like it had lasted forever, and that wasn't a good thing.

I pulled away quickly. "I better go, before the wedding starts without me, and I find myself walking down the isle by myself," I chuckled. I patted him on the back before I made my way out the door, and slowly closed it behind me, and headed straight down the stairs.

The whole way down, I kept worrying though. I was hoping that Chris was going to be okay in there by himself. He didn't seem to be doing so well when I entered, but I know he'll be alright. I guess being the older brother I'm just going to worry about him. He might be getting married to a guy who's older than both me and Wyatt, but I'm still going to look out for him and so will Wyatt. He's still going to be our brother whether he's married or not. Him and I will have a lot more in common though since we'll both be married me, with me just having a little bit more experience at it than him. I might be his older and wiser brother who he's always looked up to, but today I look up to him as a brave young man who's about to be a loving husband, and is already a loving parent.

When I had finally gotten down there I saw just about the whole family in their tuxes and dresses. The groomsmen all had on black, while the brides maids were all in blue. Since I was Chris' best men I was in white. The only guy who was in white to tell the truth, besides Chris that is. I soon found myself joining the whole wedding crew.

Henry Jr. looked real nice in his black tux, and so did Peter. Primrose, Melinda, Pagan, Phoenix, and Peyton all looked real good in blue. The kids all looked so cute. Paige really did some work with them. I couldn't believe how cute they were right now. If I could I would make them wear that everyday.

There was one person that I didn't seem to spot so easily though. I looked next to me to see my husband Wyatt. He looked so hot right now. He had his hair tied back for the first time in a long time. I could actually see his face. He seemed to look the best out of them all with his black tux on. I never knew he looked this hot with a tux like this on. No, he actually looked a lot more hotter on our wedding day so I had to remember that.

"Wow, baby, you look so good," Wyatt smirked.

"Thanks Wyatt," I shrugged. "You know, you don't look too bad yourself," I told him.

Wyatt looked himself up and down before he spoke to me again. "So you think I look good in this babe," he asked with a smirk on his face. Wyatt loved to smirk at me more than anyone. He loved the reaction that he would get out of me when he smirked. It was almost as if he sent chills down every inch of my body.

"Hmm," I said looking him up and down twice. "You could use some work, but you look okay," I lied. I didn't want to give Wyatt the satisfaction in knowing how hot he looked in a tux. If I did, he'd be wearing one just about every time he wanted something and I didn't want to give him that advantage, even though he knows I want something when I wear those read boxers with hearts on them to bed when I want something or when I just wear some pants with no underwear. I know how much that gets him going.

"Really," his eyes lit up. "I fixed my hair, I got my tux dry cleaned and everything, and I tied my tie just for you to say that I look okay," he pointed out. I swear I thought he was angry, but he then just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess I'm going to have to try a little bit harder next time," he continued smirking.

"Oh we'll just see," I replied.

"Oh we will," he told me.

We finally heard music playing letting us both know that the wedding was starting. I was starting to get nervous now. I don't even know why, because I'm not even the one getting married, but I still feel nervous. I guess I'm just worried about making a fool of myself and hoping that I don't embarrass myself nor do I ruin Chris' wedding. If I did, I would never forgive myself, because of how much he has done for me.

"Its show time," Wyatt said. "You ready baby," he asked.

"As ready as I will ever be," I said back.

The kids had started to walk out. First it was the little girls. People were smiling at them heavily. They all had not remembered when they had seen such beautiful little girls. They couldn't have expected any less since they're Halliwells and they're known for how cute they are as babies. The girls were a little nervous not knowing why all those people were smiling at them, the way they were. They were too young to understand that it was because of how cute they were. It took a few minutes but they had finally made it down to the end of the isle where Grams was standing.

Next person to walk down the isle was little Ryan who was the ring bearer. He was so handsome that so many people that were in the crowds were whispering to the person next to them how handsome he looked and how he reminded them of someone that they knew, but it wasn't really a big deal. Ryan too was very nervous with how the people were looking at him. A lot of them were smiling, making him wonder what he did since half the times he got smiles were because he's done something great. Ryan finally got down to the end where his cousins and his sisters where and was a bit relieved to know that he wasn't down there alone.

It was now time for Wyatt, Peter, and Henry junior to go down there. I looked over to see that Henry and Peter were nervous, but Wyatt wasn't at all. That was just like him not to be nervous about anything. That's one aspect I love about my husband. No matter how nervous everyone else is, he will always be that one person who sucks it up and is never nervous.

"Alright see you at the end of the isle," he said giving me a little peck on the lips knowing how nervous I was and knew that was just the thing to get me going. It was his way of helping me feel better at a time like this.

He then winked at me, and slowly followed after Peter who was already entering for the ceremony. Behind him was Henry Jr. All of those faces were so familiar to Wyatt that he didn't think anything of them all being there. Heck, most of these people were at his wedding, so this almost feels like just having his wedding over again only this time he's the best man. Wyatt, Henry Jr., and Peter had finally made there way down to the end of the isle and stood there firmly.

It was finally our time to enter. I slowly took in a deep breath. I was starting to get nervous again, but then I remembered that little kiss Wyatt had given me on the cheek before he had walked out, and I quickly smiled, and all my nervousness had gone away.

I was the leader and I began to walk in. When I had finally made it to the outside where everyone was at, I could hear the band that was playing was Lonestar. They were singing their song amazed. This was the perfect song for any couple. Every time I had heard this song I would think of any couple, even Wyatt and I sometimes. I guess they were also playing at the club and Piper was able to ask them to play for her son's wedding.

I kept walking and looking at the smiling faces. I was so happy to see so many people that I haven't seen in a long time. Especially my mother who was sitting on the second row. It was good seeing her, and it was also good seeing my grandmother Patty who I haven't seen in a long time, but I still have a daughter named after her.

It felt like forever before I finally reached the end of the isle. It felt like years for when the rest of the girls who were behind me had gotten into place. I now know how everyone in my wedding crew felt, even though we're all different, but now I know what it was like to be in their shoes in my wedding. I then waited and waited. There was only one person left to come out and I hope that he didn't get nervous and run.

I then heard the music get louder and then everyone started to stand up. I guess he didn't chicken out. I saw two figures coming out of the back door of the manor. It took me awhile to see who they were, but when they had finally gotten close enough I could see that the two people were Piper and Chris. Piper had on a blue dress just like the other woman did. Chris was really lighting up the isle with his white tux.

It wasn't too much longer before they had reached the end of the isle and Chris and Peter were now standing in front of Grams herself. It all seem to go by in slow motion for Peter though, watching his fiancé next to his soon to be mother in law coming down the isle. Like Chris he wanted this to be done and over with so he could finally call Chris his husband and they could all be a real family. When Chris was standing in front of him, he couldn't have been more happier.

Things were really looking up, and nothing could spoil the moment. That's what everyone thought. Before Grams could start the ceremony clouds started to gather in the sky and lightening started to flash. This wasn't a good sign. Especially for a wedding. I didn't know what was going on. The whole sky was fine until Chris had stood in front of Peter.

Knowing that I could control the weather, my eyes quickly lit up and turned the sky back to clear, so the wedding could continue. I looked over at Chris who whispered a thank you at me for the billionth time today, but as I said, what are brothers for.

"Its not time yet," A voice called out.

Everyone began looking everywhere to find out where the voice had come from. It didn't sound like it had come from anyone in the audience. It sounded just like it had come from high above. Everyone began looking up in the sky again to see the clouds forming back, only darker this time.

"Evans!" Wyatt shouted.

"Its not me," I quickly told Wyatt. I knew he was probably going to think that I was changing the weather since I was the only witch around here, he knew that could have an effect on the weather.

"What's going on," Chris asked.

The wind started blowing hard, and things started flying around in the air. I couldn't believe this and neither could a lot of witches and other supernatural beings who were there. Why now did a storm like this have to come. Something wasn't right, and we were just about to find out what.

There was a bolt of lightening that shot down right at the altar, and soon orbs appeared revealing someone who the Charmed Ones haven't seen in a long time. 'The Angel of Destiny.'

"What are you doing here," Piper asked.

"I'm sorry," the woman said. "But its not time yet," she told them. She immediately waved her hand over Peter and he was turned into a block of ice. Just like Leo was so many years ago.

"Peter!" Chris shouted.

"What's going on here," I interrupted.

"I'm sorry," the woman said. "There's something that you have to do," she said. "It is not time for Chris and Peter to be wed. There is a great force of evil out there that you must conquer before you two join in holy matrimony. You have to lose someone in order to succeed in your goal, and since it worked for the first generation of Charmed Ones, we figured that it would work for you too. I'm sorry, but I have to take him in order for you guys to fulfill your mission and fight the great evil that has come to destroy our world."

"What are you talking about," I asked angrily. I've only known the woman for five seconds and already I hate her. She's trying to take the one person Chris loves so much away from him only to have her work done. As far as I'm concerned she is one selfish little bitch.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm sorry, but we want you guys to succeed and this is the only way we are able to ensure that you will do just this. I have to do this, and you might not understand why now, but you will soon. I'm sorry, but he will be gone until you guys are able to complete your mission. If you succeed then he will be returned," she said.

"Well what if we don't," I asked.

"Then I'm sorry, but he won't be returned," she said. She then placed her hands on Peter and disappeared in golden orbs taking him with her, and once she was out of sight the whole storm disappeared.

"Peter!" Chris cried shouting up at the sky.

"Chris," I quickly ran over and pulled him into a hug. I could see that he was breaking down and he really needed someone to be there for him so bad, and usually this was the part when Peter would step in, but unfortunately he's not here, and that makes it my duty since I'm his older brother. "Its going to be okay, Chris alright," I soothed.

"He's gone," Chris began to tear up. "The person that I want to spend the rest of my life with is gone," Chris said.

"Don't worry, Chris we're gonna get him back, I promise," I said confident. I know there's no telling what the future might hold, but I can say with confidence that I was going to work really hard, and I was going to get my brother his fiancé back and they were going to marry. I just can't believe that bitch calls herself an angel and then she takes away someone that Chris loves so much. I swear if I find a vanquishing potion for her ass she's going down. No one hurts my brother like this and gets away with it.

Wyatt soon came in and joined the hug, wrapping his arms around Chris from the other side and then his hands on my back so that we were both hugged up to Wyatt. "Chris, we're going to get him back," Wyatt promised also. "Nothing or no one is going to stop you from marrying Peter, you understand me," Wyatt said angry also. If it was up to him, he would vanquish the Angel of Destiny too. How could someone come and take another person away from someone. That's just plain selfish. And for what. All so that her work can get done. She could have done that without taking Peter away. "We'll vanquish this great evil, and then you and Peter will come back and y'all will marry," Wyatt added. "I promise you that," he said.

"Thanks guys," Chris said.

"No problem," I told him. "You were there for me so many times and now its my turn to help you out." I told him. This was going to be hard, but know the three of us will be able to do this together.


It took some time to calm the whole place down, especially since there were a few mortals at the place who didn't know anything about magic. Luckily Wyatt always keeps some of that dust that makes people forget. Wyatt is always prepared for anything at anytime and he had a feeling that magic would somehow slip and that he was going to have to use that dust. He got it from his dad a long time ago and has waited for the right moment to use it, and no moment seemed more right than earlier on today.

Wyatt went and cleaned up the manor while I tried to put Chris to sleep. Paige decided that she would take all of the kids back to our house until Wyatt and I got back home.

This was a real hard day, not just for Chris, but for everyone. We all had given our everything to make this wedding turn out good, and now the Angel of Destiny had to come and ruin it. I should have expected it though since the elders and the high powers all come in and mess things up for us when they're looking good. Sometimes I just think that they don't have a heart at all. If they did they would stop trying so hard to make our lives miserable, but I guess that's their job.

Chris was sitting in bed, just staring at the ceiling. I was in a chair next to his bed waiting for him to go to sleep since I knew how bad things could probably get if I left. Chris started to feel next to him, and felt that the normal presence that would be there wasn't there. He can't believe it. He won't believe it. Why did it have to be the person that he loved. Why couldn't it have been another innocent that they had to save. This wasn't fair at all.

"He's really gone isn't he," Chris whispered.

I nodded sadly for my brother. No one deserved to be separated from the person that they loved. I could only imagine how bad things would be for me, if Wyatt and I were separated. I don't know what I'd do. Of course we've had our arguments and there are days when we can't stand to be around each other, but I love him more than anything in this world and if he was taken away from me, I don't know how I would cope. He's my other half and without him I'm not complete.

"Yeah he is Chris," I sighed. "But like I said, we're gonna get him back okay," I told him truthfully. I knew we had to because if we didn't then my little nieces would never know who their father was and that is unfair. Everyone deserves to know who their parents are. I might have gotten to know mine a little late, but I still got to know them. I don't want them going through what I did. I don't want them to find out who their real dad is until they're eighteen.

"Why did he have to go," Chris asked.

"I don't know," I replied. The Angel of Destiny might have said we had to lose him for us to succeed in this mission, but I really don't think that was necessary. "We're going to have to ask the Angel of Destiny herself," I told my little brother who was starting to drift of to sleep.

"Evans," he muttered.

"Yeah," I said back.

"Please don't leave me," he begged with a tear going down his little cheek. He felt so hurt now. He felt empty. Without Peter here then there's a part of him missing and he needs that part real bad.

"I'll never leave you Chris," I said firmly. "No elder, demon, or Angel can take me away from you," I whispered in his ears gently knowing that he wasn't able to take much. I sat there I in the chair and waited and waited for him to fall asleep.

Poor Chris didn't deserve this. When I felt that my little brother was fully asleep, I slowly got sneaked out of the room, and left the door open a crack so I would hear him if he woke up. As soon as I got to the other side of the stairs, I could see Wyatt still sweeping up. I guess these things make bigger messes than I thought.

Wyatt looked up to see that I was there and stopped sweeping. He was finally done with the whole house. It took him a couple of hours but he was able to get it all done.

"How's Chris," Wyatt asked worriedly as he came and sat down on the couch across from where I was sitting.

"He's not doing too well," I said honestly. Wyatt nodded knowing that I wasn't lying. "I just decided he needed some air, that's all," I informed him of why I wasn't in there with him.

Wyatt sighed deeply. He hasn't ever seen his brother like this out of all the years that he's known him, and that has been all of his life. Wyatt really felt sorry for Chris, and wishes so hard that he could bring Peter back right now, but he knows that there's nothing he can do and that's what hurts even more. If the Angel of Destiny should have taken anyone, it should have been him, but Wyatt quickly hid that thought. He knew that I wouldn't be able to function if he wasn't here, and that's not something that he wanted either.

"Coffee," he asked.

"Please," I said back.

Wyatt then left the room, and put on a pot of coffee. He stayed there and waited for it all to brew. He then went into the cabinet and took out two coffee mugs and poured the coffee into each mug and returned back to the room that I was in, handing me a cup of coffee before he sat back down on the couch.

"So," I started. "You think that Chris is going to be able to get through all of this," I asked.

Wyatt nodded confident. "He's a strong guy," he replied. "He's been through worse, so I'm pretty sure he will be able to get through this," Wyatt explained. "If there's anyone who can get through it, its Chris."

"I just hope you're right," I sighed. "If not for his sake for Peter's, because we're going to need the power of three to save Peter, and it won't work without him," I pointed out.

"Yeah, I know," Wyatt nodded. "Just give him a couple of days, and I'm sure he'll probably be able to help us out."

"You don't think he'll be back to normal," I asked.

"Well, honestly, I don't think he will get back to his normal self until Peter comes back," Wyatt said taking a sip of his coffee. It was really hard for him to stay up right now, especially since he's been up since 5:00 am for the whole wedding and now its midnight. "So how bad do you think this little threat is," he asked.

"I don't know," I said back just as confused as he was. "It has to be pretty big for them to have taken Peter away," I stated. I was still having a hard time accepting that Peter was gone.

I couldn't believe that they would just take him away like that. Never out of all the years that we have been Charmed Ones have the elders or the Angel of Destiny had to take someone away because they were afraid that we might not succeed. Every demon that we've faced and every warlock that we've fought we've always been able to take them on without losing someone, except Daughtry, but that had nothing to do with us. It was his destiny, and that was something that I had no control over and something that took me awhile to accept, but it finally got through to me.

"Its part of the final battle," a person said from the stair way. Wyatt and I looked in that direction at the same time to see Piper standing there. She had gotten into her pajamas, and her eyes looked a little puffy because she hasn't been getting much sleep like the rest of us.

"Mom," Wyatt muttered. "How long have you been standing there," he asked.

"Long enough to hear the whole thing," Piper answered as she came and sat on a couch that was in between the both of us.

"Shouldn't you be getting some sleep," Wyatt asked.

Piper shook her head saying, "couldn't sleep. Got so much on my mind right now that I'm just having trouble shutting my eyes."

The mother of two has never been this stressed out before. At least not since when she lost her husband, Leo that one time. It was really hard on her without him, and it felt like she had lost him for years when it was only for a few months. She knows just how Chris is feeling right now, and wants to go up there and tell him that everything is going to be okay, but that didn't help her, and so she knows that its not going to help Chris. The best thing to do is be there for him, and let him work his way through the pain.

"Don't worry, mom, its been like that for all of us," Wyatt nodded. He took another sip of his coffee before he started to think about what his mother had just said before she came on the couch. He had no clue as to what she meant by this was the final battle. Wyatt thought that we were going to be the Charmed Ones until our kids took over just like they were. "So mom, what did you mean by the final battle," Wyatt finally asked his mother.

Piper took in one deep breath knowing this was going to take a lot to explain to all of us. "You guys were too young to remember this, but a long time ago, before any of your cousins were even born, your father was taken away by the angel of Destiny just like Peter was," Piper stated. "I know it sounds awful, but it was the only way to save him or else we would have had to lose Leo forever, and I didn't want you boys growing up without a father," Piper said.

"So that's what she meant when she said that she did this with the former Charmed Ones," I pointed out.

Piper nodded saying, "that's right. Well anyway, it was said that there was a great power that was suppose to be endangering the magical world. We all thought that it would be a demon of some sort, but it turned out to be one of our friend's sister," Piper stated.

"Wow," I said shocked. "So how did you figure out that it was her and not some demon," I asked.

"It was obvious," Piper stated. "She was working so hard to turn Billy against us, and once she accomplished that, she turned the whole magical world against us until her and Billy were able to take control of the manor," Piper explained. "Because of her I had nearly lost Paige and Phoebe in the battle," the mother of two sighed. "But lucky enough I was able to retrieve Coop's ring and go back to when the battle had happened, and save them."

"So how were you able to defeat them," I asked.

"It wasn't easy, but Paige, Phoebe, and I had to make Billy see that it wasn't us who were the evil ones, but her sister, and once she was able to realize that then well...she defeated her sister on her own," Piper said. "It was after Billy had stopped her sister that Leo was returned to us again," Piper ended.

"So wait a minute," I questioned. "Are you saying that this threat could be a close friend of ours and we might not even know it," I asked.

"I honestly don't know who or what it could be, Evans, but whatever it is, Peter won't come back until it has been defeated," Piper told us.

"Yeah, but who could it be," I said thinking about it hard. I couldn't think of any close friends that I had, nor could I really think of any that Wyatt had, that would be capable of being the big threat, but then again, I'm sure that's what Piper and the other sisters said, until they saw Billy and her sister.

I know this was really getting us nowhere, but I didn't know what to do. There was nothing or no one that was going to point us to the right person, and say that they were the big threat. I really wanted to know who it was and I wanted to know now so I could hurry up and bring Peter back for Chris. My head was really starting to hurt from dealing with all of this stress. This was becoming a little too much for me to handle.

"The Warlock brothers," Someone said. Everyone immediately looked in the direction of where the voice was coming from to see that it was my mother Prue who had just said that.

"Mom," I questioned.

"Its me," she said.

"I know that its you, its just that I thought you'd be gone by now," I questioned. I knew that I saw Grams and Grandma Patty leave so I had assumed that my mother left along with them.

"I'm here to warn you Chris," she said.

"Warn me about what," I asked.

"Not just you, but the other Charmed Ones as well," she said. "This is a bigger threat than the ones Piper, Phoebe, and Paige faced so many years ago. The warlock brothers are very dangerous, and they are not easy warlocks to defeat. This is going take a lot to defeat them."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "We've never come into combat with demons that we haven't been able to beat," I pointed out.

"I understand that, Chris, but like I said, these aren't just any other warlocks," she repeated. "These guys form together to make up another power of three just like you guys do," Prue stated.

Piper gasped for air remembering what her sister was talking about. She could not believe it. They had come back and now they were the big threat. Prue was right. These guys were much bigger than the final battle that she had to face when trying to save Leo.

"The Wayne brothers," Piper slipped out.

"Excuse me the what," I asked.

"The Wayne brothers are the evil power of three made of warlocks," Piper started to explain. "Prue, Phoebe, and I faced them before you guys were even born, and we were lucky enough to have taken them on without losing anyone," Piper finished her story.

"Okay, so if you guys could have taken them on without losing anyone, why did the Angel of Destiny take Peter away," I questioned. If we were said to be more powerful than them then taking them on should be a piece of cake and the angel of Destiny shouldn't be worried about that.

"Because they have already joined together to make the evil power of three," Prue answered. "We were able to stop them before they all joined together, but that was only because one of them wanted to be good, but this time none of them did, so they were able to join as one and form the evil power of three," Prue explained. "You guys are going to have to really pull together and work as one, if you have any chance of defeating the warlock brothers," Prue warned.

Next thing I knew I heard a glass breaking from in the kitchen. There shouldn't be anyone in the kitchen since everyone went home and the kids are back at the house being watched by Paige. Something wasn't right, and I didn't like it at all. Not one bit.

"I'll go see what it is," I volunteered. I quickly began walking towards the kitchen, but felt myself being pulled down onto a familiar lap, and broad arms wrapping around me. "Wyatt come on let me go, I've got to go see what's going on in the kitchen," I struggled.

Piper just smiled as she watched Wyatt keep me on his lap. She only wishes that she could see Peter and Chris that happy. Seeing Wyatt and I together and happy was the highlight of Piper's day. She couldn't believe after all that we've been through that we're still together and she has seven beautiful grandchildren from us, and knows that there will be one more on the way.

"Be careful babe," Wyatt said.

"I will, but I don't think there's a demon in there, and if there is I don't think its one that I can't handle," I told him. I couldn't believe that Wyatt was getting this protective. To tell the truth he's been getting more and more protective of me as the months go by, which isn't too bad, but it sometimes can get really annoying at times.

"Okay, but if there is, call me," he said.

"Wyatt, I'm sure if there is a demon in there you'll know it, because you'll hear big noises," I pointed out. "Now will you please let me go," I begged again, hoping that this time he would listen.

Wyatt sighed and pouted when he released me out of his grip. How he hated letting me go. After nearly losing me to Shax a year ago, he never wants to come that close again. Losing me would mean losing a lot and that wasn't something that he wanted. If I was gone, he felt like he would have nothing to live for except his kids, but he wanted more than that.

"Thanks," I said walking out of the room and into the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I was making sure I was prepared for anything. Wyatt could be right. There could be a demon in there, but I was a Charmed One so I should be able to handle it without any problem. Slowly I tip toed into the kitchen, and it was a big mess, but there wasn't a demon in there. It was much worse.

There were liquor bottles everywhere. Glass ones that were on the floor shattered into pieces. I couldn't believe that someone would just come in the kitchen and destroy all of this, but I looked up to see that the person responsible for this was my brother. It was obvious when I saw that Chris had another bottle in his hand drinking really fast like he hasn't had a drink in a long time.

The brunette had cuts all over his hand. He must have gotten them from the liquor bottles that he smashed. They were everywhere. I knew that Chris was going to take losing Peter pretty hard, but I didn't think that it was going to be this bad to where he would drink himself to death. This wasn't good at all. I know this is only Chris acting out, and it really isn't him.

"Chris," I whispered getting closer to the brunette.

Chris caught sight of me and immediately hurled the liquor bottle at me, but it missed, only by an inch. Chris was too drunk to function right now and he didn't even know what he was doing. He had no mind of his own. The alchol had taken over his brain.

"Stay away from me!" He exclaimed as he began backing away.

I stopped in my tracks only to let the brunette catch his breath before I began to move in towards him even more. He was calming down a little, and I had to make sure he stayed that way or else he would just explode again and this time it might even be worse.

"Its okay, Chris, its me, Evans," I told him. "I'm your brother, remember me," I said moving in a little closer.

Chris began to tear up some. "I don't want my brother," he said. "I want my Peter back," he stated.

"I know you want Peter back Chris," I repeated. "But this is not the way to go about it alright," I told him as I got in even closer so now I was only a foot away from my brother. "I know this isn't what Peter would want you to do," I told him trying to make sense to him.

"Peter's gone," Chris said. Without Peter, Chris didn't know what to do. He didn't have anyone to ask him what's wrong when he's sad. He didn't have anyone there to help him with the twins when they're acting bad. Peter was just someone that Chris could never replace. Chris now knows that you never really learn how much someone means to you until you lose them.

"I know," I told him. "But we're gonna get him back okay," I said.

"I want him back," Chris said again.

"And you will get him back okay, but right now you've got to stop this or else things are going to be worse so please," I begged him. "Lets get you back to bed okay, so you can rest up, and you'll be better in the morning," I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me before he could do anything else.

I know how hard it must be for Chris. It wasn't but a year that I had lost Daughtry and I felt like my whole world had fell apart, and I know it isn't the same. It might be worse for Chris, and then it could be worse for me. Chris just lost the love of his life, but there is a good chance that he can bring him back. I lost my best friend, and there is no way that I can bring him back. So I guess its pretty much the same.

Chris began to cry hard on my shoulder. I felt him lean on me and I could hold him up that much longer so we both went to the ground and I managed to keep my knees up so that we didn't fall on the glass. Chris had managed to get himself hurt once on the glass, and I don't think he needs to wake up with more cuts and scars for himself. I know he's probably going to be regretting this in the morning, but he can't be held responsible for what he's doing right now, because he's in a bad state and I would hope that no one would hold him reliable for what he's doing right now.

"What's going on in here," Piper entered. She had heard more glasses breaking and she knew that things weren't getting much better in here so she thought she'd better check it out. When she had entered, she was very shocked. She saw so many liquor bottles on the floor that she would have thought a drunk had came in the house. She then saw me hugging up to Chris, and that scared her. She hasn't seen Chris in this kind of state. It did not look good seeing that he was crying on my shoulder.

"Mom is everything al-," Wyatt walked in right behind her to see the same thing in the kitchen that she saw. This was really getting out of control, and the blond really didn't know what to do. "Evans what happened in here?" He asked.

I looked up at my husband to see that he was very worried. I've never seen Wyatt that worried ever since last year, when Chris had told him that there was a possibility that I could die if I kept interfering with Daughtry and his destiny to die. I guess the older you get the more easily you get worried.

"Everything's okay," I nodded. "Chris is just going through a bad time, and I think he's going to need all the help he can get," I informed them.

"Peter would be able to help me," Chris said from my shoulder.

"I know he would, and Peter might not be here right now, but you've always got me," I stated. "And I'll be here for you," I told him. It hurt me to see Chris like this. He's part of my family. He's my brother and I would do anything for him. Even die for him if I had to. I just can't believe that the elders would put him through this, and now out of all times. The day that he finally tries to get married.

"When will Peter be back," Chris asked.

"Soon," I whispered in his ear.

"How long is soon," Chris asked.

"Its not long," I promised him.

I really didn't know how long it was going to take us to get Peter back, but I hated seeing Chris in this stated so I had to get him back soon or else things for Chris would only get worse. It would all depend one when we found the Warlock brothers, and there's no telling who they are. They appear to be normal mortals just like us, and there is no way that I can tell them apart unless I make them bleed, but that would take too long for me to do that to everyone in San Francisco. I know there's got to be some way that I can find them sooner, and I know how. There's someone that I'm going to have to talk to that I've been secretly talking to without Wyatt's consent. I know he's probably going to be mad to hear that I've been talking to this person, but if it helps us save Peter I know that he's probably knot going to care all that much.

"Come on Chris, we've got to get you to bed," I stated, standing back up. I took on of his arms and put it around my shoulder. I knew he was probably going to have some trouble walking.

Piper looked on in concern and so did Wyatt. This wasn't something that they've seen out of anyone in their family. This wasn't a problem that Piper would deal with often and it wasn't something that she ever expected to deal with, with either of her sons.

"Don't worry Piper, he's going to be okay," I assured her sensing her thoughts. I know Piper is a worried parent. I know I would be if I saw my kids acting this way, and I actually was when I saw Patty was evil and my kids were divided, but that's done and over with, but I still know the feeling that Piper has being worried about her kids.

I walked past Wyatt and Piper and headed straight to the stairs and carefully helped Chris up all of them one by one. This was very hard, but I knew I had to help the brunette because I knew that he wasn't going to be able to do all of this on his own so he needed my help. At first I was wondering how he got down in the kitchen without any of us hearing him, but I quickly remembered that he could orb and that's probably what he did.

When I reached his room, I slowly placed him down on the bed gently. I didn't want to do anything that could hurt him, because I knew how fragile he probably is right now with all the glasses that he's thrown around and all the cuts that he has on him even though I've only seen the ones on his wrist, but I'm sure he has more and I don't intend on looking for them because I know that it would hurt me because seeing him in pain was just painful for me.

"Now, do you think you'll be okay in here," I asked him. "If you want me too, I could bring a sleeping bag in here and I could sleep in here with you so that you don't get lonely," I offered.

"No, I think I'll be okay," he said.

"Are you sure," I pressed on. I honestly didn't want to leave Chris alone because I didn't want him to do anything crazy and knowing that he's already sneaked out of his room and got drunk was a sign of what he was capable of. Next thing I know he could orb to the Underworld and go demon hunting and get himself hurt even more and if that happens I don't think I would be able to forgive myself even though it wouldn't be my fault, but part of me would feel like it was because its my duty to look after him since I'm the oldest.

"I'm sure," he answered.

"Okay, well, if you need me, just call alright and I'll be there," I told him. I began to walk out of the room, but took one last look at my brother who was still staring at the ceiling. I didn't know if he was going to get any sleep with the way he has been acting. I really hope he does, because right now I might not be able to because I'll probably stay up worried about him. I then saw the brunette close his eyes, and I closed the door behind me, hoping that he doesn't get out of bed.

Standing by the door was Wyatt. "Is he going to be okay," Wyatt asked. He was very concerned about Chris more than ever. Chris was his little brother, and they have always been best friends growing up as kids, even before I came into the picture, and Wyatt can't imagine life without him and his humor.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "I mean he just lost his fiancé and there's no telling how he really feels right now," I told Wyatt.

Wyatt nodded understanding my statement. Wyatt looked at me close and saw that my eyes were puffy and I was holding in a lot of yawns. "We should be getting home," Wyatt said. "I can see that you're tired and you need to get some sleep," he stated.

"I know, but I'm worried about Chris, and I don't want to just leave him here," I said.

"Don't worry, mom will look after him, and if anything goes wrong, I'm pretty sure that she will call us," Wyatt said.

He really didn't want to leave Chris as much as I did, but he knew that we wouldn't be able to help him if we were too tired in the morning, and right now it wasn't the time. There was a new threat out there for us and Wyatt knew that we had to always be at full strength just in case we found ourselves facing them anytime soon. He remembers my mother telling him that we had to really be prepared if we wanted to take them on. They were just like us except for evil, and Wyatt knew that we had never taken on anything like them before. They could probably take on the Source of all good if there was one.

Wyatt being the leader had to really think about that. Even though I was the oldest, Wyatt took it upon himself to be the strong guy. It might have not made since to everyone else, but it made perfect since to him.

I sighed seeing that Wyatt was right. I peeked into Chris' room one last time to make sure that he was sleep before I left. I just hope he's okay, and the first thing that I'm going to do tomorrow morning after I have taken care of some business, is come see about Chris.

If I want Peter back and soon, I know there is something that I must do. I know its going to make Wyatt mad now that I think about it more, but I don't care. If it brings back Peter and helps Chris, then I don't care if Wyatt hates me after it, which I know he never would, but still. I would rather put Chris' happiness in front of my own.

"Come on babe," Wyatt said holding out his hand. "Its time to go home," he reminded me. "I know how much you want to stay here, but we can't right now because the kids are at home waiting for us," he stated.

I nodded then I peeked through the door one more time. "Goodbye Chris," I whispered through the door. I know he probably can't hear me, but I still didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to my older brother. I closed the door and grabbed Wyatt hand.

Wyatt held onto my hand firmly as he orbed us back to our house where it was very quiet seeing as how Paige has probably put all of our little kids and Chris' kids to sleep.


Having checked on the kids and letting Paige know that it was okay that she could leave, Wyatt and I went to bed where we just laid there in just our boxers. Wyatt had his arm around my shoulders, but I wasn't laying my head on his chest like I usually do, which made the blond worry a little. I'm usually cuddled up to him most of the time, and the fact that I'm not right now is a scary thing.

Little did he know that today had been real hard. I never expected tonight that I would be in bed thinking about Peter and how he's gone, and how its effecting Chris that Wyatt and I have the kids. I wanted to keep Pyra and Pandora today, but not because Chris is having a bad day, but because they should be on their honeymoon. Instead poor Chris is stuck at the manor in his bed alone. I just want to go over there right now.

Wyatt on the other hand was almost more worried about me than Chris right now. I haven't said a word since we left the manor, and usually I talk his ear off till we go to bed, but that doesn't bother Wyatt at all because he just loves to hear the sound of my voice.

After sitting in silence for another few minutes, Wyatt decided that he was going to try to figure out what was going on and why wasn't I talking. He knew it had something to do with Chris, but he really didn't know what part of it was effecting me, and if he didn't know that then he couldn't help.

It was going to be hard for him to talk to me right now because I was laying, facing away from him. Wyatt scooted in closer towards me and tried to get my attention by rubbing my arm, but I just shrugged him off. He then tried again, by kissing me on the back of my neck which only made me scoot more away from him. Wyatt still wasn't giving up. That was something he would never do. Especially when it came down to me. He slowing kissed a trail from my shoulders all the way up to my neck causing me to jump, and nearly fall out of the bed, but Wyatt had quick reflexes and used his muscular arms to catch me.

"What the hell was that for," I snapped at him. He should have gotten the memo that I didn't want to be bothered right now after I had shrugged him of so many times, but I really can't blame Wyatt though. I really haven't been fair to him since I really hadn't talked to him since we got to the house so I can understand that he's probably craving attention.

"Sorry," he said a little hurt. It always hurt him really bad whenever I would snap at him. He loved me so much that if he ever did anything to hurt me or make me mad it would hurt him even more than me. "I was just hoping that we could talk, babe," he begged.

"About what," I said a little calmer.

"You know, why you're not talking to me, and how you don't want to be near me right now," he pointed out.

As I began to look at it, I was distancing myself away from Wyatt a little, which was something that he didn't deserve. Wyatt has been there for me so much that I owe him a lot and right now I'm treating him badly. I shouldn't be snapping at him for caring so much.

"I'm sorry Wy," I apologized. "Its just that I've had a bad day today and I've got so much on my mind right now," I explained hoping that he would understand, and I'm sure he does.

"Like," he asked.

"Like Chris is not in good state right now, Peter is gone, and to make matters worse we have threat out there that is bigger than anything we've ever faced, and we've faced some pretty hard things," I pointed out.

Wyatt nodded seeing that I was right. We did have a lot on our plate and he was worried about it all too, but just not as worried. He didn't want to spend most of his life worrying about everything so it wasn't like Wyatt to worry a lot. He would cross a bridge when he came to it.

"I know it might not seem like it now babe, but everything is going to be alright," he told me.

"Yeah, that's what you always say," I replied.

"Well, have I been wrong yet," Wyatt pointed out.

"No, but Wyatt, this time we are in way over our heads," I stated. "The three warlocks who are able to off set our power of three, and then to make it worse I'm scared that Chris might not be able to get himself back together before we have to take them on," I went on telling Wyatt my fears. I really didn't think we'd be having this talk right now, but I should have known Wyatt was going to pursue it since he always wants to help me.

"We just might be Evans," Wyatt agreed. "But I still think we can do it," he said confident. "I mean we've faced so many demons and warlocks and other beings that I can say we're ready to take these guys on, even if they are the most powerful beings on Earth."

"I hope so," I sighed.

"You know I'm getting really tired of you just hoping," Wyatt complained. "You should know so, and not hope so," Wyatt told me firmly. When I said I hoped or anything that sounded close to it, which was just about anything that was doubtful, Wyatt would be a little hurt because he felt that it meant that I didn't trust him which was not true.

"I'm sorry Wyatt, but with everything going on right now, I don't think anything can make me say that I know that its all going to be okay," I replied. I really didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't want to lie to him either so I had to be truthful and right now I wasn't sure if we were prepared for the three warlock brothers.

"Really now," he smirked. "You don't think anything can make you say that you know so," he asked.

"No," I shook my head.

"I think I do," Wyatt said as he swiftly got on top of me playfully, and started to tickle my sides. Wyatt saw that I was being tortured and was trying to get away but he put all his weight on my legs and continued to tickle me wherever he could, just being happy that he could get a laugh out of me today.

"Stop it!" I shouted laughing. I tried to push Wyatt off of me, but he was too heavy. He was really tickling me hard, and I couldn't take too much more of it before I laughed myself to death. I tried as hard as I could to grab Wyatt hands and stop him from tickling me, but I wasn't able to, because Wyatt was so quick that he could pull away from my hands and then go right back to tickling me without so much as getting a touch from me.

"I don't want to," he replied.

Wyatt and I continued to struggle and wrestle with each other. Wyatt finally just grabbed my wrist and held them down, since he was really getting tired of my hands getting in his way. Slowly he rose up to his knees and adjusted himself a little and went right back down, and gently kissed my neck. That was a big mistake though. Since he had lifted his weight off of I was able to push him over so that I was now on top, but Wyatt was quick to roll me back over, but I wasn't about to let him win to so I rolled him back over, and Wyatt and I continued rolling and rolling around on the bed for awhile, until I was tired out and I didn't try to roll him back over again.

"I give," I said. "You win alright, I know so," I finally let out.

"Wow, and I thought you said that no one could make you say it," Wyatt taunted me as he still held my hands over my head. "Looks like I'm the guy who can make you do anything," he said.

"I said you win, now will you let me go," I begged still trying to struggle out of Wyatt's grip. I would use magic, but that wouldn't be playing fair, plus I don't think as a Charmed One, I'm aloud to use magic against Wyatt or my husband for that fact. Also I wouldn't want to do something on accident and seriously hurt him. I love Wyatt too much to really use magic on him, but he really can be bossy sometimes, but I love him whether he's bossy or not.

"No way," he shook his head. "I'm never letting you go babe," he said. "I love you too much to ever do that," he stated.

"You know what I meant, Wyatt," I said back.

"Oh, what did you mean," he smiled.

"I meant, let me out of this little grip you've got me in," I demanded. Wyatt has a habit of teasing me like this, and knows how much it turns me on, but right now wasn't the time to get me hard.

"No why would I want to do that," he asked. "I think I like you in this position," he whispered in my ear as he tucked it into his teeth. Wyatt just loved to tease and right now was the perfect time for him.

Seeing what Wyatt was doing I tried to move out of his grip, but his strong body kept me down there. It seems as though I'm trapped. "Um...Wyatt, maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now, I mean with all of what's happened today," I suggested. I was really hard right now.

"Aw come on," Wyatt begged. He hasn't had a good day's sex in a long time. Really its been a week and it feels like a month for Wyatt. Its not that we haven't wanted to, its just that everything had been crazy with Chris' wedding and stuff. It has been the week of hell for the twice blessed. "I know you want this more than me, so what do you say?"

I had to think about it for a moment. I did want it so why fight it. I owe it to Wyatt and myself since we really hadn't had time to do it. I just hope we aren't so loud that we wake the kids up, because that would be a nightmare for them all to just walk in on us.

"Okay," I agreed making Wyatt smile. "But lets make this quick because we've got a big day tomorrow and I don't want to be too worn out," I told him.

"Yes!" Wyatt cheered.

Wyatt took no time in going down and devouring my mouth hungrily. He's been wanting this so bad for so long that right now he can't control himself. It feels so good having my lips pressed against his. To make it even better he continued to hold my hands down as he moved his mouth from my lips and began to lick a trail from my jaw line all the way over to his favorite part of my neck. Wyatt started to lick in circles around it before he tucked it into his teeth and began to suck on it hard, making sure he left a spot there that would last for a week. He then began licking on the other side. How much he just loved feasting on my neck. It was his, and no one was aloud to touch it, and he was making sure he made that known. He licked his way all over that side, and instead of leaving a big hickey he took the skin into his mouth and bit down on my neck hard, causing me to bleed a little, but Wyatt made sure to clean it up with his tongue.

I gasped feeling the pain of having my neck bitten, but I was use to it by now, since Wyatt loves to bite, and that's a fetish of his that I kind of find sexy. Feeling Wyatt lick all over my chest made me moan a lot, and since I couldn't squirm because he was holding me down with all his weight, I just moaned even louder. My manhood was slowly starting to rise in my boxers. The friction of Wyatt's body rubbing against mine was enough to get me going.

Wyatt's hard on was also starting to rise. I could feel it against my thigh, but Wyatt was far from done with me. He wanted this to last a little longer before he went inside of me. He felt that he had gotten every part of my neck and now he wanted something better. He licked a trail all the way done to my collar bone where he sucked for awhile. The taste of my skin was better than chocolate for him. He wishes that I was a flavor that he could choose for just about anything because he'd never get tired of my taste.

I gritted my teeth together to stop myself from moaning so loud. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold it when Wyatt reaches the spot, and the lower and lower he goes, the louder my moans start to get, which turn him on more than what he's doing to me is turning me on.

Wyatt licked all over my upper part until he came to my nipples, which he started to slightly nibble on as his hand wondered the rest of my body. He used TK to keep my arms down. He didn't want me moving an inch. He liked me all laid out for him like a meal to devour. That's why he didn't want me to move a finger. To make things even better Wyatt slowly started rubbing my other nipple in circles with his thump, knowing how much more it was going to turn me on.

Feeling Wyatt sucking on one of my nipples and then massaging the other one almost made me want to cum, but I didn't. I had to hold it in. At least until I knew that Wyatt was in me. Wyatt still had his telekinetic hold on my arms, and I didn't know how much more or how much longer I was going to be able to take it.

Wyatt then released my nipple out of his mouth after he could feel how hard it was. He had it the way he wanted it, and he also had the other nipple just as hard from rubbing it with his thump for awhile.

Since his job on my chest was finished Wyatt began to move his tongue around in other various places of my body. First he went into my armpit and teased me there for a little bit seeing as I always do that to him. That was just his little revenge for all those times I got him with that. Hearing me moan a little more made Wyatt only lick and tease even harder. He wanted to get me the best he could and he knew that was a good spot now. Wyatt then moved back up to my face and gave me a hard passionate kiss wanting to be in my mouth again since he hasn't been there for a quiet some time. At least that's how he sees it.

Slowly Wyatt began to remove his lips from mine, but not before he sucked on my bottom lip. Wyatt then let his tongue lick all the way down to my six pack that he loved on me so much. When he came to my navel, he licked around it for awhile before he inserted his tongue in like he always does. Soon he was tongue fucking my belly button.

It felt so good. Wyatt was really good at that. My legs weren't bound anymore sine Wyatt wasn't laying on top of them now, and I started to move them around, but Wyatt wasn't too happy about that.

He got right back on top of my legs and put them under his weight and smirked. "Now that's not playing fair babe," he whispered. "I already owe you for all the time we've missed and this only makes it strike two."

"Wow," I said surprised. "I never thought that Wyatt over here could get so frustrated," I taunted. "Looks like someone has been sex starved for far too long," I laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha, just laugh it up, you'll pay for that," Wyatt sneered back playfully.

"Is that a threat, Wyatt," I asked.

"Its just a little something for you to think on babe," Wyatt replied. Letting the conversation die, Wyatt went back to feasting on my body hungrily. Seeing as he's already finished his job on my upper body area, he went and slowly started to pull my boxers off. He could see already that I was ready for him. My long rod was showing through my boxers, and Wyatt just couldn't wait to stick it in his mouth and make me moan loud.

Wyatt had finally pulled my shorts all the way off and saw my long hard shaft that had been waiting for him ever since he began to give me pleasure. Wyatt took it in his hand and slowly started to jerk it off, making me moan in pleasure. He wanted me to moan even louder, so he started going even faster. He just loved to tease me this way.

I knew I was giving Wyatt the satisfaction of hearing me moan, and I wanted to stop so bad, but I couldn't. My hands were still bound, and there wasn't much I could do but let Wyatt have his way with my body.

After Wyatt saw that I was long and hard enough, he took me into his mouth and soon he pulled me right out, wanting to make this even better. He started by licking the tip and around the head and jerked it off some more and he began to lick around my legs. He then let it go so he could tease me even more. This teasing was becoming really fun, at least for him it was.

Wyatt licked down my hairy muscular legs, and sucked on them a little bit before he reached down to my foot. He kissed my toes and nibbled on them for a little bit before he slowly started licking his way back up, but he wasn't done yet. He began to kiss my inner thighs gently and then went to my outer ones and kissed them hard wanting me to feel as much pleasure as I could.

I was almost at my peek, but still I managed to maintain control. I couldn't let Wyatt think that he could make me cum without even sucking me off or else he would start just doing that any chance he got. I just held my teeth together real tight and let out slight moans so Wyatt wouldn't get the satisfaction of hearing me moan a lot.

Seeing that his teasing wasn't working much Wyatt went up and got in between my legs and began to jerk me off some more, waiting for me to start moaning a little more before he took it into his mouth and began sucking it up and down hard from the start. It felt so good to do this right now because this is the first time in a while that he hasn't had my hands guiding him where to go. He can just go wherever he pleases.

Wyatt held my dick in place as he started going up and down with his mouth. I was now fucking his mouth, or his mouth was fucking me since I really wasn't moving at all. I really couldn't hold it in anymore. I let out a loud moan feeling all that going through me. Wyatt was right. It's been a long time since we've done this and I miss it so much.

Wyatt slipped his hands around my hips wanting to make this even better. Soon Wyatt was pulling my body up and down in the same motion that he was going in. This was making it a lot easier for him to suck me off. Wyatt saw that I was about to cum so he pulled back and squeezed my dick, not wanting me to cum just yet. At least not until he's had his fun with me.

The blond slowly began licking his way back up to me. He started laying butterfly kisses everywhere along the way. He felt since he got to feast on my body, he could let me out of his hold.

Once Wyatt released his hold on me I could finally move my hands. I thought I would make Wyatt pay for having me in that bind for so long so I gently ran my hands along his side and began to tickle him as he continued kissing on my body. I thought I'd give him a taste of his own medicine.

Wyatt quickly grabbed my arms and pinned them back over my head saying, "that's strike three babe, looks like you're out," he smirked. Wyatt then turned me over so that I was laying on my stomach. Wyatt then began slapping my bare ass with his hand. "You're are a naughty boy, and its my job to make sure you get your spanking," he whispered in my ear. Wyatt gave me a few more hard spanks on the butt before he pulled out his lube and lube up his fingers. "Now are you going to tease me again," he asked.

"I don't know, am I," I replied being a smart allec knowing that I was probably going to pay for that one.

Wyatt then stuck a finger in my hole and heard me cry out in pain. "Oh sorry," he apologized. He only wanted to tease me, not seriously hurt me. He waited till I was okay before he started pumping that finger in and out of my hole. "Now, as I was saying, are you going to tease me again?" He asked once more.

"Yes," I said back.

The twice blessed smiled and then stuck another finger in my hole gently this time, not to hurt me. Waiting for the pain to turn to pleasure, Wyatt gently began to stroke his cock with his other hand. Once he saw that I was okay he began to speak again. "Now I'm going to ask again, are you going to try to tease me again," he repeated.

"Maybe," I answered.

Finally the blond stuck a third finger inside of me and saw that no pain came out of it, but only pleasure which relieved him a lot because he thought I might not be able to take all of it. Slowly he began pumping them in and out searching for my prostate, and grew hard when he finally hit it. "I'm going to ask you one more time, are you ever going to tease me again," he asked.

"Yes," I cried out. I wanted all the pleasure to stop right now or else I wouldn't have enough in me left for when he was inside me, and I knew that was going to take a lot out of me. Wyatt was never gentle with me, unless I asked him to be, which was hot.

"That's more like it," Wyatt smirked as he flipped me back over on my back. He wanted to be able to look at me as he fucked me, because it turned him on even more. Slowly Wyatt began inserting his large manhood in me slowly. As always he felt how tight I was and his senses dimmed for a moment. He loved how tight I was. Never has he ever felt anyone as tight as me. That's one thing he loved about me. If I was any tighter Wyatt would have came right there. Soon Wyatt had fully inserted himself in me. "Hey babe, could you wrap your legs around me, so it would be easier for me," Wyatt asked. I did what I was told and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Thanks babe, now keep them there," he requested.

Wyatt took no time in pumping his hard erection in and out of me. He started off rough from the start. This was something he needed so bad. His dick has been waiting for this. It felt so good. Wyatt started groaning as the waves of pleasure surged through his whole body. He wanted this to last forever and ever, but knew he was so close to cumming.

I moaned feeling Wyatt going in and out of me. At first it hurt like a bitch, but then it started to really feel good. I started panting hard. This was really getting tiring. I knew that Wyatt could go on for hours and hours, but sometimes this got to be a little bit too much for me.

"I'm gonna cum!!" Wyatt shouted reaching his peek. It wasn't too much longer after that, that Wyatt shot a huge load in my ass, and then another and another, and another.

Feeling my husband cum in me was enough to seen me over the edge. I let out a huge load all over my stomach and Wyatt's. Right then Wyatt pulled out of me and collapsed on top of me. Our bodies were both cover in semen. I looked over at the clock to see that it was now midnight, and we had started going at it, at 10:00 pm. I was a little angry then.

"That was not a quickie!" I pointed.

Wyatt looked over at the clock to see the same thing that I saw. "Oh, I guess it wasn't," he said as he rolled over off of me and pulled my body closer to his and held me against him possessively. "I love you, Evans," he said.

"I love you too, Wyatt," I said back.


When Wyatt woke up, he felt and empty space next to him. It seems as though I had left the bed, leaving him there all alone. Right then the alarm went off, and Wyatt was still a little tired from last night. It usually is me who is still tired from our fun the next morning, but Wyatt had a really hard day, yesterday. The blond knew that he had to get up, though. He wanted to hit the snooze button and go right back to sleep, but he had to go help his little brother out, because he knew his mother wasn't going to able to handle him by herself.

Wyatt removed the covers off his lower area and quickly slipped on his black boxers. He opened up the door and got the smell of bacon, pancakes, and eggs. I must be cooking breakfast. Wyatt was really getting excited then. He was about to go down stairs until he got a little whiff of himself. He was reeking real bad. He smelled like sex and sweat from the night before, and he didn't want to go down there in front of his kids smelling like that.

The blond quickly went to the master bathroom and made sure he locked the door. He didn't want the kids walking in on him in the shower. That would be a little embarrassing, even though he's bathed with the boys a number of times since there isn't always enough bathrooms in the house for all the kids since.

Wyatt got in the shower and turned on the cold water and let it flow down his body. It felt so great. This was just what he needed to start his morning. The only thing that could make this better right now was if he had me in here with him, and Wyatt so so close to just orbing me in here, but then he thought about the kids being downstairs, and he didn't want them to think their mom had just disappeared.

I was downstairs setting up the table, after getting the kids up and getting them all washed up and everything. I decided to make breakfast this morning since I knew it would be a good thing to start with after the day we had yesterday. Not just that, but it would sort of help with what I had to tell Wyatt that I was going to do today. I know he's not going to be too happy about that, so by making his favorite breakfast, maybe he will be more amiable to the idea.

"Mom, can I eat in the living room," Ryan asked. The boy was almost ten and he hated that he had to sit down at the table and eat. Now that he has friends, and has been going over to their houses a lot more than he comes home, he's seen that they're aloud to eat wherever, but he always has to eat with the family.

"No, Ry, now sit down with your brothers and sister," I told him, which he wasn't to happy about and gave a little pout. "Now, Robert, you don't mind if I pull up Richard's chair next to you, do you?" I asked. Richard was still in his baby chair, and he would throw a lot of fits at the table, so I just wanted to make sure that Robert didn't mind being next to him just in case he started throwing a tantrum and throwing food everywhere.

"No," Robert shook his head.

"Thanks," I said. I went and pulled up Richards baby chair next to Robert's and then placed Richard right in it. "Now we're not going to throw a fit today, understand," I asked the fifteen month old who probably couldn't even understand a word that I was saying. He just smiled at me like he was innocent. "Be good," I told him.

"Where's dad," little Prue asked.

"He's upstairs," I answered. "He should be down here any minute," I stated. "Is there something you need sweetie?"

Prue just shook her head.

"Alright then," I said going right back preparing everything on the table. The kids were old enough to mostly get their food by themselves. At least all of them except for Richard and Patty, but Patty was getting there. She only makes little clumsy mistakes like knocking over the milk when she's trying to reach for the syrup, but other than that she's pretty good. I heard arguing and I turned around to see Ryan and Robert fighting over a pancake. "Hey guys what's going on," I asked.

"Its my pancake, I had it first," Ryan growled.

"Doesn't have your name on it," Robert replied.

"Boy!" I shouted getting their attention. "Why are you two fighting over one pancake when there is plenty on the table," I questioned. They both looked at each other speechless. I knew this was something that they couldn't answer. "Here's what we'll do," I said. "I'll take this pancake," I said taking the pancake away from them and putting it on my plate. "And you guys can just get another one, that way you two aren't fighting over the same pancake," I suggested.

The boys nodded and Ryan, being the eldest, waited for his brother to get a pancake before he did. It was nice to see that problem being solved so simply. Especially with Pyra and Pandora being over at the house. I didn't want those girls to think that it was okay to fight with each other. Even if its over something small like who's pancake it is.

I grabbed a fork and a knife, and I took a bite of some bacon. It tasted so good. This is the best bacon that I had made in a long time. I was really starting to enjoy it when I felt a little woozy in my stomach. I was really starting to feel sick. I don't know why, because I make this bacon just about every morning and nothing has happened. I really couldn't hold it any longer. I quickly got up from the table and ran towards the bathroom.

"Mom," Ryan muttered.

I wasn't able to hear my eldest. I had went into the bathroom and emptied everything that I had last night from my stomach. Right now wasn't the time for me to get sick. I can't believe it. After I threw up, I went straight to the sink and washed my face. I was starting to feel a little woozy in the head, and I assumed that it was because I wasn't awake all the way. That wasn't really helping. I moved away from the sink and went right back to the kitchen where the kids where. I was having a hard time balancing myself the whole way. I really didn't want my kids to see that.

"Mom, you okay," Ryan asked concerned. Ryan hasn't seen me like this and he really gets worried. If Wyatt's not around then its Ryan who worried about me a lot. Being the eldest, that's how he feels. Its his job to protect the family when his dad is away.

"Yeah I'm fine, buddy," I lied. I really wasn't. I felt like I had morning sickness for some reason, and that really doesn't happen unless I'm pregnant. That wouldn't be right, though because Richard is only a year old and Patty is born when he is two, so I know that couldn't be the case.

Right then Wyatt had entered the kitchen. He had really worked up an appetite being in the shower and smelling the food all the way up there. His hair was still a little wet, but he wasn't going to take all that time, trying to dry it off. He was hungry right now and he needed food real bad, and he wanted to get his share before the kids and I ate it all up.

Wyatt saw me still cooking. He thought he'd surprise me. Slowly he tip toed up behind me and grabbed me from behind causing me to jump a little. Wyatt then kissed me on the cheek. "Morning beautiful," Wyatt said.

"Morning Wyatt," I replied a little weak.

"Feeling alright," he asked feeling that I wasn't my normal self, just by my voice.

"Mom threw up," Ryan blurted out.

"What?" Wyatt said, turning me around so that I was facing him.

"Ryan," I gritted through my teeth.

"Is this true," Wyatt asked concerned. He couldn't believe that he had to hear this from his son before he heard it from me. That hurt him a little, but the blond quickly hid it.

"Yes," I sighed.

"Do you need me to heal you babe," he offered.

"No, Wyatt, I'm fine," I replied.

"Are you sure, because I mean I could take you to see dad since he use to be a doctor, if you're not feeling well," Wyatt pressed on. He really didn't want me, the love of his life sick. At least not now, with everything going on.

"I'm sure I'll be okay," I told him.

"Okay," Wyatt said. He knew that I was lying. Right now he just wanted to carry me back up to the bed kicking and screaming and make me stay there until I felt better, but he knew that would only make things worse right now. Wyatt just went and sat at the table with the kids and began eating breakfast. "So, Evans, ready to go to the manor," he asked.

I turned around and took in a deep breath. "Um..yeah..I wanted to talk you about that," I told him. "I was hoping that maybe I could meet you at the manor a little later on."

"Sure," he nodded. "Where you going," he asked.

"Well I was uh...hoping to meet up with an old friend for lunch today, and I was hoping to take Patience with me," I explained. I was shaking a little. Wyatt hasn't snapped yet, but he will if he here's the whole story, and that's why I'm trying to edge around it so he won't have a problem with it.

"Do I know this friend," he asked.

"You know of him, but you really don't know him know him," I stated. I looked at the clock to see that it was almost 11:30 and I was suppose to be meeting the guy at 12:00. I know I just had breakfast, but I really wasn't trying to get something to eat, I just wanted to go talk to the guy about the Warlock brothers that my mom had told me about. "Wow, look at the time, I think I'd better get going," I said grabbing some bacon. "Come on Patience, time to go," I headed for the door.

"Chris, stop right there!" Wyatt demanded in his serious voice. I could do nothing but freeze where I was. I knew he was probably anger, and if a demon shimmered in right now, it would regret the day it was born. "What is this friend's name," Wyatt asked.

"Its...," I started.

"Turn around and look at me in the face when I'm talking to you," he said. He knew that I could never lie to him to his face, but if my back was turned that would be a different story.

I turned around and looked at my husband, and stared into his blue eyes. I knew I better not lie. Our relationship is built around trust and I don't want him to think that he can't trust me. Even if it is something that I know he's not going to approve of.

I took in one big deep breath. I was really going to need it for what was about to go down. "John," I muttered, but it was clear enough for Wyatt to hear. I really wanted to punch myself in the face for letting that out.

"John!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"Wyatt, let me explain," I started, but was cut off by a raging Wyatt.

"There's no need to explain anything!" He shouted. "Instead of coming to the manor to help out with Chris and help find a solution to getting Peter back, you're going to hang out with you're ex and to make this worse you're taking our daughter with you!"

"It's not like that Wyatt," I told him. "And first of all, Patience needs to know who her dad is," I pointed out.

"I'm her dad," Wyatt grunted. "I'm the only father she needs," Wyatt replied even more angrier.

"That's not the point, Wyatt," I said. "It wouldn't be fair to Patience and John if they didn't know each other," I stated. I remember all those stories Piper told me of how Wyatt would scare all other men away so that she couldn't have another guy except for Leo, so I feel that since Wyatt got to know his dad, despite all the guys that Piper had around, Patience should know John. "And I'm not just going for Patience, I was going to find out some stuff about the Warlock brother," I said to him.

"How can that mortal help," Wyatt hissed.

"First of all, he chose to be mortal, and I don't appreciate the way you're saying that, and second he use to be the Source of all Evil, so I'm pretty sure he's probably had some run ins with them before," I explained. "Look, Wyatt," I said as I started moving closer towards him. "I understand that you don't want me being around him, considering all the stuff that he's put us through, but I just don't want Patience to grow up, and then not have her father in her life, I mean imagine how you would feel if you never got to know dad," I asked him. I came up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. "So come on, I promise nothing bad will happen."

Wyatt nodded. He knew that he could trust me. Heck I was telling him the truth right now as we speak, knowing how he was going to react. "Alright," he said giving in. "I trust you babe," he said. "And I would hope that you wouldn't consider me any less of Patience's father, because I'm not biologically her father," Wyatt questioned.

"No, I don't," I told him. "Patience understands that she has two fathers," I stated to him. "John might be there in her life, but no one can take the place of you, and you know that."

"If he tries anything, make sure to call me," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt, you said it yourself that he's mortal now, so what could he do, I mean he has no powers," I pointed out.

"I still don't trust the guy," Wyatt shook his head. "Knowing him, he'd put sleeping pills in your drink and take you away," Wyatt gritted through his teeth getting more angry thinking about it.

"Okay babe, John might be crazy, but I don't think he's psycho," I stated. "Now, I've got to get going, but I'll call you and Chris when I find out something," I told him. "Come on Patience," I said grabbing her hand.

"Be careful," Wyatt exclaimed.

"I will," I said walking out the door along with Patience. I guided Patience back over to my car, and put her in the front of the car. That was a big relief for me since I didn't have seven kids all fighting to be in the front of the car. I made sure that she was all buckled up before

"Where are we going mom," Patience asked.

"To see your dad," I answered her.

"Isn't daddy inside the house," she asked.

"Yeah, but we're going to go see your other dad," I told her.

When Patience and I had gotten there, I could see John sitting with two boys who were twins. They must be his sons. I could tell that they were younger than Patience, and they looked to be about Patty's age. I wasn't too sure about it though. I walked over to the table where John was, with Patience holding my hand. I could tell that she was a little shy about being around them. I don't think it was John she was scared to be around, I just think its, the two boys, because she's seen John plenty of times, and knows him as here dad, but she has never seen those other two boys there before.

"Chris," John said looking up to see that I was there.

"Hey John," I replied.

John quickly got out of his chair and pulled me into a tight hug. I'm just glad Wyatt isn't here right now or else John would be dead. I hope he isn't somewhere spying on me, since he said that he could trust me and its not like I'm kissing him.

"Its good to see you friend," John whispered. He finally let go of my. "Come on have a seat," he pleaded.

I did what John said, and took a seat across from him, but it was going to be next to Patience and the twins.

"Hey baby girl," John said picking up his little angel. He held her for awhile. Its been a week and it feels like forever for John. He really loves the girl and it was hard for him to give her up in the first place, but he knew he had to do it for her safety.

"Hi daddy," Patience replied wrapping her arms around his neck.

"How's my little girl been," he asked.

"Good," she said.

Having said that, John put Patience back down on the ground and took his seat across from me. "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you guys," John said. "Chris, Patience, this is Julius and Julian, Julian and Julius this is your older sister Patience and well...your cousin Chris, sorry I didn't tell you about them the first time we met, but Faith and John Jr. are with Tyler visiting his parents in Texas," he said.

"Nice to meet you guys," I said shaking both of their hands.

John knew that I was here about something important and he really didn't want to talk about it in front of the kids. Demons and magic isn't something that they should be talking about. At least not until they're sixteen. The boys might be half demon, but they still shouldn't be talking about that.

"Hey, why don't you guys go and play some games in the arcade, and give me and Chris a chance to talk," John suggested.

"Okay," all of them said.

"Here you go," John said handing them, what looked like a million quarters. It sure was going to keep them busy for awhile. It really didn't matter, because John needed as much time to talk with me as he could get. Once they were gone and out of sight and into the arcade John began to smile. "She's beautiful," he stated. "I can see that she's being well taken care of," he nodded. "I don't regret my decision, leaving her with you, because it looks like that was the best thing for her," he sighed.

"John, she needs you too," I said back. "You're her father," I pointed out. "I wouldn't say you're doing too bad for yourself," I told him.

"Yeah, I guess, so," he went on. "How's Wyatt," he asked. "I'm pretty sure he wasn't to happy about you coming here to meet me," John said. He knew that Wyatt really didn't like him too much, and he knew that Wyatt really didn't want him around me, which is something John can understand, because of everything that happened in the past, but Wyatt is going to have to understand that John is Patience's father, and John wants to be there in her life, so Wyatt is going to be seeing more of him than he wants to.

"He's good, and yeah he really didn't want me to come," I told him. "How's your family doing, I mean since I really haven't met the whole bunch," I stated. "I would like to meet the rest of your family someday."

"Don't worry, you will," he said.

"You know," I said thinking. "Speaking of family, have you ever thought about coming and visiting us," I asked.

"What do you mean," he questioned.

"Well technically, you're Aunt Phoebe's child, so that would make you apart of our family, so you should come by the manor to visit," I suggested.

John thought about it for a moment. I was right, but he couldn't. Not after all that the family has heard about him, and seen what he's done. That would be wrong for him to just walk in and want to try to make something with them. They seem to have lived a good time without him so they can continue to do so.

"No thanks," he said.

"Why not," I said. "I mean you're just as much apart of the family as anyone," I told him.

"I just can't, Evans," he said. "How is my mom anyway," he asked.

"She's good," I told him. "I bet you didn't know though, that you had three younger sisters," I told him.

"What? Wow," he said surprised. "What are their names?"

"Peyton, Phoenix, and Pagan," I answered. "Yeah, the whole family of girls have P names, so yeah," I told him. "And then there's our cousins, Henry Jr., Melinda, and Primrose, and well technically Wyatt and Chris are your cousins too," I told him.

"I never knew we had such a big family," John smiled.

"Yeah, we do," I told him. "So come on, why don't you come be a part of that," I asked again.

"Chris, I don't want to talk about it," John said again. "Now please, lets not bring it up again, lets get to the real meaning of why you're here," he said changing the subject.

I really wanted to pursue the whole matter with the family, but I knew I shouldn't keep trying to pressure him. He should come on his own terms and not be forced into something that he doesn't want.

"John, I need you to tell me everything you know about the Warlock brothers," I said simply.

John nearly gasped for breath. He never thought he would talk about them. Words can't describe how he really feels about them. Being the Source of All Evil and knowing just about all demons, darklighters, and warlocks wasn't everything. Especially when you know some of the most powerful warlocks in the Underworld and on Earth.

"Those guys are dangerous," John stated. "Why would you want to know about them," he questioned.

"Because the Angel of Destiny took Peter away, and the only way for us to get him back is to face the Warlock brothers," I told him.

"Good luck with that," John stated. "The warlock brothers are the most powerful warlocks in the Underworld. No demon or witch has ever tried to take them on and lived to tell the tell. When I was the Source, I really never had to face them, but my henchmen would always warn me about them just in case they'd try to attack."

"So how do I find them," I questioned.

"Trust me, you'll know them when you see them," John nodded. "Hey Chris, I want to ask you a favor."

"Sure, what," I asked.

"I was hoping that I could keep Patience for the weekend, you know so she could meet the rest of the family," John asked.

"Of course you can keep her for the weekend," I told him. "I mean she's your daughter too, and you have just as much right to her as I do," I pointed out to him. He was the one who saved both her, and Ryan from the demon wasteland so he did have a right to take her anytime he wanted to.

Next thing I knew, I heard a woman screaming. I turned around to see a man, who was about my age taking her purse. That wasn't something that you would see in this city everyday. I found this quiet unusual. The man quickly ran out of the restaurant ignoring all the screaming that the woman was doing.

"John, watch Patience, I'll be right back," I told him. John nodded. I immediately ran out of the restaurant and followed after that man. I couldn't just let him take that woman's purse and get away with it. The guy was pretty fast, but he wasn't fast enough. I chased him all the way into an alley. I knew he was going t be trapped then. "Hold it right there you asshole," I shouted at him.

The guy immediately stopped and turned around and looked at me with and angry face. "What did you just call me," he gritted through his teeth. Next thing two other men shimmered in behind him. They both looked like maybe one or two years younger than the guy and they looked a little bit like him. I would say that there brothers. "I told you two to wait for me back in the Underworld," he said to them.

"Sorry," they both said.

"Now," he said towards me. "Do you want to repeat what you just called me," he conjuring up an energy ball.

"You're a warlock!" I stated.

"Wow, I'm surprised a mortal, knows what we are," he said to the guys standing next to him. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Trey, this is Tristan, and Thomas, and we're called the warlock brothers," he smirked. "The most powerful warlocks that you will ever met, and the last thing you will see before you die," with that said he hurled an energy ball my way.

I somehow levitated in the air, and dodged it. Luckily I remembered how to use Richard's power and levitated back down to the ground. I would have wondered how I am able to use that power, but then again, right now I'm in front of the Warlock brothers and right now I don't even have Wyatt and Chris with me. I'm screwed.

The guy in the middle squinted his eyes and all of a sudden a pipe came right at me. "PIPE," I shouted and orbed it right back there way.

The Warlock brother named Tristan quickly raised his hands and froze it right there. He must be like Wyatt, and I'm assuming from the way that Trey squinted his eyes, he was like me, and that would leave Thomas to be like Chris. I can't believe they have powers like we do.

"So, you're a witch," Trey smirked. "The more fun for us," he said. He waved his hand and a big truck came my way.

I quickly waved my hands and sent the truck another place. Tristan took that as an opportunity to raise his hands and try to blow me up. Luckily he missed, and hit a trashcan that was behind me. I quickly moved out of the way. Seeing that I was too busy dodging Tristan, Thomas took this as an opportunity to make his move. He levitated in the air and sent and electric wave at me. It missed, but he wasn't going to give up. He then sneaked up right behind me so now I was surrounded by all of them on all three sides. In front of me was Trey, on my right side was Tristan and to my left was Thomas.

"Look like its the end of the line for you, witch," Trey smirked. Trey waved his hand and sent another pipe my way.

Tristan quickly lifted his hands, aiming for when he was going to blow me up, while Thomas shot another jolt of electric energy at me.

I looked around seeing that I wouldn't be able to dodge all those attacks. I guess it was the end. I couldn't believe that I had failed my brothers. I closed my eyes and waited for all of the attacks to hit me at once, but I felt nothing. I heard the brother's gasp. I opened my eyes to see that a big yellow shield was around my stomach. I was pregnant with Penelope.

Dun, Dun Dun! So I decided to skip the introduction lecture and just let you read more story. I'm not really going to say much except that I've had this for a week and I assumed since I hadn't heard from too many people that you guys are still reading chapter 29. I was going to wait till I got more because I really didn't want to post another chapter and next thing you know I'm 5 chapters ahead of the one you guys are reading, but I'm going to be out of town for the next few days, so I wanted to go ahead and post this for all the people who have read chapter 29, and I hope to hear from you guys. Remember please send feedback. Email me at or . Thank you and Happy St. Patricks Day

Next: Chapter 34: Forever and Ever Charmed

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