Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Apr 28, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and I have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

"Forever and Ever Charmed"

For a second there I felt that time froze as I looked down to see a shield over my stomach. It couldn't be. Now wasn't the time. Richard was suppose to be two when Penny was born, but now looking at it clearly I could see that Richard was already fifteen months old, which meant that I really had Penny in me and that my youngest son was still going to be two when Penny was born. This was just great. The last thing I needed right now was to be pregnant again. Especially when Wyatt, Chris, and I are working so hard to get Peter back.

Time really started to move again as I saw all three warlocks walking towards me at the same time. This didn't look good. I began to try to crawl away on my back not wanting to turn around in case they tried playing a trick. I knew how warlocks could be by dealing with so many of them in the past, but these were the warlocks over all warlocks. The evil power of three. They were more powerful than any other warlocks that I've ever faced, and right now without my brothers I don't even stand a chance.

I kept crawling back until I had finally found myself backed into a wall. I looked both ways and saw that the Warlock brothers were ganging up on me. I was trapped. There was no where I could go. It looked like I was at the ends of my ropes. The baby might have been able to protect me once, but I don't think it will be able to save me again this time.

"Nice little trick there witch," Trey smirked. "But I think the parties over," he said conjuring a fire ball in his hands as did the other two brothers.

Trey really had to admit though, part of him didn't want to kill me. Out of all the witches that him and his brothers have faced, none of them have turned out to be nearly as powerful as me. He just wonders why he hasn't heard of a witch like me. I have the same exact powers as he does, which is a little odd, and I can do just about anything that he can. Its like I'm almost an exact duplicate of him, except that I'm a witch.

Even though he doesn't want to kill me, he knows he has to. He can't allow a witch who is as powerful as me live any longer. Being a warlock and facing witches, he's learned that as a witch grows so does there power, and I was proving to already be a threat now and if I grew anymore I could possible do some harm and mess up his and his brother's little power of three and without their power of three, they were just regular old warlocks, but with it, they were feared by every witch, warlock, and demon.

I braced myself for what was going to be my last breath. I could already feel the fire tearing away at my skin before the demons had even hurled it at me. I can't believe it. Because of me, the Charmed Ones have failed. Now Chris will never get Peter back. Its all because of my.

Trey took another step closer to me and made sure that I had nowhere to run and there wasn't anything I could do. Him and his brothers were just about to hit me with their fireballs, but all of a sudden something stopped them. Suddenly Trey went flying in the air, while a bolt of lightening hit Tristan sending him flying into another direction, and Thomas was sent back into another direction with an explosion on his chest.

I looked up to see Chris levitating down from the building above. Boy was I glad to see him. He had arrived right on time. I now know that I owe him big time for saving my life, though I've saved his multiple times, but that's what I'm suppose to do as an older brother.

Next thing I saw was Wyatt running over to where I was. He looked very pissed. The warlocks didn't even challenge him when they saw him. They just backed away from me allowing him to come close to me. Tristan, Trey, and Thomas have never seen a man or witch that angry in all of the centuries that they've lived. They knew that this guy was trouble and they really weren't ready for him.

"No one messes with my brother," Chris gritted through his teeth as he finally reached the ground. "Except for me," Chris added. I've never seen Chris this angry since the Angel of Destiny had taken Peter away, and it takes a lot to make Chris angry.

"Or me," Wyatt added as he finally got over to where I was. He held out his hand and pulled me up from the ground. "You guys just made a big mistake," Wyatt growled at the warlocks before him. He then lifted his hands again and tapped into my power and hit all three of them with a force wave sending them back against the wall. What confused him was even though the blow seemed to have had a good impact on them, why didn't it vanquish them. Usually any demon or warlock who takes a force wave is gone within seconds and all that remains of them is ash.

Trey, Tristan, and Thomas all got up, but they were still weak. They had never ever faced three witches who were able to take this much out of them. This was a real challenge, but they were up to it.

"Who are you guys," Trey asked. He had to know who he was dealing with. The more he knew about his opponent the better chance he would have at defeating them, and since the witches before him are more than a match for him than he's going to have to think of a good plan to take them down.

"We're the Charmed Ones," Chris answered.

It all finally started making since to Trey. These were said to be the most powerful witches in the world, and by the way that they handled them, they were. Trey knows he can't take them on right now. Him and his brothers didn't come prepared for this. He knew it would be best if they retreated and planned something out. Its better to surrender now and fight tomorrow than to fight today and not be able to fight again.

"Lets go," Trey said to his brothers as they got up. "Trust me, you'll be hearing from us soon," he warned. "If I were you I'd watch my back because trust me, we will be back."

I stood there and watched as they all shimmered away. I couldn't believe that we had just met the warlock brothers, and they weren't some easy warlocks to take on. We've really got our work cut out for us like my mother said. I just wish we had Peter here with us to help, but this time we don't. There's only the three of us and we're just gonna have to make do with that.

Next thing I knew I was being pulled into a tight hug by my husband. I enjoyed his affection but he was hugging me like he hadn't seen me in a million years when it was just this morning that he last saw me. I guess this is just another way he wants to show me how much he loves me, but I'm not going to complain. I love the attention I'm getting.

"Wyatt," I said through the tightness of the hug he was giving me. I knew if he didn't let me go soon that it might hurt the baby, which he doesn't know about, and I don't think I should tell him about right now with everything that's going on. I think Wyatt has enough stress on him and I don't want to put anymore on him than already is. "Wyatt," I repeated trying to get him to let me go. I really thought it was going to take the jaws of life to pry me out of Wyatt's arm. "Wyatt, please let me go," I said firmly. "You're killing me."

Wyatt quickly released me from his grip. He was so excited to see that I was okay that he forgot that he might have been squeezing me too hard. "Oh sorry," he replied. He then pulled me closer towards him and started giving me small kissed. It felt like he had given me like at thousands. "Oh my gosh, Chris," Wyatt said giving me another peck. "You don't know how excited I am to see you're okay," he pecked me again.

I was surprised. This was a different Wyatt. Usually he's yelling at me and telling me how irresponsible I was and what was I thinking putting myself at risk like that. I couldn't believe that he was playing caring husband and not the lecturing one.

"Yeah Chris I know what you're thinking," Wyatt said. "Why am I not yelling at you right now, but I'm just too happy to see that you're fine alright, and I hope that's enough explanation." From the whole encounter with Daughtry, Wyatt has learned how easily I could be taken away from him and he's learned to value his time with me. He doesn't want to spend most of our time yelling at me about what I could have done better. After nearly losing me to Shax, Wyatt has learned how precious I am to him, and how he never wants to lose me.

"I'll accept that," I smiled at him. "How did you guys know that I was in trouble," I asked. It wasn't that I wasn't happy that they got there in time. As a matter of fact I'm eternally grateful. If they hadn't showed up when they did I might be gone and so might the baby.

"John called," Wyatt answered. "He told us you ran after some guy stealing another woman's purse and he said he felt that you were in danger," Wyatt explained. He really never thought he'd be listening to John, but it was my life on the line and if it had anything to do with me, Wyatt was going to be all over it.

"Wait a minute," I stopped him. "Since when do you guys listen to John," I questioned. "I mean this morning you hated the guy and now you actually believed him when he told you I was in danger."

Wyatt smirked saying, "well I thought a lot about what you said and I figured we could trust him, after all he is still family."

I couldn't believe it. I could have sworn there was another Wyatt standing before me, but I know its him. I can feel him. If it were another Wyatt I would know. I guess Wyatt has matured a lot and finally learning to accept John as his cousin since he technically is Aunt Phoebe's son.

"Glad you're starting to come around," I smiled back.

"Come on, lets get home," Chris said. "We've got three warlocks on our hands we need to vanquish so we can get Peter back," Chris stated. Its only been a couple of days and already Chris is really beginning to realize how important Peter is and how much he does for him. It feels like its been forever since he's been in his arms and Chris just wants that feeling again. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt, Chris and I were all in the attic trying to figure out what to do about the warlocks. Chris was searching in the book for something on them while Wyatt and I were sitting on the couch waiting to see what he could come up with, which wasn't much.

I was getting pretty annoyed by Wyatt. Ever since we came home, Wyatt has been checking me for scratches or any marks that could have been left on me from the whole fight and I kept telling him over and over again I was fine. I had to do something to get him to stop checking me or else he would be able to sense the baby and I want to tell him about the baby personally. I don't want him to find out by searching me and feeling it.

"I'm fine Wyatt can you please just stop it," I begged as I felt him lifting up my shirt for like the millionth time. He was checking my back to make sure that I didn't have any scratches that he had to heard or any bruises. I can't believe that he's doing this, but I'm happy that he is in a way, since it shows how much he really cares about me.

Wyatt ignored my protest and continued to check me up and down. He knew that I would probably tell him anything just to get him to stop, but it wasn't going to work. If he found out any of those warlocks hurt his cherub they were going to pay for it. Wyatt's not afraid to take all three of them on himself.

"I know baby, but I just want to make sure," Wyatt said back as he continued checking for marks on my body, but didn't find any. That was good. At least it was for the warlocks. It meant he didn't have to kill them, yet. They get to live until Chris finds something to vanquish them with. "Chris, you find anything in that book yet," Wyatt asked.

"Nope, so far, all I know about them is that they're warlocks who make up the evil power of three, but it doesn't say anything about how to vanquish them," Chris said. "It looks like we're going to have to make up our own spell this time to stop them," Chris said.

"Great that's just great," I replied.

"I know it seems bad right now, but we'll figure out a way," Chris said as he closed the book. He realized that it was getting late, and he wanted to spend some time with his daughters before they go to be. Now that their dad isn't around, Chris has to feel in for two parents, but Chris knows that this is only temporary and he will have Peter back. "We'll talk more about this tomorrow," Chris nodded to the both of us.

I nodded back in response. "Hey Chris," I called seeing as he was about to leave the attic. "I just want to let you know that you've helped me and Wyatt through a lot and without you and Peter, we probably wouldn't still be married," I stated. I knew it was true. Chris and Peter have come in and settled so many arguments between Wyatt and I, they should probably be marriage counselors. "Now its our turn to help you and I promise you that we're going to get Peter back for you," I said. I never make a promise that I can't keep, and I know I can keep this one.

"Thanks bro," Chris said very thankfully. "I just hope you both know that you guys are the best brothers that anyone could ever ask for, and I mean it," he replied. "You should probably be getting home, because I know that your kids are probably tired from everything that's happened today," Chris joked.

"I wouldn't think so," I shrugged. "The only one who was with me today was Patience and she might be tired, but that's not my problem since she's staying the weekend with her father," I stated. I know its a little risky letting Patience stay with her dad and like four other strangers, but I don't think her father would let anything happen to her, even if he's powerless.

"You know I'm wondering when is John ever going to come by for a visit," Chris questioned.

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders again. "For some reason John feels a little left out and that he doesn't belong so he stays clear of the family and only comes around for Patience," I explained to my youngest brother.

"But how could he?" Chris asked confused. "I mean he's family and family should always be welcomed."

"I know, but John doesn't feel like he is family since he's been the Source and he's tried to kill us so many times and almost succeeded," I told Chris. That and because he's sore of afraid of Wyatt. He really doesn't want any confrontation with him, since just about every time they see each other there's a fight, which is completely understandable from both parts. I understand Wyatt doesn't want John around me, but he's going to have to get over it because I have to see John for Patience.

"Well I don't think he should be too afraid to come around the family because of that, I mean you remember when you were under that little spell and you tried to kill everyone," Chris reminded. It was something that he would never forget. The day the demon hit me with that potion and I went after Wyatt, Piper,and him, but I couldn't help what I was doing, because the potion the demon gave me was controlling my every move.

"Watch it Chris," I warned jokingly. I hated when memories like that were brought up. "You might be my little brother, but that doesn't mean I won't kick your ass," I told him.

"Hey, bring it on," he challenged.

I knew that was a big dare. Chris wanted me to attack, and I really couldn't hold back. I charged at him like a football player and tackled him gently to the ground. I had to remember not to play too rough. I was still pregnant and I still haven't told Wyatt yet, and I don't want him finding out through a miscarriage so I had take it easy. Chris and I were playfully wrestling on the ground as Wyatt watched and laughed at the both of us. It was days like these that I was happy that I found out who I truly was and that I have half brothers.

Finally I got on top of Chris and straddled him and pinned him there. The brunette was below me trying to wiggle his way out of it, but I kept my ground and made sure that I didn't give him a way to get out of my pin. If I did then the wrestling would continue.

"Give up," I smirked.

"Yes I give, I give," Chris laughed. He'd do anything right now to get me off of him. Part of him doesn't even know why he started this fight in the first place. He should have known that he was going to lose compared to me. As much as Chris tries to challenge me in his mind he can tell that there is no way he can beat me unless he has Peter and they both double team me, but right now he doesn't have him, but when he does then he might be able to get back at me for this. So he might as well throw in the towel today and go for another fight another day when he knows that Peter is going to be around.

I saw that Chris wasn't going to be able to handle anymore so I got off of him and let me hand out and helped him up. I kind of felt bad for Chris since this was an unfair advantage, but it was him who challenged me so I had to take him on. Maybe now he'll think twice before he goes after me again.

"Are you alright," I asked making sure that I didn't bruise him.

"I'm fine," Chris said.

"Okay," I felt comfortable to say. I know that even though I was taking it a little easy that I can get a little rough when it comes to wrestling and accidents can happen, and I really didn't want to hurt Chris at all since he's my brother and I shouldn't be hurting him.

"I guess I'll be getting to bed," Chris said leaving the attic with a smile on his face. He really can't remember a time when he's had so much fun, but he will value this day and cherish his brothers for trying to cheer him up when he's going through a lot.

I was so distracted by watching Chris leave that I didn't noticed Wyatt sneaking up behind me and wrapping his broad arm around my shoulder and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. He then with his other hand laid my head down on his shoulder. Wyatt always loved to cuddle with me and loved it when I was in his arms. It made him feel like he has the whole world in his hands, and now that he's seen how it felt when he saw Chris lose Peter, he really wants to make sure that I always know how much he loves me.

"You know you're a good big brother," Wyatt smiled at me.

"Thanks," I replied. "You know you aren't half bad yourself," I smiled back at him. "Maybe one day you can be as good of a wrestler as me."

"Come on now babe, you know if we ever wrestled, I'd win within seconds," Wyatt stated.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. "I could probably beat you blind folded with one hand behind my back," I told him.

"Oh really," he eyes lit up.

"Yeah," I said.

"I'll have to take you up on that offer, but not today," Wyatt said. "Its really late and we've got seven, I mean six beautiful kids to go home to and put to bed," Wyatt informed.

"Don't you mean seven," I corrected.

Wyatt looked at me confused. "What are you talking about? Patience is with John remember," Wyatt said thinking I was talking about Patience being the seventh child, because those are the only kids we have. At least that is right now until Penny comes which Wyatt thinks I should be conceiving soon.

"No, I was talking about Pen-," I quickly stopped myself. I had almost forgot that Wyatt didn't know and I shouldn't be telling him this right now. "I mean yeah you're right, I forgot that Patience was over at John's," I said trying to cover up what I had just said. That was a close call and I don't think I want Wyatt finding out about Penny that way.

Wyatt just smirked and kissed me on the cheek again. "I love you," he whispered in my ear making sure I knew that. From now on he's going to make every attempt possible to tell me that whenever he can, and if he forgets he's going to make sure he tells me that everyday.

"I love it when you say that, and I never get tired of hearing it," I told him knowing that would probably make his day.

"Okay then," Wyatt said placing another kiss on my cheek. "I love you," he said kissing me again. "I love you," kiss, "I love you," kiss, "I love you," he went on and on and on. He really wasn't worried about anyone walking in right now and seeing, because right now he wanted the whole world to know how much he loved me, no matter how much people hate that we're brothers or that we're gay. He doesn't care what they think. He only cares that he's able to love me and he's able to have a family with me.

"I love you too, Wyatt," I said back.

"Come on lets get home," he said. "You and I need to get some sleep so we can be ready for tomorrow just in case those warlocks decide that they want to try something else," Wyatt suggested.

"Yeah you're right, lets go," I said.

Wyatt grabbed my hands and we orbed out of the manor and back to our house. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris was sitting in his and Peter's bed with his two daughters. One on each side of him. There is no word to express how much Chris really wants him here right now, but he can't have him. The only thing he has close to Peter are the two girls that Peter's left him with to care for on his own. Chris has been doing everything he can to take care of his daughters, but being a single parent isn't easy. Especially when you have to work and take care of the kids. Him and Peter split things 50/50. While Chris would stay at home and watch the girls and clean the manor, Peter would be the one who would work, but now Chris has to do it all.

"Mommy," Chris heard one of his daughters speak. He looked to the left to see that it was Pyra who was talking right now. Its always hard to recognize the twins because they look so much alike, but their personalities are so different. That's the only way him and Peter are able to tell them apart.

"Yes baby girl," Chris answered his daughter.

"Where's daddy," She asked. Pyra and Pandora were too little to really understand this. They're dad was gone and all the remember was some woman taking him away, which they really didn't know why.

"He went away for awhile, but he'll be back soon," Chris answered his daughters trying not to cry. It hurt him to have to tell them everyday that their father was gone. They didn't deserve that. So why was the angel of destiny punishing, not only him, but these to innocent little girls who didn't deserve this at all. They aren't part of the charmed ones and they can't do anything to stop the warlock brothers, so why should they be punished.

"Do you know when he'll be back," Pandora asked.

" I don't know baby girl, but it will be soon, I promise you," Chris said. All of this had been going on for far too long and tomorrow Chris was going to do everything in his power to find a way to defeat the warlock brothers and get his Peter back. As soon as he does that he's going to marry him, and if any elder or angel gets in his way, then they'll regret the day that they became a magical being.

"Mommy, why is your stomach getting so big," Pandora asked.

"Oh," Chris said looking down and noticing his stomach that was growing a little everyday. His brothers hadn't seemed to notice it, and that was a good thing. He didn't want anybody finding out the news until Peter got back. He was planning to tell Peter this on their honeymoon, but now would be a better time than ever to tell after he gets back. "You guys are going to have a little brother named Peter Jr.," Chris told them.

"We are," Pyra said excitedly.

"I always wanted a little brother," Pandora said jumping a little. The twins were so happy that they couldn't help themselves. Now they'd have someone else to play with besides each other. "When is he coming mommy, when?" Pandora kept pressuring Chris. She really wanted her little brother to come now.

"He'll be coming in a few months sweetie," Chris said as he rubbed his hands through his daughter's hair. He couldn't believe he had just told his little girls about the baby that's on the way and he hasn't even told me or Wyatt, and I am usually the first person he tells anything to, but right now he just felt like he couldn't tell me this. There was just something that kept telling him not to tell me or anyone else. "Oh yeah and make sure you don't tell no one okay, not even Uncle Chris or Uncle Wyatt," Chris said.

"We promised," they both said together.

"Okay then, now lets get some sleep," Chris said lying in the bed with his daughters. "We've got a big day tomorrow and I want you guys to be up for it," he said. Ever since Peter left, Chris has been sleeping in bed with his daughters because he felt Peter in them and he felt safe with them there. He didn't want to wake up and find either of them missing. That would just break his heart, and his heart has been broken enough already from losing him.

The twins obeyed their father and closed their eyes and went to sleep. Even though they were young they knew that there was something wrong with their mother, which worried them, but they knew they were too young to understand, but they hoped when they got older that their father would explain things to them. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

I lied there in bed staring at the ceiling. I really couldn't sleep. I don't know why. Just thinking about everything that's happened. Peter being taken by the angel of Destiny, me finding out that I'm pregnant, and Patience spending the night at John's house for the weekend. I don't know why but its all been playing in my mind over and over again.

I called John before I went to bed to make sure that Patience was alright. She's never been away from me since she was born or since John brought her back to me and I was a little hesitant on letting her stay at John's but then I had to realize that she is his daughter too and he didn't have to let me keep her since he saved her and he could have kept her secret for all this time, but he decided to do the right thing and tell me about her.

I looked down at my stomach and I began to rub back and forward against it feeling a small bump. It wasn't big enough to be noticeable, but it was big enough that if someone ran their hands over my stomach they would feel something, and they would know that I was pregnant, if they knew male witches could conceive kids. I really wanted to feel her kick, but I wasn't there yet. I can't wait to get there though, but then again part of me can since my kids had already told me that Penny was the soccer player. I just hope she takes it easy on my stomach and doesn't use it for a soccer ball too much.

After just laying there for awhile I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get any sleep so I might as well go somewhere to think. I looked over to see Wyatt out like a light. I could tell that he really must be tired, and I'm surprised I'm not because I had a harder day than he did.

Slowly taking his arm from around my waist, I slipped out of bed, making sure that I was careful in every step. Knowing Wyatt and how many times he's caught me out of bed, I would say that he probably sleeps with one eye open and he probably knows when I'm out of bed since he can't feel me.

I went to the drawer and slipped on a wife beater. I already had some boxers on so I didn't need to look in the underwear drawer. Tip toeing my way to the other side of the bedroom, I opened the door to the balcony and slowly slipped out and sat on the rails looking at the city.

I had to admit, the view was beautiful. Wyatt really knows how to pick the spot for me to relax when I need to. Right now since it was so dark, the city lights were on and they were beautiful. This was almost better than going up to that place on the San Francisco bridge, where Chris and dad like to go to relax, but now I've got my own place that I can relax at so there's no need for me to go up there.

Wyatt lay there for awhile moving around. He couldn't help but notice that something was missing. He just couldn't tell what, and right now he almost didn't care because he was too tired and he had a need for sleep, but he realized that it was because of that thing missing that he couldn't sleep. Wyatt finally opened his eyes to see that I wasn't there.

The blond immediately got worried. It wasn't like me to just get up and leave without letting him know. Even if it was to the bathroom. It might sound like that's Wyatt being a little too over protective, but Wyatt can't help it. Its who he is, and he doesn't care what anyone things about that. As long as he knows that he's not hurting me with it, he's fine.

"Chris," Wyatt shouted walking up and down the upstairs hallway. "Chris, where are you," Wyatt said getting worried as he checked the bathroom, but didn't find me there. The twice blessed then closed his eyes and tried his hardest to sense for me and immediately he knew where I had gone. Walking right back to the bedroom, the blond couldn't help but shake his head at his stupidity. Why didn't he think to check out there out of all the places. When he finally made it back to the room, he checked through the window to make sure that I was still there before he went out. "Hey," Wyatt called as he walked out and shut the door behind him. "What are you doing out here," he asked worriedly since he knows I only come out here when I need to think.

"Nothing, I'm just having some trouble sleeping that's all," I said in a calm manner. I didn't want Wyatt to know everything that was on my mind. Especially the baby.

"You wanna talk," Wyatt asked.

"No, I'm fine," I said.

"Okay," Wyatt said. He didn't feel anything wrong with me so there was no need to pursue it, even though it was a little odd to find me out here by myself and have him worried by not telling him where I was going. Wyatt did think he was a little bit too over protective at times, but he just couldn't help it. I was someone that meant a lot to him and he'd go to hell and back just to protect me.

I looked over to see that Wyatt was in his own thoughts so I slowly rested my head on his shoulder knowing that would make him happy. I then grabbed his hand and held it in mine just for the sake of it, because I knew how much Wyatt wanted to hold my hand right now and I thought I might as well put him out of his misery since he's taking his time to sit out here with me.

There was something that I wanted to get off my chest right now so I figured I might as well just come out and say it. "Hey umm...Wyatt," I started. The blond looked at me ready for whatever I was about to say. "I wanted to let you that I'm glad that I married you and I feel very lucky to have had a family with you, and if I didn't have you in my life I don't know where I'd be," I started. "And I hope we're together forever and I really couldn't imagine myself better with anyone else. I jut thought I'd let you know that," I explained.

Over the past few days I have realized something. That no one will ever know how much something means to them until they lose it, and seeing how Chris lost Peter and how its effected him, I really don't want something to happen to Wyatt before I realize how important he is to me. I want him to know that, and I hope he knows that after I just explained it to him.

"You really didn't have to tell me all of that," Wyatt smiled planting a kiss on my forehead. "I know that you love me and I'm always glad to here it from you baby, but even if you don't tell me I know that you do," he said. Wyatt was really starting to love when we had chats like these and was starting to think we should have them more often because being out here at night in fresh air just seemed so romantic right now.

"Yes I did," I argued back. Not really arguing with him, but just disagreeing.

Wyatt seemed to have noticed a little change in me within the past few days. He really hasn't been bothered by it, because it really hasn't effected our relationship. Its only a little slight changes like sometimes I get a little upset easy and then there are days when I have mood swings, but Wyatt knows I do have my good days and bad days so that's what he was thinking that it could be.

"Baby is there something wrong," he asked concerned. As he already discovered that he would be able to sense if it was something to do with my emotions, but this might be something else, like human sickness or something.

"No, why do you ask," I questioned a little scared. I was really hoping he hadn't discovered my pregnancy. I was still waiting for the right time, and even though now seemed to be as good of a time as ever, I still wanted to wait because I wanted it to be in a better condition, and not one where we have three evil warlocks after us.

Wyatt shrugged saying, "I don't know its just that you've been acting a little strange for the past few days, and I'm starting to get worried. Whatever it is Chris you know you can tell me right," Wyatt pointed out.

"I know," I smiled. "I don't want to lie to you, but there is something that I have to tell you, when the time is right, but right now isn't the time," I told him. I knew he probably wasn't happy about that.

"I understand," Wyatt nodded. "Please just promise me that whatever it is, it won't ruin our marriage and our family," he begged. Wyatt knew that I wouldn't do that intentionally, but if anything came between us then he doesn't know what he would do, because he feels as though he needs me more than I need him.

"Don't worry, I promise it won't, and I know that this is probably going to kill you inside that I'm keeping this from you, but its for the best," I told him. At least I think it is. I know that it won't ruin our marriage. As a matter of fact I think it might make our marriage even better since having all of our kids has brought our marriage closer together.

"I know you won't," Wyatt said kissing me on the cheek, making that about the millionth kiss he's given me ever since we've been out here. Wyatt unlinked our hands so he could wrap his arm around me and pull me closer to him, pulling me head down onto his chest. For awhile we sat there just watching as cars went by, and then looking at the moon, and Wyatt was stroking my hair in his other hand. Wyatt saw that it was getting real late and knew that even though I might have been the older one, its still his duty to be the man of the house and be responsible. "Its getting late, Chris and I think we should be getting some sleep for tomorrow," he stated.

"Can we please just stay out here a little longer," I begged my husband burying my face into his neck. I knew that was a good spot for getting him to do what I want and I knew he couldn't resist it sometimes.

There was only so much begging that Wyatt could take before he would just lose it. "Alright babe, we can stay our here a little longer, but then we've got to go to bed alright," he said.

"Okay," I agreed.

I know its making Wyatt seem like he's my father, but he knows that in my bad states I'm really not capable of making the wisest decisions, which include my pregnancy state that he still doesn't know about, but he does not that I'm not in a good state.

I really didn't want to go in because this might be the only peaceful night I get in a long time. With all of this demon hunting and everything that's been going on, there really hasn't been a time that I could just sit on the balcony, without worrying about if Chris might call because a demon might attack the manor since that's what's been going on ever since we've moved out.

Wyatt and I sat there and watched the sky some more. It would be pitch black if it weren't for the moon shining. The blond let out a big yawn from being so tired. He really wanted to go to bed right now, but he didn't want to leave me out here by myself. Wyatt wanted to make sure that I got in bed with him and this time he'd be keeping a better eye on me so I won't slip out unless its to go to the bathroom. Its just in his nature to be like that.

The twice blessed didn't even need a watch to tell that it was one in the morning. He could already tell by how tired he was and he really need to get to bed if he didn't want to be sleeping through the whole warlock fight and he needed to make sure that I got to bed so that I wouldn't be sleep either.

"Alright babe," Wyatt said. "Its time to go in," he stated.

"Come on Wyatt, just a little longer," I pleaded.

Wyatt shook his head. "Baby, its getting real late and its time for you and I to get some sleep with everything that's going on," Wyatt told me. "I know you don't want to be sleeping on the job while trying to vanquish warlocks," Wyatt asked me.

"No," I sighed.

"So come on," Wyatt said getting up and holding out his hand for me to take. After holding it out for awhile and seeing that I was just sitting there staring at the moon, he knew that I wasn't going to move unless he forced me too. Wyatt then grabbed my legs in one hand and my upper body in the other and carried me back to bed bridal style. Gently he laid me on the bed and then got beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist and made sure to that they were tight enough so that it would take the jaws of life to pry him away from me. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris had woken up early, but not too early. It was only 5:00 in the morning and though that might not seem early for others it was early for him since the earliest he's really got up was 6:00, but right now he had a hard time sleeping so just about everything he did was a little messed up.

The brunette decided to leave his girls in bed. He knew they were definitely still tired, and it hurt him that they had to suffer through all of this and they don't even know what's going on. Usually Peter would be here to help explain things to the girls with him, but since he isn't right now, Chris knows he's going to have to be strong for the girls and Peter.

Chris had left the bedroom and with him he took a picture of him and Peter that was taken at a pool. Smiling at the picture, the young Halliwell started to remember the good times him and Peter had when he first got pregnant. Peter was sore of like Wyatt in a possessive and protective way, but he wasn't as powerful as Wyatt, though he still made sure to keep Chris safe in every way he can.

As Chris looked at the picture he started to remember that day. It was the best day that he's ever had. Its hard to believe that it happened a few years ago, because it felt like just yesterday.


"Come on Chris get in the water, its fine," Peter said swimming around in the pool in just his swim shorts. Chris was four months pregnant and its been a long time since he's been out of the house. Peter decided that it would be best if his fiancé had gotten some fresh air so he decided to take him out to the public pool today, since he knows that Chris use to be on the swim team. Right now though he had be arguing with Chris for awhile now to get into the pool, but he hasn't even come within five feet of the pool yet.

"No Peter," Chris shook his head. "I think I'm going to just sit back here and watch you swim," Chris said. That wouldn't be a bad sight, seeing as Peter had a nice body so watching him get all wet and hot wasn't so bad, even though Chris sees that body just about every night before he goes to be, but its nice to see it in bright daylight.

Peter was really determined. He wanted his love to come in the pool with them. Its been a long time since they've really had some fun and time to themselves since the whole thing with me and Wyatt just having Robert was mostly the talk of the family, and Chris finally decided to reveal that he was pregnant that night, even though e was pressured by his elder brother, but he still told everyone and that started to become the talk of the family.

Prue and Robert even said that it was unexpected, but they weren't going to do anything about it since they were working for a better future, and well what would help to make a better future than having two new cousins, who were about Robert's age, but older than Patty. It must have turned out for the best since it hadn't hurt anyone in the future, and the future hadn't changed much.

Ever since Peter found out that Chris was pregnant though, he's been taking real good care of him. He was always there when Chris needed him. He would let Chris sleep in and take care of a lot of things, even made sure to keep Chris from being stressed out a lot since he didn't want Chris to pass out like I did when I had Prue.

Now it was time for him to take him out and so far Chris wasn't complying. Peter just can't believe Chris doesn't want to have any fun, but Peter is going to make him have fun. Peter had to take time to think about how to get him in the pool without making Chris too angry. Just like me, Chris does have mood swings and well Peter doesn't want a scene at the pool right now.

"Hey baby, can you come over here and help me," Peter asked. "I'm sore of having trouble getting myself out of the pool so I'm going to need your help," Peter tried luring Chris.

"Peter, you're strong enough to get yourself out the pool," Chris stated. He didn't want to move from the chair he was relaxing in. It felt so good to recline. Being pregnant isn't all fun and games, and Chris now sees the reason I act the way I do sometimes.

"Come on, help me please," Peter begged. He saw that Chris wasn't moving out of his seat an inch so he had to try something. "I love you," Peter said knowing how Chris gets when he says those three words. Those three words could make Chris do anything.

Hearing those three words in fact made the young Halliwell blush like a red tomato. He couldn't believe Peter had just pulled that one, and it was in public. The guy knows how Chris reacts to those words, and Chris can't help but be a little mad at him for those words knowing how the make him blush. That was embarrassing to be blushing in public.

Chris got up from his chair and walked over to the pool to help out the father of his kids. How he hated that he had to leave that chair, but he didn't want Peter to make him blush again in front of all these people so he figured he better go help him out if he didn't want to be the attention of the pool.

The brunette held out his hand for Peter to take. Peter just looked at Chris for a few seconds before he smirked. Before Chris good take his hand back Peter grabbed onto it and pulled Chris into the pool with him.

Chris was shivering cold on the outside, but on the inside he was boiling hot with angry. He was so mad at Peter for pulling a trick like this. If he wasn't the father of his kids and his fiancé, Chris would kill him right now, but he wants his girls to have a father in their life so he can't. At least not until they're eighteen and his boys are born.

"I got you," Peter smiled as he held onto Chris in the water.

They were in water that was 12 ft deep, and though Chris might be a swimmer, he doesn't want to swim in water that deep while he's pregnant. If he swallows water or drowns it could hurt the baby and since this is going to be their first child Chris wants it to be perfect and not a baby that's premature.

Chris immediately grabbed on to Peter's neck as he swam around the pool. As Peter began to go around the pool, Chris began to become less and less scared, because he knew that Peter wasn't going to let anything happen to him. It was times like these that Chris valued. At one point Peter had stopped, and their faces became closer and they looked at each other for a second before pushing their lips together. Neither of them could imagine a time when they've had more fun

End of flashback........

A tear fell down Chris eye thinking about that day and then looking at the picture. Why did it have to happen to him. There are so many people who don't deserve to be on this Earth and the Angel of Destiny had to take a person who was kind hearted and loving. A family man who would do anything for his family. A man that was about to be married within minutes before they took him.

All of a sudden Chris' sadness started turning into anger. The elders have caused him so much pain and so much grief and so has the angel of destiny. Taking away his father at one point in time and now she comes to take his lover. She's a real bitch. And for what. So that they could vanquish three evil warlocks. As far as Chris knows, they're no different from the demons that they face. Taking Peter away and holding him like a hostage until they do what they want them to do.

Chris was boiling so much right now that he just took the picture of him and Peter that was in a frame and threw it against the window, shattering all the glass into pieces. At first he felt nothing but then he started to feel bad about letting his anger get the best of him. That was the first time he's ever done something like that. This wasn't him. Without Peter he doesn't know what to do anymore. He really needs Peter right now more than anything. Chris needs him like a fish needs water or a human needs air. He can't survive without him.

Piper then entered the kitchen. By the looks of it, she could already tell what happened, and she wasn't really mad at Chris for the window. She can understand his pain. This is how she felt when Leo was taken away only she didn't resort to anger, but she had a few depressed moments, but since Chris is a guy and well guys try not to cry, this was probably his way of dealing with things.

The mother of two walked up behind him and rubbed him on the back hoping that it would calm him down. She then helped him to a seat and put on a pot of coffee. It was now 5:30 in the morning and she needed to wake up really bad since she had to go down some stuff at P3 and then at her restaurant.

She almost didn't know what to say, but she knew that Chris needed her more than ever right now and she has to be a mother. "Are you okay Peanut," she asked. She knew he wasn't but she had to figure out some way to start off the conversation and that's the best way she could come up with.

"I'm fine mom," Chris sighed.

"Wanna talk," she offered as she came and took a seat next to him. "From the looks of things it seems as though you have a lot to get off your chest," Piper pointed out.

"Well, there is one thing I want to know," Chris said.

"What," Piper asked.

"How could the elders do this," he asked. "I mean to us after all that we've done," he stated. "I mean we've fought off so many demons and protected so many innocents and then we even protected some of them, and now they repay us by taking Peter away."

"I know Chris," Piper said. "I was asking the same thing when they took your father away, but I've come to realize that the elders feel like they do what they have to, to save the world, even if that means taking someone away."

"I hope they know they're causing more pain than they're saving," Chris gritted through his teeth.

"I know its hard Chris, but you have to be strong, not just for Peter but for your brothers and for you girls," Piper told him. "I mean that's what helped me get through was remembering that I still had Paige and Phoebe and then I also had you and Wyatt, and you guys weren't gone, so I had something that I was fighting for and something I was living for," Piper said.

Chris started to really see things from his mother's view. He figured if she could do it then he could. She was right he has a lot to be thankful for, even though his future husband isn't with him right now. Hopefully he will be able to be understanding until his husband comes back home. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

The three warlock brothers were in the Underworld arguing over who's fault it was why the whole thing happened today. Just about anytime anything went wrong they would always blame each other and there would be an argument that would disturb the whole Underworld, but no demon would dare come into their lair knowing how powerful those three warlocks are.

Trey is the leader since he's the eldest. He mostly makes all the decisions for the team. His powers mainly resemble mine except instead of white lighter orbing he flames objects to him. Some days he wonders why he had two younger brothers and wishes his parents had stopped at one. Growing up it was always his duty to protect them, since their parents were always out witch hunting and never at home with them, which is what got them killed.

Tristan was next in line. He must be most like Wyatt since he's able to freeze time and speed it up. Being the middle child wasn't any fun since most of the attention went to his older brother and younger brother. It was like his parents didn't even notice him, and it sucks to have to take orders from the elder one. Some days Tristan just wants to go off on his own and leave his brothers behind since they treat him like crap.

Finally there was Thomas, who was the youngest. Often he was called Tom for short. He hated being the youngest. His power really wasn't all that great since it was like Chris'. Since he was younger than the other two, he always had authority over him and he was never in charge. He might have been babied by his parents and got away with anything he wanted, but when he was under his brother's care, he always had to do whatever they wanted him to do. Even if it meant putting himself in danger to go attack a with. How much he hated them.

"This was all your fault," Tristan pointed at his younger brother. "If you had been quicker on your stupid levitating that witch would have been dead before the other two showed up, which meant we could have taking them all on."

"No its your fault," Tom argued back. "If you had frozen them all we would have been able to take them all on and gotten rid of them one by one, and then there wouldn't be anymore charmed Ones."

"Please," Tristan rolled his eyes. "You never take fault for what you do, and its all because mom and dad babied your ass too much so you never got in trouble for anything."

"Don't you dare bring mom and dad into this," Tom gritted threw his teeth. "Its not my fault that they never paid you any attention, maybe if you had done something besides sit on you ass all day, they would have noticed you."

Trey was standing looking through the Evil Book. So far he couldn't find anything on how to defeat the Charmed Ones and his brothers arguing in the background wasn't helping at all. He tried putting ear plugs in his ear to ignore them, but they were still loud and there wasn't anyway he could get them to shut up. When they were fighting they would be at it for hours and nothing could really pry them apart.

Finally Trey had, had as much as he could take. "STOP IT! THAT WILL BE ENOUGH FROM THE BOTH OF YOU!" he shouted angrily closing the book and making a big earthquake in the Underworld.

Both Tom and Tristan looked terrified. They had never seen their brother this angry ever since their parents died. The witch that killed them sure paid the price and ever since them the two younger brothers made sure to never cross their brother, afraid of what happened to them.

"If it makes you guys feel any better, its both of your faults, since I told you guys to both stay at home while I tried to get us money," Trey explained. That was his main reason for taking that woman's purse. He's gone around stealing many women's purses. Some ask why not just rob a bank since it would be easier and he could get a lot more money, but the problem with that was it would expose his power and if not that he would be on America's most Wanted. That's why it was so much easier to just go rob a woman than it was to rob a bank. "Now, we've got to figure out a way to take out those Charmed Ones," he said.

"Umm...we could go and attack them while they least expect it," Tom suggested. He wasn't really the smart one of the family, but he tried. His ideas were always bad, but he was good to keep around since he completed the warlock power of three.

Trey looked at him with a fierce angry look. Sometimes he wondered if his brother even had a brain. Of course he didn't or else he wouldn't suggest such stupid ideas that would get them killed instantly.

"You know that would be a good plan," Trey said sarcastically. "Why don't we ask just about every demon who tried it," he suggested. "Oh wait we can't because they were vanquished within seconds of coming into the manor."

"Well what do you suggest we do," Tristan asked. He really got tired of his brother always shooting down their ideas. It wasn't like he would come up with any that were much better, so why would he act like that when an idea was suggested. If him and Tom could they would vote for him not to be leader anymore, but they can't since he's the most powerful one of the three.

Trey walked around and thought about it for awhile. There was a reason why all demons had failed at vanquishing the Charmed Ones. The only demon that was to come close to it was the Source, but then the same trick was played with a witch who betrayed them. That was it. The only reason why it didn't work for them was because the Charmed Ones had figured it out soon enough, but Trey plans to not let the Charmed Ones find out about his plans.

"I've got it," he snapped getting the attention of his brothers. "We're going to take in the hollow," he smirked seeing as how evil the plan was. There as no way that the Charmed Ones would be able to take that on. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of this before.

"Are you crazy," Tom said. "You know what happened with the Source when he tried that, and not only that, you remember what happened with those two girls," Tom reminded him.

"Those guys weren't nearly as powerful as we are," Trey said. "We can handle it, they can't."

"I don't know bro," Tristan said. "I'm with Tom on this one. It's very dangerous and I don't think this is something we should be getting ourselves into," Tristan spoke for the first time making a point.

"Look, I'm in charge here and I say we're doing it," Trey said back. "Now get over here so we can read the spell," he told them.

The younger two looked at each other before the decided that they should do what their older brother said. They didn't want to suffer his wraith. If anything they wanted to be there and help take credit for being the first demons to defeat the Charmed Ones. Without another word said the went over to the book where their brother was standing. Both of them took one of his hands.

Together they recited, "Nos dico super inconcesses, vox bonus quod malum. Ultirusque a profugus, addo is hic, addo is iam," within seconds black orbs came out of nowhere and filled their eyes. All three of their eyes were turned solid black. Now all they craved was power and they wanted it real bad. All three of them looked over to see a demon. They extended out there hands and immediately absorbed all of his power, before one of them hurled a fireball at the demon vanquishing him instantly. It felt so good to have so much power. They wanted more. The best place to get it was from the Charmed Ones. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

The sun rose and shined right through the bedroom window, hitting Wyatt more than it hit me. Wyatt clenched his eyes together before he opened them. He really hated the sunlight and sometimes wished that it was always night time. Wyatt looked up and stared at the ceiling, not wanting to get up. He was still tired from staying up with me all last night.

The blond looked down to see that I was still sleeping in his arms. He smiled at the sight. That was a picture he could get use to or already has gotten use to, he should say. Waking up to me sleep in his arms. Things couldn't get any better than that. Knowing that I was safe right there is something that he is always going to be thankful for because it could have easily been me that the angel of destiny had taken instead of Peter, and things would be a lot worse since Wyatt has more kids than his brother and it would be hard to explain this to some of them, especially since they're older and they understand it more.

Wyatt heard the alarm go off and quickly turned it off. He hated hearing those things. For awhile he just laid there shrugging it the time away, but he was quick to remember that the alarm was set for a reason and he knew what time it was now. He was going to be late and he didn't have a second to lose. The problem was waking me up.

Wyatt shook me a little trying to wake my up, but he didn't want to be too rough, knowing that if he was, I'd probably wake up angry, and the last thing he needs this morning is an angry me. When he saw that I was starting to groan a little, he could tell that I was half awake, so all he had to do was get me all the way awake so we could go to the manor.

My husband shook me a little more only to get an even louder groan from me. "Come babe, its time to get up," he whispered in my ear soothingly. Wyatt felt my body snuggle in closer to his only to see my face buried in his chest. "Baby, I know you want to sleep right now, and I would love to stay in bed with you, but we've got to go to the manor," Wyatt stated.

"Why," I groaned. I really didn't want to get out of bed. I was having some of the best sleep that I ever had in my life and I didn't want it to end. I wanted to stay in bed with Wyatt all day today. I guess my pregnancy symptoms are already starting to kick in since all I want to do is sleep.

"Baby we have to go help Chris," Wyatt answered as he continued to shake me and try to wake me up knowing how hard I can be to get up. Wyatt has sometimes had to go to the extremes of carrying me to the shower and letting that wake me up. If he had to he was prepared to do that, even though it might get him in trouble with me, but he knows that I'd forgive him.

"Please five more minutes," I said pulling into him more and more.

"Come on Chris, please don't pull the 'five more minutes trick'," Wyatt begged knowing how that got him last night. He almost fell for it. If it weren't for the fact that he had to be the responsible one and put his foot down the he probably would have fallen for it. Things just keep getting harder and harder for the Twice Blessed, but he knows it will make him stronger in the end.

Wyatt saw that I still wasn't moving an inch. Guess he was going to have to try a different approach. He didn't want to drag me to the shower and he didn't want to throw me out of the bed. Finally he came up with the best idea to wake me up. Why didn't he think of it sooner since its worked before.

The blond starting letting his hands roam all over my upper body area. He saw that I was moaning and starting to move around, so he could see it was working. As he let his hands rub all over my chest he leaned down and started to nibble on my neck lightly. We haven't had sex in a day so Wyatt is taking this chance to get all he can.

I didn't know what I was feeling at first. It was all feeling so good. I finally realized that it was Wyatt who was doing all of that to me to try and wake me up, but I had to stand my ground. If I let him know that this would wake me up so easily he'd be doing it all the time.

Wyatt could sense that I was doing my best to resist so he had to take it up a notch. Finally he took my neck and instead of nibbling on it he started to suck on it hard making sure to leave a mark, while he started softly pinching my nipples and rubbing them back and forth in between his index finger and thumb. Wyatt can't remember when he's ever had so much fun teasing me.

The pleasure was getting to the point of where I was starting to slightly moan. I tried to push Wyatt off and get him to stop doing it, but the blond just kept ducking and dodging all my attempts. I even tried to move away from him, but Wyatt was quick to use one arm to hold me in place as he continued his assault.

Seeing me move around only made the blond want to tease me even more. He tucked the skin of my neck into his teeth and started pushing it out with his tongue. He repeated that process over and over again knowing how much it was turning me on, and that's what he needed. After he could feel that I was turned on enough, he let his hands slip on down to my lower area. This was really going to get me going. Wyatt grabbed my large manhood in his hands and then he let it go. It wasn't ready yet. At least not to his satisfaction. He began to gently rub it with his hands wanting to make it longer.

Seeing as trying to get him off of me didn't work I felt that if I ignored him long enough, then maybe he would leave me alone. To bad he was really starting to hit the spot. I closed my eyes and tried my best to ignore all the pleasure that my husband was giving me, but it was really hard seeing as he was messing with all my weak spots.

Finally, after a few minutes of rubbing my long cock, Wyatt took it in his hands and began to slowly stroke it. He really wanted to make me cum faster so he began to stroke me fast and rough. He could tell by the way that I was moaning that I was coming pretty close.

I really didn't want to cum. I was doing my best to ignore it all so that I wouldn't and give Wyatt the satisfaction that he was looking for. Too bad that Wyatt was doing a very good job of making me moan and giving me the best pleasure that I could ever ask for. Wyatt was always very good at doing that, but sometimes I was able to resist. Unfortunately today wasn't one of those days.

Wyatt started pumping harder and faster. To make things go quicker, he started sucking my neck even harder. He knew that with two spots of pleasure surging through me it wouldn't be longer before I came.

Was he ever right. I felt myself climaxing. I really couldn't take it anymore. I wanted it all to end and I knew what I had to do. I gave out one more loud moan before I let out a huge load of white cum that went all over my stomach and Wyatt's hand. I was really awake right now.

Wyatt took his hand away from my cock and licked up the cum from his hand. "Morning beautiful," Wyatt whispered in my ear. "I knew I was going to wake you up somehow," he joked. "Who would have imagined that all it takes is one small hand job," he laughed.

I was so mad at Wyatt right now. He just gave me a hand job without my permission and now he's teasing me about how he got me to cum. Right now I just want to do it back to him to show him how it feels, but I know he'll just get back at me by finding a way for us to have sex and I think we both wasted enough time and we need to get to Chris like he said.

"Wyatt look a what you've done," I complained. "You caused me to make a mess," I pointed out, though I'm sure he knows what he did. He's smiling about it as a matter of fact.

"What?" Wyatt shrugged. "You want me to clean it up," he offered.

"No thanks," I said seeing as how he's already done enough damage. "I think I'll go clean it off in the shower," I told him. "I think you might want to join me in there since we need to get over to the manor as soon as we can and I think we can cut time if we both take a shower," I suggested.

"Okay," Wyatt smirked. So many evil ideas were going through his head right now. He was starting to get hard thinking about all that he wanted to do to me in the shower.

"Oh and by the way, there won't be any sex in the shower," I said crushing his dreams right on the spot. "Like I said the only reason why I'm letting you shower with me is because we'll have more time if we take a shower together," I told him. That wasn't it to tell the truth. This was my way of getting back at Wyatt for his little teasing he just pulled. I knew if he saw me in the shower he was going to go berserk, but I'm going to make sure nothing goes too far.

"Dammit!" Wyatt cursed under his breath.

"Ready, when you are," I said getting out of bed and going to the drawer and grabbing a towel. I then made my way to the bathroom and I knew that Wyatt wasn't going to be too far behind.

Sure enough, Wyatt repeated the same steps that I did. When he finally got to the shower he saw that I was turning on the water and standing there waiting for it to warm up. The blond took this opportunity to sneak right up behind me and wrap his arms around me waist and pulled my body up against his. He then started where he left off on my neck and started nibbling it.

I just laid back and enjoyed it. I said no sex, but I never said that Wyatt couldn't suck on my neck. I just had to be sure to watch for the water, because time is of the essence, and I know that Chris really needs our help more than ever right now, and I don't want to let him down. Waiting for a few more seconds I reached out and felt the water to see that it was the right temperature. Feeling that it was good, I pushed Wyatt off so that I could get in the shower.

Wyatt was quick to follow me and shut the door right behind him. In no time he shoved me up against the wall and began to devour my mouth. Wanting to also get me clean, he took the soap and started lathering me up all over. He then stuck his tongue in my mouth, and without a fight he was able to enter. His tongue went everywhere in my mouth in search of his prize.

I relaxed and let Wyatt take over my mouth. Wanting things to run smoother for him I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my tongue rub all over his. I knew he was really enjoying this by the way he was moaning through the kisses. I took the soap from him and began to lather him up by letting my hands go all over his body. Wyatt's rock hard abs were so soothing to feel against my skin. I almost couldn't take my hands off of them.

It wasn't until Wyatt pulled my hands away, that he was able to do what he wanted and turned me around and pushed me under the shower and let the water flow down my body. I felt Wyatt's hands roaming my back and I could feel that he was trying to wash me and give me a massage at the same time.

After having been in the shower for fifteen minutes and making out with Wyatt for half of the time, we finally decided that we were both clean and we needed to get out of the shower as soon as possible, because the kids were going to get up and we didn't need them waking up to see their mom and dad in the shower. That would be just odd. It would be scary too and we'd have to explain what we were doing in the shower together.

I got out and as soon as I did, Wyatt wrapped a towel around me. I got use to it, since he does it now whether or not I'm pregnant. Once he saw that the towel was secure around waist he wrapped one around himself, and grabbed my hand and took us both back to the bedroom making sure we were quiet enough not to wake the kids up. We needed to get them up, but not just yet. At least not until we got dressed ourselves.

I went into the drawer, while Wyatt went to the closet and looked for my boxers to put on. I searched and searched, but I couldn't find the pair of black boxers that I wanted to wear today. All my other ones were in there, but for some reason my black ones were missing.

"Hey Wyatt," I called to him. "Have you seen my boxers," I asked.

"No sweetie, why," he questioned.

"Because I can't find them," I said frustrated as I began to throw all of my boxers out of the drawer trying to find them. I know Wyatt's probably wondering what's so special about these boxers, but they're the boxers that I like to wear when I'm pregnant, which he doesn't know.

"Are these it," Wyatt said picking up a pair of black boxers that were on the bed.

"Yeah," I said excitedly as I ran over to Wyatt and tried to get them. "Thank you so much, I love you," I tried grabbing for the boxers, but Wyatt yanked them away and thought that he would have a little fun.

"You know what size are these, because I like them and I think I want to try them on," he smirked.

"Erggg," I growled jumping up and trying to get them from Wyatt, but each time he held them higher. "Give me back my boxers!" I demanded. I was really tired of just walking around in a towel and I wanted to put some clothes on. So far my husband wasn't helping that.

"Come and get them," he dared.

I got so mad that I tackled him onto the bed and wrestled around with him to try to get them back. Our bodies were still a little wet from being in the shower so that wasn't a big help for me as I tried to grab my boxers from Wyatt. The blond had turned over and got on all fours and kept them in the hand furthest away from me. I jumped on top of his back trying to get them from him, but he was too good. How I hated it when he teased me when he did this. Finally, the combination of the water and our bodies caused me to fall off of Wyatt, and Wyatt took that opportunity to jump on top of me and pin me down.

Right then the door opened. Wyatt and I really didn't know what to expect. Was it a demon or what was it. When the door was fully open we could see that it was little Robert standing in the door way. He always had a habit of walking in at the wrong time. This was odd. Seeing his parents wrapped in towels and one on top of the other. Robert really didn't understand what was going on.

"Hey buddy, what's up," Wyatt smiled at his son.

"I'm hungry," he whined.

"Don't worry," Wyatt assured him. "Mommy will be in there to fix you something to eat soon okay."

"Daddy, what are you doing to my mommy," Robert asked.

"Nothing," Wyatt was quick to say.

"Your father was just ummm...uhh..helping me get dressed," I lied. What was I suppose to tell him. That his father and I were wrestling around naked. I'm sure that would be something to explain to an eight year old. "Go on back to bed buddy, your dad will be in there in a minute to get you ready to go to magic school," I told him.

"Okay," Robert said as he closed the door and went back to his room. That was just strange what he saw. He hopes his parents weren't hurting each other, because that would be bad.

As soon as Robert left I looked up at Wyatt who was looking down at me. I could tell by the expression on his face he wanted to continue where we left off, but I knew we couldn't. It would be more odd for another one of our kids to walk in on us and I didn't want that.

"Wyatt, you know we have to go help Chris," I told him. I wanted to continue our little fun as much as he did, but I knew that we were wasting time, and Robert was a sign that was showing us that.

"Yeah, you're right," Wyatt growled as he climbed off of me and went back to the closet for his clothes. With all this demon hunting and everything Wyatt feels as though we never get to play around anymore or have any family time. He wonders even more how are we gonna conceive Penny if we never have time to ourselves anymore. If we don't even have time to spend with our kids, how in the world are we gonna get time to ourselves to do what we want to do.

I could hear Wyatt's thoughts. I didn't really know he felt this way. All this time I thought it was only me who's noticed it all, but apparently so has Wyatt. I guess all this demon fighting has been stressful on him too, but I know that our kids will be taking over soon though.

I walked over to Wyatt and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know we're going through a lot right now Wyatt, but I promise, I'll make it up to you," I told him as I went to the closet and started to pull out my clothes. Before I walked over to the bed to get dressed I gave Wyatt a little peck on the cheek.

Wyatt smiled saying, "thanks babe, and I know its hard, but if its with you than, it really can't be too bad." Wyatt then walked over to me. He cupped my face in his hands. "You know that no matter what, I will always love you and even though we might not have much time to spend alone, any time that I have with you, I'm thankful for."

I smiled back at him. "I love you Wyatt."

"I love you too baby," he said giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Patience was back at her father's house. She was really scared. The young twelve year old has never been away from home and she's only been with her father while she was with me. Never has she been with him alone, and not only is she with her father, but now she's with her step mother and her half brother's and sister. This wasn't something that she wanted right now.

She missed being around her other siblings. Ryan was like her best friend even though he was a boy and her brother at the same time, but he was her twin, and twins do everything together. Her and Ryan had been inseparable since the day they were born and since he wasn't around, Patience is feeling like there's part of her missing. She wishes that he was with her more than anything, and she also wishes that her mother was here too, but too bad that neither of us are.

The young girl had been there for only a day now, and so far she hasn't managed to make friends with her brothers nor her sister. These were her other siblings, but they didn't seem to like her very much. Maybe it was because she was so much older then them or maybe it was because she was one half demon, one fourth witch, and one fourth whitelighter. Unlike them since they were all half witch and half demon, but none of them seemed to be as powerful as Patience was, which is probably a reason why they don't accept her.

As Patience sat in a corner by herself and watched her siblings play, she thought about why her mother would abandon her and leave her here with strangers. Patience is really starting to think that I didn't want her and I just gave her away. Tears started to come down her face just thinking about it and how much it hurt that someone who loves her would do that to her. All she wanted right now was to go home.

John had just got done doing some yard work outside and was coming in the house for a break, when he saw his eldest daughter crying in a corner by herself while his other kids were playing. John was sadden by the sight, and he had to figure out what was going on, because he was very worried.

The father of four walked over to his daughter's corner and took a seat right next to her. "Patience, what's wrong baby girl," he asked. He reached out his hands to wipe away some of her tears, because he really couldn't stand to see his little princess crying.

Patience looked up at the man who was suppose to be her father, but she had always known Wyatt to be her dad, and she always understood that he wasn't biologically her father, but she still loved him as though he was. "I want to go home," she said through her tears. "I want my mommy."

John understood exactly why she was crying now. Its his fault, and he blames himself. He should have come around Patience more, but he was so stupid and got himself caught up with being a demon that he really never thought about the fact that he had a little girl who needed him, and he should have never left. If he hadn't done that, then maybe she would be use to this, and maybe she would feel safe when she was at his house and not uncomfortable. That was all in the past, but now all John can do is build a better future.

"Don't you want to spend time with daddy," asked his daughter softly. He really hadn't seen her a lot and he really wanted her to get to know her siblings and what better way to do that than to have her come over, but so far things weren't really working out.

Patience shook her head. As much as she wanted to see her father, never did she really want to be away from her siblings.

John was hurt by what his daughter had just told him, but he knew he should have expected this. "Come here sweetie," John said holding out his arms towards his eldest, who leaned into him, and he took her and placed her in his lap. "I love you baby girl, and I know that you might not be use to me and I know that you have a dad, but I'm your real dad and I want to be there for you," he whispered in her ear, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. "Now I need you to tell me what is it that I need to do to make you feel more at home," he asked. The girl said nothing. She just sat there in silence, making this even harder on John. "Sweetie, come on say something, I mean there's nothing I can do if you don't talk to me," he pleaded. His daughter was becoming more and more distant, which was starting to get him more worried. "Okay then, why don't you want to play with your brothers and sister," he asked hoping to start out by getting to the source of one problem.

"They don't want to play with me," Patience answered.

"Of course they want to play with you," John was quick to say. Yesterday her and the twins were both having fun at the arcade, and its not like them to just have fun with her one day and then not want to play with her the next. The only difference is that his husband and the other two kids are home, but that shouldn't make too much of a difference.

"They all say that I'm too different," she answered. Patience really didn't know what that was suppose to mean by her being different. At least not the way they meant. She thought it was because she was a lot older and taller, but that wasn't it. It was because she was not only part witch and demon, but also part whitelighter.

John really felt for his daughter. Growing up, it wasn't always easy for him. He didn't even know how different he was from other people till he was about her age, and he can only imagine what she's going through, since she's hearing this from her own brothers and sister. John found out from his parents, or the parents who adopted him before they died.

"Patience, look at me," John said, making her focus all of her attention on him. "You are no different than anyone else in this house, you hear me," John firmly spoke. "I love you and your brothers and sister the same, and you each are important to me in your own ways understand?"

Patience nodded to her father.

"Now go on and play with your siblings and tell them that I said to let you play," John ordered as he let Patience out of his arms, but not before he gave her another little kiss on her forehead.

John watched as his daughter ran from him over to where the other kids were playing. He saw them all say something to each other before she was sitting down with them and sharing their toys. This was the family that he's always dreamed about. All of his kids playing together just like brothers and sisters. If only he had a family like that. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

"Hello!" I shouted as I walked in through the door of the manor. It was pretty quiet which was a big surprise since three adults and two kids lived there. The house seemed so different without Peter there. It was like it was deserted, just like it was when I had that little vision of Shax. I don't know how, but Peter was a big part of the house. I turned to Wyatt who was coming in behind me with Richard in his arms. Ryan was next to me along with Prue, Robert, Rolland, and Patty. "I guess no ones home," I shrugged.

"They're in here," Wyatt said looking form side to side. "They're probably just in the attic," he suggested. That's more than likely where they would be since they are probably trying to find a way to beat the warlock brothers.

Wyatt set Richard down to walk on his own. Even though he loved to carry him around, he knew that his son needed to walk by himself or else he'd be carried by Wyatt for the rest of his life, even though Wyatt wouldn't mind that since he carries all of his kids around sometime. Even Patience and Ryan.

"I hope you're right," I said suspecting something. It wasn't like Chris and Piper to not answer when we come in the door. There had to be something that was up. Maybe they had gone somewhere and weren't expecting us for another hour or so, but still this was a little strange. I just hope that the warlock brothers haven't got to them. If they had then things will be bad, because without Chris, there is not power of three, and without the power of three we don't stand a chance against the warlocks.

I decided to step in the kitchen and take a look in there to see if the family was in there, but so far there wasn't any sign. I could tell Piper had made breakfast this morning, judging by the mess in the kitchen and the pancakes that were on the table. The family must have had breakfast in a hurry or something, which is something else I feel that's very odd, because usually that's family time and everyone takes family time seriously, but then again, things haven't been normal ever since Peter was taken.

I walked out of the kitchen, and back to Wyatt and the kids. "Well there's no one in the kitchen, and it looks like they were here not too long ago," I stated to him.

Wyatt really started to think hard. Things weren't right at all. Piper, Chris, and Leo would have called them to say they were going somewhere and they'd be right back and not to worry just in case they came by. Wyatt didn't like the look of things at all. He had some suspicions. He was really hoping that they were not true.

"Lets check upstairs," Wyatt suggested.

I agreed and nodded. Just as Wyatt and I were about to head up the stairs, two orbs appeared right in front of us. Not knowing if the orbs were the elders or Chris, Wyatt and I braced ourselves. Neither of us trust the elders, and if they're here to take one of us, then we're not leaving without a fight. They better not be here to take or kids either or else all of their world up there with be torn down. They won't have to worry about demons coming after them, because we'll be the ones to destroy them.

When the orbs cleared, we could see that it was Pyra and Pandora. Wyatt and I both sighed with relief seeing as it was our nieces and not some Elder that we might have to kill. Even though they looked like our nieces, I still got a bad vibe from them. It was worse than the vibe that I got from the elders and it has to be really bad if its worse than the elders, because I like some demons better than the elders.

"Hey where's your mom and dad," I asked. I knew if they were here then Chris and Piper wouldn't be too far behind. I mean I don't think Chris would leave his young daughters at home by themselves. They could risk burning down the whole manor and that wouldn't look good at all.

"They're upstairs," the both answered at the same time.

"Thanks," I smiled at them. "Can you take us to them," I asked. The little girls nodded and made their way up the stairs. "Hey wait a minute," I stopped them. "Wait for Wyatt and I. Well be following you guys in a minute," I told them. "Hey kids come here," I drew all the kids towards me in one little circle and knelt down in front of them. "Okay guys, here's what I need you to do, I want you guys to go and sit on the couch and behave, and when your father and I are up the stairs put up your shields alright," I told them. All of them nodded. I got back up saying, "okay we're ready," I began walking up the stairs and Wyatt wasn't too far behind. "Remember what I said kids," I reminded them. <Wyatt, I think there's something fishy going on here,> I told him through his mind.

<What makes you ask that, and why are you talking to me like this?> He asked. It was rare that we really ever talked through telepathy, since we were open about a lot of things.

I told him once more. I know my instincts aren't always right, but this time I had a feeling in my stomach and I know its not the baby. Something is not right, and I'm about to find out what it is.

After climbing to the top, which felt like forever for me since I'm really starting to gain weight, Wyatt and I found Chris in the attic going through the magic book. The awkward thing was that he was just looking at one page. He didn't think to turn the page once. Things are seeming to be more weird.

"Hey what's up guys," Chris asked. "I was wondering when y'all were going to get here," he smiled.

"Sorry, Wyatt drives slow," I joked, earning myself a little punch from Wyatt. I knew he was playing, but my mood swings made me want to punch him back right now. I hate being pregnant. Now I have to learn to control myself so that Wyatt doesn't find out. "So, find anything that could help take care of the warlock brothers," I asked.

Chris shook his head. "so far I've found nothing, Evans," he replied. "I was hoping that you could come take a look for yourself, seeing as you have more experience with this thing than I do."

"I do huh?" I asked thinking about it. "I guess I do," I said stepping over to the Book of Shadows. I was about to turn the page until I looked at Chris who was just waiting for me to do it. Something big was up. "So Chris, can you tell me where Aunt Piper and dad went," I questioned.

"Oh they went shopping," Chris answered. "They said they needed a break from all this demon hunting and stuff."

"Tell me about it," I laughed for a few seconds and then turned back to Chris. "Hey um, Chris, can you go stand next to that window for me," I asked. "I just want to try something," I answered seeing as he was a little shaken by what I was asking him to do.

"Why?" He asked.

"I just want to see something," I told him. "Come on, the quicker you get over there, the faster we can get back to figuring out a way to deal with the warlocks," I told him

"Okay," Chris said as he made his way to the window. He didn't know why I was doing this, but he figured he might as well go along with it. I wouldn't do anything to hurt my little brother so what did he have to fear. Chris just stood there and waited for something to happen.

I had Chris right where I wanted him. This was something I've been wanting to do ever since I had entered the attic. I just had to have him stand there, because that would make it more fun to do. Before Chris could blink I waved my arm as hard as I could sending him flying out of the window breaking all the glass with his body. Glad I got that out of my system.

Wyatt immediately ran up to me. He ran outside to check on Chris to see if he was okay, but all he saw was his body on the ground. He was either out cold or he was dead. Wyatt really didn't know which one it was, but he can't figure out what happened with me and why would I turn like that.

The blond then turned at me and looked at me angrily. "Evans what the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you do that?! You might have killed our brother," Wyatt pointed out hoping that he was just unconscious and that he wasn't dead. If he was we were doomed.

"Wyatt, that wasn't our brother," I stated in a firm voice.

"What do you mean? Of course that was our brother," Wyatt said back.

"No it wasn't," I replied even louder this time. I knew I was going to have to back it up with evidence. "Since when does Chris ever call me Evans instead of bro, and then didn't you see that he didn't want to touch the magic book, because that wasn't really Chris, but where he really blew it was shopping. Dad hates shopping and there is no way in hell that Piper could get him to go," I explained, pointing out everything that went wrong. I then turned around to the twin girls who were standing right there at the door of the attic. "Which means that those two aren't Pyra and Pandora, because if you were, you guys would have known that your dad isn't around instead of saying that he's upstairs."

Right after I said that, the two twins turned into Tristan and Thomas. Something had changed about them. Their eyes were a lot darker. Clearly they used some sore of spell to make them more powerful. I really didn't like the sign of this. There is only one thing that I know that will turn a being's eyes that way, and that's if they took in the Hollow.

"You know, I never thought a Charmed One could be so smart," the man disguised as Chris said in a deep voice. He had shimmered right back up here without us even knowing. Next thing we both knew his figure was changing from Chris, to the warlock brother Trey.

It was then that I could tell that they took in the Hollow. No way did those guys have the power to shape shift, which means they got it from some other demon, and now they're more powerful than ever. This wasn't good for Wyatt and I. Who knows what they've done with Chris.

All of a sudden blue orbs started to appear from the ceiling. When they cleared, both Wyatt and I could see that this was the real Chris orbing in. Obviously he had no clue with what was going on. "Hey bro, mom and I were just-," Chris was about to say, but right behind him were Thomas and Tristan and they had just conjured energy balls and were ready to shoot.

"CHRIS LOOK OUT," Wyatt shouted as his football skills kicked in, as he tackled Chris to the ground making sure that the energy balls missed them. They came pretty close. Another second and Chris might be dead. Wyatt lied there on top of Chris until he felt that the energy balls were out of the way. Then he immediately rolled off of him.

Chris got up saying, "thanks bro."

"No problem," Wyatt replied.

Trey shimmered from where he was over to where his brothers were. All three of them smirked at us. It seems as though the hollow was already starting to take over their entire body. I hope they know that soon, they're gonna keep craving more and more power until they finally kill each other, but Wyatt, Chris, and I have to stop them before they get to that point.

Thomas shot out his hand at me, sending one of his electric waves my way. I was quick to hold out my hand and blow a breath of cold air, and not only freeze his attack, but his hands too. That didn't work too long. Thomas just wiggled his hands and the ice that was on them melted quicker that it would if his hands were put in fire. Thomas gave me a more evil smirk and started levitating me way, coming straight at me. My first reaction was to levitate back and show him how much power I had, but I couldn't. If I did I would risk exposing that I'm pregnant to not only Wyatt, but the warlocks as well, and if they found out, I'd be more of a target than ever. I waved me hand sending Thomas against the wall. He hit with a hard thud, making some of the paint come off the wall. I thought it would have sent him to the ground, but the warlock remained levitating.

"My turn," he said. The youngest warlock started sending out as many electric waves as he could, breaking so many things in the attic. He could not believe how powerful he had gotten. The Hollow was the best thing to ever happen for him, because now I don't stand a chance against him.

As all the waves were coming at me, I did my best to dodge every last one of them. A couple of them hit my stomach, but thank goodness my baby has a shield to protect me. Wyatt was too busy to see a shield come on my stomach so I knew I was safe. I continued dodging as much as I could, which wasn't easy.

Trey waved his hand hurling a couch straight at Wyatt. Wyatt countered it by blocking it, and then tapping into Trey's power and sending it right back at him. The couch landed right on top of Trey. Wyatt thought that since it was on him, there was no way he would get up and that would be the end of him. Was he ever wrong. Trey levitated the couch back up in the air and sent it right back at Wyatt again.

Wyatt was quick to jump to the ground and waited for the couch to go over him before he got back up. He then flicked his wrist hitting Trey, but it wasn't good enough to vanquish him. It only sent him back a few feet. Wyatt kept flicking his wrist more and more and soon sent Trey out of the window. Again Wyatt thought that it was over, but it still wasn't. Trey shimmered back in again.

"I thought a Charmed one would have put up a better fight then this," he taunted Wyatt. Trey waved his arm at Wyatt to send him flying, but Wyatt was quick enough to put up the shield blocking the attack.

Wyatt's shield has never been penetrated before. Not even by the Source himself. That's how powerful it was. It could withstand anything, and so far it was what was keeping him in this fight. Wyatt used his telepathy to tap into Trey's power and waved his hand right back at the warlock in front of him, sending Trey against the wall, but again the warlock got up, without not so even a scratch on him. It was like he was invincible like Wyatt. If they kept going at it, then no one would win this fight.

Tristan flicked his wrist at Chris who levitated in the air. Tristan tried to freeze the young Halliwell, but he was too quick to move, so Tristan never got a good shot at him. He then conjured an energy ball that was twice the size of a normal one. As soon as he could see a point where he could hit Chris, he hurled the energy ball right at him.

Chris saw the large energy ball coming his way and was quick to tap into my powers and wave his hand to send the energy ball right back at the warlock, sending him back against the wall, but just like his brothers, the warlock got right back up. Chris didn't understand it. If it were a demon it would have been vanquished by that with no problem, but now that they've got the hollow in them, its making this a whole lot more difficult.

Chris held out his hands and sent out a wave of electric energy hitting the warlock dead on in his chest. It sent him flying, but all he did was got up from the ground and dusted himself off. This wasn't good at all. Chris was nearly out of ideas, and there aren't any of his other powers that would work on these warlocks. It was like our powers were useless against them, but we couldn't say that because so far they've kept us alive.

All three of them gathered next to each other, and so did, Wyatt, Chris and I. There was no telling what their plan was no, but it had to be no good. All three of them looked at us very intently.

"Enough of this," Trey said in his low voice. "Its time we settled this once and for all."

All three warlocks lifted there hands in unison. We were all scared for what they were about to do. So far the hollow has made them twice as strong as they were before, and already they were a match for us then. There's no telling what power they were about to use, since they had been hunting demons and taking their powers ever since they've been invoked with the hollow. Golden lightening started shouting out of their hands.

I had to think fast. The lightening was about to hit us, and unless we came up with something that could counter it, then we were screwed. I knew there had to be one power that all of us had in common to use against them. It was then I figured out what to do. It might reveal my pregnancy to Wyatt, but then again, it might be what saves our lives.

"Quick use Chris' power," I shouted knowing that Wyatt could easily tap into Chris' power and since I was pregnant with Penny I would be able to do the same. I could sense that Wyatt and Chris were confused on why I was asking them to use his power. "Just do it!" I shouted growing impatient. There really wasn't any time to explain neither was there a second to lose.

All three of us held our hands up and shot blue lightening their way. It was quick enough to hit their golden lightening half way. Now we at least stood a chance at protecting ourselves. Both sides weren't losing or winning. Sometimes the lightening would lean towards them more, and then sometimes it would lean towards us. It seems as though we were equally balanced. We were so balanced that the lightening soon exploded, breaking just about everything in the attic and sending us all flying on opposite sides of the room.

Dust was everywhere and we couldn't see a thing. "Wyatt, Chris!" I called. I was scared. There were three warlocks in the mist of this dust and so were my brothers, and right now just about anything could happen. I felt someone grab my hand and I immediately stated screaming.

"Evans, its me," Wyatt said trying to calm me down. He pulled me close to him possessively to make sure that I was okay and that he didn't lose me in the dust. "Chris, where are you," Wyatt called out.

"Over here," Chris said.

"Come towards my voice," Wyatt told him. Soon Wyatt let his hand out to feel for Chris and once he could feel him, he grabbed him and pulled towards us. Wyatt was happy that both of his brothers were safe and he didn't have to worry about the warlocks getting to them.

When the smoke had finally cleared, we could see all three warlocks getting up. They had been knocked out cold the whole time. Looks like our power was maybe a bit more than theres, but it didn't seem to be much. Finally when they were all up they dusted themselves off.

"We need more power," Trey stated. "Lets go find it," he said as all three of them shimmered out.

Wyatt then pulled Chris and I into a big hug. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that you guys are alright," he whispered in both our ears. Wyatt was always the caring brother, and if anything happened to us, he would blame himself, because it should have been him since he's the leader of the group.

"We were lucky to make it out of that one alive," Chris said. "Next time we might not be so lucky."

"He's right Wyatt," I agreed. "We've got to find a way to stop-," I was about to continue, but then next thing I knew we all heard a scream coming from downstairs. It sounded familiar. "Aunt Piper," I muttered to my brothers.

All three of us quickly ran down the stairs, the whole way hoping that she was okay. We can't afford to lose anyone else on this mission. We already lost Peter and if we lose Aunt Piper then things are going to be much worse. Things are already pretty hectic as is, and we don't need anything else to go on before we accomplish this mission.

When we made it downstairs we saw the warlock brothers hurling energy balls at our kids, but lucky for them, they each had their shields up and they were powerful enough to block them. Then we saw Aunt Piper on the ground, holding her hands up in self defense. Trey was standing over her with an energy ball in his hand.

"Get away from her!" I shouted running down there before Chris and Wyatt could. Trey looked at me and smirked, and threw the energy ball down at Piper, but I was quick enough to blow a breath of wind and send it right back at him. I then sent a gust of wind their ways, ignoring the fact that Wyatt and Chris were right there behind me, and were probably watching the whole thing. The gust of wind sent all three of them out of the window.

They each then shimmered away knowing what would happen if they came back in. The only way that they were going to defeat us was when they got more power, and once they've killed all three of us they know that they'll be known as the world's greatest warlocks, and they'll soon be taking over the Earth.

I quickly ran over to all six kids and hugged them tightly. I was happy that they were even alive. I guess they learn from their parents how to protect themselves. Never did I think that they would be able to stand a chance against the warlock brothers. They're more powerful than I thought. I guess the warlock brothers couldn't take their powers as long as they had their shield up or I'm pretty sure that they would have done it. Thank goodness for that part that comes from Wyatt or else our kids might be powerless.

After hugging them for what seemed like forever to the kids I looked over to see Wyatt carrying his mom to the couch. Piper looks like she's been hurt real badly. She has cuts and marks all over her body. Its a wonder that she's still alive right now. I can't believe she was about to let herself die to protect six kids. She's a better witch than all of us.

Wyatt lifted his hands to his mother and started healing her. He had to let go of all his anger because love was the power to healing, and as much as he wanted to kill those warlocks for what they've done to her, he can't let his anger get the best of him now.

"Is she gonna be okay," Chris asked.

"Its working," Wyatt answered. "She should be fine."

Once Piper was healed all the way, she woke up and looked around to see her sons standing over her. All she remembers was fighting three warlocks and then next thing everything was black.

"Thank you Wyatt," she said very thankfully. "Are the children okay," she asked more worried about them than herself.

"They're fine," I said picking up Richard and calming him down since he had been crying the whole time. "Thank you," I told her. She looked at me confused as to why I was thanking her. "For going against the warlock brothers. It takes someone strong to stand up to them for our kids."

"No problem," she smiled. "They got my power though, so right now I'm powerless," Piper said.

"Don't worry, we'll get your powers back," I promised her. "We just need to make sure nothing happens to anyone else, so Aunt Piper, I need you to call Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Paige, and all their kids and tell them to come over here," I requested.

"Why," she asked.

"Because the warlock brothers are after power, and I know the first place they're going to go is after the former Charmed Ones and their kids," I stated. "Now where's Pyra and Pandora?"

"They're at magic school along with dad," Chris answered. "That's where we went, I mean we called you guys before we left and left a message on Wyatt's phone to tell you that we wouldn't be there when you guys got here because we wanted to make sure the kids were okay before we tried to take on the warlocks."

"What?! You never called me," Wyatt said.

"Check your phone," Chris told him.

Wyatt pulled out his cell phone and saw that he had a missed call and a message from the house. "Oh, I guess you did then, but lucky for us, Evans was able to tell that it wasn't you guys when the warlock brothers attacked."

"That's not important right now," I said. "What's important is that we make sure the whole family gets over to the manor so they'll be safe and-," I cut myself off remembering something. "Darn it," I shouted. I couldn't believe what slipped out. I'm always yelling at my kids not to say words like that, and now I just did. Hopefully they know not to repeat what I say.

"What," Wyatt asked seeing as how I was about to have a panic attack.

"John is suppose to bring Patience back today," I said. "I guess I'm going to have to call him and tell him to bring her over to the manor," I pointed out. "I hope its okay with you guys if he comes by the manor," I turned to Wyatt knowing he was the one who had the biggest problem with John, but I'm pretty sure that no one else in the house hold minds him.

"Sure, I mean he's our cousin and all," Wyatt said remembering that he put his differences aside for John knowing that he was going to be seeing a lot more of him from now on because of Patience and he really didn't want to put a lot on me, and if I can forgive John for everything that he's done in the past then why can't he.

"Now that that's taken care of, Aunt Piper, do you think you can convince everyone to meet here," I asked.

"I'll get right on it," Piper said making her way to the kitchen.

"Even if we have the whole family over here, there is no way we're gonna be able to beat the warlock brothers," Chris pointed out. "I mean think about all the power they're out there collecting now."

"Chris is right," Wyatt said. "We were barely able to withstand them last time, who knows how bad its going to be next time they make their appearance," he added. "We need a plan or a spell that's going to work."

I couldn't believe this, but they were both right. We were in way over our head. We're dealing with a power that's greater than any that we've or the charmed Ones before us have ever faced. I really don't know what to do, and I'm sure neither does Wyatt or Chris. If we just go attack them wherever they're at, they might be powerful enough to take us on, and if we wait here for them to come and attack us, then we're still doomed.

I hate to say it, but this might be it for us. I looked at my kids, wishing that they didn't have to be around for this final battle. Why couldn't they have been born after the whole thing. Everything does happen for a reason, but why did I have to become a parent before I was done being a Charmed One. Why did all of this have to happen? I just wish my future kids were back here to tell me what to do. They'd know how to vanquish these warlocks. Wait a minute that was it.

"Hey guys, I think I got something," I told them both.

"What have you got," Wyatt asked anxious. Hopefully it was something that could help defeat the warlock brothers.

"Before our kids left, they mentioned something about a power of six," I asked. "They said it was the most powerful thing in the universe and nothing could go against it right?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but there's one problem," Wyatt pointed out. "Our kids are still kids and that power hasn't been created yet."

"So," I shrugged. "I think we'll be able to use it, since mom said her, Aunt Piper, and Aunt Phoebe were able to use it when Phoebe was still in grandma Patty's stomach," I pointed out.

"Still," Wyatt said. "Even if we're able to use that, Penny hasn't been conceived and Evans, I don't think we have enough time to conceive her, because the warlock brothers could come in at any moment."

"Oh um..Wyatt," I bit my lip. "That reminds me," I started off. I took a deep breath. I really wanted to tell him after all of this was over, but it looks like I don't have the time to. "You remember yesterday when we were sitting on the balcony and I told you that I had a little secret," I went on.

"Yeah, and I just hope that it doesn't ruin our marriage," Wyatt said.

"No, it won't ruin our marriage," I shook my head. "At least I don't think it will," I said.

"Evans spit it out," Wyatt said. This was really eating him up inside and he wanted to know what was it that I had to tell him that had to wait. He was really scared about it, and its been getting to him bad.

"Well umm...congratulations, you're about to be a father again and we're about to have our final child," I let out.

For a minute Wyatt just stood there. He was completely shocked. He couldn't believe that I had been keeping this from him for so long. He was about to have his final daughter and he didn't know. Part of him thought how could he be so stupid. He should have known with all my mood swings and everything that I had been pregnant. He can't believe that after six kids, he can't tell that I'm pregnant. That's a really bad.

"Wyatt please say something," I begged. I was really hoping that he wasn't mad that I had kept this from him for so long.

Wyatt smiled and ran over to me and pulled me into a hug and lifted me into the air and twirled me around and around. I was really starting to get woozy. Though he might not have known how to deal with it, he was very happy. He was about to have a baby girl. All of his kids were going to be here now. He couldn't wait. He really couldn't wait till she was born so he could hold her. Finally he set me down and started kissing me on the lips.

"So you're not mad," I asked.

"Mad? How can I be mad when we're about to have a new baby girl," he said happily. He then pressed his hands to my stomach to feel that the baby was there. "I can't believe we're on our eighth child."

Chris was happy for us. He only wishes that Peter was here to share his news with, but unfortunately he's not. Seeing Wyatt and me so happy together reminds him of all the good times he's had with Peter. All Chris really can be thankful for is that Peter's not dead and that he's only gone, and he will be back as soon as this mission is done.

I looked over to Chris to see he had a long face. There was something obviously wrong with him. I thought he'd be happy to know that I was having another child. "Chris, what's with the long face?" I asked.

"Nothing," he lied. "I just miss Peter, that's all," he said.

I should have known. All of this love and affection Wyatt and I are showing, we forgot about Chris, and that he doesn't have Peter here with him. We really shouldn't be doing this in front of him.

"I'm sorry Chris," I walked over to him. "Peter will be back, and trust me, once this is over, you'll be able to have that future with your boys that you want," I pointed out. "I mean it shouldn't be too long before Peter comes back, because isn't Peter junior born around the same time Penny is," I questioned remembering what he told me about the future.

Chris looked up at me and smirked.

"What," I questioned. I couldn't tell why he was so happy right now.

Chris looked down at his stomach and put his hand there. He didn't even have to tell me now. I figured it out, and so did Wyatt.

"Oh my gosh, congrats," I said pulling him into a hug. Wyatt came beside me and hugged him from behind, so that Chris was trapped within the both of us. "Wow, so when did you find out," I asked.

"The day before my wedding," Chris said. "I was going to tell Peter on our honeymoon, but looks like that isn't going to work out too well," he sighed sadly seeing as he's going to have to tell Peter once he comes back home.

"I'm sure he's going to be happy about it," I nodded. "What's better than being away for awhile and then coming back and hearing that you're about to have a son," I asked.

"Nothing," Wyatt answered for me.

"Exactly," I replied. "Now lets get to work," I told them. "If this is going to work we're gonna have to do this together. Chris, you go up to the attic and make a spell, and make sure you put it in the Book of Shadows in case the power of three needs it again and Wyatt you focus on making sure the family is okay and that nothing happens to them," I told them.

"But I want to help you," Wyatt argued.

"Don't worry Wyatt, I'll be fine," I told him. "I think I'll be able to handle things on my own alright. I've done this six times so this time should be a piece of cake."

"Okay, but if you need anything, just give me a shout," he said. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

John arrived at the house that he had known as the manor for so long. It seems like a nice place for the family to gather. He had just gotten off the phone with me not too long ago, and I told him to bring Patience to the manor and told him the whole situation. This really got John worried about the family. He doesn't know why, but now he wishes that he could get to know all the Halliwells better. There's just something holding him back. He guesses its just because he use to be a demon and so was his dad, and he's done so much that he can't get anyone to forgive him. Even though they are his family, he could never ask to be accepted. He might as well just start a family with the one he has now, but he knows he's going to have to see some of the family from time to time, because of Patience. He wants to be in her life more than anything and he doesn't want to let that get in the way.

John opened up the back of the car and let his daughter out and grabbed her bag also. He took Patience's hand into his own and began walking up the stairs. He was really nervous. He really didn't know what to expect. Was Wyatt going to be behind that door and tell him to go away? Was the whole family going to try and vanquish him because he was the former source. The more and more John started to think about all of this, the more he wanted to turn around, but he couldn't do that to his daughter. He had already been away from her for years, so that wouldn't be a father thing to do.

Finally making it up the steps John rung the doorbell and waited. He took a deep breath thinking about what was going to occur. Hopefully he could just drop off Patience and then go home.

When the door opened, John saw a woman who looked very familiar. Of course she was going to look familiar. She had to be family, but he didn't know the girls name and he wasn't going to try to find out.

"Can I help you sir," the woman asked.

"Oh, I was just dropping my daughter off with Evans," John replied acknowledging the little girl who was standing next to him.

"You must be John," the woman smiled. "I know we haven't met, but I've heard so much about you," she stated. "I'm sorry, where are my manners, I'm Peyton your well sister," she said holding out her hand.

"Nice to meet you Peyton," John said taking her hand. He was very nervous. He couldn't believe that he was now standing face to face with his own sister. This is something that he's wanted for a long time, but he never expected her to be so accepting of him so fast. If anything, he expected her to be yelling at him, and telling him to leave. "I've heard about you too," he said.

"I hope it wasn't anything, but good things," she laughed. "Hey um..would you like to come in," she asked. "I'm sure mom would like to see you and I'm sure Evans would like to say hi to you before you leave."

"Oh no, I think I'd better get going," John said. "I mean I've got a husband and four kids back at home, and I'm sure they're going to want me to come home soon," John lied. Tyler and the kids had gone to a movie so that John could go take Patience home. John just really didn't want to come in. He was sweating really bad and he really wanted to leave, but then apart of him wanted to stay and meet the family.

"No, I insist," she said grabbing his hand and pulling him in before he could protest anymore. "Go on have a seat, and I'll go get mom and our other sisters," Peyton said running towards the kitchen where they all were.

John just stood there looking up at all the pictures of the family that were hanging on the wall. There was a picture of just about everyone on there. The only one who wasn't up there was him. He really felt left out because there was nothing of him in the manor, and he really couldn't blame anyone for that, but himself. John just sighed.

"Daddy, what's wrong," Patience asked.

"Nothing sweetie," John smiled at his little girl. They really had a lot of fun over the weekend and its been a joy having her around. He hopes that he can get her again sometime.

"John," A voice called out.

John turned around to see his cousin smiling at him which scared him a lot, because Wyatt has never smiled at him before. Usually when he sees Wyatt, he's trying to fight him, and he's not too happy. Was this a trick or was this Wyatt trying to mock him.

"Hi Wyatt," John replied.

"Its good seeing ya cuz," he went and patted him on the back. "Hey baby girl," he said to Patience. "Did you have fun with daddy," he asked as he picked her up and gave her a little kiss.

"Yes," she smiled.

"That's good," he said putting her back down on the ground. "Now go say hello to your mom alright," Wyatt requested, and Patience made her way up the stairs. "Oh sorry, Chris is upstairs, do you want me to bring him down here?" Wyatt asked not even thinking about that before he sent his stepdaughter up there.

"No, that's okay, I was just about to leave anyway," John said.

"Nonsense," Wyatt said. "I know you're not because you haven't met Aunt Phoebe yet, and I'm sure she's going to be thrilled to see you," he stated. "Go on and have a seat," Wyatt insisted. "I'm sure she'll be in there in a moment, but just stay, at least until she meets you if you don't want to meet the rest of the family," Wyatt begged.

"Okay," John finally gave in seeing as how his family members weren't going to let him leave.

"Well, I'm going to go check on Evans, but make yourself at home," Wyatt told him. "I mean this manor is your home too," Wyatt said as he started making his way upstairs.

John sat there for awhile just thinking about what Wyatt said. Part of this manor was his too, because he was part of this family. He couldn't believe it. Wyatt was starting to accept him and so was his sister. If they could then why couldn't he accept them into his life and start embracing them as they were him. John knows now that he's been looking at this all wrong. These people are his family. They're going to love him whether he is a demon or not. No matter what he's done, they're always going to be there. Its just something that family does. That's how John feels about them.

Phoebe entered the room with her three daughters. She couldn't believe what Peyton had told her about her son being here. It was like a dream come true. Someone she's been waiting so long for. Someone she knew was alive, but never thought would see again. Someone who was always going to remind her of her relationship with Cole. Phoebe walked over to the man who was sitting on the couch.

"John," she whispered.

"Mom," John said back as he got up.

Phoebe walked over to her son and felt his face. This was in fact her own flesh and blood. She has been dreaming of this moment for so long. Phoebe wrapped her arms around her eldest and hugged him tight. Tears started to fall from her eyes. She really couldn't believe this. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

I sat up in my old room thinking about how things are going to be. My daughter is about to be born, which will mark the end of me having kids. I can't believe it all goes by so fast. I mean in another six years, both Patience and Ryan will be all grown up and they'll be out of the house and doing their own thing, and another year after that, Prue will be too.

I just can't believe this. It will all depend on if everything works out or not. If the plan fails, then we'll have lost Peter, and maybe even the future power of six. If it works then our kids will grow up soon and then Wyatt and I aren't going to be parents for much longer.

A knock came on my door. I looked up not knowing who it might be. "Come in," I said.

When the door opened, I saw that it was Wyatt on the other side. I should have known he would be coming in soon, seeing as its almost time and the warlock brothers could come at any time. Wyatt was happy. Things were going better than he had planned. The whole family was here. Even John. It was like the old days when his mom was Charmed One and they always had these family reunions.

"Okay, Chris the whole family is here like you wanted, so I think we're good on that," Wyatt said as he came and took a seat next to me. "John's downstairs if you want to go say hello, I mean he seems like he's in a hurry, but I tried to keep him here as long as I could so he wouldn't go, because I know Aunt Phoebe wants to see her."

"That's nice," I smiled.

"What's wrong," he asked. Usually I'd be excited when the whole family is over, but now I'm acting as though I've lost my best friend, which I did, but its been years ago and Wyatt thought I was over that.

"I'm scared, Wyatt," I said simply. "I'm worried about what if this doesn't work," I went on. "I mean we're putting our kids in Jeopardy right now and I don't want to lose them, even if it means I have to die."

"We're not going to Chris," Wyatt said confident. "I don't care what happens," he said. "I know this will work okay, just trust me on this." Wyatt then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

Chris then entered the room holding a sheet of paper. It had the spell and everything written on it. He was very prepared for this. He really wanted Peter back and he wants him back now. "Hey guys, I've got the spell and everything and-," he stopped seeing Wyatt and I huddled close together. "Whats wrong guys," he asked worriedly.

"Nothing," I sighed. "Except you know, this might be the end," I pointed out.

Chris came over and sat next to me. "Well bro, I've got to say that even though you might be right, I could never have wished for two better brothers, or two other witches to be Charmed Ones with," he stated.

"Me either," I said. "You know, when I first found out that my mom that I had been living with wasn't my real mom, I couldn't believe it, and then I find out that I have been going to school with my brothers this whole time. I admit it was a little freaky, but then I really didn't care about it anymore. I was happy that you guys were my brothers, and I don't know how my life would be if I had never met you guys," I explained.

"You know, Chris and I never thought we'd have a third brother, and even if we did, we never thought that we'd all be able to work together, but then you show up and well, I can't believe this, but we're the new Charmed Ones and you make our lives a whole lot better," Wyatt explained. "Chris I know you've probably heard this a thousand times, but if it weren't for you I'd still be a swinger going from girl to girl, and I never thought that I'd be gay in the seventeen years that I had been living, because of all the girls I had been with, and then I meet you and all my feelings start to change, and now look at us. We have a family, and we're about to have another baby. I'm glad that your mom had an affair with our dad, even though it might have caused some problems between our mom and dad, but you were the bigger picture, and I'm just happy to be married to you," Wyatt said.

"I'm happy to be married to you too, Wyatt," I smiled and then seconds later sighed. "I still can't believe this is the big battle that determines a lot," I reminded. "Everything rides on this."

"I'm just happy that we're in this together," Chris said. "I couldn't imagine going in this alone, and I can't tell you two thank you enough for being there for me when Peter died, especially you Evans, that night I was getting drunk."

"Like I said, what are brothers for," I told him. "Chris you've been there for me a lot over the years, even when Daughtry died, I mean I don't know what would have happened if it weren't for your help, and then when I was about to have Prue, I mean you and Peter like sacrificed yourself to make sure the baby would be okay," I told him.

"Guess we have some pretty good memories," Wyatt laughed.

"I just hope this isn't the last," I replied.

For a few seconds the three of us just sat there, looking at each other for so long. It seems like just yesterday that I found out that I had two brothers and we were the Charmed Ones. Now we're all grown up and this maybe the one big battle that determines if the Charmed line is going to continue. This isn't going to be easy, but I know the three of us can do it. Together I know anything is possible and I just have to believe it.

I looked at Chris very hard. I don't know why, but something was starting to come over me. Next thing I knew I felt myself pressing my lips against his. I know that it was wrong, but right now it felt so right. I wrapped my arms around Chris' back to tighten the kiss.

Chris responded by wrapping his arms around my neck and embracing the kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance, and for the first time, mine won. In my relationship I was never the dominant one, and neither was Chris, but it felt nice to be the one in charge for once. I let my tongue roam around Chris' mouth for awhile before I started to lean on him making it so that I was on top of him while we were making out.

When I broke the kiss with Chris, Wyatt pulled me up and pressed his own lips against mine. I let my hands roam around his back as he took on the domination role in letting his tongue go around my mouth giving in to his desire for lust. This might be the last time we might ever do this, and Wyatt is going to take full advantage of of.

Wyatt was really getting into it. He grabbed my neck and pulled me down so that now I was on top of him. Never has our kissing been this intense. Wyatt was already starting to get a hard on in his pants. He could hear me moaning through the kisses, which only turned him on more. He wanted me real bad. No, he's always wanted me real bad and we've never had time. Now we're finally getting a chance to make love, even though it might be the last time.

Chris wanted to join in on the action. He came on the other side of Wyatt and waited till our lips parted for him to jump right in. He went down and pushed his lips against his brother's. Never did he think he would be doing this with his brothers. Especially Wyatt, but it felt really good. He can't say it felt better than when he had sex with Peter, but he was still enjoying himself. Not even trying to fight Wyatt for dominance, he let the blond slip his tongue in his mouth and roam around. Chris really never knew Wyatt could use his tongue that way. Now he knows why I like to kiss him a lot.

I decided to let Wyatt and Chris had their little fun. I moved over to Wyatt's ear and started nipping at it knowing how excited he was going to get. Seeing that he had a bulge in his pants, made me only want to turn him on more. As I continued sucking on his ear, I let my hand slide down to the bulge in his pants and rub it in circles. I felt his hand come on top of mine and guide it to where he wanted it to go.

Chris was letting his hands slip under Wyatt's shirt, and let his fingers roam his rock hard upper body. Out of all the years that Chris has known Wyatt, he never thought that he had a body of a god. Chris continued to moan as he felt the kisses of his brother along with his hand wondering under his shirt. After playing with it for all this time, Chris decided to take it off. Letting his lips get away from Wyatt for a few seconds, the brunette lifted Wyatt's shirt up, and the blond helped by raising his arms in the air for Chris to pull it all the way off. Now that the shirt was off Chris let his hands roam all over his brother's chest without a problem.

Seeing Wyatt with his shirt off, made me want him even more. While him and Chris were still making out I went over to the side of his chest that Chris wasn't touching and took one of his nipples into my mouth. As it was in my mouth I let my tongue go around it in circles, knowing just how Wyatt likes it, and how he wants it. A few times I even let me teeth nip at it.

Wyatt was really starting to groan. The combination of him making out with Chris and then me sucking on his nipples was starting to be too much for him to bare. Wyatt let his hand roam down to Chris' bottom and began to rub it on the outside of his brother's jeans. Chris' buns were nice, firm, and warm, but they didn't have anything on mine though. Wyatt wanted to know what it felt like on the inside. He let his hand go into Chris' pants and found out that his brother doesn't wear underwear. Feeling Chris' bear bottom turned the blond on even more.

The twice blessed moved his hands out from inside Chris' pants and let them go up his shirt. His brother's body was like a swimmer's body, but Wyatt had to admit it felt pretty nice and he wanted to see what it was like underneath. Taking no time Wyatt grabbed Chris' shirt from both sides and pulled it up over his head. Seeing the body of his brother made Wyatt want him even more. Wyatt grabbed Chris' head and pulled him right back down to him and started making out with him again. The friction of their bodies rubbing against each other was really intense. Wyatt wanted to do something more now.

In one quick motion Wyatt flipped Chris over so that he was on top now. He let his lips press against Chris' again, before he went and started sucking on the young brunette's neck and going all around his brother's upper body

I joined in by picking up were Wyatt left off at Chris' mouth. I devoured Chris' mouth right there, and let my hands start roaming his hair. His hair was pretty long and I liked it that way. Again I let my tongue slip in his mouth, and next thing I felt was Chris tongue massaging mine. This was really starting to get better and better.

Wyatt made his way to Chris' chest. He looked out the top of his eyes to see both his husband and his brother making out, which made him more happy. Wyatt started licking around one of Chris' nipples as he let his thumb rub the other one. He wanted to make them hard, just like he would always do me. The blond continued to devour his brother's body until he made his way down to Chris' belly button. The blond licked around it before he decided to let his tongue go in. When he heard his brother moaning, he knew he was doing it right. Wyatt continued to let his tongue dance around his brother's belly button. Finally seeing that his brother has hand enough of that, Wyatt licked he way down Chris' happy trail.

When Wyatt made his way to Chris' pants, he saw that they were in the way of his little hunger assault. Not wanting to stop there, the twice blessed undid Chris' pants and was quick to pull them off, causing Chris to be bare naked, while he was only half naked and I was still fully dressed. Wyatt saw Chris' long hard on. It wasn't as big as mine, but it was still pretty big. Not wanting to get this to intense to fast, Wyatt just kissed around his brothers legs, but never going anywhere near the third one. Teasing his brother, Wyatt saw that it made his grow a couple more inches. That was perfect.

Wanting to get to his lover, Wyatt stopped his hungry assault on Chris and pulled off of his legs and crawled back up to his upper body. Seeing me make out with Chris made him a little jealous, but he couldn't deny that it was hot. Wyatt had all he could take, and pulled my face away from Chris' and pulled me towards his. The blond then sat up on his knees, and pushed his younger brother's body down so that his head was in between his knees. As he continued to make out with me, the blond unzipped his pants and let his hug monster fall onto Chris's mouth, which he felt the brunette take it in and started giving him the blow job of the century.

Seeing as he now got Chris busy, Wyatt couldn't take it any longer, the fact that I still had all my clothes on. He was quick to pull it off of me forcefully, almost tearing it. Seeing my nice body and being able to do something to it after all this time, Wyatt took no time and going for my neck and sucking on it really hard. He wanted to be sure that he left a mark, but he wasn't going to let Chris do that.

Still feeling the Chris' mouth around his cock, Wyatt was really starting to get turned on. The blond let his hands slip to the back of Chris' head and started guiding him up and down. His brother was very good at this, but he wasn't the expert that I was, but he would do for not.

Feeling Wyatt on the back of Chris' head made the brunette suck off his brother even harder and faster. Peter didn't have a dick that long, making it a little hard for Chris to take it down his throat, but somehow he was able to manage. He could already taste precum in his brother's head.

I could barely take it. Wyatt was sucking on my neck pretty hard. Chris sucking his dick is really starting to make him go at it with me. I've never felt him suck my neck this hard before, but it felt good, and I wish he would do it more often.

Seeing that I was moaning enough, Wyatt wanted to make me moan more. He just loves it when I'm moaning for him. Slowly he pulled off my neck and started after my nipples like he did with Chris' only he pinched mine, and started rubbing them between his index finger and thumb while he sucked on the other one hard. Wyatt felt my hand going on the back of his head, telling him that he needed to do this harder. Wyatt began sucking on my nipples as best as he could, earning him a big moan from my mouth. He knew he was doing it right. Wyatt had finally had enough of this. He wanted to have something better in his mouth. The blond started licking his way down my upper body. He was about to stop at my belly button, but he really couldn't wait for it so he just slipped past it with his tongue.

Wyatt finally got to the spot he wanted. He then started undoing my belt and the button on my pants. Wanting to get to it as soon as possible, Wyatt pulled my pants off and threw them to the floor without even looking where he was throwing them to. He saw that I also had some boxers on. He started wishing that I could be like Chris and try wearing no underwear, but there were some days that he actually liked ripping off my underwear. Wyatt then used his teeth to pull my boxers down. Seeing that I was my normal ten inches, Wyatt was really happy. He couldn't wait to have that in his mouth.

The blond wanted to make sure I was in a good position for him to suck me off so he moved me and made me sit on the headboard of the bed. He then jerked me off wanting me to be as hard as I could be before he took me into his mouth. After a few minutes of jerking off, Wyatt took my legs and threw them on his shoulders and then took my long manhood in his mouth.

I couldn't help but give out a loud moan, but I had to make sure it wasn't too loud. I didn't want the whole family barging in on us, so I had to keep it to a minimum. Feeling Wyatt go up and down, I clenched my teeth together. He just got better and better at this each time he did it too me. I grabbed Wyatt's hair and began to guide his where I wanted him to go. I knew it might be painful for him, but this was getting so good that I couldn't help it no more.

After awhile of watching him suck me off, I noticed that Chris had been blowing Wyatt for quiet some time and no one had sucked him off. I pulled Wyatt off of me only to go in between Chris' legs. Since his dick wasn't as big as Wyatt's I didn't have any trouble taking it in my mouth. I could hear Chris moaning already and I had just started sucking on him. I had to admit, hearing Chris moan, turned me on. Now I know why Wyatt loves to make me moan.

Wyatt wasn't done with me and he wanted to continue where he left off. He stopped straddling Chris, and moved behind me. He then slipped under me, and got into the position that Chris was with him. He took my dick right back into his mouth and began sucking me even harder this time.

Chris was really moaning hard seeing me suck him off and then seeing Wyatt sucking me off. This was pretty hot, and now he can't say that he's had more fun with Peter, because this was really amazing. He didn't know I could really work my mouth that way, and now he knows why Wyatt married me. Though that really isn't the reason, but Chris himself would have married me if he knew that I could work my mouth that way.

Feeling Wyatt suck me off was beginning to be to much for me since I was giving a blow job myself. I stopped sucking Chris off, only so that I could enjoy the painful pleasure that my husband was inflicting on me. It was feeling so good right now that it started becoming painful, but I didn't want it to stop. It had to continue.

Chris wanting some of the action got up and came right at me and started kissing me on the lips. He then started pinching my nipples wanting this to get more and more intimate.

Wyatt was finally ready to take this to another level. Wyatt moved down a little so that my butt was right in his face. He then started to spread my cheeks and let his tongue go around my hole. Hearing me moan through the kisses, Wyatt started to let his tongue fuck me. He really couldn't get enough of my ass. He also really could wait to fuck it when he was done eating it.

The combination of the kisses and Wyatt eating me out was becoming to unbearable. I pushed Chris away and then got unstraddled from Wyatt, even though I knew it was going to make him mad, because he was nowhere near finished. I then pushed Chris on his back. I thought I might as well let Wyatt have his fun first since he was made at me.

Wyatt seeing that I made the way for him, conjured up some lube, and with both hands he began to lube mine and his dick up. When he felt that my dick was good enough he poured some more on his fingers and stuck one in Chris. Hearing Chris cry out in pain scared Wyatt a bit, making him think he was being a little too rough with his brother, but then again, he knows that Peter might be even rougher. Waiting for Chris' face to have pleasure on it, Wyatt stuck another finger in him. Chris cried out even louder this time. Waiting again, the blond stuck a third finger in his brother, stretching him out all the way. Once he found that he hit his brother's prostate, he knew that he was ready.

Wyatt removed his fingers from Chris' hole, only to replace it with something bigger and thicker. Slowly pushing in, Wyatt felt that Chris was really tight. He couldn't lie. Chris was tighter than I was. Not even waiting on the cries of pain to stop Wyatt pushed himself all the way in his brother and that's when he waited for Chris' face to give him the okay. Wyatt's vision dimmed for a moment feeling how tight Chris was. If he didn't know any better he would have said that Chris was a virgin.

The blond then began pumping in and out of his brother. He didn't even start slow. He started off fast, wanting this more than ever. The clashing of their skin was able to be heard right there. As time went by, Wyatt started pumping harder and faster. To make things easier for Chris, Wyatt took his legs and wrapped them around his waist. There was one problem though. Chris was loving this too much and he was moaning too loud.

I knew how to fix that. I came up and inserted my dick into Chris' mouth and started fucking his mouth as Wyatt fucked his ass. This was so hot, that I couldn't believe we were doing this. Sweat was dropping down from my body like rain. This is the best sex, I've had in a long time, and Wyatt and I have had some good sex.

Wyatt was really starting to get tired of this position and was quick to lift Chris' legs in the air, but he couldn't hold them there. He could rest them on his shoulders, but he didn't want to do that.

Seeing what my husband wanted I moved up a little on Chris so that I could hold his legs in the air as Wyatt fucked him even harder. My ass was right in Chris' face, allowing the brunette to stick his tongue right in there. He's never done this to Peter before because he would never let him, but that didn't mean he never wanted to try it, and boy was it amazing. He could just eat my ass out all day. It was nice and felt tight around his tongue.

Wyatt wanted something else now. Even though this might make him a little jealous, he wanted to switch rolls. He wanted to watch me fuck Chris as Chris sucked him off. With one quick gesture, Wyatt pulled out of Chris, and pointed me towards his butt.

I immediately knew what he wanted. I couldn't believe it though, because I've never tried this before. I went down to Chris, and spread his legs apart and jerked my dick off a little, before I started to enter his hole. It really felt tight. I now know why, Wyatt always wants to be the one on top. Right now just from this, I'm starting to want to be that one, even though I know Wyatt is never going to let that happen. Once all the way in, I began to pump in and out of Chris. This was amazing. It was like nothing I've ever felt before. I have never fucked any guy up the ass, and I love it. I'm use to always being the one dominated on. I can't believe that I've been missing out on this.

Seeing that I was in a comfortable position, Wyatt took my place, and inserted his dick right into Chris' mouth. Watching me fuck Chris, was the highlight of Wyatt's week. This was really hot, but he knows this won't happen again. As much as this turns him on, he still is a little jealous, and he knows how possessive he can be and if Chris weren't his brother, he'd probably kill him after their little session.

Having Chris on his dick was good enough. Now the blond had to have one last thing before he came. He pulled his dick out of his brother's mouth and then went and pulled me out of Chris. He grabbed my arm, and he laid down on the bed, telling me that he wanted me to hop on top of his dick. Basically, wanting me to ride him as always.

I nodded and then got on top of my husband. I grabbed his dick in one hand and slowly began to settle myself on it. It was really starting to hurt since I wasn't lubed up in that place, but Wyatt has done this before without any lube so it wasn't all that bad. Once I was finally on his dick I began to bounce up and down and Wyatt smiled, and sat back and watched as I bounced off of him. He just loved watching me ride him like a horse. If he had a sex ring, he could go on like this for hours and hours, but he doesn't want to put me through all of that .

Chris felt left out and immediately rushed in to join the action. He grabbed my dick and took it back into his mouth. Even though I was bouncing off of Wyatt's dick and I wasn't real steady, Chris managed to somehow blow me as he jacked himself off.

After a few more minutes of this I really couldn't take anymore. "I'm about to cum!" I shouted clenching my teeth together. Soon I burst a big load into Chris' mouth.

Chris took the load and swallowed it all the way down, and made sure he sucked me dry. He missed the taste of cum, and hoped that he could taste it again, soon when Peter got there. Feeling the cum go around in his mouth, made Chris shoot a load that went all over Wyatt's chest.

Seeing both of us cum was enough to send the blond over the edge. He shot an even bigger load than both, Chris and I combined. He couldn't believe what we had just done, but it was really good.

Finally both Chris and I collapsed on top of Wyatt and both of us rested our heads on his chest.

"You guys know this can never leave this room," Wyatt warned.

We both nodded. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

After another thirty minutes Wyatt, Chris, and I finally got dressed and made our way downstairs. We knew the family was probably worried from us being gone for so long, but we couldn't tell them what we were up there doing. They would probably kill us for doing that at a time like this, but oh well. Its done and its done and now its time for us to stop the warlock brothers.

The kids were still standing in the room. The adults thought that they might as well leave us alone to complete the process. I had each of the kids grab hands. They were all integrated by age. The only two who weren't really in it were Patience and Rolland, but I know they're still part of the power even though they both might be demons.

On one side of me was Ryan, Prue, and Robert. One the other side were Patty and Richard. Both Ryan and Patty had their hands on my stomach. Even though I felt really confident with the kids, I knew there were people who I just couldn't do this without.

"Everyone, get back in here!" I called the whole family.

Soon they all came rushing in through the door. They were all confused. Was I trying to put their lives in danger. They were more safe in the kitchen where all the action wasn't going on.

"Is there something wrong, Evans," Piper asked.

"I want us to do this together," I told them. "The kids can't do this by themselves, and they need guidance," I explained to them. Everyone in there nodded, knowing how right I was. "I want everyone who was apart of a power of three to stand next to the person who has your power."

All the sisters, and the brothers understood exactly what I mean. Piper went and stood next to Patty. Like Piper, Patty had the power that she had, Paige went and stood next to Prue, Phoebe came behind me and put her hands on my stomach knowing that Penny wasn't born yet. Wyatt came and stood next to Robert, while Chris went and stood next to Richard. Everyone was in their rightful place. I had Ryan right next to me, so I knew that took care of that problem.

"Chris you have that spell ready," I asked. He nodded and unfolded it and handed it to me. "Alright then, repeat after me, the power of six,"

"The power of six," everyone said.

"Will make us free,"

"Will make us free,"

"And no more evil shall there be,"

"And no more evil shall there be,"

That was when the warlocks shimmered in. It wasn't hard to tell by the darkness of their eyes, that they had obtained a lot more power. Inside I'm just praying that this is going to be enough to beat them.

"Ready to die witches," Trey said in a deeper voice than last time.

"After you," I taunted. "Say it now," I demanded.

"The power of six will make us free, and no more evil shall there be, the power of six will make us free and no more evil shall there be, the power of six will set us free and no more evil shall there be," we all kept repeating.

The warlock brothers were getting very irritated, but at least now they could take us and the past charmed Ones out all at once. They all lifted their hands and shot out lightening, but to their surprise a shield appeared around us and deflected their powers away. Soon they all found themselves engulfed in flames.

"NOOOOO!" they all shouted before they blew up.

We all finally stopped chanting. We couldn't believe it. It was finally over. The warlock brothers were now vanquished and the final battle had been won. It wasn't just us who did it, but our kids and our parents. Every generation of Charmed Ones helped on this one. I was really confident that in the future our kids were going to make the world a better place.

All of our attention was then drawn to a golden bubble that was coming from the sky. None of us knew what it was. At least not any of the younger charmed ones. The sisters knew exactly what it was and smiled.

When the bubble had finally landed, the angel of destiny appeared. She smiled and soon Peter appeared right next to her. "This is the way that things were meant to be," she said. "You have done well, but know that even though this war has been war, there will be many more for future generations to come," she told us.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You'll just have to see," she said as she orbed out without letting me say another word.

"Peter!" Chris ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He was really tearing up bad. "I never thought I'd see you again," he cried.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," he said holding onto Chris tightly.

Wyatt smiled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

4 years later.....

I was standing in the doorway watching as Penny was interacting with Piper. I couldn't believe how much they have aged in the past four years. I never thought I'd see them grow old like that. Part of me thought that they would stay looking young forever, but I knew that since they weren't whitelighters that they had to grow old sometime.

For awhile now, Piper and Leo had been telling Penny all the stories about when they were Charmed Ones. I'm surprised Penny as real interested seeing as her brothers and sisters were never really into it at all. I then saw Piper finally close the book to the Book of Shadows, meaning she had finished it.

"Again, Grandma ma, again," Penny begged Piper. She always loved to here stories that her grandmother told about her mother and father, and Uncle Chris and Peter. Also she loved hearing stories about her grandmother too. Every chance she got she would beg her grandmother to read it to her again.

Piper chuckled seeing as how Penny would always ask her to read it to her. "I can't I have to rest," Piper said. "But you can look at it for awhile if you like," she kissed her on the forehead before she got up. "After all, it will be yours someday," she smiled.

Leo grabbed Piper and helped her up the stairs, while Penny opened back up the magic book and began to look at it. A few seconds later, her brothers and sisters came running in the door. Penny used her telepathy power to wave her fingers and close the door behind them.

I smiled seeing the beautiful sight. I then left and went back into the kitchen. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Chris and I were sitting at the table working on stuff for P3 and her restaurant Charmed. Since we knew Piper was getting old, Chris and I volunteered to help run things when she's got more on her mind than she can handle.

Just then Wyatt came in with the Book of Shadows.

Chris and I immediately stopped what we were doing. "Please tell me, Wyatt that we don't have to go demon hunting again," I begged.

"No," he shook his head and smiled. "I don't think we'll be doing that any time soon," he assured us.

"So what's with the book," Chris asked.

"I thought that we should write everything down just like mom and Aunt Paige, and Phoebe did for us. I want us to share everything with future generations like they did," Wyatt said as he put the book in the middle of the table.

"After you Chris," I told him handing him the pin.

Chris' POV-So much has happened over the past sixteen years. Even though my charmed life was over I felt as though it was just beginning. Peter and I finally had the dream wedding that we had always wanted, and the ceremony was performed by the Angel of Destiny herself. Even though I now had my own family, I still called on and depended on my brothers a lot. When I finally had those three boys that I had seen in the future, it was one of the happiest days of my life. Peter did work a lot in his job as a parole officer just like Uncle Henry. He always kept a look out for them, even if they didn't want him to. Even though he worked a lot to support me and the kids, he would always be there when I needed him most. He even helped me raise all three of our kids, and with not so much demon hunting going on, I was finally able to become a teacher at magic school just like I've always wanted.

Evans' POV- With Chris having his happy family and all the demon hunting stopping for a change, we were all able to accomplish many things. One thing that I didn't know was that when Daughtry died, he left me in his will all of his inheritance which was ten million dollars and all of his property. I really didn't want to use the money, so I put it in an account for future generations who needed it. Since Wyatt and Chris weren't really the ones who liked to cook, it was up to me to continue the tradition. I was always in the kitchen helping out Aunt Piper until it was time for her to retire from that. We bought Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo, Coop, and Henry a house near the lake where their mom died. It was a peaceful place where they always wanted to be, and they left the manor to Chris, Wyatt, and I, but since Wyatt and I had our own house, we allowed Chris to raise his family in the manor, but every year we'd have a family reunion on the day that we became the charmed Ones. Patience grew up and finally was old enough to take the power that her father had given her. Though Wyatt wasn't her father, Patience always called him dad, but she understood that John was her real father, and she was able to accept them both. Even though Wyatt and I couldn't stop our kids from having their kids at an early age, we were able to stop our Aunts from dying the way we saw in the future. Now that we had all our kids Wyatt and I were a happy family, but what we didn't expect was for me to get pregnant once again, two years after Penny was born. This time they were triplets. Growing up they looked just like Wyatt, Chris, and I, and when they became teens they looked like our twins, so I had no choice but to call them Christopher Evans Jr., Wyatt Matthew Halliwell Jr., and Christopher Perry. When it came time for our kids to take over, I was finally able to do what I wanted and become a teacher at magic school.

Wyatt- I could have never predicted a better life than the one I had. When Chris got pregnant with the triplets, he kept begging me to get a vasectomy, but I refused, which made him a little angry. I became that business man that I always wanted to be and soon I have saved up enough money to retire and become that doctor that I wanted to be and help the sick. Even though I would get called in at all different hours, I was still able to be there for my family. As for John, well I found out that him and I had more in common than we thought. Him and I became best friends. Soon it came time for dad to retire and it was my job to take over as head of magic school. I loved doing it because not only did I get to share my story with my kids, but other kids as well. I would make a weekly visit to see my mom, because I really cared for her and my dad. I wish they didn't make the decision to move out to the lake, but if they were happy than so was I. When I finally was able to stop demon hunting and letting my kids take over, Evans and I really got to spend a lot more time together as a family. I couldn't have been more happy.

Wyatt and I were sitting on a couch with our grandson Leo. He was the same age as Penny when she was in the same place with Piper. I couldn't believe I found myself telling the same story to him that was told to Penny. [Chris and Wyatt are not old. Whitelighters don't age as fast. Also Leo is Prue's son, if you forgot that from the future.]

"We will always be a family of survivors, which is why we can truly say that we've been forever and ever charmed," I said finally closing the book.

"Can you read that story again, Grandpa," Leo begged.

"No sport, you know I can't," I smiled. "I have to go get some rest our your grandfather here is going to be one grumpy man," I joked with him. "But you can ask your mom to read it to you when she gets home," I told him as Wyatt got up and helped me up along with him.

Wyatt and I then went upstairs, looking at all the pictures along the way. The power of three is what set us free

The End

I'm serious this time. Its the end of the story. Sorry, but if you ever noticed that the show really never went past Phoebe's premonition of the future, and I couldn't do that. I mean I came pretty close with Penny, but I was able to stop it though. And there was a threesome in there for you guys who kept begging me for it, but there will never be one again! And no there won't be a foursome!

Now as I said, the bad news is the story is over. Sorry I know yell at me through email, but I do have good news.

Ready for it. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

No that's not the good news. The good news is I might be doing a sequel to this. Seriously. Even though Next Charmed Line is finished, the story must go on so email me if you want to know more about it, and trust me, you're going to have to if you want to know the title of it. Its not going to be a title that will be recognizable. I got it from a close friend so yeah.

The sequel takes place years after the final battle. Patience, Ryan, Prue, and Robert are all grown and like I said in there all three of the charmed Ones are working at magic school and the next story will be seeing how they deal with that and being parents of trouble teenagers as well. If you want more detail on it, be sure to email me. or

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